![]() |
born seven months after
born three months after
born one month after
born two months after
eventually succeeded by
Il Papa #264 [1978-2005] Cardinale [1967-1978] Archbishop of Krakowa [1964-1978]
John Paul II
a.k.a. Rev. Karol Jozef Wojtyla Wojtyla [pronounced voy-TIH-wah
a.k.a." Lolek" Earth-birth Tuesday-18-May-1920 dematerialization 02-Apr-2005 [age 85] |
Pope John-Paul-2 [1978 until 2005 ] Karol Jozef Wojtyla " Lolek" 1920-2005 birth information from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_Ii
tentatively rectified by BP Lama
Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com - adapted by BP Lama born on Amavasya [Puthuppi Rai, day-15 Krishna Paksha] |
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples BPL COMMENTARY For Uttarāṣāḍha births of a masculine valence, the condition of radiant, romantic, intelligent, creative, idealistic, central, confident, gaming, self-reflexive, pitrikaraka Surya may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Surya-ruled paradigm of Iswara, father-figures, politicians, celebrity, royalty, entitled roles, brilliant dramatists, radiant deities, sparkling genius, glittering creativity, intelligentsia, speculators, poets, romantic lovers, gamblers, and game-players may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Nunki. Their purpose is to express the radiant clear light of truth in an orderly, institutional framework. Psychic intelligence Dhanus-Pada-1 can show Brihaspati's rulership of 1-embodiment + 4-cultural foundations. nakshatra-pati Suyra and Guru enjoy high-compatibility yang patterns. Pada-1 tends to be paternalistic , politically savvy, self-referential to the point of self-righteousness, and generous of spirit. Iconic and inspirational teachers of the patriarchal lineages are found here. Often found in the role of philosopher, professor, or guru-figure. Assess the role of Brihaspati to determine the degree of optimism and alignment with the prevailing doctrine. ...Themes of clairsentient vision, personal certainty, and prophecy may contextualize Ishwara's terrestrial experience. Also applies to Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha . |
QUOTATION Vaishva from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 87 " A very good, honest , and sincere character... A peace loving disposition.
Eager to live and let live.
A good counselor in times of need or trouble.
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]
. |
[Surya Mahadasha] [age birth until age 4.9]
18-May-1920 Earth-birth in Wadowice, poland * Surya-Mangala bhukti [Chandra Mahadasha] [age 4.9 until age 14.9]
Shani Ashtamsha via Vṛścika Jan-1926 until Dec-1928 13-Apr-1929 [Lolek's age 8] grieved the bio-decease of mother - Chandra-Guru bhukti * Guru activates 12th-from-Chandra 1932 [Lolek age 11] grieved the bio-decease of elder brother- Chandra-Ketu bhukti [Mangala Mahadasha] [age 14.9 until age 21.9]
01-Sep-1939 [Lolek age 18] Nazi-Germany invades Poland * Mangala-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 7 + 10 ++ Sade-Sati Apr-1939 until Jun-1941 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
1940 [Lolek age 19] hit by a streetcar, suffers a fractured skull * Mangala-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates -6 injury ++ janma Sade-Sati 18-Feb-1941 [Lolek age 20] grieved decease of Polish military officer father * Mangala-Shukra bhukti * Shukra produces effect of Ketu + Budha activates 2nd-from-Surya + Sade-Sati [Rahu Mahadasha] [age 21.9 until age 39.9]
1942 [KW age 22] entered a secret nighttime seminary operated by the Archbishop of Krakow. in Nazi-occupied Poland * Rahu-Rahu svabhukti 29-Feb-1944 [Lolek's age 24] hit by a German army truck severe concussion and shoulder injury [again] * Rahu-Rahu svabhukti 01-Nov-1946 [KW age 26] ordained to the priesthood of the Roman-Rite church * Rahu-Guru bhukti * Guru lagnesha Nov-1955 until Feb-1958 Shani Ashtamsha via Vṛścika 1958 [KW age 38] named Bishop of Krakow = Cracovie * Rahu-Chandra bhukti * Chandra activates 8-transformation of identity [contains [uchcha] Guru, beginning his ascent]
26-Jun-1967 [KW age 47] named Cardinale of the Vatican * Guru-Ketu bhukti * Ketu produces effect of Budha karmesha ++ Sade-Sati Jun-1968 until May-1971 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
[Shani Mahadasha] [age 55.9 until age 74.9] 1976 until 1995]
16-Oct-1978 [KW age 58] elected to the rank of Papa of the Roman-Rite hierarchy * Shani-Shani svabhukti 13-May-1981 [KW age 61] shot during assassination attempt *
Shani-Budha bhukti * maraka Budha
[Budha-yuti-Ketu] *
Budha produces effect of Ketu Dec-1984 until Dec-1987 Shani Ashtamsha via Vṛścika 1991 [KW age 71] diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, albeit this condition would be hidden from the public for the forthcoming 12 years * Shani-Rahu bhukti [Budha Mahadasha] [age 75 until age 84] 1995 until decease 2005]
Oct-1996 [KW age 76] Appendectomy surgery * Budha-Budha svabhukti - Budha-yuti-Shukra - Budha produces effect of rogesha Shukra Apr-1998 until Jun-2000 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
02-Apr-2005 [KW age 85] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via heart failure * Budha-Rahu bhukti posthumous Recognized in Israel as Righteous Among the Nations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Righteous_Among_the_Nations |
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Dhanus-born] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Surya's sensual radiance, sweet charisma, financial entitlements [entitled to luxurious quality of dedicated service] [bright center of problematic financial values] [philosophical self-confidence in historically adversarial environments] [conflicted beliefs about tradition] [principled aesthetic convictions about war and poverty] [well-capitalized sangha supplies medical self-help] [father-figure may be evaluating physician or military officer, wealthy-yet-sick, aggrieved yet understanding] ... ... [bargaining-brokering Kṛttikā-3] [navamsha Surya-Kumbha] intuitively confident proletarian community networking display [Kṛttikā-Surya-yuti-Chandra-Kṛttikā]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively ministering, brightly in service, charmingly disagreeable, regal style of complaining, victim focused, radiantly litigious, politically aggrieved, splendidly argumentative, center-stage helper [Surya in bhava-6] rules
CAREER - SPARKLING SURYA [Surya in bhava-6] = attending to the miseries of the disenfranchised FATHER Dad served as a non-commissioned military officer Surya in bhava-6 Father is identified with his doctrinal beliefs due to Surya dharmesha. Dad was a devoutly loyal Roman-Rite adherent [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's competitive feelings, conquesting rhythms, engineering sensibilities [comfortable with the politics of transformative warriorship ] [feels dramatic pulse of corporeal personality embodiment] [needs to display dominating superiority] [theatrically sensitive to athletic competition] [soothed by habitual local expression of regenerating challenge to championship] [sense of belonging to a physicalized intelligentsia while following the ancient birthing ethno-rhythms] [may present a impulsively muscular, pioneering show of patriotic parental defensiveness] [celebrity intellect flows naturally in innovator or first-arriver roles] [forward-pushing mother may brightly demonstrate her need to win the game] ... [dogmatic-humanistic Kṛttikā-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational-guiding [Kṛttikā-Somana-yuti-Budha-Bharani] [Kṛttikā-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Bharani] [Kṛttikā-Somana-yuti-Ketu-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sensitively political, attention-needing, soothingly charming, familiar celebrity, intuitively speculative, sympatheticly romantic, center-stage caretaker, emotionally intelligent [Chandra in classroom-5] rules
MOTHER [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] Mom = Emilia Kaczorowska, aschoolteacher [Somana-yuti-Budha] Sadly, mom suffered from heart and liver problems Somana-yuti-Shukra rogesha, which caused her premature death at KW's age 9 [Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility] [dikbala] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [contemplative-retreating vyaya-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha drishti to source Kuja's precisely logical actions, pushy arguments, targeted investigating critiques [proactively competitive executive polemic] [intelligently energized detailed government strategy] [innovative informative regulatory litigation] [institutional champion of medical progress] [leads with pro-actively argued social engineering policies] [mentally strategic orderly warrior dominates public conflicts] [fights for executive authority using tools of logical reasoning] [aggressive verbal tactics energize upward climb] ... [strategic-complaining Chitra-2] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Mangala-Kanya] intuitively confident service-driven logical argumentation [Chitra-Kuja-10 parivartamsha Bharani-Budha-5] [ātmakāraka fighting, promotion, competition, pursuit, vigor, progress, forward thrust]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA commercially competitive, self-promoting project manager, socially recognized announcements, forward-pushing sales career, militarized executive marketer, social regulator via active communication, talking head, leadership in energetically innovative publications, champion of professional information delivery [Mangala in bhava-10] rules
CAREER - COMPETITIVE KUJA To succeed in matters of the Vatican and its legacy, one must be possessed of a capacity for cloistered, enclosed, under-the-table and behind-closed-doors operations. Distinguished ātmakāraka Mangala-10 rules -the unseen bhava 12 [Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Dhanus indriya-lagna] [dutiful-executive karmesha for Dhanus indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's competitive announcements, conquesting management style, pioneering interpretations ... [secretive-erupting Bharani-4] [navamsha Budha-Vrischika] intuitively explaining detailed description of hidden assets secret empowerments [Kuja-10 parivartamsha Budha-5] [Bharani-Budha-yuti-Chandra-Kṛttikā] [Bharani-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Bharani] [Bharani-Budha-yuti-Ketu-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA conversationally entertaining, articulately political, collaboratively romantic, mentally creative, analytically speculative, cleverly dramatic, instructionally idealistic [Budha in bhava-5] rules
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA Vigorous and prolific public speaker and a singer of beautiful voice [Budha-yuti-Shukra] . Kanya-Mangala ātmakāraka parivartamsha with Budha +++ Mangala drishti upon Budha.
MANGALA IMPACT * Shani-Budha bhukti
[Budha in bhava-5] -- [Budha-yuti-Chandra] -- [Budha-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Ketu] Mangala-10 parivartamsha Budha-5 lifelong love of adolescents [5] , theatre [5] and singing [Budha-yuti-Shukra] As a young man in Poland during WW-2, father Wojtyla had a dramatic personal experience of injustice and terror he often spoke of the monstrosity of the killings. Yet, the Roman-Rite adherent hierarchy chose not to protest the horrors of genocide and torture during the war or afterward, and Father Wojtyla chose not to lay blame but rather to continue to promulgate the stance of invisibility [12] and non-involvement. Budha-yuti-Ketu the Witness. [Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] [uchcha] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] ... [optimistic-dogmatic Aśleṣa-1] [navamsha Guru-Dhanus] intuitively expansive teaching-preaching manipulative inspiration
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU generously disguised, hidden patrons, expansively veiled, cheerfully non-disclosing, doctrinally opaque, many surgeries, multiple emergencies, believes in healing, guidance via secret initiation, mystically transformative, inspirationally recycling, jovially rebirthing, optimisticly discovering, suddenly extensively eruptive [Guru in bhava-8] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI Brihaspati is the kharesha powerfully transformative uchcha lagnesha in randhrasthāna demands multiple deaths-and-rebirths = most of them painful
Guru-Karkata-8 [uchcha] = Many, many secrets and mysteries, covering areas from finance to relationships to health. Although KW was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1991 during his Shani-Rahu bhukti, his doctor notified only the top brass of the Vatican. They kept KW's health conditions secret from the devout public. Finally after 12 years, in 2003, the Vatican announced KW's painful degeneration into the tremors and aches of Parkinson's disease. Many were called to a deeper faith through his display of physical suffering. Guru in bhava-8 activates the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, goal-oriented, socially-networked [11th-from-Chandra] [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [profitable-networking labha-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Shukra's competitive bargaining, innovative diplomacy, kinetic attractions [pleased by vigorous celebrity] ;[sweetly forward-pushing political goal achievement] ;[harmoniously pioneering game-playing] ;[appreciation for warrior-style artistic ; fashions] [graciously dramatic display of entitled championship] [adores theatrical innovation] [delight in winning competitive romantic ; games] [enjoys drama of speculative conquest] [pleased by actively moving intelligent children] ... [arranging-aligning Bharani-3] [navansha Shukra-Tula] intuitively harmonizing equitable agreeable mediated contractual relationships [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Kṛttikā] [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Bharani] [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA sensually charismatic, agreeably theatrical, appreciative of romantic entitlements, harmoniously creative, aesthetically entertaining, graciious dramatic performance, financially speculative, musical-artistic students-adolescents, enjoys gambling, idealistic political relationships [Shukra-5] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA [Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] [preserving-collecting dhanesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [busy-collaborative sahaja-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Shani's dramatized discipline, displayed restrictions, showcase conventionalism [class-conscious dramatic ceremonial orthodoxy] [believes in divine right of kings] [maintains the celebrated credenda] [old priesthood performs mandatory bright display] [lawfully golden costumed patriarchs] [strict rules for public theatre] [fear of vulgar public entertainments] [dhanesha volatile conditions for heritage banking-finance] sahaja-pati benefits realistic understanding of business conditions and pragmatic patronage] [rigidly disciplined dogmatic showy father] [pragmaticly intelligent father may impose commercial judgments] [lawfully entitled father may be charming presbyter, harshly ideological preacher, regal ornaments curator, legally gambling shopkeeper] ..... [ritualizing-customary Magha-4] [navamsha Shani-Karkata] intuitively class-conscious patriotic protectionism
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI ideologically rigid, religiously regulatory, philosophically conventional, staunchly sermonizing, respectfully patronizing, doctrinally disciplined [Shani in Bhava-9] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI Shani-9 rules 3 + drishti into 3 = publications and announcements Lolek was a prolific writer and translator with countless numbers of short-term travel events [3] to his credit. All of his messaging was involved orthodox doctrine Shani in Bhava-9 was notably " able to accept" the misdoings of the Vatican banking shaming-scandal without undue mention of the numerous crimes and criminals involved [Shani in Bhava-9] maintains the priestly hierarchy
[Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-11 casts passionately profitable networked drishti into 3-5-7] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [deal-making passion for negotiated revenues] [over-reaching contractual profits] [ambitiously bargaining high-achieving friends] [desire to balance economic communities] [exhilarating partnership networks] [extraordinary matched fundraising] [hunger for adjusted earnings] [risk-rewarding exchange-oriented marketplace connectivity] [seeks importance in equable assemblies] ... [innovative-champion Viśākha-1] [navamsha Rahu-Mesha] intuitively over-reaching competitive drive to championship
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently forward-pushing, disintegrating inventiveness [unconcerned with speculation on originations and inventions] [abandons central roles based in nobility of birth] [surrenders romantic interest in bold adventures] [scattered innovative intelligence] [disengaged witness to championship games] [liberated from knightly-virtue entitlements] [disregard for drama of empty competition] [material relationship to children, especially but not exclusively the eldest, may physically dissolve. The spiritual relationship remains.] [passively fixated on ambitiously diplomatic-partnering Rahu-Tula-11 friends, socialites, earners, awards, revenues, economists, distributors, associates, community-links] ... [bargaining-adjusting Bharani-3] [navamsha Ketu-Tula] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Chandra-Kṛttikā] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Budha-Bharani] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - EVACUATING KETU Famed social activist with a particular speaking theme that the wealth of the northern lands ought to be shared with the impoverished southern countries. Shukra yuti Budha-yuti-Ketu occupies 5-politics |
" and now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |
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[Copyright 1994-2094 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |