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lifepartner with
Frances "Frankie" Folsom Cleveland in 1886 [her age 22]
POTUS-22-24 partner of Grover Cleveland a.k.a. Frankie Folsom a.k.a. Frankie Cleveland a.k.a. Frances Folsom Cleveland a.k.a. Frances Cleveland Preston Earth-birth Thu-21-Jul-1864 dematerialization 29-Oct-1947 [age 83] |
![]() Frankie Folsom Cleveland, the wife of POTUS-24 Grover Cleveland age 24, in the Whitehouse |
Partner POTUS-22 [1885 until 1889] + Partner POTUS-24 [1893 until 1897] 1864-1947 birth data from
tentatively rectified by BP Lama Jyotishavidya charts + graphs + tables = produced by Shri Jyoti Star - www.vedicsoftware.com - adapted by BP Lama |
Rising Nakshatra Feminine Nativity Yoni - Bhagadaivata - Prakphalguni - Arjuni BPL COMMENTARY For Purvaphalguni * Yoni * births of a feminine valence, the condition of sweetly musical, artistic, harmony-seeking, negotiating, balancing, arranging, designing, matching, pairing, sensually pleasuring akarshana-karaka Bright Beautiful Bhrigu may considerably affect the outcome. For those born into the Shukra-ruled paradigm of Vutavabana, feminine figures such as sisters, aunts, and wives, along with partnerships, contracts, bargains, sensual pleasures, lovers, artistic beauty, luxurious scents, treasuries, financial arrangements, and music, may be especially influential. Instructional guidance provided by emissaries from the civilizations of Zosma. Their purpose is to dramatize, glamorize, and politicize the grand theatrical values of creative life. Diplomatic charm [Sweetly Suave Shukra] -ruled Purvaphalguni ladies are often the diva type. Yoni-born are found in the sparkling bright worlds of political diplomacy, romantic idealism, entertainment, speculative finance, performance arts, and fashion design. Women born into a nakshatra of Shukra are often blessed by a special aptitude for music, beauty, treasuries, ornaments, design arts, and financial affairs. Yoni-born are happiest when playing musical instruments, dancing on the theatrical stage, or performing a richly costumed dramatic role for an appreciative audience, delighted by spectacle and applause, they glitter and radiate at parties, creative events, political campaigns, and games.. Depending upon the placements of dhanakaraka Shukra and dhana=pati Budha, the Purvarjuni-born may also display financial intelligence, deal-brokering ability, and glamour in romantic relationships. Queenly and self-referential, they require equity in marriage and business contracts. Honesty is deeply important to them. Yet, due to Shukra's bargaining nature, the insult of disloyalty may be balanced by financial compensation. Like all Shukra-governed births, bhagadaivata-born must take care to avoid the misuse of drugs and alcohol. Political and creative success depends upon the charisma of lagnesha Surya. Financial success depends upon the dual-dhanakaraka Shukra and Budha. Themes of theatrical celebrity, lavish musical entertainments, arts and fashion, and financial agreements may contextualize Pubba's terrestrial experience. Applies also to Chandra-Purvaphalguni. |
from Shil-Ponde. [1939] . Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 95 " ... an oval face, whose features are well proportioned
Very hospitable and sociable, she likes to meet people
She likes to sew or embroider
She also is keenly interested in occult subjects
She is scrupulous in her obligations
[end quote, Shil Pondey, 1939]
Frances Folsom Cleveland in 1888 [age 24] ![]() Newspaper etching of FFC and GC with their firstborn FRIENDS with
Frances Folsom Cleveland Preston in 1933 [FFCP age 69] leading the Needlework Guild to sew for the Depression's homeless. Typical of Pūrvaphalgunī women, FCP liked to embroider and sew. |
Biographical details matched to
Vimshottari Dasha calendar
[Rahu Mahadasha] [age birth until age 14]
Thu-21-Jul-1864 Earth-birth in Buffalo, New York, USA * Rahu-Guru bhukti * Guru ātmakāraka 23-Jul-1875 [FFC age 11] grieved decease of father via carriage accident * Rahu-Surya bhukti * Surya pitrimaraka rules 2nd-from-Surya [Guru Mahadasha] [age 14 until age 30]
Jun-1885 [FFC age 21] earned baccalaureate diploma from Wells College, New York * Guru-Budha bhukti * Budha diploma Sep-1885 until May-1886 [FFC age 21] Frances [an only child] and her widowed mother -- to whom she was extremely close -- undertake a nine-month tour of seven European capitals. Itinerary and expenses provided by the Whitehouse * Guru-Ketu bhukti * Ketu wandering * dharmesha Mangala-yuti-Ketu-9 world travel 17-May-1886 [FFC age 21] Frances' paternal grandfather, a minister who was scheduled to perform her wedding ceremony, dies only 16 days before the wedding * Guru-Ketu bhukti * Ketu severance, sudden disconnection 02-Jun-1886 [FFC age 21] GC age 49] consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with POTUS-24 Grover Cleveland, 28 years her senior, GC had been Frankie's godfather and guardian since childhood. GC was a close friend and law partner of her deceased dad. * Guru-Shukra bhukti ++ R-K gochara via Simha-Kumbha contact Simha-indriya-lagna + Chandra-Kumbha 06-Nov-1888 [FFC age 23] GC lost election for POTUS-23 by narrow margin, allowing FFC to start her family with a degree of privacy * Guru-Shukra bhukti * Shukra -12 aesthetic of privacy activates 12-from-10th-from 7 = temporary invisibility of spouse's career 03-Oct-1891 [FFC age 25] celebrated the birth of child-1 * Guru-Mangala bhukti * Mangala activates 9-children 08-Nov-1892 [FFC age 26] in a contentious national debate over finance and industrialization, G-Cleveland gets elected POTUS-24 by narrow margin * Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha [Shani Mahadasha] [age 30 until age 49]
Jan-1897 [FFC age 31] GC ends his POTUS term as a greatly unpopular figure. Begin a quiet, financially comfortable retirement, living in several posh homes with their five children * Shani-Shani svabhukti * Shani rogesha public ire + Shani yuvati-pati public equity, real-estate 07-Jan-1904 [FFC age 40] child's age 12] grieved the bio-decease of eldest child Ruth Cleveland, from diphtheria * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra -12 rules 2-from-9 + Shukra activates 12th-from-5th-from-Chandra ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati Feb-1905 until Apr-1907 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha
24-Jun-1908 [FFC age 44] grieved the bio-decease of husband-1 G-Cleveland * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ dvithya Sade-Sati 10-Feb-1913 [FFC age 49] consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with wealthy businessman and former Princeton archeology professor, Thomas Preston * Shani-Guru chidra-dasha * [Viśākha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Viśākha ] [Budha Mahadasha] [age 49 until age 66]
27-Dec-1915 [FFC age 51] grieved the bio-decease of beloved mother - Budha-Ketu bhukti [ Ketu Mahadasha] [age 66 until age 73]
Mar-1934 until Mar-1937 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha
[ Shukra Mahadasha] [age 73 until decease age 83]
29-Oct-1947 [FFC age 83] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Guru bhukti [Guru-yuti-Rahu] Brihaspati enables Rahu ++ Guru activates 2nd-from-Chandra |
Distinctive features of the Nativity
[Sparkling Splendid Surya] pitri-karaka [father] -- jyoti-karaka [light] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Surya's rhythmic certainty, sensitive radiance, soothingly confident display [bright center of cultural insight] [charismaticly protective roles in clandestine surroundings] [radiant icon of customary private guidance] [bright attention focused in ancient dreamlike pathways] [self-confidence in the cloistered realms of folk imagination] [solipsistic style of visionary homeworld defense] [ancestors demonstrate intuitive guardianship] [caretaker persona demonstrates wholistic stewardship of lands and waters] [safeguards symbolic political boundaries] [may be a psychic channel for rhythmic, other-worldly intelligence] [invisible locus of self-referential glory] [shrouded father-figure may be ethno-nationalist dreamer, unseen warden of safe enclosures, ghostly homeland custodian] ... [ministering-logistical Pushya-2] [navamsha Surya-Kanya] intuitively confident ministries of service [Pushya-Surya-yuti-Budha-Pushya] [Pushya-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Pushya]
OUTCOMES - MAGNIFICENT MARTANDA self-reflexively imaginative, brightly ghostlike visage, sparkling Other-worldly charm, regal style of creative seclusion, quietly focused on interior understanding, radiantly dreamlike, politically visionary, splendidly private research intelligence, center-stage theatre of symbolic ideas [Surya in bhava-12] rules
FATHER and Father-Figures Frankie's Dad was a close friend and law-partner of Frankie's first husband POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland. In those days, due to being the western terminus of the Erie Canal, Buffalo in New York State was a financial and political boom-town . Frankie's dad was an up-and-coming attorney-businessman who left an estate but without a will [Ketu]. When Frankie was 12 years old, Grover Cleveland became the executor of Frankie's financial inheritance. For the next nine years, GC ensured that young Frankie had both necessities and luxuries. As her guardian, GC funded Frankie's completion of a baccalaureate diploma from the prominent Wells College for women. Within two months of Frankie's college graduation, GC proposed marriage to his 28-years-younger god-daughter. Thus father-figure morphed into a husband, seen via the dreamy fog of Surya-yuti-Shukra as well as the unboundaried Ketu-yuti-Kuja-9. 9] indicates Dad's early demise and his allegedly questionable behavior. One of the ways that Cleveland's political handlers tried to conveniently cover-up the fact of Cleveland's illegitimate son was to blame the child on Frankie's deceased father. However, the folks of Buffalo society knew well that Grover the Rover had paternity. [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] matrikaraka [mother] -- garha-karaka [village] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Chandra's friendly feelings, community rhythms, mass-participation sensibilities [intangible sensitivity to equity in the populist marketplace] [comforted by relationship with goal-achieving privacy-seeking mother] [soothed by invisible partnership in mass-participation events] [culturally attuned to community connections] [needs to feel friendly pulse of associative ritual ordering] [protector of private economic agreements] [environmentalist feelings attuned to local air-element deva] [revenue-earning mother may be schoolteacher, householder, gardener, parental property-holder] ... [inspirational-believing Varuna-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive optimistic dogmatic humanistic principled guiding belief
OUTCOMES - ANCESTRAL SOMA sensitively adjusting, protectively harmonious, routinely bargaining, parentally equalizing, rhythmically arranging, customary middleman, predictably meddling, culturally agreeable, emotionally adjudicating, needs to hold mediating positions [Chandra in classroom-7] rules
MOTHER Frankie was said to have been exceptionally close to her mother. MARRIAGE [Viśākha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Viśākha ] for a wifely-nativity = multiple extraordinary husbands. This permissive, ambitious yoga suggests unusual, exciting marriage alliances as well as at least two consecreated weddings within the incarnation 7th-from-Chandra-7 = lifepartnership-1
Chandra rules Karkata-12 = 10th-from-Guru = husband's reputation Typical of Chandra in classroom-7 and particularly for the Shani-ruled yuvati-sthana of her Simha indriya-lagna - known to choose elder spouses -- Frankie selected a parental, elder, father-figure lifepartner. Grover Cleveland had been a best-friend and law-partner of Frankie's father. age-21 on the day of her wedding, Frankie married 49-yo POTUS-24 Grover Cleveland in a brief Whitehouse ceremony. The event was widely publicized with text and photographs, amplifed by commercial newspaper-magazines seeking sales [husband-focused Viśākha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Viśākha ] 3] Frankie gave birth to five children. Friendly toward the press [Guru-3 drishti into populist Chandra-Kumbha-7] the beautiful young mother was comfortable raising her children in the public eye. She invited photographers into their family home, and gave newspaper interviews. The public was enchanted. During his POTUS-24 second term of office, homey photos of stodgy old GC with his young family helped greatly to raise his dignity. [Chandra parenting in 10 public respect] Praised for having brough fresh energy into a stagnant Whitehouse culture, Frankie's greatest service to Grover Cleveland was to rescue his reputation. 8th-from-7th-from-Chandra-7 = lifepartnership-2
Four years after GC's decease, Frankie [her age 48] remarried the wealthy businessman and former Princeton archeology professor, Thomas Preston. He had been a president pro-tem of her alma-mater, Wells College, where she had long served on the Board of Directors. Dramatically unlike her very high profile, partner-focused, first marriage-with-children, Frankie's second marriage was distinctively under-the-radar [8]. She occasionally allowed photographs of her charity work [Meena]. Yet otherwise she lived comfortably quietly until her decease. Frankie died in 1947 and husband-2 Preston died in 1955.
[Competitive Champion Kuja] bhratru-karaka [brother] -- virya-karaka [virility] --- [svakshetra] [Yogakaraka homebound-anchoring bandesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka doctrinal-believing dharmesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [karako bhavo nashto for father, patrons, chieftains, indoctrinators] [dynamic forward-moving wide-scope humanistic engineer] [broad global understanding of forceful movement] [energized ideological competition] [belief-driven dominating priestly pontificator] [worldview based in championship conquest] [vigorously promotes philosophical convictions about physical superiority] [innovative, fighting father may be pioneering patron, patriarch, pushy believer, fiery indoctrinator, pro-active preacher] ... [dramatizing-displaying Bharani-1] [mūlatrikoṇa] [navamsha Mangala-Simha] intuitively competitive forward-pushing champion of political-dramatic display [Bharani-Kuja-yuti-Ketu-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - MOVING MANGALA dynamically philosophical, vigorously globalist, forward-pushing preacher, innovatively dogmatic, pro-actively ideological worldview, kinetically charitable, energetically patronizing, champion of extensive philanthropic action [Mangala in bhava-9] rules[Yogakaraka from Simha-lagna] [karako bhavo nashto for father]
CAREER - MOTIVATED MANGALA [Busy Bantering Budha] jamayah-karaka [sibling] -- sandesha-karaka [message] -- shisya-karaka [student] [historical-evaluating dhanesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [profitable-friendly labha-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra drishti to source Budha's parental discourse, patriotic dialog, boundary-defending plans [dhanayoga invisible treasury Budha-12 rules 2 + 11 ] [imaginative folkways narrative of established customs] [routine habits of private petitionary prayer] ... [diplomatic-bargaining Pushya-3] [navamsha Budha-Tula] [Pushya-Budha-yuti-Surya-Pushya] [Pushya-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Pushya-]
OUTCOMES - BANTERING BUDHA abstractly conceptual announcements, backchannel communication, private discussions, talks about intuitive meanings, clandestine projects, enclosed messages, dissolved information, specifically fantasizing, imaginative dialogs, invisible transactions, questioning research, interior translating Budha in bhava-12] rules [dhanayoga]
CAREER - BUSY BUDHA [Generous Growing Guru] dhava-karaka [husband] -- bahuta-karaka [variety] [witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti for Guru's expansively diplomatic, compromising adjustability [multiple wide-scale commercial diplomacies] [numerous agreeable sibling-cousins and workmates ] [believes n communicative harmonious ensemble teamwork] [pleasantly balanced discussions about creative performance vidya-pati and political secrets randhresha ] [global scope view of design manufacturing] [many graciously informative announcements] [frequent meetings facilitate alliance-crafting] [generous equable business arrangements] [wifely nativities may have deal-making business manager husband] ... [financial-evaluating Viśākha-2] [navamsha Guru-Urisha] expansively generously developing reserves of knowledge and treasury [ātmakāraka worldview, philosophy, expansion, understanding, doctrine, preaching, beliefs, ideology] [Viśākha-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Viśākha ]
OUTCOMES - GENEROUS GURU expansively describing, abundantly publishing, multiple teamworks, numerous projects, optimistic manager, many itineraries, broad-scope of collaborative interaction [Guru in bhava-3] rules
CAREER - BENEVOLENT BRIHASPATI [Guru-yuti-Rahu] indicates FFC's two marriages. Guru ātmakāraka in 7th-navamsha confirms two alliances. [Sweetly Suave Shukra] svadu-karaka [sweet] -- kalatra-karaka [wifely companion] [busy-collaborative sahaja-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [dutiful-executive karmesha for Simha indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Shukra's undulating harmonies, familiar reciprocity,, soothing arrangements ... [ministering-logistical Pushya-2] [navamsha Shukra-Kanya-nīcha ] intuitively negotiating for lawful equity in unbalanced, potentially exploitive relationships [Pushya-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Pushya] [Pushya-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Pushya]
OUTCOMES - SWEETENING SHUKRA pleasantly meditative, aesthetically contemplative, privately sensual, seeking balanced invisible arrangements, musically intuitive, harmoniously researching, prefering luxurious bedrooms, wealth-via-contractual agreements, attracted to imaginative companions [Shukra-12] rules
CAREER - BRIGHT BHRIGUTANAYA [Sober Structural Shani] duro-karaka [endurance] -- jara-karaka [Jahre, years] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] ... [protective-patriotic Hasta-4] [navamsha Shani-Karkata] intuitively restrictively protective, imposing lawful limitations upon local household conduct
OUTCOMES - STRUCTURAL SHANI obliged to family heritage, cautious speech, naarratives of duty, financial responsibility, has to conserve natural resources, oppressed by old vows, mature evaluation, collects valuable old artifacts, limited food, must preserve secret treasuries, must regulate the lineage assets, structured style of singing, slowed [but not prevented] acquisition of enduring pleasure, burdensome historical precedent, family-of-origin may impose heavy restraints [Shani in bhava-2] rules
CAREER - SOBER SHANI [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] rajyalobha-karaka [ambition] -- picchala-karaka [slippery] [for Simha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-3 casts passionately publishing mercantile drishti into 7-9-11] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [ambition to deliver diplomatic instruction] [seeks privilege via passionate narratives of fair agreement] [exhilarating communication about alliance] [announcement of thrilling treaty information] [exceptionally balanced business process] [exaggerated haggling within cohort ensemble] [opportunistically enterprising representational sibling-cousin] [over-reaching scope of commercial brokerage] [compulsive negotiating skills] [boundary-challenging news about relationships in media publication] ... ... [innovative-competitive Viśākha-1] [navamsha Rahu-Mesha] intuitively over-reaching competitive forward-pushing championship [Viśākha-Rahu-yuti-Guru-Viśākha ]
OUTCOMES - RISK-REWARDING RAHU Frankie was a master of the newspaper-magazine media. With the sudden confluence of inexpensive daily newpapers and the new medium of mass-production photography, shrewd media management became an essential political skill. Rahu-3 drishti into friendly Chandra-Kumbha-7 = Frankie was sensitive to the feelings of the proletariat While exercising control over the staging of interviews and pictures, Frankie boldly invited photographers into the president's intimate family home-with-children [karmasthana = 4th-from-Chandra] In what would later be known as press releases [3] Frankie wrote or co-wrote brief, sentimentally cheerful vignettes about the young Family's charming adventures [Rahu] The Cleveland marriage was a source of gossipy fascination for its age-gap [Rahu] and the added taboo-breaker that Frankie was GC's god-daughter and legal ward. However, Frankie's skill in media-management reframed the public narrative about their union. Using her gift for words and her clever grasp of the well-placed camera, Frankie signaled an exciting message -- that her obese, grumpy, aging husband - once accused of gross immorality -- was actually the ideal husband-and-father. What could have been interpreted as a preposterous [Rahu] love-match [Tula] was transformed into a fairy story of delightful family life. The Clevelands became socially celebrated and politically successful. Frances Folsom Cleveland' s Rahu-Ketu Mesha-Tula axis both D-1 and D-9 matched tightly to the Rahu-Ketu Mesha-Tula axis of Grover Cleveland, offering more mutual understanding [Guru] and alignment [Tula]. Frankie's image of liberally educated, youthful gentility was enormously popular among the working classes and generally among progressive folks. Her image was appropriated by a huge variety of sales, marketing, and advertising publications without her consent, falsely implying her endorsement of the vended product [Rahu]. She tolerated this blatantly expedient abuse of her image because in her Viśākha-svamsha view, it benefitted the popularity of her husband [Guru]. Guru-yuti-Rahu -3 media-image, publications. [Collapsing unshackling Ketu] kavandha-karaka [headless] -- chidra-karaka [gaping] -- vasana-karaka [vacuum] [for Simha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently forward-pushing, disintegrating inventiveness [unlimited engagement with innovative ideologies] [dissolution of wartime convictions] [disinterested in outdated concepts of nobility of birth] [surrenders useless pioneering life-principles] [apatheticly forgives the trespass of invasive preachers] [boldly abandons unsustainable catechism] [absent from empty origin-story beliefs] [disregards community conventions of championship] [eccentric competitive worldview] [typically distracted or absentee father moves energeticly but with little effect] [passively fixated on ambitiously diplomatic-partnering Rahu-Tula-3 pleasant sibling-cousins, agreeable secretaries, bargaining team-mates, contractual publishers, meddling neighbors] ... [bargaining-diplomatic Bharani-3] [navamsha Ketu-Tula] [Bharani-Ketu-yuti-Kuja-Bharani]
OUTCOMES - EVACUATING KETU At 48 she remarried. Predictable via her Guru-yuti-Rahu pair.
[Surya in bhava-12] combined with Mangala-yuti-Ketu-9 would suggest the premature demise of her father |
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