Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Chara-Sthira-Dvisva - Cardinal-Fixed-Dual |
राशि Rashi measure - dimension length - volume - amount rasher the sections Akhtar
12 Zodiacal Signs
of the jyotiṣavidya Solar Portion 12 rays of the Local Logos Tara-mandala = necklace of stars see also: the lunar portion Nakshatra राशि names in numerous languages Rashi Elements = |
[Chandra-Mesha] = comforted by forward pursuit = settled into warrior rhythms = needs vitality Chandra-Mesha paired with 12 indriya-lagna [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] comforted by precious values = settled into rhythmic gathering = needs luxury = mūlatrikoṇa 4-30 Chandra-Vrishabha paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Mithuna] = comforted by messaging = settled into rhythmic communications = needs mentality Chandra-Mithuna paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Karkata] = comforted by maternal soothing = settled into tidal rhythms = needs to protect Chandra-Karkata paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Simha] = comforted by creative display = settled into dramatic rhythms = needs attention Chandra-Simha paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Kanya] = comforted by remedial aid = sensitive to logical argument = needs to help Chandra-Kanya paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Tula] = comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements = sensitive to balance = needs to trade Chandra-Tula paired with 12 radical lagna [nīcha] comforted by mystery = sensitive to trauma-healing = needs healing discovery Chandra-Vṛścika paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Dhanus] = comforted by customary beliefs = settled into rhythmic received teachings = needs to feel wisely guided Chandra-Dhanus paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Makara-Draco] = comforted by hierarchy = sensitive to class-status = needs ritual ordering Chandra-Makara paired with 12 radical lagna [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] = comforted by friendship = sensitive to mass-participation gridworks = needs marketplace connection Chandra-Kumbha paired with 12 radical lagna [Chandra-Meena] = comforted by ancestral guidance = settled into rhythmic intuition = needs contemplative sanctuary Chandra-Meena paired with 12 radical lagna |
English cognate = rasher
Vocabulary for lemma = Rashi
राशि Rashi [Monier-Williams]
How to Match Rashi + Nakshatra :
RASHI SYSTEM The circle of the zodiac = 360 degrees 360 = divided into 12 Rashi
each 30 degree rashi = nine equal portions
One-ninth of a rashi = nava-amsha
नक्षत्र na-kṣatra NAKSHATRA SYSTEM The 360-deg celestial circle can also be subdivided into 27 Nakshatra
each nakshatra can be subdivided into 4 pada
One-ninth of a rashi = one navamsha = one-fourth of a nakshatra |
Elements = Mahabhuta = of 12 Rashi | ||||
Element |
Rashi |
Rashi |
Rashi |
Fire " T ejo-rashi = a heap or mass of splendor, i. e. all splendor. "~~ Monier-Williams p. 384 |
[Mesha - Aja] = Aries
[Simha - Leya]
= Leo
ruler = Sun |
[Dhanus - Haya]
Earth |
[Vrishabha - Urisha] = Taurus
[Kanya - Parthya] = Virgo | Makara - Draco= Capricorn | |
Air |
[Mithuna-Dvamdva] = Gemini |
[Tula - Vanika] = Libra
Kumbha - Ghata= Aquarius | |
Ap - Apah
Water |
Karkata = Cancer
Vṛścika - Thriketta = Scorpionis
Meena - Antya = Pisces |
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"So Yeshua said to them, "The light is among you for a little while longer.
Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going."
~~ Gospel of John, 12:35 |