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OM shum shukraya namah OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah Planetary Ruler of Yuvatisthāna Jayadaya Yuga-sthāna Dynuna Kalatra-bhava Ruler of 7th-from-Chandra role of the Yuga-pati in the Twelve Bhava Covenant, treaty, trust, troth, promise, pact, deal, negotiation, bargain, brokerage, alliance, affiance, arrangement, settlement, advocacy, advice, counsel, contract, Vow |
"And fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it." ~~Holy Qur'an, sura An-Nahl 16:91 |
“Never before have relationships been as problematic and conflict ridden as they are now. As you may continue to pursue the goal of salvation through a relationship, you will be disillusioned again and again. But if you accept that the relationship is here to make you conscious instead of happy, then the relationship will offer you salvation, and you will be aligning yourself with the higher consciousness that wants to be born into this world.” ~~ A New Earth 1948- philosopher Eckhart Tolle |
EXAMPLES yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-1]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-1]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-1]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
[Budha-Meena] -- [nīcha] yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-1]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-1]
Physical Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 = marriage partnership promise vow balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke yuvati-pati-7 in Bhava-1 Auspicious and identity-enhancing position+ yuvati-pati-7 in 7th-from-svakshetra. Identified with Bargains, deals, agreements, contracts, negotiations, seeking balance, alliances made to promote mutual interest, marriage, partnership, union A bargainer, negotiator, agreement-seeker. Marital-partner and business-partners build one 's capacity for iconic and symbolic body-image representation. Developing the charisma of the psycho-physical appearance is the most important result of contractual partnership.
the social identity is deeply invested in being yoked = holding attribute of in-contractstatus.
self-definition = one is a coupled person, amaker of pledges, aproperly contracted person, and a socially balanced person, apromise-keeper. No matter the degree of conflict or incompatibility, divorce is often too high a price to pay for this native because one is deeply identified with the married contractual status-attribute.
One's choices in life are much determined by the spouse and the spouse's character. If the spouse is caring and dignified, one 's own uncertainties may be much reduced.
" I am my contracts and promises, my diplomacy and deal-making, my alliances and unions." Partnership: marriage, sexual partner, business partner, contracts, agreements, loyalty, relationships, brokering, consulting, advising. one is deeply identified with their role as a marriage and business partner. Social identity = infused with the qualities of balance , mutual appreciation, negotiation, collaboration, arbitration, law courts , fairness, due process." [ Deeply identified with the dignity of Marriage
Friends of the Father Not incidentally, bhava-7 as 11th-from-9th represents the friends of the father.
In traditional societies, one's own lifemate would be chosen on one's behalf by one's father, and the father would have typically selected one's spouse from among the circle of his own friends (and their communities). If strong graha occupy bhava-7, the father's friends, his elder brother, or the paternal-side community as a whole may play a distinctive role in one's life. For example,
Specifically for yuvati-pati-7 Chandra-3 : supportive placement for a caring, parental-style business manager. Success in short-term planning, scheduling, schematics, writing, frequent travel, project management, training tasks. Many advising and consulting relationships. radix yuvati-pati Chandra contributes a portion of the profile of the mate. yuvati-pati-7 in 9th from 7th suggests that one's spouse will be philosophical, ritually religious, and fortunate overall However, the mentalization of the emotions due to Budha's influence upon Chandra can lead to chronic reactivity and worrying. The mate will need to learn to relax his busy mind.
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-2]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-2] yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-2]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-2]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-2] [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-2]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-2]
Verbal Method of Crafting Agreements Bhava-2 = marriage partnership promise vow balance pledge diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke yuvati-pati-7 in 8th-from-svakshetra = Destruction-and-rebirth of agreements, arrangements, matches, contracts -- especially the marriage contract. The equity provisions of the marriage agreement may be somewhat unreliable due to volatile conditions promoting a constant turning of the cycle of birth and death. It is a recycling marriage with many trauma events, upheavals, and changes of identity. Yet, if the yuvati-pati-7 has sufficient strength, the union can be expected to survive even under sustained duress.
A fast, rejuvenating cycle of death-and-rebirth-and-rebirth affects all promises, contracts, trusts. Often, if a second marriage is indicated, the second marriage is more fulfilling. There are some notable exceptions such as Ketu-2, shani-2 and other dissolvers or blockers, but if yuvati-pati-7 is strong in bhava-2 the second marriage may be significant. yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-2] Often the second marriage (if indicated) is significantly more certainthan the first. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check 2nd-from-Chandra to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles.
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-2] Often the second marriage (if indicated) is significantly more actively stimulating and competitive than the first. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check [2nd-from-Chandra] to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles.
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-2] Often the second marriage (if indicated) is significantly more business-oriented, team-worked, and communicativethan the first. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check [2nd-from-Chandra] to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles.
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-2] occupies 8th-from-7 In all marriages, brihaspati in particular provides multiplicity and abundance in the matter of recycling the marriage contract 8th-from-7th. An exceptionally robust Guru may signal a program of ongoing identity changes within the marriage behavior, influenced by the paradigm of belief and the catechism. Often the second marriage (if indicated) has more generous, globalized, and doctrinal qualitiesthan the first. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check [2nd-from-Chandra] to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles. [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-2] Often the second marriage - if indicated - is significantly more adjustable, bargaining, and agreement-seeking than the first. Second marriage, if any, is prominently focused on treasury. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check [2nd-from-Chandra] to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles. In all nuptial unions, financial motives play a key role in forming and maintaining the marriage contract. Ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7th suggesting an expected and negotiated element of undisclosed pleasuring relationships to supplement but not replace the primary union.
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-2] Shani emphasizes duty above all. One common outcome of yuvathi-pati Shani in bhava-2 = delay or refusal to undertake marriage responsibilities, often seeking a socially approved means of blocking the marriage process.
Often the second marriage (if indicated) is significantly more orderly, static, and enduringthan the first. The general pattern = when ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7, the second alliance may more successfully fulfill the equity, harmony, even-exchange expectations of 7. Always check [2nd-from-Chandra] to confirm 2nd lifepartnership roles.
Presuming that by its character the yuvati-pati-7 is favorable for matters of pleasures, harmonious design, and equitable contract, the second lifepartnership is generally much easier. One may perceive that while the first marriage had a known purpose, it is indeed that the second marriage which is more satisfyingly balanced. Spouse builds one 's capacity for treasure-acquisitions. Developing the historic bloodline or cultural lineage of both valuable goods and conserved knowledge may be the most important outcome of marriage. Problematic for the first marriage due to urgent transformative energies that may induce secretive or self-destructive behaviors -- unless there is planetary compensation. yuvati-pati-7 in 8th-from-svakshetra The espoused partner (7) may be psychologically complex or have hidden features (8) and be prone to mysterious dealings (8).
Ruler of 7 occupies 8th-from-7th = change and instabiliity in partnerships, less equity
Similar to the "virtual widowhood" of yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-8. It is as if the spouse is married to the greater world, and not to a human partner. Spouse is concerned with the zeitgeist, performing on the stage of history, wealth-building, huge movements of social values change, and major turnings of the cycle of birth and death. The spouse is self-identified as a public agent of transformative change. Most of the relationship energy is diverted into developing the spouse's own role upon the world stage. As a result, one is ignored. Indeed one may feel quite unworthy of requesting the spouse's interest, since to do so would distract them from the greater matters which demand their attention.. As a result of the spouse's energy being largely consumed with giant transformative forces (8) one may not get the marital attention one requires. one 's simple need for companionship gets somewhat left behind in the partner's concern with larger social issues, and unless one is willing to sacrifice one's own life in the process, marital infidelity can easily result. Potential for a hidden (8th from) supplemental companion, and the companion is also married.
yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-2 may signify a second marriage which is better aligned with one 's deeper life needs than the first. The second marriage typically fulfills one 's positive expectations of spousal love and commitment. |
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-3] [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-3]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-3] [Mangala-Karkata] [nīcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-3] --- [svabhava]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-3]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-3]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-3]
[Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]
Instructional Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 in the highly auspicious 9th-from-7th indicates a gift for messaging, reports, announcements, administration and repetitive, detailed oriented conversation in meetings. It is a mundane yet productive deal-making ability. Much supported by partnerships and alliances. Superb position for professional peerage and getting beneficial advice, presuming that the yuvati-pati is strong Many wise and fortunate relationships with peers in the realm of publications, writing, media production.
yuvati-pati-7 in Sahaja Bhava 3 = marriage partnership promise vow balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke in the environment of writing, publishing, communications media production, announcements, advertisements, holiday and business short-term travel, Auspicious and guidance-providing position, yuvati-pati-7 in 9th-from-svakshetra.
Spouse builds one 's capacity for producing publications and announcements. Communications skills development and media-management are significant benefits of marriage. Mate may be in charge of the marital money; stronger when yuvati-pati-7 = benefic. Spouse is organized and administratively minded. Partner takes a cooperative, managing attitude toward the marriage partnership, and is helpful in the style indicated by the nature of the graha which is yuvati-pati-7 .
Spouse-partners often bring assets into the marriage, either social or financial or both. One enjoys a tolerance for constant short-term travel and occasional loss of the one's home through professional relocation (bhava-3) or a lifestyle of shifting between several homes
If yuvati-pati-7 = intakes drishti from a challenging ruler, potential mental-health puzzles for the spouse. One may attend meetings, write reports, administer, communicate, and participate in cohort-teamwork as the mechanism for reaching agreements, settlements, and treaties yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-3] partnership of shared planning, joint commerce, mutual conversations. Spouse may serve as a manager of the native.
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-3] pleasant talk toward agreeable terms
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-3]
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EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-4] yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-4]
Mangala-Makara-Draco] -- [uchcha] -- [Ruchaka Yoga] yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-4] [Budha-Mithuna] -- [Bhadra Yoga] [Budha-Meena ] [nīcha] yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-4]
[Guru-Dhanus] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-4] [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
Habitual Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 in Bhava-4 = marriage partnership promise vow pledge balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke Auspicious and respectable position, yuvati-pati-7 in 10th-from-svakshetra may promote public visibility and respect. Presuming that Kuja is in a friendly rashi, spousal behavior is steady and spouse will strongly resemble either of the parents, more often the mother. Spouse is comfortable working at home or with matters of local security, such as in a home office or serving as a guardian of lands, local police, naight watchman etc. One may carry on business negotiations (7) in the home also, and a home office in the foundational level of the shelter levels e.g. The basement is suitable. There is much trade and agreement-making transacted in the home
One may need a hiding place in order to avoid the consequences of one's business such as fame that attracts aggressive photographers The wifely partner is primarily a mother-figure and steadily parental with a sheltering, protective style. If yuvati-pati-7 = Chandra or Shukra, yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-4 may suggest that the mother's mother (maternal grandmother) joins the household as a mother. yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-4] ******* one 's social and emotional security depends considerably on the behavior of the spouse. Spouse has a strong sense of place, aconservative and patriotic nature , is loyally attached to the cultural values of their birth land. Spouse = deeply identified with being a parent and cultural role model. In addition to being a committed parent, spouse may be also a school teacher, property manager, or a local government official. If malefic, the parental behavior which the spouse repeats is difficult to manage. |
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-5]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-5] [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-5]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-5]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-5]
[Guru-Makara] [nīcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-5]
[Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-5]
yuvati-pati-7 = trust marriage partnership promise vow balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke in Bhava-5 Intelligent Creative Political Method of Crafting Agreements
Fruitful alliances yuvati-pati-7 = lord of partnerships resides in bhava-5 the gainful 11th-from-svakshetra
profits from alliances, bargaining, deal-making, negotiating abilities one is gainful in politics, creative performance, children, and speculative ventures however, for Shukra-ruled nativities, if yuvati-pati-7 Mangala occupies putra bhava-5, the alliance may proves unable to withstand the life-force energy of a child created in this union. Therefore, one may experience a pattern of marital alliance becoming unsustainable after creating a child. Benefits partnerships in the creative and political arts. Agreements are beneficial and stable with those who support one's performance activities. Natural understanding of contracts, trusts and treaties, and deals. Characteristics of the ruler determine the specialization. Lawcourts
Ruler of 3rd-from-5th in Bhava-5. brings business-administrative skills into the creative arts benefits writing and media messaging on creative, romantic, political, theatrical topics
Profitable advice on matters of 5, such as celebrity, entitlement, poetic literature, and politics yuvati-pati uncomfortable in svabhava (5) of Shukra's enemy Surya. yuvati-pati-7 carries in the spouse-choosing and partner-mating energies. yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-5 is one of the classic indicators of love marriage as distinct from arranged marriage. Whether this situation is considered beneficial or not varies by culture. One is strong-willed in choosing a mate on the sole basis of one's own feelings and judgment. Life's expression of trust, all contracts and agreements, including marriage contract, are strong expressions of the individual creativity and power of will. In traditional collectivist societies (notably India) a cultural judgment is often proclaimed that "love marriage" = selfish, adolescent, and destructive to the family harmony. Experienced elders, mainly parents, are advised to choose a match that can benefit the kinship network on essential social, financial, and religious levels. The sheltered, romantic young person may not yet comprehend the tanglible reality of these social structures. In individualistic western society generally, the cultural belief = "love marriage" = spiritually authentic, and independent. The spark of deep personal physical attraction * akarshana * is believed to light a flame of reciprocity that can last a lifetime. The partner-seeker must choose a psychic, physical, and emotional match based on their intuitive feelings that one is The One. Financial and religious considerations are less important overall. Marital success/failure rates in both cultures seem to be approximately the same - about 50/50 = distribution of Kuja Dosha in the overall population of married adults. Employment contracts, all legal agreements, trade and barter relationships, commercial partnerships, are affected by one 's powerful sense of willful independence and personal creativity. One may prefer to work as an" independent contractor" rather than suffer bondage to a restrictive contract. Romance, Literature, poetry (5) The spouse is typically gainful and friendly , since 11th-from is an inherently friendly and associative angle. The couple may enjoy a large community social life. The partner is a great help in politics, And especially gainful in large networks for fund-raising.
yuvati-pati-7 in 11th-from svakshetra is fruitful and thus the first marriage will normally produce at least one child. Fertility and number of children depends on the grahar. Yuvati bhava = 7th-from-7th = important for career. When the careerist ruler of 7 occupies 11th-from-7, one is recognized for gainful outcomes (11) in the act of establishing equity and balance via contracts and negotiated settlements (5). EXAMPLE POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison [governing-institutional Jyeṣṭha-2] [Jyeṣṭha-Rahu-yuti-Shani-Jyeṣṭha]
Predictive indicator for career support from a network of contractors and agreeable partners that benefits entertainers, politicians, creative artists. It is easy for others to find their mutual interest with one's political or theatrical career. Spouse builds one 's capacity for creating children and other performance art. Political, royal, and literary performance is the most important result of marriage.
If malefic, spouse will be involved in more negative (nevertheless interesting) amusements such as gambling, rough political contests, and lower forms of theatre. Spousal intelligence is strong, but if yuvati-pati-7 = malefic, the creative path may have vulgar qualities. children
When yuvati-pati-7 = Mangala-5, expect repeating patterns of marital dispute about pregnancies and child-raising. Despite the otherwise favorable implications of yuvati-pati-7 in the profitable 11th from svakshetra, this single placement may contribute significantly to conditions of permanent marital separation. The surprising yuvati-pati-7 Mangala in 5 often will catch the couple off guard. Any children born into the union will However, succeed economically (11) and socially. The children are friendly, gainful, and well-connected. |
QUOTATION Das commentaries "The lord of the 7 is in 5, and the lord of the 7 has at least one negative placement attribute."
"The lord of the 7 is in 5, and the lord of the 7 has at least one beneficial placement attribute."
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-6]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-6]
yuvati-pati-7 Mangala in bhava-6] yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-6]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-6]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-6] [Shukra-Mesha] -- [Vimala Yoga]
[Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-6] [Shani-Dhanus] -- [Sarala Yoga]
Argumentative Method of Crafting Agreements Important Instructional Problem-Set yuvati-pati-7 = marriage partnership promise vow consecration balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke in Bhava 6 = disagreement, dispute, accusation, litigation, indictments, illness, addiction, servitude, poverty, debt, drugs, physicians, ministries of service to the less fortunate particularly growth-challenging placements when yuvati-pati-7 = natural challenger papagraha, for lagna = Vrishabha - Urisha, Karkata - Kadaga, Simha - Leya, or Tula-Vanika less benevolent and loss-causing position + yuvati-pati-7 in 12th-from-7th Generally a losing position for negotiations
yuvati-pati-7 in 6 = less benevolent for easy agreement in marriage
Disputacious disagreement and accusation often result when contractual agreements erode yuvati-pati-7 migrates into the dissolving, disagreeable, accusing 12th-from-7th Balances are generally fragile. Trades and bargains may damage equity Spouse builds one 's capacity for argumentation. Dealing with chronic underlying distrust is the most important result of marriage. Loss of marital agreement is part of the scripted experience. Even when other factors in the first marriage are well balanced, tendency for the spouse to develop a significant illness. Divorce is not necessarily required, but some expression of loss of agreement such as cessation of sexual congress or an adversarial extramarital interest, is usually seen in the unfolding of this yoga
yuvati-pati-7 = ruler of 10th-from-10th = career indicator based in partnering, advising, and mentoring relationships. If yuvati-pati-7 is dignified, one may serve as a professional military, attorney, physician, well-placed criminal, social worker, high-conflict negotiator etc. This position can signify the spouse being in conflict (6) with the contractual terms of the marriage, and perhaps as a result less inclined to support one' interests. Typically, the pattern of yuvati-pati-7 located in bhava-6 attracts partners both personal and professional who endure considerable inner conflict, and may direct animosity toward one' contractual responsibilities. EXAMPLE POTUS-12 California Statehood 1784-1850 Zachary Taylor [Shani-yuti-Shukra] Guru-8 parivartamsha Shani-6]
Even when yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-6 helps one's own profession, it can reduce the scope of agreement within the marriage or business partnership. Illness of the partner or shared living in rough conditions may be easier to endure, since physical stress can redirect the focus of imbalance away from the marriage itself and onto the struggle for survival. Also, since Shani-6 and Mangala-6 can both produce some degree of positive outcome in rogasthāna, yuvati-pati-7 Shani in 6 and yuvati-pati-7 Mangala in 6 are potentially favorable for partnership in conditions of poverty, war, disease-discomfort, false accusations, toxic pollution, servitude, and all of the other miseries of bhava-6 . Bhava-7 activates travel, pathways of transportation, roadways, carriages, vehicles, drivers. When ruler of 7 occupies 6, the conditions of routine transportation can erode in quality. Psychological withdrawal + withholding of full participation in marriage-alliance, along with lack of initiative (Shani, scarcity) to make needed changes. Exhaustion, loss of identity within human partnerships. Dissolution (12th-from) of the engagement needed to sustain a contractual bond. The bond may be maintained in the imagination, if not in material reality Chronic resistance to normal marital negotiations, therapeutic spousal dialog, or decisive legal action. Generally an angle of "do nothing" marital discontent. Particularly when yuvati-pati-7 in 6 = Shani, one may feel unable to act in either a positive or negative direction; tends to subsist in a drained 12th-from low-energy state. Most of the marriage energy goes into the realm of the criticizing and accusing (6) imagination (6 = 12th-from-7th). When yuvati-pati-7 in 6 = a more active graha such as Mangala, the endurance factor might not be available which pushes the unsatisfactory union into separative status. yuvati-pati-7 in the satkona suggests that the union becomes drained, exhausted, depleted causing loss of vitality in the core trust. Partner = "stuck" in their own problem-sets (6). Typically, the spouse feels ill, and the spouse self-medicates. Substance addictions and depression in the first spouse-partner. Chronic deterioration of agreements that may be achieved at times between spouses and partners. If a malefic+ yuvati-pati-7 in 12th-from-svakshetra may temporarily bond the couple over problem-solving projects such as paying down debt, treating an illness, or the marriage may serve as a temporary proof that one really can establish a balanced relationship. Typically, the spouse (agent yuvati-pati-7 ) suffers from some species of mental, social, or physical illness, including addictions, criminal behaviors, chronic self-doubt, or chemical imbalance of the physiology. Nature of the spousal illness is determined by the graha. The spousal illness may be well compensated if other graha are well positioned, but eventually the interior conflict experienced by one will motivate a dissolution of the marriage contract, divorce If a benefic, joint denial and overcompensation leading to infidelity, indebtedness, and shame. Criticism
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EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-7]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-7]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-7]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-7] -- [Bhadra Yoga]
[Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-7]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-7]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-7] [dikbala] -- [Śaśaka Yoga]
Negotiating Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 =marriage partnership promise vow balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke in Bhava-7 yuvati-pati = in svakshetra. Auspicious socially, Yet, the partner(s) may wield an overwhelming influence in one's life.
Constant bargaining and deal-making may consume the vitality of both partners, leaving little energy for more harmonious resting in the existing agreement. Life-partner = in charge of the couple's social life; one's spouse represents the couple in public. One will permit this spouse to control the public image of the marriage, even if that image is intimately inaccurate.
Typically yuvati-pati-7 in 7 = authentically engaged in the sexual aspect of marriage, as well as other interactive and negotiating behaviors of relationship. The spouse is welcoming when yuvati-pati-7 = benefic. The first life-partner = a vivid, dominating personality according to the nature of the yuvati-pati-7 . The social-contractual requirement to accommodate one's partner's interests and style can dominate one's agreement-crafting and social balancing process. Yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-7] = an exception to this rule; the partner behaves parentally, as the caretaker of the native and of the relationship. Lifemate = house-holding, stabilizing, soothing and caretaking, but often rather less sexually oriented in the union. See life-partner for nativity Chandra-7
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-7] a vigorously negotiating partner. The partner has such a competitive, vigorous and vital personality that it becomes a significant challenge to produce the sporting, sexual vigor that would match the energy of the mate. One 's psychological growth into maturity may be stunted by the physicality of the union which may prevent adequate resting and comfortable routine. yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-7] a friendly, chatty, quickly coupling partner who appreciates the details of human sexual behaviors. Partners may remain married for a long time without an exclusivity requirement.
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-7] Many advocates, diverse alliances, broad range of representation
In Meena, Guru also rules 4. Many properties, much land-deal, real-estate contracts yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-7] [sensual Vrishabha or diplomatic Shukra-Vanika. The partner's role in one's life = provider and procurer of treasure-and-pleasure. However, with svakshetra Shukra as yuvati-pati-7-in-7, too much bargaining for pleasure or for wealth = may apply.
In a husbandly nativity, shukra-7 karako bhavo nashto often produces "too much partner."
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-7] [dik-bala] [obliged to maintain lawful alliances] [must uphold contractual agreements] [enduring marriage to stalwart spouse] Grants longevity of the marriage contract. Divorce is rare, and indeed only become possible if other graha occupy jaya-sthāna-7. Shani in 7 represents not loyalty to a person but rather loyalty to a vow. One is generally faithful to a trust.
[Shani in bhava-7] -- [dikbala] -- [Śaśaka Yoga] is a common placement for auster religious vows of poverty, chastity, and humility.
Spouse has a self-directed or self-reflexive personality. Spouse may be an athlete, fashion model, dancer, hunter, military or one who is strongly identified with The earthen body . Alternatively, the spouse may be a broker, advocate, attorney, match-maker or deal-maker who handles the negotiation of values and worth in a highly energized (1) yet somewhat primitive (1) style. The behavioral qualities depend on the graha and any companions to the graha, incoming drishti etc. |
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-8] yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-8]
= = =
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-8]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-8]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-8]
Guru-Makara-Draco] [nīcha] yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-8] [Shukra-Mithuna] [Vimala Yoga]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-8]
Hidden Method of Crafting Agreements Challenging placement for marriage equity. Trusting relationships [7] have a non-transparent element [8] yuvati-pati-7 = marriage partnership promise vow pledge balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke in Randhra-sthana Any graha which is born into randhra bhava becomes subject to the fast spinning of the cycle (8) of self-destruction and rebirth (8). The speed of change-of-form is often terrifying. Matters of the houses ruled by graha in 8 are controlled by this fast-turning, re-cycling , identity-destroying and regenerating hidden life force. (8) Effects of graha in 8 are frightening, secretive, occult, mysterious, apocryphal, hidden, shocking magical, rejuvenating and changing-changing-changing. Marriage Randresha in 7 need not become a pernicious influence. The spouse may be well equipped to perform the duties of a secret-keeper. The lifepartner may offer crucial advising, counseling, and representation to one who benefits from such a trustworthy peer. The same benefit of the secret-keeping Other may be provisioned by a loyal attorney, advocate, or business partner. The more hidden, classified, confidential knowledge that a person must handle, the more that deal-making yuvati-pati can promote the success of matters of non-disclosing randhrasthana. EXAMPLE of a robust, high-function parivartamsha of 7-8
May challenge simplistic, idealistic notions of contractual equity Understanding and working with this placement requires realism and maturity. Those who are inexperienced in the ways of human nature may have shocks [8] when the hidden information of 8 is first discovered. Randhresha may supply an upheaval which interrupts the conventionally prescribed, equity-ensuring maintenance of consecrated unions and marriage vows. Exclusivity promises (7) may undergo many evolutionary iterations (8) of unexpected change. Sometimes the emergence of hidden truths is temporarily frightening (8) as naive preconceptions about loyalty are challenged. May marry outside of one's at-birth social class Confidential (8) relationships (8). May include a component of personalities with tantrik agenda where hidden, taboo, or covert sexual relationships may be generated in a personality-transformative context: Marriage is better understood as transformative process, not fixed value or static content. Business partnerships and advising-counseling relationships are similarly disposed toward non-transparency (occult) and non-accountability (Mangala the natural lord of 8 = enemy of Budha the Accountant). yuvati-pati-7 Surya in bhava-8 yuvati-pati-7 Chandra in bhava-8 - comforted by crisis; repeats pattern of upheaval, intervention, emotional shock
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-8] = moves forward energetically after shock
yuvati-pati-7 =[ Budha in bhava-8]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-8] * deal-making alliance-agreement negotiated promises contain multiple hidden activities, camouflaged patronage, secret largesse, multiple shocks yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-8] * accommodating grace after shock Terms of agreement tend to be covered or secret. Incomplete disclosure.
Diplomacy and graciousness characterize the situation despite variance from the conventional expectations yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-8] only occurs for Karkata indriya-lagna or Simha indriya-lagna. Professor Static Shani is very unhappy in classroom-8, the natural habitat of His feared enemy Mangala-Movement. Typically yuvati-pati-7 in classroom-8 indicates a pre-incarnationally planned situation featuring austerities and scarcities. There is spousal involvement with hidden behaviors, secret alliances, or camouflaged operations. Spouse is locked into the materialistic worldview of the spouse's family of origin. The in-laws are often of a lesser rank than the native. In-laws may be perceived by the native as withholding of support for the marriage or otherwise unhelpful due to their social class limitations. One may experience the in-laws as burdensome or vulgar. yuvati-pati-7 =Shani in bhava-8 chronic unresolved trauma, patterns, delay in recovery after shock There are only two possible settings [Shani-Kumbha] for Karkata indriya-lagna only. yuvati-pati-7 Shani indicates a spouse who performs social duties and meets public expectations, but whose personal situation is not fully disclosed. Economic materialism of in-laws combined with their risk-aversion [Shani] indicates blocked social linkages which in turn maintain economic insufficiency [Shani]. The spouse contributes less-than-expected to the joint treasury of the marriage. Despite every attempt to be lawful and honor the marriage contract, it is often an unsustainable situation both socially and financially. One is however quite long-lived, relative to the actuarial average for their time in history. [Shani-Meena] for Simha indriya-lagna only. yuvati-pati-7 Shani-8 is also rogesha-6 Marriage-1 is not any easier (the in-laws remain intractable) but life overall is benefited by Viparita Rajayoga Harsha Yoga. Materialistic limitations (often denial) of in-laws upon ability to use psycho-intuitive insights.
Bhava-7 activates travel, pathways of transportation, roadways, carriages, vehicles, drivers. When ruler of 7 occupies 8, the conditions of routine transportation may become dangerous, challenging, or even an emergency..
Covers and blocks the transparency of word and deed in alliance partnership. Terms of contract enter the Hidden zone. Negotiations and deals conducted in secret. Agreements subjects to forced-changes
Spouse = agent of fast-spinning cycle of self-destruction and rebirth. First marriage is generally short-lived, although the public may not know this because matters of bhava-8 are hidden. Sudden, catastrophic and potentially healing transformation of one 's identity = the most important result of marriage.
yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-8 of sudden, forced changes = notoriously difficult for the expected stability and non-changing pillar-of-society relationship 10th-from-10th = marriage. One may experience infidelity to the marriage contract. The mate in this lifetime has a rather mysterious motivation for joining the marriage. The spouse becomes a major catalyst for forced change in one 's self-consciousness awareness. The yoga is not a prediction of infidelity per se but rather a signal that the mate has agency to enforce the transformation of one' consciousness leading to a new identity for the native. The transformation may be enforced delicately or roughly according to the nature of the graha which is yuvati-pati-7 mate in 6 identity-change. The spouse may be a tantrik priest, atherapeutic healer, asurgeon or psychiatrist, acovert operator, or a handler of dangerous and confidential information. If the graha poses a significant learning challenge, the spouse may be a person who is severely emotionally closed due to trauma, and resistant to adult intimacyr. yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-8 indicates that the spouse is prone to martyrdom, perhaps a great saint, committed to sacrifice, and often wishing to transform the basic instinctual human sexuality of bhava-7 into something higher via religious abstinence or other sacrificial transformation. Thus the spouse is often not sexually available. Although divorce is not required and in fact the spouse is often committed to religious beliefs which proscribe divorce, one feels effectively divorced or more accurately widowed. One rather predictably turns to other companionship. Conventional society expects that spouses should support and stabilize each other's social identities. However, when yuvati-pati-7 occupies bhava-8, the spouse does not accept one's current identity, and in fact sets out to destroy it so that one can be pushed forward to a higher destiny or otherwise 'improved'r. When in bhava-8+ yuvati-pati-7 the agreement-maker is forced to express its balance-seeking behavior in context of sudden, often catastrophic, changes. In this psychic environment, marriage finds no stable foundation. Rarely can the couple remain faithful nor even share the same house. However, all is not lost. If yuvati-pati-7 is a favorable graha, the spouses may greatly respect each other for their respective strengths and personal integrity. They may continue to help and support each other in non-intimate ways. Tantrik knowledge is obtained. Spiritual benefits arise. The general public need not know the intimate details of this marriage, since bhava-8 is the house of hidden things. The external appearance of the marriage may mask an interior reality of virtual widowhood. Interpersonally yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-8 is a difficult placement for marriage. Yet, if the graha is good, the external appearances, material and moral support, and other non-intimate components of marriage may be successful. |
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 = [Surya in bhava-9] [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-9]
yuvati-pati-7 = [Mangala in bhava-9]
[Mangala-Maraka-Draco] -- [uchcha] yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-9]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-9]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-9]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-9] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]
Philosophical Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 = marriage partnership promise vow balance diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke enters Bhava-9 portfolio = paradigms of belief, doctrine, preacher-teacher, sacred space, world travel Communicative position, excellent for business: yuvati-pati-7 in 3rd-from-svakshetra. yuvati-pati-7 in 3rd from svakshetra * First life partner = oriented to communications, media-message, writing, announcements.
First life partner (7) may psychologically resemble one's own father (9).
Spouse builds one 's capacity for religious practice.
The spouse is an agent of fortune in ways dictated by the character of the graha. Life-mate functions as an adviser and guru. The relationship is naturally somewhat sibling-like. The spouses are comfortable with each other as Typically, this angle attracts those with a similar mentality. Talking, conversation, literary correspondence, discussing daily events are common modes of interaction to maintain the agreement. Such a marriage is likely to be pleasant and may entail a degree of flexibility of arrangements so long as each keeps the other communicatively in the loop. However, mental basis may not be adequate to sustain a lifelong engagement. If other factors in the nativity suggest further alliances, one may extend the communicative outreach beyond the first marriage especially if the verbalizing mentality is very active. yuvati-pati-7 = [Surya in bhava-9] Father Father import-export, brokerage, attorney, counselor, advocate. Confident deal-maker, negotiator.
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-9] Mother
yuvati-pati-7 = [Mangala in bhava-9] Spouse is ideologically supportive, and organized in matters of social networking through the sangha (sangiti, the reciters) of professional, doctrinal or scholarly fellowship. Spouse is often a fellow professional, respected practitioner in an allied field, or highly ranked in one's own spiritual or artistic lineage. This position of yuvati-pati-7 in 3rd-from-svakshetra does not prevent divorce, but after divorce the couple may remain sibling-type friends, with many amicable connections in commonr. yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-9]
EXAMPLES yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-10] -- [dikbala] yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-10]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-10] [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] -- [Bhadra Yoga]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-10]
[Guru-Meena] -- [Hamsha Yoga]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-10]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-10] [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha] [Shani-Urisha] --- [svabhava]
Bureaucratic Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 in the stabilizing, foundational 4th-from-svakshetra. A powerful set of relationships anchors a leadership career. The agency of marriage partnership promise vow balance pledge diplomacy brokerage agreement union pairing yoke enters the realm of institutional leadership, public visibility, reputation, executive duties, and iconic symbolic roles
Harmony-seeking Elite Feminine Cultural Leaders
Harmony-seeking Elite Feminine Governance Leaders
Ruler of 10th-from-10th located in 10th usually signals a distinguished career in dealing-making and arranging partnerships
Auspicious. Particularly comfortable results in administrative law, judgeship, policy and planning, human relations/human resources, diplomacy, and other agreement-seeking disciplines. Spouse may help to build the career. Professional development is an important result of marriage. The spouse is a steady and grounding force of parental quality who strongly supports and stabilizes one's own career. Spouse is a practical, hardworking overseer of the home, often a schoolteacher and often the primary parent, yet quite capable of high ranking leadership in their own professional area. Parental stability and care. Spouse has strong cultural roots very compatible with one 's basic cultural upbringing. However, this supportive auspice can become reversed if yuvati-pati-7 is a graha of poor quality. Typically yuvati-pati-7 in bhava-10 indicates longevity in the career. The native tends to work at the same role for many decades.
Bargaining, deal-making, brokerage roles
QUOTATION Das commentary "The lord of the 7 conjoins the lord of the 10."
yuvati-pati-7 occupies Bhava-11 yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-11]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-11]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-11] dhanayoga]
yuvati-pati-7 = [Budha in bhava-11]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-11] [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha] yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-11] [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-11]
Networking Method of Crafting Agreements Gainful contracts Often fortunate in fundraising (11) due to the strength of the basis of agreement (7) Seeks fairness in large-scale assemblies Spouse-partner = a friend and economic link Social-material gain (11) from bargains, terms of agreement, match-making, deal-making, marriage, alliance, negotiation, contracts, facilitation, from the partner, from diplomacy, balancing, equity, franchise, parity, weights-and -values. Maximum results obtained via involvement of Budha.
Friendships to partnerships, and partnerships to friendships yuvati-pati-7 in 5th-from-svakshetra. Partner (7) is economically gainful (11) and politically positive (yuvati-pati-7 in 5th from svakshetra)
Spouse and allies are the agents who builds one's network of associations. Generally a creative and gainful placement for marriage, adds to children and the poetic "romance" of marriage yuvati-pati-7 in 5th-from svakshetra.
Extension of economic network via socially approved contractual agreements= the most important result of marriage. Partners = friendly, creative, and speculative, and gainful according to the character of the graha that is yuvati-pati-7 . Spouse functions like an elder sibling or cousin : friendly, gainful, materially goal-oriented, and socially linking. The 5-9 angle supports travel and idealism. In cultures where cousin-marriage is supported, the spouse may literally be a mentor-level of cousin = slightly elder or more experienced but favorably inclined to help one achieve one's goals. While supporting one 's goal achievement; the spouse has independent charisma (5). Presuming yuvati-pati-7 is well-disposed, partner = successfully networked into a market of associations. The life-partner may be highly social, creating a large network for the couple to enjoy. Spouse is often associated with large assemblies of profit-makers, and the marriage increases one 's own gainfulness according to the strength of yuvati-pati-7 by rashi, drishti, and lordship. Spouse may be politically active, enjoy fund-raising for community development, or just really like going to parties. Spouse is speculative, likes taking risks, enjoys celebrity and fame. If the graha is intelligent and productive, this is a literary angle where both the spouse and one enjoy writing and reading in literary culture. If yuvati-pati-7 = Shani, spouse is generally sober and responsible but might not be interested in innovation and may lack charisma. |
EXAMPLE yuvati-pati-7 [Surya in bhava-12]
yuvati-pati-7 [Chandra in bhava-12]
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-12]
yuvati-pati-7 [Budha in bhava-12]
yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-12]
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-12]
ruler of 7 occupies 6th-from-7 = invisibility, distrust
yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-12]
Imaginative Method of Crafting Agreements yuvati-pati-7 = Bhava-12 = private liaisons, back-room deals, imagination, conceptual thought, theory, first principles, research, interior guidance, residence in distant lands, monastery, sanctuary, hermitage, enclosure, retreat Less benevolent and often unrealistic position = yuvati-pati-7 in 6th-from-svakshetra. Spouse (7) builds the sanctuary (12). Private seclusion is the most important result of marriage. Marriage challenges due to spouse's need for privacy
yuvati-pati-7 in the invisible 12th , adversarial 6th-from-7th = karaka for multiple marriages due to the adversarial paradigm for marriage in general. Where divorce is not permitted for political or cultural reasons, extramarital adventure may be expected due to structural conflict in the core relationship.
Partner = emotionally or physically withdrawn, or spouse takes long residence in a distant setting. Partner may be invisible, in seclusion, or frequently hospitalized.
Spouse may also contribute positive support to one's clairsentient, intuitive, meditational, and sanctuary-sustaining activities.
If one is involved in clandestine or otherwise private, enclosed projects, or perhaps campaigns in foreign lands, the spouse serves as contributing agent to further those projects.
Perhaps the easiest approach to the situation is to eschew marriage entirely.
One of the sources of marital conflict is that the mate-partner may hail from a distant land (although the most common foreign-mate yoga is chandra-6). The mate may feel invisible [12] in the marriage, and may feel that either enflaming [Mangala] or denying [Shani] the bedroom pleasures is a useful expression of discord within the union. Due to ruler of 7 located in 6th-from-7th, the (first) spouse may involved in enclosed, socially invisible bedroom activities which are adversarial to the marriage.
Life-partner or business partner may hail from a foreign land, or the mate may have been raised in a culture whose values are foreign to one's home culture. Spouse-1 may be isolated (often self-isolating) chronically ill, conduct a private alternative sexual life, or have other ways of closing off him/her self from the marriage, into a private enclosure either mental or physical or both.
First spouse may have a very quiet personality. The public profile of Life-mate-1 might feature socially invisible characteristics, or perhaps this mate would cloak their appearance with the deflective mantle of a 6th-from victim narrative [story of being eaten] such as illness, addiction, criminalization / crime, exploitation, accusative animosity, or poverty. If a divorce is scripted and strong financial graha occupy bhava-12, increased likelihood of the divorced mate receiving a handsome settlement via the services of fortunate counsel and successful lawsuits. However, if the nativity shows self-indulgence, the conflict may not end fairly.
yuvati-pati-7 [Mangala in bhava-12] In this arrangement, not only is the ruler of 7 located in 6th-from-7th but also a rather fierce Kuja Dosha applies to bhava-7. Marriage may be a challenging situation and avoidance of matrimony may be easier. yuvati-pati-7 [Guru in bhava-12] In this arrangement, benevolent Guru provides multiple distancing situations. The mate is charitable, broad-minded, and tolerant, but the dreamy invisibility of 12 may signal many [Guru] bedroom adventures. Rashi is predictive of the type of sanctuary activities.
yuvati-pati-7 [Shukra in bhava-12] yuvati-pati-7 [Shani in bhava-12] In this arrangement, strictly stoic Shani provides multiple distancing situations which are by nature adversarial to the expected transparency of equality in marriage. Non-disclosure and non-availability are typically justified via the workload or via social responsibilities. The lifemate is limited by convention, and often ill or unavailable. Private Bedroom adventures may be mysterious, clandestine, and in some cases dangerous due to the 6/8 amsha.
Private imagination Within the imagination, one may construct an interpretive story regarding one's spouse-partner. This story fills in the missing details about the spouse's true motives and what the spouse is actually doing. Yet this is a story drawing from one 's own subconscious childhood memories, and not necessarily an accurate account of the spouses actual behavior or intent. One blessed with dramatic talent can put oneself into the theatrical role being deeply in love, and successfully act out that role in public life
One may appear to be touching and gazing adoringly at their partner. It is possible to use this imaginative projection as substitute for authentic interpersonal understanding, and those with dramatic training who are living in the limelight of public life frequently do. Disagreement suppressed Typically, there was unresolved conflict between the spouse's parents. This embedded memory repeats continuously in one 's subconscious mind. Thus one carries uninterrupted childhood expectation of adversarial attack from the partner into marriage(s). Therapy and forgiveness practice can be beneficial = bring this subconscious negative expectation up to the surface of consciousness; behavioral changes can be applied after that to reduce the habitual reactiveness. Formal marriage is less desirable for this nativity. If multiple marriages have failed, it is probably not a good idea to just keep getting remarried - at least until the underlying fears have been revealed. The bulk of the karma is paid off with the first marriage, but the pattern of expectation-of-conflict-and-attack may persist in shadow form throughout subsequent marriages, if it is not discussed and corrected in therapyr. Public image of the marriage may be rather glamorous, especially if vidya-pati-5 is strong; because when yuvati-pati-7 occupies bhava-12, the Arudha lagna of marriage becomes bhava-5 celebrity and fame. However, the interior reality is that one carries a persistent subconscious expectation that the spouse is an enemy. Marital conflict often addressed by the spouse's taking long journeys, sequestering in ashram or hospital, or seeking private alternative liaisons. problem-sets arising with the spouse eventually cause a loss of positive social identity for one, during the periods of yuvati-pati-7 . Shani and Public Dignity |
Das commentary
WRT Sat-Kalatra yoga
" ... You are attracted to noble and virtuous partners and your spouse will probably be one such person. if
Nobility of character is a precious commodity not easily to be found in the majority of people. Your spouse will probably be morally strict, god-conscious, and in love with you." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso and Howard C. Cutler, m.D.. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living (1998). " Developing a flexible approach to living is not only instrumental in helping us cope with everyday problem-sets--it also becomes the cornerstone for a key element of a happy life: balance.
" This gentle and skillful approach, taking care to avoid extremes, applies to healthy mental and emotional growth as well." |
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