tadyatha om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha


Jyotisha Practice

Egoic Mind

egoic-mind membrane

I, me, mine; You, Yours; They Theirs

Ego is not really a thing.

Ego is a state of awareness.

"Ego" = the Latin first-person nominative singular pronoun, which simply means, "I am"




Supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. The light from this exploding star first reached Earth in the 1600s. The greenish-blue dot just off center is all that remains of the star that exploded.

" Do not be over-righteous, neither be over-wise -- why destroy yourself?"

~~ Book of Ecclesiastes * Koheleth, 7:16

QUOTATION from Chögyam Trungpa

"The Four Foundations of Mindfulness" in A Beginner's Guide to Meditation: Practical Advice and Inspiration from Contemporary Buddhist Teachers,, p. 38

"We have created a world that is bittersweet. Things are amusing but, at the same time, not so amusing. Sometimes things seem terribly funny but, on the other hand, terribly sad.

Life has the quality of a game that has trapped us. The setup of mind has created the whole thing - the realm of duality, which is ego.

In meditation we work on this creator of duality rather than on the creation. That is beginning at the beginning."

[end quote]


from The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving-Kindnesss

by Pema Chödrön, page 41

"The third noble truth says that the cessation of suffering is letting go of holding on to ourselves.

By cessation, we mean the cessation of hell as opposed to just weather, the cessation of this resistance, this resentment, this feeling of being completely trapped and caught, trying to maintain huge ME at any cost.

The teachings about recognizing egolessness sound quite abstract, but the path quality of that, the magic instruction that we have all received, the golden key is that part of the meditation technique where you recognize what's happening with you and you say to yourself, thinking.

Then you let go of all the talking and the fabrication and discussion, and you're left just sitting with the weather, the quality and the energy of the weather itself.

Maybe you still have that quaky feeling or that churning feeling or that exploding feeling or that calm feeling or that dull feeling, as if you'd just been buried in the earth. You're left with that. That's the key: come to know that." [end quote]


from Jane Roberts, the Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material

“The ego is definitely an advancement, but it can be compared to the bark of the tree in many ways.

The bark of the tree is flexible, extremely vibrant, and grows with the growth beneath. It is a tree's contact with the outer world, the tree's interpreter, and to some degree the tree's companion.

So should man's ego be.

When man's ego turns instead into a shell, when instead of interpreting outside conditions it reacts too violently against them, then it hardens, becomes an imprisoning form that begins to snuff out important data, and to keep enlarging information from the inner self.

The purpose of the ego is protective.

It is also a device to enable the inner self to inhabit the physical plane. It is, in other words, a camouflage.” [end quote]

Definitions and expectations

The egoic-mind membrane is an interface cell membrane that is situated between the individual self and the social self. It is not a real thing with a permanent location like an organ in the body; rather it is experienced as a tangible sensation or a presence.

It is a psycho-emotional organ with a complex structure.

It functions like a coin with two sides. The outer surface is a one-way mirror while the inner surface is a two-way mirror. The egoic-mind membrane represents a facade of the individual outward judging society, and on the obverse it projects social values and expectations inward to the individual self.

Ego management means managing that perpetually interactive cell membrane.

The egoic-mind membrane is built entirely from

It is engaged in the activity of forming and responding to

  • judgments and reactions to judgments toward Definitions and Expectations

It is busy! The egoic-mind membrane is a guardian that never sleeps.


Practicing Peace in Times of War

by Pema Chödrön, pages 22-23

"I try to practice what I preach; I'm not always that good at it, but I really do try.

The other night, I was getting hard-hearted, closed-minded, and fundamentalist about somebody else, and I remembered this expression that you can never hate somebody if you stand in their shoes.

I was angry at him because he was holding such a rigid view. In that instant I was able to put myself in his shoes and I realized, i'm just as riled up, and self-righteous and closed-minded about this as he is. We're in exactly the same place!"

And I saw that the more I held on to my view, the more polarized we would become, and the more we'd be just mirror images of one another - two people with closed minds and hard hearts who both think they're right, screaming at each other.

It changed for me when I saw it from his side, and I was able to see my own aggression and ridiculousness." [end quote]

egoic-mind attachment Cycle , cause and Effect of Suffering

14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso . (2005).

Lighting the Way . Geshe Thupten Jinpa (Trans.).

" Broadly speaking, there are two types of grasping at the self-existence of persons--those that focus on one's own self, and those that focus on others.

The first is known as the egoistic grasping at self-existence , within which there is the grasping at the thought 'I am' or 'me' On the one hand, and the grasping at 'mine' As the possessions of that self on the other. Working from this basis

  • we then extend the sense of self onto our belongings and so forth, such as 'my house', 'my body' and 'my mind'.
  • Afflictions like attachment and anger arise on the basis of these possessive thoughts.

In order to bring about an e nd to this chain of afflictive causes and effects , we need to cultivate an understanding of the two selflessnesses = 'the selflessness of the person' and the 'selflessness of phenomena'.

  • While many texts present the selflessness of phenomena first, it is said that in terms of Order of actual practice we should meditate first on the selflessness of the person [end quote]
" The Nine" by Andrija Puharich


" Simplifying our ways, eliminating the nonessentials, is so very urgently necessary for those who are sold on big ideas. Asceticism is really a wonderful trait - only this is that it has to be natural. It should not be the result of a fight. That's why I do not insist on your leaving alone smoking or drinking once in a while. It should be left alone by itself. We shouldn't make it into an end, because that involves too much fight, and a useless fight at that.

Success means nothing if it is come by that amount of fighting, because the attention itself which we give during the fight builds up a vast attachment to the things we seem to have conquered. They live deep down inside you. So let us expose ourselves to asceticism, renunciation, simplification, withdrawal, tranquilization.

But let us expose ourselves - let us not fight into it . It has to come through. It must come.

When the dried leaf on the tree just drops down, it doesn't need to be torn away like the green one has to be. Let us do these things under social, official, or external compulsions if they are necessary; but let our hearts not be enthralled by them." [end quote]


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"And now my friends,

all that is true, all that is noble,

all that is just and pure,

all that is loveable and gracious,

whatever is excellent and admirable -

fill all your thoughts with these things."

~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8
