![]() Bhava-8 rulers = both Kuja and Ketu Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga periods of randhresha-8 from Chandra-lagna Vimshottari Dasha periods of randhresha
OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah Lord Regulator of Randhra-sthāna Ayur-daya mors renatus in the Twelve Classrooms role of the Randresha * randhra-pati planetary ruler of the eighth house inhabiting the 12 Bhava agency of sudden transformation forceful identity-change Revival Rejuvenation Revelation Recycling Renovation Revolution Resurrection Renaissance - Rebirth see also 8th-from-Chandra discovery, unveiling, exploration, eruption, shakti-shocks, surprises
Mount Saint Helens, naW of Portland Oregon 18-May-1980 eruption |
the planet ruling the Eighth Bhava destroys the auspicious influences of the house it occupies,
except in the other houses connected with the Sea of Immutability."
~~ Planets in Signs and Houses, Bepin Behari, p. 150 |
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-1]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-1]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-1] [Mangala-Mesha] -- [Ruchaka Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-1]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha] -- [Malavya Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-1]
Randhresha in bhava-1 = an agent of social transformation. One's role may be overt or covert, and the change may be mystical or political, but the result of one's ability to access hidden powers = sudden, deep change Randhresha located in indriya-lagna indicates an agent of revolutionary change. Usually whether covertly or overtly, one becomes a catalyst delivering propulsion that powers social change. The life-force may be consumed by the transformational intensity of the task. When randhresha occupies bhava-1, one intends to serve as a social change-agent.The nature of the social change depends upon the Randhresha's characteristics and upon any additional graha located in ayur-daya-8. randhresha-8 secrets, undisclosed truths, conditions of identity transformation such as Lightbody-Liftoff, mysterious monies, clandestine relationships, unexpected eruptions, emergency, hidden knowledge
May be a Tragic Figure , representing the perpetually unsettling Learning Pathway experience of identity re-invention and the secret process of personal evolution. Yet, this placement is not always overwhelming or pernicious. Often the randhresha empowers conscious, manageable change cycles which beneficially engage contact with Mysteries and increase the conscious awareness A representative of unseen forces The shape-shifting, perpetually recycling randhresha lives behind a mask. Ruler of 8 in 1 means that the physical-body appearance is that mask. The randhresha is responsible for refreshing the incarnation by initiating personality change without killing the materially densified body-shell. When randhresha occupies kalpasthāna, one not only vividly rejuvenates one's own appearance, but also one may symbolize to others the experience of self-reinvention. randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-1] = politics, unique personality, radiant centrality
Randhresha in lagna-1 is a revolutionary figure representing unexpected revolutionary changes * may affect lifespan The present era confronts those incarnated upon Earth's surface with conditions of dramatic transformation and regenerated identity. Narrative of Self-destruction, Healing, and Recovery During the Earthly lifetime, everyone can expect to create a narrative of trauma and healing, sudden changes, and rebirth. These are exciting times when few can rely on the time-honored rhythms and folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the past.
It is a time of vibrant self-reinvention which responses to revolutionary change. Periods of the randhresha may be punctuated with occasions of disaster, upheaval, and even terror along with profound healing rejuvenation and emergence of new identities for old containers. The randhresha, ruler of randhra-bhava-8, provides information about the circumstances of trans-form-ation as the container of the mineral-body moves through a series of varying energetic frequencies that destroy and rebirth the psychological self, even while keeping The earthen body largely intact. One may be a notable keeper of confidential information which has catastrophic potential. mysterious identity-transformation agenda penetrates into Bhava 1 = physical appearance, personality integrity, vitality, movement, personality-shell. The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = kalpa-sthāna-1 , the physical fleshbody itself. One becomes an iconic figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. The physical self-reinvention may also enforce a powerful thrust of internal identity change.
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala] catalytic siblings and cohort Transformative change via writing, announcement, documentation, reports, commerce
Randhresha located in indriya-lagna indicates an agent of revolutionary change. When the leadership graha are strong, one may lead in times of dangerous and destructive force whether ideological, economic, or military. The life-force is consumed by the transformational intensity of the task. The incarnation may be briefer than average (but not always). Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the densified contain of the material embodiment.
Shani-1 randhresha is a legal stabilizer, volatility-ordering, structuring figure Self-concept may involve Widowhood or sudden identity transformation
randhresha-8 = partner's treasury may define one's personality
If randhresha-8 = Guru-1 or Shukra-1, Karaka for abbreviated longevity. If Rahu-8 a long life. Not always a shortened life but rather an enthusiasm for risk-taking which encourages cycling transformations of the fleshly shell. Randhresha located in kalpasthāna controls only the pattern of continuous recycling and rejuvenation of the appearance - not the timing of dematerialization. randhresha-8 in 1 indicates the possibility of surprising encounters with the conditions of flesh-death, either as victim or perpetrator . Sudden unpredictable attacks or sudden meetings with eruptive force
randhresha-8 = indriya-lagna, tends to conceal secrets.
Identity (1) from secret knowledge (8) or from self-destructive behaviors (8). When fortunate, self-destruction is followed by self-rebirthing. randhresha-8 = shad-ashtaka 6-8 from svakshetra = social distrust and physical discomfort, sometimes undiagnosed disease The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = physical appearance Randresha in bhava-1 = a particularly active, pragmatic, and productive placement in life; Yet, the deeper sources of one's enthusiasm for life are quite mystical. During periods of the randhresha-8 , physical appearance or the social identity may undergo radical change
perhaps through rejuvenating or reconstructive surgeries The planetary lord of transformative self-destruction and rebirth has entered the bhava of the anna-maya-kosha = food-body, physical body. The fleshly appearance = " iconic" for massive changes. Socially identified with large-scale change, social transformation, crisis and healing, secrets and taboos, creation and destruction of identity, matters of the turning of the cycle of rebirth and death. A healer and transformer with shamanic qualities. Iconic figures with papa-graha randhresha-8 residing in bhava-1 must often function in conditions of sudden, inexplicable change.
One may be constantly aware of the turning of the rejuvenating cycle of death-and-rebirth, and always prepared to exit the fleshly vehicle , after a lifetime of effecting rebirth for others. randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-1] Makara-Draco lagna only The personality radiates transformative brilliance in a state of charismatic volatility. Surya is a bitter enemy of lagnesha Shani, making this position especially challenging. Surya exudes the confidence of political revolution while Shani resists change and imposes order. Father = often a secretive figure, fomenting upheaval, adisruptive wounded-healer. Symbolizing the forces of catastrophic social change, one uses the methods of theatre and bright amusements to elicit applause . Engages the transformative forces by center-stage, entertaining, self-referential displays. Hidden gambling and undisclosed romance.
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-1] [Dhanus indriya-lagna only * The personality undulates and wavers in a state of emotional volatility. One needs ongoing disturbance and the urge to self-protection is definitive. Mother= a wounded- healer who needs constant upheaval to remain engaged with life. Anchoring the forces of catastrophic social change, one uses the methods of soothing and caretaking to comfort those overwhelmed by trauma of sudden, unexpected change. Engages the transformative forces by parenting, nourishing, safeguarding Secret sources of emotional support and undisclosed protectors.
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-1] [identified with championship under violent conditionsvia sudden movements, and high-energy transformations of the physical encasement: Pushing the forces of catastrophic social change, one uses the methods of dominating, muscular movement. Engages the transformative forces by competition, fighting, sexual pursuit. Kuja acts vigorously. Secret sexual, engineering, or regenerative energy promotes innovation and enforces rebirth.
If with Budha, pro-active declarations, potentially aggressive or criticizing messages. May yield a tendency toward shouting assertions..
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala] [articulating the forces of catastrophic social change, one uses the methods of articulated detailed instruction. Engages the transformative forces by explaining, describing, diagramming, communicating, media-messaging. Mentalist Budha does not act physically, but rather articulates the already-occurring process of regeneration, rebirth. Delivers the alert signals which harken the evolution of a new identity. Secret information and undisclosed cohort.
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala] * Preaching about a transformation of society, one represents the wise guise of n the forces of catastrophic social change. Brihaspati uses the methods of philosophical indoctrination within shocking, unprecedented, or revolutionary settings. Often an ideologue, catechist, or promoter of humanistic understanding who must expand an inclusive worldview under dangerously divisive conditions. Secret teachings and undisclosed guidance.
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-1] = Bargaining with the forces of catastrophic social change, one uses the methods of diplomatic alliancein revolutionary settings. Often a negotiator, broker, wheeler-dealer who is working under disastrous or dangerous conditions. Secret agreements and undisclosed treasuries.
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-1] [imposes systems-maintaining responsibility at times of social transformation. Often requires organizational governance and heavy public duties [Shani] Holds positions of public authority during occasions of sudden unexpected upheaval, disaster, shock, shift, or catastrophic social change. Requires a restructuring of the personality into a transitional leadership role. Obliged to hold confidential information or tantric secrets thereby preventing collapse of the social order. Secret orders and undisclosed hierarchies.
8th-from-svakshetra = comfortable and pleasing results for secret sources of empowerment for tapping the wellsprings of ancient hidden knowledge; transformative healing through secret sexual relationships; and mystical allure in therapeutic and tantric initiation environments. randhresha-8 in bhava-1 - not an easy placement, as the lord of shad-ashtaka * 6-8 from lagna inhabits the lagna. Social personality and physical appearance is identified with behaviors of destruction, regeneration, and rebirth. One is engaged lifelong with deep cycles of transformation , living with the threat of annihilation but simultaneously aware of one's capabilities for rebirth."Nine lives." The threat may be physical, social, mental, or spiritual - usually all of the above. Period of randhresha-8 narrates the drama of destroying the old and creating the new. One 's actions during periods of randhresha-8 may easily be construed as "self-destructive" . Which they are. But in the bigger picture, this native is experiencing a death of old behaviors and a rebirth into a new life understanding. randrapathi in lagna:" I am my hidden wealth, my healing capacity, my sudden forced changes, and my secretive behaviors." Healing with healing crisis : secret dealings, privileged access, tantra, hidden matters, in-laws, circumstances of death. One is deeply identified with their role as a knower of powerful secret knowledge. The social identity is infused with the qualities of deep healing, transformation, confidential information , secret intimacy, loss of morality, forbidden lands, obscure processes, wealth through inheritance, emergencies, disasters, catastrophic change, rebirth , specter of death, taxes." For the Mesha indriya-lagna, Kuja-1 = both very athletic (1), and frequently injured (6) |
QUOTATION from Planets in Signs and Houses, by Bepin Behari (p. 149) " The lord of the eighth house occupying the ascendant produces ill health and disease.
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-2]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-2]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-2]
= = =
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-2]
[Budha-Meena ] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-2]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-2]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-2]
![]() |
QUOTATION Bepin Behari, Planets in Signs and Houses , p. 149 " Occupying the second house,
He may be persecuted by the government
Retrieval of lost property is also possible with this placement." |
randhresha-8 secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge in Bhava 2= secret treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge, family lineage, speech and song, face mouth teeth hair and eyes Wealth (2) from secret knowledge (8) or from self-destructive behaviors (8). When fortunate, self-destruction is followed by self-rebirthing. Sudden-impact, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to family heritage, lineage history, second marriage, sound-and-color values, speech-song, face-mouth, accumulated treasuries, or natural resource reserves, caused by discovery of a secret. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the family of origin, the herds and the hoards, curators of collections and repositories, linguists, librarians, bankers, randhresha occupies the shad-ashtakya 6th-from-8 randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-2] suggests that the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in the political climate of the family lineage (speech, genetics, knowledge of history) and particularly in the character of the father. Dad is the center of the family. Mother's clairsentience is increased.
Randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-2] suggests that the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests into the emotional climate of the family lineage (speech, genetics, knowledge of history) -- and particularly into the character of the mother. Mother is the holder of traditional, habitual values. Mother's clairsentience is increased.
Randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-2] * the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in the dynamic, forward-moving actions which promote unexpected change in the traditional values. The lifepath has the potential to effectively destroy genetic lineages. One may bring death-and-rebirth energy into the family of origin (2) .
Randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-2] the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in media-messaging, reporting, the spoken and written word (2, language) . The family lineage is talkative. There maybe discussions about second marriage, renaissance, and revolutionary change. Overturning the social order, conspiracy to reverse the law
Voice of emerging social-role narratives
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-2] suggests that the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in the creed of belief or worldview promoted within the family lineage (2, lineage) . High capacity, expansive singers and speakers with a transformative empowerment for rejuvenation of belief randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-2] suggests that the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in the banking, wealth accrual, genetic, land other values-conserving contractual agreements
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-2] suggests that the transformative, disastrous, recycling, rebirthing, often catastrophically regenerating, sudden-change energy of bhava-8 manifests in the family lineage and value-containment treasuries of goods and knowledge. Genetic heritage is not supportive, and one becomes an agent of revolutionary change within a rigid, rule-bound hierarchy. Shani-2 scarcity of family affection, but occult empowerments may direct the native to return to an older set of knowledge-vlaues.
financial wealth indicator, hidden sources. Also one may speak (or sing or otherwise express) a historical emergence of taboo or secret information.
One may cause the public or the immediate environment to react with terror of sudden change. One may be associated with social upheaval expressed through a taboo or illicit sexual relationship.
If the randhresha-8 is less benevolent, potential for social obloquy through indiscretion.
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = accrued historical, linguistic, arts, and cultural values . This is a particularly financially privileged placement in life. 7th-from-svakshetra = benevolent for secret sources of empowerment for consulting and advising relationships; transformative healing through a variety of sexual relationships; and mystical allure in the courtroom and other adversarial settings. The ruler of transformative self- destruction and rebirth has entered the house of family, face, food, and finances.
Native speaks about the changes in their lineage values-fulfillment which have informed these catastrophic changes in their previous agreements. Emergence of hidden or taboo family relationships , and the eventual stabilization of the exposed hidden contract within the traditional value system. disputes, treachery, broken promises affecting family life and values, explained but not forgiven. An agent of sudden change through their power to articulate transitions in historic cultural values through speech and facial expression. randhresha-8 migrating into 2 indicates that the death (or divorce) of the first spouse leads to a remarriage, usually rather quickly, to someone already known.
In a divorce situation often there is "someone else" waiting to become the second partner. In the case of widowhood, the second spouse is not necessarily an active extramarital interest but rather (and especially with conservative Shani) a historic friend or acquaintance. |
EXAMPLES randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-3]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-3]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-3]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-3]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-3] [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-3] randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-3]
QUOTATION From Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari, p. 149 " In the third house, the lord of the Eighth becomes detrimental to the happiness of siblings,
The individual is without any support in life." |
randhresha-8 in 8th-from-8th empowered mentality placement for publication of revealed information announcement of secrets, or containment of secrets - whichever is more empowering may deliver hidden instructions may explain tantrik transformation may describe occult knowledge One often has a profound mental narrative (3) of Great Cycles, and a personal enactment of recycling logic in which the old becomes the new, and again. EXAMPLE Waste Land 1888-1965 poet-publisher T.S. Eliot [Kuja-yuti-Guru] .
Ruler of 8 occupies 8th-from-8th = revolutionary announcements, talk of radical change publication of explicit, uncovered, unveiled, or forbidden images and ideas Waste Land 1888-1965 poet-publisher T.S. Eliot [Kuja in doctrinal-optimistic Jyeṣṭha-1] + [Jyeṣṭha-Kuja-yuti-Guru-Anuradha] Among his literary works [3] which span many topics, some transmit shockingly violent sexual imagery [Kuja-Vṛścika]
Flowers of Evil 1821-1867 symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire [Surya = imaginative-visionary Revatī-4] ātmakāraka] -- [vargottamsha] + [Revatī-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Andromeda] [Revatī-Surya-yuti-Budha-Andromeda-nicha-bhanga] [Revatī-Surya-yuti-Guru-Revatī] [Revatī-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Andromeda-uchcha] [Revatī-Surya-yuti-Shani-Revatī]
Publication , announcement, advertising of secrets. Writing and media-message. instructional delivery of occult mystical knowledge
publication of tax information or hidden financial knowledge
announcement of personal secrets, psychological exposure
announcement (3) of revolutionary or secret (8) information, leading to upheaval or transformative reaction
Healing transformations, sudden change of identity Bhava 3 = writing, publication, media content, information, messaging, tours and campaigns, planning, documentation, advertising, announcements Writings and media publications (3) from secret knowledge (8) or from self-destructive behaviors (8). When fortunate, self-destruction is followed by self-rebirthing. The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = narrative transmission and communications media messaging . This is a particularly intense placement which essentially doubles the power of the randhresha-8 in life.
Tantric mentality Possibility of eruptions of sudden and catastrophic conditions along with immense communicative empowerment
Merchant (3) of Chaos (8) EXAMPLE POTUS-10 Annex Texas 1790-1862 John Tyler + [Shani-yuti-Shukra] -[uchcha-surya-3 parivartamsha Guru-8] JT's mother died when he was 7 [Somana-yuti-Guru-8].
Aura of Mystery = heightened One is empowered to use media communications outlets (3) to channel" collective unconscious " levels of occult and forbidden imagery very freely
Common placement in natitivies of political wives and other intimate advisers of high-power spouses. If necessary, one may be tasked to keep double-secrets
randhresha-8 in 3 has no natural predators. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-3 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the siblings-cousins, workmates, neighbors, publishers, conversationalists, reporters, instructors, trainers, makers of schedules and plans. randhresha-8 in 9 indicates an inherited connection to writing, publishing , verbal communications, and" media" expressions of every variety If randhresha-8 = an otherwise good graha, one may be blessed with a tremendous self-earned wealth through manipulation of one's image in publicationssuch as books, movies, magazines, and other media materials . There is much acquisition or materialization of the earlier training, perhaps a blooming of the genetic predisposition toward self-announcement and keep one's personal narrative in the public eyer. The lord of transformative self- destruction and rebirth has entered the bhava of mentality and media communications. randhresha-8 in 8th-from-svakshetra = good but intense results via *total transformation* of the flow of thoughts through the daily mentality. comfortable and pleasing results for secret sources of empowerment for media promulgation, propaganda, distribution of writings and creative works; transformative healing through small-group interactions;; and mystical allure in communicative arts. Reveals secret information . Has the power to transform cultural mentality through communications media. One may produces sudden, forced transformations through exposing culturally taboo materials . Articulation in writing, scripting, collaborative teamwork, sibling interaction, all mentalist media. |
EXAMPLES randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-4] [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-4]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-4]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-4]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-4]
[Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
randhresha-8 secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge = enters the bhava of Lands and Foundations hidden land holdings * undisclosed real-estate * Secretive rhythms
masked patriotism * unseen roots * one may be loyal to an unknown race Conditions of dematerialization involve the home, and often one is blessed to die at home. Death environments include all types of shelter including residential houses, schoolhouses, warehouses, forts, castles, farms and farm buildings, ships and ports, automobiles, vehicles of transport
in the world-traveling, ideological, philosophical 9th-from-svakshetra Bhava 4 patriotism, home and defense of the homeland, parents and caretakers, shelter, vehicles, schooling, examinations, property ownership-stewardship , emotional and social security, ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms secure foundations of the home-life and one's basic education (4) are penetrated by secret knowledge (8) or by self-destructive behaviors (8). When fortunate, self-destruction is followed by self-rebirthing.
Hidden treasures and piracy Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval resides in bhava-4 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the mother and her people, schoolteachers, parents, police, property owners, protectors of the customary way of life, guardians of the land Emergency situations related to nationality, parents, schooling, vehicles, streets and pathways Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to mother, school, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, vehicles and property ownership-stewardship , caused by discovery of a secret.
Budha may deliver a message of emergency, sudden evolutionary change, or threat.
Some shocks in the process of acquiring or maintaining houses, buildings, vehicles, and properties. If the graha which is randhresha-8 is favorable, the parents (4) may leave a considerable property inheritance (8) for one. For better or worse, one becomes a teacher of hidden, esoteric, or privileged knowledge. May become a transformative teacher.
When at home, randhresha-8 in 4 wishes to be "covered" , masked, camouflaged. randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-4] , the home may occasionally become unsafe. One's shelter and domicile (4) may be subject to sudden invasion, sudden changes, sudden discovery. The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = cultural education, rootedness in the land and its spiritual foundations, stewardship of properties and vehicles. Mystical patriot, mystical educator, mystical land steward. Ruler of transformative self- destruction and rebirth has entered the domain of home and country, shelter and protection. 9th-from-svakshetra = comfortable and pleasing results comfortable and pleasing results for windfalls and inheritance. Favorable for secret sources of empowerment for acquisition of religious identity; transformative healing through spiritual wisdom; Mystical allure within one's own root culture, typically, as an iconic expression of the root culture's image of feminine beauty, strength, or wealth. MOTHER may create conditions of Secrecy and intrigue in the home randhresha-8 in bhava-4 - the mother is self-destructive in some fashion (according to the graha). Frequently upheaval of change in the childhood home. Education disrupted by sudden changes in the home. EXAMPLE China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong [Shukra lagnesha in logical Dhaniṣṭha-2] [Shukra-4 parivartamsha Shani-1-uchcha] randhresha Shukra-4 parivartamsha Shani-1-uchcha .
Destruction of vehicles - frequent car wrecks. Destruction and rebuilding of shelters and landed properties. May obtain and lose properties at a great rate. Limited single-culture identity. Tendency to identify with multiple folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of several cultures (, an inherently multi-cultural personality). Conditions of death
QUOTATION from Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari (p. 149) " One's parents are chronically ill
EXAMPLES randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-5] randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-5]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-5]
[Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha] randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-5]
[Budha-Meena] -- [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-5]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-5]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-5] [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
Celebrated discoveries Revolutionary Politics Creative Upheaval Sudden unexpected transformation of children emergency and rebirth in speculative finance [gambling] upsets in romance randhresha-8 secrets, longevity, upheaval, shock, sudden new identity, disaster, healing, unexpected uprising force, masked money, hidden knowledge Randhresha-8 located in the leadership angle 10th-from-8th may be remarkably effective for purpose of gaining respect and decision-making authority in career and professional hierarchies (depending upon the specific graha involved). However, one is most likely to serve a primarily an agent of unexpected change, threatening innovation, or representative of the constant movement of the cycle of birth and death, toward the hierarchy. Thus one may become recognized and successful in duties while at the same time being eyed as a disruptive agent of frightening or unwanted change. randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-5] FATHEr randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-5] MOTHER a parental figure bearing patriotic secret political powers. Mother's embodiment status may undergo revolutionary change. Often Mom either leaves her body or leaves the family during the childhood
randhresha-8 = [Mangala in bhava-5] associated with war, heat, engineering, and triumphant rebirth randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-5] Multiple undisclosed political powers
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-5] in response to conformist social pressure, matters of 5 must wear a mask. The denizens of 5 may be children, romantic lovers, politicians, entertainers, celebrity performers, game-players, speculators, gamblers, or creative artists of any variety. Since [Shani in bhava-5] is already struggling to maintain sobriety and order in the 5-environment of creative intelligence, bright lights, and personal entitlement, one may be foreveer exhausted in the task of //herding cats //. Children are told to hide behind a shield of normalcy, rather than express their natural uniqueness. Romance [5] tends to be a frightening and often catastrophically challenging experience, although marriage [7] is often enduring and stable.
A highy empowered Vṛścika-Shani must work under disguise in a Shani-hostile environment = royal entitlement, politics, children, and theatrical showmanship
in Bhava 5 performance arts, politics, genius, brilliance, romantic love, celebrity, royalty, poetry, theatre, children, speculative ventures, games, amusements Children (5) may be carriers of secret knowledge, hidden assets, or sudden uprisings of force (8). When fortunate, self-destruction in a time of crisis followed by a new identity, flourishing of the new intelligence in the old container; self-rebirthing in dramatic performance. EXAMPLE Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [financial-musical Pūrvābhādra-2] [lagnesha Pūrvābhādra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī ] Shukra-5 parivartamsha Shani-8]
Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the children, politicians, genius intellects, royalty, celebrities, financial speculators, gamblers and gamers Children and politicians Revolutionary politics
randhresha-8 in 10th-from-svakshetra = a supportive placement for everything except children. (Complications of fertility is mainly an issue for Feminine Nativities).
Confidential information defines the political career. Political secrets. political or literary career much helped by hidden sources of funding hidden funds (8) subsidize political activities (5)
literary genius for mysteries including creative song-writing
Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to children, performance arts, politics, and the creative genius, caused by discovery of a secret.
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors =creative intelligence, talent in gaming and speculation, and political genius. Re: children, may be associated with miscarriage or childlessness if other factors corroborate
Mystical gamesmanship. This is a particularly intriguing placement related to very high levels of speculative intelligence. One is a gambler but usually of a noble sort. An aristocratic politician (5) with inherited money (8).
There is inherited genius (5) which gives a mystical (8) ability to comprehend the essential divine spiritof a thing (8) even when the material form may be inscrutabler. randhresha-8 in 5 = a forward thinker and often very successful in professions which require a highly refined capacity for extreme * indeed mystical * confidence in high-stakes games such as world politics Also very large-scale speculative investments. Especially favorable treasuries results from excavating secret reserves in mining either of the Earth lands and its oceans or of the vast terrain of the human psyche. The lord of transformative self-destruction and rebirth has entered the house of creative intelligence, 10th-from-svakshetra.
Leadership becomes a performance art. Privileged, secret relationships with politicians, entertainers and speculators. Lord of 4th-from-5th occupying bhava-5 The lord of Kuja's house gives rather peculiar circumstances in svabhava of Surya. Mangala and Ravi are friendly graha and the 4th-from angle is stable, educated, and secure. However, the qualities of randhresha-8 are frightening to those who do not understand what is happening. Indeed the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth it is frightening to everyone, just slightly less so to those who are familiar with its purpose. As a general rule, the randhresha causes sudden, forces changes wherever He goes. The eighth lord is only superficially destructive. What randhresha-8 is really doing is taking the essential energy from one physical container, and moving it into a new physical container . That is the essence of tantra. The eighth lord carries behaviors of emergency , sudden movement, and"hidden forces Kuja is a hunter and He tracks the mysterious movements of the animals whose very bodies will be - if captured and killed - Transformed into food. Animal killing and regeneration of human life through animal meat is a harsh reality, but the human species is largely chained to it. Even in vegetarian cultures the movement of life force through the plant kingdom is shocking and mysterious. Sometimes the food is there - sometimes it is not. Many secret signs and omens must be observed if the human wishes to have a steady rejuvenating supply of food. Romantic overs are infused with the energy of secrecy and transformation. It may be necessary to keep the love affair hidden from view. randhresha-8 can also destroy the possibility of love affairs entirely, choosing instead to transfer the vital energy of romance into some other container, such as service to a higher cause, or celibate religious prayerr. Strange transformative experiences related to children, politics, speculation, literary and performance arts. One tries the common path in these pursuits, yet is deflected against one's will on to another path. Dangerous conditions of first birth to one, or secrecy surrounding the first child. Circumstances may require casting a shield of secrecy around the children (e.g. To prevent kidnapping of celebrity children.) Often an early miscarriage before successful childbirth. (The cycle of birth and death must turn before the karma is cleared out.) If randhresha-8 is particularly virulent, children may be denied due to circumstances beyond one 's control. If children are denied due to randhresha-8 in bhava-5 (and not some other Jyotisha reason) then one is likely to achieve great wealth as the life-force is re-directed toward bringing inheritances developments. Dangerous conditions of first childbirth to one, or secrecy surrounding the first child. Circumstances may require casting a shield of secrecy around the children (e.g. To prevent kidnapping of celebrity children.) May be difficulties for the children unless the randhresha-8 is a highly dignified graha |
QUOTATION from Bepin Behari , Planets in Signs and Houses, p. 149" Unless the planet is well fortified by association with or the aspect of benefics, the lord of eighth in the fifth house is inauspicious for children and the mental equilibrium.
In this situation however, there is a possibility of the individual acquiring substantial wealth,
EXAMPLE [Sarala Yoga]randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga] [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga]
[Guru-Makara-Draco] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-6] -- [Sarala Yoga]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-6] [Shani in Vṛścika] -- [Sarala yoga]
randhresha-8 [Shani-Dhanus] -- [Sarala Yoga]
ruler of 8 occupies 6 Viparita Raja Yoga = Sarala Yoga ] easy, straight] सरल - straight, direct, easy] prevents unrecoverable harm from catastrophic upheavals, instead energizing the crisis into transformative rebirthr. Although potentially a rather self-destructive yoga with implications for self-medication leading to hidden addictions, in many cases, randhresha-8 in Bhava 6 = [Sarala Yoga] confers surprising benefits from lawsuits, illnesses, exploitation , servitude, pollution, impoverishment or war (6) - yet no profound harm due to protective [Sarala Yoga] from secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge - yet no profound harm due to protective [Sarala Yoga]
disagreement, conflict, altercation, dis-ease, drugs, exploitation, accusations, logical argument, divorce, "victimology" - yet no profound harm due to protective [Sarala Yoga]
when these sufferings are caused by occult phenomena, secretive behaviors, hidden monies, secret knowledge , psychological and physical trauma, widowhood, emergencies and disasters, shocking discoveries, or sudden change (8) - yet no profound harm due to protective [Sarala Yoga] remarkable protection from harmful effects of accusation and attack, even in deeply conflictly social or moral circumstances. Typically a sudden revelation reveals unexpected conflict, deceit, or crime -- although not revealing anything is also an empowerment of [Sarala Yoga] unexpected deaths, widowhood, job-reassignment, or sudden shift in the structure of the reliable life environment - yet no profound harm due to protective [Sarala Yoga]
Step-1 = pre-incarnationally planned inheritance of responsibility for acting upon the materials of 8 = occult phenomena, secretive behaviors, hidden monies, trauma, widowhood, shocking discoveries, or sudden change Step-2 = handle these dangers in the container of 6 = litigation, accusations, war, divorce, medical treatment,
Life's most brutal shocks such as natural disasters and emergencies, sudden widowhood = weakened. 8th-from agency of eruption, emergence, disaster, upheaval, rebirth -- enters bhava-6 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the mother's relatives, physicians, pharmacists, servants, accusers, complainers, polluters, the ill, the victimized and the exploited randhresha-8 = 11th-from-svakshetra = profits from keeping secrets, handling disasters, or making a shocking discovery. Debt (6) from spouse's wealth (8) or from secret sources (8). Karaka for financial loss due to spousal wealth (8) achieved via in divorce (6) payment from one . These otherwise catastrophic upheavals being weakened will manifest only as petty disputes, divorce rather than spousal death, chronic illness rather than massive disruption such as intervention surgery or a sudden stroke.
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = addictions, internal argument leading to social conflict, and patterns of inequity, disenfranchisement, ; imbalance, toxicity, or exploitation within relationships. For the conscious native, inheritance of medical, military, or human service ministry identity. Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to medicines and physicians, servants and animals, human service ministries, police and military, caused by the discovery of a secret. Mystical imbalance. A particularly challenging placement, randhresha in 6 = related to generational poverty , inherited medical imbalance which leads to alcoholism and drug addictions , as well as families historically involved in exploitation and crime . If the lord is an otherwise good graha, one may elevate the purpose of the unsavory associations and develop a ministry of service to carriers of the victim-mind. One may be a skilled physician or social worker dealing with hidden (8) or socially denied patterns of inherited self-destruction. One may also serve as a shockingly sudden transformative (8) agent in relation to the repeating miseries (6) of the underclass. When Budha = randhresha-8 , one however otherwise successful in life may be prone to articulate but highly conflicted self-destructive inner argumentation which is essentially an inherited narrative, passed down the family line. The lord of transformative self-destruction has entered the house of imbalance, conflict, enemies, debts, disease. 11th-from-svakshetra, results which improve over time (upachaya angle). comfortable results for secret sources of empowerment for marketplace revenues; transformative healing through large networks of friendly association; and mystical allure in in huge gatherings such as rally, music concert, fayre and mela. A dusthamsha lord residing in a dusthamsha generally gives favorable outcome . There are both easy and difficult implications . Debt is destroyed; randhresha-8 in bhava-6 builds wealth quickly, naative is not constrained by debt, naative is gainful. However illness is increased, due to some negative habit acquired in the attempt to manage life's stress-conflict overload.
Powerful healers and secret methods will restore one 's health. After much transformative struggle (wisdom-building) enemies are destroyed - but only after one realizes that the enemies are projections of unwanted aspects of his own self. Overall prognosis is good, but the transformative processes at work are energy-consuming and complexr. randhresha-8 in bhava-6 or bhava-12 is considered to weaken the effect of randhresha-8 . randhresha-8 in 6 = [Sarala Yoga] = a Viparita = no-parity, unequal, crooked = Raja Yoga that gives short-term opportunities for comfortable and pleasing results at the moment when others suffer bad circumstances. Often what is a terrible crisis for another becomes the key to one's own betterment. If a malefic+ randhresha-8 in 11th-from-svakshetra can be quite gainful, with source of the gain being confidential or secret dealings in negative relationships and materials. May be a spectacular healer whose tantric knowledge confronts evil directly, and who gains thereby. Behind-the-scenes manipulators of war. Confidential usurious mani-money-lending. Weapons dealers, prostitution rings, drug dealers, usurers. May be operating on an international scale, such as agents of large banks/rich countries who arrange impoverishing loans to poor countries. Realism and secret knowledge brings them success through negative dealings. If benefic, victim of exhausting struggles resulting from Deep Denial. Undiagnosed disease and misplaced confidence. Financial illness, medical illness, social illness - all present in one's life, Yet, he rejects the reality of evil. Wants a miracle cure, but does not see his own negativity operating in the disease process. Patient's denial prevents physicians from finding the cause of illness. Whatever value the spouse contributes to the joint assets of marriage is drained off in medical expenses, payments to charlatans, false advocates, physicians and others falsely claiming to have access to secret cures. Native suffers by denying the reality of his own internal imbalances which are manifesting through . Criticism
Material success due to intelligent ability to utilize the energy of conflict = [Sarala Yoga] Positive opportunities for advancement in the fallout from the identity-destroying crisis instigated during the period of randhresha-8 . Indeed one's re-created life will . Furthermore, when the shocking qualities of randhresha-8 are softened by entering the drawn-out, accusatory and litigious environment of disagreeable bhava-6, one can typically escape the catastrophic scale of changes associated with bhava-8. Instead, one may proceed to the next phase of identity development with relative ease, such as easy movement into a second marriage after widowhood, easy recovery from disasters, and easy healing after surgery. Sarala yoga does not eliminate the upheavals and rejuvenations of bhava-8 but rather it transforms those quick-change conditions into powerful vehicles for success. For wives, shukra is not the indicator of the husband's personality and material situation. Rather, shukra indicates the social agreement of marriage and its material outcomes. randhresha-8 in 6 does not destroy animosity in this lifetime. Depending on the number and character of graha in bhava-6, one may remain an object of contempt by many. The more graha in bhava-6, the more agents who complain and criticize. If there are several graha in bhava-6, each will cause its own variety of illness, poverty, jealousy, and suspicion.
Kuja muscles blood [Sarala Yoga] QUOTATION From Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari (p. 149): " In the Sixth Bhava,
but suffers the illness indicated by the planet in question." |
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-7]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-7]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-7]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-7]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-7]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-7]
[Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-7] -- [dikbala]
[Shani-Makara-Draco] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
randhresha-8 secrets, camouflage , longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge in Bhava 7 = alliances, agreements, contracts, bargaining, match-making, brokering, deals, balance, advice and counseling, peerage * paréage, equity A challenging placement for marriage and for any type of contract negotiation. The partner may have hidden interests. Applies not exclusively to the marriage partner but broadly to all negotiations and bargaining partners. randhresha-8 = Surya in bhava-7 Surya introduces elements of self--referential non-disclosure into the realm of the first marriage. Also affects business partnership, contractual arrangements, advisors, advocates, trusts and agreements. Typically, the creative, celebrity, regal, or political facade of negotiated union is maintained while the spouse's doings are masked. Yet, the corrosive effects of spouse's solipsistic secrecy may corrode from within. The partner = confidently independent-minded. Spouse may be accustomed to holding the center of attention in the union, without regard for well-being of their mate. The marriage may be primarily a public status to satisfy social expectations. Additional graha in bhava-7 can alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 = Chandra in bhava-7 Chandra introduces elements of emotionally habitual non-disclosure into the realm of marriage, partnership, contractual bonding, agreements, trusts and treaties. Typically, the familiar-face, customary facade of negotiated unions is maintained but the corrosive effects of spouse's guilty, self-protective hiding may corrode from within. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 = Mangala in bhava-7 Mangala introduces elements of sexual, competitive non-disclosure into the realm of marriage, partnership, contractual negotiations, trusts and agreements. Typically, the physically vigorous, forward-moving facade of the arrangement is maintained. Yet, the corrosive effects of spouse's hidden pursuits may corrode from within. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-7] Budha introduces elements of commercial, conversational non-disclosure into the realm of marriage, partnership, contractual negotiations, trusts and agreements. Typically, the communicative facade of the arrangement is maintained but the corrosive effects of spouse's hidden information or camouflaged couplings may corrode from within. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 ] Guru in bhava-7] Brihaspati introduces elements of doctrinal, ideological, non-disclosure into the realm of marriage, partnership, contractual negotiations, trusts and treaties, and agreements. Typically, the philosophical, faithful facade of the arrangement is maintained. Many volatile advisors, many camouflaged deals, hidden contracts, potential for many intimate partners who may be suddenly replaced. Yet, the corrosive effects of spouse's cheerfully coercive control or obscured motivations ; may generate evolutionary power from within, resulting in sudden undisclosed upheaval within the unions. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 ] Shukra in bhava-7] Shukra introduces elements of financial, arranging non-disclosure into the realm of marriage, partnership, contractual negotiations, trusts and agreements. Typically, the diplomatic facade of the arrangement is maintained. Yet, the corrosive effects of spouse's hidden treasuries or secret attractions may corrode from within. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome.
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-7] Shani introduces elements of chronic, enduring patterns of non-disclosure into the realm of marriage trust, partnership, contractual obligations, treaties and agreements. Typically, the normal social facade of dignity is maintained. Yet, the corrosive effects of secrecy may corrode from within. Additional graha in bhava-7 may alter the outcome. [Shani-Dhanus] rules 8 + 9
[Shani-Makara-Draco] -- [Śaśaka Yoga] rules 7 + 8
The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = yuvati-bhava-7 , hidden liaisons and camouflaged environments. One becomes a mystical figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. The physical conditions of sudden upwelling of unexpected energy may also enforce a powerful psychological thrust of internal identity changer. May be an expert in tax (8) law (7)
Taboo subjects revealed + their illusory dangers drained Secret deals Potential for a positive outcome with nodal intervention. Randresha in bhava-7 is generally uncomfortable regarding the ideal state of open trust and disclosure between marriage partners. Yet for other types of partnership (business, professional) it is possible for this yoga to produce an upside .
randhresha-8 in 12th-from-svakshetra = vitiation, causes loss-of physical vitality and personality integrity. Reduces the public accountability of the marriage contract and alliances of all varieties (political, commercial) because one is engaged in a secretive and rapid cycle of self-destruction-and-rebirth. When conditions in bhava-7 are comfortable for the randhresha, the self-destruction is followed by a rebirth which completes a cycle of self-transformation; marriage can survive this cycle with proper therapeutic support. Marriage and contractual agreement (7) is transformed by secret knowledge (8) or self-destructive behaviors (8). When fortunate, self-destruction is followed by self-rebirthing. Typically too unstable for lasting marriage but marriage may become a container for tantric, transformative process.
Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to the spouse and alliance partners, caused by discovery of a secret. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-7 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the mate, counselors, advisers, deal-makers, contractors, attorneys, bargainers, arbiters, mediators, middlemen, balancers, designers, arrangers
Ruler of 2nd-from-7 occupies 7 dematerialization effects Life-mate
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors =ability to build contracts and negotiate and agreements - even with highly unlikely or hostile partners. Mystical alliances. The lord of transformative destruction has entered the house of balance, contracts, marriage alliance and agreements. comfortable and pleasing results for secret sources of empowerment for private imaginings and fantasies; transformative healing through knowledge of one's immediate parallel life; and mystical allure in the bedroom arts. Marriage relationship or other important social contracts and promises may become vitiated through forbidden or secret dealings. Mysterious, confidential, and potentially dangerous activities enter the realm of marriage. randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-7] -- [dikbala] spouse may be engaged in secretive, yet socially responsible and dignified public [Shani] behavior randhresha in the yuvatibhava is nearly always a difficult situation, and if the graha that is randhresha-8 be also a non-partnering graha such as Surya or Mangala, the challenge increases. randhresha-8 = [Surya in bhava-7] self-dramatizing spouse, around whom others are expected to orbit. Pitrikaraka Surya indicates the father. This creates difficulty for the spouse, who assumes partial responsibility for one's behavior by way of the marriage contract. It may be difficult for the spouse to understand and accept the randhresha-8 in 3's native 's secret commitments. It is easier to not be legally married with this position. If one is married there may be high turnover. The change forces at work are too strong to allow long-term stability of agreements. Spouse may have secret, taboo dealings. Mate may have connections to hidden sources of funding such as anonymous donors to charities. For the spousal character + randhresha-8 in 7 need not be a nefarious quality Randhresha in 7 can indicate skillful management of confidences and that invaluable ability to keep a secret . Assets expected from death or divorce from spouse, will remain with the spouse. Destruction of social balance, equity, franchise, harmony, agreement. Longevity So long as there are no graha residing in randhrasthāna, randhresha-8 in 7 places randhresha-8 in 12th-from-8 thus debilitates randhresha-8 and thereby extends the longevity. The most extreme extension occurs with L- Shani-7. bhratru-pati-3 in bhava-7 = cannot agree on any alliance or decision for a sustained period of time; sudden, disruptive changes in contracts and agreements causes the re-imaging and re-configuring of relationships. Secret forces overwhelm existing alliances. The spouse is an agent of transformation, destruction, and rebirth. |
QUOTATION Planets in Signs and Houses - Bepin Behari , p. 150 " In the Seventh Bhava, the eighth lord will make the marriage partner ill-mannered, and may lead to several marriages .
But i f the planet is associated with Mars ,
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-8]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-8]
= = =
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-8] [Mangala-Vṛścika] -- [Harsha Yoga]
randhresha-8 = [Budha in bhava-8]
Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-8]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-8]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-8]
randhresha-8 secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge in Bhava 8
Graha = born into randhrabhava becomes subject to the fast spinning of the cycle (8) of self-destruction and rebirth (8). Calm response to Emergency Conditions
Inheritance Undisclosed assets may be discovered. When the randhresha is strong and comfortable in bhava-8, an inheritance may be expected. If bhava-8 is free of the drishti of Shani, graha which are generally comfortable in the svabhava of Mangala are the friends and neutrals of Mangala
A pair of inheritance positive graha in 8 may particularly signal hidden endowments:
Budha is inimical toward Mangala; one may handle the hidden assets of others in a commercial capacity, but the outcome is not an inheritance per se. (it might However, be a robust business profit, depending on vriddhi-pati-11 ). Neither Shani-8 nor Ketu-8 confer financial inheritance. Shani-8 confers a long life and much responsibility for hidden matters. Ketu-8 disperses material forms. In a spiritually sensitive nativity, Ketu-8 removes the barriers which normally block occult perception. Ketu-8 can confer a spiritual inheritance in the form of free access to occult knowledge (8). The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = randhra-sthāna-8 , hidden liaisons and camouflaged surroundings. One becomes a mystical figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. The physical conditions of sudden upwelling of unexpected energy may also enforce a powerful psychological thrust of internal identity change. If randhresha-8 Shani in bhava-8, typically a long life. Even with illness or injury one sustains against the odds. The speed of change-of-form may feel terrifying. Conditions of death (8) contribute a defining element to the life story of the father. Matters of the bhava that are ruled by graha situated in 8 are controlled by this fast-turning, re-cycling , identity-destroying and regenerating hidden life force. Effects of any graha in fast-transforming bhava-8 can be frightening, secretive, occult, mysterious, apocryphal, hidden, shocking magical, rejuvenating and changing-changing-changing often with a sudden thrust of unexpected force. Excellent placement for occult mysteries, discovery of hidden things, and revealing of secrets. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-8 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional drilling, living, invasive healing, surgery, psychotherapy Eruptions find agency in the figure of the in-laws, secret liaisons of self or mate, healers, surgeons, occultists, mystics, detectives, disaster-responders, emergency workers, revolutionaries , secret operatives, those who spin the wheel of birth and death.
Sudden, unexpected upheaval - often violently invasive - yet, each occasion provokes a new era of the identity. Destruction and rebirth (8) from utilization or realization of secret knowledge, from discovery of hidden truth or hidden resources, from occult practices (8) or via self-destructive behaviors (8).
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = Access to hidden and mysterious reservoirs of knowledge and magical practice, as well as the skills to conduct secret relationships. Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in matters of magic, tantra, emergencies, healing transformations, confidential information, surgery, joint assets of marriage, one's in-laws, and secret money, caused by discovery of a secret. Empowered Randhrapati-8 may be an extraordinary healer who is able to consciously turn the rejuvenating cycle of death and rebirth, moving efficiently from form to form while maintaining a vital connection with one's own life force intelligence.
Lacking adequate understanding of evolutionary forces. Shock and trauma May find oneself suddenly widowed or unexpectedly divorced suddenly at death's doorstep due to an eruption of sudden force provoking violently transformative events. Mystical magic, sudden change-of-form. Poof!
or have other rapid and unpredicted shocking changes o the physical and personality identity. periods of randhresha-8 = Sudden transformation of identity (not death):
Just like that!
Dushthamsha lord residing in a dushthamsha generally gives good outcome. There are both easy and difficult implications. The lord of transformative self-destruction = enters the circumstances of death and sudden, forced changes. Transformative self-destruction The end of life may be shockingly fast, with little or no warning . May come via accident or rapid-onset of terminal illness. Whether the graha that occupies randhrasthāna suggests a rapid exit at an old age [Shani] or a rapid exit at a young age (Chandra, surya, mangala, shukra, budha) or in middle age [Guru] it is nevertheless a decisive agency which predicts minimal preparation time.
1st-from-svakshetra. Pure and intense results for secret sources of empowerment for The earthen body (athleticism, yoga mastery; muscular tone); transformative healing through the surgical skill; and tantric allure in material appearance of the personality integrity. QUOTATION From Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari, p. 150 " When the lord of the Eighth Bhava occupies its own sign in the eighth,
The marriage partner However, will prove unfaithful,
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 = [Surya in bhava-9] randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-9]
randhresha-8 = [Mangala in bhava-9]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-9]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-9] [Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-9]
randhresha-8 [Shani in Bhava-9]
QUOTATION From Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari (p. 150) " In the ninth house,
He may lack moral integrity ,
Mystification obscures Indoctrination. The camouflage function of randhresha tends to veil the higher truths, and public guidance figures deliver unclear wisdom. However with support from favorably graha-or-upagraha in 8, when lagnesha-randhresha occupies 9, even despite the lack of clear guidance, one may become a promulgator of occult knowledge. hidden money, hidden knowledge of randhresha-8 secrets enters Bhava 9. One becomes a guru of Secrets and high-priest of confidential information. Covert and classified activities of the father, world travel, philosophy, universities, temples, sacred scripture, priesthood, wisdom-teaching Although this placement does somewhat mystify the personality of the father, it has numerous benefits. Taxation is normally not a burden, secret liaisons of the spouse if they occur at all are rarely secret, and religious or philosophical doctrine has a rejuvenating effect. The third lifepartnership , if any, may be overly prone to undisclosed activity, but even so one may have knowledge of this (2nd-from-8 = knowledge of the masked) and be well apprised toward fortunate decisions. Father (9) may drain (12) the life-force energy (8) of institutional religion (9) The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = dharma-sthāna-9 , received doctrine, theories of reality, ideologies, universities, principles of dharma. One becomes a professorial or philosophical figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. These teachings may also enforce a powerful thrust of internal identity changer. Religious Revelation Wisdom and fortune (9) from inheritance (8) or from secret sources (8). Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic discoveries in matters of one's father, guru, professor, and religious affiliation, caused by revelation of a secret. Father, father-figure, and religious teacher-preachers Also priests of the temple and officiants of university culture who are empowered to approve new professors, such as academic advisor and dissertation approval board. Father and Father-Figures (9) keep many secrets (8). Randhra bhava should be strong to produce tangible evidence of the father's mysterious knowledge; otherwise the secrets remain hidden. Naturally, other graha in 9 accompanying the randhresha-8 -in-9 will alter the prognosis. randhresha-8 = [Surya in bhava-9] -- [Surya-Kanya] [Surya in bhava-9] is a masculine position which rarely includes women. father keeps secrets about politics, theatre, creativity, literature, genius. Those who play the roles of professor, preacher, pontificator, pandita, pater-noster, patron, patriarch tend to be intentional mystifiers, who prefer not to teach in the authentic sense but rather hide and veil the higher truths, hoping to gain reverence without providing a clarifying wisdom. The father-figures wish to be honored for their wisdom. Yet usually they obscure the light of their understanding, rather than shine it. randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-9] -- [Chandra-Simha] mother keeps secrets about Karkata matters including oceans, property boundaries, transport, schooling. Usually, chandra matrikaraka shows the Mother or mother-figures. [Chandra in bhava-9] is feminine position which rarely includes men, but may possibly signal men such as local priest-teachers in a routine, familiar, ethno-cultural role.
randhresha-8 + lagnesha-1 = [Mangala in bhava-9] -- [karako bhavo nashto]
father keeps secrets about warfare, athletics, competition, innovation, weapons, killing, blood, surgery, mining, drilling, young males Often achieves a Guru-like status, surrounded by masculine-competitor devotees. Believes in one's own righteous doctrine, and promotes one's own patriarchal convictions. If Kuja-yuti-Rahu, super ambitious and patronizing ***
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-9] [father keeps secrets about information, logic, naarrative, messages, medical argumentation, adolescent-youth. One knows, and may use to advantage, undisclosed information. Tax benefits. randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-9] Father-figures and indoctrinators may keep secrets about hidden children, occult doctrines, esoteric philosophy, masked priesthood, cloaked wisdom. Father is often a professor, patriarch, patron, philosopher, or priest. Dad may also be involved in ideologically motivated espionage or undercover activities. Those who play the roles of preacher, pontificator, pandita, or pater-noster tend to be intentional mystifiers. They may be generous people, and they may preach upon tolerance. Yet, randhresha-in-9 prefers to hide the power of transformative wisdom [8] behind a facade of optimistic philosophy. Public guidance figures [9] often hold a globalist worldview [Guru]. However, their beliefs, their catechism, and their theoretical principles often obscure their ultimate understanding. Ironically, self-righteous karako-bhavo-nashto randhresha Guru-8 often signifies a patronizing father and paternalistic spiritual teachers whose tendency to be pulled into the world of secret empowerments is a drain upon their wisdom teaching.
[Guru-Makara] --- [nīcha] = corrupt doctrines "Manifest Destiny"
"Mussolini Fascism"
randhresha-8 = [Shukra in bhava-9] [Shukra-Mithuna] or [Shukra-Vṛścika] Father-figures and indoctrinators may keep secrets about partners, contracts, arrangements, alliances, sugars, money, pleasures. Father is often an artist, draftsman, designer, architect, financier, broker, or negotiator. Potential for early demise of the father. Those who play the roles of preacher, pontificator, pandita, pater-noster, patron, or patriarch tend to be intentional mystifiers. They may be pleasant people, and they may preach upon justice. Yet, randhresha-in-9 prefers to hide the power of transformative wisdom [8] behind a facade of sugary philosophical platitudes. Public guidance figures such as professors and guru-figures [9] are contractually paid [Shukra] to deliver wisdom. However, their sensuality, their financial arrangements, and their partners such as mates and advisors, often obscure their conceptual understanding. Generally, external teachers may be experienced as superficial and sacharine [Shukra] in matters of theory and higher principle. When [Shukra in bhava-9] becomes lagnesha, one may become an ideologue.
Nevetheless, there are certain exceptions [such as Rahu-Ketu in 8, or parivartamsha with explanatory Budha-8] which may cause [Shukra in bhava-9] to sermonize from an occult worldview with true clarity of descriptive detail.
Much depends on any graha which may reside in bhava-8. ***
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-9] [Shani-Kumbha] or [Shani-Meena] Father-figures and indoctrinators may keep secrets about government, regulations, laws of time and space, age, skeletons, structures Father is often a fundamentalist believer who demands a simplified and rigid interpretation of higher truths. One's own paradigm of belief = typically materialistic, strict, and principled. Those who play the roles of professor, preacher, pontificator, pandita, pater-noster, patron, or patriarch tend to be intentional mystifiers. They may be respectable people, and they may preach upon discipline. Yet, randhresha-in-9 prefers to hide the power of transformative wisdom [8] behind a facade of restrictive rules-and-regulations. Although public guidance figures such as professors and guru-figures [9] are institutionally positioned to deliver wisdom, they may have fearful limitations which obscure their understanding. Intimidated by the transcendent higher teachings, they instead preach upon fundamentalism and empiricism. Much depends on any graha which may reside in bhava-8. If the randhresha-8 is damaged, misuse of confidential information and potential for illicit (8) abundance (9) via secret relationships and hidden treasuries. Lucky (9) taxable-money (8) situation; generally avoids most taxation. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-9 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the father, guru, professor, priest, world travelers, teacher-preachers, panditi, university and temple personnel. randhresha-8 tantric and magical knowledge can be successfully used in the positive development of religious understanding, but this this utility is only available to those with adequate philosophical education. The nature of the upset (8) affecting one's relationship with the father or philosophical teacher, or possibly the entire belief system, is further described by the karaka. The most fundamental signification is the randhresha-8 carries the force of death and rebirth (8) into bhava-9, so that the premature death of the father or guru shapes one 's consciousness in this life. Chandra randhresha-8 occupies bhava- 9 = father's (or guru's) hidden Own mother, or father's hidden liquids, secrets of the tides, the ocean Mangala randhresha-8 occupies bhava-9 = father's (or guru's) hidden male sexual practices; father's identity with military, penetrative engineering, and athleticism. Mangala-9 is Particularly difficult for the father, with a tendency to parental abusiveness or other dominating behavior conducted in secret and managed with denial on the part of the father.
Shukra randhresha-8 occupies bhava- 9 = father's (or guru 's) hidden-tantrik alliance, or dad's alcohol/sweets issues (or both). Budha randhresha-8 occupies bhava-9 = father's (or guru's) hidden publications or reports, writings; can also be secret sexual relationships
Guru randhresha-8 randhresha in 9 = hidden father and hidden husband. Shani randhresha-8 occupies bhava- 9 = father's (or guru's) hidden rigidity, vulgarity, ignorance For the younger person or one of otherwise inadequate apprehension, effects of randhresha-8 in 9 are more likely to emerge as socially negative along the lines of covert, perhaps illicit behaviors of the father, or discovery of misbehavior of the guru or secret and contradictory implications of the orthodox sacred teachings. It is the signification of secret or mysterious knowledge which is encoded in sacred scripture that is potentially the most beneficial to the sufficiently educated oner. The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = religious wisdom, including wisdom about the value of ritual performance regardless of underlying belief. This is a particularly beneficial placement. randhresha-8 in 9 indicates an inherited (8) connection to religious education, based in the parents' valuesand the parents' (perhaps hidden) relationships with religious teachers, consecrations, ceremonial vows, and sacred temples. Mystical religion.
There is much acquisition or materialization of the earlier training, perhaps a blooming of the genetic predisposition toward wisdom-knowledge which is physically inherited from the parents, during the mahadasha of the randhresha-8 r. randhresha-8 = a hidden function in life and this placement will not ordinarily assist the public acknowledgement of one's religious or moral teaching roles, except in specifically tantrik, esoteric, or magical subjects. randhresha-8 in dharma bhava reduces one 's inclination to indulge in public religious ceremonies but increases the power of magical teachings. When Guru = randhresha-8 in 9, one, or one's father may be prone to association with tantrik religious lineages that blur the distinction between esoteric and popular religious knowledge. Randhresha-in-9 is a socially dicey but exciting position which can result either in a fraudulent priesthood or in a great awakening through self-destruction and rejuvenation. One may not be accepted into the conventional temple priesthood but may have a doctrinal or ideological empowerment nonetheless. Tendency to undermine the pomposity of university and globalist ideologies. The lord of transformative destruction has entered the house of the father/parents, guru, priesthood, cultural ethos, religious liturgy , and higher wisdom. 2nd-from-svakshetra: comfortable results for secret sources of empowerment for food, family, face, and finance; transformative healing through (recovery of) family history lineage; and tantric allure in speech expressions of value and reckoning of mystical history. Deep cycles of disruptive transformation affect The father . Father's deepest understanding of magical forces and transformative movements affects one . Sometimes this understanding is conceptually articulated and sometimes it is simply rhythmic, intuitive, and expressed in a lifestyle that accommodates catastrophic changes." Often the father is not long-lived. randhresha-8 in bhava-9 = the father is self-destructive in some fashion, according to the character of the graha. Father and guru are social changes agents, overt or covert. Conventional religion is destroyed, and in its place a more tantric philosophy based on secret teachings . Father's life is short due to direct influence of the destroy-and-rebirth randhresha-8 . Very broad view of large-scale atomic, cellular, personal, social, and historic change cycles. Not deceived by change of form - thus, less impressed by public sacrifice and religious liturgy (although rarely disrespectful of it). One may become a guru within a privileged lineage, or abandon the priest/professor role altogether. In the most comfortable case, naative teaches privileged insights into longevity/circumstances of death, the nature of empowerment and change, and the cycles of birth and deathr. |
EXAMPLE randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-10] -- [dikbala] [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-10]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-10]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-10]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-10]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-10]
Controversial but usually responsible and respected randhresha-8 randhresha in the communicative 3rd-from-svakshetra. A volatile public image (10) associated in the popular view with revolutionary transformation, dangerous conditions, unexpected upheaval and sudden changes of identity (8). randhresha-8 secrets, transformative agency, longevity, hidden assets, hidden knowledge Public figures who discuss, present, enact, or symbolize [10] revolutionary-evolutionary transformative discoveries [8]
The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = karma-sthāna-10 , governance of the social order, social leadership, director, legislator. One becomes a leader or executive figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. These responsibilities may also enforce a powerful thrust of internal identity change. randhresha-8 occupying Bhava 10 = highest public visibility, leadership roles, governance, regulatory responsibilities, reputation and respect, law and legislation, the social order
randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-10] -- [dikbala] [Surya-Vanika] --- [nīcha] Delicate position due to nīcha-Surya's compromising nature. Father often appears to possess leadership authority [Surya-10]. Yet typically more of a figurehead or representative [Tula] of another more powerful disguised agent [8]. Unique ability to bargain [Tula] in dangerous emergencies [8] affecting the public order [10]. Genius for high-visibility middleman, attorney, brokerage roles. If Surya is reinforced with additional Tula Graha, potential for authentic elite leadership but in negotiating Tula the keynote is always barter, trade, agreement - never autocracy. EXAMPLE combined rulers of 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 12 occupy 10-elite command + intake drishti of risk-rewarding Rahu-6
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-10] -- [Chandra-Kanya] Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala] Public action is provocative, transformative, initiatory
Revealer of secrets into the public discourse Gives a capacity to re-invent and rejuvenate the career, often emerging into different social-leadership roles
Typically, this placement benefits the native. Via agency of lord of 11th-from-10th one is able to gain employment in a government office. Unless one is a world-class healer with a loyal organization supporting the healing program, can be resented by bureaucrats since karma-sthāna belongs to Shani who does not like change, especially not the deeply transformative change which is delivered by the randhresha-8 . Threats to career, scripts of secrecy and cover-up Secrecy in Conduct of Government Responsibilities
Revolutionary influence in High Offices of Government Leadership
Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-10 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the government officials, boss, legislators, regulators, social policy makers, judges, the long arm of the law. randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-10] -- [Guru-Urisha] Mangala-10 goes public - Exposing Forbidden Sexuality randhresha-8 is all about profound and unexpected, sudden upheavals and it governs the turning of the cycle of life and death.
One may do an excellent job in promoting change of viewpoint from the top levels of visibility and even earn the regard of the rank-and-file workers at the bottom of the pyramid, but the co-executives and others charged with the sober business of ordering society may not take well to the secrecy and interest in hidden things which characterizes the behavior of the randhresha-8 . Outside of the tantric specialties or perhaps the medical discipline of surgery, randhresha-8 in 10 may not receive much praise from bureaucrats. It is a signification of numerous job changes with a Shifting public image that may erupt within the full range of unexpected criticism or remarkable acclaimr. A highly visible and identifiable symbol or exponent of occult knowledge , sudden change of identity, revelation of the forbidden, agent of public terror or shaming-scandal. May also be a lawful symbol of the cycles of birth-and-death, unexpected changes, or secret relationships. Public Emergencies Leadership responsibilities (10) = a container for secrets (8) and may be a site of self-destruction (8). If the graha randhresha-8 is favorable, the self-destruction is followed by a self-rebirth. Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to government bureaucracy and established, regulated social institutions, and the order of Law. Changes are caused by discovery of a secret The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = ability to achieve highly respected and honorable positions of public leadership. Mystical leadership.
One may become a communicator and leader in situations of large-scale catastrophic, transformative change.
QUOTATION From Planets in Signs and Houses , by Bepin Behari, p. 150 " In the tenth house, the lord of the eighth provides the individual with employment in government but his professional efficiency is low, and he is not well spoken of. His mother dies early in his life." [end quote] BPL note: Behari is citing effect of the randhresha residing in 7th-from-4th as outcome = early grieved the bio-decease of mother . This single indicator of a specific outcome is too weak to make a prediction based on only one factor. As Shri B.V. Raman often said, this or any other predicted outcome must be corroborated by several other indicators. Behari naturally employs the same caveat. |
EXAMPLES randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-11]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-11]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-11] [Mangala-Karkata] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-11] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-11]
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-11]
randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-11] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha] [dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 11-from-11]
QUOTATION from Bepin Behari. Planets in Signs and Houses , p. 150 " In the eleventh house,
[end quote] |
Social-material gain (11) from bargains,
terms of agreement
randhresha-8 = secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge randhresha-8 occupies Bhava 11 = economies, communities, social and conceptual networks, social participation movements, marketplace profits The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = vriddhi-sthāna-11 , the community of friends. One becomes a social-economic figure representing revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. The physical conditions of connectivity and large-group assembly may also enforce a powerful thrust of internal identity changer. Hidden Sources of Income Gains (11) from inheritance (8) or from secret funding sources (8) Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in matters of large, regulated systems including the economic system of the marketplace and networks of friendly association, caused by discovery of a secret.
Gains from sudden, unexpected eruptions of passion or threatening energies
Gains from Discovery
Master of Reinvention, reinvigoration, rebranding and Return to Profitability Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-11 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the father's younger brothers, young sexualized persons (especially but not exclusively males) one's own immediate elder sibling, mentor-type friends in the networked community; leaders of large-scale social movements, friends with benefits, systems professionals and technicians, people who are connected into social relationship primarily via computer.
The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = Ability to form a complex but tightly regulated network of mentoring associations through confidential and esoteric links. Mystical networking. The initiating lord of transformative self- destruction has entered vriddhisthāna = gains, goals, community relationships and the marketplace. It may be necessary to utilize confidential, tantric, privileged, or hidden information in order to achieve one's goals.
Profitability in life, the ability to be materially and socially gainful, depends on secret information, discoveries, or knowledge of hidden connections
4th-from-svakshetra: profitable results for secret property ownership-stewardship , deepening of cultural roots, transformation and healing of the homeland. |
EXAMPLE [Sarala Yoga]randhresha-8 [Surya in bhava-12] [Surya-Dhanus] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Chandra in bhava-12] -- [Sarala Yoga] [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
randhresha-8 [Mangala in bhava-12] [Mangala-Singha] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Budha in bhava-12] -- [Sarala Yoga]
randhresha-8 [Guru in bhava-12]
[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha] rules 5 + 8
randhresha-8 [Shukra in bhava-12] [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] randhresha-8 [Shani in bhava-12]
randhresha-8 occupies 12 = Viparita Raja Yoga = Sarala Yoga ] easy, straight] सरल - straight, direct, easy] prevents unrecoverable harm from catastrophic upheavals, instead energizing the crisis into transformative rebirthr. secrets, longevity, hidden money, hidden knowledge randhresha-8 resides in Bhava 12 = prayer, spiritual guidance, dreams, sanctuary spaces, back-room dealings, distant lands, hotels, bedroom intimacy, imagination,, research, long sojourn in foreign places, withdrawal from social-personality identity Viparita Raja-Yoga ] Sarala Yoga] The most influentially identity-transforming and trauma-healing environment = vyaya-sthāna-12 , the astral bridge. One becomes a clairsentient, often opaque or invisible figure. One may represent revolutionary change, secrets, upheaval, and regeneration of the identity. The physical conditions of enclosure and contact with other worlds may also enforce a powerful thrust of internal identity changer. Secret Sanctuary Private bedroom, monastery, back-rooms, hotels, hospitals, and foreign lands (12) = a container for secrets (8) and may be a site of self-destruction (8). If the graha randhresha-8 is favorable, the self-destruction is followed by a self-rebirth. Sudden, intensely transformative, and potentially catastrophic changes in the definition of one's relationship to the ancestors, foreign lands, the world of the imagination, meditation and prayer, caused by discovery of a secret. Agency of eruption, emergence, upheaval in bhava-1 2 Potentially dangerous or sudden, unexpected eruptions of force, social-material or psycho-emotional, find agency in the figure of the ancestor spirits, spiritual guides, the cloistered, those taking sanctuary, foreigners, activities of distant lands, clandestine relationships, enemies of the marriage (6th from 7) imaginary creatures, the mother's father (9th from 4) and the father's mother (4th from 9). The main value of inheritance from the parents and other immediate ancestors = Ability to withdraw from the physical world, into the realm of dreams and clairsentient insight, to work directly with spirits through prayer and intuition. Access to private sanctuary or mystical retreat.
The randhresha, ruler of transformative self- destruction and rebirth, has entered the bhava of privacy, foreign lands, other Worlds, loss of identity, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, subconscious reality, meditation, sanctuary, hermitage, enclosure, retreat. 5th-from-svakshetra: comfortable and pleasing results for secret sources of empowerment for winnings, political gamesmanship, intelligence and creativity; transformative healing through children; and mystical allure in in entertainments or performance arts
Dusthamsha lord residing in a dusthamsha generally gives special opportunities to capitalize upon the misfortune of others = [Sarala Yoga] . ANONYMOUS PHILANTHROPy
Tax evasion However, much as one may be saddened by a loss, that loss will be the signal for one to move forward actively in life However, this yoga also converts (8) the parental attachments into patriotic affections. h
Usually despite the advantages of [Sarala Yoga] there are both easy and difficult implications and the difficulties are significant. Privacy (12) is largely destroyed by the randhresha-8 residing in 12. However, one may do great things in life by following the itinerant tantrik path, bringing previously hidden or esoteric knowledge to foreign lands.
Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [governing-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] [navamsha Guru-Makara-nīcha ] Guru-12 mutual drishti Rahu-8]
QUOTATION from Planets in Signs and Houses, by Bepin Behari. p. 150 " If the lord of the Eighth Bhava is in the twelfth, the individual is greatly attracted toward the "secret" pleasures of life,
These results, however, are likely to be altered by the influence of benefics or other auspicious horoscopic combinations." [end quote] |
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" In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path." ~~The Book of Job - Iyov, 22:28 |
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