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Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

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Samchara * Samkranta

Gochara Graha

Transits of the Planets

via Signs and Houses

  1. Mangala Gochara
  2. Rahu Gochara - samchara Rahu-Ketu - age birth-120
  3. Guru Gochara
  4. Shani Gochara via 12 Bhava via 12 Rashi - Shani Daiva
  5. Shani transit Calendar via Rashi = 1900-2099
  6. Ketu Gochara

Which other factors impact the outcomes?

The impact of any transiting graha depends almost entirely upon:

the prevailing Vimshottari Dasha period lords during the transii

the conditions which obtain in the bhava = Kumbha.

the planetary relationship between the ruler of the rashi, the temporal lord of the house, and the transiting graha

Transits do affect all of the 16 Parashari varga, but the first place to look for major effects = the radix kundali.


Duration of one apparent orbit of Surya-Siria around Terra = one Solar Return = 365.25 days = one earth-year

Surya Arya - Mesha Sankranta

Surya Staura - Vrishabha Sankranta

Surya Mithuna Sankranta

Surya Karkata Sankranta

Surya Singha Sankranta

Surya Parya - Kanya Sankranta

Surya Thula Sankranta

Surya Vṛścika-Thriketta Sankranta

Surya Dhanus Sankranta

Surya Makara Sankranta

Surya Kumbha Sankranta

Surya Meena Sankranta


Duration of one apparent orbit of Shukra around Surya = one Shukra Return = 225 days = 60% of one earth-year

Shukra via Dhanus * description

Mangala Gochara * Transits Mangala Main Page

Mangala transit via 12 bhava

Duration of one apparent orbit of Mangala around Surya = one Mangala Return = 687 days = 1.88 earth-years

  1. Mangala via Mesha * description
  2. Mangala via Vrishabha * description
  3. Mangala via Mithuna * description
  4. Mangala via Karkata * description
  5. Mangala via Simha * description
  6. Mangala via Kanya * description
  7. Mangala via Tula * description
  8. Mangala via Vṛścika * description
  9. Mangala via Dhanus * description
  10. Mangala via Makara * description
  11. Mangala via Kumbha * description
  12. Mangala via Meena * description

Rahu Gochara * Transits

Rahu Main Page
  1. Rahu samchara bhava-1
  2. Rahu samchara bhava-2
  3. Rahu samchara bhava-3
  4. Rahu samchara bhava-4
  5. Rahu samchara bhava-5
  6. Rahu samchara bhava-6
  7. Rahu samchara bhava-7
  8. Rahu samchara bhava-8
  9. Rahu samchara bhava-9
  10. Rahu samchara bhava-10
  11. Rahu samchara bhava-11
  12. Rahu samchara bhava-12

TRANSIT CALENDAR of rashi Ingress-Egress RAHU-KETU Transits * years 1900-2099

  1. Rahu via Mesha * description
  2. Rahu via Vrishabha * description
  3. Rahu via Mithuna * description
  4. Rahu via Karkata * description
  5. Rahu via Simha * description
  6. Rahu via Kanya * description
  7. Rahu via Tula * description
  8. Rahu via Vṛścika * description
  9. Rahu via Dhanus * description
  10. Rahu via Makara * description
  11. Rahu via Kumbha * description
  12. Rahu via Meena * description
Ketu Gochara * Transits Ketu Main Page

Ketu transits: effects in the 12 bhava

Ketu transits: effects upon the seven graha

TRANSIT CALENDAR of rashi Ingress-Egress RAHU-KETU Transits * years 1900-2099

  1. Ketu via Mesha * description
  2. Ketu via Vrishabha * description
  3. Ketu via Mithuna * description
  4. Ketu via Karkata * description
  5. Ketu via Simha * description
  6. Ketu via Kanya * description
  7. Ketu via Tula * description
  8. Ketu via Vṛścika * description
  9. Ketu via Dhanus * description
  10. Ketu via Makara * description
  11. Ketu via Kumbha * description
  12. Ketu via Meena * description
Guru Gochara * Transits

Guru Main Page

TRANSIT CALENDAR of Ingress-Egress Guru GOCHARA * years 1900-2099

Duration of one apparent orbit of Brihaspati around Surya = one Guru Return = 4333 days = 11.86 earth-years (usually considered as twelve years)

  1. Guru via Mesha * description
  2. Guru via Vrishabha * description
  3. Guru via Mithuna * description
  4. Guru via Karkata * description
  5. Guru via Simha * description
  6. Guru via Kanya * description
  7. Guru via Tula * description
  8. Guru via Vṛścika * description
  9. Guru via Dhanus * description
  10. Guru via Makara * description
  11. Guru via Kumbha * description
  12. Guru via Meena * description

How does the Saptarishi behave in transit?

Shri Guru is first and foremost an Expander .

Brihaspati, the Lord of the Gods, is expansive, inclusive, non-judgmental, open-minded, open-armed, positive, golden, abundant, fertile, big, wise, and generous.

Guru may exhibit all of these traits and behaviors during His annual transit through each of the 12 rashi portions.

However, naatural conditions in each rashi may support, constrain, or neutralize Guru's perpetual attempt to expand and philosophize, depending on the character of the rashi.

Comfortable travel zones for Guru

Less comfortable tourist zones for itinerant Guru

  • Guru encounters too much restriction in rigid, hierarchical Makara - Draco, where Brihaspati experiences a feeling of "nīcha" disabled.

  • Brihaspati is a bit more comfortable in the distributed but still tightly regulated lateral systems of Kumbha - Ghata . (Guru and Professor Shani; are technically neutral toward each other)

General Effects of Guru Gochara

Surya radiates with self-confidence.

Chandra comforts and protects in the ancient rhythmic folkways.

Kuja ces the war for truth.

  • Guru gochara Mesha vigorously but playfully promotes innovation in philosophical teaching

[Ketu] surrenders and withdraws from active engagement.

Budha the Explainer delivers sermons, interpretation, and arguments. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

  • Brihaspati gochara Mithuna expands the range of descriptive and instructional vocabulary and media for spiritual discourse, ritual chants and prayers.
  • Guru gochara Kanya delivers theological argumentation, and outreach to the sick, exploited and marginalized classes

Shukra luxuriates in sense pleasures and beauty.

  • Guru gochara Vrishabha develops the sensual experience of contact with Divine pleasures, fertilizing the herds and the fruit of the fields
  • Guru gochara Thula expands the range of diplomatic agreement between doctrines and beautifies the architectural space in places of worship

Professor Shani restricts and orders.

  • Guru gochara Makara expands the regularized social structure of hierarchical, institutionalized religion and its lawful priesthoods

[Rahu] ambitiously self-promotes toward higher privilege.

  • Guru gochara Kumbha expands the scope of networked religious communities and promotes unusual, perhaps expedient [Rahu] styles of preaching to large-scale popular participation


Shani Gochara via 12 Bhava via 12 Rashi


As a novice student of Jyotisha I am struggling to make sense of your comments about my "gochara" planets (transits) and their effects. I thought the main influence in my life was the bhukti-pati.

Gochara effects confuse me! Do gochara planets overpower the bhukti-pati?

Also, planets are transiting constantly.

Do I need to keep track of all seven planets plus Rahu-Ketu, all the time?

I thought only tropical astrology cared about phenomena like "Mercury retrograde " .


Great question! Interpretation of transits is one of the most significant technical differences between Jyotisha and tropical astrology. In tropical technique, all transits have influence all the time, with the larger-mass planets considered to have weightier effects.

In Jyotishavidya - except for Shani and Rahu-Ketu - most transits have noticeable effect ONLY when the transiting planet is ALSO empowered as the active Mahadasha-pati or bhukti-pati.

Q: Namaste Barbara,

I am aware that Shani s transit in a sign is somewhere around 2-2.5 years.

Does the sign entry and exit sometimes last shorter than 2 years? I was looking at the Saturn transit table on your website.

I'm looking at the years 1967 and 1995.

On 12/19/1966, professor Shani; entered Pisces, but on 6/16/1968, he had already entered Aries. Isn't this transit only for 1.5 years?

Same thing with 1993: entered Aquarius on 11/9/1993 and exited to Pisces on 6/1/1995, again making that around 1.5 years.

I guess my question is a simple one. I always thought his transit was for at least 2 years, but it seems like that's not the case sometimes. Is this some astronomical phenomenon? Or is there some larger Jyotisha pattern that I'm not necessarily seeing? Any help would be appreciated.


A: Namaste ,

Yes, the Shani Transit Calendar is difficult to read. It was composed decades ago by a software programmer (not me) who was using the best available data at the time. It would be better if it were re-designed visually and the ayanamsha was slightly corrected.... Maybe some nice person can do that some day! (not me)

One reason that table is so hard to read is the way rashi-ingress-egress is listed.

It's true that Professor Shani 's transit via one rashi has a duration of approximately 2.3 years. However, during those 2.3 years, professor Shani might not remain in the main rashi. Shanaicarya might (from Earth perspective) seem to * retrograde * vakragati * backward * crooked * Bent * vakri * into the 'previous' rashi for several months continuously.

Also He might seem to go forward (ingress) into the subsequent rashi for a few days or few months, then afterwards He can apparently retrograde into the main rashi for awhile before He goes straight again.

Depending on where is the Earth relative to Professor Shani; when we earthlings are looking at Him, professor Shani 's samchara via a single rashi can actually contain several short (apparent) periods of residence in either the previous rashi or the subsequent rashi.

If the reader can keep in mind that the 2.3 year transit through a single can contain several apparent brief ventures out of the rashi (into the previous rashi or into the subsequent rashi) then the table might be easier to negotiate.

But still it would be nice if someone might have the time to design and verify a Professor Shani; transit table that was easier for the eyes of the reader.

Wishing you every happiness and best success in Jyotisha studies,

Sincerely, bP Lama, Jyotisha

Professor Shukra, professor Surya, and Professor Chandra are very fast-moving"inner" planets which frequently change their rashi of residence and thus the base from which they cast their drishti.

  • therefore, in general, based only on the fact that you are in the midst of the Shukra-Surya-Chandra section of your current mahadasha,

  • we can predict that 1/2002-1/2007 will be a 6-year block of your lifetime which contains many changes.

Events in the Shukra-Surya-Chandra section of any mahadasha move quickly, compared for example to the events of Shani bhukti of any mahadasha.

Periods of Professor Surya, especially, are fast-clippers - and your Surya is capable of making quick forward strides in career because He is the [uchcha] karmesha.

Also, because Shukra, surya, and Chandra sit on the 6/12 axis we know that the environment in which most of the changes occurs is the environment of 6/12.

6/12 is a liminal axis that represents the boundaries or borders between parallel life and current life, and between different levels of identity (national, ethnic etc.) in the current life.

Foreign countries and their borders, pilgrimage and loss of identity, dreams and visions, enemies and litigation, debts/financing and poverty, health and disease. The movement between first world and third world cultures very accurately exemplifies the 6/12 axis.

[This client, during samchara Rahu-Ketu in 6/12 rashi AND Surya bhukti, embarked on a highly successful immigration law practice.]

During a Budha-Shukra bhukti , * do* pay close attention to transits of Budha, shukra, and maintain a constant background awareness of transiting Saturn.

Professor Shani = so big and so slow that He always has an effect on absolutely everyone, although the nature of His effect will vary according to His bhukti, His location in radix etcr.

During a Budha-Surya bhukti , * do* pay close attention to transits of Budha and Surya, and maintain a constant awareness of Professor Shani.

One of the several reasons to predict success on your exams = this week Surya will cast 1/7 drishti on radix Budha, while Professor; Surya transits bhava-12, ahouse of immigration, permeable boundaries between countries/identities, and losses [such as person's loss of their former status, loss of their cultural identity etc].

Normally the results of Professor Surya transiting Libra -- His nichha rashi;

-- signifies a conflict between Surya's natural self-centered radiance and Tula's environmental rules for balanced relationships and a culture of gracious agreements. But for you at this time it is beneficial because of the specific subject matter -- immigration, loss of identity, etc.-- which you are training to represent to the public through your law practice.

Also Samchara Ravi transits opposition to Shukra, who rules your bhava-7 of legal settlements and agreements achieved (7) after conflict (6). Samchara Surya forecasts success in highly contentious matters, after a period of disagreement, surya representing individual rights and entitlements may be empowered to create [Surya] a new agreement.

During your Budha-Chandra bhukti * do* pay close attention to transits of Budha and Soma, with constant awareness of Saturn. Of course Chandra changes signs every two days, so tracking the actual movements of Chandra could make the tracking astrologer completely crazy!

Chandra bhukti usually fluctuate according to the emotional qualities of natal Chandra position. Those who have selected a karma of mentally or emotional illness may experience additional instability during Vimshottari periods of Chandra or periods of the ruler of Chandra. For a healthy person like yourself, the most important samchara effects occur when a larger graha in motion in the sky moves into a position where it casts drishti upon Chandra.

E.g., your radix Soma occupies a rashi of Makara. Should Professor Shani; enter the rashi of Tula, rashi of Vṛścika, rashi of Makara, or rashi of Karkata during the mahadasha or bhukti of Chandra, then Professor Shani would characteristically restrict Chandra's emotional expression. A personal experience of emotional maturity, caution, social responsibility over personal need, sobriety and realism would be expected.

For you with the Chandra-Makara placement, when Professor Shani transits the rashi of Makara, the effect is called Sade-Sati = "Seven and a Half".

The 7.5 years of Professor Shani 's transit contact 3 rashi zones,

  1. The first portion of Saade Sati = Shani's transit via the rashi preceding Chandra.
  2. The second portion of Saade Sati = Shani's transit via the rashi containing Chandra.
  3. The third portion of Saade Sati = Shani's transit via the rashi following Chandra.

For you, the three rashi impacted during every Sade-Sati are Dhanus, makara, and Kumbha.

The core experience occurs when Shani transits Makara; However, if any graha occupy either Dhanus or Kumbha then the full experience may indeed endure [Shani] for the full period of seven years. For nativities which contain no graha in the rashi preceding or following Chandra,; Sade-Sati effects are only experienced during the 2.3-year era of Shani's transit via the rashi of Chandra.

Sade-Sati is a potentially high-impact transit which can be emotionally devastating, associated with the death of the mother and other experience of"freeze-up of emotional sustenance" .

Some of the most extreme possibilities for Sade-Sati can manifest when Sade-Sati occurs simultaneously with a Vimshottari Mahadasa of Chandra, because that is the time in the nativity when the life script is tightly focused on Professor Chandra's classroom of emotion.

However, it is important to appreciate that Sade-Sati is not a special pre-incarnationally planned punishment! It is a carefully crafted section of the Learning Pathway which contains a growth process that is very intentional in spiritual maturation of every adult.

Sade-Sati causes awareness of inner resources which allow the adult to support and nourish one's own self. The beneficial results of Sade-Sati include deeper wisdom, compassion, and emotional maturity.

If we overlay upon this block of time containing many changes another block of time which is the Rahu-Ketu transit through axis of the two houses which contains your Budha, shukra, surya, and Chandra AND natal Rahu-Ketu = 10/2004-3/2005

  • it can be predicted with considerable certainty that this brief period 10/2004-3/2005 will be the peak of lifetime volatility during which your thoughts, emotions, health, behavior, relationships, public standing, and more will undergo a violent roller-coaster type of turbulence.

Rahu incites one to ambitious acts of bravado arising from a surge of desire.

However, although Rahu always causes an upset, the longer-term results of that upset might be surprisingly favorable - especially if you naturally enjoy adventure! During Rahu-Ketu transit 10/2004-3/2005 undoubtedly you will be prone to overwhelming passions including deep animosity. That will be the hard part, to gain the consciousness required to accept animosity as the carry-over effect of parallel lives which is only habitual - NOT REAL! - in the current lifer.

Whether or not you are blessed enough to transform the animosity of the 18-month transit, you will surely enter into a new phase of life during the period 10/2004-3/2005 because Rahu-Ketu induce a skin-shedding/new skin of social identity every 9 years.

The new identity components will come mainly from Shukra and Surya, the bhukti-patis which are receiving Rahu's impact. Shukra as your 8/11 lord gives intensity the samchara Rahu-Ketu effect, we note that the gochara nodes will simultaneously excite the dushthamsha 6/12 axis in navamsha, causing your partner to feel disruptive passions as well.

As Bepin Behari writes, navamsha Shukra in Aries 6th house is an uncomfortable position for the spouse's mental, emotional, social, and financial health.

  • " Any upsurge of carnal passion or the slightest temptation towards profligacy may drive you headlong into trouble. At worst you may suffer from venereal ailments and end up heavily in debt.

  • You will not always be well spoken of. Such experiences teach, though very slowly, the desirability of basic honesty in human relationships."

Therefore, the concurrent phenomena of Shukra bhukti plus Rahu-Ketu transit through Shukra in your 6/12 navamsha will be difficult for your love life and your partner's love life too.

Luckily your Surya bhukti follows while Rahu-Ketu continues to transit Surya in both rashi and navamsha. Surya is much more helpful in dusthamsha houses, and he usually gives good career results as the exalted 10th lord, so Budha/Surya will be an easier bhukti for you. (You were probably ready for some good news, yes?)

There are many different cycles and planetary relationships to keep in mind simultaneously when offering a Jyotisha diagnosis/prognosis.

Most Jyotishi meditate daily to clear their minds in preparation for the complexity of the analysis and the demand of deep intuition. Jyotisha is not a science but rather Jyotisha is a vidya - a huge, internally consistent body of knowledge which is accessible ONLY by a COMBINATION of intellectual analysis and psychic intuition.

I hope the above comments are helpful in your beginning studies, as you contemplate you own nativity. Soon, you will be able to read other's charts and forecast for them. It's very nice to have the "big picture" through Jyotisha. Most people unfortunately live from year to year without any organizational plan, and as a result they waste much precious earth-time pursuing reactive, repetitive, deluded behavior. i

  • If you are intrigued with the possibility of predicting your own future, at least in broad outline, and you are willing to study and meditate for a few years, acquiring Jyotisha knowledge can help reduce this waste.

Not only that, it's very comforting to know what the life experience of one's own family, mate, and colleagues is likely to be for the duration of their own incarnations. In the most comfortable case, when one's true motive is compassionate action, Jyotisha is a very valuable aid to knowing what people really need and how you can best support them.

Enjoy your studies!

Q: Dear Barbara ji,

I hope this meets you well.

I came across your name and got the impression that you have a very accomplished insight into astrology. I hope you don't mind, but I just had a very quick question. I am embarrassed to even ask, but a sentence from you may really put my mind at rest!

I have been reading a few things online about the very recent Saturn-Mars conjunction that took place in Scorpio. For the past few weeks, ihave experienced severe anxiety (on and off), with panic attack symptoms as well as some depressive tendencies. I have been advised that this is due to the aforementioned conjunction. I understand that Mars left its associated with Saturn on 18th September and moved onto Sagittarius.

My anxiety/depressive feelings eased suddenly overnight. Yesterday (19th September), ifelt euphoric and positive all day... as an amateur to astrology, it gave me faith in the science of it! However, in the evening, my anxiety spiked up a few times and some panic/depressive feelings returned. Today, although not as intense as it has been the past few weeks, iam feeling quite low, alittle anxious and mainly just very frightened that the intensity of the mental anguish I experienced recently will hit me again!

My only question is - is this normal? Can it sometimes take a few days, etc. for our mind to completely be eased from the Saturn-Mars tension, which would explain my slight 'relapse' yesterday and today?

I appreciate much of it is to do with our own thinking and mindset. However, knowing that planetary transit can sometimes take a little time to take full effect will reassure me that I can't expect a complete transformation overnight, and that things are likely to get better!

I do 4 daily malas for a Haridra Ganesha idol, which is supposed to be remedic. I'm not sure of anything else I can be doing!

I will consider even the shortest response from you a sign of great courtesy and kindness.

Thanking you,

A: Namaste,

In Jyotisha, emotional wellness and emotional ailment are functions of Chandra Selena Soma Anna Nanna Innana Dianna.

Earth's local Moon controls hormones. Chandra push-pulls the liquid flow of the fleshbody in the same way, and on the same schedule, as Chandra push-pulls the tides of the oceans.

therefore, if one is seeking a Jyotisha model to explain emotional fluctuation, look to Chandra.

Track the Chandra bhukti in the Vimshottari Dasha first of all. Then assess Chandra's rashi and bhava and incoming drishti and relationship to Rahu-Ketu. Identify Chandra's characteristics in the radical kundali D-1 and within the navamsha D-9.

Some questions to ask about emotional well-being:

Which graha rules Chandra and what are its behaviors? Which graha are transiting contact to the radical Chandra placement or the navamsha Chandra placement? Is the person enduring a Sade-Sati transit or a Shani Ashtamsha transit?

Check the daily tithi and its classical associations to get a microscopic view of the individual day. Check gochara graha.

Also track the planetary rulers of 6th-from-radical lagna (social-material conflict, including interpersonal disagreement and personal disease) and [6th-from-Chandra] (emotional conflict). Perhaps most importantly, learn the Jyotisha characteristics of Chandra's nakshatra which can help define persons and environments that feel secure and comfortable.

Transits * samchara - gochara

If Shani and Mangala were transiting the position of your Chandra in either D-1 or D-9, then there might be a Jyotisha correlation between your self-reported emotional fluctuation and the movement of the electro-magnetic radios called "planets" via the coordinating sectors of the Earth's sky.

However, planetary transits in-and-of-themselves are not causative in Jyotisha.

To have a personal effect, the transiting graha must contact the kundali location of a graha or a lagna within the birth chart. Furthermore, transits to the kundali graha are usually only significant when that graha is the active ruler of the dasha period.

(There are a few notable exceptions However, such as Sade-Sati and shani ashtamsha which have a noticeable impact even when Chandra is not the bhukti-pati.)

If you are experiencing emotional volatility to the degree that it inspires fear or anxiety, the best advice would be to consult a reputable Ayurvedic medical practitioner and seek advice regarding the management of emotional fluctuation using herbal medicines, food diet and lifestyle adjustments. A qualified Ayurvedic physician can often consider a Jyotishavidya nativity

within their diagnostic assessment.

Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors,


Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya


How Readings Work - Sample Gem Recommendation Report - Seva

Om_mani.jpgfile updated: 24 July 2024

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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Professor Shani; Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

"And he said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Matthew 52 (International Standard Version)