

Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga

Shani Main Page

  1. [Shani in classroom-1]
  2. [Shani in classroom-2]
  3. [Shani in classroom-3]
  4. [Shani in classroom-4]
  5. [Shani in classroom-5]
  6. [Shani in classroom-6]
  7. [Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala]
  8. [Shani in classroom-8]
  9. [Shani in classroom-9]
  10. [Shani in classroom-10] -- [svabhava]
  11. [Shani in classroom-11] -- [svabhava]
  12. [Shani in classroom-12]

  1. [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
  2. [Shani-Urisha]
  3. [Shani-Mithuna]
  4. [Shani-Karkata]
  5. [Shani-Simha]
  6. [Shani-Kanya]
  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]
  9. [Shani-Dhanus]
  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] --- [svakshetra]
  11. [Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

    mulatrikona if within 0-20 deg]

  12. [Shani-Meena]


Shani-style argumentation


OM sham shanaishcharaye samah

शनि śani

Professor Shani

Sauri - Sauron

Shanicarya - Sanisvaraya

Shanideva Bhagavan

अर्कपुत्र arka-putra = son of Sun

नीलवसन nīla-vasana = dark-blue visage

काल kāla = time

resides in



पार्थ pārtha = virtuous girl, virgin

पाथोन pāthona = παρθένος = virtuous girl, virgin

युवती yuvatī = girl, young woman

मानुषी mānuṣī = wo-man, feminine human

अङ्गना aṅganā

= woman having lovely limbs = aṅga

प्रमदा pramadā = wanton woman

Saturan - Sauran - Sætern - Saturnus

the seventh one

Satu = Saturday

kevan - kaiwan - kiyyun - kaiamanu - khima

kρονος - kronos

Ninurta - Anu - El - Eli -

"The Old Sun // the best Sun"




Shani-Kanya relative to 12 positions of Mangala

The Public [Shani] cannot be Pleased (Kanya criticism)

The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of the suffering.

~~ Baba Ram Dass

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

~~ 2 Timothy 1:7


Beech Forest on the Milford Track in New Zealand

photo by Reed Koch, 2017



[political-theatrical vidya-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[must use bodily labor to perform service work] [public criticism imposes conformity to strict rules] [ministerial obligation to curtail the natural vitality]

[socially identified with intractable unfair conflicts] [unbalanced workload maintains pressure on physical appearance] [self-discipline must be applied to disagreeable realities]

[chronic digestive ailments] [unremedied dramatized complaints] [must use one's own time and energy to help others] [resentment toward intimidating elders]

[intelligent, romantic, and creative -- yet often ill, exploited, improperly medicated]


  • Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4]


[inimical-medicating rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic



[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Karkata indriya-lagna] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

messages, meetings, evangelism, courage

[Shani-4] resistance to parents + obligation to protect the root culture

[mysterious-regenerating randhresha for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [philosophical-preaching dharmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

  • NASCAR 1951-2001 motorsports Dale Earnhardt [regulatory Uttaraphalgunī-2]

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4]

[Shani-5] resistance to celebrity-romance + obligation to regulate creativity-children

[Yogakaraka believing-philosophical dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka dutiful-executive karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[rigid politics of institutional health services] [tight restrictions on medical genius] [responsible for legitimating formalized clinical treatments]

[must apply logical argument to maintain order among children and students] [harsh obligation to prevent labor entitlements] [must rationally classify intelligence by rank-and-status ]

[heavy burden of helping the underserved may cause cardiac fatigue] [repressed accusations may ossify heart-and-spine] [must regulate philosophical convictions dharmesha and professional duties karmesha to reduce calculated creative display ]

[Shani-6 resistance to servants + obligation to regulate the workplace, the workers earnings from dutiful service

[dutiful-executive karmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [gainful-friendly labha-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[institutional rules may impose service to help the disadvantaged] [obligation to accept unfair work roles including enslavement] [must endure fixed polluted conditions among animals or voiceless laborers]

[responsibility often exceeds authority in unbalanced ministering positions] [makes necessary personnel reductions via logical analysis] [consistently applies disciplined method of clinical time management]

[soberly helps the victims despite problematizing mentality]

may be required to lead public arguments about aging, bigotry or prejudiced treatment]

staunchly withstands working-class criticism]

[rigid resistance to heavy attendant workload] [has to undergo long-term digestive illness or injury including colon] [pressures of aiding others in distress may afflict the medical status]

[mandatory efforts to regulate economic and social-dignity deficiences]

medical professionals often face intractability or scarcity of assistants and servants]


[Shani-7] -- [dikbala]

[gainful-friendly labha-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[strict adherence to unfair contracts] [must maintain unjust alliances] [obligatory negotiation with elder ministers]

[economic gains from unbalanced overworked partnerships] [mandatory lawfully continuation of service agreements]

[dreamlike, rigidly withdrawing, mature, unyielding, stubbornly ministering, gainful, networking lifepartner]

  • Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4]


-- [Vimala Yoga]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [researching-sojourning vyaya-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[staunch resistance to change of complaint status] [imposes chronic argumentation due to undisclosed grievance] [disputed legitimacy of hidden assets]

[burderned by service-class in-laws] [must regulate invisible vyaya-pati threats from dangerous servants] [imposes normalizing social inequities during times of catastrophe]

[camouflaged dry hardening of intestinal flow] [intimidated by toxic hidden forces] [obliged to keep medical secrets]

[must hide old personal lagnesha disagreements]


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [conserving-entreasuring dhanesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[class-concious logically calculating orthodoxy] [bel ieves in service] [Maintains the minsterial credenda]

[old priesthood continues mandatory exploitations] [lawfully argumentative patriarchs] [strict rules for public complaint]

[fear of mistreatment from religious infractions] [staunch brittle resentment of betrayed ideologue]

[dhanesha principled unfair limitations upon heritage banking-finance]

lagnesha benefits realistic understanding of laborers and pragmatic patronage of servants]

[rigidly disciplined dogmatic unsatisfied father] [father may impose strategic judgments] [father-figure may be a cranky presbyter, rigidly judgemental preaching minister, worker-oppressing senior politician]


[Shani-10] burdensome lawful leadership + obligations to hold iconic, highly visible public roles

-- [svabhava]

[collecting-banking dhanesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [teamworking-managing sahaja-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[social regulators may argue for imposed service duties] [institutional obligation to accept unfair elite roles] [must endure polluted conditions in leadership office]

[responsibility often exceeds authority in unbalanced commanding positions] [makes necessary organizational decisions via logical analysis] [consistently applies disciplined methods of executive time management]

[soberly governs despite problematizing mentality] [may be required to deliver medical announcements about family or siblings] ] staunchly withstands the public criticism]

[rigid resistance to heavy supervisory labor] [has to undergo socially visible illness or injury] [work stress while holding a prominent portfolio may afflict the digestive health]

[mandatory corporate efforts in financial regulation and workforce management] [top bosses often face intractability or scarcity of assistants and servants]

[Shani-11] --- [svabhava] resistance to friendly association + obligation to regulate earnings

[busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic


[Yogakaraka homebound-securing bandesha for Tulā indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka speculative-creativr vidya-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[social regulators may argue for imprisonment] [required medical treatment during long hospital stays] [must endure officially approved invisible toxins such as prescribed drugs]

[survives with restricted unbalanced insufficient sleep] [analytical reflection occurs in rigid isolation] [disciplined use of calculated sanctuary time]

[withstands the private pressure of unfair duties] [staunch resistance to heavy ministry workload] [problematizing dreams contain interior spiritual guidance]

[backchannel obligation to maintain clandestine servitude to injury] [strict contemplative withdrawal from labor conflict] [mandatory secluded service retreat]

[behind-the-scenes responsibility for healthcare employees]

  • POTUS-23 National Forests 1833-1901 Benjamin Harrison [profitable-networked Uttaraphalgunī-3]


Lake Tahoe, California

Shani-Kanya game-plan scripted elements may include:

  • obligation to impose lawful public order upon methods of argumentation

  • he-said/she-said rigid, unmoving lockdown into accusatory narratives

  • fixed resistance to change of [akashic memory patterning] of criticism, argument, blame, dissatisfaction, disagreement, logical analysis, error detection, homework-problems, disease-discomfort, divorce, victimization [being eaten] , betrayal, exploitation, servitude

superb placement for public servants, social workers, physicians in public medicine, military, legal defense, officers, health scientists

patterns of chronic illness of the colon, intestines, digestive system

Preincarnationally planned struggle to release the fear of Exploitation and Servitude.

  • Chronic [Shani] arguments [Kanya] and problematicity

  • Intractable [Shani] homework-problems [Kanya]

Heavy criticisam

Similar to Shani-Mithuna, shani-6 signifies a constant responsibility of problematizing and negative thinking.

The Public [Shani] cannot be Pleased (Kanya dissatisfied)

Often a lifetime experience of constant criticism. Regardless of the specific details, whether the criticized behaviors are medical, mental, financial, physical, or other environment, one endures a legacy of social criticism (Shani social, Kanya criticism).

Sober Shani residing s a rashi of Bantering Budha often involves a pessimistic, blanket presumption that whatever the homework-problem is, it is likely to get worse.

Furthermore, no matter what evidence of positive change might be noticed by others, shani-Kanya may find the horizon of opportunity for positive improvement to be extremely limited. Seva is Typically, the best and often the only viable option for a peaceful lifestyle.

Kanya = Neutral Rashi for Shanir.

[Shani in classroom-1] -- [Shani-Kanya]

Shani activates 5 + 6 for Kanya indriya-lagna]

One is compelled by duty and personally identified with both

  1. excitement of political power within institutionalized hierarchies [5]
  2. the structured, legalized conditions of chronic, intractable economic conflicts [Kumbha]

Shani-1 often indicates a hard-working person whose efforts may seem contradictory or hypocritical.

The personality defined by both structural-economic social conflict [Kumbha-6] ++ disciplined, class-conscious artistic-literary creativity [Makara-5]


Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] ++ Bhava-6 contains [Varuna-Somana-yuti-Guru-Pegasus] = Mother [Chandra-6]

  • During JRRT's childhood, mom endured combative conditions in her own anti-Catholic family due to her conversion to Roman-Rite cult. After his mother's tragic death from diabetes [6] JRRT maintained his Catholic identity as a life-ordering practice [Makara].

Additional graha with Shani-1 can much alter the tangible identity and characteristic behavior.

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [9, ideology, patrimony] WRH oppression of laborers [Kanya] and his fascist ideology [Shani-9, rigid beliefs] caused large-scale harm.


Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Daughter of Destiny Benazir Bhutto [calculating-logistical Chitra-2] [vargottamsha] -- [ātmakāraka] + [Chitra-Shani-yuti-Chandra-Chitra]

  • combining the greedy corruption and vicious economic exploitation of Kumbha-6 with her Rahu-5 political passion, BB crafted lawful policies [Shani] to maintain existing inequities [Kanya] even while promoting the welfare of the common folk [her Chandra-1]. BB was accused of crimes, jailed and tortured, yet Shani persevered until political assassination during Shani-Rahu bhukti .

[Shani in classroom-2] -- [Shani activates 6 + 7 for Simha indriya-lagna]

restrained by family fears, scarcity patterns in the lineage, values of service ministry tend to express as servitude, food insecurity leading to digestive constriction , bony face


POTUS-pair-02 Letters 1744-1818 Abigail Adams [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] + [Uttaraphalgunī-Shani-yuti-Ketu-Chitra]

  • A key figure in the decision-making circles of the American Revolutionary War -- which took a huge toll on her health [Kanya] -- AA was socially defined by her marriage to her cousin, POTUS-2, John Adams.

  • AA's legendary correspondence shows persistent and ultimately successful argument [Kanya] aimed to convince immature and irritable [Kanya] founding fathers toward a more mature worldview [Shani]. Her cautious words [Shani-2] in a fractious era

    [Ketu] helped to preserve [Shani] the fragile New Republic.. [see also AA's Budha-Guru in letter-writing diplomatic Tula bhava-3]

[Shani in classroom-3] -- [Shani activates 7 + 8 for Karkata indriya-lagna]


Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long [collaborative-mercantile Hasta-3] + [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Hasta-nīcha] [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Ketu-Aryaman]

  • HPL was a revolutionary socialist [8] who promoted radical wealth redistribution among the oil-rich, education-poor populace of Louisiana. However, he wanted to use the existing legal system including attorneys and courts [7] to accomplish this socially [Shani] transformative goal. Eventually, HPL's legal authority in the USA-Senate came to intimidate [Shani] the oil plutocracy, and threatening [8] HPL was murdered, age 38.

[Shani in classroom-4] [Shani-Kanya] tends to produce a conventional childhood household, perhaps suffering scarce resource but nonethless supporting a basic formal education. Class-conscious parents generally conform to social norms, albeit at least one parent is concerned with undisclosed assets such as insurance coverage or taxes.

The dwelling is modest, but typically the childhood resource requirements are met [food-clothing-shelter-schooling]. A minimalist home environment may reflect the working-class roots of the parents. One parent, often the mother, is philosophical [Shani rules 9] and often this parent takes their doctrinal commitments indeed seriously. Either parent may express the pattern of medication-disease inherent in Shani ruler of 6th-from-4 occupies-4. Randhresha Shani may introduce occasions of cataclysmic change, depending upon Budha.

Shani activates 8 + 9 for Mithuna indriya-lagna

  • NASCAR 1951-2001 motorsports Dale Earnhardt [Uttaraphalgunī-2]

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4]

[Shani in classroom-5] [Shani-Kanya]

[Yogakaraka Shani] activates 9 + 10 for Urisha indriya-lagna

[Shani in classroom-6] -- [Shani-Kanya

[Shani activates 10 + 11

When Shani is dominating the nativity by gochara or by being the bhukti-pati, one may undertakes iconic roles the propel one's actions high into the public awareness.


Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [fantasizing-guiding Aryaman-4] +[Shani-Kanya] -- [Shani in Bhava-6 + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Aryaman-nīcha ]

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 40.6 until age 59.6]


Military police.

Yet, with Shani-Kanya, no matter the depth of commitment to a helping ministry, the Public cannot be Pleased.

In addition, Shani in classroom-6 usually signifies some species of chronic underlying health imbalance (usually digestive in nature) .

Either one is overwhelmed by the victim narrative [story of being eaten] ** or ** the ministry of service is exceptionally burdensome and enduring.

Shani-Kanya's focus is double-powered, evoking an endless series of unfair conditions, blaming, accusations, and Social Toxicity. Shani-Kanya-6 must learn in the classroom of social problems, social conflicts, structured exploitation, systematic mistreatment of those humble folk who are ranked [Shani] lowest in the hierarchy.

When multiple graha are interacting with Shani, such as via drishti, parivartamsha, or conjoinment, the service-or-servitude pattern becomes complex.

[Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala] -- [Shani-Kanya]

Shani activates 11 + 12

  • Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] imaginative songs about chronic unfairness

[Shani in classroom-8] -- [Shani-Kanya] hard-working, disciplined, secretive, personality [1] with substantial invisible engagement in distant lands [12] Benefits research [12] and secluded recovery time [12] that helps busy people live longer. However, naefarious foreign governments [Makara-12] may threaten loss or imprisonment. Protected from true harm by [Vimala Yoga]

Shani activates 12 + 1 = [Vimala Yoga]

  • Fashion economics 1981- real-estate Ivanka Trump Kushner [defensive-routinized Hasta-4] + [Hasta-Shani-yuti-Budha-Chitra-uchcha] It would be expected that foreign governments would cause loss and distress, but [Vimala Yoga] would protect her [albeit only her, not everyone in her group.]

[Shani in classroom-9] -- [Shani-Kanya] Dogmatic Shani activates 1 + 2


POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce [defensive-nationalistic Hasta-4] nīcha-Chitra-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Hasta]

  • Rahu-Makara-1 drishti into Shukra-Shani-9 amplifed extreme conditions of dogmatic obstructionism.[Shani] Despite the crazed anger over slavery that was coming to a boiling point, Rahu exaggerated Shani's insistence upon sticking to ideological principle [9] .

  • Based on his Rahu-1 identification with the rule of law, it was hoped that FP could legally master the entrenched [Shani] dispute [Kanya] over the use of slave-labor [Kanya] as a tool of agricultural profits. However, FP failed like all others before him.

  • The problem [Kanya] was intractable because it was stuck [Shani] inside the belief that States' Rights were enshrined in the Constitution, and individual States should therefore be able to legalize slavery without interference from the Federal Government.

  • FP designed a range of legalistic compromises [Shukra] - most notably the Missouri Compromise. The hope was to both appease the profit-seeking slavers and assuage the outrage of the northern moralists. However, the bitter [Shani] conflict escalated. Despite his capable legislative approach, there was terrible anger on both sides.


POTUS-pair-11 Polk Place 1803-1891 Sarah Childress Polk [managing-communicative Hasta-3] [vargottamsha] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Mangala-Hasta] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Budha-Aryaman-uchcha] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Hasta]

[Shani in classroom-10] -- [Shani-Kanya]

Shani activates 2 + 3

[Shani in classroom-11] -- [Shani-Kanya]

Shani activates 3 + 4 ++ Shani drishti into 1-5-8

[Shani in classroom-12] -- [Shani-Kanya]

Shani activates 4 + 5

Shani is comfortable in the rashi of Shani's friend Budha.

  • Shani's dignity in Kanya rashi depends on Budha's strength.

  • But in general the service-ministry and logical argumentation functions of Kanya are benefitted by Shani's imposition of an orderly environment.

Kuja in Mithuna, Kuja in Kumbha, and Kuja in Meena will cast disruptive drishti upon Shanir.

Seva * Helping Ministries of Service, support, aid

Service ministry can be exceptionally efficacious in the task of burning off the ignorance [akashic memory patterning] of Shani-Kanya .

  • Specific target = Service to the underclass victim class those who have been profoundly exploited and who have normalized the experience of being "cheated and mistreated" .

    Serve and observe those locked into a narrative of argumentative blaming can quickly convert ignorance into wisdom.

Criticism [akashic memory patterning]

Self-criticism and a crippling perfectionism which is an expression of the pervasive, structural fear [Shani] of making an error in logic.

This fear is compounded if there happens to be Shani drishti to electro-magnetic emotional Chandra.

Shani delays but He does not deny. The native can achieve [Shani] anything that other graha want especially Rahu who burns with desire (and again a more excruciating wait if Shani casts drishti upon Rahu).

However, it is Shani's job to ensure that the wait is long .

  • The wait is long because there is work to do, and the nature of the work is to eliminate fear of criticism.

Those who fear criticism are often raised in a home where criticism and perfectionism are used to control the children. Intimidating criticism and complaint [Kanya] about imperfection and error is used to exploit new beings. Blame, whether overt or subtle, is applied by the parents, the government, the local authorities.

Kanya, misappropriation, mis *giving, mis *take

The children develop anxiety [Shani] about making mistakes.

As a result, the children develop the habit of being critical of others (either silently or announcing it) as a way of shielding their fear of humiliation.

Survivalist Shani fears Mangala. Shani-Kanya dreads being attacked by criticism.

Shani-Kanya's survival response to the threat of invasive criticism tends to be proactive criticism. The native complains constantly (albeit often silently) which creates a psychic shield intended to ward off the invasive complaints of others.

Accusing behavior of course creates distrust in the home and the workplace. Relationships personal and professional may seem incapable of sustained balance.

A moment of truth may occur during Surya bhukti , if Surya is strong. Surya often is able to shine a bright light upon the subtle, embedded sense of obligation [Shani] to blame, accuse and problematize others. However, this is not usually a pleasant experience at first.

Cold, dark-blue Shani is quite happy living in hospitable greenish Kanya rashi and Shani does not like Surya's overly clarifying yellow-orange bright lights!

Shani's survival pattern can be painful to see.

The native is often unaware that constant criticism is hurtful and furthermore the accusative stance may be causing the native to become disliked.

o ne has been socialized [Shani] to point out the errors of others, and it may seem not only normal but also intelligent and proper to continue to do so.

Intelligent Discrimination Budha-Kanya

[uchcha] --- [svakshetra] -- mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

Sharply technically discriminating Budha finds His [uchcha] in Kanya. Budha-Kanya is an agent of detailed, highly rational analysis which is entirely mental, occurring in the world of thought. Budha-Kanya is simply an articulate announcer and His reports carry no inherent social or interpersonal judgment.

Punitive Discrimination Shani-Kanya

By contrast, shani's [uchcha] is Tula = social justice, balanced contracts, and fair treatment under the law. Shani is welcome in Kanya the rashi of friendly Budha, but Shani is unable to make fine distinctions.

Shani is blunt, not sharp. Shani is material, not mental. Shani-Kanya criticizes chronically, but His criticism is insufficiently discriminating and Therefore, its results are logically incomplete. Shani is ignorant (not-knowing, in darkness).

Shani-Kanya generalizes at the level of class -rank in His logic and He typically fails to achieve true accuracy because He does not examine an adequate amount of specific data. [uchcha-Budha] on the other hand can process a tremendous amount of detailed examples in order to prove any rule; thus the rules concluded by [uchcha-Budha] are typically well-proven.

Rather than pursue a complete analysis, shani repeats a litany of truisms and social generalizations. Shani-Kanya's main categorical tool is social rank, class, hierarchical location.

Anxiety about Correct Behavior

Shani-Kanya can mark a person who has anxiety about their own mistakes and who criticizes others as a survival method of controlling that fear.

If consciousness remains low while Shani gains power due to favorable bhava, one may experience a continuous obligation to criticize the people who serve in social governance roles [Shani].

  • Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [9, ideology, patrimony]. Considered humorless and unpopular, Hearst mounted but lost several political elections [also Ketu-5] . A believer [9] in fascism, WRH delivered vicious criticisms [Kanya] of his opponents -- especially against the diversity-tolerant League of Nations proponent Woodrow Wilson. Many people voted for WW because they so disliked Hearst.

However, if consciousness is high, one may exercise the more beneficial level of critical thinking which analyzes the guiding ideas, systems, and programs which inform and instruct social policy.


Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [fantasizing-guiding Aryaman-4] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Aryaman-nīcha]

  • Ford notoriously tried to regulate [Shani] the social behavior of his underpaid workers [Kanya]. In retrospect his punitive, critical attitude toward his factory workers (Kanya servants) can be seen as narcissistic bullying.

Criticism [akashic memory patterning] embedded within Social Norms

Shani-Kanya's complaining, analyzing, assigning blame and error is so structurally normalized into the personality that it seems obligatory.

Discovery of Shani fear and its power to block progress in life is often a long-delayed process because Shani embeds His Shani-structured, apparently mandatory resistance into the fabric of society, beginning with parents and continuing into the hierarchical structure of social government.

However, it can be detected, primarily by the method of tracking patterns in one's own failure to reach goals. Whenever a goal is cherished and Yet, the experience is delay upon delay, scarcity after scarcity, the pinch of insufficiency,"not good enough" it can be surmised that one is in the process of earning wisdom via the steps and set-backs experienced in blocked movements toward that important goals.

Conclude the [akashic memory patterning]

The lesson of Shani-Kanya = it is often helpful to criticize society, criticize ideas, criticize behaviors, criticize external objective things. Clear and objective analysis is a splendid mental tool granted to humans by Divine providence, and it can be very useful when properly applied.

However, it is never beneficial to criticize people. Behaviors, yes - people, nao.

In fact, for the Shani-Kanya nativity, criticism of other beings must slowly but steadily replaced with compassion for all beings.

The kernel of the lesson is indeed to sloooooowly overcome the early training that was received by early pre-incarnationally planned agreement with the beings who were scheduled to be the parents. And sloooowly replace the presumption that it is necessary to correct others, analyze and report upon the errors of others, and judge the worthiness of others.

With time, an understanding comes that what appear to be character flaws displayed by the people surrounding one's life are indeed organically correct traits for those individuals at their precise location on their own spiritual path.

Once the wisdom of"errors are not possible on the spiritual path" is established, then it becomes possible to employ Shani-Kanya's sharp analytical skills to more helpful tasks. Critical analysis of public [Shani] logic such as errors in government legislation or social programming can be very helpful when offered in a spirit of true service [Kanya].

However, shani-Kanya must be ever-diligent to distinguish [Kanya] between criticism of persons (unhelpful, ultimately boomerangs upon oneself) versus criticism of objective ideas, plans, systems, laws, regimes, behaviors, situations.

Shani-Kanya can be a genius of eliminating pollution [Kanya] which is extremely pervasive, particulate, near ly undetectable because it is so deeply embedded into the material reality.

Not only physical pollution but also social pollution, such as bigotry and prejudice -- and interpersonal pollution, such as blaming others for one's own pre-incarnationally planned dilemma.

Blame and bigotry are crippling errors of thought which Shani-Kanya is extremely well suited to * Systematically * eliminate via criticism of the erroneous logic [Kanya].

Shani-Kanya is a superb placement if correctly understood and applied, with the mature understanding that everything related to Shani takes a loooooong time to achiever.

Kanya-Shani provides similar effects compared with Shani in Ari Bhava.

An excellent position for:

any professional dealing with victims and victimology = the problematizing argumentation of egoic-mind attachment to suffering

exponents of blame, accusation, he-said/she-said[akashic memory patterning] in relationship betrayal

advocates for the poor and exploited

physicians dealing with chronic, iatrogenic, and environmentally-caused disease

negotiators dealing with chronic ethnic and religious conflict

  • UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair (Chitra, war)

social workers serving clients with domestic violence and addiction cycles; repeat offenders in the criminal system; those suffering "generational poverty"

Whether official or self-appointed, Shani-6 often must handle chronic complaints from laborers in unfair workplaces [human resources] or long-running litigation against polluters.

HF did not have any sympathy for the harsh conditions facing his mistreated workers. He saw them as utilities, resources, or commodities - not as his fellow human beings.

attorneys and scientists dealing with environmental pollution

financial professionals dealing with repeat bankrupters and those who chronically mishandle the loan monies given in trust

entertainers serving a socially marginalized audience

One is obliged [Shani] to pursue chronic [Shani] arguments [Kanya] and apparently irresolvable conflicts (6) embedded into the very framework of society [Shani].

[akashic memory patterning] of persistent and intractable [Shani] problems [Kanya] manifest in the lower classes, among the ignorant and unhealthy, or in the company of those committed to maintaining conflict .

In sum, one is charged to work continuously upon homework-problems regarding which there is chronic resistance to a solution.

Preference for defining an argument rather than envisioning a solution to the homework-problem.

On a personal level, one may complain regularly [Shani] about marital, health or financial homework-problems. These difficulties are Typically, the result of one's own belief in the fixed [Shani] nature of marital or physical disharmony, and often also the result of a family pattern of resignation to repeating dysfunction rather than acceptance of possibilities for change.

At the lower levels, one may be locked into a repeating set of personal problems which enforce a continuous inner argument . Personally prone to complex illnesses and financial troubles.

  • Food diet [Kanya] is often highly problematic, with habitual [Shani] disease exacerbating food choices - often based a a conviction that poor diet (and poor digestion) are imposed by conditions of poverty or scarcity.

Higher levels include professional medical service and legal service to the victims of broken contracts; here the argument is just as detailed and the homework-problems just as chronic, but one is fortunate to serve others rather than to suffer personally.

On a social level, the service professional may feel burdened by sobering, highly organized knowledge about social problems especially poverty, oppression, and disease. Lower consciousness is to negative outcomes; higher consciousness is neutral toward negative outcomes. Concerned with chronic world ailments like war, famine, epidemic disease, pollution and overpopulation.

Shani-Kanya is a helpful placement for any type of responsible work with victims of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, accident, injury, and disagreement.

  • For example: environmentalists, pharmacists, hospital workers, police officers, divorce attorneys, or shelter managers.

On a personal level, the employees or servants [Kanya]withhold approval. Much struggle in the workplace due to absenteeism. The work of inferiors falls upon one's shoulders. One feels beholden to the servants or the workers.

Shani can be stingy, withholding, and cruel.


workplace cheapness and worker animosity; dehumanization of laborers

Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [fantasizing-guiding Aryaman-4] + [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [Aryaman-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Aryaman-nīcha]

  • despite an outwardly paternalistic concern for the welfare of his factory workers [Surya-Karkata-4, protectionism] HF was intensely disliked by the automobile workers in his factories.

  • The workers knew that he was vastly entreasured. They hated Ford 's compulsive stinginess [Shani] -- certain that he could have easily provided them with much more benefit than he actually did.

  • Ford staunchly insisted [Shani] that his cheapness was a pragmatic business practice. The injustices [6] continued [Shani] but Ford never changed the institutionalized exploitive regulations [Shani] which caused his workers to despise him.

Often a lower-level manager who becomes enslaved to the small details of operating a shop or corporate department, or a farmer who has trouble from livestock or unproductive farm-hands.

Digestive complaints due to worrying about getting the work done on time.

Displaced analysis due to trauma of extreme conflict. The child of persecution and war, esp. war between the parents. Fearful. Life is about having homework-problems. Will not allow a problem to be solved. Disliked and mistreated by homework-problem-solvers such as physicians, financiers, and policer.

Shani-Kanya = chronic [Shani] complaining [Kanya].

The nature of the delay [Shani] = until the distinction is established between criticism of subjective persons versus criticism of objective social behaviors, one remains locked into the obligation to remain unsatisfied.

Satisfaction = balance = 7. Kanya = 12th-from-7 = unsatisfied.

Criticism used as a method of social control. The analytical mentality is trapped in Shani's negative materialism, and Shani-Kanya is bound to an endless cycle of criticize-and-complain.

In the classic stubbornly repetitive ignorance of Shani, shani-Kanya may complain bitterly of the many imperfections one observes. Shani-Kanya = a master of"what doesn't work" . Beset by constant reminders of imperfection, shani-Kanya responds to an imperfect environment (especially an imperfect partner) with multiple reminders of disputes, treachery, broken promises and collapsed agreements.

Shani-Kanya may feel pressured [Shani] to correct the imperfect people and flawed designs of this world.

Ultimately Shani-Kanya causes separation and delay through constant criticism. Blaming behaviors eventually erode the will of the parties to make corrective efforts. The method of dissolution constant argument showing that the partner is not perfectly upholding the contract.

Typical of Shani, shani-Kanya has no idea that it is one's own inner imbalance-seeking-a-remedy which causes the perfectionism which causes the collapse of most designs and agreements!


attribution: Simon Carrasco https://www.flickr.com/people/sicarr/

St. Patrick in a stained glass window in the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland, cA (USA). St. Patrick was a Christian missionary, apatron saint of Ireland. Born CE-387; died CE-493

Marriage and Intimate Relationships

Along with Shani's characteristic materialism, Kanya is a challenging position for happiness in intimate relationships.

When Shani gains strength in kendra, adisordered process of internal argumentation = perfectionism may define the mentality.

Under oppression of perfectionism, no statement or behavior is valid unless it's perfect.

Tyranny of self-doubt, chronic complaining and persistent lack of confidence may become pillars (kendra, corners) of the personality.

Shani-Kanya is particularly virulent in navamsha, where is indicates a pattern of litigious argumentation within core partnerships..

  • In either 1st navamsha (self) or 7th navamsha (partner) it can damage the prospect for happiness in one's relationships. Shani-Kanya is often very intelligent and observant. Yet one's analytical awareness is focused primarily on the negative - particularly on perceived logical inconsistencies or contractual errors of the partner.

Like all Shani-related matters, the effects of Shani-Kanya may improve with maturity. Intentional self-correction may increases with bitter experience, and certainly prospects will improve after the age of 60.

  • may be substantially corrected through a parivartamsha with Budha-Makara or Budha-Kumbha

Institutionalized [Shani] Criticism [Kanya]

Shani-Kanya = enforced complaining and fault-finding. A sour or irritable feeling due to poor intestinal digestion, ultimately due to poor"mental digestion" . Cranky and chronic [Shani] malcontent.

In navamsha 1 or navamsha-7, shani-Kanya signifies a change-resistant [Shani] marriage partner who picks at the spouse. Or indeed, the same irritability and fault-finding may be found in the behavior of the native. (depending upon the 80/20 rule for interesting who's who in the navamsha)

Shani-Kanya may prosper in all professions which require strict [Shani] argumentation [Kanya] and tightly regulated [Shani] control of fine details, clinical environments, or service ministries [Kanya].

Maturity = the key to success with any placement of Shani. With maturity. Shani-Kanya can provide high levels of mental and material discernment. A careful bookkeeper capable of sustained discipline in handling extensive financial detail.


Das commentary: Shani-Kanya,

" During Saturn ruled periods especially,

  • there will be a desire to delve more deeply into the unknown sciences of life's deeper essence.

At the same time,

  • you may fall away from your past moral position or social attachments in your own transit to a new position."

OM sham shanaishcharaye namah * OM kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah

Shani-Kanya relative to 12 positions of Mangala

B.V. Raman, A Catechism of Astrology . p. 30:

" Q. 37

What is the effect of the reciprocal aspect

of the two great malefics Saturn and Mars ?

Do they indicate violence?

Does it make any difference if Saturn is the lord of 1?


" No such general rule can be given. It depends on the position and ownership of the aspecting planets. Saravali ascribes the following results

  • ...When Saturn occupies Gemini or Virgo and is aspected by Mars, he will be obstinate, will be awkward in form and appearance, will be attacked by fits , and will carry others' burden." ...

  • Similarly when Mars occupies...Scorpio and Saturn aspects [Mars] same, he will be weak, will be devoid of followers or relations, will marry another wife ....

  • When Mars occupies Gemini ... and is aspected by Saturn, he will be an Agriculturist , employed in mining, will be an itinerant, will be an occupant of hilly places and forts, will be poor, dirty and miserable . ....

  • When Mars occupies ... Pisces and is aspected by Saturn, he will be ugly, warlike, sinful, atraveller, and bereft of financial wealth , health, and one's Dharma."

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Mesha


  • 6/8

NASCAR 1951-2001 motorsports Dale Earnhardt 's fatal auto racing crash occurred in Shani-Chandra bhukti . Chandra dhanapati-2 in 8.

Shani in 6/8 angle to Kuja + [uchcha-Surya], in a chart surging with warrior's hot, metallic, competitive winning power and while calmly handling (Shani Kany-4) the required brushes with death.

Often a short-lived incarnation.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Urisha

  • 5/9

Although only Guru and Rahu cast trinal drishti, all planets enjoy comfortable relationships when they occupy a mutual trine. This is a gentle and easy angle.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Mithuna

  • Reciprocal aspect

    - 4/10

  • Chronic tension via the oppressive, irritating mutual drishti of Shani-and-Mangala.

    Mangala insists on vigorously moving forward yet Shani staunchly resists change

  • USA Sec-State, naatl Security Advsr 1969-1977 Henry Kissinger + Budha

  • Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Daughter of Destiny Benazir Bhutto

  • USA Sen-NC John Edwards

Excellent placement for public life, but the reciprocal aspect

between Shani with Mangala may produce a no-movement crisis at some point in the career. The native is exceptionally logical, analytical, litigious, and verbally confrontational.

Due to the irresistible force meets the immovable object relationship between Shani + Kuja, the style of expression will be passive-aggressive with a tendency toward betrayal of promises.

Although considered fairly easy to deal with due to a proletarian presentation style, during Shani or Kuja periods one may be perceived as a liar or a cheat.

Kuja sees Budha as a planetary Enemy; Mars never flourishes in Budha's signs. Budha's home environment mentalizes Kuja's natural sexual-athletic vitality and distracts the native from the bodily signals.

Irregular eating and sleeping. Much helped if Budha occupies Mithuna or Kanya, although assistance from landlord Budha can make the native rather overly curious about young and attractive members of the opposite gender -- and quite chatty!

Even the reciprocal aspect

from Kuja in Mithuna is not so harmful however, since in that configuration, both planets will occupy a sign of Budha.

of course, Budha is a highly impressionable graha who very much reflects the disposition of His lord. Therefore Budha's lord must grant a positive character to Budha in order to produce the best results.

  • If Budha is strong during the reciprocal aspect

    of Shani-Kanya + Kuja-Mithuna, even the reciprocal aspect

    of the two enemies can give comfortable and pleasing results for Budha-related purposes such as analysis, planning, scheduling argumentation, complaints and litigation, human service ministry to the poor and dispossessed, health services of all kinds especially medical treatment plans and disease diagnosis, "social work" with the lowest classes, and other communicative, mentalized service behaviors.

  • Potentially health crises due to nervous overwork during periods of Shani and Kuja.


+ Mangala-Karkata


  • 3/11

Shani is strong in friendly Budha 's rashi; Mars is strong (if highly dysfunctional) in friend Chandra's sign. Their angle is non-invasive 3/11.

Mangala = [nīcha] Karkata rashi. This placement suggests passive-aggressive manipulation, psycho-physical "squeezing" extortion or intimidation behaviors, and "anger-management" homework-problems exacerbated by a denial of the originating emotion (anger).

Unless [nīcha-bhanga] corrects the dilemma, [nīcha] Kuja will cause psycho-emotional trouble expressed in predatory perpetration of the parents' [Karkata] historic misbehavior toward their child. [nīcha] Kuja is nearly always a signal of exploitive parenting.

Yet Shani's agenda of imposing a rule-ordered social setting is not harmed.

  • the native is able to hold a job, extract an income from the marketplace, and appear sane (although one's reputation may eventually suffer from repeated attempted extortions of various financial and emotional kinds.)

On the surface, civilized life goes on. The person will likely be permitted to have some measure of emotional trauma in their personal life without suffering excessive social punishment.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Simha

  • 2/12

This is quite a challenging angle, involving dissolution and loss caused by adjudication of fantasy ideals (Simha, 12) with working-class necessities (Shani-Kanya).

One wishes to produce a kingly or entitled political-celebrity power [Simha] yet Shani-Kanya is rooted in obligations to attend to matters of the service class.

One may represent a certain style of political argument, featuring a cause that promotes the ostensible interests of the lower classes in a class-conflict rights entitlement competition.

  • drama-activist Charlton Heston = National Rifle Association representing the conservative, financially privileged gun manufacturing interests under political camouflage of 'peoples rights' to own cheap firearms

  • Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford= various money-saving programs for the working class representing the conservative, financially privileged machine manufacturing interests under cover of 'peoples rights' to own cheap automobiles

  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long = wealth redistribution programs for the poorest class representing the conservative, financially privileged oil and minerals interests under cover of 'peoples rights' to access cheap fuel sources

Produces a " proletarian person " with a conflicted or inconsistent social personality, flaunting a social style that is both privileged-flashy [Simha] and humbly affiliated with the working class hoi polloi. [Kanya]

  • Formula One 1980-2013 test driver Maria de Villota was both a camera-ready celebrity and a practitioner of working-class motorsports

Due to uncomfortable constriction upon 12th imagination, there may be mental health implications of suspicious paranoia or feelings of disrespect or social invisibility

Difficulties to be expected during the Vimshottari period of Shani-Kuja

when Kuja occupies 12th-from-Shan simha rashi.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Kanya

  • yuti : 1/1

In general, two enemies too close creates a bad situation. However, if Budha is well placed, this yoga can produce a journalistic or logically argumentative powerhouse.

  • = parivartamsha yoga Budha Makara-7 + Shani Kanya-3 (writing) + vidya-pati-5 Mangala (literary creativity)

Kuja sees Budha as a planetary Enemy; Mars never flourishes in a rashi of Budha.

Kumara's home environments - Mithuna and Kanya - Parthya - overly mentalize Kuja's natural athletic vitality, which distracts the native from the natural, instinctive bodily signals emitted when we do too much or too little of a life-sustaining behavior.

  • Irregular eating and sleeping. May allow oneself to be exploited via overwork, being too involved in the details.

  • Can't see the forest for the trees.

Much helped if Budha occupies Mithuna or Kanya, although assistance from landlord Budha makes the native rather chatty!

However, beware that Kuja in Kanya is prone to passive-aggressive criticism. It is much easier to criticize than to act.

In general, two enemies too close creates a fretful situation. Troubles intensify during Budha Mahadasha, although much depends on the angle between Professor Budha and His two tenants in Kanyar.

For Mesha lagma, Shani-yuti-Mangala-Kanya-6 can produce high blood pressure due to internal argumentation. Often the person feels irritated by the errors of others, Yet, the ongoing interior narrative of criticism and complaining is felt as unsafe to verbally express. This looping litany of complaints ( 6) can build up and cause digestive or pressure imbalance-seeking-a-remedy within the physical balancing systems, especially the paired organs get thrown off balance. So it is always a good idea to check in semi-annually with an Ayurvedic physician to keep the body as healthy as possible, and to meditate or write or find another release for the criticisms and litigious blaming which incisively critical Mangala-Kanya likes to produce!

On the other hand Shani-Kuja in Kanya-6 is an excellent combination for professional service in the medical sciences, especially diagnosis, drugs, and treatment plans, any type of analysis of any logical process, esp"problematics " homework-problems which by their nature are inherent in a fixed environment and can't be eradicated but can be mitigated, reduced, re-arranged, adjusted etc.

It is also a great combo for human-resources work, benefits administration, anything to do with employees-servants payments ( 6) or healthcare.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Tula

  • 2/12

The main challenges arise during Vimshottari periods of Kuja.

Shani occupies the inauspicious 12th-from-Mangala. During the Vimshottari Mangala-Shani bhukti , one may experience a severe energy deficiency and all physical initiative goes into the doldrums .

The forward-driving engines of athletic, physical, yang, competitive energy may grind to a halt . Tula - Vanika * Balance within relationships both personal and professional becomes exceptionally challenging to achiever.

The reason for this event is subconsciously held fear of attack due to arrogant individual aggression against the tribal ethos.

The fear is left over from previous incarnations when one insulted the group ethic, and was fatally ostracized. In a parallel life , one was driven from the village with burning torches, or forced into the wilderness to starve.

Rather than unconsciously repeat (and repeat, and repeat) the "negative expectations" drill, it is recommended to address this pre-incarnationally planned fear completely and thoroughly.

Modern tools include psychotherapy and reflective meditation (bhava-12).

If the fear can be exhumed from its control position in the subconscious hiding place , the energy will return.


+ Mangala-Vṛścika

  • friendly 3/11

  • dramatist "Doris Day" Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff

Profitable and friendly. Anti-movement, anti-change Shani casts "freezing" drishti upon the muscular, penetrating and psychologically incisive Mangala. Eventually, there is a "stop movement" event that prevents the native from going as deep into the object of pursuit as one might otherwise desire.

  • Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve had a Rahu-Makara-4 drishti to Shani-Kanya-12 which super-amplified Shani's "stop action" powers with a very extreme result of complete body paralysis. Equestrian accident during Rahu-4 bhukti, rahu owned by Shani.

  • The beloved singer-actress Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland [fantasizing-conceptual Uttaraphalgunī-4] + [Hasta-Rahu-yuti-Guru-Hasta] similarly was crippled by severe depression

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Dhanus

  • 4/10

Dignified public service. No mutual drishti.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Maraka-Draco [uchcha]

bhagya 5/9

the 5/9 amsha = benefits activities of politics (5), celebrity, entertainment (5), philosophical study (9) .

Although only Guru and Rahu cast trinal drishti, all planets enjoy comfortable relationships when they occupy a mutual trine.

This is a gentle and easy angle between the two normally contradictory forces of movement [Mangala] vs stasis [Shani].

The physical energy channels successfully into commercial success and the social order welcomes the information one produces.

A lawful and materialistic personality with conventional behaviors, unless the teachings of Budha the ruler of Professor Shani are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (Usually, via constrictive drishti) .

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Kumbha

  • 6/8

  • choreographer, dance performer Martha Graham,

This is quite a challenging angle, because one is striving to produce a creative expression that is understood by Everyman.

The expression of Professor Mangala is controlled by Professor Shani's conformist, disciplined, regulated regime. The rules of argumentation must dominate.

Rules for musical composition, "hooks " etc.

Rules for choreographic notation

  • choreographer, dancer Martha Graham developed the written standard for dance-movement notation

One must endure a rigorous inner austerity in order to produce [Mangala] well ordered movement that is accessible to the masses and the classes (Kanya-Kumbha).

Health Difficulties related to digestion vs muscular movement to be expected during the Vimshottari period of Shani-Kuja

when Kuja occupies 6th-from-Shani -- exempli gratia, Kumbha rashi.

Shani-Kanya + Mangala-Meena

  • reciprocal aspect

    - 7/7

  • Chronic tension via the oppressive, irritating mutual drishti of Shani-and-Mangala.

    Mangala insists on vigorously moving forward yet Shani staunchly resists change

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda

Much traction or getting stuck within relationships. Tendency for the core relationships to become elder-younger (Shani-Mangala) with all of the difficulties of the opposition of those two sets of behaviors, eg steady vs active, old vs new, conventional vs innovative.

Also enter the dynamic of Guru-Budha = wisdom vs. analysis, inclusive vs. discriminating, teacher vs technician, religion vs commerce, guru vs sishya

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda


Icicle Creek, Chelan County, Washington State, USA


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" Progress comes by maintaining constant effort in daily practice."

~~14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso (1997).