
Graha - Bhava - Amsha - Rashi

12 indriya-lagna paired with Chandra-Urisha

9 graha from Urisha indriya-lagna

12 bhava from Urisha indriya-lagna

Traditional Sacred Jewels for Urisha indriya-lagna

Guru gochara Vrishabha

Financial Bhava for Urisha indriya-lagna

  1. [Mesha - Aja]
  2. [Vrishabha - Urisha]
  3. [Mithuna]
  4. [Karkata - Kadaga]
  5. [Simha - Leya]
  6. [Kanya - Parthya]
  7. [Tula - Vanika]
  8. [Vṛścika - Thriketta]
  9. [Dhanus - Haya]
  10. [Makara - Draco]
  11. [Kumbha - Ghata]
  12. [Meena - Antya]

  1. [Surya-Urisha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha]
  3. [Mangala-Urisha]

  4. [Budha-Urisha]

  5. [Guru-Urisha]
  6. [Shukra-Urisha]
  7. [Shani-Urisha]
  8. [Rahu-Urisha]
  9. [Ketu-Urisha]

Vrishabha rashi contains three nakshatra

  1. Kṛttikā - Pleiades Agneya = Pada 2-3-4

  2. Rohiṇī - Aldebaran = Pada 1-2-3-4

  3. Mrigashiras - Invaka - Mraga = Pada 1-2


Hathor = goddess of psychic transmission through cattle

Storied historical storage = reservoirs of memory


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

OM vasudevaya namah

OM gopalaya uttara dvajaya namaha

वृष् vṛṣ vrish = rain, sprinkle, pour-forth, produce

Vrishabha - Urisha

वृष vṛṣa vrisha = male animal, bull, potency, virility, virtue

वृषन् vṛṣan vrishan = raining, fertilizing, vital, vigorous

वृषभ vṛṣabha vrishabha = manly, virile, vigorous, animated

Staurisha - Vrishabha - Vrisa - Hrisha - Urisha- Rishabha - Sthurin

तावुर tāvura

Gk. ταῦρος; Lat. taurus

√ स्था sthū = stout, thick, solid, strong

स्थूरिन् sthurin = ox, beast of burden

Goth. stiur; Eng. steer

√ गम् gam = go, wander, travel

गो go

= ox, cow, cattle, kine, herd of cattle

√ वह् vah = drag

अनडुह् anaḍuh

= अनस् anas = cart + वह् vah = drag

= ox, bull


The Keepers - Conservation - Storage

Taurus -Toro - Tavros

sTaur - Stirin - Stier

Oxen -- Vrashab

Byk - Bika - Boga - Bos - bovis

ath-thawr - hathor - shor

गो [from Monier-Williams].

[cf. βοῦς; Lat. ḃos; Old Germ. chuo; Mod. Germ. Kuh; Eng. cow; Lett. gohw; cf. also γαῖα, γῆ; Goth. gavi and Mod. Germ. Gau

राशि names in numerous languages

herds, hoards, holds, heaps, stacks, stashes

store, restore, save, conserve, reserve, preserve

maintain, sustain, retain, contain, detain

speech, song, sound

banking, collecting, saving, preservation, conservation, reservoir, memory retrieval, inventory, warehouse, database, library, genetics, history, stories ++ storage behaviors

underneath temples of the sTauri (bull) and the Aquilae (bird, eagle) are said to lie vast storage chambers


18th-century jewelry box

designed by Giovanni Battista Foggini

of the Galleria dei Lavori en Fiorenza, Italia


The constellation of Taurus from Richard Dibon-Smith

nakshatra names in red added by BP Lama

Kṛttikā - Pleiades-Pleyades + Rohiṇī - Aldebaran-Aldebaran + Mrigashiras - Invaka-Orion


from the Aeon of Vrsa Urisha Taurus


Regional Names for Vrishabha

  • see also: Rashi names multilingual
  • Greek =: Tauros = bull

  • English = Taurus

  • French = Taureau

  • Hindi = Vrshab, Vrushab, Vrashab

Indo-European Cognates

English = virile, virago, virtue


  • ce
  • eri = erriyal = eru = erutu
  • itapam
  • kuntai
  • metavIti
  • muri
  • nanti
  • narai
  • pacu
  • pantil
  • paral = perram
  • pullam
  • puni
  • risapam = virusapam
  • vitai = vitapam


  • Pranava
  • Hrisha = Vrisha = Vrsa = Risha = Brikha = Rishaba

  • Anadhuh

  • Sthurin = Sthaurin

  • Go = Gokula

  • Tauri = Tavuri = Taavura = Tavuru

  • Urisha = Vrushab

  • Uksha

Bull.jpg Meanings for URISHA - VRISHABHA

sound, music, historical values, legacy stories, conservation of traditional language

Virtues, Values, Weight, worth

  • Natural Resources

  • Holdings, Herds, and Hoards

  • Containment, storage, History, restoration

  • easily moveable Stored Assets

  • Pleasures and Treasures

Fleshly Senses and their Pleasures =

  • Food, wines, sweets, scent, sight, sound, taste, touch, tongue

pleasures of the mouth, voice, eyes

Properties of Vrishabha Rashi

BPHS Sarga 4: 8

" Urisha's complexion is white and it is lorded by Shukra.

  • It is long and is a quadruped Rashi.

  • It has strength in night and resides in the South.

  • It represents villages and businessmen.

  • An earthy Rashi, Vrishabha rises with its back."


" [They] will have medium stature and plump body .

The forehead will be broad, naeck thick and stout, eyes bright, hair dark, complexion clear.

They will be solidly built with big shoulders and muscles well developed.

the natives of this lagna have great endurance and patience

  • but when provoked they become angry and vicious like a bull.

They are slow and steady, plodding and persevering, patient and persistent.

They are conservative . They do not waste their energy.

  • They have a strong will. They are not impulsive.

If there are bad influences on the lagna they become lazy and self-indulgent.

They are fond of good food and are very much after money and other worldly possessions.

They are ambitious, cheerful and fond of enjoyment.

  • They are fortunate and are favorites of Goddess Lakshmi .

They are sexy but they are steadfast in their love.

They are fond of music, arts, cinema, drama, etc.

They like to hoard money and are cautious in spending .

Their married life is generally happy."

[end quote]

[Vrishabha - Urisha]

specializes in collection and storage of materialized values.

Modalities include capital finance, banking, cattle, cooperage, databases, warehousing, the herd and the hoard.

  1. If the rising nakshatra is [Surya-ruled Kṛttikā - Pleyades pada 2-3-4] family affluence = promoted via power of both the father and the individual. Confident acquisition of properties; often a local mercantilist and landowner.

  2. If [Chandra-ruled Rohiṇī - Aldebaran pada 1-2-3-4] marks the eastern horizon, the family values are contained by the mother, within ancestral lands and waters; holds old values but does not seek new. Often a preserving environmentalist.

  3. For [Mangala-ruled Mrigashiras - Invaka pada-1 or pada-2] stored wealth is driven by the marriage-partner, yet many losses due to the partner. Often in careers which involve pushing agreements forward, such as midwife, boat launch, initiate sales, marketing or political campaign, factory assembly, transportation industry.


  • Vrishabha = indriya lagna of the kundali (bodily baseline)

  • see also: janma rashi Vrishabha = Chandra-Urisha

Kṛttikā - Pleyades = pada 2-3-4

= 00:00 until 09:59 Vrishabha-Urisha

Surya mūlatrikoṇa = Simha 4th from Vrishabha Surya's mulatrikona Simha 4th = home culture, foundations, habits of a settled people, settlements, shelter, schooling, politics of ethnic security, customs, old ways, habitual rhythms, vehicles, tribalism, ethno-nationalism, patriotism, defense of boundaries, policing, parenting, political protectionism, land use, agriculture, roots, ownership

patriotism, folk customs and established cultural norms of the place of settlement; ethno- cultural foundations, (including the concept of the Subconscious) basis entitlement to independent property ownership-stewardship , defense of boundaries, schools, political grassroots, things beneath the land, protection of the Land and the habitual rhythms of the settlers.

Depending upon [Yogakaraka-Shani ruler of 9+10] can show propensity toward doctrinal guidance (9) or institutional governance (10).

[Kṛttikā-pada-2] [Makara]

00:00 until 03:19 Urisha

[class-conscious, hierarchical, ranked positioning, timeclock, pyramid, ages-and-stages, sober, architectural, governing, regulator, lawful, structural, stones-and-bones pragmatism.]

[Tula 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

brokering, contractual, alliance-building, diplomatic, equalizing, pleasant, musical, harmonizing, partnering, adjudicating, arranging, balancing, match-making, deal-making, advocacy, reciprocity, mutuality in relationships.]

[Kṛttikā-pada-3] [Kumbha]

03:20 until 06:39 Urisha

[systematic, gridworked, community-connecting, distributive, interlinked, socio-economic, networking, friendly, associative,


[Vrischika 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

undisclosing, dangerous, shocking, healing, penetrating, recycling, , explosive, identity-changing, mysterious, transformative, rejuvenating, evolutionary. May be called to leadership during emergencies, dangers, or threats. ]

[Kṛttikā-pada-4] [Meena]

06:40 until 09:59 Urisha

[visionary, fantasizing, imaginative, conceptual, contemplative, privately guiding, expansive interior worldview, theoretical, diversifying, developing, inclusive, charitable. May be clairsentient.]

[Dhanus 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

preachy, pontificating, patronizing, inspirational, globalized, optimistic, expansive exterior worldview, believing, ideolo gical, theological, philosophical, principled, indoctrinating. ]


Rohiṇī - Aldebaran

10:00 Vrishabha - Urisha until 23:19 Vrishabha (Taurus)

Chandra's mūlatrikoṇa = Vrishabha bhava-1

personality-self, complexion, appearance, emotional responsiveness, fleshly-form, emotional vitality, banking, finance, and treasuries of knowledge, language , speech-song, animal herds, habitual routines, folkways customs, established cultural norms of the place of settlement, rhythms of life, initiative, first-arrivers, movement, actions, direct pursuit, conditions of birth

Depending upon [Yogakaraka-Shani] ruler of 9+10, can show propensity toward doctrinal guidance (9) or institutional governance (10).

[Rohiṇī -pada-1] [Mesha]

10:00 until 13:19 Urisha

[pioneering, dominating, active-aggressive, speedy, forceful, conquesting, competitive, athletic, naew, bloody, muscular, innovative, battling, invasive, first-arriver, championship master.]

[Makara 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

status-maintaining, hierarchical, institutional, regulatory, governing, directing, legitimizing, ranking, ordering, class-conscious, structuring, lawful, fixed-position, dignified elite. ]

[Rohiṇī-pada-2] [Urisha]

13:20 until 16:39 Urisha

[finance, face, family, food, tradition, treasures, pleasures, speech, song, language, capitalization, sensual values, historical knowledge, sound, color, taste, touch, beauty, cattle, oil, sugar, sweetness, wine, ornaments, music.]

[Kumbha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

community, fundraising, social-participation, gridworking, gainful, economic, scientific, futuristic, networking, profitable, collectivist, populist, friendly.]

[Rohiṇī-pada-3] [Mithuna]

16:40 until 19:59 Urisha

[publicizing, explaining, detailing, mercantile, collaborative, communicative, media-messaging, team-working, tallkative, managing, planning, writing, instructional, neighborly.]

[Meena 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

guiding, intuitive, conceptual, abstract, visionary, theoretical, charitable, sleepy, imaginative, contemplative, dreamlike.]

  • Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas [Mriga svamsha]

  • Sophie's Choice 1949- drama Meryl Streep Oiye Leestin! [Arudra svamsha]

  • Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve [Arudra svamsha]

  • Siddha Yoga 1955- Swami Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

    [Puna svamsha]

[Rohiṇī - pada-4] [Karkata]

20:00 until 23:19 Urisha

[defensive, nationalistic, rhythmic-algorithmic, worshipping, protective, customary, ritualized, routinized, rutting, tidal, moody, habitual, parental, cultural-agricultural, householding.]

[Mesha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

championship, engineering, first-arriving, invasive, weaponizing, fighter, pioneering, muscular, dynamic, energetic, pushy, conquesting, innovative, fiery, new-birth .]

Mrigashiras - Invaka - Competitive Commerce

Vrishabha pada-1, pada-2 = 23:20 until 29:59 Urisha

Secluded or occluded, shielded clandestine business environments. Excellent for international business or dealing in private luxuries.

Kuja's mūlatrikoṇa = Mesha bhava-12 = dreams, subconscious imagery , clandestine affairs, work behind the scenes,

sanctuary, retreat, enclosures, camps, research facilities, private clubs, secluded areas, long sojourn in Other Worlds, private activities, under-the-table dealings, bribery,

subconscious, imagination , the bedroom, dormitories, prison, hospitals, hostels, hotels, meditation hall, dreams, interiority, private prayer, invisible spiritual guidance, espionage

Depending upon [Yogakaraka-Shani] ruler of 9+10, can show propensity toward doctrinal guidance (9) or institutional governance (10).

[Mrigashiras-pada-1] [displaying-theatrical Simha]

23:20 until 26:39 Urisha

[demonstrating, displaying, creative, artistic, glittering, showy, ceremonial, brightly intelligent, confident, narcissistic, splendidly dramatic, gaming, romantic, political, entitled.]

[Urisha 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

treasures, pleasures, wines, music, visual arts, beauty, luxury, face-eyes-mouth, finance, capitalization, evaluation, assessment, pricing, hoarding, genetics, breeding, cattle, memory, knowledge, speech-song, tradition, ornaments, storage, food.]


[Mrigashiras-pada-2] [helping-calculating Kanya]

26:40 until 29:59 Urisha

[Logistical, analytical, strategic, calculating, ministering, helpful, tactical, assisting, medicating, arguing, complaining, litigious, human services, seva, scandal.]

[Mithuna 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation =

mercantile, process-product manufacturing, sales, scripted, administrative, project-managing, media-messaging, announcing, writing-publishing, information delivery, radio, television, cinema, internet, advertising, data processing, ensemble production, manual skills, teamwork]


Vocabulary for Urisha -Vrishabha

  • QUOTATIONS from ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • a man, male, husband; the male of any animal

  • a bull (in older language only)

  • the zodiacal sign Taurus

  • a strong or potent man (one of the four classes into which men are divided in erotic works)

  • the chief of a class or anything the most excellent or preeminent or best of its kind

  • the bull among cows,

  • the principal die in a game at dice...

  • the chief of monkeys

  • Justice or Virtue personified as a bull or as Shiva's bull

  • just or virtuous act, virtue, moral merit

  • a peacock's plumage or tail

  • semen virile

(English cognates virtue, virile)


  • manly, mighty, vigorous, strong

  • a bull

  • a showerer of bounties, benefactor

  • the chief, most excellent or eminent, lord or best among

  • zodiacal sign of Taurus

  • the hollow or orifice of the ear

  • an Asura slain by Vishnu


  • a pack-horse, beast of burden, draught-ox

IE cognates: Greek tauros; Latin taurus; Span Toro

Gothic stiur;

English steer


  • an ox
  • a cow, cattle, kine, herd of cattle
  • to set out for a battle [to conquer cows]
  • "anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow":
  • milk (generally pl.), flesh skin, hide, leather, strap of leather, bow-string, sinew
  • " the herds of the sky"', the stars
  • rays of light (regarded as the herds of the sky, for which Indra fights with Vritra)
  • the sign Taurus
  • the sun; the moon
  • a kind of medicinal plant
  • a singer, praiser
  • "a goer", horse
  • the sun's ray called Su-shumna
  • water
  • an organ of sense
  • the eye
  • a billion
  • the sky
  • the thunderbolt
  • the hairs of the body
  • an offering in the shape of a cow
  • a region of the sky
  • the earth (as the milk-cow of kings); (hence) the number "nine"
  • a mother
  • speech, sarasvati (goddess of speech)
voice, note

IE cognates

  • Latin bos
  • Old German chuo
  • Modern German kuh
  • English cow
  • Gothic gavi
  • Modern German gau

QUOTATION from T. Subba Row. (1881)."The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" in Five Years Of Theosophy. George Robert Snow Mead (ed.). London. (1885, 1894).

" Mystical, philosophical, theosophical, Historical and Scientific Essays Selected from "The Theosophist" . Available at www.gutenberg.org

" II. Vrishabham.

  • This word is used in several places in the Upanishads and the Veda to mean Pranava (Aum).

  • Sankaracharya has so interpreted it in several portions of his commentary.*

* Example,"Vrishabhasya -- Chandasam Vrishabhasya Pradhanasya Pranavasya."

Features of Vrsa-


  • rago-guna - rajas, action

rising portion - daya= 'presentation' or 'portion'

  • pRSThodaya - rising from behind pristho-daya = tail first, feet first
  • pristho-daya group includes Mesha, Vrishabha, mithuna, dhanus, makara)

niza-bala group = निशाबल niśābala

  1. Mesha
  2. Urisha
  3. Mithuna
  4. Karkata
  5. Dhanus
  6. Makara

Āraṇya-rāśi = forest-dwelling rashi

m. Leo; Aries and Taurus; the former half of Capricorn (M.W.)

tattva = that-ness, element

  • prithivi tattva - earth element


Natural Friendship communities and networks

11th from Urisha = Meena = tends to befriend

  • the lost and lonely; spiritualists and diviners; meditators and those who offer private prayers, fantasizers, and dreamers; those less concerned with innovation and being first; those cloistered in monasteries, prisons, and other sanctuaries; spies and voyeurs; beings without bodies; foreigners; the imagination-oriented

General Traits of Urisha indriya-lagna - Chandra in Vrishabha

  • treasure-holds, fields and pastures,

  • money, luxury, sensual pleasures, wines and foods, perfumes and oils

  • Ancient knowledge, languages, history,

  • records and archives, old songs and stories

  • capital accumulation, acquisition of goods, collections,

  • banking, stored wealth, stored memories,

  • value-hoards of every description.

Financial bhava for Urisha indriya-lagna

  1. Budha ruled Mithuna Bhava-2 savings, conservation, capitalization, family assets, banking, treasure-chest, mani (jewels) animal herds, seeds, mobile valuables
  2. Budha-ruled Kanya Bhava-5 gambling, stock market, creative finance, casino, venture capitalism
  3. Shani-ruled Makara Bhava-9 = broad-scope dharmic perspective grants awareness of resources without the need to earn, save, insure, or gamble.
  4. Guru-ruled Meena Bhava-11 = profits, earnings, rents, royalties, dividends, bonus, commission, paycheck, salary, marketplace revenues, income, gain of social - material goals

11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy

Vrishabha befriends Meena-12 types

  • the lost and lonely; the disembodied, dissolved, or unmoving

  • spiritualists and diviners; meditators and those who offer private prayers, fantasizers, and dreamers

those cloistered in monasteries, prisons, and other sanctuaries; spies and voyeurs; beings without bodies; foreigners; the imagination-oriented

those detached (12th-from) innovation and new ideas;

General Suitability of Gems for Urisha indriya-lagna

  1. Surya ratna = possibly yes, because Surya = bandesha-4 and does not rules any other house

  2. Chandra ratna = no, generally, because Chandra = bhratru-pati-3 and does not rules any other house

  3. Mangala ratna = no, because Mangala = yuvati-pati-7 and ruler-of-12

  4. Budharatna = yes, because Budha = dhanapati-2 and Vidyapthi-5

  5. Guru ratna = no, because Guru = randhresha-8 and Vriddhi-pati-11

  6. Shukra ratna = yes, because Shukra = the auspicious lagnesha, but caution must be used for anyone with health or marital issues because Shukra also = rogesha-6

  7. Shani ratna = yes, with caution - because [Yogakaraka] Shani = dharmesha -9 and karmesha -10

  8. Rahu-ratna = unknown, depends on Rahu's ruler

  9. Ketu-ratna = unknown, depends on Ketu's lord

There are exceptions to all of these general rules which are caused by the position of Chandra, the active Vimshottari time lords, and the native 's personal goals, inter alia. Yoga for Urisha indriya-lagna only

  1. Chandra in lagna,

  2. Surya-Vṛścika (full Moon uttama in lagna)

  3. *and* Shukra-Tula

  4. *and* Budha in bandhu bhava.

Result = exceptionally high social position

lagnesha Shukra = Identifies with Treasuries and Pleasures Vrishabha radical lagna or Vrishabha Chandra = strongly identified with treasuries of beauty and precious goods: both those consisting of valuable material resources and the store-holds of precious knowledge.

Barring damage to dhana-bhava or to the dhana-pati, most natives of Vrishabha become wealthy and knowledgeable, over time.

One may be socially most comfortable in the gracious, sensual environments of materially elegant, enriched, luxurious cultures.

Vrishabha natives are typically very acquisitive, with an advanced sensitivity to food, drink, sound, shape, and scent. A highly developed Shukra may become an extraordinary agent of visual beauty and healing sound.

For Urisha indriya-lagna, the character, placement, drishti WRT gracious, acquisitive lagnesha Shukra will determine the conditions of social satisfaction.

Tangible Treasuries

accumulated treasuries of financial well-being and knowledge via the undertakings of Budha = lord of 2nd from Vrishabha.

The birth family are talkative [Budha] collectors of treasury reserves, acquisitive of treasury -containers such as herds hoards and properties, barring damage to dhana bhava.

For Urisha indriya-lagna and Vṛścika indriya-lagna = Budha-Ketu bhukti = Potential Divorce signification

Vimshottari dasha each Budha bhukti is always followed by a bhukti of Ketu.

  • Budha = dhanapati-2 for Vrishabha and randhresha-8 for Vṛścika. Thus lord of 2 or 8, which is a divorce trigger, is followed by influence of surrenderKetu.

  • Should the marriage be on shaky grounds before the Budha bhukti begins, and if other factors are present such as Budha ruling or located in an argumentative position,

  • then marital disintegration may start in a Budha bhukti to be followed by abandonment and an exclamation of I give up during the immediately subsequent bhukti of Ketuva.

During certain long mahadasha (Shukra, budha, rahu, shani) the Budha and Ketu sub-periods are proportionally quite long also, therefore, the script of argument [Budha] followed by apathy, despair of improvement, and ultimately abandonment, is given a long playing time in the script.

Raja Yoga

for Urisha indriya-lagna : Shani-Urisha + Shukra-Kumbha

~~ BPHS, Sarga-4 0, shloka. 13

"An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner."

~~ BPHS Sarga-5, sl. 41
"If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga. They will confer high position, reputation and power."
Hello Barbara,

I am looking for information about Rohini lagna. Why are you talking about Arudra svamsha for Rohini pada-3? Arudra is part of Gemini, not Taurus.

A reader.


Namaste --

Thanks for your note. Rohiṇī-pada-3 = Mithuna navamsha.

Each nakshatra contains four pada. Each pada contains 03 deg + 20 min. Each 03 deg + 20 min pada can be further subdivided into nine mini-portions.

For example, an Urisha birth with a Rohiṇī-pada-4 indriya-lagna produces a Karkata svamsha

[svamsha = “navamsha lagna”]

Karkata svamsha can itself be subdivided into the nine navamsha.

Rohiṇī-pada-4 contains approximately 11.11% Puna, 44.44% Pushya, and 44.44% Naga. Within the 44.44% of Aslesha, for example, further more precise distinctions into Dhanus-Makara-Kumbha-Meena can be made.

Svamsha designation can provide key birth-time confirmations such as the timing of marriage. In addition, svamsha definition is also very useful for assessing personality characteristics and estimating the nature of subconscious expectations which drive behavioral choices.

For rectifying the nativities of historical figures whose life events are in the public record, svamsha fine-tuning helps to match the biographical facts, and thus it can help to confirm a more precise birth-time rectification.


Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life’s endeavors,


Barbara Pijan Lama, Jyotishavidya



Northwest Oregon, springtime


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!
