Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Rahu-Ketu Main Page
Rahu samchara transit bhava-10 Rahu occupies 10th-from-Chandra
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu dhātu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu =enemy ofArka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy ofChandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and the moon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa =air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture resides in ख kha = heaven अम्बर ambara = sky, atmosphere मान māna = respect कर्मन् karman = work, obligation, duty Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon occupies the tenth house regnum Desire to Require see also: Rahu in 10th-from-Chandra |
QUOTATION ~~Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass "The most exquisite paradox : As soon as you give it all up, you can have it all. As long as you want power, you can't have it. The minute you don't want power, you'll have more than you ever dreamed possible." |
Eastern Indigo Snake Florida, USA |
Public-figure EXAMPLES [for Karkata indriya-lagna] [svabhava] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy [achieves regulatory positions based in mixed-culture dynamic innovation] [fascinating icon of competitive championship] [exciting commander of weaponry fire-and-metals] [shimmering illusion of fascinating fiery authority] [leadership decisions may over-ride conventional governance doctrine] [astonishing social rise of warriors, drillers, miners, and those born into dominator bloodlines] [reputed for fabulous originality]
[Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha] -- [svabhava] [for Simha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently musical, entrancingly enriching, shimmering sensuality [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture evaluation-assessment] [fascinating icon of entreasurement] [luxury collections show elite status] [astonishing social rise of historians, collectors, bankers, herders, warehousers] [reputed for fabulous capitalization]
[Rahu-Mithuna] --- [svabhava] [for Kanya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture commerce] [fascinating icon of publicity messaging] [elite commander of exciting scripted announcements] [reputed for fabulous communication skills] [respected high-visibility figure in process management]
[astonishing social rise of businesspeople, writers, publicists, schedulers, shopkeepers, clerks, team-managers]
[Rahu-Karkata] --- [svabhava] [for Tulā indriya-lagna] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture localist customs] [fascinating icon of domestic security] [elite captain of exciting homeland defense] [astonishing social rise of householders, land-stewards, environmentalists, farmers, sailors, transporters, schoolteachers, caretakers, border-defenders, parents, police] [reputed for fabulous dwellings and pathways] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6]
[Rahu-Singha] [nīcha] -- [svabhava] [for Vṛścika indriya- lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture idealistic creativity] [fascinating icon of sparkling ceremonial light] [elite captain of excitingly fashionable display] [astonishing social rise of politicians, dramatists, regal-figures, speculators, entertainers, gamblers] [reputed for fabulous celebrity confidence]
[Rahu-Parthya] --- [svabhava] [for Dhanus indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture ministries of service] [fascinating icon of logical reasoning] [elite captain of exciting resentments] [amazing complaints of injustice] [passionate fixation on high-profile victim mistreatment] [astonishing social rise of ministers, medicalists, military, druggists, criminals, laborers, treatment-planners, human-services providers] [reputed for fabulous assistance]
[Rahu-Tula] --- [svabhava] [for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture trade bargaining] [fascinating icon of financial equity] [elite captain of exciting diplomacy] [unorthdox leadership arrangements] [astonishing social rise of harmony-promisers and peace-makers] [seeks importance as an extraordinary contract-broker, often in music or finance] [reputed for fabulous alliances] [attracted to over-reaching match-makers, legal advocates, representatives, counselors, advisers]
[Rahu-Vṛścika] --- [svabhava] [for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture hidden empowerments] [fascinating icon of disguised transformation] [elite captain of exciting explosions] [amazing identity changes] [astonishing social rise of penetrators, recyclers, healers, rejuvenators, surgeons] [reputed for fabulous revolutionary rebirth]
[Rahu-Dhanus] -- [svabhava] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture paradigms of belief] [fascinating icon of ideological conviction] [elite captain of exciting global philosophies] [amazing public guidance] [reputed for fabulous principled sermons] [astonishing social rise of preachers, professors, patriarchs, high-priests, father-figures, indoctrinators, theorists]
[Rahu-Makara-Draco] --- [svabhava] [for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture status hierarchies] [slippery icon of orderly governance] [elite captain of exciting social climbing] [ostentaciously unctuous public leadership] [astonishing social rise of presidents, executive officers, commanders, boss-figures] [reputed for fabulous ultimate lawful power]
[Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] -- [svabhava] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture economic systems] [fascinating icon of marketplace revenue] [elite captain of exciting network linkage] [amazing public friendship connections] [astonishing social rise of profiteers, socialites, community activists, common participants, gridworkers, electrical conductors] [reputed for fabulous mass-market distribution webs]
[Rahu-Meena] --- [svabhava] [for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-10 casts passionately lawful institutional drishti into 2-4-6] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently dreamy, mirage of imaginative intuition [regulatory authority based in mixed-culture dreamlike imagery] [fascinating icon of inner knowing] [elite captain of exciting symbolism] [amazing public contemplative leadership] [astonishing social rise of poets, clairsentients, meditators, researchers, reeflective philosophers ] [reputed for fabulous private guidance in high-visibility roles]
QUOTATION = Das commentary of Rahu in bhava-10
300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B. V. Raman
" Q.
How to read from a horoscope that a person is prospering in magic-mesmerism?
Astonishing Leadership Power
If Rahu's ruler is fragile, shri Rahu can be expected to exhibit a fabulous rise to the top, followed by a tragic fall to the bottom. Rahu-10 craves:
Rahu-10 may seem to be repeatedly over-promoted into socially high decision-making positions for which He is questionably prepared Rahu-10 may seem to be repeatedly invested with the attributes of over-privilege, such as apparent freedom from oversight or accountability Rahu-10 may seem to be command an institution or corporation [10] with an attitude of exaggerated executive authority Rahu-10 may swagger with a shadowy smirk of superiority - but unless Shani is also upholding the dignity of 10, rahu's pretentious, unearned powers-and-privileges may be suddenly withdrawn - if Shani supports Rahu, then the superficial glamour of Rahu may gain integrity and sustainability from Shani, and Rahu-10 may continue to hold top rank for the duration Rahu-10 hungers for the Thrill of Dominion He fuels the Ambition to be granted the privileges of a Dignitary Rahu-10 great passion = social supremacy = to be seen at the top of the pyramid, the top of the heap, appearing to be the top dog EXAMPLE SoAfrica-Pres 1918-2013 Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela [governing-regulatory Aśleṣa-2] + [Aśleṣa-Budha-yuti-Surya-Puna] [Rahu-Vṛścika] -- [Rahu in bhava-10] [Jyeṣṭha-Rahu-yuti-Soma-Viśākha -nīcha
Impostors in the realm of institutional leadership and orderly command [10] Propelled by desire to lead, rahu-10 may have risen into an elite empowerment to dictate social rules upon others. Yet, unless Shani has some strong influence upon bhava-10, the Rahu-traits of ambitiousness and opportunism may not be sufficient to hold the top position. Bhava-10 is first and foremost about the hierarchical structure of the ranks-and-classes of society. Rahu-10 may produce a stunningly brilliant ascent into high public visibility. Yet Rahu is never about others. Rahu is about personal glamour. When Rahu perceives that a more compelling advantage may lie within another variety of power, the grand upward trajectory can be followed by a fall. If there is a catastrophic fall, it would be due to lack of interest in the drudgery of leadership, with its long-term commitment to maintain the social order. Rahu-10 demands a thrilling surge of excitement in top roles. If the surge factor begins to wane, rahu-10 may - consciously or unconsciously - exit the executive peak. EXAMPLE [Rahu-Mesha-Aja] -- [Rahu in bhava-8]
Rule-breaker ++ risk-taker in governance, social regulation, rule of Law Rahu-10 = the Mixer of social rankings which Shani would prefer to keep separated. social mobilityachieved via unusual traits-and-behaviors which achieve important rank and responsibilities in the areas of
Desire to Require ambitious trajectories of important leadership roles Rahu drishti to 2, 4, 6 amplifies the treasury-acquisition (2) environmental-protective (4) and ministerial-service (6) attributes. Rahu-10 aspires to the important governance roles of commander, director, executive legislator, maintainer of the social order Rahu-10 is often a glass-ceiling crasher, able to break gender-race-age barriers in conservative professional roles. May challenge conventional standards in the style of ascendancy to a passionately desired high ranking position. [Rahu-Singha] -- [Rahu in bhava-10] [financial-oratorical Magha-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha]
seeks extraordinary privilege [Rahu] within socially responsible, executive decision-making, high-recognition, law-imposing environments Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 wants to be recognized as special and important in leadership roles passion for public visibility craves maximum public recognition, seeks to stay in the public eye urgently ambitious leadership disguised as a governor of the social order desire to be recognized as a lawful leader via institutional, regulatory, and legislative empowerments prestige sought via executive entitlement , social authority, elite commanding positions, governance duties fascinating knees, cartilage expedient leadership, instrumental legislation, state deregulation The bhava-pati of Rahu determines the scope of Rahu's "success" in obtaining His goal of maximum public attention Rahu-ratna may be supportive during Rahu bhukti Maximum favorable results in [uchcha] Vrishabha; and Kumbha (svakshetra, widely distributed networks). Yet, any rashi can yield publicity and leadership power. Rahu gives optimal results in 3, 6, 10 and 11.
Rahu in Bhava- 10 Calculated risk in authoritative, institutional, executive roles Fascination with High Visibility Roles Iconic-Symbolic and Social Leadership Although appearing [Rahu] to be an agent of lawfulness and structure for the social order, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 is psychologically driven by a desire to obtain the highest social entitlements normally accorded to those who accept the heavy burdens of institutional leadership. Rahu-10 is a Trickster of hierarchical leadership Authority and Empowerment EXAMPLE of Rahu's genius for reframing the discussion Budha-yuti-Rahu Tricky Rahu escapes the trap set by Tricky Dick
Hour of Decision 1918-2018 Rev. Billy Graham [regulatory-governing Jyeṣṭha-2] [Anuradha-Budha-yuti-Rahu-Jyeṣṭha] occupies 10 public recognition, reputation, respect.
Overreaching Rahu the Rogue made grandiose and vicious statements during a presumably secret [Vṛścika] Whitehouse [10] conversation with Graham's very close friend and advisee, Richard Nixon. Rev. Graham made several inflammatory [Rahu] ethnic and racial slurs. Graham explained that he did not know that paranoid Nixon was taping all Whitehouse conversations. [Budha] Most observers accepted Graham's claim.
Graham's boastful [Rahu] statements [Budha], surreptitiously [Rahu] taped by Nixon and later released to the public [10], threatened to undermine Graham's credibility as a Christian moral leader.
He humbly asked for forgiveness in prayer [Rahu in 12th from Chandra, private prayer] . Graham's audience accepted this clever strategy, which allowed Graham to avoid lasting damage to his holy-man reputation. May be an iconic personality whose risky behavior fascinates the public
[Rahu-Singha [ [10] casts drishti into 2-4-6. Fabulous sparkling royal mirages [Simha] radiate from an apparently magical [Rahu] governing figure into finance [2] towns-and-villages [4] and military [6].
May be publically identified with roles that represent ethnic mixing, cultural boundary-crossing, and expedient interlinkage with previously excluded social-economic participant groups Necessity of Shani-ruled karmasthana to Ground the Public Trust Unless grounded via an equally strong placement of orderly, legitimate and regular Shanaicharya, the disruptive energies of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 can indicate a personality which feeds upon the public attention and privilege accorded to leaders whilst lacking the authentic concern for social order that normally characterizes the public-officers workload. Corrections to Rahu's quest for no-penance, unearned entitlements can include a strong [uchcha] Shani in kendra to indriya-lagna or in kendra to Rahu. Regulatory Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 leadership -whether institutional governance or command of corporate hierarchies.
POTUS-03 Declaration of Independence 1743-1826 Thomas Jefferson + [Surya-yuti-Shukra ] By contrast, weakened Shani may indicate a narcissistic Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 power-monger who is motivated primarily by a hunger for power for the sake of power. Such an ungrounded Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 is often lacking a sense of ethical social responsibility and may hide deceptively (Rahu camouflage) behind other more legitimate institutional leaders, usurping their power behind a smoke screen.
Gets and [usually] Keeps Governance Authority for a Long Time
Appropriates authority, dignity, position, rank, respect Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 = usually to be found on display in public performing Rahu's intensely desired high visibility iconic and symbolic roles. Due to Ketu-4, the parents especially mother are typically scattered, ungrounded, or unavailable. One may experience some Ketu-timed periods of wandering indecisiveness despite other powerful Rahu-timed periods of ambition to high leadership. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 takes social-leadership risks. One may be gifted in the art of leadership disguise and be able to cleverly impersonate more legitimate social authorities Exotic Persona Claims Entitlement to High Office Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 can be a glass-ceiling crasher, empowered to break gender-race-age barriers in conservative professional roles.
May challenge conventional protocol in the style of one's ascendancy to the high-ranking position.
expedient affiliation with governments
Expedient professional self-promotion. Self-elevation through risky executive decisions, exotic leadership style. A rogue and a growth-challenger toward existing conventional laws and public standards. Full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 2, 4, and 6. Rahu in bhava-10 = craves a privileged governance role - often by means of a dramatic, leapfrog job promotion.
Self-elevation through Professional leadership Coup d'etat
Rahu's characteristic over-promotion may elevate one into inappropriately powerful executive responsibilities that are "over one's head" . Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 may lack the appropriate training or the chalakaraka may simply misrepresent the amount of time (Shani-10) that is available to accomplish the assigned leadership duties.
By means of social rank and profession , one wishes to obtain the privileges of a higher seniority. Great Leap Forward via matching those in Governance: Leadership, decision-making, top Position Dramatic rise to leadership roles, under unusual, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , illicit, or culturally irregular [Rahu] circumstances. Often a political outsider. May be a glass-ceiling crasher, able to break gender-race-age barriers in conservative professional roles. May challenge conventional standards in the march to the high ranking position.
Diverse responsibilities, executive empowerment involving contact with outsider, foreign elements, world governments. Rāhu svabhukti = a period of especially high visibility, exposing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10's life to the public eye.
Most powerful results in Vrishabha (uchcha, wealth) and Kumbha (svakshetra, widely distributed networks) But all rashi will yield opportunistic publicity and leadership appropriate. Rahu gives strongest material results in 3, 6, 10 and 11. Strong results for unusual or exotic leadership roles, such as pioneers who break race-age-gender barriers in conservative professional structures. Raja Yoga during mahadasha of Rahu also the Rahu bhukti within each mahadasha.
Best results in Vrishabha (uttama = maximal) and Kumbha (svakshetra, widely distributed networks) all rashi can yield publicity and leadership power. Rahu gives exciting results in 3, 6, 10 and 11. Elevation through Legitimation Rahu in Bhava-10 public duties = privilege gained via social ranking and the rule of law. Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 Generally, indicates a desire for institutional governance power. Rahu-ratna may be supportive during Vimshottari periods of Rahu. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 grants the ability to ambitiously and expediently utilize rule-breaking and 'mixing'
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 = overinvested in statutory law , governance, elite positions in the hierarchy, and titles of social leadership. Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 wants executive empowerments which are outside the normal moral boundaries . Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic corporate or institutional governance.
Urgent ambition to be recognized for the exceptional qualities of one's professional direction. Whether the person actively admits to seeking of prestige roles or not, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 shows the interior ambition which drives the native into the top ranks of social visibility Desire to impose order upon large, hierarchical organizations.
" As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is." ~~Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass Fascination with the halls of power. Ambitious rise to high-visibility leadership titles.
Quest for high entitlements via leadership positions, law-giving, codifying, institutional ordering, governance, iconic public roles Entitlement sought: Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 wants to camouflage-match so as to appear as a legitimate, respected , credibleholder of status-rank in the class of beings = governors, legislators, presidents, prime ministers, elite, most visible, elevated, heads of state, officials, officers, bureaucrats, responsible ones, executives,
The combination of urgent ambition for high respect (10) and disregard for the common folk customs (4) often allows Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 to break a glass ceiling as a person of nontraditional status who rises to a station of highest respect. If Shani or karmesha-10 = strong, rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of persons. Entitlement sought: Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 wants to appear as a high-visibility , legitimate, respected , credibleholder of status-rank in the class of beings
If Shani or karmesha-10 = strong, rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of persons. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 appropriates dignity (typically un-earned) |
special case Urisha indriya-lagna
one of the most growth-challenging situations for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 occurs only when Vrishabha rashi governs the indriya-lagna. When Shani the karma-pati rules bhava-9 Makara,. The most rigid case occurs when Shani occupies 9, generating a conformist personality respectful of religious rules and often deeply orthodox in doctrinal belief. entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 although strong in svakshetra Kumbha becomes hidebound by the karma-pati in 12th-from-10th, and the career ascendance moves very slowly due to the unyielding orthodoxy of the religious or philosophical beliefs. Rahu remains ambitious but He is greatly frustrated as the hierarchy seems to be controlled by a stagnant but legitimate privileged class. That controlling class is Typically, religious or professorial in character such as priests, nauns, university teachers, pontificators, pundits, or preachers. |
Public acclaim, social power, and high-visibility positions matched with apathy and detachment in the home.
chalakaraka 'slippery' Rahu in bhava-10
chidrakaraka 'beheaded' Ketu = Ketu in bhava-4
Rahu's passageway = Legal Loopholes, cracks and crevices, smoke and mirrors Bhava-10 provides the snake-hole aperture through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward. |
Rahu Risk-taking as a response to conflict Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 = 6th-from = bhava- 5, might feel compelled toward illicit behaviors as a method for addressing inner conflict with politics, children, or the paternal uncle's wife |
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 in Simha rashi politics indriya-lagna must be Vṛścika - Thriketta in Vṛścika, most ambitious = -Viśākha and Jyestha |
Ambitious Rahu seeks social class mobility and He always has a strategy to get ahead" by means of the platform signified via bhava and rashi.
In Simha-10, that strategy is quick rise into the limelight via politics, entertainment, celebrity, and personal genius. Rahu in bhava-10 increases ambition for political power in large corporations or government institutions. Rahu's get ahead" method involves top roles in industries such as entertainment or fashion; highly visible celebrity culture; and elective politics. In bhava-10, rahu generates an insatiable hunger for higher privileges obtained via association with the class of royals and bright, creative intelligentsia. |
Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu bhukti = Rahu pratyantardasha Like any graha in 10, rahu gains strength and dignity karmasthana of social leadership and the social imposition of orderly environments.
During Vimshottari periods of Rahu , asurreptitious intruder or poseur enters the realm of the leadership responsibilities and social-ordering or large-organizational interactions. The classroom of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 is set at a level of energy which matches the psychic profile of ambitious, exotic governors, directors, organizational executives, decision-makers, and high officers. The goal of the interloper is to break limits and challenge assumptions about the normal stepwise path toward highly visible leadership roles . Rahu in 10 indicates one who can change social policy in government or be an agent of exotic, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting change in social convention.
One's passion for connecting to this enticing exotic agent is disruptive but exciting and each iteration breaks some limit upon how many and which type of governance one is allowed to conduct. |
As the great taboo-breaker, rahu disregards customary moral accountability in the father's family. Rahu may introduce unorthodox behaviors into the highest professional office. may signal inconsistencies and fraud in the government and its representatives; charlatanry in those charged to impose the rule of law. |
Rahu can disrupt the customary methods of leading organizations, maintaining public decorum, and managing hierarchies. Underclass, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , or exotic element in the public personality. Outsider breakthrough into iconic, symbolic public roles. Popular with the working classes, those who like to"bet on a dark horse" , or"root for the little guy" . Perceived as an agent of change in the highest echelons of privilege and prestige. to conventional observers, this person seems like an inappropriate or vulgar choice for an exalted public leadership role. However, if Rahu's ruler is benevolent the public becomes fascinated with Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 and one retains high dignity for a good long time. Associated with sudden changes in leadership. Wants status objects and admiration of the masses. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 may profit from power vacuums and social instability. An iconic agent of social change . Desires a high position in hierarchy, but has an exotic and taboo-challenging style of getting there. [Rahu in bhava-10] * passion for leadership power= dramatic rise to national or international visibility, accompanied by respect and regard from the elite classes decision-making roles, obtained under exotic, surreptitious, barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , illicit, or culturally irregular [Rahu] circumstances.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 = very little concern for established regulations and governance protocol |
Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-10 = 6th-from Rahu = bhava-3 = During Rahu bhukti , if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong, one may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by commercial business, media messaging communications, administrative behaviors, the workgroup or team, and disagreeable playmates or siblings |
Urgent Ambition to Obtain Privilege of Top-Rank Social Leadership Desire to challenge conventional boundaries protecting Leadership Respect and Reputation
spring forward to a higher social station through a surprisingly fast dark horse unprecedented catapult as a virtually unknown political candidate thrust into top governance roles
Uses surreptitious or unconventional methods to obtain credibility in executive office, tops of pyramids, visible positions of commanding power
One can leapfrog to temporarily higher leadership status in realms of hierarchy, large pyramidal social organizations, law and order, imposition of orderly environments , often by alliance to a highly visible and well-known personality.
Top government authorities are also likely to be experienced by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 as somewhat disturbing personalities who can upset Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 's personal routines.
Risk-craving individual with profound desire for institutional authority. Rahu gives the result of his Lord, plus Rahu contributes obsessive-compulsive behaviors and extreme hunger for the object of its desire. Career is associated with barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , foreigners, dark smoke, and other Rahuvian attributes. With the nodes of course everything depends on rashi Lord. Check Rahu's role in dashamamsha -10 to clarify the effect. |
Oily, smoky things |
Oily, smoky things in the position of executive leadership. Corporate oil business. Hazy, smoky backroom practices of the authorized leadership. Outsiders, interlopers and subtly invasive force penetrates high government |
QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari " Your mission in life is for furthering some special cause in the world. Depending on your status in society and the planetary combinations, this special mission may be predicted; but the real impulse of this shadowy planet will be to make you dedicated to a cause which you will want to carry forward even at the risk of life, status, or health.
Rahu achieves its objective despite whatever hardships it has to undergo.
With less benevolent associations and influences Rahu can, however, make you disturbed and instill evil ideas in your head. Rahu in the 10th gives rise to Raja Yoga during its own periods.
Note: Rahu is in charge of a number of not so good qualities. The 10th is an important house. These things may only appear in thoughts; not necessarily manifesting depending on the overall strength of you and thus the chart.
Rahu makes you a bit of an intoxicator, wrong doing, sleeplessness, living or working with foreigners, sex with choice partners, finds comfort and pleasure in the company of irreligious people, discontented with own relatives or father,
Gets support from strong persons, clever but tense. These things may be connected to career as the 10th rules career." [end quote] |
Rahu mahadasha 18 years
similar effects during any Rahu bhukti, adapted to the angle between Mahadasha-pati vis-a-vis RahuThe most salient effects of Rahu in bhava-10 - passion for leadership power occur during Rahu mahadasha. Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati. Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via display of commanding executive power, iconic public roles, or high visibility leadership positions.
The methods of expedient self-elevation for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 include"appropriation" of the instruments of bhava-10 such as dramatic, leapfrog job promotion to higher executive rank, grasping for elite governance roles, taking power to enforce legislation, mimicking prominent leader-figure behavior, or insinuating involvement with the peak levels of pyramid-shaped social organizations. The first step ofRahu Mahadasha= Rahu-Rahu svabhukti = an especially intense period of craving for leadership ascendance. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 activates the public eye. Rahu mahadasha m ay signal a dramatic rise to important governance roles. The rise occurs often under Rahu-ish circumstances = barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , illicit, or culturally irregular. Diverse organizational governance responsibilities, executive empowerment involving contact with cultural outsiders, foreign elements, world order. Best results = Rahu-Urisha (ascendant wealth) and Kumbha (gainful networking). Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 in any rashi may yield high public visibility and leadership empowerments. Rahu performs best in bhava-3, -6, -10, and -11. Although Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 has not yet * earned* the respect of the solid plebian base of the pyramid, He seeks the higher entitlements which are normally accorded to social leaders, executive directors, decision-makers, and law-makers at the top social rank. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His ambition is boundless.
during Vimshottari periods of Rahu, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-10's upward trajectory may involve inappropriate, illegitimate, fraudulent or irregular leadership behaviors that are"over one's head" . Final results depend on the disposition of the ruler of Rahu's rashi |
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