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![]() "Generally, the mind of the ignorant, inflamed with anger with reference to an object, gets all the more inflamed with its mention." ~~ Jataka Mala , 15 |
Shad-ashtaka 6th-from: Exploitation, disagreement, and Toxicity 8th-from: Shocking Change, destruction, and Sudden Rebirth planned misalignments requiring realignment attention when transitioning between the domains which lie shad-ashtaka 6-8 from each other: two energies working at cross-purposes see 6th-from-Shukra |
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Agents and Environments of the satkona
6th-from [amsha] indicates scarcity of support within one's alliances. Someone else has too much; the native has too little. Scarcity-thinking is type of mentality. Mentality is ruled by Budha.
In particular, 6th-from angles require pre-incarnationally planned engagement with poverty, exploitation, forced labor, caste bigotry, hatred, and disease. The typical outcome of any 6 = 8 stress-angle = either physical or mental illness induced from the interior narrative of conflict between the agencies of the bhava = 6 versus the bhava = 8. |
Negotiating periods of 6th-from requires conscious allocation of scarce resources. Resources may be very basic food-clothing-shelter Reserves may also be emotional such as touch, support, commitment to a shared future Stored assets may even be spiritual, such as a punitive teacher who may withhold key information needed for progress upon the spiritual path. On the social level, one is forced into an inferior position within relationships, and denied validation of equality. On the emotional level, expect to enter and endure exploitive relationships, where one person is withholding resources from the other. In general a very difficult time. |
8th-from = sudden transformation from one field of perception to the next. Forceful movement is a strength of Mangalar. विषुव The 26, 000 year cycle of the //precession of the equinoxes // is an 8th-amsha cycle
shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle between Chandra-Surya In a feminine nativity = deep frustration and anxiety rooted in disappointment toward her once-heroic father will emerge as she tries to care for [Chandra] her spouse. Periods of Surya bring men who re-enact the woman's internal, ever-repeating dialog of a hostile, unbalanced relationship with her father. In a masculine nativity, deep frustration and anxiety rooted in disappointment toward his once-nurturing mother will emerge as he tries to inspire and enlighten [Surya] his spouse. Periods of Chandra bring women who re-enact the man's internal, ever-repeating dialog of a hostile, unbalanced relationship with his mother. (If the Surya-Chandra angle is benevolent, the disappointment may be softened or slight.) In a marriage (whether sexual or spiritual) the relationship between the radix graha who is rules Svamsha and the radix graha who is ruler of navamsha-7 will provide a good part of the profile of the native 's marriage. This pair of graha show which internal relationship inside one's own reality is being mirrored and triggered most intensively by the thoughts and actions of the spouse. Should the radix graha who is rules Svamsha and the radix graha who is ruler of navamsha-7 be in a shad-ashtaka 6-8 angles, thee may be a rich opportunity for polarizing catalysis within the marriage.
However, in itially, and for the sleepwalkers perhaps eternally, ashad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle between the radix graha who is rules Svamsha and the radix graha who is ruler of navamsha-7 indicates a climate of victimization [being eaten] , scarcity (material or emotional), animosity, illness, and conflict up to the point of war (if the graha are violent by nature). |
Starting Domain |
Effect | |
occupies bhava-1 positive, iconic identification with vitality and movement
= = =
= = =
[Budha-Mithuna] -- [Bhadra Yoga] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg = Hasta-3] lagnesha [Hamsa Yoga] -- [dikbala] = = =
[Shukra-Urisha] -- [Malavya Yoga] [Shukra-Tula] -- [Malavya Yoga]
[Shani-Makara-Draco] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
[Shani-Kumbha] -- [Sasaya Yoga]
The sick people and the chronically poor,
with their narrative of irremediable weakness
and insufficiency may annoy this native ,
who may struggle to mask frustration and indeed contempt for the victim mind.
Weakness when manageable presents opportunities for growth. One has a substantial endowment of physical energy and may not naturally grasp the conditions of those who, for whatever reason, lack the vital energy to perform competitive movement. | |
NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs physical identity = material body = Visual appearance Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-bhava-1 Bhava 6 - imbalance = shortages = enemies = disease there is a natural animosity between the healthy material body and disease. The individual's body's need for balanced food and support naturally conflicts with the victim reality (6) of socially restricted access to food, medicine, and money. erosion of trust due to wrong advice (12th from 7th) about health and harmony in life (7). Any graha in 6 shows agent of the bad advice. E.g., chandra in 6 = mother gives incorrect health advice, surya in 6 same for father; Mangala = brother or fellow soldier provides addictive drugs; Guru = a priest or preacher who advises overindulgence that throws off the inner balance. Bhava 8 - secrets = healing = magic there is a natural required transformation of the surface physical-identity when magical powers are activated through bhava-8. Identity is destroyed when we discover that bodies are mere guest houses for an eternal migrating spirit. |
occupies bhava-2
= = =
[Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
= = =
= = =
Alliances, allegiances, contract, deal-making, bargains, terms of agreement Singer-songwriters
Famous Face Public speaking
CHANDRA complexities For Karkata indriya-lagna nativities, chandra-lagnesha in bhava-2, there is a double-whammy since the 6th-from-lagnesha will also be the [6th-from-Chandra] . This compounding of emotional stressadds toxicity, suspicion, and accusation into the bargaining events.
NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs positive, iconic identification with knowledge treasuries, lineages, Sustenance = values = food = wealth = birth family Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-2nd= Bhava 7 marriage = agreements there is a natural animosity between birth family and spouse, between the ancestral family values and the worldview of someone not from that family - the spouse. The two domains compete for resources. erosion of trust due to "bad advice" (6th = 12th from 7th) about matters of 2: language, history, face-eyes-teeth-mouth, food, song and speech, memory, and conservation behaviors -- most commonly, saving cintamani = mani = money (2). Agency of the wrong advice = indicated by any graha in 7. For example, Budha in bhava-7 may indicate that younger siblings or co-workers may be a source of wrong advice about conservation behaviors, money savings, or even referrals to a dentist (teeth) is Budha occupies an uncomfortable rashi. Bhava-7 is normally a location for equitable advising and counseling but one exception is due to its location in 6th from 2nd, counsel arising for agents in 7 may be financially disreputable or misleading due to an unrecognized underlying animosity. |
Lagnesha occupies Sahaja bhava- 3
= = =
[Mangala-Maraka-Draco] -- [uchcha]
Sahaja bhava positive, iconic identification with siblings = teamwork = Local group = mental process
positively identified with
NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-3rd = Bhava 8 secrets = healing = magic there is a natural animosity between communicative, rational small group = team process and secret, privileged, magical knowledge. Mistrust and fear exists in the 6th-from gap between those who communicate normally, and those who use magical powers. erosion of trust due to misleading advice (6th = 12th from 7th) about siblings, team-workers, neighbors, self-owned business (3). Agency of the wrong advice = indicated by any graha in 8. For example, Shukra in 8 within a husbandly nativity would suggest that the wifely figure may be a source of incorrect or unbalanced argument in matters of siblings, work-mates, sports teams, group meetings, or short-term travel. The wife would also be the natural target of inimical energy emanating from the younger sibling. 8th-from-3rd =Bhava 10 profession = dignity there is a natural required transformation of local, sibling-type, extension-of-family communications into a much broader viewpoint, when the native undertakes public leadership. The neighborly circle of associations operates on common assumptions that break down at a higher level. Lagnesha in 3 often in adulthood develop an adversarial relationship to the marital in-laws. The family of the partner especially the partner's siblings (Mangala, natural regulator of 8) become anathema to the native . 3-8 = difficult angle because bhava-3 is highly mentalized. Being communicatively and commercially identified, one expresses ability and intelligence in areas of business administration, analysis, and planning. The partner's family may seem pretentious and incapable to the native, inferior (6) in their business abilities, and also prone to endless pointless cyclical (8) arguing (6) which never resolves. If competitive Mangala is placed in 3 or 8 with strength, mutual contempt between the native and the in-laws can be fierce. |
= = =
[Chandra-4] -- [Chandra-Tula] -- [svabhava] [dikbala]
= = =
[Budha-4] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] -- [Bhadra Yoga]
[Guru-4] [Guru-Meena] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
[Shukra-4] [Shukra-Simha] -- [dikbala]
= = =
[Shani-4] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
positive, iconic identification with home = foundations = Schooling = security patriotic, nationalistic, loyal to the ethnicity-ethnoreligion, rooted in the land, farmer, gardener, miner, fisher, schoolteacher, police, protector, shelter-builder, parent NATURAL CONFLICT ZONES = 6th-from Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-4th = Bhava 9 advantage to mother, folkways, home-culture rhythms and roots disadvantage to father = philosophy Natural imbalance between the ritual rhythms of the folkways folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms including visible acts of ritual piety versus the doctrinal, dharmic, theoretical, ideological discourse of the philosophers (high religion). There are important spirits protecting or harassing both locations which must be tended. But parochial and universal domains always compete for attention and resources. Mother's domain and father's domain are naturally incommensurable, and imbalanced. 8th-from-4th = Bhava 11 marketplace = networks there is a natural required transformation of the private, home-bound behaviors and assumptions when the native enters the much broader socio-cultural domain of the public marketplace. To make profitable exchanges of goods and information, the native must grow out of their maternal comfort zone, and learn to adapt to the culture of adult friends and business associates. positively identified with school-teaching, parenting, house and home, emotional security |
Lagnesha in bhava-5 energized iconic identification with politics + literary creativity + celebrity + performance art [Surya-5] -- [Surya-Dhanus]
= = =
[Chandra-5] -- [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]
[Mangala-5] -- [Mangala-Meena] for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]
= = =
[Shukra-5] [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] [Shani-5] [Shani-Urisha]
Much as one craves recognition when the lagnesha occupies bhava-5 the house of celebrity, it is ironically quite difficult to establish a harmonious relationship with one's superiors at work. The problem might be resolved if the nativity features very strong graha in bhava-10. Typically However, the native is unhappy on a creative level due to the natural 6 = 8 relationship between work duties (10) and personal expression of divine intelligence (5). One feels cramped and unrecognized in the professional hierarchy, often forced into the servitude of dull or repetitive tasks which numb the creative instincts. Seeking an outlet for the more personal and less institutional artistic expression, one may try to create a non-professionalized validation such as children's theatre but the tension between needing public respect and validation(10) versus enjoying the presence of the Muse (5) being a Shani-Surya tension is not easily reconciled. Over time one will favor the stronger house (likely 5 since 5 contains the lagnesha) and begin to dread the weaker house which is likely 10. |
positive, iconic identification politics, = children = willfulness = Gambling = Games = celebration = fame NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs 6th- from Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-5th = Bhava 10 profession = dignity there is a natural imbalance and animosity between personal creativity and the conservative rules of public honor; between free-wheeling celebrity and public responsibility; between individual publications and daily administration; between children and career. 8th-from-5th = Bhava 12 dreams = meditation = Sanctuary there is a natural required transformation of the egoic-mind expressive personality (5) when egoic-mind dissolving meditation is activated through bhava-12. Celebrity is destroyed when we discover that egos are mere scaffolding for the wisdom-edifice of an eternal migrating spirit. |
= = =
[Mangala-Kanya] -- [Sarala Yoga]
= = =
= = =
[Shani-Karkata] -- [Vimala Yoga]
Lagnesha occupies bhava-6 Bhava 6 positive, iconic identification with medical treatment, conflict management, military, unfair contracts, unbalanced arrangements = enemies = disease = Poverty = Crime NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs 6th- from Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-6th = Bhava 11 marketplace = networks there is a natural imbalance and animosity between the state of financial or health imbalance (6) and the state of gainful income. They cannot simultaneously coexist. Throughout the lifetime, neither win definitively win the conflict, but they will always dislike each other. erosion of trust due to bad advice (12th from 7th) about animosity, debt, and disease (6). Agency indicated by any graha in 11. For example,
The agent in 11 delivers wrong argument (6th from) regarding matters of 6: debt management, taking loads, paying medical expenses, buying or using drugs, use of alcohol, prostitution or exploitive sexual practices, etc. It is a double-bad as 6th-from-6th This is only a problem usually if there are strong graha in both 6 and 11. 8th-from-6th = Bhava 1 identity = body there is a natural required transformation of the scarcity-thinking which drives reality of bhava-6, into prosperity-thinking which encourages spirits to remain in human bodies. If this transformation fails, life is crippled by illness. If it succeeds, all flourishr. positively identified with
Budha-Shani. Mental management of the conflict. Logical Reasoning.
Bitterly frustrated. |
Bhava 7 positive, iconic identification deal-making, Balanced affairs = marriage = contracts = agreements = harmony One is defined by partnership, alliance, negotiations, pairings, advisors, equals Lagnesha in bhava-7 = negotiators, collaborators, partnering, peerage [Ravi-7]
= = =
= = =
= = =
[Budha-Meena] -- [nīcha] [Guru-7]
Bhava 12= dreams = meditation = retreat = invisibility = bedroom privacy = Sanctuary = music studio = trance states NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs 6th- from 6th-from-7th= animosity toward the equal, mutual-sharing world of 7 comes from the private world of bhava-12 produces expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of there is a natural incommensurability between mutually-agreed partnership decisions versus the private vision-and-fantasies a person develops in their own head. There is conflict by design between under-the-table or covert dealings (12), and public legal contracts (7). 8th-from-7th = Bhava 2 values = wealth there is a natural required transformation of the two-sets-of-values lifestyle of egalitarian relationships such as marriage, into the fully merged condition of two people having the same values. Once the partners have identical values , have become a family), major wealth can be obtained. Lagnesha occupies bhava- 7 positively identified with harmony, deal-making, negotiations These are general conditions which dramatize
Guru-Shukra. Not an easy imbalance to manage, as two sources of fortune dislike each other but one wants both of course. Natural animosity between one's identification with contractual relationships vs. The world of private, clandestine undertaking. The native 's preference is strongly for above-board, clearly termed mutual-interest contracts; whereas the machinations and under-the-table schemes of 12 are very frustrating to deal with. Travel to distant lands and cultures is not a happy experience for the native, who does not function well in the dreamlike haze of foreign travel. This native is deeply involved in understanding the terms of agreement and developing balanced alliances. One is a rational proceduralist with a preference for resolution of all imbalances via the law courts. Relationships which are unbalanced because they have a corrupt or privatized basis (12) are anathema to this soul. Shukra-Shukra. Easy to manage. Two sorts of sweets. Relationship to the family history undergoes many changes in this life. The cycle of destruction and rebirth may oblige the native to participate actively in the care of dying family members. Often during period of dhanapati-2. |
EXAMPLE identified with transformative identity change, catastrophic upheaval, mysteries, hidden empowerments
[Mangala-Mithuna] -- [Harsha Yoga]
= = =
[Budha in Vṛścika] -- [Harsha Yoga]
[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
= = =
= = = =
[Shukra-Urisha] --- [svakshetra]
[Shani-Kanya] -- [Vimala Yoga] |
Mystical initiators, agents of revolutionary transformation, shocking discovery, and secret-keeping disguise Bhava 8 positive, iconic identification with hidden assets, unknown or camouflaged origins, secrets = healing = Sacrifice = transformation NATURAL CONFLICT ZONES 6th- from Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-8th = Bhava 1 identity = body There is a natural imbalance and animosity between the invisible world of magical powers and the limited, filtered, screened perceptual material world of the body. Delusory appearance of the world is sacrificially transformed into a higher truth - for those who can see. Those who can't see feel blind and angry at the apparent loss. 8th-from-8th = Sahaja bhava sibling = small group = communal process There is a natural required transformation of invisible reality and secret powers into pragmatic, daily mental practice in order to accomplish good communication. Secrets must be explained in practical teachings. Mangala-Mangala. Secretive. Mangala-Budha. Cranky and critical. |
positive, iconic identification with dharma, doctrine, philosophy, ideology, ultimate principles, credenda, father-figures, patrons, faith [Surya in-bhava-9] -- [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha] = = =
[Chandra in-bhava-9] -- [Chandra-Meena]
= = =
= = =
= = =
[Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
= = =
= = =
[Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-9th = Bhava 2 Bhava 9 positive, iconic identification with father = religion = Priestly Ritual = Human Communication with world of Spirit 'real' values = wealth NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs 6th- from there is a natural imbalance and animosity between the intangible values expressed in priestly ritual of bhava-9
versus the tangible, material values of bhava-2
Both dharma-bhava and dhana-bhava are good houses. The only difference = the Earth-bound values of dhana-bhava perish at death, while the more universal values of dharma-bhava persist across incarnations. These two worlds of value do compete for the resource of the native 's earthly time, and therein lies the 'conflict'r. erosion of trust due to"bad advice" (6th = 12th from 7th) about religious worship, university scholarship, global travel (9). Agency of the wrong advice = indicated by any graha in 2. For example, chandra in 2 might indicate that the mother is a source of unbalanced advice regarding one's scholarly, theological or philosophical endeavors. 8th-from-9th = [Bhava 4] home = foundations = security there is a natural required transformation of the guru-father's domain - communication with peoples different from us, those who do not share our customs, do not Own thingsand often do not have bodies -- translating from the human world to the spiritual world and back - - into the goddess-mother's domain - loving relationships between people very similar to us, detailed practices for how to own things, for managing our lands and kinship, sustaining emotional and physical security in our familiar world ruled by our mother, Earth. The 4 = 9 transformation is an endless negotiation of two essential but incommensurable worlds. Each apparent loss of physical = emotional security followed by a gain in 'yang' creative spiritual wisdom which forces a return to the 'yin' world of security and ownership under the Great Mother. Bhava-4 and bhava-9 are both fortunate amsha, conferring security (4) and wisdom (9). This ongoing transformation is part and parcel of the human condition, and with skill can be deeply enjoyed. |
Guru-Shukra. Not an easy imbalance to manage,
as two sources of fortune dislike each other but one wants both of course.
There is a natural animosity between the native and the family history. Lack of harmony between the life purpose of the native and the lineage values-fulfillment of the family culture. The inherent energetic animosity creates a cycle of chronic illness or discomfort while one is growing up inside the family bounds. There may be implicit or explicit arguing (6) in the family, especially between the parents. Food (2) or drink (2) may be a contentious issue. The discomfort resolves when one goes to university (9) or into temple culture (9) undertakes world travel (9) or other suitable dharma (9) that liberates the native from servitude to the family. Guru-Chandra. Mixed relationship with the parents, who tend to be more conservative and security focused than this globe-trotting native. Parental fixity upon the land, the good-behavior approach to schooling, the immediate ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, = frustrating to a world-knowing lagnesha in dharma bhava. Parents and the mother's lineage in particular suffer from parochialism which constrains and possibly even paralyzes their access to broader wisdom Parental limits which pinch the native 's sense of philosophical truth include the ethnic religion, and the parents or local-culture habit of confusing ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms with true religion. Nevertheless, there is tolerance in this combination. The parents are accepted as precious servants (6) whose loving labors have facilitated the native 's birth into present priestly roles. One feels affectionate and accepting even while chomping at the cultural bit. |
Lagnesha occupies bhava- 10 Leadership [Surya-10] -- [Surya-Urisha] -- [dikbala]
[Chandra-10] -- [Chandra-Mesha]
[Mangala-10] -- [Mangala-Singha]
= = =
[Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha] -- [dikbala] -- [Ruchaka Yoga]
[Budha-10] [Budha-Meena] -- [nīcha]
[Shani-10] [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
= = =
Leadership -
Reputation - Iconic Roles
Socially recognized
personality identification
[akashic memory patterns] duty = legislative = regulatory = institutional = law profession = social Authority = Prestige = dignity = Public Life Shani-Budha One may be a captain of industry or an important leader in a hierarchical social order. One is powerfully identified with a respected, visible, directing social role in 'big business'. Small business the day-to-day, often invisible, back office task labor which spins the wheels of commerce = the portfolio of bhava-3.
Large-scale , wide-influence decisions such as are made by those at the top of a hierarchy are usually in conflict with the daily interests of the small-scale , detailed and task-specific concerns of the office worker. When too much focused on tactical details from the small picture, the big picture loses strategic power . One must generally choose to see either the forest or the trees. One may be socially identified (lagnesha) with the big picture and may naturally resent being dragged into conflict with what seem like petty concerns of the smaller scale mental processes of individual tasks.
As usual, The devil is in the details. This is a Shani-Budha conflict which not too severe because there is no big egoic-mind membrane involved. Managing (not resolving) it requires extending one's leadership awareness (10) into the realm of the daily task officer (3) and maintaining respect for the tasks of petty administration even while not appropriating those concerns into one's own scope of decision-making. Shani-Surya. A learning-challenge intractable conflict as personal egoic-mind membrane of creative intelligence collides with the duties and responsibilities of public office. NATURAL CONFLICT ZONEs 6th- from Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-10th = Bhava 3 sibling = small group = communal process There is a natural animosity between the larger, national or international scale of leadership and the smaller communal or tribal unit. Global vs. local. The greater dignity applies to the better house, which is karma-sthāna. Undoubtedly, local affairs drain away energy for grand scale leadership; meetings and business procedures leech the grand structural vision; petty affairs consume the power of great leaders everywhere. CHILDREN 6/8 -from-10 = Bhava 5 children = fame = Downside potential EXAMPLE Guru lagnesha occupies 6th-from-5, and putrasthāna = highly egocentric. Contentious or accusing relationship to eldest child. EXAMPLE EXAMPLE
occupies bhava-11
= = =
= = =
= = =
[Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]
positively identified with large-scale assemblies, fund-raising, economic gains, community networks positive, iconic personality identification with matters of Bhava 11 such as economic gainfulness and profits = associative and distributive systems = knit-net-knot = marketplace = networks = interconnected communities Shani-Chandra may be emotionally draining but it will stabilize except for the Shani-Chandra bhukti which can be miserable. Shani-Budha. Can be managed by planning and programming. Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-11th = [Bhava 4] home = foundations = security There is a natural animosity between the large-scale connectivity of the marketplace, mingling among peoples with many different customs, versus the sheltered, culturally homogenous, emotionally protected home environment-4 wherein everyone was raised to follow one set of rules: mother's rules-4. 8th-from-11th = Bhava 6 imbalance = Shortages = enemies = disease There is a crisis of transformative destruction starting from Labhasthāna's robustly gainful free market spiraling downward to Ari Bhava's tightly policed, weak, exploitive, impoverished victim state. 8th-from Labha's peak speculative creativity of negotiation (11th = 5th-from-7th, peak creativity of balancing) shows the terrible underbelly of capital markets: Ari's world of master-slave exploitation. In order to return to balanced health, the crisis cycle must end with another jump of 6th-from-6th. As always, 6th-from-6th imbalances the imbalance by returning to 11, throwing the energy forward to a state of social equilibrium, characterized by openness to new ideas and opportunity for all. |
Lagnesha occupies bhava-12 visionary undertakings = spiritual guidance = private prayer = bedroom matters = meditation = Sleep = magic [Surya occupies bhava-12] -- [Surya-Karkata]
[Chandra occupies bhava-12] -- [Chandra-Mithuna] [Mangala-12 [
[Mangala-Meena] -- [Sarala Yoga]
[lagnesha] -- [Guru in bhava-12]
[Shukra occupies bhava-12] -- [Harsha Yoga]
positive , iconic personality identification with matters of Bhava 12 such as privacy, dreams = meditation = Sanctuary = Subconscious = private worlds Guru-Surya. Barely a noticeable conflict. Guru-Shukra. Not an easy imbalance to manage, as two sources of fortune -- private prayer vs. shared wealth of marriage -- dislike each other. Yet one wants both sources of happiness of courser. Expected conflict, accusations, imbalance expressed via the agency of 6th-from-12th = Bhava 5 = agents of conflict may be children = politicians = game-players = royal or celebrity figures = romantic ideals = those seeking fame As any parent will testify, there is a natural animosity between private peace of the adult bedroom and meditative sanctuary, versus the boisterous, effusive, loud, and infinitely demanding energy of children. Although spirits in young bodies are delightful in their own way, they definitely are the enemy of grown-up peace and quiet :) Just so, fame and speculation, all that glitters, including literary creativity and the full range of life's fascinating psychodrama - all matters of putrasthāna -are the natural enemies of deep inner sanctuary. 8th-from-12th = Bhava 7 marriage = agreements There is a natural required transformation of the private, inner world of personal subconscious dream and fantasy, into the conversational interactive partnership of marriage and business agreements. The crisis involves learning to live in two worlds. This is always The message of 8th-from: there are many levels of reality. The skillful observer of self and other who can define the various domains clearly, can negotiate the realms. They know when to apply the rules of their private world and when to acknowledge the world of their partner. The less skillful, or those with strong planets in relative shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle s, will find themselves angry and frustrated when they try to use rules from a private world in a shared psychic space, or vice versa. |
QUOTATION Das commentary WRT Chandra-Guru = 6 = 8 [Moon is in 6 from Jupiter or Moon is in 8 from Jupiter] "The Moon and Jupiter are sixth or eighth from each other. This shows, that you do not have a very happy relationship with Jupiter, which tends to cause you to take the wrong decisions in life. There will be times when you lose your fortune temporarily, and then regain it later. There may at the same time be some blemish on your reputation. It may seem to happen over and over like some sort of repeating tormenting situation in life." |
QUOTATION from Dalai Lama , Answers: Discussions with Western Buddhists. edited by Jose Ignacio Cabezon " Now, you see, world peace through mental peace is an absolute. It is the ultimate goal. But as for the method, there are many factors that must be taken into consideration. Under a particular set of circumstances, acertain approach may be useful while under other circumstances another may be useful. This is a very complicated issue which compels us to study the situation at a particular point of time. We must take into account the other side's motivation, etc., so it is a very complex matter.
Therefore, the important thing is peace. But how do we achieve peace? Is it done through hatred, through extreme competition, through anger? It is obvious that through these means it is impossible to achieve any form of lasting world peace.
The clear, genuine realization of the oneness of all mankind is something important. It is something we definitely need. Wherever I go, ialways express these views." [end quote] |
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[How Readings Work] -- [Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation] -- [Seva] |
file update = 02-Feb-2025
Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |