Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala ruled by moving Mangala arts and artisanal hand-craft multi-faceted, architecturally-minded " Plays to Win" needs competition for bright-sparkly things fear of poverty and silence
OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah AUM som somaya namah
Professor Chandra चन्द्र candra = brightener, shiner सोम so-ma = moon, soma-sacrifice सुम su-ma = moon, atmosphere ठ tha = disk of moon ऋक्षराज् ṛkṣa-rāj = lord of the constellations निशाकर niśā-kara = night-creator resides in विश्वकर्मन् viśva-karman = all-maker, carpenter त्वष्टृ tvaṣṭṛ = heavenly builder, maker of beings emotional patterning delivered into the Earth consciousness grid conferred by the races of | |
Shri Phal = fruit of the Bilawa Tree Sacred to Chitra Nakshatra |
Nakshatra kona of Mangala In Mangala-ruled nakshatra, professor Chandra seeks emotional stability and security via productive activity, dynamic forward movement. and conquest. Emotional alpha Competitive, muscular, arrives First, innovates, instigates, high emotional vitality, can be dominating,; needs to Initiate See also: Chandra in a nakshatra of Mangala |
Each of the Mangala-ruled nakshatra of Chandra is emotionally compatible with other dynamic, forward-pushing, mangala-ruled champions
Pada-1 Chitra-Kanya [23:40 Kanya - Parthya 26:39] [dramatizing-showy Chitra-1] [navamsha-Chandra-Simha] intuitively sensitive to entertaining political display
[26:40 Kanya - Parthya 29:59] [assisting-ministering Chitra-2] [navamsha Chandra in Kanya] intuitively sensitive helping complaining calculating
[00 Tula - Vanika 03:20] [arranging-trading Chitra-3] [navamsha Chandra-Tula] intuitively sensitive diplomatic brokerage, suavely gently bargaining
[03:21Tula - Vanika 06:39] [Chitra-4] [navamsha Vṛścika Chandra] intuitively sensitive discovering-transformation |
= विश्वकर्मन् viśva-karman = त्वष्टृ tvaṣṭṛ =
Chandra in Chitra = innovative, pioneering, engineer, builder-designer, design-driven
comforted by engineered arrangements protectors of innovative design soothed by patterned movement ancient rituals of site construction needs to use forceful instruments intuitive rhythms of building design champions of dynamic architecture Mangala endures a hostile relationshipwith Budha. Mangala enjoys a neutral and often mated relationship with Shukra. In all four pada, chitra-Chandra is combative and dominating, conquesting and pursuing, lively and sporting -- Yet, also scholarly and capable of penetrating [Kuja] thought [Budha]. Often a capable writer on contentious topics, and emotionally sensitive to aggressive or innovative roles: Yet Chandra's needs are different in the two portions, Kanya pada * Step 1-2 vs. Thula pada * Step 3-4. In logical Kanya, chitra-Chandra needs to win the argument and pursue the plan. For success, both Professor Budha and Professor Mangala should be strong.
In diplomatic Tula, chitra-Chandra needs to dominate the partnership in the role of the architect of the alliance. Then Chitra-Chandra pursues the agreement Strategic and tactical pursuit; competitive dominant instinct; the arts of war needs to Dominate through strategy and tactic in complexly structured competitive wars
in Kanya, seeks to win the argument in Tula, seeks enrichment via money, jewels, ornaments e.g. luxury automobiles [Shukra] Lord Tvastr formed the bodies of humans and animals.
Chitra are competitively ambitious " alpha" warrior types.
Even when Chitra is born with high levels of analytical intelligence - often present in the Kanya portion - Chandra-Chitra remains a physically straightforward person who understands blood-competition at the mundane and muscular battlefield level. [Chitra-Chandra] May appear crude or primitive because of their core intuition being so fleshly. However, the flesh is the undeniable basis of human life, and one who recognizes that base reality will be effective in dealings . Aggression by weapon (or realistic threat of it) is particularly the skill of Chitra. Blessed by Lord Tvastri, the Chaitra native possess intuition [Chandra] for design of excellent strategic plans .
If not well supported, the emotional instinct to win may involve appropriations of the treasury of others. Chitra is the architectonic jewel of great price. This native wants to know how it all fits together (the facets of the jewel) and then to USE one's knowledge [Budha] for personal gain. Mangala-ruled Chitra's method = movement. Mangala-ruled Chitra's goal = strategic (long-term) and tactical (short-term) positioning for competitive advantage : The competitively advantaged position is usually pursued through control of material assets, in combination with a high decision-making position of some type. Particularly in the Budha-ruled Kanya portions, chaitra-Chandra is a magnificent planner. Financial and political corruption does not offend this native; since the baser instincts of human nature are simply more facets of the jewel. Pursues ones single goal with a high sense of entitlement, reflecting a noble and cut-throat style of practicing the arts of war.
Spiritual director of this section of the Learning Pathway
Architecturally minded genius, able to mount great schemes and plans.
Charming conversationalists and entertainers, especially in the Budha-ruled pada. Famed for insight, artistic ability, and for their power to work in hot-pressure environments. Masters of illusion. Favors jewels and gems (formed in hot-pressure) especially in the Shukra-ruled pada.
Navamsha Moon in Chitra - Spica psychic mirroring function of intimate relationships Kanya
Tula |
In order to mirror one's own subconscious emotional patterns, one attracts a core partner who expresses Chitra behavior. The partner of Chandra-Chitra needs evidence of artistic craft to stabilize their own emotional life. They are literary writers; song-writers and instrument-playing musicians; painter sculptors and workers in glass, artisans and craftspeople of every fashion. They seek to evoke articulated balance and in a tangible form.
Under emotional stress within relationships, the Chandra-Chitra partner can experience deep anxiety reactions that manifest as compulsive crafting-and-re-crafting of a piece of artisanal production. Stress behaviors might include for example writing and re-writing a poem-song-story, or painting-and-re-painting an artistic picture ... Or even cleaning and re-cleaning a weapon. |
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