tadyatha om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha | ||
OM Shreem Gam Runa Hartaye Gam Shreem OM Ganapatayae Namaha Debt Management Self-worthiness Some Suggestions for Psychic Remediation |
Jambhala - 14th Cen., tibei Halpert Collection, www.himalayanart.org |
Debt is an internal animosity, an imbalanced flow of exchange between borrower and lender, which holds the two parties in negative bondage . In Jyotisha, we see debt via Ripu Bhava and the geometry of six = 6th-from Chandra, 6th from any lagna, planetary lords of those 6th-from locations. Where does it come from?
Debt which is essentially a mental and social dis-ease. The steps to release debt are the same as those needed to release enemies. The difference = with debt, most folks will in addition to hating their creditors and"the system,"also hate themselves. |
Well, first of all, Give Yourself Credit for creativity. :) You are ever so creatively busy in the Earth life toy-box. You have created a material debt! |
Try this guilt-free, grief-free, forgiveness technique for releasing your debt in this life: |
How to Get Rid of Debt with Neutral Compassion |
Like"Satygraha" 1869-1948, mahatma Mohandas Gandhi, keeping releasing. Keep releasing fear of prosperity, keep releasing attachment to being worked to death, judged and punished. |
These habits are hang-overs from [akashic memory patterns] WRT slavery in parallel lives . Release your interest in self-fulfilling Shani-narrative scarcity prophecies such as:
Release, release, release. As you release, you'll find you are not attached to having the debt. It's there, but you don't care what happens to it. You could pay it or not pay it...
In either case, the debt has been transformed from a toxic blend of social punishment and self-contempt, into a value-neutral accounting exercise, which can be accomplished in complete peace of mind using a variety of financial solutions. You are free. |
14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso . How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships. (2006). Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. Ed.)Atria Pub. |
" Buddha teaches that one should not practice extremes. ... As Nagarjuna's Precious Garland of Advice says, Practice is not done by mortifying the body, since you have not forsaken injuring others and are not helping others. When you disregard the basic needs of the body, you harm the many sentient organisms that live within the body. You should also avoid the opposite extreme of living in great luxury. It is possible to make use of good food, clothing, residence, and furnishings without producing afflictive emotions such as attachment, pride, and arrogance. The crucial point is the control of internal factors such as lust and attachment; external factors are not in and of themselves good or bad. It is not suitable if attachment increases toward even mediocre food, clothing, and so forth. Contentment is the key. If you have contentment with material things, you are truly rich. Without it, even if you are a billionaire, you will not have happiness. You will always feel hungry and want more and more and more, making you not rich but poor. If you seek contentment externally, it will never happen. Your desire will never be fulfilled. Our texts speak of a king who gained control over the world, at which point he began thinking about taking over the lands of the gods. In the end his good qualities were destroyed by pride. Contentment is necessary for happiness, so try to be satisfied with adequate food, clothing, and shelter." |
Winter Church of the Capriana Women's Monastery in Moldova, photographed by Richard Seaman - www.richard-seaman.com |
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