

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala


Glyph_Shukra.png Glyph_Ketu.png

OM dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah

OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

केतु ketu Ketu


शुक्र śukra Shukra



Cauda Draconis

Dragon's Tail - South Node


caesura - yati


Venus - Venera

Freya - Frigg [Friday]

Zuhra - Ishtara Ashatarra Aphrodite

Phosphoros - Heosphoros

Lucipheros [Lucifer] = bringer of light


[Shukra-Arya] yuti [Ketu-Mesha]

[disgraced champion] patterns of [disengagement and dissatisfaction] in [relationships and finance] [ambivalent about fairness in competitive challenge]

= rather detached from relationships, and particularly scattered loyalties toward the spouse

[Shukra-Urisha] yuti [Ketu-Urisha]

[disgraced financier] patterns of [disengagement and dissatisfaction] in [relationships and finance] against a background of luxury and pleasures

"the champagne is never the right temperature"

[Shukra-Mithuna] yuti [Ketu-Mithuna]

[disgraced manager] patterns of [disengagement and dissatisfaction] in [relationships and finance] against a background of commerce and communications [Mithuna]

[Shukra-Karkata] yuti [Ketu-Karkata]

[indirect protector, disengaged patriot]

[Shukra-Singha] yuti [Ketu-Singha]

[indirect politics, disengaged entertainments]


[Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] yuti [Ketu-Kanya]

[indirect helper, disengaged minister]

[Shukra-Vanika] yuti [Ketu-Tula]

[disgraced compromise]

[Shukra-Vṛścika] yuti [Ketu-Vṛścika]

[disgraced discovery]


[Shukra-Dhanus] yuti [Ketu-Dhanus]

[liberation from unsustainable beliefs; disgraced doctrine]

[Shukra-Makara-Draco] yuti [Ketu-Makara-Draco]

[disgraced respectability]

[Shukra-Kumbha] yuti [Ketu-Kumbha]

[disgraced friendship]

[Shukra-Meena-uchcha] yuti [Ketu-Meena]

[disgraced visionary]


France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle + [Anuradha-Surya-yuti-Budha-Anuradha] [Anuradha-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Jyeṣṭha] [Anuradha-Surya-yuti-Ketu-Jyeṣṭha] [1, force of personality]


Nepal 1945-2001 The Last Hindu King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah + [asta-Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Mūla ] [asta--Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Ketu_Mula] ++ [Shukra-2 parivartamsha Guru-12] [2, heritage,-family capital]

Purple Rain 1958-2016 guitarist Prince [Aśvini-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Bharani] [2, voice-song]


Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long + [nīcha-Hasta-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Hasta] [nīcha-Hasta-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aryaman] [3, pamphlets, announcement, explanation]

God's Dream 1931-1921 Anglican Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu + [nīcha-Chitra-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Hasta] [nīcha-Chitra-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Hasta-uchcha] [nīcha-Chitra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Hasta] [3, planning, publication, paperwork]

France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy + [Chitra-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Viśākha ] [3 songwriting, commerce]


Harmonices Mundi 1571-1630 Johannes Kepler [Śrāvaṇa-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Vaisva] [4, schoolteaching, property-ownership]

Mughal Emperor 1592-1666 Shah Jahan + [Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Apah] [4, security, forts, defense]

Moral Majority 1933-2007 Rev. Jerry Falwell [Apah-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Magha] [4, schooling]


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, politics, financial speculation]

The Tower 1865-1939 Symbolist poetry William Butler Yeats [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aśvini] [5, politics, theatre, creative arts]

Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla + [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Chandra-Kṛttikā] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Budha-Bharani] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Bharani] (5, celebrity, pageantry, entitlements)

Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand + [Pūrvābhādra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī ] ++ [Shukra-5 parivartamsha Shani-8] [5, entertainment] ?

Moneyball 1963- drama-commerce Brad Pitt + [Uttarāṣāḍha-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Mūla] [Uttarāṣāḍha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Uttarāṣāḍha-Shukra-yuti-Mangala-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Uttarāṣāḍha-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [Uttarāṣāḍha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [5, celebrity, theatre]


POTUS-pair-06 Adams Family 1775-1852 Louisa Johnson Adams + [Varuna-Ketu-yuti-Surya-Dhaniṣṭha] [Varuna-Ketu-yuti-Budha-Dhaniṣṭha] [Varuna-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Varuna] [6, ailment, disputes, distress]

Oops 1981- music-merchandise Britney Spears + [Vaisva-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Vaisva] [6, medication, conflict]



France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonaparte [Arudra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Mriga] [8, occult, opaque, undisclosed]

POTUS-pair-11 Polk Place 1803-1891 Sarah Childress Polk + [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Purvaphalguni] [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Magha] [8, camouflaged actions, initiation, secrecy]

POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower [uchcha-Jyeṣṭha-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Maitra] [8, camouflaged relationships]

POTUS-pair-43 School Libraries 1946- Laura Welch Bush + [Jyeṣṭha-Ketu-yuti-Kuja-Maitra] [Jyeṣṭha-Ketu-yuti-Budha-Maitra] [Jyeṣṭha-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Maitra] [8, secrecy, emergency, camouflage]


England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor [1 deg orb in Rohini] [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [9, father, doctrine, ideology]

Foursquare Evangelist 1890-1944 Aimee Semple McPherson [Maitra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Jyeṣṭha] [9, trance-preaching]


UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten + [Aśvini-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Aśvini] [10, public duties, iconic status]

Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari + [Vaishva-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Dhaniṣṭha] [Vaishva-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Vaishva] [Vaishva-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Śrāvaṇa] + + [Shani-7 parivartamsha Shukra-10] [10, public career, commanding roles]


Gospel of Wealth 1835-1919 Andrew Carnegie + [Maitra-Ketu-yuti-Surya-Maitra] [Maitra-Ketu-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha] [Maitra-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Jyeṣṭha] [11, profits]


Protestant Reformation 1483-1549 hymns Martin Luther + [Svati-Ketu-yuti-Kuja-Svati] [Svati-Ketu-yuti-Guru-Svati] [Svati-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Viśākha ] [Svati-Ketu-yuti-Shani-Viśākha -uchcha] [12, fantasy, contemplation, symbolism]

POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe + [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Arudra] [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Arudra] [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Punarvasu] [12 foreign diplomacy, commerce]

Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aryaman] [12, seclusion]


Depletion of relationship equity and vulnerability to disorientation via a repeating pattern of attraction-then-surrender. ;


The Tower 1865-1939 Symbolist poetry William Butler Yeats ; [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aśvini] [5, politics, theatre, creative arts]

  • A gifted poet and politician [5] WBY also did occult work. His wifely-companion [Shukra] produced displays [5] of automatic writing but interest in this art seemed to wane [Ketu]. WBY's [uchcha-Shani-yuti-Rahu] in 7th-from-Ketu pulled his attention into community ordering [Shani] + governance duties [Shani]. ;

  • Uchcha-Shani's on-task pragmatism [Shani rules 3-tasks] protected WBY ; from disorientation in public matters. Yet in his personal life, despite being surrounded by beautiful creative women [Shukra-5] Yeats' storied romantic life was deeply fractured by repeating patterns of abandonment and apathy [Ketu].

may lack the filter which normally provides alignment to Shukra's balance fucrum [both physically and socially]

  • as a result, may dismiss or devalue partners and relationships, particularly alliances with womenfolk [Shukra]

  • look for corrections or amplifications in yuvatisthana or 7th-from-Chandra

Bored and dissatisfiedin partnership

  • surrendered arrangements
  • inconclusive deliberations
  • empty or incomplete promises
  • fragmented compromising
  • indifferent toward partners' well-being
  • weird, eccentric, and often unsustainable relationships
  • tendency toward devaluation of the partner

dissociated sisters

  • unsatisfying bargains
  • unlimited sensuality
  • inharmonious deals
  • disavowal
  • indifferent toward partnership
  • spacey sister-figures

dissolved trust

  • distrust of women yet attracted to them
  • surrender of contractual agreement
  • disintegrating alliances
  • disgrace
  • empty promises
  • displeasure
  • abandoned arrangements
  • devaluation of partnership


  • dissolution of equity
  • unconcerned with fairness
  • may give nebulous financial advice
  • detached from heritage values
  • contractual disorientation
  • seldom satisfied

Nota Bene

before declaring any results for Shukra-yuti-Ketu look for compensating strengths via other harmonizing, agreement-seeking, treasury-attracting, advising, negotiating indicators:

  • ruler of Shukra's nakshatra

  • ruler of Shukra's rashi

  • Shukra's bhava of residence and its ruler

  • 7th-from-Chandra

    [partner's influence and contributions]

  • additional graha yuti Ketu

Infatuation rather than satisfaction in love

Although rarely at peace in a peer relationships, [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] may be subject to infatuations.

[English infatuate from Latin fatus, afool.]

Dhaesha Shukra may fracture the financial arrangements

[Shukra-Urisha] yuti [Ketu-Urisha]

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor [9, father, ideology] King Henry was never impoverished. He enjoyed a luxury lifestyle throughout his incarnation. Despite the capital inherited from his father [9] and acquired by re- appropriation of lands from the Church of Rome, Henry's financial judgment was impaired. Lacking an off-switch to curtail his over-spending, HT's massive hoards began to collapse. Financial advisors were relieved by his death.

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation] WRH was never impoverished. He enjoyed a luxury lifestyle throughout his incarnation. Despite the massive investment capital inherited from his father and the soon-to-be-illegal advantages of his huge monopolies , WRH suffered from impaired financial judgment. Lacking an off-switch to curtail his indulgent over-spending, WRH's asset-hoard began to collapse. Financial advisors were relieved by his death.

[Shukra-Singha] yuti [Ketu-Singha] politics, romance, financial speculation


Moral Majority 1933-2007 Rev. Jerry Falwell [Apah-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Magha] [4-fundamentalism, schooling, security, Old Ways, cultural foundations]

financial malfeasance, misuse of tax-free church [4] donations for political campaign [Simha] ++ misattribution of treasuries [Shukra-4 lagnesha-rogesha = criminal finance]

  • JF's conservative fundamentalist [4] Christian nationalism refused to acknowledge the USA constitutional fixed distinction between Church-and-State. [Ketu no-boundaries] ;
  • Via familiar daily [4] radio-television funding appeals, JF collected immense sums from at-home listeners ; [4] . Donations flowed from his audience of homebound ill-and-aged, socially disconnected and disoriented folk [Ketu-4].
  • Religious donation money = Tax-free in the USA, and not to be used for any political purpose [Simha]. However, in his narcissistic fervor, JF ignored this law [Ketu ignore].
  • Preying ; upon their fear of vulnerability [Ketu, defenseless] JF preached on the need to replace permissive modern pluralism with political rulers who would impose Biblical religious laws.
  • In contractual agreement [Shukra] with the political operatives ; [Simha] financially savvy Bharani JF used hidden funds transfer to funnel millions in church money into the election warchest of POTUS-40 Ronald Reagan

Yuvati-pati Shukra is also Vyaya-pati Shukra for Vrischika-born.

Compounded by Ketu, the 12th-amsha effect can dissolve even the most committed relationships. In Mithuna, empty words.

[Shukra-Mithuna] yuti [Ketu-Mithuna] fragmented plans

France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonaparte [Arudra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Mriga] [8, occult, opaque, undisclosed]

  • Despite a grandiose narcissistic rise to power via weapon-brandishing and empire-building, his quest for Empire ultimately collapsed. He annulled [Ketu] a 13-year first marriage to Josephine.

  • Then, NAB was abandoned in disgrace by the second marriage partner [Ketu] the mother of his son-heir, Archduchess M-Louise Hapsburg. He died in exile [Ketu] He was always willing to consider unusual alliances and arrangements, but commitments in these shaky deals tended to be impermanent due to Ketu.

in 12, complex and impactful clandestine diplomacy often disrupted and forms agreements irrespective of protocol

May consider eccentric alliances and arrangements, but commitments in these shaky deals tended to be impermanent due to Ketu.

Naturally, with the conjunction of additional graha, more adhesion becomes viable.

France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [Shukra-yuti-Budha + [Surya-yuti-Ketu] [1, force of personality]

  • ;De Gaulle formed strategic relationships with outlier/outsider agents, which he believed could be strategic but were often unsustainable.
  • For example, de Gaulle made overtures toward the brutal dictator, Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin CdG personally travelled to Russia to have discussions about a mutually beneficial arrangement.
  • However, de Gaulle soon realized that Stalin was dismissing de Gaulle as a foolish nobody. That was the end of that.
  • In his private world, however, de Gaulle had several intensely loyal and supportive partnerships - most notably his cherished, unshakable lifepartner, Yvonne. [Shukra-yuti-Budha]

In muscular-movement kalpasthāna,

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] may become infatuated with oneself, the grace of one's physical formation, or the miracle of one's embodiment. In addition, there may be vague attractions to athletes, fashion models, and unique personalities.

In communicative, explicating, descriptive sahaja-bhava

In bright-lights vidyasthāna

may become romantically infatuated [fatus = fool] with famous figures or entertainers who throw fun parties [5]. Objects of adoration may include dramatists, celebrity-figures, royalty, creative artists, courtesans, gamers, showboaters, politicians, poets - and teenagers.


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation]

  • following decades of notoriously unlimited [Ketu] bachelor freedom, 40-yo WRH married an 18-yo burlesque-dancer showgirl [5]. Bored and dissatisfied after she bore him five sons, WRH abandoned [Ketu] his New York family and moved to California. There he lived for decades with a beautiful film-star of the flapper era, and they produced a child -- but the second-lifepartnership was never sanctified. [Also Shani blocks 2nd-from-Chandra]


The Tower 1865-1939 Symbolist poetry William Butler Yeats [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aśvini] [5, politics, theatre, creative arts]

  • WBY developed a decades-long unconsummated infatuation with Maud Gonne, the passionate Irish Independence activist and rhetoricienne [3]. Much of his romantic poetry is dedicated to MG and her statements. Yet, MG consistently rejected his suit [Ketu]. In middle age, they finally enjoyed one single night of passion. WBY commented that, even after decades of yearning, it really didn't matter [Ketu].


In life-beliefs dharmasthāna,

tends to be infatuated with ideologies and ideologues, theories and theorists, professors, philosophies and philosophers, pandits, preachers, father-figures, guru-figures, guidance providers.

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor . His Majesty was enamored of fashionable aristocratic courtesans [9, 5-from-5]. Quickly dissatisfied with each, he displayed a classic narcissistic wooing-devaluation-discard cycle. Ketu = decapitation.

In publicly visible, respected, hierarchical karmasthāna, one may experience infatuation with elite roles and prominent persons of high repute.

  • UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten. formally married to Elizabeth-2, the Prince Consort was known for a variety of discreet liaisons with ladies of high birth. While QE consulted with Parliament on matters of social governance, pM's public role was mainly ornamental [Shukra] . He expressed dissatisfaction with the functional emptiness [Ketu] of his peak position [10].

In aims-and-achievements labhasthāna, tends to be come infatuated with splendid earners, makers of grand revenues, sparkling socialites, or what seem like well-connected people. However, the beautifully fragrant bloom is soon dried and fallen.

  • France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy. Numerous partnerships with socially and economically prominent figures, most of brief duration. A politically mandated marriage may be retained for profitable purposes.

Despite pleasures, often displeased.

In particular, unsatisfied with the value obtained from feminine companions.

Despite Shukra's penchant for alliance-making, mutually beneficial arrangements and harmonious interpersonal agreement may seem elusive.

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] makes it easier to break promises, surrender contractual claims, abandon alliances, and walk-away from relationships.

If there is a second marriage, it is likely to disintegrate through absence and disinterest.

  • France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonapart [2, finance, heritage, second marriage] Lifepartnership 2-of-2 with the Archduchess, maria Ludovica Leopoldina Franziska Therese Josepha Lucia von Habsburg-Lothringen. Although the second marriage did produce the desired bio-male heir, the alliance ended by abandonment [Ketu] after less than two years [Arudra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Mriga].

It is also possible with [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] that the first of two unions is unsustainable, and/or perhaps unconsummated or unconsummatable. Check 7th-from-Chandra and 2nd-from-Chandra to determine which of the two marriages is empty. Also check for enduring features such as Ketu in mutual drishti with Shani, which could add longevity to even an empty union.

As if it never happened.

In a masculine nativity, there may be found two lifepartnerships.

Ketuindicates apathy. One of the relationships may be an avowed marriage, but the other - regardless of passion or calendar-time invested - remains unavowed.

When expedient, one may rather effortlessly release a partner - business or professional or intimate.

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower [8, camouflaged relationships] DDE wed his wife Mamie Dowd when DDE was 25 and Mamie was 19. Although married for 53 years, the pair often lived apart, due to DDE's preference for military assignments that were designated as unsuitable for accompanying family.

  • [Shukra-Vṛścika] yuti [Ketu-Vṛścika] [12] suggests that foreign postings provided the matching context for passionate [Vrischika] but invisible, private [12] relationships that were easily broken when DDE was re-posted.

  • DDE's WW-2 Command was undoubtedly the most stressful and intensely demanding period of his life. During this adrenaline-charged assignment, dDE enjoyed a three-year romance with driver and personal aide Lieutenant Kay Summersby. [Shukra Anuradha-4 military] Those privy to their insulated bunker [12] noted that the pair were inseparable, by day and by night.
  • Mamie requested spousal visitations during the 3-year post, but was denied on grounds that the undetectable UK bunker was too exposed.
  • After the war, Kay and DDE returned stateside together. Sadly, dDE's campaign handlers considered Kay to be a severe political liability. When planning began for his POTUS run, Kay became a desapparacida. [Ketu]

In the case that the primary oath [Shukra] is sworn to one's feudal lord, the castelin, or to some higher authority such as a deity, and even if the primary vow contains a promise of chastity, there may be found a secondary relationship that is unavowed, scattered, or so foggy that is cannot be clearly identified. But it is there.

  • Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla [Somana-yuti-Shukra + [Budha-yuti-Ketu] [5, entitlements] KW enjoyed a lifelong friendship with Wanda, apsychiatrist, his dear old colleague from Poland. Wanda frequently visited the pontiff in Rome.

In bhava-9, preaching, pontification, doctrine, indoctrination, faith, guidance

  • Foursquare Evangelist 1890-1944 Aimee Semple McPherson [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] [Vṛścika-9, trance-preaching, healing doctrine] . During the first part of her evangelical Christian missionary campaign, aSM wandered for years. A peripatetic preacher [9], aSM lived in her convertible-top car and delivered sermons while standing in the back seat. As her congregation stabilized in Los Angeles, the faithful provided a house for ASM, her mother, and her children. Still, aSM was frequently engaged in ongoing national tours. The house and the church were said to be gaudy but pretty [Shukra-yuti-Ketu]

In a husbandly nativity, Shukra-yuti-Ketu suggests that while the first union may be relatively pleasant, all subsequent marriages become unsustainable.

Once the compensating strengths have been assessed, expect to find Ketu's influence [in varying amounts] within the typical Shukra-related fields of behavior

  • generally, unconstrained [Ketu] by balancing arrangements such as terms of agreement, vows, and treaties
  • maritally unavailable

  • indifferent to the wifely-companion and her identity
  • potential for an alliance-abandonment narrative
  • generally, unaffected by the agents of mutuality, promise-making and covenant-keeping, such as attorneys and advisers
  • dissolved sensual boundaries may result in unconstrained sweets-seeking behaviors, such as alcohol, drugs, and sexual pleasuring

  • peculiar or arbitrary approach toward treasures-and-pleasures

  • fragmented equity; disinterested in justice
  • apathetic, dispassionate, observing, witness toward matters of marriage, contracts, trusts and treaties, negotiated settlements
  • sensual disorientation
  • the second lifepartnership [if any] may avoid [Ketu] public recognition via formal vows

Ketu + Shukra

supplies whatever treasury , voice-song, face, beauty, or possibly addiction = indicated by the empowerment of Shukra. Yet, Ketu-the-Impermanent unleashes the awareness from deep material concerns.

With little regard for the common-sense warnings, Ketu may facilitate addiction to food, drugs, sex, and elegant company while plunging the individual into a state of dismissiveness.

Deflecting Ketu may counsel that whatever the mandate to engagement, whether sexual or financial or medical, one is not available for negotiation.

If Ketu occupies 7, the lifepartner or the business partner may be perceived as the one who fails to materialize sufficient value [Shukra value] .

The central complication of graha yuti-Ketu = disconnection from the people-places-experiences governed by the yuti-graha.

Yet Ketu + Shukra is also yoked by Shukra. Therefore the union, whether personal or professional, may limp along indefinitely [Ketu indefinite] in a sate of dissatisfaction without adequate motive to initiate change.

Possible balance issues

  • Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla [Somana-yuti-Budha] + Shukra-yuti-Ketu * avoided condemnation for the Vatican banking scandal [Shukra] KW was seen as an icon of social justice despite his decision to maintain a culture of invisibility regarding the role of the Church within the Nazi regime. Shukra-yuti-Ketu protected KW from blame as it was unclear [Ketu] precisely what had transpired. However, Il Papa was in his later decades beset by Parkinson's disease which eroded [Ketu] his ability to balance [Shukra].

If lagnesha, legal partnerships = self-defining but unsustainable

  • Super Brain 1946- renewal Deepak Chopra [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Jyeṣṭha ] [Shukra-10 parivartamsha Mangala-9] [10, leadership, social authority] Pattern of business alliances [Shukra] with influential, high-resource partners . The deals end abruptly [Ketu] followed by recriminatory lawsuits [Aśleṣā-Shani-6]

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] [8] [where Ketu represents the second wife]

  • France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonaparte [Arudra-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Mriga] [8, occult, opaque, undisclosed] lifepartnership 2-of-2 with Archduchess Maria-Louisa Hapsburg. The union was plagued by distance, with the co-parenting couple unable to spend even one full year together. Despite the successful production of the desired son-and-heir, alliance-2 was ended by abandonment [Ketu] after less than two years.

Vimshottari Dasha effects

Ketu mahadasha continues seamlessly into the Shukra Mahadadasha, creating a continuous Ketu-Shukra era lasting 27 years.

Effects of the umbrella 27-year period depend primarily on Shukra's bhava-rulerships but also upon Professor Ketu's bhava of residence.

Often, husband and wife spend less time together and more time separated [Ketu]. even if the marriage endures legally for many decades, there are extended and frequent periods of non-contact.

The concerns of women, of marriage, of relationships, of agreements, of trusts and treaties, of equity, of justice, of balance, or of contractual arrangements may seem irrelevant.

There may be effectively no limits [Ketu] upon sensual indulgence [Shukra]. Sweets, liquors, drugs, fine scents, luxurious fabrics, or any variety of women may be had with impunity. Simultaneously, the sensual experiences which seem ever-present may also be perceived as meaningless.

The wifely-companion may be off-balance.

  • POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower was the wife of POTUS-34 Dwight D. Eisenhower. She suffered a number of maladies including a chronic inner ear imbalance, and an oft-noted quality of jealousy.

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] indicates a chronic dissatisfaction with women and ever-readiness to dissolve previous agreements or break alliances, particularly financial deals and marriage contracts.

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor * 1 deg orb in Rohini [9 priesthood, doctrine] * HT notoriously married six times. His primary divorce strategy was annulment [Ketu, naull, naaught] HT used beheading when necessary to break the bond with an unsatisfying wife [Ketu = divorce-banishment-dissatisfaction] . Henry expressed a range of disappointments regarding wives including failure to produce the living male issue, lack of beauty, disharmonious conduct, and other seemingly vacuous complaints which would not normally have substantiated a divorce [Ketu vacuum] . Perhaps more influentially, Henry broke the 1000-year enthrallment [Ketu trance-breaker] England's rich farmlands that were being contractually held by the Church of Rome then were appropriated by England, adding vast wealth into the royal coffers and setting off another chain of beheadings for those who would oppose Henry's contract-breaking ways.

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] , unlimited spending, descent into sensual indulgence and apathy toward treasury values-containment

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation] Hearst was elected to the USA Congress 1905-1909 yet defeated for several other elected positions [Ketu-5 erodes political elections]. Hearst was considered an unfocused playboy. Throughout his adult life, WRH relationship with his bankers [Urisha] was fragmented and distrusting. Financial negligence [Ketu] led to massive bankruptcies and trusteeships due to his luxury overspending on opulent showcase [5] Hearst Castle.

Masculine nativity impact on lifepartnership Ketu-yuti-Shukra

Scattering of the core of trust.

Dissociative Ketu disperses Shukra's avowing, contracting, arranging, balance-seeking, agreeable, negotiating, promising, partnering behaviors.

Shukra contributes a relationship focus to Ketu's dispersing actions.

Yoga for alternative expressions of relationship formation. May experience a dissolution and misting-away of the purported contractual forms and formalities, such as prescribed marital interactions, established protocols for making love and maintaining unions, and various consensus-reality fixed interpretations of female identity.

If there is a third graha involved in this yoga

[Ketu + Shukra + one or more others] it can express the remarkable pattern of marriage to partner-1, followed by divorce-1, followed by remarriage to partner-1, followed by divorce from alliance-2 reformed with partner-1. Two marriages and two divorces from the same partner can be possible ... but Shukra should be strengthened by svakshetra or parivartamsha.

Breaks-up the lover's instinctual pursuit of balance and harmony. Dissolves the promise to remain faithful to a trust.

Yet typically, the dissolving, foggy qualities of Ketu distract and diffuse the public gaze. Relationship inconsistencies and incoherence are often unverifiable.

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower. When mounting the dangerous Normandy Invasion on D-Day in WW-2, dDE avoided detection by the Nazi forces of Occupied France. His wartime extramarital affair [Shukra-8, camouflaged relationships] and the simultaneous, parallel adventures of his wife [Shukra] were also successfully nebulized [Ketu, clouds] preventing scandal.

Graha Pakvata * Delayed Planetary maturity

Shukra normally matures at age 25, while Rahu and Ketu mature at age 48.

When Shukra-yuti-Rahu or Shukra-yuti-Ketu, shukra's maturity is delayed, and Shukra cannot mature until after age 48-50.

One effect of the delayed maturity for Shukra = one may remain sensually disengaged and unable to meaningfully connect to either the wifely-companion or to womenfolk in general. [such as sisters, cousin-sisters, sisters-in-law, aunts, or female cohort] . Disregarding of contracts and promises in general, finding fair agreements to be irrelevant to one's purpose, until after age 48.

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor entered his sixth marriage to Catherine Parr at his age 51. From his first alliance, age-18, until his sixth avowal, age 51, marriage contracts and wives were surely the bane of Henry's existence. Witnesses remarked that by age 51 he seemed more interested in hearing the viewpoint of his wife, and the 6th union enjoyed a higher degree of parity than the dominating Henry had ever previously displayed in his marriages. After Ketu matured age 48, it was HT who expired, and not his wife.

Seldom Satisfied

Ketu provides detachment, distanced perspective, and the witness viewpoint toward life's ongoing parade of experiences. Professor Shukra specializes in sense-pleasures and the human urge to balance things. Therefore, Ketu-yuti-Shukra tends to indicate a worldview that is appreciative of balanced beauty yet not embroiled in it nor even much accountable to it.

Taste and Pleasure

May lack taste in music. May lack taste [Shukra] in general, particularly at the physical level of tasting food. The gustatory senses are dulled, yet Shukra yearns for a satisfying taste. One may then overcompensate by eating or drinking excessively in desperate hope of a satisfying experience. Similarly overuse of devices to increase taste may emerge in practice such as heavy use of stimulating spices. The use of stimulants in general is indicated, motivated by Shukra's attempt to enjoy balance, pleasure, and satisfaction while Ketu is busy nebulizing, pulverizing, and dispersing the pleasuring experiences.

Ketu the Dissolver of Form has no natural limits. Ketu thus is capable of intense indulgence in pleasures with no time limit or nerve limit; self-medication may be seen with the Ketu-Shukra pairing, as well as temporary and fleeting engagement with beautiful music [should Shukra be strong per se] . Relationship to the Muse is unlimited and visionaries may be born with this pairing. But as to whether the vision can be realized, Ketu presents a cloud of unknowing, and other more materially enduring graha

[especially Shani] would need to be reinforcing a musical career if for example Shukra were a 10th amshapathi.

Because Ketu only accepts drishti from eight other graha, but produces no drishti of His own, professor Ketu is easily influenced by the agendas of other graha. Ketu may in some nativities be accepting drishti of Shani or another graha which would increase the structure thus allowing Ketu-yuti-Shukra to express social leadership. Yet, in private circumstance, the individual may feel beset by sensual excess.

Professor Ketu having no limits, Ketuva does not have a natural way to register satisfaction, completion, saturation, or finish. dissatisfaction with the beauty or attractiveness of the beloved. With the shifting boundaries and foggy expectations of Ketu dissolving somewhat Shukra's sense of balance, one may be unable to acquire reliable long-term relationship negotiation skills thus shift from relationship to relationship in search of ineffable satisfaction.

Also, underlying a superficially pleasant or financially privileged relationship there may persist a fundamental disdain [Ketu] for the partner [Shukra].

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] generates a particular sort of intangible, apathetic, dis-satisfaction with relationships [Ketu] and dispersed de-valuationof womenfolk [Shukra] . May result in a perception of acute emptiness [Ketu] within the core of reciprocal relationships.


The Tower 1865-1939 Symbolist poetry William Butler Yeats [Bharani-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Aśvini] [5, theatre, politics, romance]

  • Mesha-Shukra-Ketu = ruled by [nīcha-Mangala-8 in 7th-from-Chandra]. WBY numerous, chronically unsatisfying, relationships with women were chronicled by himself [5 autobiography] and confirmed by the accounts of his literary peers
  • Even after - late in life -- obtaining the affections of the actress [5] Maud Gonne - the unrequited lover after whom he had pined for years -- Yeats wrote of his inability to fully merge with her. Despite the long-sought-after physical union finally having been consummated, WBY wrote, "The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul."

This pattern of experience can produce dis-appointment of the culturally transmitted expectations which promote an ideal of lasting harmony in marital relationships.

Shukra-yuti-Ketu also suggests a weakened ability to sustain wealth and a fruitless search for lasting pleasures in life.

In the nativity of a husbandly figure, the first marriage is particularly perplexing since Ketu's ennui may not be familiar. A second marriage with this configuration may bring out the steadier familiarity with Ketu's characteristic ennui but at the same time the disappointment is much less acute because it has become more familiar.

Contracts, terms of agreement, sensual pleasure, wealth, and beauty are eventually beheaded as the chidrakarakaKetucauses detachment from the sources of pleasure and values.

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor Shukra-yuti-Ketu in dharma-bhava-9. King Henry disregarded the Church of Rome's lucrative financial contracts [Shukra] with England.

  • In deconstructing the historical fee-structure, Henry effectively cut-off [Ketu] the religious beliefs [9] and principles of worth-ship [worship] of an entire nation to suit his personal infidelities. Rahu-3 made him an ambitious propagandist and the people believed him [9] . HT succeeded in dissolving [Ketu] an essential politico-religious [9] alliance and re-appropriating the lucre [Shukra-Vrishabha] from Rome into his own courts and coffers.

Difficulty to firmly establish the value and worth of the Other.

  • one may feel lost in the world of human-to-human relationships

  • inability to identify the contractual interests of the Other; the point of engagement with Other is lost in a cloud [nebulous Ketu]

  • a chronic ennui in matters marital

  • No matter how valiant or diligent the spouse-partner in supporting the relationship and providing value for one, one may feel a chronic dissatisfaction with any peer-bond

marriage seems arbitrary [or expedient] and rather doomed to emptiness

promiscuity or long bouts of celibacy as a resuli

frequent separations between the partners, due to uncontrolled external circumstances [ambitions of Rahu]

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower experienced a fragmented marital life with POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Eisenhower. The couple were [notoriously and continuously] expecting to divorce. However, their longevity was helped by numerous interpersonal alignments such as Ike's Krittika lagna sharing the political tastes of Mamie's Yoni lagna. Their respective Chandra positions are also trined. DDE's military profession created long absences [Ketu]. When he was away from Mamie for three years during the European campaigns of WW-2, dwight was widely reported to be enjoyed a veiled affair-du-coeur with his lady driver. DDE's [Shukra-yuti-Ketu-8] facilitates undisclosed, uncommitted relationships. History verifies that the Eisenhowers were able to maintain a cheerful public facade. They were buried side-by-side.

May misinterpret or not notice the contribution of the marriage partner, business partner, or peer advisers. Disregards medical and legal advice, or reinterprets the guidance without regard to the adviser's intent.

  • Ketu-yuti-Shukra falls into the delusion of believing that one has accomplished all goals in solitude or entirely through one's own graces.

  • It is easy [Shukra] to undervalue, underestimate, underweight the contributions of essential Others and their key nature in creating happiness for oneself

  • during bhukti of Ketuva, tangible "dissatisfaction" or awareness of the insubstantiality of arrangements, contracts, balance in human affairs

Disregard and detachment from beauty, pleasure, and wealth

  • Should one achieve beauty, pleasure, and wealth, one may abandon attachment to these lovely experiences through apathy and discontent.

  • Excellent placement for a yogi of any variety - karma yogi, jnana yogi, even bhakti yogi when the ephemeral nature of the beloved is core to the practice


In a husbandly nativity, shukra = kalatra-karaka. Shukra-yuti-Ketu often signifies two wives and/or two marriages. The second marriage may remain unrecognized publically since Ketu vasana-karaka = the Vacuum. Often, one of the wives has been widowed or divorced before entering into the union with the native.

  • Harmonices Mundi 1571-1630 Johannes Kepler [Śrāvaṇa-Ketu-yuti-Shukra-Vaisva] [4, schoolteaching, property-ownership] JK's first wife had been twice-widowed before she married Kepler.

However, the ruler of the Shukra-yuti-Ketu pair must be considered and any additional graha within the rashi must also so considered. It is a tendency not a fixed rule.

In a husbandly-companion nativity = devaluation of the wifely-companion. Similar to Guru-yuti-Ketu for a wife's first husband, Ketu + Shukra for a husband's first wife indicates the wifely-companion's weak psychic boundaries, suggesting her availability to predatory others who pursue her intimate space.

In a wife's nativity, devaluation of the organs of sexual pleasure, and of the feminine associates. For a wifely-companion, distancing and devaluation from one's own attractive beauty.

For both genders, devaluation of financial wealth and chronic inability to maintain agreements.

The sexual pleasuring tastes may be peculiar and lovemaking becomes both very permissive [no limits] and emotionally distant.

If Shani is involved, the tastes may become either vulgar [tamasic] or strictly austere [sattvic] .

One feels apathetic toward sensual pleasures and Yet, because Ketu dissolves boundaries, one constantly pursues these unattainable pleasures, into the void.

Inability to establish personal certainty regarding the portfolio of Shukra: Alliances and contracts, harmony and relationships based on mutual interest, sweets and sugars, pleasures of the senses, beauty and art, music and women.

Ketu may engage in sense-pleasuring life indefinitely, driven by a need to indulge oneself in sweet and harmonious experience, without ever achieving a clear public marital identity or a clear personal sense of being satisfied in a relationship.

Disorientation to the tastes, preferences, aesthetics of the spouse and contractual partners.

Due to Rahu in 7th-from-Shukra, in a husbandly nativity, the wifely-companion may have fascinating [Rahu] other relationships.

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation] The son of a robber-baron oligarch, WRH was one of the most financially powerful men of his generation. Typical of Ketu-yuti-Shukra, his marriage was socially mismatched. WRH became smitten with and married a burlesque-dancing showgirl. Her mother had operated a brothel. [4th-from-Shukra = Simha-8] and WRH wife was reputed to have worked there. As their tastes in life diverged [Shukra taste, aesthetic] WRH undertook a new love - also a burlesque dancer - and the second union endured for decades. Yet 2nd partnership was never legalized, and WRH never publically acknowledged their relationship. .

Graha involved in yoga with formless Ketu have no natural boundary that says " enough". Particularly in this combination of Ketu with Shukra-Satisfaction, the pursuit of fulfillment of the contract or fulfillment of the expectations regarding the sensations of satisfaction from sensual pleasuring may lead to excessive indulgence and possibly addictions [particularly if associated with bhava-6 or bhava-12] . Interpersonal relationships may bring abundant pleasure but one is seldom satisfied with the quality of the partner or the union.

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor wanted a mother to produce and raise his son. All six of his wives certainly tried to produce a son for him. However, HT was rather impatient with this process due to chidra-karaka "the cutter" Ketu-yuti-Shukra in Rohini within 1 degree of orb, which reduces sustainability for marriage.

Peculiar pleasuring behaviors

Ketu-yuti-Shukra -- especially if Shukra = strong or the yoga occurs in kendra -- can suggest promiscuity, sex addictions involving pornography [especially visual stimuli which show exaggerated sexual pleasure organs. Shukra activates the 'external' or pleasure-producing sex organs] .

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] may suggest a habitual use of pleasure-stimulating drugs, or chronic auto-eroticism, exotic sexual unions, or other attempts to overcome the fundamental distancing from one's own natural ability to experience pleasure within a committed relationship.


  • disappointment in life due to having invested much energy in pursuit of sensual pleasures and affluence , Yet, because one fundamentally disregards the basic promise-keeping, alliance-building mechanism

  • one's pleasures are short-lived, and always disappointing.

  • Ketu prevents satisfaction through experience on the material plane.

  • Yet one cannot be dissuaded and the stronger is Shukra, the stronger one's Quixotic pursuit of the goal.

Marriage and the feminine partner[s]

A husband with Ketu-yuti-Shukra may appear to be // seldom satisfied // with the value of the wife.

Due to Ketu, husband may be unclear or unrealistic about women, and generally unable to sustain a lasting bond with the feminine partner.

Husband may swing between extremes of fantastic entrancement and urgent need for union upon the one hand, and bitter disappointment or cold disregard for the fair sex, upon the other.

In marriage - whether husband's first or his tenth - such a groom believes that one has made a poor choice - and that some ineffable better wife is just waiting to complete this unsatisfying life. Ketu-yuti-Shukra may perceive marriage as un-completable due to scattered, disconnecting Ketu.

If Shukra is adequately strong especially, if angular, aprospect of at least two marriages becomes more likely. in a husbandly nativity, the first marriage partner as well as the first marriage contract are defined by the graha which holds the highest degree within the cluster of graha sharing a rashi with Shukra. The spouse defined as a Ketu-type may be spouse-1, spouse-2 or further in the chain according to the degree placements.

The second marriage may appear to be even more incomplete than the first, and the second wife for a husband nativity is likely to be beautiful, distant, and utterly apathetic toward one 's need for pleasurable attention. The second wife may be quite disengaged from the world or have contempt for material attachments.

With Ketu-yuti-Shukra, one's relationships with women, regardless of one's own gender or orientation, are undermined by one's own fundamental apathy toward beauty, pleasure, and wealth.

Ketu enforces a lack of engagement with promise-based alliance [Shukra], which erodes trust in the source of pleasure will eventually cause the subconscious to destroy most of one's accumulated wealth.

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation]Second lifepartnership with a beautiful actress-dancer-singer was never formalized. Although WRH lived many decades with Marion Davies, he remained legally married to his first wife Millicent Willson until his death. Legal Lifepartner-1 was very much involved in his financial affairs [7th-from-Chandra = 2, finance]. Lifepartner-2 had no legal standing [Ketu dispersion, apathy]. During the final two decades of his life, lifepartner-2 Marion Davies just watched while WRH's asset-empire disintegrated [Ketu witness to dissolution] .

Although negligence [Ketu] can be remedied by conscious behavioral adaption, the natal condition does indicate a past-life proclivity toward chronic lack of respect for the material pleasuring processes. Ketu-yuti-Shukra = an excellent combination for vows of sugar-austerity [no alcohol or other sugars, limited sexual pleasuring, minimal wealth accumulation] if one is spiritually prepared.

Male or female, one will tend to fantasize and project unrealistic qualities upon the lover;

then [esp. If incoming Shani drishti] reality intrudes in the fantasy . During some Ketu bhukti, there is a massive disappointment.

Pleasuring genitalia

In The earthen body , shukra energizes the pleasure-producing "external" sexual organs [not the "interior sexual parts such as uterus or prostate, but rather the luxuriously nerve-rich external genitalia.

Collapsing Ketu + Shukra may indicate a peculiarity of the sexual organs. In males, there is some oddness of the penis or testicles. In Feminine Nativities, there is some oddness of the clitoris or vulva.


Ketu's job is to provide the experience of impermanence, dispersal of outdated forms, separation, detachment and surrender to the pure essence of Source.

For a masculine nativity, the wifely-companion may become an agent of dissolution of accrued financial wealth . There may be a long period of treasury -building in marriage but some occurrence of a Ketu bhukti could cause a major loss of financial well-being through one's own apathy toward trusts and promises.Ketusuggests that there is also dissolving agency within the character of the wifely-companion. Regardless of gender identification within this life, Shukra-yuti-Ketu shows material-wealth lost via an invalid, incomplete, apathetic, alienated, or surrendered partner.

Ketu Doubts the Shukra-Partnership

Dissatisfied and doubting with one's alliances. Distrust of intimate unions and equal advising or consulting relationships. Unable to fully connect with the partner. Also unable to fully disconnect from the partner. Even after death, divorce, or a public declaration of separation, one longs for fulfillment of the spousal presence.

A longing for the imagined satisfaction of completed union with the perfect mate. Unable to appreciate the benefits of the real mate. Wants another more sexual, more beautiful, more financially privileged, more talented, more musical, more artistic, more diplomatic, more sweet.

Absent sweetness

Persistent disconnection from the sweetness of partnership relations may drive one to seek chemical sweetness and thus alcoholism drug addiction and various sexual addictions are associated with Ketu + Shukrar.

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] = perhaps the most difficult placement for Ketu. Shukra's job is to create balanced, mutually pleasurable partnerships between human beings which give enormous value to life.

Without the prospect of satisfaction from promise-based committed relationships, life becomes rather flat and unsatisfying.

Only the advanced spiritual aspirant will recognize an important opportunity to take a vow of"no sweets " for a lifetime, which can permit the tantric upgrade of Shukra's pleasures into extraordinary magical knowledger.

one may feel rather ambivalent about all of the values typically signified by Shukra: money, knowledge, speech, history, appearance of the face and neck; as well as alliances, partners as persons, partnership as an art form, terms of contracts, agreements and promises.

The masculine-figure is chronically unhappy in marriage. If there is a divorce due to one 's belief that he can find that ineffably perfect better wife, he may yet, be unable to make a clean psychological separation from the unsatisfying first spouse. In the nativity of a husbandly figure, the second lifepartnership if any may be plagued by one 's continuing unhappy engagement with the problematic first spouse.

Resignation to a psychologically distanced relationship with the partner, and with all women who hold a wifely or lover-ly role. A deep and ineffable, sense of dissolution in the relationship with life partners who seem to have been taken away by circumstances beyond one's control.

Often the partner suffers psychologically from abandonment disorientations and fears which originated in early life ad continue to manifest as separativeness and distrust throughout the adult relationships.


One may be attracted into long-distance love relationships. True to Shri Ketu's distance-programming, one may gaze at the partner from afar. At a far remove, one may feel locked into an orbiting mutual bond with the partner.

Yet, there may be, in this learning-plan configuration, a deeply resigned sadness that the partnership might never successfully conjoin. Ketu dissolves and destabilizes the character of the partnership, and one may devalue the partnerr.

In a husband's nativity, one may be chronically ambivalent regarding real value of The wifely figure's qualities, particularly her beauty. The husband may perceive that there is something missing in the relationship to his wife. Something in the list of her valuable qualities is not completed.

In both male and Feminine Nativities, aresigned state of discontent in marriage. Tends to feel depressed around women.

Ambivalence toward aesthetic values. After a honeymoon period, becomes dissatisfied with works of art and architecture, with musical compositions and performances, and feels uncertain about the value of valuable goods and conserved knowledge.

Persistently romantic on the surface yet fundamentally expects a disengaged flatness within relationships.

Wanting relationships to be ever-lovely and sweet; always disappointed. Karaka for disconnection with the spouse.

If Shukra is stronger, may substitute a plethora of sensual pleasures for abiding love.

If Ketu is stronger, at birth or by dasha/gochara, extraordinary disappointment in partnership, leading to depression and despair.

Extremely sensitive to sugars: delicate kidney, pancreas, hormones. Karaka for surrender into alcoholism and other sugar addictions.

Detached or apathetic view of spouse due to disorientation at the time of marriage.

Does not harm sexual relations, especially if Shukra is strong.

This yoga limits sexual communication to the realm of sensual pleasure and does not permit deeper psychic union in sex, due to the distancing of Ketu.

Both native and spouse practice distancing behaviors due to trauma in their childhoods.

Typically, the parents' marriage was also sensually rather than spiritually focused and/or subsisted in a condition of deep despair.

Meditation engaging a female deity such as Laxmi, sara-svati, tara, Kwan-Yin, mother Mary, or any female divine energy form from one's own religious tradition, will improve native's awareness of this distancing habit [rooted in an underlying despair].

It may be helpful to appreciate that Ketu is trying to remove excess sensual pleasuring which has become a distraction [pulling apart] at this stage of the Learning Pathway.

If this yoga is afflicted by Shani, one may resist change [Shani] by asserting the homeostasis [Shani] of normalized pleasuring.

This is a tricky yoga because of the substance-use disorder and denial Yet, this resolves in honest meditation if one so desires.

Bhava ruled by Shukra express Ketu qualities of impermanence, pulverizing, scattering

Bhava ruled by Shukra show the peculiar influence of scattered-shattered-dispersed and sometimes incoherent flow of Ketu * which always supports spiritual enlightenment by blowing away outdated assumptions about cause-and-effect relationships, but which does tend to present a " breaking up" of existing energy flow

Twenty-Seven Years

For nativities that feature Shukra-yuti-Ketu, the Vimshottari Dasha calendar effectively produces a continuous 27-year period of relationship focus, usually characterized by a repeating cycle of attraction-repulsion-dissolution-attraction * akarshana - Nirriti * vikarshana

Vimshottari Dasha implications

When the two [or more] graha involved in a yuti-yoga also happen to rule adjacent [Vimshottari] Mahadasha, then the impact of the paired graha is stronger and longer lasting.

There is much more time allotted to the development of the mahadasha theme or the pursuit of the mahadasha goal when two Mahadasha-pati are joined.

Dasha sandhi is normally a ligature-era of waning influence preceding a surge of the new energy from the new mahadasha becomes less a period of exhaustion and more a period of continuing vitality. When the two [or more] graha involved in a yuti-yoga also happen to rule adjacent Vimshottari Mahadasha, the dasha-sandhi loses the waning, tiring effect and becomes an era of bridging continuation.


[the final bhukti of each mahadasha] remain a designated period of forgiveness and unloading of unsustainable goals, but this release experience is not matched by a feeling of severance or depletion. Rather, the chidra-dasha release tends to be experienced as a mid-course correction during ongoing pursuit of the original goal.

Naturally, the overall conditions of the partner graha determine the nature of the outcomes of the extended Mahadasha period. [uchcha] Shukra-yuti-Ketu for example is potentially very musical and sensually artistic.

For Meena nativities bhratru-pati-3 + randhresha-8 Shukra

[no matter how exalted] generates secretive conditions [8 and 8th-from-8th] for women, wealth, and relationships [Shukra] which deteriorates further via Ketu's dispersion.

Alternatively for the Makara indriya-lagna and the Kumbha indriya-lagna , professor Shukra becomes a yogakaraka. If Shukra-yuti-Ketu the agency of Ketu may produce a wandering artist, or a musician of transcendent appeal.

  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] [Shukra-10 parivartamsha Shani-1]+ + [Shani 10th-drishti into Shukra] Her musical appeal disregards the boundaries of age-generation, cultural identity, and gender. BJS combined 27 year [Ketu-then-Shukra mahadasha] extended from age 14 until age 41, marking a span of extraordinary musical expression in a variety of artistic styles. BJS was singing Broadway auditions as a teenager. Ketu confers benefit of musical fearlessness, while Shukra-Shani exchange strictly compounded by [Shani 10th-drishti into Shukra] protects the personality f by reinforcing the work ethic and granting longevity to the career.

" Aesthetic of Pleasant Numbness, amicable Disconnection"

The male is attracted to women of either debauched or mystical qualities [or both] .

The male is attracted to long distance unfulfilled, profoundly detached, unattainable, non-physical, or unconsummated marriage relationships.

Male has a tendency to mystify the object of his affections, transforming her into a dream-like vision rather than interacting, relating, and negotiating with a real human person.

May be resigned to a state of chronic dissatisfaction in the first marriage, the male remains dedicated to the unsatisfactory first wife, generally not seeking divorce until some extraordinary trigger might occur.

First wife = unsuitable and unreachable. The native = in despair, unable to feel the sweetness of agreeable spousal life. Yet, marriage is fixed -- As Rahu-Ketu are fixed in their hopeless cycle of seeing each other without any chance of ever experiencing connection.

Marriage subsists in a state of disconnected toddler-style p arallel play in which the partners may share many activities and Yet, they are engaged only with the activity and not with each other.

Generally a man with Ketu-yuti-Shukra feels permanently dissatisfied [Ketu] with partnerships [personal and professional] yet unable to extract oneself from the marriage contract. Yet, if there is enough planetary support for social dignity then despite a deep lack of interpersonal trust and fulfillment, the marriage may remain sexually and socially functional.

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower endured a long-lasting and socially dignified marriage with Mamie Doud Eisenhower. However, this alliance involved frequent, long-term absences. The partnership teetered on the verge of legal separation, but never quite split. As Ike-and-Mamie developed into a power-couple, they coordinated an image of contented grandparents. Yet General Eisenhower displayed a perpetual ennui [Ketu] in matters of women. DDE listlessly coupled-and-uncoupled with veiled liaisons [8].

May be a useful contributing yoga for those consciously undertaking holy vows of religious celibacy, including celibate marriage -- particularly if Shukra is already weakened by rashi. However, if Shukra is strengthened by rashi [svakshetra or [uchcha] then Ketu typically adds the element of persistent dissatisfaction while the bodily sensuality of pleasure-seeking Shukra continues to seek an elusive experience of balanced completion.

in a husbandly nativity, Ketu may represent a second wife. Much depends upon whether there are additional graha in the cluster joining Ketu-yuti-Shukra. If Ketu is the graha closest to Shukra and there is no graha casting drishti upon Shukra, in the event of a second marriage, the disconnection-mystification experience may intensifyr.

Ketu is a disregarder of forms, including the forms of social law and obligation.

Professor Ketu may contribute a weakening influence for purposes of adherence to the rule of law such as a marriage contract.

Ketu is a fragmenting, particle-distributing influence. Ketu relationships may be perceived as dispersed, pulverized, in a hazy cloud, invisible to the public.


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Rohiṇī-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Rohiṇī] [5, entertainment, financial speculation]

  • born into conditions of treasury and privilege. At age 40, Hearst impulsively married a 21-year-old burlesque actress. His wife's mother operated a brothel, and the new wife herself was insinuated to have worked as a part-time prostitute. From his seat in the audience, WRH had become enchanted [5] with her charm .

  • From this Witness viewpoint [Ketu witness] WRH confused a brief infatuation with evidence of suitability for marriage . Shukra-yuti-Ketu * Ketu indicates foolishness [fatus] and with Shukra = mismatched marriages. WRH later fell in love with another entertainer [5] dancer-actress-singer Marion Davies.. T

  • he couple shared a home [Hearst Castle] for decades, staying 3000 miles away from his first wife. However, despite their obvious affection for each other. WRH did not demand a divorce from his first wife. Ketu apathy . and Davies was never socially acknowledged.

  • Similarly, UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 abandoned his legal wife and mother of his children to pursue a deeper love with his long-time mistress. By all accounts, charles [and Wm. Hearst] were faithful to their mistresses. Charles' nativity does provide a "release" through the parivartamsha Budha so that he was, eventually, able to marry his second amour. However, their love continued Ketu-style - disregarding for material consequences - for decades. Eventually, the trigger bhukti made the second marriage possible.

For Shukra = yuti Ketu, the 7th drishti of Rahu, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , naturally applies to the first two marriages at minumum.

Ketu + Shukra = similar to Ketu + yuvati-pati-7 yuvati-pati

Ketu + Shukra affects husbandly-figures more acutely as it brings discontent with the personality of the wifely-figures

Collasping Ketu often expresses an inability to maintain commitment to a specific promise or inability to develop an agreed set of values in the partnership.

Ketu + Shukra for women has a different effect of throwing off-balance the woman's own inner harmony, which is the basis of her ability to offer a harmonizing beauty to Others and to the world. An ephemeral, shifting-sands experience of lifepartnership may become a major source of psychological and bio-chemical stress for her.

Ketu + yuvati-pati-7 = difficulty to establish a lasting balance point

  • in any promise, agreement, advising or counseling relationship, peer equity, diplomatic, or architectural balance.

  • The chidrakaraka Ketu provides a subconscious expectation that all agreements entered into will soon be severed; thus one lacks material commitment and one's negative expectations are soon made manifest.

Shukra-yuti-Ketu: Natural beauty = eccentric . Not unattractive, but quirky; disregarding the bell-curve norms. Occasionally abandons unsustainable arrangements - whether personal or musical.

[Shukra-yuti-Ketu] may lack a natural sense of fashion or may miss the beat of conventional standards for decorum and dress. Under the right circumstances their inability to pick up the mainstream conventional signals can support creative expansion in unique, personalized style in the arts.


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