
Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala

Rahu-Ketu Main Page

Rahu samchara * transit bhava-9

Rahu occupies 9th-from-Chandra

  1. [Rahu in bhava-1]
  2. [Rahu in bhava-2]
  3. [Rahu in bhava-3]
  4. [Rahu in bhava-4]
  5. [Rahu in bhava-5]
  6. [Rahu in bhava-6]
  7. [Rahu in bhava-7]
  8. [Rahu in bhava-8]
  9. [Rahu in bhava-9]
  10. [Rahu in bhava-10]
  11. [Rahu in bhava-11]
  12. [Rahu in bhava-12]

  1. [Rahu-Mesha-Aja]
  2. [Rahu-Urisha] -- [uchcha]
  3. [Rahu-Mithuna]
  4. [Rahu-Karkata]
  5. [Rahu-Singha] [nīcha]
  6. [Rahu-Parthya]
  7. [Rahu-Tula]
  8. [Rahu-Vṛścika]
  9. [Rahu-Dhanus]
  10. [Rahu-Makara-Draco]
  11. [Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]
  12. [Rahu-Meena]



AUM ram ravahe namah


राहु rāhu

Professor Rāhu

dhātu √ रभ् rabh = grab, seize, take-hold

अर्करिपु arka-ripu = enemy of Arka

चन्द्रारि chandra-ari = enemy of Chandra

अर्कशशिशत्रु arka-śaśi-śatru

= enemy (shatru) of thesun (arka) and themoon (shashi)

चाण्डाल cāṇḍāla chandala =outcast, outside the boundary, pariah, worst, lowest

भुजङ्गम bhujaṅgama = serpent-demon

खेट khe-ṭa = air-moving, cavity, hollow, aperture

resides in


धर्म dharma = right, nature , character

पितृ pitṛ pittrü = father, forefather

चित्त citta chitta = thought, intelligence

गुरु guru = growth

आचार्य ācārya = teacher

Caput Draconis

Head of the Dragon - North Node




the ninth house


"A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

[attributed to Winston Churchill]

" As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be, you can't see how it is."

~~ Be Here Now 1931-2019 Baba Ram Dass

QUOTATION from Control, mission. E.T. 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual (p. 89). Intergalactic Council.

"You are here with one primary directive: to embody the Spirit you serve.

If you allow yourself to become sidetracked by your "spiritual significance" and lose yourself in the "grandeur" of who you are, you will simultaneously lose track of your real significance and fall short of this mission's goal.

Remember that you are here to become a living expression of Spirit. Nothing you will do or say is an acceptable substitute for becoming who you truly are."


A Greek Orthodox Syrian woman prays inside a chapel..

Damascus, syria 2011



hungry for priestly privilege

apparitions of public inspirational guidance

expedient ideology

shadowy doctrine

grandiose philosophies


// over-reaching preaching //

preachers promote an entrancing, exotic doctrine

fascinating philosophies

see also: Rahu in 9th-from-Chandra

craving for righteousness of belief

Desire for Doctrine

Social Importance achieved via ambitious trajectories of theory, ideology, ultimate principles, paradigms of belief

exciting, unorthodox approach to matters of 9 global travel, humanism, doctrine, paradigmatic belief, life principles, father-figures, fortunate association, sangha

Rahu generally, indicates potential for fraud due to over-reaching.

Rahu- 9 = fraud of exaggeration of theological, theoretical, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings of the Divine

Overly-righteous, ambitious father

Rahu drishti to 1, 3, 5 amplifies

  • physical-appearance (1)

  • cohort-communicative (3)

  • celebrity creativity drama politics games (5)

Holiness-craving, righteousness-craving, advantage from pious display

seeks extraordinary [Rahu] privilege within doctrinal, divine, ideological, global, humanistic, professorial, patriarchal environments (9)

Humanism, charity, tolerance, goodwill + mixed cultural practices

  • POTUS-39 Talking Peace 1924-2024 Jimmy Carter [Rahu-Karkata] -- [Rahu in bhava-9] Following a brief, largely panned, POTUS-39 term during Ketu Mahadasha, JEC's governance career was finished. Yet, his elite roles - although completed - nevertheless continued to supply an aura of recognition, authority and respect outside of the USA. JEC's humanistic charitable beliefs [Aśleṣā-Rahu-9 mutual drishti Jyeṣṭha-Guru-1] led him into a widely praised post-career global mission, suppporting fair, secure elections in emerging democracies.

power via endorsement of ideas and patronage

  • POTUS-25 Gold Standard 1843-1901 William McKinley + [Shani-yuti-Shukra] Under the lifetime direction of his patron, the Ohio political king-maker Mark Hanna, wM was promoted by a team of newspaper specialists who crafted public opinion. WHT's entire career was funded by his patron, so that all decisions taken in WM high office roles were beholden to Hanna's organization.

special and important in doctrinal, professorial roles


Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien

  • As an Oxford professor, Tolkienlectured to literature and linguistics students while privately crafting his elaborate and incredibly long-story books. In addition, Rahu-9-uchcha casts drishti into Shukra-5 ++ into Shani-1 vyayapati - endowing ambitious accomplishments in creative literature [5].

  • Tolkien produced thousands of pages of literary manuscript and scholarly monograph, hundreds of elaborate drawings, abundant calligraphy, studied dozens of old languages , designed several new languages [Shukra rules Kuja-2 language engineering] + taught countless university classes, fought in WW-1, code-encrypted for WW-2, and raised four children -- all at a normal pace [Shani-1] of constant production continuing until his death age 82.

Rahu-9 Generally, indicates an ideologue with an ambitious passion for doctrine, whether sacred dogma, economic principles, scientific theory, or other belief or credenda.

urgently ambitious pontifical preaching on matters of theory and theology, divinity, higher principle

disguised as a paternal figure

prestige sought via priesthood, professorship, philosophy, proselytism, pomp-and-circumstance, temple discourse, world travel, ideology and dogma

When Rahu occupies dharmasthāna-9, the social mobility cravings of Rahu seek a platform for ascendance in the mattes of 9 such as doctrines of belief, theory, first principles, and ideology.

  • Rahu-9 tends to attract exotic, unusual preachers into one's life. May indicate indoctrinators of belief who hail from an exotic culture, an unconventional gender for the role, or have attributes of Otherness. Irregular style of dharma transmission.

  • Rahu in pitrabhava-9 also suggests risk-taking father-figures

Dogma-Doctrine Sacred-Teachings

  • USA-Congress 1943- Newt Gingrich [Aśleṣā-3] + [uchcha-Guru-yuti-Shukra] NLG was raised with the Lutheran catechism, converted to Southern Baptist doctrine, then converted again to the dogma of the Roman-Rite adherent church

Patronage * sponsorship

  • Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle His dad [9] hailed from an aristocratic lineage. Although dad suffered from severe psychiatric impairment, aCD benefitted from his father's social connections [Kumbha]. ACD became involved in principled [9] discussions on national politics [Rahu-9] during his early adulthood. Ambitious for privilege, aCD escalated his socializing. [Kumbha] He hob-nobbed with royalty and celebrities, counted important politicians among his friends [Kumbha] and wrote dozens of well-regarded essays on the major political questions of his day. The patronsin turn arranged for him to be awarded many literary honors. Yet, the pall of suspicion cast by his involvement with nebulous Spiritualism movement [Ketu in Bhava-3] caused ACD to lose two elections. As Rahu rose, so Ketu fell. ACD eventually abandoned politics [Ketu-Singha] and was dismissed by the national cognoscenti as an unreliable eccentric.

patronof the sangha

Pitri Dosha casts a dramatic shadow over the father, father-figures, preachers, proselytizers, pontiffs, presbyters, popes, patriarchs, holders of patrician entitlements, kohen, kahuna, guru-figures, politicians, high-priests, catechists, and indoctrinators. These characters suffer from amplified, exaggerated, and expedient but falsified displays of dogmatism and self-righteousness. The father or the guru may be an impostor. In cultures where male ancestors are worshipped, pitri dosha suggests irregularity in expressions of ceremonial respect to the male ancestors (shraddha).

desire to be recognized as a father-figure, patriarch, pope

  • Zanjeer 1942- drama-politics Amitabh Bachchan [9] father-figure, patron // Big Dada // His own father was also a revered cultural figure.

fascinating pelvis, sacral plexus

fascinating ups-and-downs in celebrity, fame, projected illusion of fatherliness

Social mobility achieved via important status

  • paradigms of belief, catechism, doctrine, sacred teachings
  • father-figure, pater-noster, papa-pope, patriarchal authority
  • philosophy, worldview, dharma, theory, first principles, wisdom, higher understandings
  • humanism, global scope, world travel
  • university, professor, indoctrinator, preacher

Elevation via Pontification

Passionate, uprising Rahu in Bhava-9 preaching = privileges gained via priesthood, professorship, punditry, presbyters, pontiff, pulpit, paternal roles, puja.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 is overinvested in professorship, fatherhood, guru, pontiff, preaching, doctrine. In the desire to obtain privilege of recognition from the philosophical caste, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 has a tendency to falsify, pad, or overstate the advanced credentials in globalized, university or high-priest environments.

Often a dramatic rise from the station of birth via extraordinary or exotic doctrinal philosophies or world travel.

  • Unusual circumstances regarding the father.

  • Unorthodox beliefs and teachings.

  • Foreign guru or exotic pujari-priests.

Charismatic but expedient Pretentious Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 craves a pulpit from which to preach the holy word.

Rahu the Pretender can indicate fraudulent priests, exotic guru figures, or misuse of religious passions for political purposes.

Take care with Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9's ambitious urge to pontificate and preach.

Although located in wise dharmasthāna, rahu is not interested in conventional, step-wise path toward understanding the structure of the dharma.

Rather, rahu is interested in rising to a higher station of social privilege via the means at his disposal, the means provided by His bhava. Rahu always has an ulterior motive.

Ambitious desire to be recognized for the exceptional qualities of one's preacher-teacher performance.

Quest for higher entitlements via inspirational sermons and inspirational song, via temple discourse, breadth of professorial discourse, exposition of theory and theology, expansive worldviews, world travel

Recognition sought: Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 wants to appear as a legitimate, credible holder of status-rank in the class of beings

  • priests of the patriarchal religions

  • professor, preacher, presbyter,

  • father, pitri, patrician, pater-noster, pontiff, pujari, pandita

  • rabbi, imam, honen, kohen, kahuna, lama,

  • wise-one, wizard,

  • great teacher, grandfather,

  • knower of sacred scripture, exegete, hierophant, sacerdote,

  • principled exponent of holy understandings

  • dharma-holder, religious scholar, disseminator of Truth

If Guru or dharmesha-9 = strong, rahu may take whatever risks are necessary to achieve membership in this class of beings.

Amplification of the inspirational ideals, often at the expense of the practical commercial skills.

Professor Rahu preaching in bhava-9 believes that one has been chosen to promote inspirational wisdom.

  • Satyagraha 1869-1948 Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi * advocate of liberal progressive ideology, religious pluralism, social justice theory of human rights


Smoky, oily Rahu in the place of holy worship:

The huge censer Botafumeriro at the end of the Camino,

in the Cathedral of Saint James = Sant Iago Compostela



[for Simha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Kuja + Kuja-drishti to source Rahu's apparently conquering, mesmerizingly dynamic, mirage of fiery energy

[privilege-seeking pioneer of righteous active understanding]

burning desire to preach on divine origination] [craving to push for philosophical championship]

[seeks importance via patronage of innovators] [exciting ideology of superior bloodlines]

unorthodox convictions about physical birthing embodiment]

[dynamicly over-reaching mixed-culture beliefs] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated first-arrivals, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, sacerdotal, higher priestly prestige]

[ambitiously fortunate competitive worldview]

shimmering illusion of fascinating fiery wisdom]

self-justifying pioneering guru-figure may over-ride conventional sacred doctrine]

[pretentiously ambitious challenging father-figure may over-ride orthodox warriorship] [father may be astonishing athletic coach, dominating professor, pontificating engineer, self-referential globalist, invasively pushy guide]


  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda [ancestral -undulating Aśvini-4]

[Rahu-Urisha] --- [uchcha]

[for Parthya indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently musical, entrancingly enriching, shimmering sensuality

[righteous desire to expound privileged values-based beliefs] [principled passion for warehousing storage] [exhilarating conserved collections]

[seeks importance via patronage of luxury wealth]

purported divine inspiration for capitalistic accruals]

sacerdotal understandings guide luscious storytelling]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated evaluations]

thrilling tales told about theological, theoretical, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal wisdom [may profess the religion of money]]

[exciting ideological convictions about history and languages]

acquisitive worldview mixes cultural traditions]

[pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride appropriate banking practice in financial dealings]


  • Lord of the Rings 1892-1973 linguist J.R.R. Tolkien [hierarchical-ranking Kṛttikā-2]

  • POTUS-43 Decision Points 1946- George W. Bush [political-theatrical Mriga-1]

  • POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton [political-theatrical Mriga-1]


[for Tulā indriya-lagna]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently explanatory, shimmering mirage of communicative flair

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

[righteous desire to expound principled management beliefs] [craving for philosophy of global business enterprise] [enthusiastic faith in over-communicating]

[passion for expedient doctrinal declarations] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated announcements, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[seeks privilege through publication for indoctrinated audience]

instrumental use of scripted religious naratives] [pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in mercantile affairs]


[for Vṛścika indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Chandra + Chandra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently familiar, entrancingly rhythmic, exotic defense

[righteous desire to expound ancestral principled beliefs] [craving for soothing, exhilarating rhythms of customary preaching] [seeks privilege via domestic patronage roles]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated patriotism, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[exciting ethno-national ideologue] [expedient use of habitual parochial catechisms] [over-reaching mixed-culture moralistic teachings]

[pretentiously ambitious farmer-fisher father-figure may over-ride cultural security barriers in localized patriarchal guidance roles]


[Rahu-Singha] --- [nīcha]

[for Dhanus indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Surya + Surya-drishti to source Rahu's apparently ingenious, brilliant mirage of celebrity

[righteous desire to expound principled political convictions] [craving for exhilarating ceremonial display of credenda] [over-reaching use of passionately dramatic preaching ]

[wants sparkling red-and-gold pageantry to entertain the faithful sangha] [potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated sacerdotal showmanship] [excitingly confident demonstrations of belief]

[anbitious mixed-culture priests create mirage of higher wisdom] [seeks charitable patronage of royalty and celebrity figures]

[pretentious romantic gambler father-figure may exhibit patriarchal entitlement]

  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T 1942-2018 Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin [calculating-ministering Pūrvaphalgunī-2]



[for Makara - Draco indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Budha + Budha-drishti to source Rahu's apparently logical, illusion of articulate argumentation

[righteous desire to expound principled faith in service ministry] [craving for exhilarating logical argument] [enthusiastic belief in over-helping] [passionate quest to indoctrinate servants and employees]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated complaints in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[excitingly accusatory ideologue] [over-reaching mixed-culture victim-narratives]

instrumental preaching upon unfair exploitations]

pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in charitable assistance]


[for Kumbha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Shukra + Shukra-drishti to source Rahu's apparently fair, shimmering mirage of contractual equity

[righteous desire to expound a principled faith in ultimate justice] [enthusiastic belief in over-promising] [craving for exhilarating balanced negotiation]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated advocacy, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[excitingly diplomatic ideologue] [over-reaching equity-lens mixed-culture worldview]

pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in contractual alliances]


[for Meena - Antya indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Mangala for defining source of Rahu's apparently transformative, eruptive energy

[righteous desire to expound mystically principled belief] [craving for exhilarating initiations on secret empowerments]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated emergency intervention, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[excitingly disguised ideologue]

transformative worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture healing]

pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in masked initiation]


[for Mesha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently generous, mirage of philosophical conviction

[righteous desire to expound dogmaticly principled convictions] [craving for exhilarating inspirational teaching on sacred philosophy]

[potential for fraudulently exaggerated scale of wisdom, in matters of theological, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, theoretical understandings]

[excitingly enthusiastic ideologue] [may bea fabulous fundraiser within the convinced sangha = 9th-from-9]

sacerdotal worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture faith]

[hunger to obtain the prestige patronage of the ceremonial- priesthood]

pretentiously ambitious believer father-figures may over-ride orthodox practice in preaching or inflated indoctrination]


[for Urisha indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently lawful, mirage of regulatory ordering

[passion for conventional catechisms] [seeks prestigious high-ranked patronage]

ideology of socially approved opportunity]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated public decorum, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[maintains the pretension of the standard confession of beliefs]

craves privilege of preaching on adherence to social norms]

pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in patriarchal duty]

[Rahu-Kumbha] --- [svakshetra]

[for Mithuna indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Shani + Shani-drishti to source Rahu's apparently systematic, shimmeringly gainful, mimicking connectivity

[righteous desire to expound systematically principled belief] [craving for exhilarating inspirational teaching on interconnectedness]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated association, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[excitingly achievement-oriented ideologue]

marketplace worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture economics]

[pretentiously ambitious friendly father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in community networks]

  • Germinal 1840-1902 J'accuse Emile Zola [organizing-structured Varuna-2] [Varuna-Rahu-yuti-Shukra-Pegasus]

  • Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle [arranging-aligning Dhaniṣṭha-3]

  • Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts [transformative-disguising Dhaniṣṭha-4]+ + [Dhaniṣṭha-Rahu-yuti-Guru-Dhaniṣṭha]

  • Among the Believers 1932-2018 culturalist V.S. Naipaul [historical-evaluating Pūrvābhādra-2] [navamsha Rahu-Urisha-uchcha] [Somana-yuti-Rahu]

  • Dittoheads 1951-2021 radio polemic Rush Limbaugh [messaging-mercantile Pūrvābhādra-3] [Pūrvābhādra-Rahu-yuti-Guru-Varuna]

  • NASCAR 1951-2001 motorsports Dale Earnhardt [champion-challenger Pūrvābhādra-1]


[Karkata indriya-lagna]

[Rahu-9 casts passionately paradigmaticly believing drishti into 1-3-5]

check Guru + Guru-drishti to source Rahu's apparently dreamy, mirage of imaginative intuition

[righteous desire to expound prayerfully principled belief] [craving for exhilarating Other-Worldly guidance] [excitingly visionary ideologue] [passion for symbolic, oceanic humanistic globalism]

[potential for fraudulently or fabulously exaggerated private guidance, in matters of theological, theoretical, ideological, global-scope, philosophical, doctrinal, sacerdotal, higher priestly understandings]

[charitable worldview expanded by over-reaching mixed-culture faith]

pretentiously ambitious father-figure may over-ride orthodox practice in clairsentient comprehension]


[Rahu in bhava-9] mesmerizing drishti into

  • 1-personality, physical appearance
  • 3-administration

  • 5-politics

Rahu's passage to privilege = the Quest for Holiness

Rahu-9 is fascinated by privileged patrons (9). Ketu has nothing but disregard for the outcome of actions driven by Rahu's priests, patrons, and philosophies of belief.

Holiness-cravingambitious illusion seeking privilege of ideology and super-politics, the politics of entitlement via the paradigm of sacred belief.

The snake-hole aperture through which the ambitious Naga King slithers, slides, and springs upward.

Pathways to Patronizing Importance include

Doctrine - religious, philosophical, scientific, theoretical

Power of the Fathers

  • utobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda [rhythmic-ancestral Aśvini-4] followed the pathway to patriarchal Guru-ship established by his spiritual father

  • POTUS-pair-13 Libraries 1798-1853 Abigail Powers Fillmore [passionate Rahu in managing-commercial Rohiṇī-3] Dad was a noted Baptist minister whose legacy to his family was an extraordinarily valuable library. From reading her books, APF gained an university-quality education quite rare for women in her day.

Patronage, sponsorship

Paternalistic authority

  • Professorial punditry
  • Principles of worth-ship * worship and liturgical ritual (not the ritual itself, but rather the theory of worship, the theo-logy)
  • philosophical discussions about sacred scripture and higher teachings

Pulpits for preaching about ideology, beliefs, credenda, theories, wisdom

Rahu's passions find Opportunity in environments of dharmsthāna

  • philosophy, theology, preaching, fatherhood, world travel
  • fascinating doctrines

  • display of patronage, pontificate, patriarchal culture,
  • wisdom, indoctrination, higher understanding regarding ceremonial worship (but the ritual worship itself is seen via bhava-4)
  • emblems of the university and the wisdom-temple

seeks privilege via exotic elements

important wisdom, glamorous divinity, university, theological discourse, sacred scripture, unusual exegesis,

  • internationalism, humanism
  • distinctively unusual globalism, cosmos

  • preaches about an understanding of reality (dharma) in a culturally Mixed-and-Mottled style
  • may breach the established comfortable folkways, ancient customs, and established cultural norms
  • over-extended in doctrine, theory, first principles, ideology, philosophy, global-scale beliefs

EARNINGS Rahu occupies 11th-from-11

Rahu in Bhava-9

  • counted from D-1 lagna

  • ambitions expressed via ideologies (capitalism, communism) and doctrines

Inveterate theorists

  • fascination with exotic doctrines

  • a mesmerizing preacher, proselyte, pope, presbyter, pandita, or professor

Rahu finds His instrument of self-elevation in the ideological, doctrinal, theoretical and philosophical teaching and preaching roles. Often exudes a passion for dogma.


My Sweet Lord 1943-2001 Beatle George Harrison [entertaining-gambling Pūrvaphalgunī-1]

  • Due to his extremely high celebrity factor [Simha] GH became the most visible exponent of the international Hare Krishna outreach movement of the ISKCON organization. As an English working-class personality promoting a historic Bharati cult of worship (Rahu mix-master), Harrison was an instrumental agent of cultural-paradigm mixing (Simha-9) to the over-reaching [Rahu] missionary Vaishnavite movement.

Rahu desires to show a better way of life, to moralize and instruct on the sacred truths, and to explicate the sacred scriptures.

However, the desire to be holy remains a desire.

Professor Rahu is a skillful poseur by nature. Whatever wisdom the beautiful sermon of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 may hold, risk-rewarding Rahu = Typically, awell-camouflaged human hypocrite who practices other than what is preached

Privilege-seeking Rahu = concerned not with consistency to principle but rather with achieving recognition of prophetic powers or saintly status.

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet [Samka-KSY] saintly figure, promoted as a rare and specially chosen [Rahu] spokesperson [Tula] for divine personalities. First, a spectacular rise [Rahu] to international status, revered as an extraordinary psychic channel and inspirational preacher (9)

  • At the peak of credibility (9 credenda) ECP issued a high-stakes false prediction about global nuclear attack. Based on this millennialist prophecy ECP instructed her followers to abandon their homes and jobs, legally assigning all their assets to the Church [9].

  • A concrete bunker was stocked with supplies to last 10 years. The bunker's sewage system malfunctioned. The faithful waited for Armageddon. Yet, the prophesied day came and went, precipitating Rahu's Great Fall.

  • Financially destroyed and demoralized, most believers [9] abandoned ECP. She had long suffered from epilepsy. After the catastrophically failed prediction, ECP succumbed to a series of physical and psychological collapses, finally dying of Alzheimer's disease.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 does not condemn genuine saints who grapple with the human passions. Rather the Chandala-9 points to their inescapable humanity as carriers of contradictory desire to be publicly recognized for their spiritual attainments.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 = the yoga teacher who smokes tobacco, the preacher of exercise and clean living who injects performance drugs, the pure-speaking celibate priest involved in personal sexual relationships, and the theology professor with a locked desk drawer full of pornography.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 may do much good in the world because His message is certainly uplifting. At least, until Rahu's facade collapses.

But Rahu's methods are typically surreptitious and His power of disguise is nearly divine in scope. Rahu likes to camouflage the human being behind the theological-ideological message .

One may play the exotic but successful role of foreign missionary preacher (9), reaching out with a new philosophy to communities beyond the ethnic root.

There is often a contradiction between the ambition and opportunism natural to Rahu versus the self-righteousness, orthodoxy, and theoretical conceptuality of bhava-9.


To ensure the correct structural unfolding of the Learning Curriculum, rahu-type astonishing irregularities are expected to manifest within the realms of 9th-amsha, including belief paradigm, principled worldview, and father-figuring.

Rahu-9 in 11th-from-11 can escalate the earnings, exaggerate the dogma, and inflate celebrity displays.

Yet along with passionate beliefs and economic abundance usually comes Rahu-style unorthodox and potentially fraudulent behavior in regard to social regulation of paternal duties.

Particularly in Asvini, magha, or Mula, Ketu's evacuating detachment patterns can scatter the fathering focus.

Rahu-9 - self or father - may be Obsessed with Theory, philosophy, or Principles of Doctrine


UK-PM Path to Power 1925-2013 Margaret Thatcher [governing-organizational Pushya-2] [samka KSY]

  • MT commented upon the formative effects of her father's beliefs upon her own career ideology. Dad subscribed to the view that modern goverment economic regulation systems [Kumbha] were morally wrong [Karkata morality, and Kumbha = 6/8 from Karkata] As a green-grocer, dad was part of the ancestral farm-to-market rhythm - following the old wagon roads - and he preached upon the righteousness of this familiar Way-of-Life. His dogma defended the Old Ways of localism, parochialism, ethnicity, and agricultural customs.

Father may be professor, preceptor, presbyter

During Rahu bhukti,

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 can drain the energy from Public Career , pulling the vitality backwards into matters of global philosophy and international legal doctrines.

Vimshottari Dasha periods of Rahu

Because He teaches in the classroom that is 6th-from-4th, Vimshottari periods of entrancing Professor Rahu-9 can interrupt simple but foundational patterns related to bhava-4 such as pathwaus of transportation, housing, schooling, police protection, and the flow of the food supply for the place of settlement.

The nature of the disruption depends upon the rashi characteristics of bhava-4 and bhava-9; However, the script is generally that an outside professorial or preacher-teacher agent brings in philosophical or doctrinal viewpoints which conflict with the assumptions of the basic home culture.

It can be for example that the person leaves a secure home with its rhythmic worship and meal patterns, and goes to university where a mixture of people and shocking [Rahu] new theories of reality are presented. Or it can be that the father (9) becomes challenger to the home habits (4) seeming to disturb the placid security of the mother's territory. If bhava-9 is well-disposed, these exciting challenges to the paradigm of belief (9) can be invigorating.

During Rahu periods, one may be deeply influenced by another agent who is playing this emissary-evangelistic philosopher role.

  • "Balls of Fire" rockabilly pianist Jerry Lee Lewis brought rhythmic black gospel music into the stiff white southern church

Launch platforms = Teacher-preacher, philosopher, professors, priest, father-figure,

Ambition to obtain the privileges accorded to patriarchs, holders of patrician entitlements, popes, professors, pujari, and pater-nostra.

The father = exotic, ambitious, roguish, risk-runner.

  • POTUS-35 Profiles in Courage 1917-1963 John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy and USA-Sen-Mass 1932-2009 Teddy Kennedy shared a millionaire father who made his fortune in the stock market. Their legendary mother was also passionately ambitious for her family.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 = symbolic roles, craving recognition = Guru status

  • UK Queen 1819-1901 Empress Victoria-1 + [Kuja-yuti-Shani] * titular head of the established Church of England during her entire 63-year reign

Self-elevation through risky sermons, world travels, religious affiliations with foreign rituals, outsider exegesis or dark, oily gurur.

Full scope of effects depends upon which graha occupy bhava 1, 3, and 5.

Career during Vimshottari Dasha periods

of a graha located in bhava-9

There are many beneficial effects from graha located in dharmasthāna-9 including expansion of humanistic perspective, global awareness, and contact with wisdom-figures.

Nevertheless, the 10th-from-9 = bhava-6 indicating disharmony and ailment.

As a result, there may be a temporary experience of conflict in leadership roles, ailments related to job performance, unfair agreements, loss of contract, dissolution of equity, accusations, pollution, or other 6-related phenomena according to the rashi of 6 and any graha residing in 6.

If the karmesha occupies rogasthāna-6, the professional life remains robust, but the career duties tend to emphasize injury, indebtedness, exploitation, or toxicity, inter alia.

Careers in labor relations, social work, medicine, and other ministries of service are usually enhanced by the 6th-angle because these professions are already dedicated to service of the hurting. Their collegial relationships may temporarily suffer somewhat but the overall mission is stable.

Desire to Obtain the Patriarchal Priestly Privileges

Self-identified Fathers of a National Doctrine =

Proselytes =

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda

Rahu in bhava-9 = craves a privileged philosophical teaching, priestly ritual, or world travel experience.

  • Sometimes this much-desired status-elevating affiliation is achieved via third marriage.

One feels a great desire to be recognized as a religious guru, father-figure, professor, patron of scholarship, or temple preacher, although one has not yet legitimately earned the wisdom.

Via Rahu's characteristic over-promotion, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 often takes sacred vows and gets into inappropriate religious practice that is over one's head. Rahu in bhava-9 = 11th-from-11th = profits harvested from contributions of the sangha.

  • Violet Flame 1939-2009 Elizabeth Clare Prophet= Rahu-Svatika-9 (Rahu also rules Svatika). During the rise and fall of her Church Universal and Triumphant. Mega-preacher ECP was consistently criticized for fabricating [Rahu] inspiringclairsentient cult messages as a deception motivated by church management's drive for profits. Rahu-9 signals opportunities to gain privilege via sacred teachings and inspirational sermons.

Great Leap Forward via Wisdom-Teaching: Philosophy, religion and World Travel

Rahu will cast drishti upon kundali indriya-lagna = shapes the social personality of a religious priest, preacher, or exponent of a wisdom-tradition

  • exotic, unusual type of religious teachers during this lifetime

  • risk-taking father-figure

  • foreign elements infiltrate the scripture or received moral dogma

  • temple-based philosophical education = unconventional style of dharma transmission

  • religious controversy

  • native represent the phenomenon of folk heroes who become saints

fraudulent wisdom or true philosophy?

  • depends considerably upon Rahu's ruler

  • and also upon the character of gyanakaraka Guru

Desire for Exotic Wisdom

  • Desire to challenge conventional boundaries that protect temple discourse and Moral Teachings

  • Hunger to Possess priestly entitlements and temple privileges

  • Uses surreptitious or unconventional methods to obtain credibility in universities, houses of worship, religious centers

  • Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 mixes high-and-low teachings

  • " spring forward" to a higher social station in the role of a preacher or representative of wisdom-teachings

  • One can"leapfrog" to higher religious status in realms of priestly duty, ritual knowledge, professorship, preaching, and iconic spiritual authority, often by forming an exotic relationship with father-figure.

  • False or fraudulent piety

  • exotic temple discourse; foreign Guru or questionable credentials of the guru

  • desire for recognition in priestly, ritual, religious instructor, and preaching roles

  • spring forward to a higher social station on the third lifepartnership

Rahu Mahadasha - Rahu bhukti = Rahu pratyantardasha

During periods of Rahu , asurreptitious intruder or poseur enters the realms of philosophical and religious thought and priestly or professorial interactions.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 on one's own part will strive to match the psychic energy of exotic (not normal for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 ) priests, preachers, pundits, pastors, professors, and father-figures.

The goal of the interloper is to break limits and challenge assumptions about the normal stepwise path of the normal stepwise path of orthodox religious practice and higher philosophical teachings.

One's passion for connecting to this enticing exotic agent is disruptive but exciting and each iteration breaks some limit upon how many and which type of world-era wisdom one is allowed to explore.

Divinely Chosen

One desires to feel specially chosen for a privileged role: permission to participate in elite religious and philosophical rituals and wisdom-teachings.

One craves to be recognized as a True Wisdom Guru and empowered high-priest.

Ambassador of Doctrine and Philosophy, but may adopt expedient methods.

Although often not a conventionally avowed member of the highest priesthood or cloister, one seeks recognition by the approved religious orders, or inclusion in especially pious societies and distinguished sangha (sangiti, the reciters).

As the great taboo-breaker, rahu destroys dogmatic moral boundaries and introduces unorthodox behaviors into the agency of

  • the father-figure

  • the religious teachers and The temple premises

  • the sacred scriptures and the philosophy of belief.

At the basis of Rahu's narrative = an unusual father.

  • (If Rahu also occupies 9th-from-Chandra, agent = either the father or the mother's father - or both.)

The father or guru has "leapfrogged" over the typical priestly or professorial credentialing process in order to acquire higher status.

  • The vehicle of empowerment for Rahu in 9 =religiosity .

  • False piety is a keynote of Rahu's "look good" in 9

  • The father, and Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 after him, may demonstrate remarkable piety which is nonetheless appropriated or mimicked rather than earned through personal wisdom.

  • Results can = fraudulently or improperly or alternatively credentialed [Rahu] moral preaching, university teaching, or status as a religious icon

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 may adhere to a set of unorthodox sacred teachings, become a preacher or high teacher,

Les agents provocateurs represented by Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 = not necessarily an immoral influence. The agent desires to obtain privileged experiences by leapfrog . One wishes to override the conventional proving steps toward social approval of piety (9, religious liturgy, confession of faith, wisdom teachings).

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 disturbs the existing orderly limits regarding

  • behaviors of the father

  • behavior of professors, preachers, religious teachers, guru

  • nature of the belief system

subject matter and presentation style of orthodox religious instruction

ritual performance, priestly duties, celebration of liturgy

wisdom teaching

matters of university culture; academic acceptance of research findings

Religious expressions of a most exotic and unusual nature

Animosity and Conflict via Rahu-resides-9 =

6th-from bhava-9 = bhava-2 =

During Rahu bhukti if rogesha-6 from Rahu is strong, one may be forced into servitude, conflict, sickness, or crime by disharmonious family history, libraries treasuries and collections of financial wealth , and dishonest, avaricious second lifepartnership

Rahu Risk-taking as a response to conflict

entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 = 6th-from = bhava- 4,

might feel compelled toward illicit behaviors by a conflict with parents, schoolteachers, vehicles, or the father's religion

High desire for intense experience in temple discourse and belief systems. Often has a foreign or outsider gurur.

Opportunistic Father may be associated with profligacy, underclass behaviors, or risky foreign undertakings.

Father may be involved in foreign lands, espionage or manipulation of foreign governments; or a cult priest; or other surreptitious barrier-bending, taboo-twisting roles. The guru may be a renegade anti-traditionalist.

Native tends toward extremes in ceremonial religion , with powerful desire to re-interpret or re-appropriate religious systems.

Wants to camouflage-match the priestly caste in order to receive the entitlements accorded to those who maintain the temples of knowledge and their priesthood.

However, rahu is impatient and impossible to satisfy, therefore, the course of study and commitment to consecrated vows which are required for true priesthood or true fatherhood are rarely completed.

May falsify university degrees or otherwise present fraudulent religious or philosophical credentials.

  • If Rahu is very badly disposed, may desecrate temples of wisdom.

Ketu in bhava-3 = Rahu in bhava-9

Ketu in bhava-3 chidrakaraka

  • General difficulties in getting published, even when the writing is excellent. Ambivalence toward media publications, journalism, making announcements and delivering messages, plans and schedules, staff meetings, neighbors, scripted repetitive daily talk , mental narrative, writing, and team-communications.

  • Yet unrestricted access to all varieties of publication, messaging technology. No-barriers freedom to deliver any type of slogan, song, instruction, report or announcement.

  • Frequent and barrier-free short-term travels such as holiday, business trip, scheduled tours. Disperses the fraternity; breaks up the team; cracks up the cohort.

  • Joins and leaves numerous configurations of the collaborative group. Scatters siblings; often no sibling. In place of fleshly siblings, psychic brothers appear - cohere - then dissolve - then another cohort appears.

  • Spacey mentality. Channels the vibration of the cohort without egoic-mind membrane interference. Of others without restriction.

Rahu in bhava-9 chalakaraka

  • Urgent Ambition to get ahead via the privileges accorded to elite figures of patriarchal religion (9) including priests, pujari, father-figures; oracles of the deity; wise world travelers; scholar-professors of sacred wisdom; and important pulpits and preachers.

  • May become a global-scale figure associated with an inspirational movement in religion or philosophical worldview . Craves the prestige of internationalism, religious ceremony, public piety, high doctrine, punditry, pontification, universities, temples.


Dragons at the gate of Wat Khao Phra Bat

'Big Buddha'

in Pattaya Thailand

barrier-bending, taboo-twisting , privilege-gaining, and desire for recognition in areas of Religion and Philosophy

  • Foreign credenda, exotic paradigms of belief, often much costumery and mixing of the elements used in the display of divine power.

  • Rahu is a pot-boiler here, encouraging unmet subconscious desires from parallel lives to boil up to the surface of consciousness.

  • Often Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 chooses a self-elevating trajectory which involves a return to the religion of one's parallel life , which may not fit so easily in the current life. Temples, universities, and knowledge networks are infused with passion and psycho-emotional drama. Nature of religious behavior depends on Rahu's ruler .

  • Favors happiness through religious cultures which hold intense passion and transformative desire in the highest regard

Fierce desire for liturgical empowerment. Tremendous ambition to obtain the privileges which are accorded to the smoky-incense and awe-inspiring displays of priestly understanding. Note the distinction between the wisdom of understanding versus the Display of Empowerment in the environments which connote Understanding.

One is authentic; one is clever illusion.

Rahu-9 may signifying the paying of priests to help one to gain the privileges which appear to be granted via the possession of a person, an object, or a level of understanding.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 may become enchanted by a Charismatic foreign guru whose teachings or methods may be taboo for one's own people.

Cult of fabulous personality may seek an exaggerated display of wisdom preaching.

  • Autobiography of a Yogi 1893-1952 Swami Yogananda

Rahu in Pitri-bhava signifies the Father-Figures

The father-figures may have boundary issues and may psychically or physically invade the child's aura. Seeks a foreign paradigm of belief hosted in a temple displaying exotic qualities, with elaborate costumes and fascinating unfamiliar practices.

May find the ethical content of religion quite changeable because morality = bhava-4 which = 8th-from-9th, identity-change. There may be comfortable results from all of this if Rahu's ruler = dignified.

Preacher of foreign * worth-ship * worship and catechesis, tantrik messaging, charismatic curadero, desire to ascend to power in holy grounds . May be esp. beneficial for Mithuna lagna where [uchcha] Shani would be lord of randhra and dharma bhava.

Oily smoky things in the house of worship. Incense.

  • But there can be destructive or deceptive oil smoke here too, such as coal-burning or wood-burning stoves for heat in the temple, the film from which can mar the beauty of religious icons and cast a pall of gloom over the holy place.

  • In awful cases, the oily smoke of burning flesh after animal or even human sacrifice (Kali).

Also, priestly poseurs and those with desire to perform sacred ritual without legitimacy; foreign or outsider priests; forbidden religions.

QUOTATION Das / Bepin Behari

" The nodes of the Moon have supreme importance in spiritual evolution.

Rahu, the material polarity of the shadowy Nodes, takes you to sacred places, associates you with spiritual aspirants, and makes you a partner in spiritual celebrations and observances.

  • Preparing you in this way to receive the influence of the divine, rahu equips you for this.

You are a scholar; accredited for virtues; impressive in speech in an assembly; cultured and humane;

veneration, belief and devotion in gods and sacred places.

  • Grateful; upbringing your own family.

  • You are revered for your merit; learned; generous.

    You give away useful things in charity; never leaving a job in the middle, perseverance; virtuous; keeping the family tradition; spotless reputation.

Helps and supports relatives; contented with the partner. Attendants.

  • Affluent landlord and agriculturist

  • You show faith in religions other than your own.

  • loss of wealth . Want of truth, conduct, luck and wisdom.

  • Much traveling, pauper, unfriendly to relatives, some physical ailment. Low, mean, shabby and afraid of enemies.

Wicked. Hostile.

A town leader. Vicious. Serving othersand sex with low-class persons.

  • You have many attendants, prosperous, fortunate, little faith in false religion, poor health, eloquent speaker, agreeable and cordial with the partner, affectionate, childless, proud of your community, liar, speaks ill of false religion and unmindful of your duty.

This Rahu denotes mental sharpness and gain through educational, legal and religious affairs; gain through voyages and foreign affairs; highly intuitive."


Gothic style military fortress sanctified as the Cathedral of Ste. Cecilia in Tarn region of France

Rahu mahadasha 18 years

The most salient effects of [Rahu in bhava-9] passion for indoctrination, philosophy, preaching occur during Rahu mahadasha.

Maximum outcome during svabhukti of Rahu-Rahu and also during the bhukti of Rahu's rashi-pati.

Also strong results of Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 should be expected during each of the nine bhukti of Rahu which occur within the 120 year Vimshottari Dasha.

  • During any Rahu bhukti, expectations must be adapted to the angle between the Mahadasha-pati and Rahu.

Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 generates urgent ambition to obtain greater social-material privileges via display of philosophical exposition, priestly ritual, or world travel experience.

The methods of expedient self-elevation for Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 include appropriation of the instruments of bhava-9 such as promotion to higher priestly rank, professorial distinction, preaching roles, paternalism in religious matters, guru-figure behavior, or involvement with foreign or exotic religious cults.

Although entrancing Professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 has not yet * earned* the higher entitlements which are normally accorded to priests, professors, preachers, and father-figures, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9 is motivated by a hungry desire to grasp these entitlements in a"fast-track" fashion. His ambition is boundless.

  • Typically during the first portion of the Rahu bhukti, risk-rewarding Rahu does succeed in rising above the privilege accorded to His station of birth - sometimes dramatically so.
  • However, toward the end of the Rahu bhukti, just at the moment when He would appear to have achieved His goal, shri Rahu typically suffers a sudden fall from the improperly appropriated entitlements.
  • A more normal course of [akashic memory patterning] in the nativity is then recovered.

during Vimshottari periods of Rahu, professor Rahu teaching in classroom-9's upward trajectory may involve fraudulent or irregular temple discourse or philosophical preaching that is "over one's head" .

Final results depend on the disposition of the ruler of Rahu's rashi.


Cathedral of Mediterranean Corsica


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