
Commerce and Material Economy


professional and personal adversary of

close friend of



General Electric Company [1890-1931]

Entrepreneur of Electricity

Thomas Alva Edison

Earth-birth Thursday-11-Feb-1847

dematerialization 18-Oct-1931 [age 84]


Electrical product developer


founder-commander of General Electric [1890-1931]

Thomas Alva Edison


birth data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison

tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya

charts + graphs + tables = generated by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com

- adapted by BP Lama

Rising Nakshatra

Masculine Public-Figure Examples

Mrigashiras - Invaka

Mraga - Mriga - Mruka - Marga - Agrahayani - Ena-shiras


For Mriga-shiras births of a masculine valence, the condition of kinesthetic, direct, yang-energy, forward-pushing bhratru-karaka Mangala may considerably affect the outcome.

For those born into the paradigm of Mangala-ruled Invaka, brother-figures, warriors, hunters, athletes, dancers, champions, challengers, inventors, explorers, dis-coverers, engineers, drivers, drillers, diggers, exploders, aggressors, pursuers, competitions and battles may be especially influential.

Instructional guidance is provided by the civilizations of Orion. Their purpose is to promote engaging, instinctive messages that conquer, compete, startle, stimulate, pioneer, attack, and provoke.

Verbally Incisive and Commanding

Gentlemen born within a nakshatra of Mangala are gifted with a knack for competition. Shrewd, verbally intimidating, and goal-directed in Mriga-Sirasa, they strive for dominance within their cohort. Mriga are often found in business management, commercial finance, sales, marketing, advertising, script-writing, publishing, propaganda, cinema, and media-communications.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]-ruled Mriga chaps tend to be pro-active, and energetic in pursuit of the win. Although their physique could be quite heavyset, their agility is surprising. Agrahayani-born are often found in politics, manufacturing, media-messaging, and commerce, especially in sales, marketing, and advertising roles where their energy delivers competitive advantage.

Mraga are often accurate marksmen, able to handle weapons and metal equipment. Agrahayani fellows may have a special affinity for quadruped animals, bands of brothers, and soldiers. Due to the crystalline structure of their noses, mraga-born have an exceptionally acute sense of smell.

[Vrishabha - Urisha] pada 1-2 represent the 7-12 angle and the Shukra-Kuja attraction.

Those born in pada 1-2 pursue artistic communications, legal contracts, equity, and brokerage in secluded enclosures, such as research laboratories, private rooms, or the imagination. They have special gifts for fantasy, imagery, and distant worlds. Their goal is the formation of vitally valuable partnerships. Depending upon [Yogakaraka] Shani ruler of 9+10, Urisha pada-1-2 of Mriga have a stronger propensity toward guidance [9] and governance roles [10] .

[Mithuna - Dvamdva] pada 3-4 represent the 6-11 angle and the Budha-Kuja tension of doing-vs-talking.

Pada 3-4 are profit-driven and not averse to theft or breaking contracts for advantage. They have a special gift for marketplace systems . Friends [11] and enemies [6] have equal influence. Pada 3-4 may focus on friendships, economics, and dominating the competition..

Themes of forward movement , group activity, and sporting competition contextualize Mriga's terrestrial experience. Incoming drishti from Kuja can mobilize their progressive, pioneering actions. Also applies to Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka.

QUOTATION Mrigashiras

from Shil-Ponde.[1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 80

" Unless other testimonies in the chart predominate to modify the effect of Mraga rising,

  • these people may be very unpleasant characters.

They are inclined to be misanthropic in their attitude toward life and people.

  • They seem always to see the worst side of people and of conditions.

They are suspicious of other peoples' motives

  • and even vicious at times.

Unless checked, these thoughts will lead to vicious action

  • and they can be quite dangerous to others whom they dislike.

Possibly this attitude is caused and aggravated by some permanent organic disability

  • which is usually the lot of those who are born with Mraga rising."

[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]


Thomas Edison in 1878 [age 31]


young Mary Stilwell Edison, perhaps near her wedding year, age 16

Biographical details matched to Vimshottari Dasha calendar

[Ketu Mahadasha] [age birth until age 2.1]

11-Feb-1847 Earth-birth in Milan, ohio, USA * Ketu-Shani bhukti

[Shukra Mahadasha] [age 2.1 until age 22.1]

[Surya Mahadasha] [age 22.1 until age 28.1]

09-Apr-1871 [TAE age 24] grieved the bio-decease of mother - Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru activates 4th-from-Chandra burial, end of things

25-Dec-1871 [TAE age 24]

Mary age 16] consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with shop-clerk, Mary Stilwell * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena navamsha-7 ++ gochara R-K via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact Urisha indriya-lagna

18-Feb-1873 [TAE age 25] celebrated the birth of child-1, Mario Estelle * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 5-children

1874 [TAE age 27] commercial development of quadruplex telegraph * Surya-Shukra bhukti * Shukra lagnesha* Shukra activates gainful 11th-from-Chandra-8

[Chandra Mahadasha] [age 28.1 until age 38.1]

Aug-1878 [TAE age 31] admitted as member # 162, into the Theosophical Society headed by Helena Blavatsky

22-Oct-1879 [TAE age 32] obtains US Patent for incandescent light bulb * Chandra-Shani bhukti * yogakaraka Shani

09-Aug-1884 [TAE age 37]

Mary's age 29] decease of lifepartner-1-of-2, mary Edison * Chandra-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates 2th-from-7th-from-Chandra

[Mangala Mahadasha] [age 38.1 until age 45.1]

24-Feb-1886 [TAE age 39]

Mina age 20] consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with Mina Miller * Mangala-Rahu bhukti

[Rahu Mahadasha] [age 45.1 until age 63.1]

26-Feb-1896 [TAE age 49] grieved decease of father * Rahu-Guru bhukti * Guru activates 12th-from-pitristhana

[Guru Mahadasha] [age 63.1 until age 79.1]

[Shani Mahadasha] [age 79.1 until decease age 84]

18-Oct-1931 [TAE age 84] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shani-Budha bhukti * maraka Budha activates 2

At the time of his decease, age 84, tAE was one of the richest men in the cemetery.

Mahadasha bhukti of Chandra, mangala, rahu, and Guru

Chandra-Mangala yoga gives most fruits during Chandra Mahadasha age 28-38 followed by Mangala Mahadasha age 38-45

Edison brought to market a stunning string of patented inventions in the first half of his life from his early 20's until his mid 40's. By the end of his 4th decade Yet, relatively few successes proportional to his large aspirations and huge funding, and by the onset of Rahu Mahadasha he produced no further inventions. Rather, he lived richly from royalties and patents.

Edison maintained an iconic public profile via the respectable, wealthy, intelligent complex of Shani-Shukra-Surya. He delivered speeches and proclamations via Budha-9 also ruled by the authoritative Shani-10-Śaśaka Yoga. But investors began to lose their confidence in his judgment.

Mahadasha of Rahu started Edison's age 45. Rahu enjoys vargottamsha in bhava-6 D-1 AND in the treasury-indicating navamsha-2. Rahu drishti to Shani-Shukra-Surya amplifying the results of 1-4-6-9-10 and funneling those results into bhava-6 opportunities from lawsuits and appropriations.

By the time of the onset of Rahu Mahadasha, mr. Edison had essentially stopped producing new ideas [which were in most cases actually new combinations of other people's ideas] .

Yet mahadasha of Rahu-6 [the most productive location for Rahu generally] brought an era of remarkable material gainfulness.

Edison's repertoire of patents and licenses continued to pay handsome dividends throughout the subsequent Guru mahadasha. Edison continued to work in his laboratory every day, albeit producing little in the way of invention. Despite the health problems associated with Guru in 6th-from-Chandra, professor Guru [as ruler of 8-11] provided continuous income from providential sources.

Thomas_Edison_c1882.jpgDistinctive Features of the Nativity

[Sparkling Splendid Surya]

pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light]


[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[intelligence for rank-status gridworks]

[executive authority via economic linkage]

[celebrated entitlement for elite connections]

[political focus on proletarian respect]

[sparkling center of elite social network]

[friendly romantic hub of community systems]

[popular icon recognized by common folk]

[father-figure may be director, governor, executive, decision-maker, boss, leader]


[arranging-bargaining Dhaniṣṭha-3] [navamsha Surya-Tula-nīcha ] intuitively confident bargaining adjusting compromise



  • [Surya-Kumbha] [Arka = the radiator - radio] brightly charismatic confidence of Center-stage Surya radiates through the linking networked connecting rashi of Shani

  • [Surya in bhava-10] bright center of hierarchy * creatively confident chieftain * legislative intelligence * focus on social order * regulatory entitlements * political authority * brilliant career * eye on elite positions * radiant reputation * sparkling star of public leadership drama * dignified father may be lawful ruler, governor, executive director, supervisor, boss

  • [Surya-yuti-Shukra] confidently harmonious * brightly creative bargainer * uniquely intelligent feminine-figures * entitled to pleasures * aesthetic expressions align with the spiritual rays of the Sun * financial politics * graciously creative * dramatic promises * radiantly diplomatic * self-reflexively attractive * father may be artist-broker-arranger

  • [Surya-yuti-Shani] confidently lawful * bright regulator * entitled to impose order * politically intelligent authority-figures * radiantly systematic * Sober hierarchical strict father-figure * cautiously orderly expression of the spiritual rays of the Sun * limited entertainments * creatively disciplined


self-reflexively commanding, brightly law-imposing, charmingly authoritative, regal style of maintaining social order, hierarchically focused, radiantly responsible, politically elite, splendidly regulating, center-stage chief executive [Surya in bhava-10] rules

  • 4 cultural foundations, property boundaries, way of Life, protection, defense , homeland, household, routines, rituals, mother, parents, customary rhythms, caretakers, socialization schooling, gardens, waterways, transportation, housing, social security, sense of place, environmentalism, citizenship, belonging, ethnic basis, ethnoreligion, patriotism, real-estate, farming, land-ownership, burial, predictability, health of the elder sibling


Infrastructure master

  • 4 real-estate, properties, vehicles, infrastructure, stability of cultural roots, schooling, household, parenting, land-stewardship, cities-and-towns, boundaries, fencing, defense

dignified, entitled, confidently leading, regulatory [Surya in bhava-10] rules + sends drishti into

Surya rules Simha-4 Arudha lagna = bhava-4 local infrastructure = homes, buildings, streets, schools, pathways-of-transport, cities-and-towns, place of settlement

Surya located in the sales-marketing-administrative 3rd-from-Chandra


[Comfortable Caretaking Chandra]

matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village]

[busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Chandra's optimistic feelings, humanistic rhythms, global sensibilities

[comforted by customary doctrines of rebirth]

[needs to feel the soothing terror of impending faith-crisis]

[familiar folk philosophy of rejuvenation cycles]

[settled into priestly teachings about seasonal rhythmic evolution]

[at some juncture in the lifespan, one's old beliefs utterly die, catalyzing an emotional rebirth into new principled convictions]

[needs to feel wisely secretly guided]

[soothed by principled identity-change]

[vikrama-pati occupies 8th-from-8. May be a transformative uplifting communicator.]

[believing mother may be chaotic ideologue, sudden-changer of life-convictions, optimistic self-reinventor]


[collaborative-communicative Mūla-3] [navamsha Chandra in Mithuna] intuitively sensitive explanatory description


  • [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided

  • [Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta] protectors of the eternal root vortex * soothed by pure emptiness * feels like a galactic pilgrim

  • [Chandra in classroom-8] comfortable with crisis * familiar with catastrophe * unpredictable mother * feels the pulse of cyclical rebirth * soothed by secrecy * consoled by calamity * sensitive to danger * revolutionary sentiment * accustomed to frequent upheaval * seeks deeply rhythmic initiation * acculturated to masked exploration * occult sensitivities * needs eruptive energies * nourished by non-disclosure * emotionally attuned to trauma * undulating shakti-shocks * mother may be a mystic, healer, concealer, agent of disguise

  • [Somana-yuti-Kuja] Emotionally pro-active * sensitive to brotherly figures * needs to win * comforted by direct forward movement * invigorates the undulating routine * soothed by pioneering innovation * competitive mother * calmed by routine exercise * feels like a champion


sentimentally undisclosing, emotionally secretive, caretaker in dangerous situations, needs chaotic feelings, securely grounded through disastrous upheaval, anchored into sudden emergency response, sensitive to disguised dependencies, protected by camouflaged assets, sense of having hidden empowerments [Chandra in classroom-8] rules

  • 3-communications, messaging, sermons, scripts, radio-television, media-products, Writing and Publishing, letters of correspondence, announcements, planning, schedules, sales, marketing, documentation, reporting, cohort, entourage, committee-work, iterative stepwise process, manufacturing, commercial business, instruction, explanation, discussion, diagrams, labeling, event management, signage, training, itinerary, tours


  • [folk-reputation 10th-from-Chandra = grievance politics,exploitation drama, labor entitlements, analytical gambling Kanya-5]


Chandra rules volatile, suddenly changing, secretive, self-reinventing 8th-from-Chandra

Mom suffered an increasingly debilitating mental illness with violent episodes.

  • [MūlaChandra] yuti [Mūla-Mangala] in the spasmodic, erupting 8th bhava

MARRIAGE partnership emotional equity support expectations


  • bhava-2 = marriage-1
  • focus on family lineage values-fulfillment
  • Mithuna shopkeeping, sales, merchandise
  • wife-1 Mary Stilwell was a retail shop clerk and business manager for TE's early entrepreneurial ventures

8th-from- [7th-from-Chandra-8] = [2nd-from-Chandra]

  • bhava-9 = marriage-2
  • Makara social authority, public opinion, rank-status, class-consciousness
  • contains [Budha-Makara-Draco] suggesting a youthful second lifepartner. Mina was 19 years younger than TE.
  • As the high-profile mate of an American commercial hero [TE Mriga] wife-2 Mina Miller entered an honored, elite social status.


Shukra accepting drishti of Rahu, representing wife 1-of-2.

Shukra-lagnesha + Shukra activates 6-illness, suggesting the painful kidney ailments [Shukra] besetting wife-1. Ruler of Mithuna 7th-from-Chandra= Budha-9 in 3rd-from-7 suggesting a that the partner may be a shop clerk, business administrator, or hand-crafter. Edison met Mary her age 16 as she was working as a young clerk in one of his shops.

In her early 20's, mary Stilwell Edison developed several serious illnesses including Bright's Disease [diabetes type-1] along with alcoholism and depression. In those days, kidney-adrenal-pancreatic conditions were extremely painful and nearly always fatal. She died from an overdose of morphine, which was widely prescribed to treat both physical and emotional distress. Mary Stilwell Edison died aged 29, amother of three.


TE's second wife Mina Miller is represented by TE's ātmakāraka Budha in 2nd-from-Chandra and also by Shani, which holds the second-highest degree in the Shukra cluster [showing three wives]. [The wife represented by Surya at zero-deg was not publically visible] .

As the he 20-year-old daughter of TE's business associate, wife-2 Mina Miller Edison became a capable manager [Budha] of their large household. She was obliged to attend public events and entertain dignitaries [Shani]. They enjoyed an affluent retirement [Surya-10 rules 4-retirement] r.

[Competitive Champion Kuja]

bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility]


[Vimala Yoga]

[bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[conntemplative-withdrawn vyaya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]


[commercial-administrative Mūla-3] [navamsha Mangala-Mithuna] competitive-champion in business


  • [Mangala-Dhanus] vigorous development of humanistic worldview * energized inspiration * thrust toward doctrinal expansion * proactive teaching-preaching * promotes philosophical globalism * champion of broad understanding * pursues patronage

  • [Mangala in bhava-8] drive toward discovery * pursuit of rebirth * revolutionary dynamics * aggressive approach to emergency events * energetic transformations * urge to dig-drill -dive-excavate-plumb-explode-explore * vigorous revelations * explosive eruptions * unexpected force * pushes through camouflage * mysterious conquests * pro-active rejuvenating surgeries

  • [Kuja-yuti-Chandra] feels like a champion * energized intuition * dynamic nurturance * competitive caretaking * often the dominant parent * needs to win * forward thrusting emotions * seeks security via conquest


[Vimala Yoga]

explosively competitive, vigorously penetrating, forward-pushing initiator, naturally motivated to explore secrets, kinetically evolutionary, energetically discovering, champion of transformative identity change [Mangala in bhava-8] rules
  • 7-covenant, promise, trust, contractual relationships, social justice, advocacy, legal judgments, lawcourts, appeals, representation, equity, diplomacy, partners, justice, marriage, legal and formal partnerships, negotiation, alliance-crafting, match-making, fair arrangements, even deals, advocacy, trading, bargaining, brokerage, haggling, go-between, middleman, meddler

  • 12 enclosures, the bed, fantasies, privacy, interior spiritual guidance, clandestine undertakings, intuitive awareness, non-linear conceptual undertanding, concealment, seclusion, invisibility, dissolved identity, meditation, contemplation, dreamworlds, astral plane, imaginary scenarios, sanctuary sleep, distant lands, health of the avowed partner


Kuja-8 activates 12 = Viparita Raja Yoga

[Vimala Yoga]

A volatile mom [Chandra in classroom-8 ++ a drive to discovery Mangala in bhava-8 propelled TAE into a self-promoting role as a genius inventor.

However, he was less of a brilliant inventor and more of a genius of aggressive pursuit of legal copyright . [Mangala activates 7 legal contracts] .

Mangala-[Mūla] 8 occupies 4th-from-Chandra schooling, mother

TE had a psycho-mentally disordered mother.

TE was expelled from elementary school [Mangala].

Nevertheless his Chandra-Mangala-yoga brings security and comfort from the mother. She homeschooled her rambunctious son and with opportunistic Rahu-6 in 3rd-from-4th she taught him to think in terms of projects. He later generated thousands of projects.

[Busy Bantering Budha]

jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student]

[collecting-evaluating dhana-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Budha's cautiously communication, formally explanation, orderly instruction

[Dhanayoga = ruler of 2+5 occupies-9]

[pronounces conventional homilies]

[lawfully principled instructions on politics]

[regularized exegetical sermons explain the scriptures]

[talks patronizingly about the details of orderly governance]

[discussions on social norms define the catechesis]

[may deliver the dharma in orthodox fashion]

[legitimate but pedantic preaching]

[maylecture professorially upon theory of the public good]

[publishes pontifications upon commonly agreed wisdom]

[explainer of institutional doctrine]

[officially announces the faith-based convictions]

[formally communicative grand-children]

[respected confessional testimony]

[if Surya-yuti-Budha, may speak in proletarian style about money and politics]

[father-figure may be a religiously status-conscious businessman, a conservative pontificating elder, or a smart merchant who cautiously signals his interest]


[ātmakāraka sales, marketing, advertising, communication, definition, description, patents]

[logistical-calculating Dhaniṣṭha-2] [navamsha Budha-Kanya-uchcha] intuitively explanatory logically argumentative accurately articulately calculating-arguing

  • [Budha-Makara-Draco] bureaucratic communications * articulation of lawfully orderly process * proletarian phrasing * delivers procedure for imposing rules * descriptive explanations of the social order *  messages about governance * documentation of regulatory procedures * diagrams the hierarchies * status-conscious mentality * hands-arms-shoulders send normalizing gestures, conventional gestures

  • [Budha in bhava-9] narrative of father-figure * witty guru * broad-scope communicator * repeats the catechism * ideological reasoning * reiterates the doctrine * skillful grandchildren * discusses patronage * detailed articulation of worldview * explains the paradigm of belief * talks about sacred texts * examines the dharma * interprets theoretical claims * delivers quick sermons * logical investigations into philosophical truths * chatty priests * religious dialogues


mercurially philosophical, paternally communicative, mercantile worldview, businesslike father-figure, naarrative of higher understanding, inspirational publishing, globally descriptive, broad-scope conversations [Budha in bhava-9] rules

  • 2-acquisition, family legacy, tradition, language-lexicon, preserved memory, banking, collections, entreasurement, herd-hoard, containment, financial capital, accrued amounts, asset evaluation, knowledge of history, speech-song, heritage values, color-sound, arts-and-music, face-voice-eyes-teeth-mouth-hair, genetics, stored resources, health of the father

  • 5- Politics, center-stage roles, theatre, demonstration, display, charming brilliance, genius, poetry, choice-making, showmanship, gambling and gamesmanship, romantic idealism, creativity, fashion-shows, flamboyance, celebrity entitlements, confidence, artistic performance, drama, children, financial speculation, intelligence, entertainments, fun


Professor Budha ātmakāraka = explanations, litigation, sales [uchcha in Kanya Svamsha

Budha activates 2-5 and Budha occupies 9 = a fortunate dhana-yoga indicating faith in speculative ventures

Budha activates [10th navamsha] and within the navamsha


Budha occupies [2nd-from-Chandra] indicating a significantly younger second marriage partner. When they married in 1886, he was aged 39; she was aged 20r.

[Generous Growing Guru]

dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety]


[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Brihaspati's pleasant generosity, evaluating expansion, cherished beliefs

[multiple generous self-enriching personality attributes]

[embodiment of historical assessment philosophy]

[identified with aesthetic credenda]

[iconic personification of guiding financial worldview]

[personality exemplifies capitalizing ideology]

[paragon of pleasurable cheerfulness]

[preacher-and-teacher may symbolize the wisdom of accumulative storage]

[expansive traditional faith encompasses gainful evolutionary change]

[personalized understanding of heritage marketplace systems]

[often a community benefactor to bankers and collectors]


[oratorical-heritage Rohiṇī-2] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Guru-Urisha]

  • [Guru-Urisha] optimistic about capitalization * big hoard * many voices * many collections * doctrine of resource conservation * believes in historical knowledge * philosophy of values fulfillment * permission for pleasure * financial guidance * many cattle * expands the scope of voice-speech-song * multiple treasuries

  • [Guru in bhava-1] much vitality * philosophical personality * permission for unrestricted action * generous disposition * numerous identities * expands the scope of competition * many cheerful sporting activities * believes in birthright * expansive aura * extra height-or-girth * embodiment of tolerant cheer * a patron of personal benefit * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an expander, philanthropist, benefactor, grower


expansively active, abundantly energized, jovial competitor, multiple identities, numerous offspring, optimistic innovator, generous grower of children-partnerships-worldview, broad-scope of embodied inspiration [Guru in bhava-1] rules

  • 8-unexpected eruptions of regenerating force, occult initiation, mystical revelation, shocking intervention, opaque empowerments, invasive surgery, intensive healing, evolution, violent explosion, sudden identity change, rejuvenation, recycling, rebirth, hidden assets, upheaval, undisclosed secrets, transformative events, discovery, in-laws of first marriage, health of younger sibling-cousin

  • 11-fruitful revenues, interconnected income, profits, material achievement, social networking, friendships, community linkage, fan-clubs, mass participation gatherings, collectivism, marketplace gridworks, distribution, association, populism, economic systems, fundraising, gains-and-goals, awards for work accomplished, health of the enemies


Brihaspati occupies the radical Urisha lagna and Brihaspati occupies [6th-from-Chandra] Suggesting Edison's lifetime concern with diabetes and kidney-related hearing loss

On the plus side for business, Guru is generously stationed to accommodate the contentious world of accusatory lawsuits. Guru in [6th-from-Chandra] Mula indicates the large volume [Guru] of litigation that Edison used to overwhelm his competitors. His patents were often challenged by other inventors working on identical devices, but Edison nearly always triumphed through diligent court appearances during a lifetime of unending lawsuits.

[Sweetly Suave Shukra]

svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[inimical-unbalanced rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[elite relationships within the mass collectivity]

[fairly bargained marketplace contracts]

[pleasurable high-visibility economic positions]

[valuable connections with progressive leaders]

[iconic roles within proletarian networks]

[executive financial command of scientific futurism]

[for husbandly nativity, popular well-known wife may suffer electrolyte, nerve , or skin ailment]


[economic-distributive Varuna-3] [navamsha Shukra-Kumbha] [vargottamsha] intuitively harmonizing electical connectivity



  • [Shukra-Kumbha] appreciation of social networks * likes knitting-knotting * attracted to marketplace revenues * pleased by large-group connectivity * prefers a friendly partner * collectivist arrangements * enjoys regulated systems* sweetly gracious within big crowds * scientific aesthetic * financially balanced economic linkage

  • [Shukra-10] seeks pleasure via regulated order * enjoys regulatory authority * socially prominent contractual agreements * reputation for gracious balancing * institutional finance * respects feminine-figures * harmonious governance * aesthetic of beautiful structures * appreciation of order * in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold an elite social position

  • [Shukra-yuti-Surya] balanced roles in drama * appreciation for political display * pleasantly charming * self-focused diplomacy * radiant bright beauty * self-reflexive bargaining * sweet entitlements * negotiating father-figure * self-directed arrangements * focus on trade exchange * solipsistic romance * idealistic contracts * enjoys the game of deal-making * prefers self-confident partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Shani] sweetly serious deal-making * mature relationships * graciously responsible * beautiful bones * appreciation for neutrality * strict negotiations * pleasant legal mediation * rigorous bargaining * enduring agreements * regulated contracts * architectural elegance * pragmatic design * lawful arrangements * realistic finance * prefers relationships with orderly partners * in a husbandly nativity, preference for a seasoned, class-conscious wife


recognized for pleasantly sensual qualities, enjoys elite social position, harmoniously hierarchical, aesthetic of institutional decision-making, public finance, prefers a luxurious profession, musical-artistic leadership roles, appreciates having a respected rank [Shukra-10] rules

  • 1- distinctive attributes of personality, dense material incorporation, individual personification, earthen embodiment, physical integrity, kinetic energy, dance, style of movement, athletic prowess, muscular mobility, unique character, kinetic vitality, circumstances of birth, tangible appearance, coherent social identity

  • 6-ministries of service, dehumanization, misconduct, war, jail, slavery, pollution, argumentation, healthcare workers, ailment, injury, medical treatment, hypocrisy, crime, cheating, animosity, toxins, complaints, accusation, litigation, blaming, scapegoat, aid workers, helpers. imbalanced conditions, injustice, betrayed promises, servants, laborers, hostility, animosity, disagreement, dehumanization


Commercial Partnerships

Shukra located in the emotionally motivated evangelical communicative cohort instructive descriptive team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra assists the obtainment of partnerships in business

[Sober Structural Shani]

duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years]

-- [svakshetra] -- [svabhava] -- [Śaśaka Yoga] [Yogakaraka philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Yogakaraka dutiful-regulating karmesha for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[responsible for economic gridworks]

[obligation to perform community governance duties]


[organizational-structured Varuna-2] [mūlatrikoṇa] [navamsha Shani-Makara] intuitively orderly social governance regulation



  • [Shani-Kumbha] heavy old economic systems * obliged to conform to marketplace rules * responsible scientific work * structural compression upon skin-nerves-ankles * mandatory electro-magnetic networking * regulated revenues * lawfully distributed earnings * must materialize past-to-future gridwork * must sustain lowest-common-denominator connections * proletarian communities * conventional friendships * elderly mentors * Slowly achieves social-material goals * scarce conductive resources * maintainer of old economies

  • [Shani in Bhava-10] steady time-structured rulership * must regulate the old order * maintains dignified reputation * grim determination to sustain governance * burdensome top-of-pyramid roles * typically responsibility exceeds authority * chronic weighty executive duties * heavy decision-making portfolio * upholds conventional hierarchies * oppressed by lack of freedom to choose social policies * resistance to new organizational rules * intolerance for institutional innovation * leadership fatigue * elders maintain high ranking duties

  • [Shani-yuti-Surya] social resistance to individual creativity * pragmatic politics * class-conscious father * limited unearned entitlements * delayed [but not denied] romance * conventionalized theatrical displays * restrained flamboyance * disciplined intelligence * fearful speculation * cautious willpower * Socially-approved expressions of divine brilliance

  • [Shani-yuti-Shukra] slow system imposes lawful equity * limited luxuries * sturdily handsome * orderly feminine figures * pragmatic finance * persistent steady negotiation * contractual discipline * socially constrained harmony * conventionally regulated pleasures * trust in age * mutuality over time * class-structured arrangements


formally commanding, systematically ordering, rigorously rule-imposing, lawfully hierarchical, class structured seniority, respected public duty, sober conventional regulator, mature social authority, change-resistant boss, responsibly time-conscious leadership [Shani in Bhava-10] rules

  • 9-ideology , paradigm of belief, profession of faith, principled convictions, higher understanding, father-figures, priestly patronage, preaching, patriarchal entitlements, philosophical convictions, theory, public spiritual guidance, celebrated doctrines, sangha, sacred teachings, credenda, globalism, dharma, worldview, weltanschauung, mother's health

  • 10-career, profession, dignity, regulatory roles, governance duties, social authority, symbolic recognition, iconic visibility, leadership responsibility, top status, reputation, commanding positions, honor, high regard, public respect, executive power, elite rank, lawful imposition, organizational director


executive, commanding, yogakaraka, institutionally oriented Shani in Bhava-10 rules


Stoic Shani activates 2-3 from Shani treasury and business

Shani located in the sales-marketing-administrative 3rd-from-Chandra assists the public conduct of respectable business

[Risk-rewarding Rāhu]

rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery]

[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-6 casts passionately adversarial ministering drishti into 10-12-2]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity

passion for conflict, complaint

[brokering-balancing Chitra-3] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Rahu-Tula] intuitively over-reaching relationship bargains

[Chitra-3 designs, diagrams]

  • [Rahu-Tula] shimmering illusion of balance * craving for trade * mask of fairly bargained contracts * over-reaching advocacy * outsider who cleverly insinuates into trusted counseling roles * sweetly unconventional adjudication * exceptional accommodation * mixed-measure balance * extravagant brokerage * mirage of suave deal-making * extraordinary terms of mutual agreement * gracious non-customary alliances * ambitious diplomacy * seeks special importance via apparent [but perhaps not authentic] equity-assured negotiation * seeks privilege via adviser-roles

  • [Rahu in bhava-6] tricks the enemies [beneficial placement] * passion for prestige conflicts* in svabhava of Busy Budha, the Shadowy Specter cleverly deceives the accusers *glamorous ministries of service * unusual servants * cunning arguments * thrilling surge of rule-breaking assistance * treats misery with unorthodox medication * astonishing accusations in criminal lawsuits * fascinating outsider insinuates into military-medical-ministry roles * craves the delusion of disagreement * mesmerizing mistreatment of laborers and animals * desires an important role in litigation * exciting injuries * opportunistic warfare * disguised as a victim * marvelous assistance to the disadvantaged * entranced by one's own alleged misdoing * may pose as a poor-sick-harmed patient * may appear as a helpful relative of the mother's people * social mobility sought via appearance of servitude


Ffamed for his role in electrifying American cities, tAE was also a notorious thief.

He blatantly stole the published work of other research engineers, tweaked their diagrams slightly, and rushed his claim to the patent office [across the street from his office] before the original author could get there. Rahu-Tula-6 in Chitra-3 designs, diagrams.

Rahu-6 indicates success in adversarial proceedings . Edison's patents were regularly involved in lawsuits.

[11th-from-Chandra] obtainment, gain

Risk-rewarding Rahu occupies the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically fruitful, revenue-regulating, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked 11th-from-Chandra

Rahu Opportunism * Fraud or Legerdemain

Many of his most financially successful licensing conquests began as Edison sprinted to the patent office mere minutes before his competitors.

Rahu-6 often indicates fascinating enemies, which was certainly true of Edison. His [Mūla] Chandra did not care a whit.


One of TAE's most famous enemies was My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla

Tesla never stopped declaring that Edison was a cheat and a fraud who stole others' ideas.

Tesla predicted that TAE's expedient, quick-profits [Rahu] AC current would soon cause more damage than help. Tesla complained vociferously that TAE's Alternating Current had put greed before social benefit.

Tesla was right.

[Collapsing unshackling Ketu]

kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum]

[beneficial placement]

for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently forward-pushing, disintegrating inventiveness

[dispersed engagement with innovative conceptual thought]

[dissolution of wartime back-channels]

[restless apathy toward research competitors]

[surrenders pioneering visions]

[forgives broken fresh-start private guidance]

[abandons unsustainable materialization fantasies]

[absent from empty blood contemplations]

[disregards invasive clandestine conventions]

[eccentricly imaginative distribution systems]

[passively fixated upon ambitiously diplomatic-partnering Rahu-Tula-6 passionately conflicted partnerships]


[champion-competitive Aśvini-1] [vargottamsha] [navamsha Ketu-Mesha]

  • [Ketu-Mesha] physically dissociates from competitive dominance * incomplete nobility * eccentric innovations * challenges the ineffable * unconventional athletic force * disoriented quest for supremacy * heroic push forward into nothingness * dissolute conquest * muscular martyrdom * not limited by blood or birth * ignores restrictions on kinetic movement * releases a blood-red cloud of dynamic energy into the misty abyss

  • [Ketu in classroom-12] forsaken by ghosts [beneficial] * eccentric research * limitless imagination * scattered intuitive insights * ambivalent toward foreigners * peculiar paternal grandmother * blurs fantasy boundaries * unstructured meditations * passive isolation * foggy clairsentience * releases invisibility * dissolves privacy * abandons the veil between perceptual worlds * ignores imprisonment * unless other graha in 12, may prefer to live free from the father's parents


Ketu-12 in 5th-from-Chandra would suggest that Edison was disengaged from his offspring. His eldest son suffered from alcoholism and mental illess, and this son eventually committed suicide.

Edison was said to have been an absentee husband and father [Ketu-5 disregards children] . On a daily basis he went early into his lab, remained there all day. He returned to the home at night, only for food, drink, and marital accommodation. He occasionally disappeared into his lab for days at a time. Both his wives were very young when he married them [Budha yuvati-pati] and both were said to have suffered from his spousal negligence.


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