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![]() Vimshottari Dasha - Rashi - Gochara - Bhava - Graha - Ratna - Nakshatra - Amsha - Karaka - Varga - Bala
NASA Milky Way Mosaic
Financial Bhava for Mithuna indriya-lagna 9 graha bhava-ruling effects from Mithuna indriya-lagna Mithuna rashi contains three na-kshatra
OM Keshavaya Namah OM Kleem Krishnayana Namaha Priyangu kalika shyamam = Roopenaa pratimam budham = Sowmyam sowmya Gunopetam = tam Budham Pranamamyaham Rashi governed by Professor Budha √ मिथ् mith = meet मिथुन mithuna Mithuna मिथस् mithas = mutually, meeting, together मिथुन mithuna = pair, couple, copulate, twins मिथुनत्व mithuna-tva = status of forming a pair नृमिथुन nṛ-mithuna= pair of men नृ द्विपदराशि dvi-pada-rāśi = two-part rashi द्वंद्व dva-n-dva = couple, pair, two-by-two द्व्यात्मक dvya-ātmaka = double-natured [also said of Kanya, Dhanus, and Meena] युज् yuj = yoke युग्म yugma = yoked-pair, double, brace-embrace नृयुज् nṛyuj = yoked men नृ Jaimini जितुम jituma = Greek δίδυμοι didymoi Gemini zwillinge - tweelingen - twins δίδυμοι didimos - dvyniai - dvini - dvojcka blizanci - ikizler - ikek thomas - teomim al-jawzaah राशि names in numerous languages sign, signal, signature, signatory, design, designation, assignment, enseigneur |
Rama, sita and Lakhshmana at hermitage, opaque watercolour and gold on cardboard, pahari, Kangra, ca. 1840 Painting, in opaque watercolour and gold on cardboard, rama, sita and Lakhshmana at the hermitage, illustration to a Ramayana series. The sage Agastya receives Rama, sita and Lakshmana in his hermitage of Panchavati in the great southern forest at the source of the Godaveri. Rare Book Society of India ** Image and text credit:Copyright: © Victoria and Albert Museum, London |
![]() The constellation of Gemini from Richard Dibon-Smith nakshatra names in red added by BP Lama Mrigashiras - Invaka + Arudra - Betelgeuse + Punarvasu - Yamaka Punarvasu (Castor-and-Pollux) Nakshatra is found in Gemini but Mriga-Sirasa and Arudra are found off this map, in the constellation of Orion |
9 graha Rulerships from Mithuna radical lagna |
Mithuna Regional Names
Mithuna = Maithuna = Midhunam = Nrimithuna Nriyuj = Yugma = Yuj Dvamdva Jituma Jaimini Mith = Roman cult of Mithra
Europe 15cen CE |
Parashara " [They] are tall, upright and have a straight body, the hands being long.
Persons with this lagna live mostly in mind .
They are versatile, restless and like change very often .
They are always of two minds and are incapable of taking quick decisions.
They are good husbands ." |
BPHS Sarga 4: 9-9.5 " The Rashi Mithuna rises with its head
Its ruler is Budha." |
Mithuna Meanings = Chandra in Mithuna comforted by conversational messaging = Mithuna navamsha " The Embrace" = arms = a sharing, apairing, acomplement, atwin
Properties of Mithuna Rashi
Mithuna = Dvamdva = Jaimini characteristics of the rashi Mithuna - Guna
Mithuna group dvyAtmaka = "double-natured"
Mithuna tattva = "that-ness ", element
Mithuna owner
Financial Bhava for Mithuna indriya-lagna
[Mithuna-Dvamdva] specializes in the interactive, communicative coupling of polarities and opposites.
Mrigashiras - Invaka = Agrahayani Mithuna, pada 3-4 = ruled by Mangala = movement, inquiry Kuja mulatrikona Mesha 11th counted from Mithuna lagna = community, economy, ecology, association, opportunity, friendship, gains, earnings, distributive networks, interlinked connections, large gatherings, principled social participation movements, marketplace participation [Mriga pada-3 Tula] [negotiating, brokering, adjusting, equity, attorney, advocacy, accommodating, graciously arranging, pleasant, diplomatic, deal-making, trust-building, dithering, compromising, contractual, balancing, fair-deals, trade.] [Karkata 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = tribal, ethno-national, agricultural, customary, fluctuating, border-defense, wall-builder, farmer, sustains a way-of-life, marine, protective, caretaking, ritualized. rhythmic/algorithmic, stays in the ancient ruts, building, property-owning, transport ]
[Mriga pada-4 Vrischika] [transformative, identity-changing, mysterious, eruptive, shocking, penetrating, recycling, secret-keeping, revolutionary, healing, disguising, discovering, hidden-power.] [Simha10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = political, theatrical, entitled, ceremonial, creative, idealistic, flamboyant, games, genius, romance, artistic performance, fashion-style, solar-energy, central attention-getter, glittering radiance, demonstrating, bright display]
Arudra - Betelgeuse = Raudra ruled by Rāhu taking risks to gain entitlements = = Rahu mūlatrikoṇa = ? [ Arudra pada-1 Dhanus] [ideological, dogmatic, doctrinal, righteous, convinced, globalist, pontificating, inspirational, optimistic, believing, principled, preachy, patronizing, patriarchal, sacerdotal.] [Kanya 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = ministering, methodical, master of logical argumentation, complex calculations, assistive, accusing, complaining about poverty-crime-disease, analytical, aggrieved of unfair conditions, medicating, military, helping, laboring.]
[Arudra pada-2 Makara] [class-conscious, hierarchical, ranked positioning, timeclock, pyramid, ages-and-stages, sober, architectural, governing, regulator, lawful, structural, stones-and-bones pragmatism.] [Tula 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = brokering, contractual, alliance-building, diplomatic, equalizing, remediating , pleasant, musical, harmonizing, partnering, adjudicating, arranging, balancing, match-making, deal-making, advocacy, reciprocity, mutuality in relationships.]
[ Arudra pada-3 Kumbha] [systematic, gridworked, community-connecting, distributive, interlinked, socio-economic, networking, friendly, associative, goal-achieving.] [Vrischika 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = undisclosing, dangerous, shocking, healing, penetrating, recycling, , explosive, revelatory, emerging, identity-changing, mysterious, transformative, rejuvenating, evolutionary. ]
[Arudra pada-4 Meena] [visionary, fantasizing, imaginative, conceptual, contemplative, privately guiding, expansive interior worldview, theoretical, diversifying, developing, inclusive, charitable. May be clairsentient.] [Dhanus 10th-navamsha] Career Reputation = preachy, pontificating, patronizing, inspirational, globalized, optimistic, expansive exterior worldview, believing, ideological, theological, philosophical, principled, indoctrinating. May be called to leadership in teaching of theory, sermonizing, profession of ultimate convictions, or higher understanding. ]
Mithuna portion Pada-1-2-3 = ruled by Generous Gardening Guru the environmentalist philosopher-preacher Guru's mulatrikona 7th counted from Mithuna indriya-lagna = fair-deals, bargains, diplomacy , trusts and treaties, vows, promises, relationships, negotiation, agreements, equity, fair-trade, marriage, equality, similarity, parity, partnership, mutual interest, justice, balance, valance, yoga = seeing both sides of a polarized situation, representing both sides of a conversational dialog
Double Mithuna
Vocabulary for Mithuna
Yugma =
dvaMdva = [cognate English twin from dwi] dva = pair, couple, male and female
QUOTATION from T. Subba Row. (1881)."The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" in Five Years Of Theosophy. George Robert Snow Mead (ed.).London. (1885, 1894). "Mystical, philosophical, theosophical, Historical and Scientific Essays Selected from "The Theosophist" . Available at www.gutenberg.org " III. Mithuna.
Budhan rules Mithuna.
USA is located within the Mithuna paradigm.
is the land of mercurial communication, commerce, business, transactions, conversations, naarratives, superficial explanations, messaging, and a pervasive entrepreneurial spirit. QUOTATION - Rev Paul Smith " Christianity began in Palestine as an Experience. It moved to Greece and became a Philosophy. It shifted to Italy and became an Institution. It arrived in Europe and became a Culture. It came to America and became a Business." |
11th-from-Mithuna = Natural Friendships, social Participation, connectivity, community, Economy Mithuna befriends (11) Mesha - Aja-types:
Breath and Mental Narrative
QUOTATION from Tenzing Gyatso from How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, translated by Jeffrey Hopkins, p.133 " If you cannot stop worrying over something in the past or what might happen in the future, shift your focus to the inhalation and exhalation of your breath. Or recite this mantra: om mani padme hum (pronounced "om mani padmay hum" ). Since the mind cannot concentrate on two things simultaneously , either of these meditations causes the former worry to fade." |
General Suitability of Gems for Mithuna Lagna Generally Recommended Jyotisha-ratna Sacred Gems
There are exceptions to all of these general rules which are caused by the position of Chandra, the active Vimshottari time lords, and one's personal goals, inter alia. |
The Nodal House Pair for Mithuna Lagna: bhava-6 and bhava-9 The nodal house pair = the two domains which are afflicted by association with Rahu-Ketu and Shani and Mangala. These are the two domains which are controlled by
For Mithuna lagna, Ketu co-ruler of Vṛścika afflicts the sixth amsha = dissolution of agreements, exempli gratia
Rahu co-ruler of Kumbha afflicts ninth amsha
Raja Yoga for Mithuna lagna = Budha + Guru-Mithuna indriya-lagna QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-4 0, sl. 13 " An exchange of Rashi between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lord will make the native associated with the king in a great manner." |
Raja Yoga for Mithuna lagna QUOTATION from BPHS, sarga-5 , sl. 41 "If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange houses with each other then they form a Raja Yoga. They will confer high position, reputation and power." |
Career - Vocation additional required assessments
A fortunate combination for organizational leadership (10) and peer-advising collegial relationships (7) -- provided that Guru is well-disposed. Mithuna nativities generally enjoy successful material careers in all departments of the productive economy. Mithuna specialize in guidance activities, which range from religious preaching to philosophical publishing to travel guide to law-school professor, as well as dozens of teacher-preacher-adviser-counselor roles in other humanistic content areas. Guru provides both leadership-guidance (10) and counseling-guidance (7). Frequently Mithuna works for a large [Guru] humanistic organization, often taking the role of the scholar-administrator . Guru loves wisdom-seekers and wisdom-providers such as teachers, travelers, and truth (9) . Guru also loves the sanctuary enclosures (12) such as hospitals, meditation halls, dormitories, and counseling rooms where spiritual guidance occurs. Mithuna nativities Therefore, adrawn to Guru-ist vocations
Mithuna-lagna is blessed with broad-minded and compassionate [Guru] peer-advisers and colleagues (7). Mithuna nativities = the spouse-partner (7) is likely to share the same Guru-oriented profession (10). |
Health for Mithuna lagna rogesha-6 = Kuja Mithuna lagna is more likely to have health problems = consequences of repressed anger or a psychology of excessive self-control. rogesha-6 +Vriddhi-pati-11 = friends become enemies and also enemies may become friends. The native earns via direct intervention [Mangala] into situations rife with conflict, debt, and disease. The physical manifestations of illness are somewhat mysterious due to Ari Bhava = Vṛścika. Mithuna nativities tend toward the expression of the secret, unspeakable anger that articulate, conversational Mithuna rarely feels permitted to express during day-to-day business transactions. Look to Kuja's bhava for the relationship and the location which show the key to the origin of the ailment. The origin of Mithuna 's ailment = usually angry frustration with"psychic attack" .
rogesha-6 = the contract-dissolver. In contractual relationships, during the period of rogesha-6 , the native will struggle with impulsiveness and a tendency to break promises (6).
More than any other lagna, mithuna's health problems are resolved effectively through surgery. If rogesha-6 Kuja also occupies the Mithuna kundali indriya-lagna ,
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" And now my friends,
all that is true, all that is noble, all that is just and pure, all that is loveable and gracious, whatever is excellent and admirable - fill all your thoughts with these things." ~~ Paul of Tarsus, Epistle to the Philippians 4:8 |
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