Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga
OM shum shukraya namah OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah शुक्र śukra / शुक्ल śukla Professor Shukra सित sita = white color, pale, lustrous श्वेत śveta = white color भृगुज bhṛgu Bhrigu = the bright one षोडशार्चिस् ṣoḍaś-ārcis = 16-rayed दैत्यगुरु daitya-guru / असुरगुरु asura-guru = grower of demons occupies Mithuna - Jaimini मिथुन mithuna
= pair, couple, copulate, twins
jituma = Greek δίδυμοι didymoi
= couple, pair, two-by-two
= yoked-pair, double, brace-embrace Venus - Venera
Freya - Frigg Zuhra - Ishtara Ashatarra Aphrodite Phosphoros - Heosphoros Lucipheros [Lucifer] = bringer of light Morgensteorra - Aefensteorra Vesper - Mathusias - Dianna - Inanna - Nin-si-anna Nogah - Ba'ah - Seba-djai - Delebat - Jingxing occupies Gemini Jaimini Dvi - Twins gracious and loquacious ruled by friendly Budha
Green Tara Kathmandu courtyard style c. 2010 |
" If Venus be posited in his own Rashi or in Mithuna, the native will be infatuated by love." ~~ Jatakalankara, Sarga- Shloka-20 |
EXAMPLES [Shukra-1] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] entertaining vidya-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [embodies gracious conversational political diplomacy]
[Shukra-2] --- [svabhava] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [inimical-imbalanced rogesha for Urisha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [preserves gracious conversational diplomacy] kept, remembered, voiced, historical arrangements [2, capital assets, historical knowledge]
[Shukra-3] [banking-conserving dhana-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] [bargaining-balancing jaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [announces gracious conversational diplomacy] messaging, communicative arrangements
[busy-messaging sahaja-pati for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [secures gracious conversational diplomacy] [enjoys talking in the home] [balanced domestic discussions] smoothly gestures in the customary style] occult property finance] [courteously explains hidden household arrangements] childhood home often shifts yet nicely decorated] [pleasantly communicative yet secretive mother] [Shukra-5] [Yogakaraka philosophical-believing dharmesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka homebound-anchoring bandesha for Kumbha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [enjoys talking with students] [balanced political discussions] [pleasantly communicative displays of intelligence] [prefers creativity in a businesslike style] [chatty gesturing romance] [bargains to manage gracious financial speculation] [likes to play detailed games] [aesthetic appreciation for dramatic dialog] [mentally curious children-and-students may make idealistic political announcements]
[Shukra-6] [Yogakaraka dutiful karmesha for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Yogakaraka creative-displaying vidya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [assists gracious conversational diplomacy] [self-medication] imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, toxic arrangements public reputation for diplomatic service, balance-seeking ministry
[Shukra-7] --- [svabhava] [inimical-medicating rogesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful labha-pati for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [partnering gracious conversational diplomacy] [lifemate may be a mercantile attorney-advocate-bargainer-broker] conversational relationships]
[Shukra-8] -- [Vimala Yoga] [bargaining-balancing yuvati-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [retreating-enclosed vyaya-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [graciously undisclosed conversational interventions] [enjoys esoteric talks on occult topics] [camouflaged discussions can process balanced agreements] [smoothly gestures using secretly initiated signals] opaque partnership transactions in contractual finance] courteously explains hidden emergency arrangements] [pleasantly transformative collaborative workgroups] [aesthetic taste for catastrophizing information delivery] chatty businesslike shrouded superficially reciprocating in-laws] [skillful handling of terrifying news announcements] [sensually rejuvenating coupled relationships] in husbandly nativity, wifely companion may be undercover merchant, identity-changing communicator, suavely cooperative team-mate]
[Shukra-9] [energizing-identifying lagnesha for Tulā indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [philosophically gracious conversational diplomacy] [enjoys talking about global topics] international equity discussions seek balanced agreement] [smooth gestures confer hidden patronage] [identified with occluded financial bargaining] courteously explains occult sacerdotal arrangements] [skillfully delivered doctrinal messaging for sangha believers] taste for ideologically transformative process] [aesthetic of philosophical description] [pleasantly communicative father may be wise yet undisclosing]
[conserving-acquiring dhana-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna ] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Kanya indriya-lagna ] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [dignified gracious conversational diplomacy] [enjoys talking about governance topics] [public policy discussions seek balanced wording] [smoothly gestures in the recognized normal style] detailed management of standardized contractual finance] media-messaging reports on reputation for music, finance, art, feminine relationships] [courteously explains hierarchical supervised arrangements] [enjoys handling tasteful decorations in photographed environments] [preference for elegantly scripted process] [pleasantly communicative professional roles] [sweetly neighborly womenfolk may have seniority in information-delivery tasks] [suavely announcing feminine partners hold respected rank in commercial music or artistic administration]
[dutiful-hierarchical karmesha for Simha indriya-lagna] [busy-messaging vikrama-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [friendly gracious conversational diplomacy] [pleasantly luxurious fundraising networks] [earnings from media-messaging publication] [financial gain from valuable public reputation]
[homebound-anchoring bandesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] friendly-profitable labha-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Shukra's suavely announcing, sweetly described, mutually informative dialogs [invisibly gracious conversational diplomacy]
Sweet Pleasures of Conversational Narrative Mentality
Shukra-Mithuna expresses appreciation of:
Shukra-Mithuna expresses an aesthetic of
Aesthetic appreciation for documentarians, reporters, craftspeople, writers, note-takers, instructors, secretaries The pleasure-communicator. SHUKRA-MITHUNA = SORT BY NAKSHATRA-PADA
[Mriga-3] = Tula aesthetic = diplomacy, reciprocity, brokerage, balancing, advocacy, representation, bargains, equity, arrangements, brokerage, trade [Shukra in svakshetra of Shukra, enriching]
[Mriga-4] = Vrischika aesthetic = secrecy, discovery, danger, death-and-rebirth, emergency, trauma-healing, shocking revelation, rejuvenation, transformation
[Arudra-1] = Dhanus aesthetic = beliefs, righteous convictions, patronage, preaching, theory, ideology, sacred teachings, public spiritual guidance, life-philosophy, worldview
[Arudra-2] = Makara aesthetic = governance, institutions, heightened regulatory responsibility, social order, hierarchy, bureaucracy, formality
[Arudra-3] = Kumbha aesthetic = networks, socializing, fundraising, systems, populism, mass-participation, economies, ecologies, communities, achievements
[Arudra-4] = Meena aesthetic = navamsha Shukra-Meena-uchcha = philanthropy, symbolism, interior-mind expansion, private spiritual guidance, imagination, dreamworld [Shukra in uchcha-Antya-navamsha = guiding, enriching intuition] In a husbandly nativity, much benefit from the beautifully harmonious musical-artistic wifely companion
[Punarvasu-1 = Arya] = Mesha aesthetic = competition, supremacy, birth, new-start, forward-push, championship, dominance, vitality, innovation, engineering, contest, sexual pursuit, conquest
[Punarvasu-2 = Vrishabha] = Urisha aesthetic = memory, music, voice-face, storytelling, language, historical knowledge, values, finance, natural-resources, collections, sensual pleasure, luxury [Shukra in svakshetra of Shukra = artistic, enriching]
[Punarvasu-3 = Mithuna] [vargottamsha] = d ouble-Mithuna aesthetic = communication, publication, announcement, explanation, business, information delivery, media-messaging, conversation, cohort, scripts, publicity, dialog
Mithuna a rashi of Budha is a hospitable location for sugar-loving Shukra. Typically Shukra-Mithunahas a pleasant voice (Mithuna natural ruler of 2nd-from-2nd).
Sexual [Shukra] communication is diversified, articulated. Mirrored, partnered, dualized, replicated, and compartmentalized. Shukra-Mithunadoes not however guarantee affection for siblings-cousins.
Shukra-Mithuna = beautiful hands, arms, and shoulders. Sweetening Shukra lives in Mithuna-style harmony with language, conversations , character details, agood plotline, cultural diversity, all varieties of literature, philosophical arguments, small-group chat, compare-and-contrast discussion. Enjoys reading and writing, hearing lectures, interactive traveling with local flavor, and lifelong learning in all branches of knowledge.
In Mithuna, shukra's treasure-and-pleasure acquisition behaviors take on a variety of Budha-like communicative characteristics, and the native tends to have a persuasive style of engagement in human sensual-pleasure relationships. These folk speak politely, even under duress. One enjoys the art of conversation, and tends to be quite talkative in human company. (The content of the talk is determined by bhava.) To please Shukra-Mithuna, invite one to join an interesting trip, where they can learn, absorb, and converse in several languages and codes of custom. Introduce them to interesting, literate people. Praise their sophisticated and discriminating perceptiveness. And above all keep them engaged in conversation! [Shukra-Tanu-1] [pleasure from the coupling of two or more personalities or appearances. Enjoys a narrative of The earthen body . Much gracious writing, articulating, gesturing, conversation, presentation or publication regarding the themes of identityand vitality.
[Shukra in bhava-2] [pleasure from the coupling of two or more remarriages, animal herds, seed banks, financial accounts, libraries, databases, stories, songs, sounds, faces or voices. Much gracious writing, conversation, presentation or publication regarding the themes of storage, family lineage, collections, and values.
[Shukra in bhava-3] [pleasure from the coupling of two or more publications, announcements, messages, instructions, sibling-cousins. Much gracious writing, conversation, presentation or publication regarding these narratives of mentality, gesturing, signaling, and communication. Enjoys business conversation.
[Shukra in bhava-4] [enjoyment from the coupling of two or more shelters, homelands, cars, boats, schools, diplomas or licenses . Delights in schooling, basic literacy. Much gracious writing, conversation, presentation or publication regarding these foundational communicative skills.
[Shukra in bhava-5] [pleasure from expressions of unique individual creative intelligence, from the coupling of two or more students or lovers delights in dramatic literature, romantic idealism, political narrative, photography or personal imagery, theatrical conversation or celebrity publications.
[Shukra in bhava-6] [enjoyment from the coupling of two or more argument or litigation, conflicts or medications, servants and employees. Much gracious writing and conversation regarding these narratives of accusation, conflict, injustice, betrayal, litigation, divorce, illness, addiction, pollution, and exploitation.
[Shukra in bhava-7] [pleasure from the coupling of two or more contractual or sexual partnerships, and much gracious writing, conversation, presentation or publication regarding these narratives of bargaining, deal-making, match-making, agreement, trust, and arrangement.
[Shukra in bhava-8] [Vimala Yoga] Masculine natitivies often express their Shukra patterns via the feminine-figures in their environment. Enjoyment from the coupling of two or more secret relationships or hidden liaisons. Pleased by writing, conversation, publication. Harmonious lecturer and presenter on topics of trauma and sudden identity-change. Undisclosed attraction toward secretaries and information managers. Feminine nativities enjoy writing on occult subjects, announcing discoveries, explaining catastrophic events, or describing secret information.
[Shukra in bhava-9] [enjoyment from the coupling of two or more doctrines, theories, philosophies, ideologies, scope of beliefs and sangha of believers . Much gracious writing, conversation, presentations or publications regarding these narratives of belief.
[Shukra in bhava-10] [pleasure from the coupling of two or more professions or leadership roles. Financial writing, public conversation, communicative presentation, or publication regarding these narratives of executive decision-making and elite high-visibility positions. The public performance specializes in Shukra-related topics such as music (esp singing) women, beauty, balancing, arranging, trusts and treaties, agreements, material treasury, visible display of relationship status, pleasures, attractions * akarshana
[Shukra in bhava-11] [enjoyment from the coupling of two or more sources of marketplace income or community networks , and gracious conversation about this social-economic distribution system.
[Shukra-12] rules 4 + 11 A protective personality who prefers to have a hermitage, private retreat, or place of quietude. Escape into delightfully sexualized conversations and a private sanctuary of encoded communication. There is often a sibling "twinning" quality to the intimate relationships. Feminine partners tend to be graciously invisible arrangers, interpreters, managers, and explainers. Private signals and a two-faced public-private arrangement permits long-term management of extra-marital affairs [12] disposed to feel the pleasure of talkative enclosure. Aesthetic of invisible transactions, the busy bedroom, the scheduling of arrangements - away from the preying eyes of the public. Property, security, friendships, and revenues result from Shukra-related matters such as finance, diplomacy, brokerage, middleman-meddler, bargaining, match-making. Most of the economic dealings are unidentifiable to the public. Yet the results of behind-the-scenes negotiation are tangibly beneficial for real-estate [4] and marketplace [11] roles. enjoyment from the coupling of two or more spirit guides or sanctuary-spaces , from managing two or more psychic discourses, and much gracious private conversation regarding affairs invisible to the public.
Balance Polarity Asana
Contracts and Alliances in matters of communications media. Can be a gifted attorney or mediator in the communications industry . |
![]() Arbo Magnoli |
Marriage and Partnership:
When Shukra occupies the gossipy, descriptive, explanatory, gesturing, instructional rashi of Mithuna, the mental model for marriage harmony = youthful, mercurial, and above all talkative. From the perspective of Shukra-Mithunain a husbandly nativity,
She is associated with communications skills and technologies, with a natural gift for writing and instruction.
Gracious style of cooperative teamwork, witty remarks, knowledge of current affairs, enjoyment of matching and pairing
For the female,
Male or female or in-between, the native is not exclusively physically oriented in the sexual expression. One appreciates that sexual relationship = a form of intimate conversation .
One seeks to partner [Shukra] with those who are bi-lingual or multi-cultural, like a sibling, atwin, mercurial communicators, witty and conversational, can talk to anybody, good planners and organizers, team-players, can tell a good story, skillful writers , painters, handy, tool-users, involved in the publications, media, or travel industry; those who dislike top leadership roles and careerism , who disregard rigid social rules and conventions; who can think out of the box (Mithuna = 6th-from-Makara).
Loves verbal-sexual interaction: not only physical, but also the non-physical bonding levels of intimate exchange. |
Pleasure Experiences and Preferred Tastes |
from conversation and narrative-sharing behaviors, frequent and varied communications; romance by email Or letter multi-lingual Or multi-cultural sexual relationships loving actions of the hands, arms, and shoulders may be attracted to the lover's hands,
seeing the colors sparkling emerald green and all crystalline jewel colors short journeys such as holidays or tours with the beloved |
The female with Shukra-Mithuna = values relationships and environments that contain = and appreciate in herself the qualities of = |
Treasury -attracting activities and investments |
Treasury produced via:
Mithuna = 6th from Makara-Draco Shukra-Mithuna dislikes
: |
Shukra-Mithuna in a husbandly nativity may indicate a preference for a spousal partner who displays Mithuna attributes who is a brilliant conversationalist
who has lovely arms, hands, shoulders
Able to work easily with nearly any team, in nearly any social environment who enjoys the two-ness of things, with a tolerance for "hyphenated identities ", rationalizing duplicity and the forked tongue who sees all narrative, whether public or private, as a story-line; likes to hear others ell their stories who is flexible, open-minded, likes meeting and starting relationships with new people from a variety of social backgrounds who dresses in hues of green and wears silver ornaments More details about the male's taste can be derived from knowing the two bhava which Shukra will rule from lagna and from Chandra. For example, the masculine nativity with Mithuna Shukra in context of a Mesha indriya-lagna and Meena Chandra.
Financial well-being, sensual beauty, and luxury-attracting activities and investments conversation, public speaking, information delivery, messaging, publications
communication skills training = chatting, sexual exchanges, wandering talkatively among the people
arms, hands, shoulders = gesticulating, articulation, demonstrations
pleasure from the use of words - speaking, orating, announcing
delight in writing + explaining in a conversational style =
QUOTATION from Das / Behari WRT Shukra-Mithuna " ... gives name and fame
[end quote] |
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![]() [How Readings Work] -- [Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendationn] -- [Seva] |
file update = 15-Feb-2025
Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |