

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

  1. [Somana-yuti-Kuja]
  2. [Somana-yuti-Budha]
  3. [Somana-yuti-Guru]
  4. Somana yuti Shukra
  5. [Somana-yuti-Shani]
  6. [Somana-yuti-Surya]
  7. [Somana-yuti-Rahu]
  8. [Somana-yuti-Ketu]

  1. [Surya-yuti-Rahu]
  2. [Chandra-yuti-Rahu]
  3. [Kuja-yuti-Rahu]
  4. [Budha-yuti-Rahu]
  5. [Guru-yuti-Rahu]
  6. [Shukra-yuti-Rahu]
  7. [Shani-yuti-Rahu]

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] Mūlatrikoṇa 4-30
  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]
  4. [Chandra-Karkata]
  5. [Chandra-Simha]
  6. [Chandra-Kanya]
  7. [Chandra-Tula]
  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]
  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Chandra-Kumbha]
  12. [Chandra-Meena]

Glyph_Chandra.jpg Glyph_Rahu.png

OM bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah

OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah




राहु rāhu


अर्करिपुarka-ripu = enemy ofArka

चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy ofChandra

अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru

= enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and themoon (shashi)

चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest

भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon

खेट khe-ṭa

= air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture

चन्द्र candra


सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice

सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere

tha = disk of moon

शशिन् shashin = moon, containing a hare

Mens - Mind - Moon = Monday

Nanna - Anna - Di-ana - Inanna

Sin - Sinai - Selene - Serena - Luna

Aah - Iah


Caput Draconis

Head of the Dragon - North Node



the Earthen Moon conjunct Rahuva

undulating personal opportunism


Eclipsus Solis et Lune

Woodcut from the Nuremberg Chronicle, circa 1493

" Believe that you deserve what you want."

- THEO Collective

"He redeemed my soul from going down to the pit,

and I will live to enjoy the light."

~~ Book of Job = Iyyov, 33:28


Eclipse Sun Prominences photo by Wang Letian, March-2015


Radha and Krishna celebrating Holi, circa 1788

collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, https://collections.vam.ac.uk


[Rahu-Mesha] yuti [Chandra-Mesha]


[Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha] yuti [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]

comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

  • Geopolitical strategy 1949- Paul Manafort [1]

  • Zufiqar Ali Bhutto - father of Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Benazir Bhutto

  • model, actress Brooke Shields [8]

[Rahu-Mithuna] yuti [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality

[Rahu-Karkata] yuti [Chandra-Karkata] comforted by maternal soothing * settled into tidal rhythms * needs to protect

[Rahu-Simha] yuti [Chandra-Simha] comforted by creative display * settled into dramatic rhythms * needs attention

  • Dialogue 1347-1380 St. Catherine of Siena + [Pūrvaphalgunī-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Pūrvaphalgunī] [8 mystery, psychic channel]

  • Adolf Hitler 's political-propagandist Albert Speer

  • USA Sec-State, naatl Security Advsr 1969-1977 Henry Kissinger

[Rahu-Parthya] yuti [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

  • theoretical physicist Niels Bohr

[Rahu-Tula] yuti [Tula-Chandra]

[Rahu-Vṛścika] yuti [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]

comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs healing discovery

[Rahu-Dhanus] yuti [Chandra-Dhanus]

comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

[Rahu-Makara] yuti [Chandra-Makara-Draco]

comforted by hierarchy * sensitive to class-status * needs ritual ordering

[Rahu-Kumbha] yuti [community-connected Chandra-Kumbha]

comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection


[Rahu-Meena] yuti [Chandra-Meena]

comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary


This personality presents as the Great Protector-Defender

Chandra enjoys maximum caretaking, parenting, ritualized, householding, nourishing, defensive, anciently rhythmic qualities in

Chandra is especially Rahu-amplified when in Rahu's nakshatra

However, chandra in any nakshatra when combined with Rahu experiences extravagantly protective-defensive emotion, along with

  • over-reaching patriotism

  • passionate environmentalism

Rahu's disruptive, fabulous, illusory agenda combines with Chandra's stable, anciently rhythmic,

May thwart

  • often combines a socially interrupting taboo-bending lifestyle with a defensive need to prevent interruption of the past

  • protector-provider patterns which insinuate into an outside family, tribe, clan, or nation

  • need for prestige household, garden, yard, landscape

  • Hunger for fenced properties.

  • May be obsessed with defense.

  • shrewdly sensitive to landowner's privilege
  • pre-verbally, intuitively attuned to ambition
  • needs to feel extra-important via fencing, defense, border-patrol
  • soothed by social mobility via unusual farming, fishing, land-use
  • seeks protection via specialness in culturally-mixed terrestrial boundary-bordering
  • remarkable, opportunistic mother and parent-figure
  • may crave experience to over-protect animals or other socially vulnerable beings
  • compulsive desire to feel security via fabulous property-ownership such as houses, vehicles, lands

[Chandra-yuti-Rahu] in 12-bhava

[Rahu in classroom-1]

[1, exemplifying personality, kinetic embodiment, vitality]

Passion for life-force vitality Mask of unique personality. Craving for nobility [1] of cross-cultural identity. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of exotic warrior, competitor, champion, inventor, pioneer.

Needs the prestige [Rahu] of innovative vitality, physicalized embodiment roles.

[Rahu in classroom-2]

Passion for valuable treasuries Mask of historical assets. Craving for cultural knowledge. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic historian, linguist, banker, singer, lineage-holder, conservationist, librarian, curator, geneticist, breeder. Needs the prestige of heritage-preserving roles.

[Rahu in classroom-3] Passion for explanation and collaboration. Mask of conversational reporting. Craving for cultural communication.

May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic business manager, writer, manufacturer, crafter, publisher, salesperson, announcer, discussant, documenter, reporter, neighbor, teammate, cousin. Needs the prestige of media-messaging, evangelical roles.

[Rahu in classroom-4]

Passion for prestige property, routine, roots Mask of security. Craving for cultural safeguards. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic parent, police, caretaker, landowner, farmer, builder. Needs the prestige of property-owning, defensive, patriotic roles.

  • Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari + [Aśleṣā-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Aśleṣā] [4, ethnicity, cultural roots, ritualization]

[Rahu in classroom-5] [amplifying drishti into bhava-1 identity]

Passion for politics, celebrity, entitlement, games. Mask of theatrical intelligence. Craving for cultural ceremony. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic romantic, thespian, politician, king-queen, performing artist, literary poet. Needs the prestige of brilliant dramatic roles.


[Rahu in classroom-6] Passion for complaining. May be an outraged advocate for the underclass, underprivileged, victims, exploited.

Mask of service ministry. Craving for cultural conflict. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic physician, servant, assistant, minister, laborer, addict, accuser, exploiter, polluter, warmonger. Needs the prestige of criminal, military, medical, top-ministry, or service roles.



POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe + [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [6, ministry, assistance, labor, ailment]

  • EKM wed POTUS-5 James Monroe. Their 2-person career served [6] the new USA as European diplomats seeking treaties and alliances.

  • A passionate ideological [Dhanus] supporter of Napoleon Bonaparte and his family, EKM's public sentiment in favor of the French Revolution broke diplomatic neutrality [over-reaching Rahu in unbalanced 6] . They were recalled from service by an angry George Washington, and retreated to their country estate .

[Rahu in classroom-7] [amplifying drishti into bhava-1 identity]

Passion for partnership. Mask of equity. Craving for cultural agreement. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic attorney, representative,,spouse, advister, trustee, alliance-builder, negotiator, mirror. Needs the prestige of diplomatic counseling roles.

[Rahu in classroom-8]

[8, mystical, disguising, shocking, transformative, dangerous threats, rebirth]

Passion for confidential secrets. Mask of transformative power. Craving for cultural rejuvenation. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic healer, transformative tantriki, initiator, mystical portal, therapist, revealer, discover, penetrator, diver, exploder, emergency responder. Needs the prestige of hidden empowerment roles.

[Rahu in classroom-9] [amplifying drishti into bhava-1 identity]

Passion for philosophical preaching, mimicks the sacred doctrine. Craving for cultural beliefs. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic preacher-teacher, patron, patriarch, professor, proselyzer, high-priestess, sage, theorist, globalist, hierophant. Needs the prestige of public spiritual guidance roles. [vs. private spirtual guiadance = 12]

[Rahu in classroom-10] Passion for leadership power

Mask of lawful order. Craving for rank-and-status, cultural command..

May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic executive, decision-maker, institutional leader, boss, regulator, holder of high position, hierarch. Needs the prestige of iconic leadership roles.

[Rahu in classroom-11] --- [svakshetra] Passion for prizes, achievements. Mask of friendship. Craving for cultural connection.. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic earners, marketplace manipulators, economists, mass-participation activists, social networkers. Needs the prestige of high-revenue roles.

[Rahu in classroom-12] Passion for imagination Mask of private prayer. Craving for cultural isolation. May feel a deep desire to be soothed in the protective inner circle of an amazing, exotic mediators, hoteliers, hospitalists, foreigners, sleepers, dreamers, aliens, private spiritual guides, ancestors. Needs the prestige of invisible roles.

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal + [Viśākha-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Svati] [Viśākha-Rahu-yuti-Mangala-Svati] [12, dissolution retreat] Spent much of his adult life ensconced in casino-hotels, secluded rooms in enclosed palaces, or languishing in a food-coma


When Chandra co-tenants a bhava with Rahu, the native = psycho-emotionally complex due to exaggerated fluctuationsof the natural emotional cycles.

The Vimshottari dasha periods of Rahu and Chandra = emotionally charged

  • Soma is reflective, absorptive, and accommodating.

  • Soma psycho-emotionally sensitizes Rahu.

  • irregular, unsettled kamakaraka, chalakaraka Rahu = planetary enemy toward rhythmic, habitual, settled Chandra.

strongest results during Rahu Mahadasha and Chandra Mahadasha

see also: Rahu in classroom-4

Rahu creates Excitement

Chandra needs Contentment

  • Rahu supercharged, ambitious, passionate quest for social privilege
  • Chandra seeks familiar habits, fulfillment of emotional need

Rahu + Chandra are born during lunar eclipse. They tend to feel most comfortable during emotional roller-coasters.

One may be soothed by disruptive excitement, calmed by cultural mixing, nourished by thrilling desire.

expedient, instrumentalist, ambitious, opportunistic, parental, sheltering

Desire for what? Look to Rahu's nakshatra.

  • POTUS-01 American Revolution 1732-1799 George Washington = Mula Rahu = passion for social mobility via political revolution.

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi = Pushya Rahu = passion for social mobility via culturally familiar governance.

  • UK Princess of Wales 1982- photographer Kate Middleton = Punarvasu Rahu = passion for social mobility via inspirational literature. [Chandra also in Puna] .

Rahu-yuti-Chandra-8-Mesha would produce a fiery, volatile, and brilliant personality. In [vocal-traditional Aśvini-2] , rahu-8 was wildly innovative, abreak-through champion of the incoming New Era

[Euro-Enlightenment] and // on fire // in a variety of ways.

[Rahu-Mesha-Aja] -- [Rahu in bhava-8] -- [Chandra-yuti-Rahu]

  • Ethica ordine geometrico 1632-1677 Baruch Spinoza was a brilliant philosopher [Guru-9] who published extraordinary insights into the nature of thought-generated reality [Budha-3]. Considered a heretical threat to public morality because he dispensed entirely with the idea of Divine Punishment, spinoza was excommunicated by the religious authorities [both Christian and Jewish] His books were burned. Yet rarely does Asvini have insurmountable financial problems. SB was funded by patrons and he started his own, highly reputed, lens-grinding business to generate earnings while he wrote. Chandra rules 11-revenues.

Emotionally opportunistic

Professor Chandra represents local customs, ethnic morality, the safety felt behind borders and walls [mora = wall] and regular predictable routines.

Rahu represents expedient actions, opportunism, leaping over barriers, and irregular patterns of " smoke and shadow" .

Chandra = morality, local customs. Rahu leaps over cultural fences, challenges taboo, obscures the protective and definitive borders, while cleverly mixing cultures and ethnicities.

  • UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair [Rahu-yuti-Chandra] -9. His father was raised in the working class, and Tony Blair was attracted to Labour political platforms. However, rahu adds an exotic, unfamiliar twist to Chandra's homely familiarity, and Blair changed the socialist platforms of Labour to welcome more bourgeois voters.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu pair is often described as lacking a moral compass.

Chandra-Rahu yoga is generally a disruptive but impassioning influence upon the social personality and relationships.

In bhava-9, exotic and exciting mixing-and-mottling of the ethno-moral basis

  • UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair first converted his doctrinal commitments from protestant Christianity to the Roman-Rite adherent catechism. Afterward, blair's post-political diplomatic initiatives brought Christian principles [9] into the Muslim dominated discourse of the Middle East peace talks. Ketu-3 suggests predictably little measurable outcome from the talks, but Rahu-9 the Mask of Doctrine is not concerned with Ketu. Rahu-9 is generating emotional excitement from the Mixing.

One may have an emotional need [Chandra] to feel the excitement of high-risk, culturally taboo-challenging environments and relationships. Typically one enters these stimulating, shadowy, irregular contexts in the role of emotional nourisher, guardian, comfort-provider, custodian, parent, or protector.

Challenging the customary ways, in a fascinating reversal

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi made the rough homespun dhoti of the poverty-class into a highly respectable garment; not to mention challenged the paternalistic patronage [9] of the colonial Raj

The mother is often passionately ambitious for social mobility.

Professor Rahu's motivation is acquisition of social mobility leading to extraordinary privilege.

In pursuit of a higher social station with its attendant luxuries, rahu will use whatever device is available as provided by graha yuti-Rahu, by His ruler, or by His other associations. His method is to appear to have already earned the privilege. Eventually, though, rahuva's downfall is caused by over-reaching.

Depending on the rashi of Chandra

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi was threatened with excommunication from his lineage due to breaking caste rules by traveling outside India. He ignored the injunction, traveled to South Africa and England, and was considered a fascinating exponent of political dharma by many throughout his lifetime.

Chandra = watery things ++ Rahu extreme outrageous opportunities

Patriotic [Chandra] passion [Rahu] may advantageously, opportunistically affiliate one with the strong emotions of nationalism and ethnic roots [Chandra]. His ascendance with Chandra's aid is often marked by opportunistic association with the narrative of safety, securing of racial or national boundaries, promoting ethnic customs, protecting transportation or agriculture, or other narratives of guardianship which trigger an emotional reaction.

Rahu benefits from being the agent who goes to extremes of irregular behavior in order to protect and defend the people who seek safety within the realm of regular behavior.

Typically one has an expediently ambitious mother [Chandra] who achieves considerable social mobility via the means of the bhava in which Chandra-yuti-Rahu resides.

  • POTUS-06 American System 1767-1868 John Quincy Adams had a remarkably influential mother whose role in establishing the government of the New Republic was very substantial despite her late 1700's modesty. POTUS-pair-02 Letters 1744-1818 Abigail Adams is considered by historians to have been fully a member of the " Founding Fathers" group of leaders who wrote the documents establishing the laws and policies of the newly born revolutionary nation. [Rahu-10]

In bhava-9, the Rahu-Chandra dynamo churns up the stagnant customs of ideology and paradigms of belief.

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi advocated religious pluralism in a Hindu-hegemony setting. His Rahu + reptilian Aśleṣa Chandra in humanitarian dharmasthāna-9 would not release his hold on his higher convictions per no-surrender Aśleṣa. The nativity displays a magnificent uncoiling of rank-and-privilege divisions of society according to religious group [9] . Rahu is the master of social mobility and appearances. The [apparently] sinewy dark colonial wearing homespun dhoti rises to rank of world guide [9] .

Rahu-yuti-Chandra needs to mix and mingle with the very familiar [Chandra] and the exotically unfamiliar [Rahu] within the environment of the bhava that Soma shares with Rahu.

  • Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche [nīcha-Anuradha-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Anuradha] [3, writing-publishing] FWN successfully mixed the categorical ideations of several diverse ancient cultures [such as Ave-sthāna - Avestan] into the modern German discouse on intentional aesthetics. [ancestors Chandra]

  • Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda [1, exemplifying personality, kinetic embodiment, vitality] deeply rhythmic, ancient routines of Tamil heritage, combined with modern electronic economy, expressed via the hatha-yoga movements and veg-diet lifestyle for The earthen body [1]

Amplified desires for the soothing routines of comforting candescent Chandra: roots, lands, shelters, nourishment, protection, security, routines, patriotic and parental emotions, rhythms of life, ownership, agricultural fishing, seasonal patterns, tidal flow, comfort.

  • POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk + [Punarvasu-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Pushya] JKP operated slave-labor plantations in Tennessee, producing cotton, tobacco, and food crops. As JKP grew wealthier, he bought more land and more slaves to farm the land.

One seeks emotional identity validation through breaking emotional barriers, being recognized as special or charismatic, and having strongly desirous feelings toward others.

Associated with amplified mental compulsions and emotional volatility.

May produce compulsive emotional behavior, depending on the bhava.

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal had yuvati-pati Chandra + Mangala-yuti-Rahu-Tula- 12. Rahu-inflated Mangala activates 1+6 pulling the identity into the enclosures of 12. His notorious parties booked entire casino-hotels and continued for days.Rahu-12 distant lands = the parties were held in other lands outside Egypt, mainly Italy.

  • CNN buffalo lands 1938- Ted Turner according to previous spouses, destroyed three marriages via high-risk infidelities. However, that same risk-taking emotion contributed to his extraordinary success in acquisitions and mergers.

Kamakaraka Rahu + sukhakaraka Chandra = characteristics of emotional impatience to realize one's desires

Emotionally impatient and often incapable of accepting procedural delays in matters of social or emotional recognition and approval.

  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long could not tolerate etended discussions and delays on his proposed infrastructure developments Chandra-yuti-Rahu-9 ideology. He wanted buildings, roadways, and housing [Chandra local settlement] and he wanted it now. Therefore, HPL used bribery [Rahu expedience] and habitually [Chandra] removed the state jobs of the relatives of those politicians who opposed his beliefs.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu projects their own needs and desires upon others. By contrast, chandra-yuti-Ketu allows others to project their personal needs upon the native .

Both conjunctions may exhibit boundary issues which can be addressed successfully by reflection and awareness of psychic Best Practice.

Amplified emotional need, strong material desire nature .

  • One is passionate about life and plunges into relationships with full-on soothing, parental, sheltering, protective powers.

  • Tendency to overwhelm others in the environment, especially intimate partners. Extremely sensitive and controlling emotionally.

Projects one's own feelings upon others .

  • Can be psychically invasive, but also charismatic, fascinating, full of charm. Likes to stimulate the feelings of others and take psycho- emotional risks.

Parenting intensity and instrumental display

The impulsive qualities of Rahu/Chandra promote early motherhood and may generate an unpredictable, self-reflexive, or impatient style of parenting. Caring for children or weakling-others is an instinctive nurturing outreach action which is However, appropriated by Rahu's compulsive drive to self-elevate.

Rahu-Chandra over-reaching rhetoric: humans as agricultural property

  • POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk + [Punarvasu-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Pushya] [3, committeework, procedures, documentation] Polk was a defender of slavery as the customary [Chandra] Euro-settler mechanism for development of agricultural plantations [Chandra]. He was himself an ambitious [Rahu] planter who operated slave-labor plantations in several states. His rhetoric [3] described slaves as subhuman beings who, as owned-stewarded property , needed supervision and protection [Chandra] from their owners.

Parenting and, by extension, marriage may devolve into instrumental means to ever-striving Rahu 's aspirations and the process of bhava-keeping, gardening, naurturing a home-based marriage, and raising children loses much of its inherent domestic contentment.

According to the wikipedia: Ashraf Pahlavi. The twin sister of the deposed Shah of Iran = a highly compromised Anuradha Chandra-yuti-Rahu.

  • " 1980 interview with New York Times..., Pahlavi stated, "I have never been a good mother. Because of my way of life, I was not with my children very much".

  • Additionally, while Pahlavi was living in exile in New York, her husband ... remained in Paris and the two rarely saw each other"

Women naturally self-identify with their maternal nurturing powers. However, with Rahu+Chandra, the identification becomes not a source of emotional groundedness but rather a platform from which to self-elevate socially.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu experiences the Chandra-style acts of sheltering, protecting and defending as emotionally exciting, and power-validating.

Typically one's dominant parent, usually the mother, also lacked boundary consciousness . The dominant parent may have felt free to project their own feelings and perceptions upon the child. The native replicates this emotional habit in the process of raising their own childrenr.

One's own relationship with one's parents becomes highly complicated, particularly when the parents also have 'nodal moons'

A family of Examples

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 = Chandra-yuti-Rahu

  • their son UK-Duke 1982- William and the son's wife + co-parent UK Princess of Wales 1982- photographer Kate Middleton both also have Chandra-yuti-Rahu

  • prognosis for the children of William+Kate = continuation of the legacy of volatile, unpredictable parenting due to the psychology of kamakaraka Rahu causing exaggerated fluctuations of Soma's emotional cycles

Life with a Rahu/Chandra person can easily become a soap opera. Chandra-yuti-Rahu generates a deep need for intensely needy [Chandra], reactive, and volatile relationships with emotional intimates [parents, children, lovers] that is never satisfied [Rahu].

One may feel emotional need for risk-driven excitement. The excitement producer = Rahu, whose ambition drives The preposterous but rapid quest for higher privilege [Rahu]. The cycle cannot be fully satisfied; the kamakaraka's desire recycles in perpetuity.

Unfortunately due to the bbsessive-compulsive ambitions of get it now Rahu , the cycle is rarely broken by mature consciousness.

In extreme cases involving Shani, Kuja, or temporal papa-graha, the mother may be so addicted to invasive control that the natural maturing separation of her children is perceived as a threat to her survival.

This extreme dependency on one's projected self-image as a nurturing, protective mother [which cannot be sustained as the child grows independent] may lead to clinical conditions such as 'Borderline' Personality Disorder.

  • The more common manifestation is a restless desire for intense emotional contact

  • Seeks emotional validation as a super-parent.

For these natives, demand for a deeper satisfaction penetrates all of life.

One may be be charismatic, creating a social ambience of excitement and personalized engagement, if Chandra is in a good rashi or bhava, and well supported by Chandra's lord.

However, in an uncomfortable rashi, or in dushthamsha, rahu + Chandra may attract public censure. One may get involved with taboo activity [esp. sexual taboos, especially if Kuja is involved] and in their passion to be emotionally "involved" may cross approved social boundaries.

In the reactive, invasive parenting style especially, children's psychic integrity may be compromised. If punitive Shani is involved, harsh punishments to children, by the afflicted parent, may cause social consternation.

Can be a fabulous hands-on healer with good tutoring on boundaries. When these folks are given permission to enter the deep inner space of a wounded person, they can work true magic. One may be a psychic or intuitive reader/healer, if Budha is strong.

Even when socially successful, one will have boundary issues. One must acquire the wisdom to respect others' limits. To live happily, the native must give vent to one's healing/penetrating/invasive/protective instincts. Yet, self-knowledge [when that is available!] also directs that this native must be guided and supervised to manage their personal extremes.

Sudden and dramatic emotional changes causes by eruption of priv ilege-claiming or power- possessive desiresin the Mother.

The Mother is the primary agent of personal disruption. She is unstable emotionally, excitable, volatile in her relationship with the child, and often involved in some variety of taboo cultural mixing or emotionally disruptive, manipulative, controlling, or possessive behavior toward the child.

Chandra craves emotional protection, the Mother may send out two sets of different or contradictory signals: one set encouraging the child to follow all the accepted social protocols in order to always be safe, and another more subtle set of role-modeling behaviors which exemplify courage in challenging rigid rules and taking emotional risks.

Characteristically an emotional risk-taker. Enthusiasm for jumping into new identities, for accepting nurturing and caretaking opportunities in unusual circumstances, and for challenging the stable emotional balance in existing interpersonal relationships.

Husbandly-companions may possess an unusually high level of female intuition and a deep interest in healing. Feminine Nativities are capable of assuming conventionally male roles with aplomb.

Often a fascinating person mesmerizing charismatic, attractive, and somewhat mysterious.

  • Like a swaying cobra, this native is the object of much public fascination [both positive and negative] .

Likely to achieve fame or notoriety for their ability to successfully challenge cultural taboos and win remarkable struggles with social convention"against the odds ".

Male is interesting to women. Female is charismatic and exciting. Both males and Feminine Nativities are able to challenge the cultural norms which dictate emotional and sexual relationship legitimacy, switching gender roles and adapting to new emotional identities with easer.

QUOTATION from Jaimini Sutram, Ch4, shloka 53-54 , Trans. P.S. Sastri, ranjan Publications, New Delhi , 1987

"If the Moon and Rahu are together

  • in ninth from the ātmakāraka
  • or in ninth from the Lagna,

the child will assume the nature of the destroyer of every thing."

Extra-ordinary [Rahu]familiarity [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] to the public.

Empathetic appeal [Soma] forextraordinary promotion and privilege [Rahu].

Emotional expediency.

Emotional Over-reaching

Exotic appeal to the classes which form the base of society

Amplification of ambition to obtain parochial, parental, agricultural, familiar, localized, rhythmic, comfortable, homelander entitlements

  • .

Exaggeration and amplification of the emotional feelings. Particularly represents the characteristic and forever recycling need for an immediate, absolute, utterly complete emotional merger with another human being.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu may signify emotionally intense and potentially barrier-bending, taboo-twisting relationships with caretakers, schoolteachers, parents, and mother-figures [Chandra].

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx had a long-running affair with his housekeeper, who eventually bore him a child

The mother is an extreme person: passionate, sensitive, and significantly lacking emotional boundaries. The mother may be emotionally invasive, ahyper-nurturer, arescuer-protector, or some other dramatized emotional character depending on Soma's rashi.

The Nakshatra occupied by Chandra is also very important to understand the inner needs of oneself.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu = at least twice married and has a volatile while also very intensely engaged relationship with one's mother, unless the teachings of Professor Chandra are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway [Usually, via constrictive drishti] .

The passions run strong.

Emotional needs are dramatic and volatile.

One seeks impulsive, often overtly instrumental ways to satisfy one's need for emotional security.

One may take risks [Rahu] and break taboos [Rahu] in order to gain access to beauty and luxury

A passionate desirer of harmonious agreements especially marriage [Shukra].

  • However, unless Shani constrains Rahu, one may be highly impatient [Rahu] with the negotiated balance and be looking for a replacement forthwith.

Chandra-yuti-Rahu produces emotional volatility and intensely magnified passions.

Marriage: Rahu-yuti-Chandra

The mate, signified by Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra, may have qualities of "mismatch" and oddly peculiar in character.

Much depends upon Ketu's bhava.

  • Top Gun 1962 cinema producer Tom Cruise * 3 marriages Chandra-Pushya = regulator of the customary pathways. Mr. Cruise's first wife [a dramatist, later a businesswoman] is represented by Ketu-3 exactly conjunct to Shani-Makara. This Ketu-3 loses much of its ephemeral nature and gains solidity [Shani] of pragmatic commercial management [3] . The spouse may seem peculiarly quiet [Ketu] and unassuming [Shani] compared to the passionate personal ambitions of the Chandra-yuti-Rahu-yuti-Shukra native, but the character of the first spouse is mature and the marriage longer-lasting than expected via the dutiful, responsible nature of Shani. Indeed this couple maintained a business relationship long after the end of the first marriage.

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx - Surya-yuti-Chandra -yuti-Rahu put his Ketu-9 Thula in 7th-from-Chandra . Marx adored his wife as a source of wisdom and fortune in his life [9] . She was an ephemeral sensitive high-born lady and he was a brilliant but indelicate polemical writer. He basically "married up" into higher resources. It was due mainly to his wife and her parents that Marx had a bourgeois house with servants in London in which to write his tomes, while his children wore nice clothes and gained a literary education. However, while he continued to follow his Ketu-wife's ideological guidance in matters of doctrine and principle [9] -- in matters of the passions he soon took up with the live-in housekeeper, with whom he produced a child.


1 - fleshly appearance, unique personality

2 - hoards of treasury + historical values, voice

3 writing, publications, media production, messaging, commerce, scripts, photography

4 homeland security, folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms; infrastructure such as roadways and housing

5 politics drama games-gambling poetry children display demonstration romance ideas celebrity entitlement artistic performance

6 litigation accusations addictions pollution

7 marriage alliances negotiations, diplomacy, deal-making

8 mysteries secret knowledge

  • Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba [Arudra-8] [mystical magical illusions of the hands; legerdemain]

9 religion ideology dogma patronage priesthood

10 social governance; public visibility

11 - gains of achievement, marketplace income, distribution systems, revenues

12 private liaisons, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, hallucination, research

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal + Mangala

  • theoretical physicist Niels Bohr

  • musical entertainer "Liberace" , Wladzia Valentino


  • Rahu = Great Leap Upward to a higher station or rank, energized by ambitious desire

  • Chandra = mother, parents, childhood home, folkways customs , naurturing, acceptance, emotional security, belongingness

Rahu + Chandra = Sudden and dramatic emotional changes causes by eruption of status-seeking ambition or privilege-seeking desire in the Mother.


If Chandra is otherwise stable, the parents may coordinate as a team thus Chandra's effects may be attributable to both parents working in concert. In the narrative below substitute the word parents for the word mother if the homelife is fairly steady.

Mother = a highly complex influence upon the native . More so if there are additional graha yuti Chandra-yuti-Rahu .

Example of a super-complex mother:

  • the very complex role of a notoriously over-promoting stage-mother can be seen for actress-model Brooke Shields = busybody Chandra-Mriga + Rohini look at me Rahu + Surya-yuti-Guru + ātmakāraka svakshetra Shukra + Budha - yes 6 graha in karma-bhava dominated by Shukra=beauty = public visibility , and Ms. Shields' Rahu mahadasha began at age 4. Her long-suppressed depression emerged only after becoming a mother herself.

  • Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche [nīcha-Anuradha-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Anuradha] [3, writing-publishing] FWN's mom raised her children as a widow. Mother, along with FWN's younger sister, was tightly controlling [Chandra-Vrischika] in her desire to appropriate his instructional explanations. [3] Together, the mother-and-daughter reputedly prevented FWN's marriage. After FWN lost his faculties due to brain cancer, his sister co-opted his philosophical claims [3] adjusting them to fit her Nazi ideology.

  • As a young adult at his mother's request [Chandra] Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long trained as a Baptist-Christian preacher. However, it became unsustainable. Feeling unsuited for the caretaking duties of a preacher, he followed his father into politics Surya-Simha. In the footsteps of the original Christian, HPL quickly built a power-base via appeal to the disenfranchised, exploited and frustrated poor-folk [Rahu = outsiders] . Rising to a powerful controlling role as Louisiana Governor, HPL then was quickly elected to the USA Senate during the Great Depression. HPL the trained Baptist then joined a prominent radical radio-preaching Roman-Rite adherent priest [Mix-master Rahu] . Drawing together several populist, religious movements, the Share Our Wealth political party was building toward a nationally legislated redistribution of financial wealth. Sadly, at this moment HPL was assassinated at age-42.

When Chandra-yuti-Rahu, the Mother = a primary agent of both self-elevation into higher rank-visibility-privilege and also she causes the most dramatic personality development disruption. The native must please the mother and the mother wants the native to behave in ways which increase the mother's own status-rank.

  • UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles-3 was told by his parents [Chandra] [mother] whom to marry, when, and why. The result was notoriously disruptive to his personality development and his personal life remained in an adolescent state for decades.

Mother may behave in an excitable, volatile fashion due to her personal ambition invested in the desired behavior of the child. Manipulation via withholding then flowing affection and praise is often the only effective method to get the child to do what is wanted.

Mother may transmit two sets of different or contradictory signal-sets:

  • one set encouraging the child to follow all the accepted social protocols in order to always be safe [Chandra],

  • another more subtle set of role-modeling behaviors which exemplify excitement, ambition, and positive gain resulting from acceptance of risk [Rahu].

the native is oneself, characteristically, an emotional risk-taker. Enthusiasm for jumping into new identities, for accepting nurturing and caretaking opportunities in unusual circumstances, and for challenging the stable emotional balance in existing interpersonal relationships.

Rāhudrishti to Chandra

Due to Rahu's ability to cast drishti upon the bhava 5-7-9 from His radical place, rahu drishti to Chandra is quite commonplace.

Nevertheless, the drishti of Rahu upon Chandra indicates an emotional-development disorder [Rahu] of some variety. It need not be severe but it will be present. Some disruption [Rahu] of the flow of mother-nurturing protection generally occurs when Chandra accepts a drishti of Rahu.

  • The normal, grounded and supporting, protective and sheltering relationship with the mother and mother-figures [Chandra] is disturbed [Rahu].

Furthermore, the childhood home can potentially be destabilized due to the mother's exotic or unconventional behavior [Rahu].

There may be interruption [Rahu rupture] of the normalized security derived from organic development of the childhood relationships due to movement away from the place of birth.

The most typical expression = mother accepts professional duties outside the home while the children are still developing. Whichever bhava is owned by Chandra will show the unusual behavior of the mother.

  • In the case of Simha indriya-lagna, because Chandra rules vyayabhava-12, the mother may be associated with exciting [Rahu] cloistered environments such as hospitals, research labs, or distant lands. She may be not only emotionally distant or unavailable, but also physically out of reach.

  • In the case of Tula indriya-lagna the mother may be called away from child-nurturing by an exciting, distinguished professional career because Chandra = karmesha-10

  • In the case of Kumbha indriya-lagna the mother may have a fascinating deep illness or consequences of exploitation, due to Chandra = rogesha-6 .

Often the mother has some type of emotionally unstable [Rahu] desire behavior such as emotionally-driven need for self-promotion, possibly careerism which takes the mother out of the home [Chandra] and promotes one into the public view via career responsibilities; or addiction, criminalization / crime, promiscuity, or other disruptions of the mother's dedication and attention to the well-being of the child.

The interrupted [Rahu] development undergoes a spin-doctor cover-up in the native 's self-narrative [Rahu, eclipse] .

Often the role of the mother or mother-figure is amplified into some saintly or exotic persona that is a super-mother.

  • The feminine nativity carries this inflated-nurturer-healer expectation into her own life, where she may easily pursue the psychically disabling role of out of control healer.

  • A masculine nativity may cover up his knowledge of the emotional shortcomings of his mother with tales of her great sensitivity, care-taking, and parental concern. He may attract wives and female care-takers with the same interrupted-emotional-development dysfunctions displayed by the mother.

QUOTATION from Stages of Meditation by Tenzing Gyatso

root text by Kamalashila, trans. Geshe Lobsang Jordhen, Losang Choephel Ganchenpa, and Jeremy Russell, p.76

" What is the Bodhisattva's Way of life?

It is the way of life that follows naturally from having cultivated the awakening mind of bodhicitta. Omniscience is achieved only through the process of purifying the disturbing emotions within your mind. It cannot be achieved merely through wishes and prayers.

  • We have to train in eliminating all the specific disturbing emotions within your mind.
  • We have to train in eliminating all the specific disturbing emotions by relying on specific antidotes.

All the activities of a Bodhisattva can be included in two major categories:

  1. the practice of skillful means
  2. the practice of wisdom.

If the practices of giving, ethics, and so forth are to be perfected, they should be supported and influenced by the practice of wisdom. Without the practice of wisdom, the first five of the six perfections cannot actually become practices of perfection. In order to cultivate such wisdom, you must first cultivate the genuine unmistaken philosophical view that is known as the view of the Middle Way, or Madhyamika.

...even when you have understood the wisdom realizing emptiness, that alone will not become a powerful antidote to ignorance if it is not supported by other practices such as giving, ethics, patience , and so forth. Mere understanding of selflessness is not sufficient to defeat the disturbing emotions."


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