![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala Rahu-Ketu Main Page
Rahu samchara * transit bhava-4 Rahu occupies 4th-from-Chandra
AUM ram ravahe namah
राहु rāhu Professor Rāhu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru = enemy (shatru) of the sun (arka) and the moon (shashi) चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala = outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture resides in बन्धुस्थान bandhu-sthāna = place of belonging, staying bound सुखदाय su-kha-dāya = easy, comfortable area रसातल rasā-tala = earth, ground, subterranean lower realms गृहस्थान griha-sthāna = grave, house-of-earth, burial, lower-world Caput Draconis Head of the Dragon - North Node yati Anabibazon occupies the fourth house genitor domus see also: Rahu in the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra |
" As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is." ~~ Ram Dass |
Professor Rahu becomes Important via matters of protectionism and boundaries, He enjoys the Thrill of Passing via Mixed-Culture privilege, across culture-separating fences, limits, borders, barriers |
EXAMPLES [for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy [for Kumbha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently musical, entrancingly enriching, shimmering sensuality [passion to mimic the glamorous appearance of luxurious homelife] pretentious opulence of over-reaching local denizens] hungers for acquisition of costly licenses and valuable diplomas] [cultural foundations supply precious opportunities] [ambitiously entreasured parents may fraudulently or fabulously exaggerate their real-estate or vehicles] wants financially prestigious pleasurable mixed-culture environments] [craves sumptuous lifestyle with privileged citizenship] artificially-sweet pretension of cherished patriotism] covets expensive unusual transportation] may over-value boundary-fencing or dwelling price]
[for Meena indriya-lagna] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] [fascinating descriptions of landed property] [passionate presentations of fashionably prestige locations] [excitingly unorthodox household conversational rhythms] [opportunistic advertising of intriguing vehicles] [for Mesha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense
[Rahu-Singha] [nicha] [for Urisha indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity passion for royal-celebrity entitlement
[for Mithuna indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation opportunism in logical argumentation
[Karkata indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity [passion for justice in maritime and land-use law] [ambition to trade in real-estate and watercraft] opportunistic negotiated arrangements for transport and housing] [desires to bargain for prestige real-properties] thrilled by contractual environmental protection of pathways, waterways, airways] [over-reaching pleasantly patriotic ostentatious parents]
[for Simha indriya-lagna] check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently recycling, mesmerizingly transformative, thrilling evolutionary force [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] [passion to mimic the glamorous appearance of camouflaged ancestry] pretentiously over-reachin mystification of cultural foundations] expediently obtained licenses and undisclosed diplomas] [guardian-protectors may supply hidden opportunities] [ambitiously secretive parents may fraudulently or fabulously exaggerate their real-estate or vehicles] wants identity-transforming prestigious mixed-culture educational environments] [craves taboo-challenging lifestyle with privileged housing] thrilled by dangerous threats to habitual patriotism] revolutionary initiatives in schoolteaching and border protection] may make exciting sudden changes of citizenship or dwellings] [for Kanya indriya-lagna] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-oingwning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] [for Tulā indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering [passion to mimic the glamorous appearance of conventional homelife] pretentious formality of over-reaching local denizens] hungers for local protection via legal licensing and approved diplomas] [fixed structure of the cultural foundations supplies the illusion of regularized opportunities] [ambitious class-conscious parents may fraudulently or fabulously exaggerate their real-estate or vehicles] wants socially prestigious normalized mixed-culture environments] [maintains the pretension of exemplary mainstream patriotism] using public transit pathways, nevertheless craves unusual forms of carriage] may bureaucraticly over-ride orthodox rules for fencing land-use]
[Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra] [for Vṛścika indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity
[for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna] [Rahu-4 casts passionately property-owning culturally habitual drishti into 8-10-12] check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently dreamy, mirage of imaginative intuition
Renegade Rahu in Bhava 4 In all things Rahu, even the most fantastic upward trajectory tends to end with a sudden ejection from the artificially high, exotically obtained elite level of privilege. Think of Pretender Professor Rahu 's beheading and fall from the world of the deities. When the period of false entitlement is over, it's over big. Yet, risk-rewarding Rahu = never fully defeated, His perpetual ambition never withers . He may fail once or a hundred times. Nevertheless, when the next Rahu bhukti empowers His Fascinating Passions, shri Rahu will try againr. Uncharacteristically for this normally gentle group, rahu over-stimulates the taboo-breaking ambitions of
Rahu's Reach can be greatly amplified when Rahu-4-yuti-Other-Graha
Parenting, property ownership-stewardship , ancestral lands Conditions of parenting and property ownership-stewardship are often unusual, exotic, ambitious, and overleap conventional boundaries. One may serve as a substitute or surrogate parent while posing as the authentic parent. Often a great desire to parent, but the circumstances of the parent role are unconventional or pretentious, surrounded by a smoky aura of not-quite-legitimately entitled to make the claims that the Rahu-4 parent is asserting. Rahu-4 does not affect the conventionality of the children (that would be Rahu-5) rather it affects the social credentials of the parent.
With property ownership-stewardship , boundaries, and defense of the land, rahu-4 may be a passionate but irregular defender of a parcel of land or an entire nation. Rahu-4 may be found, upon inquiry, to lack legitimate claim to own, protect, defend, the land about which Rahu boasts so vehemently. Here may be found a mercenary warrior defending the entitlements of a foreign monarch, or a false claimant to properties using a ruse such as ancestral rights which lack authenticity. Irregular settlements. Seeks privilege via upward social class-mobility via real-estate, construction of buildings, establishment of schools and ancient ethnic teachings, vehicles of land and sea.
Irregular behaviors related to Lands and Houses Squatters.
Real-estate Speculators.
Rahu-style home and vehicles Nowhere is Thorstein Veblen's concept of conspicuous consumption more evident than in the entitled holdings of Rahu in classroom-4. Since Rahu's class-mobility aspirations are focused upon the lands, vehicles, and home, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may transport, locate and decorate in a conspicuously "showcase" style.
Rahu occupies the property-owning 4th bhava, which suggests an intensive engagement with real-estate, interiors, housing, shelter, citadel-protection, foundational schooling (especially the school buildings) vehicles and transportation, and a passion for prestigious cars and homes. Rahu-4 is often a fervent environmentalist, who finds opportunity in the acts of protection and guarding boundaries. hungry quest for empowering recognition as a legitimate, credibleholder of status-rank in the class of beings =
If candescent Chandra or bandesha-4 = strong, professor Rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of beings.
interpretation of the style of Klimt
Superman 1952-2004 tetraplegia Christopher Reeve owned several airplanes, sailplanes, and high-performance cars; as well as luxury dwellings in several locations |
A Tale of Two Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 I remember being invited into the working-class suburban American home of two salary-workers. The living room (salon, parlor) was stuffed with imitation "Louis- XV" furniture. Two sparkling new cars and a pricey sport-fishing boat consumed the smooth new concrete driveway. The couple expressed pride in having built a brand-new home in this "quality" suburb of a rust-belt industrial city. They explained happily that by illegal conspiracy of the land-selling agents, racially "inferior" persons were not allowed to buy homes in this exclusive area. I asked these folks how all of this high-status accouterment was funded. (4 = foundations, funding.) They explained that rather than pay property taxes to the municipality (4) they instead paid a bribe to a corrupt local official. They were proud of this clever [Rahu] strategy and smiled knowingly saying "that's how it works in this neck of the woods". In addition, even though The wifely figure's three children did not share their home and were not financially supported by the Conspicuous Couple, they claimed her three kids as dependents for a major tax credit. Last year, the tax refund had financed their new boat. From a Jyotisha perspective, this American Midwest couple provide a splendid example of Rahu's quest for social mobility and privilege via legal loopholes and "dark systems". Fraudulent parenting, pretentious home furnishings, showcase vehicles, and illicitly exclusive properties. It turns out that BOTH partners had empowered Rahu in bhava-4! Arrhythmic parenting. Ambitious desire to be socially recognized for the exceptional qualities of one's parental status.
Irregular Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may falsely claim to be the legal parent regarding child(ren) that belong to others. Anti-Shani lawless Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may deceptively mask one's legal parenting status quite convincingly, so that others come to believe that the native is the 'natural' parent (4) or the primary legally responsible [Shani] parent. SCHOOLING [4] Rahu's Reach can be greatly amplified when Rahu-yuti-Other-Graha
Over-reaching claims about prestige of diploma, license, exam-pass Devious devising Rahu may self-promote via misrepresentation of credentials in the world of educational certification, diploma, license. Rahu-4 prefers to tout prestige diploma, license, or professional certification. Boasting Schoolteacher, parent-figure, protector Also Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may over-state His importance as a primary teacher, especially in regard to a former student who has gained socially privilegedrrecognition. Rahu-4 may over-claim, "I taught him everything he knows." Typically, the purported student has learned from many teachers, throughout their schooling. Yet, rahu-4 suggests that the foundational teachers may share a pattern of self-important boasting. Foundational Familiar Insinuation [unprovable] regarding Ethnic Qualities
Upon logical inspection most Rahu-4 illusory claims about inherent qualities of any ethnicity or ethnoreligion [4] tend to be unprovable. But unless critical thinking is brought to bear against such fundamentally yet indirectly insinuated, instilled claims, one may honor those foundational teachers by passing these implicit, indirectly presumed cultural folkways to the next generation. PROPERTY OWNERSHIP or STEWARDSHIP
Naturally, one having chosen a birth with Rahu-4 is already prepared to experience ambitious desire in these local, protective, defensive, anchoring, ethnic topics of bandhusthana. It can also be that Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may obtain educational credentials in an exotic land. Such diploma(s) may be legitimate in their original context, yet their content is exaggerated or inflated in the homeland. Expedient patriotism. Ambition to be socially recognized for intensity of His desire to defend and protect the homeland. Yet, irregular or exotic in nationalistic behaviors.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 seeks entitlement via His apparent passion for cultivating the Old Ways , while also subverting the stability of the settlement. Elevation through rhythmic, habitual foundations Rahu in Bhava-4 = privilege gained via land ownership, vehicles, schooling, and ancient customs of a settled people. Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic patriotism, ancestral properties, or cultural protectionism
Quest for higher recognition via
Desire-driven strong property-owning instincts aimed toward self-elevation through risk in areas of real-estate, vehicles, schooling, and marine or coastal affairs. However, the full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 8, 10, and 12. Rahu the Naga demi-god is an ambitious trickster. Rahu has not yet completed the necessary austerities [Shani] and thus Rahu has not yet earned the rank of True Deity.
To Rahu the Deceiver's advantage, sattva (quiet purity) and tamas (lethargic toxicity) often appear identical on the outside surface (Rahu appear). Rahu tried to slither into the assembly of the true deities by mimicking their appearance, but His poseur fraud was detected by Shri Vishnu [Surya] and Rahu was thrown out! Thus Rahu = traditionally a demonic influence = rakshasa = outcast or lower cast = dark, oily, smoky, moves quickly, not established, not legitimate.
Rahu the Disrupter = an unwelcome guest in the house of stabilizing Chandra Rahu is considered to provide reasonably good or effective social-material results in domains 3, 6, 10, and 11. These are the svabhava of Budha and Shani; their portfolios include commerce, medicine, government laws, and economic laws. By contrast, rahu the Quick Uncoiler who springs forward suddenly at opportune moments = a bitter enemy of Chandra Moon the natural regulator of predictable, safe, customary folkways = Bandhu"bindings " bhava.
Rahu in bhava-4 = craves privileged ownership of landed properties, shelters, or vehicles, or a prestigious academic diploma. Rahu wants = and will obtain, by hook or by crook = to have or appear to have deep roots within the folk traditions of one's ethnic people.
However, normally Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 is seen as a bit of a poseur and questions of disloyalty to the culture and the nation are likely to arise.
Ketu in 10
The instructions of Professor Rahu produce a hunger for profound belongingness and recognition of one's entitlement to Place via ownership, stewardship, or other folk association with the manner of livelihood and environmental spirits of a place. Desire to obtain the privilege of owning an Estate: house or lands; In malefic cases = misguided or fraudulent education; illicit exams; falsely obtained property rights. In beneficial cases, where Rahu receives drishti of a powerful benefic, may expand the desire to broadly compassionate scope: protect, shelter, and educate the Folk. Rahu in 4 under best circumstances can become a sort of super-parent who affords protection to the weakest and most vulnerable people in the Place. Ambitious desire to be recognized as a patriot, guardian of the customary ways , property owner, parent or schoolteacher, a shelter and protector in stormy times. Via Rahu's characteristic over-promotion, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 often gets into illegitimate property claims that are"over their head" . Uses the childhood home and ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms as a platform from which to launch the Great Leap, but does not remain consistent with the parental values. Passion to become a better, higher, different property owner, caretaker, educator and parent. Great Leap Forward via Cultural Roots: Customary Patterns of Behavior, parents, patriotic Defense
Rahu's Great Leap Forward in bhava-4creates a sudden advance to a higher level of social privilege via a shape-shifting change in property ownership-stewardship , patriotic allegiance, schooling, licenses and examinations, vehicles, and matters regarding The parents and childhood home. . During the mahadasha of Rahu and bhukti of Rahu, professor Rahu in bhava-4 may "re-invent" the one's ethnic and cultural foundations to better match the customs of a "higher" social echelonr. The Chosen Professor Rahu in bhava-4 wishes to feel specially"chosen" for a privileged role: permission to join elite educators, land-owners and patriots. Opportunity via Disruption of the Foundations // Leapfrog // over the conventional path to privilege via one's cultural foundations , owned-stewarded property or vehicles, particularly via education in"roots " of a place and ethnic folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms Desire to challenge conventional boundaries of social security and cultural indoctrination Desire to Possess cultural roots through special entitlements Unusual conditions in schools, vehicles, lands and titled properties exotic and unconventional expression of patriotism; may hold multiple citizenship Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may appropriate the mother, home, property, vehicle, license, deeds of title, folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, or schooling of another Professor Rahu in bhava-4 can leapfrog to higher ethnic belongingness status in patriotic, protective, and property-owning realms, often by forming an exotic relationship with a mother-figure. // spring forward // to a higher social station on the third lifepartnership Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 = Karaka for an ambitious mother and an international education; karaka for ancestral properties inherited from parents wherein the spirits of the ancestors are still very much possessing the lands and buildings; ghosts in the home Rahu the Rakshasa feeds upon chaotic and manipulative circumstances within the world of parents, home and homeland, shelter and schooling. Rahu the Intruder disrupts the national boundaries, causing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 to internationalize However, uncomfortable that feels. Professor Rahu in bhava-4 must make one's home among foreigners, mixing the habits of one's upbringing with strange new habits and folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms. Exotic people enter the home. Rahu disrupts customary habits of parenting, upsets the schedule of settled family life, and makes Professor Rahu in bhava-4 privy to disturbing and possibly dangerous threats to national security. Rahu Risk-taking as a response to conflict Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 = 6th-from = bhava-11 = Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 might feel compelled toward illicit behaviors by a conflict with material goals, friends, the maternal uncle's wife, or the father's relatives |
Professor Rahu's style of teaching in classroom-4 demonstrates the human fascination with styles of shelter and defense of the settlement. Rahu-4 can often be found in the act of seeking privilege via over-reaching displays of the Shell. Within environments which serve human functions of security, protection, shelter, schooling, or transportation infrastructure., rahu-4 can invigorate the fabulous and ambitious instinct to out-do, out-perform, cross barriers, pass established limits. Rahu-4 tends to be overinvested in homes, buildings, schools, protective shells and shelters, vehicles of transport, polis, policing, borders, defense, ethnicity, ethnoreligion.
Bhava-4 provides the snake-hole aperture parents, police, and properties through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward. Socially mobile via quickly ascending or ambitious parents. Unusually adventurous, or unstable conditions in the early childhood home; parents unpredictable, exciting, cultural-mixers disrupted or exotic qualities in the schoolings, such as foreign tutors presence of persons from diverse and non-customary backgrounds in the childhood home Passion for vehicles and properties Rahu in bhava-4 may appear as a charlatan seeking personal advantage via folkways, local culture including
Rahu in classroom-4 motivates an urge to champion the defense [4] of foundational practices and customary [4] beliefs of the settled people. Most commonly, these are the mother's people. Rahu in classroom-4 = a poseur seeking higher social privileges behind the guise of patriotism, defense of national boundaries, or defense of the habitual "way of life" of a settled people. |
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Ambition to achieve entitlements via
Professor Rahu seeks obtainment of privileged importance via
craves privileged access to property-ownership opportunities Rahu pursues social mobility via
PARENTS Typically, the parents crave and often achieve remarkable empowerment of their social mobility. They are important in their local environment, exceptional in education and housing, often key citizens in their village or town. If Rahu-yuti with additional graha-in-4, the ambitious parents provide more complication but also more empowerment. The biggest booster of the parents' desire for local importance is either Rahu-yuti-bandesha or Rahu-yuti-Chandra.
However, rahu-yuti with any graha invests bhava-4 with an exceptional climate of opportunism and hunger for parochial privilege. often one hails from a land-owning ethnicity, who are in some sense outsiders in the place of settlement but who have cleverly staked land claims there the parents are ambitious folk house-proud Rahu follows ambitious trajectories of important local boundaries Rāhudrishti to 8, 10, 12 amplifies the discovery-secretive (8) institutional-governance (10) and sanctuary-isolation (12) attributes. overleaps conventional boundaries in matters of parenting, patriotism, and property defense seeks prestige via schooling-socializing, academic diploma, foundational examinations, professional-trade licensing seeks extraordinary [Rahu] privilege within property-ownership, land-use, environmentalist, schooling, sheltering, parenting, protective, agricultural, pathways of transportation, customary, local-culture , roots settlement environments (4) passion for prestige property, rhythms, routine, roots special and important in domestic, environmentaland foundational-schooling roles passion for schools, shelters, property, routine, roots seeks a prestige diploma, license, educational credential disguised as a protective, parental figure passion for prestige property property property * lands homes schools farms ships carts seeks privilege via providing nourishment, boundaries, continuity, rhythms, protection urgently ambitious to gain prestige via housing, deeded properties, fencing, boundaries, cultivation of lands, transportation-shells (cars, ships, airplanes etc.) fascinating breast, chest, stomach seeks expedient utility of roots - routes - ruts - routines (4) mesmerizing patriotism, ambitious defense of the land craves prestige shelters, locations, and means of transpori Professor Rahu-4 may crave watery resorts
Patriotism * nationalism * defense of the Way of Life * Schooling * Local Transport Rahu is Excited to gain Importance via the opportunities presented in acts of Boundary Defense such as local and regional policing, military defense of the nation-state and its interests, involvement in the folkways-boundaries discourse on what should-and-should-not (should = ethno-morality) be taught in the foundational schooling, all matters of vehicles and transportation such as management of local streets and traffic. Rahu seeks recognition in the Local sphere and all local activities offer Opportunity to Him. Chalakaraka Rahu Ris-rewarding Rahu's camouflage enables His ambitious desire to be recognized as an important patriot , parent, police, protector, custodian of the habitual practices, land-owner, school-teacher, and defender of the Folkways. Intense desire to own houses and large tracts of land.
When He is teaching in classroom-4, professor Rahu impassions the mind with desire for
Rahu provides an extreme desire to possess the power to secure ownership of lands, buildings, shelters, deeded properties, vehicles, along with the urge to satisfy that desire at nearly any cost. Rahu will break taboos which normally would prevent: extension of cultural legitimacy via schooling to underclass -- exempli gratia, impoverished, enslaved. extension of cultural legitimacy to foreigners, outcast or taboo
A nationally important person in a conservative society obtaining foreign education granting educational legitimacy to exotic types of schooling and licensing challenges "roots " culture while retaining privileges
Much volatility of matters regarding national affiliation and ethnic identity.
The homeland is tumultuous and there are pretenders to the throne. Rahu in bhava-4 causes Professor Rahu in bhava-4 to leave one's homeland in search of excitement, but also to be involved intrigue and subversive activities which upset the established order in one's own homeland. Rahu favors the use of deception and His style usually involves sneaking into forbidden places under culturally false pretenses. |
![]() Palazzo Dandolo , Venezi Italia |
As the great taboo-breaker, rahu destroys customary entitlement accountability and introduces unorthodox behaviors in the parents; in the childhood home; in property ownership-stewardship , and in folkways education.
Associated with Land Reform movements and with patriotic cultural revolutions,"the loyal opposition" . Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 uses one's education toward taboo-challenging purposes. Outsiders who are present in the childhood home create a peculiar and unstable or highly diverse upbringing, in which the natural repetition o familiar habits and customs is disrupted (e.g., foreign education) and child is not entirely secure. The parents might abandon their own cultural roots -- exempli gratia, the parents might change their religious affiliation so that the childhood home has a different culture than other homes in the extended family network, or perhaps the parents adopt a new ethnicity, ethnoreligion, nationality, or set of folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms. Professor Rahu in bhava-4 may be perceived by others as a foreigner or somehow not quite properly or regularly culturally aligned. There may be a presence of foreign tradesmen, tutors, or dignitaries Or other exotic cultural influences in the childhood home. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may receive indoctrination among the underclasses or in an exotic, ritually proscribedland.
Excellent placement for a boundary-challenging multi-cultural educator . Good for owning property in foreign lands. Can accumulate a massive amount of property if Rahu's ruler is powerful but Professor Rahu in bhava-4 does not directly own it. Often drives a foreign car :) May employ surreptitious or unconventional devices to obtain credibility in extremes in the world of real estate and education. Sudden changes of property ownership-stewardship ; damage to properties by natural catastrophe during Vimshottari periods of Rahu. Family lineage is complex and perhaps exaggerated. Irregularities in the transmission of the mother's culture. May fabricatean exciting story of one's roots in a foreign land. |
Restless Ambition to Amplify the empowerments and privileges of Home, Homeland, Parents, the Root Culture, and Schooling Rahu in 4 provides a source of fervent desire to break the boundaries of customary limitations of the root culture. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 is usually not an obedient student; may suffer lack of concentration, learning style conflict or disability from hyperactivity, aDD/ADHD or similar. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 moves from Professor Rahu in bhava-4 school to the next, from Professor Rahu in bhava-4 country to the next. Supportive placement for an international schoolteachers. At least Professor Rahu in bhava-4 of the parents is an unusual, risk-enjoying person. Conditions in the family home are forever unsettled. The Naga King's ambition may strike during a vehicular event: |
Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-4 = 6th-from = bhava-9 = During Rahu bhukti if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong, entrancing Professor Rahu in bhava-4 may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by preachers, priests, professors, guru-figures, academic scholarship and religious convictions; by hostility of the father; also via sanctimonious or self-righteous 3rd marriage-partner Academy + temple = 6/12 = Rahu's shad-ashtakya awkward angle from father/guru-9 and from elder siblings/riends -11 bhava-9 = faith invested in doctrine (political, religious, scientific)+ university discorse upon matters of principle and theory. Rahu-9 = enters a shad-ashtakya 6/8 relative angle which can produce a feeling of entrapment within one's own paradigm of belief
Smoky, oily qualities in the childhood home and one's regular place, such as coal-burning stoves or living in a neighborhood which suffers heavy industrial pollution (, most large cities).
Childhood home may be near natural or industrial sources of oil. |
![]() Oil tanker explosion USA trainwreck late winter 2015 |
Outcome depends on Rahu's ruler . In general, in general, rahu's transit via bhava-4 brings a disruptive but also fascinating influence into the childhood home and the schoolrooms, upon the parents and caretakers, and into the activities associated with land, shelters, and vehicles. Frequently Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 = karaka for quick-social mobility, leap-to-privilege exotic or barrier-bending, taboo-twisting activities in the home-land or basis of life such as matters of farming, shipping, properties, or educational infrastructure. Rahu in 4 is tempted into speculative real-estate markets. Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 may be mesmerized by the possibility to a quick leap to the top of the social hierarchy (or ability to obtain a level of privilege not yet earned) via real-estate "flip" techniques or other neighborhood-disrupting speculative buy-sell of family homes. The early education is influenced by foreign cultural attributes, and this unconventional mix of traditional academic form (bhava-4) with the exotic international content [Rahu] is supported overtly or covertly by an adventurous-minded mother. Native typically enjoys a good quality education so long as Rahu's ruler is gracious. The mother may have unsavory attributes if Rahu's ruler bring the unsavory, or the family home may be full of fascinating foreign dignitaries and exotic foods, if risk-rewarding Rahu's ruler brings refined foreign pleasures. Professor Rahu is always promoting a distorted agenda, even when His contribution makes life more vigorous, interesting, and colorful than would conventionally be allowed. The home shelter (4) becomes a site for sudden changes, always fascinating and sometimes catastrophic. The nature of the disruption may be known via Rahu's ruler. When Rahu's ruler is a highly impressionable graha like Chandra or Budha, the character of the ruler will be causative alsor. |
Lalitha Mahal in Mysore, India |
Rahu mahadasha 18 years
Hungry desire to be recognized as a property owner, parent or schoolteacher, although Professor Rahu in bhava-4 has not yet earned the entitlement to shelter others. Via Rahu's characteristic ambition for recognition, professor Rahu in bhava-4 may become involved in irregular property claims that may expose the fraudulence of unpreparedness when entrancing Professor Rahu in bhava-4 gets in over one's head. The most salient effects of Rahu in bhava-4 - passion for prestige property, routine, roots occur during Rahu mahadasha. Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati. Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.
Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via display of homes and landed properties; vehicles of land or sea; license examination or diploma; or caretaking, parenting policing entitlements. The methods of expedient self-elevation for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 include"appropriation" of the instruments of bhava-4 such as promotion to higher property-ownership rank, patriotic distinction, sheltering and custodial roles, transport vehicles of all kinds, parent-figure behavior, or involvement with maintenance of the Old Ways such as schoolteaching and parochial religious congregation. Although Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 has not yet * earned* the higher entitlements which are normally accorded to property owners, parents, patriots, protectors, and parochial guardians of the local folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His obsession is boundless.
during Vimshottari periods of Rahu, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-4's upward trajectory may involve fraudulent or irregular parenting, schooling, caretaking, sheltering, or property-vehicle behaviors that are"over one's head" . Final results depend on the disposition of the ruler of Rahu's rashi. |
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