
Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha

Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga

Pari-vart-amsha Yoga




// re-vers-al of amounts //

Exchange of Signs between Two Planets

[Planet-A occupies the sign of Planet-B ** while simultaneously Planet-B occupies the sign of Planet-A.]

Types of Enhancement via Parivartamsha Exchange

Dainya Parivartamsha Yoga

  • one of the exchanges activates 6, 8, or 12

  • Rogesha exchange enhances the capabilities of medicine, military, or ministries of human service, via enrichment from the exchanging graha

  • Randhresha exchange enhances the capabilities of healing, sudden identity changes, interventions, and secret transformations, via enrichment from the exchanging graha

  • Vyayapati exchange enhances the capabilities of insight, private prayer, interior guidance, sanctuary space, and imagination, via enrichment from the exchanging graha

Kahala Parivartamsha Yoga

  • one of the exchanges activates-3

  • Sahaja-pati exchange with ruler of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11.

  • Expansion of capabilities for writers, publishers, announcers, media-messagers, managers, administrators, businesspersons, handlers of scripted information, communication specialists. Also boosts advertising, photography, cinema, radio-television-internet publishing, books, magazines, software programming, and ensemble teamwork.

Maha Parivartamsha Yoga

  • ruler of 1, 2, 4, 5, or 9 exchanges with 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 or 11

  • lagnesha exchange capabilities of the personality, appearance, and mobility are enhanced via contributions from the exchanging graha. Swap with karmesha

    [10] often produces a notable leader or visible public figure

  • dhanapati exchange the capabilities of the Collector [2] are enhanced via the empowerments of the exchanging graha. Swap with labhapati [11] = often remarkable financial acquisition

  • bandesha exchange capabilities of stability, security, property, schooling, farming, transport, cultural comforts [4] are enhanced via the empowerments of the exchanging graha

  • vidyapati exchange capabilities of children, creativity, speculation, amusement, and genius, are enhanced via the empowerments of the exchanging graha

  • dharmapati exchange capabilities of higher understanding, principled belief, scientific theory, global viewpoint, and access to sacred teachings, are enhanced via the empowerments of the exchanging graha


Parivartamsha vs.Mutual-Aspect

parivartamsha yoga involving Shukra

Case of Indira Gandhi = triple Parivartamsha = extraordinary ++ highly diverse results


Lordships of Kendra and Kona.

" If there be an exchange between a Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona,

  • or, if a Lord of a Kendra is yuti with a Lord of a Kona in a Kendra, or in a Kona,

  • or, if a Lord of a Kona is in a Kendra, or vice versa,

  • or, if there happens to be a full Drishti between a Lord of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona, [BPL: Mutual Reception]

they cause a Yoga .

  • One born in such a Yoga will become a king and be famous. " [end quote]

QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-5, sloka 41

" If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga. They will confer high position, reputation and power.

QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-5, sl. 41

" an exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner.[end quote]

QUOTATION from B. V. Raman , A Catechism of Astrology [1992] , 4th Ed., p. 28

" Qu. 34:

When Saturn falls in Mars' Sapta Vargas, and Mars in Saturn's Sapta Vargas, do they become strong? "

" ans:

You cannot lay down any hard and fast rules in judging the strength or otherwise of planets when there is an exchange of vargas between two natural malefics.

  • If it is a case of Parivarthana Yoga

    [interchange of places] , this considerably strengthens it.

  • In cases other than a parivarthana, due weight must be given to their lordship and similar factors.

  • When Mars is a

    [Yogakaraka] and Saturn happens to be in Mars' vargas, then Saturn is automatically rendered strong.

As to whether such strength expresses itself in good or bad respects depends on the horoscopic disposition of Saturn, though by virtue of Saturn's inherent malefic nature, ameasure of evil is bound to predominate. " [end quote]


Parivartamsha yoga increases the materializing capabilities of the two bhava involved.

The two exchanging-graha may be helpful for achieving both expanded spiritual awareness and for increasing levels of material-social goal attainment.

Yet, it is important to appreciate that the over-arching purpose of the learning curriculum in the School of Earth is spiritual puzzle-solving.

A parivartamsha yoga may - at least initially - increase the tension between adversarial or mismatched graha, resulting in a super-puzzle.

karaka = action-agents, the /doers/

If the graha involved are pleasure-doing subhagraha

[either by nature or by bhava-rulership]

then parivartamsha yoga may increase the easy comfort for karaka functions.

  • For example, suave Shukra represents finance, contracts, equity, and design. Unless Shukra is handicapped, parivartamsha yoga involving Shukra tends to increase the Asuraguru's power to give pleasures.

If the exchanger graha are limitation-doing papagraha

[either by nature or by bhava-rulership]

then parivartamsha yoga may increase the work requirements for karaka functions.

  • or example, motivated Mangala represents competition, sexual pursuit, forward drive, and championship. Unless Mangala is handicapped, parivartamsha yoga involving Kuja tends to increase His ability to give battle.

Parivartamsha with Mangala tend to yield

  • more vitality
  • more drive to win contests
  • adds to the alpha, dominating energies
  • more thrust toward the goals
  • pro-active in controversy or conflict
  • naturally, details of these higher-energy situations require a close inspection of the exchanger-graha
  • if Kuja attains [uchcha] or [nicha] status, either at birth or via the parivartamsha, then results are more polarized

EXAMPLE = Mangala exhange

POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams

[Budha-Vṛścika-4 ++ Mangala-yuti-Rahu-Kanya-2]

  • JA was a fighter and his weapons were words. A brilliant jurisprudential writer, JA underook the contentiously difficult project of converting the old British royal law into the new USA democracy. JA specialized in regulation of commerce [Budha] and the laws of war [Kuja].

  • JA could be a vicious critic. His colleagues complained about his argumentative fractiousness. Yet, during the violent Revolutionary period, JA produced much of the legal framework for the American judicial system.

Parivartamsha with Shani tend to yield

  • heavier workload
  • enhanced stamina
  • more effort needed to finish the work
  • more discipline
  • more scarcity
  • more systematic regulation
  • more intractable circumstances
  • if Shani attains [uchcha] or [nicha] status, either at birth or via the parivartamsha, then results are more extreme
EXAMPLE = Shani exchange


Esoteric Astrology 1925-2005 Jyotiṣika Bepin Behari

[uttama Shani-7 ++ Makara-Shukra-10]

  • the respected 7-10 angle produced empowered performance in two professions [government regulatory policy + Jyotishavidya]. All made possible by an executive, orderly wife [Shukra].


POTUS-pair-06 Adams Family 1775-1852 Louisa Johnson Adams

[Budha-6-Kumbha parivartamsha Shani-1 Kanya]

[Ketu-yuti-Shukra] + + [Budha-yuti-Surya]

  • A lifetime of public obligation and personal distress [1-6] LJA's [persistent dutifulness and stamina] against [constant criticism and personal illness] helped to stabilized the New Republic USA.

52nd Dai, dawoodi Bohra 1915-2014 Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin

[Kumbha-Budha-2 parivartamsha Mithuna-Shani-6]

  • Shani-6 provided disciplined corrective regulation of the unruly believers, effective rules for doing business, and empowered Budha-Kumbha transmitted values-based instruction to the masses.

  • The Syedna's long life enacted his unswerving ministry of providing financial literacy [Budha-2] via discussions about socially regulated behavior within te laboring classes [Shani-6]

When papagraha become the rulers of sukha-bhava

If one or both of the graha are natural papagraha

[Shani, Mangala, or sometimes Surya] that rule sukha-bhava

then both of the exchanged bhava can convert the typically pleasurable settings [such as wealth, or fame, or wisdom] into experiences of survivalist scarcity, arrogant game-playing, or harsh competition.

The pathway to realization of the full promise of the sukha-bhava may be more challenging than normal. However, the more complex the puzzle, the more delightful the joy in solving it.

EXAMPLE - Kuja rules 5 for Dhanus indriya-lagna

Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla

[ātmakāraka -Mangala-Kanya-10 exchange with Budha-Mesha-5]

+ + [Budha-yuti-Chandra] -- [Budha-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Ketu] .

  • Young Lolek was ordained as a priest during the horrors of WW-2 in Poland [Kuja war] He was not a typical priest mumbling Mass and promoting humility.

  • Rather, Lolek interacted with impious, acting-out teenagers [5] and played the Church's political games within the Soviet regime. Intellectually bright [5] but impatientwith slow bureaucratic Vatican process [Kuja]

  • Lolek did not seem stodgy enough to be a church boss. However, the very qualities of productive vitality, showmanship, and his ability to talk about sex and war, eventually pushed him up to Pope-264.

Exchanger Shani owns a sukha-bhava

As an exchanger-graha, shani obtains two empowerments

  1. His residence bhava
  2. His exchanged bhava

During Shani bhukti, the patterns of life in those bhava may seem doubly slow, doubly delayed, doubly persistent, and doubly-hard-working.

Results of Shanicarya's efforts may be excellent in time. Yet, the results are likely to take even longer, and require even more discipline, in order to reach the full realization of the potential of the exchanged bhava.

Results depend upon

  • the full-varga characteristics of the exchanger-graha
  • drishti incoming into the two exchanged bhava
  • angle of each bhava as counted from Chandra-lagna



Shani rules bhava-4 for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford

[Shani-9-Karkata parivartamsha Chandra-4-Kumbha]

  • Shani bandhesha occupies 6th-from-4. Shani damaged BFF's childhood [4] including the suicide of her father [9]. However [Shukra-yuti-Chandra] in 4 shows her protective and indulgent mother.

  • When BFF developed a dangerous alcohol-drug addiction and eating disorder, she might have disintegrated. Yet,, Shani rallied her social responsibility, and BFF established [4] residential treatment centers for recovering women [Shukra-Chandra].

  • Her personal misfortunes became a national healing legacy, and the BFF clinics are still considered to be models for safe, effective treatment.

An important difference: Parivartamsha vs. Mutual-Aspect .

Yoga of Pari-varta -amsha =Pari-varta -amsha = re-vers -al of amounts

Parivartamsha yoga strengthens both graha -- even if they are both papagraha. Increases their capacity and their activity.

Activity and effectiveness is increased because the Vimshottari Dasha period of graha-partner-1 can produce the effects of graha-partner-2.

Mutual Aspect by contrast does not normally dignify the two planets. Any two planets in opposition, 180 degrees apart, will provide mutual aspect to each other. If those two planets are friendly, the mutual aspect is a good thing, but then they will need to both rule favorable houses and occupy good signs in order to really help each other.

  • The mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars which can occur when those two Graha occupy at 180 deg or 90/270 deg [4/10] angle to each other, is nearly always a life challenge. It may be associated with repressed anger which threatens to consumes one's life force, eventually blocking the accomplishments for which Shani expends His greatest efforts.

  • Chronic tension via the oppressive mutual drishti of Shani-and-Mangala. Mangala insists on vigorously moving forward yet Shani staunchly resists change

Yet, parivartamsha yoga between Shani and Kuja , no matter how much it might repress the animal vitality ,

  • provides full discipline from Shani

  • provides full productivity from Mangala .

One may accomplish social-material aims in life despite a personal propensity to take the longer, harder road toward each goal.

Three varieties of parivartamsha yoga

  1. growth-challenging
  2. smooth
  3. great [maha]

Dainya Parivartamsha Yoga

According to K.S. Charak [p 637]

  • " This combination leads to a wicked nature, persistent trouble from opponents, and ill health. "

If one of the Graha within the parivartamsha yoga rules a dusthamsha

[bhava 6, 8, or 12] ,

then the exchanged graha gets pulled into the script of a dusthamsha, which means, according to the partner-graha, either imbalance and servitude [6] or sudden identity changes [8] or social invisibility [12] .

However, the dusthamsha ruler may gain dignity of purpose via its interaction with the other non-dusthamsha partner.

ROGESHA exchange

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle


POTUS-pair-06 Adams Family 1775-1852 Louisa Johnson Adams

[Budha-6-Kumbha parivartamsha Shani-1 Kanya]

[Ketu-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Surya]

  • LJA's life from childhood demanded nearly constant dealing with war, debt, and disease [1-6] Her father suffered business misfortunes in times of war. Then her husband JQAdams was emburdened by wartime diplomatic duties. Shani-1 rules 7th-from-Chandra-11. Strongly identified [1] with the obligation to support her spouse, LJA traveled to his diplomatic encampments in cramped cold carriages via wet rutted roads, always in danger of highway robbery [6]. The journey was usually sickening and miserable for the body [1-6] .

  • Despite her chronic health problems [1-6] and ongoing bouts of severe depression [Budha-yuti-Ketu] LJA was able to summon the discipline [Shani-1] to conduct most of the entertainments required to maintain her husband's career [Shani-1 activates 5]. Enduring lifelong problems of low vitality[1-6] she occasionally demurred from social duty, which brought personal criticism and complaint.[1-6]

  • Shani-Budha are friendly, but the Kumbha-Kanya angle = 6/8 disjointed. The parivartamsha did grant sufficient stamina

    [Shani] to endure a lifetime of illness [she lived to age 77] Yet, it also generated a heavy workload, as typical of parivartamsha yoga involving Shani. .

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory

Rogesha increases the learning curriculum of ongoing sickness, toxicity, and conflict. Nevertheless, this parivartamsha yoga occupies a mutual trine angle. The capacity to attract treasury funding [2] for a ministry of service [6] is enhanced. One speaks the truth [2] regarding perpetual conflicts [6] regarding exploitation of marginalized ethnicities and cultures [Chandra], regarding poverty and its miseries [6] , regarding the stories [2] of the servants [6] .


Makara indriya-lagna


52nd Dai, Dawoodi Bohra 1915-2014 Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin

[Kumbha-Budha-2 parivartamsha Mithuna-Shani-6]

  • During his long tenure as the 52nd Dai of his Ishmaili lineage, 1967-2014, the Syedna was a persistent spokesperson [2] on topics of bigotry and cheating [6] .

  • Under his guidance, the Dawoodi Bohra community achieved a much higher standard of living due to their improved values [2] and conflict-management skills [6] .


Mithuna indriya-lagna


Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass

[nīcha-Mangala-2 swap Chandra-6-nīcha]

  • Drawing from the endless foibles of his own life, rD taught about the hypocrisies of human character with a legendary humor. The trine-exchange of two nīcha-graha - both of which intake drishti of Rahu-Meena-10 -- did not remove the nicha narrative.

  • His secretive sexuality [Mangala] and emotional manipulation [Chandra] remained in the biography. However, the exchange did elevate RD's mandate to active, compassionate service while increasing humility [6] and provocative street-speech [2].

  • Rahu brought the fame and the passion. RD is considered among the great western spiritual figures of his generation.


R-E-S-P-E-C-T 1942-2018 Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin

[ātmakāraka-Dhaniṣṭha-Shukra-2 parivartamsha Kṛttikā-Shani-6]
  • ALF is widely acknowledged as the Voice of a Generation [possibly two generations] for her extraordinary ability to sing [Shukra] beautifully [Urisha] in both socially-high [Makara] and socially-low [Shani] musical registers. Wildly popular with the American base population [Shani-6 laborers] her music was also respected in the institutional-sacred genre of the Bapist Church in which she was raised [Makara-2 tradition] .

  • ALF's repertoire covered gospel, soul, rock, blues, and even Italian Opera. A rare cross-spectrum vocalist in the racially polarized USA music industry, ALF's lyrical style featured both structured rhythms [Shani] and soothing harmonies [Shukra]. Her Shani-yuti-[Kuja-yuti-Guru] [6] specialized in themes of romantic disappointment [6] and sensual pursuit [Mangala], which had enduring generational [Shani, time] and aesthetic value [Shukra] .

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda

  • [nīcha-Makara-Guru-4 ] swap [yogakaraka- Shani-6-Meena]
  • Empowers the Rulers of 3+4+5+6.
  • Guru+Shani cast a drishti pattern which combines their team-reach into 1-6-6-8-10-10

Expansion combines with discipline, producing a multi-phase 70-year media career.  helped toward profitability by Guru occupies 11th-from-Shani .

Nicha-Guru [husbands] rules both 6 and 6th-from-Chandra = Learning Curriculum prominently features disagreements, health challenges, and controversial media-messaging.

Durokaraka Shani also yogakaraka ruler of 4-5 for Tula-born.

 Not an easy parivartamsha  due to the pattern of not only nicha-Guru rules both 6 and 6th-from-Chandra but also each bhukti of Shani also re-produces Guru's effects. Shani's stamina triumphs in the end.

JSF enjoyed a seven-decade professional career in cinema, book-writing, exercise-instruction, fashion, and political activism [6, complaint]

Guru rules Surya-3 + Budha-3 = her influential cinema-actor father, and her Fonda-family sibling/cousins = also cinema dramatists. JSF benefitted from Guru's communication skills [3] and even though Guru = a tough double-6 scapegoat, she persisted [Shani] in speaking her mind - which ultimately, despite the self-righteous patriotic critics [nicha-Guru-4]  brought dignity and respect. [Shani]

HUSBANDS [Guru] - Although Guru-4 solo would indicate only one husband, and Visaka ladies are typically devoted to their husbands, Shani-parivartamsha-Guru generated three marriages of seven, seventeen, and ten years respectively.


USA-Sen-Calif 1964- prosecutor Kamala Gopalan Harris

  • [nīcha-Chitra-Surya-6 parivartamsha Yoni-Shukra-4]
  • exchanges the rulers of 1 + 4 + 6 = from Chandra-Mesha rules 2 + 5 + 7
  • ALSO KGH = double parivartamsha ++ + [Aśvini-Chandra-12 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Mangala-3-nicha] = exchanges the rulers of 3 + 7 + 12

Both of her parents were immigrants and both were university professors born into USA-racial minorities. KGH became identified with the conflicted [6] American [4, homeland] race-and-gender discourse [rulers of 2, heritage storytelling + 5 politics + 7 equity, fairness]

  • KGH became a celebrated figure in USA-new-millenium identity-politics [Shukra-4 lagnesha]


Mesha indriya-lagna

UK-Duchess 1981- Meghan Markle

complex, multi-faceted large scale service ministry on behalf of mothers [Chandra] and marginalized populations.


Parthya indriya-lagna


Makara - Draco indriya-lagna


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst

[Bharani-Budha-4 parivartamsha Ardra-Mangala-6]

= exchange of rulers of 4 + 6 + 9 + 11

  • Empire of newspapers, monopoly publishing corporations, yellow journalism

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, games, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


Dhanus indriya-lagna


Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell

[Shukra-5 swap Mangala-6] .

[Mangala-Urisha] -- [Mangala in bhava-6] -- [Kuja-yuti-Surya] -- [Kuja-yuti-Rahu]

[Shukra-Mesha] -- [Shukra-5] -- [Shukra-yuti-Budha]

- combines the rulers of 5 + 6 + 11 + 12

= political protestor professor

  • In addition to his legendary series of romantic liaisons over his 97-year lifespan [due to [Shukra-yuti-Budha] parivartamsha with the [Kuja-yuti-Surya] -- [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] cluster] BR was also a vigorous political protestor against nuclear weapons.

  • Rogesha Shukra-5 suggests adversarial politics [5] and community activism [11]. Political vidyapati Mangala also rules 12 [prison]. Due to his protective [Vimala Yoga] each time BR was imprisoned for his activism, he used the sanctuary time to write another book. Every isolation period [12] made his anti-war arguments [6] more precise. [his Chandra-Kanya-10 social order complaints]. Despite divorces, arrests, and labor disputes caused by the 6-amsha, bR's intellectual reputation continued to improve.

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, advising, counsel

in matters of lawsuit accusation, war and weapons, exploitation, pollution, criminalization / crime, disease-discomfort, medication, addiction, enslavement



General Electric 1935-2020 CEO Jack Welch

[nīcha-Kanya- Shukra-6 exchanges with Budha-7-Tula]

  • Financially oriented Bharani indriya-lagna, complemented by TWO parivartamsha yoga. Exchange of the rulers of 2+3+6+7 [Budha-Shukra] AND exchange of the rulers of 1-8-9-12.

  • One of JW's leading strategies for capitalistic domination was the weaponized lawsuit. Another was the art of the accusatory lie [nīcha-Shukra-6]. Surrounded by adoring junior narcissists insane [6] with craving for money and power, JW was a PhD scientist who preached that climate change was a political attack on capitalism.

  • An army of corporate attorneys [Budha-7] carried out legal attacks on political and financial enemies, including government regulatory agencies and humanitarian groups. Those who complained about the company's corrupt practices [nīcha-Shukra]. Three marriages, including a high-profile infidelity divorce; yet JW emerged unharmed.

  • He died as one of the richest men in the cemetery.

[rogesha-6] animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness] ++

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change

Sarala Yoga ++ Harsha Yoga



Dhanus [Mula] indriya-lagna

Institutes 1509-1564 theology John Calvin

[uchcha-Chandra-6 swap Shukra-8-Karkata].


++ Shukra-8 conjoins [Surya-yuti-Budha] .

  • John Calvin was trained as a lawyer at a Catholic university. He preached [Surya-8 rules 9] against the hegemony of the Roman-Rite institution.

  • He was viciously scapegoated by church police [Chandra-6] . However, unlike many accused heretics, JC had his books of sermons successfully published and his dangerous ideas were widely read - due to Shukra in 3rd-from-Chandra. Shukra provides Harsha Yoga and Chandra provides Sarala Yoga

  • As soon as JC found a safe place to preach and write, he transformed [8] Geneva into a terror-state, commanding heretics and accused [6] witches to be tortured and murdered by the state.
  • Attesting to power of parivartamsha, in a hysterical, frightened era where many were burned at the stake, JC fanned the flames of hellish hallucinations for the masses, but he himself died a natural death.


Karkata indriya-lagna

POTUS-12 California Statehood 1784-1850 Zachary Taylor

[double viparita raja yoga] = harsha yoga +++ sarala yoga

[Guru-Kumbha-8 parivartamsha Shani-Dhanus-6]

+ + [Guru-yuti-Rahu]

  • 6-8 exchange links the ongoing state of war [6] between Euro-settlers and native peoples [6] with agency of transformative identity change [8] .

  • Taylor was a lifetime military officer who fought in many land-grab battles [Mangala-4[ from 1812 until 1842. He was never seriously injured, and his crimes of war were considered virtues of Manifest Destiny.


for Simha indriya-lagna


[double viparita raja yoga] = harsha yoga +++ sarala yoga

POTUS-pair-30 Deaf Schools 1878-1957 Grace G. Coolidge

[Meena-Shani-8 parivartamsha Makara-Guru-6-nīcha]

[Guru-Makara] -- [Guru in bhava-6]

++ + [Śrāvaṇa-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Śrāvaṇa ]

  • Guru dhava-karaka represents GGC's husband POTUS-30 Calvin Coolidge. JCC was known to be grumpy [Shani] and unpredictable [nīcha-randhresha-Guru-yuti-Rahu].
  • However, nīcha-Guru-6 also plays a prominent role in GGC's independent career as a Deaf Education advocate. [Śrāvaṇa-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Śrāvaṇa ] GGC's intrepid work in support of her complex, withholding husband, along with her professional support for the then-stigmatized Deaf Community, shows Rahu's ability to realize His best opportunities within the dushthamsha 6-8-12.
  • Harsha yoga AND Sarala yoga protected Grace from public criticism and earned respect [Shani] for her compassionate, determined personality. GGC remains one of the most admired First Ladies, due to her enduring life of service.


for Vṛścika indriya-lagna


[double viparita raja yoga] = harsha yoga +++ sarala yoga = survival despite danger

USA Black Power 1925-1965 Nation of Islam Malcolm X

[Budha -6-Mesha parivartamsha Kuja -8-Mithuna]

  • The parivartamsha provided sustaining protections during a violent, sexualized, criminalized, villainized, secretive, adversarial lifetime. MX had a life-transforming religious conversion [lagnesha Kuja-8] .

  • Although a charismatic leader and emotionally engaged speaker Somana-yuti-Budha, MX endured vicious jealousies [6] and FBi surveillance[8] .

  • Enemies [6] pressed from inside and from outside, but as a convicted felon, criminal threats did not impress him. Remarkably, in a constant state of danger, mX calmly survived until age 39 .

  • After a life transforming Hajj [8 rebirth] MX publically declared [Budha-6] that his 12 years of race-hate rhetoric had been a waste. He became an ambassador for peace, and was assassinated by 24 bullets. MX's influence remains pivotal in USA civil rights and racism debate.


for Dhanus indriya-lagna

[double viparita raja yoga] = harsha yoga +++ sarala yoga

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles


UK Princess of Wales 1982- photographer Kate Middleton


[Shani-Kanya-6 parivartamsha Budha-Makara-10]

  • a socially prominent [10] ministry of service [6] focused on the chronically impoverished and ill [Shani-Kanya] + the institutional formal communications programming [Budha-Makara_

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]

+ + [vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst

[Bharani-Budha-4 parivartamsha Ardra-Mangala-6]

= exchange of rulers of 4 + 6 + 9 + 11

  • WRH inherited vast treasuries from his robber-baron resource-appropriating father, USA-Senator George Hearst [1820-1891] In addition, WRH was a shrewd businessman with veiled political power [uchcha-Surya] Due to Budha-exchange-Mangala-Mithuna, WRH became a towering figure in the media-messaging business, conglomerating newspapers, magazines, cinema, radio, and book publishing.

  • WRH became one of the most aggressive USA industrialists of his era

    [Kuja-10-Mithuna]. He owned the dominant national product advertising outlet via newspapers in every major city, along with the Metro Goldwyn Mayer film corporation. A virulent anti-Communist and pro-Fascist [due to dharmesha -Budha beliefs] WRH wielded the power of his newspaper monopoly to spread disinformation and mistrust of government. His astounding wealth intimidated [6] nearly everyone. Yet ultimately due to mismanagement of debt [6] the exploitive and predatory financial empire collapsed.

[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]


[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels

Exceptionally beneficial and protective double viparita raja yoga * [Vimala Yoga] +++ harsha yoga


[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[lagnesha-1 distinctive personality traits, unique identity, kinetic movement style, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


Tantra 1931-1990 professor Osho Rajneesh

Chandra-Dhanus-1 parivartamsha Guru-Karkata-8

  • philosophy of radical transformation, life of extreme opulence and extreme disgrace, prince of a guru-commune, stateless refugee banned from most countries *


Layla 1945- guitarist Eric Clapton

Guru-Simha-1 exchange with Surya-Meena-8

  • Clapton's creative process [Surya] is known to involve extended periods of uninterrupted, undisclosed, hidden space and absolute quiet. Guru-1 rules 6th-from-Chandra, suggesting that personal need for secrecy [8] was a source of emotional grievance.
  • [Surya in bhava-8] also occupies 6th-from-Chandra, doubling the discomfort and conflict which marks the camouflaged romances [8] which forced the emergence [8] of new songs.
  • Still, Surya rules Simha-lagna = 11th-from-Chandra, allowing the fruits of identity masking to manifest in radiant entertainment performances [Surya] which are profitable and build community [11]. Relationships with children [Guru] tend to be self-centered


USA-Gov-FL 1953- offshore finance Jeb Bush

A large-framed man [Guru-1] Jeb Ellis Bush is known for the scope of his third-world investments portfolio [12] and his international financial understanding [dharmesha Guru rules 12]


Sans attendre 1968- chanteuse compositrice Celine Dion

CD's multi-decade career in musical performance = characterized by two, 10-year artistic residencies in Las Vegas. Guru in bhava-1 = her husband and lifetime career manager. He coordinated and scheduled her elaborate theatrical shows with CD always in center stage. Surya-lagnesha.

Despite the vast expansion of projects [Guru] and high energy of casino theatrics, CD = respected in the entertainment industry for personal dignity and non-diva work ethic. Until a health diagnosis halted her on-stage career, CD rarely cancelled shows. Shani-yuti-Surya.

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


Out on a Limb 1934- drama-esoterica Shirley MacLaine

  • [nīcha-Budha-8 occult = swap ++ mutual drishti with Guru-2 storytelling]
  • + + [Brihaspati-2 mutual drishti with Rahu-6 exotic lawsuits]

Guru rules 6-9 while Budha rules 2+11, ensuring a profitable lifetime with celebrated [9] yet-controversial [6] literary writing-publishing [Budha] based in a broad worldview, and delivery philosophical guidance [Guru.

During a seven-decade career in writing and theatre, SM = equally well-known for her promotion of New-Age beliefs [Guru] and her mercurial skill in scripted theatrical acting [Budha]. Budha-nīcha often writes in an abstract, fuzzy-logic style. Her dramatic performances earned many top awards. Her books were criticized as navel-gazing New Age nonsense, but most were best-sellers. [Dhanayoga via Budha]

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change

+ ++


exchange of rulers of 8th ++ 8th-from-8th


[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past

EXAMPLE - Succès de scandale

My Fair Lady 1908-1990 musical theatre Rex Harrison.

Cinema acteur and singer, sixty year career, multi-decade favorite of the Hollywood gossip tabloids. Many sex-and-suicide scandals [8] over the period of a high-profile career in musical theatre. Maintained personal stability [4] throughout the volatilityof six marriages.

Many reboundsfrom seeming disgrace or disdain, worked continuously in drama enactments, since age-16 and died age 82 following his final performance. [Somana-yuti-Shani]

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, games, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy

CBS = successfully combined dramatic fashion-modeling performance [Simha] with an international political display profile [5-Dhanus] Multiple brilliant husbands [Guru] and fathers [Surya] At the end of an elite modeling career, cBS became a stage-performing romano-folk singer.

Culturally Italian, CSB morphed into a French-identified political figure. The child of a celebrated musician father and entitled industrialist bonus-dad [Surya-multiples-via Guru]. Confident Permission to create and expand.

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

May begin life with impulsive relationship behaviors. May have remarkable ability to reveal deeper layers [8] of interpersonal psychology [7] Although the public surface [Shukra-7] may seem smooth, the reality of [undisclosed or forbidden] relationships would be expected.


[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


General Electric 1935-2020 CEO Jack Welch = double parivartamsha

[Guru-Vṛścika-8 exchanges with Mangala-Dhanus-9]

+ + [Rahu-yuti-Mangala] .

second parivartamsha = [nīcha-Kanya- Shukra-6 exchanges with Budha-7-Tula]

= lawsuits and negotiations.

  1. Doctrine [9] of corporate management has a secret key = tax avoidance [8]. Hidden financial relationships [8] are an unspoken but recognized part of the organizational philosophy [9]

  2. JW's career ascension was defined by notorious upheavals, emergency [8] mass job-firings and sudden assets sell-offs [8] along with undislosed international movement of capital funds.

    JW was a passionately [Rahu-yuti-Mangala] inspirational [9] preacherwith a patriarchal, professorial stance [9]. His exhilarating winner-take-all doctrine of wealth-generation [Guru] via aggressive ]Mangala] deal-making [Rahu-9 in deal-making Pūrvāṣāḍhā-3] was widely believed by aspiring HWNI.

    Yet, the key to GE's corporate supremacy was less propelled by principled action [Mangala-9] and more the result of threats and camouflage [Vṛścika-8] His flamboyant style displayed the secret entitlements [Surya-8] of hidden political power [Vṛścika-Surya-8].

  3. Narcissistic and opportunistic, JW had a leapfrog [Rahu] career that catapulted him from research lab management into a kingpin of capital markets. JW executive tenure was marked by aggressive innovation [Mangala] expansive optimism [Guru] and an astounding campaign of high-stakes financial risk [Rahu].

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[karma-pati-10] duty, the the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

Parivartamsha strengthens matters of bhava-8 terror, trauma, sudden unexpected changes, revolution, poison

Parivartamsha reinforces the relationship between the terrifying force and secrecy of bhava-8 and the public lawfulness of bhava-10.

Bhava-8 terrors may potentially be enormously amplified by Guru-yuti-Rahu..


Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand

  • [Mithuna-Kuja-10 exchange Mesha-Budha-8 ]
  • + [Surya-yuti-Budha-astaharana]
  • combines the rulerships of 1-3-8-10.

even-decade career in Mithuna messaging including cinema role-acting, cinema producer, singing performance international touring [Mithuna] musical theatre, top-selling commercial recordings. Budha-8 the Writer located in 10th-from-Chandra obtains the descriptive skills needed for songwriting, scriptwriting, detailed tour-planning, ensemble drama. Mangala-Mithuna-10 energizes the mentality+ executive [10] financial management skills. BJS also benefits from an additional parivartamsha of [Shukra-6-Kumbha exchange Shani-9-Urisha] which adds grace with endurance via the combined rulers of 2 + 5 + 6 + 9. Therefore, the personality is continuously resourced [2] via eight bhava receiving parivartamsha strength = 1-2-3-5-6-8-9-10.


Duino Elegies 1875-1926 mystical poet Rainer Maria Rilke [Mūla ]

  • [Shukra-10 parivartamsha Tula-Viśākha -Guru-8]

Rilke's poetry brought his mystical experiences [8] into public view [10] . The occult, secretive, initiatory qualities [Guru 8] of his lyrical texts built his literary reputation [Shukra 10] .

For Meena nativities, Shukra often connotes growth-challenges provoked by feminine-figures. Rilke's romantic life, with womenfolk [Shukra] from a variety [Guru] of age-culture-philosophical backgrounds, vividly informed his poetic oeuvre.

[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

Parivartamsha strengthens matters of bhava-8 secrecy , sudden unexpected changes, plus bhava-11 achievement of social-material goals, social networking, economic gainfulness


POTUS-37 Watergate 1913-1994 Richard Nixon

During mid-career [age 39-58]

Ruler of 11 [Shukra] partivartamsha Ruler of 10th-from-11 [Shani] combines the rulers of 4 + 7 + 8 + 11. This yoga gave enduring structure to RMN's career-long activities = fundraising [11] and tax-avoidance [8]. His wife and his friend played key roles in his career.

Pat Ryan Nixon [Shukra-8] provided the secret-keeping half of their two-person career. With Pat's commitment, RMN attained [11] top roles in Congress, senate, VPOTUS, and finally POTUS-37.

J. Edgar Hoover, the paranoid FBI director, helped RMN with undisclosed dossiers about his competitors.

Even after his conviction for burglary and tax-evasion, RMn avoided prison via a presidential pardon by his loyal friend, POTUS-38 Gerald R. Ford. [11]

VYAYAPATI exchange

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]



POTUS-46 Pandemic 1942- Joe Biden

[lagnesha Mangala-12 parivartamsha Shukra-1] = rulers of 1 + 6 + 7 + 12.

  • Over the period of a 50-year national-level political career, JRB had several health challenges such as brain surgeries. His first wife and toddler daughter were killed in a car wreck, ason died of brain cancer, and JRB also served in elite civilian support roles for military [6] administration. At the same time, his overall health profile has been vigorous and athletic [1]. Privy [12] to classified national security information [12] JRB traveled often to distant lands for work [12] under protection of [Vimala Yoga]. His career is built largely on cooperative negotiating skills [7] and the enduring support of his lifepartner-2 [Shani-7].

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche became a public intellectual [Surya] who examined historical values [2] in the modern western cultures. His influential academic writings focused on polarities-dualities-oppositions [Shukra] within cultural values of art + music. Nietzsche was elevated to the iconic status as philosophical arbiter of the elite debates [Shukra-12 in 10th-from-Chandra] regarding the relevance of heritage assessments of worthiness, virtue, value [Shukra]

Nietzsche developed a brain disease which increased his contradictory and indecisive statements as his health declined. Suffering from brain cancer [12] FWN could not prevent his values being selfishly appropriated by his fascist sister [Surya-Shukra].

  • Due to his Nazi sister's misuse of his notes [Shukra sister] FWN's imaginative musings [12] were politicized [Surya] as supporting Germanic supremacy, which he had explicitly denounced.
  • Although intended to stimulate a more conscious [Surya] intellectual awareness, FWN's ideas [Surya] about art and aesthetics [Shukra] were mis-appropriated [Surya self-declared] by the rising fascist movement in Germany [nīcha-Surya].

Surya-Tula-nīcha in zero-degree shows political malfunction due to lack of willpower.


Nepal 1945-2001 The Last Hindu King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah

  • [Dhanus-Shukra-2 swap Tula-Guru-12]
  • [ashta-harana Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Ketu -Mūla yuti Mūla-Surya-2] representing the fractured family lineage.
  • The Parivartamsha engages Combined rulers of 2 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 10 + 12 + Ketu. Guru-yuti-Chandra

[12] involved the premature decease of the mother and a contentious marriage.

Nevertheless, Guru ruler of 2-finance occupies 11th-from-2, along with Chandra-dharmesha priesthood and patronage. BBBS traveled the world, sometimes going incognito [12, identity-dissolution] and most of Nepal's 1970-GNP was spent on his extravagant wedding [Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Ketu no limits in 2-family finance].

Internecine palace struggle over money via the wife's family [Shukra-2]

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


POTUS-04 Constitution of the United States James Madison

[Mangala-Dhanus-12 exchange Guru-Mesha-4]

  • Madison conducted a lifetime diplomatic mission both within and outside the new USA.

Parivartamsha of the 12th ruler facilitates his ongoing invisible, " under the table " deals which obtained agreement in clandestine fashion that might never have been achieved via more public boasting discourse. In particular Madison conducted invisible negotiations with the British Army [Mangala-12]

Madison also famously ruined the fortunes of hundreds of greedy land speculators whose schemes were dissolved when Madison facilitated having the lands [4] of Virginia, which extended to the Mississippi River at the time, given to the Continental Congress thus making the federal government the only legal land grantor.


POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland

A trained attorney, Cleveland's first job was sheriff-executioner in Buffalo [Shani-yuti-Ketu, legal decapitation - he officially killed three men]. Scandal surrounding the invisiblizing of the mother of his first child also caused him grief. His first so-called "illegitimate" child was taken [Ketu] from his mother and legally [Shani] adopted.

Budha-yuti-Shukra brought a 28-yr-younger [Budha] second wife - college student Frances Folsom Cleveland. Frankie was young [Budha] modern [Kumbha] and friendly [Kumbha]. Her media-savvy [Budha] graciously egalitarian demeanor indeed shifted the narrative of GC's life-and-career.

GC lacked charisma [SHani] and he over-used the Veto [Ketu] to block progressive legislation. When active positive governance was needed, he doggedly pursued a backward-looking style of passive resistance [Shani]. His methods were outdated [Shani-Ketu} and his political fortunes were waning.

GC was 49 and young Frankie was 21 when they married, and from that moment Shukra began to work His magic. Starting in Rahu-Shani bhukti, Frankie bore the first of their five children. The press suddenly re-cast GC as a doting parent [4]. Against the odds, he was re-elected as POTUS-24. Typical of Shani, the parivartamsha benefits were delayed but not denied.

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love

Strengthens the ability to combine individualized genius, politics, entertainment and divine creativity [5] ++++ invisible, cloistered, imaginative, sanctuary operations One may enjoy long periods of seclusion or interaction with guides from distant worlds [12] which facilitate the development of the unique [5] individual creativity.

Like any 6/8 angle, this parivartamsha yoga starts with conflicted, imbalanced or exploitve conditions. Potential for improvement via increased awakening conscious WRT ones own relationship social-sexual needs vs need for uninterrupted contemplative quiet space. Outcomes depend on the specific character of the graha in 7-and-12.

Typically, one marches to the beat of a different drummer. Intellect [5] is enhanced but social visibility can be reduced to isolation [12] unless there are compensating influences in the nativity. To give full expression to the genius of 5, there should be a mahadasha of the vidya-pati during one's full adulthood.


Homeopathy 1755-1843 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

[Guru-Simha-5 exchanges with Surya-Meena-12]

++ Surya-yuti-Chandra-yuti-Budha-yuti-Ketu-12 = a powerful intuitive inner voice .

  • Hahnemann developed an extraordinary system of plant-and-mineral based medicine which has been used with remarkable medical success for more than two centuries.

  • The remedies must be matched to the unique condition of each individual [Surya] and do not conform [Ketu] to the conventional institutional systems of diagnosis and prescription [Surya = anti-Shani institution] .

  • ātmakāraka Surya-12 exchange with Guru-5 imparts an interior confidence [Surya] and creative abundance [Guru-5] Hahnemann influenced civilization primarily via his theoretical, expository writing [Budha-Meena-12] .

  • Much of Hahnemann's extensive pharmacological knowledge came from translating medical textbooks from ancient languages [Guru-languages] .


POTUS-07 Indian Removal 1767-1845 Andrew Jackson

Born to immigrants planters from Ulster during the colonial Revolutionary War era, young Jackson endured a Ketu-4 childhood that killed both his parents and both of his siblings, one by one, before he turned 14 [dissolution 12].

He may have become inured to violence. However, Surya has support. Uchcha-Shukra-12 dhanesha supplied a loyal wife with family assets. nīcha-Budha-12 supplied a Harsha Yoga which protected AJ from the unsavory effects of vicious wars, and his brutal treatment of 100+ slaves.

AJ's legacy remains controversial. Surya-12 ruling-5 supplied political capital through famous battle wins [5] His handlers fanned the public imagination [12] of AJ as a celebrated heroof the Euro-culture immigrants [ātmakāraka -5] .

However, 6/8 is imbalanced. AJ's path to success was flamboyantly arrogant. He won many elections[Guru-5] as governor, senator, and POTUS-07. Yet, his pride was often dissolved by tragic loss . His father died before he was born [Surya-12] and his wife died just before he gained the Whitehouse [combust-12]. Great expansion of the white-male electorate [5] could not compensate for his annihilation of forgotten thousands [12] through wars, duels, and the genocidal Trail of Tears.


La Petite Voie 1873-1897 St. Therese von Lisieux


TvL's widowed fatherwas the central figure in their household [4] with five daughters. Dad was politically conservative uber-Catholic defender of the faith [4]. An active member of the French ideological right-wing, Dad believed[Guru] that France should re-establishmandatory Catholic worship and allegiance to the infallible Pope. [4, Dhanus, fundalmentalism, ancestral past]. All of the girls became nuns, and with them TvL entered a Carmelite convent[12] at age 15. Her ailing father spent most of his final years in sanatorium [12] due to brain-hemorrhages, and TvL died in seclusion[12] her age 24. Due to their ethno-national politics [Surya-4] and their devout prayerfulness [Guru-12] the entire family were declared as holy-persons due to their power to heal sickness by appearing in dreams [12].

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle


  1. contractual relationships such as employment contracts, teaching contracts, and commercial contracts plus work as a middleman or negotiator [7]
  2. with invisible, cloistered, sanctuary operations and with long periods of seclusion or interaction with guides from distant worlds often engaged in research [12]

Like any 6/8 angle, this parivartamsha yoga starts with conflicted, imbalanced or exploitve conditions. Potential for improvement via increased awakening conscious WRT ones own relationship social-sexual needs vs need for uninterrupted contemplative quiet space. Outcomes depend on the specific character of the graha in 7-and-12.

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, initiation, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change

  • both [Sarala Yoga] and [Vimala Yoga] are obtained, conferring the strength and advantages needed to triumph over exceptionally difficult circumstances requiring secrecy, invisibility, and potentially a dose of terror


Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore = double parivatamsha

  • [Mesha-Budha-9 ++ Mithuna-Kuja-11]
  • ++ + [Chandra-8 + ++ Guru-12-uchcha]

Typical of Purvaphalguni births, RT was involved in many romantic, creative, and political projects. His astounding double parivatamsha = produced an internationally recognized aura of genius.

A literary powerhouse, RT generated great volumes of folk poetry and songwriting. Most of his material was transcribed and translated from the local pre-literate Bangla village culture. [writer Budha + Kuja bandesha folkways, local culture]

[Surya-yuti-Budha] joins Budha-the-Writer with RT's lagnesha

[uchcha-Surya] = a dominating, aristocratic father, of whom RT was dad's thirteenth child. Dhanesha Budha as ruler of 11 in 11th-from-11, also rules 2+11. He was a very wealthy man. Dad's vast agricultural estates [4] provided the capital that funded RT's many idealistic projects.

RT's intensely secretive and volatile emotional life [Soma-8] fueled his abundant, richly intuitive poetry [Chandra-8-Revatī exchange Guru-uchcha-12] Helped by his friend [Kuja-11] William Butler Yeats, RT was awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature.


[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

Parivartamsha strengthens matters of invisible arrangements, under-the-table deals, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, distant worlds, prayerful meditations [12] along with international inclusionism and global humanism [9] . Often a mystic, reclusive guru, or priest.


[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

Interior imagination combined with public Aesthetic Standards


Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin

[nīcha- Guru-yuti-Rahu-Makara-10 swap Shani -Meena-12].

Combined rulers of 9 + 10 + 11 + 12, including Rahu-10. Bhava-9 includes two Mula Graha.

Government Apparatus combined with Vast Imprisonment and Deportation

  • A narcissistic sadist, smiling Stalin ordered [10] an estimated 20-million people to die under his dictatorship. Methods were technically lawful [Makara] and huge in scope, due to nīcha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-10. A primary method was // disappearance // [12] caused by mass deportations and imprisonments with torture.

  • [Shani-12] Millions died of government-engineered famines. Starvation was a seemingly inscrutable act of nature [12] but entirely created as a political punishment for disloyalty to the regime.

[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

Parivartamsha strengthens matters of invisible arrangements, under-the-table deals, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, bedroom private activities [12] along with extraordinary profits wrought by marketplace actions [11]


Mormon Church 1805-1844 Golden Plates Joseph Smith

] Guru-11 exchange Mangala-12 [+ + [Shukra-1 exchange Shani-10]


Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle


[Shukra-11 parivartamsha Mangala-12]

  • substantial earnings from literary works of the criminal imagination


Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin

[nīcha- Guru-yuti-Rahu-Makara-10 swap Shani-Meena-12].

  • Under the auspice of massive-scale of economic systems revision, stalin ordered an estimated 20-million people killed under his dictatorship.

  • Methods were inevitably lawful and huge in scope, due to nīcha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-10-Makara. Stalin engineered famines, mass deportations and imprisonments with torture, and the devastation of killing fields during WW-2.


POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman .

[Shukra-Mithuna-12 exchange Budha-Urisha-11]

+ + [Shani-yuti-Budha] [11].

  • HST was elected to the Senate via Machine Politics = the hidden finances [Shukra-12] which fund voter participation [11] HST gained public exposure as an expert on government military budgets [11, economics, government finance 2nd-from-10] during WW-2 [Kuja-1 karmesha] This background funding led to his becoming VPOTUS and then POTUS.


Experience 1942-1970 guitarist Jimi Hendrix

[Shukra-6 swap Mangala-5]

[Surya-yuti-Shukra + [Budha-yuti-Shukra] .

  • Meteoric rise to musical performance legend [5], still venerated 50 years after his death. Brief period of astronomical income [11], substance addictions [Shukra-6] and innovative fiery theatrical displays [Mangala-5] that combined anti-war political protest [6] with artistic genius [5].


Iran-Pres 1956- traffic engineer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

[Budha-12 swap Shukra-11-Kanya-nīcha].

  • vyaya-pati Budha facilitates invisible [12] agreements while Vriddhiphati-Shukra brings economic and associative support ** MA's nativity contains a double parivartamsha - exchange rulers of 12-11 +++ rulers of 1-4

Kahala Parivartamsha Yoga

If one of the exchange partners is the ruler of bhava-3 , kahala yoga applies.

Nearly always these nativities are distinguished by their ability in all provinces of Budha, including writing, reporting, chronicling, announcing, explaining, describing, diagramming, drawing, painting, gesturing, signaling, teaching, skills training, and skilled handcraft .

Note: The non-bhratru-pati-3 partner cannot be also a dusthamsha ruler. [If the non-bhratru-pati-3 partner would be a dusthamsha lord, the yoga would be Dainya, above.]

The non-bhratru-pati-3 partner = lord of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11.

The bhratru-pati-3 partner infuses the parivartamsha with courage, competitiveness, communicative enthusiasm, and all of the signaling, messaging powers of bhava-3.

This yoga is considered beneficial with some limits.

The limits on benefits = bhratru-pati-3 gives mentalization, which can be superficial and repetitive as well as distracting from wisdom.

Kahala yoga will energize the talking, writing, publishing announcing, scheming, competing mind to go out and get stuff done.


  • writers and editors, diagrammers and drafters, schedulers and planners, collaborators and teamworkers, managers and administrators, messengers and evangelists, handlers and processors, handcrafters and manufacturers, commercial transactions, communications empowerments

SAHAJA-PATI exchanges

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]

This yoga supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in writing, publishing, announcements, evangelism, management, ommercial business, message-media, information delivery [3]


EXAMPLE - literary correspondence, diaries, public announcements

UK Queen 1819-1901 Empress Victoria-1

[nīcha-Guru-1 parivartamsha Shani-3]

  • Combined rulers of 3-12 with 1-2 intensified by [Shani-yuti-Rahu] + + [Shani-yuti-Mangala] . QV used the power of her iconic personality [1] and family lineage [2] to manage her staff [as she saw them] in Parliament [3 discussions] as well as clandestinely [12] conduct international affairs [12] . An inveterate letter writer and diarist[3] QV corresponded with all of the crowned heads of Europe along with her many children and grandchildren. She read and produced countless policy documents.

EXAMPLE - Autobiography, theatrical playwright, poetry

La Petite Voie 1873-1897 St. Therese von Lisieux


[Apah-Surya-4 parivartamsha Magha-Guru-12]

+ [Jyeṣṭha-Budha-3 parivartamsha Chitra-Mangala-1] + [Jyeṣṭha-Budha-yuti-Ketu-Anuradha]

  • St. Therese's writing was entirely personal [1] She described her daily schedule of service work, team-tasks with groups of other monastics and conversations with her four biological sisters who also were celibate nuns. Her written descriptions [3] = autobiographical and often physical [1]. The disarming simplicity of her dialogs and vignettes, intermixed with reflections on the human-lives [1] of other saints, have made TvL's devotional works enduringly popular among devout readers [3] looking for ephemeral information [Ketu-3]. TvL entered the convent at 15 and died at 24. The youthful tone [Budha-3] of her narratives appeals to particularly to teens and young adults.

EXAMPLE - project management, report-writing, radio addresses

Liberia-Pres 1938- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf [dikbala]

[nīcha-Guru-1 exchange Shani-3]

  • Breaking the odds for a woman chief-executive in west Africa, sRJ combined the power of her recognized personality-appearance including her iconic ethnic headwear [Guru-1] with an enduring commitment to cooperative teamwork even under intractable conditions [Shani-3] . Throughout her career, sRJ was known for writing widely-read reports in matters of finance and governance.

EXAMPLE - radio addresses, propaganda

Cuba-Dictator 1926-2016 Fidel Castro

[Budha-1 parivartamsha Chandra-3].

  • Master of patriotic rhetoric and astoundingly long radio addresses delivered to a captive audience. Budha-1 joins Surya-yuti-Shukra. Maintaining linkage between the poverty and inequity of the culture [Kanya-Chandra] via talking about the homeland [Budha-Karkata-Aśleṣa ] . And talking, and talking, and talking....

EXAMPLE - cinema, television

CNN buffalo lands 1938- Ted Turner


* lagnesha

[Shani-3 exchange Guru-2] [television, cinema, radio, broadcasting]

  • [banking, asset collection, libraries, museums] + + [Kuja-9 parivartamsha Budha-11] = marketplace linkages

EXAMPLE - cinema, advertising, photographs

Runaway Bride 1967- drama-commerce Julia Roberts

[Yoni-Shukra-1 parivartamsha Svati-Surya-3-nīcha ]

  • The parivartamsha is complicated by Yoni-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Magha] + + [Yoni-Shukra-yuti-Guru-Magha] + + [Svati-Surya-yuti-Budha-Svati] + + [Svati-Surya-yuti-Ketu-Chitra ] . Many of the individual components of the nativity are difficult, such as the pitrikaraka nīcha-Surya.

  • JR's childhood was marred by mental [3] physical [1] and emotional [Chandra-1] distress due to parent and sibling troubles. Yet, all of the graha involved in this super-complex parivartamsha yoga are benefiting from an intake of doctrinal Rahu-9-drishti supplying over-the-top optimistic belief. ātmakāraka -karmesha Shukra-1 rules both 10 and 10th-navamsha holding uchcha-Chandra-Rahu Urisha. The result was a very bumpy childhood morphing into a stupendously enriching career in cinema and product-advertising.

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory

Generally, increased empowerment for mixing of resources and the face-eyes [2] with writings, commercial business, publications, media-messaging [3] . Ruler of 2 exchanges with ruler of 2nd-from-2nd, providing a supportive family that invests their assets [2] into the native. Typically creative and articulate, with a valuable face.


[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing,,project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


Navamani Malai 1879-1950 Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala

[Shani-4-Meena swap Guru-3-Kumbha]

  • famed composer of hymns and poems of praise to divine presence [4, place, presence]

EXAMPLE - 3 = 6/8 from 10 - successful businesspersons may be unsuccessful governance leaders

POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding

[Budha-4 swap Shukra-nīcha] + + [Shukra-yuti-Rahu].

  • WGH was a competitive local [4] newspaperman whose business was mainly operated by his wife [Shukra]. WGH's mutually admiring relationship with the press was said to have transformed his preposterously unqualified POTUS bid into a winning ticket. Favorable articles and photographs Shukra-yuti-Rahu enhanced WGH image as a handsome man of distinguished character. Yet under camouflage, wGH was involved in financial felonies [nichha-Shukra + Rahu] .

  • WGH commercial skillset was too narrow. His mentality was focused on having conversations, making announcements, and repeating detailed information written by others. [3] This mercantile-and-manufacturing experience was not sufficient at the big-systems POTUS level. WGH lacked elite command abilities, and he knew it. Before dying of a fatal heart-attack, wGH declared himself incapable of honoring the highest office.


POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge

[Chandra-Mithuna-3 swap Budha-Karkata-4]

  • Budha-ruled sahaja-bhava = information management = contains the combined rulers of six bhava = 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 8

JCC's Chandra situation was highly complex

And, his Budha situation was also complex

The intense concentration of graha-in-3 occupies 6th-from-10 = talking againstinstitutional governance and forancestral habits of self-reliance [4]

JCC's parents were busy shopkeepers [3] in their town. They participated in civic life [3-exchange-4] but only for purpose of managing business conditions. [3] JCC was a lifetime government official at city, state, and national rank. However he took few executive decisions since he interpreted [3] most executive decisions into committee-based administrative tasklists [3].

JCC was a staunch opponent of all forms of institutional regulation. A parochial, patriotic thinker [Budha-Karkata-4] JCC believed in the doctrine of laissez-faire "allow-to-do" capitalism [Shani-9-Dhanus, strict dogma].

JCC uchcha-Rahu-2 = fascination with over-reaching treasuries. As the willing puppet [Surya willpower, 3 spokesperson] of the big banks, corporate monopolies, and elite-financiers of the Rentier Class JCC administratively facilitated [3, commiteework, documentation] the dismantling of government oversight of American financial markets.

He wrote and delivered his own detailed reports [3] many of which became public announcements [3] using the new radio medium. JCC made more than sixty ideologically-framed radio broadcasts - paid for by the communications monopoly AT&T. He referenced the resilience of the founding farmers [Euro-settlers] As if to say "pay no attention to the matters of Wall Street" his messages [3] harkened to the ancestralfoundational routines of farmers and merchants [4]. Yet, by the end of the 1920's, fewer than 40% of Americans were farmers. And victims of the ensuing Great Depression would soon rue JCC's deflecting instructions [Budha rules 12th-from-Budha] to "look to the past" [4-Karkata]

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love

Extremely strong support for politically, theatrically, or intellectually influential writings, announcements, publications. May also treat topics of entertainment, celebrity, royalty, speculation, gaming, fashion, drama, literature, or performance arts.


PUBLICATIONs [Dhanus-Shukra-5 exchange with Tula-Guru-3]

  • POTUS-pair-02 Letters 1744-1818 Abigail Adams famed politically influential literary correspondence



[Mithuna-Kuja-5 exchange Mesha-Budha-3]. Mesha-Budha joins [Shukra-yuti-Chandra] within bhava-3 communications.

  • Cogito-Ergo-Sum 1596-1650 logic Rene Descartes Descartes' writings were influential in their original era, and they have remained in print as the topic of intensive philosophical study until the present time. In addition to philosophical subjects, descartes was a noted military strategist and designer of weaponry, exhibiting abilities in the more pragmatic skills of diagramming and planning [Mesha-Budha-3] as well as conceptual thought.


[Shukra-1 parivartamsha Guru-6] + + [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Rahu-2 swap nīcha-Shani-Mesha in medical Asvini]

  • Bacteriology 1822-1895 Microbes Louis Pasteur enjoyed an exceptionally powerful double parivartamsha yoga.SEE LONGER DESCRIPTION under parivartamsha 6-1. Swap of Shani-Mangala = rulers of 3 and 5. Professor Pasteur's scientific journal articleswere detailed his aggressive and ultimately successful methods involving infected animal blood, offal, saliva, and carcasses [nīcha-Shani]. His work was widely discussed by colleagues working on microbe-theory and the quest for vaccines. Co-written with his primary collaborator, mrs. Pasteur.

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[rogesha-6 animosity, disagreement, disease-discomfort, military service, medication, ministries of aid, assistance, slavery, addiction, laboring, accusation, pollution, imbalance, unfairness]

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, advertising, photography, cinema, magazines, management, handcraft]


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel


[Guru-Vṛścika-3 swap Mangala-Meena-7] +++ ADDITIONAL parivartamsha for Shah Jahan [ Budha-5 swap Shani-10]


[Shukra-7 parivartamsha Shani-3-uchcha] [+++ Rahu-5 celebrity casts drishti into 11-1-3]

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[randhresha- 8] transformative discoveries, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, sudden unexpected opening-closing, trauma-healing, shock, eruption of hidden forces, surgical-psychological invasive intervention, rejuvenating identity change


[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


France-Emperor 1769-1821 Wars Napoleon Bonaparte

[Chandra-Makara-Draco] -- [Chandra-Uttarāṣāḍha] -- [Chandra-3]

[Pushya-Shani-9 parivartamsha Vaishva-Chandra-3]

++ Shani-ruled [Chandra in classroom-3] mutual drishti with [Shani-yuti-Budha-9]

  • NB was emotionally anchored via planning, task-accomplishment, and cohort-communications [3]. The relentless, intensive interaction between Shani and Chandra is due to both parivartamsha and mutual-drishti. His long-lived mother was the "momager" and ceremonially-reinforced regulatory power was the family business. NB maintained a deeply loyal protective cohort of inner-circle teamworkers, both on the battlefield and in the office. He was a formidable organizer and his own mentality was continuously ordering-and-reordering his Empire. His core weakness was time-scarcity thinking [3, mental process] along with Shani-limitation of his ability to listen sensitively [Chandra 3, hearing].


POTUS-13 Slave Trade Compromise 1800-1874 Millard Fillmore

[Budha-9 swap Guru-3]

  • Fillmore was a weak POTUS because he got bogged-down in the Slavery Compromise debate. Yet MF had a lasting impact on the USA economy via his lifetime work as a banking systems manager. A master of instructional documentation and committee work, mF completely reorganized the nearly-collapsed state bank of New York. MF's new bank provided the model [3]for the reconfigured USA Federal Reserve Bank . MF's central accomplishment was the principled re-organization of the accounting process [3] underlying American institutional banking. He coordinated a vast number of processes and procedures [Guru-3 Mithuna] ++ explained the new organizational principles to all the political stakeholders [Budha-Dhanus-9] . Historians look back with appreciation at the key service MF provided, considered to have protected the fledgling US economy from the worst effects of rampant corruption and greed.


[Surya-Kumbha-3 swap Shani-Simha-9]

Moonies 1920-2012 Rev. Sun Myung Moon

  • commerce, publications exchanges with doctrine, paradigm of belief. Rev. Moon built a global [9] empire of interlocked businesses [3] His method was to obtain investment capital from religious donations [including tithed labor] then buying commercial operations in many countries [9 internationalism] . The small group model along with propaganda

    [3] delivery and the assertion that Rev Moon was the father [9] while the faithful became siblings [3] . A gifted process manager [Surya-3 + Budha] who understood [9 understanding] the deep need for a principled, strict but futuristic worldview created by the irrelevance of the eschatology of the devout mainstream USA. The American family system had nearly collapsed, and SMM saw the opportunities [Rahu-11] available to one who could replace the weakened social structure [Shani Simha] .


[Mangala-Urisha-9 swap Shukra-Vṛścika-3] ++ + [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Anuradha- nīcha]

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods Declared by Forbes as the world's most capitalized athlete, tW's prosperity comes mainly from product endorsements. [3, marketing, advertising] His profile appeals to both menfolk [Kuja] and womenfolk [Shukra]. Handsomely fortunate personality [Shukra] Chandra rules 11-earnings ++ identified with sex-sports-weapons [Mangala]. Relatively few consequences of secretive activities, due to Ketu-8. Despite the extraordinary personal exposure during multiple sex scandals [Kanya-born] [nīcha-Chandra mutual drishti Mangala], tW continued to prosper via business arrangements [3] and patronage-sponsors [9]


Franc-Pres 1977- financier Emmanuel Macron - one of his DOUBLE parivartamsha

[Guru-Arudra-3 parivartamsha Budha-Mūla-9]

  • Similar to his parallel incarnation, Millard Fillmore . EM enjoys the advantage of a tolerant, conversational management style [Guru-3] paired with an ideological, principled guidance style [Budha-9] EM's other parivartamsha - he has a double = [Bharani-Chandra-1 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Kuja-4-nīcha]

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[karmesha -10 leadership, the burden of responsibility, reputation, respect, governance duties, executive decisions, social ordering]

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle

Awkward 6/8 angle between [3 commerce, communications, teamwork, detail management] and [10 reputation, social authority, leadership, public image]

This yoga supports a writer who obtains an exceptionally high level of social reputation for both the texts and the leadership abilities.

  • Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal [Surya-3-Makara swap Shani-10-Simha] 6/8 angle between the mutual enemies Shani-and-Surya provided insurmountable challenges to his rulership. However the first years were hopeful due to his communications abilities. FA initiated an unprecedented series of radio addresses [3] from His Royal Highness speaking to the people [Shani activates 4-citizens, subjects] . This charming style of public outreach was hailed as the sign of better engagement with the folk [never done by his regal predecessor father, who did not speak Arabic.] Yet eventually, the distress of Surya-Shani, each in hostile rashi, created a harsh Shani Mahadasha ending in exile.

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement


POTUS-pair-13 Libraries 1798-1853 Abigail Powers Fillmore

[Shani-3-Mithuna swap Budha-11-Kumbha].

  • Although she suffered from some depression [Shani-3] Mrs. Fillmore maintained a prodigious correspondence in support of her husband's political ambitions. She was a capable community worker [11] . If there was writing work [3] or socializing work [11] to be done, she would do it. APF did not enjoy talk for its own sake [sober Shani-3] . Reportedly she spent the majority of her spare time in silent private reading.


Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King

[nīcha- Chandra-3 swap Mangala-11-nīcha].

  • SK's books and cinema fimscripts spoke to millions of readers who gained inspiration from the weird, obsessive psychology of the traumatized characters. King's literature [3] became exceptionally profitable [11] .


Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway

[Varuna-Shukra-3 parivartamsha Arcturus-Shani-11-uchcha]

  • At the onset of Shukra-Shukra svabhukti , MH was a beautifully photogenic 18-year-old [Shukra-ruled Purvashadha indriya-lagna] Her beauty was defined by a prominent architectural bone structure [uchcha-Shani drishti into bhava-1] + balanced facial features [Shukra-swap-Shani] .
  • At age 19, MH was awarded a celebrated 1-million-USD commercial photographic modeling contract [Budha-Shukra-Surya-3 ++ Budha-3 rules 7-contracts] followed by a popular cinema role [3].
  • Sadly, the career declined due to mental depression, bipolar mood dysregulation, and PTSD from hidden [8] childhood sexual abuse [Shani-11 drishti into Aśleṣa-Chandra-8].
  • She was once touted as an iconic face of a generation. Yet sadly, the magazine-cover icon [3-photographs, messaging] who once sold millions in luxury products [Shani-11-marketplace] succumbed to suicide.

[ sahajapathi-3 schedules, writing, project management, collaboration, media-message, handcraft]


[vyaya-pati-12] intrigue, invisibility, enclosures, privacy, distant lands, dreams, meditation, private spiritual guidance, imagination, absorption of individuality into the greater unity, symbolic understanding, the bedroom, ancestor awareness, phantasms, enclosure, sanctuary, hotels


Dainya parivartamsha yoga involving Budha ++ the rulers of 6-8-12 .

Supports writing, communication, argumentation of a critical, analytical and accusatory (6) confidential (8) or imaginative (12) nature.


Intrigue, insinuation, innuendo

Russ-Empress 1729-1796 Noble Maidens Catherine the Great

[nīcha] [Budha-Meena- 12 swap Guru-3-Mithuna] + + [Shukra-yuti-Guru + [Chandra-yuti-Guru] .

  • YA's legendary 34-year reign as Empress of All the Russias was distinguished by every kind of intrigue [nīcha] Budha along with expansive project developments [Guru-3] in commerce, communications, and educational training [Mithuna] .

  • Guru+Shukra+Chandra tremendously expands the capacity for detail. Empress Yekaterina generated huge volumes of literary correspondence [Mithuna] and was liked-or-tolerated by a wide swath of the diverse population [Guru] notably the serfs-and-peasants [Chandra]. She also grew corpulent with age due to Chandra-yuti-Guru parivartamsha with disease-agent rogesha Budha.


Bacteriology 1822-1895 Microbes Louis Pasteur enjoyed an exceptionally powerful double parivartamsha yoga.


  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand

  • = one of her double parivartamsha = transformative Budha-8 rules 3rd-from-Chandra ++ parivartamsha ++ ruler-of-3 = Mangala-10-Mithuna commercial empire of song-cinema ++ iconic career in songwriting and scriptwriting


USA-Sen-Calif 1964- prosecutor Kamala Gopalan Harris

[Aśvini-Chandra-12 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Mangala-3-nicha]

= exchanges the rulers of 3 + 7 + 12

ALSO KGH = double parivartamsha ++ + [nīcha-Chitra-Surya-6 parivartamsha Yoni-Shukra-4] -- exchanges the rulers of 1 + 4 + 6 = from Chandra-Mesha rules 2 + 5 + 7

  • Both of her parents were immigrants [12 distant lands] and both were university instructors [3] KGH herself = 3+ decade career attorney [7, lawcourts] with special claim to criminal prosecution [nicha-Kuja]
  • In the harsh rhetoric of USA POTUS-competition, KGH became distinguished for emotional sensitivity [Chandra-12] combined with a forceful programmatic campaign with vigorous event and media-messaging [Kuja-3]
Maha Parivartamsha Yoga

K.S. Charak [p 630] says,

  • " This combination promises wealth, status, and physical enjoyments. "

When the rulers of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11 get exchange of signs, maha-Parivartamsha Yoga results.


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

++ 10 or 11

Maha-Parivartamsha of dharma-pati exchanges with the karma-pati or the labha-pati.

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, wisdom philosophy and broad theoretical understanding is enhanced with leadership roles or economic gains.

4-11 ++ 6-9


India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi tRIPLE PARIVARTAMSHA

  • [Guru-Urisha-11 swap Shukra-Dhanus-6]
  • Ruler of 4-11 [Shukra] exchange with ruler of 6-9
  • with financial boost from [Shukra-yuti-Rahu]-6.
  • Extraordinary career characterized by economic expansion, corruption, and massive [big Guru] graft.
  • The Swiss bank accounts for this legendary political family have still not been opened as of 2022.

[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

Maha-Parivartamsha karma-pati exchanges with labha-pati.

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, public respect and recognition are enhanced by economic gainfulness, and vice versa.


1- Lagnesha exchange ++ 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11

Maha-Parivartamsha Yoga of lagnesha exchanges with dhanesha-treasurer or bandhesha or vidya-pati or yuvati-pati or dharma-pati or karma-pati or the labha-pati.

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, the social-attribute identity and vitality is enhanced by the characteristics of the exchange bhava.

Exchange of the rulers of 1 with 9 is called Lakshmi Yoga

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory

Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in face, voice, speech, song, eyes, sight, genetic lineage, knowledge lineage, acquisition of valued goods, storage, preservation of historic values, containment, banking, conservation of natural resources [2] Emphasize the physical appearance and the values traditions of the family lineage, along with collections and acquisitions.

Often a Master Storyteller


[Guru-1-Mesha swap Mangala-Dhanus-9]

  • POTUS-pair-13 Libraries 1798-1853 Abigail Powers Fillmore . She was a schoolteacher, librarian, and advocate for independent education. Knowing her collections expertise, despite the general disbelief in women's intellectual abilities, the US Congress in 1850 gave her the funding to create the first Whitehouse Library.


[Shani-Meena-2 swap Guru-Kumbha-1] .

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet Master storyteller ECP fascinated her followers [also Rahu-9] with tales of the cosmic beyond [Meena imagination] . The Otherworldly landscape contained multiple [Guru] discarnate figures of infinite wisdom [Guru]. These legendary [2] personalities spoke with certain knowledge [2] about the power of making decree [2] repeating sonorous chant [2] and building the treasuries of the church [2] .


[Budha-1 swap Shukra-2] + + [Surya-yuti-Shukra] + + [Budha-yuti-Mangala] .

  • Sophie's Choice 1949- drama Meryl Streep famed cinema actress known for extraordinary, compelling characterizations [Budha] of womenfolk [Shukra] . A master storyteller via scripted enactments. Over the span of a five-decade career, mS is known for immersing herself into the detailed world of the character being portrayed, as well as for her ability to convince scriptwriters to change dialog or scenes in order to match [Shukra] her personality rendering [1 Budha] of the protagonist.


[Budha-Urisha] -- [Budha in bhava-1] [Kṛttikā-Budha-yuti-Surya-Mriga] [Budha-1 parivartamsha Shukra-2]

  • POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush GHWB rose to POTUS level of social authority on the basis of his verbalizing business skills [Budha] ++ family wealth from oil-and-gas extraction [2]. He combined the arts of conversation, explanation, and project management [Budha-1] with the financial assets via mineral deposits, primarily petroleum [Shukra-2] . GHWB's communication skills and his expertise in topics of resource acquisition allied him [Shukra alliances] with HNWIcapitalists [Shukra-2] who then funded his political ascent.

  • Interestingly, GHWB was considered a high-functioning VPOTUS but a poor POTUS. The ailing POTUS-40 Ronald Reagan delegated most of his duties to his lieutenant GHWB, whose detailed management skills were highly praised.

  • However, GHWB was poorly rated as POTUS-41 commander. Being so identified with managing his HNWI financial projects, GHWB launched an unjustifiable lethal war - at least partly under pressure from financial backers in the weapons industry. An unpopular supreme eader, he was denied re-election.

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]

++ vikramapathi communicator-3

See above Kahala Parivartamsha Yoga

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past

Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in home, household, landed properties, patriotism, foundational education, security, boundary protection, farming-fishing, local ethno-cultural roots [4]


Harmonices Mundi 1571-1630 Johannes Kepler

[yogakaraka-uchcha-Shani-1 parivartamsha lagnesha Shukra-4]

  • exchange of the rulers of 1 + 4 + 5 + 8 . Johannes Kepler was possessed of a brilliant systems intellect [Kumbha-5] but he also experienced sudden upheavals and external conditions of revolutionary change [8]. His father abandoned the family. In the age of patriarchal patrimony in search of patronage, normally that single fact would have prevented any social accomplishment. Nevertheless JK received an excellent humanistic education[4] [Shani and Shukra are both connected to his supportive grandparents] JK's identity [1] as a genius of architectonic structure [uchcha-Shani-1] is still known. More than five centuries after publication, Kepler's books are still on university reading lists and the name Kepler is still recognized as a luminary Euro-western late-renaissance science.


POTUS-pair-02 Letters 1744-1818 Abigail Adams

[Simha-Mangala-1 maha-parivartamsha Vṛścika-Surya-4] ++ Surya accepts drishti from Kuja.

  • AA was a singular personality managing the homefront during bitter political Revolutionary War, political advocate for mothers and householders, independent personality, deeply patriotic


Human Rights 1978- attorney Amal Alamuddin Clooney

[nīcha-Mangala-4 parivartamsha Chandra-8-nīcha ]

  • Kuja rules 1-8 + Soma rules-4, combining the powers of personality [1] intervention [8] protection [4]. AAC is identified [1] with defending [4] the rights of those threatened [8 danger] with harsh and unfair retribution. An additional parivartamsha between AAC's Surya-10 + Shani-5, brings a genius for enduring political bitterness [Shani-Simha] plus a confident visibility in matters of law [Surya-Makara-10].


China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong

[Shukra-4 swap Shani-1-uchcha]

  • For Mao-Zedong, the 1-4 exchange strengthens matters of AND political celebrity. Mao became an agent of massively destructive revolutionary upheaval while enjoying uninterrupted political success for many decades. His fans consider Mao as an exponent of social justice [uchcha] Shani while his detractors focus more on his aesthetic [Shukra] of utter devastation of the old order [Makara] and violently enforced, catastrophic social change. Whatever his legacy, in his era Mao's image was ubiquitous and his every word was enormously celebrated [5 center stage] .


Clairsentient 1939-1994 social justice Paul Solomon

[uchcha-Kuja-1 swap Shani-4-nīcha]+ + [Shani-yuti-Ketu]

  • PS had a difficult and frustrating early life filled with spiritual wandering, along with wasteful and self-destructive behaviors [nīcha] Shani-Ketu] ..Shukra-6 provided the challenge of alcoholism. When Shani matured [age 36] he began to apprehend his destiny, and in the years remaining to him until decease at age 54, solomon became a much-beloved clairsentient reader, medical intuitive [Aśvini] and spiritual teacher. He also mounted an active [Mangala] social-justice campaign that included daring physical rescues of Thai child slaves.


Iran-Pres 1956- traffic engineer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

[Mangala-4 swap Shani-1] + [Shani-yuti-Rahu]

  • During Mangala Mahadasha, ahmadinejad was working as a professor of civil engineering. Finding opportunity in low-turnout elections, he shot from political obscurity into top leadership roles, taking a super-hardliner approach befitting Shani-Mangala-Rahu. During the subsequent Rahu Mahadasha, he fell from power completely. Rahu fall. Professor Ahmadinejad also enjoys a second parivartamsha between Shukra-11 ++ Budha-12, which assisted with funding [11] and with invisible agreements [12] .


Franc-Pres 1977- financier Emmanuel Macron

[Bharani-Chandra-1 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Kuja-4-nīcha]

  • exchange of the rulers of 1 + 4 + 8. Macron was theyoungest French head-of-state since Napoleon Bonaparte [NB was age-30 when he seized power]. While responding to an endless series of global emergencies [8] EM's political emphasis = border security [4] financial security [4] and culturally French ethno-education [4].

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love

Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in politics, entertainment, fashion, royalty, celebrity, gambling-and-games, creativity, children, brilliant delights [5]


POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson

[Shukra-1 maha-parivartamsha Shani-5] + [Chandra-yuti-Shani]


Formula One 1980-2013 test driver Maria de Villota

[Surya-5 swap Guru-1]

  • A beautiful, skilled, and celebrated racing-car test driver, mdV was developing a cult following when she tragically died from heart failure [5] due to racetrack crash injuries. She was widely perceived to be elegantly breaking the gender barrier in motorsports via the support and imitation of her racing champion Father [Surya].

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in contracts, agreements, negotiation, bargaining, alliances, terms of agreement, marriage, equity [7]


India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi * TRIPLE PARIVARTAMSHa

[Chandra-7-Makara swap Shani-1-Karkata-Aśleṣa ].

  • From the time of birth to her dedicated activist parents [lagna] ING was inextricably linked to governance. Shani is also randhresha, adding a quality of lawful but intensively revolutionary transformation to Shani's usually staid persona.

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in ideologies [9] paradigms of belief [9] university theoretical discourse [9] global humanistic worldview [9] sacred teachings [9] patronage, patriarchy, father-figures [9] professor proselyte preaching guru pontificator pope papa



Rus-Pres 1952- First Person Vladimir Putin

[Kuja-9-Mūla swap Guru-1-Bharani]

  • Personal-political exchange. Presenting himself as an athlete, religious devotee, and a paragon of the Fatherland, VP rose to power during his Guru Mahadasha.

QUOTATION from BPHS, Sarga-5, sloka-41

  • " If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other, then they form a Raja Yoga. They will confer high position, reputation and power." [end quote]

QUOTATION from BPHS, Sarga-40, sloka-13

  • " An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner." [end quote]

[lagnesha-1] personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, public authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank


Mormon Church 1805-1844 Golden Plates Joseph Smith

[Shukra-1 swap Shani-10-uchcha]

  • JS was suavely able to form relationships personal and professional [Shukra] While still a young man, he organized and authoritatively led an institutional church [10] Active from Rahu-Shani bhukti age 30 [first church established] until his murder during Guru-Shani bhukti, age 39 [Shani rules 2].

[lagnesha-1 personality, tangible identity, uniqueness, densified embodiment, physical appearance, mobility, championship]


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

In a word, fUNDRAISING. Supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in economic systems, social-participation linkage, community activism, social-electronic networks [11] A large-scale thinker. May be an agent of social change cult of personality.


POTUS-43 Decisions Points 1946- George W. Bush

[Budha-11 exchange Chandra-1].

Budha tempered by [Budha-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Shani]

  • As the principal of an oil-and-gas concern, then the managing partner of an investment cohort that owned the Texas Rangers baseball franchise, then an 8-year governor of Texas, then 8-year POTUS-43, ... GWB did a vast amount of fundraising. His personality-appearance [Chandra-1 intakes drishti of uchcha-Rahu-9] along with the documented management skills from Budha, facilitated a lifetime of generating investment participation in expectation of elite revenues.


Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Daughter of Destiny Benazir Bhutto

[Karkata-Budha-11 exchange Kanya-Chandra-1]

  • Social-participation economics = community activism ++ iconic personality prone to compromising weakness [Ketu]

Special Raja Yoga considerations when lagnesha exchanges with karma-pati

QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-5, sl. 4

  • " If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga. They will confer high position, reputation and power."

QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-5, sl. 41

  • " an exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner. "

lagnesha 1 ++ karmesha 10 * supports an outstanding personality [1] with special engagement in hierarchy, social institutions, bureaucracy, laws, policies, legal structures, rule of law, social authority [10]


DHANAPATI exchanges

[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


ruler of 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11

Maha-Parivartamsha of the dhanesha-treasurer exchange with bandhesha or vidya-pati or yuvati-pati or dharma-pati or karma-pati or the labha-pati.

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, matters of historical conservation, savings, and containment of treasuries of wealth-and-knowledge are enhanced.


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, values, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past

Speech-Face-Family Heritage ++ Home, culture, boundaries


Oops 1981- music-merchandise Britney Spears

[Vṛścika-Budha-4 parivartamsha Kanya-Mangala-2-yogakaraka]

  • empowers the rulers of 2 + 4 + 9 + 11. Consistently high-earning [ 9 + 11] multi-decade career in song-and-dance [2]


[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, values, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, games, gambling, speculation, children, poetry, romantic idealism, sparkle, amusement, uniqueness



India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi

TRIPLE PARIVARTAMSHA -- [Vṛścika-Surya-5 swap Simha-Mangala-2].


  • ING's extraordinary political career began with her father's [Surya] nepotism [2, family] . Continued into military [Kuja fighting activates 10] dictatorship [Surya autocracy]. Ended with assassination by her own bodyguard following violent abuses of Sikh dissenters [Mangala intakes drishti of reckless Rahu-6-Mūla ] . By any modern standard, iNG's leadership career was shockingly powerful. For a woman in 1960's India, the amount of political control that she weaponized was truly astounding.

[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, values, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

A somewhat awkward shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle exchange between the agenda of one's own family [2] and the agenda of one's marriage-or-business partner [7] . The family and the partner may gain from this arrangement, but one may feel unbalanced.

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle


France-Queen 1755-1793 Madame Deficit Marie Antoinette

] Mithuna-Kuja-2swap Vṛścika-Budha-7].

  • Near her 15th birthday, her aggressive Hapsburg family [2] bargained her [7] into a marriage [7] with the French king. MA's outspoken opinions [Mangala-2] and allegiance to her Austrian, German-speaking family [2] produced public conflict [6/8] and she met the guillotine [7] [age d 37.


Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo

[Chandra-7-Mūla swap Guru-Aśleṣa -2]

+ + [Shani-yuti-Chandra] + + [nīcha-Mangala-yuti-Guru-uchcha].

  • SA's childhood was marked by a violent, mentally ill mother. In the early part of the 20th century, following fourteen years of UK education, aravinda Ghose became a vigorous, radical, political activist promoting Indian Independence. He publically stated that violence was an acceptable, indeed a necessary, tool for achieving the freedom goal. AAG suffered a year in prison for a bomb scheme. Later in his lifetime, aAG withdrew entirely from politics. He focused on meditation and writing poetry [Savitri] . While he lived in quietude making very few public appearances, acontemplative community ashram was built around his inspirational figure.

[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory ++

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle

An awkward 6/8 shad-ashtakya exchange between the agenda of one's own family [2] and the agenda of the doctrinal, ideological authorities or the agenda of one's father [9] . The family and the father-or-sangha-or-professor-[riest indoctrinators may gain from this arrangement, and the condition of theoretical [9] knowledge may be advanced, but one may feel unbalanced.



POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government 1735-1826 John Adams

[Budha-Vṛścika-4 swap Mangala-yuti-Rahu-Kanya-2].

  • Founding Father of USA, legal scholar [Kuja activates 4 + 9] specializing in civil and economic governance structure for the American Republic. [Vriddhi-pati + dh-4 made him a powerhouse of financial [Budha activates 2+11] discourse including a newly designed banking system, delivering announcements, and making declarations. Kuja-Kanya-2 dynamic, incisive, but also aggressive argumentation [speech-2] Adams provided his revolutionary colleagues with the necessary legal arguments to support the rights of the American colonies to separate from the unjust taxation of the British crown and begin a new country [Budha in revolutionary, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra] .

[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank


Raja Yoga 1863-1902 Swamioga 1863-1902 Swami Vivekananda

  • [Budha-2 swap Shani-1]

[dhanesha-2] treasury, legacies, tradition, knowledge, values, assets, accounting, record-keeping, coop-keep-cups, genetics, bloodlines, breeding, conservation, preservation, reservoir, savings, database, banking, history-stories-storage, containment, collections, museum, preservation, family heritage, language, speech, song, face, voice, memory


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

highly empowered dhana-yoga

11-earnings exchanges with 2-savings, creating a gainful [11] and wealth-preserving [2] financial mechanism


La Pucelle d'Orleans 1412-1431 St. Jeanne d'Arc

[Guru-11swap Budha-2]

BANDESHA exchanges

[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past

++ ruler of 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11

Maha-Parivartamsha Yoga of bandhesha exchange with the vidya-pati or yuvati-pati or dharma-pati or karma-pati or the labha-pati

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, matters of property ownership-stewardship and the mother's culture are enhanced.

[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnor-eligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


POTUS-08 Democratic Party 1782-1862 Martin Van Buren


The Mirror 1895-1986 theosophy Jiddu Krishnamurti

JK was able to describe [Budha] the architecture [Shukra] of foundational education [4] which was formulated ]Budha] to promote individual creativity wuth emphasis on arts and music [Shukra] JK delivered information about self-realization [5] primarily via parental conversational format of discussions [Budha-4] He used balanced, reciprocal question-answer explanations [Mithuna] but JK was always the centre of attention [5]


Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas

Multi-decade career in cinema spanning roles as dramatist, director, producer, deal-maker, project management +++ strong public identity with famous actor father.

[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel


[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

Awkward shad-ashtakya 6/8 angle between

  • the agenda of one's mother, home-folk, and cultural foundations including schooling, housing, and property ownership-stewardship[4]
  • versus
  • the agenda of the doctrinal, ideological authorities or the agenda of one's father. [9]

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle



POTUS-10 Annex Texas 1790-1862 John Tyler

JT's father was a prominent, influential landowner-judge-governor in colonial Virginia. Pushed forward by his established-authority dad [Surya-Shani-4] Tyler held political office [Simha] continuously from his age 21 until age 56. Rahu-11 profits sends drishti into the Surya-Meena-4 cluster = slave-plantations.

Both dad and son were vehement believers [9] in states-rights as the principle to ensure continuation of agricultural slavery. 6/8 angle produced a conflicted, disruptive [8] ideologue [9] personality due to [Guru-9 lagnesha] . At a time when presidential cabinet picks were never denied, JT had four selectees rejected by an adversarial Congress.

Later conflict with his 6/8 rigidity was such that on 11-Sep-1841, JT's entire advisory cabinet quit and did not return. Ultimately JT's deeply pro-slavery convictions [9] caused him to join the revolutionary secessionist Confederacy of slaving-states, where he helped to plot an uprising against the Union of which he had recently been the chief executive [6/8 angle conflict, chaos, upheaval, revolutionary change] .

The family and the father-or-sangha-or-indoctrinators may gain from this arrangement, but one may feel victimized. Often the parents are misaligned constitutionally. Nevertheless able to work together within the preincarnational plan.


POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford

  • [mysterious-disguising Pushya-4]
  • [Shani-9-Karkata swap Chandra-4-Kumbha]

legitimized [Shani] the previously-disgraceful institution of residential [Chandra] treatment centers for women needing sheltered care [Old Pathways Karkata] for addictions disorders


Calif-Gov 1938- Moonbeam Jerry Brown

Fortunate exchange of 4-and-5 = many [Guru] respected [Shani] political positions

JB was a professional Politician [5] for his entire adult life. From law school graduation until the day of his retirement at age 80, JB held a variety [Guru] of elected positions within the state of California. He was elected to an astounding four terms [16 years] as Governor of California [a position held earlier by JB's father].

JB also served as Attorney General, Secretary of State, and a challenging double-term as Mayor of Oakland. JB was the Chairman of the powerfully influential California Democratic Party as well.

However, not every election bid was successful [Shani limits]. Despite or perhaps because of his humanistic worldview [Guru] JB lost his bids for USA-Senator. Further, JB was required to cede his POTUS aspirations to other luminaries -- first to Jimmy Carter, then to Ronald Reagan, and finally to Bill Clinton. His job performance in each political role was reckoned as steady, lawful [Shani] and ever-guided by philosophical tolerance [Guru].

[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, legitimate command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank

[bandhesha-4] security, schooling, safeguarding, parents, cultural roots, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, routines, protection, environmentalism, patriotism, defense, caretaking, pathways of transportation, waterways, airways, farming, fishery, property, burial, underground world, routines, continuity with the past


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement


POTUS-02 Thoughts on Government John Adams

Founding Father of USA, legal scholar [Kuja activates 4 + 9] specializing in civil and economic governance structure for the American Republic. Vriddhi-pati + dhana=pati Budha-4 made him a powerhouse of financial [Budha activates 2+11] discourse including a newly designed banking system, delivering announcements, and making declarations. Kuja-Kanya-2 dynamic, incisive, but also aggressive argumentation [speech-2]

Adams provided his revolutionary colleagues with the necessary legal arguments to support the rights of the American colonies to separate from the unjust taxation of the British crown and begin a new country [Budha in revolutionary, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra] .


Bacteriology 1822-1895 Microbes Louis Pasteur

LP enjoyed an exceptionally powerful double parivartamsha yoga.

These two separate pairs interact with each other, and with Rahu, and most powerfully with Shukra

[his wife Marie Laurent] to generate an extraordinary - although not entirely noble - human scientist.

  • [Apah-Shukra-11 parivartamsha Kṛttikā-Guru-4] while labhasthana-11 contains the combined rulers of 4 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 9
  • + + [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Rahu-12 swap nīcha-Shani-Mesha-3 in medical Asvini] + mutual drishti

Professor Pasteur participated in scientific discussions [3] within the Euro-culture-sphere. The information exchanged in journals and conferences propelled the development of cures for rabies and other horrible diseases of people, animals, and plants. Although collaborative in nature, Pasteur's work was nonetheless promoted as the result of his singular personal genius. As a French citizen, he was feted as a great hero, and his work attained a saintly aura of compassionate humanism [Dhanus] His discoveries ultimately earned his family a large fortune [11].

However things were not entirely as they seemed.

Although LP was awarded [Shukra-11] the commercial patents [3] for the anthrax and rabies vaccines and food sanitizing processes [pasteurization-3] LP-and-MLP had appropriated scientific data from research reports [3] written by members of his professional cohort [3]

  • Increasingly paranoid [nīcha-Shani-3] and ever risk-taking in his research activity [Rahu-12 with uchcha-Kuja]
  • LP perceived colleagues as competitors [Mangala-Rahu-12 exchange Shani-3].

LP's wife Marie Laurent was the highly literate daughter of a university rector. [Shukra-11 with Budha+Surya +++ Budha-yuti-Rahu Mithuna in 7th-navamsha] She conspired with LP to compete-and-win [uchcha-Mangala] for the patent awards [11]. A shrewd and careful documentarian, Madame Pasteur joined in much of LP'sfieldwork [3]. She wrote-or-edited many of the detailed experimental reports [Budha-yuti-Shukra] and prepared LP's articles for publication. [Budha].

As seen via LP's randhresha-Budha, MLP hid the scientific notebooks. Had the notebooks been accessed, they would have exposed LP's long-running unattributed use of his colleague's data and methods. Having been raised in an academic family, Marie Laurent would have known that intellectual theft is usually punished by excommunication from the professional societies. Such a dishonor would have destroyed the Pasteur family.

  • Second parivartamsha = Super-fueled [uchcha-Kuja-yuti-Rahu-12] and [nīcha-Shani-Mesha-Aśvini-3 publications]
  • Amplified by Rahu, combines the rulers of 1 + 3 + 10 + 12 + Rahu. In a super-intense arrangement, nīcha-Shani + uchcha-Mangala also enjoy mutual drishti .

Sadly, in the rush [Kuja] to produce a profitable vaccine against rabies and other diseases of humans, animals, and plants, LP's nīcha-Mesha-Shani battled his scientific collaborators as if they were competitors. LP's ungloved handling of the blood and saliva of drooling, biting rabid animals shows his indomitable drive to win the race [nīcha-Shani-3, handling].

  • LP won the fierce contest [Kuja] to patent the desperately needed disease cures for the meat, dairy, wine, and agriculture industries. Despite the Pasteur-team secretly combining the work of many scientists, the rabies vaccine and the bacteria-killing process called Pasteurization are still promoted as the exclusive inventions of Louis Pasteur [Shani-nīcha -lagnesha with heavy effort, must be champion]

The intense stress of his Kuja-Shani relationship produced hemorrhaging strokes. But they did get [11] the lucrative patents. Madame retired in comfort, and the royalties enriched LP's family for a century. By the time the secret notebooks were made public and their aggregious over-reach [Rahu] was revealed, all of the players were long dead.


India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi

  • [Guru-Urisha-11 swap Shukra-Dhanus-6]
  • Ruler of 4-11 [Shukra] exchange with ruler of 6-9 with criminal banking boost from [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] [6].

Extraordinary career characterized by economic expansion, financial corruption, and massive [big Guru] graft. . Extraordinary patriotism [4] and marketplace growth [11] mixed with ideological passion [9] and criminal power [6] .


POTUS-pair-43 School Libraries 1946- Laura Welch Bush

Not an easy parivartamsha, due to 6/8 angle of the pairing. However, when 4 exchanges with 11, the household and the community are interactive.

Kumbha-Chandra-11 signals a natural fundraiser and socialite. LWB's community-building, friendly sensitivity to wealthy donors were valuable assets during her two-person career shared with businessman and politician POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush

Shani-4 signals constrained circumstances in the home, but Shani karmesha casts a reputation-building drishti into 10.

LWB's stern childhood - and her ability to convince her alcoholic-partying husband to also attain sobriety through fundamentalist worship [4] - not only grounded their two-person career.

It was also a winning trait with Republican voters, who interpreted LWB's taciturn schoolteacher look [4] her full-time motherhood duties [4] and her simultaneous social-networking skills [11] as a winning conservative combination

VIDYAPATI exchange

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love

++ ruler of 7, 9, 10, or 11

Maha-Parivartamsha of vidya-pati-5 exchange with yuvati-pati-7 or dharma-pati-9 or karma-pati-10 or the labha-pati-11.

Presuming strength of both rulers involved in the exchange, this parivartamsha yoga may be expected to produce treasures and pleasures while matters of the two swapped bhava are enhanced.

Specifically, matters of celebrity, politics, children, creative arts and literature, gamesmanship and winnings from speculation are enhanced.

Regardless of potentially humble circumstances of birth, Exchange of the ruler of 5-and-10 may indicate extraordinary political [5] and governance [10] empowerment


Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla

Energetically talkative combination. Wojtyla broke centuries of tradition by talking openly [Budha] about sex [Kuja]. Winner in matters of religious politics and international church leadership.

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love




[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel


[POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk

[Kuja-Kanya-5 exchange Budha-Vṛścika-7]

  • Polk became a commercially successful attorney [Budha-7] Using the revenues from his litigation business, he paid the expenses for conducting political campaigns [Kuja-5] His wife Sarah Childress [Budha-7] managed their slave plantations and wrote much of his campaign material, such as pamphlets and newspaper articles. From his first bid for elected office age 27, until his death age 53, JKP and Sarah worked together [7] on his elections.

  • JKP was a master of detailed procedure and legal documentation. During a time of deep national conflict about slavery, other POTUS contemporaries got mired in this bitter moral and economic conflict. Yet, JKP'a ever-ascending political career was a rare example of administrative effectiveness.

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

** see below

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


superb advantage for careers in entertainment, politics, or creative arts.

One shines a bright light of optimism while faithfully engaging the principles of belief [9]

Usually, wonderful children and grandchildren.

If Shani is involved,

  • there may be a very heavy workload within Shani's bhava.
  • Also Shanaicarya may take a Long Time to manifest the fruits of this fine fortune

If Shani is not involved,

  • quick evidence of splendid ability in creative arts and literature, politics, and drama.


POTUS-pair-18 Civil War 1826-1902 Julia Dent Grant

Typical of Shani and exacerbated by Shani-yuti-Ketu, JDG's road to glory was full of obstacles and delays, but she did arrive. JDG's father [9] was the patriarch of his wealthy slave-labor plantation. Her adulthood was dominated by the USA-Civil War. Shani rules both 6 and 6th-from-Chandra, and Shani rules the marriage = 7th-from-Chandra. US-Grant's alcoholism and PTSD from fighting bloody wars were heavy burdens for JDG. Yet she remained optimistic, believing in their future.

After the hideous brutality of the Union Army win in the USA-Civil War, General Grant seemed just about ruined. Y

et with Shani in 10th-from her Chandra-12, Julia worked persistently behind-the-scenes to muster political support for USG. A series of political boosts including the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the disgraced reign of Andrew Johnson made US-Grant a hugely popular hero-celebrity. Julia too became a nationally-praised hostess of Whitehouse entertainments and icon of postwar restoration of cheer [9]. Her 17-year widowhood was generously funded [9] and full of grandchildren [9] and parties [5].


POTUS-27-pair Cherry Trees 1861-1943 Nellie Herron Taft

Nellie's mom [Chandra] hailed from a political family. Nellie knew that, as a wife, she would live in the Whitehouse. Her husband POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft was appointed to international roles that required world travel [9] . Nellie entertained [5] on a grand and inclusive scale, throwing parties for 1000 and serving guests of all demographics. Her political [5] support for women's suffrage helped get the vote for ladies. After POTUS and SCOTUS years, she traveled widely, attending parties [5] and developing charities [Guru-9] especially to benefit mothers-and-children [Chandra].


Second Sex 1908-1986 social theory Simone de Beauvoir

  • [Chandra-yuti-Mangala-5]
  • ++ Kuja maha-parivartamsha
  • [uchcha] Guru-9


Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand

  • Shukra-6 parivartamsha Shani-9]
  • = combined rulers of 2 + 5 + 6 + 9

Enduring seven-decade [Shani] career in musical and theatrical performance arts, nationally beloved, iconic singer. Also BJS = high-powered political fundraiser [Chandra-Aśleṣā-11] with social connections to elite political figures .


France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy

during Shukra-Guru bhukti NS age 52-53 == elected President of France + amicable divorce from alliance-2 + consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Italian-born fashion model and singer, Carla Bruni Sarkozy *+ multinational EU debt restructuring during the Global financial crisis of 2008.

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

An extraordinary advantage for political careers but imbalanced and contentious too

6/8 shad-ashtakya parivartamsha tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle


POTUS-pair-42 + USA Secy State 1947- Hillary Clinton

[Karkata-Shani-10 swap Kumbha-Chandra-5]

  • 5-10 is a combination for emotionally bright political power [5] and institutional authority [10]. Yet, unbalanced shad-ashtaka 6/8 exchange between collectivist political idealism [Kumbha-5] and the agenda of morally lawful governance [Karkata-Shani-10] was harmed by vindictive Shani-yuti-Mangala-nīcha -10. Politicizing the moral agenda

    [Chandra-5] supporting women-and-children [Chandra-5] made HRC a favorite of feminists, and Shani carried HRC into top social policy roles. Yet [nīcha-Kuja] provided bitter disappoints and resentment. May also signal a slow but effective political revenge.


Human Rights 1978- attorney Amal Alamuddin Clooney

  • DOUBLE parivartamsha.
  • [Makara-Surya-10 swap Simha-Shani-5]
  • + + [nīcha-Mangala-4 swap Chandra-8-nīcha ]

AAC's Surya-10 + Shani-5 brings a genius for enduringpolitical bitterness [Shani-Simha] plus a confident visibility in matters of law [Surya-Makara-10]. Combines the rulers of 5 + 10 + 11.

An exceptional public figure who is able to combine the glamour of fashion and celebrity [Surya] with the sober realism of the law courts [Shani] AAC specializes in defending those jailed and tortured for political reasons [Surya] by intimidating, controlling, oppressive regimes [Shani-10 regime]. In addition, [Surya-yuti-Budha + [Surya-yuti-Shukra] combines the rulers of 2 + 3 +5 + 6 + 7 + 10 + 11+

As if the powerhouse Surya-Shani exchange weren't enough, AAC has a second parivartamsha

[nīcha-Mangala-4 parivartamsha Chandra-8-nīcha] a DOUBLE-nīcha exchange, which allows her to go where angels fear to tread. Kuja rules 1-8 + Soma rules-4, combining the powers of personality [1] intervention [8] protection [4].

AAC is identified [1] with defending [4] the rights of those threatened [8 danger] with physical-emotional torture and violation.


Mughal Emperor 1592-1666 Shah Jahan


  • [Budha-Makara-5 swap Shani-Mithuna-10 ]
  • ++ [Guru-3 swap Mangala-7]
  • +++ imperial Shani-yuti-Rahu-10

[vidya-pati-5] celebrity, entitlements, heart-and-spine, artistic performance, intelligence, politics, creativity, theatre, gambling-games-gambits, speculation, children, poetry, genius, certainty, idealism, adoration, admiration, romanticized love


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

The mutual drishti plus parivartamsha yoga creates a substantialdhanayoga signifies a dramatic [5] increase [11] in economic participation [11] along with earnings from fashion, entertainment, celebrity, games, and other creative endeavors.


  • Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle [Chandra-5 swap ++ mutual drishti with Shani-11] Creative literature, political campaigns, romantic idealism,revenues. The political campaigns failed to win the contest, and the romance was tightly regulated


  • Best Is Yet to Come 1949-2022 designer Ivana Zelnickova Trump [Shani-Simha-11 swap Surya-Kumbha-5] + [Surya-yuti-Kuja]. A high-tension exchange of yogakaraka Shani-with-[Surya-yuti-Kuja] places both graha into hostile rashi. Nevertheless, rahu-7 drishti into Shani [11] amplified the disciplined efforts toward obtaining profits [labha] and maintaining [Shani] community responsibilities such as youth-sports organizations. A fourth husband [4th-from-Chandra-2] was a romantic actor-model.

[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel ++

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

+ +

[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement


Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham

Emotionally grounded through trusting partnerships ++ sensitively connected into familiar networks. Admired within her faith community [11] as a paragon of uplifting guidance [uchcha-Guru-11] and wifely devotion [Chandra-7].


exchange with ++ rulers of 4, 7, 10, or 11

9 exchange with 4

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures

Like any shad-ashtakya 6/8 angle, this parivartamsha yoga starts with conflicted, imbalanced, or exploitve conditions. Bandhusthāna-4 represents mother while dharmasthāna-9 represents father.

Ultimately, it produces betterment, with the variety of experience dictated by the two graha involved. However, there must be initially some stimulating conflict between the agendas of the two parents. No matter how skillfully that conflict may be concealed behind religious dogma

[9] or cultural custom [4] the tension is acute until the mismatched expectations and dysfunctional coping mechanisms are corrected.

6/8 shad-ashtakya angle-of-swap tend to produce sustained imbalance for purpose of working through a life-puzzle


POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford

  • [Chandra-4 swap Shani-9]

BBF suffered decades of addictive pattern. Admitting that her ways of handling life-stress were fundamentally self-harming, BBF publicly discussed her family's multi-generational drug-alcohol addictions and her breast cancer mastectomy [Jyestha outspoken]. By using her sorrow to help others, BBF became much more famous than her husband Gerald R. Ford. Half-a-century following his presidency, it is Betty whose name is remembered and admired.

As POTUS-38 partner, BBF used her platform to help self-medicators [6/8] Chandra-yuti-Shukra - those who turn to self-destructive drugs in order to calm their social stress and emotional pain. Her alcoholic father had committed suicide [Shani-9] due likely to his negative beliefs about his limitations [Shani] during the Great Depression. Rather than deal honestly with the difficulties, her socialite mother [Chandra-Shukra-4] indulged BBF in sweets and luxuries.

As BBF worked her way through her pre-incarnational life-plan, she not only learned to step away from intoxicants herself. She also shined a bright light on the forward path for millions of Americans, encouraging them to get therapeutic treatment for addictions. The Betty Ford Clinic remains the gold standard in recovery residential treatment [Chandra shelter].

9 exchange with 7

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


[yuvati-pati-7] contracts, agreements, covenant, oath, promise, vow, marriage, bargain, arrangement, deal-making, brokerage, alliance, trust, judgment, partnership, equity, trade, exchange, balance, attorney, advocate, advising, representation, counsel

9 exchange with 10

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles

exchange rulers of 9 ++ 10 brings qualities of philosophy and sacred belief [9] into the public reputation and duty-portfolio [10]


POTUS-25 Gold Standard 1843-1901 William McKinley

Until he was assassinated, mcKinley worked with institutional corruption [Guru-Makara] and political ideologues [Shani Dhanus]. Brihaspati ruler of 11 is located in 11th-from-11th = a highly productive funding yoga.


Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper

DLH = legendary 60's dramatist, famed for his classic anti-establishment and mentally-deranged characters. His iconic cinema-and-television roles featured angry outburst and revolutionary impatience [Kuja] packaged with a handsome, photogenic, romantic attraction [Shukra]. The Kuja-Budha-Surya cluster occupies media-messaging 3rd-from-Chandra.

Nationally recognized [10] albeit not always respected. Reputation drained by Shukra ruler of 10 located in 12th-from-10. Often criticized for his five marriages [Shukra]. financially capitalized [Budha rules 2-11] skilled fine artist and prize-winning gallery photographer [Shukra].


Super Brain 1946- renewal Deepak Chopra

[Shukra-10 parivartamsha Mangala-9]

[Viśākha-Kuja-yuti-Surya-Chitra-nīcha ] [Viśākha-Kuja-yuti-Budha-Viśākha ] [Viśākha-Kuja-yuti-Guru-Arcturus]

[navamsha Shukra-Kanya-nīcha ] [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Ketu-Jyeṣṭha ]

  • The son of a medical chief administrator, DC combines conceptual philosophical frameworks [9] with corporate leadership skills [10]. A respected social authority [10] who promotes a paradigm of belief [9] about health and aging, DC's New Age medicine career began as an Ayurvedic product executive for Mahesh Yogi. Karmasthāna containing [yogakaraka] [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] = finance career plus a Ketu-style disregard for outdated standards of validity and/or empty promises.


UK-Princess Royal 1950- equestrienne Anne Windsor Laurence

Princess Anne was born into both elite entitlements and heavy responsibilities of public decorum. She lived successfully in the brilliance of the public spotlight. AWL worked as a dignified, high-visibility, ceremonial figure throughout her life. Both of her parents, Philip Mountbatten [Surya] + Elizabeth-2 [Chandra], were globally famous [Simha] and respected ancestral national icons [Karkata].

Although she refused to apply royal titles to her children - thus declaring herself the final instance of centuries of ritual performance - AWL = considered an exemplary public icon [10] in matters of charitable patronage [Surya-Karkata-10] and national pageantry display [Chandra-Simha-10]

9 exchange with

[dharma-pati-9] paradigms of belief, philosophical convictions, sacred teachings, indoctrination, catechism, patriarchal authority, worldview, ideology, theory, first principles, understanding, public spiritual guidance, father-figures


[vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement


ruler of 11 combines with ruler of 11th-from-11

Typically, the father-figure has a pronounced influence in the child's life, usually as a donor of largesse. The belief-paradigm [9] is also prominent and one may become a funding agent for an ideology or globalization theory.

Parivartamsha yoga between the rulers of 9 and 11 generates a prognosis for high levels of economic earnings ++ understanding of marketplace principles along with intense engagement with ideological doctrine [9] interacting with social participation communities [11] .


Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore

  • = double parivatamsha
  • = [Mesha-Budha-9 ++ Mithuna-Kuja-11]
  • ++ + [Chandra-8 + ++ Guru-12-uchcha]

Typical of Purvaphalguni births, RT was involved in many romantic, creative, and political projects. His astounding double parivatamsha resulted in being born into elevated wealth and privilege , and it also produced a great aura of genius.

  • A literary powerhouse, RT generated great volumes of folk poetry and songwriting. Most of his material was transcribed and translated from the local pre-literate Bangla village culture. [writer Budha + Kuja bandesha folkways, local culture]

  • [Surya-yuti-Budha] joins Budha-the-Writer with RT's lagnesha

    [uchcha-Surya] = a dominating, aristocratic father, of whom RT was dad's thirteenth child. Dhanesha Budha as ruler of 11 in 11th-from-11, also rules 2+11. He was a very wealthy man. Dad's vast agricultural estates [4] provided the capital that funded RT's many idealistic projects.

  • RT's intensely secretive and volatile emotional life [Soma-8] fueled his abundant, richly intuitive poetry [Chandra-8-Revatī exchange Guru-uchcha-12] Helped by his friend [Kuja-11] William Butler Yeats, RT was awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature.


Newspapers 1863-1951 plutocrat William Randolph Hearst [Bharani-Budha-4 parivartamsha Ardra-Mangala-6] = exchange of rulers of 4 + 6 + 9 + 11

  • Born into conditions of elevated wealth and privilege, only-child WRH raised in limitless luxury. On his birthday, WRH was gifted a major urban newspaper by his oligarch-plutocrat father [9], engineer and resource-extractor, USA Senator Hearst. Isolated by his extreme wealth and emotionally disturbed, WRH became a virulent fascist who supported Adolph Hitler. WRH envisioned a Christian Nationalist fascist social order. WRH was the primary funding agent behind the born-again Christian Revival ministries of Rev. Billy Graham.


CNN buffalo lands 1938- Ted Turner * DOUBLE PARIVARTAMSHa

[Budha-11 swap Kuja-9]

  • marketplace linkages HNWI, global activist, and personal fundraiser for democratic, social-participation initiatives via United Nations and other venues. + ++ lagnesha Shani-3 [television, cinema, radio, broadcasting] parivartamsha Guru-2 [banking, asset collection, libraries, museums]


  • El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila [uchcha- Shukra-9 exchanges with Guru-11] Despite severe challenges from rigid authority structures, teresa was persistently successful in getting financial support for her reform programs. Her books were published by patrons [9] and her father [9] also provided financial support.


  • Fashion economics 1981- real-estate Ivanka Trump Kushner [Mūla-Shukra-11-parivartamsha-Chitra-Guru-9] Many many millions in assets, originally funded through her father [nīcha-Svati-Surya-yuti-Guru-Chitra] [9], Donald Trump . Significant income also also through her husband [Guru], financier Jared Kushner. Capitalized by these sources, iTK invested into fashion manufacturing and real-estate, creating her own treasury via Guru-9 rules 2 + 11.

10 exchange with 11

[karma-pati-10] duty, the burden of responsibility, governance, social regulation, authority, respect, command, obligation, instutitional position, status, rank, public roles


[Vriddhi-pati-11] friendship, earnings, profits, awards for work-accomplished, distribution systems, marketplace revenues, social networking, goals, aims, tangible achievement

exchange rulers of 10 and 11 brings qualities of leadership and executive authority [10] into the realm of marketplace profits [11] . If the two exchanging graha are mutually friendly and empowered, expect elite governance regulatory roles mixed with superb economic profits


[Aryaman-Budha-10 parivartamsha Surya-11-Hasta]

POTUS-39 Talking Peace 1924-2024 Jimmy Carter

  • While leading the Carter Center's high-visibility human rights agenda

    [Budha-Simha] JEC also gathered intelligence [Surya-Kanya] while observing elections [Simha] in emerging democracies [11]. After losing his re-election bid in 1980, JEC stayed busy with social-justice projects for the next 40 years. His community activism in the service of lawful governance [11-10] earned the highest respect from world leaders [10] including a 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

parivartamsha yoga involving Shukra

parivartamsha yoga involving Shukra generally enhances the function of Shukra-karaka personages such as feminine-partner, sister, aunt, musicians and fine-artists, designers, arrangers, attorneys, and historians inter alia

Also emphasizes the role of financial capital, bankers, collectors, asset-acquisition, values conservation, hoards and reserves

As the natural ruler of 2, shukra is the karaka for speech, song, face, naarratives, language, storytelling, heritage knowledge, and traditions.

Strongest benefits accrue when Shukra exchanges rashi with one of the great friends of Shukra who are Shani and Budha.

Sharing Shukra in parivartamsha with solipsistic Surya, chandra may yield less straightforward benefits.

Sharing-Shukra parivartamsha Sober-Shani indicates a steady, harmonizing feminine-figure. The Power of the Partner.

EXAMPLE - defining influence of the feminine companion

POTUS-37 Watergate 1913-1994 Richard Nixon [Shukra-8-Kumbha parivartamsha Shani-11-Urisha]

  • [Shukra] peer-partner supports his climb up toward hierarchical status [Shani]. Nixon's wife Pat Ryan Nixon was a loyal, hard-working equal in their two-person career. Pat balanced his confrontational vulgarity with her gracious, non-confrontational style [Shukra].

  • Observers agree that Pat formed the advising, counseling [Shukra] backbone [Shani] of Nixon's lifelong political career. Throughout Shani mahadasha [RMN age 39-58] their remarkable partnership thrived. RMN's ascent surprised observers, who generally opined Nixon to be a surly, unlikable fellow [lotsa Mula].

  • Yet, pat presented as an accessible, humble working-class wife, mom, and former schoolteacher [her proletarian Chandra-Kumbha]. She took no political positions but was friendly to all [Kumbha]. Historians generally agree that, without Pat - and some well-placed friends Shani-11 -- RMN would have never been able to enter politics, much less ascend to POTUS-37. Yet with the power of a parivartamsha Shukra-Shani, his rough edges were smoothed by a stoic, pleasant partner.

EXAMPLE - Shukra-2 rogesha - the Lying Mouth - loses re-election

POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush [Kṛttikā-Budha-yuti-Surya-Mriga] [Budha-1 parivartamsha Shukra-2]

  • GHWB was a capable explainer and process manager [Budha-1] until he got off-script. His legendary verbal blunder, "read my lips, no new taxes" occurred as a spontaneous public statement during his 1988 POTUS campaign in Budha-Budha svabhukti.

  • Since Budha rules 10th-from-Chandra, it seemed like a serious, responsible [10] promise made by a qualified, aspiring leader [10]. However [Budha-1 parivartamsha Shukra-2 rogesha].

  • New taxes were promptly enacted by Congress, and POTUS-41 GHWB approved the legislation. His political adversaries [6] successfully framed GHWB as a liar and a cheat, who broke promises about money. GHWB then lost his bid for a second term as POTUS-41.


During my current mahadasha, Budha occupies 12th from the mahadasha-pati Mangala,

and it looks as if a pattern of retreat [12th] from the main business of the mahadasha


[Yogakaraka] 4-9 and I am in the education industry] will cause a loss of energy for professional development.

Even though Budha normally produces an upswing in my mental activities, it looks as if that mentalistic period of Budha will produce mainly interior thought and not too much result on the professionally visible level.

But Budha enjoys [as you say] a parivartamsha with Guru, and Guru occupies the 10th from Mangala. That means "virtual " Budha should display some effects in that place, the 10th from Mangala.

That means [I think] the obscurity and interiority of the Mangala-Budha 2-12 angle that normally would reduce the visibility of Budha won't be serious or maybe won't even happen due to the parivartamsha with Budha.

Am I thinking correctly here? Can the "virtual " position acquired through parivartamsha cause Budha who is normally in a poor placement 12th from the mahadasha-pati to obtain a 10th effect?

A: Namaskaram,

The bhukti of a graha which is engaged in parivartamsha yoga with another graha gives two different but simultaneous sets of results.

The first set of results = what we would expect normally

  • the outcome predicted by the distance of the graha from the mahadasha pati [in this case, Budha 12th from Guru]
  • the social-material effects of 2 bhava from the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna as well as the psycho-emotional effects of 2 bhava from Chandra lagna.

Then, to complicate matters, there is usually a second set of results which need to be measured from the 'virtual' position acquired via the parivartamsha.

The second set of results may strongly evoke the 2 bhava ruled by the parivartamsha partner.


1-11 parivartamsha boosted by an uchcha-Rahu drishti "I get by with a little help from my friends" [and my dad's friends]

  • POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush enjoys a parivartamsha of Budha-Karkata-11 + [Chandra-Kanya-1]. Chandra rules 11-fundraising, economic networks. Budha = lagnesha-karmesha. When GWB entered the Budha-Budha svabhukti, his performance ratings were very low. The public was complaining that he seemed to be bumbling around, not working, and not making decisions. [His Ketu-3 signals mentally checked-out].

  • Nevertheless, the party [the fundraisers] put their money [11, investments] into GWB for re-election to POTUS-43. During Budha-Budha svabhukti, GWB attended fewer executive meetings than ever. However, the fundraisers instructed GWB to delegate his decisions to VPOTUS Military Weapons Contracts 1941- Dick Cheney. The fundraisers were a wealthy elite consisting mainly of his father's friends [GWB's uchcha-Rahu-9] Cheney was an old friend of GWB's dad, George H.W. Bush

  • lagnesha Budha-11 swap Chandra-1 + + [Guru-yuti-Chandra] intakes Rahu-9 drishti [Dad].The Rahu drishti into tanu-sthana pushed GWB's media profile very high. He continued to look normal, not impaired, bumbling no worse and no better than before. GWB wasn't even looking as burned-out, as POTUS typically do look during their final years in office.

Clearly a parivartamsha yoga can mitigate some of the worst effects of a difficult bhukti . However, aparivartamsha is probably not a strong enough mitigant to reverse an entire unfortunate mahadasha.

As soon as the subsequent Ketu bhukti began, the protective effect of Chandra-Budha parivartamsha dissolved, and he left office in a state of surrender, with the worst approval ratings of any president in US history. He didn't re-emerge into public life for years after that.

ruler-of-6 exchange ruler-of-11

~~ BPHS, Ch.17, sl. 26

" Loss of wealth will come to pass during the 31st year,

  • if Labha and 6th Lords exchange their Rashi. "

ruler-of-2 exchange ruler-of-9, when ruler-of-1 occupies kendra or kona

~~ BPHS, sarga-36, sl. 25-26

" Khadga Yoga.

" Should there be an Should there be an exchange of rashi

  • between the Lords of Dhana and Dharma Bhava,

  • as Lagna's Lord is in a Kendra, or in a Kona ,

  • Khadga Yoga is obtained.

  • One with Khadga Yoga will be endowed with wealth, fortunes and happiness,

  • be learned in Shastras,

  • be intelligent, mighty, grateful and skillful."

Maha Raja Yoga

ruler-of-1 exchange ruler-of-5

~~ BPHS, sarga-39, shloka- 6-7

" Should Lagna's Lord and Putra's Lord exchange their rashi,

  • or, if Atma Karaka and Putra Karaka

    [Char] are in Lagna, or in Putra Bhava,

  • or in the exaltation Rashi, or in own Rashi, or in own Navamsha
  • receiving a Drishti from a benefic, maha
  • Raja Yoga is produced.
  • the native so born will be famous and happy."
ruler-of-1 exchange ruler-of-10

~~ BPHS, sarga-40, shloka-13

Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord

  • will make the native associated with the king in a great manner. "
ruler-of-1 exchange ruler-of-10

~~ BPHS, sarga-5, shloka-41

" If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other

  • then they form a Raja Yoga.
  • They will confer high position, reputation and power."
ruler-of-2 exchange ruler-of-5

QUOTATION Das commentary

if the lord of the 5 is in 2, and the lord of the 2 is in 5.

" This placement is a "dhana yoga", which means a combination of planetary influences known to create wealth.

The more dhana yogas one has, the more likely they are to be wealthy in this life.

... Wealthy people usually have at least two, and sometimes five dhana yogas.

The opposite of dhana yoga is daridra yoga. As these increase in number, the persons chances for wealth decrease." [end quote]

ruler-of-9 exchange ruler-of-10

~~ BPHS, sarga-5, sl. 42

" Likewise if the lord of the 9th and the 10th exchange houses, they give rise to a Raja Yoga

and such an individual is blessed with reputation, fame and power. "

~~ BPHS, sarga-25, sl. 33

Navamsha Kuja with Navamsha Shukra

" Should there be exchange of Navamsha between Mars and Venus,

  • the female will be secretly addicted to other men.
  • If she has Moon in 7th House simultaneously, her husband also will be so. "

QUOTATION ~~ BPHS, sarga-246, shloka-1

" Should Mars and Saturn exchange their rashi or Navamsha,

be in fateful degrees [of those Rashi occupied by them] ,

and are placed in Kendra

[from Lagna] ,

  • the native 's death will be through sovereign wrath or by being impaled by a spear

  • or some such killing weapons."

QUOTATION from BPHS Sarga-15, sl. 9 Exchange between Benefic Lords of trines from lagna

Mutual Rashi-Exchange

" When the Ascendant and Trinal houses are occupied by benefics in strength

  • and their lords mutually exchange places ,

  • or are in Angular houses
  • or be associated with or aspected by Jupiter,

they bestow the native with sons and grandsons. "

QUOTATION from Saravali, 75

WRT Shukra-parivartamsha-Kuja swap

" If Venus and Mars exchange their divisions , the female will go after other males.

  • If the Moon be simultaneously in the 7th house, she will join others with consent of her husband. "

QUOTATION from Saravali, 75

Surya-Chandra exchange within the navamsha

" Should there be an exchange between the Sun and the Moon in the Navamsha ,

  • the native will suffer from phlegmatic disorders .

Should the Sun and the Moon be in one Rashi having identical longitudes ,

  • the native will be emaciated at all times. "


Hi Barbara:

I am Computer Science professional specialized in AI. I was born in traditional Brahmin family and in childhood I learnt Jyotish as a legacy.

Parivartan Yoga is kind of my research and interest and today I read your webpage on Exchange houses and I must say you did a really good job and put lots of ref.

I want to know more about Kendra and Trikona exchange [eg. exchange between -- 5th house and 10th house or 5th house and 9th house or 5th house and 7th house etc.] and any help from you would be highly appreciated....

Once again I must appreciate your effort in making and maintaining your wonderful website.



Thanks very much for your compliments. Your research area is intriguing!

Some possible examples of the kendra-trikona exchange might be

  • India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi * triple parivartamsha yoga * see description

  • Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin * Guru-Makara-10 rules 9 + 12 parivartamsha Shani-Meena-12 rules 10 + 11

Other parivartamsha power-leaders

Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life' s endeavors,

Sincerely, barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya

Q: Hi Barbara, iam trying to learn bits and pieces of astrology and have been going through your website which is very resourceful. I have a question on parivartamsha yoga.

In a known chart, from the lagna house there is parivartamsha between 2nd house and 10th house ....

However, if you look at it from Moon it is between 1st house and 9th house.

Do I take it as parivartamsha only between houses 2 and 10? i.e should parivatana be considered only from Lagna? Thanks, b

A: great question!

Just about everything in a Jyotishavidya nativity needs to be examined from both the Chandra-lagna AND the indriya-lagna.

for unknown birth times, the Chandra lagna alone can be used to gain insight, but the Chandra-lagna baseline mainly reports on psycho-emotional evolution and is not as detailed for social-material outcomes.

In general,

  • Social-Material effects which are pre-agreed in consensus reality, such as cintamani * mani * money in the bank, bodily health, housing and vehicles, may be read from the kundali indriya-lagna .

  • Psycho-emotional effects which may be uniquely personal and individualized perception and evaluation, such as family relationships, spiritual progress, and positive or negative expectations, may be read largely from the Chandra lagna.

Since normal human life is governed by a combination of 5-senses material perception and 70+ senses of more subtle psycho-electro-magnetic emotional perception [including thoughts] it is really beneficial to go through the material implications first, then read AGAIN for the emotional implications.

For example, in marriage, there is a social, legal, and property relationship between the spouses which is best read from the kundali indriya-lagna and navamsha lagna Svamsha .

But there is also an emotional interaction, which is very definitive of the marriage experience, and that level of reality can only be revealed by angles from Chandra.

The short answer is, examine the parivartamsha yoga from both perspectives. Start with the material reading since that is simpler. Then consider the psycho-emotional perception.

This multiple-assessment method potentially involves relationships between as many as eight separate bhava. That is much evaluation data to keep in mind at once!

But humans have complex perceptions , and a yoga which benefits a person materially can harm one emotionally, or vice versa. Also remember that the parivartamsha effects are likely to manifest mainly during the Vimshottari periods of the exchanged graha.

For predicting the effect of a parivartamsha graha during its Vimshottari Dasha calendar period, consider

  1. rulership of each graha as counted from kundali indriya-lagna

  2. rulership of each graha as counted from the Chandra lagna

  3. rulership of each graha as counted from the Mahadasha-pati

Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors,

Sincerely, barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya


India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi

Triple Parivartamsha

The kundali reveals a strong and disciplined personality.

  • Mangala-ruled, hierarchically-minded, competitive Dhaniṣṭha nakshatra governs the navamsha varga.

  • " social engineer " pursuing change in government and large corporations

  • [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] highly complex, self-indulgent, and [Mūla ] Rahu the Annihilator seeks opportunity through Risk

Consideration of her triple parivartamsha yoga - involving Rahu and bhava-10

India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi was an exceptional political leader.

One of the fascinating features of her life was her surprising popularity with the masses-and-the-classes.

  • Her navamsha Chandra-Kumbha shows empathetic emotional attunement to the proletariat.

ING had a strange and wonderful emotional appeal to the common folk who envisioned her as a manifestation of the goddess Durga.

  • [Rahu-yuti-Shukra] parivartamsha with Rogesha Guru

  • Durga, shani-enduring bringer of exhilarating misery [dus/duh]

ING wielded a degree of political power which was absolutely unprecedented in her cultural era, when women had extremely limited permission to be involved in public activities.

  • POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis commented that when ING was invited to the Whitehouse in 1961, as a family member of Jawaharlal Nehru , ING declined to join activities planned for the ladies. Rather, JKO complained, ING "wanted to be with the men. She wanted to sit with her father."

Surya-Mangala parivartamsha combines the energy of 2 [traditional, family heritage, speech] with 5 [politics, show, display]

  • ING's extraordinary empowerment to access and manifest masculine, creative, political, display-power was challenged by dominant menfolk over the course of her career, but the challenges were met by ING with confidence and Mangala-driven military force
  • ING's younger brother had died at age 2-days, and it is plausible that ING absorbed some masculine entitlements from him also.

Over the period of 14 years of extraordinary public empowerment, she led a huge nation through several cycles of political and economic crisis.

Smt. Gandhi triple parivartamsha nativity exchanges rulers of

  • 5 with 2 ++ 5 with 10
  • 4 with 9 ++ 6 with 11
  • 7 with-1 ++ 8 with 1

Kuja-2 casts drishti into 5-8-9

Guru-11 casts drishti into 3-5-7 ++ Guru occupies the political 5th-from-Chandra

Due to the exchange impact of the parivartamsha, mangala Karmesha receives a big power-boost from political Surya-5 pitrikaraka, suggesting that ING's father Jawaharlal Nehru is the source of her astounding political forcefulness.

triple parivartamsha nativities are complex and require much reflection to sort out the three sets of effects. It may be helpful to construct a second nativity which visually shows the exchanged graha in their "virtual " places.

Creating a parivartamsha visual map may reveal a second narrative which underlies the primary egoic-mind membrane social narrative and may provide clues to otherwise mysterious events or behaviors of the native .

Q: Namaste Barbaraji,

Hope you are doing great. I was reading about parivarthamsha yoga on your website. Its a fascinating subject to study and research.

Does this yoga also apply when planets exchange Nakshatra instead of signs? For eg. sun in rohini and moon in krittika.

Keep writing on your site. Great stuff!! Thanks.

A: Namaste,

Great question! [Parivartamsha * parivartana * parina] yoga applies only to sign-exchange between rashi rulers.

Thanks for your compliments on the website. I'm delighted to know that the sample materials available here are helping Jyotisha students to learn more of the vidya.

Sincerely, barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya

Q: Hi Barbara, Happy New Year. A quick question, is parivartana yoga possible between 3 planets?

I am thinking of this group of three:

  1. Saturn in Scorpio
  2. Mars in Sagittarius
  3. Jupiter in Aquarius.

A: Namaste,

Thanks for the example. OK, isee what you are thinking: that if Shani occupies a rashi of Mangala while Mangala occupies a rashi of Guru and Guru occupies a rashi of Shani, that there could be some sort of three-way triangulation.

However, Jyotisha principles state that a parivartamsha energy-exchange must be a direct exchange between two graha which are the rulers of two rashi.

Parivartamsha yoga applies to the rashi-ruling status only Parivartamsha does not apply to any purported exchange between nakshatra rulers, nor any exchange between rulers of any other amsha portion, but only exchange between rulers of rashi * rashi * race.

" Rashi' = the portion that is cut-off, a'heap' or 'stack' or 'slab'. In English: rasher, razor, race: the cut-off portion, the defined portion.

Only a pair of graha can do pari-vart-amsha. [the IE root 'vart-vert' = turn about, as in English 'invert' or 'convert']

In this scenario, naone of the three graha are enjoying parivartamsha.

  1. Shani in Vṛścikacan only gain parivartamsha from Mangala-Kumbha or Mangala-Maraka. Saturn in Scorpio cannot enter a parivartamsha yoga with Mars in Sagittarius.
  2. Mangala in Dhanus can only gain parivartamsha from Guru . To provide the parivartamsha, Guru can occupy either of Mangala's rashi: Vṛścikaor Mesha. Mars in Sagittarius cannot enter a parivartamsha yoga with Jupiter in Aquarius.
  3. Guru-Kumbha can only gain parivartamsha from Shani. Shani can occupy either of Guru's rashi: Shani-Meena or Shani-Dhanus.

Wishing you every happiness and success in your study of the samayavidya,

Sincerely, barbara Pijan Lama Jyotisha


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!