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nīcha bhanga neechcha-bhanga = cancellation of the nīcha dosha nīcha bhanga rules = quoted from The Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley " un-bungled" " The liability becomes an asset"
Unknown, India , rajasthan, bikaner the Slaying of the Conch Demon leaf from a series of the Bhagavata Purana , c. 1700 |
nīcha bhanga
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha- Surya-yuti-Shani-uchcha] -- [Surya in bhava-1] occupies 4th-from-Pushya-Chandra
nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha- Surya-yuti-Shani-uchcha] -- [Surya in bhava-3] occupies 7th-from-Aśvini-Chandra
nīcha bhanga Chandra
nīcha bhanga Kuja
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha- Kuja-yuti-Guru-uchcha] yuti-Chandra-Aśleṣā
nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha- [Kuja-yuti-Guru] -uchcha] occupies kendra = bhava-1
nīcha bhanga Budha
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha-Budha-yuti-Shukra-uchcha] located in 7th-from-Kanya-Chandra
nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha-Budha-yuti-Shukra-uchcha] occupies kendra-10
nīcha bhanga Guru
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha-Guru-yuti-Mangala-uchcha] in kendra-1
nīcha bhanga Shukra
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha-Shukra-yuti-Budha-uchcha] occupies kendra-bhava-10 nīcha-bhanga attained due to [nīcha-Shukra-yuti-Budha-uchcha] occupies kendra-bhava-1
nīcha bhanga Shani
EXAMPLES nīcha-bhanga attained due to [Shani-yuti-Surya] Mesha] occupies kendra-bhava-7
नीच nīca The nicha graha produces some behavior which would normally incur social censure. Nicha = low, soft, weakened
Public Figure nativities with nīcha bhanga yoga El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila = [nīcha-bhanga] Budha in bhava-1 UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 = [nīcha-bhanga] Guru in bhava-1 *** Theory of Relativity" 1879-1955 Albert Einstein = [nīcha-bhanga] Budha in bhava-10 |
from liability to asset
Truely nīcha-bhanga graha will flip from socially criticized underperformance to stunning, great performance but the rules for this switch are strict. nīcha-bhanga occurs (1) when the nīcha graha occupies a kendra * particularly bhava-10 * and* (2) a graha in one of the nīcha lord's bhava or yuti the nīcha graha or the lord of the nīcha bhava = uttama. Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Physics Albert Einstein's nīcha-bhanga Budha occupies bhava-10 with [uchcha] Shukra.
El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila enjoyed a nīcha-bhanga Budha in bhava-1.
Under nīcha-bhanga conditions, the handicap becomes an asset. At first, the nīcha graha may cause one to appear (to others) and perhaps feel (within) that one lacks some important ability or intelligence, has made a poor choice such as in marriage, or is poorly positioned by education or talent to achieve some goal.
" First the nīcha, then the bhanga" . In other words, anīcha-bhanga graha will do its nīcha behavior first, and the native will be unappreciated. Then the bhanga correction will kick in, and the native will be praised.
The nīcha graha gives initially, avariety of humiliation or failure. The praise and nobility does come, but only after one suffers some measure of disability, embarrassment, an acute lack of judgment, or a big mistake. |
TWO CONDITIONS must be met
to permit obtainment of nīcha-bhanga status for a
[nīcha] graha nīcha-bhanga occurs (1) when the nīcha graha occupies a kendra - ideally the 10th *and* (2) a graha residing in one of the nīcha lord's bhava -- or yuti the nīcha graha -- should hold uttama status. Example nativities
True nīcha-bhanga graha flip from socially criticized underperformance to stunning, spectacular performance. But the rules for legitimizing this switch are strict. |
Rules for Cancellation of Debility QUOTATION from authorities: David Frawley and B.V. Raman The Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley " There must be at least 2 forms of cancellation to get a real nīcha-bhanga" According to The Astrology of the Seers by David Frawley,
These are the possible methods of cancellation:
BPL note: Kendra is the strongest criterion for cancellation and 10 is the strongest Kendra. Neechha-bhanga definitely applies if the neechha-graha occupies bhava-10 + any other additional condition is also met. Meena-Budha of Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Albert Einstein obtains nīcha-bhanga and gives marvelous results. Einstein's placement of Meena-Budha satisfies numerous dosha-reversal conditions
According to
B.V. Raman
. (1992, 4th ed.).
A Catechism of Astrology.
Part II,
page 33 the dosha-reversal rules are a little easier: Q:
A: Debilitated planets get their Neechha Dosha removed in four ways:
QUOTATION from ~~ B.V. Raman . (1992, 4th ed.). A Catechism of Astrology . Part II, p. 39 " Q. 59
Q: i want to ask u one question in one has nich grah in LAGNA kundali and in navmansha the nich grah becomes uch then NICHBHANGA IS CANCELD OR NOT? A: Two sets of rules for cancellation of debility or nīcha-bhanga, according to two authorities (d. Frawley and Shri Raman), are posted above. So far as I know, the simple fact of a nīcha graha obtaining its uttama rashi in navamsha does not create a full nīcha-bhanga (reversal of the nīcha Dosha).
d. Raman is correct -- as he nearly always is! Nevertheless, the full nīcha-bhanga wherein the liability becomes an amazing positive (similar effect to Viparita Raja Yoga but a different planetary cause) only occurs when d. Frawley's conditions are met. |
Can't I get a nīcha-bhanga via drishti from the
nīcha graha's lord? I have a
[nīcha] Mangala which receives the glance of Professor Chandra . I feel that I should get a NB or at least a raja yoga from this beneficial glance of Chandra to Mangala. A:There can be a reduction of debility per Frawley's rules above, and it can produce all the financial benefits of Chandra-Mangala yoga since Mangala is in 11. However, the nīchamsha condition of Mangala is not eliminated simply via receiving drishti from Kuja's lord, particularly considering Mangala's involvement with Rahu-Ketu. It is true that Mangala benefits somewhat from occupying a kendra from Chandra and via incoming drishti from Chandra. However, chandra is weakened yuti Ketu . Rahu and Mangala are, separately and together, money-mani-earners in the 11th sthāna. The financial benefits of Chandra-Mangala yoga are not harmed by the nīcha status of Mangala. One may earn well professionally, and with lagnesha Budha in 2 one may be also an efficient capital-wealth conserver. Folks with nīcha graha are usually on the lookout for any shloka that will justify a nīcha-bhanga. Yet, most of the time, naīchamsh is nīchamsha. Corrections are not that common. But ironically it is characteristic of the nīcha graha to be in denial about its debility. Basically, these are graha that are weak and looking for excuses. nīcha graha tend to be associated with various moral weaknesses such as blaming, stealing, plagiarizing, embezzling, taking credit for the work of others, hiding behind the law, avoiding personal responsibility, and generally not living up to its spiritual potential. Weakness when manageable presents opportunities for growth. So Naturally, the nativities with the nīcha graha often try to concoct justifications for its purported correction. The best way to correct the at-birth weakness, if it truly does not receive NB in the nativity, is via Seva. 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika BV Raman says that a nīcha-bhanga correction can be reckoned if the lord of the nīcha graha occupies a kendra from Chandra. This method of nīcha-bhanga correction seems to be insufficient but it was insisted to me recently by a client who seemed to be living with a rather nīcha set of lifestyle choices! Likely he was just weaseling out of his responsibility to look carefully at this nīcha graha and the corresponding effects in his life. He was operating an illicit business. Raman's rules are so flexible that they can be easily misused. But even this flexible method will not yield the correction you are looking for. It might be better to just be honest and look for seva opportunities to work with people who have [nīcha] Mangala. The target beneficiaries of Seva should be those who are suffering problems in their lives due to behaviors which can be characterized as emotionally manipulative, arm-twisting, choking, and thieving - especially in Azlesha. |
Meena-Budha in karma-bhava for Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Albert Einstein Full nīcha-bhanga (1) Budha occupies a kendra , and (2) via parivartamsha yoga, bantering Budha's Professor Guru obtains svakshetra. First the nīcha part. At the beginning of ātmakāraka -[uchcha] Shukra/nīcha-bhanga-Budha bhukti , astronomers considered a number of Einstein's claims -- because these claims were based on "thought experiments" -- to be scientifically unsupportable.
Then the bhanga part. By the end of Shukra/Budha bhukti (where Budha = lagnesha + bandesha-4 ) in the year 1915, Einstein had published the General Theory of Relativity * Zur Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie = in much the same form this theory has today.
The same nīcha-bhanga correction occurs for Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan
* widower of Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Daughter of Destiny
Benazir Bhutto
Zardari's [nīcha] Mangala shares bhava-11 with the [uchcha] Guru and Karkata occupies 10th from Zardari's Chitra-Tula Moon. He already has massive international networking connections including abundant finances (some of it questionably sourced, [nīcha] Mangala-11). Zardari rose to power swiftly in Pakistan during Shani-Guru chidra-dasha . |
I have a peculiar situation in my chart. I have Surya,
budha, Guru in the 10th house in Meena.
Chandra is in the 4th with Ketu in Virgo.
Would this fit
neech-bhanga for budha? A: Namaste,Probably not. To quality for nīcha-bhanga status, the graha must satisfy TWO conditions: (A) the nīcha graha must occupy either [1] a Kendra from the indriya-lagna or [2] a kendra from the Chandra lagna and (B) the nīcha bhanga graha must share a bhava with an [uchcha] graha. The situation you describe meets condition-1 but does not meet condition-2. Your configuration would only be able to obtain nīcha-bhanga if Meena-Shukra occupies bhava-10. Compare to Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Physics Albert Einstein
However, your magnificent cluster of graha in 7th from Chandra-4 does indicate a remarkable first marriage partner! Wishing you every happiness BP Lama Jyotisha |
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