Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
Chandra-Vṛścika qualities of the life-partner Chandra-Vṛścika measured from 12 radical lagna
OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah AUM som somaya namah
चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner Professor Chandra सोमso-ma= moon, soma-sacrifice सु su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon शशिन् shashin = moon, containing a hare ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations आत्ममय ātma-maya = my own self-essence जलमित्र jala-mitra = friend of waters निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator resides in वृश्चिक वृश्चन vṛścana = scorpion वस्कराटिका vaskarāṭikā = scorpion कालक kālaka = scorpion आलि āli = scorpion, bee, swarm नक्र nakra = swarm of bees or wasps कीट kīṭa = insect, stinger Mens - Mind - Moon = Monday Nanna - Anna - Di-ana - Inanna Sin - Sinai - Selene - Serena - Luna Aah - Iah occupies Scorpionis Escorpi The Transformer comforted by mystery sensitive to trauma-healing needs discovery the martyr-mother Skillful and unskillful use of Emotional Poisons, such as retaliation and revenge
Janma Sade-Sati
EXAMPLE Janma rashi = Vṛścika [Chandra in classroom-1] [nīcha] [1 tangible personality, embodiment, vitality, innovative movement] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra high visibility, customary social position, familiar leadership, routinely recognized duties are performed in the dramatizing, displaying, demonstrating, celebrated, entertaining, politicized style of Simha-10] [comforted by embodiment of secret empowerments] [emotional bound to hidden patronage] [needs to follow the pulse of the ancient regenerating rhythms] [physically feels the flow of old routes and dangerous pathways] [instinctively secure in culturally-attuned mysterious divine-wisdom roles] [personal sympathy for the healers and discoverers] [moves through familiar routines of transformative initiation] [uses vital intuitive energy to pursue principled exploratory innovation] [soothed by occult beliefs] [sensitive to evolutionary identity change] [needs direct physical control of their psycho-poltical environment] [usually has a career in political display, ritual ceremony, or dramatic entertainment] [catalytic mother may be sensitive psychic, protective emergency-responder, or local interventionist] ****** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4 soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-2] [nīcha] [2, finance, family heritage, face, food, storytelling] [dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties are conducted in the Simha-11 profitable style. Known creatively displaying, game-playing, entitled friendship interlinkage] [comfortable with mysteriously sourced wealth] [needs to hide stored assets within the family coffers] [visible leadership roles based in secret heritage] [soothed by transformed speech and masked values] [intriguing voice-face appeals to hierarchical orders] [alert to the familiar narrative of sudden forceful eruption] [soothed by undulating initiatory emergencies] [calmed by intensively spicy-pitta food-and-drink] [sense of belonging to a camouflaged elite family] [profound need for opaquely sealed financial security] [mother may be the controlling center of the family] -------- [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-3] comfortable with cohort * familiar with messaging * needs to communicate [nīcha] [friendly-economic vriddhi-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Simha-12. Known for dramatizing, brightly self-confident, entitled style of imagination, cloistering, fantasizing sanctuary enclosure] [comforted by explaining mysterious secrets] [sensitive to prying conversations] [calmed by control via planning schedules itineraries] [soothed by revolutionary announcements] [empathetic with traumatized audiences] [busy sensitive catalytic discovering manager] [needs economically profitable dangerous exploration projects] [talks about evolutionary threats to foundational culture [sentimentally fluctuating occult mentality] [psychicly manipulative mother may be concealing shopkeeper, undisclosing manager, hidden handcrafter, disguised businesswoman, obtrusive media-messenger] ****** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[nīcha] -- [svabhava] [dikbala] [contemplative-retreating vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties are conducted in the Simha-1 style, political theatrical, demonstrating, flamboyant, self-confident personality] [comforted by stable habitual secrecy] [culturally sensitive to familiar rhythms of discovery] [needs to sense the ancient pulse of transformational flow] [protector of the ancestral rejuvenating pathways] [emotionally aligned to hidden routines] [environmentalist feelings attuned to eruptive watery deva] [anchoring mother may be an invasively exploratory schoolteacher, householder, farmer, police-officer, local trauma-healer]
****** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge
[Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk [Chandra in classroom-5] [nīcha] comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs discovery [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = collecting, preserving, enriching, storytelling, linguistic, musical, heritage, knowledgeable, financial duties performed in the political, entertaining, entitled, ceremonial styles of Simha-2] [comfortable with eruptive, threatening politics of catastrophe] [feels the dramatic pulse of dangerous energy] [needs to display darkly transformative empowerments] [theatrically sensitive to tangibly embodied, sudden identity-change] [soothed by habitual local expression of unexpected, rejuvenating shocks] [sense of belonging to a forcefully disruptive intelligentsia while following the life-and-death cycle of the ethno-rhythms] [may present a terrifying, chaotic show of patriotic parental defense] [celebrity intelligence flows naturally in spiritual initiation, trauma-healing and crisis-intervention roles] [invasive, controling mother may brightly demonstrate her intensively volatile feelings] ****** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4 ]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge
[Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-6] [nīcha] [preserving-collecting dhanesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Simha-3. Known for flamboyant management, dramatic announcements, political scripts, entertaining teamwork] [comfortable with customarily camouflaged service ministry] [routinely feels secretly overworked, then sick] [eruptively disposed toward defensive argumentation] [needs to labor in hidden exploitive or adversarial richly-resourced workspaces] [initiating mother may be an ancestral healer, yet her invasive energy may attach her to illness, victimization, servitude, or abuse] ******* [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4] soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
Chandra in classroom-7 [nīcha] [commercial-communicative vikrama-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = land-ownership, patriotism, ethnicity, familiar rhythms, cultural foundations, defense of a way-of-life, in the theatrical, demonstrating, charismatic, regal style of Simha-4] [comforted by undisclosed business relationships] [aligned with penetrating partners] [sensitive to balanced trauma-healing] [needs polarity for healing discovery] [emotional sensitivity to hidden bargains] [mother may be secretive advocate, attorney, arranger] ------- - [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-8] [nīcha] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = demonstrative politics, celebrity drama, royal entitlements, theatrical gambling Simha-5] [comfortable with domestic crisis] [familiar with citizenship changes] [needs to feel the pulse of national emergency] [sensitive to ritualized trauma-healing] [nourished by shocking revelations] [at some juncture in the lifespan, one's previous threatening dangers utterly die, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into hidden pathways of discovery] [mother may be a camouflaged destroyer, penetrating disaster responder, secretly empowered protector] *** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-9] [nīcha] [9, patronage, philosophy, priestly guidance] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Meena indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = dramatically dissatisfied, toxic display, exploitive romance, theatrically accusatory, addicted to entitlement, unfair politics, regal assistance Simha-6] [comforted by an inner flow of deeply mysterious intelligence] [sensitive to hidden principles of trauma-healing] [needs domestic healing discovery] [entitled to feel caretaking emotions] [ethno parental wisdom on a global scale] ******* [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge
[Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
comfortable with protocol * familiar with hierarchy * needs order [inimical-argumentative rogesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Simha-7. Known for regal, entitled, brilliant, displaying style of diplomacy, arranging, representation, consulting, peer-counseling, brokerage, crafting agreements] ******** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge
[Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
[Chandra in classroom-11] [nīcha comfortable with connectivity * needs networking * settled into community rhythms * routine webworks [11, community activism, mass-participation, economics] [balancing-bargaining jaya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [10th-from-Chandra transformative revelatory shocking rejuventating exploratory discoveries = in the political, demonstrating, creative style of Simha-8] [comforted by familiar transformative friendships] [culturally sensitive to revolutionary aims within economic linkage] [needs to feel the penetrating pulse in mass-participation assemblies] [habitually earns from partnership and contractual arrangements] [protector of the ancestral group secrets] [community membership confers a feeling of equity] [meddling mom usually the center of social life] [emotionally attached to explosive goal achievement] [environmentalist sensibilities attuned to hot volcanic environments] [invasive mother may be a socialite, fundraiser, community activist] ******** [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk
Chandra in classroom-12 comfortable with contemplation * familiar with inner vision * needs privacy [nīcha] -- [Sarala Yoga] [mysterious-transformative randhresha for Dhanus indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's penetrating feelings, rejuvenating rhythms, invasive sensibilities [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = religious guidance, patriarchal priestly entitlements, enlightening indoctrinations Simha-9] [habitually comforted by invisible quieting of inner-healers] [contemplative spiritual initiator of privately prayerful transformers] [culturally sensitive to superstitious taboo against psychic awareness] [Sarala Yoga protects against potential imprisonment or desapparacido unwanted invisibility] [needs to feel the midwife's pulse in clandestine cycles of regeneration] [intuitively appointed to spin the wheel of birth-and-death in the dream- realms] [protects the ancestral understanding of the aperture-opening power of terrifying shock] [contemplative sensibility for private, intensely penetrating identity-changes] [feels securely protected within esoteric forcefield-enclosures] [sentimentally attached to symbolic, sleeplike vision of evolutionary up-cycles in motion] [emotionally unavailable mother may be a shape-shifting phantom, urgently motivating spiritual guide , intangible sorceror of sudden unexpected empowerment] ********* [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] [pada-4]soothed by expansive shocks * protectors of widening energy channels * needs root-splitting growth surge [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] comforted by resistance to danger * protects against preventable damage * soothed by emergency regulations
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] calmed by competitive signals * protector of prophetic messages * familiar face of direct announcements * soothed by provocative talk |
Moonrise, c. 1884, by Stanisław Masłowski |
The comfortable, familiar, deeply-rooted rhythms of the mother's lullabye, the parents, the caregivers, the sheltering protectors, sing a soothing nourishing song of penetrating energy, unveiling, discovery.
Vṛścika-Chandra does not question this most basic feeling of rejuvenation and rebirth which powers the cycles of birth-and-death. Defensive Vṛścika-Chandra is very sensitive to psycho-emotional triggers which seem to be signaling a catastrophe, emergency, or threat. Vṛścika-Chandra may react defensively to pre-verbally [Soma] felt danger, by pre-emptively manipulating, dominating, intimidating, or invading.
It is incumbent upon Kita-bornto learn techniques for managing their persistent cycles of emotional distress, so that one may become emotionally pro-active rather than emotionally reactive. May be associated with coercion or manipulation as habitual tactics for obtaining emotional control of the object. Tendency toward reactive states of perceived emergency or disaster. The specific nakshatra-pada of Vṛścika-Chandra is especially important for setting reasonable expectations regarding the nīcha-Chandra. [ethno-protective [nīcha-Chandra = Viśākha-4]
comfortable with a settled, customary, often agricultural way of life. Likes having a garden. Chandra = compassionate due to Guru. One may be defensive of the tribal, familiar, ancient ways [Karkata rhythm]. May be emotionally pushy, and ideologically strident. [Guru-Mangala] The basic attunement is to use householding, nourishment, and family-culture as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques -- such as being in or near a lake, ocean, or river -- to calm the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
[dramatic-creative Maitra -1]
Maitra-1 may be drawn into the rhythm of political governance and insitutionalized regal entitlements, anuradha-1-Chandra becomes accustomed to the inherent tension between glittering self-directed Surya versus stoney, fixed, unswervingly lawful Shani. One may be a brightly visible figure representing a heavy legal structure embedded with fixed rank and status. The basic attunement is to use entertainment, politics, dramatization, and ceremonial display as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as social-class demonstration or old-style pageanty - to calm the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
[logistical-strategic Maitra -2]
Maitra-2 may be drawn into the rhythm of calculated, analytical response to emotional servitude. Budha does not produce His own information. Rather, professor Budha repackages [retails] and interprets the agenda of other Graha. Therefore it is especially important to consider any other graha yuti-Soma within D-1 or within D-9. Overall, sensitive Chandra is uncomfortable in a navamsha of criticizing-complaining Budha. The basic attunement is to use clever computation and logical reasoning as a defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. One may become a skilled counter-manipulator under the guise of offering assistance, ministry, or service. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as card-counting or mental-numbering -- to calm the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack. Maitra-2-Chandra is often comfortable in 3rd-or-6th amsha.
[arranging-trading Maitra -3]
Maitra-3 may be drawn into the rhythm of bargaining, deal-making, match-making. Chandra-Anuradha-3 feels comfortable with contract negotiations and emotionally challenging pursuit of agreement under stressful terms. The basic attunement = to use alliance-crafting as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Prone to resentfully accept unsatisfying arrangements, while unable to find an alternative way to partner. Skill in bargaining under threatening or angry conditions may be a valuable trait of Chandra-Maitra-3 Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as vigorous balancing postures or martial arts -- to calm the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
[secretive-eruptive Maitra -4]
Maitra-4 may be drawn into the rhythm of secretive control. Chandra-Anuradha-4 may feel comfortable with violent threats to survival. Soma-Maitra-pada-4 = usually calm-and-collected around dangerous weapons, traumatic shock, or terror of natural disaster. They may be masters of identity transformation. They may feel preternaturally clear in times of emergency upheaval. The basic attunement = to use hiding and non-disclosure as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques = such as intensive spiritual initiation or handling explosive secrets -- to assuage the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
All pada of Vṛścika-Chandra have a Learning Pathway which engages feelings of survival-threatening abandonment or attack within intimate relationships. Intimate means / un-timid / without fear / Intimate relationships are normally expected to be trusting, protective, non-judging, safe. Mother may be a nice person publically, but in the intimate space of the mother-child relationship, she may be intimidating, invasive, or volatile.
Distinctive among the nine possible pada of Chandra-Vrischika, the four Jyeṣṭha-pada are most influenced by talkative Budha. Thus when emotionally threatened, Jyeṣṭha-Soma folk may express provocative, accusative, war-of-words, vindictive emotional weapons of manipulation, retaliation, and aggressive talkr. [optimistic-dogmatic Jyeṣṭha -1]
Budha and Guru are mutually hostile. Budha is commercial and factual, while Guru is philosophical and imaginative. When mixed, Guru+Budha may seem inconsistent, potentially verging on deception. Jyeṣṭha-1 can get carried away with ever-expanding narratives of philosophy, ideology, and core beliefs, in which the roles of faith and fact have been switched. Behind a camouflage [Vrischika] of Brihaspati's humanistic piety, an urgently distressed Chandra-Kita-1 may feel permission [Guru] to manipulate and redirect. Jyeṣṭha-1 may be drawn into the rhythm of inspirational higher-understanding. One may feel comfortable with ideological convictions, to the point of weaponizing one's philosophical tenets. These folk are usually preachy and optimistic. They feel more secure when talking about their faith. The basic attunement is to prophecize or to discuss the life principles as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as uplifting talks and coaching - to assuage the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack. ***
[regulatory-governing Jyeṣṭha -2]
Jyeṣṭha-2 may be drawn into the rhythm of social regulation. One may feel comfortable with organizational governance, to the point of using the institutional rules as a personal emotional defense. These folk are usually rigid and controlling in hierarchies. They feel more secure when holding a fixed rank or status. The basic attunement is to impose lawful order as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption o reproductive cycles Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques to assuage the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
[friendly-profitable Jyeṣṭha -3]
Jyeṣṭha-3 may be drawn into the rhythm of economic participation. One may feel comfortable with social networking, as a sensitive socialite who may use friendships as a personal emotional defense. These folk usually need profitability and connection. They feel more secure when they belong to interlinked communities. The basic attunement = to link with other marketplace earners as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as engaging with mass-participation gridworks, and producing revenues - to assuage the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
[fantasizing-charitable Jyeṣṭha -4]
Budha and Guru are mutually hostile. Budha is commercial and factual, while Guru is philosophical and imaginative. When mixed, their expression may be misleading and inconsistent, potentially verging on dishonesty while seeming to be uplifting. Fantasizing Jyeṣṭha-4 can get carried away with ever-expanding narratives of great untruths, driven by deep emotional distress. Phantomlike Jyeṣṭha-4 may be drawn into the rhythm of visionary worldview. One may feel comfortable with poetic imagination, to the point of purveying a symbolic dreamworld as a personal emotional defense. Chandra-Jyeṣṭha-pada-4 folk may need to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. They feel more secure when guiding others [Guru] to believe their vaguely sensed, other-worldly perceptions. The basic attunement is to develop a non-empirical truth as a primary defensive strategy against potentially predatory emotional manipulators - especially the mother. Regardless of bhava or nakshatra - Vrischika-Chandra always carries some emergent, potentially chaotic, 8th-amsha qualities. Much depends upon
Expect the usual issues with reflexive revenge, mother's inner volatility [Vrischika] and unrecognized emotional stress being channeled into disruption of reproductive cycles. Yet, one may learn mature self-soothing techniques - such as meditation or developing huge fantasies - to assuage the distressing feeling of being vulnerable to abandonment or attack.
Trauma Healer Emotional Invader Transformative Preacher often a trauma healer such as a
On the pretext of needing to provide comfort and security [Chandra] to others, Vṛścika Chandra may use emotional strategies of non-disclosure, secrecy, or camouflage. There are three nakshatra types of hidden operations within Vṛścika.
Career Sparkling Surya activates 10th-from-Chandra suggesting that Chandra-Vṛścika is emotionally oriented toward a career in politics, gambling, celebrity-royalty, or drama. Surya must be sufficiently strong. A showy career is amplified when 10th-from-Chandra is occupied by graha which flourish in Simha.
Emotional preference for non-disclosure
"O" 1954- multimedia Oprah Winfrey [Chandra-yuti-Mangala] although OW has made a brilliant career from discussing taboo subjects on television (3 bright graha in 3-television) her own closest private relationships have remained secret Dramatic-Literary Arts
[nīcha] comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs healing discovery * 5th-from-svakshetra Why nichha? The nichha attributions of Chandra-Vṛścika arise from the incessant, rhythmically undulating urge toward self-transformation that Chandra experiences in the recycling, revolutionary, penetrating and healing rashi of Vṛścika. The urge [Mangala] is muted and dispersed, but not eradicated, by Chandra's liquidity. The distinctive emotional response pattern of Chandra-Vṛścika may be described variously as invasive, pre-emptive, and provocatively transformative. When threatened or overstimulated within personal relationships, chandra-Vṛścika Typically, responds with a penetrating emotional attack characterized by blaming and innuendo. Yet when the situation is placid, chandra-Vṛścika may be a dynamic psychological or medical healer due this same instinct to penetrate the protective boundaries via therapeutic invasion. With the [nīcha] chandra, it is wise to anticipate some moodiness and discontent arising from an incessant, rhythmically undulating urge toward self-transformation Vṛścika. Some Jyotiṣika opine that matrikaraka Chandra, whose nurturing energy moves predictably like the tides, cannot have a nichha status. Certainly there are countless famed Chandra-Vṛścika folk who are deeply admired for their contributions to civilization. There are also special circumstances in which Chandra-Vṛścika's propensity for camouflage has made them invaluable secret agents, such as when their homeland is under attack.
The key difference is threat level.
Life-partnership-1 Because the ruler of Urisha rashi = 7th-from-Chandra -Vṛścika = Professor Shukra who is adversarial toward Chandra, chandra-Vṛścika may experience some psycho-sensual animosity with life-partner-1. The conflict is Typically, about habitual tastes and rhythmic harmonies with the two partners not easily sharing the same comforting pleasures. in a wifely nativity, the conflict may be about the other women in the partner's life. Vṛścika being a secretive rashi, one may be able to resolve the conflict in a way that is not visible to the public. Characteristics
Somana needs to express a unique individual creativity and instigate radical transformations. Chandra activates 5th-from-Chandra Generally maintains an idealistic (5) view of the parents [Chandra] no matter their failings. Often has an affectionate relationship with the mother's family, and with the father's father. Tends to romanticize and idealize the children. Vṛścika-Chandra-6 for Mithuna indriya-lagna may be prone to emotionalized blaming and accusation which can create fleshly toxicity. Vṛścika Chandra = emotional need to stay in control needs a degree of secrecy and hidden psychological tension in sexual relationships needs to pursue the mysterious, the forbidden and the unknown
matching-energy for shocking revelations, especially Chandra-Viśākha - Rādhā Often emotionally traumatized in childhood the mother may be exceptionally invasive, controlling and prone to live in a state of constant emotional emergency may be a "crisis junkie" wants things to be a in state of upheaval, disaster, threat to life, and will create an emergency even when there is none, in order to feel needed emotionally at the highest levels of consciousness, may be a tantrik yogi and healing facilitator of intentional cycles of self-destruction and rebirth Parental, sensitive and intuitive when in the presence of death. Can be a deeply healing figure at times of catastrophic changer. Emotional reactivity and a pattern of home-based [Chandra] challenges [Shani] with regard to: the homeland, patria [Chandra] =
agents whose understanding of religion is focused into soothing, ethnic, rhythmic and ritualized customary practices
with real-estate and vehicle holdings, and home-making activities
the defense of the land and its sovereign customs with the protectors, parents, and caretakers
with one's own mother and with the mother of one's children
In a husbandly nativity, the parenting style of the first wifely-companion may be difficult to accept, and a second occult relationship with another mother may form. Chandra in Vṛścika, as ruler of 9th-from-svakshetra, is inherently auspicious for priesthood, professorship, and matters of the bridges from human to divine which are based in various temples of knowledgesuch as universities, houses of worship, centers of religious inquiry. Some Jyotisha authorities opine that Chandra can never be truly suffer a [nīcha-amsha. This claim seems quite reasonable given Vṛścika Chandra's auspicious angular relationship to the all-good natural dharma bhava. However, it is Chandra's oppression by Professor Mangala which excites the passion for conquest that is probably the culprit in the associated nichha behaviors of Soma in the upsetting 8th rashi. Needs exploration of hidden truths . One wants to hunt and needs to hunt. A researcher and pursuer of emotional sustenance.
Vṛścika-Chandra looks in the mirror and sees a Shaman-Hunter, a giver of oracular knowledge, perceiver of the unseen, skilled tracker and successful gain of quarry.
Vṛścika Moon watches the signs: observing subtle sights and sounds of its prey until motives and patterns of movement are revealed. Their fundamental drive is to detect the previously unseen. All psychological disciplines are attractive to them. Jyeṣṭha -Chandra's actual success (or not) in finding new information, detecting new patterns, intuiting new knowledge - depends on the health of Kuja.
Kita-Somana thrives in intuitive professions like forensic science, police work, espionage or homeopathy! They necessarily possess an empathy for the disguised criminal agent which may indicate why Chandra is considered fallen here, in the tantric zone of Scorpionis. In terms of emotional capability for feeling and intuiting, there is no deficiency whatsoever. Vṛścika Moon gives an extreme psychic perceptiveness which certainly is valuable - but of course is must be correctly deployed to show its brilliancer. If Kuja is
(in Mesha, Vṛścika) or
[ Kuja's two rashi = Mesha and Vṛścika = peak masculine achievement in war and the hunt; as hero and provider. In Makara rashi, Kuja is enormously restrained by Shani but Kuja gives superb results, under Shani's discipline, in government, administration, and commercer. QUOTATION Behari WRT nīcha chandra in yuvati bhava " Materialism, ego,
and the desire for pleasure are so accentuated that you may become unfit for civilized society.
there is a possibility that your mental balance may be disturbed." Women with Vṛścika Chandra Emotionally independent and socially innovative, as are their mothers. Lower body is generally more slender of build; upper body becomes 'apple shape' in maturity. Secretive in their habits. Emotionally veiled. Vṛścika - Thriketta -Chandra ladies may prefer a lifestyle that supports their habit of clandestine movement; a need for self-transformation via sexual passions may encourage pursuit of forbidden fruits. She is strong-willed and takes direction from no one, including the spouse. Their partners are distinguished by adapting, adjusting, feminine Shukra-ruled Vrishabha features, both social and physical. The partner no matter their faults wants to indulge in pleasures, accumulate treasures, and focus on the family. Partner is treasury-oriented. The partner's desire to maintain the joint financial estate (Vrishabha) can increase the prospect of a long if not entirely monogamous marriage. However Vṛścika makes up her own mind. The partner may as easily be a woman as a man, owing to the Shukra-ruled 7th from Chandra.
Is there a Vṛścika-Soma person in your life? Be sure to acknowledge their intuitive gifts. Do not downplay the power of their hunter's sixth sense. Rather, be amazed. They can dis-cover hidden cintamani * mani * money , alost person, aforgotten memory, and the season's best sale on sports gear. Vṛścika-Chandra penetrates into your inner emotional needs. True, this can be dangerous information if misused. However, with psychic boundaries securely in place, their powers of laser-sharp insight may heal deep fears. Avoid punishing their habit of mentioning some rather unflattering psychological observations. It is better to be aware of twisted truths, than to be outraged by their claims. Kita-Chandra can reveal priceless hidden knowledge - especially that which one may be hiding from oneself! What they say is true, even if it hurts. Vṛścika-Chandra can be profound healers once their intuitive but rather prickly way of intuitive discovery is accepted by their companions. |
Marriage and Qualities of the Life-Partner Contractual Partnerships and Trusts Naturally, the outcomes for partnership depend significantly upon the bhava of 7th-from-Chandra and also any graha located in Vrishabha, as well as drishti incoming into Urisha 7th from Vṛścika-Chandra = Urisha. The partner indulges in "treasures and pleasures ". Often a deeply sensual personality with an affinity for the five sense pleasures. Delights in fine fabrics, exquisite textures, deliriously perfumed scents, heavenly visual beauty, soothing musical tones, and delicious tastes. The life-partner is typically gifted with matters of finance and may through their influence attract much wealth into the partnership. The Vṛścika-Chandra male is Typically, agreeable to the life-partner's luxurious indulgences and may cheerfully support an extravagant accommodation of her sensual needs in art, song, and beauty.
Parenting and Homemaking for Children with sheltering, naurturing, protective Chandra-Vṛścika 5th-from-Vṛścika = Meena
lovely cottage in Australia |
Chandra-Vṛścika tends to bond emotionally in a more hidden, mysterious or occult style. It is a shrewd emotional placement which hides most of its power behind a placid, even passive, façade. Like a water-snake resting in the rushes, chandra-Vṛścika is often quite ingenuous on the surface. However, when stimulated to pursue emotional nutrient, soma has a penetrating and controlling, goal-directed psychological style that is difficult to out-maneuver. In competitions and challenges, the Mangala driven impulsive force of Chandra-Vṛścika may win by fair means or foul - but whatever sort of subterfuge might be required, it will win. It is not an ethical Moon; not deeply bound by local custom and its loyalties may shape-shift according to circumstance. In truth Chandra-Vṛścika is self-defining; yet part of Chandra' strategy for getting included, held, and nurtured is to appear to be passively integrated with the overall environment until its security-protective object is within reach. Security object may be the mother, the lover, the caregiver, the shelter, the fortress. Vṛścika-Chandra spends much time in camouflage, pretending to be involved with one thing while secretly being or hoping to be involved with another. Chandra-Vṛścika is rarely transparent in motive. Its outcome may be quite successful but the method securing emotional sustenance is secretive and occult. Therefore for Vṛścika-Chandra nativities during Sade-Sati, it can be especially challenging to reach the essential moment of honest decision. Honesty and directness are traits of the simple-minded warrior Mesha, not of the devious and shrewd investigator Vṛścika. [nīcha] chandra holds [Chandra] onto the habitual camouflage, hoping to sustain the appearance of passive integration with one's conventional environment, and hoping to sustain the subterranean scheme of hidden resources as well. Eventually However, shani's pressure becomes so relentless and so inescapable that Chandra-Vṛścika capitulates. In Vṛścika, lord Shanaicarya seems particularly destructive because Shani utilizes the sudden, forced, often shocking * especially in -Viśākha = narrative of Vṛścika in order to execute His payback agenda. Shani feels threatened in a rashi of Mangala and His actions may become more devious here than usual. |
[12th-from-Chandra] has the potential to cause emotional exhaustion (12, draining) during Vimshottari periods of Chandra, the Tula - Vanika -related agenda creates a nutrient drain (12th-from) upon the emotional vitality Energy-drainers = emotional losses and erosion of identity + vital life-force power = via marriage equity, negotiation and bargaining, discussion of relationships, counseling, professional advising, making deals, crafting alliances. 6th-from Vṛścika = disagreement-distrust-dispute-divorce = Mesha Vṛścika-Chandra has conflict with sexual and athletic competitors . Dislikes direct confrontation [Mesha] and hates the sight of blood [Mesha]
In the quest for dominance and control , may suffer intense jealousy and rage nīcha . |
-sthāna =
harming-houses houses
Badhaka 9th-from Vṛścika-Chandra = Karkata Chandra = badhesha
For Chandra-Vṛścika,
Motivating Mangala activates Mesha 6th from Chandra periods of Mangala can arouse conflict, betrayal, accusations POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt [nīcha-Chandra-yuti-Budha] -- [Surya-yuti-Kuja]-5 Learning Place involves Agency of animosity and accusations 6th-from-Chandra
Since Mangala cannot see Mangala as an enemy, one is usually in cahoots with the adversary. Einstein collaborated with his estranged wife to publish his papers. Mrs. Roosevelt collaborated with her estranged husband to govern the nation. the secret-keepers [Vṛścika] = somewhat inimical to one 's healthy emotional identity Mangala Mesha Mangala = also lagnesha-1 , therefore, one 's own personality is very personally involved in the probleam Vṛścika-Chandra suffers built-in conflict with sexual and athletic competitors. They can suffer intense jealousy and rage.
Adversaries = agents of Mesha
problematic 6th-from-Chandra= rashi of Mesha Graha in Mesha represent emotional adversaries rogesha-6 +lagnesha-1 Mangala = Vṛścika-Chandra implicitly feels conditions of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy. May feel annoyed and upset with:
Vṛścika Chandra is the most growth-challenging emotional condition because that which one naturally dislikes, matters of Mesha, are a core component of self -- the rogesha-6 and the lagnesha-1 are both Mangala, and Mangala is an inherently adversarial, warlike, aggressive malefic graha. Women with Vṛścika Chandra have a stronger tendency to favor feminine-feminine relationships, as they generally dislike the shenanigans of men.
[nīcha] vṛścika-Chandra = shad-ashtaka 6-8 from Mesha. One dislikes that which is natural in oneself (birth, blood, the earthen body ) One is never at emotional peace with oneself. Vṛścika-Chandra, no matter how lovely on the outside, is prone to internal emotional body-image conflict
The place which is 6th-from-Chandra
Predisposition to Injury and Accident
randhresha-8 = Budha = neutral toward lagnesha Mangala However, mangala feels animosity toward verbose, rationalizing Budha Emotional core [Chandra] is geared to invasive action and secretive methods for wresting control . One experiences upheaval of destruction and rebirth of the emotional identity via Budha-style argumentative harassment. 17-year long Vimshottari periods of Budha are particularly difficult for the control-needy Vṛścika Chandra. Budha bhukti = conditions of sudden emotional identity change induced by arguments, litigation, discussions, broken contracts, frustration, fighting, verbal contest, bickering, quarreling , actions of siblings and team-mates, matters of publication and announcement, writing and media production. Details of the circumstances of the catastrophic change are indicated by the rashi and bhava of Budha Budha mahadasha starts at birth for Chandra Jyestha; in teens approx for Chandra-Anuradha, and in mid-life for Chandra-Viśākha .
|| = text in Russian language English descriptions: |
"Evil consequences" of fallen Moon in sahaja bhava? Q: Fallen Moon in the 3rd house should be a serious problem. Why? A: Moon [manas] is the seat of Mind = in the grand sense of Mind that includes all feelings, reactions, hopes, dreams, expectations, aspirations. Moon hugely influences our perceptions. Human reality is created by Mind's perceptions. So, when this HUGE astrological influence, the Moon, occupies Scorpio, moon is dominated and controlled by the lord of Scorpio, who is Mars. Mars regulates the reptile brain - our fight or flight response. They say the reptile brain doesn't solve problems, it attacks them. :) Imagine the constraint imposed by Kuja, upon our poor perceptive Moon. The person has limited permission to just"be"and has to"do"almost constantly. Of course, chandra-Vṛścika helps a productive, materially-oriented career tremendously. And, it can be a useful placement for a surgeon, investigative journalist, or anyone who professionally digs into hidden causes, into motives and secret roots of things... but these folks, while often serving society usefully in distinguished careers, may not have much inner peace at all. That's why, from an astrological-philosophical value system that puts peace, balance, meditative awareness, consciousness, relaxed enjoyment etc. at the top of the scale, moon in Scorpionis is somewhat problematic - basically, it predisposes the person to a reactive style, tends toward unconscious selfishness/ego attachment, making others conform to one's expectations, etc. of course these are very broad generalizations but it's possible to see why the Jyotisha value system would evaluate a very creative, productive, competitive, reactive, alpha type of emotional disposition as being counterproductive to the meditative quest for peace and satisfaction that the opposite"exalted" Moon in Taurus is likely to provide. But here in the west where career is very important and we are not generally raised to consider a balanced peace to be very important, moon in Scorpionis contributes to some remarkable public success! Moon being in the 3rd house heightens the emotional power of your mental processes. It gives excellent business intuition, great sensitivity to the thoughts and needs of others in small group undertakings. Basically all of modern business is conducted in meetings, and you are very"on" in most meetings/conferences/seminars/phone calls/video conferences etc. because your psycho-emotional perception machine turns on"high" in the region of third-house matters. Bhava-3 concerns the younger siblings and/or the sibling group as a whole. In your case it is the sibling group as a whole because Chandra = 11th lord that rules older siblings too. From early sibling communication/egoic-mind definition patterns we learn to define ourselves in a group. Adults use those sibling-group strategies over and over again. In work teams of 3-7 people, the team members with whom one interacts most closely will always assume a role formerly held by the childhood siblings. Adults can recreate those sibling patterns over and over, indefinitely! Having been born with the Vṛścika Chandra, you have the advantage of a powerful early, deep, intense psycho-emotional relationship with a sibling that allowed you to hone your perceptual skills very finely. This is later a huge advantage in business team-work, any form of communication intuitive especially but also all the external forms like corporate communications, conducting meetings, organizing people into productive teams. You can quickly get a strong hit on what the individual members really want. One can always turn a profit from group communications due to vriddhi effect. Now, that all sounds good and it *is *! The traditional Scorpionis-Moon-3rd-house problems emerge ONLY with the lower consciousness type of person (who are unfortunately form the majority). Problems can arise for Chandra-Vṛścika [nīcha] comforted by mystery = sensitive to trauma-healing = needs healing discovery in bhava-3 when, lacking awareness of the effect of their actions on others, the person inadvertently understands that their natural gift for profiting from their shrewd, sensitive judgment of others' true motives = a mandate to control others. There can be a default tendency to prefer materially gainful relationships to spiritually nourishing relationships; all of which works great for career development but tends to make the person sad and regretful after retirement. It is particularly a poor prognosis for deathbed regret. The reason for the casually mentioned "oh, and usually that's a problem" without developing the description of the dire problems of a Vṛścika-Chandra is that the individual nativity has a very effective correction of the default condition. This correction = auspicious Jupiter in Cancera-Khepra in the 11th Domain - a magnificent pattern that can bring abundance, wisdom, grace, good public relations, generosity, humor, and beautiful children. Brihaspati-Karkata in 11 has an excellent, improving effect on the otherwise tending-toward-exploitive/manipulative/greedy Moon. This marvelous Jupiter indicates you have been active in charitable giving for many lifetimes, motivated by generosity and compassion not just"do-gooding" . Also in the current life, the more involvement you are able to have with the worldwide undertaking of feeding the poor, the more benefits, spiritual and material, will continue to come your wayr. Rather a long answer ... but one you have been patiently waiting for. Chandra-Vṛścika = normally a growth-challenge emotionally because it can signal a state of inner churning, always changing, upheaval or agitation. In Sahaja-bhava-3 Vṛścika-Chandra can penetrate communications when natural instinct to plumb human motivation can be misused to generate a commercial advantage. But in your case, these errors are largely eliminated by a warm and generous Jupiter. Overall you are left with the sensitivity, profitability, and group communications skill that the third house connotes, and due to your authentic concern for the welfare of others you leave the traditional polarizing catalysis behind. |
Masculine Public-Figure Examples Chandra in Vṛścika RashiQUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 187 " These people are not on the surface . Their real character is hidden deep within them, by no means apparent to superficial observation. They are strong and selfish, jealous and vindictive, bold and aggressive, hard-hearted and ruthless. They never forget a fancied wrong and must have vengeance , the thought and design of which they will muse on and develop over a period of years, if necessary. They have the set purpose and determination of the opposite sign Taurus, but not the same frankness and openness of motive. They make powerful and ruthless adversaries, but are too secretive to make good friends, since even a friend of long standing will not know the true nature of a Moon in Scorpio individual. In business they rise to positions of authority through their determination and their will-power, which is strong. They have the aggressiveness of Moon in Aries persons, but their forces are more sustained and they have more endurance. They are very passionate and possessive and are capable of making plans years in advance, to accomplish their desires. Their passionate natures lead them into many difficulties and where women are concerned they are quite without any sense of chivalry. They expect a struggle and glory in it , but ruthlessly push aside all obstacles to the fulfillment of their desires. This passionate powerful nature, however, can be used to great advantage in other directions, but it must be remembered that these people are never altruistic in their motives, and although they may appear to be using their inherent forces for the good of humanity. Their own ambitions are the main issue. They are secret sinners and there may be dark chapters in their lives, which the world knows nothing about. They are extremely interested in the occult sciences and the devotees of black magic are quite often found with Moon in Scorpio. They make excellent surgeons and research chemists . They are usually dark in complexion, with large aquiline features, and may have a birthmark or scar on the face or head. They have small hands and feet, short necks and hairy bodies. They must be careful of infection and should never drink intoxicating liquors. They should live close to the water . Their gem is Coral and their favorable day is Tuesday." |
Feminine Nativities Chandra in Vṛścika RashiQUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 200
" Small figures, usually fat and rather heavy with fair or dark complexions, depending on other planetary aspects, but marked particularly in each case by superfluous hair on the face and body. The body is not well proportioned but is either angular and ungainly or short, plump and irregular. Short necks in each case. These women are arrogant, proud, and quite jealous and vindictive. Their morals are loose or altogether bad, and among many other vices , they indulge in drinking to excess. They have plenty of endurance, however, and strong constitutions, and are usually so robust that in spite of their excesses they live to an old age . They are shrewd to the point of craftiness,
and have deep passionate natures capable of conceiving and carrying out any crime of revenge or passion, unless modified by favorable indications elsewhere in the chart.
Intrigue They have many secret friends and associates, and may become wealthy by various questionable methods. Their diseases are almost always peculiar to the generative organs and to the throat. They are also easily affected by infectious diseases, such as small-pox, chicken-pox, etc." |
QUOTATION from Shil-Ponde. (1939).
Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .
p 235 " A particularly unfortunate period, during which the cards seem stacked against the person with Moon in Scorpio at birth. He will be far from happy during this period. He will be discontented, continually worried over finances, and may become very bitter and disgruntled with the world and the people in it. He will become estranged from his relatives and may be separated entirely from his family. He may experience poverty at certain times during this period. Unless he is particularly careful of his diet for some years prior to the beginning of this period, afunctional disorder of the stomach may assert itself at this time, and it may become so aggravated that an operation will be found necessary." |
Destructive Emotions QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso . Destructive Emotions: How Can We Overcome Them? A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama . p.159. narrated by Daniel Goleman, foreword by the Dalai Lama " In Tibetan there is no word for "emotion." Bearing in mind that the fundamental goal of Buddhist practice is the achievement of nirvana, when you study the mind what you're really concerned with is what specific mental states impede the accomplishment of that end. That's what the six primary states and twenty derivative states (the unwholesome mental factors) all have in common. Some are emotions and some are not, but it doesn't really matter.
In contrast, modern psychology does not have the aim of nirvana. My conjecture, in terms of trying to understand why the West places such a strong emphasis on identifying emotion, is that, going back to the Enlightenment, even as far back as Aquinas, there is an enormous priority placed on reason and intelligence.
You have two categories that are set in opposition to each other. The fact that there is a specific term for emotion in Western thought does not necessarily imply that there was a special emphasis placed on understanding the nature of emotion. Perhaps initially the motive for labeling something as emotion was to enhance reason by identifying something that is unreasonable, something that is irrational." [end quote] |
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file update = 13-Jan-2025 [Copyright © 1994-2024 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |