

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala


Shiva and Parvati, night terrace

Glyph_Shukra.png Glyph_Shani.png

OM dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah

OM pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah

शनि śani Shani


शुक्र śukra Shukra

Venus - Venera

Freya - Frigg [Friday]

Zuhra - Ishtara Ashatarra Aphrodite

Phosphoros - Heosphoros

Lucipheros [Lucifer] = bringer of light

Morgensteorra - Aefensteorra

Vesper - Mathusias - Dianna - Inanna - Nin-si-anna

Nogah - Ba'ah - Seba-djai - Delebat - Jingxing


Saturan - Sauran - Sćtern - Saturnus

the seventh one

Satu = Saturday

kevan - kaiwan - kiyyun - kaiamanu - khima

kρονος - kronos

Ninurta - Anu - El - Eli

// The Old Sun // the Best Sun //

Shani-yuti-Shukra descriptions also apply to Shani-Shukra in reciprocal aspect


" Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love."

~~ Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Albert Einstein


“If a person seeking a companion cannot find one who is better than or equal to him, let him resolutely go on alone;

there can be no companionship with a fool.”

~~ Gautama Buddha , Dhammapada verse-61


Himeji Castle in Japan

built from year 1333 CE, has never been damaged by earthquake or war

[Shani-Mesha] [nīcha] yuti [Shukra-Mesha]

[Shani-Urisha] yuti [Shukra-Urisha]

[Shani-Mithuna] yuti [Shukra-Mithuna]

[Shani-Karkata] yuti [Shukra-Karkata]

[Shani-Simha] yuti [Shukra-Singha]

[Shani-Kanya] yuti [Shukra-Kanya-nīcha]

[Shani-Tula][uchcha] yuti [Shukra-Vanika]

[Shani in Vṛścika] yuti [Shukra-Vṛścika]

[Shani-Dhanus] yuti [Shukra-Dhanus]

[Shani-Makara-Draco] yuti [Shukra-Makara-Draco]


[Shani-Kumbha] yuti [Shukra-Kumbha]

[Shani-Meena] yuti [Shukra-Meena [uchcha]



Crater Lake Oregon, sunrise

  • elegance

  • architectural minimalism

  • delayed achievement of equity
  • limited luxuries
  • orderly feminine figures
  • pragmatic finance
  • contractual discipline
  • socially constrained harmony
  • conventionally regulated pleasures
  • trust in age
  • mutuality over time
  • class-structured arrangements

depending upon rashi-nakshatra-bhava of the Shani-Shukra pair, may experience relationship fatigue, bargaining fatigue, diplomacy fatigue


POTUS-pair-05 La belle Americaine 1768-1830 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe + [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Arudra] [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Arudra] [Mriga-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Punarvasu]

12 foreign diplomacy, commerce]

  • Heavy demands [Shani] of gracious [Shukra] diplomatic entertaining. James-and-Elizabeth Monroe were among the first American ambassadors to France. They built enduring relationships of mutual trust and respect [Shukra] and thereby secured French funding to develop the infant American nation.
  • However, Mr-and-Mrs Monroe had to work [Shani] this brokerage assignment in Paris, during the violent upheavals of the French Revolution. Some of their careful arrangements were invalidated [EM's Ketu] and she became increasingly exhausted.

This benevolent combination signals success in artistic endeavor of a pragmatic * materialistic character * Such as music composition or fashion design. Deepens the artistic discipline.

Shani contributes mature realism to Shukra's aesthetic of balance + beauty.

In a husbandly nativity * may prefer an elder wife.

success in disciplined artistic endeavor, such as music composition or fashion design

Discipline and Regular Work = ordering effect upon all aspects of life


Golden Girls 1934-2010 drama Rue McClanahan [logical-helping Dhaniṣṭha-2] + [Dhaniṣṭha-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Śrāvaṇa] [Dhaniṣṭha-Shani-yuti-Rahu-Dhaniṣṭha] [1, exemplifying personality, vitality, movement]

  • RM endured a lifelong struggle with alcoholism. Nevertheless, she controlled the self-medication behaviors through personal discipline, work-ethic. RM maintained a five-decade career in drama and creative writing. She operated several businesses, and received numerous elite performance awards.

Pleasure of Working, structuring, Lawfulness

Likes to work (and work, and work) in a structured lawful environment where deal-making, arranging, balancing, negotiation, match-making define the daily process. Yet unless Surya is exceptionally strong, the combined force of Shani with Shukra prevents the theatrical, self-focused solipsism that could lead to autocracy in governance roles.


POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford [Rohiṇī-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Rohiṇī] [10, governance duties]

  • Gerald Ford maintained a 25-year career in the USA Congress House of Representatives before being conscripted into the VPOTUS role with Richard Nixon . Ultimately the Nixon-iresignation promoted him to POTUS-38.

  • Ford was liked on both sides of the aisle for his cooperative, balanced style of negotiation [Shukra] leading to legislation [Shani]. However, with Shani-yuti-Shukra-10, GRF was not a natural autocrat [Shani enemy of autocratic Surya] .Once separated from the lawful [Shani] bargaining-balancing, deal-making [Shukra] environment of Congress, he became a weak chief executive unable to win POTUS-38 re-election due to too much compromising..

In bhava-4, childhood immersed in the virtues of modesty, humility, quiet competence, and grace under pressure

structured approach to fashion and architectural design

Masculine-nativity may be attracted to feminine-figures of common background, with loyal, hard-working and materialistic qualities.

Typically, the woman is blessed with an excellent sense of artistic design, and they are often employed in the fashion, arts management, or architectural design industries. Occasionally the graha are so advanced that the wifely-companion is involved in the development of apprehension of beautiful cosmic or mathematical designs

The wifely figure's attention may be closely focused on the material plane. Wealth development is a primary goal [Shani] and pleasure [Shukra].

Masculine-identified nativities with Shani + Shukra have wives who assist in building material wealth, and wives who build their own wealth independently through their dedicated professional behaviors. Marriage tends to be steady and dutiful. Slow but steady accumulation of financial wealth through the pragmatic financial and professional behaviors of the partnership and of the wife.

For a husband-nativity, Shukra + Shani in strong positions can signify a wife who may be a fashion designer or an artist's model

  • Publisher 1960-1999 attorney JFK-Jr + [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Shani-yuti-Guru-Mūla] [Pūrvāṣāḍhā-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Pūrvāṣāḍhā] [5, politics, financial speculation]

In bhava-9 of a husbandly nativity, Shukra-yuti-Shani suggest pragmatic contracts and promises made within the arts industry, cooperative and well-structured fatherhood arrangements, and patronage development through sustained hard work [Shani]. The totality of wifely-companions are likely to share an aestheticly balanced and materialistic worldview.

From the perspective of one in the husband-role, she in the wifely-companion role likes to workand she is appreciated in her professional environment. She will flourish in the arts, fashion, and worlds of structure and appearance. She is particularly well-respected for being a dedicated worker who observes the rules and conforms to the social hierarchy.


POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft + [Pushya-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Aśleṣā] [9, ideology, patronage, worldview]

  • POTUS-27-pair Cherry Trees 1861-1943 Nellie Herron Taft = key adviser, career-decisions counselor, and mega-partner in a two-person career with her husband William Howard Taft.
  • Commentators of the day remarked that when Nellie wanted a position or appointment, she lobbied effectively for her capable husband to obtain that achievement.
  • Within the social limits imposed on women, Nellie was respected as a diligent worker [Shani] determined yet pleasant [Shukra] and clearly the navigator of the partnership.

Pragmatism, work ethic, common sense - especially about money [Shukra]

[Shani-yuti-Shukra] Kumbha-6 unfair, imbalanced contractual relationships much improved. Over time, by legal, institutionalizing Shani


Out on a Limb 1934- drama-esoterica Shirley MacLaine + [Pūrvābhādra-Shukra-yuti-Shani-Dhaniṣṭha] [7, contracts, legal settlements, judgements, arrangements, harmony, equity]

[Dhaniṣṭha-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Pūrvābhādra] combined rulers of 3 + 6 + 7 + 10 = splendid career. Unfortunately, Shani rules 6th-from-Chandra

  • A photogenic, articulate, and hardworking writer, theatrical actor, and dancer, at age 20 SM married for security [Shani 7th-from-Chandra]. She maintained the legal marriage facade for 30 years [Shani] as a social legitimation while each partner lived separately.
  • While he managed the money, she was free to work -- earning a high income for her celebrated theatrical and literary works. Meanwhile, as her income grew, the husband illegally, invisibly drained her financial accounts [Shani rogesha ++ rules 6th-from-Chandra emotional betrayal]

Naturally if other graha interfere, the prognosis is changed.

  • Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr Mohamed Reza Pahlavi enjoyed a first marriage with a very beautiful women - Fawzia of Egypt. She showed the characteristic lovely bone structure. Unfortunately the Shukra-Shani pair occupy a hostile rashi of Simha, where neither Shani nor Shukra are welcome. Furthermore, Kuja the Deal Breaker shares Simha with the wife-karaka Shukra and the Duty Karaka Shani. The Shahani soon left the Shahanshah, for undisclosed reasons.

financially privileged, reliable, lawful, upholds the social register order

  • POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford= Anuradha-Chandra-4 serecy-and-stability mutual-drishti with [Shani-yuti-Shukra-10]. = a hardworking, bargaining, graceful, respectable lifepartner. Ford served 25 years in USA Congress, working both sides of the aisle [Shukra] as a diplomat between political opponents. He was known as a sober, reliable, and gracious (Shani + Shukra) deal-maker who worked to support the wealthy donor-class (Vrishabha) while negotiating fair legislation and upholding the hierarchical social order [Shani].

  • POTUS-25 Gold Standard 1843-1901 William McKinley was a master of combining financially privileged relationships with government legislation. McKinley enjoyed powerful financial support during each of his campaigns to fill governance roles [Shani]. He operated by " cronyism" (Shani, chronos) by doing the bidding of his financial backers. McKinley primarily served as the legitimizing " face" for Big cintamani * mani * money in control of popular government, but he was not a hypocrite. His vriddhi-pati-11 + rogesha-6 Shukra (economy, workers) combined with dhanapati-2 + bhratru-pati-3 Shani (banking, business) convinced him that his income and his relationships with the financiers [Shukra] were supporting social orderliness [Shani]. Like many of his generation, he hoped to create a body of law that would prevent the destructive chaos of economic " panics" which had gripped the nation during the 1800's. However, with Rahu-1 and Mula lagna, he ultimately became a force of greater disruption when he was assassinated in office.

If either Shani or Shukra happen to rule bhava-6, conflicts and accusation can assail even the best combinations

Mixed narratives: mani-money [Shukra] and the working classes [Shani]

Nixon (below) = not a conjunction but rather a Shukra-Shani parivartamsha. Still this case exemplifies one of the ironies of Shukra-Shani combinations as it expresses the mixing of those using a narrative of pleasure-treasure [Shukra] with those committed to a narrative of scarcity [Shani].

  • POTUS-37 Watergate 1913-1994 Richard Nixon [Shukra-7 parivartamsha Shani-10]. Nixon campaigned as the voice of the working man [Shani]. He recounted the stories of those knew the value of a dollar [Shukra]. RMN appointed himself as the spokesperson for those who did not want wasteful government expenditure. [Shani-Urisha, fear of wealth].

Shukra receives drishti of Shani

= similar but slightly less structured by duty and material responsibilities. Shani drishti to Shukra is beneficial for marriage stability and commitment to vows.


Shukra in reciprocal aspect

[opposition] to Shani

Seven Year Itch 1926-1962 Marilyn Monroe [Shukra-Mesha-11 mutual-drishti uchcha-Shani-5]

UK-PM Global Alliance 1953- Tony Blair


Isabel Clara Eugenia and Magdalena Ruiz by Sanchez Coello, Alonso. ca. 1586


collection of El Museo de Prado en Madrid, Espana

-- https://www.museodelprado.es

Shani drishti to Shukra, especially the reciprocal aspect

, greatly strengthens materialism.

When Shani has any relationship to Shukra, the material capabilities are enhanced. More so with the reciprocal aspect


One becomes acutely focused on affluence , money management , collections and accumulations, acquisitions of all kinds. The artistic and architectural sensibilities = enhanced. But one is not a spacey artist with a Shani-Shukra connection. Upward mobility and material luxury are the goals of this duo.

Young people often ask: will I be wealthy in this life? If monetary wealth is wanted, one answer will be found in the relationship between Shani and Shukrar.

In a masculine nativity, the wifely-companion is skillful with funds and always focused on acquisitions. Normally also a gracious entertainer. If Shani is in a tough rashi e.g. Vṛścika or Simha, the wife may be a bit hard-boiled, but her money-radar will be sharp. Her goal is to build up a beautiful and luxurious social position for the marriage. If Shukra and Shani are auspicious, she will succeed.

Loneliness. Socially awkward and disconnected, oppressed/repressed emotionally.

Hard worker, reserved. The wifely-companion [Shukra] may be glamorous and social butterfly while the masculine-nativity is reserved and disciplined. Although one may love one's young wife or daughters deeply and delight in their charms, shukra-opposed-Shani may feel old and dry in the presence of their attractive, sensual youth.

Shukra and Shani are friendly toward each other, and this yoga is not so much of a problem if one can relax into a suitable work-pleasure balance. The key to managing this yoga is to not take yourself so seriously. With this yoga one is a seriously committed lover and responsible citizen. You make time to enjoy pleasures with loved ones. Barring Rahu-Ketu or other unstable influence upon the Shukra-Shani axis, one is faithful to the marriage vows.

Maintaining strength and security for your loved ones is a job you do well and for which you deserve recognition. But there is no need to be gloomy and overly serious about your role. Unfortunately, it seems like the women in one's life do not appreciate one's efforts, and one's orderly aesthetic tastes are perhaps not praised by society.

Frustration in marriage due to feeling overworked and underappreciated. wifely-companion is a pleasure-lover (type of pleasure via Shukra's rashi ). wifely-companion is sensually indulgent or self-permissive, in contradistinction to one's own more serious behavior. however, she may have nice qualities such as a pleasant appearance and social charm.

Shukra and Shani are friendly Graha who can work together well with consciousness. Lighten up.


Icy ocean beach

Shukra in shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle to Shani


Menorah for Channukah

Normally, shukra and Shani are friends. Shukra directs the material pleasure senses while Shani manages material order and organization.

Shani's job is to ensure safety through conformity. Shukra's job is to provide pleasure through attraction and sensual experience. When properly coordinated, shukra + Shani provide artistic and architectural design capability, financial well-being, and social structures such as marriage which facilitate the flow of material pleasures. They are normally a cooperative and 'simpatico' pair.

When Shukra and Shani are out of balance (6/8), sensual pleasure experience and the rules of social structure are permanently in conflict. One feels a lifelong tension and animosity between that to which one is Attracted, versus that which society[Shani] condones. One's love choices feel socially unsupported, unapproved or unsafe.

One tends to lack affluence development or maintenance skills. Wealth acquisition prognosis is reduced.

The lover, or spouse, women in one's life generally -- even one's taste in textiles, perfumes, art and literature [Shukra] -- is found to be uncomfortably off-balance with conventional social relationship rules [Shani]. Even if the love relationship is satisfying on a personal level, the lover may cause humiliation, undignified servitude (such as prostitution or slavery), or other deprivation of social protection.

Vimshottari periods of awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle between Shukra-Shani are inherently difficult. During these periods, the native projects one's internal love-vs-security conflictupon the external environment.

The love object seems to be misbehaving . One's love partner (or one's aesthetic preference in the case of taste in scents / sweets / art / music / literature) is found to be socially inappropriate. One can't"make it work" gracefully. There is exaggerated tension and inner argument between the partners. One's love cannot be forced into a socially 'safe' relationship package.


Sultan Ahmad Shah State Mosque * Kuantan Mosque = Pahang, malaysia


The Way Out = releasing the fear trauma

For the conscious native, periods of 6/8 between any two graha = an opportunity to bring subconscious conflict from parallel lives up to the surface awareness. shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle s are troublesome in material and electro-magnetic emotional life

Yet, these periods offer the opportunity to"seize the day" in therapeutic self-reflection. From the present lifetime's intelligent control base, seek to re-negotiate these old fears of disharmony and social punishment.

An imbalance-seeking-a-remedy between sensual pleasure and social duty in the parents' relationship has led to the native internalizing the negative expectation that one's love experience must result in insecurity, and also that the achievement of social approval must entail a battle to keep love pleasures at bay.

During the 6/8 Shukra-Shani bhukti , relationships are awkward and blaming . Previous agreements appear to be at the point of collapse. One expects an uprising of polarizing catalysis with the beloved to "only get worse" .

The attraction does not end, and the fear of punishment does not end; rather, both the attraction * akarshana * and the fear of negative consequences from the attraction will intensify, in tandem . Discomfort is heightened if the two rashi are especially adversarial -- e.g., simha vs. Makara.

A balance between true attraction and social lawfulness seems unachievable, Yet, the relationship cannot be ended. As always with the 6/8, one is "damned if you do and damned if you don't."

As always with Shani bhukti, their bark is worse than their bite . Shani's job is to stimulate memory-embedded fear-based resistance to change. Shani's compulsive repetition of the past is similar to what psychologists call Post Traumatic Shock. The intimidating power of remembered fear is usually much worse than its actual, measurable material consequences in the present time.

Any Shani bhukti evokes survival fear. Shani in the '6th-from' any graha evokes specific fears of war, slavery, poverty, and disgrace. The way out of Shani's "traction" is to develop a conscious awareness that an awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle Shukra-Shani bhukti (whether secondary bhukti or a shorter tertiary 'antardasha') evokes an inherited set of negative expectations, usually a legacy from the parents (but traceable to the native 's parallel lives as well). The parents' fear-based belief system can be questioned, and a realistic assessment of realistic consequences [Shani] can be produced.

What are the real consequences? Is one's choice of spouse, lover, music, or style or dress likely propel one headlong into poverty, prostitution, ignominy, or crime? If so, by all means take action! But under normal circumstances, shani's fears are hyper-charged with the memory of genuine trauma in the past. In some parallel life , one's husband did indeed sell one into brutal prostitution. A wife's drug addiction in a another life plunged an entire family into poverty and disgrace. In some lifetime, one was driven from the village with burning torches [Shani] for wearing fancy clothes [Shukra].

All true. But if the past-life charge can be released off these memories, one will quite likely find that the threatened social censure is relatively tame, and the beloved is not the enemy.


Kleine Kirche an einem hellen Wintermorgen in Österreich


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.

I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

~~Revelation 22:16 [King James Bible, published 1611-CE]

(Star of David = Shani, and Morning Star = Shukra)
