
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Each of the 27 Nakshatra is divided into four Pada = 4 quarters. 27 = 4 = 108 Nakshatra Pada


AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah

नक्षत्र na-kṣatra


= energy-fields of the Earthen Moon

27 way-stations, transfer points, and check-in gates mark the soul's passage through the galactic circuit pathway

Riksha - Ṛkṣa

dhātu √ ऋष् sh [ṛṣ] = shine, praise, be proud

ऋक्ष rüksha = ṛkṣa

= the seven stars, the Pleiades, the seven Ṛiṣi

specifically a name for Krittika, but used as a general name for any nakshatra

constellation, lunar station


bha = star-station, nakṣatra


उडु uḍu = star-place, lunar station, nakṣatra

उडुपथ uḍu-patha

उडु uḍu constellation, star ++ पथ patha path

= path of the stars

उडुराज् udu-raj = lord of the stars, Earthen-Moon, Chandra

nakkhatta - nakatha - nachatra

nagchedra - natchatiram

विधुप्रिया vidhu-priyā

= beloved wives of Vidhu

चन्द्रप्रिया candra-priyā

= beloved wives of Chandra

दक्षजा dakṣa-jā

= daughters born of Daksha

चन्द्रदारा candra-dārā

= wives of Chandra

भासन्ती bhāsantī

= भास् shining + अन्ती elder sisters

शीतांशुभाज् śītāṃśu-bhāj

śītāṃśu > śīta + bhāj = expressions of Sita

नक्षत्रमाला na-kṣatra-mālā

= garland of fields of the Earthen-Moon

Lunar station, Lunar Mansion, Lunar domain,

constellation, asterism

Classical Tibetan = Gyukar

Hebrew - Assyrian = Mazzaroth

Arabic = manazil al-qamar

Chinese = Sieou


Persian Map with outer ring showing 28 Nakshatra

27 Nakshatra

New System

  1. [Aśvini - Dasra] = classroom of Professor Disregarding Ketu = curriculum of eccentric pioneering and unprecedented invention

  2. [Bharani - Yamya] = classroom of Professor Acquisitive Shukra = curriculum of financial championship and competitive pricing

  3. [Kṛttikā - Pleiades] = classroom of Professor Sparkling Surya = curriculum of intelligent creativity and political drama

  4. [Rohiṇī - Aldebaran] = classroom of Professor Soothing Somana = curriculum of rhythmic pleasures and valuable nourishment

  5. [Mrigashiras - Invaka] = classroom of Professor Motivating Mangala = curriculum of energetic production and innovative craft

  6. [Arudra - Betelgeuse ] = classroom of Professor Risk-rewarding Rahu = curriculum of gesturing wildness and signaling storms

  7. Punarvasu - Yamaka = classroom of Professor Generous Guru = curriculum of expressive philosophy and wise explanations

  8. [Pushya - Sidhya] = classroom of Professor Sober Shani = curriculum of customary orderliness and security rules

  9. [Aśleṣa - Naga] = classroom of Professor Bantering Budha = curriculum of defensive argument and emotional manipulation

  10. Magha - Regulus = classroom of Professor Liberating Ketu = curriculum of magical entitlement and fiery liberation

  11. Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī = classroom of Professor Sweet Shukra = curriculum of musical drama and romantic games

  12. Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman = classroom of Professor Sparkling Surya = curriculum of confident celebrity and brilliant performance

  13. Hasta - Savitra = classroom of Professor Comforting Chandra = curriculum of rhythmic handcraft and soothing service

  14. Chitra - Spica = classroom of Professor Moving Mangala = curriculum of architectural engineering and dynamic arrays

  15. Svati - Arcturus = classroom of Professor Risk-rewarding Rahu = curriculum of multi-cultural justice and boundary-breaching agreements

  16. Viśākha - Rādhā = classroom of Professor Generous Guru = curriculum of shock-splitting growth and large-scale rearrangement

  17. [Anuradha - Maitreya] = classroom of Professor Structural-Safety Shani = curriculum of damage containment and regulatory intervention

  18. [Jyeṣṭha - Antares] = classroom of Professor Bantering Budha = curriculum of assertive certainty and prophetic proclamation

  19. Mula - Nirṛti = classroom of Professor Scissoring Ketu = curriculum of full-release annihilation and delirious deconstruction

  20. Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah = classroom of Professor Sweet Sensual Shukra = curriculum of inspirational music and gracious goodwill

  21. Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva = classroom of Professor Sparkling Surya = curriculum of hierarchical consciousness and psychic structure

  22. Śrāvaṇa - Hari = classroom of Professor Comforting Chandra = curriculum of sensitive shamanism and orderly listening

  23. Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus = classroom of Professor Motivating Mangala = curriculum of lawful competition and systematic conquest

  24. Sadachbia - Varuna = classroom of Professor Risk-rewarding Rahu = curriculum of mass-consciousness and mixed systems

  25. Purvabhadra - Pegasus = classroom of Professor Guiding Guru = curriculum of humanistic philosophy and conscious connection

  26. [Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] = classroom of Professor Systematic Shani = curriculum of visionary maturity and orderly generosity

  27. [Revatī - Pushana] = classroom of Professor Bantering Budha = curriculum of musical imagination and shepherding compassion

  28. intercalary Nakshatra = Abhi-jitha = Abhijit ( no predictive value = intercalary device only)

Nakshatra of Chandra = comfort zones

  1. [Chandra in Aśvini - Dasra]

  2. [Chandra in Bharani - Yamya]

  3. [Chandra in Kṛttikā - Pleyades]

  4. [Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran]

  5. [Chandra in Mrigashira - Invaka]

  6. [Chandra in Arudra - Orion]

  7. [Chandra in Punarvasu - Aditya]

  8. [Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya]

  9. [Chandra in Aśleṣa - Naga]

  10. [[Chandra in Magha - Regulus]

  11. Chandra in Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī]

  12. [Chandra in Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman]

  13. [Chandra in Hasta - Savitra]

  14. [Chandra in Chitra - Spica]

  15. [Chandra in Svati - Arcturus]

  16. [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā]

  17. [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra]

  18. [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares]

  19. [Chandra in Mūla - Vichruta]

  20. [Chandra in Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah]

  21. [Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva ]

  22. [Chandra in śrāviṣṭha-Hari]

  23. [Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus]

  24. [Chandra in Sadachbia - Varuna]

  25. [Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus]

  26. [Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda]

  27. [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu]

Seth's Nine psychic families correlated to Jyotishavidya 27 nakshatra

original work of BP Lama

Sumari = Surya

Borladim = Chandra

Zuli-= Mangala

Ilda = Budha

Sumafi = Guru

Tumold = Shukra

Gramada = Shani

Vold = Rahu

Milumet = Ketu

Pioneers and Innovators = 1st

Collectors and Bankers = 2nd

Messengers and Evangelists = 3rd

Parents and Protectors = 4th

Gamers and Showmen

Physicians and Servants

Brokers and Attorneys = 7th

Transformers and Healers = 8th

Travelers and Philosophers = 9th

Leaders and Figureheads = 10th

Earners and Socialites = 11th

Visionaries and Way-showers = 12th

Aśvini - Dasra = classroom of Professor Cutting Ketu

  • [Aśvini - Dasra] pada-1-2-3-4 [00:00 Mesha - Aja until 13:20 Mesha] = (8th, chidra-Ketu) sudden dispersal of outdated identity, eruption of new conditions, long-covered secrets revealed. Often an inventor, excavator, discoverer. Invalidator of old paradigms ++ initiator of new paradigms. Agent of radical change via innovation (8). Medical understanding of the healing qualities of abandonment and release of outdated stuff. Pada-4 usually physicians. Eccentric and unorthodox ideas emerge according to natal characteristics of Ketu.

Bharani - Yamya = classroom of Professor Beautiful Bhrigu

  • [Bharani - Yamya] = pada-1-2-3-4 [13:20 -until- 26:40 Mesha- Arya] = (7th, shukra, Maraka). Gracious movement, acts of balancing, vitality of mutual interests. Advocacy, contracts, vigorous bargaining, warp-and-woof, yokes, competitive matches, energetic arrangements, shared values, paired agents. Often an attorney or functionary of the law courts, particularly dealing in financial matters. Agreements manifest according to natal characteristics of Shukra.

Kṛttikā - Pleyades = classroom of Professor Splendid Surya

  • Krittika pada-1 [26:40 until 30:00 Mesha- Arya] = (5th, surya) Acts with political and theatrical genius. Enormously self-confident and proud. A winner; first-arriver; a pioneer. Often a politician with military or athletic qualities. If Surya is strong, may be a brilliant entertainer with royal entitlements and sparkle. Charisma manifests according to natal characteristics of Surya.

  • Krittika pada-2-3-4 [00:00 until 10:00 Vrzava] = (4th, surya) Keeps and conserves the royal entitlements of an ethnic or cultural people. Often an owner of lands and vehicles, acultivator, and a defender of entitlements for specific ruling families. Father often a land-owner. Rights and powers manifest according to natal characteristics of Surya.

Rohiṇī - Aldebaran = classroom of Professor Comforting Chandra

  • Rohini pada-1-2-3-4 [Urisha] = (1st , chandra). Emotional orientation to shelter, naurture, and protect oneself. Rohini is an easier placement for a woman; a man may compare every woman (unfavorably) to his own sainted mother. Deeply sensitive and self-protective; oriented to personal appearance. Mother is self-concerned. Often a schoolteacher, parent, home-owner, and environmentalist. Self-nurturing manifests according to natal characteristics of Chandra.

Mrigashiras - Invaka = classroom of Professor Kinetic Kuja

  • [Mrigashiras - Invaka] pada-1-2 [Urisha = Risha] = (12th, mangala) energetic guidance from the ancestors (12). Often a sanctuary worker who brings forward images from the collective unconscious and infuses these into the experience of others. Often concerned with invisible, private endeavors; moves productively yet unseen within enclosures such as hospitals, monasteries, camps and throughout distant lands. Clandestine activity according to natal characteristics of Mangala.

  • [Mrigashiras - Invaka] pada 3-4 [Mithuna] = (11th, mangala) Gains and goals reached via high-frequency communicative actions such as explanation, instruction, and description. A busy, profit-oriented person who moves through the marketplace with messages of transaction. Words are birds; often much ado about nothing. Gainful elder brother. Economic activity expressed according to natal characteristics of Mangala.

Arudra - Betelgeuse = classroom of Professor Risk-Rewarding Rahu

  • [Arudra - Betelgeuse ] pada-1-2-3-4 [Mithuna] = (9th, rahu) Arudra have tremendous ambitions to reach a higher global understanding that simultaneously engages the wildness of the core animal nature. Often a very distinctive philosopher of the flesh. Communicates great truths via animated movements. Irregular instincts of the body causing communicative arrhythmia, according to natal characteristics of Rahu.

Punarvasu - Yamaka = classroom of Professor Guru

  • [Punarvasu - Yamaka] = pada-1-2-3 [Mithuna] = (7th, Guru, Maraka) contracts, relationships, balance, negotiated agreement; expanding in a philosophical or global context. sacred doctrine develops understanding of promise, bargain, trust. Understanding of theory-practice balance will manifest according to natal characteristics of Guru.

  • [Punarvasu - Yamaka] = pada-4 [Old Pathways Karkata] = (6th, Guru) disease, disagreement, jealousy, divorce, addictive drugs, ministries of service to the exploited; often in a philosophical or global context. Sacred doctrine may cause conflict; religious figures may be contentious, criminalized, villainized, or diseased. Service ministry manifests according to natal characteristics of Guru.

Pushya - Sidhya = classroom of Professor Strict-and-Sober Shani

  • [Pushya - Sidhya] = pada-1-2-3-4 [Old Pathways Karkata] = (8th, Zani) Protective, patriotic style of the hierophant masks deep movements that force necessary structural change. Agent of carefully controlled renewal and civilized rebirth. Often an institutional official who maintains stability under disruptive or emergency conditions. Responsible and parental in nature. One's mother is subject to sudden upheavals. Containment of secrets while maintaining order, according to natal characteristics of Shani.

Aśleṣa - Naga = classroom of Professor Busy Budha

  • [Aśleṣa - Naga] pada-1-2-3-4 [Old Pathways Karkata] == (3rd , budha) communicative manipulation. Clever signaling, smart gestures, compelling words. Finds comfort in acts of binding, holding and embrace, using the hands and arms, delivering explanations and issuing commands. Often one who ties or lashes; customary hand-tools. Often has a very clever sibling. Security specialist, local law enforcement, massage therapist. Transactional messages express according to natal characteristics of Budha.

Magha - Regulus = classroom of Professor Cutting Ketu

  • Magha - Regulus pada-1-2-3-4 = (4th, chidra-Ketu) suddenly aborted rhythm, abandon earth-energies, cord-cut old folkways, ancient customs, established cultural norms, kundalini grounding during cosmic dispersion. Frequently abandons earthfield. Often gone into Other Worlds. Often a spiritual teacher (4). Brilliant but eccentric empowerments and entitlements, according to natal characteristics of Ketu.

Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī = classroom of Professor Beautiful Bhrigu

  • Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī pada-1-2-3-4 [Simha]= (3rd, shukra). Radiates a bright, creative intelligence that charms the audience while it communicates about beauty, wealth, and precious values. Often in advertising, sales and fashion; cinema, design arts, beauty publications. Messages styled according to natal characteristics of Shukra.

Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman = classroom of Professor Sparkling Surya

  • Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman pada-1 [Simha] = (1st, surya). Radiates a creative genius that is utterly brilliant and utterly self-centered. Focus of rapt attention in politics and dramatic roles. Radiant intelligence directs a fiercely independent personal will to power. Royal entitlements; narcissism; solipsism. Father may be self-focused. Often in the world of entertainment, including political theatre. Games, grandeur, and glamour styled according to natal characteristics of Surya.

  • Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman pada-2-3-4 [Kanya] = (12th, Surya). Radiantly empowering guidance from the ancestors (12). Often a brilliant dramatist distinguished by splendid ability to portray subconscious psychological states. However, the true self is secluded from view, and the private interior life may be even brighter than its public facade. Dramatic and psychological intelligence according to natal characteristics of Surya.

Hasta - Savitri = classroom of Professor Soothing Somana

  • Hasta - Savitri - pada-1-2-3-4 [Kanya] = (9th, Chandra) Philosophy of life is based in belief that earth and its creatures need soothing protection. Sheltering, parenting, nourishment and healing touch. Deeply rhythmic use of hands; expresses emotion via drawing, gesture, musical instrument, hand-craft. Often a planetary touch-healer; artist; maker of ritual meals; architect; musician. The mother may be deeply religious. Rhythm and ritual according to natal characteristics of Chandra.

Chitra - Spica = classroom of Professor Motivating Mangala

  • Chitra - Spica pada-1-2 [Kanya] = (8th, Mangala) Penetrating pursuit of new identity via logical reasoning. Revolutionary arguments. Ministry of service in radically new medicine, new approach to thorny problems, new techniques of warfare. Often an investigative scientist, military strategist, or literary critic. Incisive or eruptive movement expresses according to natal characteristics of Mangala.

  • Chitra - Spica pada 3-4 [Tula] = (7th, mangala, Maraka) balanced action in dynamic movement. Equity in contractual relationship, yet energetic pursuit of new potential. Often an initiator of contracts, deal-maker, marriage-maker, active arranger; may be a dynamic artistic performer. Gracious but competitive movement expresses according to natal characteristics of Mangala.

Svati - Arcturus = classroom of Professor Entrancing Rahu

  • Svati - Arcturus pada-1-2-3-4 [Thula]= (5th, Rahu) Svatika have tremendous ambitions for their own creativity. Any desires which may be unrealizable for the native will be invested in Svatika's children. Eldest child often a barrier-breaker. Trajectory of elevation to higher privilege via irregular relationships in romantic, dramatic, political settings. Gracious arrhythmia according to natal characteristics of Rahu.

Viśākha - Rādhā = classroom of Professor Guiding Guru

  • Viśākha - Rādhā pada-1-2-3 [Thula] = (3rd , Guru) announcement, media-message, management, writing, skills-training. Often an instructor within a philosophical or global cohort, delivering a message of spiritual guidance or expansion of perspective. Develops a higher understanding of human contractual relationships. Therapeutic rebalancing shocks. Messages manifest according to natal characteristics of Wise Brihaspati.

  • Viśākha - Rādhā pada-4 [Vṛścika] = (2nd , Guru, Maraka) Actively widens the treasuries of financial well-being and knowledge of language-history, digging deep to store the precious weight of gatherings: savings, seeds, songs, and stories. Often a historian of civilizations; may control vast resources. Often a banker, steward, librarian, hoarder, curator, cataloger, or collector; in warehousing, hidden storage, databases, animal breeding, preservationist, natural resources, earthly assets. Agent of death, via saturation. Is frightened of neither death nor pleasure; may be an agent of expansive battlefield scenarios. Develops a higher understanding of materialization-dematerialization vortex. Tantric empowerment manifests according to natal characteristics of Brihaspati.

Anuradha - Maitreya = classroom of Professor Safety-First Shani

  • [Anuradha - Maitreya] pada-1-2-3-4 [Vṛścika] = (4th, Zani) Protects the social stability via rule enforcement. Often a national government or corporate institutional official with regulatory responsibilities. Patriotic. Even after rise to executive rank, feels bitter about obstacles to promotion; resentful conviction that easy movement [Kuja] was impeded (Zani) by the more privileged classes. Statutory rank according to natal characteristics of Zani.

Jyeṣṭha - Antares = classroom of Professor Bantering Budha

  • [Jyeṣṭha - Antares] pada-1-2-3-4 [Vṛścika] = (11th, budha) Achievement of gains and goals via signal, gesture and words. Crafts a network of profitable connections via clever conversations, detailed argument, management of scripts and announcements. Economically, commercially defined friendships. Often a community figure whose motto is "make your success also the success of others ". Has many fans, friends, and linkages. Earnings and accolades according to natal characteristics of Budha.

Mula - Nirṛti = classroom of Professor Dissociative Ketu

  • Mula - Nirṛti pada-1-2-3-4 [Dhanus]= (12th, chidra-Ketu) abort intuition, abandon guidance of ancestors, naebulize dream-bridge, disorient imagination. Often an invisible force, spinning like a wind to dissolve outdated beliefs, in context of sanctuary and clandestine enclosure (12). Often found in politics where Mūla's disdain for lawful authority permits a disruptive empowerment. Eccentric and unorthodox dogma, according to natal characteristics of Ketu.

Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah = classroom of Professor Blessed Bhrigu

  • Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah pada-1-2-3-4 [Dhanus]= (11th, Shukra). Achievement of gains and goals via sensual or financial immersion. A peacemaker using techniques of pleasure and wealth to balance incommensurable or incompatible elements. Negotiates a network of profitable connections via dealing with money and pleasures. Often a businessperson in finance, arts, design, diplomacy, balancing devices, religious vestments, or matters of interest to womenfolk . Generally easier placement for a female. Earnings according to natal characteristics of Shukra.

Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva = classroom of Professor Spotlight Surya

  • Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva pada-1 [Dhanus] = (9th, surya). Bright, proud, confident, alover of politics, games, gambling, and higher truth. Political dogma expressed as personal genius. Global scope preacher-teacher. Often a university personality, politician, charismatic gambler, inspiring religious figure, or all of the above. Doctrine according to natal characteristics of Surya.

  • Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva pada-2-3-4 [Makara]= (8th, surya). Drama of self-destruction toward emergence of radical new identity. Revolutionary ideas operating behind the mask of respectable credentials. Often concerned with hidden forces, disaster, emergency, hidden truths, and leadership in secret societies. Sudden changes for the father. Invasive or eruptive genius expresses according to natal characteristics of Surya.

Śrāvaṇa - Hari = classroom of Professor Sheltering Somana

  • Śrāvaṇa - Hari pada-1-2-3-4 [Makara]= (5th, Chandra) Parental protector of the social order. Cares deeply for stability and security ensured via social respect and reputation. Often a somewhat hidebound schoolteacher concerned more with right-and-wrong, and less with learning; However, if Surya is strong, may be a creative and much-loved local figure. Also police, local policy-maker, citizens' watch. Moral politics according to natal characteristics of Chandra.

Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus = classroom of Professor Motivating Mangala

  • Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus pada-1-2 [Makara]= (4th, Mangala) Grounds the ethno-national settlement via competitive movement. Defense of homeland. Warlike. Often a driver, engineer, military officer; or an instigator of domestic conflict - yet, patriotic. Territorial instincts according to natal characteristics of Kuja.

  • Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus pada-3-4 [Kumbha] = (3rd , mangala) announcements, advertising campaigns, penetrating messages. Often in a competitive or athletic context such as trainer, team manager. War of words; may be a propagandist or speechwriter. Communications produced according to natal characteristics of Mangala.

Sadachbia - Varuna = classroom of Professor Mesmerizing Rahu

  • Sadachbia - Varuna pada-1-2-3-4 ] Kumbha] = (1st, rahu) Shatataraka have tremendous ambitions to match the vast extension of their systems-mixing task. Very large scale trajectory toward higher privilege. Often a highly distinctive personality who plays a key role in advancing scientific-or-social paradigms. Cosmic arrhythmia according to natal characteristics of Rahu.

Purvabhadra - Pegasus = classroom of Professor Generous Guru

  • Purvabhadra - Pegasus pada-1-2-3 [Kumbha] = (11th, Guru). After long persistence in networking, interlocked communities are built and economic gains-goals are accomplished. Prosthapada folk are philosophically broad-minded and blessed with a wide theoretical perspective. Social Scientists. Material success after endurance. Achievements manifest according to natal characteristics of Guru

  • Purvabhadra - Pegasus pada-4 [Meena] = (10th , Guru). Philosophically or doctrinally guided leadership, in sacred priesthood or global-humanistic hierarchies. Often famous for providing large-scale social guidance via wise laws and policies. Double-Guru pada = wisdom-and-imagination. Executive roles manifest according to natal characteristics of Brihaspati.

Uttarabhadra - Andromeda = classroom of Professor Structural Shani

  • [Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] pada-1-2-3-4 [Meena] = (12th, Zani). Orderly guidance from the ancestors (12). Often a pragmatic visionary who serves as a conduit. May bring an architectonic system concept from the imaginary world into the material world. May conduct a large number of souls across the astral bridge. A benevolent but strict rescuer. Sustaining support crystalizes according to natal characteristics of Zani.

Revatī - Pushana = classroom of Professor Bantering Budha

  • [Revatī - Pushana] pada-1-2-3-4 [Meena] = (7th, budha, Maraka) Balanced gestural articulation. Musical messaging. Sends a fantasy signal. Lyricist, choreographer, dancer, singer, songwriter, interpreter of dreams, administrator of charitable concerns, shepherd, docent, prophet, way-shower, and guide. Interprets animal signals. Veterinarians, animal whisperers. Leading the followers into the realms of heavenly imagination. Generous enunciation expresses according to natal characteristics of the Kumara.

The Pushkara Navamsha
Nakshatra of Brihaspati
  1. [Punarvasu - Yamaka]

  2. Viśākha - Rādhā

  3. Purvabhadra - Pegasus

Three Nakshatra of Surya

  1. Kṛttikā - Pleyades

  2. Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman

  3. Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva

Ayurvedic Nadi of the Nakshatra

from The Nakshatra by Dennis Harness, p. 122


  1. [Aśvini - Dasra]

  2. Bharani - Yamuna

  3. Kṛttikā - Pleyades

  4. [Rohiṇī - Aldebaran]

  5. Mrigashira - Invaka

  6. Arudra - Betelgeuse

  7. [Punarvasu - Yamaka]

  8. [Pushya - Sidhya]

  9. [Aśleṣa - Naga]


  1. Magha - Regulus

  2. Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī

  3. Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman

  4. Hasta - Savitri

  5. Chitra - Spica

  6. Svati - Arcturus

  7. Viśākha - Rādhā

  8. [Anuradha - Maitreya]

  9. [Jyeṣṭha - Antares]


  1. Mula - Nirṛti

  2. Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah

  3. Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva

  4. Śrāvaṇa - Hari

  5. Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus

  6. Sadachbia - Varuna

  7. Purvabhadra - Pegasus

  8. [Uttarabhadra - Andromeda]

  9. [Revatī - Pushana]


BPHS Sarga 6 " The Sixteen Divisions of a Rashi" : Shloka-2 4-26.

" Saptavimshāńś (Nakshatrāńś, or Bhāńś). The Saptavimshāńś Lords are, respectively, the presiding deities of the 27 Nakshatra

  1. Dastra (Aśvini Kumar)
  2. Yama
  3. Agni
  4. Brahma
  5. Chandra
  6. Isa
  7. Adhiti
  8. Jiva
  9. Ahi
  10. Pitar
  11. Bhaga
  12. Aryama
  13. Surya
  14. Tvashtri
  15. Maruta
  16. Chakragni
  17. Mitra
  18. Vasava
  19. Rakshasa
  20. Varuna,
  21. Vishwadeva
  22. Govinda
  23. Vasu
  24. Varuna
  25. Ajapa
  26. Pushya."

These are for an odd Rāśi. Count these deities in a reverse order for an even Rāśi. The Saptavimshāńś distribution commences from Mesha and other Chara Rāśi for all the 12 Rāśi."

Chandra Main Page

Nine Trines of 27 Nakshatra

Books about Nakshatra

smaller Table of Nakshatra Locations

larger Table of Nakshatra Attributes including Tibetan Names

How na-kshetra are calculated

Ancient Lunar Jyotishavidya

Coordinating the two historic systems

Ordering and Numbering the Nakshatra

The Four Nakshatra Marga: Dharma, artha, Kama, moksha

Gana of Nakshatra

Ayurvedic Nadi of the Nakshatra

Nakshatra Names in Mayalam, sanskritam, tamil

A psychic view of Nakshatra meanings:

Soul Recognition in Relationship : Nakshatra of the Navamsha lagna

Nakshatra values in Jyotisha prediction

the Moon's Nakshatra

Nakshatra reasoning for Muhurta

Three Paryaya (cycles) = Twenty-Seven Nakshatra

paryaya (cycle) -1

paryaya (cycle) -2

paryaya (cycle) - 3

  1. [Aśvini - Dasra]

  2. [Bharani - Yamya]

  3. [Kṛttikā - Pleiades]

  4. [Rohiṇī - Aldebaran]

  5. Mrigashiras

  6. [Arudra - Betelgeuse ]

  7. [Punarvasu - Yamaka]

  8. [Pushya - Sidhya]

  9. [Aśleṣa - Naga]

  1. Magha - Regulus

  2. Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī

  3. Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman

  4. Hasta - Savitra

  5. Chitra - Spica

  6. Svati - Arcturus

  7. Viśākha - Radha

  8. [Anuradha - Maitreya]

  9. [Jyeṣṭha - Antares]

  1. Mula - Nirṛti

  2. Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah

  3. Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva

  4. Śrāvaṇa - Hari

  5. Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus

  6. Sadachbia - Varuna

  7. Purvabhadra - Pegasus

  8. [Uttarabhadra - Andromeda]

  9. [Revatī - Pushana]

28th (intercalary only) Nakshatra = Abhi-jita

Nine Trines of 27 Nakshatra

  1. Surya in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  2. Chandra in 27 Nakshatra

  3. Mangala in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  4. Budha in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  5. Vrihaspati in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  6. Shukra in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  7. Zani in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  8. Rahu in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

  9. Ketu in 27 Nakshatra (coming soon)

27 Sacred trees = one for each nakshatra


"Panchaka-dosha" nakshatra = Panchaka

  • Five nakshatra said to have a notable dosha = imbalance

  • these are the final five nakshatra of the 360 degree circle

  1. Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus -Vasu

  2. Shatavisakhya

  3. Purvabhadra - Pegasus

  4. [Uttarabhadra - Andromeda]

  5. Revatika - Pushan


definitions from ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

  • BPL note: zlesman = kapha = English ' glue'

doSa = dus

  • fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage

  • badness, wickedness, sinfulness

  • of fence, transgression, guilt, crime

  • to incur guilt

  • damage, harm, bad consequence, detrimental effect

  • accusation, reproach

  • alteration, affection, morbid element, disease (esp. Of the 3 humours of the body, viz. pitta, vAyu, zleSman)



Moola Nakshtatra

Jyeṣṭha + Mula = Gandanta Nakshatra = ligature nakshatra which form a bridge coming-and-going into the next group

  1. [Aśvini - Dasra]

  2. [Aśleṣa - Naga] Sarpa

  3. Magha - Regulus

  4. [Jyeṣṭha - Antares]

  5. Mula - Nirṛti

  6. [Revatī - Pushana]

Adho-mukha Nakshatra

adho-mukha = having the face (mukha) downwards; headlong; upside down

think of Adhomukha asana of hatha-yoga = English "Downward Dog"

  • In Muhurta, the passage of Chandra via adhomukha nakshatra is considered to be auspicious for activities which involve "mouth-downward" such as excavations, digging wells, scooping, harvesting root vegetables, fishing and diving, laying foundations of buildings, anything else face-down.

  1. [Bharani - Yamya]

  2. Kṛttikā - Pleyades

  3. [Aśleṣa - Naga]

  4. Magha - Regulus

  5. Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī

  6. Viśākha - Rādhā

  7. Mula - Nirṛti

  8. Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah

  9. Purvabhadra - Pegasus

Dagdha Nakshatra

Dagdha = burned , scorched, consumed by fire, grief, or anguish

  • In Muhurta, the days associated with Dagdha nakshatra are considered too much dried-up like cinders lacking the fresh juice needed for new starts. So, these nakshatra are less benevolent for starting new endeavors.

  • bhavicharin = graha that is transiting or stationed in a particular amsha, such as a bhava or a nakshatra

Traditionally work is not commenced on weekdays which have these dagdha combinations:

  1. On a Sunday (suryavara, bhanuvara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Bharani - Yamya nakshatra

  2. On a Monday (somavara, somaha) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Chitra - Spica nakshatra

  3. On a Tuesday (bhaumavara, kulavara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva nakshatra

  4. On a Wednesday (saumyavara, budhavara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus -Vasu nakshatra

  5. On a Thursday (brihaspativara, laksmivara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman nakshatra

  6. On a Friday (bhriguvara, shukravara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Jyeṣṭha - Antares nakshatra

  7. On a Saturday (zanivara, zanivasara) when bhavicharin Chandra = moving through Revatī - Pushana nakshatra

English study texts

  1. Valerie Roebuck's classic The Circle of Stars is the clearest, most historically and linguistically advanced introduction of Jyotishavidya available in English. Roebuck holds a Cambridge Ph.D. in the cultural history of India. Roebuck's explanation of the Vedic Nakshatra tradition is the best in print.

  2. The Nakshatra by Dennis Harness is a brief almanac-style introductory overview written in English, for beginners. May prove useful for those seeking to apply Nakshatra profiles to modern psychological counseling. Not a scholarly text, but a nice easy ready-reference for the foundational level beginner student of Jyotisha.

  3. Bepin Behari's Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology - p. 168-253 - contains a theosophical interpretation of Nakshatra symbolism. Philosophically inclined Jyotiṣika may find this depth of interpretation more beneficial for widening their esoteric awareness of the Nakshatranath.

How na-kshetra are figured

the Earthen Moon orbits around Earth every (approx) 27 days + 7.75 hours

  • zodiac (circle of animals) has 360 degrees

  • divide 360 into 27 slices

  • each slice = 13 degrees 20 seconds of arc

  • Each Nakshatra contains a major star or star-cluster

  • The leftover 7.75 hours in a sidereal lunar transit is sometimes accommodated in a mini-slice intercalary Nakshatra. The 28th Nakshatra is not a location. It is a calendar-adjustment number called Abhijitya.


QUOTATION from Das Goravani

"There are 27 main Nakshatra encircling the entire zodiac

  • The Moon travels through roughly one Nakshatra per day

  • The Nakshatra are said to be the wives of the Moon.

  • Each has a ruler planet, aruler demigod or a specific nature, and various predictions associated with it.

The Nakshatra are extremely important in all aspects of vedic astrology."

A psychic view of Nakshatra meanings

Lunar-based astrology // reads // the person primarily from the Astral body, which is a sensual-perceptive-intuitive level of personal reality.

  • Nakshatra represent // fields // of psycho-emotional [Chandra] energy composed of past-life images. These fields = kshetra manifest on the social-material plane as organized patterns of social, mental, and physical behavior.

  • The Na-kshetra reveal an ancient psycho-emotional profile used by each graha (but particularly Chandra). This profile or filter is stored in the subconscious memory banks of the astral body.

It takes a bit of"questioning the dominant paradigm" but even those of us raised in the"leading" egoic-mind mental culture of the super-mentalized dwapara yuga can use Nakshatra categories to interpret the nativity!

Nakshatra placement of Chandra reveals qualities of one's deep emotional character.

This deep emotional character very much influences the repeating life patterns of the native 's instinctive choices within relationships and social environment.

  • The repeating patterns are often instinctive and reactive; the native insists on a fixed emotional response pattern that is characteristic of the traits of the Nakshatra, particularly the Nakshatra 's planetary lord.

  • From the reincarnational viewpoint, these patterns are the result of unresolved emotional experiences in parallel lives . There is often a trauma-pattern embedded in The Moon's Nakshatra. The trauma pattern reveals ways in which the native has learned to get one's emotional needs met while protecting [Chandra] against further hurt.

  • Nakshatra of Chandra intuitively guide one to behaviors and environments which best nourish the emotional needs. Success or failure of this self-nourishing and self-protecting strategy depends on the condition of the Nakshatra ruler within the radix nativity.

Nakshetra of the navamsha Chandra shows the soul's emotional needs.

Although this level of need is generally only satisfied in partnership (human or divine), the pattern which is seeking validation is indeed a spiritual dimension of one's own self of which one is not fully conscious.

  • In a successful relationship, the partner should be able to see and validate the Nakshatra qualities of one's navamsha .

  • One attracts a partner (or ishtadevata) for the purpose of seeing this aspect of the emotional memory-bank reflected in the partner's behavior that is really a response to one's own projections.

  • Complicated? No, not too much. It's just important to understand that anything going on in the navamsha is a projection of dormant traits from one's own personality which one is trying to recognize and accept.

  • his is emotional material coming up from deep-freeze storage in the ancient subconscious. It's hard to see without a partner who acts like a blank projection screen, showing the other-aspect-life movie (again and again and again...)

See the individual descriptions of Chandra in the 27 Nakshatra for details of Chandra in each of the navamsha lagna.

Ancient Lunar Jyotisha

Ancient Jyotishavidya was a divinatory system which searched for omens in the sky. The naked eye can observe numerous constellations in the night sky, and the regular placement of these was noted early on.

  • the Moon's nighttime travels against the backdrop of sparkling bright constellations provided an excellent way to mark time and -- very importantly -- to generate ritual calendars for the priests.

  • As recorded in the Veda, each of the constellations is ruled by a deity, and has certain divinatory meanings. Stars were consulted for auspicious timing of events such as sacrifices and wars, but no personal astrology of the birth chart was attested.

Later, during the era of pervasive Greek influence in northern India, the 12-sign astrological zodiac was introduced into Brahminical thought. Thus the surprising amount of Greek vocabulary in Sanskrit Jyotishavidya texts after 300 BCE.

Greek astrology focused on // jataka // = natal-chart astrology of the person's birth [janma].

Modern Solar Astrology

Ego -positivistic experience = awareness at the level of five senses and social positioning = is best read through the solar houses.

Most modern people live their lives rather narrowly constrained by the egoic-mind positivistic choice-making paradigm.

  • Therefore most modern people really want to know only about material developments such as wealth, social power/career, physical health and sex, children, and food.

The rare individual who is interested in anything outside this narrow realm may be rewarded by a study of the Nakshatra .

Nakshatra: Solar vs. Lunar astrology

Jyotisha tradition contains both the ancient,"aryan" (first arrivers) lunar astrology (from the Rig-Veda primarily) as well as a historically later stratum of solar astrology (the 12 houses-bhava-sthāna).

The solar tradition seems to have emerged in the literary world of Jyotisha around the time of Alexander It's hard to say the source of the solar tradition, but it's definitely a later accrual in the Vedic literature. (see Valerie Roebuck The Circle of Stars for a readable literary history of Jyotisha).

  • 'Na ' = 'moon'; 'kshetra ' = 'field' or 'shelter'.

  • 'Nakshatra ' = 'domain of the Moon'.

In practice, the solar component Of historic Jyotisha (the 12 solar signs and houses) is easier for the modern mind to to manipulate, due to its fairly rational structure.

The lunar component - 27 Nakshatra and their Vaidik deity rulerships = much less rational, and much more complex and subtle.

Understanding and making predictions with Nakshatra astrology requires an intuitive knowledge of deity personalities and acceptance of their background role in shaping human affairs.

Ordering and Numbering the Nakshatra

There are several different traditional enumerations of the Nakshatra order. The modern, conventional ordering now begins with Aśvini as nakshatra-1. However, it was not always that wayr.

For comparison, here is ordering from the Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de .

  1. Sravishtha or Dhaniṣṭha

  2. Sata-bhishaj

  3. Purva-bhadrapada

  4. Uttara-bhadrapada

  5. Revati

  6. Aśvini

  7. Bharani

  8. Krittika

  9. Rohini or Brahmi

  10. Mriga-siras or Agrahayani

  11. Ardra

  12. Punarvasu or Yamakau

  13. Pushya or Sidhya

  14. Aslesha

  15. Magha

  16. Purva-phalguni

  17. Uttara-phalguni

  18. Hasta

  19. Citra

  20. Svati

  21. Visakha or Radha

  22. Anu-radha

  23. Jyeṣṭha

  24. Mula

  25. Purva-shadha

  26. Uttara-shadha

  27. Abhijit

  28. Śrāvaṇa

The Old Ordering begin with Krittika

is found in the Atharvaveda (Shaunakiya recension, hymn 19.7)


original ai



1896 edition Ralph T.H. Griffith - https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/av/index.htm

citrā́ṇi sākáṃ diví rocanā́ni sarīsr̥pā́ṇi bhúvane javā́ni | turmíśaṃ sumatím ichámāno áhāni gīrbhíḥ saparyāmi nā́kaam

suhávam agne kŕ̥ttikā róhiṇī cā́stu bhadráṃ mr̥gáśiraḥ śám #257;rdrā́| púnarvasūsūnŕ̥tā cā́ru púṣyo bhānúr #257;śleṣā́ áyanaṃ maghā́ me

púṇyaṃ pū́rvā phálgunyau cā́tra hástaś citrā́#347;ivā́ svātí sukhó me astu | rā́dhe viśā́khe suháv#257;nurādhā́ jyéṣṭhā sunákṣatram áriṣṭa mū́lam

ánnaṃ pū́rvā rāsatāṃ me aṣādhā́#363;́rjaṃ devy úttarā#257;́ vahantu | abhijín me rāsatāṃ púṇyam evá #347;rávaṇaḥ #347;ráviṣṭhāḥ kurvatāṃ supuṣṭíam

ā́ me mahác chatábhiṣag várīya ā́ me dvayā́ próṣṭhapadā suśárma | ā́ revátī c#257;śvayújau bhágaṃ ma ā́ me rayíṃ bháraṇya#257;́ vahantu

  1. suhávam agne Kṛttikā = Suhávam agne auspiciously invoked

  2. Rohinī

  3. cā́stu bhadráṃ Mrigashīrsha = cā́stu bhadráṃ clever speaking

  4. Ārdrā

  5. Punarvasu-Aditya

  6. sūnŕ̥tā cā́ru Pushya = Sunrita caru happy beloved

  7. bhānúr Asleshā = bhānú luminous

  8. áyanaṃ Maghā = áyanaṃ next on the path

  9. púṇyaṃ pū́rvā phálgunyau = púṇyaṃ blessed

  10. cā́tra Hasta - Savitra = catura dextrous

  11. Chitrā śivā́ = Siva stitching, sewing

  12. Svāti sukhó me astu = Sukhó me astu easy to praise

  13. rādhe Vishākhā = rādhe splendorous

  14. suháva Anurādhā = Suháva auspicious

  15. Jyeshthā sunákṣatram = Sunákṣatram good-nakshatra

  16. áriṣṭa Mūla = áriṣṭa disastrous

  17. ánnaṃ Purva Ashādha = ánnaṃ food, sustenance

  18. rāsatāṃ Uttara Ashādha = rāsatāṃ juicy, tasty

  19. vahantu Abhijit = vahantu flow-making, the intercalary

  20. rāsatāṃ púṇyam evá Śrāvaṇa = rāsatāṃ púṇyam evá delicious blessings indeed

  21. Sravishthā kurvatāṃ supuṣṭím = kurvatāṃ supuṣṭím active prosperity

  22. ā́ me mahác Chatabhisag = ā́ me mahác which causes greatness

  23. várīya ā́ me dvayā́ Proshtha-padas = várīya ā́ me dvayā́ most excellent pair

  24. Proshtha-padas suśárma = Suśárma perfectly completed, full complement

  25. Revati

  26. Asvayujas

  27. bhágaṃ ma ā́ me rayíṃ Bharani. = bhágaṃ ma ā́ me rayíṃ = gracious wealth


Lemma =// nakSatra //

[begin quote from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon] www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

  • A star or any heavenly body; also applied to the sun; n. sg. sometimes collectively `"the stars "

  • An asterism or constellation through which the moon passes, alunar mansion

  • 27, later 28, viz: Revati , Uttara-phalguni, Uttara-bhadrapada and Uttarāṣāḍha are called {dhruvANi }, fixed

  • in the Vedas the Nakshatra are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death;

    • later as wives of the moon and daughters of Daksha

    According to Jainas the sun, moon, Graha, naakshatra and Taras form the Jyotishkas)

  • A pearl

  • starry, sidereal

  • Astronomer, astrologer

  • A month computed by the moon's passage through the 27 mansions, or of 30 days of 60 Ghati each"

Coordinating the two historic systems

The 360-degree // Circle of Stars // which surrounds our Earth, was rationalized into twenty-seven regular sections of 13 degrees 20 seconds each.

  • The Greek twelve // solar // sign system was already set to begin at zero degrees of Aries, which was the point of the Sun at spring equinox.

  • The ring of Nakshatra was then formalized to // start // at Aśvini, at zero degrees of Aries. Thus was Jyotisha as we currently practice it, conceived.

  • The two systems interwove for many centuries. Finally, the mind of Varahamihira // the sun-priest // (550 CE) developed a great synthesis of both traditions, articulated in his many works of great genius. Varahamihira's synthesis forms the foundation of Jyotishavidya as we have it today.

(See historical details in Valerie Roebuck, the Circle of Stars, p. 8)

12 Rashi

The astrological convention of dividing the sky into 12"rashi" = signs (Aries to Pisces) is culturally familiar to most Westerners.

  • Dividing the chart into 27 slices = Nakshatra = lunar constellation can give more fine-tuning to the interpretation.

  • Na-kshatra = sheltered, boundaried (kshetra) channels provided by the Moon (na) = are created by dividing the earth's visible sky into 27 pie slices. (In far north Indian areas influenced by Persian culture, sometimes 28 Nakshatra are used.)

  • 27 = 4 displays the geometrical relations = 108 - a sacred cosmological number which is fundamentally important in Vedic thought.

If the chart is first divided into 12 slices, the major significations of each planet by sign, house, and aspect will be clear.

27 Nakshatra

The next step is to re-analyze the chart by applying 27 divisions of 13 degrees 20 seconds each. After evaluating the influence of Nakshatra lords of each of the planets (Moon, rahu-Ketu , and lagna are most affected), expect a much finer understanding of the psycho-emotional subtleties within. Also the interpreter will gain the ability to predict the effects of each planetary period with more detail.

  • In classical Jyotisha thought, each of the 27 Nakshatra is a unique residence, which has unique characteristics. The Moon passes through approximately one Nakshatra per day.

  • So, the Nakshatra through which the Moon was passing at the time of your birth - called your Janma Nakshatra - has a big effect on your psycho-emotional mentality. The Nakshatra which was rising on the eastern horizon ("lagna Nakshatra") is very influential too.

  • Nakshatra are described as "wives of the Moon", as in a harem. (Chandra, like all graha, is considered masculine or"yang" character because it has creative power.)

Wives, or consorts, may be authentic spousal realities for deities in the spirit world. For humans in the earth world,"wives "are metaphorical mirrored attributes, or distinctive types of perceptive power"radar", that are present in the total portfolio of the Moon.

Nakshatra values in Jyotisha prediction

Judgments from Chandra lagna are essentially readings of the Astral level of personality . What is often called the"astral plane"in English refers to the subtle but tightly structured psycho-emotional particulate patterns which are embedded in the multiple-body entity of a human being, and which determine the human emotional response to life.

  • Although Chandra's rashi, bhava, incoming drishti, yuti graha etc. are all essential considerations in predicting events based on Chandra's rulerships in the solar divisions, the Jyotiṣika who wishes to know the native 's psycho-emotional motivations must contemplate the Moon's Nakshatra .

  • Both janma-lagna and Chandra-lagna Nakshatra should be considered when evaluating the native 's psychic filters.

  • The filters are constructed from Accumulated parallel life emotional memories

Nakshatra attributes define a rather fixed array of programmatic , typically, reactive, responses to life's experiences.

This subtle orientation is so ancient, intuitive, reactive, and subconsciously embedded that the native oneself may not be aware the of the way in which one selects and screens one's own psychic experiences.

However, whether the native is aware of their subtle identity or not, the Chandra and janma Nakshatra sets active limits on core identity and serves to structure the personality in ways that ultimately direct all the major choices in the incarnation.

Interpreting the Nakshatra influence of Vaidik deities in modern life

In this materialistic age. it is more typical for the native to simply"feel"a general guidance and sense of direction in a non-specific and typically unconscious way, rather than to be in direct communication with the disembodied spiritual personalities that are actively collaborating to shape one's life path through the Nakshatra delineations.

  • Due to materialistic modern belief systems, most people cannot independently detect the presence of their own psycho-emotional bodies.

  • Much less can the average contemporary human detect the reach-out-and-touch proximity of those deities large and small with whom the human in unconsciously interacting every day of their life.

  • Unfortunately if one is not aware of the activities of guiding spirits one cannot undertake collaborative program changes. Therefore Nakshatra delineations will indicate a level of fixed"destiny" limitation for most people.

It is of course possible to be much more aware and articulate of Nakshatra effects which are powerfully energized by these 27 deities and multiple sub-deities. Once the awareness is in place one can negotiate the limitations with the supervising deities, and Nakshatra no longer define the limits of psycho-emotional movement.

Practice considerations

As the tradition of Jyotishashastra has been received in this early part of Dvapara Yuga, an individual's Nakshatra -based"psycho-emotional specialization" = essentially delineated according to the portfolios of the various deities and divisions of labor in Vaidik culture.

  • It is not easy to translate this ancient set of cultural categories into modern lingo.

  • Unless the native is particularly reflective or has been raised in a culture that specifically recognizes the traditional Nakshatra boundaries, one may note nothing more specific in their psychic life-response pattern than a sense of defined being-ness in an ocean of responses to life.

  • Nevertheless, the Jyotiṣikaka knows through study that every native has a strong tendency to interpret one's experience through the filter of the Nakshatra .

  • Because Nakshatra influences are so fine and subtle, their power to control the subconscious motivation will interpenetrate all solar actions and ultimately determine what a native can or cannot accomplish in the outside world.

Spiritual vs. Psychological

Due to the constraints of modern belief systems, the Jyotishika may resort to a psychological rather than spiritual explanation of Nakshatra influences.

  • Those capable of holding a spiritual viewpoint will notice that the Nakshatra are territories of particularly deities, who control their turf rather vigorously. The deities are highly organized and productive. Their purpose is to advance human civilization and Typically, this occurs at a fast clip.

  • It is not necessary to accept the limitations of Vaidik literary culture when striving to understand and communicate with the Nakshatra deities. One may establish a natural and intuitive relationship with the governing deities without being constrained to the Vaidik (or"hindu-ized") view. Rather, one can discover the deities' attributes quite independently, through reflective and self-referential meditation. They may look and act quite differently through different cultural frames of reference.

  • At the higher levels of consciousness, the practicing Jyotishi will recognize a need to be aware of and willing to participate with their plans for any given individual, some of which can be read through a close knowledge of Chandra and janma Nakshatra .

  • It can be a major positive contribution to an individual's welfare to show them the Nakshatra path and their place upon it, and to help guide their communication with the primary deities who regulate that portion of the path. This can be a huge step up in spiritual consciousness for the person who is ready.

It is always beneficial to have a devotional relationship to the spiritual lords of the Moon's Nakshatra, and a small altar for this purpose should ideally be maintained.

Nakshatra Psychological interpretation

In general practice, few clients actually are ready for the direct spiritual approach. More clients are ready for the psychological approach e.g. The language of behaviors, motivations, trauma response, etc. Psychological interpretation is overall more acceptable to most natives than direct psychic communication with spirits.

  • It is true that the psychological approach is incomplete and not entirely accurate. Human lunar programming is profound.

  • Yet, in practice it will be more pragmatically helpful for most natives to understand their Moon's Nakshatra and janma Nakshatra in psychological terms and not confuse people with tales of lunar civilizations and so forth.

Being psychological then:

The Nakshatra defines a small set of core motivations, repeating behaviors, tastes, abilities, and expectations which are simply carry-forwards from parallel life identities. Functionally, soma's Nakshatra creates a psycho-emotional filter which defines a limited range of self-concept and pre-determines certain tastes, motives, and abilities.

For example,

  • the native with Chandra in Aśvini Nakshatra will have a past-life history of intense communication with quadrupeds particularly horses, and a knowledge of physical medicine, particularly regarding the treatment of injured people and animals. The native 's medical and sports orientation is based on many lifetimes of continued development of this particular span of knowledge and experience.

Highly self-aware natives may notice that, due to the ever-present guiding influence of the Aśvini Kumaras (a pair of active adolescent fix-it boy twin deities) in their lives, the native is always missing one's twin (whether one has a real twin in this life or not) and that they love and crave the taste of honey.

Nakshatra reasoning for Muhurta

For muhurta - astrological divinations that inform practical decision making = the current Nakshatra of Chandra and lagna are critically important to gauge the predominant world and local patterns operating on the individual at any given moment of time.

Each of the 27 lunar mansions is independently ruled by a particular planet and deity, whose personality controls the goings-on in his house. As each planet passes through that lord's domain, the planet must temporarily respond to the domestic folkways, ancient customs, established cultural norms of that Nakshatra .

Chandra is an impressionable graha, emotional and sympathetic in nature. Therefore Chandra's travel through each Nakshatra sets the quality and tone for that day. Stronger effect may be felt by those with natally strong Chandra positions, but everyone benefits from being aware of Chandra's daily Nakshatra .

Here are some examples of practical decision-making and attitude-setting based on awareness of Nakshatra influence

  • When Chandra passes through the dangerous Nakshatra of Aśleṣa, ruled by graha Budha and deity of Sarpa the Snake God, matters signified by the Moon such as emotional well-being and bodily survival through the link with the mother/nurturer are constrained by complex mental arguments or philosophical sophistry, intentional misrepresentation (lying), and various forms of trickery.

    Chandra has always hated his illegitimate son Mercury, so when Chandra passes through Budha's Nakshatra watch out for sorcery, charlatanism, and dirty tricks. Ruling deity Sarpa is associated with the dangerous actions of a snake: hypnotizing, paralyzing, and eventually poisoning or choking the victim.

    [Aśleṣa - Naga] is Therefore, abad place for the Moon to be, and not a good time for many things except disciplined spiritual practices which raise Kundalini energy, or intensive sexual exploration within the trusting and monogamous bounds of formal marriage. Otherwise, stay home, chant protective mantra, and read holy books!

  • Zani and Guru are large Graha which travel slowly and remain in a single Nakshatra for a long time. By far the most noticeable effects of any planetary transit will occur when the bhukti of that planet is in effect.

Therefore Zani's behavior in the mansion of His Nakshatra lord is less Generally, important in"newspaper" muhurta and but very definitely important for the client undergoing a Zani bhukti (any mahadasha).

If Zani is bhukti-pat and he is also gochara in Aśleṣa, one may be advised to take special precautions during the one day of each month when Chandra also occupies Aśleṣa (for reasons described above).

However Zani and Budha do not suffer the extremely adversarial relationship of Chandra and Budha, so the auspice for Zani's journey through Aśleṣa on the other 27+ days is generally OK.

Ruling deity Sarpas is devious and potentially deadly, but Zani is by nature conservative and cautious, slow moving and a survivor. The native should be realistic about the dark side of human nature without becoming paranoid. Wisely conserve resources and act cautiously, without succumbing to the coiling, agitated subconscious fears of death and destruction - which is exactly what Sarpas wants.

Remaining alert to strange behaviors in those around him will prevent any untoward consequences. Unless Zani is yuti Chandra in the radix, even on those 1-per-month days of Chandra gochara Aśleṣa, there is no threat of overwhelming terror. Simply remain conservative, cautious, and alert.

  • A positive signification occurs Surya passes through the Nakshatra of Anuradha - Maitra , ruled by graha Zani and deity of Mitra, matters signified by the Sun such as kingship, making broad social policy, receiving state honors etc., are constrained by protocol, public respectability, need to assume a form which is understood by even the lowest people (Zani).

Surya and Zani are planetary enemies. Ruling deity = bhapa = is Mitra, being an aspect of Surya and the very exemplar of compassionate friendliness, is warm and welcoming, appreciative and affectionate in his own house. This is a good time therefore for a person with a strong natal Ravi to accept public honors, attend diplomatic functions, other courtly sorts of behavior, provided they wear the appropriate costume and fully respect the folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the people.

In India, people sometimes do really neurotic divinations to find the precisely right moment to execute a performative statement - e.g., to name a baby or to speak marriage vows = based on the Moon's Nakshatra location.


Although it would be nice to have this level of certainty about coordinating flawlessly with Divine purpose, iMO pure intention of heart is much more influential in guaranteeing a good outcome.

In the west, ifind the biggest value of knowing the Moon and lagna Nakshatra is to understand the esoteric significance of the moment of one's birth.

However, awareness of the transits of the bhukti-pati and Somana the Moon always supports expanded consciousness. Obviously different Ayanamsha will produce different transit tables, so the vexed matter of the ayanamsha must be addressed before predictions can have value.

Separate from muhurta inquiries, naakshatra lords impact all vargas during their time-lordship periods

Exempli gratia, for rising Nakshatra = Mrigashiras - Invaka, ruled by Mangala: Mars gets extra psychic-body power in your chart, similar to the lagnesha's power to structure The earthen body . Natal position of Mars is significant for estimation of emotional vitality, subtle appearance of the aura, ayurvedic constitution with a view toward "moods ", etc.

Mars periods therefore have psycho-emotionally enlivening and energizing qualities which wake up the active psychic identity that occupies the interstitial spaces in The earthen body . This body emanates through The earthen body which is associated with the indriya-lagna and the lagnesha.

For Janma Nakshatra = Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman, ruled by Surya: Sun periods stimulate your psycho-emotional sensitivities, increasing intuitive leadership powers. Natal position of Ravi contributes to overall attunement with life, compassion and acceptance, joie de vivre, etc.

Chanting the planetary mantra of the lord of the janma Nakshatra is always beneficial for self-knowledge, even if that lord owns malefic houses. The mantra of the lord of the janma Nakshatra supports well-being and return to self.


Dear Barbara, naamaste!

Many thanks for the vast and wonderful selection that you have made available. It is indeed a treat for beginners and advanced users alike.

I came across a few reference like 'Navamsha Moon in Aśleṣa' or 'Navamsha moon in X Nakshatra ' and could not comprehend what it means. Aren't navamsha divisions limited upto rashi? We are not familiar to this concept.

For example, my Rashi Lagna is Taurus and Navamsha Lagna is Gemini. Moon occupies Aśleṣa Pada-3 and falls in Aquarius in Navamsha chart.

There isn't really a further division possible, is it? I asked some fellow students of astrology who had the same question. Could you please help.

Warm Regards ... from Mumbai

A: Namaste,

There should be no problem to comprehend that the navamsha Moon will occupy a Nakshatra . The navamsha chart, similar to any varga chart, is a circle of 360 degrees. According to the ancient lunar astrology of na-kshetra , the 360 degrees of The zo-diac can be divided into 27 sub-sections measuring 13 degrees 20 seconds each.

Each 13:20 section is further conventionally divided into four quarters (pada). Naturally, each point on the circle of 360 degrees of the navamsha will fall into one of the 27 Nakshatra padaa. Therefore, the Moon in navamsha will occupy a particular Nakshatra pada. The position of Shukra within dashamamsha< /a> D-10 will also occupy some Nakshatra pada. The position of Rahu in Trimshamsha D-30 will also occupy some Nakshatra pada. Every Shastiamsha D-60 corresponds to some Nakshatra pada.

This match between the solar varga system of 12 bhava and the lunar Nakshatra system of 27 field of Chandra should be quite straightforward.

It may be true that before the computer age, most Jyotiṣika did not wish to take the time to establish the degree of navamsha graha out to two decimal places. Perhaps that is why some do not identify the Nakshatra of graha in the varga charts. But with modern computer software, the calculation of a varga position extended to two decimal places is indeed effortless.

Wishing you best success in Jyotisha studies,

Sincerely, barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya

Q: Namaste Barbara

I was able to create a chart with signs Navamsa Moon in Pisces, Lagna in Aquarius...but not sure which Nakshatra s they actually fall in.

On your website you indicate how the Nakshatras gives clues to understanding subconscious drives, partner needs, etc. If, for example, naavamsa moon was in uttara bhadrapada Nakshatra, would I attract someone who's natal moon falls in Uttara bhadrapada?

Do you find it to be that literal or does it just indicate qualities/behavior? Just curious to understand how it works.

A: Namaste,

For calculating the Nakshatra within the navamsha, just take the degree of the placement and see which Nakshatra it fits into.

For example, your Svamsha using the BT of 0615 in Newport Beach Ca on 29 Sept 1973 = 20 deg 40 sec of Kumbha (Aquarius) = first pada of Purvabhadra - Pegasus.

This sort of calculation must be performed with birth data that is accurate to the minute, so it is much easier to accomplish with reputable computer software. Most village astrologers in India wouldn't want to utilize the Nakshatra of a navamsha position, because it's way too much work to calculate by hand. But with computers, it's a legitimate data point that we can choose to consider.

Nakshatra of Chandra's navamsha refers to a subconscious projection which requires a partner to act it out.

It's not a literal match as you mentioned in the possible example, where an Uttarabhadrapada Chandra in navamsha would attract a partner with Uttarabhadrapada Chandra in Radix or some other specific Uttarabhadrapada match. It's a bit more fuzzy, the way Guna = "mood" = a fuzzy, psycho-poetic concept in Jyotisha.

The human mind is a house of mirrors. Everything reflects everything else. Some reflections are sharp and clear analogies. Others are metaphorical nuanced and logically vague however often emotionally engaged and spiritually resonant.

Often the matching patterns between world-layers are not obvious to us because that match remains hidden in the subconscious. Yet often a new awareness of psychic matching as a mechanism of structuring the universe is ready to emerge into consciousness via the vehicle of the partner's behavior. As always, on inspection, it turns out that the partner's behavior is a mirror of one's own unacknowledged projections. As a qualitative marker, the Nakshatra of any navamsha point signals the type of projection.

For other reasons of Jyotishavidya principle, there often IS a correspondence between the Nakshatra of the navamsha Chandra and partner points such as the partner's kundali indriya-lagna . Basically, we are all looking for the missing jigsaw puzzle pieces which help us to reassemble our conscious selves from the fragmentation of countless lifetimes lost in doubt and despair. Intimate partnerships, even negative ones, each have at least one piece of the puzzle. If they didn't, there wouldn't be enough psychic attraction = akarshana = of matching energy to make the coupling happen.

The Nakshatra system of lunar astrology is older than the solar astrology of signs and houses. Nakshatra vidya goes way way back.

  • Most of the astrological references in the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda, dating to about 1200 BC, are to Chandra-Soma and Nakshatra . Of course, in those texts, the only noticeable purpose of tracking Chandra's movement through the 27 stations of the Moon = to determine whether the king, who is feeding and housing the astrologers, will win the next elephant battle.

  • It may be reasonably assumed, given the 26,500 year time cycle, that 1200 BC was the end of a glorious period which was headed toward several millennia of darkness -- so that what scraps we have left in the old Veda are the merest vestiges of a much grander old Nakshatra system, and not the baby germs of a modern Nakshatra psychology.

That being said, one attractive modern use of Nakshatra position is indeed psychological, particularly the psychology of projected expectations that manifest through a partner (navamsha) or some other exterior setting, rather than via direct personal insight. Chandra, the Moon, rules the huge and complex astral plane - the ocean of emotion. So it does help for comprehension to divide Chandra's vast territory into 27 sections, to look at each of those sections psycho-emotionally in terms of what a person does spiritually and emotionally versus what 100 foot soldiers with spears and a couple of decorated elephants would do with the same set of planetary instructions.

It's a leap from the text we have in the Veda. Yet, it's reasonable to speculate that originally, in the golden ages before the veda-shloka were written down, there was a Nakshatra-based psychological profile inventory and it was used for reading the complex astral lives of ensouled personalities.

Sorry that's a long answer! The short answer = Nakshatra of navamsha = a descriptive, qualitative marker not a quantitative measure . There are indeed quantitative markers in Jyotisha e.g., it is very common to find partner-A's radix Chandra matched with partner-B's Svamsha and/or partner's navamsha Rahu-Ketu axis. But Nakshatra of navamsha is more fuzzy and descriptive, since it indicates an item stored in the subconscious.

Dear madam,

Can you please write an article on how to calculate navamsha lagna nakshatra.


Modern Jyotishavidya software can show the degree of the Svamsha . This might be a software switch that the user must turn ON.

The basic process is to Locate the degree of the navamsha lagna, then match that navamsha-lagna degree to its nakshatra.

It might be helpful for beginners to have a list of the beginning and ending degrees for each of the 108 nakshatra pada. Experienced Jyotiṣika typically have these boundaries memorized.

For example,

a speculative birth-time for the actress and fashion entrepreneur Devdas 1973- drama-fashion Aishwarya Rai + [Mūla-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Mūla] = 01-Nov-1973, 02h35m, in Mangaluru, Karnataka.

Using the speculative 02h35m birth time, the degree of the Svamsha for would be 11deg-12min Kanya. This svamsha degree is located within Hasta Nakshatra, which is known for its homey, comfortable, seasonally routine, rhythmic, ethnocentric, ritually worshipping habits. Since starting her family, ms. Rai has shown a preference for at-home life, enjoying culturally customary rhythms, and following the familiar rituals.


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter ShukraVenus Zani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

Nakshetra Names in Malayalam, sanskritam, and Tamil





2 Bharani - Yamya

3. Karthika

4. Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

5 makyiram

6 thiruvathira

7. punarthaam

8. puyaam

9 aayilyaam

10 makhaam

11 puraam

12 uthraam

13 athaam

14 chithira

15 chothi

16. -Viśākha am

17 anizhaam

18 thriketta

19 mulaam

20 puradaam

21 uthradaam

22 thiruonaam

23 avittaam

24 chathayaam

25 pururuttathi

26 uthruttathi

27 revathy

1. Aśvini

2. Bharani - Yamya

3. Kṛttikā - Pleyades

4. Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

5. Mrigashirshana

6. Ardra = Arudhra

7. Punarvasu

8. Pushya

9. Aśleṣa

10. Magha

11. Purva Phalguni

12. Uttara Phaguni

13. Hasta

14. Chitra

15. Svati

16. -Viśākha

17. Anuradha

18. Jyeshtha

19. Moola

20. Pūrvāṣāḍhā

21. Uttarāṣāḍha

22. Śrāvaṇa

23. Dhaniṣṭha

24. Varuna

25. Purva Bhadrapada

26. Uttara Bhadrapada

27. Revati

1. Aśvini

2. Bharani - Yamya

3. Karthigai

4. Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

5. Mrigasheersham

6. Thiruvathirai

7. Punarpoosaam

8. Pooyaam

9. Aayilyaam

10. Makaam

11. Pooraam

12. Uthiraam

13. Hasthaam

14. Chithirai

15. Swaathi

16. -Viśākha am

17. Anushaam

18. Kettai

19. Moolaam

20. Pooraadaam

21. Uthiraadaam

22. Thiruvonaam

23. Avittaam

24. Chathayam = Sadayaam

25. Poorattathi

26. Uthirattathi

27. Revathi