Vimshottari Dasha
- Ratna
- Amsha
- Bala
Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra
Nine Mahadasha Periods of the 120-year Vimshottari Dasha
- BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
- BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
- BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
- BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
- BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
- BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
- BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
- BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
- BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years
BP Lama Jyotisha
modern commentary
BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
BP Lama Budha Mahadasha
BPHS compilation
nine bhukti sub-periods
of the Surya Mahadasha
- Surya Mahadasha +
Surya Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Chandra Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Mangala Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Rahu Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Guru Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Shani Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Budha Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Ketu Bhukti
- Surya Mahadasha + Shukra bhukti -
OM grinih suryaya namah
ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
the great collection of Parashari time-science
विम्शोत्तरि दशा
Vimshottari Dasha
Effects of
the Nine Antara Dasha
within the
Mahadasha of
six years
ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम् |
7-11." If
at the time of birth Surya
During the Dasha of Surya there is
- acquisition of
- great felicity
- and honors from the Government,
if Surya is
the native will be
- blessed with a son ( children ),
if Surya is
- associated with the Lord of Dhana.
the native will
- acquire elephants
- And other kinds of wealth,
if Surya is
- associated with the Lord of Bandhu.
the native will enjoy
- comforts of conveyances,
- He attains a high position, like that of Army Chief,
- by the beneficence of the king and enjoys all kinds of happiness.
Thus during the Dasha of a strong
(and favourable) Surya there are
- acquisitions of clothes,
- agricultural products,
- wealth, honors,
- conveyances etc.
should Surya be
or Surya be
- associated with malefic Graha,
- or with the Lord of
Randhra, or
During the Dasha of Surya there will be
- anxieties,
- loss of wealth ,
- punishment from Government,
- defamation,
- opposition by kinsmen,
- distress to father,
- (in)auspicious happenings at home,
- distress to paternal and maternal uncles etc.,
Anxiety and inimical relations with other people for no reason whatsoever,
Effect of benefic or malefic
Drishti upon Surya
There will be some favourable effects at times,
if in the above situations
- Surya receives a Drishti from benefic Graha.
The effects will always be unfavourable, when
- malefic Graha give a Drishti to Surya.
OM hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namaha
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
(Chapter 52) Effects of the Antara Dasha
in the MahaDasha of
6 years
Surya Bhukti 1-3.
if Surya is
- exalted,
- in his own Bhava,
- in
- in a Kendra, or in a Trikona.
Good effects like
- acquisition of wealth and grains etc.,
are derived in the Antara Dasha of Surya in his own Dasha.
if Surya is
- debilitated,
- or in an inauspicious Bhava,
- or or in an inauspicious Rashi.
Adverse results will be experienced,
if Surya is
Medium effects will be realized,
If Surya is
there will be
- danger of premature death,
- or death-like sufferings.
Remedial Measures
The remedial measures to be adopted are
- Mrityunjaya Japa,
- Or the * worth-ship * worship of Surya (by recitation of appropriate
Mantras, charity etc.).
Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya +
Chandra Bhukti
if Chandra is
- in a Kendra,
- or in a Trikona.
Functions, like
- marriage etc.,
- gain of wealth and property,
- acquisition of a house, of land, cattle and conveyances etc
will be the effects of the Antara Dasha of Chandra in the Dasha of Surya,
if Chandra is
There will be
- marriage of the native,
- birth of children,
- beneficence of and favours from kings
- and fulfillment of all ambitions,
if Chandra is
- waning,
- or is associated with malefics.
- Distress to wife and children,
- failures in ventures,
- disputes with others,
- loss of servants,
- antagonism with the king
- and destructions of wealth and grains
will be the effects,
if Chandra is
Effects, like
- danger from water,
- mental agony,
- imprisonment,
- danger from diseases,
- loss of position,
- journeys to difficult places,
- disputes with coparceners,
- bad food,
- trouble from thieves etc.,
- displeasure of the king,
- urinary troubles,
- pains in the body will be experienced,
if Chandra is
- in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha,
- or, if Chandra is weak.
- Unpalatable food, or course food,
- exile to outside places etc.
will be the effects in the Antara Dasha,
if Chandra is
- the Lord of a Maraka Bhava
- There will be
premature death,
Remedial Measures
To acquire peace and comfort, the remedial measure is
Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha
of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya ++
Mangala Bhukti
If Mangala is
Auspicious effects, like
- acquisition of land,
- gain of wealth and grains,
- acquisition of a house etc.
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Mangala in the Dasha of Surya.
- All-round gains,
- attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army,
- destruction of enemies,
- peace of mind,
- family comforts
- and increase in the number of co-borns
will be the effects.
if Mangala is
- in the 8th, or in the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha,
- if Mangala is associated with malefics,
or, if Mangala is
- without dignity and strength
- Brutality,
- mental ailment,
- imprisonment,
- loss of kinsmen,
- disputes with brothers
- and failure in ventures
will result.
if Mangala is
- Destruction of wealth by the displeasure of the king
will be the effect.
if Mangala is
- Diseases of the mind and body
will result.
Remedial Measures
Recovery from ill health,
increase in longevity
and success in adventures
are possible,
if remedial measure, like
- recitation of Vedas,
- Japa
- And Vrashotsarga
are performed in the prescribed manner.
Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha
of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya + Rahu
52: 23-26 1/2.
if Rahu is
- in a Kendra,
- Or in a Trikona from Lagna
In the Antara Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Surya, there will be
- in the first two months loss of wealth ,
- danger from thieves,
- snakes,
- infliction of wounds
- and distress to wife and children.
if Rahu is
After 2 months inauspicious effects will disappear
- and enjoyment and comforts,
- sound health,
- satisfaction,
- favours from the king and government etc.
will be the favourable effects,
if Rahu is
- in an Upachaya from Lagna, [3, 6, 10, 11]
- associated with a Yoga Karaka,
- or is placed auspiciously from the Lord of the Dasha.
- Recognition from the king,
- fortune ,
- name and fame,
- some distress to wife and children,
- birth of a son,
- happiness in the family etc.
will be derived.
if Rahu is
- weak,
- or is in the 8th, or in the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha.
- Imprisonment,
- loss of position,
- danger from thieves and snakes,
- inflection of wounds,
- happiness to wife and children,
- destruction of cattle, house and agricultural fields,
- diseases, consumption (Gulma - enlargement of the skin), dysentery etc.
will be the results,
if Rahu is
or, if Rahu is
- associated with the Lords of either of these Bhavas "
Adverse effects, like
- premature death
- and
danger from snakes
will be derived." |
Remedial Measures
Are the remedial measures for alleviation of the above evil effects, or total
escape from them.
Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha
of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya
++ Guru Bhukti
32-33 1/2.
if Guru is
- in a Kendra, or in a Trikona to Lagna,
- in his exaltation Rashi,
- in his own
- or in his own Varga.
- Marriage of the native,
- favours by the king,
- gain of wealth and grains,
- birth of a son,
- fulfillment of the ambitions by the beneficence of the sovereign
- and gain of clothes
will be the auspicious effects, derived in the Antara Dasha of Guru in the
Dasha of Surya,
if Guru is
- the Lord of Dharma, or Karma
- Acquisition of a kingdom,
- comforts of conveyance,
- like palanquin (ed: motor car in the present times)
gain of position
will result.
if Guru is
- well placed with reference to the Lord of the Dasha.
- Better fortune,
- charities,
- religious inclinations,
- * worth-ship * worship of deities,
- devotion to preceptor,
- fulfillment of ambitions
will be the auspicious effects,
if Guru is
- in the 6th, or in the 8th
from the Lord of the Dasha
- or is associated with malefics.
- Distress to wife and children,
- pains in the body,
- displeasure of the king,
- non-achievement of desired goals,
- loss of wealth ,
- due to sinful deeds, mental worries etc.
will result in his Antara Dasha,
Remedial Measures
Giving in charity gold, atawny-coloured cow
(Kapila Gaya),
- * worth-ship * worship of Ishta-Devata
Are the remedial measures to obtain alleviation of the evil effects and to
achieve good health and happiness.
BPHS Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya +
Shani Bhukti
if Shani is
- in a Kendra, or in a Trikona from Lagna.
- Destruction of foes,
- full enjoyment,
- some gain of grains,
- auspicious functions, like marriage etc. at home
will be the good effects, derived in the Antara Dasha of Shani in the Dasha
of Surya
if Shani is
and, if Shani is
- yuti with a friendly Graha.
- Well-being,
- acquisition of more property,
- recognition by the king,
- achievement of renown in the country,
- gain of wealth from many sources
will be the effects
if Shani is
- in the 8th, or the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha ,
- or is associated with malefics
- pains,
- fever,
- dysentery-like disease,
- imprisonment,
- loss in ventures,
- loss of wealth ,
- quarrels,
- disputes with coparceners, claimants etc.
will be the effects in the Antara Dasha
There will be
at the commencement,
during the middle part
at the end of the Dasha.
if Shani be
- in his Rashi of debilitation [Mesha]
In addition to other evil effects, there will be
- separation from parents and wandering,
If Shani is
there will be
- danger of premature death.
Remedy for Ill Effects of Shani |
Giving in charity black cow, buffalo, goat
are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects of the
Antara Dasha.
These measures help to achieve happiness and gain of wealth and property.
BPHS Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya
Budha Bhukti
if Budha is
- in a Kendra, or in a Trikona from Lagna.
- Acquisition of a kingdom
- enthusiasm and vivacity,
- happiness from wife and children,
- acquisition of conveyance through the beneficence of the sovereign,
- gain of clothes,
- ornaments,
- pilgrimage to holy places,
- acquisition of a cow etc.
will be the good effects in the Antara Dasha of Budha in the Dasha of Surya
0-51 1/2.
if Budha
- gets associated with the Lord of Dharma
- Budha becomes very beneficial,
if Budha is
- in Dharma,
- Putra,
- or Karma.
- Reverence from and popularity amongst people,
- performance of pious deeds and religious rites,
- devotion to the preceptor and deities,
- increase in wealth and grains
- and birth of a son,
will be the auspicious effects,
if Budha is
- in an auspicious Bhava, like a Trikona etc.
from the Lord of the Dasha
- Marriage
- offering of oblations,
- charity,
- performance of religious rites,
- name and fame,
- becoming famous by assuming another name,
- good food,
- becoming happy, like Indra, by acquiring wealth, robes and ornaments
will be the effects,
if Budha is
- in the 6th,
the 8th,
or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha
(BPL: Budha cannot be in the 6th, or the 8th from Surya -- except in
- Body distress,
- disturbance of peace of mind,
- distress to wife and children,
will be the evil effects in the Antara Dasha of Budha,
Timing of Events
There will be
at the commencement of the Antara Dasha,
in the middle part of the Antara Dasha
- and the possibility of displeasure of the king and exile to a foreign
at the end of the Dasha.
If Budha is
There will be
- pains in the body
- and attacks of fever.
Remedial Measures
For relief from the evil effects and to regain good health and
happiness the remedial measures are
- The recitation of Shri Vishnu Sahasranama
- And giving in charity grains and an deity, made of silver.
BPHS Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya + Ketu
Body pains, mental agony, loss of wealth , danger from the king, quarrels
with the kinsmen will be the effects of the Antara Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of
If Ketu is
There will be
- some happiness at the commencement,
- distress in the middle part
- and receipt of the news of death
at the end of the Antara Dasha.
if Ketu is
- in the 8th, or the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha.
- Diseases of teeth, or cheeks,
- urinary troubles,
- loss of position,
- loss of friends and wealth,
- death of father,
- foreign journey
- and troubles from enemies
will be the results,
if Ketu is
Beneficial effects, like
- happiness from wife and children,
- satisfaction,
- increase of friends,
- gain of clothes etc.
and renown
will be derived,
If Ketu is
- Lord of Dhana, or
- or is in either of those Bhava
There will be
- danger of premature death.
Remedial measures
The remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects are
Chapter 52: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha
of Surya
Mahadasha of Surya +
Shukra bhukti
if Shukra is
- Marriage and happiness, as desired from wife,
- gain of property,
- travels to other places,
- meeting with Brahmins and the king,
- acquisition of kingdom, riches,
- magnanimity and majesty,
- auspicious functions at the home,
- availability of sweet preparations,
- acquisition of pearls and other jewels,
- clothes,
- cattle,
- wealth,
- grains and conveyances,
- enthusiasm,
- good reputation etc.
Are the auspicious effects of the Antara Dasha of Shukra in the Dasha of
if Shukra is
- in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th
from the Lord of the Dasha.
- Displeasure of the king,
- mental agony
- and distress to wife and children
will be the effects in the Antar Dasha of Shukra,
Timing of Events
The effects of the Antara Dasha would be
at its commencement,
during the middle portion
- and evil effects, like disrepute, loss of position, inimical relations with
kinsmen and loss of comforts,
will be derived at the end.
if Shukra is
there will be
- pains in the body
- and the possibility of suffering from diseases.
If Shukra is
There will be
Remedial Measures
The remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil
effects are
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