lifepartner with
COHORT born 11 months after
born six months after
born 27 days before
born exactly 9 months before
age 69, sarkozy conviction upheld for political finance excesses President of France [2007-2012] Minister of Interior [2005-2007] President of the General Council of Hauts-de-Seine [2004-2007] Minister of the Budget [1993–1995] Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine [1983-2002] Financier a.k.a. "Sarko" a.k.a. Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa Earth-birth Friday-28-Jan-1955 |
President of France [2007-2012] Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine [1983-2002] public finance Nicolas Sarkozy 1955- birth data from
tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - - adapted by BP Lama |
Rising Nakshatra Masculine Public-Figure Examples Kita - Thrikketta BPL COMMENTARY For Jyeṣṭha births of a masculine valence, the condition of conversational, discursive, explanatory, instructional, argumentative, commercializing, evangelical Kumara may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Budha-ruled paradigm of Varta, siblings, cousins, schoolmates, bandmates, team-mates, castmates, classmates, entourage, ensemble, neighbors, managers, cohort, coterie, collaborative group, publishers, messengers, merchants, commercial agents, reporters, writers, scripts, plans, schedules, instructions, radio-television-internet, news-media, conferences, committees, discussions, travel itineraries, and texts may be especially influential. Instructional guidance is provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Antares. Their purpose is to communicate a forceful, dynamic, healing regeneration cycle via sexual energy transfer and discovery of secrets. Penetrating Communications [Budha-ruled] Jyeṣṭha gentlemen are typically outspoken, incisive and decisive, competitive, descriptive, and energetic communicators. Thrikketta-born maintain a deep sense of mental seniority. Capable writers, Ketta men are quick-witted and skilled in handcraft. Articulate and pro-active to the point of verbal aggression, they find a ready audience on topics of a mysterious, apocryphal, hidden, or forbidden nature. Thriketta fellows may be handlers of secrets of a sexual, psychological, political, military, engineering, or financial nature. Masters of verbal control and manipulation, Zakra chaps are often found in politics. Due to the influence of nakshatra-pati Budha, often Jyeṣṭha -born use words to manage an ever-transforming experience of power. In the process of channeling these mysterious and compelling kinetic energies, thriketta men may engage in sexual intrigue and dangerous liaisons. Ketta-born are natural psychologists. Jyestha can become transformative healers when their sexual energy consciousness evolves. Themes of verbal contest, sexual energy transfer, andhealing discovery may contextualize Jyeṣṭha 's terrestrial experience. Also applicable to Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares |
QUOTATION Jyeṣṭha from Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra .p 85 " A dark and sensitive nature ...
On the surface they are respectable, law abiding citizens, ostensible church-goers,
Smooth, oily, and suave to all appearances,
[end quote]
NS at university as a young right-political activist
Carla Bruni Sarkozy ++ Nicolas Sarkozy in 2014 |
Sarkozy in 2007 (age 52) |
Sarkozy with his mother, Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (1925-2017) |
Biographical details matched to the Vimshottari Dasha calendar
[Shani Mahadasha] [age birth until age 16.6]
Fri-28-Jan-1955 Earth-birth in Paris, France * Shani-Shani svabhukti 1959 [NS age 4] divorce of parents * Shani-Ketu bhukti [Budha Mahadasha] [age 16.6 until age 33.6]
Apr-1966 until Jun-1968 Janma Sade-Sati Meena
1973 [NS age 18] earned lycee-baccalaureate = high school diploma * Budha-Budha svabhukti * Budha diploma 1979-1982 enrolled for political-science academic study at Institut d’Études Politiques [Sciences Po], but does not earn an advanced diploma * Budha-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 9 universities, but Mangala disputes 1981 [NS age 26 ] earned qualification to practice law * Budha-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-Mūla in 10th-from-Chandra 23-Sep-1982 [NS age 27] consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with Marie-Dominique Culioli * Budha-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu Mithuna-Dhanus contact natal R-K 1983 until 1992 [NS age 28 until 37] elected Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Serves nine years * Budha-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-Mūla-2 in 10th-from-Chandra 1986 [NS age 31] celebrated the birth of child-1, ason * Budha-Guru bhukti [Ketu Mahadasha] [age 33.6 until age 40.6]
1993 [NS age 38] enters national political visibility, as budget minister and official spokesman forf Prime Minister Édouard Balladur * Ketu-Guru bhukti * Guru-uchcha-9 rules 5 = celebrated figure [Shukra Mahadasha] [age 40.6 until age 60.6] [1995-2015]
Jun-1995 until Apr-1998 Janma Sade-Sati Meena
1995-1997 [NS age 40-42] having incited the ire of Jacques Chirac, naS is effectively frozen-out from the centre-right French government * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules 8th-from-Chandra emotional upheaval ++ Janma Sade-Sati 1996 [NS age 41] divorce from alliance-1 with Marie-Dominique Culioli * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules 8th-from-Chandra emotional upheaval ++ Janma Sade-Sati 23-Oct-1996 [NS age 41] consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz, former fashion model and public relations business executive * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kanya-Meena contact Chandra-Meena ++ Janma Sade-Sati 2004-2007 [NS age 49 until age 52] appointed by now-patron Jacques Chirac, holds the governing position of Minister of the Interior * Shukra-Rahu bhukti Rahu-2-Mūla finance occupies 10th-from-Chandra 06-May-2007 [NS age 52] gets elected President of France . Served 16-May-2007 until 15-May-2012 * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules 5-elections * [Andromeda- Somana-yuti-Kuja-Andromeda] [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] 15-Oct-2007 [NS age 52] amicable divorce from alliance-2 * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Rahu-2 in 8th-from-7 02-Feb-2008 [NS age 53] consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Italian-born fashion model and singer, Carla Bruni Sarkozy * Shukra-Guru bhukti * [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] Chandra rules Karkata 7th-navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kumbha-Simha contact navamsha Simha-Chandra spring-2008 [NS age 53] although not able to please everyone, naS meets the high challenge of multinational EU debt restructuring during the Global financial crisis of 2008. * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Rahu-2-banking, finance in 10th-from-Chandra–2008 06-May-2012 [NS age 57] by a 3% margin, lost re-election to rival Hollande * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Ketu-8, unexpected identity change, surrender 29-Nov-2014 [NS age 59] elected head of French-Republican political party * Shukra-Ketu chidradasha * Ketu-8 ambilvalent, camouflaged communications [Surya Mahadasha] [age 60.6 until age 66.6] [2015-2021] Jan-2016 [NS age 61] publication of autobiography-memoire, La France pour la vie * Surya-Chandra bhukti [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] Chandra rules 5th-from-5 autobiography 2017 [NS age 61] Following the failure of his candidacy for a second presidency, naS declared his retirement from public life * Surya- Rahu bhukti * Rahu-2 storytelling 13-Dec-2017 [NS age 62] grieved the bio-decease of mother * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru rules 2nd-from-matribhava 01-Mar-2021 [NS age 66] convicted of corruption, influence-peddling, and bribing a judge during his earlier political campaign financing * Surya-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rules 6th-from-7 unfair judgments [Chandra Mahadasha] [age 66.6 until age 76.6] [2021-2031]
Sep-2021 [NS age 66] convicted of gross-overspending during failed 2012 re-election bid * Chandra-Chandra sva bhukti [Somana-yuti-Kuja] * Kuja rogesha = criminal accusations 04-Mar-2023 [NS age 68] grieved the bio-decease of father, advertising-merchant Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa * Chandra-Rahu bhukti ++ dvasasa Sade-Sati 14-Feb-2024 [NS age 69] following appeal of Sept-2021 conviction for illegal campaign financing in his failed 2012 re-election bid, conviction upheld * Chandra-Rahu bhukti * Mūla-Rahu-2 public finance = 10th-from-Chandra ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati Mar-2025 until Jun-2027 Janma Sade-Sati Meena
[Mangala Mahadasha] [age 76.6 until age 83.6]
[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 83.6 until age 102.6]
Distinctive Features of the Nativity
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]
[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Surya's status-conscious solipsism, conventional politics, socially regulated self-confidence [corporate- institutional business manager] [confident regulator of mainstream collaborative team-work] [bright focus of lawful pronouncements] [confidently delivers hierarchical descriptions] [public reputation for socially normalizing presentations] [formal center-stage roles in conventional communications] [class-conscious father may be respectful manufacturer, responsible merchant, dutiful craftsman, bureaucratic administrator, official publicist, cautious announcer, mature explainer] ... [financial-heritage Śrāvaṇa-2] [navamsha Surya-Urisha]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively announcing, brightly messaging, intelligently editing, confidently translating, glittering interpretation, regal style of gesture, communicative intelligence, radiantly descriptive, politically collaborative, splendidly explanatory [Surya in bhava-3] rules
CAREER - SPARKLING SURYA Sparkling Surya activates governance-10 from Jyeṣṭha lagna Executive pattern [10] = Administrator, business-oriented, teamworker [3] SURYA-3 ocupies 6th-from-10 = ACCUSATION-COMPLAINT in PUBLIC ROLES Top positions attract accusation, debt, injury, complaint, contempt, betrayal, injustice, argument dramatic, political, self-referential [Surya in bhava-3] rules conflicted 6th-from-Chandra Simha-10
Villainization - Criminalization in PUBLIC ROLEs example - Global financial crisis of 2008–2008
[Surya Mahadasha] [age 60.6 until age 66.6] [2015-2021] Surya-Chandra bhukti = publication of autobiography [Surya-3 + Chandra-5]] Surya rules 6th-from-Chandra Simha-10 Further indignities
FATHER Dad = Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa = emigre to France from Hungary Dad = publicist who built a financially successful commercial advertising agency. [Surya in bhava-3] ++ uchcha-Shani ruler of Surya in 12, hailing from a filtered-out, distant but dignified land [12, pannonia, Hunnic land] The family lived in prestigious Parisian suburbs due to dad's affluence. Class-conscious [Surya-Makara-Draco] rules 10-public visibility, status attributes. 5th-from-Surya = Urisha-7 fine arts
Guru occupies 7th-from-Surya
Surya rules 6th-from-Chandra Simha-10 Dad's narrative of patriarchal entitlement disruption
Chandra-with-Mangala rogesha rules pitri-sthāna
Surya activates 6th-from-Chandra] suggesting a persistent grievance toward the emotionally adversarial father. Surya weakened in Makara + located in 6/8 from 10-public duties. Elder brother Guillaume Sarkozy = [11th-from-Chandra] elder sibling. He is represented by the same [Surya in bhava-3] [Makara]
[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-dristi for defining source of Chandra's broad philosophical worldview [comfortable with visionary public guidance] [feels dramatic pulse of deeply principled convictions] [needs to display faith in compassionate understanding] [sensitive tolerance for diversity of cultural worldviews] [soothed by habitual local expression of globalist humanism] [sense of belonging to the entire world while following the dreamlike ethno-rhythms] [symbolic ceremonial show of patriotic parental protection] [celebrity intelligence flows naturally in patronage roles] [devout mother may brightly demonstrate her religio- philosophical beliefs] ... ... [ceremonial-political Andromeda-1] [navamsha-Chandra-Simha] intuitively sensitive dramatizing entertaining political display [Andromeda-Chandra-yuti-Mangala-Andromeda] [Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA emotionally demonstrative, intuitively center-stage, sentimentally intellectual, protectively sparkling, soothingly romantic, patrioticly creative, contentedly gaming, routinely speculative [Chandra in classroom-5] rules
CHILDREN comfortable with children and had many due to wide permission = [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]. Attuned to creative performance, singing, intelligence for song-writing. Comfort zone = government and regulatory roles, due to
Chandra in Uttarabhadra resource-systems MOTHER Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (12-Oct-1925 until 12-Dec-2017) Like her son NS, mom was trained as a lawyer. Maternal GRANDFATHER Mom's father was an affluent businessman. [9th-from-Chandra = Shukra-1] Maternal family roots were Ottoman Greek Jewish. Yet, in order to marry his Roman-Rite bride, the maternal grandfather [Shukra-1] oathed his allegiance to RC doctrine
Chandra dharmesha is comfortable with a universalized understanding of the full range of faith commitments.
NS grand-pčre maternel= [9th-from-Chandra] provides stability and protection
[Shukra-Vṛścika] [1] identity-support, luxury-Shukra, counsel, advice
NS has stated that his maternal grandfather = the primary father-figure during his childhood. MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations 7th-from-Chandra-5 + Somana-yuti-Kuja [lifepartnership-1] Marie-Dominique Culioli, the niecc of NS primary political mentor
[Kumbha-Budha in bhava-4 ruler of 7th-from-Chandra
8th-from- 7th-from-Chandra-5 = 2nd-from-Chandra [lifepartnership-2] Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz = public-relations businesswoman and fashion model
Mesha-6 intakes drishti from ambitious, risk-enthusiastic [Rahu-Dhanus-Mūla-2 in 10th-from-Chandra]
3rd-from-7th-from-Chandra-5 + Somana-yuti-Kuja [lifepartnership-3]
France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy
[Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka (brother) * virya-karaka (virile) [energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler of Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Kuja's symbolically expansive push, imaginative forward-drive, actively philosophical movement [vigorously symbolic political campaigns] [energetically imaginative stage performance] [dynamic theatrical enactment of compassionate understanding] [expresses dramatic creativity with energized dreamlike imagery] [promotes dynamic demonstrations of pioneering vision] praised for pro-active charity] [physicalized intuition for playing romantic poetic games] [may battle over unboundaried entitlements with one's own children or students] ... [visionary-charitable Uttarabhādra-4] [navamsha Kuja-Vrischika] vigorously pursuing revelation-discovery [Andromeda-Kuja-yuti-Chandra-Andromeda]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA energetic center-stage performer, brightly kinetic dramatist, champion of romantic pursuit, vigorously gambling, dynamically creative, competitively political, sparkling entertainer, pioneering displays, dominant winner in gambling and games [Mangala in bhava-5] rules
CAREER - COMPETITIVE KUJA [Mangala in bhava-5] [Meena] [Andromeda - massive systems] Chandra + rogesha Kuja
POLITCS of FINANCIAL DEBT [Somana-yuti-Kuja] Kuja rules imbalanced, unfair 2nd-from-Chandra Global financial crisis of 2008–2008
[Somana-yuti-Kuja] combines rulers of 1 + 6 + 9
EU debt restructuring - regulatory success and aggrieved fallout Having averted the crisis, naS becomes a Blame magnet
Chandra-5 is a romantic, but Kuja-5 is the injured rogesha
[Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]
[mysterious-revealing randhresha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [friendly-economic vriddhi-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [talks about economics of household routines] [announcements about marketplace infrastructure] [discusses earnings via commercial real-estate] [systematically explains the interconnected basis of life] [delivers detailed earth-science information] [communicates customary patriotism in a proletarian style] ... [diplomatic-bargaining Dhaniṣṭha-3] [navamsha Budha-Tula]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA talkative parents and caretakers, at-home instruction, discusses security, describes cultural foundations, articulates familiar rhythms, describes habitual places, repeats routine conversations, communicates about household, explains the folkways, follows a customary mental pathway [Budha in bhava-4] rules
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA Monetary Budha rules 8 + 11 Budha rules [Arudha lagna Mithuna-11] economic systems, fundraising, social linkage Bantering Budha performs
Also, Budha rules 8-non-disclosure, captivating secrets, trauma healing, sudden unexpected eruptions of force, emergency Ketu-8 cataclysmic upheaval, sudden unexpected identity change, healing transformation, revolutionary recycling energies, entrancement, mystery, discovery, initiation, secrets
[Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] [uchcha] --- [svabhava] [karako bhavo nashto for father, patrons, chieftains, indoctrinators] [collecting-preserving dhanesha for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [multiple doctrines of culture] [growth of ancestral philosophical understanding] ... [patriotic-protective Punarvasu-4] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Guru-Karkata] intuitively expansive broad-scope ethno-nationalist sentimental generous humanist [Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU expansively philosophical, abundantly global, multiple worldviews, numerous patrons, optimistic father-figures, diversely ideological, tolerantly preaching, broad-scope of understanding [Guru in bhava-9] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI [uchcha] -- [Guru in bhava-9] rules
[Guru-Karkata] casts expansive, jovial, permissive drishti into
[Dhanayoga = profits of financial speculation, gambling = [Guru-Karkata] rules-and-aspects [Mula]-[Rahu in bhava-2] Both Soberly lawful Shani-12 and Generous Guru-9 cast drishti into Rahu-Mūla-2 in Dhanus = 10th-from-Chandra. humanistic, internationalized, ideologically expansive [Guru in bhava-9] rules
GURU BHUKTI = EVOKE 2-5 + 1-10 from Chandra Broadly high fortune during most periods of Brihaspati, who rules Rahu-Mūla-2 in 10th-from-Chandra.–2008 [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [contemplative-imagining vyaya-pati for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] check Mangala + Mangala-drishti to source Shukra's penetrating brokerage, evolutionary alliances, taboo-challenging partnership intensity [mysteriously attractive appearance] [pleasantly intriguing personality] [rejuvenating recycling physically-focused relationships yuvati-pati] [identified with undisclosed contract negotiations] [seeks privacy vyaya-pati ; within disguised partnerships] ;[embodies graciously transformative bio-energy] ... [visionary-charitable Jyeṣṭha-4] [navamsha Shukra-Meena-uchcha] intuitively harmonizing justice balancing imaginative dreams [ātmakāraka relationships, agreement, alliances, finance, negotiation, equity, justice, deal-making, arrangements, partnership]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA pleasantly competitive, aesthetically postured, balanced style of movement, natural maker of arrangements, energetic mediator, fair bargains, gracious appearance, diplomatic personality, harmoniously embodied, prefering luxurious attributes, attracted to active companions [Shukra-1] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA [Shukra-1] occupies Vṛścika-1 = 9th-from-Chandra finance, women, marriages, alliances, brokerage, contracts
9th-from-Chandra = third lifepartnership [Shukra-1]
[Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]
[uchcha] [busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [homebound-anchoring bandesha for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Shani's rigidly harmonizing, fairly adjudicating, reciprocally orderly systems [secures communicative governance of diplomatic backchannel duties] [maintains lawful function of balanced clandestine operations] [imposes legal equity in private arrangements] [can design a structure for justice in distant lands] ... [collaborative-managing Viśākha-3] [navamsha Shani-Mithuna]
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI dutifully secluded, works diligently in private spaces, responsibly imaginative, insightfully intuitive maturity, must regulate the bedroom, structured meditation, burdensome duties in distant lands [Shani in Bhava-12] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI Both Soberly lawful Shani-12 and Generous Guru-9 cast drishti into Rahu-Mūla-2 in Dhanus = 10th-from-Chandra. Shani in Bhava-12] drishti into
Shani rules 10th-Navamsha Kumbha vast connected community-ecology systems [Shani in Bhava-12] rules 12th-from-Chandra
governing equity [Shani-Tula-12] is the ruler-of publicity-maker, announcer Surya-Makara-3 CHALLENGES posed by leadership duty = internecine, invisible, private conduct Shani-12 clandestine visits rules Surya-Makara in 6th-from-10 = complaints against the leader
While serving as President of France, naS was obliged to visit nearly every nation in the EU. NS met with financial agents who may not have aligned [6] with official French foreign policy. Shani rules 3-short visits, travel itineraries
During subsequent bhukti, re-election narrowly lost to rival due to damaged reputation. Earnings
Shani rules 6th-from-10 = conflicts in Leadership following EU 2008 Debt Crisis 2010-2013 = Shukra-Shani bhukti - Shani rules 4-stabilizing + 3 process management
[Shani in Bhava-12] occupies Tula-12 clandestine regulators = the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra
[Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [Rahu-2 casts passionately enriching capitalizing drishti into 6-8-10] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [passion for risky acquisition of globalized treasuries] [over-reaching use of theoretical knowledge] [unorthodox beliefs shape financial worldview] [exciting righteous speech-and-song expands ideological narratives] [opportunistic ambition for principled growth of asset hoard] [expediently optimistic use of donated money] [exhilarating, uplifting patrongage of musical, artistic, historical values] [unusually mesmerizing, inspirational music-and-song] [fascinating appearance of face-voice-eyes-mouth may confer preaching privileges] [mirage of culturally mixed heritage masks taboo-breaking family story] ... ... [defensive-customary Mūla-4] [navamsha Rahu-Karkata with uchcha-Guru] [Rahu-Mūla occupies familiar-to-the-public, 10th-from-Chandra] Rahu-5 Mūla = high-risk, high-yield financial speculation
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU POLITICAL-FINANCIAL CAREER 10th-from-Chandra contains Mūla-Rahu-5 politics occupies career, social authority, recognition, familiar-face 10th-from-Chandra
[defensive-ritualized Mūla-4] Rahu-Mūla-5 entitlements, financial speculation, gambling, romantic idealism, politics, children, genius, display, entertainment, poetry = occupies the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra Sarko is said to be an exhilarating inspirational ideological orator [Rahu-Mūla-2] [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]
[energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's spacey sentences, vague instructions, disinterested discourse [eccentric management of undisclosed assets] [may signal disregard for conventional emergency response] [explanatory documents disburse confidential information] [typically ambivalent about keeping proprietary commercial secrets] [in-laws of the first marriage, if any, may be remote or oddly mentalized] [wandering transactional approach to identity-change] [peculiar scripted initiations] [incoherently communicative hand-gesture toward the elephant-in-the-room] [ambivalent interpretation of dangerous catastrophe] [airy windy environments may dissolve the mental concentration] [passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic inspirational-dogmatic Rahu-Dhanus-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, singers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or additional marriages] ... [governing-regulatory Arudra-2] [navamsha Ketu-Makara]
OUTCOMES - EVACUATING KETU the ethno-nationalistic, established, stability-seeking, protective 4th-from-Chandra |
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