

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Chandra Main Page

Sade-Sati by Chandra Rashi

Meena-Chandra qualities of the life-partner

Chandra-Meena measured from 12 radical lagna

  1. [Chandra in classroom-1]
  2. [Chandra in classroom-2]
  3. [Chandra in classroom-3]
  4. [Chandra in classroom-4] -- [dikbala]
  5. [Chandra in classroom-5]
  6. [Chandra in classroom-6]
  7. [Chandra in classroom-7]
  8. [Chandra in classroom-8]
  9. [Chandra in classroom-9]
  10. [Chandra in classroom-10]
  11. [Chandra in classroom-11]
  12. [Chandra in classroom-12]

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] [4-30 mūlatrikoṇa ]
  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]
  4. [Chandra-Karkata]
  5. [Chandra-Simha]
  6. [Chandra-Kanya]
  7. [Chandra-Tula]
  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]
  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Chandra-Kumbha]
  12. [Chandra-Meena]



OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

OM Krim Rathanga - Chakraya Namaha

OM kleem uthritaya vuddarene namaha

OM aam kleem udhvatai uddharine namaha

AUM som somaya namah



चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner

Professor Chandra

सोमso-ma= moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

शशिन् shashin = moon, containing a hare

ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations

आत्ममय ātma-maya = my own self-essence

जलमित्र jala-mitra = friend of waters

निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator

resides in


Mina - Minamatsya - Matsya

Machchu = tail

अन्त्य antya = end, final, terminal, funeral

झष jhaṣa = large fish

पृथुरोमन् pṛthuroman = fish, having broad scales

तिमि timi = whale

Mens - Mind - Moon = Monday

Nanna - Anna - Di-ana - Inanna

Sin - Sinai - Selene - Serena - Luna

Aah - Iah


Piscetis - Fish

The Dreamer

comforted by ancestral guidance

settled into rhythmic intuition

needs sanctuary


Lazzaro Bastiani Saint Lucy Kneeling Donor, circa 1480 CE





Janma rashi = Guru -ruled Meena

[Chandra in classroom-1 comfortable embodiment * familiar with innovation * needs direct action

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Meena indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra high visibility, customary social position, familiar leadership, routinely recognized duties are performed in the optimistic, inspirational, principled, philosophical, dogmatic style of Dhanus-10]

[physically comfortable with creative high-visibility acts of faith] [feels embodied pulse of private spiritual guidance] [needs to kineticly activate imaginative sound-and-color]

[impulsive muscular sensitivity to entertaining fantasy inspiration] [soothed by habitual movement of contemplative imagery] [intuitively energized corporeal understanding of the familiar, sleepy ethno-rhythms]

[pioneering, competitive channel for dramatizing of wholistic vision] [physique flows naturally in dreamlike inspirational guidance roles] [deeply bonded mother may brightly demonstrate her quietly intuitive genius]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-2]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Dhanus-11. Known for optimistic dogmatic globalist style of earnings, connected friendships, goal-achievement]

[emotionally anchored by banking routines] [soothed by symbolic charitable values] [comforted by knowledge from interior guidance]

[familiar voice-face appeal to ancient remembering dreamers] [alert to the familiar sounds of the contemplative cetaceans ] [soothed by undulating pulse of dimensional shift]

[sense of belonging to a conflicted family] [profound need for imagined financial security] [mother may be the dreamlike center of the family]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-3] comfortable with cohort * familiar with messaging * needs to communicate

[balancing-bargaining jaya-pati for Makara indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Dhanus - Haya-12. Known for optimistic dogmatic principled believing style of imagination, cloistering, fantasizing, sanctuary, research enclosure]

[Comfortable with clairsentiently symbolic writing-publishing.] [soothed by privately guided cooperative teamwork.] [busy dreamworld interpreter]

[feels like an intuitive match-maker] [Explains the imagery of psychic harmonics]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-4]

[dikbala] --- [svabhava]

[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-dristi for defining source of Chandra's broad imaginative worldview

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public responsibilities are conducted in the Dhanus-1 style = uniquely inspirational, optimistic individuality, appears to have higher understanding, philosophical embodiment]

[comforted by stable habitual private reflection] [culturally sensitive to transformative imaginative vision] [needs to sense the fluid pulse of intuitive guidance] [protector of the ancestral sanctuaries]

[emotionally aligned to entrancing meditative rhythms] [environmentalist feelings attuned to watery lake-dwelling deva] [anchoring mother may be a charitable, secret-keeping schoolteacher, householder, gardener, grower ]

Chandra in Pūrvābhādrapada * soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-5]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = collecting, preservin,, enriching, storytelling, linguistic, musical, heritage, knowledgeable, financial duties performed in the inspirational, ideological, optimistic, dogmatic style of Dhanus-2]

[comfortable with visionary public guidance] [feels dramatic pulse of deeply principled convictions] [needs to display faith in compassionate understanding]

[sensitive tolerance for diversity of cultural worldviews] [soothed by habitual local expression of globalist humanism] [sense of belonging to the entire world while following the dreamlike ethno-rhythms]

[symbolic ceremonial show of patriotic parental protection] [celebrity intelligence flows naturally in patronage roles] [devout mother may brightly demonstrate her religio- philosophical beliefs]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance


[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-6]

[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Tulā-indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Dhanus-3. Known for inspirational messaging, optimistic announcements, doctrinal scripts, principled teamwork ]

[comfortable with visionary public service ministry] [status-minded offering of compassionate aid to the exploited] [intuitively helps those who suffer from otherworldly distress]

[routinely feels overworked by divinatory guidance, then sick] [imaginatively disposed toward defensive argumentation]

[mother may be an ancestral dream guide, yet her dissolved identity may attach her to illness, victimization, servitude, or abuse]

[in scapegoated 6, one may be chastized, blamed, or accused for visionary, symbolic, imaginative, contemplative, clairsentient activities -or dreaming-sleeping]


[Chandra in Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-7] comfortable with arrangements * familiar with sensitive arbitration * needs harmony

[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Parthya indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's optimistic feelings, humanistic rhythms, global sensibilities'

[folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = land-ownership, patriotism, ethnicity, familiar rhythms, cultural foundations, defense of a way-of-life in the inspirational optimistic dogmatic style of Dhanus-4]

[intangible sensitivity to equity in the collective dreamworlds] [comforted by relationship with contemplative goal-oriented mother] [soothed by friendly partnership in intuitively wholistic arrangments]

[culturally attuned to symbolic imagery] [needs to feel balanced pulse of ritualized interior guidance] [advocating protector of visionary ancestral agreements]

[environmentalist feelings attuned to cetacean sounds and misty water-element deva]

[conceptually understanding mother may be sleepy advisor, vague meddler, reflective broker, foggy mediator, clairsentient match-maker]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-8]

[Vimala Yoga]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = creatively entitled, celebrated, literary, artistic-performance, inspirational optimistic dogmatic Dhanus-5]

[identified with transformative symbolic understanding] [intuitive wholistic identity-change] [soothed by periodic interior upheavals]

[needs protected meditation at rhythmic intervals] [attuned to shocking dreamworld images] [vague, all-one feelings may suddenly stop-and-start]

[essential need for sanctuary in-or-near water] [anonymously charitable]

[at some juncture in the lifespan, old inner spiritual guidance utterly dies, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into a new comprehensive symbolic worldview]

[comfortable with disruptive cetacean influence] [absorbs pulsing oceanic waves of subtle sound] [anchored by ancestral inner guidance]

[inspirationally rejuvenating hallucinations] [traumatized mother may be quietly moody]

[mother's contemplative grounding may fluctuate] [clairsentient mother may seem secretly entranced, mysterious or unpredictable]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-9]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = conflicted, medicating, service-ministry, helping, inspirational optimistic dogmatic Dhanus-6]

comfortable with doctrine * familiar with philosophy * needs understanding


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike


[Chandra in classroom-10] comfortable with protocol * familiar with hierarchy * needs order

storytelling-collecting dhanesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Dhanus-7. Known for inspirational, optimistic, dogmatic style of diplomacy, arrangements, representation, consultancy, advising, peerage, brokerage, contractual bargains]

[visionary patriotic leadership routines] [culturally iconic fantasizing figurehead roles] [serenely imaginative ancestral caretaking authority]

[poetic familiar face to the parochial nation] [socially recognized symbolic guide speaks about preserving ancient values] [high-visibility emotionally sensitive charitable ethical protector]

[publicly approved rhythmic cycles of dreamlike wholistic narrative] [intuitive, privately prayerful mother may be respected maternal philanthropist]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-11] comfortable with connectivity * needs networking * settled into community rhythms * routine webworks

[team-working bhratru-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra transformative revelatory shocking rejuventating exploratory discoveries = in the inspirational, preaching, philosophical style of Dhanus-8]

[comforted by familiar, dreamlike friendships] [culturally sensitive to charitable aims in economic linkage] [needs to sense the prayerful pulse of connection in mass-participation assemblies]

[protector of the ancestral symbolic associative gridworks] [interior-guidance leads profitable business transaction] [sibling-cousins stabilize the social life] [intuitive earning from commercial publication]

[emotionally attached to envisioned goal achievement] [environmentalist feelings attuned to oceanic mists] [managing mother may be a visionary socialite, fundraiser, community activist]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

[Chandra in classroom-12]

[localizing bandhesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = guiding, patronizing, priestly, principled, preaching, theoretical, inspirational optimistic dogmatic Dhanus-9]

[needs dreamlike meditations] [habitual contemplative routines in research enclosures] [soothed by seclusion in private music-art studio]

[comfortable in shrouded cloister] [rhythmic guidance from interior spiritual imagery] [subtle tones anchor visionary awareness]

[familiar with inner symbolism] [an intuitively wholistic perceiver who needs sanctuary space] [gardener with a sensitive rhythmic attunement to earth-pulse]


[Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

[Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] soothed by wisdom systems * compassionate protectors of hierarchical rules * needs to provide orderly guidance

[Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike


The comfortable, familiar, deeply-rooted rhythms of the mother's lullabye, the parents, the caregivers, the sheltering protectors, sing a soothing nourishing song of imagination, visionary scope, breadth of inclusion.

  • Our people are dreamers.
  • We are seers, conduits for wisdom, naturally intuitive.
  • We are a folk of pattern readers, healers of the phantom-world, giving and receving private spiritual guidance.
  • We are swimmers, following the ocean channels.
  • We to hear and know the flow of divinations.

Meena-Chandra does not question this most basic feeling of clairsentience and inherent attunement.

comforted by spiritual guidance

comprehension and compassion

spiritual guidance * otherworldly sensitivities

[Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

always rules

  • center-of-attention, gaming, delightful 5th-from-Chandra * celebrity, intelligence, creativity, politics, children

Chandra-Meena always occupies

  • wisdom-seeking, internationalized 9th-from-svakshetra * global humanism, universities, beliefs, doctrine

Due to Chandra-Meena ruling 5th-from-itself, one may feel a deep affinity for the children, the students (5), the creative arts; for celebrity and celebration; for unique expressions of divine intelligence. This Learning Pathway may rrovides a natural intellectualism and intuitive scholarship.

Chandra-Meena resides in the 9th-from Chandra's svakshetra-Karkata. Typically, Chandra-Meena = emotionally attached to the roles of university professor, philosopher, spiritual guide, wise preceptor, guru, episcope, and indoctrinator. The conditions in the bhava of Meena may indicate the nature of the philosophical roler.

[folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra] = Meena - Antya

In general, Chandra-Meena is emotionally predisposed toward Guru-style teacher, preacher, professor, and inspirational roles. There is an intuitive readiness to undertake indoctrination, guidance, and patronage types of adult work. Look also to the conditions of Guru, to the karmesha, to the ruler of 10th navamsha, to the ruler of 10 dashamamsha , and other career profile elements for confirmation of 10th-from-Chandra's basic attunements.

Life-partnership-1 = Kanya

Kanya = [7th-from-Chandra-Meena]. Professor Budha = adversarial toward Chandra, therefore Chandra-Meena may experience a degree of psycho-mental animosity with life-partner-1 due to the gapbetween broad-minded, preaching Guru and detail-oriented, businesslike Budha..

Although much depends upon the two bhava involved, usually the conflict is centered in emotional communication with the two partners being generally not on the same wavelength.

  • Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [secretive-eruptive Andromeda-4] [uchcha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra] hailed from a family of poets, musicians and artists. The mother of his children who was a non-literate house servant and he refused to marry her. They apparently had no agreement except regarding the children; However, even in that matter, Galileo took the children int his own house, and sent their mother away.


6th-from-Chandra = disappointment to the degree of betrayal, due to 6th-from-Chandra = Simha.

the pattern of sorrow from emotional distress = "the idea is better than reality"

If graha located in Simha, more dramatic intensity of the disease or distress

Benevolent Brihaspati the Patronizing Preacher and Indoctrinator would prefer that maternal, routinized, localized ethnic Chandra-Meena be always expanding toward dharmic worldview, theory and philosophy.

Yet, chandra would prefer to not expand. Guru wants global but Chandra wants local. Chandra wishes to undulate and oscillate within a small scope of movement. Therefore, acertain type of exhaustion usually Chandra-Meena due to too much extension of the emotional roots.

When politics are activated, due to Simha = 6th-from-Chandra, the father-figures [Surya] may become adversarial and exhaustion can result in sickness.


Needs to teach, preach, and travel; often multicultural and peripatetic. May seek the priesthood. Likes to swim. Generally maintains a philosophical or doctrinal (9) relationship toward parents [Chandra] and often has an affectionate relationship to the father's people or professor or religious preceptor.

A wise person but somewhat patronizing. For Tulā indriya-lagna, meena-Chandra-6 may signal doctrinal conflict between parochial and global views.

Emotional need to live on the bridge between the astral world of the spirit guides and the material world of human society.

Needs psychic nourishment taken in sanctuary, meditation, prayer, privacy, sleep, and dreams.

If you have a Meena-Somana person in your life, honor their knowledge of past, present, and future. History really does repeat itself. Listen to their long stories; allow them to interpret your dreams.

Also good for concerns of 5th-from-5th including politics and theatre, gaming and speculation, creative intelligence , literature and performance arts, and most of all children.

Nurtures a safe, creative space for the children.

Meena-Chandra may find that whatever planned misalignments requiring realignment attention come into one's path, the transcendent enjoyment of children will restore awareness of the presence of the divine.

Like Pushanya the Ferryman , meena-Chandra is constantly traveling between two worlds

  • the adult world + the child world,

  • the material-social present-time world + the astral spirit-guide world,

  • inner intuitive dream world + the outer time-space work world.

One possesses a natural affinity for children, all forms of teaching , and transactions which occur upon the bridge between the astral world and the material world.

  • A social recognized teaching profession may be indicated if Guru also rules the 10th navamsha.

as ruler of the natural 12th house, somana is Bred for imagination

Meena-Chandra ponders the depth and breadth of the cosmos, searching for the conduits= conduction routes of Pushan the cowherd, which connect one field of meaning to the next. Meena is a sign of oceans, dolphins, universes, children, symbols, and dreams. It is the land of the astral bridge, the interstitial or liminal realities of dreams and illusions, aworld of swirling images and the pathways between them.

When one looks in the mirror, s/he sees a Visionary, a dream reader, an energy gauge, broad knower and commenter-upon vast movements in history and civilization.

Somana-Mesha = enchanted by children and spirits; magnetically attracts them; speaks for them. These natives channel a vast intuitive creativity. Yet, the results may manifest solely on the astral plane, invisible to most humans. They neither seek nor decline the teaching role for which their wisdom suits them.

The fundamental emotional urge is to deepen one's understanding of the infinitely complex and subtle relationships between all beings. One's actual success (or not) in absorbing the knowledge and providing inspirational or intuitive guidance to others, depends on the vitality of Gurur.

Father + father-figures

Pitrikaraka Surya activates the emotionally unfair6th-from-Chandra

[Chandra-Meena] naturally carry an extra burden of disagreement with the Father, simply because Surya activates the emotionally unfair [6th-from-Chandra] . The more graha residing in Simha, the more complex becomes the pattern of animosity and friction between father and child. The nature of the graha can indicate the specific topics of disagreement.

Both the relationship of oneself with the father and the relationship of the mother toward the father are brought into the conflict pattern. The mismatch between mother and father from the earliest days of life tends to afflict ones expectations of the father, who is sensed even in childhood as somehow adversarial to the mother's well-being (Surya 6/8 from Chandra).

Other characteristics that profile the father must be considered, such as Surya's rashi + incoming drishti, + bhava locale + the dharma-pati-9 + ruler of 9th-from-Chandra.

Depending on the conditions of Surya and the Dharmesha, dad may be a moral citizen, and he may benefit the larger society, .Yet, within the family, the mother [Chandra] and her child may be prone to accuse the father of wrongdoing (6th, accusations) and unable to summon a full trust toward the father (6, distrust). Often the nature of the wrongdoing is socially subtle but has a deep impact on the family dynamic.

Not only the father himself may be emotionally adversarial, but general conditions in Simha (politics, entitlement, drama, games) are often the source of disappointment and frustration.

  • France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [secretive-eruptive Uttarabhādra-4] CdG's dad was a professor of military history. Dad was a vociferous complainer and accuser, not only toward CdG and his brothers, but also and primarily toward the institutionalized [Shani] French military. CdG's [Shani-Simha] emphasizes the intractable officer entitlements which framed the lack of troop discipline and made it seem like the French military was locked into 19th century drama. CdG attempted to impose [Shani] some of Dad's modernization plans, but both men were often sandbagged by political animosities [Simha].

When supportive Chandra gains nurturing strength, the more adversarial the Father's role [Simha] may seem.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie [inspirational-believing Revatī-Pashu-1] + [Guru-yuti-Mangala] As a public figure, aJV has played out her disagreements and distrust regarding her dad on the public stage. Her central complaint was not about herself, but rather that her father persistently mistreated her mother.

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [political-dramatizing Uttarabhādra-1] [Andromeda-Chandra-yuti-Mangala-Andromeda] [Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] NS accused his father of abandoning his mother. For young Nicolas, the support of his grandfather was generous and guiding, via Guru-9 and Shukra in 9th-from-Chandra. Yet, naS perceived that his father was mistreated his mother.

If Guru = svakshetra (Dhanus, meena) or [uchcha] Karkata, the Meena-Chandra native = highly gifted with intuitive intelligence.

One may display a breadth of knowledge in wide-cast fields such as economics, philosophy, and history.

  • In Dhanus, benevolent Brihaspati occupies the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking; 10th-from-Chandra which often provides a doctrinal career such as teaching in many guises, visionary science, research professorships, religious leadership.

  • In Karkata, benevolent Brihaspati casts drishti upon Somana, favorable for all matters of children, self-expression, speculation, and performance arts.

In Meena, brilliant intuition and very fertile, but rashi lagna here determines whether there is material distinction or not.

Feminine Nativities

Meena Chandra

Emotionally philosophical and socially inclusive, as are their mothers.

Lower body is generally wider of build; Earthen-body becomes 'pear shape' in maturity. Reflective in their habits. Emotionally wise but generally rather quiet preferring a meditative awareness to intervention in the life choices of others. A teacher to their children.

Meena-Chandra ladies may prefer a lifestyle that supports their habit of sanctuary-seeking retreat. She feels a need for self-enclosure via invisibility. The need is often met by means of social disappearance including long wanders in her imagination or physically in foreign lands.

Chandra-Meena folk know you. They know all humankind. They utilize guidance from life forms which others might not be able to access. They have psychic and spiritual trail-guide information which others might not recognize or value.

They can show you the way out of suffering, by compassionately pointing out the errors of the past, the suffering of the present, and wisdom of your future. Don't punish their apparent indecisiveness.

Chandra-Meena folk = sensing subtle patterns in the great psychic ocean which surrounds us (the astral plane) - give them time. Children will be especially sensitive to psycho-emotional fluctuations; they require protection from hard-shelled predators.

Parents and bosses may seem vague and indefinite; give them time, too, to find the most compassionate way. The time you spend waiting for Meena-Somana wisdom is a valuable spiritual investment.

Chandra-Pūrvābhādra = Guru. Meena's psycho-spiritual guidance roles feature global viewpoint and expansive imagination.

Chandra-Uttarabhādra = Shani. Meena's psycho-spiritual guidance roles feature institutional governance and corporate-or-scientific structure

Chandra-Revatī = Budha. Meena's psycho-spiritual guidance roles feature messaging and teamwork.


  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] blanketed the state of Louisiana in advertising pamphlets * famed musical slogans and political ditties sung on radio advertising

  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor [distributed-systems Revatī-3] [7, relationships] accomplished singer, songwriter, lutentist

  • Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [uchcha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra] accomplished singer, lutenist, taught art and design

Marriage andQualities of the Life-Partner

7th-from-Chandra = Kanya

Contractual Partnerships and Trusts

Naturally, the outcomes for partnership depend significantly upon the bhava of 7th-from-Chandra and also any graha located in Kanya, as well as drishti incoming into Kanya

To find characteristics of spouse-partner for multiple marriages, count in patterns of 8 steps

7th from Meena-Chandra = Kanya


Kanya perceives insufficiencies, failure to meet expectations, mismatch, imbalance, pollution, mistreatment.

The positive aspect of Kanya is always Service.

Chandra Meena may enjoy elevated relationships with partners who are dedicated to their chosen Seva. Kanya professions are typically in areas of medicine, military, or human services, but any variety of ministry from housekeeping to human-resources = Kanya.

Kanya complains. No matter the benefits or liabilities of the partnership, chandra-Meena attracts a partner who complains.

Traits of poverty, illness, and self-medication are possible. Overall a pattern of service to others is predominant. Medical professions are well represented in Kanya.

Helping, helping, helping always. Provisioner of aid. Servant and laborer.

  • Protestant Reformation 1483-1549 hymns Martin Luther [Chandra-5] married the ex-nun [Kanya] Katharine von Bora. A multi-skilled helpmate, Katharina bore six children, maintained their farm and businesses, and hosted Martin's associates [11] at their well-connected home. On numerous occasions, she prevented him from being murdered. The attention was mainly upon Martin as the charismatic personality [5] in the center of the religious-and-economic Christian Reformation.. Yet, Katharine's service-ethic sustained their social popularity and community connections. Although she preferred to work as a 24/7 helper, historians of the Protesting Reform movement generally acknowledge her essential importance.

For Meena Chandra, partners are distinguished by the traits of Budha-ruled Kanya, including service ministry, helping nature, youthfulness, and studentship.

  • Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] [8]. RT became a world-famous poet and celebrated social reform activist. He lived to age 80 as a creative-arts icon of his generation. In the days when a young betrothed would enter her husband's home at the rank of servant, rT's wife Mrinalini was wed at her age ten. RT hired tutors to help Mrinalini learn to read-and-write. She became an avid student and accomplished literary translator, helpingher husband in his publishing work. She died age-28.

Critical, logical, naarrative and argumentative in character, the partners of Meena-Chandra discuss and debate, criticize and complain. Excellent placement for a partner who is a social-worker, minister of service, physician, or pharmacist. However, if Chandra occupies a dusthamsha-6-8-12 partner may manifest ailments.

Guru and Budha do not tolerate each other well thus relationships particularly marriage may be more stressful than supportive for the Meena female. However, her Chandra-Kanya partner benefits from her wise counsel.

Life-partner is service-oriented [Kanya] and often suffers from health problems, including possible issues with malnutrition, digestive conflict, and substance self-medication.

TThe partner's vitality may be consumed by health concerns, financial worries, and interpersonal conflicts. There may be minimal energy available to support and develop the partnership. The partner may hail from a lower social register, or serve the needs of those experiencing imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, betrayed, sick, polluted, or poor.


Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [disguising-discovering Andromeda-4] [8, sudden eruptions of unexpected force, initiation]

  • [SPJ age 23] During Ketu-Mangala bhukti [Kuja rules 9th-from-Chandra] near the end of their six-year, continuous intimate relationship, SPJ and his high-school sweetheart conceived a daughter named Lisa.

  • During Ketu-Rahu bhukti [Rahu-5 children] SPJ filed a lawsuit to terminate his liability for child-support payments. Baby-mom = a dyslexic artist [2] Victimized [Kanya] by SPJ's narcissism, the unavowed [Kanya] lifepartner struggled in poverty for a decade while raising their daughter. Meanwhile SPJ's business flourished, making him a millionaire. Meena-Chandra-8= Kanya-2 ruler Budha-6. But the relationship devolves into disagreements, servitude, unfair accusations, litigation, criminal misconduct.


How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston [ordering-regular Revatī -2] [Chandra-yuti-Guru] [4, cultural routines, worship, mother]

  • WH married a competitive, well-known singer [Mangala-10] who was also physically aggressive toward her. [Mangala-10 drishti into -Ketu-1 indriya-lagna + into Chandra-4 home, security]. Their joint self-medication [Kanya] was costly. Exhausted and sick from drugging [Kanya] both partners were forced to perform into order to service their indebtedness.

Parenting = Chandra-Meena

Chandra-Meena's parenting style = guidance, suggestion, cultivation of the children's imagination, offering children the gift of privacy, the gift of meditation, the gift of prayer and communion with the spirits.

Children are shown the visionary bridge between the worlds of material life and the worlds of the ancestors, the path to self-realization, and The reality of spirit.

Chandra-Meena parents feel most comfortable with self-realized and intuitive children. Kids (5th-from-Chandra) tend to understand the nature of their own imaginative spiritual pathway

5th-from-Chandra = Karkata

  • Family, stability, and security = important.

  • Child of the Meena-Chandra parent has a strong sense of place + strong bond with the parents .

  • Parents, care-takers, schoolteachers, and property-owners are in general beneficial for this child.

Contractual Partnerships and Trusts = 7th-from-Chandra = Kanya

Perhaps the most difficult of the 12 marriage angles, 7th from Meena-Chandra = Kanya. The partner may demonstrate the Kanya profile = dissatisfaction, disagreement, and criticism

The partner often develops health problems [Kanya]. The disease condition is not always obvious at the time of marriage ceremony, but often the condition is indeed known to both parties and they accept this reality.

Meena = a shepherd-guide-healer (Pashu-pati)

Meena may try to correct the spousal imbalance-seeking-a-remedy by showing the Way . However often the unhealthy condition is deeply pre-incarnationally planned in nature and acceptance of the partner's disease is ultimately required.

Any graha in Kanya rashi will add focus to Kanya's inherent lack of equability .

[uchcha-Budha] may indicate high craft in logical [Budha] argumentativeness and computation (attorneys, mathematicians, financiers) while [nīcha] Shukra might indicate private (12) relationships with womenfolkfolk [Shukra] which are adversarial (12th from 7th) to marriage.

Kanya's ruler Professor Budha is a very impressionable graha; Therefore, the disposition of Bantering Budha must be known before drawing any conclusions about the nature of Chandra-Meena's alliances.

One positive expression of 7th-from-Meena-Chandra = Kanya's affiliation with professional medicine. The Meena-Chandra native who partners with a physician, pharmacist, maker of medicaments, curadera, or other medical practitioner may have better results.

another favorable professional outcome can be partner = expert in argumentation in sociology of poverty and class conflict, medical treatments, epidemiology and disease vectors, matters of military strategy, usury, loans, chief accountant, litigation or criminal attorney, pharmaceutical technology, toxicology or pollution sciencer.

Kanya's out-of-balance condition can manifest inherent disharmony at several levels:

physical illness

  • such as digestive-intestinal disorder [Kanya] or Vishuddha chakra disease = voice-hand-arm-shoulder-lung [Budha] . Also, infections, drug-alcohol addictions, diseases of environmental toxicity such as servitude in unclean or polluted places.

social illness, dissatisfaction

  • can't be pleased, petulant, complaining, vindictive criticizing and other relationship-sabotage, criminal and adversarial behaviors, anti-social narratives, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, dominant-subordinate relationships; chronic servitude or slavery, rejection of diplomatic solutions,

  • unwillingness to accept settlements, litigiousness (threatening to fight with lawsuits) inability to keep promises = infidelity, lying, repeating cycles of marriage-divorce, exploitive behaviors, domestic violence, generational poverty; multiple partners, displeased with all of them

mental illness

such as chronic blaming, argumentativeness , excessively submissive or excessively dominating inner narratives, paranoia, oppositional-defiant syndrome, bi-polar and related disorders, fear of balanced mental state, narcissistic anxiety, lack of empathy for others, chronic self-disruption


Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper [governing-hierarchical Revatī-Pashu-2] [painter, photographer] [8, upheaval, rebirth]
  • DLH had a history of paranoid episodes combined with drug addictions and intermittenly high artistic creativity - due mainly to a complex parivartamsha of Shukra. In addition to the Shukra-sourced distress, DHL Kanya in 7th-from-Chandra contributed ta repeating projection of dissatisfaction and accusation upon all of his five spouses.

  • DHL claimed that each of his five wives were wrong-doing women. He sued for divorce five times. Accusations against the wives included crimes high and low, including grand larceny. DLH claimed vigorously in court that his 5th wife had stolen a collection of his paintings worth USD_millions from his estate. However, the court found no crime had occurred.

emotional illness

  • such as victim-mind, chronic distrustfulness , self-humiliation, fear of balance, fear of agreements, expectant need to be exploited or dehumanized, chronic self-invalidation

spiritual illness

such as inability to accept any proposed set of spiritual principles, chronic atheism, rejection of cooperative agreement with divine presence, refusal to balance the mind , incapacity to meditate

Challenging Angles

  • 12th-from Meena-Chandra = Kumbha

  • 6th-from Meena-Chandra = Simha

during Vimshottari periods of Chandra, Kumbha - Ghata -related matters create a nutrient drain (12th-from) upon the emotional vitality

Energy-drainers = emotional losses and erosion of identity + vital life-force power =

are caused by

  • social networks, marketplace revenues, the process of obtaining marketplace earnings , gaining of material and social achievements, friendship-networking, community development, large-group social-change movements, fund-raising for social progress aims

  • whichever bhava = [12th-from-Chandra] will cause emotional exhaustion

  • for this reason, meena-Chandra folk tend to limit their social engagements and avoid participation in the Kumbha-hollow "agora" (marketplace, crowds, assemblies, large mixes of people)

However, the y flourish when in any type of "guidance" role, especially the explicitly psychic guru-guide or when shepherding children like the Pied Piper of Hamlin

6th-from Mesha = disagreement-distrust-dispute-divorce = Simha - Leya

  • Banker to the Poor 1940- microcredit Muhammad Yunus [Chandra-yuti-Ketu] (12) * considered a visionary innovator of economic strategies targeted to those living in extreme poverty (particularly womenfolk ). Local politicians [Surya] have consistently harassed him. Eventually, the jealousy and greed of local political interests drove him into exile,

Meena-Chandra = imaginative, clairvoyant beings

tend to have emotional disappointment with an insensitive, self-centered father and father-figures,

dislikes politics and politicians

dislikes center-stage entitlements [Simha]but has wisdom to impart

6th-from angle to Simha yields lifelong egoic-mind conflicts with father-king-" self-entitled" male figures

Badhaka -sthāna = harming-houses

Badhaka-sthāna = 7th-from = Kanya

Budha = badhesha

Budha-ruled [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

Revatī-Somana may have a challenging time in the early childhood years due to the incompatibility of Budha's sharply mentalized, discriminating, highly verbal portfolio versus the anti-discrimination agenda of inclusion, broadly encompassing Guru.

However, after early childhood, chandra in Revati typically triumph via song, which melds the inclusive power of tonal sound [Guru] with the specific power of verbal lyrics [Budha].

Chandra-Meena experiences emotional conflict regarding Simha-type behaviors

  • ostentatious displays, boasting

  • selfishness; self-aggrandizement

  • false rights and entitlements; false charisma

  • the Emperor's New Clothes

  • failure to recognize the power behind the throne

  • unnecessary politicization of life; power politics, political campaigns

  • distraction of the mind by ornament and momentary fashion

  • monarchy; plutocracy; elitism; too much power concentrated in one personality

  • egocentrism; narcissistic anxiety; self-worship; lack of humility

  • hunger for attention, craving for applause

  • adolescent idealism, adolescent romanticism; 'courtly' love

  • self-attribution and self-reflexivity

  • failure to recognize that the source of creativity is Divine Intelligence

  • artificial celebrity, cult of personality, drama queens, theatrical personalities

  • false royalty, false grandeur, false creativity,

  • very bright light; mid-day; burning hot sun

  • infatuation with glitter and gold

the problematic [6th-from-Chandra] = rashi of Simha

Graha in Simha represent emotional adversaries

rogesha-6 Surya = Meena-Chandra implicitly feels conditions of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy. May feel annoyed and upset with

  • politics and politicians (inherently narcissistic and fraudulent), entertainers and entertainments (seem like "wasting time" ), genii and the cult of individual genius (no genius works alone; supposed "born geniuses " do not quote their sources), games and gamers (gambling is colossal waste of time, simply an addiction), brilliant speculators (often simply narcissists who don't do their research); glamorous, high-fashion, and entitled personalities (modern compassion requires to live simply, so that others may simply live.) Theatrical performers; those who look Glamorous and Radiant.


Due to Surya activates [6th-from-Chandra] , father-figures, and other Surya-types such as kings and politicians, are natural adversaries.

Those who are dramatically self-righteous [Simha] entitled [Simha] self-referential [Simha] or autocratic [Simha] may hold the role of irritating-annoying-insufferable personalitie du jour.

key features of the lifetime learning pathway

No matter the psychological intelligence or logical reasoning brought to bear on the problem of the Father, the pitrikaraka is a troublemaker in this lifetime. His arrogance and regal behaviors may be reckoned as key features of the lifetime learning pathway.

to get a fuller profile of the Dad

  • Note any graha in [6th-from-Chandra]
  • note characteristics of Surya Himself
  • evaluate conditions in pitri-sthāna-9 + dharmesha
  • amplifying Rahu drishti into Surya or Chandra

There may be some benevolent effects socially, financially, politically, creatively -- but rarely is this a comfortable emotional alliance.

Even when the father-child relationship is materially beneficial in the current lifetime, alingering emotional animosity may be noted that is traceable to other lifetimes.

The injustice is specifically directed at the Chandra-Meena native's intellect, entitlements, and genius.

  • In the strongest case of 6/8 Surya-Simha, shri Chandra occupies 8th-from-Surya, signaling that the father interprets his Chandra-Meena child as a threat.

Surya activates intellect, uniqueness, creativity, exceptionalism, drama, fashion, entitlements. The father tends to serve (6) as that strategically placed personality who (as required on this learning pathway) issues accusations (6) applies unfair treatment (6) and acts with vindictive jealousy.

Surya's hostile-to-Chandra arguments (6) typically focus [Surya] on ridiculing the intelligence, accusations of crime or misdoing, exploitive service work, and other toxic imbalances.

Matrikaraka Chandra

Mom interacts with the father who is adversarial to this Meena-Chandra child

The mother [Chandra] tends to be uncomfortable with the father's adversarial behaviors, but the degree of mom's discomfort may be maximal or minimal.

Disagreement intensity is governed by Surya's angle to Chandra, rashi placement of the luminaries, and . If Surya occupies 6-8-12 from Chandra (Surya in Simha, tula, or Kumbha) then Mom may be permanently in emotional disagreement/imbalance with Dad.

It is rare for a Chandra-Meena native to feel emotionally close to the father.

Masculine Chandra-Meena may have an intimidating or belittling father who is nonetheless admired by others (narcissistic father). At best, the father is frugal with praise of his son. The father may act with selfish [Simha] motives, showing disregard for the welfare of the son.

Naturally the son may become independent and successful according to the son's own plan. For example, Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates attained brilliant material success. [10, corporate leadership, burden of responsibility]

Nevertheless, the relationship with the dad remains unsatisfying (6). In rare cases, father and son although unbalanced may share a meaningful commitment to ministries of service. Seva is always the most useful outcome of 6-angles.

  • Bill Gates and his dad shared a powerful commitment to humanitarian service, albeit they worked on different projects with different intentions.

Feminine Chandra-Meena may join defenses with the mother against the misbehavior of the father. Rahu drishti into Chandra can strengthen the moral defenses of the mother.

Other children in the family who are born into non-Meena Chandra placements may experience an entirely different dynamic with the father.

Most significant troubles with mother may be indicated by birth in Chandra-Kumbha which always activates 6th-from-svakshetra.


Depending on the number and condition of Graha in Simha, periods of Surya can trigger emotional frustrations that can be be harmful to the heart/spine. It is always wise for the Chandra-Meena native to receive regular medical assessment of the heart/spine systems and to attend to the emotional feelings honestly. The mother's cardiological health may be compromised.

The Meena-Chandra lifetime = easier if Simha rashi has no tenant graha..

  • Whichever bhava = Simha and whatever graha are placed in Simha = feels unbalanced, inequitable, or uneasy .

    Agents of the bhava and especially the tenant graha = prone to break promises, induce toxicity, accuse, blame, exploit or disenfranchise one .

    Method of enacting emotional animosity toward one is characteristic of Simha - Leya :

    showy, egoic-mind intensive, confident or self-important, kingly or self-appointed royalty, brilliant or narcissistic, creative or appropriates shared resources to self, divinely inspired or self-righteous, political always, genius or self-aggrandizing, commanding attention, hot-tempered, vain.

    Behavior of agents of rogesha-6 from Chandra = Simha = apprehended by one as "addicted" to praise, egoic-mind flattery, or being in the center of attention

Predisposition toward Accusations, injury, ailment, betrayal

  • discomfort and imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the Earthen-body .

  • One may release patterns of emotional frustration (blaming and accusation) into the flesh body, and the result can be liver disease (liver stores anger) or various types of cancerous tumors (holding the frustrations of the past; Karkata Moon = the Past). See Shilpande's warnings about Chandra Mahadasha for the Chandra-Meena native.

As a general rule, meena Chandra is somewhat prone to injury from Simha things = flamboyant, overly theatrical or self-centered actions, sunburn, spicy foods, pitta conditions, excessive exterior heat, and too much center-stage attention without down-time.

the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra = Tula

  • Conditions of dematerialization may involve paired-organ failure or venous [Tula] congestion (blocked arteries). Check radix 4 and radix 8 to confirm heart blockage.

  • SPJ spirit completed inhabitation of the damaged Earthen-body in October-2011 after a long struggle (6) with pitta dosha

    [Simha] resulting in dematerialization via pancreatic disturbance (paired organs)


animosity via Simha and Surya

Meena-Chandra are imaginative, clairvoyant beings who tend to suffer built-in emotional disappointment with an insensitive father and father-figures, yielding lifelong egoic-mind conflicts as a result .

Having been disappointed or annoyed by masculine-energy excesses early in life, one may feel a deep distaste for things Simha = celebrity, royalty, politics, theatre, genius, personal brilliance - feeling that one prefers to live a quiet life.

Nevertheless, akashic-memory pattern may bring one into awkward 6/8 pre-incarnationally planned battle with these behaviors.

One will eventually coordinate the conflict and take one's place in center stage (particularly if there are graha in Simha's bhava) because Guru lord of Chandra is a friendly mate of Surya.

  • Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates= masculine preening, showboating, politicians = distasteful. Chandra

    [10, corporate leadership, burden of responsibility] 6th-from-Chandra = Simha-3 contains Guru-3 meetings, documents, software programming, managements. Signal the presence of many partnerships [Guru drishti into 7] and revenue streams [Guru dristhi into 11]. Yet commerce is emotionally wearing. Surya-5 in 8th-from-Chandra. Surya is deeply fallen, ruler of 3-repetitive tasks.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie = Father , celebrities

  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long [Chandra-yuti-Rahu] * powerful political enemies. due to Surya-yuti-Kuja-Simha-2. Impeachment attempted in the Louisiana Senate in 1929, Generally not well-liked in Washington-DC where he was considered to be a self-promoting crook. However, deeply beloved by his base = the resentful, angry, disenfranchised rural poor voters of Louisiana

From the emotional perspective of Chandra-Meena, Simha - Leya -type agents indicate animosity, disappointment, accusation, toxicity, distrust

  • Father , father-figure, family head,

  • male ego, egoism in general

  • politicians, kings and royal entitlements, creative intelligence, genius

  • celebrity or glamorous persons, limelight, theatre, fashion

  • creative directorship, authorship, unique personality, egocentrism, hub of the wheel

  • those who boast about their 'winnings' in environments of speculative finance, stock market

  • promoters of entertainment and players of games


Polarizing catalysis from sweet Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu * Marriage, promises, deals, agreements, Vows, consecrations

  • Shukra ruler of Tula = an enemy of Chandra's ruler Guru
  • Shukra activates the emotionally talkative, communicative cohort instructive descriptive team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra -Mesha = 8th-from-8th
  • Shukra activates the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra -Meena

Chandra-Meena indicates that the emotional core is oriented to meditation, spiritual guidance, and deep retreat into the inner worlds of imagination and prayer. However Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu's portfolio includes the eruptive force of new identities (8) and the mental chatter-discourse-signaling of 3 (8th-from-8th). Shukra is an agent of discovery and innovation, but also of disruption toward the meditative clairsentient Meena status.

Shukra's periods tend to generate surprise relationships which may cause significant upheaval to the naturally placid, psychically sensitive emotional identity.

By contrast to Shukra, mangala is a friend toward Brihaspati ruler of Meena, and also Mangala activates the relative 2-9 angles from Chandra-Meena indriya-lagna. Broadly speaking, the agents of Kuja bring financial (2) and wisdom (9) benefits. Mangala agents may include young men, soldiers, athletes, hunters, dancers, innovators, pioneers, miners, plumbers, drivers, and all who act in vigorous pursuit of a goal.

Depending upon the total picture of influences including the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna , vimshottari periods of Mangala tend to be invigorating and philosophically enriching for the Chandra-Meena nativity.

A different effect is predicted for Shukra bhukti and in particular the 20-year long Vimshottari periods of Shukra which occurs during mid-life (or earlier for Revatika born). Shukra produces conditions of sudden emotional identity change induced by shocking conversations which reveal secrets and propel the native into life-changing transformations. Depending on Shukra's location, the scenario can (but does not have to) include a role for secret sweets (including hidden alcohol and undisclosed intimate relationships).

Marriage and alliances, contracts and expectations of promise-fulfillment, relationships with womenfolk, experience of visual beauty, music, arts and design, and harmony-seeking behaviors of all kinds are disrupted by a pattern of unexpected discovery and emergence of hidden forces.

It is often a growth-challenge to maintain enduring relationships in a climate of honesty and full disclosure; thus Chandra-Meena may develop a coping method of not requesting full knowledge and superficially maintaining the appearance of harmony even when churning changes are operating just beneath the surface of the public facade.

s urprising, unexpected relationships may emerge which can be perceived to cause egoic-mind destruction and rebirth of the psycho-emotional core. There may be considerable periods of between-state identity flux during which the native has no fixed, consensus-reality identity and must negotiate life as a work in progress due to the disruptive influence of a spouse-partner or contractual vow.

Details of the circumstances of the catastrophic change are indicated by the rashi and bhava of Shukra.

  • Mighty Heart 1975- drama-activist Angelina Jolie * Chandra-Meena-Revatī-9 + [Guru-yuti-Mangala] . Conditions of transformative change encompass the realm of dharma-9, higher truths, globalism, doctrines, world travel.

  • The effects of this impact of continuous reworking of a perpetually emerging emotional core identity express most vividly in her Shukra-1 Earthen-body appearance. Ms. Jolie has become an icon of physical rejuvenation and change via cosmetic and medical surgeries which changed her appearance, as she used her fleshbody to negotiate her experience of identity transformation.

More example situations 3-8 Shukra vis-a-vis Chandra

Chandra-Meena paired with a Shukra-6 (Shukra-Simha in [6th-from-Chandra]or Shukra in 6th-from-radical lagna)

...may be scripted to undergo significant substance misuse (alcohol, sweets, naumbing drugs, addictive pleasures) along with disputes, treachery, broken promises in alliance.

Pleasuring imbalances may be the method that the spirit has chosen to experience rejuvenation and change via encountering the addictions in a therapeutic healing process (8), as one uses the medical, emotional, and social imbalance conditions as a narrative to negotiate one's experience of identity transformation. The mother's relatives and the physicians are often significant agents of the mandate for transformation of health conditions.

Chandra-Meena paired with a Shukra-9 (Shukra-Simha in 9th-from-Chandra or Shukra in 9th-from-radical lagna)

...may be scripted to undergo significant dharmic upheaval in the belief catechisms, including encounters with disruptive phenomenological views of reality (theories, doctrines, scriptural exegesis). The entire worldview may be challenged by Shukra-related agency such as marriage alliance, contractual vows, or covenant.

Upheavals in doctrinal belief and convictions of faith may be the method that the spirit has chosen to experience rejuvenation and change via encountering the presumptions underlying the interpretive-perceptual framework in a therapeutic healing process (8), as one uses the philosophical incongruences and relationship imbalance conditions as a narrative to negotiate one's experience of identity transformation. The father and his relationships are often a significant element of the mandate for transformation of received beliefr.

Discomfort - Stress - awkward pacing


Shukra related stress via 3 and 8 + via wifely-figures, especially marriage partner

Feminine Nativities - Shukra related stress via 3 and 8

Because Shukra is an inharmonious graha from the Meena-Chandra lagna, the end of Shukra Mahadasha will signal a great release of stress and pressure to perform emotionally unsuitable tasks.

Two of the most awkward items for the Meena-Chandra person are

Vrishabha-related wealth-hoarding (although the idea-3 of treasuries banked is attractive, the job of collecting is mentalized-3 not sensualized adequately enough to maintain the attention) and Tula-related (8) tasks such as maintaining relationship balance via adjustability and constant renegotiation of agreements.

Meena does not naturally devote too much attention to relationships because 8 is apprehended as being a constantly changing, rejuvenatingcycle of death and rebirth. The emotional orientation toward human-to-human relationships = sudden changes and abrupt endings with great rebirths.

Meena does very well However, in the field of unmediated contact with the Divine via clairsentient, reflective, and imaginative prayer.

Generally this Shukra-imbalance-seeking-a-remedy is true for any man with a Meena-Chandra, although the nature of the tasks will vary with the placement of Shukra.

Tulā indriya-lagna

Chandra-Mesha = karmesha -10 occupies 6 = 9th from svakshetra

Chandra in 9th-from-svakshetra-10th

Oneself and one's father may have wisdom regarding the function of social governance and large social hierarchies. However, this does not prevent conflict and disappointment through agency of the significators of bhava-9.

Agents of animosity , loss of agreement, disputes, treachery, broken promises, disappointment, disease-discomfort, imbalance-seeking-a-remedy and social conflict include

  • governments and corporations
  • Organizational leaders
  • law-makers
  • forces of large-scale social conformity
  • heads of hierarchies

Disappointment and imbalance-seeking-a-remedy in the professional career. One's work is under-recognized or overtly dishonored (although there is improvement in periods of Chandra.)

Must choose a ministry of service without adequate institutional support from government and corporate leadership. Health problems due to emotional stress from professional over-commitment while striving for ineffable public recognition.

Prone to overweight [Guru] and complications of childbirth (Feminine Nativities). Both males and females have emotional stress from death of romantic lovers, political ideals, or children. Stress zone = feet.


QUOTATION - WRT Masculine Nativities

-- Chandra in Meena Rashi

from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 191.

  • My Fair Lady 1908-1990 musical theatre Rex Harrison [socializing-gridworked Revatī-Pashu-3] [ātmakāraka] [Revatī-Somana-yuti-Shani-Uttarabhādra] [Revatī-Chandra-4 parivartamsha Pushya-Guru-8]

  • Ave Maria 1935-2007 tenor Luciano Pavarotti maintained a three-decade legal marriage to his first spouse, who continued to manage his performance business (Budha the Manager rules 7th-from-Chandra-Meena). However, the marriage after producing three daughters became primarily an economically motivated relationship.

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh married four times. His first wife was a customer service clerk * Kanya service

" These people are short and rather stocky or plump. They have round small heads with bulgy eyes, complexions medium to dark.

They are very romantic and dreamy and through love they are easily lead by the opposite sex often to the point of being dominated by the loved one.

Easy, pliable natures, somewhat unstable and undependable on the surface, but with a quiet determination to accomplish if their minds are once made up.

However, they should learn to say "No" since they are easily influenced by others, and they may often be forced into the embarrassing position of having committed themselves to two conflicting forms of action simply because they allow themselves to drift in both directions at the same time.

Not that they are dishonest or tricky, but simply that they seem to be incapable of resisting pressure from others.

They are found in such positions as nurses, hospital attendants, voluntary workers in charitable institutions, waiting on others, attending to the personal wants of others.

They are modest and retiring, lead very quiet and unobtrusive lives, never initiating anything or leading any movement but content to do their part no matter how irksome it may be. They are fond of music , the sound of which will always bring the tears to their eyes as these people are quite emotional, yet not excitable.

Reading and writing are their relaxations from service of others and they may write fiction, particularly stories of romance and intrigue.

These people do not enjoy the best of health, being subject to colds, kidney and stomach trouble. They must be extremely careful of their diet and should never drink alcoholic beverages.

They are somewhat absent-minded and forgetful of the little everyday things, but have long memories of past events.

  • The gem corresponding with this position of the Moon is the Yellow Diamond.
  • The favorable day for any enterprise is Thursday.
  • The best time is from early evening Thursday to day-break of Friday.
  • The color is sea green." [end quote]
QUOTATION - WRT Feminine Nativities -- Chandra in Meena Rashi

from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 203r.

" Recognized by their round, pleasant, affable faces, cheeks which are inclined to be puffy, large liquid eyes, which are very prominent and which may protrude, retrousse noses and soft mobile mouths. When they talk or laugh, the gums and teeth are very noticeable.

These women are quietly emotional and their eyes will fill with tears at the least provocation.

They are dreamy and inactive , easily influenced to a point, but extremely stubborn once their minds are made up.

They are sensitive, not only with regard to what they consider affronts to themselves, but also with regard to the feelings of others. They will go to great lengths even to the point of involved and complicated deceptions simply to avoid hurting other people.

They are modest, kind, courteous and lovable, soft and good-natured, have somewhat nervous temperaments and are exceedingly romantic. They love poetry and music and their enjoyment of the arts is emotional rather than intellectual.

These women are always ready to help the needy and to sacrificethemselves to those in distress or want. They prefer to give actual services for charitable purposes rather than money and one quite frequently finds them in social service workand allied endeavors, not generally as organizers but as workers.

They may be teetotalers if other signs point that way, but many of them are addicted to drinking, in spite of the fact that they are not able to cope with it.

They are very seldom found owning wealth or property of their own, which has been acquired by their own direct efforts in a business way.

  • Rather, they are the recipients of gifts, of legacies, of inheritances; and if they have any property, it is because someone to whom they have been of voluntary service has expressed gratitude by bestowing it on them.

The health of these women is not robust, but they are capable of enduring quietly, uncomplainingly, any ills from which they may suffer."

QUOTATION - WRT Chandra Mahadasha

for nativities containing [Chandra-Meena]

from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 237

" From a health standpoint, this period may be almost tragic.

The individual will be a source of worry and anxiety to his family at that time. Many individuals with Moon in Pisces at birth, during the Moon period, contract spinal meningitis or infantile paralysis, and unless great care is taken, there is difficulty in recovering.

The chances of contracting this disease and of recovery from it, will depend in large measure, on the aspects which other planets make to the Moon.

They may either aggravate or modify what seems to be inherent in the conditions which confront the individual during this period." [end quote]

QUOTATION Das commentary for Chandra-Meena

" ... wavering, changeable, lacking in concentration and stability,

  • and although you remain positive about others, you are easily disturbed.

  • You are drawn to things which are not concrete, such as spirituality and philosophy.

Reserved and retiring, eloquent, gifted,

  • short-tempered, miser,

  • learned, social,

many disappointments,

  • voracious reader, author,

  • inconsistent in your love affairs.

  • Expert in fine arts,

capable of winning over even your adversaries,

  • learned in scriptures, beautiful, musical, religious,

  • cohabits with a number of mates,

a polite speaker, serves the leader,

  • happy and wealthy,

  • won over by the opposite sex,

  • virtuous,

likes water, liberal."

QUOTATION Das commentary:

" Moon is aspected by Mercury,

and Moon is in Pisces."

" You are surrounded by a number of exceptional mates or partners.

  • You occupy an eminent position and are happy.

  • Independent, administrative powers, wealth."

QUOTATION Saravali, Sarga-23, s. 79

" If the Moon is in Pisces, meena-Chandra will

  • be expert in fine arts,
  • be capable of winning even unfavorable people,
  • be learned in Shastras,
  • beautiful bodied,
  • proficient in music,
  • very religious,
  • will cohabit with many women,
  • be a polite speaker,
  • will serve the king,
  • be somewhat irascible,
  • will have a big head,
  • be endowed with happiness and wealth,
  • will be won over by the fair sex,
  • be virtuous,

be interested in sailing and be liberal." [end quote]


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