![]() |
Rashi - Samchara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Varga
Japa Kusuma Samkaasham = Kaashya-peyam Mahaa-dyutim = Tamorim Sarva-papaghnam = Pranatosmin Divakaram
self-confidence = self-righteousness stepfather 8th-from-Surya male energy = Surya vs Rahu Surya benefic or malefic?
Surya stotra Java kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim Tamorim Sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram
A Painting of Surya = India, tanjore School, 19th-Cen The nimbated Sun God depicted upon his chariot surrounded by attendants with smaller figures at left in obeisance."
Surya illustration from Moor's 19th cen Hindu Pantheon |
OM grinih suryaya namah Learning Pathway of intellect & entitlement सूर्य sūrya
√ सू = generate, liven, impel = the supreme one = name of Earthen Sun, from rising until setting Sura - Suraja - Sarva मार्तण्ड mārtaṇḍa = arising from a motionless source from मृताण्ड mṛtāṇḍa = मृत mṛta dead + अण्ड aṇḍa = egg सवितृ savitṛ √ सू = generate, liven, impel savitri - savitrü = the stimulator = name of Earthen Sun, from setting until rising आदित्या ādityā = belonging to the आदि class of deities = those present at the beginning, at the commencement of the cosmos Aja - Ata - Aitha - Athithya - Aditya - Agni अर्यमन् aryaman = best friend अम्बरमणि ambara-maṇi = sky-jewel भानु bhānu = bright one पूषन् pūṣan = radiant flower ख kha = khaga = sky-going दिनकर dinakara = day-maker मित्र mitra = neighbor, companion आदित्यवार ādityavāra = Sunday Pita - Krita - Vivasvata more Names for the Earthen Sun - Siria-Surya Sun [Sunday]Soule - Saul - So-Ra Apollo - Paul - Baal Sirius - Osiris Shamash https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirius Utu - Ata - Aitha Aten - Aton - OM - On Amon-Ra - Aurya Amer-atsu Helios - Heli - Haul - Halo - Ha - Havar [havana] Nyima - Nyayiru Zohar LOGOS sur sir syr super = the supreme one ata = heat
Surya Yantra |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso
" We must distinguish between pride and self-confidence. Self-confidence is necessary. It is what enables us, in certain situations, not to lose courage and to think with some justification, 'I am capable of succeeding.' Self-confidence is quite different from excessive self-assurance based on a false appreciation of our capacities or circumstances. If you feel able to accomplish a task that other people cannot manage, then you cannot be called proud as long as your assessment is well founded. It is as if someone tall came across a group of short people who wanted to get something too high for them to reach, and said to them, 'Don't exert yourselves, ican do it.' This would simply mean that he was more qualified than the others to carry out a particular task, but not that he is superior to them or that he wants to crush them." [end quote] |
QUOTATION from A Course in Miracles "You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think ." |
QUOTATION ~~ BPHS Sarga-7, shloka-39-43 Dharma Bhava and the ninth from Surya deal with one's father. [BPL comment - 9th-from-Surya = father's father. The father himself = Surya.] |
![]() interior dome of the Tilya Kori Madrassah finished in 1660 CE = in the Registan of Samarkand |
The Intelligent Heart authenticity = integrity creative authority center-stage, radiantly confident celebrity, bright lights, romance sparkling intelligence = brilliance heat heart Light-Radiator CERTAINTY The Choice willpower = decision-making = free will the literati - the glitterati - the politerati flamboyance 365.25 Earth's local star Surya ] our Local Logos] and behind it the central radiators of Sirius, (and back behind Sirius-mriga-vyadha, the signal-sender Antares) = the broadcasting radio stations which transmit human thought into the signal-receiver Earth |
"Make a decision. A wish is not a decision." ~~ THEO | ||
Book of Psalms, 104: 1-3 " Praise the lord, omy soul. O lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind." |
~~ The Gospel of Luke , 11:34-35 "The light of the body is the eye. Therefore, when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness." | |
" In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes." ~~John Ruskin |
"Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender." -- Keith Ellison |
Self-confidence is not a feeling of superiority, but of independence. —Lama Yeshe |
" The bliss of the Self is always with you and you will find it for yourself if you seek it earnestly." ~~ Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala |
Compassion is the desire for another to have freedom from suffering. Love is the desire for another to have happiness. ~~14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso |
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power,
and of
and of a sound mind.
~~ 2 Timothy 1:7 |
Life is not happening to you. Life is happening through you and for you. Trust your imagination -- the creative impulses that come through you as thoughts, ideas, and expansion.” -THEO |
One ought to hold on to one's heart; for if one lets it go,
one soon loses control of the head too."
~~ Twilight of the Idols 1844-1900 Ubermensch Friedrich Nietzsche |
~~ Light Source P'taah - www.ptaah.com " You are the central sun of your universe. There is nothing outside of you. There is nothing outside of you but a story that brings up a feeling. The reason you birth yourself in this reality, in this time-frame, in this Now, in every Now and every lifetime, in every situation, is simply for the emotional intensity of that life. You are not here to learn to be masters, unless you choose it. You are not here to change the world. You are not here to do anything except have an extraordinary emotional experience. That you may indeed garner wisdom and that you may indeed be of support and nurturing and healing to your fellow men is all very wondrous. You are really here for the emotional experience." |
~~ Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. Session 560, received on 23-Nov-1970 "It cannot be destroyed then, this inner self of yours, nor can it be diminished. It shares in those abilities that are inherent within All That Is. It must, therefore, create as it is created, for this is the great giving that is behind all dimensions of existence, the spilling-over from the fountain of All That Is. " |
![]() Helichrysum = Sunflower |
Rashi of Surya = social relationships which define the environment where one seeks to Be in the Center of Attention
Names by Rashi for Surya = So-Ra
may suffer Kopā Avaṣṭabdhā = angry, burned by Surya
![]() Solar Flare Feb-2011, from www.NASA.gov |
Vishnu yatha prakasayaty ekah = kritsnam lokam imam Suryah ksetram ksetri tatha kritsnam = prakasayati bharata Bhagavad Gita 13.34 " O son of Bharata: the sun alone illuminates all this universe. Likewise the living soul, within the body, illuminates the entire body by consciousness." |
Vocabulary for Surya
// the sun or its deity (in the Veda the name Surya is generally distinguished from Savitri , and denotes the most concrete of the solar gods , whose connection with the luminary is always present to the poet's mind he is regarded as one of the original Vedic triad , his place being in the sky , while that of Agni is on the earth , and that of Indra is in the atmosphere ten hymns in the RikVeda are entirely in praise of Surya he moves through the sky in a chariot drawn by seven ruddy horses or mares in the later mythology Surya is identified with Savitri as one of the 12 Adityas or emblems of the Sun in the 12 months of the year , and his seven-horsed chariot is said to be driven by Aruna or the Dawn as its charioteer , who is represented without legs the Sun , whether named Surya or Vivasvat , has several wives a symbolical expression for the number // twelve // (in allusion to the sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac) the swallow-wort, either Calotropis or Asclepias Gigantea the wife of Surya or the Sun, also called Samjna the daughter of Surya or the Sun, also described as daughter of Prajapati or of Savitri and wife of the Asvins , and in other places as married to Soma she is called Urjani , and the sister of Pushan who is described as loving her , and receiving her as a gift from the gods; accord. To some she represents a weak manifestation of the Sun Surya Savitri is regarded as the authoress of the Surya-sukta a new bride; a drug; the colocynth or bitter gourd // [end quote] |
![]() Helichrysum Moeserianum, photo from Wikispecies |
![]() Sol from Codex de Sphaera c. 1469 CE https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblioteca_Estense 108 names of Surya from https://sanskritdocuments.org
see also 108 Names = Sri Surya Ashtottara Shata-namavali https://www.drikpanchang.com/hindu-names/gods/lord-surya/108-surya-names.html
Persian = Tajik
Hebrew |
Rare Book Society of India = Standing Surya = Chola period (880–1279) 11th–12th century = India = Copper alloy = The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
"Brahma once recounted to the sages the 108 sacred names of Surya. The Brahma Purana lists these names and we reproduce them in nine groups of twelve names each. (1) Surya, archana, bhagavana, tvashta, pusha, arka, savita, surya , Gabhastimana, aja, Kala, mrityu. (2) Dhata, prabhakara, prithivi, Jala, teja, akasha, Vayu, parayana, soma, brihaspati, shukra, budha. (3) Angaraka, indra, Vivasvana, diptamshu, shuchi, shouri, shanaishvara, brahma, Vishu, rudra, skanda, VaiŚrāvaṇa. (4) Yama, Vaidyuta, Jathara, agni, aindhana, tejohapti, dharmadhvaja, Vedakarta, Vedanga, Vedavahana, Krita, treta. (5) Dvapara, Kali, sarvasurashraya, Kala, Kashtha, muhurta, Kshapa, Yama, Kshana, samvatsara, ashvattha, Kalachakra. (6) Vibhavasu, shashvata, purusha, Yogi, Vyaktavyakta, sanatana, Kaladhyaksha, prajadhyaksha, Vishvakarma, tamonuda, Varuna, sagara. (7) Amsha, Jimuta, Jivana, ariha, bhutashraya, bhutapati, sarvalokanamaskrita, shrashta, samvartaka, Vahni, sarvadi, alolupa. (8) Anata, Kapila, bhanu, Kamada, sarvotamukha, Jaya, Vishala, Varada, sarvabhutasevita, mana, suparna, bhutadi. (9) Shighraga, pranadharana, dhanvantari, dhumaketu, adideva, aditinandana, dvadashatma, surya , daksha, pita, mata, pitamaha." |
TOPICS of Surya
Matching Metal
Social Life of the Planets Gems and Herbs
autocratic, center-stage, attention-demanding genius Rashi of Surya = qualities of the environment where one seeks to Be in the Center
" The strongest force used in the destiny of man is the Sun first, then the closer planets to the earth, or those that are coming to ascension at the time of the birth of the individual, but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or the phases of the Sun, the Moon or any of the heavenly bodies [may] surpass the rule of man's will power, the power given by the Creator of man, in the beginning, when he became a living soul, with the power of choosing for himself ." ~~Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce, reading #3744-4 |
![]() |
Surya = Intellect = Select = Elect = Choice Awareness creates choice. What occurs without awareness seems to happen automatically. Meanings are created by the intellect, as one chooses to assign meaning to events, relationships, experiences. Without awareness, the meaning of life seems to be assigned by the family, the culture, the social orderr. Surya's natural portfolio
Surya's portfolio matches the English vocabulary of // auto- // authorship - authority - autocracy - autonomy
downsides of an incompletely aware Surya can be self-righteousness , self-appropriating, arrogance, attention-demanding, self-reflexive, solipsistic, narcissistic entitlements |
Surya's natural karaka-character Placements affecting Surya's behavior
![]() Meanings for Surya = Sun Earth's Local Sun - The Logos Human Connections to the Divine: Self, egoic-mind membrane and Soul Purification by Fire Highest Truth of Divine Light Sol = soul The Light Within Masculine Valence (opposite Chandra feminine valence) Brilliant -- Radiant -- The Divine King
Yamuna River as it crosses Taj Mahal at Agra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:YamunaRiver.jpg |
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso Kindness, clarity, and Insight, page 180 "If we realize, “I am a human being. A human being can do anything,” this determination, courage, and self-confidence are important sources of victory and success. Without will power and determination, even something that you might have achieved easily cannot be achieved. If you have will power and reasonable courage —not blind courage but courage without pride — even things that seemed impossible at a certain stage turn into being possible because of continuing effort inspired by that courage. Thus, determination is important. How can this be developed? Not through machines, not by money, but by our own inner strength based on clear realization of the value of human beings, of human dignity. For, once we realize that a human being is much more than just material, much more than just money, we can feel the importance of human life, from which we can feel the importance of compassion and kindness. Human beings by nature want happiness and do not want suffering. With that feeling everyone tries to achieve happiness and tries to get rid of suffering, and everyone has the basic right to do this. In this way, all here are the same, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, Easterner or Westerner, believer or nonbeliever, and within believers whether Buddhist, christian, Jewish, muslim, and so on. Basically, from the viewpoint of real human value we are all the same." [End quote] |
= 1-10 degrees Simha = MAGHA pada 1-2-3 Surya = centrality, genius, confidence, will-power, a-muse-ment, divine intelligence Surya's rashi significantly determines the quality personal genius and self-determination in society. Surya = how one was praised as a child. Surya = the father and self-authoritative males in general.
natural regulator of Putra Bhava To evaluate Surya in any nativity, be sure to balance and compare the character of Surya in both radix D-1 (social-material) and navamsha D-9 (spiritual-emotional). |
Modern description of the sequence of experiences structured into the Surya Mahadasha, written by Barbara Pijan Lama |
= worth-ship = worship of Surya
Traditionally, the Sun God is worshipped by offering red flowers, akshata and Santala with folded hands, and then the Graha are worshipped. |
Happy Birthday
" To all you noble Buddhas currently living in prison, happy birthday. To all you austere Buddhas selling your smiles in taverns, happy birthday. To you countless Buddhas twinkling in the night sky, happy birthday. And happy birthday to all of you brightly smiling, beautiful Buddhas in the gardens. To all you Buddhas who have become endlessly changing clouds as you drift across the sky, to all you Buddhas who are quietly biding your time as boulders―a very happy birthday to you, too. And happy birthday to all you cute little Buddhas swimming in the water. To all you lively Buddhas soaring about the sky. To all you reverential Buddhas singing hymns in churches, and to all you handsome Buddhas chanting in temples. To all you Buddhas hoeing and plowing the fields and paddies, to all you Buddhas sweating in the humming factories, to all you Buddhas working in dust and dirt, and to all you Buddhas quietly studying in classrooms - let me wish you all a very happy birthday. When I open my eyes, you are Buddha. When I close my eyes, you are Buddha. Every place in the universe is filled with Buddha! The heavens and the earth are from the same source, and everything in the universe is One Buddha. Although we all have different guises and appearances, we're all manifestations of this One Buddha. Everything is equal, and everything is magnificent! So let us transcend our torments in this world of Buddha, and enjoy happiness. How marvelous that every single place is a site for liberation from suffering and ignorance! To all you Buddhas wearing the gentle smile of compassion and delivering the Dharma in a sound even greater than thunder, to all you Buddhas who fill every corner of the universe - every day is a wonderful day, and every day is our birthday. So let us all eternally respect and congratulate one another!" [end quote] |
QUOTATION Edgar Cayce reading #3744-4 " The strongest force used in the destiny of man is the Sun first, then the closer planets to the earth, or those that are coming to ascension at the time of the birth of the individual, but let it be understood here,
the power given by the Creator of man, in the beginning, when he became a living soul,
Vocabulary for Surya
Surya The sun or its deity
... he moves through the sky in a chariot drawn by seven ruddy horses or mares
Vivasvat shining forth, diffusing light, matutinal / at the seat of Fire / - / the Brilliant one / [RV] sometimes regarded as one of the eight Adityas or sons of Aditi,
Savitri a verse or prayer addressed to Savitri or the Sun (esp. The celebrated verse RV. iii, 62, 10; also called gAyatri initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (sAvitra)
BPHS Sarga-3, shloka-2 3 " The Sun's eyes are honey-colored. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent, and has limited hair on (his head)." |
BPHS, sarga-84, shloka-2 3 " Contemplate of Surya well adorned with two arms, seated on a lotus, with a lotus flower in one hand, red-coloured, like lotus and aboard a chariot of seven horses." |
QUOTATION Bhagavata Purana 11.28.8] " The one who knows the secret of my words does not criticize not praise anybody, but moves in the world free from any prejudice or partiality, just like the sun." |
QUOTATION Saravali, sarga-7-13 " The Sun rules snakes, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, kings. Arya (or foreigners in general), river banks, forest, wood and Mantra." |
QUOTATION list from Das at goravani.com Ambition, authority, bile problems, boldness, chest and head, consciousness, courage, determination, energy, eyesight, weak faith, fame, father, hot, inflexible, king, impact of ones personality, influence, naobility, optimism, attributes of personality, political power, reliance on self, soul, vitality |
QUOTATION Jataka Desha Marga, Sarga-1, sloka 44 " The Sun is the soul of Kalapurusha
QUOTATION King David speaking, in Psalm 19: 4-6 “The sun lives in the heavens ... and moves out across the skies as radiant as a bridegroom going to his wedding, or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race! The sun crosses the heavens from end to end, and nothing can hide from its heat.” |
" The more common name for the sun is surya. Generally "surya" is the name for the sun while it is above the horizon and savitri is the sun as it is rising and setting, just below the horizon." www.sanskrit.org/www/Hindu%20Primer/gayatri.html |
Surya material attributes
QUOTATION Shri B.V. Raman, Three Hundred Important Combinations . (10th ed., delhi, 1991, 1947).
" The Sun.—
" Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." ~~ Mary Lou Cook |
Surya DrishtiSurya sees Budha as a neutral party, neither friend nor enemy. If Surya receives drishti of His enemies Shukra and Shani , then Surya's capacity for genuine self-confidence = belief that one's soul is fully connected to the divine =
If Surya receives drishti of His friends Chandra, Kuja and Vrihas-pati,
see: Surya Mesha uttama vs. Surya Simha = [mūlatrikoṇa] When Surya = uchcha Mesha or svakshetra Simha - Leya, genuine confidence is strong at birth.
When Surya = nīcha Tula - Vanika or in an enemy rashi of Vrishabha, makara, or Kumbha, the confidence is low and the native seeks material substitutes for true faith.
Domains owned by Budha = Mithuna, Kanya = friendly
Domains owned by Shani and Shukra = unfriendly In general, Surya flourishes in houses 1, 4, 5, 9, and 10 . When born into the svakshetra or svabhava of Shukra or of Shani, Shining Surya loses some of His natural regal entitlement to independence He becomes less effective as a result. Bhava-2 and bhava-7 naturally belong to Shukra
Bhava-5 Bhava-9 globalism, worldview, beliefs, ceremony, priesthood
bhava 10-11 are the natural territory of governing, ordering Professor Shani . Although Surya likes high-visibility leadership roles and Therefore, surya in bhava-10 gets dikbala, His natural tendency toward autocracy is nevertheless weakened in Shani's bureaucratic svakshetra-10 . In karma-bhava, surya becomes a celebrity King-type who charisma is cramped by Shani's rule of law.
Navamsha rashi and other varga rashi Suraja always occupies two rashi
Surya's rashi in other varga must be known to evaluate the areas controlled by those varga. For Surya, chandra, and Budha, navamsha characteristics must be assessed immediately, particularly if Budha or the luminaries are lord of the current Vimshottari dasha. |
Special case of Surya in karma-bhava
Combined effects Most nativities feature some combination of rashi, bhava, and drishti effects upon Surya, which maintain the egoic-mind membrane and belief systems in reasonably functional balance.
Angular Relationships to other graha (see Jataka Desha Marga, sarga-1, sloka 44 - above)
Individual [Surya] relationship to Social Morality [Shani] Surya = the central indicator of personal righteousness in radix and navamsha. Dharma Bhava = philosophical principles of = Belief =(9) = often awkwardly aligned at 6-8 challenge-angle to the actual moral practice which is more accurately found in the rhythmic, customary, boundaried bhava-4
Bhava-9 shows principles of compassion or contempt
Thus dharmasthāna shows the beliefs which guide social actions, one's social behavior principles as derived from sacred teachings and role-modeling of the patriarchs. Always in 6/8 unbalanced contradistinction from family morality which is taught by the matriarchs Cultural morality derives from the habits and folkways, ancient customs, and established tribal norms of the mothers. Surya = personal righteousness, personal entitlement, and personal ability to channel divine intelligence including the energies of creativity and truth.
Mesha-Simha Surya - The Righteous and the Self-Righteous
Neither the Righteous nor the Self-Righteous are shy or confused! Mesha-Simha Surya absolutely believe in their own personal truth.
Surya = Fire = Homa (fire sacrifice) = Burning of Impurities
One is a purist. One strives to promote - or, surya yuti Kuja per Hitler -- enforce - this fire-cleansing for total purity, in full expectation that principled action will create a better world. One may sacrifice and purify oneself (the proper route) or one may be deluded into believing that the impurity lies "outside" of oneself, and thus one may become an evil tyrant . |
![]() Tsang district of Central Tibei Sakya Ngor Monastery = Four Mandalas Vajravali commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tibetan,_Central_Tibet,_Tsang_(Ngor_Monastery),_Sakya_order_-_Four_Mandalas_of_the_Vajravali_Series_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg |
Intelligence and Confident Creativity
Soma represents the gentle, subtle light of intuitive perception. Surya exhibits the vigorous, flamboyant light of royal confidencer. Surya-lagna used as the baseline for counting social-status [10] and economic gains [11] QUOTATION - BPHS Sarga-7, shloka-39-43
Surya vsSurya vs Budha Budha and Bhava-3 = communication style and messaging, naarrative, handcraft, writing, cultural fluency, facility of gesture, etc.
A powerful Surya = originality of thought, celebrity, genius. However, unless Budha assists Surya with the verbal articulation of this brilliant awareness, genius might never find a useful verbal or literary expression. To be fully effective, professor Babbling Budha should escape the range of combustion Ideally, Budha should be helpfully disposed in order for the genius to promulgate one's most original, divinely inspired ideas. [Surya, idea, ideal] However, sheer intellectual power, which is the capacity to make individual decisions, remains the province of self-centric Professor Surya . |
QUOTATION Sri Yukteswara . The Holy Science = Kaivalya Darshanam. (1894, 1990). Self-Realization Fellowship) WRT effect of Suraja on the ages of human civilization " With the commencement of the Ascending Kali Yuga, after A.D. 499,
Self-Confidence, self-Righteousness, Flamboyance Personality characteristics of Suraja run along a continuum from self-confident to self-righteous . When Surya is strong a person "thinks well of himself" , regardless of public opinion. He has good reasons for his behavior and he is convinced he is right (whether he actually is, or not!) Strong, positive role for Surya suggests that the native feels deeply enfranchised to be "who they are" regardless of external confirmation of that right! Surya's strength per se and His angle to Soma provide a "flamboyance index" which predict how aggressively rational a person might be. = not = how "correct" their reasoning is or how clearly they articulate their personal logic (which is more a function of Budha). And = not = whether their methods or conclusions are logically valid or culturally approved (which is more a function of bhava-3 and bhava-10). But rather, how self-confident and theatrically staged are the native 's arguments. Poorly informed and emotionally handicapped natives with a strong placement of self-righteous Surya may be aggressively dominant, promoting a small number of political concepts very confidently. The local politician substituting loudly repeated slogans for a reasoned argument probably has a strong Sun. The beer-sotted neighbor holding forth on better ways to run his national government probably also has a strong Sun!
Well-educated and emotionally developed nativities with a strong Sun will be calmly and comprehensively reasonable, capable of understanding and appreciating alternative views, and still completely confident that their own well-planned position is correct.
What they all have in common is their unshakable conviction - evidence notwithstanding - that they are right. |
Soul, Life Force, or Eternal Consciousness Conscious individuals will notice that the six-year Vimshottari mahadasha of Surya is a period of personal reconnection with the psychic, rational, and social aspects of the Father. Periods of Surya cause awakening to the internalized role of the Father within oneself. (This experience may be pleasant or painful or both, depending on the Jyotisha characteristics of natal Surya ). It is wise to strike while the iron is hot (an apt metaphor for the hottest graha!) and use this essential self-knowledge to fullest capacity during the six-year mahadasha. General patterns of Surya bhukti include
for step-father, see 8th-from-Surya In the nativity,
pitristhāna bhava-9 also indicates Father Pitri Patrus Characteristics of pitristhāna offer a complementary and secondary set of traits and behaviors associated with the father and father-figures such as doctrinal authorities, professors, preachers, and preceptors. Similarly, matrikaraka Soma is the strongest karaka for Mother. Matribhava-4 offers a complementary and secondary set of traits and behaviors associated with the mother and mother-figures, such as moral authorities, schoolteachers, protectors, police, nourishers. Parents together, acting as a protective team based in the dwelling = bhava-4. Consider Surya - in Radix, navamsha , and Dwadashamamsha -10 - to show the core characteristics of the Father. In the Jyotisha narrative, suraja's character provides information about the physical father, as well as one's spiritual preceptors and progenitors. Surya 's agency includes men (and under special circumstances certain extraordinarily publicly brilliant, halo-enshrined women) who play the role of guru, preceptor, mentor, philosophy professor, preacher, and moral guider. BPHS,
Charisma Surya's vitality is an essential component in celebrity level charisma , the magnetic attractiveness which draws interest and attention to one's performance, ideas, and style.
Das commentary ,
if The Sun conjoins a malefic planet. |
"This placement is not good for the father
or your relationship with hiam
depending on other factors in the chart." [end quote] |
Externalization: Sun as natural lagna for public life External projections of the soul such as public leadership roles and ability to marshal the associative network of the marketplace must be ascertained not only from 10th and 11th from lagna, but also most importantly by seeing 10th and 11th from leader-activist Surya. Suraja's bhava and rashi indicate the environment in which one seeks a central, recognized, well-regarded position . Surya is the center hub and all else radiates from Suraja like the spokes of a wheel. |
Predictions based in Surya lagna
" Whatever effects are to be known from the Karma and Labha Bhava be also known from similar bhava counted from Surya." |
Surya (along with karmaa-bhava ) is a primary karaka for career . Empowered Surya = the central component in the Alpha male personality, but Kujas and Brihaspati should also be strong for the total lead wolf behavior. |
Along with cold Saturn, hot Mars, and dark Rahu, the blazing heat of Surya is traditionally considered to provide a malefic influence upon human life. Like other papagraha, surya is inherently capable of destruction in the life-areas which it affects by bhava, rashi, and drishti. Unlike other papagraha, however, professor Surya is a significator of Dharma theories of reality. By the rule of karako bhavo nashto, surya in dharma bhava is typically uncomfortable for the native who must experience self-righteous father-figures. Neither is Surya-9 especially helpful in matters of scientific or theological doctrine, due to the implication that one self-presumes to already know the answers and suggests egocentricity in matters of philosophical inquiry. Nevertheless Surya is the radio-transmitter who carries the Sirius signals that generate human thought. Surya gives consciousness and light. Therefore, he is never too serious of a malefic influence. Consciousness whether obtained in an easy or a difficult way is still the ultimate objective of the incarnational game. Surya favors recognition, rationality and objective awareness. However, surya's subjective instinct is selfish and dominating. Therefore, surya benefits professional matters but not so good for diplomacy in personal relationships. Self-promoting Surya in His svabhava putra bhava 9th-from-9th often creates extreme celebrity energy and success in games, but His exceptionally hot and dry pitta-dosha may prevent children (and always limits their numbers) Surya-5 gives flamboyant creativity and fame in performance arts, where self-promotion is the key to success. |
Surya is a source of energetic outgoing hot Male Energy; Moon is the opposite, incoming cool Female Energy. (Psychic energy of sun-male-creative astral energy is used as a fuel source by both anatomical male and anatomical female bodies, which both run a combination of Male and Female energies albeit is different proportional ranges.) Rahu the Darkener who causes eclipse of Surya is the greatest enemy of the Sun. Rahu symbolizes destruction of Dharma. (In traditional India Surya signifies a woman's husband; Rahu brings widowhood.) |
The Eyes of The earthen body form windows into the Soul. Suraja, the Brightest most Kingly Light onto the Earth, represents the eyes of the human physical body.
less benevolent transits to Surya or periods of planets who damage Surya's rays may indicate damage to or struggles with the eyes. Healing practices such as yogic candle-light gazing, palming, and Ayurvedic treatments to heal the eyes will be effective during any possible less benevolent such periods. Persons with a strong position of the Sun will always be able to improve their eyesight through intelligent therapies especially yogic practices. |
Humility, altruism, divinity, compassion The Dalai Lama tells a delightful story QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso, Lighting the Way. Geshe Thupten Jinpa (Trans.) " Any sense of conceit or self-importance gets in the way of cultivating the genuine altruistic intention, and the most effective remedy against this is the cultivation of humility. I can tell you a more recent story to illustrate this point. The great nineteenth-century Tibetan Dzokchen meditator Dza Patrul Rinpoche always maintained a demeanor of true humility. At one time, when he was giving a series of teachings to a large crowd of students, he experienced a forceful yearning for solitude. So one day he quietly left his residence and disappeared, dressed like an ordinary pilgrim and carrying a walking staff and very little else. When he reached a nomadic camp he sought shelter for a few days with one of the families. While he was staying with them, his hostess asked him to read some texts and, since he looked just like an ordinary pilgrim, in return for his food and lodging she asked him to help with the household chores, which included the disposal of the contents of her chamber pot. One day, while he was away from the camp attending to this task, some of his well-dressed monk students came looking for him. When his hostess heard their description of him, she suddenly realized this was the same person she had asked to throw away the contents of her chamber pot. (It is said she was so embarrassed that she just ran away!) Such was the humility of this great teacher, who had many thousands of students. ... great practitioners of the altruistic intention also possess a tremendous courage grounded in real inner strength .... This combination of a total lack of conceit yet possessing great depth of courage is what is required in a true practitioner of bodhicitta, the altruistic mind of awakening." |
The Vajra-yana
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso , The Path to Enlightenment. Glenn H. Mullin (Trans. and Ed.). " ...an understanding of the doctrine of emptiness is fundamental to tantric practice. Every sadhana begins with, is structured around, and ends with meditation upon emptiness. To practice Vajrayana without the wisdom of emptiness can be very dangerous. For example, amain tantric technique is the cultivation of Asubtle divine pride , a confidence that one is an enlightened tantric deity, the Lord of the Mandala.
Thus we have to utterly change our sense of"I." To do so involves the subject of emptiness. To practice the yoga of divine pride without an understanding of emptiness
Therefore, it is said that
This type of danger area is one of the reasons why
The "I" QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso . (2006). How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships..Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. Ed.)Jeffrey Hopkins (Trans. Ed.) " Many types of valid consciousnesses derive from basic, natural, and obvious perception. All of us have an innate "I," although if we try to locate this "I," we get into a lot of difficulties. This sense of "I" gives us a well-founded aspiration to happiness and a wish not to suffer. There are different levels of happiness and different kinds of suffering. Material things usually correspond to physical happiness ,
Since our "I" has these two aspects--physical and mental--we need an inseparable combination of material progress and internal, or spiritual, progress. Balancing these is crucial to utilizing material progress and inner development for the good of human society. Big schemes for world development arise from this wish to gain happiness and relieve suffering. But there are higher levels of happiness beyond these worldly forms , in which one seeks something longer-term, not just confined to this lifetime. Just as we need a long-range perspective that protects the environment, we need an internal long-range perspectivethat extends to future lifetimes." |
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In all your designs you will succeed, and light will shine on your path . ~~ The Book of Job = Iyyov, 22:28 |
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