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![]() Rashi -Gochara -Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga
Bhava-8 rulers = Kuja and Ketu ranhrasthāna environment = dematerialization conditions (not timing) BPHS Randhra Bhava
initiation steps may include
OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah Learning Pathway 8 mystery & rebirth रन्ध्र randhra = aperture, sphincter, hollow, cave, opening, chasm मृत्यु mṛtyu = death, dying, fatality आयु āyu = life, lifespan, mobility निर्यत् niryat = going forth, exiting, coming out, set free the eighth house Mors - Renatus Le Changement cataclysm - κατακλυσμός apocrypha - ἀπόκρυφα mystery - μυστήριο Ragnarok maelstrom - whirlpool - turmoil see also: 8th-from-Chandra ![]() Sita waits upon the burning ghat but death does not come, only purification and rebirth
Kolkata, circa 1860 cycles of surges of transformative energy the secret pulse aperture - opening - portal closed circuits undisclosed locations cryptography sphincter - sphinx Sacrifice Sacred Initiation Sandhi - Sandhya bridge, ligament, ligature, alloy the revolving door new identities, self-reinvention evolution, revolution, devolution spiral patterns cycles of sudden departure and unexpected return Revolution - Revival Rejuvenation - Recycling Renovation - Rebirth regeneration renaissance resurrection dis-cover-y - rediscovery // the weird // the wyrd // coverings - un-coverings closure + dis-closure clouded-occluded occult Sudden unexpected change turbulence during the phase-shift from old to new calamity upheaval disaster response collapse and recovery powerful but in-con-spic-uous classroom of moving Mangala + cutting Ketu the learning classroom of Randhrastana-8 Co-Ruled by Professor Mangala and Professor Ketu = 8th-from -any-lagna = the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra Ubi virus, ibi virus = the strongest poisons make the best medicines cycles of catastrophic self-destruction and rebirth |
Book of Deuteronomy [32:25 ] King James Version, published 1611 "The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs." |
"Whatever has the nature of arising has the nature of ceasing." -Gautama Buddha |
" From the eighth house, know about private parts and their diseases, longevity, etc." ~~ Madhya Parashari, sarga-9, shloka-8 |
BPHS Sarga-11, shloka-9 "Randhra Bhava indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead, and things that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births) and accidents." |
"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.[end quote] Luke 12:2 [New International Version] |
" A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within . The essential causes of Rome's decline lay in her people, her morals, her class struggle, her failing trade, her bureaucratic despotism, her stifling taxes, her consuming wars." ~~Will Durant.(1944). The Story of Civilization. Vol 3 Caesar and Christ Epilogue - "Why Rome Fell" |
" The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed." ~~ Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Albert Einstein |
" An effective taboo is worth more than the most skillful argument." -- Garrett Hardin |
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OLD JOKE about TAXEs When government-funded NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity.
"All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. ~~ Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien |
![]() The Sphinx of Giza aperture opening sphincter portal channel, faucet-drain, push-pull, flow-through, vortex |
the unknown is where all outcomes are possible | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
// Healing doesn't mean that the damage never existed. It means that the damage no longer controls one's life. // |
" Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge." ~~ A New Earth 1948- philosopher Eckhart Tolle |
" The key to riding the wave of chaos is not to resist it, but to allow yourself to know that you are a part of the energy of chaos. Allowing a new form of organization in, rather than imposing your old system of organization upon it. Allow the chaotic action to show you through synchronicity, what it is you really need to be aware of, how it is that life will organize itself using you as a guide post ." ~~Bashar |
"We are the continuation of all our ancestors. Thanks to impermanence, we have a chance to transform our inheritancein a beautiful direction." ~~Thich Nhat Hanh, The Art of Living |
“You are pure awareness disguised as a person.” ~~ A New Earth 1948- philosopher Eckhart Tolle |
" Flesh gives birth to flesh,
but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, '
You must be born again
.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.[end quote] Gospel of John 3: 6-8 [New International Version] ************************* "That which is boren of the flesshe is flesshe: and that which is boren of the sprete is sprete. Marvayle not that I sayd to the ye must be boren a newe . The wynde bloweth where he listeth and thou hearest his sounde: but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth. So is every man that is boren of the sprete." ~~ Gospel of John 3: 6-8 [tyndale version, c. 1530] |
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QUOTATION from the collective called Yada
] teachers-of-light. com]
The Magic Bag " Man is a king of great power who has forgotten his royal blood. He is lying in the grave of ignorance. But as he comes into the light by his own suffering, he will know that the Christ is resurrected - meaning he is to become consciously aware of his Divine Nature." |
// IF 8 has at least one beneficial placement attribute.
QUOTATION from: B. V. Raman A Catechism of Astrology , p. 91 " The lord of 8, wherever he stands or whatever he aspects, destroys the effect of the house He occupies or the planet He aspects.
... If the lord of 8 is strong and occupies a dushthamsha evil effects may be greater. In this way, read the effects of the lord of 3, 6, 8, and 12." [end quote] |
TOPICS OF Randhra-Ayur-8 bhava-8 tumultuous, fast-pushing, reactive, defensive, energized cycles of emotional evolution 8 sudden unexpected transformative events, secrecy, non-disclosure, taxes, confidential relationships, identity change, born-again initiations, volatile eruptive energies, surgery, mysterious forces, camouflaged assets, interventions, in-laws Camouflage, coverage, forbidden, hidden, don't look IDENTITY CHANGES for which one is often not fully prepared, and that may seem:
Yet this eruption of startling, surprising energy is an active rebirth in real-time progress! apocalypse, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, debacle, tumultuous, may look like tragedy -- but remember this is New Life Emerging but the cataclysm rarely kill the bio-body, the fleshly embodiment survives and thrives = although it often needs a recovery period collapse, crash, meltdown; Armageddon, doomsday, end-time; convulsion, paroxysm, upheaval; accident reanimation, rebirth, regeneration, rejuvenation, renewal, resurgence, resurrection, resuscitation, revitalization, revivification renaissance, renascence; reinvention; reactivation; rally, recovery Randhra-Bhava-8 sphincters and valves in the human body
culturally secret places in the body (what is secret may vary by local custom) and the fearful excitement of opening the secret places
Things, people, assets, relationships, and ideas which suddenly, unaccountably disappear [Ketu]
and then suddenly,
forcefully reappear
mysterious movements Discovery and Disguise * Espionage Forbidden (also risk-loving Rahu) cycles of self-destruction + rebirth destruction and re-creation; eruption, explosion, excision, emergency [8] extramarital, undisclosed assets, catastrophic divorce, suddenly erupting medical issues The Unseen but su spected; The Unheard but intuited; The Unknown but sensed bhava-8 == 9th counterclockwise from 4th = mother's father (one's own maternal grandfather) |
QUOTATION from Pema Chödrön, from Comfortable with Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion, p. 65 " The opposite of samsara (the cycle of suffering) is when all the walls fall down, when the cocoon completely disappears and we are totally open to whatever may happen, with no withdrawing, no centralizing into ourselves. That is what we aspire to, the warrior's journey. That is what stirs us: leaping, being thrown out of the nest, going through the initiation rites, growing up, stepping into something that's uncertain and unknown." |
Wyrd biš ful aręd ~~ The Wanderer (poem) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wanderer_(poem) The weird (hidden knowledge) abides, fully unread. [translation BPL] Sudden, forced Changes of Coherent Foram Shakti * Shock Turning of the Wheel of Death and Rebirth Revival * Rejuvenation * Recycling * Renovation * Rebirth Cycles, transformation, catastrophe, Recycling , Hidden Wealth, Cosmetic Surgery, sorcery, sex Change, tantra, Transformation, Death of Spouse, wealth of the Dead (Inheritance), Truth suddenly revealed Secret knowledge and the Conditions of dematerialization hidden treasure Non-transparent, non-accountable activities the tantrik sciences of penetration and effect of invisible forces (surgical medicine, homeopathy psychic demand for re-birth Millennial cycles ofdeath-and-rebirth , knowledge of transformative process, Healing confidential information, secrets, destruction and rebirth " The Cauldron" maelstrom, whirlpool, turmoil Secrets, life-span, emergencies: undisclosed sexuality, circumstances ofdematerialization , healing, death of spouse or unexpected divorce , inheritance, insurance, tantra, sudden forced changes, hidden things, mysteries, confidences |
Environments of bhava-8 [Competitive Champion
[Collapsing unshackling
graha in 8 shad-ashtaka 6-8
Vṛścika indriya-lagna
Things that cycle and recycle, menstrual cycles and engine cycles, climate cycles and economic cycles, and historical cycles, the wheel of birth and death,
Bhava-8 Insurance and Risk (management)
What is " insurance" ? What is not " insurance" ? " When you only pay for the services you use, it's not called insurance. When you demand someone else pays for the services you use, but you refuse to pay for the services other people need, that's not called insurance either. Insurance is when we pool risk in order to distribute the costs (and benefits) more equitably. " |
Change-change-change bhava-8: Yoga with Other Houses randhresha-8 "double-whammy" periods for certain nativities Each bhava may be transformed by the bhava that is shad-ashtaka 6-8 from that bhava randhresha-8 in the 12 Domains Dushthamsha Lords in Association with Randhra Bhava
General Conditions of
Longevity Conflict and Destruction: shad-ashtaka 6-8 angles Spiritual Emergence = Essence of bhava-8 Self-Destruction - good and bad Dushthamsha lords in bhava-8 = good results Joint Assets: The Time, cintamani * mani * money , and Creative Energy Invested in Partnership Joint Assets in Divorce: Recovery of Investment Emotional Assistance or Interference in Disposition of Joint Assets
Difficulties of adversarial Shani in the
svabhava of Mangala-Ketu |
QUOTATION Unmarked Boxes - Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-1273) translated by Coleman Barks " Unmarked Boxes Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form . The child weaned from mother's milk now drinks wine and honey mixed. God's joy moves from unmarked box to unmarked box, from cell to cell. As rainwater, down into flower bed. As roses, up from ground. Now it looks like a plate of rice and fish, now a cliff covered with vines, now a horse being saddled. It hides within these, till one day it cracks them open Part of the self leaves the body when we sleep and changes shape . You might say,"Last nighi I was a cypress tree, asmall bed of tulips, a field of grapevines." Then the phantasm goes away. You're back in the room. I don't want to make any one fearful. Hear what's behind what I say. Tatatumtum tatum tatadum. There's the light gold of wheat in the sun and the gold of bread made from that wheat. I have neither. I'm only talking about them, as a town in the desert looks up at stars on a clear night." |
www.etymonline.com = lemma for
/ weird / Old English wyrd "fate, destiny" (n.), lit. "that which comes"
from PIE *wert- "to turn, wind," (cf. Ger. werden, o.E. weoršan "to become" ), from base *wer- "to turn, bend" (see versus ). For sense development from "turning " to "becoming," cf. phrase turn into "become." |
QUOTATION Vaman Shivaram Apte, Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary , randhra
CITATIOn Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de mrit =
Ayus =
Gospel of Matthew 10: 26-37 " So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body." |
8th-from any lagna = see the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra eruption of hidden forces, perhaps violent; perhaps subtle.
QUOTATION from Das /Behari WRT bhava-8 " [Eighth] house denotes wills, legacies, chronic diseases, loss of wealth , extravagance, suits and quarrels, death, co-workers and occult matters. Planets occupying this house incline to an interest in Occult science; if without a planet, life runs on conventional lines till the ruler receives strong aspects." |
Forward Movement Vimshottari Periods of the randhresha-8 may bring sudden and catastrophic changes of form: destruction of outdated identities, contact with the conditions of death, emergence of new levels of vitality, revitalization, and the blossoming of the seeds ofrebirth. Randhra Bhava is a svabhava of Mangala, co-ruled by Ketu. bhava-8 and the lord of Randhra indicate one's capacity for energetic, vital rejuvenation and rebirth. In order to keep moving forward in life, one must periodically undergo cycles of radical (at the root) destruction of some attribute of the birth identity, followed by a reconstitution of the identity in a new form. Throughout many cycles of destruction and rebirth within a lifetime and across the samsaric path of lifetimes, the soul identity remains exactly the same. What changes is the external container: fleshly appearance, marital and professional status, family attachments, financial wealth , and understanding of truth.
Rahu in 8" illicitly leaps upward" into secret powers via"break-in" , destruction of closed containers (8),intervention, desire to obtain hidden information via illicit or poorly credentialed methods Like all things influenced by Mangala, matters of bhava-8 do frighten anti-change agent Shani. From Shani's perspective, the continuous destruction and rebuilding of randhra"the aperture" bhava is shockingly unstable socially, and seems to disregard all the material acquisitive human programming. However, from an authentic spiritual perspective, randhra Bhava is the great liberator, which shows a secret route out of the chronic repetition and fear-driven conformity of Shani and into the potential for New Life. Randhra stores the great mysteries of the grand cycles of life, in the form of an"open secret" that can be accessed by anyone who is scripted to push forward through the layers of safety and dread that Shani creates. It should be noted However, that as 12th-from-dharmasthana, bhava-8 drains the life force away from orthodox religion. A tantriki is usually no friend to the pujari and the priest Tantriki work away from the temple, in secret. Rebirth, like birth, must be accomplished essentially alone. Nonetheless this "dushthamsha" while unsettling to fixed relationships (it indicates the forced identity changes of widowhood and divorce) provides the greatest opportunity for"breakthrough" knowledge in this life. |
The Seen, the Inferred, and the Hidden Consciousness at the Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brain Science and Buddhism Advice by Tenzing Gyatso , edited by Zara Houshmand, robert B. Livingston, and B. Alan Wallace "In Buddhism we speak of three types of phenomena: First, there are evident phenomena that are perceived directly. Second, there are slightly hidden phenomena, which are not accessible to immediate perception. There are differences of opinion on this even within Buddhist philosophy. Generally speaking, we think this second type of phenomena can be known indirectly by inference.
Third, there are very concealed phenomena, which cannot be known by either of the two preceding methods. [According to the knowledge tradition] They can be known only by relying upon testimony of someone such as the Buddha." |
Tenzing Gyatso , How to Expand Love
: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships
translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins, p22 " External circumstances are not what draw us into suffering. Suffering is caused and permitted by an untamed mind. The appearance of self-defeating emotions in our minds leads us to faulty actions . The naturally pure mind is covered over by these emotions and troubling conceptions. The force of their deceit pushes us into faulty actions, which leads inevitably to suffering. We need, with great awareness and care, to extinguish these problematic attitudes, the way gathering clouds dissolve back into the sphere of the sky. When our self-defeating attitudes, emotions, and conceptions cease, so will the harmful actions arising from them. As the great Tibetan yogi Milarepa says,"When arising, arising within space itself; when dissolving, dissolving back into space." We need to become familiar with the state of our own minds to understand how to dissolve ill-founded ideas and impulses back into the deeper sphere of reality. The sky was there before the clouds gathered, and it may be after they have gone. It is also present when the clouds seem to cover every inch of the sky we can see." |
8th-from = cycles Cycles of destruction and rebirth. The FORM of the essence of the house is systematically replaced. These cycles operate continuously during the lifetime. Each bhava transforms the bhava that is shad-ashtaka 6-8 from it Sometimes these cycles are frighteningly catastrophic involving
Most of the time, these catastrophic upheavals occur in a psychologically intensive but still non-life-threatening fashion, for example: sudden emergence of a new life
identity change via medical intervention, new relationship role, ritual initiation, or living in a new country.
unexpected change in financial status , particularly changes involving the spouse's monies (inheritance, taxes esp. joint taxes, insurance payments or settlements, bankruptcy, et-cetera.) surprising emergence of previously hidden or confidential information sudden job loss, forced retirement sudden loss of one's home due to another forced change such as job-change or divorce/widowhood or unpaid taxes or bankruptcy sudden, forced divorce
Vimshottari periods of randhresha-8 generate the experience of"shock" due to the sudden and forceful emergence of a new identity. The shock may be centered in the spiritual body, in the mental body, in the emotional (astral) body, or in The earthen body . Depending on the level of consciousness, response to the shock may engage the high emotions (compassion, empathy) or the low emotions (fear, anger). Ramifications of the shock in one energy-body layer will affect all the other layers. It is essential to appreciate that randhrabhava = death and rebirth !
Under the influence of randhra apertures openings, the cycle typically involves destruction of previous life-force container and rebirth of the life force (soul essence) into a new container. The nature of the shock can be characterized by the graha and its lordships, significations, and other qualities. Each recurrence of the period of the randhresha-8 may be defined by the angle of the randhresha-8 to the mahadasha pati. If the native is scheduled for a mahadasha of the randhresha-8 , the very first double bhukti is particularly distinguished by several emergencies. Also, the angle of the randhresha-8 relative to Chandra lagna is very influential in determining one's emotional response to life path shocks. Ultimately there is nothing to fear and no justification for anxiety in anticipation of Vimshottari bhukti of randhresha-8 . The Learning Pathway experience is determined almost entirely by how one reacts to sudden, unpredicted emergence of previously hidden force and the subsequent demand to re-invent, re-generate, and re-new the identity. |
Mangala = success via Active Movement, active response to the Crisis One who can"roll with the punches " in a vital and vigorous style [Mangala] is positioned to enjoy surprising spiritual benefits consequent to the shocks. The fruits of 8 = 11th-from-8 = Ari bhava, bhava-6 Fruits involve the dissolution of agreement = mental social and physical argument = conflict.
Shocking topics of bhava-8 triggered by the period of randhresha-8 Shock and Awe
No Shani,
no Cry
(fixed Material Forms) One who exhibits Shani-type reactions such as resistance to change, bitter resentment, or clinging to fixed ideas will have discomfort in matters of bhava-8. The stronger one's egoic-mind membrane attachment to a fixed material form, the more disorienting is the shock. Whether the egoic-mind membrane is inordinately attached to the form of the bodily appearance, the social rank such as gender role or marriage role, afixed pattern of emotional expectations, or any variety of rigid, inflexible response to the manifestation of form (rupa) -- results of Shani-influenced resistance to change may be uncomfortable at the very leasi Occasionally, the result = severe physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual trauma. |
Eruption of hidden force whether apparently life-sustaining or apparently life-threatening discovery of secret relationships, covert alliances sudden appearance of "luck" (5) in the form of inheritance from parents = 5th (bhagya) from 4th (parents)
emergence of medical urgency, acute intervention, invasive surgeries |
: , , |
randhresha-8 /Discovery/ + / Divorce/ 8 = 2nd-from-7th = family of spouse, money of spouse, voice of the spouse, food of the spouse, face of the spouse, values of spouse, knowledge of spouse. Naturally, these matters are never fully known to the native . Particularly in matters of food of the spouse , periods of randhresha-8 "The Discoverer" may reveal sources of value and nourishment for the spouse in terms of a private relationship which could be unsettling. 2nd-from-7th is not a balanced place; it is an active house, alive with change and upheaval. Should there be am unsettling secret in randhra bhava which is scheduled to be revealed in disharmonious circumstances+ randhresha-8 periods therefore can potentially trigger a divorce. Fruits of 8 = 11th-from-8 = bhava-6 = dissolution of agreement. Previously unrecognized truths regarding the spouse may come to light during periods of randhresha-8 . The /hidden/dynamics which may suddenly emerge to motivate a rejuvenating cycle of death-and-rebirth include karaka matters of 2nd-from. = wealth, family history, values, collections, food, knowledge of history and language, speech and song. In regard to the effect of periods of randhresha-8 upon marriage, the karaka-2nd matters should be read from the lagna of the spouse = 7th bhava.
Hidden relationships, secret alliances, confidential liaisons randhresha-8 does not necessarily signify hidden intrigue relationships of the spouse.
Joint Assets: The Time, money, and Creative Energy Invested in Partnership Special note on Harsha Yoga if randhresha-8 occupies bhava-6 or bhava-12 at birth, one may have persistent experience of conflict with spousal handling of money, spousal voice and mouth, the in-laws, etc. Yet due to Harsha Yoga these irritations become beneficial during periods of randhresha-8 Randhrasthāna represents encounters with mysteriously pooled assets. The countable amount or value of the assets cannot be accurately measured due to the camouflage. One invests moneyin a corporate stock or a government bond, but one cannot exactly know what financial fruit the investment will yield. One invests in a marriage partner, with all good intentions at the wedding, but who on that blessed day can know the to-be-revealed financial and moral behaviors of the spouse? Despite the careful negotiations of parents on both sides, what fresh bride or hopeful groom has a full understanding the family cultural values of the spouse's family? (2nd-from-7th = in-laws) What mother in childbirth, gripped in the intense pain of labor, is certain of a healthy outcome for the birth? In fact, it is a highly complex situation and everyone involved is watching very carefully for surprises, even in the most controlled hospital setting. These things are largely mysteries, and their outcome depends on conditions of the 8th house. Over time, the investment each spouse makes into the marriage is contained in bhava-8 the"joint assets of marriage" . Is the spouse a strong contributor to the financial holding of the partnership?
Joint Assets in Divorce: Recovery of Investment In a divorce situation, particularly the first divorce (but the blueprint applies less vividly to the matter of joint-assets in all subsequent marriages as well)
Recovery of investment may arrive in the form of a divorce settlement such as alimony or a property allocation from the joint assets of the partnership.
Typically, the property accrued in the marriage is split in some way and the ex-spouses receive some trans-formed value.
Emotional Assistance or Interference in Disposition of Joint Assets Check the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra to verify one's emotional expectations and reactive behaviors in regard to joint assets of marriage.
Shani as ruler -- or an empowered occupant -- of randhra bhava randhresha-8 Shani is good but He is still Shani = success after lengthy procedure and considerable delay.
Surprise and shock treasury A profound change in social identity may result from sudden change in the size of the hoard. Sources of such a shocking, un-anticipated influx of available resources include lineage financial inheritance, winning of lotteries and games, and sudden increase in The financial wealth of the spouse Games of Chance -- whether a spin on a casino gambling machine or a political elections campaign or prizes for performance or literary accomplishments = bhava-5, the house of creative, speculative intelligence. The financial wealth of others = bhava-8 = assets of the partner, hidden cintamani * mani * money , inheritance. Sudden winnings from speculation (gambling) = bhava-5 combined with bhava-8. |
If bhava-5 is strong while bhava-8 is weak lotteries, gambling dice, card games, et-cetera. may be won and the native is generally lucky in games, but the winnings may be quickly spent, not held for long enough for the native to e.g. purchase a higher-status home, or fund a generation of college tuitions. On the easier side, one's children will not be caught up in one's own internal cycles of change. For example if one experiences a traumatic divorce, the children (esp. The first child) can be expected to weather that storm in good standing and be relatively less impacted by the suddenness of the changes. |
If bhava-8 is strong while bhava-5 is weak Learning Pathway experience may include many profound and perhaps shocking changes in the periods of the randhresha-8 , but few of those changes will involve sudden winnings from games, nor will the changes unduly involve one's children. |
If bhava-8 and bhava-5 are both strong and related in the nativity Inheritances and winnings are both favored, the native will retain the winnings-wealth for longer periods of time, and one may experience numerous fluctuations in social identity thereby. The children or the products of one's inherent creativity (e.g., authorship of literary and artistic works) may be involved in the grand drama of identity change; Exempli gratia: , if one wins or inherits a surprisingly large hoard of treasury , the children's identities may be significantly affected too. Normally this means that the children are raised in a home where the story of the sudden change in wealth is part of the family culture. |
Open-close functions - including / sudden / open-close and / gradual / open-closer. The perception of suddenness occurs when the native is unprepared or unguided during the event. The perception of sudden or shocking transformation may be converted into the perception of knowledgeable observance of the changes. This perceptual conversion is available through many varieties of tantric education. Tantra Tantra is a name that is sometimes used to indicate the practice of perceptual transformation. Tantric education includes training in emergency medicine, trauma response, forensic science, midwifery, psychiatry, and tantrik healing, inter alia. There are also many other disciplines that specialize in tracking the movement of energy from One material form into Another material form . there are many ways to manage human response to the turning of the wheel of birth and death. Matters of bhava-8 are inherently hidden from public view, but matters of bhava-8 are not inherently dangerous or frightening. the proper perspective on matters of bhava-8 is focused awareness and cautious interventionfrom a foundation of both instinct and skill. |
Self-Destruction - beneficial and usually also uncomfortable Everyone has a self-destructive urge toward regenerative action [Mangala] and this organic urge to self-reinvention is what makes humans so restless and psychologically complex. The propulsion toward engagement with cycles of annihilation and rebirth is represented by randhrabhava-8. Bhava-8 and all 8th-from angles can indicate the behavior of the apertures (tunnels, gorges, sphincters, chakra, marma, in-out vortices, push-pull channels) via which one identity morphs through into the next identity. Apertures Randhra = "aperture" or opening. The sphincter-sphinx of the 8th angle-amsha provides an opening onto mysteries of the secret or unseen. Yet this shrouded knowledge is easily identified by the pattern-recognition capabilities of the psychic third eye. Indicators which follow a cycle of self-destruction and self-rebuild. Graha in randhra bhava, and the randhresha-8 from lagna and the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra . Whether the results of Randhra's e-merg-ency (pushing-out) behavior are positive or negative in the lifetime, or whether the behavior is judged as positive or negative within one's culture of origin, depends on the characteristics of the house. The urge to self-destruction may manifest as a cycle of religious initiations that are consciously intended to destroy outdated layers of the egoic-mind personality (8th-from-1st) and replace old structures with new identity. bhava-8 = initiation and rebirth. If the graha in occupation and also the bhava-pati are well-disposed, one may enjoy a lifetime of tantric initiations which result in magnificent liberation from material attachments. One may be judged a failure by those lacking eyes to see the value of such a profoundly transformative process. For the native who does not cling to the past and who embraces the prospect of total destruction as the only possible condition of total rebirth, bhava-8 is a site of shocking transformation leading to magical empowerment. bhava-8 is co-ruled by Ketu and Mangala. This pair work reasonably well together: Ketu is the detacher and the distancer; while Mangala is the aggressive destroyer. They are agents of Lord Shiva's campaign to annihilate old worlds and create new worlds with every cycle of breath. One who is able to understand and appreciate this process may engage in a state of constant uncertainty and ongoing emergency in order to maximize the experience of"looking into Shiva's mouth" - where matters of birth and death, pain and pleasure, creation and destruction, exist in complete harmony and equality. In // Shiva's Mouth // there is no boundary between right and wrong nor between happiness and unhappiness. Few humans can tolerate the constant challenge to one's natural acquisitive tendencies which is represented by Randhra Bhava. Yet for those who can comprehend even a part of this "mystery" there is much ascension value in the occurrences of sudden and catastrophic change which are enforced by periods of the planetary lord of Mrityu. Less desirable effects occur when the randhresha-8 finds it way into a problematic angle. When the randhresha-8 arises in bhava-6, the house of drug addictions, the native 's response to catastrophic change or the threat of it will manifest in self-destructive self-medication or conflict-ridden altercations with others. the native tends to get locked into long-term self-destructive conflict, particularly in marriage and contractual relationships, where the energy of Big Wheel Turning bring no resolution (nothing in bhava-6 will resolve within the currently lifetime!) but simply churns and churns. The native 's inner narrative says that one is "putting some strong energy [randhresha-8 ] into crafting agreements " while in fact the core eighth-house energy is dedicated to destruction and rebirth - conflicts are destroyed through force and then reborn quickly! By contrast, agood situation may be predicted when the rogesha-6 , an agent of disagreement, dispute, and imbalance, moves into Ayur bhava. Any graha which occupies bhava-8 will get caught in the relentless cycle of destruction-and-rebirth driven by Mangala and Ketu. The rogesha carries an agenda of debt, addiction, exploitation, and conflict which is quickly pulverized by the crushing Wheel of transformation, and the native can be predicted to live largely debt-free, unable to maintain grudges or long-lasting conflicts, free of harassment from police or military oppression, of generally good health, and no serious enemies. rogesha-6 in 8th house is an indicator of health, wealth and stealth Similarly+ randhresha-8 in bhava-12 churns up the imagination, fills the mind full of fantasies of terrifying destruction, and creates a constant threat of marital infidelity due to the inner urge to put some strong energy [randhresha-8 ruled by Kuja is very sexual] into"private" relationships that are inherently adversarial to socially contracted marriage (bhava-12 = 6th-from-7th). The native interior imagery may wildly exagerate the terrible consequences of cyclic, advancing change. Dreams may be disturbed by imagery of rapid destruction and re-creation. One may die a restless death.
By contrast+ ruler-of-12 in bhava-8 is a good thing. The listless, physically dissolving, swinging-bridge of vyaya bhava that conveys life-force energy away from the physical plane and moves it to the astral plane, is destroyed-and-rebuilt a thousand million times when ruler-of-12 enters Mrityu bhava. The native 's creative imagination is harnessed to the service of world transformation, and one may become involved in international (12) change (8) movements."Backwash" outflow of the physical energy into the astral plane is stopped although not reversed; instead, the imagery of the subconscious mind (12) is directed toward energizing the tantric and magical life processes. Directed by spirit guides, one becomes imaginatively engaged in numerous initiations. The graha must indeed be of good quality for such a nativity to yield mastery of the tantric disciplines (for example, the guides can be improperly motivated if the lord is corrupt). Nevertheless, the overall benefit of converting ruler-of-12 's dissolving tendencies into fuel for the sudden-change engine = the physical vitality increases , and extra-marital impulse is much reduced (not entirely reversed, but largely directed into secret initiations.) Whichever graha occupy bhava-8 become fuel for the Kuja-Ketu magical-transformation engine of hidden and secret tantric processes in the human consciousness. Will the native become a victim of this process or an instigator of it? A long-lived and wise magician, or a tragic childhood death? A brilliant surgeon or psychiatrist? An attorney of wills and estates? Or a sorcerer, caster of curses, agent of superstitious fear and petty control? Will"self-destructive" urges be recognized as healing transformations, or will the native and-or his culture adjudge such behaviors to be undesirable? Answers to these queries may be found in the character of any graha in occupation of Mrityusthāna and in the placement of the notorious randhresha-8 . |
![]() photograph of Egyptian pyramid reflected in still waters from the Matson Collection at the USA Library of Congress |
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Character of Randhrasthāna and its guides can describe how he/she Opens their Portals see also
The astrological picture of hidden matters, conditions of death, and healing powers is expanded by noting
Dusthamsha lords in bhava-8 = Viparita Raja Yoga
Dushthamsha-pati occupying bhava-8 tends to produce beneficial results, albeit perhaps using threatening, suddenly forceful, or taboo methods.
bhava-8 represents the core life process of destruction and reconstitution. his is a level of consciousness to which few are invited and even fewer attend. bhava-8 activates dramatic moments of the turning of the wheel of birth and death. In these moments, one life-force container is destroyed and the life force moves - by nature or through tantric controlled direction - into the next container or form. The emerging of the life force - caught in the moment between leaving its old container and entering its new form, is the essence of bhava-8. When any graha occupies randhra sthāna, the matters of his house are apparently destroyed. Actually, the matters of the house are Transformed , but unless we observe the entire cycle it certainly looks like destruction. he destructive force of bhava-8 can be a very good thing if a dusthamsha lord occupies bhava-8, where the negative effects of the dusthamsha lord do get ruined. In general, papagraha in papabhava give sukha results. For example, when rogesha-6 poverty, debt, conflict, altercation, disease] in bhava-8 = all those nasty things are destroyed. Barring other restrictions, one may become very financially privileged, because debt is destroyed. Their health is generally quite good, because the disease lord is annihilated in bhava-8. Similarly, their relationships will tend to be balanced and tolerant, even without good planets in bhava-7, because the conflict and animosity lord has been transformed into a healing agent. There is little contact with police and their tax situation is very favorable. ruler-of-12 in bhava-8 similarly is beneficial. ruler-of-12 gives "losses on good account" such as charitable donations, time spent meditating and not earning cintamani * mani * money , spiritual pilgrimages which deplete one's social and financial resources, alienation, excess of imagination such as "living in one's head" . ruler-of-12 in randhra bhava = ruler-of-12 in 9th-from-svakshetra, which brings good dharma. the native is not harmed by long journeys, but rather one's career and social standing are advanced through contact with exotic lands and foreign religions. Meditation time bears financial fruit - often because the native learns thereby psychic skills for creating wealth through imagination, rather than through material effort. (bhava-8 is the seat of Tantra.) ruler-of-12 ruling"loss of ego" normally depletes the native 's "cultural capital" by causing him to live as an alien in foreign lands, where his appearance is unattractive and his habits misunderstood. However, with ruler-of-12 in bhava-8, naative's long journeys enhance his identity in his homeland and raise his esteem in foreign lands. S/he may with this yoga return as a traveler to ancient lands where s/he had been in the priesthood, in parallel lives . fortune through foreign things. Auspicious houses are deeply damaged when their lord occupies a dushthamsha. yuvati-pati-7 -in-bhava-8 is famous for destroying the life of the spouse. It may cause death or divorce (psycho-emotional death) but this situation is always perilous for marriage, and usually signifies remarriage after great effort expended in the first marriage - to no avail. karmesha-10 in bhava-8 can be gainful because randhrastana is 11th-from-10th, but the career will lack prestige and the native will suffer repeated cycles of transformative destruction in their work. (Excellent position for all healers: surgeons, psychiatrists/psychologists, archeologists, massage therapists, etc.) lagnesha-1 in bhava-8 is rather dangerous, reducing longevity and causing affiliation with emergency scenes. The earthen body undergoes constant and vigorous cycles of destructive-constructive transformation and rebirth. Physical appearance has attributes of several ethnicities or the person is psycho-emotionally allied with conflicting, unresolved cultural messages. The cultural identity poses a significant learning challenge to establish firmly; being constantly reinterpreted and redefined. This is frequently a birth in tribal or cultural peoples who are being redefined in their greater society. The native becomes a bridge for his people, although his own identity is permanently unstable. Can be a brilliant healer but is often"used up" in the cultural transition process. Periods of randhresha-8 = shock and trauma, forced initiation; a rapidly destructive-creative process; usually an experience of death recycle rebirth which does not require destroying the body, but after a certain number of cycle-spins the physical form may be destroyed to create a new birth |
Hidden Truth s of the Cycle of Birth and Death Sphinx The eighth radix house contains a vast amount of"hidden" information regarding the timing of the cycle of birth and death. Randhra apertures shincter-Sphinx is a quintessentially Tantrik (secret book) location. Randhra contains the profile of one's Taboo activities and Healing powers of all kinds, but especially Sexual healing. It is a dangerous, unpredictable, exciting, and mysterious location on the astral plane which produces massive subconscious currents - both personal and collective - that periodically rise to the surface. |
Hiding Behaviors Graha in bhava-8 signify hiding and secrets. The core image of randhra bhava is the tantrik hunter, moving cautiously through the thick forest, alert to hidden energies which may suddenly emerge at any moment. The outcome of the hunter's awareness could lead to a successful capture, or it could protect one from surprise attack. In any case, graha in bhava-8 must pay profound attention to the Unseen. Graha in bhava-8 either hide things, or are hidden, or both. |
Mysterious and Un-diagnos-able Diseases Chaos and Identity-Recovery Periods of randhresha-8 can induces mysterious diseases or ill-health conditions, which can be difficult to diagnose. Often the condition is "life threatening" -- yet within the period of randhresha-8 the native recovers . For the duration of the period of randhresha-8 , the native experiences sudden body changes running Out of control. The body changes may be subtle or dramatic overall but there are always some dramatic peaks. typically, no medical or psychological intervention succeeds in curing the problem-set. However, the condition may be healed during the period of randhresha-8 . Periods of randhresha-8 cause a turning of the cycle of birth and death . he result on the material plane is a temporary physical weakening due to the deep changes which are happening in the more subtle levels or origination (causal, astral, etheric etc.) during this time. After a life-threatening illness or accident which has been suddenly healed , one may comprehend that in some sense one has died and been rebornr. Randhra-daya is the preeminent bhava of sacrifice.
Sacrifice, whether willing or not, is the keynote of Randhra Bhava. |
The Job Interview A mathematician, an accountant and an economist apply for the same job. The interviewer calls in the mathematician and asks "What do two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies "Four." The interviewer asks "Four, exactly?" The mathematician looks at the interviewer incredulously and says "Yes, four, exactly." Then the interviewer calls in the accountant and asks the same question: "What do two plus two equal?" The accountant says, "On average, four -- give or take 10%, but, on average, four." Then the interviewer calls in the economist and poses the same question: "What do two plus two equal?" The economist gets up, locks the door, closes the shade, sits down next to the interviewer, and says, "What do you want it to equal?" |
Recovery / New Lease on Life / Sometimes this initiation-transformation experience is entirely psychological (depending on the ruling graha). More frequently, the experience is specifically physical, and one has the sense of a"narrow escape" from death or a"new lease on life"after a catastrophic upheaval of body, mind, and spirit. |
randhresha-8 is a timing agent for decease of the first spouse . Occasionally and if other factors confirm, the planetary ruler of bava-8 may also become an agent of unexpected divorce which in its psychological effects is experienced as socially similar to widowhood, which is to say a sudden, shocking identity transformation. This variety of divorce signaled by a Vimshottari Dasha period of the randhresha equates to the feeling that the lifepartner is for all practical social-emotional purposes really dead, even though the lifepartner does continue living and breathing. In the case of spousal decease causing widowhood or sudden, shockingly transformative divorce from the spouse, the mandate for profound change in all of the interconnected particulate levels of being may begin quite high up in the chain of events, with the final social-material divorce occurring as a late-in-the-chain trickle-down result of pre-incarnationally planned plan decisions which were executed before the incarnation initiated. During periods of randhresha-8, all levels of being are scheduled to be transformed. If cataclysmic movement is required at the social-identity level, decease of spouse or shocking divorce may occur as a form of extreme disruption of the habitual psycho-social behaviors. Naturally, there are physical consequences following this upstream disruption, including emotional chaos and associated illnesses. Also if the process is successful one may feel reborn. After an randhresha-8 period of near annihilation , one slowly regains control of The earthen body . The outcome = a different and more subtle attunement to spiritual awareness. he nature of the conditions of near-death or severe and mysterious illness or accident may be found in the characteristics of randhresha-8 . Accident is more likely if Rahu is involved. |
Special randhresha-8 effects for Tula indriya-lagna and Mesha indriya-lagna For Tulā indriya-lagna and Mesha indriya-lagna + randhresha-8 Shukra = lagnesha. For Tula and Mesha nativities, periods of the randhresha-8 often provide surprising initiation" Learning Pathway experiences which require the breakdown of some rigid, outdated habit structures in The earthen body in order to permit flow of higher energies from above. Certain when the period of randhresha-8 is either the first bhukti of a mahadasha, or the final Vimshottari period of a mahadasha, the sudden, forced change pattern is more vivid.
The illness or sustained debility or accidental violence (particularly for Mesha indriya-lagna) may be quite frightening due to its shocking severity or mysterious nature. However, the se initiation-transformations last only for the duration of the period of randhresha-8 . They should be understood as "sudden, forced change" in the structure of the physical form which is necessary to facilitate the flow of kundalini energy from higher particulate levels. |
Emergencies Physical, mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Randhra profiles the emergence of subconsciously stored reactive patterns. As such it is the bhava of Emergencies. Physical emergence such as birth is a specialty of Randhra. Psychiatrists, the great midwives, surgeons, emergency physicians, paramedics, triage nurses, first-responders, and other varieties of intervention specialists may display active strength in Randhra Bhava. Usually activity in the shocking and eruptive randhrasthāna is accompanied by an empowered Kuja. Mental and emotional emergence is here, as are the great psychiatrists, charismatic healers, and a multitude of therapists. Spiritual emergence in particular is the most fascinating"peak" content of Randhra bhava. Here we find the great Tantric practitioners, Magicians, shamana, and spirit channelers are primarily found in connection with vyayabhava. |
Spiritual Emergence = Essence of bhava-8 QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, The Dalai Lama's Book of Awakening " If we accept that liberation is possible, how exactly is it to be understood? In the scriptures, liberation is characterized in terms of four features.
Stock market fluctuations, Taxes, other unpredictable cyclicalfinancials = Sacrificial Transformation Taxes
Stock market
Getting Control over Wild Thoughts QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso . (2003) " Why is it that we don't succeed in enjoying the lasting happiness that we are seeking?
Buddhism explains that our normal state of mind is such that our thoughts and emotions are wild and unruly, and since we lack the mental discipline needed to tame them, we are powerless to control them.
And thoughts and emotions, in their turn, tend to be controlled by our negative impulses rather than our positive ones. We need to reverse this cycle, so that our thoughts and emotions are freed from their subservience to negative impulses, and so we ourselves, as individuals, gain control of our own minds." [end quote] |
QUOTATION Matthew 22:15-22 (New International Version) " Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians.
But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said,
They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them,
Caesar's, they replied. Then he said to them,
When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away." |
2nd-from any house also indicates the"dhana" or wealth of that house. 2nd-from-7th profiles The financial wealth of the first spouse.
Difficulties in world travels
* especially loss of identity, loss of religious orthodoxy, loss of professorship or priestly credentials
Long, global journeys / for philosophically educational purposes / are profiled in dharma bhava. As 12th-from-9th, Randhra bhava displays the dissolution of egoic-mind membrane attachment, tendency to wander, under-the-table dealings, and other loss of connections with the healthy material world which are the characteristics of vyayasthana.
If one's long journey is authentically spiritual pilgrimage, during which you are consciously soliciting experiences of detachment and egoic-mind dissolution, one might discover some hidden spiritual benefits to such difficulties as one may encounter on one's travels. In such a case where overtly spiritual objectives dominate the journey, aconscious person might willingly undertake Tapasya * austerities, in order to burn off karma of past mistakes. As always in Jyotisha, there is no inherently good or bad situation. The key to happiness is correct motivation. |
QUOTATION from The Wisdom of No Escape by Pema Chödrön, page 76 " There are some people who have tremendous insight into the nature of reality as vast and wonderful — what is sometimes called sacred outlook — but then they become completely dissatisfied with ordinary life. Rather than that glimpse of sacred outlook actually enriching their life, it makes them feel more poverty-stricken all the time. Often the reason that people go from neurosis into psychosis is that they see that spaciousness and synchronistic situation and how vast things are and how the world actually works, but then they cling to their insight and they become completely caught there. It has been said, quite accurately, that a psychotic person is drowning in the very same things that a mystic swims in." |
considerations in rgard to thepitribhava
and the
Father -figure
Any graha in 8 can have the effect of dissolving, draining, and dissipating the energy of the father and father-figures such as popes, professors, pontificators, preceptorsm and privileged patricians. 8 = 12th-from-9th, and that which is 12th-from tends to drain the vitality of the bhava immediately ahead of it. So, graha in 8 will in one way or another initiate the dissolution of the vitality of the father and the fixed elements of doctrine, as well as pulling back the forms of 9 into the 12th-invisibility of the hidden, disclosed practices of 8. The nature of the graha in bhava-8, if any, may reveal the self-dissolving proclivities of the father-figures, such as meditation habits, bedroom practices, hotels and hospitals, long sojourns, distant travel, and other relatively invisible activities of the Patrons. Occasionally it may be seen less becoming activities associated with clandestine environments (12) such as smuggling. Shukra in-bhava-8 of the daughter's nativity might suggest that her father had a love interest who from the daughter's perspective (perhaps in a very pleasant way) slowly drained the life force out of dad. Shukra in bhava-8 within a husbandly nativity, may from the perspective of this husband indicate that the wifely-companion is involved in hidden environments (examples: disaster response control room, confidential information management, re-assignment surgeon, midwife). Important to identify whose perspective is assumed! [Shani in-bhava-8] shows the father's imagination cramped by heavy realism and work duties; Mangala in-bhava-8 displays forward motion to the point of aggressiveness in his private behaviors. Ketu in-bhava-8 indicates that the father may be scattered along a path of pilgrimage, or lost his identity in a foreign land (for example when serving as a soldier in war in a country where he could not speak the local language and felt lost.) Strictly for the purpose of father's vitality, it is better if there are no graha in 8. For the native graha in bhava-8 can be helpful in various self-destruction and rebirth scenarios. If the lagnesha occupies randhrasthāna, it might be necessary for the native to undergo many transformations in this lifetime, including some upheavals which involve invisibility or identity dissipation for the father-figures, professors, pontificators, and patrons. |
Maternal great grandfather and paternal great grandmother mother's father's father [maternal great grandfather] = 9th-from-9th-from-4th = your randhra bhava-8 father's father's mother [paternal great grandmother] = 4th-from-9th-from-9th = your randhra bhava-8 Gain insight into their psychic influence upon you by understanding the mystical perceptions and healing powers you own through your randhra bhava-8. Generally, these important relatives have left their bodies before or during our childhoods, but they continue to exercise guiding influence throughout our lives. |
Ayur bhava rules all types of insurance mani-money and the modern insurance industry as a whole. Professionals working in some aspect of the insurance business typically have some prominent astrological connection to the eighth house through the professional bhava 10 and 7 (10th-from-10th). Timing of matters connected to insurance usually depends upon the behavior of the randhresha * ruler of bhava-8; but look also to behaviors of the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra particularly in regard to inheritance from parents [Chandra] or sudden changes in the identity of the parents (including the ID change from living to defunct).
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The main value of inheritance from one's parents how the native handles sudden, secret, transformative, catastrophic changes self-destructive behavior: spiritual release of egoic-mind membrane attachments, or collapse of social identity? (interpretation must be combined with the natal conditions of bhava-8, the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra , drishti etc.)
Identity: destruction and rebirth of the life force container
Magical empowerment
Conditions of dematerialization graha in 8 and the bhava occupied by randhresha-8 are naturally very influential in creating the apparently destructive situation which enforces the rebirth The unexpected situation may involve near-death experience. Yet neither randhresha-8 nor graha in 8 are maraka graha. Only dhanesha and yuvati-pati can function as marana-karaka for the native. (Although some other maraka such as vyaya-pati can sometimes serve as maraka for older relatives.) For some nativities, there may be one graha which is BOTH the ruler of 8th-from-Chandra ++ randhresha ruler of 8th-from-indriya-lagna . For these combinations, expect the onset of the mahadasha of this grahato involve a significant shock and subsequent Transformation of the identity. As a general rule, the randhresha causes sudden, forces changes wherever He goes. The eighth lord is only superficially destructive. What He is really doing is taking the essential energy from One physical container , and moving it into a new physical container.
Randhresha carries behaviors of
Kuja is a hunter and He tracks the mysterious movements of the animals whose very bodies may be - if captured and killed - transformed into food. Animal killing and regeneration of human life through animal meat is a harsh reality, but the human species is largely chained to it. Even in vegetarian cultures, the movement of life force through the plant kingdom is shocking and mysterious. Sometimes the food is there - sometimes it is not. Many secret signs and omens must be observed if the human wishes to have a steady rejuvenating supply of food. emergencies, disasters, secret instructions, confidential information, privileged information, transformative process, insider knowledge, psychology, detection, digging, drilling, plunging, plumbing, mining, penetration, emergence, surgery, excavating, discoveries, revelation, rejuvenation, reconstruction |
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