

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Laxmi = Sarasvati = Parvati

Luxury - Learning - Liaison


Earth's partner-planei

Pleasure - Harmony - Balance - Agreement

Duality - Polarity - Opposites - Pairs

Regional Names for Shukra

Traditional Jyotishavidya Sacred Jewels Ratna for Shukra

Bhrigu = slope, cliff, precipice, declivity



OM asvadhvajaaya vidmahe

Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi

Tanno shukra prachodaya


Sita-Tara - Buddha-Awareness of Compassion

[connecting-economic vriddhi-pati for Karkata indriya-lagna]

[homebound-anchoring bandhesha for Karkata indriya-lagna]


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

OM vasudevaya namah

OM gopalaya uttara dvajaya namaha

Himkundmrinaalaabham Daityaanam Paramam Guruam

Sarvashastrapravaktaram Bhargavam Pranmaamyaham

Learning Pathway of

equity & attraction

शुक्र śukra / शुक्ल śukla

√ शुच् = bright, resplendent

Professor Shukra


सितsita = white color, pale, lustrous

श्वेत śveta = white color

श्वेतरथ śveta-ratha = having a white chariot

√ भ्राज् bhrāj = shine, beam, sparkle, glitter

Bhrāj - Bhrigu

भृगुज bhṛgu bhrigu = the bright one

भृगुज bhṛguja

भार्गवप्रिय bhārgava = bhṛgu

वारुणी vāruṇī =patronymic of Bhṛgu

शुचि śuci

=shining, brilliantly white, clear, clean, pure

षोडशार्चिस् ṣoḍaś-ārcis shodash-archis = 16-rayed

दैत्यगुरु daitya-guru / असुरगुरुasura-guru

= grower-teacher of demons

सुक्रयsukraya= fair bargain

कवि kavi =singer, bard, poet

Venus -Ishtara - Ashatara

Phosphoros - Heosphoros

Lucipheros [light-bringer, Lucifer]


Morgen-steorra // Aefen-steorra


Aphrodite -Venera - Zuhra - Nogah

Frigg - Freya [Friday]

Mal-thias - Ba'ah

Seba-djai -- Nin-si-anna - Delebat -- Jingxing


Balance - Value - Worth

Equity - Mutuality - Parity

Sharing - Fairness

Bargains - Exchange Trading - Negotiation

Justice - Alliance - Agreement

Pairs - Peers


2016 - Planet Venus

photographed by Japan's Akatsuki spacecraft

" How you have fallen from heaven, O MORNING STAR, son of the dawn!

You have been cast down to the Earth, you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven;

I will raise my throne above the stars of God;

I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.

I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High."

~~ Book of Isaiah 14:12-14

"Duality hides Divinity" ~~ Kryon

"All women in this world are forms of the goddess."

~~ Devi Mahatmyam 11.6

"All the gods reside where women are worshipped."

~~ Manu Smriti , 3.56

"Price is what you pay.

Value is what you get."

~~ Berkshire Hathaway 1930- mutual funds Warren Buffett

" Venus is charming ,

has a splendorous physique,

is excellent or great in disposition,

has charming eyes,

is a poet,

is phlegmatic and windy,

and has curly hair."

~~ BPHS: Sarga-3, shloka-2 8

Contemplate of Guru, as yellow complexion and Shukra of fair complexion,

both with four arms, carrying a Danda, akshasutra, Kamandala and Vara.

~~ BPHS: Chap. 84, shloka-10

QUOTATION from Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass

" To live consciously, you must have the courage to go inside yourself to find out who you really are, to understand that behind all of the masks of individual differences, you are a being of beauty, of love, of awareness.

  • Christ said, "the kingdom of heaven is within ."
  • Buddha said, "each person is the Buddha."

Until you can allow your own beauty, your own dignity, your own being, you cannot free another.

Have compassion for yourself.

Allow yourself to be beautiful and all the rest will follow."

[end quote]


Sandro Boticelli c. 1482 Primavera

the central figure represents Venus


August 2017 - Message from P'taah: You Are Worthy & You Choose It All


emphasis added by BPl

" You know, if you were not worthy of all wondrousness, you would not exist. You are all playing a game. You are all grand Gods and Goddesses, powerful beyond measure, playing this game called 'I have forgotten my truth.'

You have been brought up in an environment which tells you that you are not worthy and you are all terrified that you are going to 'miss the boat!' - miss out on these wondrous contacts with your brothers and sisters, miss out on the Transition, miss out on the wonders that you know within your own heart are to occur.

We say to you, you will not miss out. You have birthed yourself here and now in this world, in this place. You are the chosen because you create your own reality, absolutely. You are the chosen to be birthed in this Now so that you may take part in this Grand Transition. That is why you are here and we say to you that, the stories of your alien brothers and sisters are wondrous, indeed, and it is most exciting, but it is only a story. It will not bring you home and the coming home is what you yearn for.

Your brethren will not bring you home. Your brethren will not change your reality. Why? Because you are Gods and Goddesses, powerful beyond imagining, and only you have the sovereign right to change who you are - to change your life. Your brethren will not come forth to save you. Why? Because you do not need saving! You do not need saving because you are, in every now, no matter how it appears absolutely Perfect, Eternal Expressions of Source.

You are It, my beloved ones. You are It. You have within you the seeds of all knowing. You have within you the seeds of God/Goddessness else you could not possibly exist.

That which are the technologies and that which is the Otherness, the scientific mumbo-jumbo that you are all obsessed with, will not change the reality of who you are. There is nothing outside of you but a mirror, areflection, to show you who you are and how you are in any Now.

What does that mean? It means, simply, that the power sourceness is your emotion and whatever is occurring in your life, whatever you have a negative emotional response to, is your signal, if you like, that there is something to be addressed, that there is a fear within you about who you are that is to be embraced so that you may create the change that you all desire so fervently.

But, only you can make the choice. Your brethren are not going to because you are sovereign beings. Those of you who have had contact consciously with your brethren, have had contact because that is what you contracted before you were born in this life, before your birthing.

We will not get into other agendas. There are millions of agendas. We say only this to you - there is not and has never been that which be against your will, against your choice. At some level, you choose it all and we say, all there is, in all the contacts that you have, either consciously or unconsciously, is that of your choosing. It is the choosing of the greater part of you for a greater reality - for Light, for Love, for Knowing.

We say again that this perception, called Enlightenment, is simply unfolding into what already is and there is nothing to do. This is not about trying to be spiritual because you are absolutely spiritual else you could not exist. There is nothing in your entire life that is not spiritual. It is not about being good. It is about being who you are and recognizing that that which does not fulfill the highest idea of who you can possibly be, is simply that which is fear-based.

There is nobody judging you.There is no right or wrong. There are no 'shoulds.' There are no rules. You are Gods and Goddesses playing a game called 'human life now.' We remind you that you have chosen to come forth in this lifetime to come into a grander knowing, to come to love every facet of you absolutely. And that is what it is about.

You see, my beloved ones, it is about love. Enlightenment is the natural result of loving who you are - unconditionally and absolutely - to unfold into the knowing that you truly are a Perfect, Eternal Expression of God-Goddess/All That Is.

Your unfolding into this knowing is that which is your connectedness with your brethren from other dimensions, from other worlds. And, in a way, that which is termed 'Contact,' conscious or unconscious, is only to remind you of the greater truth.

I love you all absolutely and we come forth to reflect to you that which you really do know absolutely and to trigger that knowing within the breast of each of you. We come forth because you make our heart sing. You are the reflection of that which be the highest potential - called Gods and Goddesses playing a game called Human.

We love you because we have been with you since first your footsteps walked this glorious planet. We will always be with you and will never leave you because we love you."

[end quote]


TOPICS of Sweet-seeking Shukran

  1. [Shukra-Mesha] appreciation of direct movement = primal relationships = likes innovation = aesthetic of physicality = attracted to champions = pleasures of conquest = kinetic sensuality = prefers a lithely sporting partner = sweetly competitive = aristocratic agreements

  2. [Shukra-Urisha] --- [svakshetra] valuable arrangements = attuned to capital resources [including human capital] = appreciates wealth = pleased by worthy collections = attracted to beautiful sounds = acquisitive sensuality = cherished accruals = financial harmony = richly historic environments = delighted by precious goods = prefers luxury-loving partners

  3. [Shukra-Mithuna] appreciates iterative process = values beautifully detailed artifacts = attracted to writer-editor-publishers = likes businesspeople = sweetly signaling gestures = conducts diplomatic scripted conversations = prefers a communicative partner = equable cooperative teamwork = smooth handling of management tasks = aesthetic of skilled handcraft = delivers balanced specific explanations = enjoys descriptive literary correspondence = gracious messaging arrangements

  4. [Shukra-Karkata] values comforting routine = likes to nourish = attracted to settled habits = prefers a home-loving partner = taste for folk-lifestyle = appreciates farmers-and-fishers = pleased by secure borders = enjoys rhythmic seasons = adorns beautiful gardens = seeks balanced parenting arrangements = aesthetic of domestic sharing

  5. [Shukra-Singha] appreciation of regal confidence = likes admiration = enjoys applause = prefers creative partners = attracted to artistic performers = bargains to play radiant central roles = delighted by celebrity = charmed by romantic pleasures = pleased by ceremonial display = brightly theatrical arrangements

  6. [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha] = appreciation of service ministries = likes logical argument = attracted to subordinates = delighted by animals = accepts unbalanced agreements = prefers exploitable partners = pleased by pain relief = enjoys humility = graciously accommodates unfair contracts = sweet alliance with victims = litigious bargaining

  7. [Shukra-Vanika] --- [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg]appreciation of negotiation = taste for balanced color schemes = attracted to beautiful designs = enjoys the company of designers = prefers adjustable partners = pleased by brokerage = equable alliances = artfully arranges agreements = bargains sweetly = harmonious mediation = match-making for equity = aesthetic of the fair-trade deal

  8. [Shukra-Vṛścika] appreciation of penetrating discovery = likes mysteries = attracted to danger = aesthetic of exploration = pleased by covert power = prefers a healing partner = undisclosed arrangements = phoenix aesthetic of rejuvenation = beautifying rebirth = negotiates pleasantly in threatening conditions = seeks equity during sudden upheavals = balanced approach to emergencies = enjoys hidden alliances = conducts secret diplomacy

  9. [Shukra-Dhanus] appreciation of humanistic belief = advocates for theory = attracted to teachers = agrees with priests = pleased by broad perspective = prefers inspiring partners = dogmatic arrangements = enjoys indoctrination = delighted by philosophy = aesthetic of shared worldview

  10. [Shukra-Makara-Draco] appreciation of authoritative status = likes architectural structure = attracted to officials = conducts lawful negotiations = beautiful bones = enjoys social position = class-conscious aesthetic = pleased by social regulation = hierarchical arrangements = prefers an orderly partner

  11. [Shukra-Kumbha] appreciation of social networks = likes knitting-knotting = attracted to marketplace revenues = pleased by large-group connectivity = prefers a friendly partner = collectivist arrangements = enjoys regulated systems = sweetly gracious within big crowds = scientific aesthetic = financially balanced economic linkage

  12. [Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha] appreciation of music = likes sensual fantasy = often looks visually beautiful = envisions philosophically attuned harmony = prefers an imaginative partner = attracted to dreamy artists = intuitively balanced designs = lovely aligned feet = bargains for peaceful sanctuary = enjoys symbolic clairsentience = contemplative aesthetic

  1. [Shukra-1] seeks pleasure via handsome embodiment = enjoys the company of womenfolk = graciously attractive appearance = active style of balancing = pursues adjustable arrangements = appreciation of muscular vitality = pleasing designs to adorn the head = aesthetic of new life = physical exercise to balance the brain = identified with brokerage = seeks the sweet midpoint of dynamic negotiations = energetic pursuit of equity = identified with acts of diplomacy = bargains vigorously for fair exchange = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be an athlete, innovator, champion, pioneer

  2. [Shukra-2] [svabhava seeks pleasure via gathered treasuries = enjoys banked assets = bargains toward collected equity = feminine-figures predominate the family = gracious storyteller = pretty preservations = balanced linguistic expression = beautiful voice = pleasing designs to adorn the face = aesthetics of mouth + jaw + teeth + hair = graceful neck = prefers historical values = appreciation of speech-and-song = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a banker-collector-historian-preserver = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a banker-collector-historian-preserver

  3. [Shukra-3] seeks pleasure via communications = talks about relationships = sweetens the administrative tasks = smooth style of messaging = enjoys commercial harmony = pleasant retinue = satisfied by literacy = balanced numeracy skills = prefers collaborative teamwork = aesthetically phrased announcements = appreciation of conversation = nice designs to adorn the ears = attractive shoulders = lovely arms = graceful hands = chatty sisters- aunts-neighbors = attuned to the cohort = likes musical groups = fair-and-balanced reporting = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a manager-communicator-writer

  4. [Shukra-4] -- [dikbala] seeks pleasure via home-based routines = likes the seasonal rhythms of nature = enjoys real-estate finance = attractive gardens = strong feminine presence in the home = prefers luxurious household = seeks patriotic educated partners = aesthetic of domestic stability = pleasing designs to adorn the chest = beautiful breasts = lovely torso = appreciation of owned-stewarded properties = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a homemaker, farmer, driver, schoolteacher, police

  5. [Shukra-5] seeks pleasure via refined gaming = enjoys center-stage beauty = creative feminine-figures = pleasing children = talented students = delights in financial speculation = political grace = aesthetic designs to adorn the heart = graceful solar plexus = dramatic relationships = sweet celebrity romance = delights in fine arts = appreciation of entitlements = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a dramatist-politician-artist-genius

  6. [Shukra-6] seeks pleasure via self-medication = satisfied by service = ministry of aid to womenfolk = imbalanced agreements = feminine employees = attracted to animals = valuable servants = appreciation of enemies = lovely designs to adorn the lower abdomen = toxicity from sugars = aesthetic of slavery = pleasant self-medication = unfair contracts = financial exploitation = sweet pollutions = criminal bargains = accepts injustice = accommodates poverty = adjusts to war = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a pharmacist-clinician-servant-helper-aide = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a pharmacist-clinician-servant-helper-aide

  7. [Shukra-7] --- [svabhava] seeks pleasure via interpersonal relationships = enjoys contractual harmony = prefers adjustable partners = lovely designs to adorn the lower back = kidney-adrenal over-use = often too much sugar = sensual genitalia = gracious advisers = balanced mutual agreement = fair financial arrangements = appreciation of equity = pleasurable deal-making = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be an advocate, educator, counselor, attorney, broker, intermediary

  8. [Shukra-8] seeks pleasure via occult secrets = enjoys disguised relationships = balanced healing arts = aesthetic of non-disclosure = camouflaged arrangements = hidden equity = pleasing designs to adorn the sexual-reproductive organs = sensual sphincters = obscured finance = taste for rejuvenating initiation = transformed by feminine-figures = delighted by sudden renewal = pleasant in-laws = appreciation of identity change = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold a secretive position

  9. [Shukra-9] seeks pleasure via philosophical doctrine = enjoys wide worldview = believes in beauty = feminine-figures preach-teach on higher principles = broad scope of negotiations = expansive musical taste = pleasing designs to adorn the pelvic floor = graceful hips = balanced femoral sockets = sweet sacral plexus = appreciation of theory = father may be financier-broker-arbitrator-artist = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold a guidance position

  10. [Shukra-10] seeks pleasure via regulated order = enjoys regulatory authority = socially prominent contractual agreements = reputation for for gracious balancing = respects feminine-figures = harmonious style of governance = likes pleasing designs to adorn the upper legs = nice knees = lovely calves = rule-maker imposing equity = appreciation of hierarchical rank = legislates justice = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may hold an elite social position

  11. [Shukra-11] seeks pleasure via social connectivity = pleasant community linkage = balances asset distribution systems = seeks network equity = association with artists = values friendly financial connections = likes knitting-and-knotting = pleasing designs to adorn the skin = graceful ankles = appreciation of friendships = aesthetic of fair deals in marketplace = enjoys attractive friends = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be a socialite-economist-networker-economist-networker

  12. [Shukra-12] seeks imaginative pleasure = private sensuality = values spiritually guided partnership = gracefully intuitive feminine-figures = agreeable sleep = visions of contemplative harmony = enjoys beautiful sanctuaries = aesthetic designs to adorn the feet = likes meditations = appreciation of Other Worlds = attracted to quiet spaces = in a husbandly nativity, wifely-companion may be contemplative-foreign-isolated-researcher

Shukra Paired with Other Graha

  • [Shukra-yuti-Surya] balanced roles in drama = appreciation for political display = pleasantly charming = self-focused diplomacy = radiant bright beauty = self-reflexive bargaining = sweet entitlements = negotiating father-figure = self-directed arrangements = focus on trade exchange = solipsistic romance = idealistic contracts = enjoys the game of deal-making = prefers self-confident partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Chandra] sweetened security = gracious caretaking = appreciates soothing nourishment = negotiates for stability = defensive bargaining = Sheltering arrangements = lovely ornaments for home-and-garden = self-indulgent = pleasant emotional response = harmonizes with local rhythms = aesthetic of familiar folkways customs = prefers a parental partner

  • [Shukra-yuti-Mangala] sweetened conquests = gracious competition = appreciation for pioneering innovation = proactive negotiations = musical brother-figure = competitive contracts = pursuit of new contracts = relationships with both masculines + feminines = athletic beauty = arrangements according to physical drive

  • [Shukra-yuti-Budha] sweetened messages = gracious explanations = talented in singing-songwriting = articulate negotiations = advocates for reasoning process = talkative feminine-figures = pleasant conversations = bargaining for business = sibling-cohort collaborative harmony = enjoys the company of students = detailed contracts = prefers logical arrangements = sibling-cohort communicative agreements = youthful beauty = detailed contracts = arrangements according to mental logic

  • [Shukra-yuti-Guru] sweetened expansions = gracious diversity = appreciation for philosophical doctrine = adjustable catechism = numerous negotiations = humanistic agreements = generous beauty = balanced patronage = broad viewpoint on matters of equity + justice = arrangements according to priestly paradigm of belief

  • [Shukra-yuti-Shani] sweetened structures = mature relationships = gracious lawfulness = beautiful bones = appreciation for neutrality = strict negotiations = pleasant legal mediation = architectural rigor = enduring agreements = arrangements abide by regulatory law.

  • [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] sweetened adventure = gracious ambition = appreciation for exciting opportunism = masked negotiations = over-reaching agreements = exceptional beauty = enjoys cultural mixing  = arrangements support diplomatic equity balanced with exhilarating risk

  • [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] sweetened surrender = gracious abandonment = attracts vacuous feminine-figures = appreciation for fair terms of dissolution = disoriented negotiations = unconcerned with conventional beauty = empty contracts = apathetic arrangements = impermanent agreements = prefers relationships with spiritual partners


Bayad plays the Oud to The Lady.

from the Riyad & Bayad , c. 1300

Shukra Main Page

Vimshottari Dasha

Graha yuti Shukra

  • [Shukra-yuti-Surya] -- [Kopā Avaṣṭabdhā] balanced roles in drama = appreciation for political display = pleasantly charming = self-focused diplomacy = radiant bright beauty = self-reflexive bargaining = sweet entitlements = negotiating father-figure = self-directed arrangements = focus on trade exchange = solipsistic romance = idealistic contracts = enjoys the game of deal-making = prefers self-confident partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Chandra] sweetened security = gracious caretaking = appreciates soothing nourishment = negotiates for stability = defensive bargaining = Sheltering arrangements = lovely ornaments for home-and-garden = self-indulgent = pleasant emotional response = harmonizes with local rhythms = aesthetic of familiar folkways = musical-artistic-designing mother-figure = protective contracts = prefers relationships with nurturing partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Mangala] sweetened conquests = gracious competition = appreciation for pioneering innovation = aesthetic of sporting interactions = proactive negotiations = musical brother-figure = competitive contracts = accommodating dual sexuality = prefers relationships with energetic partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Budha] sweetened messages = gracious explanations = talented in singing-songwriting = articulate negotiations = advocates for reasoning process = talkative feminine-figures = pleasant conversations = bargaining for business = sibling-cohort collaborative harmony = enjoys the company of students = detailed contracts = prefers logical arrangements

  • [Shukra-yuti-Guru] sweetened expansions = gracious diversity = appreciation for philosophical doctrine = adjustable catechism = numerous negotiations = humanistic agreements = generous beauty = balanced patronage = arrangements according to priestly paradigm of belief = prefers relationships with generous partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Shani] sweetly serious deal-making = mature relationships = graciously responsible = beautiful bones = appreciation for neutrality = strict negotiations = pleasant legal mediation = rigorous bargaining = enduring agreements = regulated contracts = architectural elegance = pragmatic design = lawful arrangements = realistic finance = prefers relationships with orderly partners = in a husbandly nativity, preference for a seasoned, class-conscious wife

  • [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] sweetened adventure = gracious ambition = appreciation for opportunities = thrilling negotiations = passionate sensuality = over-reaching agreements = exceptional beauty = enjoys cultural mixing = barrier-bending relationships = unorthodox arrangements = diplomatic equity balances exhilarating chance = risk-rewarding contracts = Typically, an unconventionally attractive, pleasantly mesmerizing appearance = prefers exciting partners

  • [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] sweetened surrender = gracious abandonment = attracts vacuous feminine-figures = appreciation for fair terms of dissolution = disoriented negotiations = unconcerned with conventional beauty = empty contracts = apathetic arrangements = impermanent agreements = prefers relationships with spiritual partners

graha pakvata

  • sweet-seeking Sweet-seeking Shukra reaches maturity = age 25


Shukra = Bha = Venus Main Page

Bhasman = Herb for Shukra

Shukra-ruled Nakshatra

  1. [Shukra rules Bharani - Yamya indriya-lagna]
  2. [Shukra rules Pūrvaphalgunī - Yonī indriya-lagna]
  3. [Shukra rules Pūrvāṣāḍhā - Apah indriya-lagna]

attraction = matching energy - akarshana

beauty, balance, grace, equity, visual attraction, sensuality, pleasure, finance, relationships, contracts]

Vehicles, airplanes

voice, song, speech = hair, eyes, face

  • Sugar, sweet tastes, sensual pleasures

  • treasury = dhanakaraka Shukra

  • Career partnerships, peers, advisors, counselors

  • Marriage kalatra-karaka Shukra

Combinations of indriya-Lagna + Chandra-lagna that are subject to difficulties during Shukra bhukti

Sensual love [Shukra]; need-based love [Chandra]

Shukra stotra (in praise of Shukra)

  • Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum

  • Sarva shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham

Gayatri-meter mantra for Shukra

  • OM Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe

  • Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi

  • Tanno Shukra prachodayaat



Southeast = dakSiNatas

movement in a southeasterly pattern or direction is forecast during many periods of Shukra

Pleasant and Satisfying

Qualities and environments which please and harmonize

Enjoyment of sense-data experience

yoked arrangements

Matching Metal

  • In the Persian-Arabic-European alchemical traditions = Shukra is associated with the metal copper = cuprum (Lat) = tamra (skt). However, in Jyotishavidya, the sita-graha is more closely associated with white metals such as silver.


Venus from Codex de Sphaera c. 1469 CE


  1. [Shukra-1] handsomely embodied, fleshly harmony
  2. [Shukra-2] gathered, preserved, linguistic, historical harmony
  3. [Shukra-3] explanatory, messaging, commercial harmony
  4. [Shukra-4] -- [dikbala] home-based, domestic harmony
  5. [Shukra-5] dramatic, gaming, center-stage harmony
  6. [Shukra-6] medicated, exploitive, imbalanced harmony
  7. [Shukra-7] interpersonal, contractual harmony
  8. [Shukra-8] occult, rejuvenating, hidden harmony
  9. Shukra-9] doctrinal, paradigmatic harmony
  10. [Shukra-10] regulated, iconic harmony
  11. [Shukra-11] community, network harmony
  12. [Shukra-12] dreamlike, enclosed harmony



Cymraeg: Priflythyren o Ganiad Solomon yn eglwys gadeirol Caerwynt.

c. 1100 CE


English: Capital from the Song of Solomon in Winchester Cathedral.

Shukra =


  • षोडशार्चिस् ṣoḍaś-ārcis = 16-rayed
  • षोडशांशु ṣoḍaś-āṃśu = 16-rayed
  • कनयन eka-nayana = one-eyed
  • मघाभव maghā- bhava = offspring of Maghā
  • मघाभू maghā-bhū = offspring of Maghā
  • अमरारि amara-ari = enemy of the gods

SHUKRA शुक्र śukra

  • शुक्रचार śukra-cāra = pathway of Shukra
  • शुक्रवार śukra-vāra = day of Shukra = Friday
  • शुक्रसुत śukra-suta = son of Shukra

  • अतिशुक्र āti-śukra = too bright
  • त्रिशुक्र tri-śukra = triple-pure [for rituals]
  • निःशुक्र ni-śukra = without fire or energy

BHRIGU भृगुज bhṛgu

√भ्राज् shine, beam, sparkle, glitter

Śukra is called either Bhṛgu or the son of Bhṛgu

Bhṛgu = a race of beings associated with chariots and with Fire

  • भृगुज bhṛgu-ja = born of Bhṛgu
  • भृगुनन्दन bhṛgu-[a]nandana = son of Bhṛgu, joy of Bhṛgu
  • भृगुपुत्र bhṛgu-putra = son of Bhṛgu
  • भृगुसुत bhṛgu-suta = son of Bhṛgu
  • भृगुतनय bhṛgu-tanaya = race, family, offspring of Bhṛgu
  • भृगुवार bhṛgu-vāra = day of Bhṛgu = Friday
  • भार्गवप्रिय bhārgava- priya = dear to Bhṛgu = a diamond

SITA सिता = the color white

  • सिताह्वय sitā-hvaya = white-named

    सितासित sitā-sita = the pale pair, Venus-and-Saturn

SHUKRA as a गुरु grower-teacher

  • दैत्यगुरु daitya-guru = grows the demons
  • दानवगुरु dānava-guru = grows the demons
  • दितिसुतगुरु [a]diti-suta-guru = = grows the son of Aditi


शुचि śuci

  • shining, glowing, gleaming, radiant, bright ; brilliantly white, white; clear, clean, pure; holy, unsullied, undefiled, innocent, honest, virtuous; ceremonially pure

śuci can refer to anything that is marked by the color white.

  • As a title, śuci can refer to various deities, the wind, surya, chandra, shukra, various Brahmin, various plants, things having ritual purity, religious students, and so on


प्रतिशुक्रबुध pratiśukrabudha = toward Shukra and Budha

प्रतिशुक्रम् pratiśukram = toward Shukra

Conditions which greatly affect Professor Shukran

uchcha Shukra, in any bhava, grants a lovely appearance. Often one is a talented artist or musician (unless talent is blocked by drishti). The native enjoys fortune through women.

[nīcha] Shukra, in any bhava, reduces the natural grace . Shukra's naturally smooth, integrated balance is overwhelmed by Kanya's computational logic, criticism, and a feeling of inferiority or servitude.

  • Shukra + Shani = elegant simplicity, talent in architecture, diplomacy, structural design, wealth after a long step-wise process.

  • Shukra = dhanakaraka = treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge; sensual pleasures of the body especially food, drink, and love-making; luxury (Laxmi)

Shukra gains more power as

Shukra as Troublemaker

For Tula, Vṛścika, dhanus, and very much for Meena nativities, sweet-seeking Shukra can produce a great deal of catalyst.

For Tula indriya-lagna nativities

Shukra lagnesha is also randhresha. Bhukti of Shukra develop the identity (1) by means of transforming the identity. For Thula natives, bhukti of Shukra are notorious for producing sudden changes within relationships.

For Vṛścika nativities

Shukra yuvati-pati is also ruler-of-12. Because 12 = 6th-from-7, bhukti of Shukra may stimulate conflict in avowed and contractual (7) relationships.

For Dhanus nativities

Shukra rogesha also activates 11, stimulating both the enemies (6) and the friends (11). Shukra the harmonizer can produce surprisingly bitter disagreements (6) and a tendency to self-medicate as a response to the suffereing. Chandra activates 8. Despite their karaka meanings for balance and safety, for Dhanus natives, bhukti which combine the influence of Chandra and Shukra may be profoundly unsettling.

For Meena nativities

Shukra activates both 8 and 8th-from-8th. Masculine Meena nativities often have a learning pathway that involves sudden upheavals with women. Feminine Meena nativities may also find growth-catalyst in unpredictable relationships.


  • Brokerage, bargaining, and Negotiation

  • Balanced Design, ornamentation, beauty

  • Pleasures and Enjoyments

  • Counseling and Advising

  • Promises, agreements, trusts and treaties, betrothal

  • Matching-making and Deals

  • Contracts and Alliances

Shukra gets pleasure from perishable things

human bodily senses, earthly knowledge, hoards of financial wealth , appreciation from the partner, and ultimately appreciation from society toward those who maintain socially steady contractual partnerships.

If Shukra is situated in locations and relationships with other graha that facilitate grasping and sensualization, the partner tends to share most of one's tastes and values in the category of perishable-things, and sensual life on Earth is well supported.

What Shukra Does Not Do

Shukra does not advance the wisdom [Guru], discrimination [Budha], vitality [Kuja], faith [Surya] compassion [Chandra] or humility [Shani].

Shukra is concerned with material acquisition and maintaining lineage values-fulfillment (2) and with sensual pleasures of human social companionship (from gross to elegant) (7)

Shukra_SitaRosa.jpgEnvironments of Shukra

  • treasuries and collections = 2nd-from

  • speculative fortune = 5th-from

  • relationships and contracts = 7th-from

  • wisdom to have the right resources at the right time = 9th from

  • profits, material achievement, gains of income = 11th- from


  • Brokerage, bargaining, and Negotiation

  • Balanced Design, ornamentation, beauty

  • Pleasures and Enjoyments

  • Counseling and Advising

  • Promises, agreements, trusts and treaties, betrothal

  • Matching-making and Deals

  • Contracts and Alliances

" Venus is charming ,

has a splendorous physique,

is excellent or great in disposition,

has charming eyes,

is a poet,

is phlegmatic and windy,

and has curly hair."

~~ BPHS: Sarga-3, shloka-2 8

Contemplate of Guru, as yellow complexion and Shukra of fair complexion,

both with four arms, carrying a Danda, akshasutra, Kamandala and Vara.

~~ BPHS: Chap. 84, shloka-10


"Beauty is complete order.

  • But most of us have not that sense of beauty in our lives.

We may be great artists, great painters, expert in various things, but in our own daily life, with all the anxieties and miseries, we live, unfortunately, avery disordered life.

  • It is a fact.

You may be a great scientist, you may be a great expert in a subject, but you have your own problems, struggles, pain, anxieties and the rest of it.

We are asking, is it possible to live in complete order within, not impose discipline, control, but to inquire into the nature of this disorder, what are the causes, and to dispel, move away, wash away the cause.

Then there is a living order in the universe."

~~ The Mirror 1895-1986 theosophy Jiddu Krishnamurti


Regional Names for Shukra

Hebrew (Isaiah:11) Arabic, syrian =Meni

Tibetan = Pasang

Singhala = Sikuru

Asuraguru = Asphujit

Bha = Bharga = Bhrigu = Bhriguja = Bhriguputra = Bhaargavapriya = Semblance, delusion, error, diamond = Bhrigunandana -

Daityaguru = Dhishnya = Ditisuta

Ekanayana = Ekekshana


Maghabhava = offspring of Magha

Surazatru = Sita = white sugar

Sodhazaamzu = 16-rayed = Sodhazarcis = 16-rayed

Sveta = dressed in white = zvetaratha = having a white chariot =

vedAdhipati = one who presides over the Veda

Zucra = light-colored, white = Zaukra = Sperm = Shukra cArya = Shukra charya

Zuci = Shining, glowing, radiant

सुरशत्रुगुरु surazatruguru

Vocabulary for Shukra-Bhrigu-Venus

  • ~~ Koeln Digital Sanskrit Lexicon www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • bright, resplendent
  • clear, pure, spotless
  • light-colored, white
  • brightness, clearness, light
  • Name of Agni or fire
  • Name of a month (Jyeṣṭha = May-June, personified as the guardian of Kubera's treasure)
  • clear or pure Soma; receptacle for Soma
  • Any clear liquid (as water, soma etc.)
  • juice, the essence of anything
  • semen virile, seed of animals (male and female), sperm
  • a morbid affection of the iris (change of color etc. accompanied by imperfect vision
  • A good action
  • gold, wealth
  • An enemy of the gods; an Asura
  • Name of Shukra, the planet Venus
  • Teacher of the Asuras
  • semblance, delusion, error
  • Appearance, resemblance, likeness
  • A star, planet, asterism, lunar asterism or mansion (and so also the number 27 Nakshatra)
  • light or a beam of light, luster, splendor
  • name of a mythical race of beings (closely connected with fire); they are also said to fabricate chariots
  • Shukra or the planet Venus (called either Bhrigu or the son of Bhrigu [bhriguputra]; his day is Friday)
  • of Krishna or of Rudra
  • a declivity, slope, precipice
  • relating to or coming from Bhrigu
  • descendants of Bhrigu
  • A diamond
  • " one-eyed" ; name of Shukra or Venus (the teacher of the Asuras)
  • of fspring of Magha
  • The planet Venus "

QUOTATION from www.etymonline.com

O.E., from L. Venus (pl. veneres ), in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of beauty and love, especially sensual love,

from venus "love, sexual desire, loveliness, beauty, charm,"

from PIE base = wen-"to strive after, wish, desire, be satisfied"

  • cf. Skt. vanas-"desire," vanati"desires, loves, wins;"

  • cf. Avestan vanaiti"The wishes, is victorious "

  • cf. O.E. wynn"joy," wunian"to dwell," wenian"to accustom, train wean," wyscan (ween)"to wish"

Applied by the Romans to Gk. Aphrodite, Egyptian Hathor, etc.

  • Meaning "second planet from the sun" is attested from c.1290 (O.E. had morgensteorra and æfensteorra ).

Shukra Karaka significations and Meanings

pleasure + treasure= satisfaction = possessiveness = sweets

" Guru of the Demons " - Attraction / Distraction

Appreciation, pricing, preciousness, appraisal, prized

Deliciousness and Delights, pleasures and pleasantries

wealth, natural resources, beauty, and harmonious relationships;

gathering, hoarding, collecting, accumulating, enjoyment

kalatrakaraka = significator of Marriage and Alliances

zataparva = wife of Shukra

Vahanakaraka (significator of vehicles)

Dhanakaraka = Significator of material affluence =

Kalatrakaraka (significator of wife for male and marriage-relationship for feminine-figure )

Venus = The morning star and the evening star

= morgensteorra - æfensteorra (Old English)

Amusements, arts, beauty, pleasures, dance, attachments to things, attraction to the opposite sex, capacity to enjoy life, care for ones body, charm, feminine graces, clothes, comforts, enjoyments, conveyances, cultured, delightful, sociable, fortune, fame, generative system, happiness, harmony, health illusion, infatuation, passions, immortality, secret of intoxicating drinks, kidneys, love, lust, affairs, romantic idealism, making others happier, marriage, musicians, refined, polished, sex in all aspects, sexual and love happiness, wealth, prosperity, gems, wife, women, pink or rainbow, worldliness, not renunciation. (this list adapted from Das )


Money, capital, Finance, wealth Management, "investments ", Luxury, fashion, Jewelry and Ornamentation, delicious Food and Drink, sweets, wines, alcohol, partnerships and alliances, contracts, perfumes,

Decorations, art and Design, Beauty, dance, Music and Harmony, deal-making, match-making, brokerage, products for womenfolk, feminine magnetic attraction = akarshana = ,

mouth-teeth-jaw-smile, sensual delights, pleasures, jewel-toned rainbow-sparkle things, Agreements, legal resolution of conflict, equity and equality, bargains, trade

Shukra-related experience = women (in general), marriage, quest for harmonious alliance, beauty, art and design, sugars especially alcohol, sensual pleasure, music, love-making, delicious foods and fine wines, perfume and ornaments, and every form of accumulated wealth even acquisitions of knowledge, book collections, and skill in languages.

" Venus secures sexual delight and the society of fine women;

the pleasures of pictorial art, fine apparel, wealth, cattle, vehicles,

gems and precious stones, musical concerts, dancing parties,

lordly magnificence, good fame, great liberality and association with the virtuous."

~~ Jataka Parijata, sarga-17, sloka 43

Venus rules diamonds, ornaments, marriage, scents, friends, wreaths, females, cow dung, diagnosis.

(Apart from meaning diagnosis also indicates end, purity, rope to tying up a calf etc.)

Education, sexual enjoyment, and gold.

~~ Saravali, sarga-7-13

Shukra suffering moudhya-dosha or otherwise weakened has less power to achieve its objectives.

Bright Beautiful Bhrigu's ability to abide by the terms of a contract is weakened by conjunction with Ketu or Rahu.

  • [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] = a relationship risk-taker who self-elevates via partnerships.

  • [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] is apathetic toward partnership and prone to dissatisfied abandonment of contractual unions.

Shukra isn't really the = Love = planei

Shukra is the Pleasure Planet

All benefic graha provide positive loving support to human life, but Shukra's "love" is not abstract or divine - it is peer-balanced and inter-human - and inter-species

Venus rules attraction to pleasures and distraction by pleasures. Shukra provides human sensual experience that claims our profound devotion and attention.

Suave Shukra activates human-to-human contracts, love-making in the pursuit of mutual pleasure, and all forms of alliance for the purpose of enhancement of mutual interests (particularly mutual financial interests.)

  • Chandra matri-karka rules pure and unconditional mother-love, shelter and protection. Chandra has profound needs and expectations, but the parent-child relationship is not equal-to-equal. Soma has no contracts.

  • Surya pitri-karaka rules truth, which is the purest form of the supreme love of the divine. It is not possible to negotiate with the truth.

  • Guru is all-embracing, all-encompassing, and utterly non-discriminating; Guru has no contracts. The dharma includes all. Guru accepts all.

Venus= the karaka for marriage, sexual relationships, promises and agreements, exchanges of equal value, and understandings toward mutual benefit.

Marriage = the ultimate contract.

  • Marriage = attraction between two parties who expect each other to provide interactive interpersonal benefit. Marriage alliance is also a social contract.

  • Affection in marriage is contractual, depending on multiple levels of agreement (private services provided in exchange for protection, fulfillment of public expectation, etc.)

The love of Shukra is not unconditional like mother-child love, nor transcendent like devotee-deity (sometimes, guru-sisya) love. Shukra's marital love is the result of attraction to sensual pleasures. As a result, shukra is not really the love planet at all, but a rather misleading and potentially even fraudulent substitute for pure love.

Sensual experience isn't really love. That is why Shukra is called Asuraguru = "Guru of the Demons ".

Shukra Lagna = pleasure entitlements - or not

Graha in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th from Shukra tend to increase the sense pleasures during their respective Vimshottari dasha periods.

  • of these fortunate angles, the best for pleasures = 7th-from-Shukra.

  • According to BPHS Sarga-7, shloka-39-43," ... The 7th from Shukra... stand for consideration respectively in respect of ... spouse...."

Graha in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th from Shukra generally signify reduced harmony and less luxury, due to their adversarial angle from the Shukra-lagna.

4th-from-Shukra = considered to be an unfortunate angle.

Graha in 4th from Shukra may give comfortable and pleasing results regarding other matters, but in their measure of marital harmony, wealth acquisition, balanced designs, and nerve pleasures -- 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th angles are unproductive.

  • Graha in 4th-from-Shukra take away spousal pleasuring and replace it with parental protective emotions.

  • The 4th-from angle is controlled by Chandra, and peer-balance Shukra chronically dislikes parent-child protector Chandra.

Graha in 4th-from-Shukra remove mutual pleasuring and replace sensual pleasures with parental caretaking emotions .

In a marriage, this era emphasizes parent-child duties or matters of personal emotional security. Interpersonal intimacy may be much diminished.

Shukra kalatra-karaka = the main karaka for marriage

Venus is the planet responsible for much of our sexual and contractual interaction in this life.

(Of course, rahu plays His own part!)

Venus = womenfolk in general., with their unique culture of beauty and fashion. Shukra = art and music - the exalted feminine values of high civilization.

Venus always works in tandem with His worthy adversary, the planet Mars. In sexual communication, Venus represents the feminine, attractive, incoming energy. Mars shows the masculine, pursuing, outgoing energy.

Do not confuse the Shukra-Mangala energies with the physical-bio-reproductive anatomical categories of "male"and"female" bodies!

Within any human person and within any relationship, there is a fluctuating mix and balance of male and female energy .

  • Womenfolk can pursue , and menfolk can attract .

  • Womenfolk can dominate , and menfolk can accommodate .

Within a sexualized partnership,

  • Venus = what charming, attractive, possessive energy that each partner is magnetically pulling in,

  • Mars describes vital, moving, penetrating energy = athletically sending out.

Shukra = a benefic (Shubha) = positive planet

Shukra creates life experience of physical pleasure, luxury, and sensual indulgence.

Yet, spiritually, Venus has a bad reputation as Asuraguru.

The most spiritually useful fruits of Venusian desire are the tantric realizations...

What is commonly labeled "love" is more accurately a psychological error of idealization or projection.

  • The mechanism involves a mental-emotional projection of divine qualities and expectations upon the form of a human being.

  • It is deliciously, immediately sweet like white sugar [Shukra] but like the crash after a 'sugar rush' the consequences of Shukra's psycho-sensual pleasuring"pull-backs " disguised as "love"are often disappointment and despair.

  • Constant distraction (un-gripping) from the path of brilliant truth [Surya] by means of seduction into sensual pleasures can be quite frustrating to those seeking progress upon the spiritual path.

  • However, the sweetness of human-to-human love is so tasty that only a few can believe that this exquisite distraction is harmful to purely spiritual goals.

Unless consciously managed, animal-body sensual delights including our collecting and hoarding behaviors [Urisha] have the potential to consume the consciousness.

Thus a balanced life (and a balanced marriage) will emphasize Shukra's mulatrikona

[Tula] functions of diplomatic balance and harmonious designr.

Venus produces peril through such causes as

  • drink and diabetes,

  • arising from the diseases of the beloved women ,

  • associated with a result induced by addiction to females ,

  • endeared by excessive gallantry.

~~ Jataka Parijata , Sarga-2 Shloka-7 9

St. Francis and the Sow

By Galway Kinnell

The bud

stands for all things,

even those things that don't flower,

for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing

though sometimes it is necessary

to reteach a thing its loveliness,

to put a hand on its brow

of the flower

and retell it in words and in touch

it is lovely

until it flowers again from within, of self-blessing

as St. Francis

put his hand on the creased forehead

of the sow, and told her in words and in touch

blessings of earth on the sow, and the sow

began remembering all down her thick length,

from the earthen snout all the way

through the fodder and slops to the spiritual curl of

the tail,

from the hard spininess spiked out from the spine

down through the great broken heari

to the blue milken dreaminess spurting and shuddering

from the fourteen teats into the fourteen mouths sucking

and blowing beneath them:

the long, perfect loveliness of sow."

~~ Jatakalankara, Ch-3, shloka-2 0

If Venus be posited in his own Rashi or in Mithuna,

the native will be infatuated by love.

Infinite Loop

An endless quest for greater and greater five-senses pleasure can form an infinite loop, that becomes a trap for consciousness. The sad reality for many = Shukra's desires do not bring satisfaction or long-term happiness - but rather devastation, disappointment, fear of loss of pleasure, and chemical addictions.

  • The higher Love of cosmic-connectedness bliss or Ananda is represented by Guru (Jupiter).

  • Guru is not concerned with the physical and emotional senses, but rather with the social and spiritual senses.

  • However, it is important to remember that Guru is absolutely inclusive.

  • Guru does not judge, criticize, or punish any desire. Guru does not find anything "wrong" with the natural desires of Shukra!

Brihaspati simply waits, like a doting, forgiving, embracing parent; His wisdom always available; until the student is ready for more satisfying fare...


Two Subha-graha with often incompatible Styles

The two benefic planets Venus and Jupiter give two different kinds of happiness.

  • If Venus is stronger there is more pleasure through sensation and the arts, but also the danger of becoming so addicted to these feelings that one aspires to no further satisfaction in life.

  • If Guru is stronger there is more satisfaction through knowledge and religion, and the huge benefit of knowing that knowledge gained through Guru is portable across incarnations (while physical-body sensations acquired through Venus are quick forgot!)

There is a reason that spiritual aspirants have traditionally sought celibacy. Seeking to shorten the cycle of repeating birth and death, and to reduce the body's craving for constant pleasure sensations, they maximize Guru by minimizing Venus.

masculine nativity: Shukra = Wives, sisters, feminine Colleagues

In the present lifetime, shukra regenerates past-life imagery regarding harmonious alliances and sense pleasures; therefore additional wives are related to the sense-pleasure-harmony karaka Shukra.

If other factors point in the direction of second marriage, aman with numerous graha yuti Shukra is likely to have a complex of women in his life: several wives, financially privileged or harmoniously related sisters, female professional colleagues, etc.

Shukra is not inherently sexual Therefore, pleasant, harmonious, wealth-enhancing relationships with female peers of all social categories are included in the portfolio of Shukrar.

  • [Shukra-1] = embodied, fleshly harmony - partner is vital, muscular, moving, and the native is usually attractive physically

  • [Shukra-2] = gathered, banked, historical harmony = second wife has a strong pleasure factor. There can be more sensuality in the 2nd marriage than in the 1st.

  • [Shukra-3] Messaging, communicative harmony = messaging, communicative harmony = partner is talkative, good at planning events, likes to travel

  • [Shukra-4] = partner enjoys school, parenting, homes, vehicles/ bhava-4 = dik=bala for Shukra, agrounded and bhava-loving sweetheart

  • [Shukra-5] dramatic, center-stage harmony= partner loves the limelight. Good for politics, creative arts, theatre. Loves children but loves the stage as well. Romantic.

  • [Shukra-6] = problematic. Spouse argumentative, conflicted, often ill or addicted; partnership unbalanced, concern for exploitation and toxicity.

  • [Shukra-7] = interpersonal, contractual harmony = karako bhavo nashto , especially when Shukra is strong by rashi. Potential for too much partner, too much pleasure, partner's materialism while successful in public tends to block higher perceptions within the union. Aesthetic of bargaining.

  • [Shukra-8] = partner secretive and controlling. Aesthetically prefers masked or occluded love relationships. Shukra afflicted combust or harmed by hostile drishti may maintain secret liaisons. Often the partner has inherited money and is skilled in tax matters.

  • [Shukra-9] = doctrinal, global harmony= partner loves worldly wisdom, global travel, philosophical discourse. Unless Shukra is weak, one generally appreciates religious liturgies and sacred scripture. Partner has aesthetic of conscious charity and intentionally understood sacrifice; yet often also financially privileged. Not sanctimonious; enjoys pure truth.

  • [Shukra-10] = public, leadership harmony= partner engaged in public leadership roles, often at a high social rank. Often partner is a careerist and the native enjoys a recognized career in the arts or music as well. A highly visible marriage.

  • [Shukra-11] - partner is economically gainful, likes networking, is pragmatic in approach to community life and Typically, able to raise funds for social-progress causes. The mate = also a friend and mentor to the native. Friends are predominantly female, gainful and well-connected.

  • [Shukra-12] seeks pleasure via private imagination, enjoys spiritually guided equity, feminine-figures intuit, visions of balance and beauty, appreciation of interiority= partner's life may be partially invisible to the native. Bhava-12 = 6th from 7th = enemies of the marriage. Challenging placement. Mate may hail from a foreign land, be a dedicated researcher sequestered in their lab, or be otherwise difficult to interpret in the modern circumstances of the marriage. May be some animosity in the union, as one may perceive the partner to be a cause of drained energies. Enervating pleasures. However, private bedroom life is pleasurable.

feminine nativity:

Shukra = Wives, sisters, female Colleagues

Women form many essential alliances with other womenfolk . Not only aesthetic and financial but the all-important trust which permits one woman to care for another woman's children.

Naturally, these trusted women are normally the sisters and sisters-in-law, however close friends from childhood who are like sisters, college friends whose values imitate one's own, and other sister-like relationships between women are indicated by Shukra.

  • The position of Shukra in a woman's nativity is an essential indicator of her social and professional relationships with other womenfolk , particularly her sisters and female cousins; but also importantly her female superiors in the workplace.

  • Comforting Chandra activates her mother, and the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra can be a woman's step-mother. However, near ly all other women = Shukra, in a woman's kundali.

QUOTATION Erotic Power

~~ by Audre Lorde

" There are many kinds of power, used and unused, acknowledged or otherwise. The erotic is a resource within each of us that lies in a deeply female and spiritual plane, firmly rooted in the power of our unexpressed or unrecognized feeling . . .

As women, we have come to distrust that power which rises from our deepest and non-rational knowledge.

We have been warned against it all our lives by the male world, which values this depth of feeling enough to keep women around in order to exercise it in service of men, but which fears this same depth too much to examine the possibilities of it within themselves . r.

But the erotic offers a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough . . .

When we begin to live from within outward, in touch with the power of the erotic within ourselves, and allowing that power to inform and illuminate our actions upon the world around us, then we begin to take responsibility to ourselves in the deepest sense.

For as we begin to recognize our deepest feelings, we begin to give up, of necessity, being satisfied with suffering and self-negation, and the numbness which so often seems like the only alternative in our society. Our acts against oppression become integral with self, motivated and empowered from within." [end quote]

Exception: the Mother in Law

Husband's family overall = bhava-8; husband's mother in particular = 4th-from-Guru or (less often) yuvati-pati-7 .

To see the overall effect of the husband's mother upon a woman's own marital harmony, find the angle between Shukra (karaka for marriage) and 4th-from-Guru.

  • For second marriage the baseline (lagna) for marriage remains bhava-7 and Shukra, but the particularities of second husband = Shani, and conditions of his childhood home especially his mother's behavior should be assessed from 4th-from-Shani.

  • Ketu in 8 or Ketu in 4th-from-Guru indicates complete non-interference from mother-in-law.

  • Husband's relationship to his own mother = location of Chandra measured from the woman's yuvati bhava, and also location of Chandra measured from Guru.

Maximum Pleasure from Female Companions

The woman with maximum Shukra benefit from feminine influence in her life might have an [uchcha] Shukra with Chandra.

  • Such a woman is slightly (or more than slightly) spoiled (by her indulgent mother)

  • she enjoys luxurious pleasures perhaps quite to excess; and best of all she finds an endless stream of female companionship among artists and musicians, woman who are pleasant to socialize with and beautiful to behold.

Minimum Pleasure from Female Companions The opposite end of the spectrum for a female = [nīcha] Shukra[Kanya] while Chandra resides in a rashi of Mangala or rashi of Shani. Such a woman is surrounded by criticizing and deceitful females.

  • If the teachings of Professor Chandra are subject to prolonged repetition of the key structural elements of the learning pathway (Usually, via constrictive drishti) such a woman may fall prey to self-destructive (especialy Vṛścika) emotional practice.
  • She may be unable to establish harmonious relationships with just about anyone (except possibly her own children, whose karaka is Guru).
  • The other women in her life may be experienced as argumentative, disharmonious, scheming, and generally unattractive.
the native does not trust other females and very often she is the victim of her husband's adultery. Worst of all, this female does not feel beautiful; she takes no pleasure in her own sensuality; she has no fashion sense.

Shukra and Foreign Residence

Vyaayapa = 12th-from-lord of Lagna.

Vyaayapa shows the type of lands-and-peoples that one will visit, and the quality of one's experiences there.

  • When Vyaayapais ruled or occupied by a shubha (benefic) graha, these lands are lovely and prosperous.

  • When Shukra owns the Vyaayapa = likelihood of obtaining a spouse from a distant land.

  • Shukra drishti upon Vyaayapa = assignment to aforeign residence, generally pleasant. Presuming that Shukra is well-disposed, the prediction for Shukra drishti upon Vyaayapa = foods are tasty (Shukra = mouth); relationships are pleasant, diplomatic, and mutually beneficial (Shukra = peerage = paréage)

  • When Vyaayapa is ruled or occupied by a papagraha (malefic) planet, the lands to which one travels may be inhospitable, rough or impoverished and the journeying is stressful. Regardless of difficulties, there may nevertheless be deeply important lessons embedded in distant travel experiences during periods of the lord of Vyaayapa or periods of graha residing in the Vyaayapa.

Shukra in 6/8 to any graha

When Shukra occupies a shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle relative to any graha, sensual pleasure experience vs. The province of that 6/8 graha are permanently in conflict.

One may perceive tension and animosity between that to which one is Attracted, versus that which the other graha controls. One's love choices feel stressed by conflict.

The conflict is much exacerbated during Vimshottari periods of Shukra and the 6/8 graha.

The lover, or spouse, women in one's life generally -- even one's taste in textiles, perfumes, art and literature [Shukra] -- is found to be uncomfortably Off-balance. Even if the love relationship is satisfying on a personal level, the lover may inadvertently cause the native to incur illness, debt, or quarreling.

Shukra and Career

[BPL notes: Shukra activates buildings and artistic or structural design; Mangala activates the Land]

QUOTATION from 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B. V. Raman

writing in A Catechism of Astrology , p. 9 - part II, page 2

Q. What makes one an actor or a singer?

A.generally Venus will have to be strong in the horoscope before one can be a good actor or singer.

If this is to be adopted as a profession, Venus must be intimately connected with the 10th bhava in some way or other.

E.g., if Venus occupies 4th or 10th Bhava or if Venus aspects the 10th house or if Venus is conjoined with the lord of the 10th,

the means of livelihood will be singing and acting. [end quote]

Q: What makes one an engineer?

A. If in a nativity, Venus becomes the strongest planet with reference to the 10th Bhava ,

  • And occupies powerful places from Lagna and the Moon, and joins Mercury,

  • the native becomes an engineer.[end quote]

Polarizing catalysis from Shukra

Animosity with Surya

As the asura-guru, teacher of the demons, shukra is a known deceiver.

" Duality hides Divinity" and Shukra is the master of duality. Partnership, equity, pleasure-exchange... These experiences sound so lovely. But the solipsistic center is singular, not dual. Focusing upon duality inevitably distracts from the awareness of the Central Source.

Certain combinations of kundali indriya-lagna and Chandra lagna have a particularly hard time dealing with the deceptive, potentially addictive effects of pleasure-mongering Shukra.

These combinations suffer inordinate challenge from marital difficulties and disagreements arising from pleasuring activities (6) unforeseen consequences of indulgence or sensual excess (8) and losses or drain of vitality via pleasuring behaviors (12).

Therefore for these nativities, sensual pleasures of wine, women, and song - not to mention gold, lucre, and jewels - may develop an conflicted (6) shocking (8) or disintegrating (12) undertow. As always, much depends on the bhava, rashi, and incoming drishti to Shukra.

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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8
