
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Guru Main Page

  1. [Guru-Mesha]
  2. [Guru-Urisha]
  3. [Guru-Mithuna]
  4. [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
  5. [Guru-Simha]
  6. [Guru-Kanya]
  7. [Guru-Tula]
  8. [Guru-Vṛścika]
  9. [Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra] -- mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-13 deg]
  10. [Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
  11. [Guru-Kumbha]
  12. [Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra]

  1. [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
  2. [Guru in bhava-2]
  3. [Guru in bhava-3]
  4. [Guru in bhava-4]
  5. [Guru in bhava-5]
  6. [Guru in bhava-6]
  7. [Guru in bhava-7]
  8. [Guru in bhava-8]
  9. [Guru in bhava-9] --- [svabhava]
  10. [Guru in bhava-10]
  11. [Guru in bhava-11]
  12. [Guru in bhava-12] --- [svabhava]


OM gram grim graum sah gurave namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

गुरु guru = the grower

Professor Guru

गौर gaura - guruva - guraja

देवगुरु deva-guru

देवपति deva-pati

द्वादशांशु dvādaśāṃśu = twelve rays

बृहतीपति bṛhatī-pati / बृहस्पति bṛhas-pati

= lord of prayers

वाचस्पति vācas-pati

= lord of speech-language





Ju-piter - Iuppiter - Jove

Dyaus-Pitr - Dio-petous - Dies Pater - De-us

Ze-us - Xenios - Enlil

Marduk - Her-wepes-tawy

Thor = Thursday

resides in


Karkinos - Kraft

Khepra - Rak


expansion of the Cultural Foundations

// Founding Fathers // * priests of the Lunar Rite

Providence * agriculture

" and we got to get ourselves back to the Garden "

-- Crosby, stills, and Nash "Woodstock"


[Guru in bhava-1] -- [uchcha]

[dikbala] -- [Hamsha Yoga]

[inimical-medicating rogesha for Karkata indriya-lagna] [philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

[multiple culturally-familiar personality attributes] [embodiment of customary philosophical beliefs] [identified with broadly nationalist credenda]

[vigorous proponent of waterways environmentalist worldview] [personality exemplifies protectionist ideology] [paragon of habitual cheerfulness]

[preacher-and-teacher may incorporate the wisdom of farmers and fisherfolk] [expansive faith in the ancient routines] [idiosyncratic understanding of ethnic conflict]

[often a benefactor to local agricultural workers] [potential digestive allergy bloating, too much liquid] [kineticly comfortable ancestral guidance] [unique sacred patriarchal doctrine defends the folkways]

[A wifely nativity may be identified with the ritual beliefs of parentally jovial, lymphatically ailing, righteously ethno-centric husband]

[Guru in bhava-2] -- [uchcha]

[balancing-bargaining yuvati-pati for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [dutiful-executive karmesha for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple voices * growth of treasuries


[Guru in bhava-3] -- [uchcha]

[mysterious-initiatory randhresha for Urisha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful vriddhi-pati for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple businesses * many announcements

  • Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [political-gaming Pushya-1]

[Guru in bhava-4] -- [uchcha]

[Hamsha Yoga]

[philosophical-doctrinal dharmesha for Mesha indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple settlements, multi-roots

[Guru in bhava-5] -- [uchcha]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna] [dutiful-commanding karmesha for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple intuitive intelligences * growth of clairsentient guidance * dramatic display of dreamlike genius

  • Raag Khamaj 1920-2012 sitarist Ravi Shankar [mysterious-disguising Pushya-4]

[Guru in bhava-6] -- [uchcha]

[collecting-preserving dhana-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [friendly-gainful labha-pati for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

[Dhanayoga = ruler of 2 + 11 occupies 6-litigation, disagreement, medical distress] [beneficial gainful labha-pati divorce]

[helper's faith in caretaking and routine] [principled protective service] [bel ieves that economic prosperity labha-pati can assist the laboring classes]

[ritualized giving of alms for the needy] [permissive ministry inspired by customary theology] [numerous animosities with enriched dhana-pati scoundrels]

[abundant aid from cheerfully patriotic criminals] [folkways philosophy of human services provision] [routine conditions of multiple habitual accusatory argument]

[broadly understands the old rhythms of slavery and disease] [many agricultural diseases due to excess flow between humans and animals]

[within a wifely nativity, ethno-sensitive husbandly-companion may be a believing military defender, charitable parental embezzler, preserver of ancient priesthoods]

[Guru in bhava-7] -- [uchcha]

[Hamsha Yoga]

[busy-managing vikrama-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [retreating-contemplative vyaya-pati for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple alliances

  • Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [imaginative-guiding Aśleṣa-4]

[Guru in bhava-8] -- [uchcha]

[energizing-identifying lagnesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

rhythmic bandesha for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple taboo-uncovering cultural secrets, many optimistic identity-changes

many transformations of property, nationality, ethnicity;, abundant eruptions or invasions of homeland, buildings, transport, schools


[Guru in bhava-9] -- [uchcha] --- [svabhava]

[karako bhavo nashto for father, patrons, chieftains, indoctrinators]

[collecting-preserving dhana-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

[wity-creative vidya-pati for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

[multiple doctrines of culture] [growth of ancestral philosophical understanding]


[Guru in bhava-10] -- [uchcha]

[Hamsha Yoga]

[busy-communicative vikrama-pati for Tulā indriya-lagna] [inimical-argumentative rogesha for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

[Brihaspati for Tula nativity] [multiple elite guidance responsibilities] [growth of visible inspirational roles] [many visible protective, naurturing roles = communication via public preaching, doctrinal messages

[Guru in bhava-11] -- [uchcha]

[homebound-securing bandhesha for Kanya indriya-lagna] [negotiating-brokering yuvati-pati for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

multiple goals= growth of economic network

  • Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham [regulatory-ranked Aśleṣa-2] [navamsha Guru-Makara-nīcha ] [Pūrvābhādra-Chandra-7 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Guru-11]

[Guru in bhava-12]

-- [uchcha] -- [svabhava] -- [Sarala Yoga]

[witty-creative vidya-pati for Simha indriya-lagna] [mysterious-revealing randhresha for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Guru's sentimental caretaking, broad patriotism, moody generosity

[multiple protective sanctuaries] [abundant private nourishment] [expansive imaginary realms] [wisdom from distantly invisible lands]

  • drama-commerce 1978- Katie Holmes [disguised-concealing Pushya-4] + [uchcha-Pushya-Guru-yuti-Chandra-Aśleṣa]

  • Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [governing-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] [navamsha Guru-Makara-nīcha ] + [Guru-12 mutual drishti Rahu-8]


Belief in Human Development via Rhythmic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of Settled Peoples

  • protective, parochial, parental, naurturing, sheltering rashi of Karkata = a welcoming environment for priestly Brihaspati

  • Guru sees Karkata-pati Chandra as mitragraha = friend

  • Professor Chandra sees tenant Guru as samagraha = neutral companion

  • results depend largely upon the Guru's bhava and the character of Chandra

Ethnic Priest, symbolizes [Guru] the ancient ways

Icon of Parochial wisdom

Guides the fertilized growth of the culture of a people settled upon the land

Founding Fathers who Expand the Nutritious, sheltered Foundations(Karka) which prepares the basis for a future period of tremendous cultural growth


  1. Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [arranging-brokering Pushya-3] [uchcha-Guru-yuti-Shani] + [Guru-4 parivartamsha Chandra-12]

  2. Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [political-gaming Pushya-1] co-writer and printer of many USA foundational documents (Guru-3 + ruler of 3 = Chandra-10) including Declaration of Independence

  3. POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland [indoctrinated-optimistic Aśleṣā-1] [uchcha-Aśleṣa-Guru-yuti-Mangala-Pushya-nīcha ] Father of Five - or six.

  4. Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [networking-friendly Aśleṣa-3] [ātmakāraka] ++ [Chandra-8 parivartamsha Guru-12-uchcha]

  5. Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [imaginative-guiding Aśleṣa-4]

  6. Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell [political-demonstrating Pushya-1] [uchcha] (8)

  7. POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge [ideological Guru in bargaining-middleman Pushya-3] [uchcha-Pushya-Guru-yuti-Budha-Puna] [4, old ways, patriotism, routines]

  8. Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo Ghose [nīcha- Mangala-yuti-Guru] ++ [Guru-2 parivartamsha Chandra-7] revolutionary political activist, mahakava poet, yogi

  9. Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr M. Reza Pahlavi [regulatory-governing Aśleṣā-2] father-figure, patron, guide

  10. Pope-264 John-Paul-II 1920-2005 Karol Wojtyla = Il Papa

  11. Moonies 1920-2012 Rev. Sun Myung Moon [uchcha] propagandizing "True Father"

  12. God's Dream 1931-1921 Anglican Archbishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu [Guiding Guru in populist-systematic Aśleṣā-3] [Somana-yuti-Guru-uchcha] -- [Hamsha Yoga] Patriarch of the English Church]

  13. Tantra 1931-1990 professor Osho Rajneesh [ātmakāraka] ++ [Guru-7 parivartamsha Chandra-12]

  14. USA Sen-MA 1932-2009 Ted Kennedy father-figure, patron. TK's own father was also an expansive cultural figure.

  15. Zanjeer 1942- drama-politics Amitabh Bachchan [rhythmic-habitual Punarvasu-4 [navamsha Guru-Karkata-uchcha] double-uchcha [vargottamsha] "Big Dada"

Human Culture

Seen from a distance, human cultures look rather like bacterial cultures in a petri dish.

Human ethnic settlements are small gatherings of similar life forms which inhabit an established Base. Given a hospitable environment with the proper temperature, moisture, and nutrient, animated life forms naturally proliferate.

Often intensively developed, often crowded and survival-competitive, often gloriously fertile, these cultures reproduce until they have consumed all available nutrient.

However, when the nutrient supply is exhausted, the colony dies out -- just as suddenly as it appeared.

uchcha = top conditions

Karaka of great fortune due to abundant nutrient [Old Pathways Karkata] to supply the growth of one's ethnic culture, its values. its moral folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms , its earthly foundations.

In kendra, may be a great leader who lays a broad foundation for expansion of a human ethnic culture.

Even in dusthamsha (6-8-12) where Guru attracts many ailments and enemies, one may still be greatly successful in bringing forward the expansive improvements needed for a civilization to advance. Like all things supervised by Shri Guru, the matters of bhava-6 including animosity, conflict, accusation, and ailment are Typically, abundant.

The experience of bringing wisdom into a Budha-ized environment that characteristically lacks the breadth of awareness necessary to properly utilize this expansive wisdom can be very frustrating. The biochemical by-products of managing the constant remediation of conflict can take their toll on the fleshbody's own internal alignments, and disease conditions prosper.

Yet, however, much the native suffers (6) through this experience, brihaspati will succeed in expanding the consciousness of those who were ready to expand their reach into awareness of the realities of the three worlds.

  • Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr M. Reza Pahlavi [regulatory-governing Aśleṣā-2]

Guru-Karkata guides the expansion of territory and amount of nutrient controlled by a cultural people.

Typically, there is a period of reactive contraction after this era of expansive wisdom-guided growth

  • Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [political-gaming Pushya-1] (3) = helped to lay the commercial (5) foundations for the huge growth of European cultural settlement in USA. Period of reactive contraction = Declaration of Independence 1776 until end USA Civil War 1876.

  • Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr M. Reza Pahlavi= laid foundation for the re-expansion of ancient Indo-European cultural rhythms in modern Iran. Period of reactive contraction = orthodox backlash of priestly authority, 1979-present.

  • Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [guiding-visionary Aslesa-4]

    [Hamsha Yoga] laid the foundation (7 = 4th from 4th) for the re-expansion of ancient Indo-European cultural rhythms (organic farming, musical intuition) in the European diaspora. The Nazi backlash harassed, intimidated and ultimately exhausted him.

Guru-karkata = inclusive, generous, optimistic, globally minded person who nevertheless has deep roots in one's own culture.

Past-life carry-forward wisdom about nurturing, caretaking, parenting, protecting, and sheltering others.

Naturally patriotic and parental, yet not parochial. [uchcha] Guru in any bhava brings extraordinary abundance in matters of the bhava. Of course too much of a good thing can also bring inflation, swelling, bloating, boasting, and over-proliferation

Yet, in the human mind typically more is better, and most people find substantial contentedness in situations characterized by material, emotional, or spiritual abundance. Regardless of the operations of the occupied bhava, the fertility and abundance provided by [uchcha- Guru] improves nearly any situation.

In bhava 1-3-5-9, can be preachy and dogmatic. May be, or want to be, a professor who "knows everything".

  • USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [dramatizing-demonstrating Pushya-1] + [uchcha-Pushya-Guru-yuti-Shukra-Aśleṣā] [uchcha-Pushya-Guru-yuti-Rahu-Aśleṣā]
  • NLG wanted to be a history professor, but was not accepted into the university faculty due to over-reaching academic behavior [Rahu].

It is said of that Guru in kendra may compensate for many other deficiencies. More so the [uchcha] Guru.

Guru-Karkata recovers easily from damage to the public reputation (10) and other shaming-scandal. After any period of public polarizing catalysis , Guru-10 or Guru-7 (10th-from-10th) remains well-liked and respected

  • Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [networking-friendly Aśleṣa-3] [ātmakāraka]

    Chandra-8 parivartamsha Guru-12-uchcha]

  • Knowledge of Higher Worlds 1861-1925 Rudolf Steiner [imaginative Aśleṣa-4] Hamsha Yoga] (7) was blacklisted by the Nazi regime but he retained the trust of his international [Guru] audience

  • Despite an enduring public suspicion that he intentionally drove his car off a bridge in order to drown his young female campaign-aide passenger, USA-Sen-Mass 1932-2009 Teddy Kennedy never lost an election from 1962 until 2009

  • Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell [political-gaming Pushya-1] [8, evolutionary thrust] Despite having been terminated from a teaching position in New York City because the pious mother of a potential student perceived his out-of-class conduct to be licentious, the British philosopher-activist quickly rebounded with a better teaching job and a torrent of brilliant books. BR was hired-and-fired from several universities [Guru]. Each cycle of reputation-expanding job turbulence produced a more visible, respected profile of a teacher who acted compassionately (uchcha-Guru) as guided by philosophical principle.

  • Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [governing-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] [navamsha Guru-Makara-nīcha ]

    Guru-12 mutual drishti Rahu-8]

  • Zanjeer 1942- drama-politics Amitabh Bachchan [routinized-defensive Punarvasu-4] = ups-and-downs in vitality during a decades-long career in media-entertainment. Injuries and ailments = alternate with celebrated father-figure patronage and benevolent fortunes. Always bounces back. Super-empowered vargottamsha uchcha-Guru-1 rules both 6 and 9. [vargottamsha] "Big Dada"

May help others whether the native is feeling personally happy or not. Believes in the wisdom of spiritual blessings, especially the love of children.

Wide scope of parental responsibility. Beautiful and generous breasts/chest in The earthen body . Great healer, abundantly tolerant, caring and parental in attitude.

Philanthropic nature.

Tends toward abundance of financial wealth . Welcoming, appreciative, inclusive. Yet may be patronizing (usually, inadvertently, as over-expansion of parental feelings) toward the little people. Behavior may tend toward a pattern of being manipulative and controlling when in Aśleṣa Nakshatra.

Much credit is available to the native in this life. If in kendra, or with the svakshetra Chandra, one becomes both materially and spiritually privileged.

Calling in the chips from good works in parallel lives .

Expansively charitable; protective; authentically caring. Will always support a friend in need. If dynamically energized by drishti of Kuja, can become overly aggressive in asserting material entitlement claims. Whether The financial wealth and privilege attending this position is smartly deployed or not, the native is generally a sincerely caring and compassionate personr.

Feminine nativity featuring Guru-Karkata seeks a (first) husband who is generous, inclusive, and parenting in nature.

This husband should have sincere desire to help heal shelter and protect along with abundance financial resources to do so.

He will function as a guide to those who seek shelter and those who want a broader connection to their folkways traditions.

He is deeply family oriented although he may indeed view the entire world as his extended family.


Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [governing-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] [Guru-12 mutual drishti Rahu-8 ++ both Guru and Rahu drishti into nīcha-Chandra-4]

  • ERT was married eight times, in full view of the public. She shared children with four of her spouses. She was an influential and effective philanthropist [Guru] serving those deeply in need of care [Karkata].
  • In matters of husband-making [Guru] ERT demonstrated a Rahu-Guru-Chandra trine = taboo-bending permission to expand her realm of emotional experience.
  • Guru's drishti into 4-6-8 naturally expands those domains, and Guru-12 randhresha grants a protective sarala yoga that limits impact of sudden identity changes.
  • Therefore, despite the social volatility [8] of her high-publicity marriage-and-divorce cycles, ERT enjoyed children and grandchildren in a multi-generational home - including her mother who lived to age-99. Chandra-4-nīcha intake uchcha-Guru-12-drishti

Autumn Colors in New England, USA


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The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" The ignorant discriminate and work trying to adjust themselves to external conditions,

and are constantly perturbed in mind;

unrealities are imagined and discriminated, while realities are unseen and ignored.

It is not so with the wise."

~~ Lanka-avatara Sutra
