

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Great Generous Golden Guide









Principled Convictions


Scope of Understanding







Public Spiritual Guidance [9]

Private Spirital Guidance [12]


OM graam greem graum sah gurve namah

OM jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah

OM hrim srim blim aim gloum grhadhipataye brhaspataye vim ta aim ta svaha

Learning Pathway


multiplicity & expansion

गुरुguru = the grower

Professor Guru

गौरgaura - guruva - guraja



द्वादशांशु dvādaśāṃśu = twelve rays

बृहतीपति bṛhatī-pati / बृहस्पति bṛhas-pati

= lord of prayers

वाचस्पति vācas-pati = lord of speech-language

Ijya - Vyazhak - Kayamanu - Phalguna

dharmakaraka * bhadrakaraka

gnanakaraka * putrakaraka

vacasām patiḥ

Ju-piter - Iuppiter - Jove


Dio-petous - Dies Pater - De-us

Ze-us - Xenios

Enlil - Marduk - Her-wepes-tawy

Thor =Thursday


QUOTATION from ~~ Bashar

"The PRESENT is not the result of the PAST.

Creation occurs only in the PRESENT, which is the Now result of what you Now believe to be most true for you.

Continuity from one present moment to the next is considered "normal", but is actually optional

If you suddenly make a discrete shift in beliefs, you will experience a sudden discrete shift in your Now reality."


BPHS , sarga-3 Shloka-2 7

" Guru has a big body, tawny hair and tawny eyes, is phlegmatic, intelligent, and leaned in all shastra."

Guru stotra

Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan

Sannibhaam Buddhi bhutam

Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim

BPHS Sarga-7, shloka-39-43

"The 5th from Guru ... stands for consideration respectively in respect of offspring..."

Professor Brihaspati's


wikipedia: Brihaspati

Guru Main Page


The salient trait of Guru is His excellent sense of humor.

Guru is humanistic, philosophical, and wise. He expands whatever He touches.

Table of Guru transits thru 12 rashi: years 1900-2099

Description Guru Transit via 12 Rashi

Brihaspati Herb * Bhasman

Regional Names for Guru

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra MahaDasha of Guru

BP Lama commentary Guru Mahadasha

Planetary Yoga involving Guru

Guru = malefic or benefic?

19 Mantra for Brihaspati - wwww.srath.com

Social + Intellectual Guidance = bhava-9

Spiritual + Divinatory Guidance = bhava-12


Matching Metal

  • In the Persian-Arabic-European traditions, and in Jyotishavidya, brihaspati is associated with the yellow metal tin

  • - stannum (Latin)

  • - citraraJjaka, trapusa, apusa, gurupattra, hemaja (Sanskrit)

Brihaspati yoked with Other Graha

  • [Guru-yuti-Surya] pitri-karaka * multiple father-figures * abundant confidence * much radiance * believes in light * widens the scope of theatrical display * permission to be the center of attention * humanistic political philosophy * large-scale dramatic radiance

  • [Guru-yuti-Chandra] matri-karaka * multiple mother-figures * permission to do what feels good (not always beneficial, see Chandra's nakshatra) * much expansion of folkways * much humanistic cultural philosophy * many gardens * broad scope of sheltering settlements * generous nourishment * believes in defending the old ways of life * usually rather stout

  • [Guru-yuti-Mangala] bhratri-karaka * multiple brotherly-figures * permission to compete-and-win * expansive conquests * progressive philosophy * large-scale invasive actions * vigorous champion of optimistic belief

  • [Guru-yuti-Budha] yukta-karaka * multiple sibling-teammate figures * permission to deliver information * abundant conversational messaging * believes in detailed communications * expansive dialog * many announcements * wide scope of evangelism * talks about philosophy * optimistic viewpoint in discussions

  • [Guru-yuti-Shukra] sodarya-karaka * multiple feminine-figures * permission to make deals * abundant pleasures * blossoming treasures * expansion of art * inspirational music * optimistic diplomatic philosophy * large-scale alignments * broad scope of partnerships * diverse financial arrangements

  • [Guru-yuti-Shani] atta-karaka * multiple elder-figures * permission to hold respected positions * abundant structure * numerous law-makers * expansive hierarchies * tolerance for diverse systems * optimistic philosophy of social regulation * large-scale responsibilities

  • [Guru-yuti-Rahu] mishra-karaka * multiple mix-culture opportunities * permission to bend barriers * many impostors * abundant expedience * wide scope of ambition * craving for expansion * seeks promotional advantage via globalist philosophy * optimistic toward obtainment of privilege

  • [Guru-yuti-Ketu] upeksha-karaka * multiple options for severance * broad permission to abandon unsustainable connections * diverse wanderings * many occasions of surrender * philosophy of impermanence * large-size vacuums * many holy pilgrimages


Iupiter from Codex de Sphaera c. 1469 CE

  1. [Guru-Mesha] warrior dharma * philosophy of direct movement * many competitions * broad scope of pioneering action * permission to dominate * doctrine of conquest * invigorating guidance * expands the range of championship * believes in innovation

  2. [Guru-Urisha] optimistic about capitalization * big hoard * many voices * many collections * doctrine of resource conservation * believes in historical knowledge * philosophy of values fulfillment * permission for pleasure * financial guidance * many cattle * expands the scope of voice-speech-song * multiple treasuries

  3. [Guru-Mithuna] cheerful communication * many merchants * conversations about belief * doctrine of inclusive messaging * expansive evangelism * detailed guidance discussions * propagation of mercantile information * widens the scope of management * many documents * permission to report * multiple administrative projects

  4. [uchcha] -- [Guru-Karkata] big shelters * various caretakers * many provisions * benevolent routines * believes in defense * permission to protect * optimistic patriotism * broad understanding of local cultures * develops gardens * household expansion * prosperous settlements * multiple dwellings * many patronizing parent-figures

  5. [Guru-Simha] many lights * big political displays * much drama * doctrine of divine right * expands the scope of unique personality * great splendor * multiple games * diverse theatrical performances * multiple celebrations * romantic permissiveness * self-reflexive worldview * abundant creativity * believes in special entitlements

  6. [Guru-Kanya]expansive ministry of service * many humble servants * numerous employees * indoctrination of laborers * much logical argumentation * diverse conflicted guidance * broad permission to help * generously assists many victims * optimistic about medical treatment * believes in giving aid * doctrine of benevolent humility

  7. [Guru-Tula] many trades * variety of exchanges * optimistic negotiations * believes in justice * doctrine of contractual exchange * multiple alliances * permission to bargain * propagation of treaties and trusts * diversity of arrangements * equable guidance * widens the scope of balanced design

  8. [Guru-Vṛścika] much mystery * many sudden discoveries * optimistic about emergencies * believes in healing * many masks * hidden doctrine * permission to reveal * propagation of penetrating life-force rebirth * transformative guidance * expands the scope of secret undertakings * multiple initiations

  9. [svakshetra] [mūlatrikoṇa 0-13 deg = Mula 1-2-3-4] [Guru-Dhanus] much righteous philosophy * wide worldview * doctrine of inclusive diversity * broad scope of guidance * humanistic ideology * jovial principled outreach * permission to preach * expands the range of beliefs * understanding of multiple theories * generous priests * global beneficence * many sacred teachings

  10. [nīcha] -- [Guru-Makara-Draco] understands social structure * numerous law-makers * class-conscious convictions * corrupted understanding of regulatory requirements * conventional doctrine * believes in common sense * pragmatic guidance * philosophical realism * diverse social responsibilities * materialistic worldview * faith in hierarchies * preaches about wise governance * widens the scope of bureaucracy

  11. [Guru-Kumbha] Much networking * hope for the future * many marketplaces * optimistic about big associations * permission to connect * scientific beliefs * doctrine of economic linkage * propagation of interwoven arrays * distributed guidance * expands the scope of social participation * multiple communities * diversity of friendships

  12. [svakshetra] Guru-Meena * much sleep * theoretical understanding * broad inner guidance * optimistic imaginings * propagation of symbolic wisdom * inspirational dreams * intuitive beliefs * doctrine of esoteric understandings * expands the scope of contemplative awareness * multiple prayers * permission to envision

  1. [dikbala] -- [Guru in bhava-1] much vitality * philosophical personality * permission for unrestricted action * generous disposition * numerous identities * expands the scope of competition * many cheerful sporting activities * believes in birthright * expansive aura * extra height-or-girth * embodiment of tolerant cheer * a patron of personal benefit * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an expander, philanthropist, benefactor, grower

  2. [Guru in bhava-2] much hoard * many songs * many stories * extensive history * generous natural reserves * several genetic lines * many accumulated goods * numerous languages recorded in memory * expansive oratory * large eyes * many voices * many valuations * extensive accounts * grows the family lineage * optimistic heritage * believes in historic conservation * patron of speech-and-song * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a keeper, curator, collector, preserver

  3. [Guru in bhava-3] many messages * extensive commerce * many photographs * numerous publications * several collaborators * multiple transactions * many tours * frequent business trips * many sales * numerous discussions * much detailed interaction * extensive planning operations * variety of ensemble performances * evangelistic growth * so many meetings * patron of communications technologies * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a businessman-writer-announcer

  4. [Guru in bhava-4] many local roots * growth of homes * fertile gardens * many diploma-licenses * abundant owned-stewarded property * many vehicles * multiple protective caretakers * multiple mother-figures * much shipping-transport * tolerance for parochial perspectives * numerous deeds of title * a patron of environmental stewardship * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a grower, building developer, schoolteacher, miner, shipper, landowner

  5. [Guru in bhava-5] much creativity * many intelligences * many entitlements * numerous games * diverse entertainments * many romances * extensive self-glorification * children identified with paradigmatic beliefs * expansion of political display * development of drama * optimistic in speculations * patron of creative performance * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a game-player

  6. [Guru in bhava-6] broad ranging ministries of service * extensive distress * ideological disagreements * many injuries * much victimization [being eaten] * tolerance for diverse diagnoses * abundant mischief * bloated digestive imbalance * many grievances * much betrayal * numerous unfair accusations * broad scope of disorderly conduct * cheerful acceptance of human misery * believes in problematicity * patron of pharmacies * many medicaments * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a difficult person who nonetheless aids the suffering

  7. [Guru in bhava-7] many contracts * optimistic negotiations * much partnership * abundant agreement * numerous alliances * extensive bargaining * multiple trusts * expansion of advocacy * fertile match-making * typically more than one spouse * patron of legal arrangements * proliferation of promises * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an attorney-counselor-broker

  8. [Guru in bhava-8] greatly optimistic rejuvenation * many sudden beneficial changes * keeps many wise confidences * faith in rebirth * numerous identity transformations * generous in-laws * extensive tantric understanding * expansion of undisclosed forces * abundance of initiations * many mysteries * regenerative emergencies * secret philosophical guidance * hidden inspiration * believes in invasive healing * rebirth via multiple surgeries * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a revolutionary, disaster-responder, or trauma-healer

  9. [Guru in bhava-9] [svabhava] [karako bhavo nashto for father, patrons, chieftains, indoctrinators] tolerance for diverse doctrines * multiple beliefs * expansive ideology * much inspirational sermonizing * broad humanistic understanding * sanctimonious patriarchs * guidance roles in public religion * muultiple father-guru-professor figures * extensive worldview * patron of philosophy * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an ideologue or spiritual guide

  10. [Guru in bhava-10] many edifying public responsibilities * multiple diverse leadership duties * numerous recognized teachings * duty portfolio of principled guidance * high visibility inspirational roles * reputation for faith * Salient figure in ideology or theory * patron of benevolent regulations * respected institutional indoctrinator * numerous preceptor obligations * honored preacher-teacher * optimistic chieftain * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be a doctrinal authority

  11. [Guru in bhava-11] great friendliness * much optimistic networking * believes in collective achievement * expands social-participation groups * broad theoretical economic worldview * several interconnected large assemblies * cheerful earner of numerous revenues * many social-material goals * extensive marketplace linkage * patron of community exchange systems * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be an earner-socialite-networker

  12. [Guru in bhava-12] [svabhava] great inspirational interiority * visionary guidance in seclusion * many symbolic meditations * much uplifting divination * many hospitalizations or incarcerations * many spiritual retreats * numerous offerings to psychic way-showers * extensive teaching in private environments * believes in clairsentient trance wisdom * patron of sanctuary enclosures * in a wifely nativity, husbandly-companion may be benevolently invisible

  1. transit samchara Guru via Mesha
  2. transit samchara Guru via Vrishabha
  3. transit samchara Guru via Mithuna
  4. transit samchara Guru via Karkata
  5. transit samchara Guru via Simha
  6. transit samchara Guru via Kanya
  7. transit samchara Guru via Tula
  8. transit samchara Guru via Vṛścika
  9. transit samchara Guru via Dhanus
  10. transit samchara Guru via Makara
  11. transit samchara Guru via Kumbha
  12. transit samchara Guru via Meena

QUOTATION The Book of Proverbs = Mishlei Shlomo, 4:5-7

"Get wisdom, get understanding:

  • forget it not
  • neither decline from the words of my mouth.

Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee:

  • love her,
  • and she shall keep thee.

Wisdom is the principal thing;

therefore get wisdom:

  • and with all thy getting, get understanding."

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

~~ A New Earth 1948- philosopher Eckhart Tolle

Regional Names for Guru

अमरगुरु amaraguru

प्राक्फाल्गुनेय prākphālguneya

ग्रहराज graharāja

महेन्द्रमन्त्रिन् mahendramantrin

प्रख्यस् prakhyas

दीदिवि dīdivi

सुरगुरु suraguru

ज्यौ jyau

देवपतिमन्त्रिन् devapatimantrin

सुरपतिगुरु surapatiguru

बृहत्तेजस् bṛhattejas

महामति mahāmati

चित्रशिखण्डिज citraśikhaṇḍija

सुरेन्द्रपूज्य surendrapūjya

प्राक्फाल्गुन prākphālguna

देवपूज्य devapūjya

सप्तर्षिज saptarṣija

प्राक्फल्गुनीभव prākphalgunībhava

विबुधगुरु vibudhaguru

द्वादशकर dvādaśakara

Vrihatipati * Vrihaspati

Brahaspathi * Brhaspati * Brihattejas * Brahmanapati

Brihaspatigraha Bengali

Barkhasbadi Mongolian

Vyalattinre Malayalam

Viyalan Tamil



Citrazikhandin *

Devapati * Devapujya * Devapurohita * Devejya *

Dhisana * Diidivi

Dvaadazakara * Dvaadazaamzu

Gaura * Guraja * Giriiza



Ijya * Jyau * Jove

Jupitara Punjabi

Mahaamati * Mahendra * Naakanaayaka

Paarusya * Pracaksas * Prakhyas

Praakphaalguneya * Phalguniibhava * Phaalgunya * PuurvaphalgunI

Saptarsi * Suraguru * Surapati * Surejya * Surendra * Suri


Vaacasaampati * Vaacaspati * Vaagiiza * Vaagmin * Vaakpati


multilingual names for Guru

  • Germanic: Thor (thunder)
  • German, Yiddish, dutch, afrikaans, western Frisian, English, danish, nor wegian, swedish, icelandic Jupiter
  • Irish Iúpatar
  • Welsh Iau
  • Finnish Jupiter
  • Hungarian Jupiter
  • Old Czech Kralomoc
  • Czech, slovenian, croatian, serbian Jupiter
  • Polish Jowisz
  • Russian, bulgarian, Kazakh, Uzbek Yupiter
  • Italian Giove
  • Portuguese, catalan , spanish Júpiter
  • Galacian Xúpiter
  • Corsican, Estonian, Basque, french, bosnian, macedonian, romanian, Georgian, Kurdish, Kyrgyz Jupiter
  • Esperanto Jupitero
  • Latvian Jupiters
  • Lithuanian Jupiteris
  • Albanian, amharic Jupiteri
  • Farsi Moshtari

Latin -

  • Dies Pater (shining Father)

  • Jove

  • Lucetius (lux, light)

  • Fulgurator

  • Caelestis (caelo, sky)

  • Totans (thunder, thor)


  • Zeus

Anc. Gk. = zdeus + pitar = zdeuspitar = Jupiter, father of the gods

  • Hebrew (Isaiah:11) + Arabic + Syrian - Gad, tzedek
  • Arabic Mushtarie
  • Uzbek Mushtarij
  • Turkish Jüpiter
  • Cantonese Moqsing
  • Mandarin Muxing
  • KoreanMoksung
  • Japanese Mokusei
  • Vietnamese sao Moc
  • Tibetan phur-ba, thar-ba
  • Burmese gyauu pe tar
  • Filipino Hupiter
  • Indonesian Musytari, Yupiter, Jupiter
  • Hawai'ian Dia
  • Tahitian Ta'urua-nui
  • Egyptian: Her-wepes-tawy
  • Sumerian Udu-idim-sag-us
  • Babylonian Kayamanu

dhava-karaka – a general indicator for husband = Guru

Guru the Inseminator brings Seed, Fertility, and Growth

  • Dhava = “man, husband, lord, possessor”

Universal karakatva for family roles, kinship

  • ;brothers = always represented by Mangala
  • ;wives + sisterly folk = always represented by Shukra
  • ;husbands = always represented by Guru




lemma for Annuit Coeptis

" Juppiter omnipotes, audacibus annue coepti" " on the Great Seal of the United States of America, condensed by Charles Thompson, designer of the seal in its final form, from Latin Juppiter omnipotes, audacibus annue coeptis " All-powerful Jupiter favor (my) daring undertakings," line 625 of book IX of Virgil's "Aeneid."

The words also appear in Virgil's "Georgics," book I, line 40:

Da facilem cursam, atque audacibus annue coeptis "Give (me) an easy course, and favor (my) daring undertakings."

Thompson changed the imperative annue to annuit, the third person singular form of the same verb in either the present tense or the perfect tense. The motto also lacks a subject.

The motto is often translated as "He (God) is favorable to our undertakings," but this is not the only possible translation.

Thomson wrote: "The pyramid signifies Strength and Duration: The Eye over it & Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favour of the American cause."

The original design (by William Barton) showed the pyramid and the motto Deo Favente Perennis "God favoring through the years."


esoteric theory would claim that the radiance behind the Eye represents the guidance not of Jove but rather of Sirius " the Sun behind the Sun" from which signal-station the Earth's thought-intelligence is transmitted.


Northeast = aparajita

movements in a northeasterly direction are forecast during many periods of Guru

Jupiter Brihaspati

= devapathi ruler of the Gods. He is the teacher of teachers; the high-priest; the voice of Truth. His portfolio includes wisdom, ritual excellence, and joy.

Psychically , Guru indicates the native 's "permission" levels set at birth.

Preincarnationally plannedally , Guru reveals what type of talent, gift, and privilege is stored in the akashic credit account created by generous actions in parallel lives .

Physically , Guru expands everything He contacts. He can change the size of the person's Annamayakosha the food body. When Guru sends a drishti to the lagna, for example, Guru makes the person look large . When Guru sends drishti to Chandra, the person is fertile.

Emotionally , Guru = relaxed and confident .

Socially, brihas-pati = compassionate and generous.

Intellectually, Guru = omniscient Himself and a wonderful teacher to others.


Start Where You Are by Pema Chödrön, page 89

" The main thing about this practice and about all practice is that you're the only one who knows what is opening and what is closing down; you're the only one who knows.

There's a slogan: "Of the two witnesses, hold the principal one."

What it's saying is that one witness is everybody else giving you their feedback and opinions (which is worth listening to; there's some truth in what people say), but the principal witness is yourself.

You're the only one who knows when you're opening and when you're closing.

You're the only one who knows when you're using things to protect yourself and keep your ego together and when you're opening and letting things fall apart, letting the world come as it is — working with it rather than struggling against it."

[end quote]


from L. Iupeter , from PIE * dyeu-piter god-father ...

  • from * deiw-os "god" (see divine + piter father...)

  • Cf. Gk. Zeu pater, vocative of Zeus pater Father Zeus;

  • Skt. Dyaus-pita heavenly father.

* worth-ship * worship (n.)
  • O.E. worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (W.Saxon)

" ... condition of being worthy, honor, renown," from weorð " worthy" ... + -scipe .

  • Sense of "reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being" is first recorded c.1300.
  • The original sense is preserved in the title worshipful (c.1300).
  • The verb is recorded from c.1200."

BPHS Sarga-84, shloka-10

" Contemplate of Guru, as yellow complexion and Shukra of fair complexion,

both with four arms, carrying a Danda, akshasutra, Kamandala and Vara."

QUOTATION Saravali Sarga-7-13

" Jupiter rules

  • auspiciousness, virtue,
  • physical stoutness, prowess,
  • preceptorship,
  • deputation,
  • city, state (province),
  • gold,
  • bed,
  • conveyance,
  • position,
  • grains,
  • residence
  • sons."
Light Source P'taah - www.ptaah.com

"We have said that your belief structures create your universe, and so they do.

  • You create your universe absolutely.
  • You create your own reality moment by moment, even your physical body.

You create it, hold it together, recreate it microsecond by microsecond.

  • It is not really as solid as you would believe,
  • even those glorious cells called ‘fat'!

Not solid."

QUOTATION from the Gospel of James 3:17 (KJV)

"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure,

  • then peaceable, gentle,
  • and easy to be entreated,

full of mercy and good fruits,

  • without partiality,
  • and without hypocrisy."

Pancha Tantra, 5.305

" It is only the mean-minded who calculate in the manner that such and such is mine and such and such is alien.

For those of magnanimous character the whole earth is one family."

QUOTATION from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de


  • heavy, weighty
  • heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest
  • great, large, extended, long;
    • long by nature or position (a vowel)
    high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard
  • grievous
  • important, serious, momentous
  • valuable, highly prized; venerable, respectable;
    • m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one's self)
    haughty, proud (speech)
  • A spiritual parent or preceptor
    • (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer,
    • who instructs him in the Shastras and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture
    • which is performed by the Acharya)
    the chief of
  • author of a Mantra
  • "preceptor of the gods ", brihaspati; the planet Jupiter
  • The 9th astrological mansion
  • Mucuna pruritus

  • parents and other venerable persons;
    • a honorific appellation of a preceptor
    • "venerable woman", amother
    " great (with child)", pregnant, apregnant woman
  • The wife of a teacher

Saptarsi (sapta-rishi)

  • name of the authors of the hymn Rik Veda; the 7 Rishis
  • The 7 Rishis = the 7 stars of the constellation Ursa Major
  • "the northern quarter of the sky"
  • The planet Jupiter


  • A god, divinity, deity
  • The image of a god, an idol
  • Al a symbolic name for the number `" thirty-three"' (from the 33 gods)
  • A sage, learned man
  • The sun {kSura}{svara}
  • Calotropis Gigantea

  • A wise or learned man, teacher
  • An inciter, propeller
  • The Soma-juice flowing from the Soma press


  • " lord of the gods "; lordship over the gods
  • name of Indra
  • name of Shiva
  • Indra's teacher, brihas-pati
  • The planet Jupiter
  • "bow of Indra" , the rainbow


  • speaking, talking
  • A parrot
  • The sun
  • speech, aword
  • The goddess of speech
  • A holy word, sacred text
  • An oath
QUOTATION from B.V. Raman, Three Hundred Important Combinations . 10th ed., delhi, 1991, 1947.

"Malefics, sukha-graha, and Neutrals " p. 6

Guru = malefic or benefic? "Jupiter.

Benefic as ruler of 2 and 5 for Scorpionis,

  • 9 and 6 for Cancer,

  • 9 and 12 for Aries

Neutral as ruler of 1 and 4 for Sagittarius,

malefic as ruler of 2 and 11 for Aquarius,

Gnanakaraka Guru

Karaka significations:

this list is adapted from Das

Wisdom, protection, benevolence, affluence, fame, astrology, councilors, advisors, religiousness, belief in god, priests, teachers, judges, children, guardianships, charity, generosity, contentment, laziness fat, expansion,

  • largeness, devotion, faith, hope, higher aspect of intelligence, fairness, justice, honesty financial dealings, foreign affairs, god's grace in this world, honor,

  • lawfulness, master of knowledge and wisdom,insurance, legal matters, medicine, occult science, physicians, liver (purification of blood), morality, conservative, optimism, peace, opulence,

  • performance of sacrifices, perpetuation of established codes, philosophy, pilgrimage, religious vocations, reputation, trust, scriptures, Veda."

philosopher, wiseman, visionary, generous, expansionist.

No graha treats Guru as an enemy, but Guru dislikes Budha and Shukra

In Shukra's domain Vrishabha - Urisha, brihaspati becomes sated with the constant pleasuring. Guru moves sluggishly there, expanding material-resource wealth but unable to develop much wisdom.

In Tula - Vanika, Guraja does not expand fully because He is locked into contractual agreements which regulate social and material resource management. Guru is not harmed in Thula but His higher philosophical wisdom cannot be expressed in matters of legal contracts, diplomatic negotiations, and brokered deals. Guru is not a deal-maker: He presents the truth As It Is, without balancing and adjustment to human sensual tastes [Shukra].

In Kanya - Parthya, brihaspati is constrained by Kanya's service duties. Guru expands the complaining, accusing, litigious qualities of Kanya but He can also help the medical genius of Kanya, by expanding health knowledge and developing medical treatment plans. When Guru travels through Kanya, one's may be able to further develop the skills needed for ministries of service. Guru can generate an ever-expanding task list.

In Mithuna - Dvamdva, Guru's grand wisdom is drained off by chatty conversation about mundane topics. The day-to-day busy-ness of scripted communications sucks the life right out of big philosophy. The mind becomes fixated on short-term plans and daily transactions. Mithuna's channel is too narrow to accommodate Guru's wide perspective; wisdom is "packaged" in bite-sized portions for the short attention spanr.

Psychically, Guru indicates one's overall permission levels set at birth.

Preincarnationally plannedally, Guru indicates what type of talent, gift, and privilege is stored in the credit account created by generous actions in parallel lives and stored in the Akashic Record. This record is stationed in the Earth's magnetosphere and contains a holographic image representing all Earth Births.

Physically, Guru expands everything He contacts. Brihaspati can change the size of the person's fleshly annamayakosha * foodbody.

When He sends a drishti to the lagna, for example, Guru makes the person look larger. When He sends drishti to Chandra, this ray signifies that the person is reproductively fertile.

Emotionally, Guru is relaxed and confident in the process of increasing one's scope of understanding.

Socially, brihas-pati is compassionate and generous toward other beings.

Intellectually, Guru is omniscient Himself and a wonderfully inclusive teacher to others.


many; much

  • Copiousness, copies,
  • multiplex (many layers), multitudinousness,
  • " Many-ness "

in the bhava --

  • the Lord of the Bhava must be strong to ensure the full expansion of Guru
  • additional graha sharing a bhava with Brihaspati will adjust Professor Guru 's scope

  1. [Guru in bhava-1] -- [dikbala] = many personalities; much vitality; expanded Earthen-body ; great confidence
  2. [Guru in bhava-2] = many languages; much memory; expanded storage containers; many knowledge lineages; many natural resources; generous family, more than one family
  3. [Guru in bhava-3] = many messages; much communication; many sibling-cousins or team-mates; expanded commercial business; easy ensemble; much conversation
  4. [Guru in bhava-4] = multiple mother-figures; many homes, easy schooling; many parent-protectors; much property, many rhythms, expanded roots; many vehicles
  5. [Guru in bhava-5] = much creativity, great charisma; many students; much celebrity; large scope of political action; fortunate gambling
  6. [Guru in bhava-6] = many problem-sets; much medicine; easy expansion of imbalances; many loans; many physicians; many servants and animals
  7. [Guru in bhava-7] = many marriages; multiple partners, many contracts; many negotiations; much agreement; easy advice; easy balancing; multiple careers
  8. [Guru in bhava-8] = many secrets, many surgeries; many identity-changes; multiple disasters; much money from the partner; much hidden wealth; easy understanding of masked, covered things
  9. [Guru in bhava-9] = multiple father-figures; many beliefs, much doctrine; many professors, much philosophy; much preaching; much global travel
  10. [Guru in bhava-10] = much leadership; many professions; easy executive decisions; much governance responsibility; large scope of social influence
  11. [Guru in bhava-11] = many sources of income; much economic gain; many friends, many connections; large career
  12. [Guru in bhava-12] = many spirit-guides; much imagination; many journeys to distant lands; much sanctuary, many bedrooms, much private prayer

Guru-yuti-Surya pitrikaraka = more than one Father or father-figure

Guru-yuti-Chandra matrikaraka = more than one Mother or mother-figure

Guru yuvati-pati in bhava-7 = more than one life-partner

Guru + vriddhi-pati-11 = many friends

Guru + rogesha-6 = many physicians

Guru-yuti-Rahu = many adventures

Guru + Shani (for Feminine Nativities) = multiplication of remarriages, many second-husbands


Guiding, teaching, ritual priesthood,

  • religious and philosophical education, sacred texts, wisdom traditions, knowledge of languages and history, scholarship and studies,

  • academic fieldwork (expansion), university culture, philosophy,

  • divinatory memory, understanding of symbols, knowledge of the gods and other worlds, transactions on the bridge between the material place and the astral plane, clairsentient perceptions, mystical visions,

  • psychic healing and intuition, preaching, temple and university professions, world travel, international undertakings, sleep and the sleeping quarters, sanctuary, hermitage, diagnostic medicine (vs. prescriptive medicine = Budha) escape, expansion and development, divine children, monasteries and enclosures,

  • worldview, mediation and prayer, hospitals and anesthetic drugs, funerals, moksha, religious items, golden-orange things

  • Father (piter) - Priesthood, religion, truth - Santa Claus - Language - Generosity, charity - Abundance, wealth, expansion - Opportunity, growth, fat - Understanding, truth - Children, productivity, re-productivity - Optimism, hope, positive expectation - benefits, gifts - Wisdom (vs. knowledge, vs. information) - Teaching profession, guru - Humanistic education, opportunity, growth


  • paternalism, "Nanny State" , overconfidence, all of the delusions of organized religion including self-deception under cover of religion, ritualism, scripturalism * worth-ship * worship of priests, brahminism, punditism, misplaced optimism,"one size fits all" theories, oversimplified answers to complex questions, pollyanna complex, schadenfreud; inflation, obesity, erosion of discipline, excessive permissiveness

Swadhisthana.pngBody Parts = swadhi-sthāna = 2nd chakra

  • liver

  • reproductive organs

Illu_endocrine_system.png https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endocrine_gland

The major endocrine glands:

1 Pineal gland

2 Pituitary gland

3 Thyroid gland

4 Thymus

5 Adrenal gland

6 Pancreas

7 Ovary (female)

8 Testes (male)


The two rashi of Surapati are Dhanus - Haya and Meena - Antya

  • The portfolio of Sagittarius includes all Exterior - social-material - expressions of Wisdom

  • The portfolio of Pisces includes all Interior - psycho-emotional - expressions of Wisdom.


Traditionally, Language originates in the human structure, within the cave of Brahma = breath

The breath is regulated by the guru-regulated glands, Pituitary (regulates homeostasis, growth-9) and Pineal * pine-cone * (regulates sleep-12).

  • Do you see the elephant head of Shri Ganesha in the picture?

QUOTATION from Jyotiṣika 1912-1998 B. V. Raman, A Catechism of Astrology, p. 39

" Jupiter must be the karaka for language.

If he is in lagna or aspects the 9th house, one will know several languages.

The second house indicates speech.

If Ketu is in the second, or the lord of the second happens to see the second,

then the native will become well versed in a number of languages.

The second house and Jupiter are the most important factors for judging linguistic capabilities."

"Guru has a big body, tawny hair and tawny eyes, is phlegmatic, intelligent, and leaned in all shastra."

BPHS Sarga-3, shloka-2 7

Digha Nikaya 31: Sigalaka Sutta, iIi

" Pupils should tend to their teachers in the following five ways

  1. By rising to greet them,

  2. Waiting on them,

  3. Being attentive,

  4. Serving them and

  5. Mastering the skills they teach.

The teachers should similarly:

  • Give thorough instruction,

  • Make sure the pupils have grasped what they have been taught;

  • Give them a thorough grounding in skills,

  • Recommend their pupils to friends and colleagues and,

  • Make them secure."

QUOTATION from B.V. Raman , aCatechism of Astrology . p. 33

" Q. 39 Is Jupiter's aspect in debilitation good?

Ans. -- Jupiter is primarily a benefic by nature.

  • Though he is in debilitation, he still retains his benefic nature and his aspect will be good though weak."

p. 27 " Q. 32

Is there any truth in the saying that Jupiter, posited in Aquarius, is equivalent to Jupiter in Cancer?

Ans. -- Brihat Jataka, chapter 16, verse 6, gives this effect, though Saravali gives bad effects. The former is more authoritative.

  • Many things are beyond our explanation and logic and they should not be rejected on that score." [end quote]

Buddhist Texts (vs. images)

QUOTATION from ~~ Generous Wisdom : Commentaries by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV on the Jatakamala Garland of Birth Stories. (1992). Tenzin Dorjee (Trans.) Dudjom Rinpoche (Ed.).

" It wouldn't be bad if you didn't have statues, but it has become indispensable to have Buddhist texts which deal with the structured path to train our mind.

If you have Buddhist texts, read them for yourselves and to friends who visit. That way you can help others to understand Buddhist ideas.

For instance, it is interesting to read Milarepa's life story and songs. We find in them many enlightening lessons. Buddha's image alone will not purify us of karmic obscuration....

  • It is very important to study the scriptures. They are not to be just stacked up on the altar. They must be cultivated in our mind. ...

  • [we] take great interest in having the symbolic representations of Buddha's body, speech and mind.

  • I feel it is more important to acquire and read scriptures, the symbolic representations of his speech.

  • You can pay homage to them, you can make offerings to them; above all, you should study them."


Buddha from Nepal, stationed in San Francisco

via Nyima Dorje Sharwa

Consecrated Vows

* * Dedicated to Cho-khor Du-chen, shakya-muni Buddha

14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso

  • Generous Wisdom : Commentaries by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV on the Jatakamala Garland of Birth Stories.(1992). Tenzin Dorjee (Trans.) Dexter Roberts (Ed.).

" ... Shakyamuni Buddha, even when he was a trainee on the path, was solely concerned in both thought and action with others' welfare. Whenever he found an opportunity to work for others, no matter what difficulties he faced, he was never discouraged.

He never hated obstacles and hardships encountered on the way. Instead, the difficult situations facilitated his being more courageous and determined to accomplish others' welfare. Just because he was so determined to work for others in the past, even as a trainee on the path, it is needless to say how much more it is so with him now as a completely enlightened person.

...We say this prayer at the time of taking vows

  • I shall relieve those who are distressed; I shall establish beings in the bliss of enlightenment.

In regard to situations in which we cannot help others literally, we can mentally dedicate our body, wealth and virtueto them. Otherwise, we are just helpless.

While you give, do not expect something in return. Do not give to fulfill selfish motives. Do not be discouraged in giving. Generate the altruistic mind of enlightenment as best you can, and then give out of sole concern for others.

Having been reborn as human beings and having come into contact with Dharma, we know something about what to do and what not to do."


The Golden Rule, painted by Norman Rockwell, 1961

for the lobby of the United Nations Building, New YorkUSA


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The information on barbarapijan.com, including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" How much better is it to get wisdom than gold!

and to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver!"

The Book of Proverbs =Mishlei Shlomo, , 16:16 (KJV)
