
Vimshottari Dasha

Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga - Bala

Shukra Main Page

BPHS Compilation

  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years

BP Lama Jyotishavidya

modern commentary

  1. BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
  2. BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
  3. BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
  4. BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
  5. BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
  6. BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
  7. BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
  8. BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
  9. BP Lama Budha Mahadasha

BPL Commentary

Nine Antara-dasha = Bhukti = sub-dasha

within the Shukra Mahadasha

  1. Shukra Mahadasha + Shukra bhukti [svabhukti]
  2. Shukra Mahadasha + Surya bhukti
  3. Shukra Mahadasha + Chandra bhukti
  4. Shukra Mahadasha + Mangala bhukti
  5. Shukra Mahadasha + Rahu bhukti
  6. Shukra Mahadasha + Guru bhukti
  7. Shukra Mahadasha + Shani bhukti
  8. Shukra Mahadasha + Budha bhukti
  9. Shukra Mahadasha + Ketu bhukti [chidra-dasha]


Main Page Shukra * Venus * Ishatara * Phosphoros-Hesperos


OM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

B. P. Lama Modern Commentary

School of Earth Curriculum

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

descriptions of key themes which are scheduled to unfold

during the intentional LEARNING SEQUENCE

of pre-incarnationally planned human-embodiment experiences

Nine Bhukti

intervals within the

महादशा Mahadasha of



duration twenty years

Modern description of the sequence of experiences structured into the nine bhukti [sub-periods] of the Vimshottari Mahadasha of Shukra , written by BP Lama


Venus by Sebald Beham, from The Seven Planets, c1539

Puja for Shukra Mahadasha


A 20-year devotion to Laxmi-Sarasvati-Parvati = supports the highest aspirations of Shukra Mahadasha.

  • Gyana intellectual-analytical: primary * worth-ship * worship of Sarasvati
  • Bhakti emotional -psycho-spiritual: primary * worth-ship * worship of Parvati
  • Karma material-practical-sensual: primary * worth-ship * worship of Laxmi

These three aspects of feminine civilization cannot be permanently separated but there is usually one aspect which is the most attractive [Shukra] to the native. Feel free to develop all three according to your tastes!

The 20-year puja should be understood not as idolatry of some external deity.

Rather it is a practice of acknowledgment and deepening of one's own internal quest for knowledge, pleasure, storage, balance, satisfaction, and union with Other.

Shukra Main Page

BPHS Shukra Mahadasha

BPL interpretation Shukra Mahadasha


सित sita = white color, pale, lustrous

श्वेत śveta = white color

श्वेतरथ śveta-ratha = having a white chariot

भृगुज bhṛgu Bhrigu = the bright one

शुचि śuci = shining, brilliantly white

षोडशार्चिस् ṣoḍaś-ārcis = 16-rayed

दैत्यगुरु daitya-guru / असुरगुरु asura-guru = grower of demons

कवि kavi = singer, bard, poet

सुक्रय sukraya = fair bargain

LEARNING PATH defined in Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu's Classroom environment includes

Relationship, agreements, trust, matching, pairing, Harmony, pleasures, beauty, Values, Hoarding, and Storage

Twenty years of concern with sensuality, material wealth, and relationship balance

During periods ruled by Shukra-Karkata, expect some degree of luxury in the home environment

  • sensuality of sweet liquids [including alcoholic] also nourishing soups and salty drinks [marine Karkata is salty]

  • harmonious relations with parents, village, homeland

  • pleasure from bondage to the ethnic roots

  • taste for caring relationships with the weak and sensitive , such as infants and the elderly

  • appreciation of the large natural cycles of life, especially the end-points

  • attraction * akarshana * to fishing , boating, a marine-estuary lifestyle

  • enjoyment of familiar folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms of the childhood home

  • balanced relationship [poetic, spiritual, financial, physical] with the sea

  • appreciation of security , patriotic feelings and homeland-defensive activities

  • Treasury from the sea, from non-moveable values, from real-estate of houses, buildings, vehicles from parents and their customary ways from things underground burials, roots,

  • agreeable to subterranean or submarine lifestyle

Likes home life and emotionalized relationships .

The lover-partner should have a motherly, parental, protective, sheltering, nourishing character and appearance.

Value, value, value

  • historical value
  • shareholder value
  • production value
  • investment value
  • family value
  • moral value
  • pricing, evaluation, assessment

Special advice for Shukra bhukti when Shukra holds the [nīcha] amsha

Nichha status suggests occasional Learning Pathway experiences involving women suffering from low self-worth [Kanya 12th-from-balancing Tula] . Often during Shukra bhukti. Wise awareness and mature planning can avoid most typical disappointments of [nīcha] Shukra.

Generally, [nīcha] Shukra signifies weakened equality behavior of femine-figures in one's life such as coworkers, aunts, sisters, wife-partner, neighbors, boss, government officials.

Typically, they avow [Shukra covenant] intent to act with fairness, justice, equal-share of work, cooperation, parity. These ladies make promises, contracts, trusts and treaties, deals, bargains, vows. Naturaally, having made an agreement, one trusts that this person is capable of upholding the terms of agreement. Yet circumstances evolve and it becomes clear that they cannot fulfill the promise.

When this happens, there is no need to over-react. The root cause = the lady has low self-esteem. She does not value herself. At the basis of her inability to act with mutual fairness is her low self-valuation. The culprits may also be masculine-figures who are in a negotiating role, agreeing on a settlement, or doing other balancing work.

The [nīcha]

age nt can be any gender who is expected to fulfill an agreement but who does not meet reasonable equity expectations. In extreme cases [such as amplification via Rahu] there can be outright fraud. But normally the problem is a character weakness on the part of the agent. They did intend to act justly, but were unable to carry through their promise due to low self-esteem.

There is no need to be overly suspicious of women or other Shukra-karaka agents. However, it is sensible during any period of [nīcha] Shukra to not naively over-invest in outcomes involving women, contracts, or fair conditions.

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Shukra bhukti

What to Expect during a Shukra bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Shukra


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Suave Sensual Shukra has matured? [age 25]

Shukra Mahadasha-pati ++ Shukra bhukti-pati = mutually friendly? [yes, identical]

Shukra Main Page

  1. [Shukra-Mesha]

  2. [Shukra-Urisha] --- [svakshetra]

  3. [Shukra-Mithuna]

  4. [Shukra-Karkata]

  5. [Shukra-Singha]

  6. [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]

  7. [Shukra-Vanika] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg]

  8. [Shukra-Vṛścika]

  9. [Shukra-Dhanus]

  10. [Shukra-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Shukra-Kumbha]

  12. [Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]

  1. [Shukra in bhava-1]

  2. [Shukra in bhava-2] --- [svabhava]

  3. [Shukra in bhava-3]

  4. [Shukra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]

  5. [Shukra in bhava-5]

  6. [Shukra in bhava-6]

  7. [Shukra in bhava-7] --- [svabhava]

  8. [Shukra in bhava-8]

  9. [Shukra in bhava-9]

  10. [Shukra in bhava-10]

  11. [Shukra in bhava-11]

  12. [Shukra in bhava-12]

Glyph_Shukra.pngOM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

Shukra-Shukra svabhukti = the longest individual bhukti of the entire 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.

During the preceding Ketu mahadasha, the attention was focused on distantly visible, external objects [Rahu] which falsely promised the fulfillment of permanent union but which in fact were consistently evasive and disconnected throughout the Ketu era.

At this juncture, Ketu's relentless 7-year narrative of wandering and disconnection is beginning to fade from consciousness. It is time to allow the past to become the past.

Shukra Mahadasha tends to produce 20 years of financial, diplomatic, agreement-seeking, and musical, artistic, designing and balancing activities

When Shukra is well-placed, the three-year-long period of Shukra-Shukra may initiate new social-material relationships that will continue to unfold in nine unique bhukti experiences.

If Shukra yuti additional graha, the nature of those companion graha may contribute to the agreeable circumstances which favor pleasurable, harmonious, financial well-being.

Similarly, incoming drishti to Shukra influences the outcomes of the svabhukti.

If Shukra activates the nakshatra of the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna , or the Nakshatra of Chandra , or if Shukra is lagnesha or Shukra activates Chandra's rashi, the svabhukti may elicit the physical or emotional values of those placements.

Consider Shukra's rulerships

  • For Tula-Born, periods of Shukra entail both clarification of the personality [1] and simultaneously, aseries of breakthrough experiences which propels the personality through cycles of sudden change.

In a year or so when dasha sandhi is completed, one begins to feel quite differently. Ketu's narrative of unfulfilled yearning for union with Rahu-Other will subside, and Shukra's sensual materialism and social grace will arise. Give yourself permission to relax without demanding material results while you complete the dasha sandhi.

Others begin to look less like Ketu's intensely desired but utterly unobtainable partner Rahu, and more like mirrors of the Self.

Partnerships lose their Rahu-ized exaggeration. Shukra the Alliance-Maker brings equal, negotiating, human partners in search of justice, settlement of grievances, and a Fair Deal.

But during the first two years of Shukra Mahadasha, the dasha sandhi is still in effect and there is no trustworthy evidence of this impending change. It would be easy to become disheartened if no improvement is seen in the first two years.

However, shukra forecasts materialization of the instinct to partner. The emptiness of Ketu, the apathy and dissolution of endless longing, will soon recede into memory.

Now Ketu's dissolving delusions have withdrawn into the background and material-plane human partnership [Shukra] becomes viable. It is time to abandon Ketu's deeply familiar routine of wandering from one delusory attachment to the next, sodden with apathy and exhausted by endless grief.

Unlike discontented ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust nebulizer Ketu, whose time has passed, professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu is happy to operate here on the Earth plane. Shukra looks forward to bringing the joy of treasury and sensual satisfaction via five-senses pleasures.

If one is not yet married, the Shukra-Shukra svabhukti is a very auspicious time to declare the marriage vow.

Shukra-Shukra bhukti endures for 3 years 5 months. This calendar section = not at all homogenous.

Because Shukra Mahadasha's bhukti = very long-lasting, detailed predictions should be based on the pratyanatardasha = tertiary periods.

For example,

  • during Shukra-Shukra-Guru bhukti , Guru's significations will be distinctively strong and Guru defines a period of several months duration.

  • by extreme contrast, during Surya mahadasha, the quite short Surya-Surya-Guru era = so short that Professor Guru 's influence will not be felt too much unless simultaneously there would be a very strong Guru transit or some other reinforcement.

All of the general karaka behaviors of Shukra are to be expected. Strongly featured are: contractual relationships, bargaining and negotiations, architectural and social arrangements, decoration and design, yoga and balance, graciousness and harmony, marriage-type avowed partnerships and unions, sensual pleasure and luxury, accumulation of material values, and womenfolk in every aspect of life such as sister, aunt, feminine co-worker, feminine teachers, lady-boss etc. [except the mother, who is Chandra] .

Should Shukra have additional strengths such as yogakaraka, ātmakāraka , lagnesha, lord of Svamsha, lord of Chandra's navamsha, lord of the nakshatra of the indriya-lagna or lord of the Nakshatra of Chandra , lord of the 10th navamsha

[career] and other strengths.

  • During the Shukra Mahadasha one wants to be in harmonious and mutually appreciative relationship.

  • Shukra wants to feel luxuriant and financially privileged, in harmonious agreement, amaker of trusts, contracts and alliances, atrader and collector of beautiful things.

Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu = kalatra-karaka. If marriage is desired, and there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu to one of the required axes of the nativity, shukra svabhukti being the advent of a new life era focused upon partnership, may signal the timing of ceremonial marriage.

Events related to Shukra's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Sudden identity change = zero-degree Shukra-Simha

[politics] rules shocking 8th-from-Shukra

[Shukra-Singha] -- [Shukra-10] [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Aryaman]

  • POTUS-39 Talking Peace 1924-2024 Jimmy Carter [JEC age 56] 04-Nov-1980, Following perceived failed presidency due to ethical paralysis, incumbent JEC lost POTUS-39 re-election to the non-moral corporate-conservative, Ronald Reagan * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules 12, dissolution of tangible identity + Shukra rules 8th-from-5 shocking elections ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati

Celebrated Singer, Peak Musical Event

Matters of relevance to women

Luxury goods

Luxury goods combined with a harsh Sade Sati

A Big Prize for Creative Literature

[Shukra-Mithuna] -- [Shukra-1] -- [Shukra-yuti-Mangala] rules 5-Prizes, literary-art, creativity

  • Among the Believers 1932-2018 culturalist V.S. Naipaul [VSN age 69] 10-Oct-2001 awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 2001 - Shukra-1 identity activates 5-celebrity, prizes

Design, ornamentation, texturing, coloring, decoration

  • Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda in 1986 completed construction of the interfaith Lotus Shrine which combined 14 religious symbologies into one garish pink concrete temple * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra-Vṛścika-10 public works * yogakaraka Shukra rules 4-temple, house of worship

Arrangements, agreements, deal-making, bargains, trades

  • POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower [MDD age 56] 04-Nov-1952 husband, retired General Dwight D. Eisenhower, wins POTUS-34 election * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra activates 9-fortunes, political elections, patronage + Shukra activates 9th-from-Chandra

Shukra rules 12, dormitories, distant lands. [Shukra-Singha] -- [Shukra-3] -- [Shukra-yuti-Budha] -- [Shukra-yuti-Surya]

Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo Ghose

  • 1877 [AAG age 5] sent to English-medium boarding school in Darjeeling * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra activates 12-dormitories
  • 1879 [AAG age 7] sent to England with his two brothers to receive a British education explicitly free of Indian cultural influence, per his father's instructions * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra activates 12-distant lands

Attractiveness, visual beauty, music, artistic style, feminine graces

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Shukra activates the professional 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra , professor Bhrigu carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty.

Duties are associated with match-making, bargains, agreements, trusts and treaties, and contracts. For maximum results, shukra should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.

  • UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand [CRS age 75] 08-Sep-2022, when husband Charles = crowned as King of England, CRS becomes Queen of England * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha karmesha


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Shukra bhukti during any mahadasha is a common and beneficial time to join the partner in a marriage contract, provided that samchara Rahu-Ketu are transiting a key lagna.

Any Shukra bhukti during any mahadasha is a common and beneficial time to join the partner in a marriage contract. Shukra signifies marriage alliance, equity, fairness, balance, and harmonious agreement.

The marriage-making signification of the Shukra-Shukra svabhukti is exceptionally strong. Because the harmony-seeking, trust-expecting svabhukti of Shukra endures for three years, even nativities with challenging marriage configurations may be able to secure a marriage within the Shukra-Shukra svabhukti.

When the avowal of the holy estate of matrimony during any period of Shukra, the bhava ruled by Shukra may indicate special attributes of the spouse.

Tendency for expression of the essential qualities of Shukra within the characteristics of the mate, such as a general equanimity, agreeability, and attention to the material benefits of the marital estate. The lifepartner may be a singer or musician, an arranger, amatch-maker, abeautifier, afinancier, or a feminine-cousin [Shukra] .

  • Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [HKH age 47] 11-Jun-1924, consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with 20-year-younger famed singer and painter, Ruth Wenger * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ R-K gochara Simha-Kumbha contact natal R-K

  • France-Pres 1890-1970 Memoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [CdG age 30]

    VVdG age 20] 07-Apr-1921 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with Yvonne Charlotte Anne Marie Vendroux. The alliance endured for fifty years, until his death. * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact natal R-K

  • Ave Maria 1935-2007 tenor Luciano Pavarotti [LP age 19] 1954, consecration of marriage-1-of-2 - Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact natal R-K axis

  • Banker to the Poor 1940- microcredit Muhammad Yunus [MY age 30] 1970 consecration of marriage-1-of-2 to fellow grad student instructor of literature, aRussian emigre to USA * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Meena-Kanya contact natal R-K

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [RL age 43] 27-May-1994 consecration of marriage 3-of-4 with Marta Fitzgerald an aerobics instructor * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ R-K samchara via Kanya-Meena contact [Chandra-Meena]

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [NS age 41] 23-Oct-1996 consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with C�cilia Ciganer-Alb�niz, former fashion model and public relations business executive * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kanya-Meena contact Chandra-Meena ++ Janma Sade-Sati


  • POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt [AER age 20] 17-Mar-1905 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with Franklin D. Roosevelt * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha* contact navamsha Shukra-Simha. The marriage and its constellation of affairs-du-coeur on both sides was greatly influenced by the barrier-bending, taboo-twisting impact of AER's [nīcha-Shukra-yuti-Rahu] rules 7th-from-Chandra.

  • Swing Time 1911-1995 dance theatre Ginger Rogers 07-Feb-1953 [GR age 42] consecration of marriage-4-of-5 with Jacques Bergerac [1927-2014] a minor thespian and executive of Revlon Cosmetics * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Karkata-Makara

  • UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 [QE age 21] 20-Nov-1947 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with cousin Philip Mountbatten * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti

  • Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [ERT age 44] 04-Dec-1976 , consecration of marriage-7-of-8 with USA-Senator from Virginia, John Warner * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Tula-Mesha

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet [ECP age 24]

    husband 19 years her senior] 16-Mar-1963, consecration of marriage-2-of-4 with traveling salesman and financial manager, mark Prophet . The union produced four children * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact navamsha

    [Mūla ] Chandra

  • UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand [CRS age 58]

    PC age 57] 09-Apr-2005, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with Charles-3 * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ R-K samchara Meena-Kanya contact Kanya indriya-lagna

  • Best Is Yet to Come 1949-2022 designer Ivana Zelnickova Trump [IZT age 22] 1971 consecration of marriage-1-of-4 with Austrian real estate agent, Alfred Winklmayr. IZT referred to the union as a "Cold War Marriage" with no cohabitation. * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ R-K gochara Makara-Karkata contact navamsha Chandra-Makara

  • Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [MH age 21]

    EW age 35] 21-Jun-1975, consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with promoter-financier Errol Wetanson - 14-yrs her senior * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ gochara R-K via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact Vṛścika svamsha

    ++ janma Sade-Sati [8]

  • Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver [MOS age 31] consecration of marriage with Arnold Schwarzenegger. The union produced four children. * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mesha-Tula contact Tula indriya lagna

  • UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson [SF age 27]

    PA age 26] 23-Jul-1986, consecration of marriage with Andrew. His naval officer job dictates that the couple met for only 40 days/yr [Ketu] * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mesha-Tula contact Tula svamsha

  • Fashion economics 1981- real-estate Ivanka Trump Kushner [ITK age 28] 26-Oct-2009, consecration of marriage-1 with real-estate financier, Jared Kushner * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules Urisha 7th-navamsha ++ Rahu-Ketu gochara Makara-Karkata contact R-K in D-1 and D-9 ++ Rahu-Return

Children and Additional Dependents

  • UK-Queen 1926-2022 Elizabeth-2 [QE age 22] 14-Nov-194,8 celebrated the birth of her first child, Charles-3 - Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra activates 9-children

Maraka Agency for Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Professor Shukra activates classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Shukra as the ruler of both 2 and 7 is an empowered maraka as counted from the Mesha indriya-lagna .

  • My Inventions 1856-1943 Nikola Tesla [NT age 86] 07-Jan-1943, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via myocardial infarction * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * maraka Shukra rules-7

  • Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [HF age 83] 07-Apr-1947, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via cerebral hemorrhage * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * maraka Shukra rules 7

Measured from Vṛścika indriya-lagna , shukra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Kanya indriya-lagna, shukra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other combinations

  • Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell [BR age 97] 02-Feb-1970 liberation from the Earthen-body, via influenza, at home in Penrhyndeudraeth * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * [Shukra-yuti-Budha] maraka Budha rules-7

Decease of relatives

  • Gitanjali 1861-1941 polymath Rabindranath Tagore [RT age 14]

    mom age 45] grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra rules 12th-from-matri-sthana

  • POTUS-39 Talking Peace 1924-2024 Jimmy Carter [JEC age 59] 30-Oct-1983, grieved the bio-decease of motherBessie Lillian Gordy Carter, via breast cancer * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * [Magha-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Aryaman] Budha rules 12th-from-Chandra-matrikaraka ++ janma-Sade-Sati

  • UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand [CRS age 57]

    dad age 89] 11-June-2006, grieved the bio-decease of father, wine merchant Maj. Bruce Shand * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * [Ardra-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Puna] * Budha rules 2nd-from-pitristhana

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Surya bhukti

What to Expect during a Surya bhukti

Evaluate the placements of Surya.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Splendid Surya has matured?

The Mahadasha-pati and Surya bhukti-pati = mutually friendly?

Surya Main Page

  1. [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha]

  2. [Surya-Urisha]

  3. [Surya-Mithuna]

  4. [Surya-Karkata]

  5. [Surya-Simha] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg]

  6. [Surya-Kanya]

  7. [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]

  8. [Surya-Vṛścika]

  9. [Surya-Dhanus]

  10. [Surya-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Surya-Kumbha]

  12. [Surya-Meena]

  1. [Surya in bhava-1]

  2. [Surya in bhava-2]

  3. [Surya in bhava-3]

  4. [Surya in bhava-4]

  5. [Surya in bhava-5] --- [svabhava]

  6. [Surya in bhava-6]

  7. [Surya in bhava-7]

  8. [Surya in bhava-8]

  9. [Surya in bhava-9]

  10. [Surya in bhava-10] -- [ dik-bala]

  11. [Surya in bhava-11]

  12. [Surya in bhava-12]


Surya = rights and entitlements.

Offerings of appreciable assets such as time, money, or valued goods to Surya-entities such as creative performing arts groups, human-rights activists, or political-action organizations.

  • Give in charity, lights, lamps, torches, flames, and implements of cooking or heating.
  • Give in charity: games, costumes, glittery decorations, bright red textiles, rubies, garnets, red glass, red dyes, entertainments, ways to have fun.
  • Give sunflowers, sunglasses, light-catching crystals to brighten dark spaces
  • Help the blind.

Honor the Radiant One. Brighten your aura by laughing. Live like a king, and help others to recognize their entitlements.

Support creative theatre that dramatizes intelligent ideals [Surya]

Financial or volunteer-work support of games and gambling, especially for charitable fundraising purposes

Support individual integrity, personal sovereignty, and human rights.

If Surya-yuti-Budha, make jokes. Consider offerings especially to those radiant, confident, creative, game-playing dramatic, fashionable, bright entities who serve adolescents [Budha] .

Offer your time in personal political activism toward human rights entitlements

  • support individual authenticity and intelligent ideals [Surya]

Wearing or donation of red-and-gold garments and ornaments, in praise of the divine light of Surya

If [Surya-yuti-Budha] , serve benevolent organizations serving adolescents [Budha] .

Seva offerings to father-figures, dramatists, speculators, game-players, royalty. Special focus on fathers of children, and to teachers-or-priests who may be addressed as Father.

Offering agni-homa

[fire ceremony] to the Earth, in praise of elemental fire spirits and their sparkling genius

  • Say hello to the Sun every morning, offering gratitude for the Light.

Follow the inspiration of the poet Maya Angelou, who wrote, “ This is a wonderful day. I' ve never seen this one before.”

Offer to the world, the splendor of your own bright smile.

gold_sun.gif OM grinih suryaya namah

Sharing Shukra and Solipsistic Surya = mutually adversarial. Shukra favors partnership, pairing, parity, and participation while Surya is egocentric, the dramatic center of attention, and radiantly solo.

Naturally Surya's bhava determines the manifestation of this bhukti, but overall the arrival of a significant masculine figure and hot, bright, top-of-the-mountain locations are featured.

There may be an unresolvable conflict or disjunction between cool blue Shukra mandate for investment in partnership versus brilliant Surya's independent-minded, willful self-assertiveness.

If marriage is desired and Surya activates navamsha 1 or 7, despite Ravi's enemy role with Shukra, the Shukra-Surya bhukti can bring marriage especially to a highly self-confident and independent partnerr.

Events related to Surya's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Surya activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking [10th-from-Chandra] Professor Suraja carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty associated with politics, celebrity, charisma, egocentricity, royalty, brilliance, entertainment, game-playing, literary and theatrical creativity. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

For maximum results, surya must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Shukra, and Surya should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Surya bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Surya activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the primary axes of the nativity.

Sparkling Surya = shatru-graha = planetary enemy of smoothing, harmonizing, bargaining Shukra. The union may benefit from accomodation of the singularity, artistic splendor, and self-referential integrity of the lifepartner. Generally, the spouse enters this union for their own reasons - and not to satisfy public opinion.

Marriage during a Surya bhukti may signify a lifemate who is brightly independent, uniquely creative, regally entitled, strong-willed, speculative, master of games, literary or artistic genius, theatrical, charmingly intelligent, who is gifted in social entertaining, who may form half of a political couple.


  • England-King 1491-1547 Henry-8-Tudor [HT age 18] 11-Jun-1509 consecration of marriage 1-of-6 with his elder brother's widow, QueenCatalina de Aragon. CdA was 5 years elder to Henry. * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya activates Simha 7th navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact natal R-K

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [TW age 27] 05-Oct-2004 consecration of marriage-1 with photographer's model Elin Nordegren. The wedding was a celebrity event. * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya rules Simha svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mesha-Tula contact natal R-K

Children and Additional Dependents

  • UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson [SF age 29] celebrated birth of child-1, beatrice Princess of York * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya rules 9-royal children

Maraka Agency for Professor Surya

Exit Opening for dematerialization

When Professor Surya activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, splendid Surya = potential marana-karaka. Maraka teaching include sense-pleasure saturation [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

For Karkata indriya-lagna Brightly Burning Surya = maraka activates-2

  • Cuba-Dictator 1926-2016 Fidel Castro [FC age 90] 25-Nov-2016, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya activates maraka-2

For Kumbha indriya-lagna , Professor Surya = maraka rules-7

  • POTUS-26 National Parks 1858-1919 Theodore Roosevelt [TR age 60] 06-Jan-1919 , blessed liberation from the Earthen-body via cardiac blood-clot. Died in his sleep at home * Shukra-Surya bhukti * maraka Surya cardiac rules Ketu-7

Meena indriya-lagna

Other Arrangements

  • POTUS-23 National Forests 1833-1901 Benjamin Harrison [BH age 67] 13-Mar-1901, death by pneumonia, at home in Indianapolis. His estranged adult children buried BH next to their mother, Caroline. * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya-yuti-Mangala = maraka Kuja rules-2

Decease of relatives

  • Miracle Roses 1207-1231 Queen Elizabeth of Hungary [EH age 20] 11-Sep-1227, her royal warrior husband was killed in battle. Elizabeth was left widowed with children * Shukra-Surya bhukti * Surya activates 2nd-from-7th

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Chandra bhukti

What to Expect during a bhukti of Comfort-seeking Chandra?

Evaluate the placements of Chandra.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Candescent Chandra has matured?

The Mahadasha-pati ++ Somana bhukti-pati = mutually friendly?

Chandra Main Page

Sade-Sati by Chandra Rashi

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]

  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]

  4. [Chandra-Karkata]

  5. [Chandra-Simha]

  6. [Chandra-Kanya]

  7. [Chandra-Tula]

  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]

  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]

  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Chandra-Kumbha]

  12. [Chandra-Meena]

  1. [Chandra in bhava-1]

  2. [Chandra in bhava-2]

  3. [Chandra in bhava-3]

  4. [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [svabhava]


  5. [Chandra in bhava-5]

  6. [Chandra in bhava-6]

  7. [Chandra in bhava-7]

  8. [Chandra in bhava-8]

  9. [Chandra in bhava-9]

  10. [Chandra in bhava-10]

  11. [Chandra in bhava-11]

  12. [Chandra in bhava-12]


Seat of Mind * Mens * Moon * feelings * emotional flow

During Vimshottari periods of Chandra, sEVA may be offered to the oceans, to mothers-and-children, to charitable organizations that serve young families, and to groups which praise manifestations of the Holy Mother.

Seva offered to mothers, schoolteachers, caretakers, gardeners, fisherwomen, and guardians of the land-and-waters can yield a vastly more effective spiritual healing than any Pearl.

Worship of the Divine Feminine can be found in all of the world's great religious traditions.

Investing assets and attention into agriculture, fishing, gardening, irrigation, and germination is Chandra-positive Earth-seva

Thinking of the past and offering fond appreciation to ancestors

Aid and support provided to professional nurses, schoolteachers, parents-and-grandparents, protectors, and caretakers is a beautiful and Chandra-appropriate SEVa

Consider supporting the protective functions of house-building, sheltering, naesting, fencing, and sustainable settlements. Charities may benefit the denizens of the rivers, lakes, and seas.

The beneficiaries may not express any gratitude for your aid. That is OK. Seva is not intended to produce applause or material rewards. It is intended as a learning tool for expansion of wisdom and compassion.


Glyph_Chandra.jpg AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

General characteristics of any Chandra bhukti

An era of amplified feelings for home and homeland. One may seek residence near the ocean shores, or shipbound. Retreat to safety and a secure routine.

Chandra is the garha-karaka for household life. Promoting the experience of familiar, rhythmic, routines and sheltered security Professor Chandra nearly always maintains some degree of comfort. Yet, the outcome depends significantly upon the angle between chidra-karaka Ketu agent of surrender to impermanence and matrikaraka Chandra agent of ancestral deep roots. However, any angle may produce heightened feelings of patriotism, self-defense, attachment to parents, love of the land, need for comfortable rhythms and routines, need for security.

Any nativity may expect an increase in the experiences associated with Chandra such as deeper emotional sensitivity, engagement with matters of security and stability, cultural tap-roots, foundational education, patriotism, defense of national-ethnic boundaries and fenced lands, as well as matters of the mother and her folk.

The specific outcome of any Chandra bhukti depends upon the bhava-activating rulerships held by Chandra as measured from both the indriya-lagna and the Chandra-lagna.

Outcomes are also affected by drishti entering Chandra, by the role of Chandra's planetary ruler, and very importantly by the bhava in which Chandra resides. Chandra is so sensitive psycho-emotionally that Chandra bhukti outcomes are also particularly influenced by transits of Rahu-Ketu or transits of Shani.

In Ketu-Chandra bhukti , Chandra seeks shelter from sudden changes and insecurity along the pilgrim's wandering path.

A time of quiet retreat, ideally near the ocean. Emotional relationships are psychically sensitive and care-taking. Emphasis on domestic routines, food and nurturing, caring for and serving others, staying close to homer.

Typical relationship between Chandra and Shukra

Although Professor Chandra has no enemies, Shukra i= adversarial toward Chandra. Shukra favors partnership, pairing, parity, and equal participation while Somana is parental, caretaking, protective and nourishing but not equal as a parent or schoolteacher is surely not the equal of the child.

Naturally Chandra's bhava determines the manifestation of this bhukti, but overall the arrival of a significant mother-teacher figure and cool, watery, coastal and agricultural locations are featured.

There may be some disjunction between cool blue Shukra's mandate for equity in partnership versus parental Somana's need to control the emotional flow of relationships and in general to maintain high feeling sensitivity with a tendency to emotionalize all experiences.

Events related to Chandra's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions


[Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra in Pūrvābhādra- Pegasus] -- [Chandra-7]

  • Zorro 1969- drama-commerce Catherine Zeta Jones 2019, launched a luxury homewares company * launched a luxury homewares company * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra domesticity rules 11-marketplace profits


[Chandra-Vṛścika] -- [Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] -- [Chandra-12] -- [Somana-yuti-Shani]

Chandra-12 foreign study-research rules-8 identity transformation

  • Old Path White Clouds 1926-2022 Interbeing Thich Nhat Hanh [TNH age 35] 1961 accepts scholarship to study comparative religions at Princeton University * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra-12 foreign lands + Chandra randhresha identity change


[Chandra in classroom-11]


Chandra-11-Kumbha parivartamsha Shani-4-Karkata]

  • POTUS-pair-43 School Libraries 1946- Laura Welch Bush [LWB age 62 ] Dec-2008, their POTUS-43 term completed. GWB and LWB exit Washington-DC , to retire in Texas, carrying one of the lowest approval ratings in American history * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 4-retirement

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Chandra activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified, social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Somana carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

Professor Somana carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty associated with parenting, schoolteaching, security and police protection , farming and fishing, housing and real estate, vehicles and transportation [especially the safety aspects] ritualists and routine-makers, patriotism, and all matters of nourishing and sustaining the place of settlement .

For maximum results, chandra must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Shukra, and Professor Somana should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.

Particularly for Chandra karma-pati Tulā indriya-lagna and also for Makara indriya-lagna where Chandra activates 10th-from-10th, appointment to a higher position of social leadership can be expected to raise the social reputation and increase public regard.

  • POTUS-pair-42 + USA Secy State 1947- Hillary Clinton [HC age 53] Nov-2000 * elected USA Senator from NY * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra karmesha -10

  • Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [BJF age 69] 1775 former postmaster BJF manages the Revolutionary committee to conduct secret correspondence with foreign powers * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra-10 governance rules-3 letters, communications

Marriage Covenant + Sacred Vows

Any Chandra bhukti during any mahadasha may signal the timing of ceremonial wedding * formalization of alliance, if Professor Chandra activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Chandra-timed weddings especially indicate matri-karaka qualities of the marital match. The union may emphasize adherence to ethno-cultural folkways, emotional security, established local routines. Spouse may offer a customary, protective, sheltering, parental style of relating to the spouse.

The partner may behave in ways that are similar to the mother, emotionally sensitive, securing, or responsive to feelings.

Chandra can signify a foundational provider, caretaker, guardian, gardener, or patriot. The mate also may have a connection with real-estate, pathways of transportation, border defense, policing, or schooling.

  • POTUS-27-pair Cherry Trees 1861-1943 Nellie Herron Taft [NHT age 25] 19-Jun-1886, consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with William Howard Taft * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules Karkata 7th navamsha * [Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha

    [uchcha-Guru-9] * Guru rules Meena svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact D9 Simha-Shukra

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston [WH age 28] 18-Jul-1992, consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with singer, bobby Brown * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules Karkata 7th-navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact natal R-K

Children and Additional Dependents

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston [WH age 30] 04-Mar-1993 celebrated the birth of child-1, adaughter * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 5th-from-Chandra

  • Fashion economics 1981- real-estate Ivanka Trump Kushner [ITK age 31] 07-Jul-2011, celebrated the birth of child-1, daughter Arabella * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 9th-from-Chandra

Maraka Agency for Professor

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Professor Somana rules classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Measured from Makara indriya-lagna, chandra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Mithuna indriya-lagna , chandra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Decease of relatives

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [JDR age 63]

    dad's age 98] 23-May-1937, grieved the bio-decease of his infamous tycoon father, via arteriosclerosis * Ketu-Rahu bhukti

Shukra Mahadasha + + Mangala bhukti

What to Expect during a Mangala Bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Mangala.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native.

Kuja has matured?

Mangala Main Page

  1. [Mangala in bhava-1] -- [svabhava]

  2. [Mangala in bhava-2]

  3. [Mangala in bhava-3]

  4. [Mangala in bhava-4]

  5. [Mangala in bhava-5]

  6. [Mangala in bhava-6]

  7. [Mangala in bhava-7]

  8. [Mangala in bhava-8] -- [svabhava]

  9. [Mangala in bhava-9]

  10. [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]

  11. [Mangala in bhava-11]

  12. [Mangala in bhava-12]

  1. [Mangala-Mesha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-18 deg] --- [svakshetra]

  2. [Mangala-Urisha]

  3. [Mangala-Mithuna]

  4. Mangala-Karkata


  5. [Mangala-Singha]

  6. [Mangala-Kanya]

  7. [Mangala-Tula]

  8. [Mangala-Vṛścika] --- [svakshetra]

  9. [Mangala-Dhanus]

  10. [Mangala-Maraka] [uchcha]

  11. [Mangala-Kumbha]

  12. [Mangala-Meena]

Mangala-targeted SEVa

Celebrate Kuja Colors. While offering Seva and in all activities, throughout any Mangala bhukti, honor Martial Mangala by wearing blood-red and black garments, gold ornaments, and by vigorous exercising the movement-seeking physical body.

Learning pathway = Mangala seva = movement

Conscious service is a fabulous learning tool. The knowledge revealed within this learning pathway is tightly focused upon one's own planetary placement. By observing its operational patterns in the lives of others, one may gain swift insight into one's own situation. Using the added wisdom gained through Seva, change one's own narrative consciously.

As a learning tool, aremediation, and a mitigant, seva can be much more effective than ratna, puja, or any other upaya. Targeted Seva can alleviate the violence of Kuja''s unconsciously dominating competitiveness by dynamically promoting the well-being of the Mangala people.

Service for Masculine Pushing Energies

During Mangala bhukti, intentional Seva may focus upon charitable service dedicated to Mangala-figures in any gender, such as athletes, activists, competitors, warriors, military, diggers, divers, plumbers, drillers, explorers, inventors, detectives, interventionists, pioneers, and champions.

Mangala prefers to work on a physical level. Service offered to the beneficiaries of the Mangala-Seva should involve physical activity that is sporting, challenging, thrusting, penetrating, and forward-directed. For example, leading science students in vigorous outdoor fieldwork exploration is a Mangala-seva.

Discovery Exploration Pursuit

Mangala-seva helps those who pursue discoveries. Revealers of newness can be Mangala agents, such as therapists revealing buried trauma, archeologists revealing ancient worlds, defense attorneys revealing facts of the crime, research scientists revealing unseen patterns, or forensic coroners revealing conditions of decease. Mangala seva can be offered to assist any agent who is pro-actively pushing toward a discovery goal.

Example for Mangala-Kanya = skilled volunteering or fundraising for legal investigations supporting those falsely convicted of crimes.

Recognition for offering Seva?

Seva beneficiaries might not express any gratitude for your aid. That is OK. Seva is not intended to produce applause or material rewards. If pursued for the sole purpose of social validation, proving one's noble character, or making a public display of holy virtue, seva tends to backfire. Offer seva not for reason of improving another person, but rather as a method of self-learning about the energy of this grahar.


glyph_mangala.jpg OM kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah

Sharing Shukra and Motivated Mangala are neutral toward each other.

Sharing Shukra favors partnership, pairing, parity, and equal participation on the sensual, wealth-building material level while Mangala is sexual, active, pursuing, and athletic. These two sets of behaviors are compatible within marriage and also within many types of business partnership.

Naturally, mangala's bhava determines the manifestation of this bhukti, but overall the arrival of a significant competitor, high-energy, athletic or warrior-figure and hot, arid locations are featured. The emphasis is on muscular movement, sexual activity, or sport.

There may be some disjunction between cool blue Shukra's mandate for equity in partnership versus hot, blood-red competitive, sometimes dominating Mangala's drive to engage in continuous activity. Shukra tends to prefer a pattern of accumulating and appreciating sensual pleasures whereas Mangala is single-mindedly moving always in pursuit of some physical goal.

A life narrative wherein Mangala-Mesha starts a Big Fight during Mangala bhukti


de Mundi Systemate 1642-1726 Isaac Newton

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz– Newton_calculus_controversy

  • IN launched a bitter attack against his adversary Gottlieb Leibniz regarding who indeed had invented the calculus. Friends of both scholars had asked them to stop this long-lasting diatribe, but Newton apparently could not stop heckling Leibniz.
  • The accusations [6] sullied the dignity-honor of both parties, and left the intellectual legacy of Leibniz in permanent disrepute. [6th-from-Chandra] = bhava-10 Vṛścika


  • Mangala-Mesha furthermore in 6th-from-10th [bhava-3 writing] suggests that matters of public reputation and respect were especially contentious and even vicious for Newton. As a gay man was constantly heckled by his adversaries -- especially his mother's husbands -- Newton was apparently very sensitive on the point. * Shukra-Mangala bhukti [age 57, R-K return]

Events related to Kuja's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions


POTUS-pair-06 Adams Family 1775-1852 Louisa Johnson Adams

[Rahu-Singha] [nīcha] yuti [Mangala-Singha] [Yoni-Kuja-yuti-Rahu-Yoni] [12, foreign lands, privacy] * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala rules-8 sudden, unexpected identity changes.

  • Feb-1825 husband John Quincy Adams = elected POTUS-06 [ LJA age 50] Randhresha Kuja = often a catastrophic agent for the Kanya nativity. LJA's duties included formal entertaining and general hospitality to all of his political supporters. Yet, she was beset by severe melancholia = Kuja activates 3. In his journals, her husband JQA complained bitterly about Louisa's dereliction of duty. LJA's mother-in-law Abigail Adams travelled to WDC to hostess. Louisa, in a state of deep shock, simply could not summon the energy.

EXAMPLE - 1994 campaign finally bears fruit in 2018 [24 year delay]

[Mangala-Kumbha] -- [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [Kuja-yuti-Surya] -- [Kuja-yuti-Budha]

  • USA-Sen-Utah 1947- finance Mitt Romney [MR age 47] lost 1994 challenge-election for Massachusetts USA-Senate. Won by incumbent Teddy Kennedy. MR had abundant funding from the financially influential Mormon community in Boston and nationwide. [Mangala in bhava-10] is strong for leadership. His opponent TK had a dwindling reputation, and MR was expected to win.

  • Yet, the contemptuous, tone-deaf campaigning style of WMR's wife Ann was said to have been a major component of the loss. Mangala rules 7 containing [Chandra-Vṛścika] -- [Somana-yuti-Ketu] showing the apathetic, dismissive style of the spouse. In addition, mangala rules 12 = 8th-from-5 elections showing the sudden upset. * Shukra-Mangala bhukti


Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Mangala activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Kuja carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

Mangala-type duties are Typically, associated with movement, dance, energy, competition, conquest, innovation, engines and engineering, invasion, surgery, sexual pursuit, sport, physical body and its sciences, military, explosion, drilling, diving, weaponry and warfare, heat, speed, investigation, exploration, and male-dominated environments.

For maximum results, Kuja must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Shukra, and Professor Angarika should possess several strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Mangala bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Kuja activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Mangala-timed vows especially indicate the qualities of Angaraka in the marital union, including a physically able, athletic, champion, competitive, exploratory, innovative, dynamically energetic, or warlike mate.

  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long [HL age 20] 12-Apr-1913 consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with stenographer Rose McConnell * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala activates Svamsha - gochara R-K via Meena-Kanya contact R-K is D1+D9

  • Grateful Dead 1942-1995 guitarist Jerry Garcia [JG age 20] 03-Apr-1963 consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with folksinger, sara Ruppenthal * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala rules Mesha 7th-navamsha

    [Kuja-yuti-Rahu] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact Dhanus indriya lagna

  • Oracle Database 1944- Larry Ellison [LE age 23] 1967 consecration of marriage-1-of-5 * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala activates Mesha-7th-navamsha * samchara R-K Mesha-Tula contact Tula Svamsha


  • POTUS-pair-26 Whitehouse Restoration 1861-1948 Edith Carow Roosevelt [ECR age 25] 02-Dec-1886 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with childhood friend-neighbor and teenage sweetheart Theodore Roosevelt * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala rules Mesha Svamsha ++ gochara R-K via Simha-Kumbha contact Simha indriya-lagna

  • Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [MH age 24] 31-Dec-1979, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 in Ketchum, Idaho, with cinema assistant producer, Bernard Foucher * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala rules Vṛścika svamsha

    ++ gochara R-K via Simha-Kumbha contact Shukra-Kumbha

Children and Additional Dependent


Maraka Agency for Professor Mangala

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Professor Mangala activates classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna and from Tulā indriya-lagna, mangala obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

  • Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [BJF age 84] 17-Apr-1790, , blessed liberation from the Earthen-body via pleurisy, in Philadelphia * Shukra-Mangala bhukti * maraka Mangala rules Ketu-7

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna and from Meena indriya-lagna , mangala obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Decease of relatives

  • USA-Sen-Utah 1947- finance Mitt Romney 26-Jul-1995 [MR age 48] grieved the bio-decease of father, former Michigan Governor George Romney * Shukra-Mangala bhukti [Surya-yuti-Kuja] Surya rules 7th-from-Surya

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Rahu bhukti

What to Expect during a Rahu Bhukti ?

Evaluate the placements of Rahu.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native.

Risk-seeking Rahu the bhukti-pati has matured? [Age 48]

Mahadasha-pati Shukra and Rahuva the bhukti-pati are mutually friendly? [Not normally. Shukra wants contracts, partnership, and fairness. Rahu wants immediate advantage and special privileges.]

Now, consider each of these factors again with reference to Rahu's ruler. Rahu gives BOTH the effects of His occupied bhava AND the effects of the bhava which are ruled by His planetary rulerr.

  1. [Rahu in bhava-1]

  2. [Rahu in bhava-2]

  3. [Rahu in bhava-3]

  4. [Rahu in bhava-4]

  5. [Rahu in bhava-5]

  6. [Rahu in bhava-6] *

  7. [Rahu in bhava-7]

  8. [Rahu in bhava-8]

  9. [Rahu in bhava-9]

  10. [Rahu in bhava-10] *

  11. [Rahu in bhava-11]

  12. [Rahu in bhava-12]

  1. [Rahu-Mesha-Aja]

  2. [Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha]

  3. [Rahu-Mithuna]

  4. [Rahu-Karkata]

  5. [Rahu-Singha] *

  6. [Rahu-Parthya]

  7. [Rahu-Tula]

  8. [Rahu-Vṛścika]

  9. [Rahu-Dhanus]

  10. [Rahu-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

  12. [Rahu-Meena]


Ministries of service offered to Mix-Master Rahu may include beneficiaries who have exotic, culturally mixed, smoky-oily, or light-speckled qualities.

Shimmering Rahu is honored by Seva to those considered outsiders, considered magical but perhaps dangerous, considered masters of illusion, considered as dark foreigners, considered related to oils, gasses, or grease.

Roguish Rahu appreciates the risk-takers, the over-reaching, the opportunists, the ambitious, the boundary-breaching, the cultural-mixers, the pretenders, the impostors, the grandiose, the fascinating, the marvelous, and those colored in many shades of dark purple or brown.

Extraordinary Rahu appreciates philanthropic donations to communities of mixed ethnicity, ethnoreligion, those who hold multiple passports, organizations the serve immigrants learning new languages and customs while keeping the old traditions too, and those who produce marvelous displays that disappear into a puff of smoke.

Over-reaching Rahu accepts offerings of oils, incense, fireworks, and exaggerated imagery such as theatrical masks.

Also consider to donate in charity, camouflage clothing, mechanisms of inflation or amplification such as sound-speakers, magic tricks, cosmetics, generators of illusion such as theatrical stage equipment, and entrancing images such as weeping statues and doctored photographs.

Glyph_Rahu.png AUM ram ravahe namah

OM bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah

Relationship Risks

Sensual and materialistic Shukra naturally seeks the pleasures of harmonious, proportionate, and mutually appreciative relationship.

  • Sharing Shukra prefers a state of luxurious pleasure, guaranteed via legal terms of agreement

  • Shukra = a maker of contracts and alliances , a trader and collector of beautiful things.

  • Shukra-Rahu bhukti introduce Rāhu-type agents [usually partners in business or marriage] who promise gracious lifestyles involving a balance of opposites and equal contributions to the fund of shared wealth.

  • One may indeed self-elevate into the higher rank and its privileges while in company of the Rahu agent[s] .

Toward the end of the Shukra-Rahu bhukti it may become more obvious that most of the Rahu agent's claims are mimicking one's own sensually indulgent and acquisitive nature.

Rahu is agreeable during Shukra Mahadasha. His actions may be thrilling, exotic, irregular, fraudulent, or risk-taking in regard to contracts, covenants, vows, trusts and treaties, promises, deals, arrangement, and agreements.

  • Way to Wealth 1706-1790 printer ambassador Benjamin Franklin [BJF age 70] chaired the committee to draft the USA Declaration of Independence, published by BJF in July-1776 * Shukra-Rahu bhukti * [Rahu-Urisha] -- [Rahu in bhava-1] risk-rewarding personality

Events related to Rahu's location by bhava , or related to Rahu's ruler

Glamorous Upsetsof the Social Order, Excitements, thrills , adventures, Unusual Opportunities, sudden Success, Unexpected Collapse, risk-taking, mesmerizing Performance, fascinations, surprises


Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods

[Rahu-Tula] -- [Rahu in bhava-2] ruled by the complex arrangment of [Anuradha-Shukra-yuti-Chandra-Anuradha- nīcha] + [Mangala-9 parivartamshaShukra-3 photography

  • [ETW age 34] Nov-2009, feeding-frenzy of tabloid press, in which ETW face [2] was salaciously splashed across the news, including photos of him looking deranged and disheveled after his wife smashed his car windows with a golf club * Shukra-Rahu bhukti + [Rahu in bhava-2] face, heritage, storytelling


Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs


Rahu in bhava-5] [Mūla-Rahu-yuti-Shukra-Vaishva]

  • [SPJ age 34] Oct-1989, while he was speaking at a Stanford University Business School event, SPJ meets future wife = MBA first-year student, Laurene Powell * Shukra-Rahu bhukti


Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass

[Rahu-Meena] -- [Rahu in bhava-10] -- [Surya-yuti-Rahu]

  • [RD age 36]

    1967-early 1968] Life-defining trip to Uttarakhand, India . Meets root-guru, Neem Karoli Baba. Now publicly identified [Rahu-10] as an itinerant spiritual servant, jobless professor Richard Alpert takes the spiritual-name of Ram Dass. Adopts rural Bharati clothing and a Seva-principled lifestyle. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ gochara Rahu 1967 via Mesha, then in Jan-1968 via Rahu-Surya-Meena


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Rahu bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Rahu-timed weddings show Rahu-the-Mixmaster at work. Rahu-timed alliance suggests a potentially impulsive but also socially mobile and goal-oriented alliance.

The partner often hails from a fascinatingly different set of cultural roots, adifferent demographic, exotic social class, unconventional age-gap, thrillingly different racial heritage, or a different religion. These variations promote roguish Rahu's over-reaching ascent. The partnership seems intriguing and exciting.

Entrancing Professor Rahu sees in the partner a mesmerizing opportunity for expedient achievement. Rahu may feel utterly fascinated or even psychologically obsessed with the must-have Other. He acts instinctively without delay. There is often relatively little time invested in preparation for the ceremony. There may be only partial agreement of the families.

Shukra-Rahu bhukti may signal impassioned or unorthodox alliances, often in culturally-mixed circumstances which span demographic gaps of age, doctrine, or economic class, and enflame the ambitions of both partners.

So long as the partners continue to reach their respective goalsthrough agency of the union. agency of the union, rahu-timed avowals may endure. Longevity of the sacred pledge depends upon the marriage profile elements in both nativities, particularly the 7th-from-Chandra.

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [EZ age 30] 31-May-1870, consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with laundress of modest background, �l�onore-Alexandrine Meley [Meslay] - a.k.a., Gabrielle. She begins to introduce him to proletarian community and guide [Shukra-9] EZ's writing projects. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti * [Pegasus-Shukra-yuti-Rahu-Varuna]

  • Gitanjali 1861-1941 lyrical poet Rabindranath Tagore [RT age 22] [Mrinalini age 10] consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with Bhabatarini Raichadhuri * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Tula-Mesha contact Shukra-Mesha

  • Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [HKH age 55]

    NA age 36] 1931, as the Nazi persecution of Jews gains vicious momentum, consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Ukrainian Jewish art historian, Ninon Auslander [b. 18-Sep-1895 in Czernowitz, Ukraine] HKH had Swiss citizenship. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ R-K gochara Meena-Kanya contact Chandra-Meena

  • Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Physics Albert Einstein [AE age 24] 06-Jan-1903 consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with Mileva Marić -Ajnštajn following loss of their daughter. Her Slavic family distrusted a German spouse. His German family dismissed Mileva as a racially inferior Slav. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ R-K gochara via Kanya-Meena contact navamsha R-K

  • POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford [GRF age 35] 15-Oct-1948 consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with divorcee Betty Bloomer. Divorce was stigmatized then, and voters in Ford's wealthy, conservative district would have disapproved of BB's past. However, amid his Rahu-Return, ford followed his passion. * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact Chandra-Vṛścika

  • Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper [DH age 25] Aug-1961, consecration of marriage-1-of-5 with cinema actress Brooke Hayward * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact Simha indriya-lagna

  • Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King [SK age 24] 02-Jan-1971, following the 1970 birth of their daughter, consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with author Tabitha Spruce * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kumbha-Simha * contact navamsha Chandra-Kumbha

  • Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [WHG age 39]

    MFG age 29] 01-Jan-1994, following seven years of dating, consecration of marriage with Melinda French * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact natal R-K ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati


  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet [age 34] 1973, consecration of marriage-3-of-4 with Randall Kosp, agalley cook. Social class gap. * Shukra-Guru bhukti [Shukra-yuti-Guru] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact navamsha

    [Mūla ] Chandra

  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [BJS age 21] 13-Sep-1963 consecration of marriage-1-of-2 with dramatic actor, Elliot Gould [Goldstein] Career-prestige gap.* Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ R-K gochara Karkata-Makara contact Chandra-Karkata

  • Best Is Yet to Come 1949-2022 designer Ivana Zelnickova Trump [IZT age 28]

    DJT age 31] 09-Apr-1977 consecration of marriage-2-of-4 with Donald Trump = Lavish society wedding, at which IZT knew only six of the 600 guests. Language-culture gap .* Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ R-K gochara Tula-Mesha contact R-K axis

Children and Additional Dependents


Maraka Agency for Professor Rahu

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

Shri Rahu is a a natural maraka agent. His periods are empowered with Permission to cross shadowy boundaries , and the line between incarnate vs. disincarnate is just such a boundary. Therefore Rahu needs no further justification via His ruler in order to effect a Release.

For any lagna, rahu's maraka potential is enhanced if Rahu occupies bhava-2 or Rahu occupies bhava-7.

Rahu can also produce the maraka effects of His ruler, or of graha yuti Rahu. When Rahu is ruled by OR yuti the ruler of bhava-2 or ruler of bhava-7, rahu obtains enhanced marana-karaka status, because. entrancing Professor Rahu becomes empowered to teach upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

  • Aquero 1844-1879 St. Bernadette of Lourdes [age 35] 16-Apr-1879, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via tuberculosis of the bones * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower [DDE age 78] 28-Mar-1969, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via congestive heart failure * Shukra-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-2

Pretentious Professor Rahuva can occasionally gain so much strength by association with an empowered ruler or co-tenant that by His own power He can push the envelope and move the native to their next step out-of-embodiment.

  • Holy Science 1855-1936 Shri Yukteswara Giri [age 80] 09-Mar-1936 Mahasamadhi = blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Rahu bhukti ++ janma Sade-Sati [10]


  • Photographer 1941-1998 vegetarian activist Linda Eastman McCartney [LEM age 56] 17-Apr-1998, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via breast cancer * Shukra -Rahu bhukti * Rahu's ruler = Surya-7

Perhaps the strongest maraka empowerment for Rahu is the placement of Rahu-2 or Rahu-7, or Rahu uchcha-Urisha

  • Miracle Roses 1207-1231 Queen Elizabeth of Hungary [EH age 24] 17-Nov-1231, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, during her Shukra-Rahu bhukti. Rahu-Kumbha occupies bhava-2 thus Rahu gains additional strength in Kumbha rashi.

  • Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien [age 82] 02-Sep-1973, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Rahu bhukti = Rahu-Urisha-9

Ultimately, rahu is a wildcard, and virtually any placement of Rahu by rashi or by bhava is sufficient to enact a demagnetization resulting in liberation from the Earthen-body

Decease of relatives

  • POTUS-14-pair 1806-1863 Temperance Jane Appleton Pierce [JAP age 12] 12-Nov-1819, grieved the bio-decease of her father via tuberculosis * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • POTUS-22-24 Interstate Commerce 1837-1908 Grover Cleveland [GC age 16] 01-Oct-1853, grieved decease of his preacher father * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [JDR age 74]

    AA age 73] 05-Apr-1948, blessed liberation of lifepartner-1, Abby Aldrich, at home, via cardiac arrest * Shukra-Rahu bhukti + dvithya Sade-Sati

  • A Room of One's Own 1882-1941 Bloomsbury Virginia Woolf [VSW age 13] 05-May-1895, grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham [RBG age 53] 02-Aug-1973, * Shukra-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-2 family-of-origin

  • Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham [RBG age 54] 08-Nov-1974, grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-2 family-of-origin

  • Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [RD age 36] 22-Jan-1967, grieved the bio-decease of mother, Gertrude Levin, via spleen disease * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • Syria-Pres 1965- ophthalmologist Bashar al-Assad [BA age 51] 06-Feb-2016, grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra-Rahu bhukti

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [TW age 29] 03-May-2006, grieved decease of father * Shukra-Chandra bhukti * [Shukra-yuti-Chandra-nīcha] Shukra rules 7th-from-9

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman, Autobiography of a Vedic Astrologer , p. 99-100:

" It has been my experience over nearly sixty years that Rahu as sub-lord, whether in his own period or in the period of other planets, would always create problems of a serious nature, affecting family and personal matters, which would test the mental and physical stamina of an individual whatever be his social, educational, or financial attainments.

  • It is also found, contrary to general belief, that planets like the Sun and Mercury, occupying risk-rewarding Rahu's constellations are capable of conferring happy results financially and career-wise but would create situations in domestic life, which could shatter a person's self-confidence and make him experience results which he would ordinarily never expect to happen.

There are of course exceptions which I will discuss in due course..." [end quote]

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Guru bhukti

see also: Shukra-yuti-Guru

What to Expect during a Guru bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of the Saptarishi


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native.

Benevolent Brihaspati the bhukti-pati has matured?

Mahadasha-pati and bhukti-pati Guru = mutually friendly?

Guru Main Page

  1. [Guru-Mesha]

  2. [Guru-Urisha]

  3. [Guru-Mithuna]

  4. [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]

  5. [Guru-Simha]

  6. [Guru-Kanya]

  7. [Guru-Tula]

  8. [Guru-Vṛścika]

  9. [Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-13 deg]

  10. [Guru-Makara] [nīcha]

  11. [Guru-Kumbha]

  12. [Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra]

  1. [Guru in classroom-1] -- [dikbala]

  2. [Guru in classroom-2]

  3. [Guru in classroom-3]

  4. [Guru in classroom-4]

  5. [Guru in classroom-5]

  6. [Guru in classroom-6]

  7. [Guru in classroom-7]

  8. [Guru in classroom-8]

  9. [Guru in classroom-9] --- [svabhava]

  10. [Guru in classroom-10]

  11. [Guru in classroom-11]

  12. [Guru in classroom-12] --- [svabhava]

Glyph_Guru.gif OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

OM hrim srim blim aim gloum grhadhipataye brhaspataye vim ta aim ta svaha

Sharing Shukra and Generous Guru are generally adversarial in their mutual goals and methods.

Sharing Shukra favors social partnership, pairing, parity, and equal participation on the sensual, wealth-building material level.

By contrast, Guru is philosophical not sensual, accumulates wisdom not material goods, and Guru favors the one-to-many relationship of teacher-to-students, not a one-to-one like Shukra's marriage or advising pairs.

These two sets of behaviors are largely incompatible within marriage and also within many types of business partnership. Guru does not have an equal partner and He is not much interested in material reality, being rather a philosopher savant.

Naturally, Guru's bhava-of-residence determines the manifestation of this bhukti. Overall, Guru bhukti signify the arrival of a significant teacher-preacher figure within wise, sacred locations. The locations are often determined by the residential bhava of Guru.

For example

  • Guru-12 location would be meditative or imaginative or distant world
  • Guru-9 would be a classic university setting
  • Guru-4 would be a local settlement
  • Guru-3 likely a commercial business.

Events related to rulership and karaka-signification

Brihaspati's curricular emphasis = typically placed upon the development of wisdom and expressions of abundance and expansion.

Periods of Brihaspati the university-karaka provide likely time-periods in which to complete a tertiary diploma following many [Guru] years of study, particularly if Guru is otherwise associated by rashi or by bhava, and particularly if the native intends to use their knowledge in order to teach.


  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [BJS age 27] 1969, won the Academy Award [Oscar] for best actress in cinema role, Funny Girl * Shukra-Guru bhukti * [ Guru-yuti-Shani] Shani rules 5- prizes, celebrity


[Guru-Simha] -- [Guru in bhava-5] -- [Guru-yuti-Shani]

Guru-5 rules 9 = election win for husband [Guru]

  • POTUS-pair-40 Just Say No 1921-2016 Nancy Davis Reagan [NDR age 59] 04-Nov-1980, husband RWReagan gets elected POTUS-40 * Shukra-Guru bhukti



[Guru-Urisha] -- [Guru in bhava-6] rules 6th-from-Chandra

  • Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [MH age 30] 1984, upset by an unhappy marriage, suffers a skiing accident and protective weight gain of 75-lbs * Shukra-Guru bhukti

    1985 [MH age 31] end of a once-spectacular fashion-drama career + finalization of divorce, officially ending alliance-2 with cinema assistant producer, Bernard Foucher * Shukra-Guru bhukti


[Guru-Karkata] [vargottamsha] -- [Guru in bhava-9]

Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] + Chandra-yuti-Kuja-5 Guru rules 5-elections * [Andromeda- Somana-yuti-Kuja-Andromeda]

Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy 06-May-2007 [NS age 52] gets elected President of France . Served 16-May-2007 until 15-May-2012 * Shukra-Guru bhukti


[Guru-Mesha] -- [Guru in bhava-10] [Kuja-6 parivartamsha Guru-10] = Guru rogesha-6 war

  • POTUS-04 USA-Constitution 1751-1836 James Madison [JM age 61] 18-Jun-1812, USA declaration of three-way war begins the devastating War of 1812 against Britain + against many Native American tribes who allied with Britain * Shukra-Guru bhukti

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Brihaspati activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Guru carries the potential to elevate One may be required to accept recognized positions of leadership duty, governance, regulation, systematization, hierarchies, and the maintenance of the legal order. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

For maximum results, Guru must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Shukra, and Guru should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.

[Guru-Kumbha] = rogesha ++ dharmesha for Karkata indriya-lagna


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

If marriage is desired and Guru activates navamsha 1 or 7, the Shukra-Guru bhukti can bring marriage especially to a teacher-preacher, priest, professor or world traveler.

Any bhukti of Guru during any Mahadasha is generally favorable for biological or creative reproduction, so long as Guru and bhava-5 are reasonably well disposed. Marriage during Guru bhukti can signal a childbirth within the same Guru bhukti.

Additionally, matters of teaching, guidance, ideology or doctrinal belief may be prominent motivations for making the union.

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [JDR-Jr age 77] 15-Aug-1951, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with pianist and socialite, Martha Baird Allen, the widow of JDR's close college friend * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena-7th-navamsha ++ gochara R-K via Makara-Karkata contact Shukra-Makara-11

  • Open Society 1930- currency-values George Soros [GS age 53] 19-Jun-1983, consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with art historian, Susan Weber * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Dhanus svamsha ++ R-K samchara Mithuna-Dhanus contact Dhanus svamsha

  • USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [NLG age 19]

    wife age 26] 18-Jun-1962 consecration of marriage 1-of-3 with his high-school geometry teacher* Shukra -Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Karkata-Makara contact natal R-K axis

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [NS age 53] 02-Feb-2008 consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Italian-born fashion model and singer, Carla Bruni Sarkozy * Shukra-Guru bhukti * [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha] Chandra rules Karkata 7th-navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kumbha-Simha contact navamsha Simha-Chandra

  • Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs [SPJ age 36] 18-Mar-1991, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with businesswoman, Laurene Powell * Shukra-Rahu bhukti [Shukra-yuti-Rahu] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact R-K


  • Swing Time 1911-1995 dance theatre Ginger Rogers [GR age 50] 1961 consecration of marriage-5-of-5 with executive cinema producer, william Marshall * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact navamsha R-K

  • POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [JKO age 24, JFK age 36] onsecration of marriage-1-of-2 with USA Senator, John F. Kennedy at St. Mary' s Church in Newport, rhode Island. Widely reported and photographed as the / Society Wedding of the Year/ Prestige guest-list = funded by wealthy parents on both sides. * Shukra-Guru bhukti * [Shukra-yuti-Guru] effects of Shukra ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Karkata-Makara contact Makara svamsha

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet [ECP age 34] 1973 consecration of marriage-3-of-3 with Randall Kosp a.k.a. Randall Charles King, agalley cook * Shukra-Guru bhukti [Shukra-yuti-Guru] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact navamsha

    [Mūla ] Chandra

Children and Gain of Additional Dependents

Mahadasha-pati = cool blue Shukra. Professor Bhrigu is predominantly concerned with equity in relationships. Children are not peers. They are dependents. However, certain peer relationships - especially marriages -- may be programmed to be expanded with dependent, non-peer additions.

The added family members can be pets or children. Guru can bring the re-inclusion of previously independent but now dependent elders.

None of these Guru-ized expander-agents are mutually agreement-making peers.

There may be some disjunction between Bhrigu's mandate for equality and parity, versus warm, golden Guru's procreative abundance. Children are not peers, and their dependencies can diminish the attraction [Shukra] between love-partners. Often there is some conflict between the sensuality of marriage versus the children's demand for wise attention.

During any mahadasha, Guru bhukti are naturally abundant periods. Guru bhukti tend to produce children on the basis of Brihaspati's role as a natural putra-putriki karaka without regard to bhava-activating rulerships or other principles. Guru provides primal, generous, widening multiplication of whatever resources are expandable within the nativity.

Even an otherwise child-resistant nativity may produce children during a Guru Bhukti, so long as samchara Rahu-Ketu are transiting via a key lagna.

  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand 29- Dec-1966 [BJS age 24] celebrated the birth of child-1, dramatist-producer, Jason Gould * Shukra-Guru bhukti

  • Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve [CR age 27] 20-Dec-1979, first child born * Shukra-Guru bhukti


Maraka Agency for Professor Brihaspati

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When the Saptarishi rules classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Measured from Mithuna indriya-lagna or from Kanya indriya-lagna, brihaspati obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

  • POTUS-pair-36 Wildflowers 1912-2007 Ladybird Johnson [CTJ age 94] 11-Jul-2007, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Guru bhukti * maraka Guru rules 7

  • Ring of Fire 1932-2003 rockabilly Johnny Cash [JC age 72] 12-Sep-2003 , blessed liberation from the Earthen-body via diabetes * Shukra-Guru bhukti * maraka Guru rules 7

Measured from Vṛścika indriya-lagna or from Kumbha indriya-lagna , brihaspati obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

  • Clairsentient 1939-1994 social justice Paul Solomon [age 54] 04-Mar-1994, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Guru bhukti - Guru-yuti-Chandra - Guru produces results of Chandra-rules-7

Other Combinations

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T 1942-2018 Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin [ALF age 76] 16-Aug-2018, via elevated hypertension and pancreatic cancer, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body. Deceased at her home in Detroit, Michigan. * Shukra-Guru bhukti * [Kṛttikā-Shani-yuti-Guru-Rohiṇī] * maraka Shani rules-2

Decease of relatives

  • Four Seasons 1678-1741 Baroque sacred music Antonio Vivaldi [AV age 50] 06-May-1728, grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra -Guru bhukti [Surya-yuti-Guru] Surya rules 2nd-from-Chandra

  • War and Peace 1828-1910 Leo Tolstoy [LNT age 2] 04-Aug-1830, grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra -Guru bhukti * Guru rules 7th-from-matribhava

  • Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland [JG age 13] 17-Nov-1935, grieved the sudden death of her father, a burlesque-theatre operator* Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru-yuti-Rahu

  • Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [WHG age 39] 10-Jun-1994, grieved the bio-decease of mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, via breast cancer * Shukra-Guru bhukti * Guru rules 7th-from-bandhusthana ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Shani bhukti

What to Expect during a Shani bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of structured, serious-minded Shani .


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by Shani Bhagavan
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Strict, sober, old Shani has matured?

Shani Main Page

Accommodating, justice-seeking Mahadasha-pati Shukra and change-resistant elderly Shani bhukti-pati are mutually friendly? [yes! Best Friends!]

  1. [Shani in classroom-1]

  2. [Shani in classroom-2]

  3. [Shani in classroom-3]

  4. [Shani in classroom-4]

  5. [Shani in classroom-5]

  6. [Shani in classroom-6]

  7. [Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala]

  8. [Shani in classroom-8]

  9. [Shani in classroom-9]

  10. [Shani in classroom-10] -- [svabhava]

  11. [Shani in classroom-11] -- [svabhava]

  12. [Shani in classroom-12]

  1. [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]

  2. [Shani-Urisha]

  3. [Shani-Mithuna]

  4. [Shani-Karkata]

  5. [Shani-Simha]

  6. [Shani-Kanya]

  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]

  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]

  9. [Shani-Dhanus]

  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] --- [svakshetra]

  11. [Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

    mulatrikona if within 0-20 deg]

  12. [Shani-Meena]


Glyph_Shani.png OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

Shukra and Shani are excellent friends .

Sharing Shukra favors partnership, pairing, parity, and equal participation on the sensual, wealth-building material level while social-order Shani is also materialistic, structured, and much supportive of legal contracts such as marriage which regulate and organize society overall.

These two sets of behaviors are highly compatible within marriage and also within many types of business partnership.

Naturally Shani's bhava determines the manifestation of this bhukti, but overall the arrival of a significant elder, regulator, bureaucrat or holder of traditional authority can be expected [perhaps an entire society of them] . Cold, dry, dark, scarcely nourishing locations are featured. The emphasis is on distribution of scarce resources and adherence to the law.

Generally, there is a favorable outcome as cool blue Shukra's mandates equity in partnership while cold icy blue Shani mandates strict observance of the social law.

Sensual Shukra tends to prefer a pattern of accumulating and appreciating sensual pleasures whereas Shani is more concerned with physical survival and rigid class structure. Yet, the two goals of large-scale group regulation and contractually balanced interpersonal marriages are quite compatible and those who respect both sets of rules usually receive social approval.

Example -

Events related to Shani's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Maturity, sobriety, authority of Leadership, slowness, retardation, rigidity, Hierarchy, social Class, respect for Age and Material Accomplishment, seniority, systems Regulation, rule of Law


[Shani-Vṛścika] -- [Shani in Bhava-12] [Viśākha-Shani-yuti-Chandra-Maitra-nicha] niṣṭhurabhāṣi yoga = निष्ठुरभाषिन्

  • Old Path White Clouds 1926-2022 Interbeing Thich Nhat Hanh 1969 led the Buddhist Delegation to the Paris Peace Talks * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 3-conferences


[Shani in Bhava-1] -- [Shani-Makara-Draco]

  • Careless Whisper 1963-2016 George Michael [GKP age 18] 1981, while still in high-school, GM forms the instantly successful musical partnership Wham! * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 7th-from-Chandra = key partnerships



yogakaraka] -- [Shani in Bhava-1]

  • POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk [JKP age 49] Nov-Dec 1844, elected POTUS-11. In a viciously contentious national debate over slavery and annexation of slave-state Texas, dark-horse JKP narrowly defeats the opposing Whig candidate, famed orator Henry Clay * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani-1 karmesha leadership

[Shani-Karkata] -- [Shani in Bhava-3]

Karmesha in 3 = career administrator, committee-communicating


  • USA-Sen-Utah 1947- finance Mitt Romney [WMR age 55] Nov-2002, elected Governor of Massachusetts [one term only] . Although WMR left office prematurely [Shani occupies 6th-from-10, leadership disagreement] WMR was praised for his bureaucratic finesse in organizing the state healthcare system and improving the Massachusetts economy [Shani rules Kumbha-10 marketplace] * Shukra-Shani bhukti * yogakaraka Shani-3 rules 10-governance authority

Temporary Setbacks, delays, obstacles

public regulation and restrictive legal judgment


[Shani-Vṛścika] -- [Shani in Bhava-1] -- [Shani-yuti-Surya] -- [Shani-yuti-Budha] -- [Shani-yuti-Shukra] ++ janma Sade-Sati

  • Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba [SSB age 76] 2002 National television services of both Denmark and UK [BBC] broadcast detailed documentation, publishing lawful evidence SSB's fraudulent miracles . * Shukra-Shani bhukti & Shani rules 3-journalism, television [Arudra-Somana-yuti-Rahu-8] ++ janma Sade-Sati

    Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba [SSB age 76] 2002, several former devotees make allegations of repeated sexual abuse of men and boys. * Shukra-Shani bhukti & Shani rules 3-journalism, television [Arudra-Somana-yuti-Rahu-8] ++ janma Sade-Sati

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Shani activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Shanaicarya may socially elevate. One may be required to accept recognized positions of leadership duty, governance, regulation, systematization, hierarchies, and the maintenance of the legal order. Promotion in rank and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

For maximum results, shani must occupy a supportive angle relative to the Mahadasha-pati Shukra. Also, shani should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.

  • Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King in Apr-1973, sK's first novel Carrie was accepted for national publication. Earnings begin and Carrie is critically acclaimed as a significant text in the horror genre.* Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani-3 activates 5 = 3rd-from-3rd


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Shani bhukti during any mahadasha may signal the timing of f ormalization of alliance. Shani must rule either Svamsha or navamsha-7 +++ a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu must contact one of the required axes of the nativity.

Weddings matched to a jarana-karaka Shani bhukti especially indicate an elder, more experienced, or more senior mate. Shani durosha-karaka also suggests union with a hard-working, class-conscious, sober, socially responsible partner who shows respect for law, longevity, and endurance.

Niyama-karaka Shani may require weddings that are less the consequence of personal affection and more imposed by societal rules. Shanaicarya Bhagwan may require a marriage to regulate the weight of shared children. Orderly Shani bhukti-pati can signal witnessed vows of sacred ordination such as Holy Orders.

The spouses may be marrying as an expression of duty or in conformance with conventional expectations. Shani-timed vows may also signal a heavy governance portfolio that is shared by the partners. Shani-timed events often carry the weight of pressing material-social obligations.

Special notes for Shani-timed marriage

When Shani activates the 1-7 navamsha axis, the lifeplan features an orderly expectation of negotiated contracts. Shani imposes pressure to form a partnership according to the conventions of the social order. Shani disfavors romantic love, poetic ideals, and creative entitlement.

For partners older than age 36, the alliance may elegantly align personal material goals with dignified social standing. Benefits of Shani-timed marriage may include loyalty to the contract and longevity of the working pair.

The conventional expectations regarding division of labor within the union must be scrupulously maintained, particularly with regard to social class, age, position in the hierarchy, caste, and rank.

For one possessed of mature, realistic, and sober character, who is able to accept the weight of social obligation, the agreement may well fulfill the expectations of its many stakeholders, including parents, extended family, ethnic group, and faith community.

Shani suggests a likelihood that one partner is significantly elder to the other.


  • Foursquare Evangelist 1890-1944 Aimee Semple McPherson [ASM age 17]

    RS age 28] 12-Aug-1908, consecration of marriage 1-of-3 with the Irish Pentecostal missionary, Robert Semple * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules Ketu in Kumbha svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact navamsha Chandra-Mithuna ++ Shani Ashtamsha

  • Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [ERT age 59]

    LF age 39] 06-Oct-1991, marriage-8-of-8 with construction equipment operator Larry Fortensky. ERT met LF while they both sought ewcovery treatment at the Betty Bloomer Ford Clinic. * Shukra-Shani bhukti

  • Avant-gardiste 1933- Beatle-pair Yoko Ono [YO age 36]

    JWL age 29] 20-Mar-1969, wedding-3-of-3 with Beatle musician, John Lennon * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules Makara svamsha ++ gochara R-K via Meena-Kanya contact Kanya indriya-lagna ++ Rahu-Return

  • On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda 14-Aug-1965 [JSF age 27] consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with Russian-French directeur cinematique Roger Vadim Plemiannikov * Shukra-Shani bhukti * [nīcha-Guru-4 parivartamsha Shani-6] Guru rules Dhanus 7th- navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact natal R-K


  • Top Gun 1962- cinema Tom Cruise [TC age 44]

    KH age 28] 18-Nov-2006, consecration of marriage-3 with television dramatist, Katie Holmes Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani duty - gochara R-K via Kumbha-Simha contact navamsha Chandra

Divorce and Legal Separation

  • Yentl 1942- drama-song-activist Barbra Streisand [BJS age 29] Jul-1971, legal divorce decree, 30 months after announcing their separation with co-parenting rights * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rogesha = divorce ++ Rahu-Return

Maraka Agency for Professor Shani

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When sober Professor Shanaideva rules classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Measured from Karkata indriya-lagna or from Simha indriya-lagna, Slow Shani obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

  • Annunciazione 1452-1519 Renaissance light Leonardo daVinci [LdV age 67] 02-May-1519, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body. Enterr�e dans la chapelle Saint-Hubert, au sein du ch�teau de saint Amboise, France. * Shukra-Shani bhukti * maraka Shani rules-7

  • POTUS-33 Trial and Hope 1884-1972 Harry Truman [HT age 88] 26-Dec-1972, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body. * Shukra-Shani bhukti * maraka Shani rules 7

Measured from Dhanus indriya-lagna or Makara indriya-lagna, shani obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other combinations

  • POTUS-pair-37 Watergate 1912-1993 Pat Ryan Nixon [PRN age 81] 22-Jun-1993, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via lung cancer * Shukra-Shani bhukti * nīcha-Shani-yuti-Rahu ++ janma Sade-Sati

Decease of relatives

  • Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo Ghose Jan-1893 [AAG age 21] grieved decease of fatherKrishna Dhun Ghose * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 12th--from-pitristhana

  • India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru [JN age 49] Jan-1938, grieved the bio-decease of mother, Swaroop-rani Thussu Nehru * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 7th-from-matrikaraka Chandra

  • France-Pres 1890-1970 Memoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [CdG age 42] 03-May-1932, grieved the bio-decease of father * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 7th-from-pitristhana

  • Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [RD age 42] 1973, grieved the bio-decease of root-guru, Neem-Karoli-Baba MahaRajji * Shukra-Shani bhukti * ātmakāraka Shani rules 12th-from-9 = disembodiment of guidance-figure

  • Calif-Gov 1938- Moonbeam Jerry Brown [JB age 56]

    dad age 90] 16-Feb-1996, grieved decease of father, the legendary former California Gov. Pat Brown * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 12th-from-Surya

  • Green Mile 1947- horror-fiction Stephen King 28-Dec-1973, grieved the bio-decease of mother , inducing a lengthy era of self-medication * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 2nd-from-matribhava-4 + + [nīcha-Kuja-yuti-Shani] rogesha activates 6-addictions

  • UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson [SF age 39] 19-Sep-1998, grieved the bio-decease of mother in Argentina. Mom was decapitated in a roadway accident [Somana-yuti-Ketu] * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 12th-from-Chandra ++ dvithya Sade-Sati

  • Fashion economics 1981- real-estate Ivanka Trump Kushner [ITK age 43] 14-July-2022, grieved the bio-decease of mother, Ivana Zelničkova Trump * Shukra-Shani bhukti * [Budha-yuti-Shani] Budha rules 2nd-from-matristhana

Shani bhukti ailments and worry, learning about limits and austerities

Subject: Re: Jyotisha Follow-up question regarding topic discussed in the reading

My follow-up question: How soon can I expect to feel better physically and mentally? As you know, I have a Simha indriya-lagna birth chart with Swati Moon in bhava-3. You said I'm in a Shani bhukti. Ouch! Everything hurts! Plus I worry constantly, and that alone is exhausting.

Thanks for your reply.


The Vimshottari Dasha timeline for your nativity shows that you are currently enduring a three-years-two-months Shani bhukti within the 20-year-long Shukra mahadasha.

Because Seriously Sober Shanaicarya rules bhava-6 concerning imbalances and ailments [and you have graha located in 6 but not in 7] , most occurrences of Shani bhukti can be expected to match 3rd-dimensional [real physical life] reality experience of ailment, accusations, animosities, disorder, persistently imbalanced conditions , and other aggrieved conditions.

The current Shani bhukti runs from 2015 until 2018.... There are nine mahadasha periods some are short and some are long. The longer the mahadasha, the longer is each bhukti ection of the mahadasha. It just so happens that Shukra controls the longest mahadasha

[for you, from age 39 until age 59] and Therefore, the specific sub-section [bhukti] of the Shukra mahadasha that is controlled by the Shani Narrative is also extra-long [3 years 3 months] .

Luckily you are older than 36 [the age of Shani's maturity] , therefore you have the stamina and maturity to not only survive the restrictions, constant worrying about scarcity , and often the tediousness of a Shani mahadasha, but those older than 36 can often thrive during the otherwise oppressive Shani-narrative conditions. Just knowing that the English word 'worry' means 'to strangle' can lead an older person to chuckle with wisdom, realizing that one can by succumbing to negative thought patterns indeed strangle oneself!

Shani rewards sobriety, realism, neutral ity, and social duty. However, He generally will not reward [and may apply strict measures to] any of the narratives of Surya which can include individual intelligence, creativity, drama, amusements, and celebrity.

The older people become, the more they can appreciate the value of discipline and orderliness Therefore, the easier [relatively] the reoccurring Shani bhukti tend to be.

Nevertheless, shani's bhava-activating rulership for the Simha nativity [yours] is extra demanding, since Shani activates not only the heavily dutiful partnership bhava-7 but also the adversarial and remedy-seeking bhava-6.

Optimal health is likely to suffer and this likely places a strain on relationships, and although there is usually no worry about long-term relationship endurance, shorter-term relationships may be growth-challenging to sustain.

Typically, the causes of the ailments are not easily seen yet once the cause is unveiled the Shani-type symptoms begin to recede [slowly of course -- this is Shani the Delayer at work] .

The causes according to Jyotisha would be Shani-ish: various old resentments, betrayals, and other sources of bitterness [Shani is bitter] which overwhelm the healthy flexibility of life, inducing stiffness and brittleness, while a narrative of blame and frustration tends to circulate in the mental patterns.

The more compassionately one is able to locate and honor the old resentments, and the more complete one's acceptance of earlier deprivations as useful [if painful] learning experience , the gentler are the symptoms.

The purpose of Shani bhukti is to call one's attention to the intentional reality of limits and structures. When [if] one is able to re-visit the victim experience with more adult and neutral eyes, looking for evidence of a learning experience encapsulated within the suffering of exploitation or mistreatment , then Shani's narrative will be complete, and the present-time suffering will generally cease.

Meanwhile, shani is a yogakaraka graha when measured from your Chandra-Tula, which suggests that you would not lose every iota of creativity and fun during Shani bhukti. Rather, via knowing your own healing rhythms [Chandra] you would find quieter habits and routines to accommodate the pinching limits of Shani while more restrained creative, intellectual development could continue.

The current Shani bhukti is approximately 2/3 completed, with 1/3 left to go. Since gochara

[transiting] Shani is presently traveling via bhava-5 [Dhanus] related to the heart, and Shani is a planetary enemy of Surya your lagnesha, and Surya signifies the heart as well, quality Ayurvedic medical care with an emphasis on heart-health is always recommended.

Rahu has been transiting across your Simha indriya-lagna and He just now is crossing the end of Magha moving into Aśleṣa. In about a week from now, you should start to feel an intense hunger for privacy, for sleep, for meditation practices and dreamwork, and for living in distant worlds -- much more than normal, due to Rahu triggering a once-every-9-years 6/12 axis return WHILE Shani activates Rahu-6 is the bhukti-pati.

The earthen body will remain cranky but your psychic life can be expected to light up from Rahu's visit, which will reveal the phantom-like imagery of the ancient betrayals [not always from the current lifetime] that are triggering Shani's ailments.

At the sandhi-spanning shift into the Budha bhukti, considering that Budha activates bhava-3 ++ natal cluster of graha in 3, there should be a gradual lifting of Shani's weight replaced by a burst of mental activity and engagement with siblings, neighbors, writing, and messaging.

Until then, shani rewards patience and steady compassion for one's own [self-chosen] limitations .

In addition to the meditation and dreamwork clairsentient guidance activated by Rahu's 18-month-long visit to bhava-12, if you are interested in psychotherapy, that modality is also activated by the Rahu transit via bhava-12.

Psychotherapy does not have magical powers. Still, it can be a valuable tool for asking more targeted questions about the duty-buried grievances which motivate the Shani-ailments , and getting more insightful answers.

The purpose of every bhukti is to produce a pattern of experiences which develop self-knowledge. The intention during periods of Shani is not to " release" grievances but rather to accept and honor the learning experiences provided by the conflicts and mistreatments of yore . Shani is too rigid and stodgy to allow a smooth release. He resists change. However, He does reward realism, acceptance of what-is, maturity and patience.

Wishing you and your family every happiness, healing from sorrow, guidance by inner light, and success in all of life's endeavors,

Sincerely, bPL

Shukra Mahadasha + + Budha bhukti

What to Expect during a Babbling Budha Bhukti

Evaluate the placements of Budha.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by Shanideva Bhagavan
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Blustering bantering Budha has matured ?

Are the Mahadasha-pati Shukra and the bhukti-pati businesslike Budha mutually friendly? [Yes! They enjoy cooperating!]

Budha Main Page

  1. [Budha-Mesha]

  2. [Budha-Urisha]

  3. [Budha-Mithuna] --- [svakshetra]

  4. [Budha-Karkata]

  5. [Budha-Simha]

  6. [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 16-20 deg]

  7. [Budha-Tula]

  8. [Budha-Vṛścika]

  9. [Budha-Dhanus]

  10. [Budha-Makara]

  11. [Budha-Kumbha]

  12. [Budha-Meena] [nīcha]

  1. [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]

  2. [Budha in bhava-2]

  3. [Budha in bhava-3] -- [svabhava]

  4. [Budha in bhava-4]

  5. [Budha in bhava-5]

  6. [Budha in bhava-6] -- [svabhava]

  7. [Budha in bhava-7]

  8. [Budha in bhava-8]

  9. [Budha in bhava-9]

  10. [Budha in bhava-10]

  11. [Budha in bhava-11]

  12. [Budha in bhava-12]


Budha_glyph.jpg OM hrim krom aim grhanathaya budhaya svaha

Sharing Shukra and Busy Budha = happy friends. Shukra favors partnership, pairing, parity, and equal participation on the sensual, wealth-building material level while communicative, team-working Budha is also materialistic, conversational, instructional, and sexual.

These two sets of behaviors are nicely compatible within marriage and also within many types of business partnership.

Naturally bantering Budha's bhava determines the manifestation of this bhukti, but overall the arrival of a significant sibling, young person, student, report-writer, or media-messenger can be expected. Green, somewhat dry, quick-changing, commercial, youth-oriented locations are featured. The emphasis is on information transaction, planning, schedules, and discussions.

Generally, there is a favorable outcome. Cool blue Shukra's mandates equity in partnership while bright green Budha's mandate is evangelical, conversational, instructional, manual, and sexual. Budha activates the hands.

Sensual Shukra tends to prefer a pattern of accumulating and appreciating sensual pleasures whereas Budha is more concerned with talking, writing, and touching. The two agendas are quite compatible.

[Budha-Mesha] -- [Budha in bhava-6] [Aśvini-Shukra-yuti-Mangala-Bharani] [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Aśvini]

Budha-6 problematizer occupies socially-recognized 10th-from-Chandra

Events related to Shri Budha's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Budha can be a karaka for tasks related to studying, reading, writing, explaining, describing, instructing, playing an instrument, drawing, diagraming, handling, and counting.

Budha does planning, scheduling, schematics, documenting, reporting, announcing, messaging, and ticketing. Budha can represent curiosity, handcraft, adolescents, younger siblings, and young people in general. Also Budha is a general karaka for business, sales, marketing, advertising, and transactions.

As the karaka for passing examinations, receiving licenses, and earning a diploma or certificate at the successful conclusion of a course of study , Budha often grants school graduation.


USA-Sen-Calif 1964- prosecutor Kamala Gopalan Harris [KH age 22]

  • 1986, earned B.S. diploma in political science from HBCU Howard University, beginning a celebrated career [10] in public outsider identity-politics * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha diploma

For Kanya-born, Budha becomes both Lagnesha and Karmesha. Budha bhukti can provide highest levels of body-based public approval

Calculating Budha-6 in gambling Simha-6 rules [nīcha] Budha-7-contracts

When Budha activates 6-health, medical treatment

When Budha activates 8-transforative healing, , initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, new starts using old body

  • Das Kapital 1818-1883 economics Karl Marx [KHM age 6] Aug-1824 baptized into the Lutheran Church * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 8-initiation


Budha rules-8 surgery + Budha occupies 6th-from-Chandra adversarial physicians, emotional distress

[Budha-Vṛścika] -- [Budha in bhava-1] -- [Budha-yuti-Surya] -- [Budha-yuti-Shukra] -- [Budha-yuti-Shani]

  • Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba [SSB age 78] 2004. Handicapped by intense pain from the damaged hip, worsened by botched surgery [8] . While maintaining the propagandha

    [Mithuna] of long-life and perfect health, sSB begins using mobility-chair and addressing his followers from the back seat of a motorcar. * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 8-surgery, sudden identity change ++ janma Sade-Sati

Budha lagnesha

  • Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass [RD age 43] 1974 founding of world service order, Hanuman Foundation - associated with the public image of Ram Dass * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha lagnesha

When Budha activates 5 political elections

When Budha activates 11-community


Budha karaka for business

  • Oracle Database 1944- Larry Ellison 1979 sold the first commercially viable relational database [a huge improvement on the old hierarchical databases] Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 3rd-from-3rd and Budha karaka for sales

Budha karaka for diploma

[duplo, a2-sided folded diplomatic paper]

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Budha activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Para carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.


Calif-Gov 1938- Moonbeam Jerry Brown

[Budha-Mesha] -- [Budha in bhava-6] + [Aśvini-Shukra-yuti-Mangala-Bharani] [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Aśvini] ++ Budha 10th-from-Chandra

  • [JB age 58] Nov-1998, gets elected Mayor of Oakland, California - a city that was crippled by crime, poverty, and systemic racial violence [6] . Served 8 years. * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 11, goals, objectives

Budha-types duties are Typically, associated with communication, commercial business , marketing, instruction, media-messaging, evangelism, publication, reports and announcements, planning and analysis, management, manufacturing, manipulation, handcraft, apprenticeship, clinical practice, and cooperative work in cohort, entourage, ensemble, or team environments.

For maximum results, Budha must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Shukra, and Professor Budha-smargara should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Budha bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Budha activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu which contacts one of the required axes of the nativity.

Weddings that occur during a bhukti of samdeza-karaka Budha may indicate that one of the partners is significantly younger [youthful Kumara] . Budha-timed weddings also highlight the spouse's mental ability. The marital match may be a capable writer, an attorney, acommercial business manager, conductor of an entourage, ensemble team-mate. The other-half may be involved in sales, marketing, advertising, or public-relations. A younger match may have a gesturing, mercurially alert style which later matures into communicative skill.

Marriages timed by Busy Buzzy Budha suggest adolescence, students-studies, sibling-cousins and team-mates, critical thinking, logical argumentation, technical facility, handcraft, communication programming, writing-publishing, scripting, journalism, reports-announcements, commercial business, information delivery, rapidly interactive media-messaging.

  • Protestant Reformation 1483-1549 hymns Martin Luther [ML age 41]

    KvB age 25] 13-Jun-1525 ML consecration of marriage with Katharina von Bora, 16 years his junior - Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Kanya 7th-navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata contact navamsha R-K

  • POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft [WHT age 29]

    Nellie age 25] 19-Jun-1886 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with household manager Nellie Herron. The union endured for 44 years. * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru activates Meena Svamsha - samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact R-K-navamsha

  • Theory of Relativity 1879-1955 Physics Albert Einstein [AE age 40] 02-Jun-1919, consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with cousin Elsa Einstein * Surya-Budha bhukti * lagnesha Budha cousins [Budha-yuti-Shukra] Budha effect of Shukra - R-K gochara via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact Chandra-Vṛścika

  • Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper [DH age 36] 31-Oct-1970, consecration of marriage-2-of-5 with the celebrated singer, Michelle Phillips * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Rohiṇī-Budha-yuti-Mangala-Rohiṇī] * Kuja rules Vrischika svamsha * samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact Simha indriya-lagna

  • Easy Rider 1936-2010 Dennis Lee Hopper [DH age 38] May-1972, marriage 3-of-5 with actress [later, expressive arts technique therapist] Daria Halprin [until-1976] * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Rohiṇī-Budha-yuti-Mangala-Rohiṇī] * Kuja rules Vrischika svamsha * samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact Simha indriya-lagna

  • Calif-Gov 1938- Moonbeam Jerry Brown [JB age 67]

    AG age 47] 18-Jun-2005, consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with Anne Baldwin Gust, an attorney and corporate officer * Surya-Budha bhukti * [Aśvini-Budha-yuti-Shukra-Aśvini] + janma Sade-Sati + gochara R-K via Simha-Kumbha contact navamsha R-K

  • Silly Love Songs 1942- Beatle Paul McCartney [JPM age 27]

    LE age 28] 12-Mar-1969 , consecration of marriage-1-of-3 with photographer, Linda Eastman McCartney * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Kanya Svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kanya svamsha

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [RHL age 59]

    KR age 33] 05-Jun-2010 consecration of marriage-4-of-4 with Kathryn Rogers, aparty-planner 26 years his junior Shukra-Budha bhukti * ++ gochara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact R-K axis


  • Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland [JG age 19] [drage 31] 28-Jul-1941 wedding-1-of-5 [union 1941 - 1944] with television music composer, orchestra leader, award-winning songwriterDavid Rose [Rosenberg] Although the union endured for less than a year, the pair maintained a sibling-like friendship * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Kanya svamsha ++ gochara R-K Kanya-Meena contact R-K axis

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet 1981 [ECP age 42] consecration of marriage-4-of-4 with business manager Ed Francis [he is 11 years her junior] Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha-yuti-Shani activates Kumbha Svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus contact navamsha

    [Mūla ] Chandra

  • Human Rights 1978- attorney Amal Alamuddin Clooney [AAC age 36] 27-Sep-2014 consecration of marriage-1 with cinema hero and businessman George Clooney - Shukra-Budha bhukti [Shukra-yuti-Budha] ++ Rahu-Return ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati

Separation or Divorce

Avant-gardiste 1933- Beatle-pair Yoko Ono [YO age 40] Jul-1973, During 4th year of marriage-3 -of-3 with John Lennon, begin 18-month marital separation . JL joins a new partner, selected by YO. * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 8th-from-Chandra, emotional trauma, rebi-of-3rth

Easy Rider 1936-2010 art-collections Dennis Lee Hopper [DH age 36] 08-Nov-1970, following eight days of marriage, divorce-2 legally concludes alliance-2 with singer, Michelle Phillips * Shukra-Budha bhukti * [Rohiṇī-Budha-yuti-Surya-Kṛttikā] * Surya rules 6th-from-Chandra = emotional toxicity


  • Silly Love Songs 1942- Beatle Paul McCartney acquired two children in 1969. Eldest daughter by adoption ++ bio-daughter born. * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Kanya svamsha

Maraka Agency for Professor Budha

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Professor Budha activates classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

Measured from Meena indriya-lagna or from Dhanus indriya-lagna, Budha obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna or Simha indriya-lagna, Budha obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Unusual arrangements due to parivartamsha or yuti graha

Decease of relatives

  • War and Peace 1828-1910 Leo Tolstoy [LT age 9] 21-Jul-1837, grieved the bio-decease of father* Shukra -Budha bhukti * Budha rules 2nd-from-Surya

  • India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru [JN age 51] 28-Feb-1939 grieved decease of wife, Kamala Kaul Nehru * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 12th-from-Shukra

  • POTUS-pair-34 Military Families 1896-1979 Mamie Doud Eisenhower [MDD age 72] 28-Mar-1969, grieved the bio-decease of ' husband Dwight D. Eisenhower * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha activates 2nd-from-7th-from- Chandra-Kumbha

The Final Bhukti brings end-of-cycle, conclusion, closure .

chid * cut

Chidra-dasha, the final few months of" cutting" , may disconnect residual attachments to finished, completed, outdated behaviors so that one may move forward upon the spiritual path.

[chid] from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

  • chid [chedi]
  • IE cognate Latin 'scindo' [rescind]

  • to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce
  • to divide, separate from
  • to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out
  • Passive = to be split or cut, break
  • to cut off. To cause to cut off or through cutting, cutting off. cutting through
  • splitting, piercing
  • destroying, annihilating, removing
  • the divisor, denominator

Shukra Mahadasha ++ Ketu bhukti

What to Expect during a Ketu Bhukti ?

Evaluate the placements of Ketu.

  • Consider the rashi + bhava occupied
  • Shri Ketu owns no bhava -- but consider the Vṛścika co-ruler relationship between Ketu ++ Mangala
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming graha-drishti [Ketu sends no outgoing drishti]
  • current gochara transits
  • age of the native. Ketu the Wandering Witness has matured ?
  • Shukra the Mahadasha-pati and Ketu the bhukti-pati mutually friendly? [No, shukra yokes and Ketu dissolves.]

Ketu Main Page

  1. [Ketu-Mesha]

  2. [Ketu-Urisha]

  3. [Ketu-Mithuna]

  4. [Ketu-Karkata]

  5. [Ketu-Singha]

  6. [Ketu-Kanya]

  7. [Ketu-Tula]

  8. [Ketu-Vṛścika]

  9. [Ketu-Dhanus]

  10. [Ketu-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Ketu-Kumbha]

  12. [Ketu-Meena]

Glyph_Ketu.png AUM kem ketave namah

OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah


chidra-dasha * the final bhukti of the 20-year Mahadasha of Shukra

The final bhukti requires return of unusable energies, cutting-off, surrender, severance, release, forgiveness, abandonment, walking-away

Note: if [Ketu-Urisha] or [Ketu-Tula] then the surrendering, severance effect of the chidra-dasha-of-the-chidra-karaka are likely to be more pronounced in the worlds of relationships, contracts, promises, vows, covenants, alliances, finance, music, and heritage values.

If [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] in a rashi of Shukra, the theme of liberation from unsustainable contracts - no matter the social law - is also likely to be emphaticr.

चिद्र दश = cut-cut-cut

  • What gets cut?
  • Only dead wood.

Usually on the chopping block are vestigial attachments which are dried-out and have been outgrown.

Plenty of time for gentle release.

The Ketu Chidra-dasha is long-lasting. There is abundant time for multiple iterations of the core theme to unfold, in order to ensure that the Learning Curriculum entitled / closure / is sufficiently understood.

Ketu's ruler determines the specific items to be cut.

if Ketu's patron is Surya,

  • empty pride, pointless politics, or mindless self-dramatization may arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of heart and spine. Scheduled release of unavailable father-figure, disengaged chieftain, outdated ceremonies, expired game-players, or unsustainable romantic lovers. Displays of entitlement may lack integrity. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, Surya-related hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable way of radiating intellectual certainty can show itself, at the beginning of the Shukra Mahadasha.

EXAMPLE [Ketu-Singha] -- [Ketu in classroom-6]

receives celebrity award [Simha] but absentfrom the ceremony [Simha]

if Ketu's patron is Chandra,

  • empty feelings, pointless rituals, or mindless routines may arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of stomach, chest-breast, endocrine. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable parents, vague ethnicity, disengaged caretaker, absent protector, empty nourishment, or anciently rhythmic cultural habits. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-protective hollow dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable way of feeling secure may manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

if Ketu's patron is Mangala,

  • Pointless wars, empty competitions, or mindless athletic challenges may arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of muscular movement or sexual energy. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable brother-figure, absent warrior-hero, or disengaged fellow competitor. The urge toward domination may be abandoned. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-vitalizing, now-hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable way of physical-sexual movement can manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

if Ketu's patron is mercantile, verbal Budha,

  • empty dialogues, junk-talking chatter, vacant conversations, vacuous mentality , or mindlessly repeating scripts may arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of hands-arms-shoulders-lungs. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable sibling-cousin, absent team-mate, meaningless tasks. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-communicative, now-hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable thought-process can manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

if Ketu's patron is Brihaspati,

  • Empty beliefs, too-narrow ideologies, vacuous worldview, or disoriented teachings arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of pelvis-fertility-sacral-plexus and feet. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable guru-figure, inapplicable sacred principle, or a outdated catechism. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-inspirational, now-hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable life-philosophy can manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

if Ketu's patron is Shukra,

  • Unsatisfying pleasures, unequal contracts, dysfunctional financialpractices, or vacant relationships may be ready for release. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in areas of kidney-adrenal-pancreas and paired-organs. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable partnerships, empty historical traditions, or void bargains. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-reciprocal, now-hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a new, more sustainably equitable alliances can manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

if Ketu's patron is Shani,

  • Socially disordered responsibilities, poorly supported organizational burdens, or unlawfully imposed obligations may arise. Bodily disorientation or disconnection in structuralareas of skeleton, knees, legs, connective-tissue. Consistent with the Learning Curriculum, intentional evacuation of unavailable elders, disengaged weight-bearers, absent boss, meaningless workload, or empty status-position. Like a withered branch of a healthy tree, the once-legitimate, now-hollow, dried dead-wood is cut. Typically a refreshed, more sustainable roster of work-duties can manifest at the beginning of the forthcoming Shukra Mahadasha.

Is the [chidra-dasha of the chidra-karaka] a time of catastrophic loss and devastation?

No, not at all.

Chidra-dasha only cuts from the vital tree those few, old dried branches which had outlived their educational purpose. It is an intentional pruning.

What gets released are completed learning tasks which have already fully satisfied the mastery requirement on those topics for the current incarnation. The Chidra-dasha advances one's positive evolution and growth of understanding. This pruning is very beneficial for the health of the living tree.

The Cut is not an unrecoverable loss.

Anything that is still necessary, still flowing with life-force, still juicy - lively things - will be retained, not cut. Only the debris and completed homework are scheduled to be released.

Mastery of the Learning Curriculum of Shukra Mahadasha has been achieved! Let go now of old assignments, old projects, old research. You have passed the Shukra Mahadasha mastery exam!

A spacious uncluttered environment can greatly assist the student in taking advantage of the new Learning Pathwayoffered by the upcoming new Radiantly Intelligent, Entitled, and Self-Authenticating Surya Mahadasha.

Generally, Vimshottari periods of Professor Ketu are scheduled for the purpose of release and forgiveness. The substance, idea, person, relationship, entity, or social role that is surrendered during the Ketu period is by definition spiritually unnecessary. It has outlived its usefulness and it has lost its vitality Maintaining this enervated phenomenon [whatever it is] is costing too much energy within the life system. Thus it is scheduled for release at the appointed time.

Examples of things to be released include

  • once-cherished experiences from other lives which may be released as they are no longer benefitting the current life
  • outdated relationships that no longer match the authentic life-force energy of the native
  • parts of the body that may be holding genetic memories that are scheduled for disconnection [hair, teeth, appendix, sometimes other limbs or organs]
  • legal contracts which expire
  • agreements which have fulfilled their purpose
  • people, places, beliefs, plans, things which - fulfilled or not - have entered a state of exhaustion

May signal the end of a 20-year-era of diplomacy, negotiations, deal-making, trades. Long-sustained arrangements may quietly collapse.

Potentially, a time of connubial separation, often experienced as abandonment, yet Ketu can supply liberation as well.


Avant-gardiste 1933- Beatle-pair Yoko Ono = [Kuja-yuti-Ketu] Randhresha Kuja gives results of Ketu

  • 1962 [YO age 29] Abandonment by divorce-1 followed by suicidal breakdown. Her embarrassed parents have her institutionalized. While locked up, YO is visited by American jazz musician, promoter, and film producer Anthony "Tony" Cox, who arranges her release. * Shukra-Mangala bhukti [Kuja-yuti-Ketu] * Ketu collapse, Ketu release

Professor Ketu is Rahu's dried and lifeless tail which flutters in the ethers like a flag in the wind. Ketu periods are often associated with the cutting-off of some desiccated appendage .

Depending upon the characteristics of the forthcoming Surya Mahadasha,

one may observe the building of impetus to follow the Father's example, to understand the father's personality, to become more political or more entitled, to express creativity and certainty.

As Shukra's concerns with harmony, pleasure, equity, justice, relationships are released into the past, the bhava containing Ketu may show the final expression of the closing era.

Along with Professor Mangala, Ketu is the co-ruler of transformative randhra-bhava-8. After releasing the unnecessary form, one often begins a path toward rejuvenation.

Depending on Ketu's placements, one may choose to Abandon all limitations, barriers, constraints


release, unbind * divide, split, scathe, purge, expunge

In the special case of Shukra Mahadasha final period of Ketu, the * cutting * emphasis of [chidra-dasha] * is doubled by the additional chidra-karaka effects of Ketu the Abandoner.

  • Louisiana-Gov 1893-1935 Kingfish Huey P. Long * 1929 unsuccessful but bitter impeachment attempt against HPL in the Louisiana Senate * [nīcha- Shukra] -Ketu chidra-dasha

chidrakaraka Ketu may signal surrender , dispersal, walking away, abandonment of a responsibility or a relationship.

  • POTUS-31 Challenge to Liberty 1874-1964 Herbert Hoover less than eight months after he became POTUS-31 in March-1929 [Shukra-Budha bhukti] HH experienced Black Tuesday terrible stock market crash of October 1929 during Shukra-Ketu . Historians opine that had there been early intervention, the terrible suffering of the Great Depression might have been averted or at least reduced. During his Shukra mahadasha, Hoover was a busy man. He had built a splendid reputation as a capable manaer of virtually every aspect of national government. Yet, HH had arrived in the most exhausted of all bhukti -- Ketu chidra-dasha of Shukra mahadasha. Under the guise of laissez-faire principle, Hoover DID NOTHING. [Ketu]

However Ketu is also a powerful spiritualizing agent.

Despite the presence of partners and potential partners, considerable difficulty experienced in making a successful connection. Apathy and ennui on the part of the native. A feeling of lost cause, unworkable, mismatch. Yet Professor Ketu instills a subtext of need to connect to that exciting Rahu-persona who is in the environment.

Ketu is not desired by Rahu. Feelings of emptiness and rejection.

Before fully realizing that the Desired One no longer matches the authentic spiritual body, bhukti of Ketuva may produce a vain hope for connection with an unavailable or inappropriate person, social role, idea, or object. Before the realization of the need to release the attachment, even knowing that the desire is lifeless, one may experience the illusion of connection which dissipates into fantasy, naumbness, or distraction.

Desires are dispersed into " echo" awareness that one is not desired by the object of affection. This is merely an echo of one's own higher consciousness signaling that this Object is no longer suitably connected to oneself * although in other lives and other realities the Object may have been a vital companion.

The barest vestige of a faded connection

Professor Ketu often induces a feeling of attempted reconnection with a person, place, thing, or idea that was significant in a previous life or in a distant phase of the present life. However, the attachment is vestigial, no longer part of the vital script of the true present identity. Thus, connection is often unsustainable for reasons of spirit. The reasons of spirit often have more tangible echoes in reasons of social class attributes, reasons of knowledge lineage, reasons of ethnicity or race, reasons of doctrine, and other formal rationale.

The definitive reason for the " non-connection" experience of Ketu = one sees the object of attachment in a distant mirror, as a mere reflection of an already completed script. The object, for its part, will generally not allow the native to make more than a temporary and superficial connection to itself.

Professor Ketu often induces a feeling feeling of attempted reconnection with a person, place, thing, or idea that was significant in a previous life or in a distant phase of the present life. However, the attachment is vestigial, no longer part of the vital script of the true present identity. Thus, connection is often unsustainabler.

The material-social relationship may survive in skeleton form, while the spiritually conscious intent retreats into the nebulous status of dissociation from social-validation seeking egoic-mind membrane .

Since both Shukra and Ketu are enemies of Surya who is karaka for egoic-mind identity, the usual outcome of Shukra-Ketu is retreat - at a material level * or * at a psycho-spiritual level -- from the egoic-mind identity that was maintained during the previous 18 years.

The spirit is no longer concerned with that portion of the Self definition which contained the socially legitimating tag " I am the partner of _________." One may heed the call of wandering winds. Life's " next step" may seem a bit foggy.

However, if the subsequent mahadasha pati Surya is strong, recovery from the listlessness of vaporous Ketu may be very quick.

Surya restores the egoic-mind brilliance and pumps bright energy into the aura. Masculine, creative, confident, dramatic figures arrive to enact Ravi's script. Father and charismatic males have central roles.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Professor Ketu is teaching a curriculum that focuses upon topics of impermanence, severance, amputation, abandonment, wandering, windiness, dis-emburden-ment, and surrender. Naturally Ketu periods support psycho-spiritual opening of awareness and egoic-mind dissolving projects.

The purpose of marriage is normally to establish a permanent and fruitful bond of mutual trust. Therefore marriage avowal during bhukti of Ketuva is rare and unusual. A marriage ceremony performed during Ketu bhukti may remain unconsummated. The spouse, or possibly the native, disappears either literally or figuratively or the behavior of the spouse is exceptionally eccentric. Much depends on Ketu's ruler and upon any graha which may share a rashi with Professor Ketu.

  • Mad Monk 1869-1916 Romanov Grigori Rasputin [GR age 17] 02-Feb-1886 married according to the customs of his non-literate peasant village. Rasputin's marriage provides Ketu-style open boundaries. Although Rasputin wandered the countryside as a faith-healer holding spiritual dances and prayer rituals, he maintained a promise to return home once per year. Every harvest season, GR returned. He labored in the fields alongside his people, and gave his wife numerous children on this pattern. A highly promiscuous wandering mystic [Ketu] during the rest of the year, GR stayed in monasteries and in the homes of others while he conducted popular ecstatic piety cults [Ketu out-of-body] . Although socially irregular, his activities brought prosperity to his village. Despite his famed profligacy, GR and his wife never divorced. * Shukra-Ketu bhukti - Ketu-7 - samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact navamsha R-K

A rare Ketu-bhukti marriage, made possible by [Shukra-yuti-Ketu]

  • Foursquare Evangelist 1890-1944 Aimee Semple McPherson 05-May-1912 [ASM age 22] consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with the New York City grocery clerk and occasional itinerant preacher, Harold McPherson. ASM left their home in 1915, taking the children. * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha


    Ketu occupies Kumbha svamsha] ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Meena-Kanya contact nīcha-Shukra navamsha.

Then during the subsequent Shukra bhukti, comes the split [Shukra-yuti-Ketu]

Maraka Agency for Professor Ketu

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

chidra-dasha ruled by Chidra-karaka * exit marks the End of an Era

When Professor Ketu is ruled by a graha which itself rules classroom-2 or classroom-7, Ketu becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract

Professor Ketu also has, independent of His planetary ruler, the individual chidra-karaka agency of a beheader, cord-cutter, incisor, shredder, slicer, amputator, un-gluer, disconnector, disperser, pulverizer, nebulizer, dissolver of third-dimensional time-space coherent form.

Therefore, Ketu periods always carry the potential to scatter the material-world forms. Those left behind may perceive Ketu's molecular dispersal as a physical death.

Exit during this Shukra-Ketu bhukti typically provides awareness of the dissolution of form in context of persistence of spirit.


closure-and-forgiveness Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • Faust 1749-1832 polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [JWG age 82] 22-Mar-1832, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • POTUS-11 Manifest Destiny 1795-1849 James Knox Polk [JP age 53] 15-Jun-1849 , three months after POTUS-11 retirement, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via cholera * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [JDR age 86] 11-May-1960, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via pneumonia * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda [SSS age 87] 19-Aug-2002, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • Iran-Shah 1919-1980 Aryamehr Mohamed Reza Pahlavi [MRP age 60] 27-Jul-1980, blessed liberation from the Earthen-body via cancer, in Al-Qahira = Cairo - Shukra-Ketu Chidra-dasha

Other Combinations

Decease of relatives marks the // End of an Era //

Release of contractual obligations is indicated during the Surrender period of Ketu chidra-dasha.

  • Four Seasons 1678-1741 Baroque sacred music Antonio Vivaldi [AV age 58] 14-May-1736 grieved decease of father * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [EZ age 40] 17-Oct-1880, grieved the bio-decease of his mother -who had never left his side, for forty years * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha

* * *

  • POTUS-pair-40 Just Say No 1921-2016 Nancy Davis Reagan [NDR age 66]

    mom age 99] 26-Oct-1987 grieved the bio-decease of mother * Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha


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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" and he said to them,

" Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven

is like a master of a house,

who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Matthew 52 [International Standard Version]
