

Writing and Publishing




Influenced by

Hesse was a patient of the esoteric psychiatrist

  • Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung

born three months after


Siddhartha author Hermann Hesse in mid-life




anti-Nazi activist

1946 Nobel Prize for Literature

narratives of occult themes + relationship psychology + spiritual apprehension

Hermann Karl Hesse

Earth-birth Monday 02-Jul-1877

demagnetization 09-Aug-1962 [age 85]

And he said to them,

"Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven

is like a master of a house,

who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Gospel of Matthew, ch. 52 [International Standard Version]


mystical novelist

essayist - painter - vocalist

writer of anti-Nazi articles

1946 Nobel Prize for Literature


Hermann Hesse

birthdata from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Hesse

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Nativity


Yoni - Bhagadaivata - Prakphalguni - Arjuni


For Purvaphalguni - Yoni - births of a masculine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, arranging, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome.

Due to the definitive influence of kalatra-karaka Shukra, gentlemen born into the realms of Bharani - Yamya, Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī, or Pūrvāṣāḍhā may find that their worldview is greatly shaped by the character of the feminine companions.

For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Vutavabana, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, contracts, bargains, sensual pleasures, lovers, artistic beauty, luxurious scents, treasuries, financial arrangements, and music , may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Zosma. Their purpose is to dramatize, glamorize, and politicize the grand theatrical values of creative life.

Diplomatic charm

[Sweetly Suave Shukra] -ruled Purvaphalguni gentlemen are often found in the sparkling bright worlds of politics , romantic idealism, entertainment, speculative finance, and spectator sports. Yoni-born chaps often display a thick mane of leonine hair and a charming sense of humor.

They are happiest when enjoying a choreographed sport, playing music, dancing with agility and grace, or performing a richly costumed dramatic role for an appreciative audience, delighted by spectacle and applause, they glitter and smile at parties, political campaigns, gambling and games..

Depending upon the placements of dhanakaraka Shukra and dhana=pati Budha, the Purvarjuni-born may also excel in financial showmanship, bargaining toward a political or commercial agreement, and the high drama of romantic relationships.

Like all Shukra-governed births, bhagadaivata-born must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol. Political success depends upon the charisma of lagnesha Surya. Financial success depends upon the dual-dhanakaraka Shukra and Budha.

Themes of political celebrity, lavish musical entertainments, arts and fashion, and financial agreements may contextualize Pubba's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra-Purvaphalguni.

QUOTATION Pūrvaphalgunī

from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra. p 83

" A physical rather than a mental type.

  • A healthy constitution

  • not given to worry or anxiety regarding the problems of living.

He must guard against impulsiveness

since he is apt to to act without sufficient thought

  • and as a result he makes many mistakes

  • which are difficult to rectify

  • and which may be disastrous .

He is very active physically and will be proficient at various sports

  • reveling in the joy of mere action,

  • even purposeless action.

These people seem never to rest and are constantly in motion.

  • As soon as they have finished one thing they start on another,

  • frequently doing several things at a time."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Hermann Hesse in 1940's


Dutch National Archives


Hermann Hesse undated, elder


Biographical data matched to Vimshottari Dasha Calendar

[Guru Mahadasha] [age birth until age 2.3]

Mon-02-Jul-1877 Earth-birth in Calw, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany 48°43′N 8°44′E * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha

1878 until 1881 Janma Sade-Sati Meena

  • [8-initiations, captivating secrets, tantra. camouflage, hidden relationships, undisclosed assets]
  • [age 1 until age 4]

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 2.3 until age 21.3]

1891 [HKH age 13] pushed by his father, HKH enters the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Maulbronn Abbey for priestly training. Although academically successful, HKH = deeply unhappy there. * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 12-enclosures, seclusion

May-1892 [HKH age 14] adolescent suicide attempt * Shani-Mangala bhukti * [Pūrvābhādra-Shani-yuti-Mangala-Varuna] Shani rogesha

1893 [HKH age 15] following several types of institutionalization by his parents, including mental homes and boys' reformatory, HKH passed the one-year exam, which marked the end of his formal education * Shani-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-7 completion of contract

Oct-1895 [HKH age 17] begins work at the Heckenhauer Bookshop in Tübingen * Shani-Rahu bhukti

1895 [HKH age 17] teenage HKH begins to read the works of Friedrich Nietzsche, whose philosophical dualities eventually shaped Hesse's own work * Shani-Rahu bhukti

[Budha Mahadasha] [age 21.3 until age 38.3]

1900 [HKH age 22] first travels outside homeland - to Italy * Budha-Budha svabhukti * Budha rules 7th-from-Chandra = travels

24-Apr-1901 [HKH age 25] grieved the bio-decease of mother, following her long and painful illness. Young Hesse refuses to attend her funeral. He enters an extreme depression * Budha-Ketu bhukti * Ketu abandonment

1904 [HKH age 26] becomes a recognized writer [Budha] , after success of Peter Camenzind . This novel became popular throughout Germany and was praised by Sigmund Freud * Budha-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 3-publications

02-Aug-1904 [HH age 27]

MB age 36] consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with the pioneer photographer, Maria "Mia" Bernoulli - 8-yrs his senior* Budha-Shukra bhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha-Kumbha contact natal R-K

09-Dec-1905 [HKH age 27] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Budha-Chandra bhukti * Soma rules 5th-from-Chandra + + janma Sade-Sati

Apr-1907 until Jul-1909 Janma Sade-Sati Meena

  • [8-initiations, captivating secrets, tantra. camouflage, hidden relationships, undisclosed assets]
  • [age 31-34]

1911 [HKH age 33] with three young children living in his rural home, HKH decides to take an extended tour of Indonesia and Sri Lanka * Budha-Guru bhukti * Guru rules 8 catastrophe, identity-change ++ janma Sade-Sati

[Ketu Mahadasha] [age 38.3 until age 45.3]

08-Mar-1916 [HKH age 39] grieved decease of father * Ketu-Ketu svabhukti

fall-1916 [HKH age 39] writes the occult novel Demian, to be published in 1917 * Ketu-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 3-publications

1917 [HKH age 40] increasingly dissatisfied in marriage-1. His multi-month habitual absences [Ketu-1] have caused Mia to become overworked and isolated. In a marital counter-attack, HKH declares that Mia is schizophrenic. They separate. * Ketu-Surya bhukti * Surya rules 6th-from-Chandra = emotional distress

1918 [HKH age 41] mental health dissociation, treated by Carl Jung * Ketu-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-7 prestige relationships

1919-1920 [HKH age 44] following 18 years of marriage , divorce-1 from alliance-1 with Mia Bernoulli, [Rahu cycle] . * Ketu-Rahu bhukti * Shani-yuti-Rahu] Shani rogesha

1921 [HKH age 45] following contentious divorce-1 from Mia Bernoulli, HKH severs connection with the family he produced, and abandons his three sons. The children are flung into homes of relatives * Ketu-Shani bhukti * Shani rogesha hostility, unfair actions

[Shukra Mahadasha] [age 45.3 until age 65.3]

  • [Shukra-Karkata] -- [Shukra-12]

  • HKH literary star began to rise in late 1922 = onset of Shukra-Shukra svabhukti = Shukra rules 3-publishing + 10-reputation contains ātmakāraka Budha-Urisha + Shukra rules 10th-navamsha contains Guru-Urisha.

1922 [HKH age 46] publication of the celebrated mystical novel, Siddhartha * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti = Shukra rules 3-publishing + 10-reputation contains ātmakāraka Budha-Urisha + Shukra rules 10th-navamsha contains Guru-Urisha.

1922 [HKH age 46] first meeting with editor-cataloger [3] Ninon Auslander * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti

Oct-1923 until Jan-1926 Shani ashtamsha via Tula

  • [age 47-50]
  • [via 3-writing, handcraft, editing, publication, commerce]

1923 [HKH age 47] obtains Swiss citizenship * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules 8th-from-Chandra = identity-change

11-Jun-1924 [HKH age 47] consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with 20-year-younger famed singer and painter, Ruth Wenger * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha-Kumbha contact natal R-K

Apr-1927 [HKH age 51] following three years of marriage with multiple extended separations, formal divorce-2 ends HKH union with celebrated singer Ruth Wenger, at her insistence * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 12 = 6th-from-7 adversarial to marriage-vow

1927 [HKH age 51] publication of Steppenwolf . This novel became regionally popular, and it is still is one of HKH's most recognized titles. * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 5th-from-Chandra celebrated famous works

Nov-1931 [HKH age 55]

NA age 36] as the Nazi persecution of Jews gains vicious momentum, consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Ukrainian Jewish art historian, Ninon Auslander [b. 18-Sep-1895 in Czernowitz, Ukraine] HKH had Swiss citizenship. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ R-K gochara Meena-Kanya contact Chandra-Meena


Feb-1937 until Apr-1939 Janma Sade-Sati Meena

  • [8-initiations, captivating secrets, tantra. camouflage, hidden relationships, undisclosed assets]
  • [age 61-64]

[Surya Mahadasha] [age 65.3 until age 71.3]

01-Jan-1943 [HKH age 67] during peak wartime, HKH issued a Swiss-only publication of Das Glasperlenspiel = The Glass Bead Game, Magister Ludi. This novel becomes extremely popular and gets translated into other languages. Later scholars will consider Magister Ludi to be Hesse's masterwork. At this point, HKH stops writing new material. * Surya-Surya svabhukti * Surya lagnesha

1946 [HKH age 70] awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature. Although the ailing Hesse sent a printed acceptance speech, he did not travel to Stockholm to deliver a speech nor to accept the prize. [Ketu absence] * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 11- awards for work accomplished

[Chandra Mahadasha] [age 71.3 until age 81.3]

Nov-1952 until Nov-1955 Shani ashtamsha via Tula

  • [age 77-80]
  • [via 3-writing, handcraft, publication, commerce]

[age 81.3 until decease age 85]

09-Aug-1962 [HKH age 85] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via cerebral hemorrhage following leukemia * Mangala-Budha bhukti * maraka Budha rules-2


  • [In May 1963, Mia Bernoulli died.]
  • [Ruth Wenger lived until her age 97]
Distinctive features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Surya's transactional dramatizing, instructional entitlement , collaborative demonstration

[bright center of networked commerce]

[focus of community conversation]

[usually the self-identified goal-oriented eldest child]

[managing father may profitable shopkeeper, friendly teamworker, assembly announcer]


[imaginative-charitable Arudra-4] [navamsha Surya-Meena] intuitively confident global visionary imagination

  • [Surya-Mithuna] [Mithra - neighbor, companion ] * brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the conversational gesturing rashi of Budha

  • [Surya in bhava-11] center of community * genius for associative systems * radiates through the gridwork * entitled to work-and-earn * network intelligence * focus on interlinked ecologies * uniquely creative marketplace revenues * exemplifies knotting-netting-knitting connectivity * distributed light * eye on friendships * celebrated by crowds * sparkling star of social-economic drama* goal-oriented father may be earner, socialite, electrician, group-organizer


self-reflexively interlinked, brightly connected, charmingly friendly, regal style of maintaining community, intelligently goal-focused, creatively independent earnings, radiantly achieving, politically networked, splendidly associative, center-stage socialite icon [Surya in bhava-11] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity



Simha indriya lagna = 6th-from-Chandra, contains Ketu-1

  • unacknowledge emotional distress produces dissociation, headaches, depression


Dad was a religious missionary [11, outreach] known for the distinctive verbal charisma of his sermons and written moral tracts. Dad was a bookseller and publisher [Surya in bhava-11] -- [Surya-Mithuna]

Although working for an evangelical mission based in Germany, dad was of Russian ancestry.

Pitrikaraka Surya


  • Dad had been widowed, and Hermann was a child of dad's second marriage to HKH's beautiful mother [2nd-from-Surya] .

Hesse recounted his father to be a difficult and largely inaccessible man. [12]

  • HKH's own alcoholism occupies the paternal Surya-12-Guru-6 axis.

Budha the ruler of Surya occupies 12th-from-Surya

  • Russian-born and Russian-speaking, dad = foreigner.
  • Dad served as a religious foreign missionary for the first decades of his career. [10th-from-Surya = 8, identity-change, conversion, baptism, spiritual initiation]

In modern terms, dad might have been considered exhausted, withdrawn, or depressed [ruler of Surya in 12th-from-Surya] .

HKH recounted his father as difficult of access and socially distant.

  • However, dad's bookstore-and-publishing business - combined with his scholarly maternal grandfather's rich academic library -- gave HKH extraordinary invitation to vast literary worlds

After many years of church-work [and perhaps a bit of espionage] dad acquired ownership of a publishing bookstore Surya-Mithuna in Germany.

  • HKH was immersed in the world of literature and the mechanics of publication since early childhood

Dad was older and already retired from his first career when Hermann was born into dad's second marriage.

Guru in 7th-from-Surya shows two-or-more unions for the father

  • , and Hermann experienced his family as a disconnected lineage
  • The total effect is paternal neglect.

Importantly, the very experience of difficulty connecting [Ketu] with an empowered but unloving dad provided an impetus toward Hesse's literary explorations of male-to-male relationships in unbalanced authority roles.

[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[Vimala Yoga]

[retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's imaginative feelings, visionary rhythms, wholistic sensibilities

[identified with transformative symbolic understanding]

[intuitive wholistic identity-change]

[soothed by periodic interior upheavals]

[needs protected meditation at rhythmic intervals]

[attuned to shocking dreamworld images]

[vague, all-one feelings may suddenly stop-and-start]

[essential need for sanctuary in-or-near water]

[anonymously charitable]

[at some juncture in the lifespan, old inner spiritual guidance utterly dies, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into a new comprehensive symbolic worldview]

[comfortable with disruptive cetacean influence]

[absorbs pulsing oceanic waves of subtle sound]

[anchored by ancestral inner guidance]

[inspirationally rejuvenating hallucinations]

[traumatized mother may be quietly moody]

[mother's contemplative grounding may fluctuate]

[clairsentient mother may seem secretly entranced, mysterious or unpredictable]


[defensive-rhythmic Pūrvābhādra-4] [navamsha Karkata Chandra ] intuitively sensitive ancestrally rhythmic worldview

[Pushkara Pada]

  • [Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary

  • [Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] soothed by expansive understanding * protectors of philosophical doctrine * preaches a broad perspective on human needs

  • [Chandra in classroom-8] comfortable with crisis * familiar with catastrophe * unpredictable mother * feels the pulse of cyclical rebirth * soothed by secrecy * consoled by calamity * sensitive to danger * revolutionary sentiment * accustomed to frequent upheaval * seeks deeply rhythmic initiation * acculturated to masked exploration * occult sensitivities * needs eruptive energies * nourished by non-disclosure * emotionally attuned to trauma * undulating shakti-shocks * mother may be a mystic, healer, concealer, agent of disguise


[Vimala Yoga]

sentimentally undisclosing, emotionally secretive, caretaker in dangerous situations, needs chaotic feelings, securely grounded through disastrous upheaval, anchored into sudden emergency response, sensitive to disguised dependencies, protected by camouflaged assets, sense of having hidden empowerments [Chandra in classroom-8] rules

  • 12 - enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy,interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


  • [folk reputation 10th-from-Chandra = creatively entitled, celebrated, literary, artistic-performance, inspirational optimistic dogmatic Dhanus-5]


HKH proceeded upon a lifetime exploration [8] of the psychic depths, tantric secrets, and dangerous associations

  • Hesse did not defy conventional identities. Rather, he pushed their capabilities to the limit. Having dangerously (8) sacrificed [8] his emotional balance in order to have mystical experiences, his narrative then morphed into new relationship, recovered identity, temporary rebirth

HKH wrote primarily about modern themes of psychological trauma and healing at the level of deeply personal experience [Chandra-8]

Meena themes of spiritual consciousness and meditation, including long journeys through Other Worlds

  • In an industrialized world that had become externally dangerous and intermittently meaningless, HKH's works collectively represented the cult spiritual interiority of the postwar generation in N. America and Europe. [Meena-8]


Marie Gundert (1842-1902)

[Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] -- [Chandra in classroom-8]

Mom was a second-generation evangelical Pietist missionary

According to https://hesse.projects.gss.ucsb.edu/life/jennifer.html

  • Hesse's mother was born in Talatscheri, India. Mom = the daughter of the Pietist Missionary and Malayam grammarian Indologist, Hermann Gundert of Stuttgart (1814-1892)

Mom was abandoned in Europe at the age of four, so that her parents could return unencumbered to their urgent Pietist evangelical mission in Malayam-speaking South India.

She developed mood-dysregulation and abandonment terror consistent with modern Borderline PD traits. This pattern may result in mothers who harm their own children.

Chandra rules Shukra-12

Despite her emotional volatility, mom was a poet. She instilled a love of art and music into young HKH. His childhood talent for rhyming was considered evidence of the family gift for speech and song. [his dhana-pati Budha-Urisha-10, ruled by Shukra]

exceptionally fraught - yet publicly undisclosed [8] relationship with Mother

HKH had three surviving younger siblings, but none of his siblings seem to have publicly complained about harmful conduct of their mother. Certainly in their piously shunning culture, it was disrespecrful to mention parental misbehavior. Chandra

[8] maintains camouflage.

Yet HKH was beset by a lifelong cycle of intense need for affection that boomeranged into violent rejection of the beloved. His writing was immensely enriched by his emotional agony, but personally the path was painful.

  • When his mother died, HKH was in Germany not far away.
  • However, he refused to attend her funeral.


  • [bandesha Mangala + orthodox Shani + unorthodox Rahu]
  • [Kumbha networks] contains rulers of 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + Rahu

HKH's parents were both overseas Christian missionaries, whose doctrinal salvation-conversion [8] programming targeted Malayam communities of South India. According to HKH, his parents were deeply committed to their ethno-religious outreach work

By modern standards, HKH parents were abusive.

However, Chandra-8 shows how they operated behind the mask of religious sanctity.

HKH was thrust into mental and emotional turmoil [Soma-8] by his struggles against his parent's fear-of-hell doctrinal absolutism [Mangala + Shani + Rahu] and their punitive restrictions [Shani rogesha]

  • Early in his teenage life, young Hermann outgrew his parents' dogmatic moralizing catechism. [unorthodox Rahu]
  • His parents forced him to attend priestly training seminary

he hated it, and attempt suicide [12 ruled by Chandra-8]

  • his parents then imprisoned the teenager, locking him into mental institutions and boys reformatory detention schools
  • During Shani-Rahu bhukti age 15-17, HKH ended his formal education, went to work in a bookstore, and cast off the parental shackles

Following Mom's liberation from the Earthen-body [HKH age 25] HKH plunged him into a vast depression. He refused to attend her funeral.

HKH unresolved grief from the childhood trauma caused by his volatile, mood-disordered mom then provoked the alcoholism always lurking within Shukra-12 phantoms. [Chandra rules 12]


a foundational support

9th-from-Chandra = 4 = stability, education, cultural foundations, church, ethno-national worship ; Vrischika conversions, spiritual initiation, baptism, rebirth

HKH's maternal grandfather Hermann Gundert held a Ph.D. [4, schooling] Grand-dad wrote a Malayam grammar for missionaries, and translated some German religious texts into Malayam.

  • HKH had free rights to plunder grandfather's library, which was contained both intellectual treatises and storytelling books representing world literature.
  • Despite HKH leaving formal studies at his age 15, grandfather's library allowed HKH to become widely read in classical humanities and saturated with the spiritual transformation lore of India

    [8] which would later infuse his mystical novels.

MARRIAGES partnership emotional equity support expectationsequity support expectations

HKH was married three times and twEach of his three lifepartners were women of professional accomplishment. ] Rahu-7 marries up]

  1. a pioneering trained photographereering trainea celebrated theatrical singer
  2. a respected art historian

Although he expressed frequent dissatisfaction with the married state [Shukra-12] HKH generally accounted the third alliance - avowed his age 55 -- as his happiest.


lifepartnership-1-of-3 = Maria Bernoulli

Maria lived 7-Aug-1868 in Basel unti[18-yr marriage with HKH = 1904-1923]

  • bhava-2 family heritage, traditional knowledge, finance - ruled by respected Budha-10
  • Kanya helpfulness, servitude, assistance, health imbalance

Maria "Mia" Bernoulli descended from the distinguished mathematical Bernoulli family = Budha-10

MB was a professionally trained photographer and businesswoman, = Budha-10



  • suggests that HKH preincarnational plan seeks a feminine partner with a vivid imagination, maternal and protective of her children, yet also prone to withdrawal and isolation

Wifely health = Kanya

nine years elder to HKH, Mia quickly produced three sons in her late 30's. Kanya health-distress

HKH regularly left the family [his Ketu-1] for long adventures in distant lands, leaving Mia isolated, unsupported, and overworked. [Kanya]

  • She was usually upset when he returned. [Kanya]
  • Historians [especially feminine historians] generally conclude that during his first marriage, HKH behaved like a negligent, bullying, narcissistic husband.
  • Mia may have qualified as a BPD wife, to whom HKH was trauma-bond attracted due to his own BPD mother.

As a pretext for divorce within a judgmental, conservative social environment - and in a typical self-protective move for a NPD husband -- Hesse claimed that Mia was schizophrenic and psychotic.

However, Mia was primarily overworked, intensely criticised, and grossly neglected.

  • Her "breakdown" occurred only once, during the multi-year angry divorce from her admittedly self-obsessed and vindictive, alcoholic husband HKH.
  • Following their divorce settlement, mia behaved normally and enjoyed a happy life .

Having been mainly an absentee father [Surya rules Ketu-1 + pitrikaraka Mangala-Shani-Rahu] , after divorce HKH fully abandoned his wife-and-children.

8th-from-7th-from-Chandra-8 = [2nd-from-Chandra] [lifepartner-2-of-3 = celebrated singer Ruth Wenger

  • In 1924, HKH quickly remarried during Shukra-Shukra svabhukti
  • HKH was himself an aspiring singer
  • bhava-9 celebrated artistic performance, creativity
  • Mesha energy, forward-motion, vigor, conquest
  • The union was short-lived. RW returned to her structured performance lifestyle

8th from [Shukra-12] = bhava-7 contains

suggests that the pre-incarnational plan confers harmonizing and gracious arrangements into the second wifely-companion

naturally, Ruth Wenger's profession as a celebrated singer involved musical arrangements and lyrical grace

  • in addition, although it was she who mandated the divorce, RW did so as pleasantly as possible in a time-period when divorce caused great social stigma to both husband and wife
  • she explained that he would not, and she could not [due to her performance schedule] spend enough time together to build a marriage.

HKH was thrust again into a traumatized state of mind, asserting that although they had been intimate, they had never been authenticly connected [Shani-7] .

In 1928, HKH wrote a poem Einer einstigen Geliebten about RW: Considering the intense planetary population of Kumbha-bhava-7, it is more likely that he is writing not to his second wife, but to himself.

"You celebrated the Sacrament with me,

but lust appeared to you along with love,

therefore you did not unveil me.

You never revealed to me the anxious riddle of your being and confiding in love,

You always remained a mystery to me."


lifepartner 3-of-3 = German-speaking Ukranian-born art historian Ninon Auslander


HKH met Ninon Auslander in 1922. Soon after his 1927 divorce from Ruth Wenger, HKH moved in with Ninon.

during Shukra-Rahu bhukti in 1931, [HKH age 54]

NA age 36] they married.

  • bhava-4 stability, security, familiar routines, household, cultural foundations
  • Vrischika initiation, transformation, sudden revelation, exploration, discovery

According to HKH, his third marriage was the most stable [4]

3rd from Shukra-12 = historian

  • bhava-2 assets, collections, curation, warehousing, libraries, catalogs
  • Kanya service, ministry, helpfulness, youth [NA 20 yrs his junior]

Ninon Auslander collected notes, drafts, paintings, letters, and other items from HKH's historic literary and fine-arts oeuvre

She created a catalog of his works, and comprehensively managed his estate including manuscripts, correspondence, copyrights, licenses, contracts

  • They lived happily with a degree of secrecy [Vrischika] .
  • With NA's quietly able assistance, HKH won the Nobel Prize for Literature, his age 70.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]

[Yogakaraka homebound-securing bandesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka doctrinal-believing dharmesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Kuja's disciplined community-connections, systematic engineering, economic forward-push


[imaginative-guiding Varuna-4] [navamsha Mangala-Meena] intuitively competitive forward-pushing championship envisioning innovation


[ Varuna-Kuja-yuti-Rahu-Varuna]

  • [Mangala-Kumbha] vigorous community activism * warrior for economic progress * proactive linking * push toward regulated systems * pursues profitable roles * spearhead of mass interconnectivity * futuristic thrust * dominating energy in social networking * conquest of marketplace interactions * champion of distributed associations

  • [Mangala in bhava-7] drive toward bargaining * pursuit of agreement * impatient with stagnant arrangements * invasive negotiation * pushy partners * diplomatic dynamics * energized contracts * innovative conquests * pushes toward liaison * invigorates alliances

  • [Kuja-yuti-Shani] repressed movements * constant tension between sexual energy vs social rules * dynamic structuring * competitive force must cooperate with disciplined hierarchies * potential for punitive reactions to change * required containment of natural forces * military officer * musculo-skeletal challenges.

  • [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] thrill of muscular action * competitive ambition * passion to win * fascinating physicality * compulsive drive toward heroic battle * dynamic desires * champion of culture-clash * forward thrust toward opportunity * forceful pursuit of privilege


competitive bargaining, self-promoting negotiator, pursues agreements, aggressive match-making, dynamic adjustment, fights for justice, forward-pushing diplomacy, conquering warrior in relationships, dominating advocacy, pro-active work in lawcourts, energetically innovative arrangements, champion of pioneering new harmonies [Mangala in bhava-7] rules

[Yogakaraka ]

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health


Mangala rules Mesha-9 Arudha lagna priesthood, professors, patriarchs

[Yogakaraka] -- [Mangala in bhava-7]

Kumbha-7 contains rulers of 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + Rahu

[Kuja-yuti-Rahu] = amplified yogakaraka 4-9, ethnic foundations, celebrated creativity

Ruler of 4 located in 4th-from-4

  • Eventually, stability. He built a home in Italy in middle age, stayed there almost entirely in the second half of life, and often professed his love for the place.
  • gardener, ancient ethnic sensibilities

HKH success = both exhilarating [Rahu] and exhausting [Shani] due to the impact of social structures upon the individual consciousness.

writer on student-teacher relationships,

HKH's literary characters were primarily young men [Mangala] involved in competition, inner discovery, often via complex relationships with other young menfolk [Kuja] . A common configuration = older tutor with younger student,

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

[historical-evaluating dhanesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[profitable-friendly labha-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Budha's sensual discourse, enriching information, musical instructions

DHANAYOGA Budha rules 2-11


[calculating-strategic Mriga-2] [navamsha Budha-Kanya-uchcha] intuitively explaining narrative of imbalanced, logical situations

[ātmakāraka writing, publication, articulation, announcement, instructions, description]

  • [Budha-Urisha] financial communications * articulation of tonal value * talks about stored goods * discusses collected assets * delivers descriptive evaluations * sends historic messages * skillfully signals the music * preservation methods * describes sound frequencies * hands-arms-shoulders send sensual gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-10] communications publicity * narrative of leadership * makes official pronouncements * describes social responsibilities * conversations about policy decisions * prominent spokesperson * talks about maintaining order * explainer of governance * detailed executive announcements * delivers lawful information * chats about social authority * scripted hierarchical management methods * dignified sibling-cohort * reputation for writing


talkatively authoritative, recognizable in media advertising, executive instructions, publicly explains orderly social process, chief organizational spokesperson, verbally commanding, skillfully describes regulation, governance by collaboration [Budha in bhava-10] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, treasury containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


stable and economically advantageous Budha activates bhava-11 friendships, community = the patriotic, nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning [4th-from-Chandra]

[ātmakāraka ] Budha-the-Writer occupies = collaborative, communicating 3rd-from-Chandra

  • = writing, publication, dialog
  • detailed critiques of Nazi programming,
  • argumentation encased in fictional narratives,
  • precision of psycho-logical descriptive language
  • widely-praised novels and political essays

Budha rules Kanya 7th-from-Chandra

  • analytical exploration of psychic exchange within relationships

Money-maker Budha rules 11 + 2.

Budha = super-earner from writing, publication, translation, reprints

  • Except for a teenage job, working as a clerk in a bookstore, HKH never did any other job except write for publication.

Hesse's father [Surya-Mithuna-11] owned a publishing company.

After a few early years working as a clerk in bookstores, HKH's earnings were derived exclusively via his own book sales.

  • His novels became popular favorites, and HKH was ultimately more financially successful than most authors in the German-language literary marketplace
  • 1946 Nobel Prize in Literature [11]

Budha rules kārakāmsha Kanya-2 storytelling, often themed by imbalance, exploitation, mistreatment, student-teacher relationships

Budha dominates in Shad-bala

navamsha-2 storytelling contains uchcha-Budha

  • Hesse lived in financially comfortable circumstances until age 85, earning himself entirely from publications.
  • However, wife-1-2 had independent income
  • he was never the sole provider for his family, and he spent most of his money on his craft and himself [Ketu-1]

in his early 60's, HKH stopped writing -- except for a few brief reflections on childhood. Yet his earnings continued, due to assistance from wife-3 Ninon Auslander

  • [Kanya-2 = 3rd-from-Shukra] NA assiduously catalogued [2, collections] his writings,
  • thus assuring that his literary contracts were honored.
  • Under Ninon Auslander's supervision, Hesse continued to earn from royalties as his books went into translation editions.

Virtually all of HKH's books are still in print, and his estate continues to collect revenues from new editions.

[Generous Growing Guru]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]


[witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[many philosophically expansive entitlements]

[growth of creative wisdom]


[historical-evaluating Mūla -2]

mūlatrikoṇa] [navamsha Guru-Urisha]

  • [Guru-Dhanus] much righteous philosophy * wide worldview * doctrine of inclusive diversity * broad scope of guidance * humanistic ideology * jovial principled outreach * permission to preach * expands the range of beliefs * understanding of multiple theories * generous priests * global beneficence * many sacred teachings

  • [Guru in bhava-5] much creativity * many intelligences * many entitlements * numerous games * diverse entertainments * many romances * extensive self-glorification * children identified with paradigmatic beliefs * expansion of political display * development of drama * optimistic in speculations * patron of creative performance * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a game-player


abundantly celebrated, inspirationally center-stage, jovially entertaining, tolerant genius, globally creative, divinely guided gambling, confidently speculative, believes in romance, idealistic indoctrinator [Guru in bhava-5] rules

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin


[Guru-Dhanus] [historical-evaluating Mūla -2]

Randhresha = Guru expands a lifelong process of self-re-invention

Master of transformational Angst

  • HKH's literary reputation was based in his ability to describe profoundly meaningful philosophical amd interpersonal turbulence among educated persons of goodwill.

Vidya-pati = Abundant creative expression [5]

  • in addition to his literary career, HKH was a recognized fine-arts painter and a noted madrigal singer

  • HKH was an accomplished fine-arts painter and aspiring dramatic singer. He often commented that he would rather paint and sing romantic music than write.


Guru in bhava-5] occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, friendly, goal-oriented, socially-networked 10th-from-Chandra-Meena

5 drains the toxicity from 6

  • During a time of terrible war [6] while writing from neutral Switzerland, Hesse provided anti-dehumanizing German voice within the violent discourse of annihilation of enemies and race-hated.

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[busy-collaborative sahaja-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[dutiful-executive karmesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Shukra's undulating harmonies, familiar reciprocity,, soothing arrangements


[theatrical-displaying Pushya-1] [navamsha Shukra-Simha] intuitively harmonizing theatrical artistic performance

  • [Shukra-Karkata] values comforting routine * likes to nourish * attracted to settled habits * prefers a home-loving partner * taste for folk-lifestyle * appreciates farmers-and-fishers * pleased by secure borders * enjoys rhythmic seasons * adorns beautiful gardens * seeks balanced parenting arrangements * aesthetic of domestic sharing

  • [Shukra-12] seeks imaginative pleasure * private sensuality * values spiritually guided partnership * gracefully intuitive feminine-figures * agreeable sleep * visions of contemplative harmony * enjoys beautiful sanctuaries * aesthetic designs to adorn the feet * likes meditations * appreciation of Other Worlds * attracted to quiet spaces * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be contemplative-foreign-isolated-researcher


pleasantly meditative, aesthetically contemplative, privately sensual, seeking balanced invisible arrangements, musically intuitive, harmoniously researching, prefering luxurious bedrooms, wealth-via-contractual agreements, attracted to imaginative companions [Shukra-12] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility, top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director


Shukra rules Yoni-Svamsha = theatre, women, romance, artistic performance

bhava-3 mentality, manual craft, writing, publication, conversations, thinking

Shukra rules [Urisha 10th navamsha] Shukra-12 interiority rules 3-publishing ++ ruler Chandra-8 inner churning

loss of equity [12] in Relationships frames literary oeuvre of non-verbal [12] wholistic symbolic understanding [12]

suicidal in youth; in his meditative and hallucinative fictional dialogues, HKH focused on patterns of out-of-body meditation and trance [12]

HEALTH outcomes of relationship imbalance - both physical and marital

  • self-medicating alcoholism ++ dissatisfaction leading to divorces.
  • HKH struggled with alcoholism for his entire life.

Shukra-12 rules 3-

master of interior dialog in dreamlike, meditative, hallucinating environments. Fixated on the spiritual cultures of distant lands, especially India where his Mother was born.

His literary oeuvre contains mostly works about his early bargained friendships and their imbalances, including the Das Glasperlenspiel * Glass Bead Game [1943] for which Hesse won the 1946 Nobel Prize in Literature.

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]



[Śaśaka Yoga]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna]

[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna]

[conflicted, using legal means to achieve unfair results, mature, unyielding, systematic, economic, scientific, orderly lifepartner]


[communicative-publishing Pūrvābhādra-3] [navamsha Shani-Mithuna] intuitively ordering hierarchically structured normalizing communications



  • [Shani-Kumbha] heavy old economic systems * obliged to conform to marketplace rules * responsible scientific work * structural compression upon skin-nerves-ankles * mandatory electro-magnetic networking * regulated revenues * lawfully distributed earnings * must materialize past-to-future gridwork * must sustain lowest-common-denominator connections * proletarian communities * conventional friendships * elderly mentors * Slowly achieves social-material goals * scarce conductive resources * maintainer of old economies

  • [Shani in Bhava-7]

    beneficial placement] enduring partnerships * heavy vows * must balance-and-rebalance * lawful relationships * tense bargaining * grim determination to maintain the contract * chronic marital responsibilities * compression of the visible genitalia * pressured bargaining * negotiation fatigue * unyielding alliances * slow-moving advisors * resists new arrangements * elders maintain respected old promises

  • [Shani-yuti-Mangala] social resistance to competitive action * pragmatic pursuits * cautious innovation * limited pace of progress * championship winning = lawfully delayed - but not denied * physical discipline * constraints on instinctive movement * conventionally regulated sports * tension from contradictory push-pull impulses.

  • [Shani-yuti-Rahu] stiff social resistance to unbridled ambition * formally regulated cultural mixing * disciplined thrills * class-based limitations upon privilege * blocked ambitions * repressed quest for intriguing importance * socially constrained opportunism * shimmering illusion of systematic conformity * irregular achievements * over-reaching elders * restricted risks


formally promising, agreement-maintaining, rigidly contractual, alliance constricting, relationship regulating, orthodox marrying, conventionally matched, equitably responsible, systematically bargaining, trust-imposing, lawfully pledging, seriously oath-taking [Shani in Bhava-7] rules

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization

  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, contracts, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler


Kumbha-7 contains rulers of 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + Rahu

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]


[for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity

[Rahu-7 casts passionately bargaining Other-identified drishti into 11-1-3] [passion for profitably networked partnership]

[spouse may be extraordinarily connected with prestigious status or fascinating cultural background]

[seeks economic prestige via fruitfully unorthodox mate]

[instrumental contracts interlink gatherings of expedient association]


[conventional-ordering Varuna-2] [navamsha Rahu-Makara]



  • [Rahu-Kumbha] shimmering illusion of profitable webworks * over-reaching friendliness * mirage of knitted netting knotwork * fabulous marketplace associations * extraordinary electro-magnetic connections * intriguing ecologies * mask of lawfully interlinked systems * fascinating achievements * culturally mixed social networks * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] attributes of scientific futurism * extravagant assemblies * finds opportunity in economic distribution * craves community-linkage * seeks privilege via socialite-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-7] passion for prestige alliance = in svabhava of Suave Shukra, the Shadowy Specter seeks opportunistic arrangements = strategic use of the law-courts = expediently amplified bargains = extraordinary relationships = extravagant promises = outsider who cleverly insinuates into partnerships = astounding advisors = unorthodox negotiations = marvellous match-making = thrilling surge of brokered agreement = non-standard pacts = surprising legal loop-holes = exaggerated equity = entranced by one's own polarity = unusual exchange valuation = sweet mirage of fair treatment = enthralling mixed-culture treaties = may pose as an impartial counselor = disguised as a deal-maker = mesmerizing diplomacy = appears as a pleasant advocate = social mobility sought via convenient contracts

  • [Rahu-yuti-Mangala] amplified competition * magnified championship * exotic pursuits * tricky innovation * opportunistic brother-warriors * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] appearance of dynamic energy * hypnotic attack * passion for engines * craves hot movement * invasive force of cross-cultural mixing

  • [Rahu-yuti-Shani] amplified public formality * pragmatic exaggeration * exotic social conventions * slippery hierarchies * tricky rules * opportunistic elders * fascinating [but perhaps illusory] strict conformism * regulated risk-taking * hypnotic outsider insinuates normalcy * orderly cross-cultural mixing * thrilling legitimations


Kumbha-7 contains rulers of 4 + 6 + 7 + 9 + Rahu

HKH suffered highly complex lifetime nerve disorders

[Kumbha nerves skin] = [Shani-yuti-Rahu + [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] = battling impulses of competitive passion [Rahu, Kuja] vs. systematic order [Shani, Kumbha]

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[Simha indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[disregards romantic identity conventions]

[eccentric entitled movements]

[incoherently theatrical appearance]

[empty physicalized individual display]

[politically liberating disconnected behaviors]

[scattered game-playing personality]

[passively fixated on ambitiously profitable-interlinked Rahu-Kumbha risk-rewarding partner-advisers]


[rhythmic-protective Magha-4] [navamsha Ketu-Karkata]

  • [Ketu-Singha] brightly dissociates from creative performance * fragmented entertainments * meaningless display * eccentric intelligence * peculiar brilliance * not limited by celebrity roles * entitled martyrdom * ignores restriction on political opinion * releases a sparkling crimson cloud of divine charisma into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-1] eccentric expression of the fleshly container * apathetic observer personality * ambivalent toward kinetic movement * incoherent embodiment * other-defined chameleon * surrenders individual completeness * martyr witness to partner's vitality * identity depends upon Important Others [Rahu-7] * liberation via abdication of birthrights * unless other graha-in-1, may prefer to live free of independent selfhood


Simha creativity, entitlement, gambling-games, theatre, romance, children

HKH became a celebrated creative writer, specializing in themes of transformation, rebirth, spiritual collapse and rejuvenations

Ketu [1] = mutual exchange with Rahu+Shani+Mangala [7]

[Ketu-Singha] occupies the emotionally adversarial [6th-from-Chandra] .

[Ketu Mahadasha] [age 38.3 until age 45.3]

First marriage

[Ketu in classroom-1 Simha] = HKH's narcissistic lack of empathy [Ketu] and disengagement [Ketu] with partners.

  • HKH was a largely non-participating parent.
  • Marriage became a series of relentless marital cycles of negligent dismissal [Ketu] then psycho-physical attacks [Mangala] against Mia.
  • Eventually, HKH abandoned Mia Bernoulli with three young children in a rural home with no help, so that he could enjoy a creative boost [Simha] by travelling abroad.

1921 [HKH age 45] following the Ketu-Rahu bhukti, contentious divorce-1 from beaten-down Mia Bernoulli, HKH severs connection with the family he produced.

  • After HKH abandons his three sons, while Bernoulli suffers extreme distress [Kanya] the children are flung into homes of relatives * Ketu-Shani bhukti * Shani rogesha hostility, toxicity, unfair actions

Over the years, HKH maintained sporadic contact with his sons. Yet, due to HKH narcissism he expressed concern almost exclusively for himself and his own needs.

Second marriage

Alliance-2 endured for less than three years.. HKH insisted on living separately in a rural house, in order to ensure the quiet he needed for writing, gardening, and creative painting.

Frustrated by his lack of companionship and unwillingness to accommodate her singing performance schedule, wife-2 Ruth Wenger demanded a divorce due to his negligent disengagement. Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 12 = 6th-from-7 adversarial to marriage-vow

Third marriage

Third and final union with Ninon Auslander, 20 years his junior, during Shukra-Rahu bhukti. HKH had already stopped writing new creative material [Simha]

his age 55] With sufficient royalty income, HKH retreated into rural isolation. For the next 30 years, they lived quietly in Switzerland while NA comprehensively managed his literary estate [9th-from-Chandra = 4, estate] . When awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, HKH did not travel to accept the prize.


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