

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Nakshatra of Mangala



Acacia Catechu, sacred to Mriga-sirasa


OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah

AUM som somaya namah



Professor Chandra

चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in



= मृग mga = deer, antelope + शिरस् shiras = head

= three stars including λ Orionis

इन्वका invakā = pervading

तारामृग tārā-mṛga

= तारा tara star + मृग mga deer, antelope

= the antelope-star

मृगोत्तमाङ्ग mṛga-uttama-aṅga

= मृग mga deer, antelope

+ उत्तमाङ्ग uttama-aṅga highest component [anga] of body = head

sensitive to mating scent

comforted by signaled movement

needs instinctive competition

needs to investigate

protectors of energized information

a social animal

the head of the deer

instinctual pursuit

emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid

conferred by the races of

Al-Masain = Meissa


within the vast constellation of



Aryam - Oriel - Osiris


Oregon Elk, Jan-2017

Oregon Dept of Wildlife

  1. Chandra in Aśvini - Dasra
  2. Chandra in Bharani - Yamya
  3. Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades
  4. Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran
  5. Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka
  6. Chandra in Arudra - Orion
  7. Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya
  8. Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya
  9. Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga
  10. Chandra in Magha - Regulus
  11. Chandra in Purva-phalguni
  12. Chandra in Uttara-phalguni
  13. Chandra in Hasta - Savitra
  14. Chandra in Chitra - Spica
  15. Chandra in Svati - Arcturus
  16. Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā
  17. Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra
  18. Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares
  19. Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta
  20. Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah
  21. Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva
  22. Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari
  23. Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus
  24. Chandra in Sadachbia - Varuna
  25. Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus
  26. Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda
  27. Chandra in Revatī - Pashu

Nakshatra kona of Mangala

In Mangala-ruled nakshatra, professor Chandra seeks emotional stability and security via productive activity, dynamic forward movement. and conquest.

Emotional alpha

Competitive, muscular, arrives First, innovates, instigates, high emotional vitality, can be dominating,; needs to Initiate

See also: Chandra in a nakshatra of Mangala

Each of the Mangala-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other dynamic, forward-pushing, mangala-ruled champions

Mrigashiras - Invaka

Power of Scent

[23:20-26:40 Chandra-Urisha-uchcha]

[dramatic-creative Mriga-1]

[Chandra mūlatrikoṇa]

[navamsha-Chandra-Simha] intuitively sensitive to entertaining political display


[26:40 until 30:00 Chandra-Urisha-uchcha]

[assisting-strategic Mriga-2]

[Chandra mūlatrikoṇa]

[navamsha Chandra in Kanya] intuitively sensitive to the suffering of others; helping argumentative calculating

[Chandra in Mithuna 00:00 until 03:20]

[arranging-trading Mriga-3]

[navamsha Chandra-Tula] intuitively sensitive exchanging deal-making arranging bargaining

[Chandra in Mithuna 03:20 until 6:40]

[secretive-emerging Mriga-4]

[navamsha Vṛścika Chandra] intuitively sensitive shocking discovering-revealing

unsorted Mriga Chandra

  • political leader father of Pakistan-PM 1988-90; 1993-96 Benazir Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto yuti Rahu

  • dramatist model Brooke Shields

  • dramatist model Claudia Schiffer

  • partner of golf champion Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren Woods

  • telejournalist Barbara Walters

  • USA Sen, sec-State 2013-2016, John Forbes Cohen-Kerry

Janma-Chandra in Mrigashira = detects the scent

  • Urisha = Shukra-Kuja-Chandra

  • Mithuna = Budha-Kuja-Chandra

  • Mangala and Chandra enjoy a Friendly relationship.

Mangala.jpgCompetitive and curious. Gifted with commercial sense. Often a people-person.

Nosy like a forest deer. Constantly traveling in company of the herd, sniffing and listening.

Chatty verbalizing personality. Needs to find out where everyone has been both physically and intellectually. Like to sniff out the thoughts and opinions of others.

Excellent interviewing, group-process, team-think and group facilitation skills. Much short-term travel to enjoy the company of those like-minded.

Usually comes to know a great many people and can intuitively read a person via an intuitive penetrating sense of scent.


POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson [dramatic-creative Mriga-1] [mūlatrikoṇa] [uchcha-Mrigashiras-Somana-yuti-Shani-Kṛttikā] [9, father, faith, principles, life-philosophy, worldview]

  • Claudia Taylor Johnson was famed for her quietly intense southern graciousness, her personal relationships with many political decision-makers, and her judgement of character.

Delightfully social but can be invasive.

Emotional instinct for getting into other people's business.

  • Excellent placement for investigative journalism, therapeutic counseling, confidential advising professions such as clinical medicine and criminal law, even police detective (if Mangala or randhresha-8 =strong).

Usually gentle-natured; easy to work with; and instinctively caring.

Natural host or hostess. Excellent placement for professional entertaining.

However, if the scent is unpleasant, Mriga-Chandra may turn suspicious and skittish.

May bolt in fearful reaction, due to emotional hair-trigger based on their sense of smell. (Kuja-Shukra; Kuja-Budha).

Curiosity leads to distant traveling and intriguing relationships with interesting people.


POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson [dramatic-creative Mriga-1] [mūlatrikoṇa] [uchcha-Mrigashiras-Somana-yuti-Shani-Kṛttikā] [9, father, faith, principles, life-philosophy, worldview]

  • during her husband's career in the USA-Senate and POTUS-3, CTJ travelled to more than 100 countries, meeting thousands of people and learning about their lives.

ChandrMriga_PotentillaMonarchs.jpgEmotionally inquisitive, needs to find out the essence of a person.

  • Often sniffing out others, likes to know where others have been, thus a pronounced ability in journalism, detective work, social research.

Likes to socialize in the supportive company of friendly fellow-travelers.

Excellent placement for social club and tavern owner, youth hostel, small hotel, entertainment promoters, performance managers, talent agents, schmoozers, and interviewing journalists.

'nosy', achatty verbalizing person, with a need [Chandra] to know where everyone has been both physically and intellectually.

Marvelous deer-like sense of smell. Like to 'sniff out' the thoughts and opinions of others. Excellent interviewing and group facilitations skills. Much short-term travel to enjoy the company of those like-minded.

  • Deep emotional need to travel and entertain.

Fear * cured by understanding

  • fear of invisibility , fear of losing the scent of the herd


Tule Elk, at the Punta Reyes National Seashore,

Marin County California USA

Navamsha Chandra occupies D-9 Mriga-sirasa

psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships



In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Mriga-shiras behavior.

Under emotional stress within relationships, mriga-shiras navamsha Chandra can evoke the native 's inner fear of abandonment, leading to compulsive roaming and obsessive sniffing into the business of others .

The partner needs a steady pattern of feeding and caring for family while traveling and finding out the business of others.

Partner may travel widely in season. However, the partner has a strong animal instinct toward family.


Stag in the forest [attribution unknown]


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