

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

अंश aṃśa


Amshaka - Ans - Amsam

Distinctive Portions

portion - part


memory-storage containers

Rashi main page

Lagna main page

Graha main page

12 Bhava main page

Varga main page

Avasta * Avastabha main page

kharamsha - kharesha

Sthira * Chara * Ubhaya (Dviswa)

Drek - amsha = decanates = table of 36 portions

Saptamsha = table of 63 portions

dvadamsha = table of 144 portions

shastiamsha = table of 1800 portions sudarshamsha = sudarshana chakra

shataVisakam - 100 lunar years = 81 yrs 4 mos


arista arizwa


kārakāmsha main page

ātmakāraka Jamini Sutram

Jaimini karaka 1-7 ranked by degree



Kendra * Kona * Panaphara * Apoklima- Dushtamsha * Chaturasra * Upachaya


BPHS Pranapada

yoga point avayogi





chara sthira dvisva

color varna

Bala main page

BPHS strengths weights = बल bala

  1. sthāna Bala
  2. [dikbala]

  3. Kaala Bala
  4. Cheshta Bala
  5. Naisargika Bala
  6. Drika Bala


Amsha = a distinguishable portion, part, section, share of things which are specifically inseparable or inherently linked together.

for example,

  • amsha-phalaka = the shoulders.

  • Specifically, the shoulders of oxen when they are yoked
  • Naturally, the shoulders consist of two parts, and these parts can be considered separately
  • but ultimately they cannot be separated without loss of core function.
in practice

In Jyotishvidya, an amsha = a part, portion, slice, which can be considered separately for specific analytical purposes

However, the Jyotiṣika forever keeps in mind that ultimately no amsha can be authentically understood without of the framework of the whole kundali.

Separating any amsha by removing it from its context, for individual inspection, or making a judgment on that particular portion, must be appreciated as only one part of a total process.

No one single factor can ever be determinative in a Jyotishavidya reading. At least three indicators must be pointing toward the same outcome, before any reliable judgment may be rendered.


Monier-Williams Skt dictionary


  • Gothic amsa

  • Latin humerus, ansa

ansa, as, m. ... The shoulder, shoulder-blade;

N. Of a king; a share, see ania; ...

m. du. The two shoulders or angles of an altar

Ansa-kuta, as, m. a bull's hump, the pro-tuberance between the shoulders of the Indian ox.

Ansa-tra, am, na. armour to protect the shoulder; a bow.

Ansa-dhri, f. a cooking vessel (?).

Anm-phalaka, as, m. upper part of the spine.

Ansa~bhdra or anse-bhdra = a yoke or burden put upon the shoulder.

Ansa-bhdrika or anse-bhdrika = anm-bhdrin or anse-bhdrin = bearing a yoke.

Dear Mrs Pijan,

First of all I would like to thank you for all your work and all the informations we can find on your website, which is the best place I found to learn on the subject of vedic astrology.

I am a french young man, igot interested in astrology a few years ago, and I am glad I found your website which definitively help me understand many things. There is almost nothing on this subject in French.

So, I have the maitreya software to edit charts, and it's been a while now since I'm asking myself some question I can't resolve, that is why I am requiring your help, if you find the time to answer me.

So, igive an example, it will be easier, I have my lagna (choosing the exact local time) at 08:51 degree of pushyami nakshatra, Venus at 06:40 degree in Ardra, and Mercury at 00:51 Mrigashira. If I look at the houses from the yogaview point, Venus and Mercury are in the 12th house. If I look at it from the houses calculation point, it is in the 11th house.

How do I know in which house it is ?

Thank you for your help, and I'm looking forward to read your answer.



Namaste Etienne, thanks very much for your nice compliments.

Because you are a beginner student, please use equal house method in traditional Jyotisha. House-1 begins at 08:51 Karkata, house-2 begins at 08:51 Simha, house-3 begins at 08:51 Kanya, and so on.

When you have more experience, it might be beneficial to experiment with other perspectives. However, in the beginning of studies, please use only one simple traditional method. The most simple method for learners is the equal house method.

It is simple and it is accurate for making predictions. The planetary lords of the equal houses should be tracked in the Vimshottari Dasha for purpose of making predictions. If the time of birth for the person is accurate, and the Jyotisha knows well the meanings of those planets, the predictions can be quite accurate.

Also it is recommended to avoid undue focus upon your own nativity. Humans cannot be objective in evaluating our own Jyotishavidya nativity

. We apply too much anxiety to that assignment. Instead, please carefully study the nativities of public personalities, or members of your family. Compare them! Have known events in the lives of these persons matched their Vimshottari Dasha sequences?

If one truly wishes to understand Jyotisha, in the beginning, one should not study one's own chart. After several years of study however, then it can be useful to compare one's own charts and timelines to the data received from other personalities.

Wishing you every success in your study of the samayavidya,


BP Lama Jyotisha


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file update = 15-Feb-2025

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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!