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छिद्र दशा chidra-dashā Chidra-dasha the final bhukti of each Mahadasha in the विम्शोत्तरि दशा A time of closure, forgiveness, and release |
chid * ched * chedi * chidr lemma from Koeln Sanskrit Lexicon - www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de chid (chedi) - IE cognate Latin 'scindo' (rescind) |
chidra - torn asunder, containing holes, pierced, leaky, ahole, slit, cleft, opening or hole made by nature, the cartilage of the ear, pupil of the eye, to yield an opening or free access, defect, fault, blemish, imperfection , infirmity , weak point , foible. The number nine (there being 9 openings in the body). The lower regions |
see also: BPHS Ketu Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 7+ years See also: BPL's Modern observations upon Ketu Mahadasha
final bhukti = Ketu-Budha
Ketu-Budha chidra-dasha = 12 months Closure, forgiveness, and release for unmet expectations. Closure in regard to unmet spiritual practice goals, and for the matters of Ketu's lord and Ketu's occupied bhava.
Ketu's bhava + Ketu's lord determine the style of these seven years of pilgrimage. Ketu-Budha bhukti signals the end of the era of detachment from materialism , and the beginning of a 20-year period of love and * akarshana * (Shukra Mahadasha ) toward beauty and sensual pleasure in the material world. (Except for Tula indriya-lagna and Mesha indriya-lagna, for which the forthcoming period of Shukra-Shukra = randhresha-8 or dhanapati-2, and thus an early destruction of sensual attachment may ensue.) Beancounter Budha officiates the clean-out ++ preparation for Shukra Mahadasha The method of forgiveness and release for Dissociating Ketu's life period is determined by Budha's characteristics in D-1 and D-9. A mentalized, analytical assessment of accomplishment = framed by a cut your losses attitude. Beancounter Budha may accurately accountfor what worked and what didn't. It is time to release any Ketu-oriented expectations which have not been realized during the past seven years. For Dhanus indriya-lagna, bantering Budha = career-ruler = yuvati-pati-7 + karmesha -10 .
For Tula indriya-lagna, blustering Budha = dharmesha -9 + vyaya-pati-12 The chatty Kumara is prone toward theoretical, philosophical, or sacred-text teaching (9) ++ private prayer, research, and interior meditation (12).
Much depends on the angle between Vacuous Ketu and Chattering Kumara. |
see also: BPHS Shukra Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 20+ years see also: the modern viewpoint of BP Lama on characteristics of Shukra Mahadasha Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha
Final bhukti of the Shukra Mahadasha Shukra-Ketu chidra-dasha * duration 14 months Closure, forgiveness, and release of unmet goals in matters governed by Shukra, such as terms of contract, deals and agreements, bargains and negotiations, love relationship and sense-pleasure Wandering Ketu also unbalances matters of Shukra's two sthāna reckoned from the Earthen-body birthing indriya-lagna , along with two sthāna reckoned from Chandra-lagna.
Shukra-Ketu officiates the clean-out, release, books-balancing and preparation for Surya Mahadasha The method of forgiveness and release for Shukra's life period is determined by Ketu's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
If Vacuous Ketu occupies a favorable angle to Sweet-seeking Shukra (not 4th- or 6th-from-Shukra) then a marriage may remain intact. Yet one may draw inward, into the realm of psychic intuition and austere spiritual practice. One may become emotionally unavailable to the core partner, and the prospect of gaining spiritual nourishment through human love in any form may seem quite remote . If Ketu occupies the 4th, 6th, 8th, or 12th from Shukra, physical separation due to Adversarial or moksha reaction to unmet relationship expectationsis likely to occur. In either case, matters of Ketu's radix sthāna may provoke actions of attempted escaper. Incomplete separations during Shukra-Ketu: Ironically for a purported completion-focused period, perhaps Shri Ketu cannot finish the job. Ketuis never able to escape His bondage to eternal drishti of Rahu. Ketu-Rahu are locked into a fixed orbit of Chandra. Collapsing Ketu gazes longingly at Shri Rahu who is Ketu's head, His passion, His sense of identity, purpose, and drive. Even while yearning, Ketu realizes that His deep hunger to rejoin His Other half, to feel whole again, will almost certainly never be realized. Themes of closure and separation indicated during Shukra-Ketu bhukti are often not truly accomplished, due to Shukra's partnership agenda . The incomplete separations many be particularly vexing if Shukra activates tenant Ketu. One retains awareness of the presence of Other through deep psychic connection to the partner. This era can represent a divorce where the former spouse continues living in the home for benefit of the children, or when former spouses continue to share housing due to finances (Shukra finance). The alliances formed during Shukra Mahadasha often drift apart, but these bonds are not destroyed. Nevertheless, aphysical relationship, ashared living arrangement or even a shared country may be a thing of the past. Much depends on the angle between Shukra and Ketu. |
see also: BPHS Surya Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 6+ years see also: a modern interpretation of the nine bhukti of the Surya Mahadasha by BP Lama Surya-Shukra chidra-dasha
Final bhukti of the Surya Mahadasha Surya-Shukra bhukti of forgiveness * duration 12 months Closure and release for unmet empowerment and morality goals, and for the matters of Surya's bhava The final bhukti of Ravi's 6-year mahadasha is the Surya-Shukra bhukti . Closure, forgiveness and release in matters of idealistic and ethical expectation is on the pre-incarnationally planned calendar for this approximately 1-year" close-out" sub-period. A common frustration of Surya-Shukra bhukti = one may be simultaneously trying to separate, forgive, and move forward while experiencing the love, desire, and attraction * akarshana * to the beloved which Shukra bhukti brings. This is often a bit of a arobatic balancing act, and the success of the balance depends significantly on the angle between Surya and Shukrar. Surya-Shukra officiates the clean-out and preparation for Chandra Mahadasha The method of forgiveness and release for Surya's life period is determined by Shukra's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
Except in the most difficult cases where Shukra occupies a hostile 6-8 angle from Surya, it should be possible to achieve a final state of mutual appreciation in the core partnerships. After a sustained campaign of forgiveness, it is time to release of tastes or attractions (or even addictions) which are incompatible with Surya's self-celebrating intelligence. If Shukra occupies the shad-ashtaka 6-8 challenge-angle from Surya, the love partner may assume an adversarial role. When Surya-Shukra occupy a shad-ashtaka angle, anti-creative, anti-self-determination, anti-charismatic partnerships may be on schedule for more profound closure. Often the presenting cause for unsustainability is the egoic-mind demand of the partner (business or personal) who may be draining the creative inspiration [Surya] from one's own life reserves. Contractual relationships which have consistently fallen below expectations From the earliest idealized romantic crushes to later more mature partners in marriage avowal, all who may be blocking the light of the Divine Intelligence are on schedule to be forgiven for the disappointments they have caused. Due to Shukra's natural inclination toward balance and pleasure, essential matching connections are typically sustaineable. Marriage and business partnership are up for review, but these contractual agreements are not unduly threatened during this close-out period. Yet due to Surya's positive intention to live a higher self-directed, creative, divinely lighted life, it is time to release the unfulfilled expectations which can prevent intelligent relationship from moving forward into a more nurturing future [Chandra] . Expect frustration due to the natural conflict between Shukra's mandate to attract and attach vs. The mandate of any final bhukti to achieve separation and closure. Future plans and emotional attachments which are intelligently sustainable can indeed deepen emotionally in the forthcoming Mahadasha of Soma. However, relationships and projects which suppress self-direction are normally terminated and released.r. Exempli gratia, in Tula indriya-lagna nativities, shukra = randhresha-8 + lagnesha-1 one must, indeed, forgive oneself (lagnesha-1 ) and forgive the re-cycle of birth and death (randhresha-8 ) for enforcing those sudden, catastrophic changes which cause even the best-laid plans to go awry. Exempli gratia, for Mesha indriya-lagna , shukra activates -2 + Shukra activates -7. In Surya-Shukra bhukti , one seeks closure on matters of treasury and family history, and also of the marriage contract and the whole business of making alliances and agreements. Marriage remains intact, but an outdated marital contract (implicit or explicit) may need to be rewritten. Old love expectations which have outlived their time, past which one has simply matured and wizened, can be cheerfully released. Much depends on the angle between Surya and Shukra, and the emotional impact of the bhava which Surya and Shukra respectively may rule from the basis of the Chandra-lagna. |
Mahadasha duration = 10+ years see also: Modern observations on the Chandra Mahadasha, written by BP Lama Chandra-Surya chidra-dasha
Final bhukti of the Chandra Mahadasha Chandra-Surya bhukti = 6 months
How Chandra-Surya chidra-dasha officiates the clean-out and preparation for Mangala Mahadasha :
Essential nurturing relationshipsto mother, one's own family, to sources of food and security, ownership of lands and vehicles, can probably be sustained. Chandra-Kuja bhukti may bring considerable wealth if the Chandra-Kuja angle is benevolent * evoking Chandra-Mangala Yoga. Friction with the mother. If Kuja, anatural maraka, is also maraka activates-2 or ruler of 7th-from-Chandra matrikaraka, death of the mother or of oneself can be predicted. However, relationships or commitments which have proved unpatriotic, unsupportive or emotionally dysfunctional , and clearly lacking improvement during the past ten years, are on the chopping block. Surya can be ruthless. Much depends on the angle between Chandra and Surya. If Chandra = yuvati-pati-7 or karmesha -10 , signals the end of career. |
see also: BPHS Mangala Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 7+ years see also: Modern interpretation of Mangala Mahadasha by BP Lama Mangala-Chandrachidra-dasha
Final bhukti of the Mangala Mahadasha Mangala-Chandra
duration 7 months
forgiveness , and release for unmet
competition and penetration goals, and for the matters of Mangala's two
How Mangala-Chandra officiates the
and preparation for
Rahu Mahadasha :
method of forgiveness and release for Mangala's life period is
determined by Chandra's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
A parental, protective attitude of acceptance, informed by emotional
intelligence, allows the native to make a final decision.
One uses feelings, the vocabulary of emotional experience, and gut instinct,
to determine what worked and what didn't, during
Mangala Mahadasha.
It is time to release any Kuja-oriented
expectations which have not been realized in the past seven years.
Competitive sport and adversarial legal contests that have not been
military and police incursions that have not succeeded (such as lost wars
or unsolved crimes) sexual practices which are emotionally harmful are all
examples of relationships which Chandra may eliminate in a
know thyself emotionally frame of mind.
Much depends on the angle between Kuja and Soma.
see also: BPHS Rahu Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 18+ years See also: a modern interpretation of Rahu Mahadasha by B. P. Lama final bhukti = Rahu-Mangala
Final bhukti of Rahu Mahadasha Rahu-Mangala bhukti * duration 12.5 months
How Rahu-Kuja officiates the clean-out and preparation for Guru Mahadasha : The method of forgiveness and release for Rahu's life period is determined by Kuja's characteristics in D-1 and D-9. A competitive, sporting attitude of enthusiasm for life, informed by hunter's instinct to capture its prey and a need to move vigorously , allows the native to make a final decision. One uses the warrior's desire to win, engaging the five material senses, as the primary tool of evaluation to determine what worked and what didn't, during Rahu Mahadasha. The basic measurement is winning. Was the object of desire obtained? If so, enjoy it. If not, it is time to cut one's losses . It is time to release any Rahu-oriented expectations which have not been realized in the past eighteen years. Kuja has the instinct to kill. Rahu Mahadasha reigns for 18 years. The end of this epic period is also the closure of a very significant portion of one's total life path. Much depends on the angle between Rahu and Kuja. |
see also: BPHS Guru Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 16+ years See also: BPL's Modern observations upon Guru Mahadasha final bhukti = Guru-Rahu
Final bhukti of Guru Mahadasha Guru-Rahu chidra-dasha * duration 29 months
How Guru-Rahu officiates the"clean-out"and preparation for Shani Mahadasha : The method of forgiveness and release for Mangala's life period is determined by Rahu's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
For Makara indriya-lagna, rahu eliminates unsustainable or unexpandable projects and relationships in foreign lands (12) or amongst siblings-team-mates (3). For Vṛścika indriya-lagna , rahu is the "executioner" who eliminates unexpandable aspirations in wealth accumulation (2) and speculations, including children (5) It is time to release any Guru-oriented expectations which have not been realized in the past sixteen years. Much depends on the angle between Brihaspati and Rahu. |
BPHS Shani Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 19+ years see also: BP Lama modern viewpoint on Shani Mahadasha final bhukti = Shani-Guru
Final bhukti of Shani Mahadasha Shani-Guru chidra-dasha * duration 36 months
How Shani-Guru officiates the clean-out and preparation for Budha Mahadasha : The method of forgiveness and release is determined by Guru's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
Relationships based on duty and responsibility which have become unrealizable, unsustainable, or incapable of reaching a socially validated conclusion, will be eliminated. A spirit of benevolence and optimistic expectations for future improvement through wisdom [Guru] pervades the Shani-closure experience. Forgiveness is enthusiastic and heartfelt. One moves forward into the fast-paced, youthful attitudes of Budha Mahadasha with the pleasant knowledge that one's most severe and demanding duties are completed, as far as one is capable, in this life. Likely continuation of relationships which involve children and their welfare, wisdom teachings, support of priests, or ceremonial religion . Social obligations that have been measurably completed, responsibilities fully satisfied, and conditions of law and order that have been dutifully maintained during Shani Mahadasha, can now be liberated into a fresh state of mental fluency and communicative speed. Shani Mahadasha reigns for 19 years. The end of this epic period is also the closure of a very significant portion of one's total life path. Much depends on the angle between Shani and Gurur. Sen. John McCain was in the closure period of Shani-Guru-Kuja, with only five months left until the final day of Shani's 19-year mahadasha, when he lost the 04-Nov-2008 U.S. presidential election to his competitor, POTUS-44 Audacity of Hope 1961- Barack H. Obama . McCain's Guru:
Vidyapthi-5+rogesha-6 Shani-Kumbha in bhava-6 may produce excellent outcomes, such as eradication of enemies, and lord of Chandra in politics bhava-5. Shani was a good political support for McCain for 19 years! Yet, considering the exhaustion any person would feel at the end of Shani Mahadasha, it was no wonder that McCain's concession speech on the night of 4-Nov-2008, sounded to many as if he was expressing not sadness or resentment - but just plain Relief! |
see also BPHS Budha Mahadasha Mahadasha duration = 17+ years See also: BPL's Modern observations upon Budha Mahadasha final bhukti = Budha-Shani
Final bhukti of Shani Mahadasha Budha-Shani chidra-dasha * duration 33 months
How Budha-Shani chidra-dasha officiates the clean-out and preparation for the wandering era of Ketu Mahadasha : The method of forgiveness and release is determined by Shani's characteristics in D-1 and D-9.
To be eliminated: unmet youthful expectations failed sibling, school-mate, and team-mate relationships claims and arguments that have not borne out any satisfying truth dysfunctional communication habits socially invalid self-narrative accountsnaive, adolescent honesty within relationships and general immaturity or lack of realism. The native feels obliged to become more shrewd and less trusting. Shani will sustain those communicative relationships which support physical and social safety. Behaviors that facilitate maintenance of food, clothing, and shelter will continue. All else must go. Shani is unsentimental and His decisions can be harsh. In preparation for the ungrounded spacey wandering of Ketu, shani institutes a mental clean-up campaign. Shani insists that mental patterns in one's thought-world [Budha] must match up with material patterns in the social world [Shani] . In the big picture of the 120-year Vimshottari dasha, shani's punitive realism is actually an essential safety correction designed to protect the native on one's forthcoming boundary-permeable, and confusion-prone era of Ketu It is time to release any Budha-oriented expectations which have not been realized in the past 17 years. Budha-Shani is a famous period for " rowing up mentally . If Budha-Shani bhukti occurs in social-biological youth, before the Saturn Return at age 29-31, this period may signify devastatingly painful"reality-check" shocks via failed adolescent expectations. A very young adolescent could be completely overwhelmed by Shani's demand to assume adult pragmatic attitude and workloads. As with all Shani bhukti, results improve with chronological age and adult experiencer. Shani in 3rd-from-Budha The growth-challenging angle here is Shani in 3rd-from-Budha. Results of Shani in 3rd-from-Budha include isolation , naegative thinking to the extent of clinical depression. Draconian punishments which drive lighter thoughts from the youthful mind, imposing premature survival responsibilities through heavy work demands. Somewhat easier when Shani = [Yogakaraka] , but generally Shani in 3rd-from-Budha = a very difficult era of"closure" . forgiveness = not possible under the survival pressures of the Shani in 3rd-from-Budha angle For all angles except the 3rd-from, much depends on the ease of the angle between Budha and Shani. |
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