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![]() Bhava-11 rulers = Shani - Rāhu Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Vimshottari Periods of the Rulers of Bhava-1-to-12 Ruler of bhava-11 occupies the 12 bhava |
OM sham shanaishcharaye namah AUM eim hreem rahuve namah Learning Pathway 11 networks & Systems Bhava-11 लाभ lābha = gain, profit, obtainment, advantage आय āya = revenue, profit, income, gain प्राप्ति prāpti = act of getting, receipt वृद्धि vṛddhi = aggregate, interest, increase, increment 11th-from-any-lagna = earnings 11th-from-Chandra = yearnings co-ruled by Professor Shani +++ Professor Rahu Earnings and Yearnings publicly recognized expression of values 10th-from-2nd knitted structure of nets and knots regulated intention = goals and gains regulated extension of systems economies, network s, webs, communities, empire Prizes and Prices samsaric achievement Vriddhi-pati-11 in the 12 bhava
decoration of the Tuman Aqa complex. Samarkand, Uzbekistan |
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" We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.
When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect." - Aldo Leopold (1886- 1948) |
" Your friends are God's way of apologizing for your family." | ||
QUOTATION from Pema Chödrön, The Places that Scare You , pages 12 " We can begin anything we do—start our day, eat a meal, or walk into a meeting—with the intention to be open, flexible, and kind. Then we can proceed with an inquisitive attitude. As my teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche used to say, "Live your life as an experiment. At the end of the activity, whether we feel we have succeeded or failed in our intention, we seal the act by thinking of others, of those who are succeeding and failing all over the world. We wish that anything we learned in our experiment could also benefit them." |
table of 12 subportions of bhava-11 Labha Bhava: Angles to the 12 Houses bhava-2"stored wealth" vs. bhava-11"revenue stream" Gains and Achievements via 11th-from Vriddhi-pati-11 goes to 12 bhava Surya in bhava-11 bhava-11 characteristics can indicate the general longevity of the biomother * 8th-from-4th Economies and Ecologies Ordered, linked Systems Prizes and Material Achievements Fruits, results, outcome, Gain, achievement of Material Goals - 11th-from = fruits, profii distributive and associative networks; communities decarceration = release from prison [12th-from-12] [complex, diverse, extensive, lateral, regulated systems popularity and prizes, communities, economiesand ecologies, distributive networks, connections, income, gainfulness, material achievements, marketplace, large gatherings, social participation activism, opportunities for economic participation, fan-clubs, support networks Economic systems, community, network s, Friendship, Gain, and Goals; Nervous system, skin friendships, social network, community, revenues, collectivity, mass movements, social participation goals, material achievements
![]() shareholders meeting |
Vocabulary for Labha bhava
~~ QUOTATIONs from ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de labh
-- V. S. Apte, Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary , p. 1358 Aaya
QUOTATION from Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273) Selected Poems (Penguin Classics) Translated by Coleman Barks with John Moyne A Community of the Spirit There is a community of the spirit. Join it, and feel the delighi of walking in the noisy streei and being the noise. Drink all your passion, and be a disgrace. Close both eyes to see with the other eye. Open your hands, if you want to be held. Sit down in the circle. Quit acting like a wolf, and feel the shepherd's love filling you. At night, your beloved wanders. Don't accept consolations. Close your mouth against food. Taste the lover's mouth in yours. You moan, " She left me. He left me." Twenty more will come. Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being." |
BPL Commentary WRT bhava-11 GUNA social-economic networks, achievement of material goals, linkages via friendship, large assemblies, fayres and rallies, marketplace gains, praised and socially rewarded accomplishments, network s of voluntary association, children's marriages; elder sibling, father's siblings, and elder mentors, community development, body's skin and nerves friendly, gainful, economic-systems, gridworked, social-networking 11th-amsha defines labha-bhava. Vriddhi-sthāna = /birth place of gainful, guna, increasing/ Vriddhi-bhava = Shani's svabhava co-ruled by Rahu . Any activity of the rule-breaker rogue Rahu in bhava-11 is usually profitable if not always legitimate. Bhava-11 is the only sthāna in which all of the papa-graha = Surya, mangala, shani, and Rahu = do a good job. The marketplace is built upon a complex infrastructure of social relationships, arule-driven system governed by multiple levels of law and policy. Yet due to risk-rewarding Rahu's influence, the hierarchy-threatening risks which are not allowed in conservative bhava-10 = encouraged in gainful, universal bhava-11. Vriddhi-bhava = increasing scope of goals and achievements. Here both are permitted: Shani's inflexible rules of scientific system-maintenance and the convention-penetrating innovative pursuits of Mangala which extends the reach of the economic rules. economies, connections, webs, assemblies, the marketplace, the electorate, the masses, collectivity, Large Groups, social movements, goal-oriented social activism, social participation, principled communal living, regulated lateral systems, associative distribution networks The Mark (marche, market) = common low pastureland + water-well in ancient village structure where folks come to meet (e.g., Kumbh = coomb = hollow, low place), common-wealth , marché , market, market value, market economy, marketplace, mapped pathways mercatus, merchandise, to march, to mark, to measure, the Mark (unit of market currency) arena, assembly, agora (the low Shani place where people gather in common) Gains, Goals, And the Achievement of Objectives = "the Take" Outcome, results, returns, progress, profits, fruition infrastructure, development of regulated linkage, opportunity, interlocking sets of friends, elder sibling, father's brothers, mentors income via any marketplace channel: rents, royalties, dividends, bonus, salary bhava-11 = house of Shani = Lawful Natural Communities by 11th-from-Lagna Community, income, friendships: earnings, salary, friends, science, income, profits; networks (cosmic, conceptual, electronic and social); goals and accomplishments, large gatherings, large groups; ideologies and social connections . Fifth marriage. Views of // Labha // [the extent to which the native is] making a favorable turn, connecting, meeting, and gaining permission
QUOTATION Das commentary
If 11 has at least one beneficial placement attribute. and 11 has at least one beneficial placement attribute. "Your wealth and other forms of gain are improved.If there is an elder sibling, they may be very successful and be of help to you." |
It Matters Who Your Friends Are
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso Lighting the Way, pages 31-32 . " In relation to the attainment of liberation from cyclic existence, which is known also as "definite goodness "; the role of other sentient beings is indispensable. In the Buddhist understanding, the key spiritual practices that lead to the attainment of liberation are the Three Higher Trainings:
The last two are based upon the foundation of the first, naamely the training in morality.
This is how we come to the powerful realization that the role of other sentient beings is essential in all areas of our mundane and spiritual activities." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Shri B.V. Raman. 300 Important Combinations . #59. Vidyuta Yoga Definition - When the 11th lord is in deep exaltation and joins Venus in a Kendra from the lord of the lagna ,
Here Venus, the 11th lord and Lord of Lagna are required to be disposed in a particular manner. Venus is the planet of pleasure and comforts, whereas the lord of the 11th indicates gains. Naturally, when the Lagna is strong,
QUOTATION -- Madhya Parashari, sarga-9, shloka-11 "The eleventh house for gains; elder brother [sibling]; ears; and thigh." |
BPHS Sarga-7,
" Whatever effects are to be known from .. Labha Bhava be also known from similar bhavas counted from Surya. ... |
BPHS Sarga-7,
Whatever results are to be known from ... Labha, ... should also be known from the ... 11th... from Chandra respectively." |
Gains , income, fruition, achievement of Goals 11 = Kumbha = distributive and associative networks = economies of all types (not only financial).
VIEW of WEALTH-Entreasurement-WORTH reserves bhava-2 stored wealth vs. revenue bhava-11 income stream
Earnings and Yearnings Hopes, dreams, wishes, desires, attainments Labha bhava is all about obtaining PERMISSION, the right to enter, right to communicate, right to circulate, right to gain information. It is the house of ambitions and aspiration, manifestation and achievement. The seed energy of all manifestation is the wish, hope, desire, or dream that gets it all started. Benevolent planets in labha bhava show the type and quality of permission in the person's life. When permission levels are high, one may experience satisfaction of needs, and gaining of pleasurer. [uchcha- Budha] in labha gives unlimited permission to gain system-related information regarding every variety of economy = social, financial, conceptual, biological, etc. Also, grants a network of highly communicative, well-connected, often mentally gifted friends. [uchcha] Shani in 11th makes a tremendously hard worker who holds a dedicated commitment to improve one's material circumstances. Through significant effort, one obtains significant material gains. Rahu-11 in almost any rashi much amplifies the ambition for material gain, and exaggerates the desire to associate with persons from a diverse variety of demographic backgrounds. Major marketplace revenues during Vimshottari periods of Rahu. Rahu-11 is strongest when in His uttama-amsha = Vrishabha rashi pinched graha in Labhasthāna show the person lacks permission even to wish for better things. Without the initiating desire, nothing happens. Cramped conditions in labha-bhava give poor circulation in the physical embodiment and also in the marketplace, resulting in limited flow of resources, especially information. |
bhava-11 = one's Immediate elder Sibling and father's younger brother, as well as "those who have gone before" who are just slightly ahead of one on life's path.
uncle (n.) Late 13c., from Old French oncle, from Latin avunculus " mother's brother" (" father's brother" was patruus), literally " little grandfather," diminutive of avus " grandfather," from PIE root *awo- " grandfather, adult male relative other than one's father" (source also of Armenian hav " grandfather," Lithuanian avynas " maternal uncle," Old Church Slavonic uji " uncle," Welsh ewythr " uncle" ). Replaced Old English eam (usually maternal; paternal uncle was fædera), which represents the Germanic form of the root (source also of Dutch oom , old High German oheim " maternal uncle," German Ohm " uncle" ). |
If Vriddhi-pati-11 is strong and well-placed
if Vriddhi-pati-11 = uttama or otherwise exceptionally strong,
ne may gain substantially from the matters signified by that exalted graha.
Kumbha-1 can become independently financially privileged if both bhava (3) and (11) are powerful. |
Friends , friendliness, network s human and technological Kumb = "low place, hollow, flatland, broadland" Naturally, the marketplace is a gathering arena for friends.
bhava-11 activates free associations, networking, setting and achieving goals, and the marketplace of good and ideas. Labha-sthāna is Shani's svabhava but it is oh-so important to remember that bhava-11 is co-ruled by Renegade Rahu the Opportunist.
Due to Rahu's influence, risk which is not allowed in bhava-10 is encouraged in bhava-11. Vriddhi-bhava = goals and achievements, involving both inflexible rules of science and the extension of rule-driven connectivity which permits access to those who understand the rules of the system. Vriddhisthāna = site of social participation via extension of lawful opportunity to participate which is granted to previously unconnected classes of ideas, people, behaviors, and objects. |
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