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Ashtamsha Shani is one of the Shani-Dhaiyya * Shani-Dhaiya = "two-and-a-half year" emotional-challenge transits. Other Shani-Dhaiyya, traditionally, include: zanichaturazra = Shani-chaturamsha = Shani's transit via the rashi = [4th-from-Chandra]
natal Shani located in 8th-from-Chandra = permanent Shani-aztamsha
Ashtamsha Shani [Shani] Ashtama Zani Azatan Ashtama Shanaiswara crisis drill * dis-comfort * hard landing emotionally off-balance Shani gochara via the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra Transits of Saturn thru the 8th house counted from the Moon
Shani Ashtamsha
Divinatory Signal:
Golden Tarot 2 of Coins, reversed |
QUOTATION from Golden Tarot :"Imbalance and disharmony as a result of upheaval and transformation.
Q: my mate is preparing to enter their Shani-ashtamsha, and our union appears to be moving toward legal divorce. You said that this person is not in a divorce-karaka bhukti, but couldn't a Shani-ashtamsha also signify the crisis of divorce? | Shani ashtamsha does not indicate divorce,
because divorce is an active movement,
and it is Shani's highest intention to prevent movement!
The English word divorce = "dis-vers " turn (vers) away (dis). Divorce is an action of turning away. You're right that divorce does generate (usually) a crisis of identity change, and randhra-bhava-8 represents crisis. However, shani transiting via the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra tends to"freeze-frame" the crisis so that it becomes effortful (often extremely effortful) to move either forward toward new life (divorce) or backward toward the old life (reconciliation). |
Shani and Chandra
temporary enemies Chandra the Flow-Flooder Shani the Flow-Freezer |
Shani imposes a cold, dry, orderly, and change-resistant"holding pattern" which blocks Chandra's wellspring flow of emotionally support, emotionally nourishment, for cyclical changes. During Shani-ashtamsha, chandra temporarily occupies 6th from Shani Chandra the Flow-Flooder temporarily becomes an enemy of Shani the Flow-Freezer Chandra is not an initiator. Chandra does not normally initiate actions (except when overstimulated by Mangala e.g. Chandra-Vṛścika). Chandra is a responder. (This is literally true as Chandra the space-ball is actually a signal transponder in the Earth-Mars-Moon triangulation... but more on that later...) Chandra responds emotionally to others' actions. Chandra also responds reflexively to one's own actions, for example with retrospective guilt. Chandra regulates Earth's oceans among His other tasks. Chandra likes the rhythms of predictable patterns of evolutionary change following the cycle of the ocean tides. Chandra enjoys organic emotional life cycles, parenting and protecting, naurturing the weak, defending the defenseless. Generally, chandra flourishes in the behavior of responding to life. Chandra rarely initiates action, but Chandra does like to respond by sympathizing, empathizing, protecting, parenting, nourishing. Shani ashtamsha indicates a cold, dry, fixed, brittle, rigid, stiff, stuck, icy, windy, heavy, punitive, lawful, socially conformist, fearful, materialistic [Shani] .... all-systems resistance to FLOW. Shani-ashtamsha is a high-pressure, slow-moving, emotionally-rigid state that endures for 2.3 years. The overall impact of the transit very much depends upon the concurrent Vimshottari Dasha periods as well as the characteristics and empowerment status of the planetary ruler of the bhava which is identical to trauma-inducing, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra. Shani-Ashtamsha is both socially [Shani] and emotionally [Chandra] a difficult transii Shani-Ashtamsha can make it seem like forward movement (8)has become impossible. During Shani Ashtamsha, it often seems emotionally like one is stuck in a negative cycle and nothing shows evidence of being able to improve. There is usually pressure [Shani] from in-laws, taxes, secret undertakings, hidden liaisons, undisclosed dealings, and other 8th-from significators. The bhava through which Shanaicarya is travelling usually forms the dramatic scene for most of the stuck, intractable, incorrigible, overloaded, overworked, emotionally withholding pattern. | |
Sisyphus syndrome When Chandra is born into 8th-from-Shani, one may experience lifelong flow-freezing effects of "virtual permanent shani-ashtamsha" these nativities may appear emotionally stiff, delayed empathy, repressed, restricted in their parenting or nurturing permissions Often very hard-workingpersonalities who feel that they must soldier-on despite limited emotional support from the social environment |
Change-resistance, emotional status-quo, neither forward nor backward | Shani enters the
8th position from Chandra.
The 8th angle signifies identity transformation, change in social status, moving energetically through the transformative phases of life, eruptions of sudden force from hidden sources within the material shell, and other indications of major change +++ maintaining the living external physical body-shell. (Includes surgeries, therapeutic healings, gender reassignment, widowhood, surviving a natural disaster etc.) Shani gochara via the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra . freezes the emotional response to the upwelling of internal life-force which motivates forward movement into the next phase of life. Shani freezes the permission, resists the muscular movement, prevents a thousand rebirths. Humans are psycho-chemically reborn in every millisecond = cells dying and being rebuilt, outdated beliefs being disproven and replaced, relationship lessons learned and behavioral changes applied. Shani ashtamsha slows this process considerably. When the rebirth canal is flowing, it channels the scheduled movements through life's organic phases. Shani blocks the rebirth canal. One stiffens up, feels rigid on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Things feel locked in. The typical feeling during Shani-ashtamsha is to stop moving as much as possible while fulfilling the minimum social obligation. Shani ashtamsha prevents nutrient from reaching the 8th position thus freezing Chandra's ability to support the otherwise one's natural segue into the next life phase ( 8). Shani ashtamsha locks the person into a rigid emotional condition, during which one may experience a tangible resistance to flow at the physical, emotional, financial, social, mental, and even spiritual levels of perception. |
Not Typically, ashell-death significator, unless Shani is also dhanapati-2 or yuvati-pati-7 | Shani blocks the emotional response that
normally lubricates the natural cyclical flow of identity change.
dematerialization is always followed by fleshbirth. Fleshbirth is always followed by dematerialization. Shani delays the processing time required to process the death-birth-death-birth cycle. ( Life has no opposite. All beings are eternally alive. The opposite of death is not life! The opposite of death is birth.) Shani-ashtamsha generally prevents liberation via physical death, imposing instead a regime of continuous survival on minimum amounts of nutrient thus minimum amounts of life-force energy. Shani ashtamsha can indicate the onset of old age but not flesh-death. |
Pema Chödrön in Start Where You Are, page 109 |
"Taking responsibility for your own actions is another way of talking about awakening bodhichitta (or,
an open heart/mind),
because part of taking responsibility is the quality of being able to see things very clearly.
Another part of taking responsibility is gentleness, which goes along with not judging, not calling things right or wrong, good or bad, but looking gently and honestly at yourself. Finally there is also the ability to keep going forward. It's been described before as letting go, but in some sense at a personal level it's that you can just keep on going; you don't get completely overwhelmed by this identity as a loser or a winner, the abuser or the abused, the good guy or the bad guy. You just see what you do as clearly and compassionately as you can and then go on. The next moment is always fresh and open. You don't have to get frozen in an identity of any kind." |
Ashtamsha Shani = not a Maraka per se But even the best healers may feel stuck the river is temporarily frozen == and filled with a Shani-wooden log-jam too |
" death conditions " of Shani-ashtamsha = "feels like" emotional death (more like emotional purgatory) but rarely results in physical death
Discomfort = trauma-inducing, discovering, revealing, danger-seeking 8th-from-Chandra Shani-style fleshly symptoms Normally one would experience some slow-down of physical vitality. Expect Shani-type symptomssuch as persistent fear of punishment by"the system" , age, cold, bitter, dark, dry, lame, slow, hard, low, bone, stone, stiff, strict, pinch, claw; loss of lubrication, seizure, freezing, stuckness, intractability, retardation, morbidity, repression, insufficiency, immobility, malnutrition, isolation, and resistance-resistance-resistance. Ignorance of healers (8) is also a typical feature of Shani-ashtamsha. Often, shani imposes isolation and lack of resources, so that during these 2.3 year periods "no one can move the flow" . Even those healers who are very gifted in healing arts an deeply understand the human body-mind's energy-flow channels may find that Shani's tamasic darkness blocks their attempts to start the dried-frozen flow. Skilled intervention from healers who might during less stressful times have a more clear understanding of the condition is often prevented for the 2.3 year period. Like a tremendous log-jam stuck in a frozen river, chandra's healing flow is suddenly released into action once the Shani-ashtamsha is completed. Poison, hidden causes
PTSD model
Older people = double-Shani
Forecast and interpretation WRt
Final outcome depends significantly upon:
What is the purpose of this recurring-every-29.5-yrs Shani-ashtamsha crisis drill ? |
It is a wake-up call.
The Shani ashtamsha often succeeds in creating flesh-death-awareness via sustained shock and frustration with non-healing .
A miraculous opportunity = separation from negative emotions |
Being incapacitated = a superb opportunity to strip down [Shani] to rock-bottom essentials in life [Shani] and discover (8) the normally masked (8) fears [Shani] which sit below the surface of consciousness until an emergency thrusts these primal fears into vivid reality
This emotionally separative crisis can be extremely liberating emotionally and spiritually, if properly understood |
Shani dislikes Chandra |
The Moon is the original Mother of all life on Earth. All-embracing all-consuming Mother Chandra, the Ocean of Emotion, has no enemies.
Strict, dry, unbending, material performance-based Karma Professor Shani never enjoys interacting with tolerant, flexible, fluid, unconditionally loving parental Chandra. Naturally, when this already-inimical pair move into a shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle, there is trouble for legalistic Shani .
Chandra is not harmed by Shani's distress. In Shani ashtamsha, shani does all the dramatic work!
The Shani-ashtamsha script Shani the intolerant imposer of material conditions trying to cope with a"moving target" His enemy Chandra the unconditional infinitely tolerant Mother Shani's task = to impose strict time-space material-effect pre-incarnationally planned law From Shanideva Bhagavan's point of view,
The effect = generally a life environment which (for the 2.3 yrs duration of the transit) invalidates the legitimacy of one's emotions.
From Chandra's point of view, shani the lord of Age and Death is harassing the tidal-flowing quiet vitality of Lord Soma. Chandra will watch and wait, knowing that this too shall pass. Chandra = the astral psycho-emotional body = does not know or respond to fixed time-space conditions.
Chandra generates very deeply rooted ancient emotional, usually at least partly subconscious, attachments to people and places of the past
On death's doorstep - crisis - but does not die |
Shani in the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra seizes and freezes the cycle of self-destruction and rebirth (8), imposing dry and brittle conditions upon a bhava which is normally dynamic ( svabhava of vital Mangala) and fast-moving.
Shani very rarely kills the Earthen-body during an ashtamsha transit, but it seems like death is at one's doorstep for the better part of 2.3 years. Cold, hard Shani can use various devices to"freeze" the native into a near-death state, poised upon the verge of physical-form-change but unable to pass over into full identity with the astral body and thus unable to die and be reborn. Sometimes Shani creates a fixed (for 2.3 yrs) intensely painful or in some way crippling [Shani] body condition, especially if Scarcity-imposing Shanaicarya is transiting the indriya-lagna (body). The condition appears suddenly and forcefully (8) and the native experiences an emergency.
Shani says: Resist! |
Gochara Shani = the force of resistance toward whatever circumstances Shani may meet during His 30-year, 360-degree travel circuit.
The 8th-from angle = forced transformation involving a process of destruction of the outdated form and transference of the essential vital energy into a new force. , destruction and rebirth. During Shani Ashtamsha, shani's natural behavior of resistance becomes awkwardly juxtaposed with the emotional apprehension of reality [Chandra]. changes to The earthen body (1), to the birth family or the treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge (2)
Ashtamsha Shani may indicate the onset of cataclysmic change , which can occur in the Physical, Emotional, mental and even Spiritual levels of existence.
The Crisis of death and rebirth may become acute when
gochara Shani enters the 22nd dreshkamsha
[drekkana] from Chandra. |
Shock, (Apparent) Loss, transformation, and Rebirth |
Ashtamsha Shani is often perceived as an * emotional* near-death experience = an emotional death followed by rejuvenation and rebirth. Shani has 12 methods * each methods matches the requirements of the 12 bhava.
8th-from any lagna indicates the Transformative destruction of the identity of that lagna. General emotional effects of ashtamsha Shani, related to 8th-from-Soma include transformation destruction of the emotional identity, through
Less severe effect: |
Shani occupies the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra . = Shani ashtamsha = simultaneously, shani transit natal Shani = "Saturn Return" (age 29-31, 57-59, 85-87)
Case studies: |
Emotional crisis re: disease, divorce, debi Example = Chandra in 6 = disease = Tula - Vanika lagna + Meena Chandra lagnesha-1 +randhresha-8 Shukra/Shukra bhukti Ashtamsha Shani migrates into Tula indriya-lagna = physical body catastrophic slow-motion changeto The earthen body
Emotional crisis WRT wealth and family Example = Vrishabha - Urisha indriya-lagna + Mithuna Chandra in 2 = family affluence [Yogakaraka] Dharmesha-9 +karmesha-10 Shani/Shani bhukti Ashtamsha Shani moves into Makara rashi = dharma bhava = father, children and religion Catastrophic change affecting the father or guru, matters of sacred doctrine, and children
During ashtamsha Shani, when coordinated with a Vimshottari period of the lord of the house through which gochara Shani is traveling, the most importance piece of information to have is that, despite all of one's natural intelligence and problem-solving capabilities - despite the care and attention of others - despite the benefits of financial wealth , education, or upbringing - things are basically beyond one's control. On the positive side, talk of self-reliance, of courage or conquest, is unlikely to have much benefit. Hidden forces are at work, which must emerge now according to the lifetime spiritual script.
On the negative side, collapse into superstitious ritual, or otherwise increasing the natural upsurge of anxiety and dread which can drive this experience, are not recommended. No matters the symptoms: ashtamsha Shani does not, except under very special circumstances, indicate physical death. Yes, this transit can be extremely stressful. It is exhausting. But one will nearly always live to fight another day. |
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Bhava of [Comfortable Caretaking Chandra] + Bhava transited by gochara Shani
natural regulator
of gochara Shani bhava |
Shani Ashtamsha Impaci
= slow-motion freeze-frame
of a catastrophic change in process Example
- gochara Shani via bhava-8 Mangala = enemy of Shani considerable difficulty |
crisis due to lack [Shani] of resources needed [Chandra] for rebirth and rejuvenation. Symptoms of premature aging caused by a subconscious terror (8) of dematerialization. due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the occult treasuries, the banks of hidden knowledge Remedies
rejuvenating healing modalities such as Ayurvedic panchakarma, occasionally surgery to remove tumor or other dead matter which is incompatible with the remaining still-vital cells of the living body Shock to the Expected Rhythms EXAMPLE Shani resists Moving the Dial during Shani Ashtamsha Tale of a Close-Cut and Bitter POTUS election, naov-Dec-2000 POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush [Chandra-Kanya-1] 8th-from-Chandra = Mesha-8 contains no graha, intakes slowdown drishti of Shani.-11 During year-2000 Shani Ashtamsha via Mesha-8, GWB was purportedly working as the Governor of Texas, while at the same time he was running for POTUS. [Chandra-Kanya-1]GWB sustained a long and difficult elections campaign duringShani Ashtamsha in Mesha-8, 1998-2000. Despite pouring millions of dollars of funding money into his political campaign, GWB's standing among the voters did not change. People had their minds-made-up long before the election, and there seemed to be very few "undecided" voters whose choice could be swayed by advertising. The situation was locked into place with the two candidates -- GWB and Al Gore -- running neck-and-neck. Stuck Shani prevents the refreshing rejuvenating rebirth change cycle when He becomes the Visiting Professor in classroom-8. Yet, there was going to have to be a winner. Finally, in summer 2000, gochara Shani ingress Vrishabha = GWB's 10th-navamsha. ++ Shani contacted GWB's [uchcha-Rahu-9 = over-reaching ambitious Father and Faith] . GWB was still in Shani-Rahu bhukti, so nothing was going to be normal. The way that the election ended was scandalous, marred by obvious nepotism, and bitterly resented by a polarized electorate. Nevertheless, after a Supreme Court intervention, GWB became POTUS-43. |
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 9 Guru = neutral of Shani moderate difficulty |
patronage, religious or father-guru crisis crisis of faith due to lack of confidence in philosophical beliefs due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the paradigm of belief When samchara Shani enters Dhanus rashi = Jan-2017 until Jan-2020 Rus-Pres 1952- First Person Vladimir Putin = Chandra-Urisha-Rohiṇī-2 = will be subjected to the Ashtamsha Shani crisis in matters of the Fatherland [Dhanus-9] and his Patriarchal Patronage roles as head of a mafia-state, in which all resources are distributed by a paternal figure. In 2017-2018, mr. Putin was pressured to respond to allegations that his political apparatus interfered with USA POTUS elections (9 elections, 9 international Dhanus) At home in Russia, VVP's authority is being publically questioned, but not significantly challenged [due to Mangala-Mūla-9 natally stationed in 9] VVP Kuja-9 may be able to successfully deflect the temporary demand for more legitimacy of his questionable regime. [Shani regimes] |
+ gochara Shani via bhava-10 svabhava of Shani generally easier effects |
crisis of leadership, respect and responsibilities due to lack of visibility due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the professional responsibility portfolio Despite pouring millions into his political campaign, mr. Bush's standing amongst the electorate did not budge (Shani, stuck) until Shani entered Vrishabha in summer 2000. |
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 11 svabhava of Shani generally easier effects |
crisis of economic earnings due to lack of marketplace connections crisis of friendship due to obligations of the social network due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the community networks
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 12 Guru = neutral of Shani moderate difficulty |
crisis of prayer, dreams, sanctuary; enclosure, imprisonment or hospitalization due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the private sanctuary of imagination, dreams, sleep, clairsentience, and prayer materialistic rigidity as spiritual guidance seems to dry up Stiffening, rigidity, unmovable resistance, heavy traction in bhava-12 affecting sleep, meditation, and access to spiritual guidance. Sleep deprived, dreams stop, freeze-up seize-up insufficient time for bedroom life, prayer, sanctuary. Government oppressive in distant lands. When gochara Shani enters Dhanus rashi in January-2017 those who enjoy the many benefits of [uchcha] Chandra will be subject to the Shani Ashtamsha. |
most growth-challenging + gochara Shani via bhava- 1 Mangala = enemy of Shani considerable difficulty |
Shani gochara from Chandra-6 prevents the native from changing their method, scope, or style of service ministry. During a Shani ashtamsha via the indriya-lagna (8th from 6th) one can minister (6) neither more nor less, since the pressure of material obligation [Shani] remains steady while the availability of psycho-emotional nutrient does not increase. In this case, the earthen body takes the hit . If Chandra in 6, then Shani ashtamsha in 8th-from-Chandra = simultaneously, samchara Shani contact radical lagna =
Important to consider: simultaneous Vimshottari bhukti Like all transits, shani-ashtamsha gives much more vivid effects when it occurs simultaneouslywith:
physical body exhaustion crisis due to lack of vital energy due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in The earthen body
Chandra-6 produces the worst pressures of Shani ashtamsha because the 8th-from-Chandra . = lagna = physical body + social identity. Against much resistance from Shani, must successfully complete a transformative mission by seizing and paralyzing The earthen body .
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 2 Shukra = friend of Shani financial crisis bui generally easier emotional effects |
bhava-2 = death, saturation, end-of-cycle for matters of bhava-7 due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the lineage values-fulfillment treasury crisis of paralysis in the financial treasury + knowledge banks + genetics crisis of frozen values experience of scarcity of natural resources, shani seems to"dry up" the family lineage Shani gochara from Chandra-7 produces non-movement effect upon bhava-2 which produces a stiff resistance to change in the marriage union coming largely from the family of origin and their storehouse of cultural values. Family Lineage
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 3 Budha = friend of Shani generally easier effects |
Crisis of publication or communications technique due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the instruction, description, or message crisis of commercial business, management, administration Crisis of manufacturing, handcraft, arms-shoulders-hands crisis of siblings, cousins, cohort, team, ensemble, entourage |
+ gochara Shani via bhava-4 Chandra = enemy of Shani generally more difficult |
Crisis of home ownership, schooling, examination or diploma, due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the place of settlement vehicles, transport, parents, caretaking, or homeland crisis of defensive patriotism, defensive ethnic boundaries due to lack of established roots |
+ gochara Shani via bhava-5 Shani proletarian conformism causes stress from a romance [5] When CRS' rogesha Shani crossed Makara rashi during the three-year gochara 1990-1992, the decades-long intimate relationship between UK-King 1948-environmentalist Charles and UK-Queen 1947- Camilla Rosemary Shand was flamboyantly publicized. [5, drama = 8th-from-Chandra].
Surya = enemy of Shani high catalyst = challenging crisis of children + speculative games due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the creative intelligence oppression of creativity or lack of confidence political stalemate Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [Chandra-Meena] [10, andromeda] + [Viśākha-Shani-yuti-Surya-nīcha -Svati] + [uchcha-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Viśākha ] [5, financial speculation, politics, showmanship, entitlements]
EXAMPLE EVENt 1984-1987 Shukra-Shukra svabhukti
Shani's transit via Tula-5 reinforced the Shani ashtamsha by causing a long delay [Shani] in production of the intelligent software [5 = 3rd-from-3, creative writings]
Yet, the permanent Shani ashtamsha nativity is accustomed to delays and uchcha-Shani does not over-react. SECOND EVENt Nov-2011 until Nov-2014 Shani ashtamsha via Tula via [5] = 8th-from-10, next-step leadership identity WHG calmly steps away from an expired leadership role. The permanent Shani ashtamsha nativity is accustomed to ongoing imbalance between public duties [10] versus personal creativity [5], and does not over-react.
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 6 Budha = friend of Shani analysis crisis bui generally easier emotional effects |
crisis of argumentation, the logic of disease treatment due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the ministries of service or the reasoning of litigation becomes slow + difficuli in medicine, the disease does not explain itself due to lack of detailed analysis of the complainers (plaintiffs) Shani gochara from Chandra-11 prevents the native from changing their method, scope, or style of economic earnings. During a Shani ashtamsha via roga-ripu-ari bhava-6 (8th from 11th) one can earn (11) neither more nor less, since the pressure of material obligation [Shani] remains steady while the availability of psycho-emotional nutrient does not increase. In this case, the gainfulness network takes the hit . |
+ gochara Shani via bhava- 7 Shukra = friend of Shani marriage crisis but generally easier emotional effects |
crisis of alliance partnership deal-brokering betrothal due to a lack of rejuvenating movement in the negotiations and bargaining energy stuck terms of the contract subject to the Ashtamsha Shani crisis of trusts and contracts in the yuvatishtana; Chandra-12 = a very private person and Shani tends to bring public attention to the high-visibility bhava-7 10th-from-10th |
Additional 8th-from Transits of Shani Shani gochara 8th-from-Surya transformative destruction of the identity of the social-importance hallucinations of the Egoic-Mind Shani gives traction. Shani and Surya = bitter enemies. Shani is cold-dark and Surya is hot-light. Too much of either will quickly derange the delicate human, who needs both components to work in proper apportionment.
Mysterious and unexpected events during activities such as gaming, political campaigns, creative efforts in performance arts, literary authorship, theatrical drama, and anything involving romance or children. Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Ravi. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Mangala-lagna transformative destruction of the identity of the warrior self , including the yang (initiating) sexuality r. Mangala is the natural regulator of 8, therefore 8th-from-Mangala has a Vṛścika quality and randhra bhava = a hospitable location for matters which require the application of hidden force (emergencies, eruptions, upheavals). Crisis of death and rebirth in the method and levels of entitlement for optimal channeling of sexual and competitive vitality. May cause a drop in sexual or athletic opportunities,
PsychoTherapy which is targeted toward healing abuse of physical force such as violence and sexual invasion trauma may hit a stuck spot for the duration of Shani's transit through 8th-from-Kuja.
Mysterious and unexpected events during sporting competitions, hunting, sexual performance, acts of aggression, corporate take-overs, military exercise, police action, pursuit of war. Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Kuja. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Budha-lagna transformative destruction of the identity of the communicative self , including sexual communication. Crisis of death and rebirth in the method and levels of entitlement for optimal channeling of planning, organizing, and conversational energy. Mysterious and unexpected events during conversations or all varieties, maintaining (not initiating - see Kuja) sexual relationships, writing and all-media communications, short-term travel such as holiday and business trips, and relationships with siblings and co-workers. Shani traveling through 8th-from-Budha adds a depressive effect to the mental functions, with an underlying (altho likely unconscious) lurking fear of the unknown. Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Kumara. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Guru-lagna transformative destruction of the identity of the wisdom self .
Mysterious and unexpected events during educational events, esp. at the university level. (The lower indoctrination level"K-12" is ruled by Soma.)
For a female, the effects may more vividly impact the (first) husband (or primary male partner). Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Brihaspati. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Shukra-lagna transformative destruction of the identity of the pleasure-self .
Mysterious and unexpected events in all alliance and partnership agreements, esp. relationships with womenfolk.
In a husbandly nativity, the effects may more vividly impact the wife (or primary feminine partner). Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Shukra. |
![]() StiftsKirche Garsten Osterreich |
Shani gochara 8th-from- Shani-lagna strongest effects during a coinciding
transformative destruction of the identity of the lawful self .
Mysterious and unexpected events in regard to social conventions, customary ethical behaviors and step-wise expectations.
Crisis of death and rebirth of disappointed expectations vis-ŕ-vis fulfillment of obligations
Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the ruler of the 8th-from-Shani.
Bhava of gochara Shani shows the area of life where this agent causes a sudden disturbance in conventional behaviors, or where the agent will fail to meet obligations or perform expected duties - often with catastrophic results. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Rahu-lagna ransformative destruction of the identity of the desire-self .
Mysterious and unexpected events within relationships driven by subconscious hunger for pleasure and power. Mental disturbances due to chaotic internal signaling, as the native can obtain neither stability nor the satisfaction of desire. Not strongly felt unless one is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Rahu. |
Shani gochara 8th-from-Ketu-lagna transformative destruction of the identity of the witness-self
Mysterious and unexpected events in the life, where the longing for wholeness through an ineffable Other meets sudden and shocking material resistance. This is not a bad situation, but rather often a spiritual wake-up call during which one realizes the impossibility of attaining lasting union with anything or anyone on the non-lasting material plane.
Not strongly felt unless the native is also enduring the Vimshottari bhukti of the lord of the 8th-from-Ketu. |
![]() Mount Hood near Portland Oregon NE flank, looking west from The Dalles side |
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[Copyright © 1994-2024 by Barbara Pijan Lama] -- [Contact] -- [How to Request a Jyotishavidya Reading] Barbara Pijan Lama Jyotishavidya Vedic Astrology Surya Sun Chandra Moon Mangala Mars Budha Mercury Guru Jupiter Shukra Venus Shani Saturn Rahu Ketu Graha Planets Dasha Timeline Calendar Nakshatra Navamsha Marriage Children Treasury Career Spiritual Wisdom Cycles of re-Death and re-Birth The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies! |
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
~~ Second Epistle to Timothy 1:7 |