AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah Learning Pathway 4 rhythms and roots Bhava-4 सुखदाय su-kha-dāya = easy, pleasing area बन्धुस्थान bandhu-sthāna = place of belonging, staying bound बन्धुजन bandhu-jana = kinfolk रसातल rasā-tala = earth, ground, subterranean lower realms गृहस्थान griha-sthāna= grave, house-of-earth, burial, lower-world हिबुक hibuka = fr. Greek ὑπόγειον = vault, crypt, burial = 4th-from-any-lagna = [4th-from-Chandra] Vimshottari Periods of the Rulers of Bhava-1-to-12 bhava-4: angles from the 12-sthāna Regional Names for Bhava-4
svabhava ofChandra Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga
Court Scene from a Bhagavata Purana = c. 1820-CE Opaque watercolor on paper; Kangra, Punjab Hills, India Smithsonian Institution Collections: learning classroom of Professor Chandra THE PAST ancestry - all things ancient - ethnicity THE HOUSEHOLD dwellings, buildings, settlement cultural stability griha/garha the home within the village Establishment, stability, Security Shells, shelter Nourishment, cultivation, agriculture, farms, Gardens fence-defense deeds-and-land-holdings MOTHER - matristhāna Place,
boats, Vehicles
people of the settlement
familiar calendar of the liturgical year
habitual rites of worship seasonal flow of the folkways
PATHWAYS through earthly AIRS, WATERS, and LANDS
oscillating patterns,
ocean, estuary
Waterways inside-and-outside the body
geology, earthly environment,
Groundwork, Underground
Conclusion of Cycle
the End of Things |
" The care of the root of a thing - this is the usage of experienced men. If the root is sound, the juices, which implement the maturing of the fruit, will be protected." ~~ Ramayana, Kishkindha Kanda, sarga-65 |
QUOTATION ~~ Phaladeepika , Sarga-1, shloka-11-12 "House property, land and agricultural fields, maternal uncle, asister's son, relatives, friends, conveyance (vehicular), mother, cattle wealth, scents and perfumes, dress material and garments, jewelry, happiness (sukha), the nadir, Hibuka, water, bridge and river are the names to indicate the 4th house." [end quote] |
Citizens of the Farms,
fields, Houses,
and Villages
QUOTATION from Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 38: 24 - 34 [Revised Standard Version] 38:24 The wisdom of the scribe depends on the opportunity of leisure; and he who has little business may become wise. 38:25 How can he become wise who handles the plow, and who glories in the shaft of a goad, who drives oxen and is occupied with their work, and whose talk is about bulls? 38:26 He sets his heart on plowing furrows, and he is careful about fodder for the heifers. 38:27 So too is every craftsman and master workman who labors by night as well as by day; those who cut the signets of seals, each is diligent in making a great variety; he sets his heart on painting a lifelike image, and he is careful to finish his work. 38:28 So too is the smith sitting by the anvil, intent upon his handiwork in iron; the breath of the fire melts his flesh, and he wastes away in the heat of the furnace; he inclines his ear to the sound of the hammer, and his eyes are on the pattern of the object. He sets his heart on finishing his handiwork, and he is careful to complete its decoration. 38:29 So too is the potter sitting at his work and turning the wheel with his feet; he is always deeply concerned over his work, and all his output is by number. 38:30 He moulds the clay with his arm and makes it pliable with his feet; he sets his heart to finish the glazing, and he is careful to clean the furnace. 38:31 All these rely upon their hands, and each is skilful in his own work. 38:32 Without them a city cannot be established, and men can neither sojourn nor live there. 38:33 Yet they are not sought out for the council of the people, nor do they attain eminence in the public assembly. They do not sit in the judge's seat, nor do they understand the sentence of judgment; they cannot expound discipline or judgment, and they are not found using proverbs. 38:34 But they keep stable the fabric of the world, and their prayer is in the practice of their trade. [end quote] |
BPHS Sarga 11:5 " Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to be consulted through Bandhu Bhava." [end quote] |
BPHS Sarga-7,
" Whatever results are to be known from Bandhu ... should also be known from the 4th of Chandra. .." [end quote] |
Madhya Parashari,
" From the fourth house know the mother, conveyance, relatives, state Protection, house, friend, and armaments." [end quote] |
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![]() Milecastle 39 within Hadrian's Wall - built in the era of Vallum Hadriani Romae photo by Adam Cuerden |
bhava-4 characteristics can indicate the longevity of the biofather = 8th-from-9th Guardians of Land and Country, Protectors of the Customary Ways
Topics of Bandhu-Bhava-4 bound, band, binding, bundles Nation * Foundation Habitual Rhythms, rituals and Routines Undergirding, bolstering, lowest stratum, foundation, basis " Old School" homeland, farms, schools, houses, and cars Bound to Earth - bandhi rhythms, rituals, ruts, routines social security and continuation of the presence of a people in their place; roots Held together, protected,"sur-round-ings " bandhi, bundles: Fasces, fasci, fascisti, fascio, ] in The earthen body : faschia; in architecture: the doorframe binding fascia ; "fascia" "housing" (for example the removable exterior housing that surrounds the interior electronic device Security, roots, home, shelter mother, kitchen, landed property, farms, vehicles, basic formal emotional security, heart. Fourth marriage. Burials * griha in Roman-Rite vestments, fascia (binding) = a wrapping like a scarf, usually worn to surround the waist or neck One's Customary Place : Shelters upon Land and Sea Safety, Hearth and Home, folkways, the Land, place of belonging security, ethnicity , vehicles, homes, real estate, landed properties, foundational schooling, folkways, localfolkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, laying the groundwork, rhythms, rituals, habits * dedication to parents and homeland; protection sheltering safeguarding caretaking of the weak and the vulnerable 4 household, mother, parents, caretakers, familiar rhythms, foundational schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, childhood home, owned-stewarded properties, boundaries, deeds of title, ethno-nationalism, tribalism
![]() California freeway with feeder roads and service roads |
by Joan Halifax Buddha's Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West, p.118 "The true nature of mountains is that they are mountains. They practice both stillness holding their place and moving with change. Men and women can be reborn through mountains. Ancestors abide in mountains. And mountains disappear the closer you are to them. As Dogen wrote in the Shobogenzo: "They passed aeons living alone in the mountains and forests; only then did they unite with the Way and use mountains and rivers for words, raise the wind and rain for a tongue, and explain the great void." Realizing fully the true nature of place is to talk its language and hold its silence. " [end quote] |
QUOTATION Vocabulary for Bandhu Bhava-4
IE root = ] -
To entertain, cherish, show, exhibit, betray (joy, resolution etc.) To be bound; to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil,
sin again
To be affected To cause to bind or catch or capture, imprison To cause to be built or constructed To cause to be embanked or dammed up Patala
suhRd [suhrid]
stabilizing, ethnic-religion, habitual, rhythmic, patriotic A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. |
Earth * Ur * Urthya * Urtha * Urteya
The landing place,
the grounding place,
the basis,
the foundation,
the low place
bhava-4 represents the landing place where Ur folk descended and planted their genetic seeds In modern times the conditions of the Jyotishavidya nativity bhava-4 can indicate how comfortable or not the person may feel living"in the Earth" some nativities are comfortably grounded into housing, shelter, citadel-protection, roots in the place of settlement, rhythms of the childhood home, growing of crops and fishing others are fundamentally uncomfortable and struggling to adjust to the Ur density for the duration of the incarnation when conditions in bhava-4 are exceptionally challenging, look for other indications of an early exit |
Security Bandhu Bhava = Security = spiritual, mental, social, emotional, and physical security. The first analytical step toward determination of the native 's intuitive sense of belonging to a people and a place, and one's specific social practice of security-enhancing behaviors may be found via the lagna. Lagna = either Chandra lagna or kundali indriya-lagna . Chandra lagna has more emotional and intuitive value. Rashi upon the 4th bhava indicates one's style of security-defensive-belongingness-roots behaviors +source of one's most stable foundations at a personal, family, and national level
QUOTATION Das commentary =
" Venus is in 9 or Venus is in 11 or the lord of the 4 is in 9 or the lord of the 4 is in 11" " Venus or the Lord of the fourth houseare somewhat blessed due to their presence in the auspicious ninth or gainful eleventh house.
matrikaraka Chandra = Karaka for Mother vs. Mother = bhava-4
Chandra represents one's emotional Self. In the present lifetime, the emotional Self is re-generated primarily through one's relationship to one's caretakers. The default caretaker is one's mother; However, in varying life circumstances the primary caretaker may be a grandmother, aunt, sister, naun, naurse, or even a feminine deity. However, even if the primary parent is one's father, the father and male persons are not signified by Chandra; men are signified by Surya. If the father is the primary caretaker, likely the Jyotisha relationship between Surya and Chandra is very strong. Therefore Chandra is a karaka for emotion in general; and in particular Chandra is karaka for one's childhood process of building a coherent emotional Self from repeated emotional Learning Pathway experiences.
The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-Kindness by Pema Chödrön, p. 77–78 " Ritual is about joining vision and practicality, heaven and earth, samsara and nirvana. When things are properly understood, one's whole life is like a ritual or a ceremony. This is what's behind ritual, these formalized things that get carried down in the religions of different cultures. Ritual, when it's heartfelt, is like a time capsule. It's as if thousands of years ago somebody had a clear, unobstructed view of magic, power, and sacredness, and realized that if he went out each morning and greeted the sun in a very stylized way, perhaps by doing a special chant and making offerings and perhaps by bowing, that it connected him to that richness. Therefore, he taught his children to do that, and the children taught their children, and so on. So thousands of years later, people are still doing it and connecting with exactly the same feeling. All the rituals that get handed down are like that. Someone can have an insight, and rather than its being lost, it can stay alive through ritual." |
bhava-4 rules the oceans , estuaries and sea-coasts as well as the lifestyles based in these marine environments
Secure Shells,
and Shelters
bhava-4 rules the childhood home, the parents, shelters and shields on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels; for example the physical protection afforded by buildings and vehicles, or the social protection afforded by education. |
Bandhu = bindings and bondage
The Polis (walled city)
Politics of Patriotism and Protectionism
Gore Vidal "We only have one political party in the U.S.,
Stability, foundation, seat; Vehicles
(in their communicative function, arms/hands belong to Mithuna; The pumping heart which is the seat of the Divine in The earthen body actually belongs to Simha/5, although Naturally, there are very strong associations between the emotional, place-loving heart as the root of being and bandhu bhava. However, the 5-4 relationship between heart and chest is similar to the 5-4 relationship between intelligence and education; ) If the Jyotishavidya nativity features a strong bandhu-sthāna, expect the fourth chakra region of The earthen body to function well. Conversely, malefic planets affecting bandhu-bhava may lead to dis-ease in the chest region. |
Personal Stability Habitual, seasonal, and monthly movements of a person may be seen through conditions of bandhu bhava, and also via Chandra. less benevolent graha in bhava-4 (such as Kuja or Rahu) disturb the foundational cycles of human life. |
At the material level,
At the social level,
At the emotional level
At the mental level
On the spiritual level
Tribal Boundaries
Bhava-4 = also tribal boundaries, schooling and school-teaching, parenting, environmental stewardship, vehicles including cars, boats, airplanes; one's own elderly parents, all things underground, and the "end of things " such as the funeral celebration as well as the place of one's birth and school examinations. For example when people ask whether they will pass the medical board exam and receive their M.D. license, look to the effects of bandhu-4, the bondage to the land and the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of one's people (including the custom of licensing different types of professional practice). |
Mother and Emotional Security Most basic of all roots in human life is connection to mother. Bandhu bhava along with Moon profiles the mother in radix. (Check Dwadashamamsha -10 Moon or 4th house for additional details on mother.) Also in bandhu sthāna, see mothering, care-taking, stewardship, and nurturing roles of all kinds. Effect of the Mother seen via the child's chart:
Mother provides the core emotional security, the fundamental sense of being good and valuable, and having a place, belonging. If things are going well in the bandhusthāna and easy with the Moon, one may have effective emotional and psychic grounding along with a flowing emotional experience, which is the basis of all happiness in human life. | ||
Stepfather = Bonus-father Usually the step-father or Bonus-father is also the mother's second husband, but there can be other arrangements. In whichever way, this man has gained the Bonus-father position, the next-dad is indicated by several profile elements, including
Mother's divorce and mother's second marriage = 2nd-from-Chandra
Home, Land, buildings, Properties Most questions about property ownership-stewardship , roots in the land, inherited lands, stewardship of the land, buildings, structures, the roof over one's own head (or lack thereof), and the fate of nations, can be answered by examining the fourth house and its attributes.
Canines Creatures of the Land ![]() White Wolf and friend Raven |
~~ BPHS Sarga-34, shloka-16 " If Dhana's lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will acquire all kinds of wealth ." |
Security in society, socialization via schooling It is said that the two great emotional instincts of human nature are the urge to mate and the urge to conform to a group ethos.
Because it profiles the fundamental emotional nature which is determined through the relationship with one's mother, bandhu is known as the"source of all ambitions." |
Roots that Bind Bandhu bhava = 4th house = the root =foundation = "basement" basis of the entire kundali. Although Chandra and the indriya-lagna = ascendant = describe the native 's physical body, Moon and Bandhu bhava = foundational life-support provided by schooling, nourishment, mother and the childhood home Karkata = Cancer = natural fourth rashi = bondage. Bondage = positive bonding = unconditional supportive relationship with parents, especially mom. Bondage = positive boundaries = owning a house with lands, farming cultivated fields, caring for the weak, defending the ethnic food-producing lands and the customary habits of a people, or just feeling patriotic. Cancer At a dysfunctional body level, the disease called cancer results from The earthen body 's obsessive clinging to waste cells that were scheduled for release but do not get released. Cancer = never letting go, never forgiving. These sticky waste cells bond to each other to form tumors. Most healers acknowledge that the emotional pattern of clinging to the past accompanies the cellular 'bondage' disease. |
Layers of protective Shelter Other vital forms of shelter and protection include clothing and the moving-shelter = vehicles.
Kande Ela Reservoir in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka |
Tarot = 10 Coins
If your divination skill-set includes the method of Tarot cards, notice a correspondence between the energy state of Bandhu sthāna and Ten of Pentacles. |
Profession and Public Reputation of spouse/partner
Favorable conditions in bandhu bhava =
A steadily rhythmic but low-status bandhu bhava owned and/or aspected by Shani, = regular work habits of the partner.
A leading indicator of the Profile of the career of second spouse = 10th-from-2nd = labhasthāna A leading indicator of the element of the Profile of the career of Third spouse = 10th-from-9th = satkona A leading indicator of the element of the Profile of the career of Fourth spouse = 10th from 4th = tanu |
If yuvati bhava and the 7th navamsha suggest multiple marriages, then part of the profile of the 4th spouse = Bandhu Bhava .
Like the nature of Bandhu sthāna itself, the fourth marriage is all about roots . If Bandhu is stable, the 4th marriage partner (when indicated) resembles one's mother. The fourth partner hails from a similar cultural background. of course if Rahu or Saturn aspect or occupy Bandhu, the fourth partner could be lower class than native, foreigner, etc. according to occupying malefic. Remember to check 4th navamsha!
The fourth marriage might not be too interesting, overly lively, or a sexual hothouse (unless Rahu is with the bandesha-4 or Rahu in 4). Unless there are disruptive, counter-cyclical graha in 4, the fourth marriage = grounded in the ethnic practice particularly the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the mother's people, and protection of the land. |
The Natural World and Its Life-Sustaining Nourishments
Tenzing Gyatso (2012) From Here to Enlightenment: An Introduction to Tsong-kha-pa s Classic Text The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, p. 35 - 36 . "If your engagement with others is tainted by strong attachment, craving, aversion, anger, and so forth, then that form of grasping is undesirable. But on the other hand,
when you are interacting with other living beings and become aware of their needs or suffering or pain,
then you need to fully engage with that and be compassionate.
Buddhist masters have long used the term attachment to describe the quality of compassion for others. For example, averse from Haribhadra Clear Meaning Commentary refers to compassion that is attached to other living beings. And as we have seen, naagarjuna teaches that attachment for other living beings will arise spontaneously in the person who realizes emptiness." |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, trans. Thupten Jinpa. The Union of Bliss and Emptiness: Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga " Going for Refuge: Seeking Protection:
Causal refuge
Resultant refuge The resultant state of your own future realizations, becoming an arya being and attaining buddhahood -- which depends on your own actualization of the path -- is called the resultant refuge. Someone in difficulty seeking the assistance of a high official is analogous to someone seeking refuge in the causal refuge.
When you cultivate such an aspiration focused toward the achievement of the omniscient state, it is very much like the generation of the bodhichitta mind." [end quote] |
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