Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga
Lakshmi statue -- from
the learning classroom of dhanasthāna-2 = ruled by Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu dvadamsha 12 portions of bhava-2 Ruler of dhanasthāna = dhana-pati in the 12 bhava Vimshottari Periods of the Rulers of Bhava-1-to-12
history = Stories = Storage = restoration = restaurant Memory = Treasury = Library knowledge = gnosis = language = lineage mouth = tongue = teeth = voice = Speech = Song = Sound hoard = herd = hold = heap = keep historical record = registration - tradition = testament = testimony = attestation 2nd-from -any-lagna = 2nd-from-Chandra public face of the second marriage [if any]
OM shum shukraya namah OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah Learning Pathway 2 heritage & storage कोशागारkośā-gāra = cask, case, treasury, storehouse कुटुम्बkuṭumba = family, household, relation by descent कुलkula = clan, tribe, race, flock, herd धन dhana = capital, surplus, valuables, storage शुक्रगृह śukra-gṛha = a house of Shukra natural ruler = Shukra One's relationship to the mental objects of money, worth, beauty The Holdings storage - history - restoration [restaurant] the keep - the cup - the coop - the scoop the herd - the hoard - the hold collection - containment - reservoir memory = naming collection - recollection the clan = genetics Treasury - the chest - banking money, moveable property, cattle feoh, fee values = worth, worth-ship (attributing value to an object = worship) WORD, TONE, TUNE memory - rememberance testament = tradition = telling = tales vocabulary = language Speech = Song = Saying = Sound = Spells story, history, storage, restoration lineage, legacies, legends savings family heritage genetic conduction preservation - reservation libraries - databases - museums conservation of values dhanesha-treasurer-2 hoards, banking, asset containment, collections, conservation, preservation, traditional knowledge via history, languages, remembered songs arts, beauty, mouth-face-teeth, heritage values, sense pleasures repositories of cultural heritage
World Memory Register |
Wealth consists not in having great possessions,
but in having few wants. —Epictetus |
“There are people who have money and people who are rich.” - Coco Chanel |
"The languages are the sheath in which the sword of the Spirit is contained." ~~ Protestant Reformation 1483-1549 Martin Luther |
" Shakyamuni Buddha and the Glorious Heap of Fruition Temple" (dhanyakataka) [depicts the location in So India where Buddha Shakyamuni "Brilliance of the World" delivered the first Kalachakra empowerment to his students] = Collection of Rubin Museum of Art -- |
" Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed." ~~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869 - 1948) |
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich." ~~ Lao Tzu |
Psalm 104:15
[King James Bible, published 1611-CE] "...and wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengtheneth man's heart." |
" The root function of language is to control the universe by describing it." ~~James Baldwin, Stranger in the Village |
Old Path White Clouds 1926-2022 Interbeing Thich Nhat Hanh " If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors . All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people." |
Regional names for Bhava-2
BPL comment:
The paradigm of beliefwhich results in worship = investment with WORTH = -- toward external objects, ideas, powers, deities, people -- is founded in bhava-6 imbalance. Bhava-2 treasuries of WORTH and value = 9th (belief) from 6 (servitude, slavery). Worship is a form of materialistic belief that is anchored in the artha trine 2-6-10, and perpetuated by the agents of 2 (family, hoarders) 6 (enslavers, exploiters) and 10 (governments, rulers). English etymology for Worship from Old English woršscip, wuršscip (Anglian), weoršscipe (West Saxon) " condition of being worthy, honor, renown,"
Sense of "reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being" is first recorded c.1300. The original sense is preserved in the title worshipful (c.1300). |
Enjoying a coffee treat from the Pera Museum in Istanbul |
Kinship = relatives in bhava-2 maternal great-grandfather
Gospel of Matthew 19:21-22 "Jesus said unto him,
and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful:
"I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that." ~~ dramatist Lauren Bacall |
Topics of Bhava-2
dhanakaraka = Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu store-holds, store-keeping, storage, stories, historical knowledge, restoration, skandha, shakya, stash, stocks, heaps of stuff Values, money, food, speech: sensual pleasures, wealth, dematerialization, hoards and collections, banking, food, mouth, teeth, face, sight, Opinions, second spouse, family history , traditions, knowledge of history and languages, oral history, second marriage The treasury : accumulation of moveable wealth = Capital + cattle Skandha : hoards of value, accumulation, acquisition, storage, history , memory, money, collections of value, records, libraries, archives values, opinions, knowledge , beauty, face, mouth, teeth, voice, Eyes and Reading food, language, speech and song Death: saturation of the sense-experience store-hold agencies of capital acquisition and banking. Capital includes "cultural capital" = knowledge-assets handed down through the social-class lineages dhanapathi dhanapati-2 in 12 bhava 12 bhava-pati in bhava-2Bhava-2 Angles to the 12 sthāna bhava-2 [Sweetly Suave Shukra] Shukra and Addictions - Shukra Main Page |
Effect: Brings stability of caretaking property, parenting, teaching/training, and nurturing the roots into this domain. dhanapati-2 shows the Application of one's educational training , and is benefic. Along with bhava-4, shows foundational material and psychological conditions Of the childhood home.
Emotional conditions prevailing in childhood home, see also lord of the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning [4th-from-Chandra] (but this is more accurately the Mother's childhood home, which Mom then recreates as a familiar culture, when raising her child .) Fourth-from-dhanapati-2 Traditionally, graha located in 4th-from-Shukra are considered to give less benevolent results during Shukra bhukti.
Etymology of English word " Lecture " from
Dhammapada , 24.19 " For one who has abandoned craving and is free from grasping, who is skilled in etymology and terms, knowing the groupings and sequences of letters, this is the final birth. This one is called the Great Being, the Great Sage." |
Vocabulary for
कोशागार kośā [kosha] = cup, cask, case, cover
Physical-Sensual indications of dhanabhava-2 Food - Mouth - Teeth - Teeth, jaw, tongue - Voice (speech) = Eyes Hair = Facial features = ears (hearing) = Death = Physical family = Clothes / costume = Modes of Hoarding and Preserving |
Mental-Social indications of dhanabhava-2 Relationship to Family Conserved Resources (Capital) Method of Earning - see also labhasthana public acclaim in performance arts Loss of literacy 12th-from-3 or deterioration of Hearing |
Psycho-Spiritual indications of dhanabhava-2 = Aesthetics Artistic Values adversarial to theoretical knowledge (6th-from-9th) = sensualdata-truths conflict with temple discourse, ideologies or principles of doctrine |
Emotional-Family indications of dhanabhava-2 |
BPHS Sarga 11: 3. Indications of Dhana Bhava: " Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, dematerialization, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through Dhana Bhava." |
Example bhava-2 environments activities experiences persons
Vocabulary for Dhana-bhava QUOTATION from ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon dhana
: | ||
Capital"Capital" "c.1225, from L. capitalis " of the head ," from caput (gen. capitis)"head." |
"The second house stands for wealth, finance and hereditary position" Das | ||
American Heritage Dictionary =lemma Capital
" Of or relating to financial assets,
especially being or related to those financial assets that add to the net worth of a business:" |
Madhya Parashari,
Second house (Dhana Bhava) stands for Wealth; Happiness, pleasure, truthfulness, speech, right eye etc. |
Madhya Parashari, ch 4, shloka-15-16. "Sukha-graha in the Dhana Bhava grant affluence." |
Sankheta Nidhi,
From the second house should be found out all about goods, precious stones, wealth minerals etc. possessed by the native and also about his friends. |
- Sarga-11,
Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through Dhana Bhava. |
BPHS Sarga-7,
Whatever results are to be known from ... Dhana ... should also be known from ... The 2nd... from Chandra. |
V. S. Apte, Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary , p. 552 Dhanam =
"Dhanam accruals = skandha =
Lord of Dhana Bhava = "Shri Vishnu" the sustainer of the radix who brings the key supports of food, family, and finance. = Food, wealth, collections, speech, face, knowledge, death =
" Jupiter must be the karaka for language.
the second house indicates speech.
the second house and Jupiter are the most important factors for judging linguistic capabilities." |
Modes of Hoarding and Preserving: Containers and Rupa (forms) for valuable goods and conserved knowledge:
Vriddhi-pati-11 is a primary indicator of method of earning, i.e, new wealth coming in. dhanapati-2 is a primary indicator of hoarding, existing wealth in storage. dhanapati-2 coordinated with Vriddhi-pati-11 is a powerful dhana yoga.
The precise methods used for earning and hoarding will be known through the character of dhanapati-2 and vriddhi-pati-11 .
vidya-pati-5 coordinated with Dharmesha-9 is also a powerful dhana yoga ~~ but the means and methods are quite different. Putra bhava and dharma bhava are"bhagya" (fortune , bhaga) houses which derive their happiness from"poorva poonya" - credit from good works accomplished in parallel lives . vidya-pati-5 wealth is accomplished through personal genius, which is really the native 's ability to channel divine intelligence. vidya-pati-5 handles one's wealth in a highly ethical fashion (the stronger is the connection of Surya vis-ą-vis Vidyapthi-5, the more ethical). Dharmesha-9 grants the ultimate wealth empowerment, which does not involve earning, hoarding, or gambling. The treasuries derived from Dharmesha-9 is best described by
" Success is not to be measured by how much treasuries is possessed, but whether you are able to create at will what you need." |
BPHS, sarga-13, shloka-12 " If Dhana lord is endowed with strength, the native will possess beautiful eyes." |
Favorable occupants and aspects to dhana bhava gives strong straight clean teeth; a well formed mouth with soft, full lips; and clear, truthful speech. Moral and aesthetic values as well as vocal tone are pleasingly elegant. Wealth accrues naturally as the fruit of his labor. The native intrinsically appreciates his wealth, and thereby gains happiness from it -- whatever its comparative value.
QUOTATION from B.V. Raman 300 Important Conbinations #166 - #169:
Sumukha Yoga
[ [BPL note: Gopuramsha = graha occupies a favorable rashi in 4 out of 7 varga.] " Definition:
Results: The subject will have an attractive and smiling face. Remarks: Speech, eyes and facial appearance are all signified by the 2nd house.
QUOTATION from B.V. Raman 300 Important Conbinations #166 - #169:
Durmukha Yoga
[ " Definition.
Results. The person will have an ugly or repulsive face and he becomes angry and irritable. Remarks:The intensity of beauty or ugliness of the face depends upon the good or evil influences which have reference to the 2nd house.
More family history from Dhana Bhava
Skandha / Personal Character / Values Skandha = heap Bhava-2 indicates the lineage values-fulfillment which shape the social character. Dhanabhava may form the repository of the huge heap of psychic constructs which define and structure the mind. The psychic structure is generated by a pile-up of imprintsleft on the field of the subconscious by past experiences. In English, the word character comes from the Greek kharakter meaning an engraved mark . (From kharax meaning pointed stake.) Character means the traits which are engraved= carved into the personality. Any parent may attest that children show individual character almost from the first moment of birth. The elaborate psychic structure which contains the vast accrual of past-life and developing present-life experiences is represented by dhana-bhava, the house of treasury acrrual . The individual's moral and aesthetic values, speech patterns, family lineage, knowledge of historical tradition, treasuries - even his hair and nails! - are considered outflowings = "Śrāvaṇa" of his enormous subconscious accumulation of past Learning Pathway experience. By default the subconscious creates a massive network of unexamined presumptions, expectations, automatic actions and reactions, etc., until its material comes to conscious attention. At this point of awareness the samskara / carvings / character can begin to be intentionally changed. |
Family narrative, source of values and lineage identity the second most basic form of financial well-being is belonging within the family, and the social identity we develop through speech communication within the family. Dhana rules family blood lines, our early childhood, and acquisition of primary moral and aesthetic values. We learn what to eat, what to say, how to treat each other - from not only parents and siblings but also the larger tribal unit, including grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, house servants, etc. Social cooperation, recognition of worthiness, and verbal support from the extended family is a basic signification of dhana bhava.
If dhana bhava and its lord are well-supported, expect harmonious conditions within the family, ensuring the transmission of historic lineage values-fulfillment = both valuable goods and conserved knowledge. Malefic drishti upon dhana bhava indicates lack of agreement within the family line which may interrupt or thwart the transmission of lineage values-fulfillment via the family. What if the family line is not functioning well? Is treasury access thus unavailable for the lifetime? As the saying goes "when God closes a door, He opens a window" . Shukra = easy. If the family line is not very easily channeling treasure due to blockage from a damaged Shukra, compromise of the dhanapati-2, or malefic graha residing in dhanabhava, one typically seeks alternative methods of obtainment. Alternative paths are definitely available! Knowledge of history and languages, songs and stories, material capital and cultural capital, herds and hoards, can all be obtained via alternative methods including 2nd-from-2nd, 8th-from-Shukra, 8th-from-dhanapati-2, and more. However, the "next step" (8th-from) rebirth methods require more effort than Shukra's easy default path of simply being born into a lineage. Alternative self-initiated rebirth methods of values acquisition include apprentice craft training (3 = 2nd-from-2nd), second marriage (2), and philosophical indoctrination (9 = 8th from 2) inter alia. |
History and Tradition
Songs, telling tales, epic narratives, bardic poetry Lineage knowledge transferred down the pipeline via arts of memory Dhana includes all the core traditional values passed through the family line. How to treat the land, and how to treat each other. How to remember the ancestors, through songs and stories. How to celebrate the passage of time.
Face, Speech, talking
Shukra in dhanastana gives a beautiful face (and a nice voice), although the type of beauty depends very much on rashi and drishti. |
Enemies of the paradigm of belief 2 = 6th from 9th
2 = 8th-from-7th dhana bhava shows players and circumstances which create the transformation point = end-of-cycle of the first marriage; possibly also beginning of cycle for the second marriage.
The first spouse's fantasies and long foreign journeys, being 12th-from-7th = the native 's bhava-6, are a source of conflict and animosity by default. These defaults can be corrected if the native has auspicious 6th or 8th houses, but Generally, the downside of the first marriage is established by seeing what houses become dushthamsha from the 7th. If a second marriage is indicated, look to bhava-2 for its public face. (Look to navamsha -2 for its private face.) Using bhava-2 as lagna , see which houses become subha-sthāna and which become dushthamsha. bhava-2 is lagna for the second spouse. Therefore, ceteris paribus, we attract a 2nd-marriage partner who is less our opposite (7), and more shares the culture and experience of our early childhood (7). The naturally auspicious kendra houses counting from dhana bhava are bhava-5, bhava-8, and bhava-11. Thus, children and personal creativity; healings - including shared finances of marriage; and gains/friendships, are all by default enhanced in the second lifepartnership . The natural dushthamsha within the 2nd marriage become
As always, if these dusthamsha-from-2nd are occupied by beneficent graha, receive helpful drishti, then the Learning Pathway experience of spouse's previous partners, or religious sanction, or dissolution of tangible identity can be highly favorable. To evaluate the second lifepartnership and timing of second marriage, Jyotiṣika will consider:
Physical dematerialization = Death A major duty in the portfolio of Dhana bhava and the dhanapati-2 is to ensure that, according to the script of the incarnational intent, something must die so that something else may live.
Compare 2nd house to 8th house randhra bhava. bhava-8 shows the circumstances of one's own decease, not the timing. as ruler of 2nd-from-7th, the lord of Randhra can show timing of dematerialization of first spouse, final cessation of contracts and agreement, termination of negotiation processes that signals the death of a relationship, etc.
Timing of the spirit's departure from the physical vehicle is known by time-lordship of dhanapati-2+ yuvati-pati-7 , lord of 2nd-from-Moon and 7th-from-Moon . 2nd-from any house can indicate saturation of matters in that house. Saturation indicates that one's complete agenda regarding matters of that house has been fully accomplished and permission to move to a new energy body has been earned. |
or catastrophic change in contractual arrangements bhava-2 = 8th from 7th Vimshottari Periods dhanapati-2 = a significant timing agent for divorce and the announced transformation-point of established relationships. Circumstances of dhanapati-2 timing for divorce are such that one has exhausted all options for further negotiation in the current partnership = and = based on that fixed state of saturation or terminal non-movement in the discourse of the original partnership, has already initiated another relationship. When divorce or final separation occurs during a period of dhanapati-2, the lagna of bhava-8 [death point of negotiations] has already manifested a new relationship, so that the 7th-from-8th has already materialized. This is a divorce in which the native has already connected with"someone else" . (Something has died and something now lives.) rogesha-6
Performance arts
of voice,
song, eyes:
mouth, teeth, eyes, voice, speech, song, hair, face = benefits from dhana bhava Value, value, value
2 = 10th-from-5th. From the nativities of those who enjoy a strong dhana bhava, there emerge historians, priests, singers, artists, bankers, cooks. These natives serve as curators of the ancient hoardsin food, cintamani = mani = money , songs, tales, works of art, values, recorded images, traditions, truths.
Mahabharata Shanti Parva 217.17 " Physical penance (tapas) means celibacy and non-violence. Mental penance is restraint of the mind and speech." |
If Dhanasthāna be challenged by catalysis Food and Stored Nutrients There may be insufficient or poorly prepared or overly preserved or non-nutritious food (2) . One may ingest improperly prepared food (spoiled, chemically altered, or otherwise damaged) and other poisons through the mouth. Depending on the specific malefic influence: Shani will delay but does not destroy. Kuja is aggressive and can kill. Rahu is hungry and demonic. Ketu is passive and inert.
If Dhanasthāna =
challenged by catalysis
Finance May suffer chronic financial problem-sets due to insufficient hoarding skills or from adversarial or self-destructive beliefs about hoarded resources. Special attention to the shad-ashtaka 6/8 angle from bhava-2 which is bhava-9. Graha in 9 and dharma-pati can indicate the source of financial insufficiency.. These folks just cannot save money. Typically one is born into a family line that does not have a lineage tradition of treasuries development; this lineage cannot transmit wealth values to their children. A less benevolent or blocked dhanabhava-2 may suggest being born into a lineage of ignorance and poverty = = for the purpose of learning how to emerge (8) from it = = . |
If Dhanasthāna be afflicted
Knowledge Acquisition of knowledge may be slowed or blocked, depending on the nature of the damage.
" One should be careful in speech, restrained in one's thoughts and do no wrong with one's body." ~~ Pema Chodron
If Dhanasthāna be afflicted
If Shani in bhava-2 causes resistance to acquisition, the situation will improve with the passage of Time. The accumulation of experience provides chronological and moral maturity , which eventually re-creates historic values.
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