
Royalty and Celebrity



Badge of the House of Windsor, since 1938


husband of

father of

son of

grandson of

great-great-great grand-son of

brother of

paternal uncle of

nephew of



UK- Prince of Wales

Duke of Sussex


a.k.a. Henry Charles Albert David

a.k.a. His Royal Highness Prince Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex

Earth-birth Saturday 15-Sep-1984

2018 - UK-Duchess of Sussex

television dramatist

human ministries icon

Meghan Markle

a.k.a. Rachel Meghan Markle

nativity of Meghan Markle

Earth-birth Tues-04-Aug-1981





Prince Henry of Wales


UK Prince Harry

birth time 16h24m from public announcement

birth information from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Harry

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Nativity

Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah


For Pūrvāṣāḍ hābirths of a masculine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, arranging, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome.

Due to the definitive influence of kalatra-karaka Shukra, gentlemen born into the realms of Bharani - Yamya, Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī , or Pūrvāṣāḍ hā may find that their worldview is greatly shaped by the character of the feminine companion(s).

For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Ambudaiva, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, sensual pleasures, arrangements, valuation, pricing, equity, bargains, trades, treaties, trusts and treaties, adjustments, justice, finance, artistic beauty, treasuries, storage, align ment, attunement, harmonies, and music , may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Sinnuntu. Their purpose is expansion of inspirational beauty and melodious sound.

Inspirational diplomatic grace

Pūrvāṣāḍ hāare often musical entertainers and poets, with a gift for playing many instruments and making lyrical arrangements that appeal to everyday folks. Typically, apah-born are attracted to sacred doctrine.

They are self-indulgent and pure of heart. Their complexion may feature a Guru-golden glow. Masculine births in Asadhash tend toward a discordant costume sense representing the incommensurable agenda of Shukra vs. Guru.

In addition to Shukra endowments in diplomacy, beauty, and musical arrangements, their Guru-influenced humanism and compassion often includes inspirational roles that benefit women, musicians, and creative artists.

Like all Shukra-governed births, apah-born must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol. Ambudaiva's true purpose is inspirational guidance. Yet, shukra's sweet-seeking may also attract the false balance of intoxication.

Themes of generous arrangements, affluence, favor, harmony, blessing, beauty, artistry, and luxurious indulgence may contextualize Apah's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍ hā-Apah

QUOTATION Pūrvāṣāḍhā

from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 86

" ... corresponds to rather a low type of character .

One who does not wish for and does not get the gracious things out of life.

  • Stupid, yet ostentatious and vulgar ,

  • with very few educational advantages.

Quarrelsome and low in appearance and manner.

  • While he must, because of educational handicaps,

    go through life as a servant or at best an underling ,

He vainly considers himself above his station in life

  • and will be harsh and dominating

  • but ineffectual if put in authority."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Prince Harry [Henry] at the March-2014 inaugural Invictus Games with his friend and mentor, Krittika native Barack H. Obama


UK Prince Harry, age 17



Baby Harry with his mother, Diana Spencer


Harry as a British Army soldier, deployed in Afghanistan


Doria Ragland [mother of Meghan Markle] with Harry Windsor and Meghan Markle, approx 2023

Biographical Details matched to the Vimshottari Dasha bhukti
  • UK-Prince 1984- Duke of Sussex Harry

[Surya Mahadasha] [age birth until age 5.5]

Sat-15-Sep-1984 Earthbirth at St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London, England * Surya-Chandra bhukti

Dec-1984 until Dec-1987 Shani Ashtamsha Vṛścika

[Chandra Mahadasha] [age 5.5 until age 15.5]

31-Aug-1997 [PH age 12] grieved the bio-decease of mother Diana Spencer - Chandra-Ketu bhukti * Chandra randhresha-8 shocking identity change ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati

Apr-1998 until Jun-2000 = Janma Sade-Sati Mesha

  • [5 celebrity, display, gamesmanship, theatre, romance, idealism, speculation]
  • [age 14-17]

[Mangala Mahadasha] [age 15.5 until age 22.5]

2005 [PH age 21] officer training with British Army, begin active military service [end service 2015] * Mangala-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates Rahu-6-military

[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 22.5 until age 40.5]

Nov-2014 until Jan-2017 Shani Ashtamsha Vṛścika

  • 12-privacy, isolation, dreamworld, interior spiritual guidance

Jun-2015 [PH age 31] complete military service, exit * Rahu-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 10 = public career begins

19-May-2018 [PH age 34] consecration of marriage with dramatist, humanitarian activist Meghan Markle * Rahu-Ketu bhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha Kumbha

05-May-2019 [PH age 35] celebrated the birth of child-1 Archie H. M. Windsor * Rahu-Shukra bhukti

Jan-2020 [PH age 36] announced withdrawal from Royal service * Rahu-Shukra bhukti ++ Rahu-Return

Mar-2021 [PH age 37] revelatory, accusatory interview with Meghan and Oprah Winfrey exposes inherent racism and control patterns within the British royal family * Rahu-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 6-complaint

09-Apr-2021 [PH age 37] grieved the bio-decease of paternal grand-father, Philip Mountbatten

08-Sep-2022 [PH age 38] grieved the bio-decease of paternal grand-mother, Elizabeth-2

[Guru Mahadasha] [age 40.5 until age 56.5]

Jun-2027 until Aug-2029 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha -5]

  • [5 celebrity, display, gamesmanship, theatre, romance, idealism, speculation]
  • [age 44-47]

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 56.5 until age 75.5]

Shani-Shani svabhukti begins Mar-2041 = age 56 during Shani-Return + Rahu-Return

Dec-2043 until Dec-2046 Shani Ashtamsha Vṛścika

  • 12-privacy, isolation, dreamworld, interior spiritual guidance

[Budha Mahadasha] [age 75.5 until age 93.5]

[Ketu Mahadasha] [age 93.4 until age 100.4]

Apr-2057 until Jun-2059 - Janma Sade-Sati Mesha

  • [5 celebrity, display, gamesmanship, theatre, romance, idealism, speculation]
  • [age 74-77]
Distinctive features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

--- [svakshetra]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Dhanus-born]

[karako bhavo nashto for father, patrons, chieftains, indoctrinators]

[righteously radiating authority shows doctrinal certainty]

[entitled to political patronage roles]

[brilliant ceremonial displays of faith]

[bright center of humanistic creative principle]

[may preach upon speculative philosophy]

[often a famously confident public guidance figure]

[sparkles in high pageantry and theatrical roles]

[father-figure may be charming preacher, patriarch, or political ideologue]


[inspirational-dogmatic Uttaraphalgunī-1] [navamsha Surya-Dhanus] intuitively believing principled philosophical doctrinal optimistic humanistic confidence

+ [Aryaman-Surya-yuti-Budha-Magha]

[ātmakāraka royalty, entitlement, sparkle, center-stage roles, celebrity, genius, creativity, gambling]

  • [Surya-Simha] Khaga * Khagaya - air-moving * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the regally entitled sparkling displaying game-playing rashi of Surya

  • [Surya in bhava-9] icon of inspirational teachings * intelligent patronage * geo-politics * bright preaching * focus on beliefs * philosophical entitlements * self-righteous dad * Sanctimonious pontificator * eye on humanistic worldview * confident ideologue * sparkling star of principled global indoctrination * father may be a politician, entertainer, philosopher, preacher, professor of theory

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] confidently conversational * brightly explaining messenger * entitled to discuss * creatively intelligent sibling-cohort * discursive father-figure * gestures conduct the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly descriptive * articulate in drama * skillful game-player * self-confident announcements * talks about ideals * narrative of power-politics * recites love poems * describes divine romance


self-reflexively sermonizing, brightly philosophical, charmingly self-righteous, regal style of pontificating, doctrinally focused, radiantly patriarchal, politically ideological, splendidly patronizing, center-stage religious guide [Surya in bhava-9] rules

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health


[9, royalty, priestly pageantry. patriarchs, patronage, worlview]


Dad known for patronage, priesthood, humanistic endeavors, philosophy, world travel

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Chandra's competitive feelings, conquesting rhythms, engineering sensibilities

[comfortable with the politics of transformative warriorship ]

[feels dramatic pulse of corporeal personality embodiment]

[needs to display dominating superiority]

[theatrically sensitive to athletic competition]

[soothed by habitual local expression of regenerating challenge to championship]

[sense of belonging to a physicalized intelligentsia while following the ancient birthing ethno-rhythms]

[may present a impulsively muscular, pioneering show of patriotic parental defensiveness]

[celebrity intellect flows naturally in innovator or first-arriver roles]

[forward-pushing mother may brightly demonstrate her need to win the game]


[dogmatic-humanistic Kṛttikā-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational-guiding politician

[Pushkara pada]

  • [Chandra-Mesha] comforted by forward pursuit * settled into warrior rhythms * needs vitality

  • [Chandra in bright Krittika] comforted by confident assertion * protectors of intelligent tradition * needs to feel lineage creativity = Kri

  • [Chandra in classroom-5] comfortable with politics * familiar with speculation * intelligent confident mother * soothed by playing games * charmed by children * needs applause * sensitive to center-stage roles * nourished by self-expression * feels entitled * attuned to heart-centered emotion * settled into the rhythm of artistic creativity * routinely seeks amusement * calmed by admiration * undulating celebrity * mother may be an entertainer, scholar, creative artist, gambler, romantic, speculator, queen


sensitively political, attention-needing, soothingly charming, familiar celebrity, intuitively speculative, sympatheticly romantic, center-stage caretaker, emotionally intelligent [Chandra in classroom-5] rules

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


  • [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra collecting, preserving, enriching, storytelling, linguistic, musical, heritage, knowledgeable, financial duties performed in the regulatory, ordering, institutional, hierarchical style of Makara - Draco-2]


Mom = UK-Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana Spencer

[Chandra-5] = mother distinguished by her intelligence, creativity, entitlement, entertainments, celebrity, glittering or fashionable style, + her quality of affectionate charm. Mom derives a primary feeling of belonging from her relationship to her children [5] .


Father's second wife = UK-Queen 1947- Camilla. represented by 2nd-from-Surya

Paternal grandfather = 9th-from-Surya

Chandra-5 Mesha = paternal grandfather = UK-Prince Consort 1921- Philip Mountbatten

The nativity would suggest that the relationship with the paternal grandfather is emotionally nourishing, creative, sporting, active, and confident. In short, asupportive and beneficial arrangement with explicit parenting qualities [Chandra].

Compare to paternal grandmother

trauma-inducing, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra = Ketu-yuti-Mangala = 4th-from-Surya-9 = paternal grandmother

UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2.

Every child has a different experience of each parent and grandparent. Often two siblings or two cousins can report widely varying experience of precisely the same parental figure.

  • In this case, mangala-12 the paternal grandmother is apprehended as a controlling agent who is distant [12] and secretive [Vṛścika]. By contrast, the paternal grandfather would be experienced as a directly emotionally available emblem of bright creative force.
  • Personality of step-mother and personality of father's mother, as apprehended by the native, would appear similar in matters of attitude and conduct

MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations


  • bhava-11 community, social activism, economic linkage ++ contains social-justice Shani-Tula


  • Tula = balance, arrangements, negotiation, fair terms of settlement

Shukra-ruled Thula contains mature, enduring, social-justice oriented, solidly responsible [uchcha] Shani.

  • UK-Duchess 1981- Meghan Markle

  • American television dramatist + fashion model

Lifepartner features via 7th-from-Chandra contains Shani-Tula- [uchcha] 11

  • The lifemate would be elder to Harry
  • The lifemate would be capable of undertaking a rigorous workload
  • The lifemate has the stamina to endure the hidebound rules of institutional hierarchies
  • The lifemate would be possessed of an external appearance of mature, lawful, gracious balance.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

--- [svakshetra]

[theatrical-displaying vidya-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[withdrawing-reflecting vyaya-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[Kuja Dosha for alliance-1]


[distributive-networking Jyeṣṭha-3] [navamsha Mangala-Kumbha] intuitively entitled [5] forward-pushing marketplace profitability connecting competition

+ [Jyeṣṭha-Kuja-yuti-Ketu-Maitra-uchcha]

  • [Mangala-Vṛścika] vigorous pursuit of hidden assets * proactive exploration * energetic initiation * exposure of shocking secrets * plunges the tantric depths * push toward discovery * champion of emergency action

  • [Mangala in bhava-12] drive toward privacy * pursuit of inner guidance * invaders from distant lands * hyperactive ancestors * restless sanctuary * fights isolation * clairsentient dynamics * bedroom vitality * invisible conquests * aggressive phantoms * innovative research * progressive action in distant lands * imaginative discovery

  • [Kuja-yuti-Ketu] vigorous break-ups * enervated * passive-aggressive * high-energy collapse * fierce pursuit of impermanence * pointless fights * diffused sexuality * dynamic wandering * apathetic brother-figures * potential for aggressive self-annihilation * pushes toward non-attachment * liberation by force


invisibly penetrating, subconsciously discovering, pursues therapeutic sanctuary, surgically contemplative, incisively clairsentient, drilling into private spaces, unseen explorations, sexually clandestine, pushing-forward into dreamworlds [Mangala in bhava-12]
  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


Kuja occupies transformative, trauma-inducing, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra

Masculine energy dispersed in foreign lands. PH performed a tour of military service in Afghanistan under dangerous conditions, but was removed from the warfront [Ketu] when a journalist exposed him

The distancing nature of bhava-12

  • along with vibrantly active Mangala and dissociative Ketu
  • would suggest that living and working in foreign lands is an emotionally transformative experience, often fragmented and alienating in nature

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[dutiful-commanding karmesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

see Surya + Surya-drishti to source Budha's willful dialogs, solipsistic interpretations, center-stage discourse

[pronounces entitled homilies]

[brightly politicized exegetical sermons explain the scriptures]

[righteously dramatized principled instructions on public duty]

[chatters romanticly about contractual obligations]

[self-centered discussions define the self-determined catechesis]

[may deliver the dharma as a ceremonial hierarch]

[regal certainty informs descriptive preaching]

[theatrical confessional testimony]

[intelligent lectures upon the game of international politics]

[publishes pontifications upon one's majestic wisdom]

[explainer of divine-right doctrine]

[augustly announces the speculative faith-based convictions]

[if Surya-yuti-Budha, chatty self-righteousness about creative understanding]

[confidently procedural father-figure may be a kingly administrator, talkative politician, a demonstrating ideologue, a glittering patron of merchants, principled theatrical manager]


[customary-patriotic Magha-4] [navamsha Budha-Karkata] intuitively protectionist customary defensive communications

+ [Magha-Budha-yuti-Surya-Aryaman]

  • [Budha-Simha] political communications * articulation of unique creativity * delivers celebratory announcements * manufacturers bright displays * explains celebrity entitlements * romantic messages * declares poetic adoration * delights in glittering phrases * manages entertainments * details the procedure for theatrical amusements * speaks with royal flamboyance * talks about gambling * plays intelligent games * hands-arms-shoulders send dramatic gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-9] narrative of father-figure * witty guru * broad-scope communicator * repeats the catechism * ideological reasoning * reiterates the doctrine * skillful grandchildren * discusses patronage * detailed articulation of worldview * explains the paradigm of belief * talks about sacred texts * examines the dharma * interprets theoretical claims * delivers quick sermons * logical investigations into philosophical truths * chatty priests * religious dialogues

  • [Budha-yuti-Surya] amusing explanations * entertaining chatter * central roles in communication * brightly clear descriptions * dramatic enunciation * confidently delivers instruction * articulation of radiant certainty * political messenger * talkative father-figures


mercurially philosophical, paternally communicative, mercantile worldview, businesslike father-figure, naarrative of higher understanding, inspirational publishing, globally descriptive, broad-scope conversations [Budha in bhava-9] rules

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility. top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director


[9, royalty, priestly pageantry. patriarchs, patronage, worlview]

[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

--- [svakshetra] -- [dikbala] -- [Hamsha Yoga]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[multiple humanistic personality attributes]

[embodiment of optimistic philosophical beliefs]

[identified with the local credenda]

[iconic personification of faith-based worldview]

[personality exemplifies global ideology]

[paragon of broadly indoctrinated cheerfulness]

[culturally grounded preacher-and-teacher may deliver inspirational wisdom]

[expansive real-estate portfolio with a principled personal agenda]

[often a wise benefactor to the parochial environment]


[media-messaging Mūla-3] [mūlatrikoṇa] [navamsha Guru-Mithuna]


  • [Guru-Dhanus] much righteous philosophy * wide worldview * doctrine of inclusive diversity * broad scope of guidance * humanistic ideology * jovial principled outreach * permission to preach * expands the range of beliefs * understanding of multiple theories * generous priests * global beneficence * many sacred teachings

  • [Guru in bhava-1] much vitality * philosophical personality * permission for unrestricted action * generous disposition * numerous identities * expands the scope of competition * many cheerful sporting activities * believes in birthright * expansive aura * extra height-or-girth * embodiment of tolerant cheer * a patron of personal benefit * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an expander, philanthropist, benefactor, grower


expansively active, abundantly energized, jovial competitor, multiple identities, numerous offspring, optimistic innovator, generous grower of children-partnerships-worldview, broad-scope of embodied inspiration [Guru in bhava-1] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


kārakāmsha = Dhanus indriya-lagna

  • = one is known primarily for the physical appearance and singular or iconic personality

Mūla-Guru expands the scope of identity-annihilating, radically pulverizing experiences

Harry's elder brother

  • UK-Duke 1982- William = Mula indriya lagna

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]


[potentially nīcha-bhanga if yuti Budha-Kanya]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[friendly-gainful labha-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's calculated bargaining, analytical advocacy, assistive representation

[womenfolk may have ministerial seniority]

[visible social symbol of conflicted rogesha yet gainful labha-pati exploitive arrangements]

[prefers the companionship of dignified unmarried women, such as nuns]

[commanding brokerage in unfair conditions]

[pleasantly accommodating leader of injured or mistreated victims]

[lawful bargainer on behalf of those suffering injustice]

[respected as a modestly attractive icon of service]

[enjoys public roles of dutiful laboring servant]

[strategizing partners and peer advisors have prominent positions]

[for husbandly nativity, the assisting wifely-companion may be logical military officer, argumentative physician, medicating attendant, accurately reasoning employee]


[dramatizing-displaying Chitra-1] [navamsha Shukra-Simha] intuitively diplomatic balancing arrangements

  • [Shukra-Kanya] appreciation of service ministries * likes logical argument * attracted to subordinates * delighted by animals * accepts unbalanced agreements * prefers exploitable partners * pleased by pain relief * enjoys humility * graciously accommodates unfair contracts * sweet alliance with victims * litigious bargaining

  • [Shukra-10] seeks pleasure via regulated order * enjoys regulatory authority * socially prominent contractual agreements * reputation for gracious balancing * institutional finance * respects feminine-figures * harmonious governance * aesthetic of beautiful structures * appreciation of order * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold an elite social position


recognized for pleasantly sensual qualities, enjoys elite social position, harmoniously hierarchical, aesthetic of institutional decision-making, public finance, prefers a luxurious profession, musical-artistic leadership roles, appreciates having a respected rank [Shukra-10] rules

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


in 6th-from-Chandra = substance or behavioral calming for mood regulation


  • Learning Pathway experiences may involve feminine-figures who are deceived, aggrieved, disadvantaged, marginalized, or suffering from low self-worth [Kanya 12th-from-balancing Tula].
  • Partnerships personal and professional may be challenged in matters of equity, fairness, mutuality, balance
  • Attracted to servants, employees, service-workers, helpers, and aides.
  • Aesthetic of undervaluation.
  • Often displeased with peers.

Wifely companion = high-visibility personage

Chitra-Kanya Shukra

Chitra-Tvastri produces fashion model, actress, athletic, vibrantly sexual, garment designer, architectural engineer, several marriages

Sweets-seeking Shukra in the emotionally conflicted + self-medicating 6th-from-Chandra suggests behavioral or substance addictions [Typically, alcohol, but includes other conflict-numbing sweetening practices too]

Marriage components


[nīcha] suggests one ceremonial wife. The wifely figure would hail from the service class. His wife's dedication to serve the needy, particularly womenfolk , and his wife's concern with diet and digestion [Kanya] are hallmarks of her character.

Generally, shukra rogesha ++ Shukra occupies [6th-from-Chandra] ++ Shukra

[nīcha] would suggest a pattern of challenges regarding women-in-distress.

Patterns of disgrace in public reputation may emerge from nichha Shukra-10.

Yet, there is always an option to transmute the implications of personal suffering in matters of women, the drama may be converted successfully into a ministry of service for the disadvantaged. If the ministry is especially targeted to women of disrepute, women in trouble, women struggling with poverty-disease-exploitation, and all persons victimized by addictions, then one may completely avoid the harm to personal reputation.

Note similar patterns for POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton.

Much depends on one's personal discrimination and discernment.

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

[svabhava] -- [uchcha]

[acquisitive-preserving dhanesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[communicative-managing sahaja-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's rigidly harmonizing, fairly adjudicating, reciprocally orderly systems

[empowered Dhanayoga Shani-11 rules 2]

[slowly, lawfully acquired, institutionally regulated treasury]


[visionary-charitableArcturus-4] [navamsha Shani-Meena] intuitively structured regulated class-conscious visionary imagination

  • [Shani-Tula] overburdened agreements * structural compression upon kidney-pancreas * strictly imposed rules for match-making * limitations upon socially approved bargains, must endure lowest-common-denominator proletarian rules for fair-exchange * must normalize social justice * unyielding obligatory diplomacy * must cooperate with rigidly slow elderly counseling advocates * exchanges must be lawful * must continue conventional negotiations * scarce trading resources * maintainer of old bargains

  • [Shani in Bhava-11] steady time-structured achievements * must maintain connections * sustainedeffort toward realistic aims * must regulate economic linkage * cautiously conventional accomplishments * class-conscious social network * chronic pressure on nerves-skin * few friendships * limited revenues * works hard for earnings * resists new associations * supports lawful distribution systems * accepts marketplace rules * salary worker fatigue * rigidly dutiful socialite roles * elders maintain community responsibilities.


dutifully earning, works diligently on goal achievement, responsibly associative, mature approach to friendship, must regulate the profits, structured distribution systems, burdensome community duties, formally interlinked, connection-maintaining, rigidly economic, aim constricting, orthodox assemblies, normalized mass-participation, conventionally gainful, systematically arrayed, imposes order in the marketplace, lawfully fruitful, seriously socializing [Shani in Bhava-11] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours


  • 2-family, food, face, finance, historical knowledge, lineage values, treasuries
  • 3-administration, project management, communications media, cohort, cooperative ventures, explanations, programs, procedures

[Dhanayoga uchcha-Shani-11 rules 2]

  • lawfully acquired, institutionally regulated treasury

MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations

Shani in bhava-11 residing in 7th-from-Chandra suggests that the first lifepartner is elder to the native, and despite elegant qualifications [uttama Shani] the spouse may hail from a lower social status at birth. Further, Harry's uchcha Shani also suggests that he wifely-companion is a dignified, respected, and hard-working community networker.

Shani in 7th-from-Chandra also suggests a delay in marriage, often caused by social requirements, such as laws or restrictive customs

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] -- [uchcha]

[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2]

check Shukra for defining source of Rahu's agreement-making grace

[passionately amplified peace-seeking in times of war]

[ambitious craving for service-class pleasures]

[seeks prestigious opportunity via partnerships within military or medicine]

[shrewd negotiation of financial conflicts]

[richly rewarded for taboo-breaking service in war, disease-discomfort, impoverishment, victimization]


[charitable-fantasizing Kṛttikā-4] [navamsha Rahu-Meena]

  • [Rahu-Urisha] shimmering illusion of storage * craving for preserved collections * unorthodox banking * over-reaching acquisitions * preposterous accumulations * mesmerizing treasure-hoards * fabulous inventories * exotic food stores * amazing ship-holds * fascinating warehouses * mask of historic conservatism * intriguing acts of barreling * exaggerated cooperage * extravagant containment * tantalizing libraries * marvelous hoards of valuables * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of accrued wealth * entrancing lineage knowledge * thrilling speech-song * excitement of pricing * seeks privilege via value-keeper roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-6] [beneficial placement] passion for conflict-and-remedies * in svabhava of Busy Budha, the Shadowy Specter cleverly deceives the accusers *glamorous ministries of service * unusual servants * cunning arguments * thrilling surge of rule-breaking assistance * treats misery with unorthodox medication * astonishing accusations in criminal lawsuits * fascinating outsider insinuates into military-medical-ministry roles * craves the delusion of disagreement * mesmerizing mistreatment of laborers and animals * desires an important role in litigation * exciting injuries * opportunistic warfare * disguised as a victim * marvelous assistance to the disadvantaged * entranced by one's own alleged misdoing * may pose as a poor-sick-harmed patient * may appear as a helpful relative of the mother's people * social mobility sought via appearance of servitude


[Rahu in bhava-6] = the most materially successful position for boundary-breaching Rahu.

Special gift for cross-class-culture mixing in military, medicine, ministry-of-service environments.

Associated with ailment, injury, exploitation, addiction, poverty, enslavement - in fascinating styles and important ways that benefit the native's ambitions.

Empowerment from the mix-and-mottle of high-low class, racial-cultural grievance. Not authentically about the remedy, but profitably about the complaint.

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[super-Ketu = master of annihilation and rebirth]

[beneficial placement for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

-- [uchcha]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's disinterestedly eruptive, disintegrating evolutionary force

[disengaged from invisible trauma-healing roles]

[few/no boundaries within eruptively energized private spaces]

[no barriers to undisclosed movement between foreign lands]

[release from secret imprisonment]

[unencumbered meditation upon dematerialized essence of inner evolution]

[unlimited frightening fantasy worlds]

[unafraid of imagined catastrophic annihilation]

[may perceive non-verbal intuitive transformational guidance]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously sensual-entreasuring Rahu-Urisha-6 enemies, animals, assistants, servants]


[ministering-logistical Anuradha-2] [navamsha Ketu-Kanya]

+ [uchcha-Maitra-Ketu-yuti-Kuja-Jyeṣṭha]

  • [Ketu-Vṛścika] detached Witness to hidden empowerments * weird discoveries * empty secrets * eccentric identity changes * dissolute penetrations * fearless toward catastrophic change * disregards terror threats * ignores restriction on initiations * uncertain rebirth * releases a red-black cloud of exploratory initiatives into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-12] forsaken by ghosts [beneficial] * eccentric research * limitless imagination * scattered intuitive insights * ambivalent toward foreigners * peculiar paternal grandmother * blurs fantasy boundaries * unstructured meditations * passive isolation * foggy clairsentience * releases invisibility * dissolves privacy * abandons the veil between perceptual worlds * ignores imprisonment * unless other graha in 12, may prefer to live free from father's mother + mother's father

  • [Ketu-yuti-Kuja] restless * surrendered championship * abandons fighting * inconsistent actions * disconnected brethren * odd innovations * unsustainable domination * apathetic competitions * peculiar disability * unfulfilled quest * pushes toward impermanence * incomplete births * liberation via vigorous movement


4th-from-pitristhana = paternal grandmother = Vṛścika-Bhava-12

Although assessment of paternal grandmother must also include 4th-from-Surya

[paternal grandparents as a pair = pitrau] -- in Harry's case 4th-from-Surya = identical to bhava-12.


television dramatist

Duchess of Sussex

global justice activist


Rachel Meghan Markle

birth information from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meghan_Markle

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Nativity

Kṛttikā - Pleyades

Agneya - Riksya - Karthika - Alcyone


For Krittika births of a feminine valence, the condition of radiant, romantic, intelligent, creative, idealistic, central, confident, gaming, self-reflexive, pitrikaraka Surya may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the splendidly Surya-ruled paradigm of Riksya, father-figures, politicians, celebrity, royalty, entitled roles, brilliant dramatists, radiant deities, sparkling genius, glittering creativity, intelligentsia, speculators, poets, romantic lovers, gamblers, and game-players may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of the Pleyades. Their purpose is confidence-raising and light-bringing in creative pursuit of values fulfillment.

Radiant Certainty

Agneya-born ladies are often found in politics, in gambling and speculation, or in creative finance.. Riksya-born are brightly idealistic + self-directed seekers of attention.

Mesha pada 1 represents nakshatra-pati Surya's empowerment in romance and celebrity entitlements. In the rashi of champion Mangala, sparkling Surya asserts radiant genius.

Typically pada 1 are dramatists, politicians, royalty, celebrity, creative artists, and unique charismatic figures. Feminine births in pada-1 are often distinguished by an athletic figure and personal independence

[Vrishabha - Urisha-pada-2-3-4] express the tension between two-party bargainer Shukra versus one-party autocratic singular nakshatra-pati Surya. Often the intelligence of pada 2-3-4 is focused into the Values-fulfilling sectors of uniquely central, creative roles.

They often serve as independent evaluators within the artistic and financial worlds, in the music industry, dealing with wines + perfumes, and in all aspects of tangible beauty. Depending on [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, the Vrishabha pada of Krittika have a stronger propensity toward organizational leadership positions.

Themes of valuation, individual intelligence, creativity, and confidence may contextualize Krittika's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades


from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 91

" ... a thin and quite tall woman.

One with a weak constitution and rather given to chronic ailments:

  • particularly coughs, colds, and asthma.

A tendency to be morbid and depressed

  • and yet easily excited

  • as the result of a very nervous temperament .

She will no doubt live by herself away from her family,

  • as she prefers to indulge her own whims and wishes

  • and will brook no interference with her desires.

She has a very jealous disposition

and is difficult to please."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Prince Harry with affianced Meghan Markle in spring-2018


Rachel Meghan Markle during early career



Meghan Markle [RMM age 36] as a bride on 19-May-2018


official engagement photo. Meghan Markle with Harry in Nov-2017


Biographical Details matched to the Vimshottari Dasha bhukti


born 3 months before

born 4 months before

born 5 months before

[Surya Mahadasha] [age birth until age 0.4 months]

04-Aug-1981 Earth-birth at West Park Hospital in Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California , USA * Surya-Shukra bhukti

[Chandra Mahadasha] [age 0.4 months until age 10.4]

1987 [RMM age 6] parents divorce * Chandra-Shani bhukti

[Mangala Mahadasha] [age 10.4 until age 17.4]

[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 17.4 until age 36.4]

Apr-1998 until Jun-2000 = Shani Ashtamsha via Mesha [1]

2000 [RMM age 19] decease of maternal grandmother * Rahu-Rahu svabhukti

Jun-2003 [RMM age 22] earned baccalaureate diploma in international studies + theatre [double-major] from the School of Communication at Northwestern University * Rahu-Guru bhukti * Guru-yuti-Chandra activates 4-diploma

Sep-2009 until Nov-2011 = Janma Sade-Sati Kanya

  • [6, complaint, unfair conditions, service work, medical treatment, disagreement, accusations, cultural conflict]
  • [age 28-31]

2011 [RMM age 30] begin celebrated television drama role, in Suits [until 2017] * Rahu-Shukra bhukti * ātmakāraka Shukra rules 7-contracts ++ R-K gochara Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact D-10 R-K career ++ janma Sade-Sati-6

10-Sep-2011 [RMM age 30] consecration of marriage-1 with cinema producer * Rahu-Shukra bhukti ++ R-K gochara Vṛṣa-Vṛścikacontact D-10 R-K career ++ dvithya-Sade-Sati

13-Sep-2013 [RMM age 32] divorce from alliance-1 final * Rahu-Surya bhukti [Surya-yuti-Rahu]

2016 [RMM age 35] release of RMM's signature clothing line * Rahu-Mangala chidra-dasha * Mangala-3 lagnesha commerce

[Guru Mahadasha] [age 36.4 until age 50.4]

Nov-2017 [RMM age 36] affianced to Harry - Guru-Guru svabhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha-Kumbha contact Shukra-Singha ++ Rahu-Return * Guru activates 9-royal ceremony

19-May-2018 [RMM age 36] consecration of marriage-2 with Harry - Guru-Guru svabhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha-Kumbha contact Shukra-Singha ++ Rahu-Return * Guru activates Dhanus Svamsha

05-May-2019 [RMM age 37] celebrated the birth of first child Archie H. M. Windsor * Guru-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 5th-from- Chandra-Kanya

Jan-2020 announced withdrawal from Royal service * Guru-Shani bhukti * Shani rules emotionally aggrieved 11 = [6th-from-Chandra]

Jul-2020 [RMM age 38] announced miscarriage of child-2 * Guru-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 6th-from-Chandra-Kanya = 2nd-from-5th-from-Chandra decease of child

Mar-2021 [RMM age 39] revelatory, accusatory interview with Meghan and Oprah Winfrey exposes inherent caste bigotry and control patterns within the British royal family * Guru-Shani bhukti * Shani rules emotionally aggrieved 6th-from-Chandra

06-Apr-2021 [RMM age 39] announced the birth of child-2, daughter Lilibet Diana M.-Windsor

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 50.4 until age 69.4]

Jun-2027 until Aug-2029 Shani Ashtamsha via Mesha [1-personality, integrity]

Oct-2038 until Jan-2041 = Janma Sade-Sati Kanya

  • [6, complaint, unfair conditions, service work, medical treatment, disagreement, accusations, cultural conflict]
  • [age 58-61]

[Budha Mahadasha] [age 69.4 until age 86.4]

Apr-2057 until Jun-2059 = Shani Ashtamsha via Mesha- 1

[Ketu Mahadasha] [age 86.4 until age 93.4]

Aug-2068 until Nov-2070 = Janma Sade-Sati Kanya

  • [6, complaint, unfair conditions, service work, medical treatment, disagreement, accusations, cultural conflict]
  • [age 88-91]

Distinctive Features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Surya's rhythmic certainty, sensitive radiance, soothingly confident display

[bright center of real-estate displays]

[intelligence for rhytms of customary agriculture]

[holds the light-focus of ancestral ethnic folkways]

[center-stage vidya-pati decision-making entitlements in farmlands and old dwellings]

[political authority in matters of habitual worship]

[self-assertive policing demonstrator of boundaries, fencing, defensible limits]

[paternalistically self-confident property owner]

[radiantly recognizable in the local birthplace]

[father-figure may be transporter, shipper, builder, driver, cultivator, protector]

[self-righteous father may be center of the household]


[inspirational-optimistic Aśleṣa-1] [navamsha Surya-Dhanus] intuitively confident belief-based preaching

+ [Aśleṣa-Surya-yuti-Budha-Pushya]

+ [Aśleṣa-Surya-yuti-Rahu-Pushya]

  • [Surya-Karkata] [Bhanu = ray of light] * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the nourishing caretaking rashi of Chandra

  • [Surya in bhava-4] center of root routines * brightens the patriarchal folkways * intelligence for housing * focus on farming * smart gardens * calls attention to transportation and shipping * ethnic entitlements * political parenting * Stable confidence * genius of foundational infrastructure * eye on security * shining star of local culture-drama * patriotic father may be schoolteacher, landlord, ritual worshipper, sailor, farmer, builder

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] confidently conversational * brightly explaining messenger * entitled to discuss * creatively intelligent sibling-cohort * discursive father-figure * gestures conduct the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly descriptive * articulate in drama * skillful game-player * self-confident announcements* talks about ideals * narrative of power-politics * recites love poems * describes divine romance

  • [Surya-yuti-Rahu] confidently opportunistic * bright mesmerizer * passion for creative culture-mixing * boundary-breaching entitlements * craves important center-stage roles * ambitious father-figure * adventurously aligned with the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly risk-rewarding


self-reflexively parenting, brightly certain patriotism, regally ritualized style of border defense, domestic intelligence, entitled ownership of lands-and-vehicles, radiantly protective, politically localized, father in center of household, proud of the home, splendidly autocratic environmentalist caretaker [Surya in bhava-4] rules

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun


domestic, customary, habitual, protected, agricultural, routinized, familiar, parenting, schoolteaching, policing, householding [Surya in bhava-4] rules

  • 5-politics, idealism, entitlement, display, celebrity, authorship, intellect, gambling-games, entertainment, children, genius, creativity
  • 5-center-stage roles, political campaigns, theatre, gambling, speculation, entertainment, amusement, creativity, poetry. children, romance, brilliance, artistic performance, intelligence, confidence, showmanship

[Surya in bhava-4] occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked [11th-from-Chandra] = dad is an earner


[Surya-yuti-Budha] indicates manual skill.

Dad = a prize-winning television studio lighting technician + photography expert. lighting [Surya-yuti-Budha] handcraft Budha.

[Surya-yuti-Rahu] = Rahu amplifies the Light of Surya

[lighting master] [Aśleṣā -Surya-yuti-Rahu unusual paternal personality. He may live among a foreigners [Rahu outsider] or be otherwise finding his opportunities in unusual circumstances. [Surya in bhava-4] activates 5, suggesting that dad may retreat from the fame [5] which his theatrical work may confer

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Chandra's aggrieved feelings, helping rhythms, logical sensibilities

[Needs to apply rhythmic/algorithmic protective bandesha sentiment (4) to emotionally charged logical conflicts (6)]

[comfortable with customary displays of service ministry]

[routinely feels unfairly overworked, then sick]

[digestively disposed toward defensive argumentation]

[familiar litigious response to injustice]

[settled bandesha into unbalanced routine of labor]

[soothed by assistance to marginalized]

[feels a sympathetic need to palliate]

[helping mother may be a humble servant-serf-slave, mistreated low-paid worker, social-services aide, reasoning medical assistant]

[in scapegoated 6, one may be chastized, blamed, or accused for the very accuracy of the logical argument, for sensing unfair discrimination, for underclass empathy, for ethno-nationalistic disputes, for drugs, jailing, or misuse]


[charitable-visionary Uttaraphalgunī-4] [navamsha Chandra-Meena intuitively sensitive charitable abstract visionary understanding

+ [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Guru-Hasta]

+ [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Shani-Hasta]

++ [Budha-Pushya-4 parivartamsha Chandra-Aryaman--6]

  • [Chandra in Uttaraphalguni] soothed by dramatic centrality * protectors of celebrity entitlement * needs political theatre

  • [Chandra-Kanya] comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help

  • [Chandra in classroom-6] comfortable with caretaking * accustomed to nursing * calmed by humility * ill-or-exploited-or-adversarial mother * familiar with animosity * acculturated to accusation * familiar with betrayal * habituated to indictment * needs to be helpful - feels the pulse of service ministry * protects the sick-and-vulnerable * routine domestic conflict * emotionally attuned to victims * settled into the rhythm of problematics * seeks ritual remedies * soothed by medication * suffers rhythmically repeating ailments * undulating imbalances * mother may be a servant, health-aide, apothecary, physician or mother suffers injury-illness-crime

  • [Somana-yuti-Guru] Emotionally effusive * needs to expand * seeks familiar guidance * sheltered by doctrine * comforted by customary worship * protected by sacred ritual * nourished by beliefs * soothed by fertility * inspirational parents * multiple mothers * feels like a teacher-preacher

  • [Somana-yuti-Shani niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga * Emotionally constricted * punitive parents * sensitive to class boundaries * soothed by structure * needs rigid routines * heavy maternal workload * comfortable with elders * familiar with hierarchies * fearful mother * calmed by strict rules * feels like a worker


sensitively ministering, protectively helping, routinely analyzing, parentally criticizing, rhythmically complaining, customary service, predictably laboring, culturally exploiting, emotionally unbalanced, needs to be argumentative [Chandra in classroom-6] rules

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


  • [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public duties conducted via Mithuna-3. Known for detailed messaging, collaborative management, mercantile skill, informational scripts, neighborly teamwork.]

MOTHER + maternal grandmother

  • Mom = television make-up technician, geriatric social worker
  • [Chandra-Kanya]

  • health practice [hatha-yoga] teacher

Maternal grandmother = 4th-from-Chandra in classroom-6

  • community-health nurse

niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga suggests a disciplinarian mother.

However, of all the locations for the emotionally challenging yoga of Somana-yuti-Shani, bhava-6 is helpful for professionalizing [Shani] the sensitive compassion for the plight of the less fortunate.

Shani endures and provides stamina for dealing with chronic disagreements between the parents.

Mom = social worker [6] = dedicated to a ministry of service [Kanya] toward those in a state of imbalance.

[Somana-yuti-Guru] connotes that both the native and her mother are possessed of an inherently global, humanistic worldview [Guru] paired with an ideology of generosity and outreach.

[Chandra-Kanya] = emotionally oriented toward service on behalf of impoverished, animals, diseased, marginalized, stigmatized, disenfranchised, and generally on behalf of women-as-caretakers.

MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations

Guru + Shani + Chandra forecasts three husbands


  • marriage-1
  • bhava-12 Meena intakes incoming drishti of Rahu + Chandra + Guru + Shani
  • First marriage to an entertainment industry behind-the-scenes talent manager, actor, and project producer.
  • bhava-12 social invisibility

Amicable divorce during Sade-Sati Kanya-6, following a less-than-2-year union

  • Guru owns-and-aspects bhava-12, adding optimism and tolerance
  • Shani drishti into bhava-12 adds responsibility + adherence to social expectations
  • Rahu-4 drishti adds excitement of cross-cultural risk [African-American + Jewish traditions]

8th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-6] = [2nd-from-Chandra]

  • alliance-2
  • bhava-7 equity, arrangements, publicly visible contract [10th-from-10th]
  • Thula bargains, negotiation, deal-making, partnership, mutuality

19-May-2018 internationally celebrated marriage-2 with UK Prince 1984- Harry

  • no drishti into bhava-7
  • ruler ātmakāraka Shukra-5-Simha suggests a natural attunement with fame, entertainment celebrity, children, creativity, arts, romantic idealism, games, entitlements, uniquely entitled social roles

Parental influence

  • Complex parivartamsha between bhava-4 containing Surya +++ bhava-6 containing Chandra
  • Chandra activates 4-foundations, cultural rhythms, ethnic basis - a basic stabilizer for Mesha nativities


Somana-yuti-Shani = Some tendency to collapse from overwork.

Despite the factual reality of a comfortable lifestyle, may identify emotionally with the dispossessed [Chandra-6] .

The service agenda takes RMM into environments that can be toxic and unbalanced. Therefore, to proceed successfully in this complex and demanding ministry, regular detoxifying is required.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[proactively competitive publications]

[energized detailed media-messaging]

[innovative informative journalism]


[visionary-conceptual Arudra-4] [navamsha Kuja-Meena] intuitively dynamic pursuing charitable imagination

  • [Mangala-Mithuna] vigorous pursuit of interaction * competitive commerce * proactive information delivery * energetic group collaboration * dynamic debate * dominating gestures * lively writing * kinetic conversation * push toward explanatory instruction * champion of process management

  • [Mangala in bhava-3] drive toward commerce * push toward scripted communication * active touring * vigorous pronouncements * invasive management * energized process * hyperactive mentality * athletic sibling-figures * promotional sales * photographs of the muscular physique * dynamic marketing * champion of teamwork * pursuit of business


promotionally communicative, engineer of scripted explanations, energetically instructional, administratively pushy, forcefully broadcasting, muscularly managing, driven to document, producer of media-messaging, maker of meetings, pro-actively publishing, aggressively announcing [Mangala in bhava-3] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


Permanent tension of Shani-Kuja mutual drishti

Mutual drishti of Mangala-3 ++ Shani-6

  • both ruled by Blustering Bantering Broadcasting Budha in parivartamsha with Chandra

    [yes, complicated!]

  • Often a disciplined, athletically trained thinness of physique is required by the Mangala-Shani tension

[Mangala-Mithuna] photographs, media = occupies the [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra]

  • RMM's early career in television drama

    [Mithuna] scripts communications media such as internet websites [Mithuna]

  • frequent, fast short-term travel itineraries
  • The evolving career is expected to focus upon event presentation, publishing, commercial business

Television Mangala-3

  • TV image projection notoriously requires dramatists to acquire a slender profile


[Mangala in bhava-3] + + 3rd-from-Chandra = randhrasthāna

  • Step-siblings from dad's previous marriage.
  • Drishti of Mangala-3 directly into Chandra-6 ++ mutual drishti of Shani-6 back to Mangala-3
  • = unresolvable tension between siblings [3] and mother [Chandra-6] .

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

[busy-messaging sahaja-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna ]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Mesha indriya-lagna ]

check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Budha's parental discourse, patriotic dialog, boundary-defending plans

[ethno-cultural narrative of commerce and accusation]

[talks soothingly about security and defense]

[sensitive discussions sahaja-pati on the place of belonging]

[detailed businesslike domestic routines]

[explains the ancestral basis of life]

[delivers patriotic educational information about the established Ways of Life]

[curious to analyze agricultural problems rogesha ]

[talks about household rhythms]

[announcements about local infrastructure]

[communicates about stabilization of land-use, waters, dwellings, real-estate]

[childhood home influenced by chatty nationalistic parents]

[patriotic mother may be parochial instructor sahaja-pati ,commercially ritualized merchant, caretaking businesswoman, talkatively protective policewoman, farm manager]


[bargaining-arranging Pushya-3] [navamsha Budha-Tula]

+ [Pushya-Budha-yuti-Surya-Aśleṣa]

+ [Pushya-Budha-yuti-Rahu-Pushya]

++ [Budha-4 parivartamsha Chandra-6]

  • [Budha-Karkata] comfortable communications * hand-arm-shoulders make protective gestures * rhythmic articulation of root culture * discusses ancestral morality * prescriptive routines * argues for foundational stability * describes protective fencing * parochial talk * converses about caretaking * environmental wardens * issues customary pronouncements * delivers land-use information * patriotic declarations * habitually chats about the local settlement

  • [Budha in bhava-4] narrative of cultural roots * skillfully describes parochial routines * delivers ritual instructions * discusses protective caretaking * talks in rhythmic comfortable style * analysis of foundational security * conversations about defense * skilled handcraft of fenced shelters * explainer of homeland customs * patriotic slogans * detailed communication about nourishment * team collaboration in farming-and-fishing * transportation scheduling * seasonal planning* familiar sibling conversations

  • [Budha-yuti-Surya] amusing explanations * entertaining chatter * central roles in communication * brightly clear descriptions * dramatic enunciation * confidently delivers instruction * articulation of radiant certainty * political messenger * talkative father-figures

  • [Budha-yuti-Rahu] thrillingly risky narrative * culturally mixed communication skills * ambitious descriptions * exotic instructions * desire to explain fascinating facts * message of exciting opportunities * chatty foreigners * documents the presence of outsiders * talkative interlopers


talkative parents and caretakers, at-home instruction, discusses security, describes cultural foundations, articulates familiar rhythms, describes habitual places, repeats routine conversations, communicates about household, explains the folkways, follows a customary mental pathway [Budha in bhava-4] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization


rogesha Budha can be a troublemaker for the Mesha nativity due to Budha's ability to handle, discuss, explain high-conflict topics

Budha activates Kanya-6 kārakāmsha

Budha-Karkata rules

  • 3-siblings, cohort, teamwork, publications, management, commerce, ensemble

  • 6- conflict, exploitation, ailment, betrayal, medication, ministries of service

[Budha in bhava-4] occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked [11th-from-Chandra]

[Budha-yuti-Rahu] + + [Budha-yuti-Surya] in [11th-from-Chandra] suggests opulent homes [Rahu opulent] in which commercial business [Budha] is conducted

[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

= [Vimala Yoga]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Brihaspati's broadly logical, extensively aggrieved, cheerfully analytical complaint

[helper's faith in grievance and complaint]

[misguidedly principled dharmesha litigation of medical treatments]

[believes that extended enclosures vyaya-pati helps the disadvantaged]

[logically corrupt expansion of medical assistance]

[permissive ministry inspired by workers theology]

[numerous illicitly credentialed scoundrels]

[abundant assistance from cheerful underclass criminals]

[unbalanced philosophy of human services development]

[laborious accusatory argument]

[broad understanding of service work]

[within a wifely nativity, humble husbandly-companion may be a believing overworked physician, rationalizing charitable embezzler, servant of unseen priests]


[champion-challenger Hasta-1] [navamsha Guru-Mesha] inuitively wide-scope believing innovative development expansion

+ [Hasta-Guru-yuti-Chandra-Aryaman]

+ [Hasta-Guru-yuti-Shani-Hasta]

  • [Guru-Kanya] expansive ministry of service * many humble servants * numerous employees * indoctrination of laborers * much logical argumentation * diverse conflicted guidance * broad permission to help * generously assists many victims * optimistic about medical treatment * believes in giving aid * doctrine of benevolent humility

  • [Guru in bhava-6] broad ranging ministries of service * extensive distress * ideological disagreements * many injuries * much victimization [being eaten] * tolerance for diverse diagnoses * abundant mischief * bloated digestive imbalance * many grievances * much betrayal * numerous unfair accusations * broad scope of disorderly conduct * cheerful acceptance of human misery * believes in problematicity * patron of pharmacies * many medicaments * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an ill or difficult person who nonetheless aids the suffering

  • [Guru-yuti-Chandra] matri-karaka - multiple mother-figures * permission to do what feels good [not always beneficial, see Chandra's nakshatra] Much expansion of folkways * much humanistic cultural philosophy * many gardens * broad scope of sheltering settlements * generous nourishment * believes in defending the old ways of life * usually rather stout

  • [Guru-yuti-Shani] atta-karaka * multiple elder-figures * permission to hold respected positions * abundant structure * numerous law-makers * expansive hierarchies * tolerance for diverse systems * optimistic philosophy of social regulation * large-scale responsibilities


expansively complaining, abundantly argumentative, variety of accusations and disagreements, multiple unfair conditions, numerous diseases and injuries, optimistic ministries of service, many offerings of assistance, broad-scope of understanding of the miseries of human nature [Guru in bhava-6] rules

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


= Guru-6 activates-12

* multiple ministries to the oppressed * many animosities * imbalanced yet optimistic expansion of aid

Generous Guiding Guru activates

  • 9- father, doctrine, global humanism, worldview, fortune

  • 12- privacy, sanctuary, seclusion, interiority, meditation, long sojourn in distant lands

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[banking-storytelling dhana-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[bargaining-balancing jaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Shukra's glittering advocacy, dramatized bargains, self-central arrangements

[harmonious delight in theatrical games]

[enjoys drama of poetic romance]

[aesthetic taste for brightly glittering fashion]

[equity-focused royal-political relationships]

[in a husbandly nativity, wife may be gifted theatrical diplomat, maker of creative arrangements, sparkling musical artist]


[calculating-helping Pūrvaphalgunī-2] [navamsha Shukra-Kanya-nīcha ] intuitively harmonizing adjustment to exploited unbalanced relationships

[ātmakāraka beauty, grace, partnerships, contractual equity, negotiation]

  • [Shukra-Singha] appreciation of regal confidence * likes admiration * enjoys applause * prefers creative partners * attracted to artistic performers * bargains to play radiant central roles * delighted by celebrity * charmed by romantic pleasures * pleased by ceremonial display * brightly theatrical arrangements

  • [Shukra-5] seeks pleasure via refined gaming * enjoys center-stage beauty * creative feminine-figures * pleasing children * talented students * delights in financial speculation * political grace * aesthetic designs to adorn the heart * graceful solar plexus * dramatic relationships * sweet celebrity romance * delights in fine arts * appreciation of entitlements * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a dramatist-politician-artist-genius


sensually charismatic, agreeably theatrical, appreciative of romantic entitlements, harmoniously creative, aesthetically entertaining, graciious dramatic performance, financially speculative, musical-artistic students-adolescents, enjoys gambling, idealistic political relationships [Shukra-5] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler


[ātmakāraka beauty, grace, partnerships, contractual equity, negotiation]

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

[dutiful-executive karmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[gainful-friendly labha-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shani's dutiful assistance, orderly aid, materialist logic

[institutional rules may impose service to help the disadvantaged]

[obligation to accept unfair work roles including enslavement]

[must endure fixed polluted conditions among animals or voiceless laborers]

[responsibility often exceeds authority in unbalanced ministering positions]

[makes necessary personnel reductions via logical analysis]

[consistently applies disciplined method of clinical time management]

[soberly helps the victims despite problematizing mentality]

[may be required to lead public arguments about aging, bigotry or prejudiced treatment]

[staunchly withstands working-class criticism]

[rigid resistance to heavy attendant workload]

[has to undergo long-term digestive illness or injury including colon]

[pressures of aiding others in distress may afflict the health]

[mandatory efforts to regulate economic and social injustice]

[medical professionals often face intractability or scarcity of assistants and servants]


[inventive-pursuing Hasta-1] [navamsha Shani-Mesha-nīcha ] intuitively structuring hierarchical normalization of low position

[Hasta-Shani-yuti-Chandra-Aryaman] [niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga]


  • [Shani-Kanya] overburdened accusations * obliged to sustain litigious disagreements * rigidly persistent disease conditions * structural compression upon colon + digestive tract * must normalize exploitation * weighty subordinate tasks * hierarchical conditions of enforced servitude * must work within master-slave systems * must respect antiquated physicians * slow-acting remedies * intractable servants * stubborn employees * insufficient pharmacy * must work with dried medications * must continue to minister to the suffering * scarce service resources * maintainer of old arguments

  • [Shani in Bhava-6] [beneficial] intrepid assistance * steady time-structured resistance to enemies * must serve the chronic victims * outlasts the adversaries * survives military siege * tense digestion * relentless criticism * constitutional illness-injury * tolerance for servitude * aging physicians * enduring diseases * service fatigue * helper's burnout * prevents innovative treatments * blocks new medications * professional social workers * patiently aids the disadvantaged * dutiful healthworker * accepts the rules of medical institutions * lawfully supports the sick * reliable herbalist * conventional pharmacist * protocols for problematizing * realistic about addiction * accepts abuse * neutral to crime * military discipline * governs the poor * regulates debt * legislates loans * respected elder of an oppressed sector

  • [Shani-yuti-Chandra] social resistance to natural rhythms * imposition of pragmatic routines * delayed security * class-conscious mother * limited creature-comforts * parental policing * stubborn guilt * obligatory caretaking duties * emotional withholding * punitive parents * class-structured ethnicity * uncomfortable discipline * oppressed sensitivities * dries-freezes the flow of nourishing liquids * needs regulatory order * blocked feelings * must earn emotional affection

  • [Shani-yuti-Guru] social resistance to generous expansions * slow elder teachers * pragmatic philosophy * limited scope of understanding * doctrinal discipline * constrained growth * conventionally regulated beliefs * optimism limited by resistant old structures * faith in the rule of law * class-hierarchical ideology


formally aggrieved, chronic complaints, old injuries, rigidly adversarial, constricted crime, enduring accusations, regulatory litigation, orthodox exploitation, conventionally laboring, responsible service ministry, systematically helping, imposing argumentation, lawfully unjust, seriously serves the disadvantage [Shani in Bhava-6] rules

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility, top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


Mutual drishti of Mangala-5 ++ Shani-8 = constant tension between celebrity [5] vs secrecy [8]

[Shani in Bhava-6] rules

  • [10] leadership, reputation, public respect, regulatory works
  • [11] social network, community activism, economic earnings

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12]

check Chandra for defining source of Rahu's rhythmic entrancement


[ministering-strategic Pushya-2] [navamsha Rahu-Kanya]



  • [Rahu-Karkata] shimmering illusion of security * craving for customary rhythms * risky policing * ambitious home-building * mask of ancestral belonging * extravagant loyalty to the homeland * tantalizing defenses * over-reaching patriotism * fabulous farms * exceptional fisheries * grandiose gardens *passion for oceans * fascinating ethnic routines * marvelous localities * intriguing owned-stewarded properties * extraordinary cetaceans * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of caretaking * seeks privilege via caretaker parent-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-4] passion for prestige property * unusual home routines * exotic roots * in svabhava of Comforting Chandra, the Shadowy Specter seeks homestead advantage * outsider who cleverly insinuates into the local settlement * culturally-mixed kitchens * fascinating vehicles * extraordinary ships * glamorous guardianship * important infrastructure * irregular land-use * over-reaching protectionism * exciting real-estate * expedient nationalism * instrumental environmentalism * unorthodox parenting * trespasses customary seasonal limits * disrupts habitual agriculture * over-extended fencing * Strange traffic on roadways * craves a showcase home * marvelous gardens * desires fabulous shelters * ambitious mother * social mobility sought via patriotism

  • [Rahu-yuti-Surya] amplified ambition for center-stage roles * magnified confidence * passion for exotic display * trickster with dramatic flair * opportunistic father * creative pursuit of social mobility * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] appearance of exceptional intelligence * thrilling political genius * hypnotic charm * seeks privilege via bright celebrity * sparkling center of cross-cultural mixing

  • [Rahu-yuti-Budha ] amplified evangelism * magnified communications * thrilling messages * exotic information * tricky signals * opportunistic cohort * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] appearance of critically important details * hypnotic gestures * explanatory descriptions of cross-cultural mixing


opportunistically patriotic, land-grounded, culturally rooted Rahu in bhava-4 occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked [11th-from-Chandra]

United Nations initiative for economic development of women and girls, vigorous social networker, advocate for community of outsiders [Rahu]

Rahu in bhava-4 indicates the foundational schooling. RMM enrolled in a privileged high school and then baccalaureate study, due to her father's Rahu-yuti-Surya decision to use his lottery winnings to fund her schooling.

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Ketu's orderly wandering, socially approved emptiness, legitimate surrender

[dispersed engagement with official leadership]

[dissolution of commanding hierarchical positions]

[restlessly anarchic toward high-ranking regulatory roles]

[may abdicate a top director-level position]

[surrenders useless organizational authority]

[apatheticly forgives the trespass of executive pontificating legislators]

[abandons unsustainable statutes]

[absent from imposition of empty state-imposed standards]

[disregards respected bureaucratic conventions]

[widely-known eccentric conduct may symbolize dematerialization of a rigid regime ]

[reputation for erratic governance]

[public dignity and status, but walks away from class-defined elite roles]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously protective-defensive Rahu-Karkata-4 parents, householders, property-owners, gardeners, stewards of Earth]


[charitable-visionary Uttarāṣāḍha-4] [navamsha Ketu-Meena]

  • [Ketu-Makara-Draco] formally dissociates from strict regulations * dissolves caste hierarchy * meaningless rules * vacuous laws * walks away from social authority positions * severance from executive roles * not limited by public protocol * normalized martyrdom * ignores conventional structure * disregards class barriers * releases a cold blue cloud of institutional order into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-10] disregards social rank * no barriers in class-pyramid * fearless toward regulations * martyr to corporate elites * well-known for surrendering * absent from officialdom * irrelevance of government protocols * ambivalent toward public opinion * disinterested in high positions * ignores hierarchical ordering rules * abandons organizational authority * unless other graha in 10, may prefer to live free from heavy leadership duties


[Ketu in classroom-10] leaves a high social rank, abandons a high public status.

indicates walking-out, severance, surrender of leadership positions [10] .

RMM gained public recognition for abandoning the exalted [10] role of official representative of the British Royal Family.

Ketu's ruler intrepid Shani in Bhava-6

would suggest that despite surrendering the official duties, apublic status profile may continue, specifically associated with ministry to the disadvantaged [6] and impoverished [6]


Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

birth time from palace announcement

Archie Mountbatten-Windsor

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Nativities

Bharani - Yamya

Yamuna - Apa-bharanishe - Varni


For Bharani births of a masculine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, diplomacy, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Yamya, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, sensual pleasures, arrangements, valuation, pricing, equity, bargains, trades, treaties, trusts and treaties, adjustments, justice, finance, artistic beauty, treasuries, storage, alignment, attunement, harmonies, and music , may be especially influential.

Guidance provided by instructors from the civilizations of Apis. Their purpose is acquisition of treasuries, carrying of beautiful objects , and preservation of values across the generations.

Burdened Banker Busy Bee

[Sweetly Suave Shukra] -ruled Bharani masculine-figures are the Money Guys. Yamuna-born are often found in the worlds of banking, valuation, capital markets, currency-trading, mints and coinage. Connoisseurs of pricing and aggressive deal-makers, they vigorously seek acquisition of precious objects. In addition to their financial abilities, due to their intuitive understanding of sound-and-color values, bharani males may also pursue careers in music and arts. Most Bharani men can sing beautifully.

The harmonious arrangements of Apa-bharanishe may be lovely even while they vigorously compete for dominance. Their expertise in the fields of preservation, containment, and collecting may extend to wines, perfumes, fine textiles, works of art, and any commodity which may capitalize or increase in value. Like all Shukra-governed births, they must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Themes of competitive acquisition, precious sounds and song, and investment in cherished values may contextualize Bharani's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Bharani.


from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 79

" A very vital character,

  • a quality which quite often leads this individual into all sorts of trouble

  • because other people are apt to be jealous, resentful and antagonistic to him.

The morals of this man are not above reproach .

He will be distinguished in many cases by some slight physical defect

  • on the lower part of the body,

  • that is below the waist."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

Distinctive Features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

-- [uchcha]

[creative-gaming vidya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna ]

check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Surya's forward-pushing certainty, noble entitlements, competitive displays

[brilliantly nobly active focus of genius personality]

[radiant center of creative knightly competition]

[vidya-pati self-confidence in vigorous romantic games]

[intelligence for muscularly athletic dramatic display]

[identified with conqueror entitlement]

[supremacist father may be inventive politician, individualistic pioneer, high-vitality first-arriver]


[negotiating-contractual Bharani-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] intuitively confident diplomatic compromise


  • [Surya-Mesha] Suryaya - the supreme one * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the vital competitive dominating rashi of Mangala

  • [Surya in bhava-1] center of identity * bright embodiment * intelligence for competition * focus on appearance * genius for innovative self-expression * athletic entitlements - father-figure plays champion roles * glittering warmth of personal charm * sparkling center of body-based vitality

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] confidently conversational * brightly explaining messenger * entitled to discuss * creatively intelligent sibling-cohort * discursive father-figure * gestures conduct the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly descriptive * articulate in drama * skillful game-player * self-confident announcements * talks about ideals * narrative of power-politics * recites love poems * describes divine romance


self-reflexively confident, bright Earthen-body aura, regal style of movement, embodied intelligence, radiantly kinetic, politically competitive, splendidly innovative [Surya in bhava-1] rules

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun



UK-Prince 1984- Duke of Sussex Harry

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

-- [uchcha] = [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]

[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Chandra's pleasingly protective, parentally enriching, musical pulsing sensibilities

[comforted by precious cultural values]

[familiar with luxurious heritage pleasures]

[needs to evaluate landed-property bandesha acquisitions]

[rich sensual nourishment from tasty treats]

[soothed by historical tradition]

[feels protected among precious memories]

[anchored through profits from inherited capital]

[calmed by sweetly delicious food-and-drink]

[sense of belonging to an established enriched family]

[profound need for luxurious financial security bandesha]

[knowledgeable mother may be language teacher, color-sensitive gardener, musical homeowner, custodial banker]


[populist-profitable Kṛttikā-3] [mūlatrikoṇa] [navamsha Chandra in Kumbha] intuitively sensitive mass-participation marketplace systems


  • [Chandra-Urisha] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury

  • [Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades] soothed by confident assertion * protectors of intelligent tradition * needs to feel lineage creativity = Kri

  • [Chandra in classroom-2] comfortable with collections * familiar with history * needs to tell stories * accustomed to storage * nourished by heritage knowledge * settled into the rhythm of languages * feels the repeating pulse of inventory counting * emotionally attuned to accumulated values * calmed by conservation * undulating voice * intuits the incantations * acculturated to sound-speech-song * mother may be a traditionalist, historian, librarian, singer

  • [Somana-yuti-Kuja] emotionally pro-active * sensitive to brotherly figures * needs to win * comforted by direct forward movement * invigorates the undulating routine * soothed by pioneering innovation * competitive mother * calmed by routine exercise * feels like a champion


sensitively accumulating, protectively knowledgeable, routinely resource-conserving, legacy parenting, rhythmically collecting, customary preservationist, predictable speech-song, culturally traditional, emotionally remembering, needs to tell valuable stories [Chandra in classroom-2] rules

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


  • [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = habitual public responsibilities are conducted via Kumbha-11. Known for systematic, community-connected, profitable style of socially networked friendships, earnings, goal-achievement]

Comfort Zone

  • [2 = finance, capitalization, family-heritage, legacy values, memory, historical knowledge, speech-and-song, food-and-drink, storage, second-marriage]



[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Mesha indriya-lagna]


[calculating-strategic Mriga-2] [navamsha Mangala-Kanya] intuitively competitive forward-pushing argumentative ministries of service


  • [Mangala-Urisha] vigorous pursuit of heritage collections * proactive in acquisition * pro-actively conserves the hoard *pushes the herd * competes for banked treasuries * Sound engineering * actively preserves food * promotes color value * dynamic arts of speech-song * innovative conservation * pioneering libraries * champion of historic knowledge

  • [Mangala in bhava-2] drive toward values lineage, pursuit of treasuries, energized face-speech-song, aggressive family hoarding, vigorous capitalization-banking, archives, storage, assets, conservation, hyperactive family dynamics, acquisitive conquests

  • [Kuja-yuti-Chandra] feels like a champion * energized intuition * dynamic nurturance * competitive caretaking * often the dominant parent * needs to win * forward thrusting emotions * seeks security via conquest


financially competitive, verbally assertive, forthrightly spoken, forceful declarations, forward-pushing use of language, enlivened by vital memories, vigorous pursuit of precious storage, energetic thrust of traditional values, knowledge-driven engineer, proactively acquisitive family lineage, champion of heritage preservation [Mangala in bhava-2] rules

  • 1 - distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, revelation, shock, surgery, intensive healing, evolution, explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, secrecy, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

-- [dikbala]

[busy-collaborative sahaja-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Budha's competitive announcements, conquesting management style, pioneering interpretations

[noble sahaja-pati band-of-brothers championship teamwork narrative]

[self-directed rogesha ministry of service]

[explains physical blood-feud conflict]

[potential cranial kinetic imbalance]

[describes fiery engineering activities]

[tallks about pioneering innovations in heathcare]

[identified with origination of new identities]

[announces the birth of dynamic initiatives]


[financial-heritage Aśvini-2] [navamsha Budha-Urisha] narrative of collection, storage, banking business


  • [Budha-Mesha] innovative communications * pioneering pronouncement * articulation of dynamic movement * discusses physical experience * vigorous descriptive explanations * growth-challenging conversation * messages about contests * vocabulary of vitality * hands-arms-shoulders send competitive gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-1] narrative of body, self, tangible identity, discusses physical appearance, describer of embodiment, explainer of tangible self, delivers instructions for self-characterization, articulation of communicative movement, animated gestures, talks about personality, details the two-sided identity.

  • [Budha-yuti-Surya] amusing explanations * entertaining chatter * central roles in communication * brightly clear descriptions * dramatic enunciation * confidently delivers instruction * articulation of radiant certainty * political messenger * talkative father-figures


personalized announcement, cleverly conversational personality, uniquely descriptive, identified with writing-and-publishing, innovatively bantering. conductor of conferences, kinetic mentalized manager, natural explainer, project-oriented thinking, pioneering communicator, busily delivering instructions, acts like a mercantile scheduler-planneborn to talk [Budha in bhava-1]

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization


[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

[Vimala Yoga]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]


[fantasizing-conceptual Jyeṣṭha-4] [navamsha Guru-Meena]

  • [Guru-Vṛścika] much mystery * many sudden discoveries * optimistic about emergencies * believes in healing * many masks * hidden doctrine * permission to reveal * propagation of penetrating life-force rebirth * transformative guidance * expands the scope of secret undertakings * multiple initiations

  • [Guru in bhava-8] greatly optimistic rejuvenation * many sudden beneficial changes * keeps many wise confidences * faith in rebirth * numerous identity transformations * generous in-laws * extensive tantric understanding * expansion of undisclosed forces * abundance of initiations * many mysteries * regenerative emergencies * secret philosophical guidance * hidden inspiration * believes in invasive healing * rebirth via multiple surgeries * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a revolutionary, disaster-responder, or trauma-healer


generously disguised, hidden patrons, expansively veiled, cheerfully non-disclosing, doctrinally opaque, many surgeries, multiple emergencies, believes in healing, guidance via secret initiation, mystically transformative, inspirationally recycling, jovially rebirthing, optimisticly discovering, suddenly extensively eruptive [Guru in bhava-8] rules

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]


[conserving-acquiring dhana-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[bargaining-partnering jaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[imaginatively balanced psychically guided harmony]


[profitable-friendly Revatī-3] [navamsha Shukra-Kumbha] intuitively harmonizing proletarian economic arrangements

  • [Shukra-Meena] appreciation of music * likes sensual fantasy * often looks visually beautiful * envisions philosophically attuned harmony * prefers an imaginative partner * attracted to dreamy artists * intuitively balanced designs * lovely aligned feet * bargains for peaceful sanctuary * enjoys symbolic clairsentience * contemplative aesthetic

  • [Shukra-12] seeks imaginative pleasure * private sensuality * values spiritually guided partnership * gracefully intuitive feminine-figures * agreeable sleep * visions of contemplative harmony * enjoys beautiful sanctuaries * aesthetic designs to adorn the feet * likes meditations * appreciation of Other Worlds * attracted to quiet spaces * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be contemplative-foreign-isolated-researcher


pleasantly meditative, aesthetically contemplative, privately sensual, seeking balanced invisible arrangements, musically intuitive, harmoniously researching, prefering luxurious bedrooms, wealth-via-contractual agreements, attracted to imaginative companions [Shukra-12] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler


Gifted in arts and music. Handsome.

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Shani's principled legalism, doctrinal strictures, theoretical systems

[class-concious orthodox catechesis]

[believes in regulated inspiration]

[maintains the archetypical credenda]

[old priesthood continues mandatory indoctrination]

[lawfully ordained patriarchs]

[strict rules for public religion]

[fear of weighty sacred philosophy]

[vriddhi-pati Dhanayoga ruler of 11 occupies 11th-from-11]

[karmesha leadership from ideological convictions]

[pragmatic patronage of faith]

[rigidly disciplined dogmatic pious father]

[father may impose conventionally principled judgments upon the sangha]

[father-figure may be a presbyter, preacher, professor of law, conductor of profitable old ceremonies]


[secretive-revealing Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] [navamsha Shani-Vrischika]


  • [Shani-Dhanus] rigid orthodoxy * class-conscious ideology * conventional convictions * hidebound theories * unyielding dogma * pressure to accept the common catechesis * weight of old patronage systems * structural compression upon hips + sacroiliac + sacral plexus * oppressive priests * doctrinal rules * must normalize the life-philosophy * limitations on global travel * slow elder professors * proletarian worldview * scarce preaching resources * maintainer of old beliefs

  • [Shani in Bhava-9] slow time-structured worldview * must maintain the patriarchal faith * imposes the old convictions * delayed understanding * punitive ideologies * cautiously conventional professors * judgmental father * conservative religious hierarchy * global scale of responsibilities * heavy doctrinal pressures * blocks new viewpoints * preacher's fatigue * intolerance for sacerdotal innovation * pragmatic time-tested principles * empirically guided paradigm of belief * rigidly dutiful guidance * elders preserve strict sacred rules

  • [Shani-yuti-Ketu] delayed dispersion * distancing style of social conformity * pragmatic dissociation * limited surrender * lawful abandonment * resistance to permanent release * spiritual paralysis * disinterested in outdated protocols * disciplined apathy * constrained wandering * systematic dissolution


ideologically rigid, religiously regulatory, philosophically conventional, staunchly sermonizing, respectfully patronizing, doctrinally disciplined [Shani in Bhava-9] rules

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility. top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-3 casts passionately publishing mercantile drishti into 7-9-11]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair

[ambition for instructional delivery]

[seeks privilege via passionate descriptive narratives]

[exhilarating boundary-challenging communications]

[announcement of thrilling information]

[exceptionally conversational style of messaging]

[extraordinary declarations via unusual media-messaging]

[compulsively procedural technical explanations]

[fascinating photographic media presentations]


[scripted-announcing Punarvasu-3] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Rahu-Mithuna] intuitively over-reaching passion for communications-messaging

  • [Rahu-Mithuna] shimmering mirage of skillful process * craving for conversation * mask of messaging * boundary-breaching broadcasts * extraordinary explanations * ambitious administration * preposterous propaganda * extravagant commercial transactions * marvelous advertising * thrilling photographs * unusual ensembles * exciting cohort * mesmerizing instructions * over-reaching management * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of information delivery * Sensational scripts * exaggerated announcements * exceptional business methods *seeks privilege via communicator-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-3] passion for prestige communication * in svabhava of Busy Budha, the Shadowy Specter = glamorous writing - outsider who cleverly insinuates into culturally important communicator roles * exotic photography * unusual journalistic reporting * thrilling announcements * unorthodox commentary * mesmerizing messaging * craves publication * ambitious sibling-cousins * mixed-culture collaborative teams * desire for conversations * over-reaching commerce * exciting gestures * opportunistic approach to manufacturing * expedient application of information technology * boundary-breaching sibling-cohort * astonishing dialogs * unconventional explanations * remarkable retinue * entranced by one's own evangelism * seeks privilege via project management


[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Ketu's ungrounded convictions, disengaged belief

[unconcerned with empty credenda]

[apathetic toward with absence of patriarchal upholders of the faith]

[ambivalent toward principled conviction]

[indifferent to orthodox catechesis]

[surrenders the righteous dogma]

[generous free floating humanistic philosophy]

[abandons the sanctimonious patrons]

[surrenders unsustainable catechism]

[liberating witness perspective upon vacuous ideology]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously messaging, instructional, commercial Rahu-Mithuna-3 sibling-cousins, secretaries, team-mates, castmates, classmates, co-workers, neighbors]


[inspirational-dogmatic Uttarāṣāḍha-1] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Ketu-Dhanus]


  • [Ketu-Dhanus] philosophically dissociates from sacred convictions * odd professors * dissolves indoctrination * empty paradigm of belief * dispersed worldview * martyr's faith * not limited by conventional beliefs * eccentric teachings * peculiar convictions * ignores restricted catechesis * releases a warm golden cloud of broad inclusivity into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-9] disinterested in fixed credenda * wandering worldview *disengaged from faith doctrine * disregards theory * liberating philosophy * irrelevance of patriarchal dogma * ambivalence toward conventional convictions * spacey father * weird beliefs * empty public guidance * forsaken by preceptors * ignores the ordinary understandings * incoherent ideology * unless other graha in 9, may prefer to live free from father-figures

  • [Ketu-yuti-Shani] nonconforming - surrendered status * forsaken by officials * empty structures * disconnected elders * unsustainable rules * abandoned achievements * peculiar profession * chronological disorientation * irregular order * apathetic boss * fragmented materialism * incoherent legislation * disregard for rigid social conventions * free from survival fear * liberation via release of concern for public approval


Absentee father.


Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

UK Scion 2021- Lilibet Diana M.-Windsor

Rising Nakshatra

Feminine Nativities


Agadash - Ajjha - Karman - Vutatma - Anvastaka - Kosthagara


For Magha births of a feminine valence, the condition of limitless, observing, uncoupling, surrendering, abandoning, disinterested, ethereal, wandering, spacious, dispersing Ketu may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the Ketu-ruled paradigm of Ajjha, spirit guides, astral beings, pilgrims, ghosts, wanderers, observers, witnesses, awareness of impermanence, freedom from conventions, disregard for consequences, and inner listening may be especially influential.

Guided by the patrons of Regulus. Their purpose is royal patronage of the spiritual fire traditions.

Fire Magicians

Magha gentlewomenfolk may have a cause for which they are willing to sacrifice their own interests. Often there is some acute severance or separation which may be repaired after a long time.

Fervently spiritual yet often unconventional in their behavior, makha ladies can be socially eccentric. Their special combination of Ketu's witness perspective with Surya's absolute certainty of purpose = a unique personality that defies conventional limits.

Intensely romantic, disregarding of political consequences, and dramatic in their devotion to the ideal, the feminine Agha are typically independent actors and capable of living separately if circumstances demand it.

She is often the only woman in a patriarchal (pitri) environment. This daunting fact, she confidently disregards. Her qualities of detachment + her authentic intelligence may provoke criticism from more pedestrian judges.

Themes of separation, disconnection, abandonment, alienation, escape, wandering, annihilation, surrender, and liberation may contextualize Agha's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra in Magha - Regulus


from Shil-Ponde. (1939).Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 94

" A frank and courageousnature

  • and a charming and interesting character ...

Unfortunately these attributes seem to engender envy on the part of those less fortunately bequeathed.

As a result, this person is subject to barbs of gossip

  • and all through her life has many secret enemies

  • who are jealous of her in one way or another.

this in spite of the fact that hers is essentially an honorable and virtuous character

  • not given to either thought or action

  • which should bring slander or scandal.

She is particularly loyal to her family

  • and will do anything to make them happy.

As a result of his, her actions are often misconstrued

  • and used against her by her enemies."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]

BPL note: Shil-Pondey's thin/tall/away-from-family profile for Krittika ladies can be altered by incoming drishti from plump/petite/parenting graha.

Also, jealousy = S-P's somewhat mysogynistic presumption that women could never develop human-services careers to positively utilize the 6th-amsha, and so they would naturally descend into interpersonal pettiness. In an older world perhaps, but no longer generally valid.

BPL adds for feminine-identified Kṛttikā

Artistic, charismatic, entertaining, political, intelligent, financially savvy. Enjoys gambling, romance, pleasure entitlements. Typically charming, positive, and smart. Center-stage authoritative roles come naturally.

Check positions of Surya ruler of Krittika. For career expression, check karmesha and 10th-from-Chandra.

Pada-1 = radiantly self-confident, authoritative, optimistic, potentially dogmatic.

Pada 2-3-4 =

  • Due to lagnesha-Shukra rules 1-6, feminine Krittika may professionalize or gain a respected reputation in human-services fields such as health-care, military officer, criminal law, human resources, social-worker, grievance management, or other assistive conflict-brokerage positions. May have a genius for asset-collection and deal-making in unfair circumstances.
UK Scion 2021- Lilibet Diana M.-Windsor

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]


[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[brightly charming center of self-exemplified historical-musical values]

[widely recognized elite financial figure]

[dignified public representative of language and lineage]

[charismatic social appeal to entreasured classes]

[institutional leadership conduct may be affected by personal pleasure entitlements]

[high intelligence for personalized expression of precious heritage knowledge]

[public sees radiant physical vitality via hair, eyes, voice]

[genetically shaped appearance may form the basis of command]

[enriched father may be banker, asset collector-curator, warehouser, geneticist, evaluator, assessor]

... ...

[rhythmic-protective Rohiṇī-4] [navamsha Surya-Karkata]



  • [Surya-Urisha] Ravaye - the noisy one, the roaring one (Ravi = firebird; Rava = howl, yell, or squawk) * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the acquisitive sensual rashi of Shukra

  • [Surya in bhava-10] bright center of hierarchy * creatively confident chieftain * legislative intelligence * focus on social order * regulatory entitlements * political authority * brilliant career * eye on elite positions * radiant reputation * sparkling star of public leadership drama * dignified father may be lawful ruler, governor, director, supervisor, boss

  • [Surya-yuti-Rahu] confidently opportunistic * bright mesmerizer * passion for creative culture-mixing * boundary-breaching entitlements * craves important center-stage roles * ambitious father-figure * adventurously aligned with the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly risk-rewarding

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] confidently conversational * brightly explaining messenger * entitled to discuss * creatively intelligent sibling-cohort * discursive father-figure * gestures conduct the spiritual rays of the Sun * radiantly descriptive * articulate in drama * skillful game-player * self-confident announcements * talks about ideals * narrative of power-politics * recites love poems * describes divine romance


self-reflexively commanding, brightly law-imposing, charmingly authoritative, regal style of maintaining social order, hierarchically focused, radiantly responsible politically elite, splendidly regulating, center-stage chief executive [Surya in bhava-10] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity



UK-Prince 1984- Duke of Sussex Harry

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[Vimala Yoga]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[identified with transformative symbolic understanding]

[intuitive wholistic identity-change]

[soothed by periodic interior upheavals]

[needs protected meditation at rhythmic intervals]

[attuned to shocking dreamworld images]

[vague, all-one feelings may suddenly stop-and-start]

[essential need for sanctuary in-or-near water]

[anonymously charitable]

[at some juncture in the lifespan, old inner spiritual guidance utterly dies, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into a new comprehensive symbolic worldview]

[comfortable with disruptive cetacean influence]

[absorbs pulsing oceanic waves of subtle sound]

[anchored by ancestral inner guidance]

[inspirationally rejuvenating hallucinations]

[traumatized mother may be quietly moody]

[mother's contemplative grounding may fluctuate]

[clairsentient mother may seem secretly entranced, mysterious or unpredictable]

... ...

[optimistic-ideological Revatī- 1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational-guiding

  • [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike

  • [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

  • [Chandra in classroom-8] comfortable with crisis * familiar with catastrophe * unpredictable mother * feels the pulse of cyclical rebirth * soothed by secrecy * consoled by calamity * sensitive to danger * revolutionary sentiment * accustomed to frequent upheaval * seeks deeply rhythmic initiation * acculturated to masked exploration * occult sensitivities * needs eruptive energies * nourished by non-disclosure * emotionally attuned to trauma * undulating shakti-shocks * mother may be a mystic, healer, concealer, agent of disguise


[Vimala Yoga]

sentimentally undisclosing, emotionally secretive, caretaker in dangerous situations, needs chaotic feelings, securely grounded through disastrous upheaval, anchored into sudden emergency response, sensitive to disguised dependencies, protected by camouflaged assets, sense of having hidden empowerments [Chandra in classroom-8] rules

  • 12 - enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy,interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


  • [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = ideological politics, philosophical drama, sacerdotal entitlements, principled gambling Dhanus-5]



[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

-- [nīcha] -- [Kuja Dosha for alliance-1]

[Yogakaraka homebound-anchoring bandesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka doctrinal-guiding dharmesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Kuja's emotionally-driven, energeticly defending, ritualized thrust

[energetic pursuit of binding sanctuary spaces]

[dynamic instigation = effective but invisible quest for security within quiet enclosures]

[squeezing parents bandesha successfully push away predators]

[emotionally motivated engineering of privacy protections]

[ancestor guides may ritually preach dharmesha in sequestered, clairsentiently influenced settings]

[ruler of 4+9 Mangala enables both parents]

[behind-the-scenes extorting brotherly-figure may vigorously promote clandestine action]


[rhythmic-habitual Punarvasu-4] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Mangala-Karkata-nīcha ]


invisibly penetrating, subconsciously discovering, pursues therapeutic sanctuary, surgically contemplative, incisively clairsentient, drilling into private spaces, unseen explorations, sexually clandestine, pushing-forward into dreamworlds [Mangala in bhava-12]
  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health


[Mangala in bhava-12] activates

  • 4-Mother, foundations, cultural rhythms, ethnic basis

  • 9-Father, doctrine, philosophy, beliefs [nīcha]

[nīcha] Kuja activates bhava-4

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

[historical-evaluating dhanesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[profitable-friendly labha-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sensual discourse, enriching information, musical instructions


[ministering-logistical Mriga-2] [navamsha Budha-Kanya-uchcha]



++ [Budha-10 parivartamsha Shukra-11]

  • [Budha-Urisha] financial communications * articulation of tonal value * talks about stored goods * discusses collected assets * delivers descriptive evaluations * sends historic messages * skillfully signals the music * preservation methods * describes sound frequencies * hands-arms-shoulders send sensual gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-10] narrative of leadership process * makes official pronouncements * describes social responsibilities * conversations about policy decisions * prominent spokesperson * talks about maintaining order * explainer of governance * detailed executive announcements * delivers lawful information * chats about social authority * scripted hierarchical management methods * dignified sibling-cohort * reputation for writing * institutional publicity communications

  • [Budha-yuti-Surya] amusing explanations * entertaining chatter * central roles in communication * brightly clear descriptions * dramatic enunciation * confidently delivers instruction * articulation of radiant certainty * political messenger * talkative father-figures

  • [Budha-yuti-Rahu] thrillingly risky narrative * culturally mixed communication skills * ambitious descriptions * exotic instructions * desire to explain fascinating facts * message of exciting opportunities * chatty foreigners * documents the dialog of outsiders * talkative interlopers


talkatively authoritative, recognizable in media advertising, executive instructions, publicly explains orderly social process, chief organizational spokesperson, verbally commanding, skillfully describes regulation, governance by collaboration [Budha in bhava-10] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Brihaspati's systematic expansion, distributive inclusiveness, community-connected abundance

[multiple marriages with friendly networking partners]


[inspirational-optimistic Varuna-1] [navamsha Guru-Dhanus]

  • [Guru-Kumbha] much networking * hope for the future * many marketplaces * optimistic about big associations * permission to connect * scientific beliefs * doctrine of economic linkage * propagation of interwoven arrays * distributed guidance * expands the scope of social participation * multiple communities * diversity of friendships

  • [Guru in bhava-7] many contracts * optimistic negotiations * much partnership * abundant agreement * numerous alliances * extensive bargaining * multiple trusts * expansion of advocacy * fertile match-making * typically more than one spouse * patron of legal arrangements * proliferation of promises * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an attorney-counselor-broker


expansively agreeable, abundantly contractual, multiple alliances, numerous arrangements, optimistic negotiator, broad-scope of brokerage [Guru in bhava-7] rules

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


  • [8 cataclysmic upheaval, sudden unexpected identity change, healing transformation, revolutionary recycling energies, entrancement, mystery, discovery, initiation, secrets]

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[friendly gracious conversational diplomacy]

[pleasantly luxurious fundraising networks]

[earnings from media-messaging publication]

[financial gain from valuable public reputation]


[optimistic-philosophical Arudra-1] [navamsha Shukra-Dhanus]

[Budha-10 parivartamsha Shukra-11]

  • [Shukra-Mithuna] appreciates iterative process* values beautifully detailed artifacts * attracted to writer-editor-publishers * likes businesspeople * sweetly signaling gestures * conducts diplomatic scripted conversations * prefers a communicative partner * equable cooperative teamwork * smooth handling of management tasks * aesthetic of skilled handcraft * delivers balanced specific explanations * enjoys descriptive literary correspondence * gracious messaging arrangements

  • [Shukra-11] seeks pleasure via social connectivity * pleasant community linkage * balances asset distribution systems * seeks network equity * association with artists * values friendly financial connections * likes knitting-and-knotting * pleasing designs to adorn the skin * graceful ankles * appreciation of friendships * aesthetic of fair deals in marketplace * enjoys attractive friends * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a socialite-economist-networker-economist-networker


weetly gainful, fairly negotiated fundraising, arranges the balanced gain-of-goals, financially distributive, enjoys social-participation assemblies, prefers feminine friends, graciously socially connected, advocates for associative interlinkage, equably rewarded, architecturally gridworked, represents the collectivity, smooths community relationships [Shukra-11] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility, top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director


[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

--- [svakshetra]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[old enemies in regulatory work]

[ailments of bones-sinews-cartilage- joints-knees]

[rigidly conservative physicians]

[limited availability of medication]

[lawful duty to serve the working classes]

burdensome class-conscious ministries]

[unfair hierarchical obligations]

[unbalanced skeletal structure]

[slow remediation of accusatory formal lawsuits]

[enduring disagreement with contractual partner]


[explaining-describing Śrāvaṇa-3] [navamsha Shani-Mithuna]

  • [Shani-Makara-Draco] heavy old institutions * obliged to conform to the time-clock * rigidly ranked class systems * strict regimes * pressure to complete socially required duties * structural compression upon knees-calves-skeleton * strictly imposed protocols * must normalize old rules * unyielding pressure of public judgment * class-conscious elders * punitive regulators * must endure proletarian manners * must continue disciplined work * scarce building resources * maintainer of old hierarchies

  • [Shani in Bhava-6] [beneficial] intrepid assistance * steady time-structured resistance to enemies * must serve the chronic victims * outlasts the adversaries * survives military siege * tense digestion * relentless criticism * constitutional illness-injury * tolerance for servitude * aging physicians * enduring diseases * service fatigue * helper's burnout * prevents innovative treatments * blocks new medications * professional social workers * patiently aids the disadvantaged * dutiful healthworker * accepts the rules of medical institutions * lawfully supports the sick * reliable herbalist * conventional pharmacist * protocols for problematizing * realistic about addiction * accepts abuse * neutral to crime * military discipline * governs the poor * regulates debt * legislates loans * respected elder of an oppressed sector


formally aggrieved, chronic complaints, old injuries, rigidly adversarial, constricted crime, enduring accusations, regulatory litigation, orthodox exploitation, conventionally laboring, responsible service ministry, systematically helping, imposing argumentation, lawfully unjust, seriously serves the disadvantage [Shani in Bhava-6] rules

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler


formally aggrieved, chronic complaints, old injuries, rigidly adversarial, constricted crime, enduring accusations, regulatory litigation, orthodox exploitation, conventionally laboring, responsible service ministry, systematically helping, imposing argumentation, lawfully unjust, seriously serves the disadvantage [Shani in Bhava-6] rules

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]

[for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's disinterestedly eruptive, disintegrating evolutionary force

[uchcha] - [svabhava]

[regulatory authority based in mixed-culture evaluation-assessment]

[fascinating icon of treasury]

[luxury collections show elite status]

[astonishing social rise of historians-bankers-herders-warehousers]

[reputed for opportunistic capitalization]


[financial-evaluating Rohiṇī-2] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha]



  • [Rahu-Urisha] shimmering illusion of storage * craving for preserved collections * unorthodox banking * over-reaching acquisitions * preposterous accumulations * mesmerizing treasure-hoards * fabulous inventories * exotic food stores * amazing ship-holds * fascinating warehouses * mask of historic conservatism * intriguing acts of barreling * exaggerated cooperage * extravagant containment * tantalizing libraries * marvelous hoards of valuables * seeks special importance via apparent (but perhaps not authentic) attributes of accrued wealth * entrancing lineage knowledge * thrilling speech-song * excitement of pricing * seeks privilege via value-keeper roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-10] passion for prestige positions * in svabhava of Sober Shani, the Shadowy Specter seeks glamorous leadership roles * thrilled by iconic status * craves symbolic importance * hungers for outstanding recognition * outsider who cleverly insinuates into respected hierarchies * authoritatively challenges official rules * mesmerizing ascent to elevated status * entranced by one's own social privilege * may pose as a boss * shimmering smoky illusion of legitimate command * trespasses cultural limits of rigid old order * boundary-breaching public reputation - ambition for elite rank * desire for eminence * opportunistic climb to top of the corporate pyramid * prominent cultural-mixing figurehead * ambition of the father's family

  • [Rahu-yuti-Surya] amplified ambition for center-stage roles * magnified confidence * passion for exotic display * trickster with dramatic flair * opportunistic father * creative pursuit of social mobility * fascinating (but perhaps illusory) appearance of exceptional intelligence * thrilling political genius * hypnotic charm * seeks privilege via bright celebrity * sparkling center of cross-cultural pollination

  • [Rahu-yuti-Budha] amplified evangelism * magnified communications * thrilling messages * exotic information * tricky signals * opportunistic cohort * fascinating (but perhaps illusory) appearance of critically important details * hypnotic gestures * explanatory descriptions of cross-cultural mixing


[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[for Simha indriya-lagna]

[shockingly dispersed homeland roots]

[suddenly scattered secure foundations]

[transformative absentee mother-caretaker]

[neutral witness to local emergencies]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously sensual-entreasuring Rahu-Urisha leaders, commanders, iconic-figures, bosses, hierarchs]


[evolving-disguising Anuradha-4] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha]

Ketu in Anuradha-4 = super-powered annihilating liberating Ketu

  • [Ketu-Vṛścika] detached Witness to hidden empowerments * weird discoveries * empty secrets * eccentric identity changes * dissolute penetrations * fearless toward catastrophic change * demystifies the ineffable * disregards terror threats * veiled martyrdom * ignores restriction on initiations * uncertain rebirth * releases a red-black cloud of exploratory initiatives into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-4] ambivalent toward the cultural foundations * absentee mother-figure * disregards local customs * dissolved property boundaries * wanders from the ancestral home * often away * ignores conventional schooling * irrelevance of habitual folkways * surrenders nationality * dismisses bondage to parents * abandons the established routines * may prefer to live free from fixed roots


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