OM hrim krom aim grhanathaya budhaya svaha AUM som somaya namah
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala ruled by instructional, conversational Budha ProfessorChandra चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator resides in Pushan - Pusa - Pausa Paushna - Pashupati Lord of the Animals comforted by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretations, wise familiar lyrics, soothing dreamlike songs, ancient folk narratives protector of poetic interpretation emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid conferred by the races of Zeta Piscium the shepherd, the ferryman, the bow swain dancers, singers, musicians, way-showers * the pied piper Deep emotional need to guide others via poetic word and gesture |
Madhuca Indica = Honey Tree Sacred to Revati Nakshatra |
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Nakshatra Trine of blarney Professor Budha provide an emotionalized infusion of caretaking, sheltering, rhythmic, familiar, ethno-cultural sensitivity into bantering Budha's activities, such as
See also: Chandra in a nakshatra of Budha Each of the Budha-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with the other chatty, instructional, descriptive, evangelical, explanatory Budha-ruled Communicators
Revati Nakshatra
Pada (quarter) Pada-1 = Dhanus Pada-2 = Makara Pada-3 = Kumbha Pada-4 = Meena [double, super-Meena] |
EXAMPLES [optimistic-ideological Revatī-Pashu-1] [navamsha Chandra-Dhanus] intuitively sensitive inspirational principled doctrinally guided feelings
[governing-hierarchical Revatī-Pashu-2] [navamsha Chandra-Makara-Draco] intuitively sensitive class-conscious ranked status lawfully ordered feelings
[socializing-gridworked Revatī-Pashu-3] [navamsha Chandra in Kumbha ] intuitively sensitive to revenue profitability, mass-market populist distributive egalitarian feelings
26:40 until 30:00 Meena] [visionary-charitable Revatī-Pashu-4] [vargottamsha] -- [Gandanta location] [navamsha Chandra-Meena] intuitively sensitive contemplative vision
Messenger of Path and Direction Typically gifted in music and performing arts [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] soothed by wayfaring rhythms * protector of poetic interpretation * needs to feel wisely dreamlike = Meeting on the Path- connection, growth and increase Budha-Guru-Pushan
Revatika the Instructor = a talking guide Lyrical writers
Parents [Chandra] are often favorable to performing musicians and dancers
Also consider these musical performers who have Revati radical lagna
Revati the Shepherd loves children, defends the powerless, is quite verbal, often gifted in handcraft such as musical or artistic production, and possessed of a lovely voice with which to call the flocks. A bit of a diva or high-maintenance personality usually due to their high-strung Budha-engine sense of divine mission to guide the masses toward a more wise, more conscious future.
When Revati Chandra is well-supported, one may be properly equipped to complete the mission of providing guidance via modeling of gesture and vocal expression . One's sense of having been specially chosen is generally well acknowledged as there is often some evidence of Revatī-Chandra's genuine ability to guide others as an articulate [Budha] visionary [Meena]. Despite their potentially overbearing diva qualities, their guidance offerings are accepted.
Revati displays evidence of shepherding and guidance works, especially defense of the weak.
All of Revati nakshatra resides within the final 13:20 degree portion of Meena - Antya.
Budha sees wise teacher Guru as a neutral party; however Guru the bringer of knowledge is annoyed by Budha's immature mentalism and superficial, conversational approach to information. Guru dislikes Budha as an enemy. The Nakshatra of Budha are also fundamentally hostile places for Chandra, who gets battered by the relentless thinking, formulating, arguing and discussing of Professor Budha . From this odd situation, revatika gets some of its odd qualities. One is filled with the Meena spirit of generosity, open-mindedness, and compassionate love. Under the guidance of Pashupati, there can be an expansive, inclusive love for animals and children. The common people are ferried across that death-bridge from the living dream into the greater life-awareness in the same boats used by the monied elite. Revatika does not discriminate by class or caste. And yet, bantering Budha has a tendency to reduce Guru's grand knowledge into merely functional, conversational information. Transcendent religious truths are boiled down into social program and policy. The mission of a great soul is drained by the petty chat of attending meetings, reading reports, and following instructions. Further, Budha reduces Chandra's profoundly parental caring and sheltering behaviors to a mere psychological narrative; a discourse upon intuitive perception; of a scientific study of needs and feelings. Emotional Environment (nakshatra) is verbalized: Poetry, literature, song
dramatic acting
The small narrative Budha-Mind constrains and distracts the large visionary Guru-Mind. Chandra itself, moved helter-skelter by the conflicted Guru-Budha pair, has no opportunity to stay in one place, laying deep roots, learning to live properly in the divine cycles and cooperate with the spirits of a land. Energy is expended in frequent short-term travel. One is gifted in the verbal and literary arts [Budha] Works of fine art may be produced if Budha is influenced by Shukra. Through their expansive compassion, revati are naturally dedicated to the betterment of children's circumstances. Some lucky children are benefitted. Overall, agreat vision may go unfulfilled due to the downward pull of petty administrative and high-frequency cycles of hyper-mentalized tasks. Go here, do this, go there, do that. Much movement for little purpose, in the end. one lives well and dies well, delighted in the details of each glorious, fruitful day. |
Signal-sender and messenger [Budha], articulator, pointer toward the Other Side, ferryman and conductor
Unfortunately, the dissolution of attachment can be either spiritual (nice) or moral (not so nice) or physiological (drugs) depending on the consciousness of one . Great shepherd-like healers, with lifelong love of dreams, music and children.
Deep sense of Destiny. offers intuitive guidance to others, along the path of truth. Strong and clear inner voice, directing one along the path toward unification with the Divine. Disturbance of the inner voice may cause radical disorientation. Inner sensing device is extremely delicate. Best to remain in the company of children, animals, and other intuitively attuned beings. Otherwise one's sensitive inner " GPS" can be deranged by hostile invasion. Delicate aura needs to be protected.
It may not be clear that the creative expressions of Revati = providing specific spiritual signaling for an attuned group of followerscoming up the path behind oneself.
Caring, emotionally responsible, committed to wholeness, redemption, reunion, reintegration, and restitution after wrongdoing. Pushan the Conductor Guru and Budha have a somewhat adversarial relationship because they both compete for the mental attention.
As a result one is Typically, rather lucky , able to move freely from one mental engagement to the next, like a monkey with long agile arms swinging from one tree branch to the next. Revati are typically unconcerned with matters of the distant past, and although capable short-term planners due to the Budha influence Revati = not worried or even much aware of broader philosophical issues.
Pashupati (Shiva) the lord of animals calls attention to the freedom, alacrity, and grace of animal movement from one small concern to the next. Animals are blessed by a lack of engagement with the larger truths of existence. Animals are focused on the minutia of their immediate environment [Budha] and seem to be protected by God from the suffering caused by complex human problems. Pushan = the ferryman, yearning to cross over, shooting in great curves like a star, agreat arch, arainbow, or a bridge, or the suckers of a wide-spreading plant. Guidance issues in childhood Often emotionally damaged in childhood through failure of moral guidance from their own trusted leaders - particularly the father . However, what is lacking from father may be supplied by grandfather [Guru]. The experience of betrayal through lack of moral character in the childhood guide (father or father-figure; may also be a failed spiritual teacher) will remind the Revatī-born of the lifelong human need for connection and redemption through forgiveness.
Prenatal epoch maternal narrative and Born into Budha Mahadasha A central structural challenge to the healthy development of the emotional personality which faces the Jyeṣṭha birth = one may be born into the period of Budha. Budha ruling 4th and 7th from Meena Chandra suffers from kendra adhipati dosha, Budha does not enjoy the rulership of any trine angle. bandesha-4 +yuvati-pati-7 Budha suggests that the mother [Chandra] is not fully available to the child emotionally during the critical early years. Budha is an enemy of Chandra. as ruler of 4th-from Chandra, Budha bhukti suggests Mother's emotional ungroundedness and distraction due to excessive mentalizing of the matters of the home and household. Mother is often over-involved in messaging, conversations, sales-business meetings, or writing-publishing projects while the child is young. Budha as ruler of 7th-from Budha suggests incomplete emotional availability to the child due to Mother's mentalization of a relationship narrative in which mental traffic consumes too much of her life force energy, which ideally should ideally have been directed toward nurturing the child. This is the basis of Revati's reputation as a Diva who is forever seeking a validating embrace for their flamboyant if generous and compassionate behavior. Like Aśleṣa and Jyestha, chandra-Revatī is pre-incarnationally planned locked into a pattern of trying to get the soothing and holding reassurance that young children naturally need, and without which they feel socially insecure regardless of their spiritual-guidance, world-healing, and charitable [Meena] achievements. Mother and Mother-Figure Mother has a need for manual and mental communications which deliver validation via charitable generosity .
Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway
Revatika Chandra Fears
Navamsha Chandra in D-9 Revati psychic mirroring function o f intimate relationships
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Revatika behavior. The partner seems loving, responsible, protective and nourishing of families and children . The partner may seem spacey, overly intuitive, perhaps in denial about the amount of confusion and false information in the world. On the plus side, the partner - if adequately protected from psychic interference - is a reliable guide to one's deepest certainty along the spiritual path.
Under stress, revatī-Chandra may retreat into impractical, ineffective, visionary, or magical childlike state of mind , insisting that everything is connected and whole and that conflict is imaginary. An ult view of the same problem might not be so idealistic, and would certainly be more pragmatic . May throw money at problems using wealth as a balm when rational problem-solving processes break down. |
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" And now my friends, all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |