
Vimshottari Dasha

Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga - Bala

Surya Main Page

BPHS Compilation

  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years

BPLama modern commentary

  1. BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
  2. BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
  3. BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
  4. BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
  5. BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
  6. BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
  7. BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
  8. BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
  9. BP Lama Budha Mahadasha

BPL Modern Commentary

Nine Antara-dasha = Bhukti = sub-dasha

within the Surya Mahadasha

  1. Surya Mahadasha + Surya bhukti [svabhukti]
  2. Surya Mahadasha + Chandra bhukti
  3. Surya Mahadasha + Mangala bhukti
  4. Surya Mahadasha + Rahu bhukti
  5. Surya Mahadasha + Guru bhukti
  6. Surya Mahadasha + Shani bhukti
  7. Surya Mahadasha + Budha bhukti
  8. Surya Mahadasha + Ketu bhukti
  9. Surya Mahadasha + Shukra bhukti [chidra-dasha]



Monstrance from the Roman-Rite adherent tradition


OM grinih suryaya namah

B. P. Lama Modern Commentary

School of Earth Curriculum

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

descriptions of key themes which are scheduled to unfold

during the intentional LEARNING SEQUENCE

of pre-incarnationally planned human-embodiment experiences

Nine Bhukti

intervals within the


Mahadasha of


सूर्य Surya

duration 6 years

Six years in the Center of the Circle

Modern description of the sequence of experiences structured into the nine bhukti [sub-periods] of the

Vimshottari Mahadasha of Surya, written by BP Lama


Georgia O'Keeffe [American, 1887-1986] : Red Hills, Lake George, 1927.

Phillips Collection, Washington-DC. Oil on canvas, 27 x 32 in. The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation/Artists Rights Society [ARS] , New York.

SEVA for Surya

During any Surya bhukti, it is often beneficial to undertake meritorious Seva to benefit father-figures, politicians, dramatists, brilliantly creative people, game-masters, those who bring light, those whose formal religious title is “ father” and generally adult men of fathering age.

Surya-targeted Seva may provide illumination through better eyesight -- for example, donating to charities that support eye health. Surya-seva may involve helping others to develop their decisive individual intelligence and to exercise their political rights. For example, targeted Surya-seva could help citizens to register to vote in local elections.

Recognition for offering Seva?

Seva beneficiaries might not express any gratitude for your aid. That is OK. Seva is not intended to produce applause or material rewards. If pursued for the sole purpose of social validation, proving one's noble character, or making a public display of holy virtue, seva tends to backfire.

Conscious service is a fabulous learning tool. The knowledge revealed within Surya's brilliant learning pathway is tightly focused upon one's own planetary placement. By observing its operational patterns in the lives of others, one may gain swift insight into one's own situation. Listen carefully to the repeating narratives of this specific variety of victim, and observe the victims' attachment to their suffering. Then, change one's own narrative consciously.

As a learning tool, aremediation, and a mitigant, seva can be much more effective than ratana, puja, or any other upayar.


Surya = rights and entitlements.

Offerings of appreciable assets such as time, money, or valued goods to Surya-entities such as creative performing arts groups, human-rights activists, or political-action organizations.

  • Give in charity, lights, lamps, torches, flames, and implements of cooking or heating.
  • Give in charity: games, costumes, glittery decorations, bright red textiles, rubies, garnets, red glass, red dyes, entertainments, ways to have fun.
  • Give sunflowers, sunglasses, light-catching crystals to brighten dark spaces
  • Help the blind.

Honor the Radiant One. Brighten your aura by laughing. Live like a king, and help others to recognize their entitlements.

Support creative theatre that dramatizes intelligent ideals [Surya]

Financial or volunteer-work support of games and gambling, especially for charitable fundraising purposes

  • Support individual integrity, personal sovereignty, and human rights.

If Surya-yuti-Budha, make jokes. Consider offerings especially to those radiant, confident, creative, game-playing dramatic, fashionable, bright entities who serve adolescents [Budha] .

Offer your time in personal political activism toward human rights entitlements

  • support individual authenticity and intelligent ideals [Surya]

Wearing or donation of red-and-gold garments and ornaments, in praise of the divine light of Surya

If Surya-yuti-Budha, serve benevolent organizations serving adolescents [Budha] .

Seva offerings to father-figures, dramatists, speculators, game-players, royalty. Special focus on fathers of children, and to teachers-or-priests who may be addressed as Father.

Offering agni-homa

[fire ceremony] to the Earth, in praise of elemental fire spirits and their sparkling genius

  • Say hello to the Sun every morning, offering gratitude for the Light.

Follow the inspiration of the poet Maya Angelou, who wrote, “ This is a wonderful day. I' ve never seen this one before.”

Offer to the world, the splendor of your own bright smiler.

Examples of Specific tailoring per Surya's rashi bhava

For a Mithuna nativity

As the ruler of Bhava-3, professor Sparkling Surya also favors Seva that supports the commercial advance of business. For example, surya-service could help disadvantaged but bright persons to initiate a self-owned merchant business.

Surya-Kumbha as the ruler of bhava-3 supports remedial seva that incorporates all types of economic participation such as workforce development. Surya enjoys Seva that encourages profitability, networking, and social participation.


Meena nativities

Kanya nativities

Special challenges and 'atypical' results during periods of Surya

When Chandra-occupies-Meena - Vimshottari Periods of Surya offer a growth-challenge to remedy emotional imbalances because the ruler of 6th-from-Meeena = Professor Surya

Also for the Meena indriya-lagna nativity, surya becomes lord of the maha-dusthamsha satkona-6 suggesting environments defined by conflict and disagreement either internal [physical-emotional] or external [social-material] .

  • Periods of Surya may be confident and glorious in many ways, yet for the Meena nativity, an undertow of disagreement, distrust, and disharmony may pollute the environment and relationships with egoic-mind centric personalities are particularly stressful. Health problems of a physical-social nature [for the Meena indriya-lagna ] or having an emotional basis [from the Meena Chandra lagna] may disturb the balance of the period.

  • Nonetheless if Surya is strong in the kundali there can be beneficial results in matters other than health and relationships. For example Surya-Simha-10 can bring public recognition for brilliant career activities, even while connubial or health issues may erode the overall happiness.

For the Kanya indriya-lagna or Kanya Chandra nativity, surya becomes lord of vyayasthāna-12, abhava of quiet solitude and isolation.

The dissolution of tangible identity may occur rather than the expected Surya egoic-mind radiance and confidence. One may live in a royal world of one's own imaginative making, alegend in one's own mind, Yet, has much less effect upon the material world than expected.

  • Nevertheless even for Kanya lagna, the mahadasha of Surya may bring expressions of genius in clairvoyant inquiry, bright and confident meditational guidance and a certain type of spiritual showmanship, as well as high confidence to travel in distant lands.

Solar Flares * NASa

Surya Mahadasha ++ Surya bhukti

  • svabhukti
  • duration of the bhukti = 3 months

  • graha pakvata : Surya bhukti yield improved results after age 22 = the age of maturity for Ravi

What to Expect during a Surya bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Surya.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by Magnificent Martanda
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Splendid Surya has matured?

Surya Main Page

  1. [Surya-Mesha] -- [uchcha]

  2. [Surya-Urisha]

  3. [Surya-Mithuna]

  4. [Surya-Karkata]

  5. [Surya-Simha] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg]

  6. [Surya-Kanya]

  7. [Surya-Vanika] [nīcha]

  8. [Surya-Vṛścika]

  9. [Surya-Dhanus]

  10. [Surya-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Surya-Kumbha]

  12. [Surya-Meena]

  1. [Surya in bhava-1]

  2. [Surya in bhava-2]

  3. [Surya in bhava-3]

  4. [Surya in bhava-4]

  5. [Surya in bhava-5] --- [svabhava]

  6. [Surya in bhava-6]

  7. [Surya in bhava-7]

  8. [Surya in bhava-8]

  9. [Surya in bhava-9]

  10. [Surya in bhava-10] -- [ dik-bala]

  11. [Surya in bhava-11]

  12. [Surya in bhava-12]

SEVA OFFERINGS for SHRI SURYa Offerings of appreciable assets such as time, money, or valued goods to Surya-entities such as creative performing arts groups or political-action organizations.

  • Give in charity, lights, lamps, torches, flames, and implements of cooking or heating.
  • Give in charity games, costumes, glittery decorations, bright red textiles, rubies, red dyes, entertainments, ways to have fun.

Brighten your aura by laughing.

Support individual integrity, personal sovereignty, and human rights.

If Surya-yuti-Budha, make jokes. Consider offerings especially to those radiant, confident, creative, game-playing dramatic, fashionable, bright entities who serve adolescents [Budha] .

Personal political activism in support of individual authenticity and intelligent ideals [Surya]

Wearing red-and-gold garments and ornaments, in praise of the divine light of Surya

Seva offerings to father-figures, dramatists, speculators, game-players, royalty. Special focus on fathers of children, and to teachers-or-priests who may be addressed as Father.

Offering agni-homa

[fire ceremony] to the Earth, in praise of elemental fire spirits and their sparkling genius

  • Say hello to the Sun every morning, offering gratitude for the Light.

Follow the inspiration of the poet Maya Angelou, who wrote, “ This is a wonderful day. I' ve never seen this one before.”

Offer to the world, the splendor of your own bright smiler. "


gold_sun.gif OM grinih suryaya namah


defined in Professor Surya's classroom includes

Political Power, celebrity-Royalty, dramatic Genius,

Individual Intelligence, Game-Playing, Entitlement,

Brilliance, speculation, romanticIdealism,

Creativity, and Center-of-Attention Roles

6 years of brightly intelligent self-radiating genius

Surya = Fire = Homa

[fire sacrifice]

pitrikaraka = fatherly paradigm. A time for re-enacting and more effectively comprehending the qualities of one's own father.

Focused, entitled, regal [not governmental] authority

Burning of egoic-mind membrane Impurities

Displays of Radiant Confidence and Self-Certainty

Can you take the heat?

During the six years of Surya Mahadasha, one may become the celebrity focus of popular attention.

If Surya is disposed in such a way that the native naturally enjoys being in the limelight , the mahadasha of Ravi can be an entertaining and intelligent time.

If Surya is configured in such a way that excess attention upon the person and a regal lifestyle is not desirable, the six year period of Surya mahadasha could be less comfortable.

In either case, one must process, psychologically and socially, the hot self-confident masculine energy of Surya.

Masculine figures of every age, rank, and family relationship may play a dominant role during Surya bhukti .

One maintains a consistently high idealism throughout the six years. Insistence upon personal integrity and a positive self-image may sustain the native through any number of engagements with high-ego personalities during this time.

Faith in the divine presence is empowered through awareness of the divine spirit within .

Sparkling Surya's natural portfolio includes all things 'Self'. Surya matches the vocabulary of auto, such as

  • authorship
  • authority
  • autocracy
  • autonomous
  • autocentric
  • authenticity
  • autobiography
  • auto-referential
  • autodidact
Surya's enemy Shukra supervises human relationships naturally, relationships are less favored during Surya bhukti , when the self-righteous instinct is being more developed.
  • One embarks upon the Surya/Surya bhukti with an agenda to receive attention and validate one's own authority.
The drama is being set up now , during the first three months. The stage properties are arranging themselves. One may not yet realize it, but there is a major theatrical event - actually, aseries of nine episodes - getting ready to unfold on the stage of life. One may be at the center of this drama, consciously enacting one's autobiography.

Now is the earliest point of entry into center-stage of the drama. Often there are several related plots and subscripts, but the native is at the center of all of them. One embarks upon some variety of political or theatrical office, and increases the egoic-mind certainty in the chosen environment [see below] according to the bhava-rashi. The script may call for a charismatic male [probably several of them] to gain prominence in one's life. His character accords with Surya's characteristics.



[Surya-Karkata] -- [Surya in bhava-4]

Surya-Surya svabhukti * Surya rules 5-gambles ++ gochara R-K contact Mula-svamsha

  • Open Society 1930- currency-values George Soros [GS age 62] 16-Sep-1992 Black Wednesday. Soros famously Broke the Bank of England via a shrewd and devastating gamble. This stunningly profitable trade was based on his belief [Guru] that the pound-sterling was over-valued [his nīcha-Shukra-6, invalid contracts] From this one individual gambit, Soros earned 1-billion dollars profit on a single day [=USD_1.9B at 2021 rates]
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Wednesday


The range of idealism and potential empowerment through self-determined action is set by the characteristics of Surya's rashi, bhava, drishti etc.

  • politics of medicine or policing etc.

  • Political and theatrical behavior is framed and driven by high ideals .

Surya Mahadasha = six-year focus upon self-realization through ability to channel Divine intelligence, charismatic performance of center-stage acts of genius, and individual empowerment within society.


The subconscious relationship to father, step-father, grandfather, and other father-figures among the menfolk, including masculine deities may rise into consciousness through a masculine agent.

Typically, over the period of six years , several masculine agents cross the stage of life.

Each specializes in one particularly difficult-but-eventually-enlightening aspect of the native 's relationship to one's own father.

Depending on the spread of the 9 graha, there can be as many as 9 agents who enter stage-left and exit stage-right according to the rotation of the 9 bhukti-patis.

  • Among womenfolk, the masculine agents arise from the menfolk. May be husband or a lover, boss or supervisor, business partner or professor, or some other authoritative role in which the masculine agent may dramatically express the traits of historic father-figures in one's life.

  • If the Surya bhukti occurs early in the life path, the primary agent may be the fathers themselves if the Surya bhukti occurs at a more mature phase in life, it is more likely that a masculine peer [husband, boss, guru] may behave in ways similar to the original fathers.

Confidence or Lack of it

Masculine-identified nativities in general throw a bright light upon the egoic-mind certainty.

The behavior of the masculine agent may be easy or difficult for the native 's egoic-mind membrane to accommodate, depending on the condition of Ravi.

  • If the egoic-mind membrane is strong going in, Surya Mahadasha can be a period of tremendous validation for intelligence, spiritual certainty, and performance genius.

  • If Surya is weakened by various factors [hostile drishti, awkward relationship to other graha, uncomfortable rashi, etc.] then the admiration and centrality of position in the environment may be mixed with planned misalignments requiring realignment attention arising from lack of confidence.


High-power Surya

Surya is strong in rashi of friendly graha = Mangala, chandra, and Guru

  • Surya = Fire = Homa

    [fire sacrifice] = Burning of Impurities

Surya well-disposed in svakshetra Simha may radiate the Divine Intelligence through individual personality. The native enjoys a central position in one's environment [see above by bhava, rashi] often of a regal nature orto the point of regal entitlement.

For these six years, Noblesse oblige may flow. One is highly attuned to human political behaviors. One becomes an exponent of personal truth - regardless of the interests of institutions [Shani] . Partnership is happy only with those similarly privileged and attuned.

Surya-Mesha emphasizes individual nobilityand self-determination through competitive instinct . Some danger of selfish actions if Surya is not blessed with a supportive bhava. Extraordinary wins, outstanding heroism, remarkable individual achievements.

Balanced relationships [Shukra] However, are not favored as the native is exceptionally focused on expressions of personal genius and temporarily less concerned with the interests of others.

Surya is neutrally placed in the Rashi of Budhar.

Low-power Surya

Ravi's ability to channel divine intelligence through the bright light of individual reasoning is weakened in

  • Tulā [the interests of others]

  • Makara - Draco [large impersonally regulated hierarchical organization]

  • Kumbha - Ghata

    ] large impersonally regulated laterally distributed organizations]

  • by drishti of a hostile graha = Shani or Shukra or [sometimes] Rahu

The mahadasha of an uncorrected nīcha or weakened Surya may be marked by expressions of self-interest which controvert the interests of society as a whole [Surya in a rashi of Shani] or excessive self-interest which wreaks havoc in partnerships [Surya uncorrected in Thula] .

Low-power Surya indicates weakened confidence and the agency of cold, opaque, dishonest, shadowy, or unfaithful men.

Rashi qualities of sparkling Surya = subject to adjustment through significations of bhava and drishti.


The populist drishti of plebian Shani upon regal Surya imposes especially harsh constraints upon royal entitlements.

Drishti of Shani upon Surya may reduce personal glamour and easy privilege, but it also prevents selfish excess. Shani sub-period of Surya Mahadasha gets rather little sunshiner.

Events related to Surya's bhava location, rulership, or karaka functions

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Surya activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Suraja carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty associated with politics, celebrity, charisma, egocentricity, royalty, brilliance, entertainment, game-playing, literary and theatrical creativity. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

For maximum results, professor Surya should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Surya bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Surya activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the primary axes of the nativity.

Sparkling Surya = shatru-graha = planetary enemy of smoothing, harmonizing, bargaining Shukra. The union may benefit from accomodation of the singularity, artistic splendor, and self-referential integrity of the lifepartner. Generally, the spouse enters this union for their own reasons - and not to satisfy public opinion.

Marriage during a Surya bhukti may signify a lifemate who is brightly independent, uniquely creative, regally entitled, strong-willed, speculative, master of games, literary or artistic genius, theatrical, charmingly intelligent, who is gifted in social entertaining, who may form half of a political couple.


  • Ms. Magazine 1934- women's rights Gloria Steinem [GS age 66] 03-Sep-2000 consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with English-SouthAfrican environmentalist, animal-rights activist, David Bale * Surya-Surya svabhukti * Surya rules Simha svamsha

    [marriage endured for 3 years until his death]


Maraka Agency for Professor Surya

Exit Opening for dematerialization

When Professor Surya activates classroom-2 or classroom-7, He becomes a potential marana-karaka. Maraka teachings include saturation of sense-experience [2] + balanced completion of the life contract [7] .

For Karkata indriya-lagna or Kumbha indriya-lagna , maraka potential is enhanced if Surya occupies bhava-2 or Surya occupies bhava-7.

For Karkata indriya-lagna Brightly Burning Surya = maraka activates-2

For Kumbha indriya-lagna , Professor Surya = maraka rules-7.

Decease of relatives

  • Starry Messenger 1564-1642 Galileo Galilei [age 37] 02-Jul-1591 grieved the bio-decease of his famous father, the scholar and musician Vincente Galilei * Surya-Surya svabhukti * Surya activates 7th-from-Surya

gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha ++ Chandra bhukti

What to Expect during a bhukti of Comfort-seeking Chandra?

Evaluate the placements of Chandra.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Soothing Somana has matured?

The Mahadasha-pati ++ Somana bhukti-pati = mutually friendly?

Chandra Main Page

Sade-Sati by Chandra Rashi

  1. [Chandra-Mesha]
  2. [Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 4-30 deg]

  3. [Chandra-Mithuna]

  4. [Chandra-Karkata]

  5. [Chandra-Simha]

  6. [Chandra-Kanya]

  7. [Chandra-Tula]

  8. [Chandra-Vṛścika] [nīcha]

  9. [Chandra-Dhanus]

  10. [Chandra-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Chandra-Kumbha]

  12. [Chandra-Meena]

  1. [Chandra in bhava-1]

  2. [Chandra in bhava-2]

  3. [Chandra in bhava-3]

  4. [Chandra in bhava-4] -- [svabhava]


  5. [Chandra in bhava-5]

  6. [Chandra in bhava-6]

  7. [Chandra in bhava-7]

  8. [Chandra in bhava-8]

  9. [Chandra in bhava-9]

  10. [Chandra in bhava-10]

  11. [Chandra in bhava-11]

  12. [Chandra in bhava-12]


Seat of Mind * Mens * Moon * feelings * emotional flow

During Vimshottari periods of Chandra, sEVA may be offered to the oceans, to mothers-and-children, to charitable organizations that serve young families, and to groups which praise manifestations of the Holy Mother.

Seva offered to mothers, schoolteachers, caretakers, gardeners, fisherwomen, and guardians of the land-and-waters can yield a vastly more effective spiritual healing than any Pearl.

Worship of the Divine Feminine can be found in all of the world's great religious traditions.

Investing assets and attention into agriculture, fishing, gardening, irrigation, and germination is Chandra-positive Earth-seva

Thinking of the past and offering fond appreciation to ancestors

Aid and support provided to professional nurses, schoolteachers, parents-and-grandparents, protectors, and caretakers is a beautiful and Chandra-appropriate SEVa

Consider supporting the protective functions of house-building, sheltering, naesting, fencing, and sustainable settlements. Charities may benefit the denizens of the rivers, lakes, and seas.

The beneficiaries may not express any gratitude for your aid. That is OK. Seva is not intended to produce applause or material rewards. It is intended as a learning tool for expansion of wisdom and compassion.


Undulating Chandra

Glyph_Chandra.jpg AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

General characteristics of a Chandra bhukti

An era of amplified feelings for home and homeland.

One may seek residence near the watery shores, or ship-bound. Retreat to safety and a secure routine. A time of quiet retreat, ideally near the ocean. Emotional relationships are psychically sensitive and care-taking. Emphasis on domestic routines, food and nurturing, caring for and serving others, staying close to home.

Chandra is the garha-karaka for household life. In His task of promoting the experience of familiar, rhythmic, routines and providing sheltered security, professor Chandra nearly always maintains some degree of comfort. Yet, the outcomes of the bhukti depend significantly upon the angle between raja-karaka Surya agent of unique charisma and matrikaraka Chandra agent of ancestral deep roots.

However, any angle may produce heightened feelings of patriotism, self-defense, attachment to parents, love of the land, need for comfortable rhythms and routines, need for security.

Any nativity may expect an increase in the experiences associated with Chandra such as deeper emotional sensitivity, engagement with matters of security and stability, cultural tap-roots, foundational education, patriotism, defense of national-ethnic boundaries and fenced lands, as well as matters of the mother and her folk.

The specific outcome of any Chandra bhukti depends upon the bhava-activating rulerships held by Chandra as measured from both the indriya-lagna and the Chandra-lagna. Outcomes are also affected by drishti entering Chandra, by the role of Chandra's planetary ruler, and very importantly by the bhava in which Chandra resides. Chandra is so sensitive psycho-emotionally that Chandra bhukti outcomes are also particularly influenced by transits of Rahu-Ketu or transits of Shani.

In Surya-Chandra bhukti , Chandra seeks shelter from sudden changes and insecurity via political and dramatic acts of artistic performance, gambling and gaming, royalty, celebrity, or self-importancer.

Effects due to karaka empowerment or bhava-activating rulership

Svatika nativity with [Chandra-Karkata] Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya

[Chandra in classroom-10]

Sade-Sati in bhava-10 = heavy public responsibilities

  • Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver ] MSS age 48] 07-Oct-2003 via special election due to recall of the previous governor, winner = Arnold Schwarzenegger . Although AS was a celebrity cinema figure in his own right, the election win was attributed mainly to MSS respected and recognized [10] Kennedy family reputation [Chandra-10] . MSS placed her own journalism career on hold, in order to fulfill the governor's iconic wife-and-mother role [Chandra-10] for the public * Surya-Chandra bhukti * Chandra karmesha ++ dvadasa Sade Sati

  • AS 2006 bid for re-election was successful, creating a full term of office 2004-2011 spanning the full seven years of Sade-Sati

Typical relationships between Surya and Chandra

Surya = hot, radiating, political, central, yang, masculine energy Chandra = cool, reflective intuitive, yin, feminine.

Depending on the angle between the two luminaries within the radix and navamsha charts, this period typically expresses the psychic relationship between one's parents.

Regardless of one's current social gender, one may feel like the confident public-figure father, shining upon the gentler, weaker but more intuitive caring mother.

A protective, paternal, care-taking instinct underlies the activities determined by Chandra's radix bhava and rashi.

  • If Surya and Chandra are well-balanced, intuition complements and supplements reasoning power.

  • If the radix Surya/Chandra angle is unfavorable, expect some tension between faithful certainty and intuitive doubts.

  • The Surya-Chandra angle is definitive because it evokes the core productive-receptive polarity within the psychic personality. If Chandra occupies 8th-from Surya for example, afeminine figure enters who is at loggerheads with the masculineshe is an agent of the male's self-destruction [8th-from] .

Events related to Chandra's bhava location, rulership, or karaka functions

[Chandra-Vṛścika] -- [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] -- [Chandra in classroom-1]

  • USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [NG age 28] 1971 earned Ph.D. in history * Surya-Chandra bhukti * Chandra dharmesha -9 university

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When candescent Chandra activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Para carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

Professor Somana carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty associated with parenting, schoolteaching, security and police protection , farming and fishing, housing and real estate, vehicles and transportation [especially the safety aspects] ritualists and routine-makers, patriotism , and all matters of nourishing and sustaining the place of settlement .

For maximum results, chandra must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Surya, and Professor Somana should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.

Particularly for Chandra karma-pati Tulā indriya-lagna and also for Makara indriya-lagna where Chandra activates 10th-from-10th, appointment to a higher position of social leadership can be expected to raise the social reputation and increase public regard.

  • POTUS-pair-42 + USA Secy State 1947- Hillary Clinton * Nov-2016 POTUS-45 election * Surya-Chandra bhukti * Chandra karmesha -10

Marriage Covenant + Sacred Vows

Any Chandra bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Chandra activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Chandra-timed weddings especially indicate matri-karaka qualities of the marital match. The union may emphasize adherence to ethno-cultural folkways and established local routines.

Spouse may offer a secure, customary, protective, sheltering, parental style of relating to the spouse. The partner may behave in ways that are similar to the mother, emotionally sensitive, securing, or responsive to feelings. Chandra can signify a foundational provider, caretaker, guardian, gardener, or patriot.

The mate also may have a connection with real-estate, pathways of transportation, border defense, policing, or schooling.

  • Hour of Decision 1918-2018 Rev. Billy Graham [BG age 24] 13-Aug-1943 with fellow Wheaton College graduate, Ruth Bell * Surya-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules Karkata navamsha-7 + gochara R-K via Karkata-Makara contact Makara svamsha

  • Runaway Bride 1967- drama-commerce Julia Roberts [JR age 25]

    LL age 35] 25-Jun-1993,consecration of wedding-1 with the eccentric touring musician, Lyle Lovett * Surya-Chandra bhukti [Magha-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Yoni] effects of Shukra ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact navamsha R-K

Maraka Agency for Professor Chandra

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Chandra activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, professor Soma becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Makara indriya-lagna, chandra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Mithuna indriya-lagna , chandra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other combinations

Decease of relatives



Surya Mahadasha ++ Mangala bhukti

  • duration of the bhukti = 5 months

  • graha pakvata : Mangala bhukti yield improved results after age 28 = the age of maturity for Kuja

What to Expect during a Mangala bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Mangala.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native.

Kuja has matured?

Are the Mahadasha-pati and the bhukti-pati mutually friendly?

Mangala Main Page

  1. [Mangala in bhava-1] -- [svabhava]

  2. [Mangala in bhava-2]

  3. [Mangala in bhava-3]

  4. [Mangala in bhava-4]

  5. [Mangala in bhava-5]

  6. [Mangala in bhava-6]

  7. [Mangala in bhava-7]

  8. [Mangala in bhava-8] -- [svabhava]

  9. [Mangala in bhava-9]

  10. [Mangala in bhava-10] -- [dikbala]

  11. [Mangala in bhava-11]

  12. [Mangala in bhava-12]

  1. [Mangala-Mesha] -- [mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-18 deg] --- [svakshetra]

  2. [Mangala-Urisha]

  3. [Mangala-Mithuna]

  4. Mangala-Karkata


  5. [Mangala-Singha]

  6. [Mangala-Kanya]

  7. [Mangala-Tula]

  8. [Mangala-Vṛścika] --- [svakshetra]

  9. [Mangala-Dhanus]

  10. [Mangala-Maraka] [uchcha]

  11. [Mangala-Kumbha]

  12. [Mangala-Meena]

Mangala-targeted SEVa

Celebrate Kuja Colors. While offering Seva and in all activities, throughout any Mangala bhukti, honor Martial Mangala by wearing blood-red and black garments, gold ornaments, and by vigorous exercising the movement-seeking physical body.

Mangala seva = movement

Conscious service is a fabulous learning tool. The knowledge revealed within this learning pathway is tightly focused upon one's own planetary placement. By observing its operational patterns in the lives of others, one may gain swift insight into one's own situation. Using the added wisdom gained through Seva, change one's own narrative consciously.

As a learning tool, aremediation, and a mitigant, seva can be much more effective than ratna, puja, or any other upaya. Targeted Seva can alleviate the violence of Kuja''s unconsciously dominating competitiveness by dynamically promoting the well-being of the Mangala people.

Service for Masculine Pushing Energies

During Mangala bhukti, intentional Seva may focus upon charitable service dedicated to Mangala-figures in any gender, such as athletes, activists, competitors, warriors, military, diggers, divers, plumbers, drillers, explorers, inventors, detectives, interventionists, pioneers, and champions.

Mangala prefers to work on a physical level. Service offered to the beneficiaries of the Mangala-Seva should involve physical activity that is sporting, challenging, thrusting, penetrating, and forward-directed. For example, leading science students in vigorous outdoor fieldwork exploration is a Mangala-seva.

Discovery Exploration Pursuit

Mangala-seva helps those who pursue discoveries. Revealers of newness can be Mangala agents, such as therapists revealing buried trauma, archeologists revealing ancient worlds, defense attorneys revealing facts of the crime, research scientists revealing unseen patterns, or forensic coroners revealing conditions of decease. Mangala seva can be offered to assist any agent who is pro-actively pushing toward a discovery goal.

Example for Mangala-Kanya = skilled volunteering or fundraising for legal investigations supporting those falsely convicted of crimes.

Recognition for offering Seva?

Seva beneficiaries might not express any gratitude for your aid. That is OK. Seva is not intended to produce applause or material rewards. If pursued for the sole purpose of social validation, proving one's noble character, or making a public display of holy virtue, seva tends to backfire. Offer seva not for reason of improving another person, but rather as a method of self-learning about the energy of this graha.

glyph_mangala.jpgSurya is divine intelligence channeling through the human capacity for acts of personal charisma and genius. Kuja is the animal body driven by instinctive responses to the environment. Kuja is human sexual pursuit and penetration the killer instinct of the hunter and the warrior and the competitive drive of military exercise and sport.

Surya and Kuja are excellent friends . Presuming a healthy angle between these two graha, the brief period of Surya/Kuja is vigorously physically active, self-validating, and highly individualized.

  • If Surya and Kuja are well-balanced, invigorating competitive action may complement and supplement the creative intelligence.

  • If the radix Surya/Kuja angle is unfavorable, expect some tension between the confident self-righteous may power of Surya vs. adversarial, warlike, or simple muscular animal action. However, this period is usually favorable due to the fundamental friendship between the two graha.

Events related to Mangala's bhava location, rulership, or karaka functions


Out on a Limb 1934- drama-author Shirley MacLaine

[SM age 20] In 1954, selected for dramatic role by prestigious cinema director Alfred Hitchcock. Winning many awards, this role kick-starts SM's seven-decade performance career. * Surya-Mangala bhukti * yogakaraka Kuja rules 9 celebrity, fortunes ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata contact natal R-K

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Mangala activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Kuja carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities. Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

Mangala-type duties are Typically, associated with movement, dance, energy, competition, conquest, innovation, engines and engineering, invasion, surgery, sexual pursuit, sport, physical body and its sciences, military, explosion, drilling, diving, weaponry and warfare, heat, speed, investigation, exploration, and male-dominated environments.

For maximum results, Kuja must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Surya, and Professor Angarika should possess several strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Mangala bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Kuja activates either Svamsha or navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Mangala-timed vows especially indicate the qualities of Angaraka in the connubial union. Spousal features may include physical prowess, impulsivity, athletic, champion , competitive, inventive, pioneering, exploratory, pro-active, penetrating, invasive, innovative, rejuvenating, recycling, dynamically energetic, hunting, or warlike mate.

  • Out on a Limb 1934- drama-author Shirley MacLaine 17-Sep-1954 [SM age 20] consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with financier- producer, Steven Parker * Surya-Mangala bhukti * Kuja rules Vrischika svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Makara-Karkata contact natal R-K


  • POTUS-46 Pandemic 1942- Joe Biden [JB age 24] 27-Aug-1966 consecration of marriage 1-of-2 * Surya-Mangala bhukti * [Mangala-12 parivartamsha Shukra-1] ++ R-K gochara Mesha-Tula * contact Chandra-Mesha

Maraka Agency for Professor Mangala

Exit Opening for dematerialization permission

When Mangala activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, professor Kuja becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna and from Tulā indriya-lagna, mangala obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna and from Meena indriya-lagna , mangala obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other Combinations

Decease of Relatives


gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha + + Rahu bhukti

What to Expect during a Rahu bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Rahu.


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native.

Risk-seeking Rahu the bhukti-pati has matured? [Age 48]

Mahadasha-pati Surya and Rahuva the bhukti-pati are mutually friendly? [Definitely not. Surya wants intelligence, uniqueness, and center-stage attention. Rahu wants shadowy deception, fascinating illusions, and trickery.]

Now, consider each of these factors again with reference to Rahu's ruler . Rahu gives BOTH effects of His occupied bhava AND effects of the bhava which are ruled by His planetary rulerr.

  1. [Rahu in bhava-1]

  2. [Rahu in bhava-2]

  3. [Rahu in bhava-3]

  4. [Rahu in bhava-4]

  5. [Rahu in bhava-5]

  6. [Rahu in bhava-6] *

  7. [Rahu in bhava-7]

  8. [Rahu in bhava-8]

  9. [Rahu in bhava-9]

  10. [Rahu in bhava-10] *

  11. [Rahu in bhava-11]

  12. [Rahu in bhava-12]

  1. [Rahu-Mesha-Aja]

  2. [Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha]

  3. [Rahu-Mithuna]

  4. [Rahu-Karkata]

  5. [Rahu-Singha] [nīcha]

  6. [Rahu-Parthya]

  7. [Rahu-Tula]

  8. [Rahu-Vṛścika]

  9. [Rahu-Dhanus]

  10. [Rahu-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Rahu-Kumbha]

  12. [Rahu-Meena]


Ministries of service offered to Mix-Master Rahu may include beneficiaries who have exotic, culturally mixed, smoky-oily, or light-speckled qualities.

Shimmering Rahu is honored by Seva to those considered outsiders, considered magical but perhaps dangerous, considered masters of illusion, considered as dark foreigners, considered related to oils, gasses, or grease.

Roguish Rahu appreciates the risk-takers, the over-reaching, the opportunists, the ambitious, the boundary-breaching, the cultural-mixers, the pretenders, the impostors, the grandiose, the fascinating, the marvelous, and those colored in many shades of dark purple or brown.

Extraordinary Rahu appreciates philanthropic donations to communities of mixed ethnicity, ethnoreligion, those who hold multiple passports, organizations the serve immigrants learning new languages and customs while keeping the old traditions too, and those who produce marvelous displays that disappear into a puff of smoke.

Over-reaching Rahu accepts offerings of oils, incense, fireworks, and exaggerated imagery such as theatrical masks.

Also consider to donate in charity, camouflage clothing, mechanisms of inflation or amplification such as sound-speakers, magic tricks, cosmetics, generators of illusion such as theatrical stage equipment, and entrancing images such as weeping statues and doctored photographs.

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman, Autobiography of a Vedic Astrologer , p. 99-100:

" It has been my experience over nearly sixty years that Rahu as sub-lord, whether in his own period or in the period of other planets,

would always create problems of a serious nature, affecting family and personal matters, which would Test the mental and physical stamina of an individual whatever be his social, educational, or financial attainments.

  • It is also found, contrary to general belief, that planets like the Sun and Mercury, occupying Rahu's constellations are capable of conferring happy results financially and career-wise

  • but would create situations in domestic life,

  • which could shatter a person's self-confidence and make him experience results which he would ordinarily never expect to happen.

There are of course exceptions which I will discuss in due course..."


Glyph_Rahu.png AUM ram ravahe namah

OM bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah

Light and Shadow * Certainty and Risk

Passionate Idealism * Distorted Vision

During the Surya mahadasha one wants to be in the brilliant center of things. Glittering Ravi = celebrated, entertaining, illustrious, entitled .

Surya-Rahu bhukti may bring typical [Risk-rewarding Rāhu] -agents [usually masculine nativities, but possibly strong-ego feminine-figures]

They promise spectacular, regal lifestyles involving dramatic success, creative fashionable amusements, fame, and political exposure.

  • POTUS-pair-26 Whitehouse Restoration 1861-1948 Edith Carow Roosevelt [ECR age 40] 14-Sep-1901, following the national shock of William McKinley's assassination, according to the USA-Constitution, husband Teddy becomes POTUS-26, the youngest POTUS in USA history * Surya-Rahu bhukti * Rahu-5 political roles

One may indeed self-elevate to higher privilege while in company of the Rahu agent[s] .

However, toward the end of the Rahu bhukti it may become more obvious that most of the Rahu agent's claims are egoic-mind membrane mirroring mimicry.

Toward Surya the King, pretentious Professor Rahu is flattering but fraudulent.

Mixing with foreigners, exciting risks, thrilling exotic upsets

EXAMPLE - foreign peers, deal-making, advocacy

France-Pres 1890-1970 Memoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle

17-Jun-1940 Breaking away from the French Army and French government [now Nazi-Vichy controlled] refugee CdG arrives in London at Churchill''s invitation [command] . Immediately on 18-June, begins a series of BBC-England radio broadcasts to French listening audience * Surya-Rahu bhukti * uchcha-Rahu risk, foreigners, pretentious leadership in 10th-from-10 ++ dvithiya Sade-Sati


Careless Whisper 1963-2016 George Michael

[GKP age 25] 1988, popular sexualized dance-song Faith wins Grammy Award * Surya-Rahu bhukti

Surya vs. Rahu = natural enemies.

Surya's divinely inspired creative intelligence [Vishnu] looks with contempt upon the vulgar desires of barrier-bending, taboo-twisting Rahu.

Results of this bhukti depend on the complex relationship between Professor Rahu, rahu's ruler , any co-tenants with Rahu, and Surya.

Surya-Rahu bhukti typically produce political and psychological tension between regard for Solipsistic Surya's kingdom of self-interest and Rahu's disregard for legitimate boundaries.

One's confident pursuit of intelligent self-expression is disrupted by an interloper's desire for illicit action. However, barring the presence of growth-challenging angles, one may experience the exhilaration of breaking social-control rules which Surya feels are in any case designed for the hoi-polloi. One may push the envelope a bit and have some fun at the expense of propriety.

In a feminine nativity, this episode of the bhukti-drama may be acted out entirely by the primary masculine authority [Surya] .

Typically, the agent is the father but also a father-doppelganger such as husband or father-imitating adult masculine companion, afatherly guru, or even a masculine psychiatrist in a heavy pattern of psychological transference can all do the job of Roguish Rahur.

If Professor Sparkling Surya and Pretentious Professor Rahu are well-balanced, the excitement of desire can complement and supplement the self-validating intelligence. One may be praised, applauded, and celebrated.

Sometimes breaking overly restrictive cultural boundaries can open possibilities of greater freedom and more creative conditions in the kingdom.

However, if the radix Surya/Rahu angle is unfavorable, expect some Dramatic Tension between

  • the bright light of center-stage admiration [Ravi]

  • versus

  • the dark, smoky camouflage which Rahu casts over that Light in order to insinuate Himself into the center stage as a Pretender to the Throne.

There is usually a power struggle between

  • the Surya agent who considers himself the legitimate holder of central authority

  • versus

  • the Rahu agent who sneaks in under a smoggy oily hazy cloud then suddenly declares Himself a contender for royal entitlement.

  • If Professor Surya is stronger during this Battle Royale, confident intelligent Ravi may openly declare Risk-rewarding Rahu to be a Poseur and a Fake.

  • If Pretentious Professor Rahu. is stronger, the Pretender may continue to insinuate His right to make decisions as the central power.

Events related to Rahu's location by bhava, or related to Rahu's ruler

Glamorous Upsets of the Social Order, Excitements, thrills, adventures, Unusual Opportunities, sudden Success, Unexpected Collapse, risk-taking, mesmerizing Performance, fascinations, Surprises

EXAMPLE - living nightmare

POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

[JKO age 34] 22-Nov-1963, only three months after the infant-death of her fourth child, grieved the sniper assassination of lifepartner-1-of-2, John F. Kennedy. Sitting only inches from JFK, she was brain-blood-spattered but unharmed. * Surya-Rahu bhukti


Apple Computer 1955-2011 Steve Jobs

[SPJ age 48] 2003, diagnosed with gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor * Surya-Rahu bhukti


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Rahu bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu contacting one of the required axes of the nativity.

Rahu-timed weddings show Rahu-the-Mixmaster at work. Rahu-timed alliance suggests a potentially impulsive but also socially mobile and goal-oriented alliance.

The partner often hails from a fascinatingly different set of cultural roots, adifferent demographic, exotic social class, unconventional age-gap, thrilling race, or a different religion.

These variations promote roguish Rahu's over-reaching ascent. The partnership seems intriguing and exciting.

Entrancing Professor Rahu sees in the partner a mesmerizing opportunity for expedient achievement. Rahu may feel utterly fascinated or even psychologically obsessed with the must-have Other. He acts instinctively without delay. There is often relatively little time invested in preparation for the ceremony. There may be only partial agreement of the families.

Rahu-bhukti = a classic era for impassioned or unorthodox marriage decisions, often in culturally-mixed circumstances which enflame the ambitions of both partners.

So long as the partners continue to reach their respective goals through agency of the union. agency of the union, rahu-timed avowals may endure. Longevity of the sacred pledge depends upon the marriage profile elements in both nativities, particularly the 7th-from-Chandra.

  • Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland [JG age 23]

    union = 1945 - 1951] 15-Jun-1945, wedding-2-of-5 with cinematic producer, Vincente Minnelli. Famed in the worlds of fashion, theatre, and design, VM had sexual relationships with a variety of men and women. Their child Liza Minnelli became a celebrated entertainer. * Surya-Rahu bhukti ++ gochara R-K Karkata-Makara contact navamsha Chandra-Karkata


Maraka Agency for Professor Rahu

Exit Opening for dematerialization

Decease of Relatives

  • England-Queen 1533-1603 Armada Elizabeth-1-Tudor [QE age 13] on 28-Jan-1547 was notified of the decease of her father Henry-8-Tudor. Dad had died via septic infection following a jousting accident * Surya-Rahu bhukti

  • India-PM 1944-1991 Rajivaratna Gandhi [RG age 16]

    dad's age 47] 08-Sep-1960 grieved the bio-decease of father Feroze Jehangir Ghandy via second heart-attack * Surya-Rahu bhukti

  • POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis [JKO age 34] 22-Nov-1963, sniper assassination of lifepartner-1-of-2, John F. Kennedy. * Surya-Rahu bhukti


Confucius = Kong Fuzi

Temple of Literature in Hanoi, Vietnam

gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha ++ Guru bhukti

What to Expect during a Guru bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Saptarishi


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied
  • the mutual angle from Surya Mahadasha-pati to Guru bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Has the bhukti-pati matured?

Sparkling Surya Mahadasha-pati ++ bhukti-pati Generous Guru = mutually friendly?

Guru Main Page

  1. [Guru-Mesha]

  2. [Guru-Urisha]

  3. [Guru-Mithuna]

  4. [Guru-Karkata] -- [uchcha]

  5. [Guru-Simha]

  6. [Guru-Kanya]

  7. [Guru-Tula]

  8. [Guru-Vṛścika]

  9. [Guru-Dhanus] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 0-13 deg]

  10. [Guru-Makara] [nīcha]

  11. [Guru-Kumbha]

  12. [Guru-Meena] --- [svakshetra]

  1. [Guru in classroom-1] -- [dikbala]

  2. [Guru in classroom-2]

  3. [Guru in classroom-3]

  4. [Guru in classroom-4]

  5. [Guru in classroom-5]

  6. [Guru in classroom-6]

  7. [Guru in classroom-7]

  8. [Guru in classroom-8]

  9. [Guru in classroom-9] --- [svabhava]

  10. [Guru in classroom-10]

  11. [Guru in classroom-11]

  12. [Guru in classroom-12] --- [svabhava]


Glyph_Guru.gif OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

OM hrim srim blim aim gloum grhadhipataye brhaspataye vim ta aim ta svaha

Surya and Brihaspati = ati-mitru-graha - very good friends .

  • Barring a difficult mutual angle, the results of this period benefit the native 's lifetime wisdom learning. Risk-rewarding Rahu's illicit excess may be corrected now, and wisdom and righteousness are restored.

Challenge to craft a balance for love relationships , since both Ravi and Guru are uncomfortable in Shukra's territory.

Truth principles become " non-negotiable" . Disinclined toward compromise. One feels self-reliant and wise, but not inclined to negotiate with the interests of others. Should Guru rule a dusthamsha, inability to accommodate the Other may have significant consequences for core agreements.

  • in a husbandly nativity, one may be the anti-human-agreement agent oneself.
  • in a wifely nativity, the agency may lie entirely with a powerful or self-confident masculine-figure who cannot compromise [Shukra] .

If Surya and Guru power is magnified through conjunction or trine drishti, the righteousness of the faithful - a pendulum swing from Rahu's devil-may-care carousing - can also become excessiver.

Events related to Brihaspati's bhava location, rulership, or karaka functions


[WHG age 51] Jun-2006, public announcement states WHG will reduce profit-corporation work and increase charitable-funding work * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru-3 management rules 10-leadership portfolio + Guru philanthropy

Teaching Preaching Ideology Theory Credenda

If Surya and Guru are well-balanced, wisdom teachings and a general attitude of expansive optimism can complement and supplement the ego's self-centered energy. Teaching esp. charismatic religious teaching and preaching are favored.

If the radix Surya-Guru angle is unfavorable, expect some tension between personal, individualized experience of divine may and holy presence vs. received sacred teachings.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Guru bhukti during any Mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Brihaspati activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu to one of the required axes of the nativity.

Marriage avowal completed during a bhukti of Brihaspati especially indicates a fertile mate, aphilosopher, an ideologue, apaternal figure, aprofessor, apatron, apreacher, apriest, one whose doctrine of belief is personality-defining, or one well suited to patriarchal roles.

  • POTUS-14-pair 1806-1863 Temperance Jane Appleton Pierce [JAP age 28] 19-Nov-1834 consecration of marriage-1-of-1 with the young attorney and member of the USA House of Representatives, Franklin Pierce * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Dhanus 7th-navamsha ++ R-K gochara Mithuna-Dhanus contact natal R-K


  • POTUS-08 Democratic Party 1782-1862 Martin Van Buren // Old Kinderhook [OK] // [MVB age 25] 21-Feb-1807 married Hannah Hoes in Kinderhook NY * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru activates Svamsha

  • General Electric 1847-1931 Thomas Edison [TE age 24]

    MS age 16] 25-Dec-1871 marriage 1-of-2 with shop-clerk Mary Stilwell . The couple produced three children before Mary's death aged 29.* Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru activates navamsha-7 ++ gochara R-K via Vṛṣa-Vṛścikacontact Urisha indriya-lagna.

  • POTUS-27 Dollar Diplomacy 1857-1930 William Howard Taft [WHT age 29]

    NHT age 25] 19-Jun-1886 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with Helen Louise Herron. Nellie hailed from a political patronage family [Guru] . * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru activates Meena Svamsha - samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact R-K-navamsha

Children and Gain of Additional Dependents

Mahadasha-pati = hot-blooded Surya. Professor Ravi is predominantly concerned with political entitlements, decision-making, fatherly authority, and kingly splendor. He is brilliantly intelligent but may be so self-reflexive that He is unable to perceive the needs of other.

Shri Ravi and Shri Guru are blazing fine-friends. They support each others' agendas through mutually compatible confidence, optimism, and creative endowments.

Putra-putriki-karaka Brihaspati often blesses with abundance of children. However, surya is Very Hot and Dry. Therefore, check Surya's angle to Guru. Ideal procreative condition is Guru dristhi into Surya but no drishti of Surya into Guru.

During any mahadasha, Guru bhukti are naturally abundant periods. Guru bhukti tend to produce children on the basis of Brihaspati's role as a natural putra-putriki karaka without regard to bhava-activating rulerships or other principles.

Guru provides primal, inseminating, generous, widening multiplication of whatever resources are expandable within the nativity.

Even an otherwise child-resistant nativity may produce children during a Guru Bhukti, so long as samchara Rahu-Ketu are transiting via a key lagna.

  • POTUS-08 Democratic Party 1782-1862 Martin Van Buren on 27-Nov-1807, MvB was blessed with the first of his five children. * Surya-Guru bhukti

  • Wizard of Oz 1922-1969 entertainer Judy Garland ] JG age 24] 12-Mar-1946, celebrated the birth of child-1, singer-dramatist Liza Minnelli * Surya-Guru bhukti

Maraka Agency for Professor Brihaspati

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Brihaspati activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, He obtains the empowerment of a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Mithuna indriya-lagna or from Kanya indriya-lagna, brihaspati obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Vṛścika indriya-lagna or from Kumbha indriya-lagna, brihaspati obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other Combinations

  • Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway [MH age 42] blessed liberation from the Earthen-body, via suicide, drug overdose of phenobarbital. 01-July = date on which the decomposed body was discovered * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru gives effect of Rahu-1

Decease of relatives

  • France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy [NS age 62] 13-Dec-2017 grieved the bio-decease of mother * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru rules 2nd-from-matribhava

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer model Whitney Houston [WH age 40] 02-Feb-2003, grieved the bio-decease of her manager-father * Surya-Guru bhukti * [Somana-yuti-Guru] Soma rules 12th-from-pitristhana


Surya Mahadasha ++ Shani bhukti

  • duration of the bhukti = 12 months

  • graha pakvata : Shani bhukti yield improved results after age 36 = the age of maturity for Shani

What to Expect during a Shani bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of structured, serious-minded Shani .


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by strictly lawful Shani Bhagavan
  • the mutual angle from Surya Mahadasha-pati to Shani bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Has strict, sober, old Shani matured ?

Shani Main Page

Brilliant, self-centered Mahadasha-pati Surya and change-resistant elderly Shani bhukti-pati are mutually friendly? [no! they are mortal arch-enemies]

  1. [Shani in classroom-1]

  2. [Shani in classroom-2]

  3. [Shani in classroom-3]

  4. [Shani in classroom-4]

  5. [Shani in classroom-5]

  6. [Shani in classroom-6]

  7. [Shani in classroom-7] -- [dikbala]

  8. [Shani in classroom-8]

  9. [Shani in classroom-9]

  10. [Shani in classroom-10] -- [svabhava]

  11. [Shani in classroom-11] -- [svabhava]

  12. [Shani in classroom-12]

  1. [Shani-Mesha] [nīcha]

  2. [Shani-Urisha]

  3. [Shani-Mithuna]

  4. [Shani-Karkata]

  5. [Shani-Simha]

  6. [Shani-Kanya]

  7. [Shani-Tula] -- [uchcha]

  8. [Shani-Vṛścika]

  9. [Shani-Dhanus]

  10. [Shani-Makara-Draco] --- [svakshetra]

  11. [Shani-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

    mulatrikona if within 0-20 deg]

  12. [Shani-Meena]


Glyph_Shani.png OM sham shanaishcharaye namah

Surya and Shani are bitter enemies.

Surya represents self-certainty, political rights, celebration of individual genius, creativity, and sparkling entitlements.

Shani represents lawfulness, anonymity, drudgery, structure, material limitations, and conformity to the social order.

Surya-Shani = typically a high-tension, oppositional, growth-challenging period. Much benefit comes from learning to negotiate these two polarized features of the human personality.

Yet this section of the pre-incarnationally planned Learning Pathway is known for its potentially harsh restrictions.

Law-abiding Professor Shani ensures, for purposes of the lesson-Gift, that self-respect and individual creativity [Surya] are repressed and constrained by more pressingpublic, institutional, government, or other regulatory obligations. [Shani]

Living through sparkling Surya Mahadasha and becoming accustomed to the typtically heightened dose of Surya-individual-intelligence, one may experience Shani's conformist, proletarian bhukti as a stalemate or plateau. Although overall Surya Mahadasha celebrates personal genius, choice-making, and intelligence, during 12-month-long Shani bhukti one may resent being treated as an anonymous cog in a systematic, impersonal machine.

Fearless Surya may shine the light of divine intelligence into the cold dark fearful shadows of Shani. But for these 12 months, shani is still the Boss.

Especially for those younger than age 36, surya-Shani bhukti may be experienced as a 12-month Mexican standoff [as Americans say] . Neither party emerges as a clear winner and both suspiciously prepare for the battles of individual-vs-society, genius-vs-structure, freedom-vs-lawr.

Exception: Shukra-ruled lagna

Shani and Shukra are excellent friends thus Shani produces materially fortunate effects for environments controlled by His friend Shukra.

  • [Yogakaraka] Shani counted from Tulā indriya-lagna tends to focus on the social order of bhava-4-5 education and scholarship.
  • [Yogakaraka] Shani counted from Urisha indriya-lagna tends to focus on matters of bhava-9-10 theory-doctrine and public duties .

Professor Surya can often thrive in the environments of 5-vidya and 9-dharma Surya also prospers in 10-karma-sthāna and Surya is non-harmful in matters of 4-bandhu-roots.

Therefore, when Shani controls the bhukti, His relentless, shoulder-to-the-grindstone effort does indeed drain the life force , as expected. Yet enduring the Shani-slow process of either schooling-scholarship [Tula] or lawful public duties [Vrishabha] evokes much less hostility from Surya, who sees Shani's structure as a support for His dramatic performancer.

Shani brings the perceptions to a fixed state and freezes them in stasis. Nothing moves. If one is working on a goal, aproject or a relationship, this single year of hard work and determination to follow the common rules may feel like being stuck in the deep-freeze.

Stoic Shani bhukti mandates system over person. If there is no life goal [Shani] guiding the awareness during Shani bhukti, it may feel like the spirit is being ground down to fine sand by the relentless pressure of time and institutional structures.

Social law and cultural limitations press upon individual intelligence. Dealing with heavily regulated environments defined by cold, hard realities especially scarcity of resources is counterproductive for positive, admiration-seeking Surya. Strict Shani's daunting workload makes it hard to keep the faith of buoyantly confident Surya. Individual light cannot well shine.

Supports goal-oriented behaviors structured by duty and social responsibility.

  • If Sparkling Surya and Sober Shani are well-balanced, diligent lawfulness and pragmatic materialism can complement and supplement the individual creative power. The reins may not be pulled in too tight. The native intelligently recognizes a required natural adjustment of one's own autocratic instincts when positioned in the center of a bureaucratic environment.

  • If the radix Surya/Shani angle is unfavorable, expect significant tension between the light of personal charismatic charm and conformist, fear-driven, individuality-crushing rules of law and order.

Events related to Shani's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Maturity, sobriety, authority of Leadership, slowness, retardation, rigidity, Hierarchy, social Class, respect for Age and Accomplishment, seniority, systems Regulation, rule of Law

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Shani activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Shanaicarya may socially elevate. One may be required to accept recognized positions of leadership duty, governance, regulation, systematization, hierarchies, and the maintenance of the legal order. Promotion in rank and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.

For maximum results, shani must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Surya, and Shani should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Shani bhukti during any mahadasha may signal the timing of f ormalization of alliance. Shani must rule either Svamsha or navamsha-7 +++ a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu must contact one of the required axes of the nativity.

Weddings matched to a jarana-karaka Shani bhukti especially indicate an elder, more experienced, or more senior mate. Shani durosha-karaka also suggests union with a hard-working, class-conscious, sober, socially responsible partner who shows respect for law, longevity, and endurance.

Niyama-karaka Shani may require weddings that are less the consequence of personal affection and more imposed by societal rules. Shanaicarya Bhagwan may require a marriage to regulate the weight of shared children. Orderly Shani bhukti-pati can signal witnessed vows of sacred ordination such as Holy Orders.

The spouses may be marrying as an expression of duty or in conformance with conventional expectations. Shani-timed vows may also signal a heavy governance portfolio that is shared by the partners. Shani-timed events often carry the weight of pressing material-social obligations.

Special notes for Shani-timed marriage

When Shani activates the 1-7 navamsha axis, the lifeplan features an orderly expectation of negotiated contracts. Shani imposes pressure to form a partnership according to the conventions of the social order. Shani disfavors romantic love, poetic ideals, and creative entitlement.

For partners older than age 36, the alliance may elegantly align personal material goals with dignified social standing. Benefits of Shani-timed marriage may include loyalty to the contract and longevity of the working pair.

The conventional expectations regarding division of labor within the union must be scrupulously maintained, particularly with regard to social register, age, position in the hierarchy, caste, and rank.

For one possessed of mature, realistic, and sober character, who is able to accept the weight of social obligation, the agreement may well fulfill the expectations of its many stakeholders, including parents, extended family, ethnic group, and faith community.

Shani suggests a likelihood that one partner is significantly elder to the other.


  • UK-PM Path to Power 1925-2013 Margaret Thatcher [MRT age 26] 13-Dec-1951 consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with financier and conservative ideologue, denis Thatcher [10 years her senior] Surya-Shani bhukti * Shani activates Makara Svamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Kumbha-Simha contact Chandra-Simha ++ dvithya Sade-Sati

  • On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [JSF age 35] 19-Jan-1973, consecration of marriage-2-of-3 with political radical, SDS cofounder, and fellow civil-rights / anti-war activist, Tom Hayden * Surya-Shani bhukti * [nīcha-Guru-4 parivartamsha Shani-6] * Guru rules Dhanus 7th-navamsha + Rahu-Return ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Dhanus-Mithuna contact Mithuna svamsha

  • Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston [JA age 29] 29-Jul-2000. wedding-1-of-2 with dramatist Brad Pitt 7 years her senior * Surya-Shani bhukti * Shani activates Kumbha navamsha-7 ++ gochara Rahu-Ketu via Mithuna-Dhanus


  • Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King celebrated his second wedding, his third wedding, and the birth of his first child = all within 1961 = Surya-Shani bhukti * Shani activates Kumbha 7th-navamsha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Simha-Kumbha contact R-K axis ++ Sade-Sati

Maraka Agency for Professor Shani

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Shani activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, professor Shanicarya becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Karkata indriya-lagna or from Simha indriya-lagna, shani obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Dhanus indriya-lagna or Makara indriya-lagna, shani obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Decease of Relatives

  • Top Gun 1962- cinema Tom Cruise [TC age 54] Feb-2017 grieved the bio-decease of mother - Surya-Shani bhukti * Shani activates 7th-from-Chandra

gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha ++Budha bhukti

  • duration of the bhukti = 11 months

  • graha pakvata : Budha bhukti yield improved results after age 32 = the age of maturity for Budha

What to Expect during a Budha bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of businesslike Budha


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by Bantering Budha
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • culturally expected events for this age

Has Busy Buzzy Budha matured ?

Budha Main Page

  1. [Budha-Mesha]

  2. [Budha-Urisha]

  3. [Budha-Mithuna] --- [svakshetra]

  4. [Budha-Karkata]

  5. [Budha-Simha]

  6. [Budha-Kanya] -- [uchcha] --- [svakshetra]

    16-20 deg mūlatrikoṇa]

  7. [Budha-Tula]

  8. [Budha-Vṛścika]

  9. [Budha-Dhanus]

  10. [Budha-Makara]

  11. [Budha-Kumbha]

  12. [Budha-Meena] [nīcha]

  1. [Budha in bhava-1] -- [dikbala]

  2. [Budha in bhava-2]

  3. [Budha in bhava-3] -- [svabhava]

  4. [Budha in bhava-4]

  5. [Budha in bhava-5]

  6. [Budha in bhava-6] -- [svabhava]

  7. [Budha in bhava-7]

  8. [Budha in bhava-8]

  9. [Budha in bhava-9]

  10. [Budha in bhava-10]

  11. [Budha in bhava-11]

  12. [Budha in bhava-12]


Glyph_Budha.jpg Surya sees Budha as a neutral party, while Budha sees Surya as a friend.

Despite the fact that Surya and Budha can occupy the distrusting 2/12 angle, surya/Budha bhukti is not normally a conflicted period.

General, surya-Budha bhukti produces a neutral 10+ months of mentalized activity featuring tasks of writing, conferencing, explaining, manufacturing, handcraft, process-management, team communications, and other Budha-driven dialogue.

Chattering Kumara is Surya's mouthpiece. One's brilliant personality may find verbal and written expression. Depending on whether Surya/Budha = 1/1 or 2/12, the verbal/written output may slightly alter Ravi's original radiance.

However, if Busy Budha is well disposed, the bhukti tends to move quickly in fluent communication, and one experiences conversational company. [uchcha-Budha] = witty company.

  • If Surya and Budha are well-balanced, the daily chat of repeating conversation [including sexual dialogue] can complement and supplement the creative self-expression.

  • It is a very favorable time for writing one's own opinions and casting light upon various arguments and forms of academic argumentation.

  • If the radix Surya/Budha angle is awkward, expect some tension between splendor of personal insights and short-term, pre-scripted, conversational logic.

Events related to Budha's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Budha can be a karaka for tasks related to studying, reading, writing, explaining, describing, instructing, playing an instrument, drawing, diagraming, handling, and counting.

Budha does planning, scheduling, schematics, documenting, reporting, announcing, messaging, and ticketing. Budha can represent curiosity, handcraft, adolescents, younger siblings, and young people in general. Also Budha is a general karaka for business, sales, marketing, advertising, and transactions.


[Budha-Urisha] -- [Budha in bhava-10] writing-publishing

  • Steppenwolf 1877-1962 anti-Nazi Hermann Hesse [HKH age 70] 1946, awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize for Literature. Although the ailing Hesse sent a printed acceptance speech, he did not travel to Stockholm to deliver a speech nor to accept the prize. [Ketu absence] * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 11- awards for work accomplished

As the karaka for passing examinations, receiving licenses, and earning diplomas or certificates at the successful conclusion of a course of study , Budha often grants school graduation.

  • TM 1917-2008 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi [MPV age 25] 1942, earned baccalaureate diploma in Physics from Allahabad University * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha diploma

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Budha activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, Professor Para carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of career authority and responsibilities.

Promotion and obtainment of professional portfolio may be expected.



[Budha-Mesha] -- [Budha in bhava-11]

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [EZ age 45] 1885, publication of his most enduringly famous literary work, Germinal * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha publications

Budha-types duties = typically associated with communication, commercial business , marketing, instruction, media-messaging, evangelism, publication, reports and announcements, planning and analysis, management, manufacturing, manipulation, handcraft, apprenticeship, clinical practice, and cooperative work in cohort, ensemble, entourage, or team environments.

For maximum results, Budha must occupy a supportive angle vis-a-vis Mahadasha-pati Surya, and Professor Budha-Smargara should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.


vyaya-pati-12 [Budha-Vṛścika] -- [Budha in bhava-5] -- [Budha-yuti-Surya] -- [Budha-yuti-Chandra-nīcha ]

Budha-yuti-Mangala] [political management

POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Nov-1928 during janma Sade-Sati ++ Surya-Budha bhukti, AER did political crisis management [Budha-Vṛścika-5] . When her husband Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as Governor of New York State, his legs were already significantly disabled [suspected polio contracted in 1921] .
  • AER began to represent FDR at meetings [Budha] She wrote reports [Budha] and collaborated on formulating policies that she favored. Budha-5 rules Shani-12, reducing the impression that she might usurp his power. Rather, aER was seen to communicate in proxy [Budha proxy] .


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Budha bhukti during any mahadasha may support ceremonial marriage, if Budha activates either the Svamsha or the navamsha-7 AND there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu which contacts one of the required axes of the nativity.

Weddings that occur during a bhukti of samdeza-karaka Budha may indicate that one of the partners is significantly younger [youthful Kumara] . Budha-timed weddings also highlight the spouse's mental ability.

The marital match may be a capable writer, an attorney, acommercial business manager, conductor of an entourage, ensemble team-mate. The other-half may be involved in sales, marketing, advertising, or public-relations. A younger match may have a gesturing, mercurially alert style which later matures into communicative skill.

Marriages timed by Busy Buzzy Budha suggest adolescence, students-studies, sibling-cousins and team-mates, critical thinking, logical argumentation, technical facility, handcraft, communication programming, writing-publishing, scripting, journalism, reports-announcements, commercial business, information delivery, rapidly interactive media-messaging.

  • POTUS-31-pair Girl Scouts 1874-1944 author Lou Henry Hoover [LHH age 25] 10-Feb-1899, exchanged vows with co-writer Herbert Hoover * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha activates Svamsha * samchara R-K Dhanus-Mithuna * contact Mithuna Svamsha


  • Savitri 1872-1950 revolutionary poet Shri Aurobindo [AAG age 29]

    her age 14] 30-Apr-1901, consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with teenage Mrinalini * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha activates Mithuna Svamsha - gochara Rahu-Ketu via Vṛṣa-Vṛścika contact R-K axis

  • Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve Apr-1992, consecration of marriage 2-of-2 with skilled ensemble performer and later, his speaking-tour publicity manager * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha rules Mithuna Svamsha ++ R-K gochara via Dhanus-Mithuna contact Mithuna svamsha

Maraka Agency for Professor Budha

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Professor Budha activates maraka-2 or Budha activates maraka-7, the Kumara * communicator * becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Kanya indriya-lagna or from Dhanus indriya-lagna, Budha obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

  • Four Seasons 1678-1741 Baroque sacred music Antonio Vivaldi [AV age 63] 28-Jul-1741 liberation from the Earthen-body, via poverty and bacterial infection * Surya-Budha bhukti * maraka Budha rules 7

Measured from Urisha indriya-lagna or Simha indriya-lagna, Budha obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

  • Psycho 1899-1980 film noir Alfred Hitchcock [AH age 80] 29-Apr-1980 liberation from the Earthen-body, via renal failure * Surya-Budha bhukti

Decease of Relatives

  • Ethica ordine geometrico 1632-1677 Baruch Spinoza [BS age 21] 28-Mar-1654 grieved the bio-decease of father Miguel Espinoza, who was killed by a bullet in pirate maritime crossfire. Along with younger brother Abraham [Gabriel] young Bento assumes control of the family business. * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 2nd-from-pitribhava

gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha + + Ketu bhukti

Evaluate the placements of Ketu.

  • Consider the rashi + bhava occupied Liberator Ketu
  • Shri Ketu owns no bhava -- but consider Him as Vṛścika co-ruler
  • relationship between Ketu ++ Mangala
  • the mutual angle from the Mahadasha-pati to the bhukti-pati
  • incoming graha-drishti [Ketu sends no outgoing drishti]
  • current gochara transits
  • age of the native. Ketu the Wandering Witness has matured ?
  • Are the Mahadasha-pati and the bhukti-pati mutually friendly?

Ketu Main Page

  1. [Ketu-Mesha]

  2. [Ketu-Urisha]

  3. [Ketu-Mithuna]

  4. [Ketu-Karkata]

  5. [Ketu-Singha]

  6. [Ketu-Kanya]

  7. [Ketu-Tula]

  8. [Ketu-Vṛścika] -- [uchcha]

  9. [Ketu-Dhanus]

  10. [Ketu-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Ketu-Kumbha]

  12. [Ketu-Meena]


Glyph_Ketu.png AUM kem ketave namah

OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

Surya and Ketu = neither friend nor foe.

Typically, there is a mental or psychological disjunction between Surya's sense of meaningful centrality in the great universe [Vishnu] versus Ketu's sense of aimless, meaningless wandering and inability to control one's own movement.

While one's social identity [Surya] may remain intact, one's interior experience via Ketu is a bit lost and lacking integrity. Blessedly, the period is brief.

Psychological depression or despair is not uncommon. It is largely an expression of psychic exhaustion [Ketu] . The periods lasts only 4 months therefore any negative psychological symptoms may pass quickly. Surya/Budha bhukti can produce a significant mental effort to express Surya's divine intelligence. The Surya-Ketu bhukti may feel like a post-partum depression if such a literary, dramatic, or political performance has been especially well developed. Communication empowerment is drained temporarily but shall soon be restored.

Ketu is not desired by Rahu.

Vain hope for connection. Illusion of connection dissipates into fantasy, naumbness, or distraction. Desires dispersed in awareness that one is not desired.

often a feeling of attempted reconnection with a person, place, thing, or idea that was significant in a previous life or in a distant phase of the present life. However, the attachment is vestigial, no longer part of the vital script of the true present identity. Thus, connection is often unsustainable.

Intuitive perceptions are brilliant during Surya-Ketu bhukti. Yet, in order to maintain the social coherence of the personality-attribute package, the native must take special precautions to reinforce one's egoic-mind membrane boundaries.

Getting too much involved in the political affairs of others can diminish the energy-reserves and create a political liability, However, briefly.

  • If Surya and Ketu are well-balanced, deep psycho-intuitive perception can complement and supplement the higher, more spiritual sense of Self * atma.

  • If the radix Surya/Ketu angle is unfavorable, expect some tension between higher personal truths and the meaningless wandering of true spiritual detachment.

Events related to Ketu's karaka function or bhava-activating rulership

Disintegration or dissolution of a key alliance, public reputation, social status, or material advantage.

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet [ECP age 48] 1987. Church Universal and Triumphant [CUT] is deemed a fraudulent non-profit religious organization. Formerly a tax haven for major wealth, cUT loses its long-protected USA tax status. * Surya-Ketu bhukti * ++ janma Sade-Sati

Intentionally disconnecting from a previous social position

  • Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [WHG age 51] Jun-2006, public announcement states WHG will reduce profit-corporation work and increase charitable-funding work * Surya-Guru bhukti * Guru-3 management rules 10-leadership portfolio

Tendency to walk away from unsustainable commitments, demands, or environments

  • POTUS-pair-45-47 fashion 1970- Melanija Knavs Trump 1988 [MKT age 18] Following a single academic term at University of Ljubljana, abandons study in order to pursue modeling work * Surya-Ketu bhukti = abandonment, wandering ++ janma Sade-Sati


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Professor Ketu is teaching a curriculum that focuses upon topics of impermanence, severance, amputation, abandonment, wandering, windiness, disemburdenment, and surrender. Naturally Ketu periods support psycho-spiritual opening of awareness and egoic-mindegoic-mind dissolving projects.

The purpose of marriage is normally to establish a permanent and fruitful bond of mutual trust. Therefore marriage avowal during bhukti of Ketuva is rare and unusual. A marriage ceremony performed during Ketu bhukti may remain unconsummated. The spouse disappears either literally or figuratively, or the behavior of the spouse is exceptionally eccentric. Much depends on Ketu's ruler and upon any graha which may share a rashi with Professor Ketur.

Maraka Agency for Professor Ketu

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

When Ketu the Releaser is ruled by a graha which itself rules bhava-2 or bhava-7, professor Ketu becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Independent of His planetary ruler, shri Collapsing Ketu has the individual chidra-kakara agency of a beheader, cord-cutter, incisor, shredder, slicer, an amputator and an exhauster.

Therefore, any Learning Pathway of dissociative Ketu can potentially catter the material-world forms. Those left behind - who continue to materially limit their understanding- may perceive Ketu's molecular dispersal as a physical death.

However, it is merely a grand act of recycling.

  • Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba [SSB age 84] 24-Apr-2011 following years of painful distress from a mishandled surgery for broken hip, dis-embodiment in Puttaparthi hospital room, via respiratory failure. * Surya-Ketu bhukti

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 Whitney Houston [WH age 48] 11-Feb-2012 , blessed liberation from the Earthen-body via drugged drowning in a hotel-room bathtub * Surya-Ketu bhukti

Decease of Relatives

The Final Bhukti brings end-of-cycle, conclusion, closure .

chid = cut

Chidra-dasha, the final few months of cutting, may disconnect residual attachments to finished, completed, outdated behaviors so that one may move forward upon the spiritual path.

/chid/ from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de

  • chid [chedi]

  • IE cognate Latin scindo [rescind]

  • to cut off, amputate, cut through, hew, chop, split, pierce
  • to divide, separate from
  • to destroy, annihilate, efface, blot out
  • Passive = to be split or cut, break to cause to cut off or through cutting, cutting off, cutting through
  • splitting, piercing
  • destroying, annihilating, removing
  • the divisor, denominator

gold_sun.gif Surya Mahadasha + + Shukra bhukti

What to Expect during a Shukra bhukti?

Evaluate the placements of Shukra


  • the rashi + bhava owned and occupied by sweet-seeking Shukra
  • the mutual angle from Surya Mahadasha-pati toShukra bhukti-pati
  • incoming-outgoing graha-drishti
  • current gochara transits
  • chronological age of the native
  • cultural expectations for events occurring at this age

Suave Sensual Shukra has matured?

Self-centered Surya Mahadasha-pati ++ two-party Shukra bhukti-pati = mutually friendly? [definitely not. Center-stage Surya has will not split in order to accommodate Shukra's alliance-making two-ness.]

Shukra Main Page

  1. [Shukra-Mesha]

  2. [Shukra-Urisha] --- [svakshetra]

  3. [Shukra-Mithuna]

  4. [Shukra-Karkata]

  5. [Shukra-Singha]

  6. [Shukra-Kanya] [nīcha]

  7. [Shukra-Vanika] --- [svakshetra]

    mūlatrikoṇa if within 1-10 deg]

  8. [Shukra-Vṛścika]

  9. [Shukra-Dhanus]

  10. [Shukra-Makara-Draco]

  11. [Shukra-Kumbha]

  12. [Shukra-Meena] -- [uchcha]

  1. [Shukra in bhava-1]

  2. [Shukra in bhava-2] --- [svabhava]

  3. [Shukra in bhava-3]

  4. [Shukra in bhava-4] -- [dikbala]

  5. [Shukra in bhava-5]

  6. [Shukra in bhava-6]

  7. [Shukra in bhava-7] --- [svabhava]

  8. [Shukra in bhava-8]

  9. [Shukra in bhava-9]

  10. [Shukra in bhava-10]

  11. [Shukra in bhava-11]

  12. [Shukra in bhava-12]


Glyph_Shukra.pngOM shum shukraya namah

OM dram drim draum sah shukraya namah

Chida-dasha * final bhukti period of the six-year Surya mahadasha

The final bhukti requires return of unusable energies, cutting-off, severance, release, forgiveness

Note: if [Ketu-Urisha] or [Ketu-Tula] then there is effectively one continuous period of seven years Ketu Mahadasha followed by twenty years Shukra Mahadasha = 27 years of Shukra patterns dominating the incarnational flow.

If [Shukra-yuti-Ketu] in a rashi of Shukra, the transition from Ketu Mahadasha into Shukra Mahadasha may be quite seamless, with relationships always foremost in mind. Yet, those very mind-claiming relationships are often continuously scattered and fragmented for the 27 year duration.

चिद्र दश = cut-cut-cut

  • What gets cut?
  • Only dead wood.

Usually on the chopping block are

[1] Shukra-karaka items which have been outgrown

  • money, relationships, contract, agreement, bargains, alliances, music, artistic objects, ladies, sense-pleasures, wine, perfumes, fine textiles, sweet foods, white foods/milk
  • Not uncommon to develop a dairy allergy at this time, so as to prevent overload from Shukra foods
  • Financially, the cut affects money-and-pleasure that has exceeded the saturation point and can no longer provide a valid learning experience. Money needed for normal ongoing lifestyle is not cut.

[2] items related to Shukra's temporal rulerships which have completed their educational purpose

  • Shukra's two bhava from indriya-lagna
  • Shukra's two bhava from Chandra lagna
  • traits of the rashi + navamsha
  • traits of the bhava of residence
  • traits of any graha yuti-Shukra
  • consider incoming drishti
  • consider impact of current gochara Shani and gochara Rahu

Is the [chidra-dasha of Shukra] a time of catastrophic loss and devastation?

No, not at all.

Chidra-dasha only cuts from the vital tree those few, old dried branches which had outlived their educational purpose. It is an intentional pruning.

What gets released are completed learning tasks which have already fully satisfied the mastery requirement on those topics for the current incarnation. The Chidra-dasha advances one's positive evolution and growth of understanding. This pruning is very beneficial for the health of the living tree.

The Cut is not an unrecoverable loss.

It is a housecleaning that creates free space. Anything that is still useful, still flowing with life-force, still juicy - lively things - will be retained, not cut. Only the debris and completed homework are scheduled to be released.

Review and Release

Mastery of the learning curriculum of self-authenticating Surya Mahadasha has been achieved! Let go now of old assignments, old projects, old research. You have passed the Sparkling Surya Mahadasha mastery exam!

A spacious uncluttered environment can greatly assist the student in taking advantage of the new Learning Pathway offered by the upcoming new soothing rhythmic Chandra Mahadasha.

Although chidra dasha intends to bring closure, shukra the Match-maker is not amenable to splits. A decisive ending is unlikely during Surya-Shukra bhukti .

While the spiritual self [Surya] may be ready to move forward, shukra often tries to prevent the breaking of contracts. Dissatisfaction with existing relationships but often not enough traction to exit completely from an outdated union which has in fact outlived its purpose.

The union may be defined as a job contract, amarriage, aconsulting-advising relationship, afinancial promissory note, or any other sort of agreement [usually legal] which has outlived its usefulness.

Surya and Shukra are bitter enemies.

  • They fight about the priorities of Self vs. Other.

  • They fight about sensual pleasure vs. divine truth.

  • They fight about contractual relationships vs. personal integrity

Compromise to preserve Relationships* Shukra * vs. Uncompromised Integrity of Self * Surya -

They fight about the need to compromise one's principles in order to sustain relationships [Shukra] and the impossibility of truly compromising one's integrity and life principles [Surya] in order to accommodate the limitations of another person.

Love - what's it all about?

Surya = divine love. Shukra = human love.

  • Each voice stakes a truth claim in human life.

  • When the two claims overlap or compete for priority, one may suffer the inquiry into a re-adjusted balance between self-interest and the requirements of partnership. No matter how benevolent is the angle between Ravi and Shukra, the Surya-Shukra bhukti =s an inherently catalytic era due to this scheduled period of re-assessment in the overall life pattern of growth and awareness .


Attainment of social goal after a long community struggle

[Shukra-Vanika] -- [Shukra-11] -- [Yogakaraka] [Svati-Shukra-yuti-Surya-Viśākha -nīcha] [Svati-Shukra-yuti-Budha-Svati]

  • India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru [JN age 58] 15-Aug-1947, inaugurated as First Prime Minister of Independent India **Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha * Shukra rules 11-attainments, goals + Surya rules 9-elections ++ janma Sade-Sati


rogesha labha-pati [Shukra-Singha] -- [Shukra-9] royalty

Compromising behavior involving money and partnerships

  • UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson [SF age 51] Cash-for-Access shaming-scandal. In a documentary video sting, sF is filmed while she offers access to UK-Prince Andrew. In exchange for a payment of 500k-pounds-sterling, she is seen toting a briefcase full of cash [40k] . Yet no charges are pressed. * Surya-Shukra bhukti * Shukra rogesha crime, illicit finance

During Surya/Shukra, one may be disturbed by conflict between the self-righteous individual egoic-mind membrane integrity of Surya versus the balancing, compromising, sensual agenda of Shukra.

The growth-challenge fduring Surya-Shukra

[or Shukra-Surya] bhukti =

  • to achieve an integrated egoic-mind tolerance for the compromises required by human partnerships
  • while sustaining *uncompromising* commitment to the priority of personal experience in the knowledge base
  • and continuing to enjoy the deep, irreplaceable validation of divine love.

One's perfect relationship with God needs to be somehow integrated into one's imperfect relationships to human love partners.

Sparkling Surya is not inclined to lower His standards. The stronger is Ravi by rashi, bhava, and drishti - also the more intolerant of mere-human failing. If Surya is particularly vibrant and entitled, ravi's need to prioritize divine love may cause the loss, through intolerance of human weakness, of an imperfect but pleasant human partnershipr.

Keep in mind that one is experiencing the end of a 6-year cycle. Take some down time. Except when a marriage is required, chidra-dasha periods generally do not support starting new projects. Tidy up old projects. Release unfulfilled expectations. Work fewer hours. Engage in sexual healing or any type of balance-therapy.

feeling nervous or suspicious of unbalanced exploitive or predatory motives in one's companions, take Bach flower remedy Rescue Remedy formula or valerian root tincture. Indulge in a sensual panchakarma deep-healing oil treatment with a qualified Ayurvedic physician. Relaxr.

Whether the Surya-Shukra conflict is severe enough to cause a loss of human love, or whether sufficient creative, divinizing improvements can be made and the human love sustained, the results of Surya/Shukra bhukti clear the way for a deeper access to nurturing and caretaking human relationships in the forthcoming Chandra Mahadasha.

The final bhukti of any mahadasha enforces forgiveness, closure, and release. Relationships which fail to support Surya's task priority of self-enlightenment may be burned out by the blinding bright rays of Shri Vishnur.

If Surya and Shukra are well-balanced [1/1 or 3/11] attraction * akshana

[beautiful to the eye] * to sensual luxury can complement and supplement the higher love of the pure light of divinity.

1/1 has issues with chronic solipsism

In the 1/1, if Shukra is also ashtangata * combust and lacking favorable drishti, moudhya-dosha can give an autistic effect within relationships. The native is simply not aware of the needs or expectations of the partner.

  • Attracts an Other [partner] who cannot negotiate relationship due to extreme commitment to self-interest. The period may exacerbate this condition. Maximum frustration with the 1/1 pair in Simha and Mesha.

If the radix Surya/Shukra angle is unfavorable [2/12] expect significant tension between self interest and the interests of others.

Events related to Balancing Bhrigu's bhava location, rulerships, or karaka functions

Leadership Duties + Public Respect + Professional Recognition

When Shukra activates the 7th or 10th radical bhava or [10th navamsha] or the emotionally dignified , social-ordering, leadership-seeking 10th-from-Chandra, professor Bhrigu carries the potential to elevate the native into socially recognized positions of leadership duty associated with match-making, bargaining, reciprocity, negotiations, agreements, trusts and treaties, and contracts. For maximum results, shukra should possess other strengths via bhava-activating rulership, rashi, companion graha, drishti, inter alia.



[Shukra-10] -- [Shukra-yuti-Shani]

GRF was appointed to an elite public committee seeking closure following a heartbreaking national tragedy

  • POTUS-38 Time to Heal 1913-2006 Gerald R. Ford 29-Nov-1963, appointed by Lyndon Baines Johnson, GRF begins the weighty task of chairing the Warren Commission, which was charged with investigating the murder of POTUS-35 John F. Kennedy * Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha * Shukra karmesha + [Rohiṇī- Shani-yuti-Shukra-Rohiṇī] + Shukra rules 10th navamsha


Special considerations for Rank-and-Status Raise during the chidra-dasha

The closure-and-completion signification of the chidra-dasha does not alter the benefits of public honors bestowed during the chidra-dasha. Yet, the promotion in rank that may be obtained during this final bhukti may signify the end of a period of respected accomplishments rather than the beginning of a new era of public responsibilities.

Typically, the titles bestowed during a chidra-dasha social promotion are honorific and summative in nature rather than formative toward the next phase career development. Nevertheless, if Professor Sura is materially strong , the entitlement or authority received even at this time of forgiveness and conclusion may carry forward into the subsequent Mahadasha of Surya.


Wedding + Sacred Vows + Holy Pledge + Solemn Oath + Covenant + Contractual Promise + Ceremonial Agreement

Any Shukra bhukti during any mahadasha is a common and beneficial time to join the partner in a marriage contract, provided that samchara Rau-Ketu are transiting a key lagna. Any Shukra bhukti during any mahadasha is a common and beneficial time to join the partner in a marriage contract. Shukra signifies marriage alliance, equity, fairness, balance, and harmonious agreement.

However, considering that the Surya-Shukra bhukti is the chidra-dasha AND that Surya-vs-Shukra are bitter enemies, this specific bhukti of Shukra may be less comfortable for partnership.

Sharing Shukra = kalatra-karaka. Although the final bhukti is more a time for closure and is not a particularly auspicious era for new beginnings, if there occurs a suitable transit of Rahu-Ketu to one of the required axes of the nativity, surya-Shukra bhukti may signal the timing of ceremonial marriage.

Typically such a marriage is consecration for the purpose of concluding the social negotiations of others [typically, the parents] who may be materially motivated to complete a contract. Being in a low-energy state at the end of the Surya mahadasha transitioning into parental Chandra, one may enter quickly into parenthood. Numerous possible scenarios which depend upon characteristics of Shukra.

Because Surya-Shukra is the chidra-dasha , known as a cut-off or severance era, along with the generally mismatched objectives of solipsistic Surya vs partnering Shukra tend to weaken the equity-sharing component.

Nevertheless, for professionalized couples, the formal union may pleasantly endure even while the partners may act independently.

  • A Room of One's Own 1882-1941 Bloomsbury Virginia Woolf * 10-Aug-1912 [VSW age 30] consecration of marriage 1-of-1 with fellow writer-publisher, Leonard Woolf. * Surya-Shukra bhukti ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Meena-Kanya contact navamsha Shukra-Meena ++ nīcha-Shani imposes Sade-Sati

  • Sans attendre 1968- chanteuse compositrice Celine Dion [CMCD age 26]

    RA age 52] 17-Dec-1994, consecration of marriage with her lifetime artistic-performance career manager, René Angélil * Surya-Shukra bhukti * gochara R-K Tula-Mesha contact Chandra-Mesha


  • POTUS-14 Bleeding Kansas 1804-1869 Franklin Pierce 19-Nov-1834 [FP age 30]

    JAP age 28] consecration of marriage-1 with Temperance leader, Jane Appleton Pierce of Amherst, NH * Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha ++ R-K gochara Urisha-Vrischika contact navamsha-uchcha-Chandra

  • China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong [MZD age 46] Nov-1939 consecration of marriage-4-of-4 with the actress Jiang Qing [Lan Ping, madame Mao] * Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha

  • Grateful Dead 1942-1995 guitarist Jerry Garcia 31-Dec-1981 [JG age 39] consecration of wedding-2-of-3 with Carolyn Adams [Mountain Girl] . The parents of two daughters, the couple had separated years earlier. Their belated legal marriage was reportedly motivated by financial concerns * Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha ++ samchara Rahu-Ketu via Karkata-Makara contact navamsha R-K axis

  • USA-Sen-Tenn VPOTUS Climate Change 1948- Al Gore [AAG age 22] 19-May-1970 consecration of marriage-1 with parenting advocateMary Elizabeth "Tipper" Aitcheson * Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha ++ gochara R-K Kumbha-Simha contact Kumbha svamshambha-Simha contact Simha indriya-lagna

Maraka Agency for Professor Bright Beautiful Bhrigu

Exit Opening for Demagnetization of the Earthen-body

chidra-dasha exit marks the End of an Era

When Shukra activates bhava-2 or bhava-7, the Daitya-Guru becomes a potential marana-karaka who gives teachings upon the subject of saturation [2] and balanced completion of the contract [7] .

Measured from Mesha indriya-lagna or from Vṛścika indriya-lagna , shukra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of jaya-bhava-7.

Measured from Mesha indriya-lagna or from Kanya indriya-lagna, shukra obtains maraka empowerment as ruler of dhana-bhava-2.

Other Combinations

  • Navamani Malai 1879-1950 Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala

    [SRM age 70] 14-Apr-1950 * Surya-Shukra bhukti [Shukra-yuti-Budha] Maraka Budha rules Ketu-7

Decease of Relatives marks the End of an Era


Rose Geranium

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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" and he said to them,

" Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house,

who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Matthew 52 [International Standard Version]
