The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyment in life are

Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra

Nine Mahadasha Periods of the 120-year Vimshottari Dasha Calendar

  1. BPHS Ketu Mahadasha = 7 years
  2. BPHS Shukra Mahadasha = 20 years
  3. BPHS Surya Mahadasha = 6 years
  4. BPHS Chandra Mahadasha = 10 years
  5. BPHS Mangala Mahadasha = 7 years
  6. BPHS Rahu Mahadasha = 18 years
  7. BPHS Guru Mahadasha = 16 years
  8. BPHS Shani Mahadasha = 19 years
  9. BPHS Budha Mahadasha = 17 years

BP Lama Jyotisha

modern commentary

  1. BP Lama Ketu Mahadasha
  2. BP Lama Shukra Mahadasha
  3. BP Lama Surya Mahadasha
  4. BP Lama Chandra Mahadasha
  5. BP Lama Mangala Mahadasha
  6. BP Lama Rahu Mahadasha
  7. BP Lama Guru Mahadasha
  8. BP Lama Shani Mahadasha
  9. BP Lama Budha Mahadasha


Nine bhukti sub-periods of the Shani Mahadasha

  1. Shani Mahadasha + Shani bhukti = svabhukti
  2. Shani Mahadasha + Budha bhukti
  3. Shani Mahadasha + Ketu bhukti
  4. Shani Mahadasha + Shukra bhukti
  5. Shani Mahadasha + Surya bhukti
  6. Shani Mahadasha + Chandra bhukti
  7. Shani Mahadasha + Mangala bhukti
  8. Shani Mahadasha + Rahu bhukti
  9. Shani Mahadasha + Guru bhukti = chidra-dasha

OM Hrim Srim Griha cakra varttinesnaicaraya

klim aim souh svaha

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

the great collection of Parashari time-science

विम्शोत्तरि दशा

Vimshottari Dasha

Effects of

the Nine Antara Dasha

within the

महादशा Mahadasha of



अर्कपुत्र arkaputra

[son of Sun]

नीलवसन nīlavasana

[dark-blue visage]

काल kāla


duration 19 years


ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्


Chapter 47: Effects of Shani MahaDasha

52. [begin quote]

" Now I will describe to you the effects of the Dasha of Shani,

  • who is considered the vilest and most inferior amongst all the Graha.


If Shani is

there will be during his Dasha
  • recognition by Government,
  • opulence and glory,
  • name and fame,
  • success in the educational sphere,
  • acquisition of conveyances and ornaments etc.,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • favours from Government,
  • attainment of a high position,
  • like Commander of an Army,
  • acquisition of a kingdom,
  • benevolence of goddess Lakshmi,
  • gain of property
  • and birth of children.


If Shani is

there will be during his Dasha

  • ill effects from poison,
  • injury from weapons,
  • separation from father,
  • distress to wife and children,
  • disaster,
  • as a result of displeasure of Government, imprisonment etc.

If Shani

  • receives a Drishti from, or is associated with a benefic,
  • is placed in a Kendra,
  • or in a Trikona,
  • in Dhanau, or in Meena - Antya,
there will be
  • acquisition of a kingdom, conveyances and clothes.

Chapter 57 : Effects of the Antara Dasha in the MahaDasha of Shani

Shani bhukti

1-3. If Shani is

  • in his own,
  • in his exaltation Rashi, or in deep exaltation,
  • Or, if Shani is in a Kendra, or Trikona,
  • Or, if Shani is a Yoga Karaka.
Effects, like
  • acquisition of a kingdom,
  • happiness from wife and children,
  • acquisition of conveyances, like elephants,
  • gain of clothes,
  • attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army by the beneficence of the king,
  • acquisition of cattle, villages and land etc.,

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shani in the Dasha of Shani,

4-5 1/2. If Shani is

  • Fear, or danger from the king,
  • getting inflicted with injuries with some weapon,
  • bleeding gums,
  • dysentery etc.

will be the evil effects at the commencement of the Dasha,

Timing of Events There will be
  • danger from thieves etc.,
  • going away from the homeland,
  • mental agony etc.

in the middle portion of the Dasha.

The last part of the Dasha will yield

  • beneficial results.

6-7. If Shani is

There will be
  • danger of premature death,
Remedy for Ill Effects of Shani

Lord Shiva will afford protection and render relief,

  • if Mrityunjaya Japa is performed in the prescribed manner.

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the MahaDasha of Shani

Budha bhukti

8-11.if Budha is

  • in a Kendra, or Trikona.
Budha_glyph.jpg Effects, like
  • reverence from the people,
  • good reputation,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • comforts of conveyances etc.,
  • inclination towards performance of religious sacrifices (Yagyas), Raja Yoga,
  • bodily felicity,
  • enthusiasm,
  • well-being in the family,
  • pilgrimage to holy places,
  • performance of religious rites,
  • listening to Puranas,
  • charities, a
  • availability of sweetish preparations etc.,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Budha in the Dasha of Shani,

12-13 1/2.

if Budha is

  • Acquisition of a kingdom,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • headship of a village

will be the effects at the commencement of the Dasha.

Timing of events
  • Affliction with diseases,
  • failure in all ventures,
  • anxiety and feeling of danger etc.

will be experienced in the middle portion and in the last part of the Dasha.

14-15. If Budha is

There will be
  • physical distress.
Remedial Measures
  • recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam
  • and giving grains in charity.

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dasha in the Dasha of Shani

Ketu bhukti


  • even if Ketuis in his exaltation,
  • in his own,
  • in a benefic Rashi,
  • or in a Kendra, or Trikona,
  • or, if Ketu is associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.
Evil effects, like
  • loss of position,
  • dangers,
  • poverty,
  • distress,
  • foreign journeys etc.,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Ketu in the Dasha of Shani,

If Ketu is

there will be
  • gain of wealth
  • and enjoyment
  • and bathing in holy places
  • and visit to a sacred shrine
aat the commencement of the Antara Dasha.

19-19 1/2. If Ketu is

  • in a Kendra, in a Trikona,
  • in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Dasha.

Gain of physical strength and courage,

  • religious thoughts,
  • audience with the king
  • (high dignitaries of government, like president, prime minister, governor, ministers)
  • and all kinds of enjoyments

will be experienced

20-21 1/2.if Ketu is

  • in n Randhra, or Vyaya from Lagna,
  • Or from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Fear of premature death,
  • coarse food,
  • cold fever,
  • dysentery, wounds,
  • danger from thieves,
  • separation from wife and children etc.,

will be the results,

22-23. If Ketu is

There will be
  • physical distress,

Remedial measures

Remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects

and to regain enjoyments of life by the beneficence of Ketu is

  • giving a goat in charity..[End quote]

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Shukra bhukti

24-27 1/2. If Shukra is

  • in a Kendra, trikona, or in Labha,,
  • Associated with, or receiving a Drishti from benefics.
Effects, like
  • marriage,
  • birth of a son,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • sound health,
  • well-being in the family,
  • acquisition of a kingdom,
  • enjoyments by the beneficence of the king,
  • honors,
  • gain of clothes,
  • ornaments,
  • conveyance and other desired objects,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Shukra in the Dasha of Shani,
Transits of GuruTransits of Shani If during the period of Antara Dasha of Shukra, Guru is favorable in transit, there will be
  • dawn of fortune
  • and growth of property.
If Shani is favourable in transit, there will be
  • Raja Yoga effects,
  • or the accomplishment of Yoga rites (Yoga Triya Siddhi).

28-29. If Shukra is

  • Distress to wife,
  • loss of position,
  • mental agony,
  • quarrels with close relations etc.

will be the results,

30-31 1/2. If Shukra is

  • in Dharma, Labha,
  • or Kendra from the Lord of the Dasha
  • Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king,
  • charities,
  • performance of religious rites,
  • creation of interest in the study of Shastras,
  • composition of poems,
  • interest in Vedanta etc.,
  • listening to Puranas,
  • happiness from wife and childrenn

will be experienced.

32-34. If Shukra is

  • in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
There will be
  • eye trouble,
  • fevers,
  • loss of good conduct,
  • dental problems,
  • heart disease,
  • pain in arms,
  • danger from drowning,
  • or falling from a tree,
  • antagonism towards relations with the officials of government and brothers.

35-36. If Shukra is

There will bee
  • physical distress,
Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and to regain enjoyment and good health is

  • by the beneficence of Goddess Durga and the performance of Durga Saptashati Path
  • And giving a cow, or a female buffalo in charity."

Chapter 57:

Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Surya bhukti

37-38 1/2. If Surya is

  • in his exaltation,
  • in his own Rashi
  • Or associated with Dharma's Lord,
  • Or in a Kendra, or Trikona,
  • AND associated with, or receiving a Drishti from benefics.
Effects, like
  • good relations with one's employer,
  • well-being in the family,
  • happiness from children,
  • gain of conveyances and cattle etc.,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Surya in the Dasha of Shani,

39-41. If Surya is

  • in Randhra, or Vyaya,
  • Or, if Surya is in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
There will be
  • heart disease,
  • defamation,
  • loss of position,
  • mental agony,
  • separation from close relatives,
  • obstacles in industrial ventures,
  • fevers,
  • fears,
  • loss of kinsmen,
  • loss of articles, dear to the person,

42. If Surya is

There will be
  • physical distress.
Remedial Measures

The worship of Surya is the remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects.

ब्रिहत्परशर होरशस्त्रम्

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Chandra bhukti

43-45. If Chandra is

  • full, in exaltation, or in own Rashii,
  • Or in a Kendra, or Trikona,
  • Or in the 11th from the Dasha Lord,
  • Or, if Chandra receives a Drishti from benefics.
Effects, like
  • gains of conveyance,
  • garments,
  • ornaments,
  • improvement of fortune and enjoyments,
  • taking care of brothers,
  • happiness in both maternal and paternal homes,
  • increase in cattle wealth etc.,
will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Chandra in the Dasha of Shani,

46-48 1/2. If Chandra

  • is waning,,
  • or associated with, or receives Drishti from malefics,
  • or in his debilitation Rashi ,
  • or in malefic Navamsha ,
  • or in the Rashi of a malefic Graha.
There will be
  • great distress,
  • wrath,
  • separation from parents,
  • ill health of children,
  • losses in business,
  • irregular meals,
  • administration of medicines,

There will, however, be

  • good effects and some gain of wealth

at the commencement of the Antara Dasha.

49-50 1/2. If Chandra is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,
  • Or in the 11th from the Lord of the Dasha .
  • Enjoyment of conveyances and garments,
  • happiness from kinsmen,
  • happiness from parents, wife, employer etc.

will be the results,

51-52. If Chandra is

  • weakk
  • And is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
Effects, like
  • sleepiness, lethargy,
  • loss of position,
  • loss of enjoyments,
  • increase in the number of enemies,
  • antagonism with kinsmen,
will be experienced,

53-54. If Chandra is

There will be
  • lethargy
  • and physical distress.

[Mithuna lagna and Makara indriya-lagna only]

Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects and prolongation of longevity are

  • Havan
  • And giving jaggery, Ghee, rice, mixed with curd,
  • A cow, or a female buffalo in charity.[End quote]

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Mangala bhukti

55-57. If Mangala is

Or, if Mangala is

Effects, like
  • enjoyments,
  • gain of wealth ,
  • reverence from the king,
  • gain of conveyances, clothes and ornaments,
  • attainment of the position of a Commander of the Army,
  • increase in agricultural and cattle wealth,
  • construction of a new house,
  • happiness to kinsmen,
will be derived from the very commencement of the Antara Dasha of Mangala in the Dasha of Shani,

58-60. If Mangala is

  • in his debilitation Rashi ,
  • or combust,
  • or in Randhra, or Vyaya
  • AND associated with, or receiving a Drishti from malefics.

There will be

  • loss [12] of financial wealth ,
  • danger [8] of wounds, [Kuja]
  • danger [8] from thieves, snakes, weapons, [Kuja]
  • gout and other similar diseases,
  • distress to father and brothers, [8 = 12th from 9]
  • quarrels with copartners, [8 = 2nd from 7]
  • loss [12] of kinsmen,
  • coarse food,
  • going away to foreign lands, [12]
  • unnecessary expenditure etc. [12]

61-62. If Mangala is

  • in Dhana,
por, if Mangala is
  • Yuvati's, or Randhra's Lord.

may be expected::

  • Great distress,
  • dependence on others
  • and fear of premature death,

67-68. If Mangala is

  • in a Kendra, trikona,,
  • in Labha, or Dhana
  • And is associated with, or receives a Drishti from benefics.

69-71. If Mangala is

  • in the 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha,,

Or, if Mangala is

  • in his debilitation Rashi ,
  • Associated with, or receiving a Drishti from malefics.
Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are

  • performance of Havan
  • and giving a bull in charity.
Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Rahu bhukti

63-64. If Rahu

  • not be in his house of exaltation,
  • Or any other auspicious position.
Effects, like
  • quarrels,
  • mental agony,
  • physical distress ,
  • agony,
  • antagonism with the sons,
  • danger from diseases ,
  • unnecessary expenditure,
  • discord with close relations,
  • danger from the government,
  • foreign journeys,
  • loss of house and agricultural lands,

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Shani,

65-67. Timing of Events :

" if Rahu is


if Rahu is

  • in his exaltation, or in his own Rashi
  • Or, if Rahu is in a Kendra,
  • Or Labha from Lagna, or from the Lord of the Dasha."

" [these] will be the results at the commencement of the Antara Dasha,

  • Enjoyment, gains of wealth ,
  • increase in agricultural production,
  • devotion to deities and Brahmins,
  • pilgrimage to holy places,
  • increase in cattle wealth,
  • well-being in the family

There will be

  • cordiality with the king and happiness from friends

in the middle portion of the Antara Dasha."

68-68 1/2."if Rahu is

" There will be
  • acquisition of elephants,
  • opulence and glory,
  • cordial relations with the king,
  • gains of valuable clothes,


if Rahu is

There will be
  • physical distress,
Remedial Measures

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are

  • Mrityunjaya Japa
  • And giving a goat in charity [End quote]

Chapter 57: Effects of the Antara Dashas in the Dasha of Shani

Guru bhukti

71-73 1/2.if Guru is

Effects, like
  • success all-round,
  • well-being in the family,
  • gain of conveyances, ornaments and clothes by the beneficence of the king,
  • reverence,
  • devotion to deities and the preceptor,
  • association with men of learning,
  • happiness from wife and children etc.,

will be derived in the Antara Dasha of Guru in the Dasha of Shani.

74-75 1/2. If Guru is

  • in his debilitation Rashi ,
  • Or, if Guru is associated with malefics,
  • Or, if Guru is in Ari, Sahaja, or Vyaya.
Results, like
  • death of the near relations,
  • loss of wealth ,
  • antagonism with the government officials,
  • failure in projects,
  • journeys to foreign lands,
  • affliction with diseases,
  • like leprosy etc
will be experienced,

76-78. If Guru is

  • in the 5th, 9th, 11th, 2nd,
  • or in a Kendra from the Lord of the Dasha.
There will be
  • opulence and glory,
  • happiness to wife,
  • gains through the king,
  • comforts of good food and clothes,
  • religious-mindedness,
  • name and fame in the country,
  • interest in Vedas and Vedanta,
  • performance of religious sacrifices,
  • giving grains etc. in charity,

79-80. If Guru is

  • weak
  • AND in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Dasha.
  • Antagonism with kinsmen,
  • mental agony, quarrels,
  • loss of position,
  • losses in ventures,
  • loss of wealth , as a result of imposition of fines, or penalties by government,
  • imprisonment
  • distress to wife and son

will be the results,

81-82. if Guru is

There will be
  • physical distress,
  • agony,
  • death of the native,
  • or any member of the family.
Remedial Measures

to obtain relief from the above evil effects

  • recitation of Shiva Sahasranam.
  • and giving gold in charity." [end quote]
"and he said to them, "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old."

~~ Matthew 52 (International Standard Version)
