

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Ketu occupies 8th-from-Chandra

KetuMain Page

  1. [Ketu in classroom-1]
  2. [Ketu in classroom-2]
  3. [Ketu in classroom-3]
  4. [Ketu in classroom-4]
  5. [Ketu in classroom-5]
  6. [Ketu in classroom-6]
  7. [Ketu in classroom-7]
  8. [Ketu in classroom-8]
  9. [Ketu in classroom-9]
  10. [Ketu in classroom-10]
  11. [Ketu in classroom-11]
  12. [Ketu in classroom-12]

  1. [Ketu-Mesha]
  2. [Ketu-Urisha]
  3. [Ketu-Mithuna]
  4. [Ketu-Karkata]
  5. [Ketu-Singha]
  6. [Ketu-Kanya]
  7. [Ketu-Tula]
  8. [Ketu-Vṛścika] --- [svakshetra]
  9. [Ketu-Dhanus]
  10. [Ketu-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Ketu-Kumbha]
  12. [Ketu-Meena]

Ketu Yantra from transcendencedesign.com

AUM kem ketave namah

OM shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

केतु ketu

Professor Ketu

शिखिन् śikhin = comet, reaching peak knowledge

आकाश ākāśa = ether, space, vacuity

कावन्ध kāvandha = appearing as a headless trunk

रुण्डक ruṇḍaka = headless body

विशिरस्क viśiraska = headless

छिद्रकारक chidra-karaka = agent of cutting-off

resides in


रन्ध्र randhra = aperture, sphincter, hollow, cave, opening

मृत्यु mṛtyu = death, dying, fatality

आयु āyu = life, lifespan, mobility

निर्यत् niryat = going forth, exiting, coming out, set free

South Lunar Node

cauda draconis = tail of the dragon

caesura = cut

यति yati = pause, stop, break in recitation


καταβιβαζόν kata-bibazon = catabibazon

= κᾰτᾰ = down +‎ βαίνω = go

= go down, descend = descending-node


the eighth house

mors = renatus

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

~~ Beowulf (poem)

/ So goes the weird (unseen fate) as she shall. / [translation BPL]

randhrasthana = svabhava of Ketu

see also: Caput Draconis in Scorpionis

shocking abandonments

Ketu +++ Kuja = co-rulers of Randhrasthāna


disregards non-disclosure

Revival * Rejuvenation * Recycling * Renovation * Rebirth


foggy sunrise in Reed Canyon, author unknown


NASA Southern Orion From Belt to Witch

Credit + Copyright: Stéphane Guisard

power-vacuum in the natural areas of

  • recovery-revitalization-renovation-rebirth Mangala

un-focused dispersal of attention, un-holding of:

  • matters of Bhava-8 including marital accounts, in-laws, and children's education

  • matters of Ketu's bhava counted from Chandra lagna

Severed connection to the source of hidden wealth, secret resources, inheritance

  • Sudden disruption and scattering of the expected rejuvenating cycle of death-and-rebirth; unexpected deaths-and-rebirths

  • Careless disregard for boundaries in matters of occult knowledge, tantric yogic practices, secret-keeping, hidden wealth, and extramarital liaison

  • dismemberment of the "book covers " (tantra) = veils, grates, grills, and screens which obscure secret knowledge

  • Outcome depends almost entirely upon (1) graha yuti Ketu and (2) character of Ketu's ruler



[beneficial placement for Kanya indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently forward-pushing, disintegrating inventiveness

[dispersed engagement with innovative rebirths] [dissolution of wartime catastrophe]

surrenders pioneering initiations]

[forgives broken fresh-start transformations] [abandons unsustainable physical eruptions] [absent from empty blood eruptions]

[disregards invasive surgical conventions] [eccentric kinetic trauma-healing]

[passively fixated on ambitiously diplomatic-partnering Rahu-Tula-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • POTUS-16 Emancipation 1809-1865 Abraham Lincoln [political-dramatizing Bharani-1]

  • Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods [secretive-discovering Bharani-4] [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha]


  • Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham [arranging-balancing Bharani-3]


[beneficial placement for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's vacuously sweet, ambivalently evaluating, arbitrarily enriching sensuality

[dissociated from historical rebirths] [dissolution of financial catastrophe]

surrenders useless hidden endowments]

[forgives broken heritage transformations] [abandons unsustainable evaluation changes] [absent from empty secret assessments]

[disregards traditional bankingconventions] [eccentric sensual trauma-healing]

[passively fixated on ambitiously secretive-emerging Rahu-Vṛścika-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • On Golden Pond 1937- drama-fitness Jane Seymour Fonda [champion-dominating Rohiṇī-1]

  • Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver [secretive-eruptive Bharani-4 [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha]


[energizing-identifying lagnesha co-ruler for Vṛścika indriya- lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's spacey sentences, vague instructions, disinterested discourse

[eccentric management of undisclosed assets] [may signal disregard for conventional emergency response] [explanatory documents disburse confidential information]

[typically ambivalent about keeping proprietary commercial secrets]

in-laws of the first marriage, if any, may be remote or oddly mentalized]

wandering transactional approach to identity-change]

[peculiar scripted initiations] [incoherently communicative hand-gesture toward the elephant-in-the-room]

ambivalent interpretation of dangerous catastrophe]

airy windy environments may dissolve the mental concentration]

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic inspirational-dogmatic Rahu-Dhanus-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, singers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or additional marriages]



[beneficial placement for Dhanus - Haya indriya-lagna]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Ketu's ephemerally calming, vaguely ancestral rhythms

[passively fixated on ambitiously regulatory, expediently normalizing Rahu-Makara-Draco-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]


[beneficial placement for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Ketu's charmingly ambivalent, passively entitled, ceremonial detachment

[passively fixated on ambitiously opportunistic friendly- profitable Rahu-Kumbha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]


  • Flowers of Evil 1821-1867 symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire [bargaining-adjustable Pūrvaphalgunī-3]

  • Earth Changes 1877-1945 Edgar Cayce [ministering-complaining Pūrvaphalgunī-2]

  • 52nd Dai, dawoodi Bohra 1915-2014 Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin [innovative-competitive Magha-1]


[beneficial placement for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Ketu's dispassionate analysis, witnessing logic, distanced criticism

[passively fixated on ambitiously imaginative-symbolic Rahu-Meena-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • Cogito-Ergo-Sum 1596-1650 logic Rene Descartes [dramatizing-displaying Chitra-1]

  • Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung [publishing-explaining Hasta-3]

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman [defensive-habitual Hasta-4]


[beneficial placement for Meena indriya-lagna]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Ketu's ambivalently agreeable, unsustainable promises

[passively fixated on ambitiously competitive-challenging Rahu-Mesha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [charitable-philosophical Arcturus-4]

[Ketu-Vṛścika] -- [uchcha]

[beneficial placement for Mesha indriya-lagna]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Ketu's disinterestedly eruptive, disintegrating evolutionary force

[dissociated from crisis]

disconnected from traumatic shock] [inured to emergencies] [apathetic toward catastrophic change]

[passively fixated on ambitiously sensual-entreasuring Rahu-Urisha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]



[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[beneficial placement for Urisha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Ketu's ungrounded convictions, disengaged belief

[unconcerned with threats of doctrinal disintegration] [apathetic toward catastrophic consequences of credenda] [liberated from terrifying beliefs about death-and-rebirth]

[passively fixated on ambitiously messaging-commercial Rahu-Mithuna-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • How Will I Know 1963-2012 singer-cinema-fashion Whitney Houston [secretive-emerging Pūrvāṣāḍhā-4] [navamsha Ketu-Vṛścika-uchcha]

  • USA-Sen-Calif 1964- prosecutor Kamala Gopalan Harris [pioneering-champion Mūla-1]


[beneficial placement for Mithuna indriya-lagna ]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Ketu's orderly wandering, socially approved emptiness, legitimate surrender

[passively fixated on ambitiously protective-defensive Rahu-Karkata-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]


[beneficial placement for Karkata indriya lagna]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Ketu's orderly wandering, socially approved emptiness, legitimate surrender

[disregards community empowerment conventions]

peculiar use of marketplace nondisclosure]

oddly friendly and unbothered during catastrophic change]

[psychic nerve fragmentation of hidden shield around abdominal plexus] ] eccentric crowd-gathering assemblies]

disinterested in scientific changes]

[inconsistent yet profitable hidden socializing]

free-roaming abstract social-networking in undisclosed spaces] [abandons interlinked emergencies]

[ambivalent toward mass-participation initiations]

scattered disoriented futuristic in-laws, if any]

typically disconnected from socialite surgeons and healers]

economic shifts can expose secret assets]

[passively fixated on ambitiously speculative-political Rahu in Singha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

  • El Castilo Interior 1515-1582 St. Teresa de Avila [bargaining-diplomatic Dhaniṣṭha-3]

  • Zanjeer 1942- drama-politics Amitabh Bachchan [inspirational-ideological Varuna-1]


[beneficial placement for Simha indriya-lagna]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Ketu's broadly floating, cheerfully ghostly, contemplatively dreamlike imagery

[no barriers to symbolic transformative imagery] [disregard toward imaginary survival threats]

gently eruptive intuitive hidden knowledge]

[passively fixated on ambitiously ministering-assisting Rahu in Partha-2 treasuries, store-holds, family-members, bankers, memory-collectors, warehousers, knowledge-preservers, or second-spouse]

Collapsing Ketu diffuses, scatters, naebulizes matters of His residential bhava.

Professor Ketu teaches on the topics of liberation from fixed form, freedom from conventional limitations, dispersal of burdens, and spiritual wandering.

Effects of Ketu include wandering in cloud-form (nebula) and unsettled, liberated behavior in the bhava.

Ketu grants the passive benefits of freedom-from, not the active benefits of freedom-to

[Ketu in Bhava-8] [beneficial] analepsis (recovery)

  • Unsettled, disoriented, free-wandering, scattered discoveries.
  • Often takes a dissociated witness perspective toward catastrophe and disaster.
  • Tends to walk away from fixed mysteries
  • Apathy toward the structures that maintain hidden power
  • may inadvertently uncover the masking camouflage.
  • Abandons conventional secrecy, disregards the carefully hidden resources.
  • Liberation via understanding that revolutionary change is impermanent by design, including one's own identity transformations, tantric rebirths, shocks, and trauma.

Accidental death

incoherent or transcendent state at time of dematerialization

  • death in natural coma, medical-coma, unaware, dementia, overdose, natural dispersion of consciousness
  • secret escape, hidden method of dematerialization
  • mahasamadhi

death experience that occurs in a state of deep meditation, profound contemplation, transcendently reflective prayer, or other variety of dispersed awareness of physicality

Ketu-8 has no interest in retaining hidden information

Ketu-8 tends toward disclosure of the hidden contents of 8 - regardless of consequences.

KETU IN Bhava- 8 =

often indicates a low/no boundary condition in the field of psychic intuition, caused by an open portal in the electro-magnetic fabric of the embodiment sheath.

Disregards initiations.

Might not wait for permission to enter secret worlds. Dissolves the cultural barriers which surround and obscure the hidden realities. Unimpressed by the fierce guards who forbid the uninvited. Whether the hidden assets are financial, mystical, political, or other (depends upon Ketu's rashi) Ketu-8 lacks fear of consequences for penetrating the veil.

Similar effects may be felt when Ketu the Releaser occupies the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra

Ketu-8 = a shape-shifter in the world of rebirth, regeneration, renewal. Ketu-8 provides a blank screen upon which the collective consciousness may project its most cherished expectations of rejuvenating energy injections.

Dissociating Ketu says, I am a free agent. I not fixed into any structure. I can be who you want me to be.

Ketu-8 = Conditions of dematerialization-and-rebirth, initiation, re-invigoration, re-start, and identity-change (8) and a particularly surrendering, abandoning style of accomplishing that regeneration


Ketu-8 ++ Ketu's ruler lagnesha-rogesha Mangala occupies 8th-from-8

Sudden deaths, unexpected life-changes, eruption of crisis - all incorporated into a task-list of clerical activity

POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge [Ketu-8 in ideological-optimistic Jyeṣṭha-1] = [Super-Ketu, master of annihilation and rebirth]

dissociated from crisis]

disconnected from traumatic shock]

inured to emergencies]

  • JCC experienced a number of shocking, unexpected deaths which were incorporated into the programme of his writing, explaining, administrative career [see intense cluster of Mithuna-graha yuti-Kuja].
  • Devastated at age 12 when his mother bio-died, JCC endured the quick, alienating remarriage of his father. Quickly thereafter, at age 17 he suffered the death of his confidante teenage sister and only sibling.
  • At age 51, JCC's life changed overnight, when the sudden bio-death of POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding thrust him into intervention emergency [8] for a catastrophic national bribery crisis = "Teapot Dome".
  • Age 52, JCC was nearly paralyzed with grief following the tragic bio-death of his favorite teenage son.
  • Each shock pushed Silent Cal into deeper resistance, yet Shani-Mangala in mutual drishti maintains the permanent tension of never-finished work. He soldiered on.

sees the weaknesses in the masking secrecy covers

tends to be apathetic toward the gate-keeping duties of the protectors of occult treasuries

lacks accountability toward the confidential information, toward the occult treasuries, toward those who would camouflage, keep secrets and hide knowledge

splits open the shielding

sees, but is rarely impressed by, great hidden treasures and secret power

goes roaming through the tantric, occult treasuries

mismatched or inconsistent regenerations post-disaster

absence of the veil which covers the unknown

apathy toward catastrophic change

no barriers against rebirth, no limit to hidden forces; usually, no fear of death

indecisively unable to make up the mind in matters of occult treasury

The value of Ketu-8 is not wealth-provision directly materially but rather a certain occult sensitivity which gives a bit of prescience and Ketu's " non-interference" approach to confidential assets.

The benefits of being Lost.

Professor Ketu tends to produce beneficial results when He delivers the curriculum of Bhava-8. Ketu represents incoherence and doubt, debit, debt or bankruptcy of meaning. Thus the expectations of Ketu are matched by the environment of bhava-8.

The terrain of randhrasthāna-8 is by nature incoherent and doubtful; the absence of clear meaning here is to be expected. Sudden shocks often follow a repeating pattern of surrender and forgiveness..

Ketu-8 is unable to break or separate that destruction of 8 which is already fractured and dissociated, and so there may occur a surprisingly comforting confirmation that yes, this is the land of the lost.

It was known in the deep roots of the tree of mind that one would wander here in search of new identity.

One encounters the boundarylessness and foggy concepts in a region famed for these very nebulosities, and feels rather at home.

Generally, professor Ketu moves like a thick fog and He does not get stuck in or upon forms. However, if Ketu is influenced by His ruler or incoming drishti it is possible for periods of Ketu to express what may seem like a perpetual underlying psychic grief for some ineffable lost connection tohidden pathways orsecret treasures.

Randhrasthāna-8 is the svabhava of Ketu who is co-lord of Vṛścika.

As a result, Ketu occupying bhava-8 grants benefits of a secret, camouflaged nature.

Apathy toward occult truths, captivating secrets, and hidden empowerments within the terrain of bhava-8.

Dispersing Ketu * knows * what is going on behind the mask, but apathetic inactive Ketu does not interfere with that hidden behavior - no matter how heinous or glorious it may be.

  • Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller [charitable-philosophical Arcturus-4] In 1910, following the discovery [8] by journalists of a tax-bribery scandal [8 taxes] JDR abdicated [Ketu] his top executive corporate roles. However, he kept all the ill-gotten gain, instead diverting his gazillions into philanthropic dispersal. He continued to earn passive income [Ketu passive, and Shukra-11 ruler]

Ketu-8 provides a low-resistance path to facilitate identity change, with little significant holding to past containers and according to rashi quick re-identification with a new profile:

Ketu-8 provides relatively little material resource but Ketu's wide, taking-it-all-in witness perspective does permit a view of many things seen and unseen.

Ketu removes the filters and boundaries which prevent humans from seeing directly into the mysterious source of trans-form-at-ive action .

Typically, prescient regarding the conditions of death.

One may be exceptionally sensitive to hidden motivations and can easily maintain camouflaged relationships. Occult knowledge gained through these hidden relationships permits dissolution (Ketu, 12th) of Ketu-8's orthodox beliefs (8th = 12th from 9th).

bhava-8 = 12th-from-9th. Therefore, Ketu in 8 dissolves the boundaries between priest-dominated, patriarchal rituals of 9, versus the bonpo tantrik practices of randhrasthāna-8.

The Ketu-8 native has access to deepest empowerment of 8 but ironically one may remain disengaged from these powers during the current lifetime.


Although the ruler of dissociating Ketu-8 can sometimes correct the implication regarding in-laws basically Ketu-8 suggests that the (first) spouse's family (8) provide relatively little help or resources or support during the current lifetimer.

Rahu in bhava-2 can create a significant family lineage of financial treasure or holders of historical knowledge. Yet, pretentious Professor Rahu does not always speak honestly. May fabricate a heritage. He may produce self-promoting or expedient speech.

Risk-rewarding Rahu's ability to achieve material-social privilege notoriously first rises and then falls.

Family circumstances are volatile. Ketu-8 lacks ambition to rejuvenate. Unless there are compensating graha in bhava-2, one rarely is able to stabilize whatever treasury the family might have accumulated. Yet, if Rahu-2 receives enough support from friendly drishti, the dissolution of inheritance indicated by Ketu-8 may be compensated. Look to Rahu.

  • Cogito-Ergo-Sum 1596-1650 logic Rene Descartes was exceptional for a Ketu-8 personality in that he was able to secure a financial trust for himself which paid his living expenses while he wrote and published his philosophical discourses. His financial security was obtained with the substantial aid of his government-official father who arranged a pension and advised Descartes on how to contain his treasures. Bhava-2 contains Rahu + Guru-yuti-Surya-Meena, showing the patronage [Guru] of his father [Surya].

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman hailed from a multi-generational lineage of eminent Jyotiṣika. His father was However, unable to read scripture due to being blind, and constitutionally disinterested in the lineage values-fulfillment . His mother died when Raman was a toddler. The family material treasury (based on land holdings) dwindled materially to the point of scarce survival. Despite this material holdings collapse, areciprocal aspect

    between Rahu-2 and Guru-10 provided a funding rescue, and Raman was just able to resuscitate the wisdom-content of his lineage knowledge.

Collapsing Ketu -8 accepts the reality of sudden, forced changes (8) as a necessary method of clearing the path toward spiritual reunion. Psychologically Ketu-8is somewhat shock-proof = a non-reactive witness to catastrophic change.

May indicate a healer or counselor who can guide others through rapid cycles of destruction-and-rebirth

passive spiritual awareness of the pattern of turnings of the wheel of birth and death.

Generally foggy and confused about how to handle jointly held assets.

Hesitant to trust the partner's family or partner's historic values. Indeed, the first spouse often has very little worldly-historical knowledger.

Who pulverizes the inheritance when Ketu the Releaser occupies bhava-8?

The agency of who is consuming or dissolving the inheritance may be measured to show a family member indicated via steps from Chandra. For example

  • Ketu in 2nd-from-Chandra = one's second spouse
  • Ketu in the emotionally talkative, communicative cohort evangelical instructional team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra = immediate younger sibling
  • Ketu in the defensive, culturally-rooted, seasonal-calendar, routinized, patriotic, ethno-nationalistic, comfort-seeking, home-loving, foundational, property-owning 4th-from-Chandra = maternal grandmother
  • Ketu in 5th-from-Chandra = one's own first child, or one's second-younger sibling
  • Ketu in 6th-from-Chandra = enemies, servants, medications, or physicians of the mother .
  • Ketu in 7th-from-Chandra = one's own second child, or one's first marriage-mate
  • Ketu in the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra = bonus-mom / stepmother
  • Ketu in 9th-from-Chandra = maternal grandfather, or one's third spouse
  • Ketu in the emotionally associative, community-linking, economically gainful, profit-regulated, friendly, participatory, goal-oriented, socially-networked 11th-from-Chandra = immediate elder sibling
  • [Surya-yuti-Ketu] -8 indicates that the father consumes one's inheritance
  • [Chandra-yuti-Ketu] -8 indicates that the mother consumes one's inheritance
  • [Mangala-yuti-Ketu] -8 indicates that aggressive, competitive persons such as brothers or athletes or conditions of war have the agency which consumes one's inheritance
  • [Budha-yuti-Ketu] -8 indicates that younger persons such as students or conditions of war have the agency which consumes one's inheritance
  • [Guru-yuti-Ketu] indicates that teacher-preacher role-players such as religious figures or conditions of indoctrination have the agency which consumes one's inheritance, transforming the treasures back into free energy
  • [Ketu-yuti-Shukra] indicates that female persons such as sisters, aunts, or other women or conditions of pleasure-addiction have the agency which consumes one's inheritance
  • Shani-yuti-Ketu-8 indicates that an elderly person, or the government, or legal consequences of a contract such as hidden fines and fees, have the agency that consumes one's inherited treasury

Drishti into bhava-8-Ketu is also revealing of the agencies and circumstances which may contribute to the dissolution of the hidden treasuries which are typically gifted (5) from parents (4) such as inherited lands and properties (5th-from-4th).

One may be sensitively equipped to detect the secret patterns of nature which indicate hidden movements, or inheritance from the ancestors, or consequences from unseen causes. For example, one with Ketu-8 may possess surprising intelligence (5) about the hidden influences of the parents within marriages which create sudden changes and trauma in marital life (8). Excellent marker for a professional psychologist or similar psychic healer, providing that the public-dignity markers such as karmesha would indicate public respect toward these psychic abilities.

Yet one enjoys little inherited wealth nor joint assets of marriage.

Material Wealth Treasuries may come, but not much from inheritance nor from the spouse's family such as a dowry.

Ketu tends to draw the money out, toward subsidizing the spouse rather than accruing wealth via partnership -- even if randhresha-8 is strong.

Conditions [not timing] of dematerialization

if Mesha, often involves the brain

If Urisha, eyes or jaw

If Mithuna, lungs or hands

If Karkata, stomach

If Simha, Heart

If Kanya, intestines or colon

If Tula, paired organs

If Vṛścika, sexual systeam

If Dhanus, pelvis-sacruam

If Makara - Draco, bones

If Kumbha, nerves or skin

If Meena, feet or lymph

Rahu in Bhava-2

[Ketu in Bhava-8]

chidrakaraka Ketu in Bhava-8

  • Scattered or incoherent behaviors generate a mask which covers movement WRT taxes, inheritance, pooled monies, hidden liaison. Disconnected from the family of the life-partner (2nd-from-7th).

  • Ambivalence toward occult knowledge, discovery of hidden resources - yet unrestricted ease in access to secret treasures

  • Leadership opportunities (11th from 10th) occur during periods of scattered focus, institutional power-vacuum

  • Ketu signals passive non-intervention even apathy toward conditions of sudden transformation.
  • Neither engagement nor resistance toward hidden liaisons.
  • Ambivalence toward secret (untaxed) sources of financial wealth .
  • Capital inheritance (5th from 4th) is dispersed [Ketu] but no-barriers to the"invisible" wealth of occult knowledge.
  • Death in a coma or unconscious state, involving brain"cut off" from supply. Often prescient of death.
  • The forces of emergency and disastrous upheaval are unleashed but Ketu-8 is not harmed by these agencies. Channels the vibration of the occult forces without egoic-mind membrane interference.

chalakaraka Rahu in Bhava-2

  • surging desire to be privileged as an important holder of treasuries of financial enrichment or knowledge, a master of languages, apersonal icon of the highest values

  • Ambition to acquire unearned wealth. Seeks to be recognized as a person of importance in the world of treasuries, collections of valuable objects, and storehouses of knowledge.

  • Self-elevation via the lineage bloodlines, or wishes to be recognized as the scion of an important 'historic' family. If dhanapati-2 is strong, status upliftment via second marriage.

Professor Ketu and Professor Kuja = natural co-rulers of bhava-8

QUOTATION Behari says, "Ketu arouses supernormal consciousness, establishing direct contact with the inhabitants of other worlds."




randhresha-8 in 12 bhava

randhra-8 death conditions

8th-from angles to 12 sthāna

Randhra Bhava BPHS

the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra

shad-ashtaka 6-8 angles

Vṛścika indriya-lagna

Scattered Ketu's weak psychic boundaries create difficulty to achieve, obtain, maintain, or retain connection to:

  • Secret Treasures; hidden liaisons; occult, tantra

  • confidential information; mysteries,

  • sudden forced, changes; disasters, emergencies, eruptions

  • partner's family

  • hidden wealth, inheritance

  • instructional messages (3) from physicians (6)

  • self-destruction, surgery

  • healing transformations, rebirth, renaissance, renovation, reconstitution

Positive outcome include

  • philosophical detachment toward the trauma of sudden, forced separations

  • tolerance for hidden liaison and secret sources of valuable goods and conserved knowledge

  • if randhresha-8 is strong, occult knowledge flows freely with no resistance


  • similar to Ketu in 12, Ketu-8 = a fairly good or at least relatively less problematic placement

  • doing no harm: residing in 8 or 12, Ketu is unable to hold onto things which are not, by definition, sustainable anyway

Ketu may have beneficial effects in 8. Ketu"scatters " the energies of His bhava, un-gluing the inherent polarities and sometimes making the thoughts of that house incoherent but usually imposing a climate of non-discrimination which does not damage the mentality so much as it helps the non-reactivity toward matters of the bhava.

Because bhava-8 hosts cycles of self-destruction and rebirth, it can be a terrifying place. Dissociative Ketu scatters the coherence of Conditions of dematerialization and disconnects Ketu-8from the experience of fear of impending transformations, including death and rebirth of the physical vitality body.

Although Ketu-8may not always "understand" the conditions of forced and sudden transformation, one is not afraid of this obligatory, natural experience.

Thus one of the greatest sources of human suffering - the fear of death - is largely eliminated when Ketu the Releaser occupies 8.

chidrakarakaKetu= 'losing one's head' in 8th environment .

identity changes

" setting off into the unknown"

In bhava-8 environment = conditions of death, upheaval, disasters, catastrophic change, sudden and forced changes of identity.

Professor Ketu may do His best work here. One will lose one's head, either physically, emotionally, mental-socially, or spiritually, within the Conditions of dematerialization or sudden forced transformations such as surgery. It is a compatible action to lose one's head which also, generally, losing everything else associated with the previous container of the identity.

Ketu provides no resistance to occult knowledge. Ketu-8is therefore typically prescient regarding the Conditions of dematerialization. Being non-attached, professor Ketu in randhra-bhava may be quite non-reactive in the acceptance of the movement of the cycles of self-destruction and rebirth.

[Ketu in Bhava-8] = busts-up, scatters the Conditions of dematerialization; disperses inheritance wealth; also eliminates conventional social restrictions on inheritance monies, opens the possibility of uncommitted, non-avowed extramarital liaisons, and pulverizes the "book-cover" (tantra) which normally obscures the acquisition of occultknowledge (8).

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman experienced surprising ease in acquisition of a vast store of secret knowledge (Jyotisha, homeopathy, numerous ancient languages) Yet, also he watched helplessly while his presumed inheritance was consumed in caring for a long-lived, ailing parent-figure. Ketu in randrasthāna-8 = 5th-from-4th = disperses the good luck (5) based in the parents (4).

Ketu in bhava 8 = Rahu in bhava 2

  • Ambivalence [Ketu] toward occult knowledge, secrets and hidden resources - yet unrestricted access to those mysteries. Dispersal of the natural fear of sudden changes; no restriction on the cycles of self-destruction and rebirth.

  • Desire [Rahu] to be recognized as an important holder of treasuries of financial wealth or knowledge. Self-elevation via knowledge of history and languages.

When located in an 8th-angle, professor Ketu's classroom features an inability or reluctance to establish enduring boundaries against disaster, emergency, or sudden changes of identity. The wealth of the mate (2nd from 7th) is dispersed. Inheritance fortune from parents (5th from 4th) disappears.;

Yet, bhava-8 also contains valuable occult information, and in this context of secret knowledge unsealed, unmasked Ketu makes "discovery" rather easy. Ultimately, Ketu-8 is well placed.

Ketu's ambivalence is due mainly to Rahu's ambition.

Rahu-2 indicates intense desire to gain privilege via the accumulated hoards of valuable goods and conserved knowledge and the language skills. Ketu-7 indicates the vacuum left behind after Rahu has appropriated the life energies into a desire-focused quest for importance of the treasuries and"memory" .

Scattering behavior during or consequent to emergencies and traumatic shock.

Dissolution of hidden resources such as inheritance or retirement"pension" .

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman 's inheritance was spent before he received it

If there are malefic influences upon randhra bhava (drishti from Shani, from Mangala, from dushthamsha lords; or a papa-graha in 8) there may be multiple sudden negative shocks (8) causing multiple hidden resource-scattering events.

  • Ungrounded approach to occult studies; tends toward intuitive openness rather than focused, consistent inquiry

  • Scattered discoveries; wandering awareness of impending disaster

Agency of dissolution, dismemberment, pulverizing, dispersal:

Cut off from matters 4th-from-5th : the children's education seems foggy and incoherent

Cut off from matters 5th-from-4th : good luck and entitlements (5) to the parental properties (4) are dispersed; unless Ketu's lord is extremely strong there is rarely any useful inheritance from the parents nor much luck in regard to the parents in general. Also entitlements (5) from the educational diploma may be "dismembered" ; license, certification, degree, or diploma notwithstanding, Ketu-8 can realize very little prestige or charisma (5) on the basis of the education.

  • Combined with damage to 10th-from-11th, Ketu-8 is often a signal of low financial entitlement, regardless of educational attainment. Even when inheritance is granted, Ketu-8 spinning the wheel of birth-and-death will quickly disperse it.

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika Bangalore Venkanta Raman

  • JD Rockefeller dispersed his massive Standard Oil fortune into global charities

Cut off from matters 7th from 2nd : previous spouse of the 2nd mate is cloudy, unknown; marriage contract (7) in the 2nd marriage is unclear, amoving target, unrecognized.

Cut off from matters 10th from 11th: the careers of one's friends are of little interest to the native. Public respect (10) for one's earnings and achievements tends to swirl like a dust cloud, incoherent and darkr.

Second marriage

Rahu-2 = partner in the second marriage = acquisitive, seeking prestige connections in banking, curatorship, storage, inventories. Rahu is disregarding, devaluing of Ketu, and Ketu often represents the 1st spouse of the native's second mate. Indeed 1st spouse of one' second mate may be so scattered as to be called "insane" . Spouse-2 Rahu-2 = financially privileged, ademanding treasurer coin-collector of current values (currency); passionately invested in historical values; "lives for the library" , aconnoisseur of food and knowledge yet vulgar in His needy-greedy materialism.

When Ketu resides in 8, the partner's money-voice-knowledge, the marital in-laws, medical information (8 =3rd from 6th) and the private lives (12) of one's guru-guide-professors (9) = unpredictable effects over which one has very little control.

The family history, voice-mouth, banked wealth, cattle-herds, and knowledge treasuries of the partner = mysterious and largely inaccessible. Generally Ketu-8has limited contact with the in-laws due to inability to connect with their lineage.

  • Excellent placement for historians and carriers of ancient lineages who benefit from Ketu's apathetic non-regarding lack of fear in the encounter with hidden forces and mystery traditions.

polarizing catalysis from sudden eruptions of destructively transformative force.

" Scattershot" approach to occult reality Does not prefer some mysteries over others.

  • Thus will generally not succeed in the orthodox priesthoods of ritual sacrifice, which require a concentrated specialization in a particular historical mystery cycle.

  • However, the very broad view sometimes called"History of Religions " can be developed in scholarship if dharmasthāna and the dharmesha-9 = strong.

Not selective or preferential: treats every cycle of birth-and-death, personal or cosmic, with equally detached awareness, depending upon the graha which control Ketu.

Ketu has special benefits in His svabhava-8. Ketu gives open access to the world of secret relationships; one may see into great historical cycles of civilizations come and gone .

  • Yet Ketu will not exploit the resources produced by partnerships.

For Ketu, it is enough to know about the cycles of self-destruction and rebirth. It is not necessary to promote or control this "open secret" but rather one persists in the environment, avoiding errors of excessive attachment to structures which are quite clearly (from the Ketu-8 perspective) poised to undergo significant change.

As joint marital treasuries are generally unproductive (Ketu 8) and one gets relatively little support from the spouse, one tends to invest much more energy into personal treasuries of valuable goods and conserved knowledge (Rahu 2).

These folk are normally bankers, librarians, curators of lineage knowledge, custodians of art collections, data-managers, store-holders, warehousers, or provisioners of fine oils, food and drink who are "passionate about lineage knowledge" * especially languages.

Yet, they seem to have rather little ability to get or retain value from trusts or partnerships.

Vimshottari periods of the lord of randhrasthāna

  • upheaval and scattering of the identity

  • incoherent events

when Ketu the Releaser occupies 8, the periods of the randhresha-8 often impose conditions of sudden, unexpected, and often forceful identity change. Much depends on drishti to the bhava and whether there are co-tenants yuti Ketu.

Case Study:

Upheaval in Academic Politics:

  • Period of randhresha-8 involving Ketu = sudden loss of professional identity

Recently an older college professor asked to look at her Jyotishavidya lifeplan. She had just lost an important academic administrative position at the institution where she had been employed for decades.

Importantly, she had not lost her union teaching job; her salary and title would continue. Rather, she had suddenly lost a temporary but prestigious administrative dean position that she had expected to hold for many years into the future, but which suddenly broke up within the early years of the assignment.

She was very upset (8) about the dismissal and felt a deep sense of shock which she described as a nightmare of disintegration and loss. (Ketu-Meena = dreams)

While this career trauma was hardly on par with a natural catastrophe such as an earthquake, flood or fire; or the shocking discovery of spousal infidelity or hidden disease; she was nevertheless upset enough to say tearfully that she had lost her identity, was living in a state of shock and that her life would never be the same.

  • Simha indriya-lagna = Guru randhresha-8 yuti Ketu in 8.

  • Vimshottari period of ruler-of-12 Chandra + subperiod of randhresha-8 Guru

  • gochara Shani crossing the Svamsha

  • gochara Ketu crossing both 10th navamsha (career) and contact lagnesha surya (public identity, politics)

Apparently this well-qualified administrator lost the position due to collegial perception that she was too secretive (8).

She believed [Guru] that she was managing sensitive academic salary negotiations (8th = 10th from 11th = dignity of salaries) in which confidentiality trumped transparency.

Therefore, she did not advise her peers regarding her dealings.(chidrakarakaKetu= severed relationships; break-up of agreements; incoherent counsel)

The complaints against her seemed rationally incoherent [Ketu] given the legal requirement to maintain confidentiality Therefore, she dissociated [Ketu] the warning signs (8) of impending interruption of identity (Ketu-8) .

Rather, she experienced a period of denial [Ketu] that her authentic intelligence (Surya, lagnesha) had become disconnected [Ketu] from the increasingly self-destructive (8) nature of the work to which - despite its difficulties - she had become slowly egoic-mind attached.

Several months after the worst effects of the shock had passed, she commented philosophically [Guru] that this minor trauma was probably a"wake up call" to prepare her for the much more dramatic separation to be expected at the time of death. Both of her parents were very elderly and their deaths were also imminent - therefore, in true style of Brihaspati she was learning and expanding her wisdom through every one of life's experiences.

However, for the Simha native, periods of randhresha-8 Guru will always be followed by periods of the difficult (and sometimes deadly) rogesha-6 -yuvati-pati-7 Shani. It is unlikely that she will recover her egoic-mind attachments to educational [Guru] endeavors any time before the onset of the subsequent Budha bhukti at which time being in the classroom will be fun again (Budha = instruction, training).

Agents of Disinheritance

Whichever kin are represented by randhra bhava, that person becomes an agent of separation from inheritance and scatters the will of the dead

chidrakarakaKetu in 8 contributes an unbridgeable distance and apathetic detachment from the concerns of the agents who occupy 8.

These agents act to separate Ketu-8from one's inheritance (8) and scatter [Ketu] the distribution of the assets (2) of the dead (7).

For example,

  • if Chandra occupies bhava-6, agency of Ketu in randhra bhava = Ketu-8's immediate younger sibling and the mother's brothers.

  • If Chandra occupies bhava-7, agency of Ketu in randhra bhava = the mother's historical family (2nd from mother-Chandra) and her second husband (2nd from mother-Chandra).

  • If Chandra occupies bhava-11, agency of Ketu in randhra bhava = the elder sibling and the father's younger brothers

Lack of reaction = lack of fear

Ketu has neither courage nor fear. When faced with occult phenomena, threat of annihilation via sudden shocking changes, surgery, or stockpiles of hidden resource, Ketu can proceed without fear. Non-ego Ketu can enter and exit terrifying (8) self-destructive environments without threat. (What's to threaten?)

Rahu-Ketu give best results in bhava-3, bhava-6, or bhava-11.

Best place for Ketu = bhava-6, where Ketu disregards the conditions of imbalance-seeking-a-remedy, ignoring enemies, debts, and diseases.

Collapsing Ketu -8 can passively reflect the occult-mystery image of the psychic projections of the collective unconscious.

  • One maintains a witness view of the ongoing cycles of destruction and rebirth, and in particular awareness of the presence of socially hidden relationships and unacknowledged dynamics even within visible relationships.

  • Ketu in 8 senses what is going on"behind the foliage" , behind the curtain, in the occult realms .

  • Knowledge of events and transactions that are not publically discussed.

" No barriers " Ketu connects Ketu-8to the experiences of the house which Ketu occupies, through the channel of direct intuition. when Ketu the Releaser occupies randhra bhava, no mentalized analysis, no cultural filters, no attachment to dogma or other resistance will block knowledge of the mysterious and forbidden.

As a result, Ketu-8is normally quite alert to the secret transactions on the mental, emotional, and physical plane. Furthermore the knowledge does not disturb one's other co-existing beliefs. Secret, taboo, or confidential knowledge is simply, non-reactively"there" .

In bhava-8, the experience is access to secret knowledge and the understanding of the nature of sudden, forced changes in life.

  • Whatever may appear as frightening or catastrophically damaging (causes damage to the existing expectations) is a matter of daily intuitive awareness when Ketu the Releaser occupies bhava-8.

  • Catastrophe is not normalized nor is there a loss of compassion.

  • Rather, the Witness perspective of Ketu is able to accommodate life's terrible shocks and traumatic disappointments as "that too."

If randhresha-8 is strong, no-Barriers Ketu may indicate capability to serve as a channel for other-worldly voices: a prophet or mystic oracle.

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman * Jyotisha predictions

Marginalized by the secret-keeping, hidden-assets establishment. Ketu in 8 dissolves inheritance and evaporates financial accumulations during the first marriage.

  • Unless randhresha-8 is very beneficial, in which case inheritance or marital savings is not annihilated but rather much reduced from its original potential.

One may However, acquire wealth through other means.

Beneficially, Ketu-8 disconnects one from predatory tantrik behavior such as sorcery. One may be knowledgeable in traditionally forbidden sciences without personal endangerment.

Collapsing Ketu may arouse supernatural powers, and your intuitive understanding of relationships will be surprising. You will acquire much fame.

~~ Hora Sara, chap. 26, shloka-35

" If Ketu is in the 8th house,

while the 8th lord is in an angle,

malefics in the 12th and the lagna lord be devoid of strength,

the native's death will be due to his resorting to bad ways."


Long-term material success is inhibited by doubtful ability to connect with: circumstances of death, secret information.

Ketu in 8 gives passive access to:

Mesha = secret vitality, hidden identity

Vrishabha = secret treasury , hidden knowledge

Mithuna = secret writings , hidden stories, covert sexuality

Karkata = secret homeland, hidden nationality, hidden parents

Simha = secret kingship, clandestine privilege, hidden intelligence

Kanya = secret logic , occult argumentation; and servants

  • 300 Combinations 1912-1998 Jyotiṣika B.V. Raman

Tula = secret alliances, hidden partners

Vṛścika = revolutionary forces, secret healing, hidden rebirth

Dhanus = secret wisdom-teachings or deity rituals, hidden priesthood

Makara = secret governance or hierarchy, hidden laws

Kumbha = secret community, hidden networks of association , hidden source of income

Meena = secret astral conduit or voices of the imagination, hidden spirit guides

Passive spiritual awareness of the inherent transient emptiness of all sudden and forced changes of container, transformations of external form (8).

Disengagement from The trauma of sudden, forced changes.

Does not cling to Form.

  • Having no working boundaries or identity, Ketu in 8 is open to the cycle of self-destruction and rebirth.

  • May thereby (in favorable rashi and with a well-disposed lord) be available to receive occult knowledge via lack of resistance to it.

Ambivalence toward The spouse's assets.

If an inheritance is expected, it may scatter along its path toward Ketu-8and thus not materialize or be much reduced from the original sum.

  • Ketu in the bhava of trans-form-ation often separates Ketu-8from attachment to one's material legacy in order to deliver a much more valuable spiritual legacy .

Dissociated from in-laws.

The in-laws = Ketu-ish, peculiar, detached, eccentric, disconnected from Ketu-8's reality, directionless, odd. (For a female's in-laws also see 2nd-from-Guru and for a husband's in-laws also see 2nd-from-Shukra)

Scattered egoic-mind attach to first-marriage's: spousal wealth, spousal family.

Disregards the financial value of occult knowledge, while having very easy access to this treasury one is likely to scatter the seeds far and wide rather than try to collect profits or retain the value in one's own treasure-chests.

Scatters the spouse's money

Tends to surrender or give away one's secrets.

Apathetic toward the needs and interests of the first partner's family . (exception = Chandra, shukra, or another attachment graha is present in 11).

One may However, become business partners with the family of the second spouse (3) because 2nd-from-2nd = bhava-3 commerce

Disconnected from the conditions of death generally. Occult knowledge becomes the means to an end.

  • Due to Rahu-2 (if not counteracted by other graha in 2 or incoming drishti to 2) Ketu-8becomes inordinately focused on desire [Rahu] for hoarding and collecting (2) as a method to 'leapfrog' into higher levels of social privilege .

  • Knowledge of hidden forces including the ability to prepare for disasters via foreknowledge are merely means to an ulterior purpose of increasing the size of the hoard.

  • Ketu's 'witness' viewpoint on catastrophic cycles of change is strictly instrumental, as it adds additional value which assists Ketu-8's reptilian trajectory into a seductively captivating [Rahu] sensual ly pleasurable (2) store-hold of collected values.

Broad awareness of the conditions of death, and many occasions during bhukti of Ketuva especially to observe the conditions being vitalized.

The external facade of one's internally disconnected relationship to occult and transformative knowledge is a blank screen which can reflect the collective unconscious. The inherent lack of mutual engagement within the secret treasury will be known to very few observers. Folks may attribute great happiness and success therefore to a knowledge-base which is essentially hollow .

Due to Ketu's apathy it may be easy for Ketu-8to dehumanize the catastrophic upheavals which emerge from the cauldron of form-change. Not believing that anything has really changed, may be unable to participate in grieving rituals after a form-change (death).

Ketu in 6, 8, or 12 gives the "teflon" advantage - dushthamsha effects "slip off" of Ketu-8's consciousness. Apathetic or detached from Circumstances of death. Not afraid of death, due to prescient knowledge of the timing and conditions of death. Moment of death is 'weird' (in the ancient sense) and difficult to measure or detect.

If there really is a problem with Ketu- 8, it is that Shri Ketu provides no boundaries in one's relationship to those who create catastrophic change and sudden upheaval . One lacks the instinct, and actually the ability, to prevent contact with the type of person whose destructive use of secret information (8) is very much the product of their own obsession with power and control .

  • Thus persons who are involved in dangerous, clandestine operations (8), manipulative in-laws (8) and those seek hidden power of control (8) are free to enter and exit Ketu-8's life, particularly during period of Ketu.

  • Ketu-8is a confidante for many. There is openness to (but not necessarily involvement with) secret knowledge of marital infidelity, lies, money"off the books ", hidden treasure, tax fraud, occult practice, weapons cache esp. explosives, and those who intend to manipulate others' Conditions of dematerialization.

Death in mysterious conditions; native disappears. Likely to"slip away" in a coma . Dividing line between life, death, and rebirth is vague and shifting through life. Native is prone to coma states, trance-medium channel, or extended periods of unconsciousness (necessary to fulfill extended commitments on the astral plane.)

Tantra, hidden process, secret traditions, mystery schools, healing, spouse's wealth, in-laws, assets of marriage, confidential information, therapy, transformation, recycling, conditions of death, death of the first spouse, divorce , captivating secrets, loss of priestly dignity.

This person does not expend the effort to keep confidences tightly secret; to Ketu-8, all information is permeable and modularized; there are no hard boundaries around "secrets ".

  • Neglects: mysteries of life, taxes, insurance, surgery, therapy, confidentiality, secrecy, tantra, magic, marital in-laws, joint contributions to The financial wealth of marriage partnership, circumstance of death

Dissatisfaction, ambivalence and uncertainty regarding the privilege to express secret knowledge. Depending on Ketu's lord, Ketu-8may have tantrik healing skills or ability to handle precious confidential information -- but one feels detached from their value.

Peculiarities of the hidden parts of the sexual-reproductive system, including uterus, ovaries, prostate gland, and anus. Must take care to protect the uterus, prostate gland, and anus from psychic incursion of grief, due to an effable sense of loss .

Apathy toward validation via transformative healing and successful management of emergencies;

the spouse's family seems distant and unconnected to one's essential self.

bhava-8= cycles of destruction and rebirth

  • Conditions of dematerialization or terminus vitae, pooled monies such as lotteries and insurance funds, stock market, and occult secrets such as surgery and transformative healing

Papa-graha in dusthamsha while materially frustrating may give quite good spiritual results.

  • One longs to receive the legacy of hidden secrets and deep healing knowledge but cannot sustain an egoic-mind membrane attachment to it

gives access to tantric traditions if Ketu's lord is strong, but Ketu-8may feel insecure and dissatisfied with one's knowledge

Ketu in 8 = Long-term material success is inhibited by doubt re: one's ability to form agreements with

  • in-laws (2nd from 7th)

  • wealth of the marriage (2nd from 7th)

  • wealth of the maternal grandparents (2nd from 4th from 4th)

  • inheritance monies (5th from 4th)

  • fortune (9th) from visions and dreams (12th)

  • salary (11th) from leadership roles (10)

  • friends (11) of the boss (10)

One's connection to the source of mysterious power and rebirth is somehow severed.

Sicknesses are usually not chronic but rather illness comes on sudden, severe and life-threatening. Exacerbated by fever if Ketu receives drishti of Mangala. Tendency to coma or complete system-shutdown if Shani-yuti-Ketu in 8.

Recuperation and recovery are not voluntary and the pace of transformative events, which can be violently rapid like Ketu's original beheading, is out of Ketu-8's control.

The life-span is generally rather short (barring drishti into 8 from change-resistant Shani).

  • Neglects or fails to maintain the sources of rejuvenation, such as spouse's knowledge

  • Apathetic or detached from issues of : spousal family (in-laws)

Generally, Ketu-8is calm and detached during disasters and emergencies. In fact, typically, one will survive a number of catastrophic upheavals during the lifetime.

Ketu-8 indicates Psychological expectation of abandonment and rejection

by those who hold secrets, by treasurers of hidden wealth, by the friends of the boss, by the spouse's family, by the children's teachers, by the father's spirit guides, by the priests of the astral plane (Ketu = abandonment, chidrakaraka)

Expects loss of inheritance money through disregard of the trust-managers, expects to not be affected by taxes, understands that annihilation is a mere matter of form that the spirit is not affected,

Tends to surrender or give away one's secret knowledge of destruction and rebirth, marital monies, confidential information.

  • Feels that genuine transformation and the cycle of birth and death are a mirage.

Vimshottari period s of Ketu

During Ketu bhukti of any mahadasha and acutely during the Ketu-Ketu svabhukti, one born with Ketu in randhra bhava may have a hopeless feeling that things are changing suddenly and perhaps quite forcefully (8) in a way that seems out of your control .

This Ketu-Bhukti feeling of being a drifting spectator toward the randhra-bhava conditions of one's own life may be even more profound when either Chandra or the indriya-lagna occupy a Nakshatra of Ketuva = Aśvini, Magha - Regulus, or Mula - Nirṛti.

Transition from Ketu Mahadasha into Shukra Mahadasha

While much was learned about the core emptiness of the human condition unless and until an eternal, non-material source of identity is discovered, indeed the Ketu period was entirely consumed by the process of self-destruction (randhra-sthāna) via subtle draining of the life force, right to the point of annihilation.

Ketu in bhava-8 is not However, amarana-karaka, not a killer -- Therefore, Ketu-8 tends to bring the native right up to the point of death from exhaustion, but does not kill.

By the end of Ketu mahadasha one is "running on fumes ". Typically, nothing which the native desires has solidified for seven years (with some possible exceptions such as slowly earned achievements related to Shani). The narrative of engagement with Other has become fully incoherent; the Others are consistently unresponsive; and one is left clinging to shadowy dream images not people as the only protection against the utter loss of hope.

And then it ends. Shukra starts His 20-year reign in a noticeable way, first rejuvenating the senses and invigorating one's capacity to form agreements. Quickly it becomes easier to find points of mutual agreement. People and environments that once seemed distant or ineffable become more cooperative and responsive. New opportunities to do things is pairs and partnership begin to bloom.

Profession, public Reputation, social Rank

Typically periods of Ketu in randhra bhava produce part-time work and short-term work. During Ketu bhukti the mind does not attach to egoic-mind membrane nor to earthly projects.

of course, the bills still need to be paid; and other more grounded graha are still influential; therefore, in all but the most extreme cases Ketu-8will be able to meet basic expenses through piece work, temporary contracts, seasonal or casual labor, etc.

Unless Ketu occupies 10 Ketu is not concerned too much with career; He is concerned with removing obstacles that block the spiritual path to merger with the divine.

Therefore, Ketu periods are reflective and disconnected from material reality, not fully engaged career periods and not necessarily too concerned with public dignity or other professional status. Ketu produces periods of destruction of the old self and birth of a new more observant"Witness " self.

Malefic graha in dushthamsha can give favorable results.

One cannot establish or loses connection with the spouse's money and spouse's family, with pooled resources of Others, with inheritances and legacies.

One makes his own way on his own terms, without much material resource - but often with extraordinary psychic perception.

Ketu removes the filters and boundaries which prevent humans from seeing directly into the astral place.

Native is exceptionally sensitive to tantrik channeling and can easily maintain"secret" relationships with beings not in bodies. Knowledge gained through these hidden relationships is tantrik in nature and permits self-transformation of Ketu-8's belief system.

bhava-8 = 12th-from-9th Therefore, Ketu in 8 dissolves the boundaries between priest-dominated, socially approved religious beliefs of 9, and the bonpo tantrik magical practices of 8.

The Ketu-8 native has access to deepest truths of 8 but ironically one may not value these within the current lifetime.

Rahu occupies bhava-2 which can create significant wealth from a family legacy, but Ketu-8may not know or care how to develop wealth..

One accepts the reality of sudden, forced changes (8) as a necessary method of clearing the path toward spiritual reunion. Somewhat shock-proof. A non-reactive witness to catastrophic change.

  • May indicate a healer or counselor who can guide others throughrapid cycles of destruction-and-rebirth

  • passive spiritual awareness of the pattern of turnings of the wheel of birth and death.

Potential consequences of mishandling the joint assets of marriage such as running up credit card bills in the spouse's name, or making giant purchases/decisions without consulting financial + legal advisors. Generally foggy and confused about how to handle jointly held assets.

Hesitant to trust the partner's family or partner's values. Fears that the partner will exploit them through secret dealings. Either divorced repeatedly by alienated partners, or (more self-knowing) never tries to marry.

Similar to Ketu in 6, there are psycho-mental boundary issues on which resources belong to whom. Can be tempted to file false insurance claims, invest money they don't have, and claim expertise they do not possess... because they see these things in someone else's aura and unconsciously bond with those outside images, thinking it is now part of them.

Malefic incoming drishti

Potential for damage to the internal, invisible portions of the sexual-reproductive systems such as cervix (" randhra" ), uterus, prostate (8, regeneration) or the anus (8) via accident or injury when Ketu the Undefended receives malefic drishti.

Collapsing Ketu , who has no boundaries , already knows about most secrets. For Ketu, secret information is not distinguished from non-secret.

Ketu-8has extraordinary intuition regarding the hidden aspects of interpersonal relationships, and is privy to much secret information.

However, Ketu-8 is also vulnerable to polarizing catalysis leading from knowing or telling the secrets of others.

Ketu in 8 = a profoundly spiritual position whether or not Ketu-8is socially recognized as a spiritual figure.

Outsiders may sometimes find Ketu-8 ather blunt-minded and undiscriminating or lacking sensitivity toward the feelings of those who experience great loss or devastating trauma.

However Ketu's very ambivalence toward the supposedly fixed categories of life and death can allow Ketu-8 to serve as a remarkable healer and counselor in matters of shockingly forced change and transformation.

Often Ketu-8's personal sufferings are hidden and the public may find out the extent of Ketu-8's traumatic experience only much later.

The spiritual skill provided by Ketu is the fundamental acceptance of the magic and transformation as prime drivers of life experience.

  • One lacks the habit of asserting a major categorical distinction between the state of the soul in life vs. its state in death.

  • One feels a basic apathy toward transformative Change

  • one is rather less attached to Form (rupa) in general.

Depending on Budha, the mind may be fascinated by forms. However Ketu-8glides quite smoothly through upheavals, disasters, trans-form-ations including one's own death, rather like 'teflon' due to Ketu's core apathy toward matters of His bhava of residence.

Catastrophic change is part-and-parcel of Ketu-8's life due partly to enhanced awareness of the constant activity of the cycle of destruction-and-rebirth in every life form. Ketu-8handles catastrophe large and small, beneficial and derogatory, with equal detachment. One's capacity for compassion is often tested but due to Ketu's inherent inability to form attachments, Ketu-8is blessed with the power to disempower the ego's forward drives and accept circumstances as they are.

Ketu behaves quite differently in various rashi and the Nakshatra of Chandra in the nativity is also quite determinative.

For example

  • in Kumbha, Ketu-8 is famous for providing easy contact with inhabitants of other worlds

Ketu-8either does not easily detect the boundaries which separate open knowledge from secret knowledge, or cares little for the consequences of crossing those boundaries. Deep understanding of the cycle of birth and death. Remarkably detached in the midst of catastrophic change.

Sudden and mysterious illnesses

Ketu in 8 is often an indicator of undiagnosable or obscured ailments which are mysterious in origin, acute in onset, and suddenly albeit also mysteriously resolved .

Nature of the symptoms will depend on Ketu's rashi. These ailments are a method by which cellular level attachments to the past can be released permitting new patterns of psychic comprehension to develop in the astral-material bodies. Often The earthen body makes a tangibly dramatic change during the sickness or injury and recovery process.

Ketu per se causes only acute separation and apathy -- not fleshly death.

The psychology of acute separation often feels like death however; therefore Bhukti of Ketuva = often provide a near-death experience.

Vimshottari bhukti of Ketu in a rashi of Mangala or Mangala-yuti-Ketu can trigger physical death but not in Ketu's own capacity, rather Ketu can give the effect of His lord and it would be Mangala who was the causative agent.

There is no need to fear during such a disease if encountered; rather appreciate that Ketu does the bidding of Shri Ganesha in doing whatever action is at Ketu's disposal (actions of 8 and its sudden transformations in this case) to promote progress upon the spiritual path.

Causes and Conditions of dematerialization are related to the randhresha-8 and to Ketu, including Apathy and wandering

  • Vimshottari periods of Ketu may involve either sustained pilgrimage and world-wandering or deep interiority of prayer with no interest in the outside world.

Death occurs in psychological conditions of apathy and detachment. Typically death in a comatose state or more ideally via mahasamadhi.

Native stops caring about maintenance of physical body; nature takes its course. Death on a long pilgrimage, in a temple of Shri Ganesha, or in a fully detached meditative state.

  • Often intuitively prescientOf the time and circumstances of death.

Native is exceptionally intuitive and aware of the presence of spirits, However, not pro-active in engaging the spirits except for personal guidance (e.g., not a legitimated priest, unless bhava-9 is unusually strong). Deep insights into the reality of human relationships.

Generally knows about hidden connections between people, is the confidante to clandestine affairs, and carries many confidences. One is able to perform this role with impunity due to a profound non-judgmental neutrality regarding the vicissitudes of human [akashic memory patterning] .

Financial inheritance is typically"lost" or"disregarded" unless the randhresha-8 is very strong. However, one stands in the lineage of spiritual inheritance specifically through clairvoyance.


from Das commentary

upon Ketu in bhava-8

" Ketu involves you in secret matters.

Under this impulse, you may

  • join secret mystical societies,
  • pursue occult studies,
  • indulge in socially unapproved activities,
  • or use unethical methods to attain your goals.

You may even go so far as to engage in some type of cruelty, sexual abandon, or drunkenness.


  • in games ,

  • in your job,

  • by character and happiness.

You suffer

  • from secret diseases , and of the face and teeth

you are brave and industrious.

  • Short-lived
  • separated from friends
  • strife, arm-wounds,
  • much opposition.
  • Danger from conveyance.

  • Suffer from piles and fistula etc.

  • Fear and danger of fall from horseback .

  • Difficulties in the return of advances given as loan.

You have an eye on The financial wealth and the spouse of another.

Ailing, vicious, greedy."

8th = 11th-from-10th


Das commentary" Ketu is in 8, and Ketu is in Gemini, Virgo, scorpio, aries or Taurus."

" Financial gain through government."

14th Dalai Lama 1935- Policy of Kindness Tenzing Gyatso

The Union of Bliss and Emptiness: Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga

translated by Thupten Jinpa, p.64

"The play of this divine mind,

The union of bliss, the supreme father, and emptiness,

Is unlimited and thus beyond concept."

--The Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelsang Gyatso

" Cultivate a state of mind focused on bliss and emptiness as forcefully as possible. The wisdom of bliss and emptiness is compared to space, which is non-obstructive and expansive. Because offerings are the manifestation of the wisdom of bliss and emptiness, these substances are called "offerings of Samantabhadra (All-Good)."

Generally speaking, abodhisattva named Samantabhadra is renowned for his elaborate offerings to the buddhas and bodhisattvas. But here the term all-good (samantabhadra) refers most appropriately to the wisdom of bliss and emptiness.

It is all-good from the viewpoint of emptiness and also from the viewpoint of bliss. This emptiness is the ultimate truth and also the ultimate virtue.

And the wisdom of great bliss is the clear light wisdom: With a feeling of joy, imagine that offerings having such a nature pervade entire space."



[How Readings Work] Sample Sacred Jewels Ratna Recommendation - Seva

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The information on barbarapijan.com , including all readings and reports, is provided for educational purposes only. Wishing you every happiness and continuing success in studies!

" The Kingdom of God is within you."

~~ Gospel of Luke 17:21
