
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra

Nine Mahadasha Periods of the 120-year Vimshottari Dasha Calendar

  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years

BP Lama Jyotisha * modern commentary

  1. BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
  2. BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
  3. BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
  4. BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
  5. BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
  6. BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
  7. BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
  8. BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
  9. BP Lama Budha Mahadasha

BPHS ** Nine Antaradasha = Bhukti = sub-dasha = of Chandra Mahadasha

  1. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Chandra Bhukti
  2. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Mangala Bhukti
  3. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Rahu Bhukti
  4. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Guru Bhukti
  5. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Shani Bhukti
  6. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Budha Bhukti
  7. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ #Ketu Bhukti
  8. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ Shukra bhukti
  9. Chandra-Mahadasha ++ Surya bhukti



AUM som somaya namah

AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah

OM shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

the great collection of Parashari time-science

Chapter 53

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

Effects of

the Nine Antara Dasha

within the

महादशा Mahadasha of



duration ten years


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

Chapter 47: Dasha Effects



should Chandra be

  • in exaltation,
  • in own Rashi,
  • in Kendra,
  • in Labha, Dharma, or Putra,
  • be associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics,
  • be fully powerful
  • and is associated with the Lord of Karma, dharma, or Bandhu.

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्

" O Brahmin! After describing the effects of the Dasha of Surya in brief, I will

now come to the effects of Vimshottari Dasha of Chandra.

During the Dasha of Chandra from its commencement to the end there will be

  • Opulence and glory,
  • fortune ,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • Auspicious functions at home,
  • dawn of fortune,
  • Attainment of a high position in Government,
  • Acquisition of conveyances,
  • clothes,
  • birth of children and acquisition of cattle,"

if such a

[strong and positive ] Chandra is

there will be

  • extraordinary gains of wealth and luxuries,


Should Chandra be

there will be

  • loss of wealth

in Chandra' s Dasha.

If Chandra is

there will be

  • happiness off and on.

If Chandra is

  • associated with malefics

there will be

  • idiocy,
  • mental tension,
  • trouble from employees and mother
  • and loss of wealth .

If a waning Chandra is

there will be

  • inimical relations with Government,
  • loss of wealth ,
  • distress to mother
  • and similar evil effects.

If a strong Chandra

there will be

  • troubles and good times off and on.

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Chandra Bhukti * * 10 months duration

1-2 1/2.

if Chandra is

  • placed in exaltation Rashi, own Rashi,
  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona,
  • or is associated with the Lord of Dharma, or Karma.
  • Acquisition of horses, elephants and clothes,
  • devotion to deities and preceptor,
  • recitation of religious songs in praise of God,
  • acquisition of a kingdom,
  • extreme happiness and enjoyment
  • and name and fame

will be the beneficial results in the Antara Dasha of Chandra in own Dasha,


if Chandra is

  • loss of wealth ,
  • loss of position,
  • lethargy, agony,
  • antagonism towards the king and ministers,
  • distress to mother,
  • imprisonment and
  • loss of kinsmen

will be the evil effects in Chandra' s Antara Dasha,

If Chandra is

  • the Lord of Dhana, or Yuvati,
  • Or is associated with Randhra's, or with Vyaya's Lord,

there will be

  • pains in the body
  • and danger of premature death.

Remedial measures

The remedial measures are

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Mangala Bhukti = 7 months duration

7-8 1/2.

if Mangala is

  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona.
  • advancement of fortune,
  • recognition by the government,
  • gain of clothes and ornaments,
  • success in all efforts,
  • increase in agricultural production
  • and prosperity at home
  • and profits in business

will be the favourable effects of the Antara Dasha of Mangala in the Dasha of Chandra.

If Mangala is

  • Great happiness and enjoyment of comforts

will be derived.


  • if placed in Ari, Randhra, or Vyaya from Lagna,
  • associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Distress to the body,
  • losses at home and in agricultural production,
  • losses in business dealings,
  • antagonism, or adverse relations with servants (employees) and the king,
  • separation from kinsmen
  • and hot temperament

will be the evil effects in the Antara Dasha of Mangala,

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Rahu Bhukti = 18 months duration

13-14. Timing of events

if Rahu is placed

  • in a Kendra,
  • or in a Trikona.

there will be

  • some auspicious results

at the commencement of the Antara-Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Chandra,

but later there will be

  • danger from the king,
  • thieves and snakes,
  • distress to cattle,
  • loss of kinsmen and friends,
  • loss of reputation
  • and mental agony,


if in his Antara Dasha Rahu

  • receives a Drishti from benefics,

if Rahu is

Or, if Rahu is

  • Success in all ventures,
  • gain of conveyances,
  • garments etc. from the king
  • benefits from the South-West direction

will be derived.


  • if Rahu is weak and is placed in the 8th,
  • Or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Loss of position,
  • mental agony,
  • distress to wife and children,
  • danger of diseases,
  • danger from the king,
  • scorpions and snakes

will happen.


  • if Rahu is in a Kendra, in a Trikona,
  • Or in the 3rd, or the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Pilgrimage to holy places,
  • visits to sacred shrines,
  • beneficence,
  • inclination towards charitable deeds

will be the results,

Rahu as maraka

there will be

  • body troubles (physical afflictions),

Remedial Measures

are the remedial measures for obtaining relief from the evil effects in the Antara Dasha of Rahu.

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Guru Bhukti = 16 months duration

22-24 (Guru is Auspicious)

if Guru is

GuruRoses.jpgAcquisition of a kingdom,

  • Auspicious celebrations at home,
  • gains of clothes and ornaments,
  • recognition from the king beneficence of the Ishta Lord (Ishta Devata),
  • gains of wealth , land, conveyances,
  • success in all ventures by the beneficence of the king

will be the beneficial effects in the Antara Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Chandra

25-28 1/2.

if Guru is

  • Destruction of preceptor (and father etc.) and children,
  • loss of position,
  • mental agony,
  • quarrels,
  • destruction of a house, conveyances and agricultural land

will be the evil effects in his Antara Dasha,

if Guru is

  • in 3rd, or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Gains of cattle, grains, clothes
  • and happiness from brothers,
  • Acquisition of property,
  • valour,
  • patience,
  • Oblations,
  • celebrations, like marriage etc.,
  • gain of a kingdom etc.

will be the favourable effects,


if Guru is

Effects, like

  • unpalatable food,
  • journeys to places away from the homeland,

will be derived.

Timing of Events

there will be

  • good effects

At the commencement of the Antara Dasha

  • And distress at its end.

if Guru is

  • Dhana's, or Yuvati's Lord.

there will be

  • premature death.

Remedial measures

Remedial measures for obtaining relief from the above evil effects are

  • recitation of Shiva Sahasranama Japa
  • And giving gold in charity.

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Shani Bhukti = 19 months duration


if Shani is

  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona from Lagna,
  • Or, if Shani is in his own Rashi
  • in his own Navamsha,
  • in his exaltation Rashi,

if Shani

  • receives a Drishti from, or is associated with benefics,

Or, if Shani is

  • in Labha with strength.

Effects, like

  • birth of a son,
  • friendship,
  • gain of wealth and property,
  • profits in business with the help of Sudras,
  • increase in agricultural production,
  • gains from son,
  • riches and glory by the beneficence of the king,

will be experienced in the Antara Dasha of Shani in the Dasha of Chandra,


Effects, like

  • visits to holy places and bathing in holy rivers
  • the creation of troubles by many people
  • and distress from enemies ,

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shani,


if Shani is

  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona from the Lord of that Dasha,
  • or is endowed with strength

Effects, like

  • enjoyments and gains of wealth some times,
  • while opposition, or quarrels with wife and children at other times,

will be realized.

If Shani is

there will be

  • physical distress.

Remedy for Ill Effects of Shani

The remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining relief from the evil effects are:

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Budha Bhukti = 17 months duration

Budha_glyph.jpg 39-41.

in the Antara Dasha of Budha in the Dasha of Chandra,

if Budha is

Effects, like

  • acquisition of wealth,
  • recognition by the king,
  • gain of clothes etc.
  • discussions on Shastra
  • gain of knowledge from society with learned and holy people,
  • enjoyments,
  • birth of children,
  • satisfaction,
  • profits in business,
  • acquisition of conveyance and ornaments

will be experienced.


if Budha is

  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona,
  • Or in the 11th, or in the 2ndfrom the Lord of the Dasha.

Effects, like

  • marriage,
  • oblations (Yagya),
  • charities,
  • performance of religious rites,
  • close relations with the king,
  • social contacts with men of learning,

  • acquisition of pearls, corals, mani (jewels),
  • conveyances, clothes, ornaments,
  • good health, affections, enjoyments,
  • drinking of Soma Rasa and other tasty syrups etc.

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Budha,


if Budha be

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,
  • Or be in his debilitation Rashi.
  • Pains in the body,
  • loss in agricultural ventures,
  • imprisonment,
  • distress to wife and children

will be the inauspicious effects,

If Budha is

There will be

  • fear of fever.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining relief from the evil effects are

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Ketu Bhukti = 7 months duration


if Ketu is

  • in a Kendra, in a Trikona,
  • or Sahaja
  • and is endowed with strength.

Effects, like

  • gain of wealth , enjoyment,
  • happiness to wife and children,
  • religious inclination etc.,

will arise in the Antara Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Chandra,

Timing of Events

  • there will be some loss of wealth

At the commencement of the Antara Dasha.

  • Later all will be well.

49-49 1/2

if Ketu is

  • in a Kendra,
  • in the 9th, the 5th, or the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha
  • and is equipped with strength.
  • gain of wealth , cattle etc.

will be the effects,

There will be

  • loss of wealth

At the end of the Antara Dasha.


  • if Ketu be in the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,
  • Or receives a Drishti from, or is associated with malefics.

there will be

  • obstacles in ventures,
  • due to interference by enemies and quarrels

If Ketu is

there will be

  • danger of affliction of the body with diseases .

Remedial measures

Mrityunjaya Japa

  • will give relief in all the evil effects
  • and will ensure gain of wealth and property with the beneficence of Lord Shiva.

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Shukra bhukti = 20 months duration


if Shukra is

Effects, like

  • Acquisition of a kingdom,
  • gaining of clothes, ornaments, cattle, conveyances etc.,
  • happiness to wife and children,
  • construction of a new house,
  • Availability of sweet preparations every day,
  • use of perfumes,
  • Affairs with beautiful women,
  • sound health etc.

will be experienced in the Antara Dasha of Shukra in the Dasha of Chandra,


if Shukra is

  • yuti with the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Physical soundness,
  • good reputation,
  • acquisition of more land and houses,

will result.

57-57 1/2.

if Shukra is

there will be

  • loss of landed property, children, wife and cattle
  • and opposition from government,


If Shukra is

  • in Dhana in his exaltation Rashi,

  • or in his own Rashi
  • or is there [in his own/uttama rashi] , associated with the Lord of Labha,

there will be

  • acquisition of an underground hidden treasure,
  • gain of land,
  • enjoyment,
  • birth of a son

if Shukra is

  • yuti with Dharma's, or Labha's Lord.
  • Advancement of fortune ,
  • fulfillment of ambitions with the beneficence of the king,
  • devotion to deities and Brahmins,
  • gain of jewels, like pearls

will result.


if Shukra is

  • in a Kendra, or in a Trikona
  • from the Lord of the Dasha.

  • Acquisition of more house property and agricultural land
  • and gain of wealth and enjoyment

will be the good effects,


if Shukra is

  • in the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Deportation to foreign lands,
  • sorrows,
  • death and danger from thieves and snakes

will be the results,


if Shukra be

There will be

  • danger of premature death.

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to be adopted for obtaining relief from the evil effects are

  • Rudra Japa

And giving in charity

Chapter 53: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Chandra

Surya bhukti = 6 months duration


if Surya is

Recovery of a lost kingdom and wealth,

  • happiness in the family,
  • Acquisition of villages and land with the kind assistance of one's friends and the king,
  • birth of a son,
  • beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi,

will be the beneficial results in the Antara Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Chandra,


if Surya is

  • in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha

Danger from the government,

  • thieves and snakes,
  • affliction with fever
  • and troubles in foreign journey

are the likely results.

Timing of events

At the end of the Antara Dasha there is

  • the likelihood of attacks of fever and lethargy .

If Surya is

there will be

  • sufferings from fever in his Antara Dasha.

Remedial Measures


Parashara says:" worship of Lord Shiva is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects."

[BPL note: Lord Shiva = "pashupati" the Lord of the Animals. Donation of a domesticated animal to a needy family can be a lovely way to * worth-ship * worship the"Pashu-Pati" (shepherd of flocks)


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Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth

The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

"and he said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Matthew 52 (International Standard Version)
