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AUM som somaya namah AUM hreem shreem chandraya namah OM sham shanaishcharaye namah sade sathi - sadhe-satti saardha-sati - ardhe-sati seven-and-a-halfyear transit gochara Shani transit via the field of natal kundali Chandra] Effects According to AUM som somaya namah The Ordeal Shani Gochara CALENDAR via12 Rashi 1900-2100 The Seven-and-a-Half years period of Sade Sati has three phases
Although the core scarcity experience often occurs during the janma section, when there are graha residing in 12th or 2nd from Chandra, the SadeSati can be felt strongly during dvadasa ] 12] or dvithya ] 2] sections alsor. The precious result of Sade-Sati's exhausting disappointment, sadness, and even vicious betrayal, is obtainment of an anchored emotional honesty and a refreshed ability to make life choices that respect one's intuition and true needs -- rather than pandering to the limiting fears of others. The Sade-Saati support-scarcity narrative = influenced by the bhava + incoming drishti +++ other transits +++ the currently operating Vimshottari bhukti All of these contributing factors must be assessed before making predictions about the impact of the infamous emotional survival experience = Sade-Saati. |
![]() Lake Superior winter's day |
[Chandra-Mesha] comforted by forward pursuit * settled into warrior rhythms * needs vitality During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via MESHa
nīcha amsha for Professor Shani. Key triangulation relationships
Shani does not like to teach in this classroom. The environment of Meshais controlled by Shani's enemy, the warlike and competitive Mangala. Nevertheless during this transit Professor Shani must deliver His lessons in this hostile environment. Mother * Home * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home [Chandra] especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting [Chandra-Mesha] may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of harsh emotional challenges involving the Other Graha. nīcha-Shani is a racist and a survivalist. During Sade-Sati, professor Shani may enforce a strictly unsentimental Learning Pathway which enforces systems-conformity via limbic-brain extinction fears.
Jul-1909 until May-1912 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha POTUS-29 Teapot Dome 1865-1923 Warren G. Harding
Apr-1939 until Jun-1941 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
POTUS-40 American Life 1911-2004 Ronald Reagan
Memories Dreams Reflections 1875-1961 Carl Jung MULTIPLE EVENTS [Chandra in Bharani] -- [Chandra -3]
A Room of One's Own 1882-1941 Bloomsbury Virginia Woolf
Jun-1968 until May-1971 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
My Fair Lady 1908-1990 musical theatre Rex Harrison
[RCH age 59] 1967, celebrated title role in Doctor Doolittle. Had to enact a demanding script with delays caused by many animals . Reportedly, RCH was hostile and surly on-set. He was often bitten or peed-on by the animals. The movie was a huge success both professionally and financially.* Rahu-Ketu bhukti + Rahu-Budha bhukti ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati + Budha dhanayoga rules 2 + 11 POTUS-40 American Life 1911-2004 Ronald Reagan
MULTIPLE EVENTS [age 56-59] 05-Aug-1968 [RWR age 57] Although RWR had networked [11] assiduously for years to gather support as the leading challenger to widely-distrusted Richard Nixon, RWR lost the 1968 Republican party POTUS nomination to his rival. * Shani-Shani svabhukti * Shani rules 8-sudden changes ++ janma Sade-Sati + Shani-Return 03-Nov-1970 [RWR age 59] gets re-elected Governor of California * Shani-Shani svabhukti * Shani rules 9-celebrity, fortunate elections ++ janma Sade-Sati [11, fundraising, economics] POTUS-46 Pandemic 1942- Joe Biden
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 24-31 27-Aug-1966 [JRB age 24] consecration of marriage 1-of-2 * Surya-Mangala bhukti * [Mangala-12 parivartamsha Shukra-1] ++ R-K gochara Mesha-Tula * contact Chandra-Mesha + * dvadasa Sade-Sati 1968 [JRB age 26] earned J.D. diploma from Syracuse U. College of Law * Surya-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rules 4th-from-Chandra = diploma * dvadasa Sade-Sati 1969 [JRB age 27] admitted to the Bar in Delaware * Surya-Budha bhukti * Budha lawyer + janma Sade-Sati 03-Feb-1969 [JRB age 27] celebrated the birth of child-1, beau Biden * Surya-Shani bhukti + janma Sade-Sati 07-Nov-1972 [JRB age 30] in a come-from-behind upset victory, JRB wins
US-Senate seat from Delaware,
which he held for 36 years *
Chandra-Mangala bhukti * Mangala lagnesha
[Mangala-12 parivartamsha Shukra-1]
+ dvithiya
Sade-Sati 18-Dec-1972 [JRB age 30] grieved the tragic death of wife-1 and youngest child in a road collision * Chandra-Mangala bhukti * bharya-maraka Mangala rules 2nd-from-7th-from-Chandra + dvithiya Sade-Sati Apr-1998 until Jun-2000 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha
POTUS-42 My Life 1946- Bill Clinton MULTIPLE EVENTS
Jun-2027 until Aug-2029 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha Apr-2057 until Jun-2059 Janma Sade-Sati Mesha |
[Chandra-Urisha] -- [uchcha] [4-30 mūlatrikoṇa] comforted by precious values * settled into rhythmic gathering * needs luxury During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Shani = yogakaraka rules 9+10 counted from the Chandra-lagna Sade-Sati via Urisha
Key triangulation relationships
Mother * Home * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, professor Shani's brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting Chandra-Urisha may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of heritage emotional challenges involving the Other Graha. Both Shani-Urisha and Shani-Tula are balanced in their viewpoint due to Their dispositor being Shukra the Negotiator. While touring Urisha, Visiting Professor Shani imposes discipline, deprivation, and denial of the precious sources of emotional sustenance. During Sade-Sati, shanaicarya Bhagavan may impose a strictly unsentimental Learning Pathway. The temporary loss of Chandra's sheltering protections is used to enforce attunement to the approved values of the social order. In Sade-Sati Urisha, shani primarily uses via fear of devaluation, unfair financial regulation, and loss of treasuries.
May-1912 until Jun-1914 Janma Sade-Sati Urisha
May-1912 until Jun-1914 Janma Sade-Sati Urisha Jungle Book 1865-1936 Empire Rudyard Kipling
Jun-1941 until Aug-1943 Janma Sade-Sati Urisha Italy-Dictator 1883-1945 Fascist/em> BBenito Mussolini
MULTIPLE EVENTS [age 57-62] [8-catastrophe] 1937 [BAM age 54] BAM orders the strong>medical murder of wife-1 * Shani-Shukra bhukti * Shukra activates-2 from kalatrabhava 10-Jun-1940 [BAM age 57] BAM declares that the Italian Military, previously neutral, will now join the Nazi conquest of Europe * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra-8 rules sudden upheavals ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati /em> 07-Dec-1941 [BAM age 58] Following the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawai'i, USA joins WW-2 in both Asia and Europe * Shani-Chandra bhukti * [Somana-yuti-Kuja] chandra-8 rules shocks, sudden emergence of force ++ janma Sade-Sati 1942 [BAM age 59] BAM orders the medical murder of child-1 * Shani-Mangala bhukti [Shani-yuti-Mangala] ++ janma Sade-Sati 25-Jul-1943 [BAM age 60] collapse of Italy's fascist regime * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ janma Sade-Sati 28-Apr-1945 [BAM age 62] captured by Nazi soldiers + murdered by firing squad, followed by violent humiliation of the corpses [Rahu = corpses] * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ dvithya Sade-Sati Apr-1971 until Jun-1973 = JanmJanma Sade-Sati Urisha
Golden Girls 1934-2010 drama> Rue McClanahan
Contempt 1934- animal-activist Brigitte Bardot MULTIPLE EVENTS [3, cinema, publicity, photographs, business, scripts]
Jun-2000 until Jul-2002 Janma Sade-Sati Urisha Golden Girls 1934-2010 drama Rue McClanahan [Chandra-Urisha] -- [Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran] -- [Chandra-5]
Archbishop of Canterbury 1950- poet Rowan Williams [RW age 49] [Chandra in Rohiṇī - Aldebaran] -- [Chandra-Urisha] -- [Chandra in classroom-8] + [ uchcha-Rohin-Somana-yuti-Surya-Mriga] [uchcha-Rohiṇī-Somana-yuti-Budha-Kṛttikā]
Rus-Pres 1952- First Person Vladimir Putin MULTIPLE EVENTS age 47-50 [2, assets, banking, heritage, containment] [financial-storytelling Rohiṇī-2] Chandra-2] family, mother, country, security, ethnicity, ethnoreligion, roots
As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying time. |
Shani samchara Mithuna * comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Mithuna
Frozen communications. Frozen messages. Seizure and halt of the customary comforting rhythms of evangelism, announcements, reports, and the grounding influence of Daily Chatter. Scarcity of siblings. Rigid, unyielding resistance to the flow of information. Sade-sati in any rashi is likely to produce emotional scarcity. One may feel a significant insufficiency of sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, caretaking, parenting, sheltering, nourishment, roots, anchoring, belongingness, security. Unique to Shani's journey via Mithuna, expect increasingly rigid, inflexible, law-imposing behaviors of Mithuna-folk such as siblings, neighbors, those in the vicinity [vecinos] , co-workers, the corporate or institutional department, team-mates, castmates, classmates, commercialists, advertisers, marketers, collaborators, messengers, writers, publishers, journalists, announcers, presenters. Shani pressures all those concerned with signaling and information transactions. Shani activates Makara == the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra Shani activates Kumbha == 9th-from-Chandra. During His contact with [Chandra-Mithuna] comforted by messaging * settled into rhythmic communications * needs mentality , the lawful but uncaring Shani is likely to emphasize emotionally guided philosophy and theory [9, mulatrikona stronger effect] along with the emotional shock [8] leading to the necessary and scheduled transformations of emotional identity. When Shani is viewing Chandra, from Shani's own eye, He is typically seeing Chandra as an enemy. However, professor Shani considers Mithuna, the rashi that is supervised by Shani's mitra-graha Budha, to be friendly territory. Combined with the helpful fact that Shani's mulatrikona Kumbha also matches 9th-from-Chandra, shani's transit via Mithuna is typically less aggrieved than sade-sati occurring in hostile rashi. Essentially, shani wants a social order that has strict rules with no exceptions. Lord Chandra, who signifies family-first loyalty and localized ethnic cultures, poses a threat to Lord Shani's systematic social governance. Therefore, when Professor Shani is required to teach in a classroom which contains Professor Chandra -- even when the rashi is friendly -- regardless of the bhava, unsympathetic un-empathetic, lawful Shani tries to impose SLOW, retarding, delaying, bureaucratic, institutional rules upon the normally QUICK, mercurial, mercantile, transactional realm of Chandra-Mithuna. When Chandra occupies Mithuna, one is often a highly intuitive, responsive, and reactive communicator. Chandra-Mithuna has sensitive feelings particularly about topics such as sibling-cousin-cohort, team dynamics, signaling and messaging, and all matters of information management. Commercial, explanatory, documenting behavior usually and reliably can offer a rhythm of comforting routine. Family-like bonds are often formed between members of the ensemble, neighborhood, team-unit, or cohort. Shani will keep pressuring, cooling, darkening, drying, stiffening, and creating scarcity. In Mithuna-rashi, shanaideva Bhagavan imposes His characteristic stricture in a quickly adaptive, conversational, informational, instructional environment that does not naturally accept His insistence on constant testing and proving. Therefore His conformist, legalistic pressures may seem somewhat draconian [Shani-Draco] during a Sade-Sati afflicting Chandra-Mithuna. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. 1884-1886 Janma Sade-Sati Mithuna POTUS-30 Price of Freedom 1872-1933 Calvin Coolidge [secretive-nondisclosing Mriga-4] [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Chandra-Mriga] [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Kuja-Arudra] [Punarvasu-Surya-yuti-Shukra-Arudra] + + [Chandra-3 parivartamsha Budha-4]
POTUS-26 National Parks 1858-1919 Theodore Roosevelt
[Chandra-Mithuna] -- [Chandra in Punarvasu] -- [Chandra-5] 1884-1887 [age 26-29]
14-Feb-1884 [TR age 26] grieved the bio-decease of mother via typhoid * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Budha rules 7th-from-Chandra ++ Sade-Sati 14-Feb-1884 [TR age 26] In the same house wherein TR's mother had died at 3am 14-Feb, at 2pm his life-partner-1 Anne Hathaway Leedied of Bright's Disease kidney failure [a.k.a. diabetes type-1] * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rogesha ++ Sade-Sati Mar-1884 [TR age 26] in a state of massive grief , tR abandons his infant daughter, and retires to his cattle ranch in Dakota Badlands. * Shani-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rogesha ++ Chandra rules 2nd-from-Chandra ++ Rahu-opposition ++ Sade-Sati SHANI-RAHU BHUKTI ++ Sade-Sati 1886 [TR age 28] Financial Wipeout. During the bitter winter of 1886, tR lost his ranch and a whole herd of cattle, from exposure and bovine disease. Commentators believed that TR was financially over-invested [Rahu] in livestock * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ Sade-Sati Nov-1886 [TR age 28] lost election for New York City mayor * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ Sade-Sati 02-Dec-1886 [TR age 28] consecration of marriage-2-of-2 with childhood friend, and Highly Organized Person, Edith Carow * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ Sade-Sati ++ gochara R-K via Simha-Kumbha contact R-K axis Jun-1914 until Aug-1916 Janma Sade-Sati Mithuna Standard Oil 1874-1960 philanthropy John D. Rockefeller
POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt
POTUS-26 National Parks 1858-1919 Theodore Roosevelt [Chandra-Mithuna] -- [Chandra in Punarvasu] -- [Chandra-5] [age 56-59]
14-Oct-1912 [TR age 54] Nearly assassinated by a Gunshot Wound in the chest while campaigning on the "Bull Moose" ticket. TR delivers a 90-minute speech before seeking medical attention. * Budha-Guru bhukti * maraka Guru rules 2-death ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati 05-Nov-1912 [TR age 54] TR loses the 1912 POTUS election to rival, Woodrow Wilson * Ketu-Guru bhukti ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati spring-1914 [TR age 56] Embarks upon another Jungle Expedition exploring Brazil's River of Doubt, now named Rio Roosevelt or Rio Teodoro. TR nearly dies from fever. TR wrote and published all of the gory details. * Ketu-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 12 distant-lands, dissolution of embodiment ++ janma Sade-Sati May-1915 [TR age 57] Trial of Barnes vs. Roosevelt: TR wins libel suit launched by Republican leader William Barnes, Jr. * Ketu-Budha chidra-dasha * Budha rules 5-self-dramatization ++ 8 transformation of identity ++ janma Sade-Sati Jun-1916 [TR age 58] Progressive supporters nominate Theodore Roosevelt for the 1916 POTUS election. However, suffering medical problems after the Amazon trip, tR declines the nomination * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra-10 reputation, leadership occupies 6th-from-Chandra medical ++ janma Sade-Sati Jul-1918 [TR age 60] extremegrief. Quentin Roosevelt, tR's youngest son, killedwhile in military service as a fighter pilot in France. [TR will not live to see the alcoholism-suicide of his elder son.] * Shukra-S Aug-1943 until Sep-1945 Janma Sade-Sati Mithuna POTUS-32 Fireside Chats 1882-1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt MULTIPLE EVENTS [Chandra in Arudra - Orion] -- [Chandra -10] -- [Somana-yuti-Kuja]
Jun-1973 until Jul-1975 Janma Sade-Sati Mithuna
Jul-2002 until Sep-2004 Janma Sade-Sati Mithuna POTUS-pair-40 Just Say No 1921-2016 Nancy Davis Reagan [NDR age 83] 05-Jun-2004, grieved the bio-decease of husband RWReagan via Alzheimer's Disease * Chandra-Surya bhukti [Somana-yuti-Kuja] rules 2nd-from-7 + janma Sade-Sati Calif-Gov 1938- Moonbeam Jerry Brown [Chandra in Pushya - Sidhya] -- [Chandra-9]
Puttarpathy 1926-2011 Sathya Sai Baba MULTIPLE EVENTS [Chandra -Arudra] -- [Chandra-8] -- [Somana-yuti-Rahu-8]
As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying time. |
[svakshetra] comforted by maternal soothing * settled into tidal rhythms * needs to protect During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Karkata
Frozen Tamanawas Falls i n the Oregon Columbia River Gorge 2017 |
Frozen homeland. Frozen rhythms. Protections withheld. Seizure and halt of the customary comforting rhythms and routines. Desiccation of the soothing, flowing river of daily caretaking. Coldness, stiffening and rigidity in the emotional patterns of parenting and protectiveness. Scarcity of housing , dry irrigation, and straitened circumstances of emotional boundary defense. Sade-sati in any rashi is likely to produce emotional scarcity. One may feel a significant insufficiency of sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, caretaking, parenting, sheltering, nourishment, roots, anchoring, belongingness, security. Imposition of Local Customs Unique to Shani's journey via Karkata, expect increasingly rigid, inflexible, law-imposing behaviors of Karkata-folk such as parents, police, transportation drivers, gate-keepers, boundary patrol, farmers, fisher-folk, real-estate and property owners, patriots, defenders, caretakers, environmentalists, schoolteachers, pujari-ritualists. Shani pressures all those concerned with security, protection and rituals, rites, rhythms, ruts, routines. Shani activates Makara 7th-from-Chandra and Shani activates Kumbha the revolutionary, emotionally turbulent, perpetually transformative, trauma-inducing 8th-from-Chandra . Therefore during His contact with Chandra, lawful but uncaring Shani is likely to emphasize emotional contracts [7] and emotional shock [8, mulatrikona stronger] leading to the necessary and scheduled transformations of emotional identity. When Shani is viewing Chandra, from Shani's own eye, He is typically seeing Chandra as an enemy. Professor Shani considers Karkata, the rashi that is supervised by Chandra-Soma, to be hostile territory; and when Karkata contains Chandra-Karkata it puts Shanaicarya into extra high fear mode. Essentially, shani wants a social order that has strict rules with no exceptions. Lord Chandra, who signifies family-first loyalty and localized ethnic cultures, poses a threat to Lord Shani's systematic social governance. Therefore, when Professor Shani is required to teach in Professor Chandra's classroom of Karkata, regardless of the bhava, unsympathetic un-empathetic, lawful Shani tries to impose bureaucratic, institutional rules upon the realm of Karkata. But sensitive feelings, comforting routines, and family bonds are much stronger than social regulations in the Karkata world. Shani will keep pressuring, cooling, darkening, drying, stiffening, and creating scarcity, but in Kulira-rashi He is imposing His characteristic program in a flowing, moist, nourishing environment that does not naturally accept His regime. Therefore His pressures may seem particularly draconian [Shani-Draco] during a Sade-Sati afflicting Chandra-Karkata. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, caring Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. May be a catastrophic separation from f the Mother which is not precisely her Earthdeath. May mark the death of a parent-figure The decease is not always the conventional bio-parent. May be passage of one serving in the protective parental capacity May mark the cessation of emotional support from a lifepartner, either by decease or divorce. As with any relationship between Professor Shani and Professor Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Aug-1916 until Sep-1918 Janma Sade-Sati Karkata
India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru [Chandra in Pushya] -- [Chandra-9]
China-Dictator 1893-1976 Mao Zedong MULTIPLE EVENTS age 26-27 [Chandra in Aśleṣa] -- [Chandra-10 leadership roles]
Sep-1945 until Jul-1948 Janma Sade-Sati Karkata
EXAMPLE India-PM 1889-1964 Toward Freedom Jawaharlal Nehru MULTIPLE EVENTS age 58-60 [Chandra-Pushya] -- [Chandra-8]
UK-Duke-Edinburgh 1921-2021 Philip Mountbatten - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 23-36 [Aśleṣa Chandra] -- [Chandra-1]
Navamani Malai 1879-1950 Bhagavan Shri Ramana Maharshi of Arunachala - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 70
Jul-1975 until Sep-1977 Janma Sade-Sati Karkata
Top Gun 1962- cinema Tom Cruise MULTIPLE EVENTS -- age 14-17 [Chandra-Pushya] -- [Chandra-9] + [ Pushya-Somana-yuti-Shukra-Aśleṣā] [Pushya-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Aśleṣā]
Lipstick 1954-1996 drama-model Margaux Hemingway MULTIPLE EVENTS age 20-23 [Chandra in Aśleṣa] -- [Chandra-8]
Sep-2004 until Nov-2006 = Janma Sade-Sati Karkata
Calif-Gov-pair 1955- broadcast journalist Maria O. Shriver
Seven+ years of peak public visibility + responsibility
Shani transits contaci [Chandra-Simha] comforted by creative display * settled into dramatic rhythms * needs attention During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Our Lady of China - Roman-Rite adherent Icon |
Importantly for Chandra-Simha, professor Somana activates 12th-from-Chandra Brilliant, unique, super-hot Professor Surya who is the ruler of Chandra-Simha sees cold, dark, one-law-for-all Professor Shani as an adhi-shatru-graha * arch-enemy. Samchara Simha-Shani is fearful of Light and punitive toward uniqueness when Shani enters dramatic, political Simha. Suffering fear, He tries to oppress via threats of punishment against those who would not conform to the social order. To make matters worse, society-based, emotionless Shani sees family-based, empathetic Chandrama as a shatru-graha * enemy. Shani's once-every-29.3-years Sade-Sati via Simha rashi can be miserable. No rest for the weary is often the emotional result of much social conformity pressure while one feels deprived of even minimal emotional support. Emotional turmoil sustains for 2.3 years. Most acute emotional deprivation in areas related to the environment of Chandra's occupied bhava. Agents of psychic compression, emotional weight of social responsibilities, and physical exhaustion are often Shani-folk such as bureaucrats, regulators, judges, underclass, commoners, as well as institutions, economic systems, and Fear Itselfr. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, nacluding schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Restrictive Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. 1890-1893 Janma Sade-Sati Simha
Sep-1918 until Nov-1920 Janma Sade-Sati Simha
Jul-1948 until Sep-1950 = Janma Sade-Sati Simha
UK-PM Finest Hour 1874-1965 Winston Churchill MULTIPLE EVENTS age 73-76
Japan-Emperor1901-1989 Showa Hirohito - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 46-50 [Chandra in Uttaraphalguni] -- [Chandra-10] [Somana-yuti-Kuja]
Way of Zen 1915-1973 radio philosopher Alan Watts - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 35-36 [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Purvaphalguni - Yoni] -- [Chandra-3] -- [Somana-yuti-Ketu] +++ R-K return to Somana-yuti-Ketu [age 35-37] ++ Rahu-Return
Sep-1977 until Nov-1979 Janma Sade-Sati Simha
USA-Sen-Mass 1932-2009 Teddy Kennedy MULTIPLE EVENTS age 45-49 [Chandra-Simha] -- [Chandra in Yonī] -- [Chandra-5]
Nov-2006 until Sep-2009 Janma Sade-Sati Simha
Faith 1963-2016 singer-songwriter George Michael
Aug-2036 until Oct-2048 Janma Sade-Sati Simha As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Sade-Sati special results for [Chandra-Simha] comforted by creative display * settled into dramatic rhythms * needs attention Stoic Shani activates 6 and 7 from Simha When functioning as planetary patron of [6th-from-Chandra], shri Shani transits radical Chandra-Simha, considering that Shani = arch-enemy of both Surya and Chandra, the effects may be deeply emotionally adversarial , physically toxic, and socially litigious. 6th-from Chandra-Simha = Shani-ruled Makara-rashi. Brilliant, unique, super-hot Professor Surya, planetary patron of Chandra-Simha, sees cold, dark, conformist, one-law-for-all Professor Shani as Surya's adhi-shatru-graha * arch-enemy. When Samchara Shani enters dramatic, political Simha, law-imposing Shani is in hostile territory. Bhagavan Shani = fearful of Light. He may behave punitively toward Simha's typical celebrity, intelligence, creativity, entitlement, and uniqueness. Suffering fear, shanaicarya the Survivalist tries to oppress the attention-needy Chandra-Simha via threats of punishment against those who would shine too brightly and not conform to the dark, cold, uniform social order. To make matters worse, society-based, emotionless Shani sees family-based, empathetic Chandrama as a shatru-graha * enemy. Therefore, shani's once-every-29.3-years Sade-Sati via Simha rashi can be quite miserable."No rest for the weary" is often the emotional result of much social conformity pressure while one feels deprived of even minimal emotional support. Emotional turmoil sustains for 2.3 years. The most acute emotional deprivation is felt in the subject-matter environment of Chandra's occupied bhava. Exempli gratia, if Chandra-Simha-7, the impact is mainly upon relationships. If Chandra-Simha-4, upon the parents and homeland. If Chandra-Simha-11, upon the friendships and economic earnings. Agents of the Sade-Sati emotional repression are often Shani-folk such as bureaucrats, regulators, judges, underclass, commoners, as well as institutions, economic systems, and Fear Itself. |
![]() Ecola State Park near Cannon Beach, Oregon |
Shani transits contaci [Chandra-Kanya] * comforted by remedial aid * sensitive to logical argument * needs to help During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Kanya
Analytical, discriminating Professor Budha who is the ruler of Kanya-Chandra sees systematic, regulatory, economic Shani as a samagraha * neutral. However, society-based, emotionless Shani sees family-based, empathetic Chandrama as a shatru-graha * enemy. Therefore, shani's once-every-29.3-years Sade-Sati via Chandra-Kanya can be very stressful emotionally. Still, the Sade-Sati via Kanya is much less demanding than the Sade-Sati via Simha] . Emotional turmoil sustains for 2.3 years. Most acute emotional deprivation is felt in Kanya's special affinity for ministries of service and problem-analysis, where the workload may feel very heavy. Also pressure [Shani] in areas related to the environment of Chandra's occupied bhava. Agents of emotional turbulence and physical exhaustion [6th-from-Chandra]are often Shani-folk such as bureaucrats, regulators, judges, underclass, commoners, as well as institutions, economic systems, and Fear Itselfr. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, nacluding schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shanaicarya Bhagwan may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. 1894
Nov-1920 until Oct-1923 Janma Sade-Sati Kanya Telepathy 1880-1949 esoterica Alice Bailey [Chandra in Hasta - Savitra] -- [Chandra-12] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 39-42
Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell [Chandra-Uttaraphalguni] -- [Chandra-10] [multiPLE EVENTS age 48-50
Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin MULTIPLE EVENTS age 42-45 [Chandra in Hasta] -- [Chandra-6]
Sep-1950 until Nov-1952 Janma Sade-Sati Kanya Principia Mathematica 1872-1970 philosopher Bertrand Russell MULTIPLE EVENTS age 78-81 [Chandra-Uttaraphalguni] -- [Chandra-10] Oct-1950 [BR age 78] awarded 1950 Nobel Prize in Literature * Budha-Shukra bhukti [Budha-yuti-Shukra]* Shukra rules 11-awards for works accomplished ++ janma Sade-Sati 15-Dec-1952 [BR age 80] consecration of marriage-4-of-4 with old friend and fellow intellectual, writer-teacher Edith Finch. For the next two decades, the couple work on editing and ordering BR's copious writings. * Budha-Surya bhukti * [Surya-yuti-Rahu] ++ R-K transit Karkata-Makara contact navamsha R-K ++ dvithya Sade-Sati Russ-Soviet 1878-1953 Man-of-Steel Josef Stalin MULTIPLE EVENTS age 74-75 [Chandra in Hasta - Savitra] - [Chandra -10]
Israel-PM 1898-1978 Our Strength Golda Meir DOUBLE EVENT age 52 [visionary-charitable Aryaman-4] -- [Chandra-6 + [Aryaman-Somana-yuti-Guru-Aryaman]
Nov-1979 until Oct-1982 Janma Sade-Sati Kanya Pakistan-PM 1953-2007 Benazir Bhutto - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 25-27 [Chandra-Kanya] -- [Chandra in Chitra-Tvastrn] -- [Chandra -1] -- [Somana-yuti-Shani]
POTUS-41 All the Best 1924-2018 George H.W. Bush
Sep-2009 until Nov-2011 Janma Sade-Sati Kanya France-Pres-pair 1967-singer Carla Bruni Sarkozy - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 38-41 [Chandra in Uttaraphalgunī - Aryaman] -- [Chandra -2]
As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying time. |
Shani is a yogakaraka graha as counted from the [Chandra-Tula] indriya-lagna [Chandra-Tula] comforted by ritual negotiation of agreements * sensitive to balance * needs to trade During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
SADE-SATI via Tula
Key triangulation relationships
[uchcha-amsha] for Professor Shani. Shukra the negotiating, equality-seeking, sexual-partnership ruler of Tula is adversarial * Shatrugraha * toward nurturing, parenting Chandra. Beauty-loving Shukra is friendly * mitragraha toward architectural, systematic Shani. Sade-sati in Thula is often favorable for projects which benefit from sustained hard work, respect for rules of order, and tolerance for negotiating. In Tula, samchara Visiting Professor Shani obtains His uchcha. From the temporary Vanika baseline [lagna] He rules f
Therefore, the outcome of Sade-sati in Thula is often in retrospect seen to have been well worth the effort. Nevertheless, it is genuine effort indeed. Work must be sustained over the period of 7.5 years, with 2.3 years of relentless emotional pressure [Chandra] and work-imposed loneliness at its core. If other graha are yuti-Chandra, complications of Shani's constraining, limiting effects upon that other graha must be factored into the prediction. Sade-Sati for [Chandra-Tula] = often focused upon matters of social justice and contractual equity. This need for fairness occurs in both the greater social order [Shani] and within the family unit [Chandra familiarity] . Mother, or mother-and-father as a parental unit, may find themselves marginalized by the love lives of their adult children. It may be difficult for parents to step back from the caretaking role and allow their children to form equity relationships. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally, the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting [Chandra-Tula] may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of ;emotional challenges to juggle two opposites involving the Other Graha. Both Shani-Urisha and Shani-Tula are balanced in their viewpoint due to Their dispositor being Shukra the Negotiator. While touring Tula, Visiting Professor Shani imposes discipline, deprivation, and denial from the equitable ; sources of emotional sustenance. During Sade-Sati, shanaicarya Bhagavan may impose a strictly unsentimental Learning Pathway. The temporary loss of Chandra's sheltering protections is used to enforce alignment to the social order. In Sade-Sati Tula, shani primarily uses via fear of injustice, unfair terms of agreement, and loss of legal standing. Oct-1923 until Jan-1926 Janma Sade-Sati via Tula POTUS-34 Interstate Highways 1890-1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower
Nov-1952 until Nov-1955 Janma Sade-Sati via Tula
Ring of Fire 1932-2003 rockabilly Johnny Cash MULTIPLE EVENTS - age 18-24 [Chandra in Svati - Arcturus] -- [Chandra-5] [romance, children, creativity]
Egypt-Sudan King 1920-1965 Faruq al-Awwal MULTIPLE EVENTS - age 32-34
16-Jan-1952 [FA age 32] celebrated birth of male heir, fu'ad-II * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati 23-Jul-1952 [FA age 32] military overthrow coupforces Farouk to abdicate and flee to Italy * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ Rahu in bhava-12 foreign lands ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati
Mar-1953 [FA age 33] exiled by Egyptian Arab Republic ++ 18-Jun-1953 Egyptian Monarchy abolished * Shani-Rahu bhukti ++ Rahu in bhava-12 foreign lands ++ janma Sade-Sati Feb-1954 [FA age 34] divorce-2 from alliance-2 with Narriman, under accusations of philandering, gambling, and immoral character * Shani-Guru bhukti ++ Guru rules 2 = 8th-from-7 ++ janma Sade-Sati Oct-1982 until Dec-1984 Janma Sade-Sati via Tula [Chandra in Svati - Arcturus] -- [Chandra -5]
Genesis 1951- songwriter drummer Phil Collins MULTIPLE EVENTS, age 29-33 [Chandra in Svati - Arcturus] -- [Chandra -9] Fortunately [9] PDCC was able to harvest the emotional distress of Sade Sati, repurposed into top-selling hearbreak ballads [9]
POTUS-39 Talking Peace 1924-2024 Jimmy Carter
Nov-2011 until Nov-2014 Janma Sade-Sati via Tula
[nīcha] [comforted by mystery * sensitive to trauma-healing * needs healing discovery During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
SADE SATI via Vrischika
Key triangulation relationship
Due to nichha status of Chandra, the Sade-Sati experience can be exceptionally challenging emotionally. Sade-Sati = an emotionally exhausting time for everyone. When samchara Shani oppresses a [nīcha] Chandra, particularly if one is younger than 36, the results tend to be extra acute, emotionally punishing, and depressing. All is not lost! Self-healing is essential to consciously address the abandonment [or abuse] trauma which often underlies this transit. With healing care, one may emerge from the temporary exhaustion as rejuvenated, reorganized, and reborn. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to dematerialize. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shanaicarya Bhagwan may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally, the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting Chandra-Vṛścika [nīcha] may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of disappointments and discoveries involving the Other Graha.
Sade Sati Vrischika often involves a secretive disconnection-figure. Emotional deprivation may be compounded by the disguised motives of apathetic maternal persons who liberate, release, amputate, disregard, surrender, abandon, or walk-away. Unsustainable bondage may finally snap. Via bhava-10-or-11, public dignity maintained while private emotional exhaustion is endured.
1892 until 1894 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika POTUS-pair-32 Learn by Living 1884-1962 Eleanor Roosevelt
MULTIPLE EVENTS - age 5-7 [Chandra 5]
Jan-1926 until Dec-1928 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] -- [Chandra -10] [Viśākha-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Jyeṣṭha ] SoAfrica-Pres 1918-2013 Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
Nov-1955 until Feb-1958 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika Avant-gardiste 1933- Beatle-pair Yoko Ono [YO age 23] 1955, through the NYC arts scene, meets 23-yo Julliard composition student, avant-garde pianist, 柳 慧 Toshi Ichiyanagi * Ketu-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena svamsha ++ janma Sade-Sati [YO age 23] 1956, elopement wedding-1-of-3 with Toshi Ichiyanagi . Because Ichiyanagi hailed from a lower-caste in Japan, YO's elite-caste parents disown her. * Ketu-Guru bhukti * Guru rules Meena svamsha * gochara R-K via Vrischika-Vrishabha contact Chandra-Vṛścika ++ janma Sade-Sati [YO age 27] 1960, following five years of intermittent relationship, Toshi Ichiyanagi returns to Japan. * Shukra-Shukra svabhukti * Shukra-yuti-Shani randhresha ++ Shukra rules 12th-from-Chandra emotional withdrawal, invisibility+ Rahu-opp + dvithya Sade-Sati Cleopatra 1932-2011 AIDS activist Elizabeth Taylor [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] -- [Chandra-4]
Dec-1984 until Dec-1987 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] -- [Chandra -10] [Viśākha-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Jyeṣṭha ] SoAfrica-Pres 1918-2013 Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
[Chandra in Anuradha - Maitra] -- [Chandra-5] [nīcha-Mangala-1 parivartamsha Chandra-5-nīcha]
[Chandra -5 [Somana-yuti-Guru] -- [Somana-yuti-Ketu] Chandra-5 parivartamsha Kuja-1]
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares]-- [Chandra -7 ]
Nov-2014 until Jan-2017 Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika [Chandra in Viśākha - Rādhā] -- [Chandra 10] [Viśākha-Somana-yuti-Rahu-Jyeṣṭha ]
[Chandra in Jyeṣṭha - Antares] - [Chandra-7 ]
[ [Chandra in Jyeṣṭha] -- [Chandra-3] [nīcha-Somana-yuti-Kuja] Friends 1969- drama-fashion Jennifer Aniston MULTIPLE EVENTS age 46-48
Golf 1975- champion Tiger Woods
As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying time. Narrative of Heavier responsibility [Shani] than routinely expected [Chandra] Janma Sade-Sati Vṛścika Nov-2014 until Jan-2017 POTUS-45-47 Play to Win 1946- Beauty Pageants Donald Trump Key notes of a negative campaign: revenge for past slights, display, showmanship [Mangala-Simha dristi into nīcha-Soma-5] speculation, games, disregard for pokitical consequences, dispersed intelligence [Ketu-5] MULTIPLE EVENTS - age 70
[Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Dhanus
Las Montanas de Yosemite |
Just when a teaching, aguide, apreceptor, apatron is needed the most, that supportive source of true principle does not give dependable guidance One had believed the teachings or the teacher. Yet that which is expected, assured, counted-on, reliable, trusted to adhere to the highest principles of doctrinal truth typically fails. The supporting source withdraws from the protective role and does not effectively teach, to preach, to philosophize, to indoctrinate. The result is often a crisis of faith. One feels unsupported by the patron. [Dhanus inspiration, philosophy, dharma, worldview] r. Frozen faith. Frozen life-principles. Frozen guidance philosophy. Seizure and halt of the customary comforting rhythms of scriptural studies, theoretical discourse, and global humanism. The grounding influence of Daily Wisdom seems to dry and fly. Scarcity of higher knowledge, restrictions on travel and learning. Rigid, unyielding resistance to the flow of dharma. Sade-sati in any rashi is likely to produce emotional scarcity. One may feel a significant insufficiency of sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, caretaking, parenting, sheltering, nourishment, roots, anchoring, belongingness, security. Unique to Shani's journey via Dhanus, expect increasingly rigid, inflexible, law-imposing behaviors of Dhanus-folk such as preachers, professors, ideologues, indoctrinators, catechists, philosophers, theorists, those who operate the architectonic models, popes, privileged patricians. father-figures, agents of the patriarchy, prognosticators, proselytes, and many pompous paternalistic priests. Shani Deva transiting via Dhanus the Archer applies pressure upon all those concerned with archetypes, the archons, professions of faith and paradigms of belief. Shanaideva Bhagavan rules Makara [2nd-from-Chandra] ++ Shani activates Kumbha = the emotionally talkative, communicative cohort evangelical instructional team-working administrative managerial announcing publishing reporting explanatory conversational lyrical messaging 3rd-from-Chandra. Mulatrikona rashi generally gives stronger results. Therefore during His contact with Chandra-Dhanus, the lawful but unsympathetic Shani is likely to emphasize emotionally motivated accumulation and acquisition of valuable treasuries [2] along with the emotional conversations, conferences, and commerce [3] which also facilitates the collection of the treasures of wealth-and-knowledge, because bhava-3 is 2nd-from-2nd. There may be much social pressure to save, conserve, and do business when Shani's fear-signal afflicts the normally placid Moon. When sober Shani is viewing candescent Chandra, from Shani's own eye, He is typically seeing Chandra as an enemy. However, professor Shani considers Dhanus, the rashi that is supervised by Shani's sama -graha Brihaspati, to be neutral territory. Shri Shani's transit via Dhanus, which is from Shani's perspective a neutral rashi, is typically less aggrieved than a sade-sati transit occurring in a hostile rashi. Essentially, shani wants a social order that has strict rules with no exceptions. Chandra, who signifies family-first loyalty and localized ethnic cultures, poses a threat to Shani's architectonic systematic social governance. When Professor Shani is required to teach in a classroom which contains Professor Chandra -- even when the rashi is friendly -- regardless of the bhava -- unsympathetic Shani can be harsh. Un-empathetic, unyieldingly lawful Shani tries to impose strictly legalistic, materialistic, bureaucratic, institutional rules upon the normally charitable, expansive, inclusive, diversity-embracing realm of [Chandra-Dhanus] comforted by customary beliefs * settled into rhythmic received teachings * needs to feel wisely guided . When Chandra occupies Dhanus, one is often a highly intuitive, inspirational, responsive, and reactive preacher, professor, indoctrinator, or believer. [Chandra-Dhanus] has sensitive feelings regarding the worldview , particularly about topics such as paradigms of belief, the catechism of faith, exegesis of scripture, and the tenets of humanistic philosophies. Religious
study and philosophical discourse behavior
usually and reliably can offer a rhythm of comforting routine for
Chandra-Dhanus. Family-like
bonds are often formed between members of the sangha
But in Dhanus-rashi, He is imposing His materialistic, scientifically-positivistic stricture upon a spiritualized, open-minded, generous and inclusive environment that does not naturally accept His insistence on rule-driven indoctrination and tests of faith. Therefore His conformist, legalistic pressures may seem somewhat draconian [Shani-Draco] toward the feelings of persons who may subscribe to diverse beliefs and hail from global backgrounds, during a Sade-Sati afflicting Chandra-Dhanus. Shani only understand material level of reality and therefore His pressures are concerned mainly with money, time, and institutional orderr. Mother * Home * Household * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, nacluding schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally, the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Mother. During an appropriate bhukti, Chandra-Dhanus may experience the fleshly decease of the mother-figure. Chandra-in-Dhanus = 2.3 year-duration core narrative of the Sade-Saati. The Sade-Saati emotional scarcity narrative is influenced by the bhava and incoming drishti as well as other transits and of course the operating Vimshottari dasha period All of these factors must be assessed before making predictions about the impact of the infamous emotional survival experience = Sade-Saati.
Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting Chandra-Dhanus may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of belief-based emotional challenges involving the Other Graha. Both Shani-Dhanus and Shani-Meena are broadened in their viewpoint due to Their dispositor being wide-scope Brihaspati. While touring Dhanus rashi, Visiting Professor Shani imposes discipline, deprivation, and denial from the sources of emotional sustenance. During Sade-Sati, shanaicarya Bhagavan may impose a strictly unsentimental Learning Pathway. The temporary loss of Chandra's sheltering protections is used to enforce social-conformity. In Sade-Sati Dhanus, shani primarily uses fear of ideological non-conformity, denial of guidance from the patriarchs, and loss of ; patronage. Dec-1928 until Apr-1931 Janma Sade-Sati Dhanus Feb-1958 until Feb-1961 Janma Sade-Sati Dhanus Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King
Dec-1987 until Mar-1990 Janma Sade-Sati Dhanus
Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King
USA-Sen-Tenn VPOTUS Climate Change 1948- Al Gore MULTIPLE EVENTS age 40-42
Jan-2017 until Jan-2020 Janma Sade-Sati Dhanus Basic Instinct 1944- drama-commerce Michael Douglas MULTIPLE EVENTS age 71-75 [ bhava-7-8-9]
POTUS-pair-45-47 fashion 1970- Melanija Knavs Trump [MKT age 47] Jan-2017, husband Donald Trump begins POTUS-45. Sudden loss of protective privacy due to extensive external duties. Unable to continue full-time parenting; turns over most childcare to her parents, who move with MKT to Washington-DC * Rahu-Budha bhukti * Rahu-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 12th-from-12, loss of privacy ++ janma Sade-Sati Truth Be Told 1933-2021 interviewer Larry King [LK age 85] Aug-2019, LK filed for divorce from wife-8-of-8, following 22 years of legal marriage and two children into the union * Shani-Budha bhukti ++ janma Sade-Sati Calif-Gov 1947- Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger [AS age 71] 29-Mar-2018 , emergency open-heart surgery with long, painful recovery period * Guru-Shukra bhukti * [Aśleṣa-Shani-yuti-Shukra-Pushya] Shani rogesha ++ janma Sade-Sati As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying time. |
![]() New Zealand |
svakshetra Shani transits via Chandra-Makara-Draco During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Makara
Ice-cave in Icelandia A beautiful Chandra-8 story of what-FEELS-like enforced transformation, characterized by acutely sudden changes, public emergency, psychic revelation, and readiness to rejuvenate Q: [Dec-2020] As you pointed out, I have long depended on a mysterious source for my well-being. Chandra-8. She made me feel cared for, nourished, and sheltered - all the lovely words you used in the reading. She was my precious secret - my lover of decades Shukra-8. She was unknown to my family and colleagues. I live in a busy metropolis. My detective work, while well-paid, was stressful and dangerous. She lived just across the border in [country]. Her people are farmers and fishers who have an older, quieter lifestyle. Her simple rural home has been a healing space for me, as you again mentioned. We met 28 years ago when I was investigating a financial crime. She was a relative of the criminal! Our relationship remained camouflaged (as you say) by my professional license, which allowed undocumented free passage across the border. I was paid to travel incognito. My reputation was never compromised Chandra in Śrāvaṇa. We were very careful. My children are grown. In early 2020, I was nearing state retirement and planning to spend my final years with my lover, in happy peace. Then suddenly, the Pandemic! My country was first and worst hit in the EU. Across the world, borders absolutely closed. Terrifying death statistics [8] were pouring through the media. She had no electronics. I sent letters by post, but fear of discovery [gochara Shani-8] caused these messages to be written in a bureaucratic, impersonal style. I do not use her language very well. Perhaps misinterpreting my tone, she did not answer. I panicked! I quickly divorced my long-alienated wife. She agreed easily, saying "the charade is finished" . My official duties ended due to pandemic. My adult children were told to wait for more information. I awoke in a cold sweat from a dream that my lover could not breathe . I was so distraught that I drove to her village illegally, taking narrow side-roads, avoiding checkpoints, carrying only an overnight bag, my service weapon, and my expired badge. When the paved road ended, itook a car-killing gravel herder's path [Shani gravel] to my lover's home [Chandra]. I found her very sick with pneumonia. She seemed brittle, dry, and suddenly aged. Hospitals were closed due to the emergency. In any case, she could not have survived the jolting drive in my battered car, which had lost its shock-absorbers [8]. Following her directions, I brewed a healing tea. As she slowly sipped the tea (which I later learned was a painkiller) I considered how to respond to any police, neighbors, or doctors who might discover my illegal presence. A part of me wanted to call for help, but a part of me was deeply accustomed to shrouding our secret. And a part of me - the intuitive part that senses patterns in crime scenes - recognized the grief that had penetrated the room. It came like a thick dark cloud. She asked me to prop her up to a seated position on pillows, to ease her labored breathing. She drew and released one final, shallow breath. In the room lit only by one candle, I saw a subtle mist escape from the top of her skull. In that one moment, not only the love of my life, but also my securely anchoredfuture, was utterly destroyed. [8] I am wandering like a zombie now. A: Think back to the previous Shani transit via Makara during Mar-1990 until Mar-1993, when you were in your very early thirties. Then, also unexpected closures and scarce resources for dealing with emergencies. Then. you also had to take lawful responsibility for hidden situations, and then, you also matured by accepting the reality of shocking truths. And then, you may have decided to shift your emotional anchor out of the visible, public marriage-and-family into an undisclosed healing union. Chandra-8 needs hidden emotional nourishments, and Shukra-8 suggests that at least one of your wives would be undiscovered by the public. When Shani transits 8-discoveries, the pressure of social convention threatens to expose the personal sources of healing sustenance. The love bond was designed to remain mysterious, Her final incarnational moment revealed to you, incontrovertibly, one of the great tantric truths - that the spirit of the flesh-compressed being can, under favorable circumstances, tangibly exit via the aperture at the fontanel. She was a holy one! The current Sade Sati is a replay of that Mar-1990 until Mar-1993 demand for taking care of one' s own emotional well-being while remaining behind a facade of conventional professionalism. The earlier challenge was to tap into the eternal source of life-force energy [8], without depending upon (or blaming) others. It sounds like you tapped the eternal source, but you needed to have a phsicalized, tangible lover who served as a conduit. The conduit is now transformed into a spirit-guide. She is always with you and you may ask her for advice at any time, day or night. However, now is the time to tap in directly, without an intermediary or human channel. You are now 30 years older-and-wiser. A younger man's worry about satisfying social expectations has matured into an older man's proofof accomplishment [Shani proof]. You fulfilled all of the standard roles for marriage, parenting, and work. Now a much higher destiny awaits. Shri Shani demands each person to claim their own immediate personal connection to the sustaining source of life. By the grace of her loving death, you can now claim a healer's reality [8] by unshakably knowing that life is given not from without, but from within. Out of the grieving ashes can rise the radiant phoenix. And, the more devastating the loss of external scaffolding, including the /apparent loss/ of the embodied presence of your connection to source, the more profoundly rejuvenating the healing sacrifice can be. ~~ BPL |
Mother * Home * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots That which is culturally expected, assured, counted-on, reliable, routinely practiced, socially reputable does not materialize [Makara material structure] . Visiting Professor Shani setting His temporary tourist camp in Makara, engages with scenarios of
Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother-persona to dematerialize. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. The good news = for those who grasp the timeclock-driven, orderly nature of Makara and can patiently accept the workload and the emotional limitations, with some effort to meet public behavioral expectations, this sade-sati can be smooth. Makara-related phenomena such as government, institutions, hierarchies, social status, lawful systems, and rules for dignified conduct may all act supportively in one's favor during the sade-sati. As always, consciousness of Makara-nature is the key. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally, the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Mother. As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Via Uttarāṣāḍha - Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva
Sparkling Charming Surya who is the ruler of Uttarāṣāḍha is an adhi-shatru * arch-enemy of Cold Sober Shani.
Via Śrāvaṇa
Via Dhaniṣṭha - Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus
1873 -1876 Janma Sade-Sati Makara Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford [Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus]
Feb-1902 until Apr-1905 Janma Sade-Sati Makara Sherlock Holmes 1859-1930 occultist Arthur Conan Doyle [Chandra-Makara-Draco] -- [Chandra-Vaishva] -- [Chandra-8] Chandra-8 parivartamsha Shani-2]
Ford Motor Co. 1863-1947 assembly line Henry Ford Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus]
POTUS-28 The State 1856-1924 Woodrow Wilson [Chandra-Makara-Draco] -- [Chandra-Uttarāṣāḍha] -- [Chandra-10] -- [Somana-yuti-Kuja] -- [Somana-yuti-Shukra]
The Tower 1865-1939 Symbolist poetry William Butler Yeats
Dec-1931 until Mar-1934 Janma Sade-Sati Makara
Feb-1961 until Jan-1964 Janma Sade-Sati Makara Imagine 1940-1980 Beatle John Lennon MULTIPLE EVENTS age 21-22 [bhava 6-7-8]
India-PM 1917-1984 Martial Law Indira Gandhi MULTIPLE EVENTS age 42-46 [ bhava 6-7-8 ] [Chandra in Uttarāṣāḍha - Vaishva] -- [Chandra-7] Shani-1 parivartamsha Chandra-7]
POTUS-37 Watergate 1913-1994 Richard Nixon
MULTIPLE EVENTS [bhava 6-7-8] DVADASA samchara Shani enters Dhanus = Feb-1958 until Feb-1961
[RMN age 47] Nov-1960 POTUS bitter election loss to rival, John F. Kennedy
JANMA Shani gochara freezes Chandra-Makara-7 Feb-1961 until Jan-1964 Shani-Surya bhukti - bitter election loss, Nov-1962, Gov-California. Misled by his own emotional grievances, RMN allows Shani to overemphasize fear and punishment.
DVITHYA Shani gochara Kumbha-7
Shani is happy and balanced in Kumbha-7 greeting His excellent friend, shukra.
COMPLETED Sade-Sati back to politics . gochara Shani-Meena- contacts ambitious Rahu-8 secrecy
Mar-1990 until Mar-1993 Janma Sade-Sati Makara Germany Bundeskanzlerin 1954- Angela Merkel
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 36-40 [4, naation]
USA-Gov-FL 1953- offshore finance Jeb Bush
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 65 [9, guides]
Syriana 1961- drama-activist George Clooney
Jan-2020 until Jan-2023 = Janma Sade-Sati Makara Germany Bundeskanzlerin 1954- Angela Merkel Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Chandra-4
UK Earl of Wessex 1964- Edward Mountbatten-Windsor[Chandra in Śrāvaṇa - Hari] -- [Chandra-5]
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[community-connected Chandra-Kumbha] * comforted by friendship * sensitive to mass-participation gridworks * needs marketplace connection During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Kumbha
Mother * Home * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of opportunity for the Mother to exit her fleshbody. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Motherr. As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Feb-1905 until Apr-1907 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha
Holy Science 1855-1936 Shri Yukteswara Giri - MULTIPLE EVENTS age 51 [philosophical-doctrinal Varuna-1] Chandra -9] -- [Somana-yuti-Guru]
POTUS-pair-22-24 Needlework 1864-1947 Frances Folsom Cleveland [inspirational-believing Varuna-1]
Mar-1934 until Mar-1937 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha
Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 21-23 [1, personality, embodiment]
Jan-1964 until Dec-1966 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha Two Women 1934- eyeglasses Sophia Loren [Chandra in Dhaniṣṭha - Delphinus] -- [Chandra -10] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 27-34
POTUS-pair-43 School Libraries 1946- Laura Welch Bush [Chandra in classroom-11] + + [Chandra-11-Kumbha parivartamsha Shani-4-Karkata]
Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 51-52 [1, personality, embodiment] 1965 [SSS age 51] invited to visit New York by USA artists, who knew him in Sri Lanka * Budha-Shukra bhukti * yogakaraka Shukra rules 9-globalism ++ janma- Sade-Sati 1966 [SSS age 52] despite having promised to carry out the Divine Life program of his master Swami Sivananda, sSS establishes his own new program, Integral Yoga * Budha-Chandra bhukti * Chandra rogesha disagreement ++ janma-Sade-Sati USA Civil Rights 1929-1968 Rev. Martin Luther King
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 34-35 [8, transformative energy, revolutionary force]
POTUS-pair-38 Addiction Recovery 1918-2011 Betty Bloomer Ford
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 46-47 [4, security, stability, parenting]
Mar-1993 until Jun-1995 Janma Sade-Sati Kumbha
UK-Princess of Wales 1961-1997 Diana Spencer MULTIPLE
POTUS-pair-44 Let's Move 1964- Michelle Robinson Obama MULTIPLE EVENTS age 38-31 [4 parenting, security, establishment]
Publisher 1960-1999 attorney JFK-Jr
MULTIPLE EVENTS age 34-35 [7 relationships, 4th-from-4 = parent-grandparent]
Yogaville 1914-2002 Swami Satchidananda [Chandra-Varuna] -- [Chandra -1] -- [Somana-yuti-Rahu] [inimical-medicating rogesha]
Among the Believers 1932-2018 culturalist V.S. Naipaul [Chandra-Kumbha] [populist-profitable Varuna-3] Chandra -9] -- [Somana-yuti-Rahu] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 63-65 [9 patronage, guidance, worldview]
King of Pop 1958-2009 Thriller Michael J. Jackson MULTIPLE EVENTS age 35-38 ++ Rahu-Return [3, ensemble performance, sibling-cousins, teamwork, scripts, lyrics, choreagraphy, instructions, gestures]
[Chandra-Meena] comforted by ancestral guidance * settled into rhythmic intuition * needs contemplative sanctuary During Janma Sade-Sati, transiting Shani casts drishti into
Sade-Sati via Meena
Just when a dream, avision, an imaginary world, aclairsentient guide is emotionally needed the most -- at that critical moment -- the deeply-felt, supportive source of spiritual guidance seems to withdraw. The contemplative inner knowing often desiccates the previously steady flow of dependable intuition. One had believed the dream. The supporting source seems to permanently withdraw from the protective role. The expected, habitually reliable guidance does not effectively illuminate, \provide wisdom, inspire insight, or speak for the ancestors. One may feel suddenly lost in a distant land, emotionally invisible, and abandoned by the usually faithful spirits. The result is often the death of a cherished but foggy wishful expectation that an enclosure, asanctuary, adistant land, would provide protection. One feels unsupported by the Other World [Meena ancestor spirits, reflective and contemplative awareness, meditation, sanctuary, hermitage, invisibility, foggy environments, dreams, spiritual aspirations, distant places] r. Brihaspati ruler of Meena is friendly * mitrugraha * toward Chandra and Brihaspati is neutral * samagraha toward Shani. The main effects of a Sade-Sati are rendered via the significations of the bhava. Meena rashi characteristics
These Meena patterns can all be impacted by the seizing, freezing, block-of-stone, resisting-change, grieving, duty-bound, rigid effects of cold, dry, unsympathetic Shani. Despite [Chandra-Meena] 's perpetual compassion toward those who suffer, one may feel overwhelmed by the apparent structural inevitability of suffering due to the rigid and fearful behaviors of the miserable ones. Isolation and emotional imprisonment in an astral dreamworld of the ancestors, or in a land that time forgot, or within one's own imagination, are typical sade-sati-in-Meena realities. One's intuitive ability to apprehend the meaning of symbols, asingular gift of Chandra-Meena, is often unrecognized or even forbidden during Sade-Sati as social duties within a rigid and antiquated system bear heavy weight. Mother * Home * Parents * Protection Anchoring * Boundaries * Comfort * Customs security * shelter * soothing * schooling * stability Rhythm * Ritual * Routine * Roots Strict, scarce, serious, and sober Professor Shani provides lawful completion of obligations, and Shri Chandra = matrikaraka. If the mother is elderly or otherwise ready to return to the light, then the 2.3-year passage of Janma Sade-Sati can supply a common window of permission for the Mother to exit her mineral-body. Sade-Sati limits, restricts, reduces, or prevents the protective, nourishing behavior of the parents and caretakers, including schoolteachers and protective agents such as nurses, police, and social workers. May affect the condition of the home, especially the childhood home, the ethnicity, ethnoreligion, the nationality, and the undulating rituals of the seasons of life. Shani may impose survival fears due to scarcity. During Sade-Sati, His brittle, inflexible, insufficiently responsive character tends to weaken the protective boundaries of environments which shelter and secure, such as houses and roads, cars and carts, wagons and trucks, ships and ports. Desiccating Professor Shanaicarya Bhagwan may also require a drying of Chandra's flow of nourishing support by darkening, seizing, or freezing the farms and fisheries. Normally the most acute impact is emotional rather than physical. At its core, sade Sati learning pathway evokes the feeling of being deeply deprived of the unconditional love of the Mother. As with any relationship between Shani and Chandra, an attitude of utter neutrality, awareness of the purpose of the catalyst, and calm acceptance of the learning experience = most helpful during this trying timer. Graha yuti Chandra When Chandra shares His rashi with a companion graha, that additional graha often plays a significant role in the Sade Sati experience. The typical seven-year Sade Sati impacting [Chandra-Meena] may present a learning pathway that feels like a long sequence of private emotional challenges involving the Other Graha. Both Shani-Dhanus and Shani-Meena are broadened in their viewpoint due to Their dispositor being wide-scope Brihaspati. While touring Meena, Visiting Professor Shani imposes discipline, deprivation, and distancing from the sources of intuitive emotional sustenance. During Sade-Sati, shanaicarya Bhagavan may impose a strictly unsentimental Learning Pathway. The temporary loss of Chandra's sheltering protections is used to enforce imagery of social-conformity. In Sade-Sati Meena, shani primarily uses fear of isolation, social invisibility, and disappearance.
Apr-1907 until Jul-1909 Janma Sade-Sati Meena POTUS-27-pair Cherry Trees 1861-1943 Nellie Herron Taft [Chandra -5] [ideological Revatī-Pashu-1] Chandra-5 maha-parivartamsha Guru--uchcha] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 37-38 [5, politics, entertainments, creative arts, parties, lovers, admiration, children]
Feb-1937 until Apr-1939 Janma Sade-Sati Meena
France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [Chandra-5] [Chandra in Andromeda] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 49-50 - including mother's death + himself condemned for treason = politics
Open Society 1930- currency-values George Soros [Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] -- [Chandra-12]
Apr-1966 until Jun-1968 Janma Sade-Sati Meena POTUS-pair-35 editor 1929-1994 Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis = [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra in Revatī] -- [Chandra-11]
Open Society 1930- currency-values George Soros = [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] -- [Chandra-12]
Grateful Dead 1942-1995 guitarist Jerry Garcia = [Chandra-Revatī] -- [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra-7] [JG age 28] 28-Sep-1970, following her injuries from a car wreck, grieved the bio-decease of his tavern-keeping musician mother * Shukra-Shani bhukti * Shani rules 12th-from-Chandra ++ dvithya Sade-Sati France-Pres 1890-1970 Mémoires de Guerre Charles de Gaulle [Chandra-6] [Chandra in Andromeda] [multiPLE EVENT age 75-79
Jun-1995 until Apr-1998 Janma Sade-Sati Meena
Prodigals 1920-2007 writer-illustrator Ruth Bell Graham Chandra in classroom-7] [Pūrvābhādra-Chandra-7 parivartamsha Aśleṣa-Guru-11]
Grateful Dead 1942-1995 guitarist Jerry Garcia MULTIPLE EVENTS age 51-53 [Chandra in Revatī - Pashu] - [Chandra -4]
France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy MULTIPLE EVENTS age 40-42 [overlaps with Shani Bhukti] [Chandra in classroom-5] -- [Chandra in Uttarabhadra] [Andromeda-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Andromeda] + + [Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]
Microsoft 1955- philanthropist Bill Gates [Chandra-Andromeda] -- [Chandra-10] MULTIPLE EVENTS age 39-41
Ave Maria 1935-2007 tenor Luciano Pavarotti MULTIPLE EVENTS age 61-64 [Chandra in Revatī] -- [Chandra-5]
UK-Duchess of York 1959- Sarah Ferguson MULTIPLE EVENTS age 37-39 [Chandra-Meena] -- [Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] -- [Chandra -4] -- [Somana-yuti-Ketu]
Syria-Pres 1965- ophthalmologist Bashar al-Assad MULTIPLE EVENTS [age 30 until age 33] [Chandra-Andromeda] -- [Chandra-12]
Mar-2025 until Jun-2027 Janma Sade-Sati Meena France-Pres 1955- public finance Nicolas Sarkozy MULTIPLE EVENTS age 67-74 [Chandra in classroom-5] -- [Chandra in Uttarabhadra - Andromeda] [Andromeda-Somana-yuti-Kuja-Andromeda]Chandra-5 parivartamsha Guru-9-uchcha]
Syria-Pres 1965- ophthalmologist Bashar al-Assad MULTIPLE EVENTS [Chandra-Andromeda] -- [Chandra-12] May-2024 [BHA age 59] lifepartner-1 Asma begins medical treatment for acute myeloid leukemia * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rules 12th-from-7, hospitalization for wifely companion ++ dvadasa Sade-Sati 08-Dec-2024 [BHA age 59] following 50 years of dictatorial power, the Assad regime falls to insurgent jihadi rebels, in Damascus. BHA and family flee to Moscow, to shelter in care of ally Vladimir Putin * Shukra-Budha bhukti * Budha rogesha war, accusations + dvadasa Sade-Sati |
![]() Moraine Lake in Banff Canada |
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"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2nd Epistle of Timothy 1:7 |
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