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COHORT born 10 months after
born 8 months after
born four months after
NASCAR Champion Motorsports Racing a.k.a. The Intimidator a.k.a. The Man in Black a.k.a. The Count of Monte Carlo a.k.a. Mr. Restrictor Plate Earth-birth Sunday-29-Apr-1951 dematerialization 18-Feb-2001 [fatal racetrack crash, age 49] |
NASCAR motorsports racing champion [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing] Dale R. Earnhardt 1951-2001 birth data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Earnhardt tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = generated by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com - adapted by BP Lama |
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples Arudra - Orion * Trinetra BPL COMMENTARY For Arudra - Orion births of masculine valence, the disposition of mesmerizing, hypnotic, shadowy, exciting, passionate, ambitious, opportunistic, privilege-seeking Professor Rāhu may considerably affect the outcome . Exotics, ethnic mixers, opportunists, fascinators, mesmerizers, privilege-seekers, impostors, rogues, intensifiers of passion and desire, self-proclaimers, self-promoters, agents-provocateur , charlatans, masters of smoke and oils, and entrancingly ambitious persons may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from Orion. Their purpose is to communicate the passionate animal vitality via stormy, turbulent, swaying, exciting gesture and signal. Passionately Communicative [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] -ruled Arudra - Orion fellows are often found in muscular, passionate, body-intensive roles. Mesmerizing dancers, they use the communicative signaling of hands, shoulders, legs, hips, and pelvic thrust to great advantage. Stage performers of high excellence, arudra - Orion gentlemen are often admired for their pulsing sensuality and animal magnetism. Thiruvaathira chaps may be gifted in all varieties of manual labor, handcraft, commerce, painting, descriptive writing, evocative song-writing, and the arts of beckoning, seductive gesture [Budha]. Themes of stimulating signal patterns, passionate messaging, volatility, intense cycles of attraction-and-repulsion, and stormy outbursts may contextualize Arudra - Orion's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Arudra - Orion. |
QUOTATION Arudra from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra, p 81. " Corresponds with a healthy, robust body and nature.
He depends entirely on his muscles and his body to meet the demands of existence. Such being the case, laborers, professional athletes
Since such people are invariably exploited
In fact, poverty is predominant among them." [end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939] |
Biographical events matched to
Vimshottari Dasha
Mangala Mahadasha [age birth until age 4]
Sun-29-Apr-1951 Earth-birth in Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA * Mangala-Shani bhukti [Rahu Mahadasha] [age 4 until age 22]
1968 [DE age 17] consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with Latane Brown * Rahu-Shukra bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Meena-Kanya contact navamsha Chandra-Kanya 1969 [DE age 18] celebrated the birth of child-1 [Kerry]* Rahu-Shukra bhukti * Shukra putra-pati 1970 [DE age 19] divorce-1 legally concludes alliance-1 with Latane Brown * Rahu-Surya bhukti * Surya rules Ketu in 8th-from-Chandra 1971 [DE age 20] consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with daughter of race-car builder * Rahu-Chandra bhukti * Chandra activates navamsha-7 ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata contact Chandra-Makara 1972[DE age 21] celebrated the birth of child-2 * Rahu-Chandra bhukti * Chandra activates 7th-from-Chandra = 2nd child [Guru Mahadasha] [age 22 until age 38]
26-Sep-1973 [DE age 22] dad age 45] grieved decease of father, famed stock-car racer, Ralph Earnhardt, via heart-attack * Guru-Guru svabhukti * Guru rules 12th- from Surya 1982 [DE age 31] consecration of marriage-3-of-3 * Guru-Shukra bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact Mithuna indriya-lagna Shani Mahadasha [age 38 until decease age 49]
28-Jul-1996 [DE age 44] severe motorsports racing injury = hits wall at 200+ mph. Recovers after hospital treatment. * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 12-hospitalization, retreat 18-Feb-2001 [DE age 49] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via fatal racetrack crash during NASCAR Racing Championship * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra dhanapati-2 |
Distinctive features of the nativity
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] -- [uchcha] [busy-messaging sahaja-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays [usually is the eldest child, or elder sibling is highly entitled] [brightly visible kinetic center of community gatherings] [competitive economically focused instructional entrepreneur sahaja-pati] [radiant core of pioneering information-driven distribution systems] [champion of brilliant media-messaging] [self-confident delivery of energized dramatic announcements] [noble-knightly father may be marketplace earner, innovative networker , forward-pushing socialite, goal-achiever, engineer of proletarian social-participation] ... [dramatizing-displaying Bharani-1] [navamsha Surya-Simha] intuitively confident radiating celebrity display [uchcha-Bharani-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Bharani] -- [uchcha-Bharani-Surya-yuti-Budha-Aśvini]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively interlinked, brightly connected, charmingly friendly, regal style of maintaining community, intelligently goal-focused, creatively independent earnings, radiantly achieving, politically networked, splendidly associative, center-stage socialite icon [Surya in bhava-11] rules
CAREER - SPARKLING SURYA Born on Sunday, Earnhardt's economic earnings gained partly from following his father [uttama Arya-Surya -11] into the stock-car racing aristocracy. In the USA southeast region, naASCAR races occur on Sunday, traditionally the day of the Sun god [father] .
Many of Earnhardt's most devoted fans were devastated at his death because they believed him to be nearly immortal. Surya + bandesha-4 Budha ritual worship, routine, predictable, gatherings of the ethnicity at a common grounds in the countryside for seasonal festivals [racetrack] . Driving of " stock cars" -- normal commuter automobiles, shani-4 normalcy -- became vehicles of athletic competition with recognized titles [Surya] and awards for achievement [11] . [Budha-Mesha] yuti [Surya-Mesha-uchcha] surya + rogesha-6 Mangala-Mesha engines = in the gainful vriddhi-bhava-11. Earnhardt symbolized the perceptual shift of car-racing from a vulgar, uneducated rural sport into a game of championship [arya] FATHER Dad = Ralph Lee Earnhardt, alocally famous stock-car racing figure. In the day, automobile racing and truck racing champions could sometimes escape from the grinding poverty of underclass white life. [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [conserving-entreasuring dhanesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Chandra's orderly feelings, structured rhythms, class-conscious sensibilities [mysterious official family history dhanesha ] [intuitive mood-regulating sound-healer] [soothed by periodic social shocks] [needs psychic upheaval at fixed intervals] [attuned to transformation of rigid hierarchies] [dutiful feelings may suddenly stop-and-start] [at some juncture in the lifespan, old social status utterly dies, then catalytic rebirth into a new social class] [comfortable with disruptive public influence] [sympathetic to institutional tumult] [grounded by orderly rhythmic rejuvenation] [may sing-or-speak dhanesha for conventional emotional healing] [polite mother may know an unsettling lineage narrative] [class-conscious mother may have fluctuating ability to normalize her inner turmoil] [dignified mother may be socially proper yet structurally disguised, traumatized by government, unpredictable use of formality] ...... [analyzing-complaining Dhaniṣṭha-2] [navamsha Chandra-Kanya] intuitively sensitive helpful-critiquing
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sentimentally undisclosing, emotionally secretive, caretaker in dangerous situations, needs chaotic feelings, securely grounded through disastrous upheaval, anchored into sudden emergency response, sensitive to disguised dependencies, protected by camouflaged assets, sense of having hidden empowerments [Chandra in classroom-8] rules
dhanapati-2 Chandra-8 may affect longevity MOTHER Mom was a cloaked personality. Compared to her husband, who was a brightly radiant racing champion, she was a secretive figure. Mom preferred the role of a hidden supporter and protector. Mom was widowed [8] early. MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations [7th-from-Chandra-8] lifepartnership 1-of-3
2nd-from [7th-from-Chandra-8] lifepartnership 2-of-3
9th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-8] lifepartnership 3-of-3
[Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility] --- [svakshetra] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [gainful-friendly labha-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [energeticly advancing pursuit of economic gain] [dynamic investigation of new marketplace rewards] [fiercely motivated competition for revenues] [innovative use of physical force to reach group goals] [vigorous engineering of athleticly active friendship linkage] [gainful activation of dominating musclature for profitable purpose] [forward push toward stimulation of participatory earnings for the collective] [interconnected public-roles promote warrior accomplishments] [champion of community connection through engines, fuel, heat, invention, challenges, speed, fire] ... [balancing-bargaining Bharani-3] [navamsha Kuja-Tula] intuitively physicalized balancing arrangments [Bharani-Kuja-yuti-Surya-Bharani-uchcha] [Bharani-Kuja-yuti-Budha-Aśvini]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA [Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's competitive announcements, conquesting management style, pioneering interpretations [talks about earning awards for innovative work-accomplished] [delivers instruction on systematic achievement of championship] [populist pioneering narrative of mass-participation goals] [inventive dialog describes social communications gridwork] [gesturing ursuit of vigorously athletic masculine creative friendships] [discusses new energy networks within community arrays] [verbally dominant team-mates get material fruits] [sibling-cousin spouts rhetoric of supreme achievement] ... ... ... [teamworking-managing Aśvini-3] [navamsha Budha-Mithuna] intuitive commercial competition verbally promotes sales, marketing, advertising, explanations [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Surya-Bharani-uchcha] [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Mangala-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA friendly discussion, articulate distributor, community communicator, busy profitable networking, mercurial revenues, associatively gesturing, mass-participation messenger, fundraising conversations, chatty socialite, economic explainer [Budha in bhava-11] rules
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA economically connected, friendly, fundraising, goal-oriented, profit-seeking, distributive, socializing, connecting, systematic, gridworking, distributive, associative, profitable, goal-achieving [Budha in bhava-11] Mithuna indriya-lagna = 6th-from-Chandra Lagnesha Budha activates kārakāmsha bhava-4 = vehicles, pathways of Transportation, roads, cultural standards, rural areas, driving, Budha = repetitive loops, advertising, endorsements [Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] --- [svakshetra] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [dutiful-executive karmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [multiple high-visibility guidance roles] ;[broad-ranging social responsibilities] ... [calculating-analyzing Uttarabhādra-2] [navamsha Guru-Kanya] intuitively expansive wide-scope helping ministries of service
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU philosophical inspirational leadership, expansively regulatory, abundantly executive, jovial governor, multiple social responsibilities, numerous public duties, optimistic organizational directorships, broad-scope of elite authority positions [Guru in bhava-10] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI DE's third child, son Dale Earnhardt Junior, succeeded the father as a legendary motorsports competitor and champion. [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] - ;--- [svakshetra] [entitled-idealistic vidya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [withdrawing-private vyaya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] ... [displaying-demonstrating Mriga-1] [navamsha Shukra-Simha]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA pleasantly meditative, aesthetically contemplative, privately sensual, seeking balanced invisible arrangements, musically intuitive, harmoniously researching, prefering luxurious bedrooms, wealth-via-contractual agreements, attracted to imaginative companions [Shukra-12] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA [Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] [regulatory-hierarchical Uttaraphalgunī-2] [navamsha Shani-Makara] intuitively class-conscious lawful conformity
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI strictly boundaried, regulatory stability, orderly maintenance of cultural foundations, formally imposing ethnic habits, lawfully localized, seriously customary, responsibly parenting, conventionally patriotic, stubbornly respectful of Old Ways [Shani in Bhava-4] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI Shani occupies the doctrinal, ideological, elder-respecting, old-faith, strict philosophies, punitive, scarcity-preaching 9th-from-Chandra [Shani-Kanya] occupies the salt-of-the-earth kārakāmsha Kanya-4 = Earnhardt was chicken farmer by trade [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [righteous desire to expound systematically principled belief] [craving for exhilarating inspirational teaching on interconnectedness] [excitingly achievement-oriented ideologue] [marketplace worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture economics] [piously ambitious father may over-ride community doctrine] ... [champion-dominating Pūrvābhādra-1] [navamsha Rahu-Mesha] intuitively over-reaching passion for competitive championship Rahu rules ambitious, exciting, opportunistic, physicalized Arudra - Orion radical lagna
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment [disregards political discourse conventions] [eccentric idealistic publications] [incoherent speculative planning] empty theatrical announcements] [Groundless boasting instructions] [aimless self-reflexive bantering] [disconnected flamboyant windy talk] [liberating abstract demonstrative discussions] [scattered romantic mentality] [passively fixated on ambitiously preposterous, opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-9 indoctrinators, father-figures, preachers, public spiritual guides] ... [bargaining-arranging Pūrvaphalgunī-3] [navamsha Ketu-Tula]
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